#superimposing navamsa
taurianskies7 · 3 years
Superimposing the Navamsa (D9) chart
I was practising with my own chart, wanting to see how the energies work and all, since my Libra rising is same in both I don’t particularly need to worry about that, some placements that have stood out while doing this is: Sun in Taurus (D1) becomes Sun in Capricorn (D9), the obvious themes of 8th house gets funnelled down into a focus towards the 4th house (which makes sense because goddamn I want a decent home-life after I’m older) and it can be seen like that too but just seeing the placements also helps. Capricorn is 9th from Taurus, not counting the zodiac placement for a moment, Sun is doing decently well here (it likes the 9th house) but the Saturnian influence can be oppressive, delayed, almost suffocating. It does make sense, Sun in D1 isn’t doing that great in my chart and often times, in order to escape from my father’s oppression & distressing control over me I often look at my Higher Studies & Foreign Lands, both of which I KNOW I must pursue to shake off the shadows of my father’s control over my life, it’s kinda the only way I can get away. My approach towards Higher Studies is also very traditional, in a sense that I’m planning to go the whole way and get a few Masters, even a PHD if I’m able to. Don’t get me wrong, studying drains me and it feels like I have to be fully disciplined in order to succeed but I always feel the subtle responsibility to pursue this path. I MUST, if I don’t succeed in my studies, then what’s the worth of me? (The themes of self-worth = continuous need for material success/recognition that comes with Capricorn Sun) Jupiter in Taurus (D1) becomes Jupiter in Cancer (D9), the obvious themes of Jupiter in the 8th house of learning and developing more insight of deeper, dark themes, even occult gets translated later in the 10th house, as maybe, some sort of teacher/guru figure in the public eye concerning these issues. This is probably one of the placements that give me some hope in life, lol. More specifically though, Cancer is 3rd from Taurus. It all ties up. I’ve always wanted to be a writer, majorly interested in writing, and still I’ve always felt like I wanted to dig into my emotions, the stuff that I encountered while living with my family and in my homeland, I’ve always felt like I’ve wanted to be a new pioneer writer from Nepal, let’s say. The thing is, in my current life just figuring out my D1, I’ve always felt like my writing career was going to be reserved for later in life, after I’ve accumulated enough skill and knowledge (might explain why I’m not fully ready or skilled enough to tackle subjects I want to), I want to help people with my words, my communication, I don’t know how I’m going to but that is definitely on my bucket-list/life goals to achieve if I survive long enough. Saturn in Taurus (D1) becomes Saturn in Pisces (D9), asides from the obvious Saturn being in the 8th house & 6th house making it beneficial in a way that it suppresses a lot of the malefic parts of each house, both effects I’ve seen through observation of my life (You might argue that Saturn’s effect isn’t fully there, especially not of the D9, don’t @me I’ve been going through both a Saturn Mahadasha and Sade Sati for a w h i l e). Pisces is 11th from Taurus. The lack that comes from Taurus Saturn especially with stability, basic needs and the sense of home is very prominent witth Saturn’s touch, the only way I’ve ever been able to restore any sense of that is through the larger networks of the 11th house, friends, strangers, the internet and in general too, those have played a role in shaping my larger identity with groups. One of the key reasons why I relate and feel a sense of belonging from foreign lands and people (especially overseas as Pisces is the original 12th house, it talks about universally feeling almost) largely gets explained by these placements. The darker side of this was also present, because of the lack of beauty, money and self of inner worth (Taurus themes) my larger friend group had completely dissolved, abandoned and I was largely isolated from connecting with friends in school & society (Pisces themes), the only way I managed to get out to that was through fictional escapism, creative pursuits & greater understanding of empathy and emotions (Pisces themes again) that eventually led (is leading at least) to a sense of stability in personal worth. I was also going through a whole “ugly duckling” phase that largely and negatively restricted my feelings of self-worth.  So yeah, this has been the post with my three placements. I wasn’t kidding when I said I had a Taurus stellium. Keep in mind, though, I haven’t really included the conjunctions and aspects that would come with bringing planets from the Navamsa and comparing it with the Natal chart. You can learn more from here.
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