tempportal · 4 years
“Well, the good news is,” Five said, and that wasn’t usually the one he liked to lead in with, but clearly it was going to be a day of exceptions, and not rules, “you got in and out so fast, I don’t think anybody actually got a good look at you.” 
Could that even be called good news? Could Five actually call that good news? When he stopped to think about it, a little time behind bars might sober Klaus up for good. (Or it might traumatize Klaus beyond description, as prisons did tend to, but these things were never predictable, and the chances were fifty-fifty. Five liked those odds.)    
“But the bad news is,” he picked one of the many, many little golden jars up off the table, “you were so high, the only thing you stole was a hell of a lot of honey. And no, I don’t know why, either. You never cared to enlighten me last night.”
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@superhighgoodbye​​ ; liked 
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@superhighgoodbye​ asked: "My leg fell asleep, one sec…" for Five Hargreeves
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Five stared his most useless sibling down. Gritting his teeth, he replied, “We don’t have time to waste. Maybe if you didn’t sit on your ass all day, you’d be in better shape,” he commented.
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apocalypsxridden · 4 years
@superhighgoodbye​ asked: " I felt like I was an old cardigan “
A sigh rolls past his lips for the third time since he started talking. Five is this close to just ignoring the other completely. How long until Klaus realizes he doesn’t give a shit about his weird personal stories? Does he even care?
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“ I’m not going to ask what that means . “ He grumbles after a moment of expectant silence.       “ But something tells me you’re going to explain it to me anyway . “
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@superhighgoodbye X:
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Some things rarely ever changed: he should have been used to it by now. The people, who got a nut for a brain, when they were children, couldn’t miraculously grow a bigger one over the years. Especially, when the said people were his siblings: the most immature people in the history of immaturity. It was a miracle they were still alive -well, most of them at least-.
Thousands were the words that threatened to escape his lips: snide comments ready to answer the other’s protest. After giving it a second thought, though, he reached at the conclusion that Klaus wasn’t worth his energy, his efforts. “I am looking for something. But judging from /this/” Index finger pointing at Klaus. “I doubt you have the slightest of a capability to even stand on your feet.”
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stxrryspxce · 4 years
Jennifer brushed her blonde hair back with her fingers as she navigated her way through the airport, pulling her suitcase behind her. She had packed in a rush so the suitcase was much smaller than it reasonably should’ve been but she didn’t care. Allison had called her yesterday morning, explaining why she hadn’t answered any of Jen’s texts or phone calls in the last 24 hours and before Allison asked for her to come down, she had booked a flight, knowing that, from the way she had described her family, she would need the extra support. She followed the signs to the exit and hailed a cab quickly.
It was a short trip from the airport to the Hargreeves Mansion, where Allison asked for Jen to meet her, and she unloaded her bag from the cab and paid before entering quickly through the big, and rather ominous, black gates. She huddled under the awning over the front door, wet and freezing since it was cold and raining, and she knocked. She knocked a few times before finally deciding to enter, stomping her feet out on the carpet and taking her soaking wet shoes off.
“Alli?” Jen called out in the house as she took her wet jacket off and hung it on the coat rack beside the door. She most certainly felt out of place, and a bit like she was imposing since she was in a house she didn’t know with people going through a time of grieving. She placed her suitcase by the door before facing the inside of the house again, only to see a man walking through the house, obviously surprised by her arrival.
“Hi,” She greeted, offering him a nice smile despite her being extremely cold and extremely wet. “Um, I'm Jennifer, Allison’s friend. Is she here?” She asked as a chill ran down her spine. “She asked me to meet her here. Sorry for interrupting anything.” She said and frowned lightly. “I’m sorry for your loss, by the way. Losing a parent is hard.” She hoped that the man was one of Allison’s brothers in hopes to avoid an awkward denial of condolences on his part.
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soldierqueer · 4 years
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[ @superhighgoodbye​ liked for a starter ]
Oh, HIM again. Dave sighed and continued his work, pointedly ignoring the man standing in the shop. Dave had work to do and he’d already made it clear that whoever this man was, he couldn’t save him from fighting. He’d already enlisted anyway. His uncle had made sure of that. Dave was stocking the shelves with more paint, feeling the eyes of the figure on his back. He sighed and turned around, finally addressing him. “If my uncle sees you here, he’ll have both our heads.” He warned. 
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familiaanteomnia · 4 years
❛ why can’t I come with you? ❜ for Diego
confronting   sentence   prompts
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"I’m heading to the gym for a fight.” Klaus would probably keep on persisting; maybe even despite the reason. Easier to just be upfront than stand around for more questions; possibly the type of behavior Klaus had that made saying no impossible. “Hot headed, drunk people and being busy in the ring. As well out of it so you tagging along seems a bad idea.” 
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conjuredead · 4 years
@superhighgoodbye plotted thing;
   it’s one thing to come snooping in his room, siblings were bound to do that time to time -- another thing is to ransack the place completely as if looking for something. because yeah, he keeps a few stashes hidden away ... for his own sanity and so the old bastard doesn’t find out.
  but those aren’t something klaus is willing to part with, so he lifts his arms up -- ready to throw hands with whomever had burgled their way into his room as easily as that. things that are out of place are as if the stranger knew where to look and boy, does that get him even more riled up. 
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   “look, asshole, i don’t know who you are, but i’ll mess you up good if you don’t quit. those are mine! plus, you’re breaking and entering and i’m pretty sure that’s illegal.”
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changestrajectory · 4 years
@superhighgoodbye​  liked for a LYRIC STARTER
“Believe that life can change; that you’re not stuck in vain.“
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numberfive05 · 5 years
“ if you have something to say, spit it out. ”
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“You know, not everyone has something to say at every single moment.” He would’ve looked comically small under the towering doorframe if it weren’t for the fact that his face was set hardly, even unfitting in a teen’s body. It was too... adult.“But if I really must say it, then I will.” He moved in a few steps, hands shoved deep in the pockets of his school shorts.“Back there, you claimed no one cared about you.” Drug withdrawal was never kind to anyone, a trip of hardships necessary to slide out into something better. It was much more than just physical repercussions. Five himself had been caught off guard at the sudden outburst at dinner.
“You stormed out before you could see everyone’s expressions.” He didn’t know how to comfort someone, or be emotionally sensitive, but he was observant and blunt enough to deliver the message their siblings couldn’t.“You know what I saw?” He slightly tilted his head to the side.“I saw everyone looking lost, not because they didn’t want to help you, but because they don’t know how to help you without you pushing them away. And if they worry sick over something like that, then you should perfectly see that they care. *Don’t sell me a dog.”
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trustthetingle · 4 years
“You sound ghastly, like some 90-year-old woman.” for Diego ;-)
Diego should’ve known this whole ‘take Klaus along’ charade would backfire on him. It always did ( and he never learned - no matter how many times his brain told him to leave without his brother ). It was his own fault , yeah , he knew this. That didn’t stop the frustration from bubbling up inside of him when his brother called him an old maid.
He blinked. Brows lifting towards the sky , like he’d just seen something wild. It was day three of him having this terrible cold ( potential flu , though he’d never admit it ) , and he’d tried everything to get his voice to stop giving up on him. So Klaus’ comment hit harder than it would’ve... in any other situation. “ You know I’m the one in control of the car , right? I can , and I mean this in the most literal sense , kick you out. ” He stole a quick glance at the other through the dashboard mirror.
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tempportal · 4 years
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@superhighgoodbye​​​​ said: “I got kind of lost.”
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“Yes, believe it or not, I have eyes,” Five said, dryly, with a quick arch of his brow at the filthy, bruised-up mess called Klaus Hargreeves in front of him. “And a basic sense of navigation. Clearly much more than you have.” He didn’t know if his brother was on the high or in the crash, but he could tell it was a damn good thing he got here when he did. 
“Come on,” he jerked his head at the dirty, dark street, stretched out for a mile or more before him, and turned on his heel. “The car’s around the corner, if you can even walk a straight line to it, and the others are waiting back at the Academy. Family meeting.” He rolled his eyes. “Try not to get too excited.”      
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goodpeopledie · 5 years
@superhighgoodbye asked: “Why am I still awake?”
Ben glanced over to his brother, they’d been back from a mission for only half an hour. A mission that had taken them farther from home than they’d ever been before. A mission that on the way home from, neither of them had gotten a bit of sleep. He had just been falling asleep when he heard the door creak open and he rubbed a hand over his face as he sat up and then stared at him. 
❝You can’t sleep?❞ He replied and then bit back a yawn. ❝You wanna go down into the library then?❞ He asked as he swung his legs over the edge of his bed and then pushed himself to stand up. 
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mcnocle · 5 years
“Why should I care if you never did?!”
"You are being dramatic Number Four, and I refuse to have this conversation in your current state. If you would stop poisoning yourself for even a day you would realize that everything you perceive about your family and your powers is wrong. The only one who doesn't seem to care is you."
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@superhighgoodbye​ X:
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“Hey, don’t point your finger at me like that!” his voice slightly raised, his eyes revealing a slight frustration that wants to get out.  He had to fight the urge to slap away his brother’s pointing finger but instead he let out a huge sigh, accepting the ongoing comments and opinions from others against himself like he usually did. Or was it ignoring them? Hmmm....
“So, what are we looking for?” once more he took a sip from his drink, expecting his brother to reveal the whole purpose soon. 
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A tangle of ugly words awaited on the tip of his tongue. While he considered his siblings to be of trivial intelligence, Klaus was more than that: he was ridiculous. Constantly childish and immature. It’d be bold of Five to assume that a proper communication could be achieved. That Klaus would understand a single thing. Or cooperate.
“   I brought a folder this morning and placed it RIGHT there.    ” He pointed at the coffee table.  “     And mysteriously enough, it disappeared.    ” It’d been important: the papers inside of it had been important, significant, vital. And it’d taken more than just a little effort for Five to get them. “    So, is there a chance you had something to do with this?    ”
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High | Klaus and Five
@superhighgoodbye liked for a starter
Five didn’t want to ask. It’d been a few days since the world had been saved and the flashbacks to the apocalypse had been near constant. Everything was a reminder that the world hadn’t ended, that the future he’d been a part of was never going to happen. In all respects he should be happy but he found himself spiralling. 
He’d researched solutions and he’d found that certain drugs could help with the symptoms of PTSD and there was no way he was going to see a doctor. He’d be turned away in moments. 
Instead he went to the expert. 
He blinked to Klaus’ room, knocking briefly before walking in. “Klaus, can I have a word?” 
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