Lost Love
I remember back when I said I was done with love.  It was crazy because it seemed like every female I met wanted what I wanted, except for the true everlasting.  We traveled, we explored, we created some awesome memories...but that’s just all they were, memories.  True enough we talked about forever, but when it came down to it the effort wasn’t there.  I found myself looking in the mirror and questioning what I brought to the table and even if it was meant for me to love, or be loved.  A lover’s heart is a vulnerable piece and one word, one action or statement can make that oh so special section become harden.  In my case, you can say that I was right at the point where the cement was pour and laid evenly over my heart, but it hadn’t completely dried when I heard a soft voice say...”hello, can you help me find the nearest Barnes and Nobles?”  Pulling out my phone for directions, I mentioned that I was headed there as well and wondered if she would be ok with me walking her?  Introducing ourselves and having general conversations along the way, I could tell that she thought I was just trying to run some kind of game until we entered the store and the cashier stopped me to mention that the book I had ordered was in.  Intrigued by her presence, I asked if she could wait a second while I paid for the book so we could continue our conversation?  Unexpectedly, she said yes and after finishing my purchase we made our way to the reader’s area and began chatting again.  A little while into the discussion she asked what the title of the book that I bought was, so I pulled it out of the bag to show her.  Taken by surprise of my choice she said, “that’s a very good book, but aren’t you supposed to read it with a mate?”  I simply replied, “yes, but unfortunately I’m not in that position right now so I chose this book to help guide my steps.”  She slowly nodded her head in agreement and began to ask me how often I came here and what I did for a living.  I returned the questions and added, “it seems like our lifestyles and outlooks are kind of similar, would you be interested in meeting up once a week and reading this book with me?”  With a little hesitation she said sure, and began to pull her phone out to exchange numbers.  Before she could start typing my name in her phone I said, “here...take this, it already has my name and number in it.”  Handing over the book I had purchased I can tell she was taken back by my gesture, but in the same sense she was a very pleased by my manners.  I then bought another copy of “Purpose Drive Life” and asked her to write her name and number in my edition.  From there we made plans to discuss our readings and notes.  That grew into twice a week and now three years later those two strangers have grown into a blessed couple with three wonderful children.  I know for a fact that it was by HIS grace that we met on the block and by his favor that we carried on those conversations because that was the day that I thought I had lost love.
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