dailytodomomo · 6 years
Ever thought about turning the anons on?
Just did! Didn’t realize they were off, tbh.
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izukillme-moved · 5 years
Top 5 characters for Adventure Time (if you've seen or heard about it)
Uhhh… I haven’t, actually. I should probably list what anime I am into right now, so here: 
Fairy Tail
Kuroko’s Basketball
One Piece
Full Metal Alchemist
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madara-fate · 6 years
Did you hear about Tumblr changing its guidelines?
Yeah I heard of it, and it’s a real shame that they’re no longer going to permit NSFW content. Without it, I feel as though the site will lose a large component of what made it appealing - Not the adult content specifically, but the freedom of expression. Tumblr is definitely going to feel a lot more restricted once the new guidelines have been implemented.
I’ve heard many people speculating that this will probably act as a catalyst for Tumblr’s eventual demise, and while I wouldn’t go that far, I will say that if it proves to be true, then the site never had a solid foundation in the first place.
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sinshckled · 5 years
Ever thought about turning the anons on?
★ |  * ⋆                - - - -  INBOX. ⌠ @superdomo360 ⌡
                                                   —   ☆ ☆ ☆   —  
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     Of course I have, it’s a personal preference to have them off --- but I suppose I can turn them on; I wouldn’t mind. 
                                     - - -  * . anonymous asks are [ ON ]  !
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mdelpin · 6 years
Orphaning an Event
superdomo360 replied to your photo: fairytailevents: Fairy Tail Events is open for...
@mdelpin @fairytailevents Out of curiosity, what exactly does “orphaning” an event mean?
Sometimes people host an event for a long time and then life catches up to them. They no longer have the time or the interest to continue doing it. 
If they can’t find someone to take over, the event dies out. We’re hoping that by giving event runners a place to broadcast that their event is up for grabs someone can step up to continue the tradition. Everybody wins!
So basically it’s like it sounds orphaning is putting your event up for adoption! ;)
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impracticaldemon · 6 years
Hello. I'm relatively new to Tumblr and I'm looking to do fanfic requests for a bunch of fandoms, Fairy Tail included. I've also made my own prompt/AU list too. If you're ever listened, feel free to let me know. Thank you. And yes, I can do requests for any FT ship if you're interested.
Hi superdomo360!
I apologize that my response got postponed a few times.  Unfortunately, your ask arrived not long after I broke my foot, and shortly before some very circular weather (tornadoes) hit nearby.  I then lost track of a few things including tumblr asks.
While I’m not looking to send fanfic requests myself just now (need to catch up on so much stuff!), I’ll reblog your ask so that others in the Fairy Tail and other fandoms can see that you’re open for business.  :)  Best wishes with the writing, and may your muse inspire you!
~ Imp :)
PS  ...and I just realized that I wrote this over a week ago and accidentally saved back to drafts.  I’m sorry!
PPS I recommend participating in fandom events as a way to get your name and writing out there.  There’s lots going on just for Fairy Tail over the next month, and that’s just one fandom.
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thefreckledone · 6 years
Hello. I'm a relatively new fanfic writer who's looking to draw some attention. I'm also looking to do fanfic requests for anyone who's interested. If you're interested in giving me shout out, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you.
Anyone wanting to get some fanfic requests filled can go check out @superdomo360‘s page! Their request rules can be found here: https://superdomo360.tumblr.com/post/177317856264/fanfiction-requests-rules
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ellayuki · 6 years
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Hey, hi, hello!
Sorry, I meant to answer when I first got it but I can’t while at work and I’ve not spent too much time on tumblr while at home and I just kind of... forgot. I am sorry. 
I will re-read the chapter and see if I manage to churn something out this weekend if I get a few hours to myself. I can’t promise, though, but I WILL try.
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roseylaces · 6 years
Hello. I'm a relatively new fanfic writer who's looking to draw some attention. I'm also looking to do fanfic requests for anyone who's interested. If you're interested in giving me shout out, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you.
oh ofc!!! im super glad u came to me for this despite me only writing fanfics casually lolol ty so much! if anyone wants a fanfic written go check out this person!!
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mythicalheartbeat · 6 years
Hello. I'm a relatively new fanfic writer who's looking to draw some attention. I'm also looking to do fanfic requests for anyone who's interested. If you're interested in giving me shout out, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you.
What sort of things do you write? Like are you a fluff writer? More into angst?
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cozymochi · 6 years
Not sure if you're interested, but...3 sentence meme, Teen!Bulla training in the Gravity Chamber
I actually made this three sentences. (Give or take) Wow.
The room’s redness blinded her as the sweat dripped down her skin, the gravity of the room weighing Bulla down to the floor as she struggled to lift herself up.
Suddenly the whirring stopped and the red light blinked away to reveal the white natural lighting, Bulla felt her body lighten up as she collapsed to the floor - catching her father with his arms folded at the doorway.
Bulla leapt up to her feet and stormed over to her father and as she brushed past him angrily swiping the towel off his shoulder in the process, shouting as she headed down the hallway.
“I hate training!!”
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chikkachu · 6 years
25. Linear or non-linear and why?
I think both have their merits. Depends on how the story is formulated and the quality of the writing. I think non-linear can provide a good twist but it runs the risk of being confusing if the present/past/future scenario’s don’t tie together/have relevance. 
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Crossover Ship: Killua Zoldyck X  Misaka Mikoto
Submitted by @superdomo360
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bladerivalen · 6 years
21 Questions
Rules: Answer the 21 questions, then tag 21 people to get to know them better. Well then, let’s get to it!
Thanks @petri808 and @bmarvels for tagging me!
1) Nickname-Only one I can think of is Blade
2) Zodiac sign-Libra boi
3) Height-5′ 10″
4) Last movie I saw-full way through, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.
5) Last thing I googled-Dungeons & Dragons Wiki page
6) Favorite Musician-At the moment, Sullivan King hands down.
7) Song stuck in my head-Take me Down by Kurro ft. Bianca
8) Other blogs-nope. just this.
9) Do I get ask-i’ve gotten a few but that’s it
10) Following-35
11) Followers-20 (at the time, i didn’t know i had that many!)
12) Amount of sleep-weekday, 7. weekend, 5-6.
13) Lucky number-7
14) What i’m wearing-T-shirt, jeans, socks
15) Dream job-reasonable dream job, bakery owner. Actual dream job, Master weaponsmith.
16) Dream trip-Scotland or New Zealand
17) Favorite food-any kind of spicy asian food that isn’t vegetables
18) Play any instruments-I was in the percussion section of my middle school band but didn’t really do much.
19) Languages-English. That’s it.
20) Favorite song-How dare you make me choose just one?
21) Random facts-none that i can think of.
@dark0angel13 @fairywithajetblackheart @mannyegb @pie--faced @lucielhyung @petri808 @primedemon @kaneki8945 @rosechi @superdomo360 @crystulheart15 @eternal-bookworm-lover @malevolent-magician @thegemibaby @rougescribe @mccnfairy @phoneboxfairy @caandlle @bmarvels @the-magnolian-thug
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izukillme-moved · 6 years
Hi if anyone's looking for someone new to follow I have a list!!
Follow these amazing beans -
@lilyntlrs @wizardwithbrushandpen @grayserigala @mdelpin @iizukii @ice-bringer @icy-dancer @summerbummin @superdomo360 @akichan-th @jinx13gxa2 @yellow-lilys @fairy-tails-basement
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Some more BoruSara fics you might like.
So this message was sent by @superdomo360 thank you very much, i really loved this recommendations💖
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