l00k4tm4m45c415 · 8 months
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Romina Costanza
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ovaryacted · 7 months
Just sitting here thinking about Leon’s physique in RE4R in comparison to all of his other eras. Like Capcom really sat down and was like, “we’re upgrading the twink into a MEGA beefy boy fighting bisexual demons” for the remake and decided to make him so thick and broad like hello!?
Meanwhile Leon’s never really been scrawny or lanky, he’s kinda slim-thick. Like he has muscles and probably has nice shoulders and thick thighs, but he’s not beefy in the sense of looking like a power lifter. They said fuck all that and just gave Leon huge pecs and biceps in RE4R and he’s thick as hell. Like don’t get me wrong, I love his build and honestly the fact that he doesn’t have the classic dorito build but his waist still tapers in a bit is so…MMMMM FAWK!
He’s so…whew…I keep thinking about it. I honest to god want to take a tape measure and just see the distance from shoulder to shoulder and across his chest. He looks like he’d give good hugs, just consumes you whole and his chest is so inviting and warm. I need him…BAD!
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speedl00ver · 7 months
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Gym Peach
NSFW alts here: Patreon
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spicyet · 4 months
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Sometimes I think about how different they are-- maybe they do too.
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frnkiebby · 1 month
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i. love. him.~🎃
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dykedarling · 2 months
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I combined my two hyperfixations >:-) I’ll sketch more of this au if people like it lol
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koko2unite · 1 year
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drawing donkey kong in a family friendly way
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stargatebarbie · 8 months
Rodney McKay does not have a flat stomach and every fic author who's described him that way owes me financial compensation
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l00k4tm4m45c415 · 15 days
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Raye Hollitt
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remixingreality · 6 months
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speedl00ver · 1 year
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Kefla's training NSFW alts here: Patreon
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allastoredeer · 4 days
CAN I just say that I actually dont mind ppl drawing Alastor all big and scary looking AS long as I know he's not intended to be the dominant one in the end.
I don't mind Alastor being big and scary, but big in the sense that his presence his big.
When Alastor is drawn big as in he's super muscular and utterly jacked, my brain just...it shuts off, but not in the way Alastor in a flapper dress shuts my brain off. It's like my brain does an emergency shut down because it doesn't understand what it's seeing. There's something wrong in the software and it needs to reboot to flush out the error.
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cronolm · 2 months
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disabled-stuck · 6 months
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lalondes + crocker page
[id: two sketch pages. the first shows rose and roxy posing-- rose is a thin goth wheelchair user & roxy is a thin alt person (kind of scene) with cat ears and a tail and forearm crutches. the second shows a bundle of sketches of jane crocker, including a simplified one with her thinking "shut the fuuuuck up", her looking a bit forlorn, taking meds, and sitting idly as she holds a mug. end id]
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hejira3330 · 5 days
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every time that men’s midriffs post starts going around again people are tagging it with waifish kpop boys that have nary a cell of body fat on them. listen I am an equal opportunity men’s midriffs enthusiast but that post is about guys who have some meat on there
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