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wellsailor · 1 year ago
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Claritox Pro Review: Prevent Dizziness, Support Brain Health & Balance for a Clear Mind
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thelittleyellowpill · 5 years ago
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Dogs love Canine Health!!
Dogs Love Canine Health By LifeVantage!! Canine Health is a daily supplement specifically formulated for dogs.
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talhaghafoor2019-blog · 6 years ago
How Repetition Enchants the Brain and the Psychology of Why We Love It in Music – Brain Pickings
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How Repetition Enchants the Brain and the Psychology of Why We Love It in Music
“Music takes place in time, but repetition beguilingly makes it knowable in the way of something outside of time.”
By Maria Popova
“The repetition itself becomes the important thing; it’s a form of mesmerism,” Haruki Murakami reflected on the power of a daily routine. “Rhythm is one of the most powerful of pleasures, and when we feel a pleasurable rhythm we hope it will continue,” Mary Oliver wrote about the secret of great poetry, adding: “When it does, it grows sweeter.” But nowhere does rhythmic repetition mesmerize us more powerfully than in music, with its singular way of enchanting the brain.
Music takes place in time, but repetition beguilingly makes it knowable in the way of something outside of time. It enables us to “look” at a passage as a whole, even while it’s progressing moment by moment. But this changed perspective brought by repetition doesn’t feel like holding a score and looking at a passage’s notation as it progresses. Rather, it feels like a different way of inhabiting a passage — a different kind of orientation.
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— Published September 18, 2014 — https://www.brainpickings.org/2014/09/18/on-repeat-margulis/ —
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wellsailor · 1 year ago
Claritox Pro Review: Prevent Dizziness, Support Brain Health & Balance for a Clear Mind
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