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kusanagi-nene-official · 1 month ago
//last update before i return to the depths to work on shit
i might not to too many outgoing interactions because of school shit (the ts that makes a person lose friends and anxious af)
incoming interactions would be okay but saifebubcisanfizsdhjdzsnk cna t offend anyone idsahpbcsduizbcdusbudsbvdzs
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kusanagi-nene-official · 1 month ago
Hello!!! I am @localtoaststealer , and this is a RP blog for hope(less) daydreams, one of the shuffle units of my AU, Project SEKAI: Monochrome Stage!
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Rules are the basic rules for every pjsk RP blog. Also Mizuki will be reffered with she/they, so boyzuki believers DNI.
And now you may be wondering, what changed in this AU..? Well let me tell you! Starting up with our unit leader:
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Otori Emu: What changed?
Appearance-wise: Hair got lighter and wavier, skin got darker (i hc Emu as being mixed (brazilian-japanese))
Personality-wise: Emu is a bit less energetic, and more calm. (AKA not so wonderhoi)
Story-wise: Emu couldn't save the Wonder Stage in time, leaving her completely devastated. Now, to make sure nobody ever goes through what she went through, she tries helping the others of hope(less) daydreams to find their own.
Character tag: #🍬the dreamcatcher
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Shinonome Ena: What changed?
Appearance-wise: Ena does not wear a braid like her canon version does. She also wears a small ponytail.
Personality-wise: She is much more "angrier", and tends to lash out more often at more people.
Story-wise: Ena completely "gave up" on art due to her throwing all her supplies away out of rage, that until she found Emu. After realizing that she could be herself and do what she truly loved, she came back to her roots.
Character tag: #🎨 the dreamkeeper
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Kamishiro Rui: What changed?
Appearance-wise: one of his blue streaks has disappeared, while the other streak has even more blue.
Personality-wise: Rui is much more pessimistic, often distancing himself from others.
Story-wise: Rui cut ties with everyone he knew (including Nene, and that's a major plot point for the unit she's in!!), until Emu got him to his senses, and thus, Rui joined hope(less) daydreams.
Psst, Emurui is canon in this AU!
Character tag: #🎈the dreamweaver
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Hinomori Shiho: What changed? (I ended up getting lazy for her TwT)
Appearance-wise: Almost nothing, aside from her hair being a bit longer.
Personality-wise: Shiho is more cold and even a bit apathetic. (Main story Shiho core 💜)
Story-wise: I legimately don't know (⁠-⁠_⁠-⁠;⁠) I couldn't think of anything, but think of Main story Shiho but no L/n
Character tag: #🍜the dreamseeker
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kusanagi-nene-official · 2 months ago
my lore post deleted :( nother delay sorrr
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kusanagi-nene-official · 2 months ago
//can i have ideas of what you guys might want in a lore post
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kusanagi-nene-official · 2 months ago
hoping to return soon aaaasasjasask
i am working on another project (group one) with other people sooo pretty invested
@spider-kusanagi will also get lore updates to, but i'll have to e=write everything at once and then post ig
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kusanagi-nene-official · 3 months ago
//hi me again
uhm im going to go on a lilte ndetermine hiatu
im just
not good mentally
not quitting but fjgkiufj
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kusanagi-nene-official · 4 months ago
me again.
not working on a lore post. i just feel like doing what i did last time.
if you don't wanna see a long vent, scroll past this
i'm not okay. i haven't been.
and if i were too talk to anyoone i know irl, i'd probably end up in some sort of place where they help you with your mental health.
i don't want that. i'm not going to comply with that.
my life has been shitty. i feel like it's my fault. the number of friends i have is dropping like rain during a thunderstorm. i hate it. i don't even remember if i liked my friends. i don't remember anything being real. i've felt empty. i could be laughing, smiling, but i didn't feel anything.
my life is going wrong left and right.i had two friends, not total but they were specifically close. one of which being my gf. the other was a bitch. she'd say things like 'no one listens to me' 'everyone's always interrupting me'. i was naive enough to believe that. i let her drag me along with her.
eventually, i realized how rude she was, talking shit about my gf. naturally i stopped talking to her. end of story, right? no there's more.
literally all my friends stopped talking to me.
i was liteally talking to like one person (not including online friends) from outside of school.
i was wondering why they were ignoring me.
she had gone and victimized herself.
as if i was at fault.
now at the time, really just about no one was talking to me, and i was able to hold convos for maybe.. 2 minutes? and what's better than that? my gf breaks up with me yayyy.
i had already been feeling empty. it was nothing new. so i brushed it off. and after this point, my ex was getting closer with another girl in the class, let's call her luna (nowhere close to her name for safety reasons). so they're close
and then there's drama between them so they stop talking.
after this my ex and i get back together.
happy ending yayyy
no. there's still more.
te other girl from earlier and i had 'made up'. (noo we didn't i just started talkin to her again bc our parents know e/o so..)
now we're 'friends' and she starts... talking bad about people i thought i liked. and she'd completely cut me out of conversations i had started.
she would tell me shut up. and that no one cared what i felt or had to say. wow.
and i was getting sick og her bullshit. so was gf. so we decided to drop her, w/ me later telling her off and then her blaming me again.
i thought everything would be fine after but no
gf and another friend were talking bad abour a grl we'll cll lily.
lily's amazing, and seeing her sad, despite my emptinessmade me want to speak out from her
but after school, she texts me.
the other girl from eaarlier texted lily and apparently gf had been cheating on me. the other girl heard from luna who saw the messages between gf and the extra. and i didmn't know how to feel. they broke up but still.
i just. hate myself. i probably deserved it.id kms and let them get back together. and i felt like it anyway. my bad habits are returning too
i don't know what to do with myself..
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kusanagi-nene-official · 4 months ago
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kusanagi-nene-official · 4 months ago
//i'm redoing the lore posts yayy
new setup, and past first
Nene and Emu are currently shes
Rui and Tsukasa are currently hes
i know each individual character's mod has set pronouns but it'll change later
Another day, another show, practice or not. Today was a real show.
The shining lights, the little drones, singing with the others...
Nene loved it to bits. At times it was all she could think about. The others made her happy, they were her everything.
After the show, Nene is standing in her dressing room, looking into the mirror, relishing the feeling of being in the costume.
Wonderlands x Showtime had been at a venue, and they had performed Cinderella. Nene was Cinderella, Emu was Maleficent, and Tsukasa was the prince. (Rui had been the fairy Godmother, or- something like that).
And after the show, they'd meet up again. And over and over they'd be together. This was their perfect ending.
The next day, after school, Nene went to the Wonder Stage, just to get some practice in. Surprisingly, there was no loud Tsukasa, or energetic Emu. And definitely no inventive Rui. Weird. Nene was accustomed to the noise... but she guessed it was fine.
She needed to practice singing. She couldn't distract herself on the others right now. That way everything would go well. No mistakes, right?
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kusanagi-nene-official · 5 months ago
//i am working on the lore post im just
juggling my proiritys
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kusanagi-nene-official · 5 months ago
//i guesss it's time to give myself the new beginning i so desperately needed, right? well then
Hi. My name is Shii, or more formally, Shichi. (prev, Dex/Dexter). I go by he/they/it, and I run the Kusanagi-Nene-Official account. More than a year ago, a friend recommended I try out roleplay, and it led to this blog. It's been a good experience, and I've made many friends doing roleplay, and I look forward to making new friends along the way. In that path, I ended up creating the Hell's Anarchists universe, with the help of some many people I'm grateful to with all my life.
Hell's Anarchists is a Project Sekai-centric AU. The AU depicts the characters of the game in a Cyber-Apocalypse setting, where robots and AI are taking over. Many have gone missing, or are even dead, as the remaining cling to the hope of recovering what was lost and putting an end to the suffering. Who in the right mind would do all this..?
{More below cut}
I want to extend so much thanks to the team of people who mod the other Hell's Anarchists blogs. I am eternally grateful for that you put up with the fact that it wasn't initially a developed AU, and for sticking with me this far. I absolutely love seeing how you guys portray each character, and I thank you for being the amazing people you are.
Hell's Anarchists is an open to join AU as of currently. Joining can be done in multiply ways, such as making the blog and dming me to be added to the masterlist (which I have to remake, because I fucking lost it. again, tysm H'sA team for putting up with my bs), tagging the blog in my ask box, or asking me (dm/ask box/ or however you'd like) whatever characters are open.
#archives of the apocalypse - tag for lore posts
I'm still working on renaming the other tags, so this is it for now.
Lastly, any question can be asked through ask box or dms, and if they are through ask box, you can ask for things to be privately answered.
That's just about it, I suppose.
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kusanagi-nene-official · 5 months ago
//done. @hells-shutdown-nene
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kusanagi-nene-official · 5 months ago
//fixing the themes on bothblogs an then ill drop
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kusanagi-nene-official · 5 months ago
//i fucked up i did not drop the blog nor did i do intro post and all that shit
and i didn't remove posts soooo
and it's my mom's birthday so i have some
work to do
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kusanagi-nene-official · 5 months ago
//after some time, ive decided this blog will stay, with another counterpart (blog), which's drop should be revealed tonight.
i want to thank some people (if you see this, you'll know who you are) for being so encouraging in my time with this blog
so imma do a secondary reboot, and hopefully the last one
old lore posts will be privated, removed from pinned, but not entirely deleted
if anyone wants them, sure, i can give them
next lore post drops are going to be slower, and probably inconsistent.
along with that, i'll be managing the blog mentioned above, so theres stuff there as well
the reason the old lore posts are being removed is because i never got to write a real story line, which meant that the story was going nowhere :I my bad
i believe that's all i have for now, seeya later
-shii/former dex
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kusanagi-nene-official · 6 months ago
//thank you mod.
i mean.. yeah, lots of these blogs are out of character (or started in chracter, and dev'd new personality). but it's gotten to the point where i look at my blogs, i look at myself in the mirror, and realize everything is the same. it's the equal to being aa two sided coin, it's only possible to see both sides in the mirror. yet every time i flip that coin the side i don't want to show is what's face up.
and thank you for your kindness, it means a lot
hi. so. ive been thinking about that one incident.
again, i did not mean to hurt anyone and im sorry.
i think im just going to shut this blog down. i literally hate myself for the fact i made this shitty blog. the concept, yes, was shoujo rei, but nene's personality came to resonate with that of my own.
and that said, i've just about given up on living.
i don't think this blog will continue. i'll reblog this to my other/main rp blog to give my standpoint with that blog
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kusanagi-nene-official · 6 months ago
//and now as for h'sa
i really don't know what i'll do.
i really like this blog, the interactions have been chaotic but i enjoy how it went. and this blog really got me started it the pjsk community\making friends on here.
so no, the kno blog will not be gone, maybe just less active.
i'm probably going to have to rewrite the lore posts, and i don't know if i'll be removing the old ones
highly likely though.
again it's for the same reason (becoming too much like me)
but yeah. that's all for now.
hi. so. ive been thinking about that one incident.
again, i did not mean to hurt anyone and im sorry.
i think im just going to shut this blog down. i literally hate myself for the fact i made this shitty blog. the concept, yes, was shoujo rei, but nene's personality came to resonate with that of my own.
and that said, i've just about given up on living.
i don't think this blog will continue. i'll reblog this to my other/main rp blog to give my standpoint with that blog
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