#supercorp shorts
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yes, i am a sucker for a wlw ship with a woman born from a wealthy family and grew up to be a rebel and her golden retriever wife that is muscular who is usually headcannoned as an impulsive jock when they are actually not.
but i am tired of people saying that blake, caitlyn, asami, and lena are people who follow the laws strictly when they canonly do not and have done tons of reckless and impulsive things.
don't get me started on their partners who are treated like the female version of a himbo when they are actually smart women that just have muscles and are actually sensible (and sort of motherly? not sure if that's the right term i'm looking for) and just a character full of love who have more experience with children since they grew up with kids or siblings that isn't deranged (mb lex luthor)
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rustingcat · 9 months ago
Nothing like coming back home:)
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jadedloverart · 2 years ago
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Pt. 1
Best viewed with brightness on high
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autisticlenaluthor · 1 year ago
Kara knows the best part of having a pregnant wife is supposed to be the baby at the end. It’s about the journey of her bringing a new presence into the world, to giving all their love to a precious little thing. Then getting to watch as they grow from a little alien-like blob into something receptive and adorable.
The miracle of life is not lost on her. But she would be lying if she said her and Lena’s eating habits finally aligning wasn’t coming in as a close second.��
To Kara, it’s a nine-month-long solar eclipse. The marathon of all marathons that she has been training for her entire life on Earth. And finally, Lena is right there with her. 
Quickly, they come up with a schedule that they share. First breakfast, or pre-breakfast, followed by second breakfast, first snack, lunch, second snack, first dinner, second dinner, and then, if it’s late, then dessert. 
First breakfast is served at seven– marking the beginning of every day. It’s small (remember, this is a marathon, not a sprint) but it gets the job done. Kara always makes sure to wake up about ten minutes before Lena to blend up smoothies and grab a few granola bars so she can have them right away. 
Three months in, Kara has become a pro at beating Lena’s morning nausea brought on by waking up to an empty stomach. And by month four, she’s started bringing first breakfast to Lena in bed because Lena’s tired enough as is— she shouldn’t have to get up when she’s hungry. 
Second breakfast comes about an hour later. On the weekdays, it bagels or cereal they eat while getting ready for work. It’s what they scarf down before heading out the door (only after Kara’s leaned down to kiss Lena’s belly and tell her how beautiful she is).
But on the weekends, second breakfast is an event. So much so that Kara works on it while simultaneously preparing first breakfast. 
Second breakfast is pancakes with the fancy farmers market syrup. It’s a side of scrambled eggs on the days when Lena’s stomach isn’t quite so angry and cold apple cider in the fancy glasses they never get to use. For second breakfast, Kara puts out flowers and sets the table, then returns to wake Lena up (she always falls back asleep after first breakfast) just in time to eat. 
Each week, she knows it’s coming. But each week, Kara manages to sweep her off her feet all over again.
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spaceman-earthgirl · 1 year ago
Supercorptober 2023 Day 5: Maroon
ao3 fic link. series link.
Lena almost turns around three times before she gets to Kara’s apartment, and another two while in her building, but she doesn’t. She does stop once she’s outside Kara’s apartment though, pauses for a long moment. She wonders if Kara already knows she’s here, wonders if Kara is even home, wonders if she’s making a big mistake by coming here.
The hurt swells in her chest as she thinks about what Kara did to her, how she lied to her their whole friendship time. As quickly as that happens, a different ache fills her chest. One of longing, one of missing her best friend more than she ever could have imagined.
Lena’s hand is shaking when she knocks, and she gets her answer, Kara already knew she was here because the door opens not even a second later.
Kara’s breathless, eyes wide, and Lena can’t help but wonder once again why Kara would have lied to her when right now, she looks so sad as she stares at Lena.
Lena has to clench her jaw so she doesn’t cry. She’d asked Kara for space, and Kara had given it to her, but now she wants to talk, wants to know why Kara did it, wants to know if they can ever get back to where they were. It’s been three months, and Lena is absolutely miserable without Kara, without all her other friends too.
“You left this at my apartment,” Lena says by way of greeting, holding out a maroon sweater towards Kara.
Kara looks down at the clothing between them, and Lena knows Kara can see through the excuse. Kara didn’t leave it at Lena’s apartment, it’s a sweater Lena stole months ago, one she wore regularly until Kara’s lie had destroyed their friendship.
“Thank you,” Kara says, taking the offered sweater. Lena almost regrets her decision in this moment, because it means she won’t be able to wear the clothing in her lowest moments, when her anger and heartbreak mix until she doesn’t know what to do with her feelings except cry.
But then Kara takes a tiny step back, an invitation opened up by Lena’s action of bridging the space that had been growing between them.
“Would you like to come in for a hot drink?” Kara asks, and she looks so damn scared that Lena is powerless to do anything but say yes. She wants to talk, wants to hear Kara’s side of the story. They at least have to try, because she misses her best friend too much, and she knows Kara misses her too.
“I’d like that.”
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comic-book-jawns · 7 months ago
Kara & Lena || “you’ll just have to taste me…”
[an AU edit]
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thecasualqueer · 1 year ago
If Lena had been Kara's best friend in season 1 instead of Winn she would've gotten to wear pants from the start.
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justletmeramble1701 · 7 months ago
The most annoying thing about enjoying writing media analysis is that I have to fully watch the media to properly write the analysis.
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lgbtimelords · 11 months ago
who's afraid of little old me? ✒️
small kara danvers character study through the lyrics of taylor swift
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rustingcat · 3 months ago
Want to do some small animations again but have no ideas. If anyone has a (pg) suggestion, please feel free to message me.
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 2 years ago
Kara Prince AU Pt 4
The woman looks at her with an arrested smile on her face, eyes wide and confused as she searches for Kara's features.
"Yes, it's me," she chuckles awkwardly. "The girl with the flowers."
Kara stares for a long moment before the joke registers. The shop is called The Girl with the Flowers.
"Hah! Yeah. Sorry, I-- um-- I didn't see you there." Kara drops her hands, reluctantly ending the contact between them.
Lena looks at her with an effacing smile. "No worries. Sorry, have we met?"
"It just seemed you recognized me," the woman explains.
"Oh! Right. Um." Kara scrambles for a plausible excuse. "You're the owner right? The girl with the flowers."
"Yeah." Lena finally sets her tray of flowers on a nearby worktable, dusting off her soiled hands. She reaches to offer the cleanest in a handshake. "Lena Walsh."
Kara takes the offered hand, and takes a moment to register the warmth of Lena's long fingers, their firm grip and callused ridges. Something in her chest eases, a knot unraveling.
Finally, she smiles.
"Kara Prince."
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waytooinvested · 1 year ago
Vengeance, Victory, and Undying Love - pt 8
Chapter 8 of my Supercorp fic in which Lena still creates something called Non Nocere to deal with her broken heart after finding out Supergirl's identity, but this time she gives the name to a different project. A more personal one. And now she’s coming for Supergirl.
This and previous chapters also available to read on Ao3
Victory was hers.
Non Nocere was complete, and Lena had finally freed her mind from the prison that was her friendship with Kara Danvers.
She no longer needed to worry about Kara getting hurt, so that stubborn, redundant neural pathway that still erroneously set her heartbeat skittering whenever Supergirl appeared on the news could stop firing.
She had taken away the ‘great threat’ to Supergirl caused by her ability to make kryptonite, so the DEO wouldn’t come knocking down her door every time they suspected her once again of trying to poison their beloved hero.
She had taken her revenge against Kara by making her feel the pain of betrayal and hurt that comes with someone deciding what is best for your welfare and forcing it on you against your will, so she could let go of her seething resentment.
It was done.
They were done.
So... why did she still feel so hollow?
True, there was a measure of relief and pride that her plan had gone off without a hitch and that her formula had worked exactly as intended, but it was smaller than she’d expected it to be. She was supposed to feel whole and healed by now, free of all thoughts of Kara and ready to move on to other projects.
So why couldn’t she stop seeing her radiant look of hope and gratitude as she understood what Lena had done every time she closed her eyes?
Maybe she was just tired.
After all there was always a come down after completing a project that had consumed so much of her life for so long. It was physiological, not emotional.
She just needed a long bath and a glass of scotch, and when she got out she would leave the lingering feelings for Kara to wash away down the drain with the soap suds.
That was all she needed. That, and a new project.
She quite fancied curing cancer next. Or solving climate change.
Something so huge and all consuming that she wouldn’t have time left over to notice that she had nowhere to go after work any more. No one to tell about her day, or to care if she was remembering to sleep and eat properly. She would be reclaiming the Luthor name for good, and that would be enough.
Who needed love when you had a legacy?
A legacy, and a three thousand dollar bottle of scotch.
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obliviouskara · 8 months ago
me: *finds a new supercorp to read* oh, looks promising. must be nice fic: *43 chapters* me: what the actual fuck is this a docu series
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sengiewhy · 2 years ago
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a re paint of this artwork from 2021
masc supercorp :D
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fazedlight · 1 year ago
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"You can't force love, Mxyzptlk, you have to let it find you."
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"It's true what you said, Kara. That magic... can't be forced. It has to be found."
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coffeeshib · 2 years ago
Your fics are such comfort fics for me. I was in a funk yesterday, so I picked up lat with me (like a reanaissance painting) to lose myself in and of course I felt better. The let me be easy to love duo and don't you know (that you don't even need to try?) are probably my favourites, but I love them all. You write my favourite kind of relationship buildup: friends in love who love & like each other so much that they just spoil each other with kindness until eventually things come together. And when things go sideways, the angst feels very natural and I relate to what the characters are feeling a lot. (And then sometimes, whoops, there's a sex scene and it's really hot... and I REALLY relate to Lena constantly thirsting over Kara's muscles.) Anyway, not much of a point here, you should just know how great your writing is.
ahhh this makes me happy to hear because i happen to LOVE writing buildups to confessions & smut. it brings me a lot of joy to explore & write about feelings in different moments & circumstances!!
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