mayeeeeyy · 3 years
@ynsimagines​ stories masterlist
Tonsils Part 1 Lena x Daughter!reader
Tonsils Part 2 Lena x Daughter! reader
Tonsillitis Part 3: Lena Luthor x Daughter!reader
Supertimes with the Superfriends Chapter 1: M Is For Monopoly
Supertimes with Superfriends Chapter 2: The Best Holiday
Superfun with Superfriends Chapter 3: Twister
Superfun with Superfriends: Chapter 4: Movie Night
Supergirl: Superfun with Superfriends Chapter 5: Clue
B!D gets tortured: Part 1
B!D Gets Tortured: Part 2
Supergirl: B!D gets Tortured Part 3
Supergirl Lena x Daughter!reader Paparazzi.
Supergirl: Lena Luthor x Daughter!reader Paparazzi Pt. 2
Supergirl Request: B!D Gets shot.
Supergirl: Alien Attack Request.
Supergirl: B!D Not Coping.
Supergirl: Alex Scares her Daughter
Supergirl: Supercorp x Daughter!reader Hearing Loss
Supercorp x Daughter!reader Forgotten.
Supercorp x Daughter!reader Bullied
Fun in the Sun (Request) Supercorp x daughter!reader  Anon request
Supergirl Kara Danvers x Daughter!reader Panic Attack
Supergirl Alex x Daughter!reader Hip Surgery.
Supergirl: Baby!Danvers “Seething”
Supergirl Baby!Danvers and the Belt.
Supergirl: Stress Migraine
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nymp21 · 4 years
“Is that alcohol that I smell ?” (SupercorpDaughter reader / Lena x Kara.)
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Summary: You’re the teenage daughter of Kara and Lena. Angry that they didn’t let you go out with your friends during the week, you decide one night to disobey to their orders and go to a party. What will happen when they’ll find out ? Warning: mention of alcohol + angry Mama Lena is very scary. And... I didn’t mean to make it a little angsty + English is not my langage. You waited until you mother was gone doing her supergirl stuff. Because you couldn’t step out of the apartment without her noticing you or hearing you with her superhearing sense. Then you heard your mom going to bed a bit early than usual, but you were not complaining because that meant you were going to partying earlier than planned. Ten minutes after you heard your mom’s bedroom door closed you texted your friends. [I’m downstairs in two minutes!] [About time !] They replied. You grabbed your stuff, checking your make up and your dress, then you exited your room and the apartment walking on your tiptoes to not waking your mom Lena. Because if she found out you were leaving without her permission, you would be dead and buried. Even if you were eighteen and not a child anymore, your parents didn’t allowed you to go out during the week, because : “You have class tomorrow.”. But you found yourself disobeying at their orders by going out during the night. Your mom Kara was busy fighting some creepy guys and your mom Lena was sleeping like a baby or working on her computer assuming you were asleep. So the path was clear. Once you were in your friend’s car they aplaused you “Yeah ! Good you could join us (Y/N) ! Your moms finally letting you out?” “Actually... they don’t know I’m here.” They looked at you with disbelief and quite admiration. “Wait, What ?” said your best friend. « They are going to kill you if they find out.» « Yeah... Exactly : IF they find out » you answered with a smirk. « Well, as you want ! » said Marcus one of your highschool friends. « Here we go guys. Tonight it is the best party ever. It’s Britany’s birthday everyone of the school is there. It’s gonna be awesome » One of the reasons you couldn’t miss it. You were quite upset with your moms. They never let you go out as if they didn’t trust you ! You were pissed off that they took you for a child, but hey ! You were not a child anymore ! And you would have fun tonight ! Plus, the fact that you were doing it beside your moms' interdiction was making it so thrilling! Yeah, it would be an awesome night. Once you arrived at the big house, you saw that there were many people there. The most popular ones. That was so cool. You just spent the porch when someone put a drink in your hands. « Hi ! Cheers !! » The guy was already drunk but you thanked him and drank the glass. You winced. Yerk what was in it ? Vodka ? Whiskey ? You didn’t know but it was strong. Stronger than the drinks you were used to. Usually you drank beer mostly. But why not to try something different tonight ? You went to the kitchen to fill up your glass again with some coke and whiskey. The house was full off people and with difficulties you managed to reach your friends. « I wanna dance » said (YBFFN) « Yeah me too » And you two went to the center of the living room where everyone was dancing. The party went on and you were enjoying yourself, dancing and drinking with your friends. It was almost 2 in the morning when some of you started a drinkin' game with a truth or dare. This was quite fun until some guy, (Davies, you think but at your drunken state you didn’t manage to remember his name) asked you some questions about your parents. « So...(Y/N) are you really the Lena Luthor's daughter ? » « Yeah... smartass ! My family name is Luthor Danvers : you’re quite perceptive » you said rolling you eyes. He chuckled. « So truth or dare ? » He asked. You already had drunk too much alcohol, so you played safety this time. « Truth » « Since you ´re the daughter of the famous Lena Luthor, I wonder, have you ever talked to supergirl ? » Ok... (Y/N) don’t mess this up, they must not know that supergirl is your mom too. « Yeah ! She is... my mom’s friend. » « Awesome ! Is she really as cool and badass as she seems ?! » Your BFF who knew that supergirl was Kara, frowned and gently pushed the guy. « Davies, that makes two questions. It’s my turn to choose.» The boy apologised and you smiled at him. Thinkin' about how cool your mother was indeed. You were so proud to be her daughter. Even if you couldn’t tell anyone, to protect her secret identity. You were proud of both of your mother really but it was easiest to talk about your admiration for your mom Lena in public, than for Supergirl, because of this secret identity stuff and all. You were deep in your thoughts when one of your friends snaped his fingers in front of you, bringing you back to reality. « Wh-what ? » you said a bit drunk. « Truth or dare (Y/N) » You had too many drinks to do some truth. Too risky. « Dare ! » « I dare you to drink all of these vodka’s shots right now. » You stared at the glasses full of vodka and winced in disgust... you hated vodka really. Maybe you should choose the truth. « I knew it... she is a coward » chuckled a girl. You glared at her, stood and took one of the glasses on your hand. You hated being called a coward and you loved challenges. Your eyes had this spark of fierce and determination. You were going to show them that you were your moms daughter : unstoppable ! God you were not going to make it home. You would be too drunk after that ! « I’m gonna shoe... sh...show you if i’m a coward ! I bet I can drink all of them in 10 seconds ! » « And I bet you are not going to do that (Y/N)! » You froze hearing that voice you knew too well behind you. You saw your friends eyes open wide. The silence filled the room. Davies broke it : « Oh my god ! It is Supergirl. » Shit... you were in trouble. You turned yourself to face her. Instead of the smile she always had in public, she had the momma angry stare on her face. You gulped. Arms crossed on her chest, Kara was looking at you sternly, as if she dared you to drink these shots. « Oh... » you calmed yourself to not showing your fear. « Supergirl ! What a... sur... suprise !! What are you doing here ? » Hey you didn’t want your friends see you being sermonize. Then Kara smiled but not a nice one. More a sarcastic smile... « Your mom found your bedroom empty... she had traced your phone and asked me to bring your home. » Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit ! If you were in trouble by Kara’s knowing you were here, that was nothing compared to Lena’s knowing you were at a party ! You were soooo dead... « Woah so cool ! You’re going home with Supergirl ! » « Davies » said your BFF « Yeah ? » « Shut up ! » You looked at (YBFFN) who gave you a knowing look and an encouraging smile. Then you felt Your mom’s arm around yout waist. « Well if you would like to excuse us... I have to take this in trouble lady home. But all of you must do the same ! You have class tomorrow ! » And then you were flying across the city. Feeling the fresh her on your face began to clear your thoughts. Your arms around your mother’s neck you felt bad... she was mad at you, you could tell because she wasn’t even looking at you. « Mom... I’m sorry I... » you began but she interrupted you. « We’ll discuss this at home.” she said sternly. Kara felt bad too, because she didn’t want to be so harsh with you. But she had heard the panic in her wife’s voice and she felt it too, the fear that something could've happened to you. After all... she was supergirl and someone could have been threatening her... and hurting you. That’s why she and Lena were mad. But she didn’t want to talk to you without Lena, because she knew she had a soft spot for you. Kara was always too conciliant with you and sometimes, like this time, she knew she must not be. You didn’t respond, because suddenly you felt you were going to vomit. You didn’t know if it was because of the alcohol, the flight or maybe both. Fortunately, you arrived at the balcony of the apartment. The light was on... Lena was, obviously, awake and she was waiting on the sofa. She stood up when she saw you two enter. You didn’t dare to look at her in the eyes, but you felt her gaze on you. “She was at a party...” Said Kara. “Oh you’ve got to be kidding me !" she exclamed. "Do you know how much we were worried about you ?!” She asked anger in her voice. You kept your eyes down, not wanting to look at her. Because you were afraid of what you could see in her eyes. “You weren’t supposed to find out...” You heard the hiss in her tone. She wasn’t pleased by what you just said. “Do you think we are fools (Y/N) ?” “No Mom... never.” “Look at me.” And you obeyed. She was in her blue pyjamas, arms crossed on her chest, panting maybe because of the anger that you could read in her eyes and body reactions. Your mother Kara was beside her, a hand on her shoulder trying to comfort her, maybe to temporize her a little. Because, yeah she was furious. If looks could kill, you would be dead by now. “You leave the house at night without permission and then you go to a party. Do you think we didn’t notice ?” Asked your mother Kara. You didn’t answer because you had anything to say. Then Lena burst out. “For god’s sake (Y/N) ! Do you have any idea how much we were worried that someone has kidnapped you ?! Do you think we do not care about you ? Or maybe you just don’t care about us ?” “Lena...” said Kara, knowing that her wife’s words could hurt you. “Please calm down.” “I can’t !” she just said. “It hadn’t crossed my mind that you might have left by your own. I could say i’m relieved you are ok... but i’m very disapointed !” She sighed. You were quite upset. Because you didn’t want to scare your moms. But you feel a little annoyed too because, they didn’t seem to understand that you needed some freedom. “It wasn’t my intention to scare you mom...” you said, fidgeting. “ I just wanted to go out with my friend. I never can. Because you always forbid me to have fun. It’s like you don’t trust me. I’m eighteen. I’m not a child anymore...” Lena and Kara looked at each others. Then your Mom Lena sighed and seemed to calm down. She gave you a sad look. “I’m sorry you felt that wat babygirl but we don’t want you to put aside school work and going out during the week is not wise. We want you to succeed your studies, to go to college because we want you to have the best future, but for that you have to work hard.” “I’m already working hard mom ! I always have the best marks ! But I want to have fun too ! I need it !” Kara took your hands in hers. “We know sweetheart. And we apologize for having forgotten what being a teenager with some social needs was... Maybe...” she looked at Lena unsure “we could let you go out with your friends more often during weeks, with a time you have to respect too.” “Oh it would be awesome !” You said with a smile ! “But when we say : you go home at 11pm you are here at 11pm no more !” Added Lena with a finger pointed at you. You smiled. “Got it !” “But” Kara began looking at you in the eyes. “You also have to understand that you are not just a common girl. You are ours which means some of our ennemies will always want to hurt you... because you are our daughter. And that’s why we have to know when you’re going out and where too. Mama Lena’s voice was trembling when she called me earlier... you really scared us (Y/N). We love you, and we don’t want you to get hurt or to lose you.” You looked at your mom Lena with tears falling from your eyes. “I’m sorry mom. I didn’t want to scare you.” Then she hugged you tight, kissing the top of your head. “That’s okay now I know you are safe.” Kara hugged the both of you resting her head on yours. And you stayed like this for a moment. Suronding by love and caring. Then you heard your mom Lena said. “You’re still grounded for tonight you know... No more party for two weeks.” “Mooom” you whined. But you know that was vain to argue, because hey, she was Lena Luthor after all. “I can always make it three...” she added, and you sighed knowing that those threats were serious when your mom Lena made it. Plus you were tired. You yawned not realising that she could smell your breath. “That’s alcohol that I smell ?” You closed your mouth abruptly, looking at her, she was rising her bow, as if she was daring you to lie, but a small smirk had fall on her lips. “...no ?” “(Y/N)...” She said warning you... “I’m going to bed...” you ran away, certain that you were in danger right now. “I know what I smelt (Y/N), come back here ! Blow a breath... Come back !” She was chasing you, and you laughed as you tried to escape her. Kara smiled looking at the two of you. She was happy to have you both. You make her life better, brighter.
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supercorpkid · 3 years
A normal day in the Luthor-Danvers house.
Supercorp, Kara Danvers x Daughter!Reader, Lena Luthor x Daughter!Reader
Word count: 1780.
“So then, I took my glasses off, and I swear it was not intentional, but my heat vision went off and I-I blew it right off of Lena’s hand. Man, she was pissed.” You smile and Jamie tries to hold a laughter and it comes out like a squeaky noise.
“Damn. Not a dull moment in the Karlena house.” She recovers herself and smiles to the ground while you consider what she just said.
“Karlena?” You furrow your brows, confused.
“Karlena, duh. Kara plus Lena.” She explains like you didn’t understand in the first place. That wasn’t the problem, you understood.
“What? Jamie, that’s terrible. We all know SuperCorp is like, a lot better.” You wave her off. “Besides, we do have dull moments. It’s not everyday we’re fighting aliens, destroying things or inventing things. Some days we just… Exist.”
“Oh, please. You three wouldn’t know what it’s like to just ‘exist’ if it hit you in the face.” Jamie crosses her legs and arms like she is trying to impose her thought. Sure, most of the times the things that happen with your family are not something people can relate to, but it’s not like you’re aliens… Wait. Nevermind.
“Excuse me.” You try to sound offended. “I admit we’ve been through a lot.”
“Mhm.” She strongly agrees with her head.
“But we’re still pretty much normal most of the time.”
“I think it’s cute you’re trying to convince me that, like I don’t know everything about you and your moms.” She gives a pretentious smile. “But if it will make you feel any better… Why don’t you tell me about the next ‘normal’ day you guys have?”
“Ok, mhm, sure.” You agree with your head taking this as a challenge. And you’re not one to back out from a challenge. “Next time we have a normal day, I’ll tell you all about it, and you’ll see we’re just another normal family.” As soon as your finish with the sentence, you see Maya coming at your direction and both of you just change the subject immediately.
“Hey cuties.” She says with a smile, and you push your bag to the side so you can make room for her on your lunch table. “You cool?”
You give her a nod, and a quick kiss, before looking at Jamie and thinking about the conversation. She wants normal? You will show her normal.
It is very annoying to you that it takes a whole week before you can declare one day as a normal one. And this is a normal day around your house, you know, one filled with dull moments:
“Kid, time to get up.” Kara knocks on your door serving, as always, as your wake-up call. You roll to the side, not getting up, wanting five more minutes.
And as always, five minutes later:
“Come on, babygirl. School. Let’s go.” Lena opens the door and you finally open your eyes.
“Nooo.” You complain, making Lena give you a soft smile in return.
“Yes, come on. It’s like this every day.” She doesn’t leave until you’re up on your feet despite all of your protests. “We’re leaving in 15.”
You do your entire shower-get dressed-brush teeth routine using your super speed, so you’re downstairs in less than five minutes.
“Hey, babyface.” Kara holds your face, when you’re passing through her, and she kisses your temple. “Had a good night?”
“Eh. It was decent.” You untangle yourself from her and go to the fridge. “We’re out of milk.”
“No, we’re not.” Lena’s voice comes from behind you. You turn around to look at her, all suit up. She has a maroon suit on, and her hair is tied up in a very tight ponytail. She looks very impressive which is normal for her. “Look carefully.”
“I did!” You answer and you see her coming to the fridge. She puts her hand inside and takes a carton of milk out.
“Milk, daughter. Daughter, milk.” She says ironically and you close the refrigerator door with a huff sound. “Eat fast, I have a meeting I can’t be late to.”
“You always have meetings.” You go to the table and sit next to Kara. “And you can never be late to any of them.” You pour cereal into a bowl, and then milk. “It’s like this every day.”
“Sarcasm doesn’t suit you, baby.” Kara states.
“It might not, but it does sustain me.” You open a big smile. You still eat fast, though.
Lena drives you to school. This whole driving with her started when Kara was still terrified to let you walk alone. Now, she’s a little less scared, but you kept getting ready on time, and Lena never said anything to make you believe she wants this to stop, so you just keep riding with her. Because having those 10 minutes in the car ride with her it’s good, even when you’re distracted.
“How’s school now that you’re back?” She asks while staring straight ahead, and when the answer doesn’t come, she looks back at you. She takes one hand out of the wheel, and pokes your cheek. “Hey! What’s more interesting in your phone than me?”
“You don’t want me to answer that.” You joke with a smile, and you hear a sarcastic ‘ha ha’ in return. “School is still there.”
“I’m joking, jeez.” You put your phone away and pat her shoulder trying to calm her. “Everything is fine, mom. I got my grades back up, and everyone loves me now.”
“No, I’m just kidding again.” You laugh and she makes an annoyed sound that you decide to ignore. She stops the car in front of the school, and you see Jamie getting out of her mami’s momvan. “Well, gotta go. Thanks for the ride.” You kiss her cheek. “Love ya, have a great day!”
“You too, babygirl.” Lena smiles back at you, watching you getting out of the car. “Don’t break anything, I love you!”
You close the door and turn on your heels, rolling your eyes. If you had a dollar for every time Lena said ‘don’t break anything’, you would be the billionaire by now.
“Hey weirdo.” You catch up to Jamie.
“Hey dipshit.” She answers, putting her phone back in her pocket. “Did you do the chemistry homework? Can I copy?”
Oh, if you had a dollar for that too.
School goes on like it always does, and you can’t help but think that it really doesn’t matter that you have superpowers and a not-so-average intelligence. School is still school for everyone. Kids have pretty much the same problems, questions and indecisions. And you’re just another one in that sea of moody teenagers going from one class to the other.
It's great that you have a girlfriend now. And even if that still doesn’t feel like a normal thing in your life, you two have fallen into a routine very quickly. You see each other when you arrive at school, have a few classes together, have lunch with Jamie in the same table you’ve always seated on, and when the school is over you two steal some moments alone, before either of you have to go home. Today it’s no different.
You don’t go to L Corp. You have lots of homework and reading to do, and you also don’t have any idea for an invention, which is, surprise surprise, also very common for you. Jamie thinks you’re always flooding with ideas and that couldn’t be further from the truth. On your ordinary days, you work very hard and things still don’t go anywhere. So, you just go home and do your boring school activities.
“Hey, whatcha working on?” Kara asks, opening your bedroom door, hours after you sat down, and you look up from your books.
“Homework.” You take off your glasses feeling your vision blurry on the sides. Kara walks in and kisses the top of head.
“Why don’t you take a break, huh?” She asks, like she can see it on your face you’ve been here long enough, and you’re tired already. “Look what I've got you.” Kara gives you a donut and you smile at her.
“You know me so well.” You take it from her hands and eat fast. “Thanks, momma.”
“Come help us with dinner.” She asks and you look at your books deciding you’ve studied enough. You follow her to the kitchen where Lena is already cooking. “Look who I found nose buried in her books.”
“Oh, it’s our little nerd.” Lena chuckles and she kisses your temple when you’re close enough. “Did you clean your bedroom?”
“Mmm…” You haven’t, but you don’t want to tell her that. But then again, Kara was just inside your room, so you can’t exactly lie. You look at Kara for support and she shakes her head agreeing, like she’s giving you permission to say yes. “Mhm, yeah.”
“Ok.” Lena puts your hair behind your ear and smiles softly. “You can clean up after you help us with dinner.”
You huff while pouting, making both of them giggle at you.
“How did you know I was lying?”
“Oh, that part was actually really simple, because you see… I’m not an idiot.” She winks at you and you agree with your head. “Now, why don’t you help me?” Lena points at the top shelf. “Can you grab that bowl for me?”
“Why? You can’t reach it?” You joke, making Kara wheeze a laughter behind you, and it takes her a whole minute to recover from that. Even with Lena looking at her like she is going to commit murder if she doesn't stop.
“Don’t sass me.” It’s Lena’s response and you fly a little off the ground to grab what she asked for.
So, you all finish making dinner, and eating it, while talking about your days. And that includes Lena’s boring meetings with people who know way less than she knows, but still try to convince her that she’s wrong. Includes Kara’s interviewing various uninteresting people to the unexciting news piece that she’s writing. And your tedious classes, and uncreative ideas. The day is so dull, there wasn’t even any Supergirl emergency.
When dinner is done, and the kitchen is clean, they make their way to the couch, and you clean your bedroom using your super speed, so you can join them right after. The three of you just watch TV, and laugh, and exist.
If you’re being honest, you would trade all the kidnappings, assassination attempts, saving National City emergencies, to these dull days, easily. Because just existing next to them it’s so freaking good, you don’t need anything else.
Thank you to my sister (not irl) @supercorpdaughter for this prompt :)
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nymp21 · 4 years
This post is for your requests for fanfic about supergirl’s character and reader. I write for :
- Babydanvers imagines
- reader x Lena
- reader x Alex
- reader x Kara
- Supercorpdaughter reader
- reader x Winn.
And many more 😊.
I also writh smut 😏😏😏. Don’t be shy send me requests and ideas of fanfic and I’ll try my best 😊
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