raven-whisperer · 6 years
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A summary of Damian.
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rpsourcedmemes · 7 years
It’s my muse’s birthday! Send cards and gifts into the inbox
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marvelpositivity · 6 years
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@superbotanist is an amazing inhuman oc that is literally so cute and inspiring and one of the coolest oc ideas i’ve seen in ages!! also the mun is super friendly and deserves all the nice things
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exanimax · 6 years
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Nature is not a place to visit,
                                              it is home.
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dappyhelps · 7 years
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In the links bellow are 192, 100x100 icons of Leigh Anne Pinnock as herself. She is a British singer in the girl group Little Mix and is half Jamaican-half Scottish, please cast her appropriately. Edit these all you like, they’re not watermarked, though I would appreciate if you would like or reblog this post if you use them. These were requested by @superbotanist.
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bxckpills · 6 years
superbotanist replied to your post: // i want my fall out boy tattoo to be ‘2/3 ain’t...
i do understand your reluctance. i’m not huge on word tattoos. i have two of them but they can be weird??? idk so long as the words mean something to you than i say go for it
// it’s so funny bc i only Want word tattoos rn??? idk i really want ‘i’m taking back the life you stole’ on my back and there are a few others, i already have gerard’s sig on my ankle lmao. if i 110% had it my way i’d have like a sleeve of spooky imagery (but then i look at those super fuckin pigmented pastel tats and i’m like yES??????? PLS??? idk i might just be having an aesthetic crisis) 
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vitiosusvirtus-blog · 6 years
Send “🐑” for my character to state a nickname they have for yours / make one up on the spot.
“Okay, Sun Chips,” he said, cocking the pistol. “Both eyes on that door. Anyone ‘sides me comes out, you blow the C4.” 
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siiinfvl · 6 years
* * / /   learning the consequences of their actions with @superbotanist
          as the tears fall from his queen’s eyes, anger ignites in his chest, coloring his already---dark orbs with a kind of shadow that would make a mere mortal tremble with a simple gaze. he’s never been very fond of demeter. out of all his siblings, he despises her the most, more than he hates even hera and zeus ; for while hera’s rage causes the goddess to punish whoever has scorned her with the heaviest of torture, demeter, instead  makes everyone else suffer. the selfishness of the goddess knows no boundaries. and the rage that he now feels for persephone’s mother only makes his previous loathing of her even worse, so the deed of attempting to give his queen an explanation for her mother’s folly is close to impossible. still, he tries, for the sake of comforting her.
          ❛ she wants you back, that’s why... ❜     even though it’s difficult and is against his own wishes, he tries to find sanity in demeter’s selfishness. whether he managed to or not, however, cannot be decided as of yet.     ❛ i will never defend her madness, you know that. she’s your mother, but i have never had any fondness for her, and she has a mutual judgment of me.   but, my love, i cannot fault her for wanting you back. you... your presence has always brought life and hope. even here, in this place that is nothing but the embodiment of darkness and death, you have made my life better. i cannot imagine how she is able to live without you.  ❜     a sudden tightness squeezes his throat, causing his words to crack and fade into nothing at the last word, now very aware of where his words are heading.    ❛ i wish there’s something i can do to help your companions. but they have been cursed, and even if they die, being monsters, they will be sent straight to tartarus. ❜    
          gentleness perches on his fingertips as he brushes them against the apple of her cheek, the gesture, the caress speaking of love that cannot be turned into words.     ❛ but if you want them to be saved, i believe only you can bargain with your mother. maybe if... if you returned to her, you can have her lift her curse upon them, and they will no longer suffer. ❜     but the torment that her absence will bring upon him, however, he chooses to leave unspoken. he imagines the decision is already difficult for her, he need not make it an even heavier task.
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rpsourcedmemes · 7 years
Send 🎂 to celebrate with my muse on their birthday
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threeclaws · 6 years
@superbotanist gets lyrics !
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              He hates to make the call. There’s something precious about the relationship between a man and his bike, and to admit he fucked up in the garage was like admitting defeat on the battlefield. He let his poor baby down, and now he had to face the music. So reluctantly, he lets the phone ring - doesn’t even say as much as hello before he admits, “I’m stranded in the sleet and rain.”
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exanimax · 6 years
Continued from here x
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Wrapping an arm around the girl as she cuddled up to him, Eli gave Kel a sympathetic look - wishing he could take away all of her worries, get rid of anything that was plaguing her... unfortunately, he wasn’t a miracle worker. He could only try and comfort her.
‘Sure,’ He nodded, grabbing the TV remote on his bedside table. ‘I was going to start watching Netflix, if you wanted to join me. You can decide what we watch.’
Wiping away her tears with his thumb, the man hoped that she hadn’t been having nightmares again. He had seen glimpses of those on their first encounter, and he wished to never see them again. ’I don’t know, Kel. Manipulating emotions could be risky. Just talk to me, tell me what’s wrong.’
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scrappydeke · 6 years
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“Kellllll!!!  S’glad to see ....you!” Deke said with a wide smile on his face when she walked into his room.  He had just had surgery –– at least that’s what Mack and Piper told him.  But it didn’t feel like he did.  As a matter of fact he felt great! Nice and light, like he could float away.  Or maybe he was floating?  He paused for a moment and looked over the side of his bed.  No, it appeared he wasn’t.
“I feel soooo good! They tell me I’m on a lotta drugs right now.  You gotta try some of those...” he said chuckling stupidity as she came closer.  “It’s good stuff...”
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wcrthyofsuiit · 6 years
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Gift seeker, the young hero has become, as he moves through the streets of Queens where the people are hustling and bustling around.  It’s one of the things he hates about cities, there are so many people who wander the streets to the point where it feels as if there is no shoulder room.  He’d been looking for something for Aunt May all day.  Without luck unfortunately and hope seems to be depleting.
He wanted to get Aunt May a gift of appreciation, for all the work she’s done to help him since his parents, since they’re gone now.  He manages to squeeze into the flower shop, he wanders around looking at the some of the floral beauty before he finally picks what he feels that Aunt May will like.  He hopes she likes, it, he might pick up something else just in case.
He walks to the counter, rocking back on his heels as he waits for the cashier to come to the desk.  Deep brown eyes search the room and he bites his lower lip for a minute before the assumed cashier comes out.  “ H-Hi.  Um, I’d like to, uh, buy these flowers.  Please. “
@superbotanist 🕷️ starter call.
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superbotanist replied to your post: Happy St. Pat’s day! My little Irish heart is...
I will be your biggest fan if u make a Bruce fun fact.
keep your eyes on https://divideddoctor.tumblr.com 
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vitiosusvirtus-blog · 6 years
"Roast me."
“You serious? That’s what you been keepin’ secret all this time? That you can grow a fuckin’ plant? I got news for you, kid- I can do that shit too. I can- y’know, go down to Home Depot, buy some Miracle-Gro, and do the exact same thing. The way you been makin’ such a big deal out of it I thought you were gonna take me on Maury and break the news you’re secretly three kids in a trenchcoat or somethin’.”
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exanimax · 6 years
Continued from here x
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Eli could have heard the girl from a mile off. There was a screaming pain in the back of his skulll, accompanied by the thoughts of nearly everyone else on the block - presenting themselves as tiny, hushed whispers.
When he found her, he darted to her side, skidding to his knees as his heart jumped up into his mouth. There was a lot of blood, all of it coming from her head. This wasn’t good at all. Grabbing his phone from his pocket, he dialled 911 and held the device to his ear, waiting until he was put through to someone that could help.
“You’re gonna be fine. I-I’m going to get you some help. Can you tell me your name? I’m Eli.”
All of this was a tactic to keep her awake. If he kept her talking, then hopefully she’d stay conscious until the emergency services arrived.
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