Me and My Crazy World
*phone ringing*
Me: “What’s good beautiful?”
Her: “Nothing much Daddy, how you doing?   Did you enjoy our weekend?”
Me: “DID I!!  I can honestly say that I stepped way outside my comfort level with some of the events from this weekend.”
Her: “Is that a good or bad thing?  I mean are you sure you didn’t feel pressured to do those things?”
Me: “Naw, no pressure at all.  Everything that went down, planned or not planned, was awesome and ok with me.”
Her: “That’s good to hear.  Hopefully we can do something like that again.”
Me: “Naw, I’d like to do something better.  Not sure what we it will be, but I definitely want it to be better than this past weekend.”
*text message alert*
She: “Hey, baby what you doing?”
Me: “Nothing much, just straightening up.  What you into?”
*phone call*
Her: “So what you into for the rest of the night?”
Me: “Nothing much, just cleaning up from the mess we made...lol.  You?”
Her: “Nothing really, just sitting here thinking about the next time I’ll see you.”
Me: “Oh it’s gone be soon for sure, lol.  That action is gone be needed.”
*text message alert*
She: “Nothing really, just seeing if you still wanted to hang out.”
Me: “Of course, I haven’t seen you in a few days.  What time you trying to come through?”
*phone call*
Her: “Don’t be saying that just to be saying it.”
Me: “I’m not.  I had a really nice time and love the direction that things are going between us.”
Her: “Me too.  It’s crazy that it took this long to get where we are, but I’m glad we are finally here.”
Me: “Good things come to those who wait, or that’s at least what I’ve been told...lol.”
*text message alert*
She: “I can be there in about 20/30 minutes.”
Me: “That’s cool.  Gives me enough time to finish putting these clothes away and hop in the shower.”
She: “Ok, I’ll let you know when I’m pulling up.”
Me: “Cool, see you soon.”
*phone call*
Her: “Yea, I guess you are right.  I just hope that this is what you really want.  And if it’s not, it’s ok.
Me: “I know that our past has been hella rocky, but this is what I want.  Not saying it’s gone be easy, but I’m down to put my all into this and make it work.”
Her: “I really appreciate you saying that.  I just don’t want you to feel any pressure.”
Me: “Naw, it’s nothing like that at all.  I want an us.  I want this to be my last.”
*text message alert*
She: “Outside.”
Me: “Bet.”
*phone call*
Me: “I can’t wait until these next few weeks fly by so we can link up again.  I need to start looking up things for us to do.  You can’t be planning everything for us all the time, lol.”
Her: “You know I don’t mind doing things like that.  Just like spending time with you.  But I’ll let Daddy do his thing and get us together.”
Me: “Lol, I appreciate that.  Don’t worry, I won’t lead us wrong.”
*opens door*
Me: “Well, I’m finished getting things together.  I’m about to lay it down and get ready for tomorrow.”
Her: “Ok, hit me up and in the morning.”
Me: “Yes ma’am, love you.
Her: “Lover you too.”
*hangs up phone*
She: “How you doing baby?”
Me: “I’m cool, just been sitting here watching a little TV.”
She: “Well, let me take a shower and we can chat about how your weekend/day was.”
Me: “Cool.  I put a towel and rag on the bed for you.”
She: “Thank you babe.  You eat?”
Me: “Yea, I stopped and picked something up after washing clothes.”
She: “Ok.  I’m gone head to the bathroom and get cleaned up.”
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Love Train
A relationship is a connection between two individuals.  When two people fall in love it has become a loving relationship.  The relationship has moved from two people simply in contact with each other to two people who can't get enough of each other.  A loving relationship may build slowly like a train coming in the distance until when it get to you it emits a deafening roar.  Or you may be two people totally oblivious to the relationship that is developing when suddenly you are hit with the realization that you have fallen in love.  People are complex and love develops in different ways.
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Can You Stand The Rain
Any relationship will have it’s share of ups and downs.  But the if we can weather the storms and make it though to see the sun shine again, we’ll be just fine.  Tell me baby, can you stand the rain.
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Lawn and Gardening
This morning, during breakfast, you said something that made me remember how patient and understanding you've been.  You looked outside and asked me if the grass was ever greener on the other side.  At first I thought you had been sniffing the sugar from your tea, but then I realized you were speaking about my past choices.  I just shook my head and laughed at the thought of how I used to be/think.  Before I could speak you interrupted and said, "you really thought you were gone be missing out on something if you committed to me huh?"  That's when you kissed me, said you loved me...then gazed back outside and told me to hurry home from work so you could show me how my grass treats me after its well taken care of and wet.  I ain't no fool, what wifey wants...wifey gets!! 5pm better hurry up!
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My Queen
Dear Future Queen, If we make the decision to commit to each other, you should take everything that comes along with it seriously.  Assumptions are very unhealthy in relationships. Let's make good communication a priority.  Let's make sure that if something is unknown or unsure of, we clear it up.  We will have a beautiful love together, but we can't rush through the journey.  Don't get discouraged and don't panic anytime a challenge comes.  We're on this journey together. We may take different routes and face different road blocks, but the aim should be the same.  Let's not give up on each other and let's be great. Let's forever be best friends.
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Lost Love
I remember back when I said I was done with love.  It was crazy because it seemed like every female I met wanted what I wanted, except for the true everlasting.  We traveled, we explored, we created some awesome memories...but that’s just all they were, memories.  True enough we talked about forever, but when it came down to it the effort wasn’t there.  I found myself looking in the mirror and questioning what I brought to the table and even if it was meant for me to love, or be loved.  A lover’s heart is a vulnerable piece and one word, one action or statement can make that oh so special section become harden.  In my case, you can say that I was right at the point where the cement was pour and laid evenly over my heart, but it hadn’t completely dried when I heard a soft voice say...”hello, can you help me find the nearest Barnes and Nobles?”  Pulling out my phone for directions, I mentioned that I was headed there as well and wondered if she would be ok with me walking her?  Introducing ourselves and having general conversations along the way, I could tell that she thought I was just trying to run some kind of game until we entered the store and the cashier stopped me to mention that the book I had ordered was in.  Intrigued by her presence, I asked if she could wait a second while I paid for the book so we could continue our conversation?  Unexpectedly, she said yes and after finishing my purchase we made our way to the reader’s area and began chatting again.  A little while into the discussion she asked what the title of the book that I bought was, so I pulled it out of the bag to show her.  Taken by surprise of my choice she said, “that’s a very good book, but aren’t you supposed to read it with a mate?”  I simply replied, “yes, but unfortunately I’m not in that position right now so I chose this book to help guide my steps.”  She slowly nodded her head in agreement and began to ask me how often I came here and what I did for a living.  I returned the questions and added, “it seems like our lifestyles and outlooks are kind of similar, would you be interested in meeting up once a week and reading this book with me?”  With a little hesitation she said sure, and began to pull her phone out to exchange numbers.  Before she could start typing my name in her phone I said, “here...take this, it already has my name and number in it.”  Handing over the book I had purchased I can tell she was taken back by my gesture, but in the same sense she was a very pleased by my manners.  I then bought another copy of “Purpose Drive Life” and asked her to write her name and number in my edition.  From there we made plans to discuss our readings and notes.  That grew into twice a week and now three years later those two strangers have grown into a blessed couple with three wonderful children.  I know for a fact that it was by HIS grace that we met on the block and by his favor that we carried on those conversations because that was the day that I thought I had lost love.
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Love Voyage
We started writing this book of love voyages and martial wishes from different sides of the map.  Each jotting down our own ideas and expectations of meeting that one person who seemed to always appear in our dreams, that one person who could possibly make us whole.  Scripting page after page after page, it seemed unclear that we would ever meet that special individual that was apart of our fairy tale.  Somehow, some way through all the hoping and wishing…the scribbled words of anticipation has now become our reality.  No longer do we have to write separately and from a distance because just like the bind that holds this book our words have become one to complete each chapter that now follows…and like every great story line our love has blossomed and will live on Happily Ever After.
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One of the hardest things to endure for a man, is to see the woman of his dreams with another man.  You find yourself sitting back thinking, is it the sex?  Is it because he has more money than me?  Maybe he’s a better listener?  What habits does he have that I don’t?  You go back and forth with your feelings and reality trying to see how it all went downhill and what really went wrong between you two.  Many sleepless and tearful nights keep you up reflecting on the good times, wondering if they are sharing the same kind of moments.  True enough you try to move on, get you a new chick here…get a little head and even decent sex, but in the end you right back to where you started…in your thoughts of her.  Times like that you wish you were blind and didn’t have to face the sight of a new day.
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Throwback Love
Ever stare at your mate and wander back to the High School days when you used to joke about how your future partner was gone be?  Sitting there making circles from your wrist to your forearm seeing how many kids you guys would have, or even writing each other’s full name down to fake come up with baby names.  Thinking back 15 years I can honestly say that the teenage female that I joked and dream about has grown into the woman of my reality.  It wasn’t easy at all over the years because everyone knows that I’m a huge geek and into Technology, so texting and emailing is how we communicated for a while.  It’s funny because I used to be so upset in her delayed responses, but then I’d find little handwritten notes hidden in my pockets or briefcase…got to love a spontaneous woman.  The day that I stood before God and told Him and everyone in attendance that I would do my part to make sure whatever sacrifice and consistent growth that needed to be made so she never felt unsafe and that it was no longer team me or you, but Team Montgomery…was 1 of the best decisions in life.  No longer did I have to worry about finding someone who’d accept me for me, no longer did I have to search for someone who would truly believe in me when I didn’t believe in myself and most of all no longer did I have to settle for false company or random female friendships because I had finally found my best friend and my soul mate.  No to mention the added bonus of her being a lady in the streets and a fre…nevermind, you know the rest.  I love how we can laugh and joke with each at the drop of a hat.  For example, earlier she texted talking about she sent the kids to her Mom’s for the weekend and wanted to know when I got home would I be ready to eat…you know I’m a fool, like Kevin Hart I said, “EAT WHAT!?”
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Sweet Deal
Wiping sweat from my forehead, I can’t believe what just happened.  She asked if everything was alright, looking at her…I said, “NO, I’m light-headed, my legs are weak and I’m thirsty as ever!"  Who just wakes up and really runs 10 miles before work!?  I mean I know we had a bet going, but geez…you trying to kill me.  Gathering my thoughts, I see her stretching and I’m tempted to get some serious payback right now.  That’s when I quickly remember what the loser had to do and shook my head.  Returning home from the store I found her still gloating and smiling from her victory.  I get out the ingredients to complete the meal and she says, "it all looks very good, the decorations are on point.  What you gone try first?"  Staring at her dessert filled body on the table I said, "you tell me…you won."  I must say that cherries and strawberries never tasted so good. 
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My Love Letter
“As we go about our day your absence from me is a reminder of how much I love you.  I find myself wondering if your day is going well or simply if you daydream about me the way I daydream about you.  Time apart is supposed to make the heart grow fonder right?  Guess that’s the reason why we make each time we are together even more wonderful than the 1 before.  At times it seems the moments we are together are so short, with working and handling other things.  Still, the few stolen minutes we do get help us to look forward to the time we will be together forever.  A lifetime together is in our near future, we just have to remain discipline in God’s way and patient in the process.  In ending, when you utter the words "I love you” to me…nothing else means more to me than knowing and feeling your love.  Those 3 words captivate my mind and heart, and in this respect you chose me your protector and provider.  I want to pledge to you my sincere, heart-felt affection and deepest devotion…you are my heart, my soul…my rib.“ 
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Snowy Forevers
I've been thinking of mass ideas and I'm still nervous about how to go about this.  The weather is acting up and she doesn't like snow, this is going to be a crazy.  My fam has come into town and is looking forward to this moment but they are wondering how in the world I'm going to pull it off, even her family has shown up to support.  We finally reach our destination and walk through the snow until we reach a group of people standing and chatting.  She gets a little excited because she recognizes them and starts to run, dragging me along.  We laughing and giving our hellos, that's when I notice a white box randomly laying in the snow.  I laugh and say, "I guess Santa dropping off gifts anywhere now and days."  Still kneeling and looking up to her, I start talking about memories and how happy I was that our families were there.  I ended with, "even though everyone is here from both sides, there's still something that needs to be done to make us and our family's one."  I open the box, "over the years I've given you many things, but now I'd like to opportunity to give you my last name.  Will you marry me?" 
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Birthday Cake
With "Happily Ever After" playing in the background all I could do is sit and stare at this woman that God created just for me.  She's wearing this red dress, with just enough thigh showing, and some red and black heels...GOODNESS!!  We raise our glasses and I say, "cheers to us and definitely to our future."  Before I could take a sip, she stops me and says "no, cheers to you."  That's when she starts talking about how proud of me she was for the year of I've had and tells me to enjoy my meal, but leave room for dessert.  Finishing up my bar-b-que fries and fish, I take another sip of the sangria and make my way to the living room.  The lights dim, "Cater To U" starts to play and I hear her say, "I know you don't do sweets but I figured for your birthday you'd be ok with this."  After 1 more sip from my glass...let's just say the birthday boy definitely enjoyed his cake and ice cream. 
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MC Letters
DJ Shaw plays songs that can get any couple in the mood for a great night cap, but I listen to her for another reason.  There's a segment of her show called the "Red Light Special" where she reads these letters that she writes.  Some are funny, but there are some that can come off like an edited Zhane story.  During the feedback part I decided to slide her a chronicle in response to 1 of her letters.  Listening to her tone change and the slight pause as she kept reading let me know that she definitely was liking my response.  After a few more story exchanges, she decided to show me the unedited version of her letters.  I'll say this, she has a great talent when working the mic. 
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Our First Born
Looking at you right now, I'm in complete amazement and definitely appreciate all the times we've had up til now.  It's been a long time coming but the moment is finally here.  I'm freaking out because this is all new, I just pray I don't lose control during all of this.  Thank goodness we have a little background music and your slow paced breaths help to drown out my panic as I observe what's going on.  There's a slight change in your body motions, then your breaths speed up...and that's when it happens.  See, 3 years ago I stood before God and gave my heart to my soul-mate and the love of my life...and today, on HIS birthday, HE has graciously given us our first born son.
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Committed Love
Rolled over this morning, looked at my lady and whispered, "you know they not ready for this right?"  She looked at me a little confused and said, "what you mean?  Who's not ready for what?"  I chuckled and said, "us." She gave me a kiss on the cheek and said, "well they better get ready."  You have to understand that these last few years have been funny when it comes to Monica and I.  We were out here dating other people but still fake keeping in touch for some reason.  We even would randomly meet up for lunch or dinner, and try to play it off like it was nothing.  You know how it is, just were doing whatever to try and be blind to the obvious. I mean we been doing this thing since huffy's and jolly ranchers, but never wanted to admit our true love for each for the fear of what other's would think.  So today I, Cleaofus Maximus Jones, am letting the World know that I am madly in love with Monica Stamatina Whatchamacallit.  She's the air beneath my wings and the missing piece that makes me whole.
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