#supernatural sfw alphabet
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of-a-chaotic-mind · 8 months ago
Dean Winchester SFW Alphabet
Summary: SFW Alphabet for Dean Winchester
TW/CW: Dean Winchester x Reader 
Requested?: Nope
Word Count: 2,331
A/N: This mah baby, and ain't nobody finna touch him! Anyways, I'm writing off the assumption that reader is also an experienced hunter. If you'd like me to do one where they're not, just lmk. 
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A - Affection: (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?) 
- Dean struggles with affection. In the deepest parts of his soul, he wants to shower you in every ounce of affection that he can. However, he's scared that if he does, he'll overwhelm you or scare you off so instead he shows affection in small, special ways.  
B - Best friend: (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?) 
- Dean is one hoot of a best friend. There's never a boring moment with him and he is ALWAYS there when you need him even if you don't ask for his help. Loyal to the end and right by your side through thick and thin. 
C - Cuddles: (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?) 
- Dean only cuddles behind closed doors. Somedays, he'll wrap you in his arms and hold you close to his chest. Others, he crawls into bed beside you and buries his face in your chest to be held.  
D - Domestic: (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?) 
- Oh, how he wishes the two of you could settle down but he knows that you two aren't cut out for the apple pie life. He's a fantastic cook and he tries to help clean but somehow the normally skilled and balanced hunter is such a clueless clutz when it comes to cleaning. You once walked in on him trying to figure out how to sweep a dirt pile into a dustpan and you couldn't help but giggle as he repeatedly dropped the broom before finally giving up and using his hand to sweep the dirt into the pan. 
E - Ending: (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?) 
- Dean would never even consider breaking up with you. You're his everything. The only way the two of you are parting ways is if you make that move. If you do decide to break up with him, he does his best to understand and let you go but damn it hurts him so much. He always wants what is best for you and if he thinks you don't think he's best for you then so be it. 
F - Fiancé(e): (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?) 
- Dean has always thought that if given the chance to make you his wife, he'd take it. However, he's not going to make the first move and if the two of you head in that direction, then he's going to make sure you have everything you ever dreamed of for your engagement and wedding. 
G - Gentle: (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?) 
- As for day-to-day interactions with Dean, he's always gentle. Physically, he holds you carefully and touches you softly. Emotionally, he chooses his words carefully and always listens intently. However, that being said, if you ever willingly or unwillingly out yourself in harm's way his words get loud and blunt. He never hurts you physically but he does yell out every bit of his frustration. Once he's gotten it off his chest, he always apologizes for raising his voice at you and the two of you calmly talk it out 
H - Hugs: (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?) 
- Dean LOVES hugs but he doesn't always ask for them. Over the years, you learn how to tell when he needs a good hug. He will always give you a hug before the two of you part ways with a kiss on your forehead. His hugs vary. If he's hugging you, it's a warm, firm, and solid hug where all you can see, hear, or smell is him. If you're hugging him without him asking, he'll sling his arms loosely around your waist and bury his face in your chest or neck. It's more of a gentle and relaxed hug. 
I - I love you: (How fast do they say the L-word?) 
- The first time Dean said the L-word was because you got hurt protecting him on a hunt. As soon as the threat was eliminated and the car door shut, he went off. He insisted you never pull a stunt like that again and said he couldn't stand the thought of you getting hurt because of him among other things. When he finally got it all out of his system, he dropped his head into his hands and mumbled under his breath. You asked him to repeat what he mumbled and he looked up to look you dead in the eyes to say, "I love you, damn it." 
J - Jealousy: (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?) 
- Dean hides his jealousy with cockiness. When he gets jealous, he struts up to wrap his arms securely around your waist and bury his face in your neck. He'll give the person a good "nice try" look and stand his ground, not letting you go for a second. 
K - Kisses: (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?) 
- After time apart, they're intense. Teeth clashing and holding onto you for dear life. Your average every day kisses are gentler and purposeful. His favorite place to kiss you is your forehead.  
- Every time the two of you part ways he kisses your forehead. Sometimes when you're just sitting there minding your own business reading research or whatever, he quickly places a kiss on your forehead and ruffles your hair. Even when he gets up to go to the bathroom, he plants a sweet kiss to your hairline. 
- He loves when you kiss his boo boos and make them better. He can't understand or explain it but butterflies erupt in his stomach and face gets warm when you press a gentle kiss to an injury you just got done cleaning and bandaging. 
L - Little ones: (How are they around children?) 
- Dean is good at entertaining babies but not so great at taking care of them. Hand him a baby with a diaper full and he's gonna stare it with his nose scrunched up unsure of where to even start but if you task him with watching a baby, he's gently bouncing it around or handing it toys to inspect or playing peek a boo like a pro. As for older kids, it's the opposite. He raised Sammy for crying out loud. He knows how to take care of a kid that can walk and talk but for the life him can't figure out how to keep them entertained or have a conversation with them. 
M - Morning: (How are mornings spent with them?) 
- Rarely, Dean is up and at 'em before you. You find it hard to escape his iron clad grasp upon waking up yourself. Sometimes you lay there admiring the features of his face and sometimes you fall back asleep but you never leave the bed before he does.  
N - Night: (How are nights spent with them?) 
- Dean always crawls into bed first, arms open and awaiting your presence. Sometimes, the two of you will lay there awake just talking about anything and everything. Sometimes, you crash hard and fast and he's left admiring you as you sleep. Rarely, you get to admire him as he drifts off to dream land. 
O - Open: (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?) 
- It took Dean quite a while to reveal his inner workings to you. In fact, he didn't say anything at all at first, simply showed you. He took the mask off with you for short bursts of time, slowly working up to not wearing the mask at all with you. There were a few times when he fully vented or explained things to you but for the most part, he simply showed you. 
P - Patience: (How easily angered are they?) 
- He's always patient with you. Even when you made Baby stall as he tried to teach you how to drive stick shift, he kept his calm. He's not usually quick to anger with other people unless they're having a negative impact on your well-being. 
Q - Quizzes: (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?) 
- Every. Little. Detail. If there was a trivia game show about you, he'd take first place easily, even if you were also playing. Sometimes he remembers something you said when you don't even remember saying it. 
R - Remember: (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?) 
- He'll never forget the night you dragged him and Sammy both to their separate bedrooms because the two were locked in on researching some end of the world bullshit. Your giggles at their "ow ow ow"-ing were adorable and the fact that you told them both that if they didn't get some sleep you were going to kick them in their "baby makers" just made him realize how much you care about them both. Sammy even tried to sneak past your's and Dean's room but you got up out of bed and dragged him back to his own. 
S - Security: (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?) 
- Hella protective of you. He's your secret service. He's your knight in shining armor. He knows you can take care of yourself but why should you have to when he can do it? He always puts himself between you and danger. 
- He doesn't like the idea of you putting yourself in danger to protect him. However, he also knows you're going to do it anyway but that doesn't mean he won't give you an earful for it later. On the other hand, sometimes Dean crawls into your lap and buries into your chest just to shut the world out. That's when he feels most protected. 
T - Try: (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?) 
- Mans puts more effort into celebrating you and making sure you're happy than he does anything else ever. In fact, the first birthday you had while the two of you were dating threw you off guard. You had completely forgotten it was your birthday, having adapted to it just being another normal day. Dean remembered. He stopped at a random grocery store on y'all's way home from a hunt and when he came out carrying a cake and your favorite snacks you were beyond confused. He hopped in the car and handed everything to you and written across the top of the cake was, "Happy Birthday (Y/N)!" He was bewildered that you were bewildered but he made sure you never forgot your birthday again. 
U - Ugly: (What would be some bad habits of theirs?) 
- He doubts himself far too often. He knows he's a good hunter, there's no doubting that. However, he doubts his ability to keep you safe. He doubts his ability to make you happy. He gets in this headspace where all he can think about is there being someone out there that is way better for you than him and all his baggage. You've figured out how to tell when he's doing this and always reassure him endlessly that he's all you want and more. 
V - Vanity: (How concerned are they with their looks?) 
- He knows he's all that and a bag of chips when it comes to looks but he's not obsessed with himself or making sure he looks good. He doesn't have time to spend staring in the mirror to make sure he looks his best. He showers, shaves, brushes his hair and teeth but that's about it. 
W - Whole: (Would they feel incomplete without you?) 
- Dean feels like he can't breathe when you're away from him. You help him keep his head on straight and make him feel important. Without you, he tends to spiral into a mess. 
X - Xtra: (A random headcanon for them.) 
- Dean keeps a mental list of all your favorite songs. Even if you don't specifically say it is, he knows by the way you sing it at the top of your lungs or bounce around in excitement when it comes on. 
- I don't think this is canon but I also haven't ever paid enough attention to it in the several times I've watched the show. However, it seems fitting for Dean. I think he refuses to sit with his back to the entrance(s) of a room. He keeps all windows in his line of sight as well. (I may or may not be projecting bc I also do this). 
Y - Yuck: (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?) 
- Mans HATES sexist douchebags. He makes sure that every hunter he meets knows that you once took down an entire vamp nest by yourself. The civilians are quickly made aware that you run the show and they better not disrespect you. 
Z - Zzz: (What is a sleep habit of theirs?) 
- Dean always sleep on the side of the bed closest to the door. It doesn't matter if you guys are in the bunker or some sketchy motel room. If he wakes up in the middle of the night and you have somehow rolled over to that side, he gently rolls you back over to safety. Also, he almost always ends up sprawled out across the bed, usually at least partially on top of you if not fully covering you. 
More Dean Winchester
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ghostingssdeadlinee · 1 year ago
Warnings: cursing, made some nsft jokes.
AN: he’s so girlfriend <3333
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
He’s not very big on PDA, like hand holding and small kisses anywhere is great. But if you wanna make out just tug on his arm, go to a reserved era, and start kissing, could never say no too that.
In private tho, very much on quality time and physical touch, like sit on his lap while he’s researching and your read a book, or let him lay on your lap while he researches and you play with his hair, he’ll die.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Very caring, if you like something special he definitely looks it up so you two can talk about it.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Love it, mostly for sleeping. (Keeps the nightmares away)
I mean man’s massive so of course he’s going to be big spoon. But him laying on your chest/in the crevice of your neck, you talking about something you like or just your day, and you (again) playing with his hair. Melts.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Oh god, of course he wants to settle. Can’t because he constantly has to fight god and Lucifer and just every evil thing ever. But he’d want to more then anything.
Can’t really cook, I mean he knows some of the basics. He had to make food for him and dean once in a while.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
No :3 (didn’t feel like writing this sorrrryyy :333)
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
With everything happening, with the apocalypse, it kind of slipped his mind. But once he remember? Oh hell yeah.
Probably like 2-4 years into the relationship.
(Wears the ring on a necklace around his neck)
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Don’t get me wrong he’s a big boy and he can be violent, like I’m fighting or in *other* ways, but he’s so gentle with his partner.
Emotionally, can take a while to open up, but sometimes, late at night on especially after hunting nights, you’ll be awake, you on his lap, looking at his beautiful eyes and wiping his tears away as he talks about his past and current pain.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Love them.
After killing some monster, a long and tired yet tight hug.
Hello hugs, goodbye hugs. ‘I love you’ hugs. ‘Don’t worry I’ll come back’ hugs.
Hugs from behind, head onto of yours.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Honestly depends, but probably after you nearly died in a hunt.
“Sammy, I’m alright, I’ll probably get some scars but I’m okey.”
“… okey, I love you.”
“I love you too.”
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
He knows you’ll shot it down the second someone tried to flirt with you. You’re loyal and he knows that.
But sometimes… a guy flirting a little bit to aggressively and won’t take the hint you spelled out too him?
He gets up behind you, death stares the guy, and arms around your waist.
“Oh hi Sammy :D!”
“Hey sweetheart, care to come back to me and dean?”
“tHeIr TaKeN, mAtE.” The creep says.
“Yeah, by me.”
If the creep still can’t take the hint, guess who has too get bailed out of jail the next morning! Wooho! Sam!
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
From him, on you:
mouth? Obviously. Quick or long make outs are both great. Speaking of making out? Weekly basis. Daylily if you’ll let it. (And if a case isn’t in the way)
Neck kisses? YES YES YES
Forehead. Protective !!!
Shoulders? Also protective!!!! A little ‘hi’ from behind.
From you, to him:
Neck kisses, instant puppy dog eyes.
Nose kisses, if you can reach that is, just. So sweet.
Forehead kisses, Again, if you can reach, so protected.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Really sweet, try’s his best, really wishes to be a dad some day.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Even if you didn’t fall asleep with him somewhat cuddled up with him, you will be.
Nearly always wake before you, probably back from his run. Mumbling about ‘breakfast’.
“Morning baby, you want breakfast?”
You, totally still half asleep, “… yeah.”
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Even if you are a night owl, if it’s hunting time, you’ll go to sleep first.
But if it’s just normal, he’ll have you lay on him. Kissing your head, watching tv till you both fall asleep.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Definitely waits, he feels like if you knew everything maybe you’d see him for the freak he seems himself as.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Depends on if a hunt is going wrong or if he has a lot bubbling up. But I’d say he’s not very easily angered.
Well, unless someone talks shit about his family, including you. Their face will never look the same.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Really tires to remember everything. Wants to remember every single thing so that he can bring it up in conversation. So you know he’s listening.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Anytime you had anything like a mundane or normal life. Just cooking together? Shopping for groceries? Doing chores together? All his personal heaven.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
He understands that you can protect yourself, you’re a hunter after all, but of course he still covers you whenever he cans.
Oh yeah, and chuck forbid something happens too you, everyone’s dead.
When he can, he cuddles you, hugs you, arms around you and head right on top of yours, walking around. Feeling like if anything would even try he could protect you.
I can see him thinking that he doesn’t need to be protected but saving his ass last minute will make him fall in love with you all over again.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Dates? Tries too make them special when he can, but the best you could get on the road is probably just a movie marathon or a diner date with breakfast (and hopefully no dean)
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Well, if we over look the demon blood thing, he definitely bites his nails.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Anything but his hair, he really doesn’t care for, well, of course he works out, needs to be fit for demon hunting but other then that he really doesn't care.
He really doesn’t like people cutting his hair, no hair stylist, not dear old dad (fucking John), not Dean, I think the only person, alive, he’d let cut his hair is you.
Hair holds memory’s and after losing so many people it just feel’s terrible having it cut. Like he’s forgetting them.
But with you it’s different, you want to braid his hair? Sure. Want to style it? Hmm okey. You think it look good a little shorter? Only for you.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Definitely, sometimes he goes of on hunts alone and if he can’t at least hear your voice from a call or two, expect a very clingy Sam when he gets back.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Uses his puppy dog eyes to get anything he wants from you.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
I mean as long as your not a demon you’re okey??
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Always a long nap after a hunt with you, of course.
Doesn't have a sleep schedule but tries to get at least 4 hours of sleep.
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bohemianblasphemy · 3 months ago
Masterlist ✨
Here is my masterlist!!
It will be updated overtime as i write more , as always requests are open for the characters below xx
Enjoy lovelies!!!
Last updated: 17/02/25
Billy Butcher (The Boys)
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It Will Come Back
His Rival
Getting Hurt
Feel this? It's all for you
You look better with my hands wrapped around your neck’
"Swallow it. All of it."
Mark me
Morning After
Flustered Butcher
Unconscious after battle
SupeDad!Butcher Headcanons
Birthday Sex
Angsty Butcher
Let Me Show You
Bar fight
Butcher sleeping with Maeve angst
Shower BJ
Shut the fuck up, Billy
Rainy day cuddles
First date
NSFW soft!butcher headcanons
Baking a cake
Birthday Fluff
Birthday Fluff 2
Right Here Waiting
Wedding night
Tearing your clothes
Billy comforting reader
Horny thoughts
Sitting on his face
Sleep deprived
Eras Tour
Thigh Riding in the Office
Office Sex
Secret Relationship
Butcher comfort *trigger warning for mental health talk*
Dyslexic Reader
Neurodivergent Reader
Argument with MM
SFW Alphabet
A hard day
Ass play
NSFW Alphabet
Virgin Reader part 1
Virgin Reader part 2
Cuddly Butcher
ExBF! Butcher comfort
Being saved by Butcher
Eating pussy headcanon
Remembering things about you
Magic fingers
NSFW Headcanons
Softer headcanons
More horny thoughts
Daddy’s Home (part 1)
Daddy’s home (part 2)
Soldier Boy (The Boys)
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Revenge on Butcher
Hughie Campbell (The Boys)
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Daryl Dixon (The Walking Dead)
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Negan Smith (The Walking Dead)
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Coming soon 💋
Spencer Reid (Criminal Minds)
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NSFW Headcanons
Steal My Girl
Secrets in Ink
Bruises on Hips
Fingering on the counter
It’s okay
Dean Winchester (Supernatural)
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Tattoo apprentice! Reader
Never Again
Sex in the Impala
Eating pussy
Physical intimacy
Sam Winchester (Supernatural)
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Riding Sam
Gabriel (Supernatural)
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•Back to You
• Headcanons
Castiel (Supernatural)
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Can I help?
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thegoldencontracts · 8 months ago
SFW Alphabet Asks
Thought I'd do this! Send me a character and some letters, or send in a ship if you'd prefer. If you don't send in a ship, I'll assume x reader for the romantic questions.
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A | Affection: How do they care for those they love? Are they more showy, or private?
B | Blush: How easily embarrassed are they? Do they get defensive, or shy?
C | Class: How open are they to PDA? How would they react to you initiating affection in public?
D | Dream: Who's their dream partner? Their perfect spouse?
E | Eloquence: How are they when it comes to expressing their feelings for their partner? Are they usually good with words outside of that?
F | Fuck: How often do they curse? How often do they claim they curse? Are they secretly more or less vulgar than they claim to be?
G | Goodbye: How would they react to their partner leaving them? Would they get over it quickly? If their partner is in the wrong, would they seek revenge?
H | Heart: Are they the naturally caring sort? Selfless and kind? If not, how does that change when in love?
I | I, Myself (Free-Space): What do some headcannons I myself have for this character?
J | Jinx: Are they superstitious? Are there any supernatural phenomena they believe in?
K | Koala: Are they the type to cling like a koala would while cuddling? Do they enjoy cuddling in the first place?
L | Love: What's something in a partner they'd secretly love?
M | Mouth: How do they kiss? Are they a good kisser? Do they enjoy kissing at first? Would they rather kiss, or be kissed?
N | Nya: How hard would it be to make them put on a pair of cat ears? Is it even possible to do so? Would they be embarrassed about wearing them?
O | Oven: Are they interested in baking? Would they bake as an act of affection? As a favor?
P | Prank: How would they fare with pranks? Are they the sort to prank others? Are pranks easy for them to spot, and if pranked, how would they react?
Q | Quiet: How would they react to getting the silent treatment from a partner? Would they panic? Would they reciprocate the cold shoulder?
R | Romantic: Are they the romantic type? Or are they more cynical when it comes to matters of love? What do they think will happen if they try to date others?
S | Sore Loser: How competitive are they? How do they react to losing a game?
T | Tease: How do they react to being teased? Are they the teasing sort themselves?
U | Undo: What's the one thing they'd do anything to go back and undo?
V | Vengeful: Are they the vengeful sort? How do they react to being wronged? If with a partner, will they get revenge for things like pranks or kisses?
W | Whine: Are they prone to complaining about small things?
X | X (Twitter): Do they use social media? If so, what sort of things to they usually post?
Y | Yelp: What's the easiest way to catch them off-guard? How easy is it to do so in the first place?
Z | Zit: Do they ever get acne? What about dark circles? Stretch marks? Other traits often regarded as "blemishes"? Are they insecure about them?
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uponawhitehorse13 · 6 months ago
Hisui SFW alphabet
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Definitely defaults to acts of service as a love language while also not accepting acts of service from others.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
You probably met through Akiha. You got invited over by Akiha and as you were having tea Hisui was compelled to actually join a conversation for once. From then on you kept getting invited over to the mansion despite not spending that much time with Akiha.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
She’s incredibly stiff but gets better at relaxing into it when she’s tired.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
She excels at cleaning but cooking is a particular weakness of hers. If you cook she can help by doing basic things like chopping up vegetables or cleaning shrimp. It’s very hard for her but she insists on doing it. If she doesn’t help with the cooking she will take up cleaning the kitchen/dishes.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
It would make her incredibly sad. Making her feel very guilty about even trying something.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Very unsure about it. Never even dreamed about having a relationship based on equality. She is totally wife material though.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Incredibly gentle. I honestly don’t think she could bring herself to be mean. Except when…
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Do not surprise her, you will be smacked. Even after some time in a relationship touching her without warning will lead to her pushing you away. It’s just a reflex. If you ask her or simply open your arms and wait for her to get closer you’ll have a much nicer time. Her hugs are incredible she really has a comforting touch.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
She’s always very serious when she says it. Doesn’t use it often but it makes it more meaningful when she does.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
She doesn’t get jealous. She completely trusts you and expects you to trust her.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Same thing as hugs. You will get headbutted if you try to surprise her. But when she does kiss you it’s very sweet. Her standing on her tiptoes trying to get to your face. Also a big fan of goodbye / welcome back kisses.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Out of all the characters in Tsukihime she is probably the best equipped for parenthood. She would honestly be amazing with children.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
She always gets up first. She has a very rigid routine and it’s gonna be very hard getting her to break it.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Going to bed with her is a lot more enjoyable. When she’s tired she relaxes a lot so it’s far easier to enjoy the silence with her.
O = Open  (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say  everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
The relationship would have to get pretty serious for her to start revealing things about her past. But when it gets to that point she would tell you all of it as she doesn’t really believe in a relationship built on lies. She would probably keep the supernatural stuff to herself unless you’re already involved in those shenanigans.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
She will not get mad at you. She cares for you and knows you can improve.
Q = Quizzes  (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little  detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
She wouldn’t go overboard but she wouldn’t forget important things either.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
The first time you two held hands. It’s a very simple thing but it’s a sign of great trust for her.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
She’s very open about telling you when she’s worried and doesn’t want you to put yourself in danger but she doesn’t really stop you.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Doesn’t really know what to do for dates or gifts. She finds doing things that you don’t directly ask for hard.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
It’s sometimes hard to have conversations with her since she still has a habit of only speaking when spoken to.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Hisui is completely dripless. Akiha really needs to take her shopping.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Depends how far along the relationship is. If it’s beyond the point of you knowing her past losing you would incredibly hurt her.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Kohaku is very supportive of your relationship. She’s often teasing Hisui about your relationship. She will fuck you up if you hurt her though.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
She won’t stand for you not taking care of yourself. She finds self love very important.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Incredibly calm when sleeping. Like so peaceful you’d feel horrible if you woke her up.
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0-r-a-y-0 · 1 year ago
—Heyy I’m Ray (not my real name) I write Nick centric oneshots (romantic, platonic, etc.)
I like music (specifically rock music but I also LOVE Mitski, Lana feel Rey, Melanie, etc.), I obviously love the triplets, art, writing, Supernatural, Bojack Horseman, horror movies, cats, and many other things
My fav songs <33
How you remind me— Nickelback
I don’t like my mind— Mitski
Nausea— Violet & Dave Grohl
Doll— Foo Fighters
Duvet— bōa
Shandi— Kiss
Comfort Crowd— Conan Gray
Avalon— $uicideboy$
Song about me— Tv Girl
Killing me— Conan Gray
Kill yourself (part lll)— $uicideboy$
Black Hole Sun— Soundgarden
Break— Alex G
Covet— Basement
Breathe (in the air)— Pink Floyd
Carry on wayward son— Kansas
When the sun hits— Slowdive
Plan B— Megan Thee Stallion
Hallie’s song— Eminem
Decode— Paramore
Black Star— Radiohead
Just— Radiohead
And a million more :) (I can talk about music for hours)
— I’m a Leo (July 28 is my bday if you care)
— I’m bisexual (MAJOR preference for girls but I got a boyfriend)
— Proud Nick girl (if that wasn’t obvious) ︎
— My favorite color is navy blue (obsessed with ANYTHING that color)
— Also obsessed with anything related to stars
— Single but MADLY in love with a girl that’s taken by an ugly ass guy (she’s bisexual and totally wants me back I got proof)
What I WILL write about:
- fluff, suicide, eating disorders, self harm, alcoholism, smoking, mental health issues, pretty much anything
What I WON’T write about
-smut, ROMANTIC Nick x fem reader, Nick x reader in general (UNLESS it’s platonic), rape, cancer/any serious illness
—For some reason it won’t show “ask me anything” button on my phone but apparently you can see it so request anything or just ask me some questions. But if you can’t see the button then just send me a message or comment and give me the request!! Also put if you would like to remain anonymous or not!! Thank you <33
Hickeys (Only 1 with Max)
Party (The start of Jasper)
Morning Cuddles
Hair Dye
Bad Day
Sick Day
Clean Up
Smoke Session
Clean up (part ll)
Hair Play
Christmas Tree
Wisdom Teeth
New Year’s Kiss
Sick Day
Text Messages (TM)…☠︎
Stoner!Nick x Jasper
Romantic (headcanons #1)
NSFW Headcanons #2
NSFW Alphabet
SFW Alphabet
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stormyelliotwritez · 11 months ago
🩵 - requested
Jason's older brother 🩵
Hades the game
Dating thanatos headcanons
Dating Dean Winchester headcanons (trans!reader)
Dead Boy Detective’s Agency
Dating The Cat King headcanons (autistic!reader)
Getting Mickey and Ian to quit smoking 🩵
Star Wars
Meeting Kit Fisto 🩵
Stranger Things
Dating Steve Harrington headcanons
Dustin’s older brother 🩵(x steve)
Fruity four dating ftm!reader headcanons 🩵
Staying at Will’s house (m!reader with mommy issues) 🩵
Hobie’s best friend 🩵
Deadpool and Wolverine
Dating them headcanons
Dating them headcanons pt 2 🩵
NSFW alphabet for Logan🩵
SFW alphabet for Logan🩵
Dating them on your period headcanons
Logan’s meltdown
Dating them headcanons (autistic!reader)
Dating them (skin picker autistic!reader) 🩵
Dating them (ftm!reader) 🩵
Wade crashes (adhd!Wade)
Meltdown (reader has one)
Logans titties (long term parther reader) 🩵
Trans Logan Headcanons (no reader)
Logan and the hot guy friend (pt 1) 🩵
Logan comforts you (trans reader) 🩵
Dating them headcanons (autistic!reader) 🩵
Logan and his hot guy friend (pt 2) 🩵
Dating them headcanons (autistic!ftm!reader who doesn’t understand socializing) 🩵
getting with them headcanons 🩵
What? (Wade has apd) (no reader)
Old rock and a 2000’s pick up truck? 😍 (ftm!reader) 🩵 (Logan)
but he’s straight (logan only) (ftm!reader) 🩵
he’s not straight? (logan only) (ftm!reader) (pt2 to above) 🩵
dating them as autistic!ftm!reader coming to terms with being trans 🩵
Cooking with Logan (boyfriend!reader) 🩵
dating them as m!reader with CIPA 🩵
dating wade as reader with venom (m!reader) 🩵
dating them as autistic!ftm!reader with touch aversion 🩵
hes a funky guy (logan only) (bf!reader) 🩵
dating them as agere!m!reader
dating them as reader with emotional blockage 🩵
dating wade as a blind spiderman 🩵
dating wade as a tailor 🩵
books in real life 🩵 (logan only, writer bf!reader)
you’re their princess! (them x chubby feminine male reader) 🩵
scratching and scarring (logan only, male reader who scratches at scabs)
dating logan as a guy with bad anxiety 🩵
Picnic date (long term bf!reader) 🩵
Calling him. (boyfriend reader who has a panic attack) 🩵
What? (um so gambits dead so ya) (bf!reader) 🩵
But I hated him? (rivals to lovers) 🩵
Charles Xavier
Mind reading time (autistic male reader) 🩵
Dating Charles as audhd!bf!reader (headcanons) 🩵
mischief not harm (trans!reader who had a mean ex)🩵
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princesscolumbia · 1 year ago
A quick-and-dirty non-squint-o-vision version (I like this, but I had to pop it out in a separate tab and zoom in to make sense of what I was looking at):
Tags are Tricky...a quick and dirty guide
1. Canon
How does it relate to canon?
Alternate Universe
Canon Compliant
Canon Divergence
Fix-it Fic
Future Fic
Missing Scenes & Codas
2. Format
Is it something other than a story?
5+1 Things
Online & Social Media
3. Tone
How does it make you feel?
Smut and PWP
4. Relationship
Describe the relationship
Coming Out
Getting together
Body Swap
Childhood Friends
Different First Meeting
Drunken Confessions
Enemies to Lovers
Fake Dating
Friends to Lovers
Huddling for Warmth
Road Trips
Sharing a Bed
Slow Burn
Strangers to Lovers
Trapped in Elevator
First Kiss
Kissing and Making Out
Sexy times
Dirty Talk
First Time
Sex Pollen
Sexting and Phone Sex
Arranged Marriage
Established Relationship
Kid Fic
Long Distance
Weddings & Proposals
5. Theme
What is the theme?
Activities and Interests
Baking and Cooking
Crafts and Hobbies
Drinking or Getting High
Piercings and Tattoos
Theatre and Dance
Fairy Tales
Reality Show
TV/Movie/Book Adaptations
Character Driven
Anxiety and Mental Health
Queer Themes
Crime and Suspense
Media and Journalism
Other worldly
Magic and Fantasy
Parallel Universe
Time Travel
Bookstores & Libraries
Coffee Shops & Restaurants
Flower Shops
High School
Summer Camp
Note: These are examples, not a definitive list, but I hope the categories are useful.
(Commentary below the cut)
I'm going to introduce a few more categories to this list:
What's the relationship of the contents of the story to the main timeline of the source material?
Alternate Universe
Fusion (Fusions are NOT crossovers)
"Fandoms" that have no centralized source material that have spontaneously generated from the interaction of multiple online communities
A/B/O - Also "Omegaverse" and variants
Time Loops
Gender and Sexuality
Does the fic include Alphabet Mafia connections/connotations?
Transwoman [character]
Transman [character]
We've all got 'em, which kinks does your fic cover?
Air games
Note: There's no way to make a comprehensive list for this category in a single Tumblr post.
Citrus Scale
Kickin' it old-school; how tart is your fic?
Banana (Absolutely nothing sexual about this whatsoever, even kissing isn't a thing here, and holding hands might be scandalous)
Orange (Minor touching, nothing you might get arrested for, almost entirely SFW in all ways, 100% consensual across the board, PG-13 and up without question)
Lime (The equivalent to 'soft-core porn,' blatant sexual acts depicted though not explicitly described, characters have rounded third base and are getting ready to slide into home, you might have to show ID to prove you're of-age to get into the movie theater showing the fic on screen)
Lemon (THE NSFW tag, smut, absolutely describing the naughty bits and all the dirty actions)
Did you get your peanut butter in my chocolate? Are you a regency purist? What genre does your fic fall into?
High Fantasy
Urban Fantasy
Don't do these things. Ever.
Tiktok-ify your tags - "sanitizing" your tags to "get past the algorithm." ("unalive", "k!nk") There is no algorithm, all you're doing is breaking the tagging system if you do this
Tag spam - adding tags to your fic that don't apply to your fic
Tag jam - adding as many tags as possible in hopes that someone, somewhere will find your fic. All this does is create a massive, unreadable block of text that defeats the purpose of the tagging system
Suggested edits to the infographic
This is entirely my opinion:
Alternative Universe, Canon Divergence, Crossover, and Future Fic should be removed from the "Canon" section
A/B/O is not exclusively about sex/smut and should be separated from "Sexy times"
Remove the "Other worldly" section. 90% of the listed terms are genres and the others can go into other sections
Definitions Needed
Sometimes y'all forget that your experience is not universal. WTF are these?!
5+1 Things
Songfic (Is this a fic told in song? A fic that has a song in it?)
Final note: Never, EVER use A/B/O without the slashes. Ever. I'm not even joking about this
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I kind of suck at tagging, so I made this infographic to help make it easier.
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goofstardust · 2 years ago
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★ please make sure to at least glance over this before requesting!
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→ i will try to write as many requests as i can, but requesting a fic does not mean i am guaranteed to write it.
→ also, please be specific/detailed in your requests. i am much more likely to write a request that has a prompt along with it rather than just the pairing.
→ generally, if gender is not stated in the request and/or gender does not play a significant role in the story, the reader will be gender-neutral and will be referred to with they/them pronouns.
→ although this is primarily an "x reader" fanfic blog, don't be afraid to request character/character ships. my favorite ships right now are MShenko, Ineffable Husbands, and Destiel.
→ feel free to request anonymously or not. if you do request anonymously, add an emoji! well, you don't have to, of course, but if you're a frequent requester, i'd like to be able to recognize you!
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→ sfw prompts (fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, etc.)
→ smut/nsfw prompts
→ alternate universes
→ x reader fics
→ character/character fics
→ platonic relationships
→ real person fiction
→ graphic depictions of self-harm, eating disorders, etc.
→ pedophilia
→ incest
(if you are ever unsure about what i will/won't write, just send an ask! i promise i don't bite.)
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(*written in alphabetical order, not preference)
→ Doctor Who → Good Omens → The Good Place → Gravity Falls (for Stan and Ford ONLY) → Marvel (not limited to the MCU) → Star Wars → Stranger Things → Supernatural
→ Baldur's Gate 3 → Detroit Become Human → Dragon Age → Mass Effect → Portal → Red Dead Redemption 2 → Stardew Valley
(if you want to request a fandom that is not on this list, again, just send an ask. i may or may not be able to write for that fandom depending on whether or not i've watched/read material from it)
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0 notes
lysenfeu · 2 years ago
Lysenfeu Fic Masterlist
[Visit my AO3 Profile!]
Explicit Sexual Content is marked with an *
I am currently writing for + taking asks about:
Adrian Chase/Vigilante (DCU)
Logan James Howlett/Wolverine (Comics/X-Men Films)
Victor Creed/Sabretooth (Comics/X-Men Films)
COD - 141 (Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, John "Soap" MacTavish, Simon "Ghost" Riley & Captain John Price)
Eddie Brock/Venom (Sonyverse/Comics)
Matthew Murdock/Daredevil (NMCU/Comics)
Frank Castle/The Punisher (NMCU)
Billy Russo/Jigsaw (NMCU)
Mikey Berzatto (The Bear)
-Call of Duty (Gaz, Ghost, Price, Soap)-
• Drabbles/Headcanon •
141 + Sex Toys* (Headcanon)
141 + Kisses (Headcanon)
Oral Fixation (Ghoap Mini Drabble)
Ghost Ruining You* (Drabble)
Sweet Treat (Teasing Johnny Drabble)
• Devil in the Details* (Shortform/Drabble Series) •
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3]
Rating: Mature/Explicit Pairing: Eventual John Price x F!Reader Summary: Captain John Price is pushed over the edge after the loss of his team. He makes a desperate deal to rectify his mistakes and alleviate his grief, not understanding the cost he'll have to pay is always more than expected. Content: Slow Burn, Eventual Smut, Demon AU, Dark themes, Supernatural events, Grief/death, Corruption
-Frank Castle/The Punisher (NMCU)-
• Rinse & Repeat* (One-Shot) •
[Read on Tumblr] [Read on AO3]
Rating: Explicit 18+ Pairing: Frank Castle x F!Reader Word Count: 1.8k Summary: Frank comes home bloody and filthy from a rough night out and you can't help but clean him up. Content: Mentions of blood, Domestic fluff, Super soft Frank, Smut (F/M), Shower sex, Bareback (no condom), Creampie
-Eddie Brock/Venom (Sonyverse/Marvel Comics)-
• Cheque Please!* (One-Shot) •
[Read on Tumblr] [Read on AO3]
Rating: Explicit 18+ Pairing: Eddie Brock/Venom x Reader Word Count: 1.5k Summary: Venom gets a little too enthusiastic after you offer him a treat on date night with Eddie. Content: Smut (F/M), Semi-public sex, Alien sex, Tentacles/tendrils, Oral sex (F receiving)
-Adrian Chase/Vigilante (Peacemaker DCU)-
• Headcanons •
First Kill
SFW Character Alphabet
NSFW Character Alphabet*
• Helluva Drug* (One-Shot) •
[Read on Tumblr] [Read on AO3]
Rating: Explicit 18+ Pairing: Adrian Chase/Vigilante x Civilian!FReader Word Count: 3.7k Summary: A civilian gets caught in the crossfire as Vigilante busts a drug operation outside Evergreen and they both get exposed to a strange new substance. Content: Violence, Kidnapping, Dubcon (sex pollen), Accidental Drugging, Smut (F/M), Sex with strangers, Rough sex, Unprotected Sex (no condom)
• It's His Birthday* (One-Shot) •
[Read on Tumblr] [Read on AO3]
Rating: Explicit 18+ Word Count: 5.7k Pairing: Adrian Chase x F!Reader Summary: The 11th street kids take Adrian out to a bar for his birthday and try to set him up with the cute bartender. Content: Alcohol Use, Flirting, Fluff, Smut (F/M)
• Pair of Aces* (Series - Ongoing/HIATUS) •
Rating: Mature/Explicit 18+ Pairing: Vigilante x F!Reader
Summary: After Peacemaker nearly blows the mission at the Goff mansion, Waller sends in a new team member to pick up slack and assist Task Force X with Project Butterfly.Series Content: Mature themes, Graphic Violence, Slow Burn, Eventual Smut, Explicit Language, Smut (F/M)
[Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] [Chapter 4] [Chapter 5] [Chapter 6*]
[Read on AO3]
89 notes · View notes
uselessmicrowave · 2 years ago
-• Rules + Other Information •-
DNI if: homophobic/transphobic, racist, ableist, a minor, a genuinely problematic person
-• Transformers Masterlist •-
-• 2nd Transformers Masterlist •-
-• The Legend of Zelda Masterlist •-
-• Call of Duty Masterlist •-
-• Kink(tober/cember) 2023 •-
-• Pick-a-Fic Masterlist •-
Pick-a-Fic events will take place on the first to second day of every month except for January, April, September, October and December.
-• Q&A will always be open! •-
All Requests Opened -> June 1st
Oneshots- closed
Headcanons- closed
Nsfw Alphabets- closed
Matchups- closed
Love Letters - closed
Doodles- closed
Call of Duty fandom requests are open- please ignore the space above if you'd like to request that! I will try to write for every character and not just my favorites I swear. (major brain rot wuh oh)
Want an answer? Just ask, this is a judgment free zone. Don’t worry about if your question is stupid.
Interact with me! I love it when followers or mutuals ask me something unrelated about writing or about opinions.
-• Rules for Writing Requests Below •-
Matchup Rules -> send the continuity and faction or fandom you want to be matched up with and some basic information about yourself (hobbies, favorite foods, smarts, bad habits, pet peeves, ect). You'll get some headcanons in return.
Love Letter Rules
Doodle Rules
Absolute No’s -> r^pe/noncon (dubcon is fine), beastiality, ped0philia, incest, crossovers, character x oc, female readers (all readers will use they/them or he/him wether afab or not), pregnancy/breeding (you can ask for it but it’s an iffy subject), religious topics, Q+/minority discrimination
I’ll say this one again: I Do Not Write For Female, Fem or Femme Readers at all. Your request will be deleted if it mentions a female reader. Afab readers are fine, female presenting and/or identifying readers make me uncomfortable to write and read.
Unless I know you personally, I will not be writing neutral readers anymore. Anonymously submitted requests will be male readers whether described as or not.
(The rule above is going to be enforced once I open and get new requests.)
Fandoms I write for -> Transformers (TFP, TFA, RB, RBA, RID15, G1, Cyberverse, MTMTE [Issues #1-#27], ROTB, War for Cybertron, ROTF, All AUs), Undertale (All AUs), BOTW/TOTK, Hasbin Hotel/Helluva Boss, Supernatural, The Dragon Prince, Breaking Bad, JJBA, Inside Job, Nimona, The Barbie Movie, Call of Duty
4 characters maximum per headcanon request.
I’d love to write for -> (TFA) Sentinel, Ratchet, rarepairs, angst, coregasm, degradation, stepping, sounding, (CoD) Soap, König, Ghost, Graves
Please include the fandom/continuity and themes/kinks you want in your request! If it’s just an ask with characters in it it’ll probably be discarded.
I may tend to write the requests that are not anonymous instead of the anonymous requests or doing the requests in order. The best bet to have your request finished first is to not be on anonymous.
-• Info ‘bout Me •-
I am transgender (female to male) and autistic. @gay4ratchet is my other SFW and TFA/RBA themed side blog. I’m fluent in English, I am currently learning German and need lots more practice. I have a lovely girlfriend (EEE @cyberrose2001 LOVE U POOKIE<3) and am quite happy with my cards in life, so to speak.
-• Tags •-
#valveplug -> where the nasties are.
#micro talks -> random thoughts, anons talking or asking questions, rambles or opinions on ideas.
#reblog wednesdays -> art or the occasional fic I reblog on wednesdays (CDT time).
#pick a fic -> where all of the Pick-A-Fic polls and fics are.
#micro matchups -> where all of the matchups are. they’re very personalized to individual people/not meant for every reader.
#love letter -> all of the love letters.
#nsfw alphabet -> all of the nsfw alphabets.
#micro’s kinktober -> where you’ll find all of the kinktober (and the kinkcember extension)event posts and fics.
#micro doodles -> where you'll find all of my art
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aphroditelovesu · 3 years ago
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Please, follow the rules or else you will be blocked.
Anonymous requests are accepted;
Please, send your request via inbox as I forget it easily if sent elsewhere;
I do NOT support or romanticize pedophilia, zoophilia and necrophilia nor do I write for these things;
Any type of misogynistic, hate, racist or discriminatory comment will get you blocked;
If you're homophobic, transphobic, racist or any other form of hate, you are not welcome here;
I won't write NSFW with any underage character or characters who possess a childish personality/appearance;
I won't write things as scat and piss (sorry, not comfortable with that);
In NSFW, if the reader's gender isn't mentioned, they will be female (if you want a male reader, feel free to ask);
I write for any gender, if it's not specified, I usually leave it on neutral, but you're free to request for your gender preference;
When making your request, please specify whether it is an imagine, headcanon, reaction, scenario or blurb;
I don't mind writing incest but please be reasonable with this theme;
This blog is recommended for people over 16 years old due to it containing dark and sometimes NSFW themes. If you are younger than that, I ask that you proceed with caution;
My mother tongue isn't english, so, mistakes will be made because of it, feel free to correct me at any point.
What I do write:
Dark, Angst, Yandere, Non-Yandere, Soft Yandere and more;
Kinks, NSFW (your request will be analyzed beforehand);
Headcanons, One-shots, Imagines, Scenarios, reactions, Love Letters, Prompts and Dating X Would Include;
Fluff, SFW, Alphabets;
Bots in character ai/c.ai.
With who I write:
This is my fandom list for now, but I can always add new ones if you want.
Attack on Titan, Amensia, Death Note, Demon Slayer, Diabolik Lovers, Fruits Basket, Haikyuu!!, Hakuoki, Hunter x Hunter, Jujutsu Kaisen, Kamigami no Asobi, Naruto, Mirai Nikki, One Piece, Blood of Zeus, Castlevania.
Percy Jackson series/Rick Riordan Universe, Harry Potter, A Song of Ice and Fire, Pegasus and The Flame of Olympus (series), IT., A Court of Thorns and Roses (ACOTAR), Throne of Glass, Crescent City, The Bridgertons, Twilight, The Lord of the Rings, The Cruel Prince: The Folk of the Air, The Hunger Games, The Phantom of the Opera.
Genshin Impact, Detroit Become Human, Mystic Messenger, Time Princess Dress Up (TP: characters), Yandere Simulator, My Candy Love (Amour Sucré), Arkyos Angel, A Plague Tale, Baldur's Gate 3, Dead By Daylight, Friday the 13th, Civilization VI, Baldur's Gate.
BTS, BLACKPINK, GOT7, EXO, BIGBANG, TWICE, AESPA, Stray Kids, ITZY, Hyuna and Dawn, Red Velvet, NCT, Monsta X, Taemin, Dreamcatcher, LE SSERAFIM, (G)I-DLE.
Game of Thrones, House of the Dragon, The Originals, The Vampire Diaries, Teen Wolf, Supernatural, Outer Banks, Friends, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Euphoria, Reign, Bridgerton, The Flash, Supergirl, Outlander, American Horror Story, Wednesday, Riverdale, Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, The Sandman, Lucifer, Winx Club, Ragnarok, The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power, Invisible City (Cidade Invisível), Shadow and Bone, Adventure Time, The Witcher, Rebelde MX (RBD), Heartstopper, Rebelde (Netflix), The Spanish Princess, The White Princess, Hannibal, Criminal Minds, The Last Kingdom, The Boys.
Disney Universe, Marvel Universe, DC Universe, Maze Runner, Halloween, Friday the 13th, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, A Nightmare on Elm Street, Transformers, How to Train Your Dragon, Miraculous, Ever After High, Monster High, Barbie Universe, Christmas Movies, Maze Runner, Avatar, Twilight, Star Wars, Gladiator 1 and 2.
My Demon, Bussiness Proposal, Doom At Your Service, Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha, Crash Landing on You, My Name, Mr Queen, King the Land.
Greek, Egyptian, Norse Mythology and Brazilian Folklore.
Alexander the Great, Cleopatra, Caesar Augustus, Julius Caesar, Baldwin IV, Henry VIII, Napoleon Bonaparte, Charles Brandon, Anne Boleyn, Catherine of Aragon and others.
Among many others, just ask and I will do it. If you're unsure about some fandom or character in particular, feel free to send me and DM or an ask! ❤️
taken anon's: O-, 👀, 🌓, 🪷, 👒, 🧚‍♀️, 🧋, 💻, 💌.
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caitlinsnicket · 3 years ago
˚꒰ masterlist ; ft. fast and furious, the witcher, his dark materials, arcane, +more
╭・ fandoms; tua, fast and furious, hdm, arcane, maos, it 2, the witcher, fbawtft, sw, supernatural, man from uncle.
┊ last updated; 26/04/2022
╰・ how to naivgate; ‘singles’ represent one shots/headcanons , ‘albums’ are multipart fics/series, the ‘times’ showed are the amount of fics for that specific fandom, & all ‘remixes’ are headcanons with multiple characters.
꒰ 𑁬♡໒ ꒱ - arcane
0:00  ──────────── 0:23
╭・ remixes
001. how they kiss you - [hc], sfw
002. how they kiss you pt. 2 - [hc], sfw
005. you wear their shirt - [hc], nsfw
003. pet names for you - [hc], nsfw
004. pet names for you pt. 2 - [hc], sfw
006. body worshipping them - [hc], nsfw
007. accidentally calling them mommy/daddy - [hc], nsfw
008. you’re inexperienced - [hc], nsfw
009. you ask to draw them - [hc], nsfw
010. they are inexperienced - [hc], nsfw
011. their first kiss with you - [hc], sfw
012. them being touch starved - [hc], nsfw
013. you have huge/small boobs - [hc], nsfw
014. you peg them for the first time - [hc], nsfw
015. they meet your parents - [hc], sfw
016. you wear a leash - [hc], nsfw
017. you on your period - [hc], nsfw
001. inexperienced jinx with a inexperienced, shy girlfriend - [hc], nfsw
002. pretty please - [one-shot], nsfw
003. jinx being supportive of you woking out - [hc], sfw
004. jinx with a possessive, jealous and insecure reader - [hc], nsfw
┊ silco
001. pearl - [one-shot], sfw
┊ ekko
001. frustrated ekko - [hc], nsfw
╰・ vi
001. appreciation - [one-shot], nsfw
꒰ 𑁬♡໒ ꒱ - fast and furious
0:00  ──────────── 0:17
╭・ deckard shaw
001. jealous deckard shaw - [hc], nsfw
002. sfw alphabet - sfw
003. nsfw alphabet - nsfw
004. possessive deckard shaw - [hc], nsfw
005. soft deckard shaw - [hc], sfw
006. deckard making up to you - [hc], sfw
┊ luke hobbs
001. sfw alphabet - sfw
┊ brixton lore
001. sick s/o - [hc], sfw
002. touch starved - [hc], sfw
003. soft brixton - [hc], nsfw
004. nsfw alphabet - nsfw
005. in love brixton - [hc], sfw
┊tej parker
001. jealous tej - [hc], nsfw
002. soft tej - [hc], sfw
┊ brian o'conner
001. nsfw alphabet
╰・ remixes
0.1. how they kiss you - sfw
0.2. where they like to kiss you - sfw
꒰ 𑁬♡໒ ꒱ - the witcher
0:00  ──────────── 0:11
╭・ jaskier
001. taking care of you in your period - [hc], sfw
002. bittersweet tragedy - [completed], sfw
001. the child surprise - sfw
002. lingerie - [hc], nsfw
003. touch starved geralt - [hc], nsfw
004. taking care of you in your period - [hc], sfw
┊ jaskier ft. geralt
001. being in a poly relationship¹ - [hc], nsfw
002. being in a poly relationship² - [hc], nsfw
003. raising ciri - [hc], sfw
004. intimacy - [hc], nsfw
╰・ remixes
001. traveling with the party - [hc], sfw
002. how they kiss you - [hc], sfw
꒰ 𑁬♡໒ ꒱ - his dark materials
0:00  ──────────── 0:10
╭・ lee scoresby
001. what about it? what about us? - [hiatus], sfw
002. reencounter - [imagine], sfw
003. perhaps a family - [imagine], sfw
004. surprise! - [imagine], sfw
005. heroic entrance - [imagine], sfw
006. why are you on your knees? - [imagine], sfw
007. jealouslee - [imagine], sfw
008. nsfw alphabet pt. 1
009. nsfw alphabet pt. 2
010. sfw alphabet
꒰ 𑁬♡໒ ꒱ - star wars
0:00  ──────────── 0:01
╭・ cobb vanth
001. bored - [one-shot], nsfw
꒰ 𑁬♡໒ ꒱ - the umbrella academy
0:00  ──────────── 0:03
╭・ diego hargreeves
001. cuddles and kisses - [imagine], nsfw
002. diego is a softie - [imagine], sfw
003. touch starved diego - [hc], sfw
╰・ remixes
001. giving birth with the hargreeves - [hc], sfw, platonic
꒰ 𑁬♡໒ ꒱ - fantastic beasts and where to find them
0:00  ──────────── 0:01
╭・ newt scamander
001. sfw alphabet
꒰ 𑁬♡໒ ꒱ - it: chapter 2
0:00  ──────────── 0:03
╭・ richie tozier
001. sfw alphabet
┊ ben hanscom
001. sfw alphabet
╰・ remixes
001. how they kiss you - [hc], sfw
꒰ 𑁬♡໒ ꒱ - supernatural
0:00  ──────────── 0:01
╭・ dean winchester
001. don’t say it - [one-shot], sfw
꒰ 𑁬♡໒ ꒱ - agents of s.h.i.e.l.d.
0:00  ──────────── 0:07
╭・ fitzsimmons
001. ties - [one-shot], nsfw
002. 80’s music - [one-shot], sfw
┊ mackelena
001. 1+1 makes three - [one-shot], sfw
╰・ deke shaw
001. why not? - [one-shot], sfw
002. beautiful brain - [one-shot], sfw
003. taking a nap - [one-shot], sfw
004. baby, you’re huge! - [one-shot], sfw
꒰ 𑁬♡໒ ꒱ - the man from u.n.c.l.e.
0:00  ──────────── 0:01
╭・ remixes
001. how they kiss you - [hc], sfw
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wizardofrozz · 3 years ago
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18+ (adult themes) - 🔞; Fluff - ☁️; Angst/Hurt - ⚡️; Comedy - 😂; Dark themes - 🖤; Horror/supernatural themes - 💀
OC Introduction (Nali)
25 days of Life Day Masterlist ☁️🔞😂
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Slavery AU ⚡️☁️🖤 (No pairing)
Rebel Heart ⚡️ (No pairing) (submission for Force Fatale Zine)
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Setting the Mood 🔞😂 (Anakin Skywalker x Jedi!Reader)
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The Gift of Vulnerability ☁️🔞 (Commander Fox x Senator!Reader)
Crescendo ☁️ (Commander Fox x Fem!Senator!Reader) (submission for Clone Fic Exchange)
Shadow Play 🔞☁️ (Commander Fox x Fem!Senator!Reader)
Golden Hour 🔞 (Commander Fox x fem!reader)
Above Coruscant Part 1🔞☁️ (Commander Fox x reader)
Above Coruscant Part 2 🔞 (Commander Fox x reader)
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Aftermath ⚡️☁️ (Commander Thorn x senator aid!reader)
Pictures or It Didn't Happen 🔞 (Commander Thorn x reader)
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Unnamed one-shot 🔞☁️ (Kix x OC: Nali Bosac) WIP
Eternal Embers ☁️ (Kix x reader) (Monster AU submission for Pineapple's Halloween Party)
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Always Yours 🔞⚡️(Commander Cody x fem!reader)
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Promise?  🔞 (TBB Hunter x fem!reader)
Restrained 🔞 (TBB Hunter x fem!reader)
The First of Many ☁️ (TBB Hunter x GN!reader)
Winter Adventure ☁️ (TBB Hunter x reader) (submission for Clone Fic Exchange)
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Fire and Rain ⚡️☁️ (Commander Wolffe x gn!reader)
Dancing with Wolves 🔞 (Commander Wolffe x fem!reader x OC Sawbones)
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OC Introduction: Sawbones
Backstory ⚡️
SFW Alphabet
NSFW Alphabet 🔞
Tell Me ⚡️ (Sawbones and CT-2525 Quarter)
Love It When You Hate Me ☁️⚡ (Sawbones x reader)
For Tonight ☁️ 🔞 (Sawbones x reader)
Worth the Credits 🔞 (Sawbones x reader)
Blue Milk Pancakes ⚡☁️ (Sawbones and Keda)
Ghosts of Kamino ⚡️
Sawbones Art
Through the Darkness ☁️ (Sawbones x jedi!reader)
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Learning to Trust ☁️ (Ordo Skirata x reader) (Clone x reader Bingo 2023)
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Fall Into Me ☁️ (Clone Trooper Hardcase x GN!reader)
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A Holo for the Ages ☁️ (ARC Trooper Echo x reader)
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Ignite the Stars Masterlist ⚡️🖤☁️ (Darth Vader x Sith!Reader)
94 notes · View notes
strawberrieas · 4 years ago
Don’t know if this counts as hcs or not but sfw alphabet with Tsukasa? I love your writing :>
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# GENRE. general, fluff
# RUNDOWN. sfw alphabet with tsukasa
# WARNINGS. genderneutral reader, not proof read, lil mention of blood and gore, it’s tsukasa you know what’s up.
# NOTE. i’ve never done sfw alphabet i like this 🤔 and i enjoyed writing it, thanks anon (●’◡’●)
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a - affection ;; how affectionate are they? how do they show affection?
Very. Even once you’re together and especially after you are, there won’t be a moment where he’s not clinging to you whenever the two of you are together. He usually shows it through physical touch or acts of service so be ready to have him touching you in one way or another and refusing to leave your side or let you leave his.
b - best friend ;; what are they like as a best friend?
Extremely energetic to the point where it’s appalling how much energy can be wrapped up in such a small body. Whenever you’re together he’s very talkative and always likes to pry, he’ll always want to know more and be in your business. Always manages to keep you entertained and make you feel included, beware of his possessiveness and sadistic personality though, while you’re still friends you aren’t pardoned from that side of him.
c - cuddling ;; do they like to cuddle? how and when?
Absolutely. Any time and any position, Tsukasa is one clingy mfer. He’ll insist on you carrying him on your back or sitting on your lap when the two of you are chilling, wrapping his legs around your shoulders and his arms around your head when you’re in class no matter how bothersome it might be for you, etc. He has absolutely no shame.
d - domestic ;; are they any good at cooking and/or cleaning?
Tsukasa should never be trusted around an oven or any cleaning supplies, not only because he can’t cook or clean for shit but because he’ll go out of his way to make things more difficult for everyone. He most certainly has and will try to put bleach in a food or drink and give it to someone as a “joke” because he wants to see what will happen.
e - effort ;; how much effort do they put into the relationship?
A lot, Tsukasa may always be super playful but he’s also really dedicated and willing to do anything on your behalf or for you.
f - fear ;; what do they do when their partner is scared?
He’s 100% terrible at comforting people and will probably resort to trying to get rid of whatever is scaring you, then coming back to you and proudly stating that he solved the issue and there’s no reason for you to be afraid anymore. If he can’t fix it directly then he’ll try to distract you instead. If your fear is something small and not all that serious, i.e. being afraid of bugs or spiders, scared of heights, etc. then he will joke about it when the time is right.
g - gentle ;; how gentle are they with their partner, physically and emotionally?
Not that much, he’s very over the top and loud so if you get overwhelmed easily it probably won’t work out. He still treats you with a bit more care than he does others and will occasionally stop himself if he realizes that something he’s going to say might hurt your feelings, but he won’t handle you like you’re delicate or anything since he has no filter.
h - honesty ;; would they lie to their partner?
Tsukasa will lie. Whether or not you’ll be able to catch them when he tells them is entirely up to you, but if he feels like there’s something you don’t need to know or he doesn’t want to share he’ll do it without hesitation since he believes it’s better if you’re left in the dark, especially regarding apparitions or anything supernatural. If you do catch him in a lie, he’ll play it off like it’s nothing and change the subject so he can avoid telling the truth, even if you already know by now that he’s lying. He gets irritated if you try to pry.
i - intimacy ;; do they enjoy being close to their partner?
Without a doubt. He’ll be at your side and you’ll be at his at all times, Tsukasa doesn’t understand the concept of personal space and you’ll be the first to know it.
j - jealousy ;; do they get jealous easily? how do they act?
He does, especially when anyone other than him is getting your attention for longer than he deems necessary. He’s extremely possessive and doesn’t like others getting too close to you, he trusts that you’re loyal but doesn’t have that same kind of patience for everyone else near you, and he’ll be keeping an eye out at all times so nothings getting by him. Don’t be surprised if a guy who’s been trying to subtlety flirt with you is suddenly no where to be seen and actively avoids you the next time you see him bruised and in a cast days later. If you know Tsukasa well enough to know he had something to do with it and confront him about it, he’ll act like he has no idea what you’re talking about and play dumb with an innocent yet knowing look on his face. Good luck trying to get him to fess up.
k - kisses ;; where do they like to kiss their partner? how often?
All over your face and neck and very often. Likes to pepper your face with kisses when he’s clinging to your front or on your neck when he’s on your back and resting his head on your shoulder.
l - love ;; when they say ‘i love you’ how often is it? do they prefer to say or show it?
Very often, he says it whenever you do something remotely interesting or that makes him happy, he has no preference as long as he’s getting the message across and you know he means it.
m - mornings ;; how are mornings spent with them?
Tsukasa is bombarding you the moment you step into the school and talking your ear off about the last thing he found remarkable, the latest rumor that was spread, or any antics he’s been up to with Sakura and Natsuhiko all while dragging you to the broadcasting room. You get a lot of weird looks from your friends and other students when they see you being pulled away and talking to an invisible force instead of going to your first period.
n - nicknames ;; what do they like to call their s/o? do they like nicknames?
Tsukasa prefers to just call you by your name or a shortened version of it; he doesn’t mind whatever you call him, in fact he’ll love it and insist you keep calling him it if you do give him a nickname. Will definitely brag to Sakura about it. She won’t care all that much, but she’s obligated to listen.
o - out of ordinary ;; what’s something they normally don’t do for their s/o?
Tsukasa isn’t willing to let you get involved in any matter that involves apparitions that are out of line. Whether you’re strong or not, he views you as someone that he’s obligated to protect and won’t let you get in harms way, even if that means having to manipulate or lie to you in order to keep you away from it.
p - pda ;; are they okay with showing affection in public? are they the type to brag?
He isn’t at all ashamed of showing his affection in public and will brag about you to anyone who will listen. If they won’t listen, he’ll make them listen.
q - quizzes ;; how much do they remember about their s/o?
Tsukasa might seem careless at times but he’s very observant and will remember anything about yourself that you tell him or that he picks up on his own. He also likes to watch you even when you don’t realize he’s there so there will be times when he brings up something that you eventually realize you never told him and he doesn’t give a direct answer when you ask him how he found out.
r - romance ;; are they the romantic type?
Tsukasa is affectionate and clingy but he’s not romantic. He considers anytime the two of you hang out a date and doesn’t know a thing about romance. Doesn’t see the importance of things like flowers as gifts since he finds them useless but will get you some if it’ll make you happy.
s - security ;; how protective are they?
Very. Tsukasa doesn’t take kindly to anyone threatening or hurting you in any way. I’m sending my prayers to anyone who does because the moment he finds out you’ll either never see them again or when you do they’ll be an unrecognizable monster or pile of limbs. It’s very unlikely that Tsukasa will ever let you find out what he did if he knows it’ll make you upset though, he’ll just show up later claiming that he “dealt with them”.
t - trust ;; how much do they trust their s/o?
Tsukasa respects and puts a lot of trust in you, he’s willing to hear you out and heed your advice because he trusts that you’ll make the right decisions. You are one of the very few people he’ll trust with certain tasks.
u - understanding ;; are they a good listener?
Yes and no. Tsukasa pays attention to you and everything you do nearly 24/7, like I said he is willing to hear you out, but he’s also unruly and stubborn so getting him to listen to you if it’s not important will be a task. If you actually need someone to confide in, however, then he’ll gladly sit still while you rant to him (mostly because he’s nosy and wants to help in a way that’ll probably involve more violence than necessary if it’s about a specific person).
v - vulnerable ;; how long until they allow themselves to be vulnerable around you?
I wouldn’t call it vulnerable since that wouldn’t be how he sees it. Once he starts getting more open with you (which will most certainly take a while) it’ll be him being more comfortable doing things for you and respecting you rather than looking down on you like he does to nearly everyone else.
w - wild card ;; a random head canon or story about their relationship with their s/o
Once Tsukasa barged into your classroom during school showing off a bloodied organ in his just as bloodied hands, claiming that he found it intriguing and wanted to show it off to you. You got sent out of class and to the nurses office because the teacher and students thought there was something wrong with you when you randomly started gagging and vomited in the middle of the lesson while staring at nothing (in their eyes) with a horrified look on your face. Tsukasa learned his lesson when you informed him that not everyone was okay with such gorey scenery and refused to let him touch you for the next week.
x - xray ;; what would they do if their partner was injured?
He’s out for blood and after getting the name of the culprit out of you he has Sakura help you and goes off on his own to finish whoever had the balls to lay a hand on you. If it wasn’t from anyone in particular and was your own doing, he’ll scold you for getting him worked up over nothing and make fun of you for being careless and getting yourself hurt.
y - yuck ;; what’s something they wouldn’t like?
Tsukasa hates when you ignore him. He’s tenacious and selfish and wants your undivided attention 24/7 so if you want to irk his nerves (though I would highly suggest you not do that) avoiding him or acting like he doesn’t exist is exactly the way to do it. He won’t get angry at you, but he will get very irritated and try to force or guilt trip you into focusing on him again.
z - zzz ;; what’s one of their sleeping habits?
Pretty sure apparitions don’t even need sleep, but if you’re taking a nap in the broadcasting room or something similar then he’ll gladly indulge just so he gets to cuddle with you. If he can’t or doesn’t want to then he just sits and watches you sleep instead, so when you wake up the first thing you see is a pair of mischievous amber eyes staring into your soul.
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creepycassidy · 2 years ago
In the works…
If your req is checked off, that means it’s being worked on currently!! Things will be deleted from + added to this list as they’re finished and requested. Remember to check back in on this frequently as well as my Masterlist!
Doctor Who
The 10th Doctor -
X GN!Reader NSFW HCs ✅
The Toymaker -
NSFW Alphabet ✅
SFW Alphabet ✅
Toymaker x Transmasc!Reader ✅
Crowley -
NSFW Alphabet ✅
The Black Phone
The Grabber -
The Grabber x Anxious Reader - HCs
Alternate Universe!Albert Shaw -
Alt Al x Anxious Reader - HCs ✅
Alt Al x Timid, Virgin Reader - One shot
Alt Al x Reader on their period - HCs
Alt Al and Adopted Child!Reader - HCs
Alt Al x Reader who draws - HCs
The Thing (1982)
Palmer -
Non-con Thing!Palmer x Reader - one shot
Romantic Thing!Palmer x Reader - (idk what this is gonna be yet)
Fuchs -
Fuchs x Reader - HCs
NSFW Mac x Gn!Reader HCs
Jaws (1975)
Matt Hooper -
Matt Hooper x Timid Male Reader during a panic attack - HCs
Near Dark
Severen x Reader - turning reader - HCs
Severen NSFW Alphabet ✅
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