#supporting character: dr
lestappenficssearch · 2 years
Helloo I need help! I just remember there is one story that I read where Max accidentally ordered dildos or vibrators? To give to Charles instead of flowers. Max was drunk so he thought he went to the bouquet website to order flowers for Charles, not realizing it was a sex toys website. I don't know if the plot is accurate but it's something like that. And Charles was surprised the next day when he received the gift and Carlos was there too. Thank you for your help if you found the story!
Hi, thanks for requesting
Oh gosh I know exactly what it is, literally as soon as I read the "Max accidentally ordered…" I knew what it was, I won't lie to you, it's one of those fics I read from time to time, so I have it saved in favorite and was super quick to find them, but I was slow to reply because I was watching Portugal vs. Ghana and right now, I'm waiting to see Brazil lol 👍🏽🤠
Flowers by AzziNow
Max wants Charles to pay attention to him and decides to send him flowers. Not a bad idea, but he does it while drunk. Chaos ensues.
Flowers - AzziNow - Formula 1 RPF [Archive of Our Own]
If this is the fic you were looking for let me know, I'd love to know I wasn't wrong haha, if you have any other requests ask me too, I love doing this and now I have more free time because I finished my classes at university 💗
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whosbian · 2 months
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courttwoknee · 4 months
The theme is neurodivergent anime main characters that would cause hell together
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sabellart · 9 months
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haha milf time traveler
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punkiinx-neon · 1 year
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Bro, Miss Heed gave him a kiss and he was like:
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foolishlyzephyrus · 4 months
we hate on danny pink too much, he’s a pretty reasonable human being for the most part.
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Btw if you’re still making dsmp fancontent of any kind i love you
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immortal-catastrophe · 6 months
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Mind the mild blood.
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apollos-boyfriend · 20 days
the instant downwards spiral of danganronpa’s female characters after thh is so insane to me. like while thh has its issues and is no way perfectly written its female cast is largely treated like Normal People with real motivations and complex inner lives on par with the male cast. and then you get to literally every other game in the series and it’s like. killing women off to enhance male characters’ development. obscenely obvious pedo bait. literally 0 character. sexualized sa victim. killing women off to enhance male characters’ development. killing women off to enhance male characters’ development.
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bleakbittersoul · 2 months
Bright out of context
Most of these are sent by me in rp some are sent by some awesome people in the server, and I think only one is from the wiki? Thanks for the help from @reddiamondgamer and @jack-of-amulets for their contributions to this list!
"The fear of spiders is kinda misogynistic."
"I think you'd be much more attractive if you ever got rabies"
"Could you in theory make yourself into jam for me?"
"How is it my fault you can't read minds?"
"Great now I'm thinking about dissections and formaldehyde and now I'm hungry"
"being meguca is suffering…"
"Where is your bathroom? I think I'd like to slam my head against a wall in private"
"This water is chunky"
"I only drink diet water"
"Have you ever gotten mad so you put a fork in someone's microwave and then irish goodbyed?"
"Water on toast"
"If you don't marry me I'm going to start collecting more of your DNA to do unethical science with."
"So if I wanted an audio clip of you meowing you'd do that for me?"
"I know what you're referring to. I don't enjoy fake animal ears. Skin an animal. Wear it's ears. Stop being afraid of commitment."
"I want to lick your eyelid."
"I like your eyes. When I first saw you I wanted to ask if I could keep them when you die but that would have been inappropriate and thankfully I don't have to worry about that. But they are lovely and I do want a bigger collection."
Screaming to wake Clef up and then trying to play it off as if he had a nightmare.
"Scientists don't get bullied enough anymore " after implying some people were baby talking an anomaly.
"I want to peel your face off and eat it it's so cute."
" I once possessed this really attractive girl and then got a job at a Walmart and started relentlessly flirting with you every time you went to Walmart to see if you would cheat on me but you never did"
"I wouldn't mind sucking on your wet hair."
"What if we kissed in the 1996 Teletubbies set "
"I want to scratch your head with my teeth."
"I like waltzes. I also like music that makes me feel like poisoning myself and or others as of right now."
"I'm going to lick your bones."
"I want your warm skin."
"I'll remove part of your intestine and eat it while you watch."
"Uhhuhuhuhuhuh" (like an angry shaken pug fly thing)
"Eyes, aren't right. They need to be improved."
"I don't have the energy to cry hysterically or resurrect you if you die. I'd still do it but it would be significantly less dramatic than it should be."
Heard their partner say "My chest is open for you to lay on" but only heard "My chest is open for you" and immediately assumed he meant for dissection. And when corrected Bright said "You're drawing a line on our love?"
"I like eyes. I have some."
"I don't mean that your eyes are pretty in a collectable kind of way they look good alive and on you…"
“…Don’t you just violently HATE having body parts?”
"My life fucking sucks because they… dont let me play with grenade launcher "
"I have two of your teeth. One bloody, one…normal"
“…We should kill MORE children!”
[Dr. Bright shows signs of agitation, swearing in several different languages, and throwing equipment about the room.]
"If you ever leave me I'm robbing your fucking grave. And I don't mean that in a normal way. I would be after your organs."
"Oh skin"
"Okay to be fair I've seen screaming trees"
“Can someone get me a shovel? I just murdered the gender binary and I need it to hide the body.”
"Human life or not I'd eat it."
"You'd make a cute poison victim"
"If I made you hot chocolate, I would make it with love and I wouldn't poison it at all"
"I fucking love carcasses. That's why I love meat, it's like edible taxidermy"
"Would you still love me if whenever someone got hurt in a breach or someone got hurt or people get into a fight I would say and that's how it feels to chew five gum and then look away as if I'm looking at a Camara like a character in the office."
"I want to touch you with my bones."
"Okay, well when you feel better I'll go lick a bathroom doorknob so you can repay the favor."
"Would you still love me if I didn't believe in toothbrushes?"
"You've never had your house set on fire before and it shows…"
"Are you often covered in blood. I've been covered in blood a few times. Interesting feeling isn't it? Almost primal."
"Cute color pattern. Was the theme bio hazard?"
"I'm being haunted by myself right now"
“sorry for going through the entire spectrum of human emotions in the past 10 minutes…. do you still like me? ”
"It's yellow and I wanted to think of something other than piss when I look at it. So egg. Piss egg for the piss baby."
in his most demonic voice "I'M FROM…. NEBRASKA…."
Bright: You know I once made a table set disappear.
Clef:… Did you steal it.
Bright through evil manic laughter: Yes
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lestappenficssearch · 2 years
I've been looking for this fic I began to read then lost... Charles and max are kings in it... Charles has lost his brothers and max is supposed to be his enemy
It was EPIC and I can't find it for the life of me !
Hii, sorry for the late response, yesterday my country played its first World Cup match, and I could only think about it lol 🤠👍🏽
I'm almost sure you're talking about this fic, it was the first one that came to mind related to your memory, I have another fic as probable, but it doesn't have max and charles as enemies.
uneasy is the head that wears a crown by Richardmarie75
Charles Leclerc ascends the throne consumed by grief.
Max Emilian Verstappen pops up into his life unexpectedly, carrying with him words of peace.
uneasy is the head that wears a crown - Chapter 1 - Richardmarie75 - Formula 1 RPF [Archive of Our Own]
Let me know if it's the fic, if it doesn't turn out like that, let me know and I'll keep looking, just like if you want me to help you with something else, just tell me and I'll do it 💙
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yourstrulynameless · 4 months
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And what if I just started randomly posting SCP content? huh? what’re you gonna do about it? cry? huh? HUH???—
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rekofan101 · 3 months
DAY 351: i think one big gripe i have with the newest chapter in regards to reko/alice is the fact they are both so... background and soulless after all of what happened. which i completely understand why they fade into the background-- since their character arcs have been quite wrapped up at that point. i just feel as though they could've at least had a more prominent and inspiring role in a way, which i think a lot of people agree with from what i've seen. its not really that they *shouldnt* fade into the background, but more of the fact that we shouldnt forget that they are there, you know? the only real memorable moments are their deaths in that chapter, or when they are inspiring ranmaru.
i guess reko also has that nao scene, but that's opitional. everything else has them rarely ever mentioned or... very very dumbed down HAHA. i understand the difficulty in keeping a character relevant post-arc, though. so i can't complain too much... especially when you have to bring and develop a whole new cast in one chapter.
they both had their time to shine (haha, reference)-- it just makes them feel a bit empty later on is all!
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smolmight97 · 1 year
MY FIRST COMIC! Collab with @reginalusus ! They created the idea and dialogue, and I drew the comic :)
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This took me like a week lol
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Extreme silly rough sketches :P
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sarielsnowings · 1 year
Preview of my piece for ✨SPIKE ZINE🌹
(A charity project available now on Gumroad) 🌹🥀🌱💉✨🦴
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I’m so glad my dear Nathaniel agreed to pose for this piece. It’s one of the most complex pieces I’ve made to date, and this is just a crop! The full piece can be seen along many other incredible works by amazing artists in the zine.
SPIKE ZINE is OUT NOW for a minimum of $5!! An original art zine themed around spikes, with all proceeds going to Outright International for global LGBTQI+ advocacy, support and research! Get your own copy here!
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madscientistic · 1 year
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copycat gifs
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