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bgmedia42 · 4 months ago
Friday Film Short
A Fox Tale, a 2011 3D-animated short produced by Thomas Bozovic, Alexandre Cazals, Julien Legay, and Chao Ma, four students of the French media school Supinfocom, now known as MOPA, at their Arles campus.
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animatedshortoftheday · 2 years ago
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Pink Lady (2015) [1 min] by Camille Verninas | France
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the-l-files · 2 years ago
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We now arrive at the end of the rabbit hole, so enjoy this early character design reasearch done for John!
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maneki-art · 4 months ago
Projet d'Octobre
(english under the french and picture)
Pour inktober, Drawloween et juste parce que j’ai envie, j’ai décidé que le mois d’octobre sera consacré à lancer un projet personnel.
Et professionnel. Enfin semi-professionnel.
Bon, ok, ça fait un moment que je me dis qu’il faudrait que je me remette au story board et après avoir fouillé mes vieux projets (20 ans et +, j’ai mal) j’ai décidé de tenter l’exercice sur un des scénarios de court métrage que je voulais proposer pendant ma scolarité à Supinfocom mais sur lequel j’avais chocotté au dernier moment.
Swing Macabre
Je vous présenterais tous les personnages au fur et à mesure, mais pour commencer voici mes buts.
But 1 : Définir le design d’un des deux personnages principaux, l’adorable François, et accessoirement, éventuellement, le style graphique du tout.
But 2 : Faire une illustration de François, pour me servir de carte d’Halloween.
But 3 : Définir le design du second personnage principal, parce qu’à l’époque, c’était une self insert très très vaguement déguisée, on va tenter de lui donner une vraie personnalité (ce qui va être dur pour une histoire courte et sans parole) et tant qu’à faire, un nom, parce que la jeune fille et la mort, ça va un moment mais c’est long.
But 4 : Définir le design des personnages secondaires, entre autres l’Ankou, les Deuillants, les Grâces, Les Pendus et la Dame Blanche (et les poneys de l’Ankou. Si j’ai le temps)
But 5 : Commencer le story-board.
But 6 : Avancer le storyboard le plus possible.
But 7 : Finir ? … Naaaaaaan.
Petit warning !
Le titre est Swing Macabre. Voilà. C’est le warning.
Plus sérieusement : A part la Jeune Fille, tout le monde dans cette histoire est un squelette, plus ou moins décharné, inspiré par les transis et autres monuments funéraires.
Cette histoire parlera de deuil, d’acceptation de la mort et d’un squelette bariolé qui danse le swing.
Et sans transition, voici la première image du projet !
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For Inktober, Drawloween and just because I want to, I decided October will be dedicated to a personal project’s launch.
Personal and professional. Kinda.
Well, ok, I have been trying to fill my portfolio recently and I wanted to do a bit of story boarding and after digging up my old projects (20 years and more, it’s painful) I decided to try with the scenario of a short film  I wanted to do when I was in school but chickened out at the last moment.
Swing Macabre
You will meet all the characters in time, but for the beginning, here are my goal.
Goal 1: Designing one of the main characters, the adorable François and, if possible, the art style.
Goal 2: Do a full color illustration of François, so I can use it as a Halloween card.
Goal 3: Designing the second main character, because at the time, it was a thinly veiled self-insert, so I need to give her a real personality (which is going to be hard in speechless short story) and while I’m at it, I need to give her a name because calling her The Maiden of The Death is a bit LONG.
Goal 4: Designing the secondary characters, among them, the Ankou, the Mourners, The Graces, the Hanged men and the White Lady (and the Ankou’s ponies. If I have the time.)
Goal 5: Starting the storyboard
Goal 6: Advancing the story board as much as I can.
Goal 7: Finishing? … Naaaaaah.
Small content warning!
The title of the project is Swing Macabre. That’s it. That’s the warning.
More seriously: Beside the Maiden, everyone in this story is a more or less gaunt skeleton, inspired by Medieval and Renaissance’s Transis and others funerary monuments.
This story will be about mourning, death acceptance and a colorful skeleton dancing the swing.
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yechanjeong-studymemo · 8 months ago
Giant Robots From Outer Space (2014)
이 애니메이션은 1950년대 클래식 B급 영화에서 영감을 받아 제작된 단편으로, 거대 외계 로봇들이 지구를 침공하는 내용을 담고 있습니다. 이야기의 중심에는 기계 괴물들에게 쫓기는 한 남자가 있으며, 그의 여정에서 한 화난 엔지니어와 마주치게 됩니다. 이 작품은 SUPINFOCOM(프랑스)의 졸업 프로젝트로 Valentin Watrigant, François Guery, Elsa Lamy, Aurelien Fernandez, Louis Ventre가 감독을 맡았습니다
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extremeextremes · 11 months ago
The Stained Club from The Stained Club on Vimeo.
thestainedclub-shortfilm.com facebook.com/stainedclub instagram.com/thestainedclub
Finn has stains on his body. One day, he meets a group of cool kids with different stains on their bodies. One day, he understands that these stains aren't just pretty.
Short Supinfocom Graduation Movie
Directed by:
Melanie Lopez | vimeo.com/meloulpz Simon Boucly | vimeo.com/simonbouclyanimation Marie Ciesielski | vimeo.com/marieciesielski Alice Jaunet | vimeo.com/alicejaunet Chan Stéphie Peang | vimeo.com/cspeang Beatrice Viguier | vimeo.com/baviguier
Music by: Valentin Lafort | valentinlafort.com
Festival Requirements: Patrick De Carvalho [email protected]
Sales: François Heiser [email protected]
Press inquiries: Benoit Berthe [email protected]
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cgshorts · 4 years ago
The Artist And The Kid by students of Supinfocom-Rubika A frustrated artist looking for inspiration in the mountainous valley of India; is unknowingly led into a journey by a mysterious kid!
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chiragswamy · 5 years ago
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Graduation film still no. 3 #echo #graduationfilm #graduation #dsksupinfocom #supinfocom #college #conceptart #film #characterdesign ##characterart #postapocalyptic #japan #anime #island #animationfilm #3d #animation #animationart #3danimation #quarantine #experiment #storytelling #storydevelopment #visualdevelopment #visualart #chiragswamy (at Pune, Maharashtra) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_uQPnWj8j2/?igshid=17l8j53cn85am
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bgmedia42 · 1 year ago
Friday Film Short
The end, a 2005 3D-animated short produced by students of the French animation school Supinfocom Valenciennes. A hapless scarecrow faces the Scarecrows' Tribunal for the treasonous act of befriending a bird ...
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krzchn · 7 years ago
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The graduation movie I worked on with 5 other students 2 years ago is out on Vimeo! Feel free to have a look and share/reblog if you liked it. :)
It’s a sweet story about Nakayama, an old lady who gets stuck in a japanese supermall. Her young assistant Sachiko, accompanied by a guy in a mascot suit have to get her to a chiropractor a few floors above... I hope you’ll enjoy it! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
My main role in that project was art direction, character design/modeling/texturing, texturing of the sets, lighting & compositing!
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the-l-files · 2 years ago
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Let’s go back to “Dernière Séance” with some character designs with John in his detective version, enjoy!
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maneki-art · 4 months ago
Swing Macabre jour 3
(english under French and picture)
Jour 3:
Swing Macabre, à l’origine, devait être un film d’étudiant en 3D (si j’avais réussi à passer l’étape zéro : Oser présenter le scénar aux professeurs de Supinfocom. Je me suis dégonflée, j’avoue).
Et devant la grande folie qu’allait être une foule entière de squelettes, j’ai très vite décidé une chose : Ils auront tous la même tête /corps. Ce serait déjà ça de moins à modéliser.
La différence entre eux se serait faite par les accessoires (les habits de François, les linceuls de la Dame Blanche et des Deuillants, les instruments de musiques ou outils des autres squelettes, etc) mais aussi et surtout par leur façon de bouger.
J’ai déjà mentionné que les squelettes de Swing Macabre sont lourdement inspirés des Transis, les gisants médiévaux représentés fortement décatis, plus ou moins rendus à l’état de squelettes avec quelques tendons et un peu de peau (et parfois des boyaux qui pendouillent, mais je me suis dit que ce serait peut-être un peu too much sur ce coup). Bien entendu, les Danse Macabre, fresque ou gravure du Moyen Age et de la Renaissance sont aussi une source d’inspiration.
Pour finir, après pas mal de recherches et de croquis avec des planches anatomiques, j’ai aussi décidé que pour ma santé mentale, les squelettes seront grandement SIMPLIFIES.
(Suite demain !)
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Day  3:
Swing Macabre, originally, was supposed to be a student short in 3D (if I had managed step 0: submitting the script to Supinfocom’s teacher. I admit it: I chickened out)
And, realizing the insanity that was going to be an entire mob of skeletons, I quickly decided one thing: they all will be identical, bodies and faces. I will only need to sculpt it once.
The differences would have been in their accessories (François’s clothes, the White Lady and the Mourners’ shrouds, musical instruments or tools for the other skeletons, etc), but also, body languages.
I already mentioned that Swing Macabre’s skeletons are heavily inspired by the Transis, medieval recumbent effigies depicted quite decayed, more or less rendered as skeletons with a few sinews and a bit of skin (and sometimes guts still hanging out but I thought it would be a bit too much).
Of course, the Dance Macabre, as fresco or engraving from the Middle Age or Renaissance are also an inspiration.
But, in the end, after a lot of research and sketches based on anatomical art, I also decided, for my mental health, that the skeletons will be very SIMPLIFIED.
(Come back tomorrow)
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edsonjnovaes · 2 years ago
The Legend of The Crabe Phare
The Legend of The Crabe Phare
Curta de animação em Computação Gráfica 3D premiado: “A Lenda do Caranguejo Farol“, por Crabe Phare – TheCGBros. 13 de mar. de 2018 TheCGBros apresenta “A Lenda do Caranguejo Farol”- um filme de curso de graduação criado pelo talentoso time Crabe Phare e produzido na escola de ensino superior SUPINFOCOM em Valenciennes, França! Um caranguejo Gigante finge ser uma ilha e brinca com navios como…
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brosad · 6 years ago
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elisesimoulin · 7 years ago
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YEY preproduction stuff for my graduation movie ! (Inspired by Adventure Time’s title cards)
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morganeladjel · 7 years ago
My fourth year at Supinfocom is almost over, and it was a tough year ! I spent a little more than 6 months working on a solo project called Ana. It was a real challenge to work on the whole pipeline by myself, in such a short time but here it is. I hope you’ll enjoy it, as much as I enjoyed working on such a delicate subject. :-) ps : I don’t promote anything related to anorexia
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