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soulmusicsongs · 7 months ago
Who's Sorry Now - Spanky Wilson And The H.B. Barnum Band (Doin' It, 1969)
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lisamarie-vee · 6 months ago
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imkeepinit · 9 months ago
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Lobby card by an unknown artist for the 1956 Mexican re-release of King Kong. The classic movie was presented in Superpanoramica (Superscope), which was RKO's widescreen process of choice for a couple of years in the mid 50s. Starting with Underwater, released in January of 1955, all of RKO's new films were released in Superscope, as well as a few re-released RKO classics.
The aspect ratio for King Kong was originally 1.37:1, which means that in order to achieve Superscope's 2:1 aspect ratio, a significant portion (31.5%) of the original image was lost from from the top and bottom of each frame, making the presentation essentially a vertical pan & scan.
The lobby cards were approximately 30 by 40cm, and they were printed with a variety of movie stills in the concave rectangle in the lower right. This one shows the wedding ceremony observed by the crew of the Venture upon arriving on Skull Island.
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edgarschwarz · 2 years ago
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Restored Superscope R-1220 (1976). New output transistors, few capacitors and clipping lamps. Restored veneer, new oil finish. Cleaning, control and testing. #superscope #superscopebymarantz #marantz #receiver #superscopereceiver #superscoper1220 #vintagereceiver #vintageaudio #audiorestoration #audio #hifi #audiophile #madeinusa #usaaudio https://www.instagram.com/p/CquySu9Lbj3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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junmoriuchi-donut · 2 years ago
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keepfronting · 2 years ago
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#superscope #nintendoscope #supernintendo #superfamicom #keepfronting https://www.instagram.com/p/CqZ8qYqIAO6/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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dippyface · 1 year ago
oh finally got myself a $.50 jack converter and the 1970s headphones I got at rummage sale do work 😯 also I scrubbed most of the teal goo off them and it is, I think, likely some kind of copper corrosion so might not give me that many diseases?? it hasn't seemed to like comeback after I scrubbed them and then sat them in a bag for a couple weeks
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misforgotten2 · 1 year ago
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Superscope: For When Money Is An Object!™
Esquire - December 1974
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sassyshin · 2 years ago
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Found her
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100% rare span. 5t complete
They clearly want us to do the 90+ node with Kichi Hogen but
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thesuetyouforgot · 11 months ago
What do you think of the German comedian Loriot? And about the TV show 'Sketch History'? I absolutely love both, and 'Sketch History' reminds me of Monty Python soo much (the team must have been majorly inspired by them). They really nailed the humour and came up with their own recurring characters and creative sketches. I wish I could translate all the sketches into English and show them to an international audience 😅
Omg I LOVE Loriot! Especially the TV series/the sketches. I could write entire essays about it. Did you know that he actually stole from Monty Python quite a bit? (I will put a paragraph on that below the cut bc I've wanted to talk about that for years now lol but feel free to just ignore that part)
Sadly I'm not the right person to talk about Sketch History with. I dislike that show so much for no apparent reason. I just really don't enjoy it and never found it that funny tbh, it's so far off my humour... I'm sorry. But after hearing your praise I will definitely give a few of their sketches another chance now and find out if they maybe remind me of Monty Python as well. Do you have any recommendations for which sketches are the best/most like Python?
And thank you for your ask! :)
Now, what did Loriot "steal"?
Most famous example is the Wrong Interview Partner sketch in which the wrong person (with an ordinary job) accidentally ends up in a TV studio, getting asked the questions which were intended for someone with an extreme job. (In one version it's a deep sea diver and in the other one it's an astronaut, can't remember which one is by whom.) Why is this one 'famous'? Because John Cleese himself spoke about it, pointing out that it really is copied in an obvious way.
A really obviously stolen sketch is the 'Superscope' sketch introducing a revolutionary new invention of an extremely wide screen on which you can watch entire races without a single cut or camera move. Since it's just a tiny strip of white across your TV screen you can't even hide that it's stolen. (In one case it's a horse race, I believe, and the other one a 500m sprint?)
Another one which is less obvious but I still believe was inspired a lot by Monty Python is the beloved "Das Bild hängt schief" in which a salesman is to wait in a room until someone has time for him and in the meantime -due to butterfly effect really- accidentally demolishes the whole interior piece by piece. Monty Python has a sketch where we have someone waiting for someone in a room, too, but in this case he ends up accidentally killing everyone of the staff who enters that room. (That would probably have been too extreme for German TV, while the need to correct a wonky hanging painting is way more realistic. But I wouldn't be surprised if Loriot did get inspired by MP.)
The last one is something that could also be wrong because I might have mixed it up in my memory but MP has the Hide and Seek Olympics. And in a little Loriot intersection we see a reporter (unsuccessfully) looking for the Hide and Seek finalist, too, if I remember correctly.
On the other hand I think it's not a bad thing. It was a normal thing to do: You see something you like in another country and try to bring it to your own people, too. It's been done with songs, game shows, anything... Its just interesting because at that time Monty Python's Flying Circus wasn't even that famous and loved in Britain itself. So knowing of its existence and deciding to use some of their material is quite fascinating to me. (The wrong interview sketch by Loriot was aired one day prior to the airing of Monty Pythons Fliegender Zirkus in 1972. The other sketches weren't aired until 1976 though.)
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friendlessghoul · 5 months ago
WBAP-TV station in Fort Worth, Texas to accompany a news story about actors Gilbert Roland and Rory Calhoun arriving in Dallas to promote their film, "Treasure of Pancho Villa."
[Transcript] Hollywood actor Gilbert Roland arrives in Dallas--Another of a host of motion picture notables due in Dallas on picture promotions during the next few weeks. Roland is part of an entourage to promote the opening day showing of the picture, "Treasure of Pancho Villa." A second star of the RKO Superscope production --Rory Calhoun -- arrives with his wife, the former Lita Baron, who didn't play in the Pancho Villa movie but is helping promote it. The visit by the movie celebrities coincided with a celebration marking the opening of Vistavision facilities at the Palace theatre in Dallas. (September 30, 1955)
The book Gilbert Roland is holding is, The Wine of Youth by Robert Wilder (1955)
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soulmusicsongs · 7 months ago
Don't Mess With Bill - Spanky Wilson And The H.B. Barnum Band (Doin' It, 1969)
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toriel-2 · 2 years ago
currently known
1. painbrush with curling/wave
2. superscope with sprinkler/slider
3. heavy deco w/ possibly point sensor/definitely kraken
4. swig express with marker/storn
5. custom dualie squelchers, everyone keeps saying beakon/missiles but thats cause of a crackpot theory involving some paint splatters and not confirmed. yet.
6. light tetras w/ sprinkler
7. sorella tent w/ zooka
8. H-3 D
9. Wiper deco presumed to be getting squid beakon
10. rapid pro deco
11. annaki nova w/ presumed ink mine/confirmed inkjet
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imkeepinit · 10 months ago
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Movie poster, distributed by the National Screen Service (#56/95) for the 1956 RKO motion picture Slightly Scarlet. The film was released in Superscope, a less expensive version of Cinemascope with a 2.0:1 ratio format. It required no special lenses, used standard cameras, had no stereophonic sound, and had a number of other economic benefits. This was at a time when billionaire Howard Hughes was running the studio.
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higashi-san · 1 year ago
О, ДА! Я там был!!!
2 сентября 2023 года. Москва.
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Обычно, я не бываю на таких массовых мероприятиях. Но пропустить супер финал трёх сезонов замечательного ретроигрового музыкального шоу мы просто не могли!
О покупке билетов сообщили поздновато, оставался всего месяц до поездки, так что, билеты покупали в спешке, но урвать плацкарт с кондиционером удалось.
Удобно ездить между Питером и Москвой. В полночь выехал, лёг спать, а утром - уже на месте))
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Витебский вокзал.
В Москве мы с Кристиной, ВХСником и КиноФинтом кантовались у Дяди Вити в Готэме. Там познакомились с замечательной Мартой. Какая она классная!
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Впятером мы и отправились на шоу.
Движуха началась уже на входе, пока люди ждали, когда начнут всех впускать.
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Люди здоровались, знакомились, узнавали друг друга по никам, фотографировались как старые друзья.
Погода была прохладной и слегка дождило, но это ОТЛИЧНО. Так как помещение было выбрано не очень удачно. Маленькое, и кондиционеры не справлялись. Было очень жарко во всех смыслах.
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Билеты на шоу были именные. Слева снизу подразумевались аччивки. Получить сувенир в виде магнитика. Пострелять в тире в виде SuperScope на SNES. Бесплатный напиток в виде сока. Только больно надо этим заниматься.
Оказалось так много стримеров и блогеров ретроигровой тусовки, что я не выдержал, и на первом перерыве пошёл за маркером.
Я купил журнал "Личное дело" в сувенирах "Игрофона", и пошёл собирать автографы на конверте. Никогда такой фигнёй не занимался, но теперь я доволен своим памятным артефактом))
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Куда-то пропало моё ораторское искусство. Я забывал представляться, иногда вобще ничего не говорил просто всучивал маркер и конверт. Люди сами понимали, а мне мал��сь стыдно. Надеюсь, я небыл слишком навязчивым.
Однако, я был поражён, пара-тройка человек меня даже узнали.
Была такая классная атмосфера, что я плюнул и решил даже сфотографироваться. На память, чёрт возьми!
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Ну а само шоу?
Если вдруг, кто-то набрёл на этот пост. Игрофон это этакий аналог шоу "Угадай мелодию", где по музыке нужно угадывать игры. Вышло уже три сезона этого шоу. И вот, три победителя трёх сезонов встретились на суперфинале, что устроили живьём. Двое из них с Дальнего Востока!
Боюсь представить, как это было сложно реализовать. Учитывая, что изначально бронировали одно помещение, но все 50 билетов были выкуплены менее, чем за сутки. И пр��шлось менять расположение и продать ещё 50 билетов.
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Шоу вышло очень интересным. Были неожиданные повороты, которые точно станут мемом в ретросообществе. Было очень весело и энергично. Атмосфера - огонь!
Началось всё с живого исполнения песни "Чудо" из шоу "Звёздный час". Кавер, который совсем недавно вышел на "Студии Пазл". До мурашек! Видел, как оператор снимал аудиторию и сам подпевал))
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Нил вёл шоу и был на высоте. Кнопки были настоящие. А Лара Крофт помогала с таблицей выбора мелодии. Она вобще отлично выступила на шоу, подыгрывала.
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А ещё, на "Игрофоне" вспомнили шоу "Пойми меня". Здорово, я в детстве смотрел.
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Да стоит ли ещё что-то говорить? Великолепное мероприятие! Великолепные люди! Великолепная музыка! Великолепные впечатления и воспоминания!
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Ждём, когда смонтируют записи в полноценный выпуск Игрофона.
Кстати. Я очень рад, что побывал на живом шоу. Так как после, оказалось, что некоторые моменты небыли сняты. Цитата одного из операторов "у вас было так клёво, что я забыл включить камеру".
Вот так.
Но эта проблема решилась.
В конце, люди остались подписать огромный настенный плакат Игрофон и поффотографироваться. а мы, поехали обратно в Готэм.
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На следующий день, посмотрев с ребятами пару фильмов, мы поехали обратно в Питер.
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bethvader18 · 2 years ago
Fate Go Update?!?!
Hello there! Since I last left you there have been quite a few banners I have rolled on (only a few since there’s a lot of great units to save for this summer).  The first was Proto Arthur’s Banner. My first favorite husbando and just before his banner dropped, I acquired a nendoroid of him in his White Rose costume. This was the catalyst to getting two copies of him for a total of NP3. I levelled him to lvl 100 to celebrate! The next banner of note was the Nero Bride Banner. I dropped a multi there and was so happy to see a gold saber card, but it could never be. Instead we finish off with NP5 Rama. I saved for quite a while after this. Servant Camp Rerun came out and I spent a multi to try to grab another copy of Kiara, my favorite mermaid. I ended up with her and Illya in tow. That leaves Moon Cancer Kiara at NP3 and Archer Illya at NP4. Then this week. Morgan’s banner. I originally told myself I would just use one multi... This was a lie. I spent all of my savings, about 9 multis, and only got NP3 Barghest. On pay day, I treated myself to a multi, and with my nephew helping my click the summon button, Morgan appeared with the Rainbow Ring! We got her NP2. It is also fun to mention that I pulled 3 copies of KScope alone on this banner. This gave me the rest of the copies I needed to  make my first SuperScope! I did immediately level Morgan to lvl 100. I 10/10/10 her skills and gave her some Gold Fous I had been holding on to.  And now we’re all caught up. I sure hope I can manage to pull a Koyanskaya during anniversary with the quartz and tickets that will be provided in the campaigns. Good Luck to all that will be rolling for her! P.S.  I will roll on this GSSR banner. Hoping for Melusine since I have no quartz to summon for her when her banner drops. But anyone here will be a great unit to have.
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