#super pretty... so Im quite excited!
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drrksaturday · 8 months ago
Got fabric to redo a part of my Jiang Cheng cosplay AND the beginnings of a Mu Qing cosplay!! Excited to work on them over the summer if my summerjob doesnt consume me whole.
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loemius · 9 months ago
🕸️ Arachne - which god do you turn to to learn to face your fears?
(also thank you so much for the kind words on your reblog! it means a lot!)
hi hi!! thank you for the ask! love your blog, super excited to see a new face here, especially a poseidon worshipper!!! as for your question, it's a great one. i try to call on the theoi for their appropriate domains -- if i have a fear that might relate best to one of their epithets, i'll call them first. that being said: by and large, i probably call on apollon and aphrodite the most to help me learn to face my fears. i'm especially fond of apollon's healing and evil averting aspects when i'm having a tough time with my mental health; more or less same for aphrodite. i like the epithets paean, akesios (apollon) and apotrophia (aphrodite) especially for this. i take a lot of courage from the story of apollon slaying the python. if he can fight a dragon and carve out a place for himself, then i can face whatever mortal thing is troubling me. (i know myths aren't literal, but we can still draw inspiration from the stories) i also find that athena especially really helps me face my academic fears. i can be a little intimidated to approach her due to internalized shame about whatever's going on, but she always, always comes through for me. i like to use her epithet mentore especially when i need her guidance on this kinda stuff. so much love in my heart for pallas athene <3 thank you again for the ask!!!! i hope you have a lovely day, and may the theoi watch over you and bless you <3 (original post if anyone else wants to send asks)
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rucow · 1 year ago
im trying to learn to like my aries mercury more, so here's one thing i like about it:
i like that i can simply turn my mind off and Not Think, especially about topics that spark no joy. i can empty my head sooo fast u have no idea. being a little stupid is ok sometimes 🫶 but also i like how fast i understand what other people are trying to say. u dont have to finish ur sentences with me, i'll get it. also i like the youthful enthusiasm i have about everything. i talk about everything with a smile on my face, no matter how dark the topic. i simply choose to see the bright side, and even if it doesnt exist, i can choose to make it exist. i dont like gloomy negative people, so i try not to be one. im passionate about spreading refreshing positive energy and i like to believe im decent at it! i like seeing the Good in everything. i like having no inhibitions. im so excitable its endearing (i would hope) and i come across so young bc of it. im doing alright maybe 🤞
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connormoving · 5 months ago
RLY EXCITING STUFF i got to be on parttime tooth fairy duty for the first time ^_^
#the tooth fairy missed little mans tooth yesterday and the same thing happened last time so he was quite upset#so i covered really quickly and said that our old tooth fairy (her name was willow) had taken on an apprentice but she wasnt quite used#to the job yet. and then i helped my mom pick out ribbons and stuff 4 the note#a d im super excited to see his reaction :] bc i used to be so happy whenever we got notes from the tooth fairy#when i was little i would write notes like interrogating her sbt what it was like being a toothfairy#and lamp wasnt good at writing so i had to write all their notes as well#and ya. so im just happy that i get 2 do that 4 him#i actually DID THE DROP and then found out that the teeth just get thrown in the trash. HEARTBREAKING#my mom said 'everyone ive spoken to whose parents kept them said they were weirded out' but i wouldve een sooo ecstatic. i could make like a#tooth necklace or something itd be sick... so im keeping them for my kids and itll just depend on if they grow up normal or not i guess.#BUT YA. it was just rly funny and i also literally had a moment of realization after i asked my mom what to do with the tooth#where i was like I just wasnt sure its my first time being the tooth fairy so theres a lot to learn . and rhen i literally gasped and went#oh my god im the apprentice tooth fairy .#we named her ivy bc mine nd lamps toothfairy was named willow so we wanted another tree name#so we figured ivy would work well bc itll be easy for him to sound out and spell if he wants to write a note to her next time he loses a#tooth#im just excited. and hes finally back on a sleep schedule which is huge my parents dont rly enforce anything#but me and lamp worked a bit on getting him back on a schedule sonce school is back on#and he like pretty voluntarily went to bed at around 930#:] so im happy abt that.
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w2soneshots · 8 days ago
hii queennn, i love love ur work. anyway i dont really have a strong idea (IM SORRYYY) but i was wondering if you could just write a story more so about reader and her relationship with the sidemen & co (oneshot pleaseee) much loveee xx
Friendships -W2S
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words: 0.9k+
warnings: smidge of angst with Freezy, mentions of pregnancy (Faiths), alcohol consumption.
summary: your relationships with all of Harry’s friends, including… the sidemen, the two Cals, Chris, Faith and Talia!!
notes: hello lovely, thank youuu!🫶🏼 I actually love this and decided to do headcannons for each of them (I know you said oneshot but I couldn’t think of a better way to show all of their friendships)🙂‍↕️🤍. I hope you enjoy!!
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The sidemen
• You met the boys just two weeks after you and Harry started dating.
• He brought you with him on a night out to meet them and your first impressions were that they were polite and friendly💞
• The first person you hit it off with was Tobi, he was just the most welcoming and seemed genuinely interested whenever you had a conversation😇
• When a good few months had passed and you all knew each other better it was much easier to speak to them.
• JJ and Ethan are pretty extroverted so they were the first (after Tobi) that you really felt comfortable enough to talk to + Harry and Ethen are like a little duo so you were naturally around him more.
• It took a while to have a non awkward conversation with Simon, Josh and Vik but after a pub golf where you ended up on the same team -along with Harry- and all got extremely drunk, it seemed to bring you much closer and you managed to crack the awkwardness.
• Now you're all pretty close and they get excited when Harry brings you along to things, especially JJ... "Yay! Move Harry. y/n!"
• You didn't take the greatest liking to Freezy when you first met him. You thought he was a little... obnoxious🤗
• It definitely didn't help that Harry lived with him at the beginning of your relationship so he was always there... cock blocker of the century.
• You tried not to ever mention it to Harry since that was his friend after all, you didn't really know him and you wanted to give him a proper chance before you jumped to conclusions.
• You'd share a polite 👋😃 whenever you were over at the apartment and you passed him but that was really the extent of your interactions.
• One day you managed to actually talk to him during the first lockdown when you moved into their apartment and you realised that he was actually kinda fun to speak to, after that your perspective changed.
• Now, years later, you're closer to him than any of Harry's friends and you laugh about the fact you didn't like each other in the beginning😆
• Cal was just moving out of the apartment when you met him.
• You thought he was sweet and (at the time) you much preferred him to Freezy😅
• You weren't ever super close to him since he was out of the apartment within a few weeks so you didn't have that many chances to speak one to one.
• Though naturally over the years you've spent hours laughing with him, Freezy and Harry during birthdays, new years and whenever you'd get the chance to hang out.
Chris Dixon
• The first time you met Chris was at the fourth charity match in 2022, in which he was on the opposite team but Harry introduced you to him after the game.
• You'd obviously heard his name and Harry had mentioned him quite a few times but it took you until then to actually meet him properly.
• You thought he was funny and you liked the fact he could take a joke without getting offended.
• A month ago you featured in one of his football videos and after filming he complemented you by saying, "well... didn't know you were secretly a baller y/n. I'll have to get you on more of these shoots." Which you were happy about because you actually really enjoyed yourself⚽️
Faith Kelly
• Faith was the first of the girls that you met and you immediately clicked💘
• You thought she had the best sense of humour and always knew how to have some fun.
• Once you, Harry, Ethan and Faith all went on a double date, which you and Faith had to convince the boys to go on because they both thought it was a little "cringe" but you ended up having the best time.
• When she fell pregnant with Olive you were one of the first people she told since she was kinda freaking out, though you were quick to calm her down and reassure her that it was a great thing and you told her that her and Ethan would be amazing parents (you were correct)😌
• Now, you and Harry look after Olive whenever Faith's parents are busy, you've been in quite a few of Faith's youtube videos and the both of you regularly speak to each other + go for lunch whenever your schedules allow🍽️
Talia Mar
• You and Talia actually met before you even knew Harry existed, at an influencer party that the both of you happened to be invited too.
• The first thing she ever said to you was, "you smell fucking incredible babe." And you were so pleased to see that she was a girls girl since the party was filled with bitchy influencers.
• The night was spent drinking the free drinks sat on a pretty couch in the corner of the room while you basically spilled your entire life stories to each other🥂
• You exchanged numbers and sent the odd text but you were both so busy at the time so your friendship kind of died out... until you met Harry.
• "Wait- y/n?" She'd excitedly looked at you when you walked into JJ's birthday party, arm linked with Harry's.
• "You two know each other?" Simon had asked and you were both quick to nod with bright smiles on your faces.
• Once again you spent most of that party with her, yapping away and updating her on everything that had gone on since you'd seen her last.
• Now, you joke about the fact you were actually the ones who were meant to be together since your friendship is practically a rom-com storyline and unironically you have each other's name saved as "wifey" in your contacts💍
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widebrimmedhatsblog · 2 months ago
My thoughts below the cut! Spoilers galore. This is all from my first read through, so we’ll see what changes by the time I finish my second read. I’m still pretty jumbled up about the book (I am physically incapable of opening up goodreads and giving it a rating) and, frankly, I think my notes are going to reflect this! Also, this is thoughts for the WHOLE BOOK, so please don’t open the full post if you’re not done with the WHOLE BOOK.
I’m pasting my notes directly from the doc I took them on while reading , and adding extra post-read commentary when I feel the urge! Also this is your warning that I swear quite a bit in these! For they are candid.
- i will say i thought the ch 2 epigraph was an inntinnsic clue but now im not so sure bc it’s not that rare it’s just that they kill everyone who has it ??? (commentary from future helena: this is about lilith…right?)
- tell me something, violence. why is it always you? 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
- what IS a soul. how can you take a soul apart piecemeal. why do you think he gave up part of his soul. who told you that. (CFFH: i stand by this. none of this makes any sense to me.)
- hmmmm no red post fingering! curious…very curious (CFFH: i still don’t know about this one dawg)
- the kiss beneath her ear after he helps her get dressed somebody sedate me
- god DOES garrick like imogen because mans does NOT act like it poor im (CFFH: I seriously cannot stop wondering when the hell Rebecca decided to make immrick canon because i LIKE the ship, but on my fw and if re reads it does not read like Garrick likes her, and I would say that holds true till the very end of the damn book)
- VIOLETTTTTTTT I LOVE HER she’s so fucking back (CFFH: violets characterization was my favorite thing about this book. i was really scared about xaden leaving because frankly rebecca writes violet best with him, but she held her own so much better than she has in the other two books. i always love her, but she was incredible here.)
- the bits about vi being a good duchess i Knew that was him saying he wanted to marry her (CFFH: this is an example of what i like to call RY’s “gotcha ass foreshadowing”)
- also i have always characterized fen in my head as loving the movement more than xaden i know what’s up
- i’m soooo excited about him being the duke this is so embarassing im pumping my fists
- did NOT see the samara field trip coming what the fuck
- hey guys what the fuck was that dream? did RY see the cat/violet shippers and get ideas
- WHAT THE FUCK. i saw NONE of this coming
- GARRICKS A WIND WIELDER ???? (CFFH: obviously did not age super well…however garrick was acting so sus here and his dialogue felt so off that i genuinely thought he was the traitor for a fat minute)
- IS THIS THE MARKED ONES SECOND SIGNET TNEORY (CFFH: can you tell i was a big fan of the marked ones second signet theory. also what’s xadens third signet then? also i feel like if EVERYONE has 2 vi will have 3! i have a theory explaining it below somewhere)
- WLSO DID XADEN FHCKINF KNOW (CFFH: they actually handled this really well i was so nervous they’d have the fight again)
- dude im like short circuiting sick to my stomach HES SOOOOOOO BOYFRIEND ? (CFFH: what on EARTH was this about?)
- well the fuck aware!!!!!!!!!
- i can’t breathe
- i need my inhaler
- LIAM WIELDINF ICE (CFFH: again, can you tell i was a big fan of the marked ones second signet theory? fun fact, i actually wanted to write it into ITHOIA but then i realized a. how much work it would be to concoct that many signets and b. i’d have to give xaden THREE, and decided to pick my battles. however i did brainstorm what signets had xaden energy for giving him a third one and immmmmm immmm having ideasssssss)
- why do i agree with JFBs venin logic man
- god halden is her traumatic ex relationship goddddd (CFFH: i edited out most of my complaining, but i was super against the halden idea (per my predictions). this might get me cancelled, but it did feel fan service-y? to me? which is fine! fans deserve to be serviced! there are moments of this book in which i am the fan being serviced! but when it become clear RY was going in the halden direction, i was super stressed about how she’d handle it, and im thrilled she made him toxic. THRILLED.)
- knowing miss yarros and her gotcha ass foreshadowing ridoc is going on that quest lmdao
- PRFOEOEKEENDJEJEN PROFESSOR RIORSON PROFESSOR RIOROSN (CFFH: not only do i stand by this, but i actually wanted to write teacher roleplay for kinktober and i didn’t bc i didn’t think the fandom would take a liking to it, but CLEARLY rebecca didn’t have those concerns)
- i am going to commit crimes against humanity your relationship did not just END SJEJEJEJENR R (CFFH: i’ve noticed miss yarros has begun to really lean on chapter cliffhangers, and frankly, it pisses me off. i understand she needs to get her bag with kindle unlimited and all, but it makes for a stressful reading experience imo. however, this one got me. this one got me SO bad i had to take a walk to calm down. i have been looking forward to professor riorson for MONTHS and i was convinced it was crashing and burning before my eyes. maybe this is why i shouldn’t read past 1 am. i know rebecca has given interviews and has said she needs there to be constant tension in their relationship or else there’s no story, and while i know what she means, THIS tension felt so manufactured to me. i also think she could pull off a war story with them just like …together. i believe in her. the story needs tension, but it doesn’t need to be between them like this, imho.)
- we live by the codex/i live by you 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫I AM YOURS AND YOU ARE MINE AND THERE’S NO LAW OR RULE IN THIS WORLD OR THE NEXT THAT CAN CHANGE THAT
- you know what we might get shadow sex in this book. we might. (CFFH: we do! and i think we can get more with asim!xaden)
- fun fact about me it took till my THIRD RE READ to see that xaden controls the shadows with his hands.
- there’s been like 3 indirect marriage references if my fucking empire of storms prediction was correct im going to scream (CFFH: so i actually didn’t get to scream because i was too busy MOURNING the lack of a RIORGAIL WEDDING.)
- ridocs blow job joke was funny i cackled
- papa sorrengail (im going to deadname him) i do love you man
- SHADOW HANDCUFFS OH MY GOS i had a seizure in my reading hammock
- he is my choice. that got me. that felt good.
- DRAAAAAAAAKE (CFFH: i may say this later, but alli (no tag bc she’s not done reading yet) made drake so sexy to me (and amy! also no tag) and i was kind of disappointed lmfao)
- vi rlly out here playing cousins or dating
- i loooooove him calling her love all the time
- it’s so crazy to me that he’s relaxed without magic but im glad! since i do think this is his ending over all
- helena bets time: the deal the krovlan rebels didn’t uphold was smth to do with the irids or the feather tails
- “xaden riorson is a lot of things, but happy usually isn’t one of them” hey man what the fuck
- this feels like a fever dream this is the dragon show christmas episode that isn’t relevant to the plot what do you mean they’re bonding over horses
- hey guys is this…capitalism?
- i can’t get over the isle kingdoms being kerch (CFFH: if you haven’t read six of crows this won’t make any sense, but if you have….)
- maybe im toxic but he’s being so nice im so anxious about something going wrong 💀 like he stays in the isles or something jesus
- “even if we did, we can’t be in two places at once” + xaden acting weird ….. (CFFH: i want to say third signet but i don’t know)
- what the FUCK is going on with him like it’s really hot but it’s freaking me out
- HE WOULD HAVE IF HE’D MET HIM. knocked me on my ass.
- i have an idea i just dont like being wrong baby violet i need to give you a forehead kiss
- why is violets dad the grandpa from the inheritance games
- im going to bed fr fr now but my last minute prediction is that he marries vi to make her an aristocrat (this is wishful thinking) (also we don’t HAVE to rescue halden) (like it’s fine if we don’t)
- WHEN WOULD BE. can he propose for real. please. (CFFH: this is hurting my feelings)
- bro his LINES IN THIS ???? who do you swear fealty to/VIOLET
- he’s acting less sus…i did NOT like that epigraph abt “returning to his true nature” (CFFH: maybe im on something but idk if this was meant to reflecrt him draining the alloy or whatever it was orrrr if it was abt vi channeling somehow!)
- im almost worried he’s trying to marry her before he kills himself or something but he keeps telling her how selfish he is so maybe not (CFFH: close!)
- her EDS is also a lot better done this time around (CFFH: from a layman’s point of view, obviously, but her injuries were much more graphic, and her other symptoms were actually on page. i really appreciated this)
- oh my godddd sloane and dain.
- i feel like the bond fuckery is vi’s second signet ???? i ALSO feel like it’s sexy
- also bodhi TOTALLY has a second signet that little LIAR i wonder if he’s an inntinnsic too or smth.
- god imagine bodhi has resurrection
- im trying to be normal but i feel like its insane we’re just now learning where violets family is from idk!!!
- why is dain sweet in this idk also this happened earlier but vi’s dad teaching him languages FOR violet makes me want to cry
- im so fucking proud of violet holy crap
- is violet ??? unnbrian????
- violet absolutely can wield there im calling it rn shawty is MAGICAL (CFFH: i guess maybe it’s her touched by dunne ??? thing ??? and she’s somehow ??? half god ????)
- god xaden and dain love her so much
- why does rebecca never let me see xaden do her wraps for her i want to seeeeee
- they’re all in couple pairs so obviously dain and garrick are fucking next (CFFH: this was a joke but tbh…i could be convinced idk)
- god so timing wise DID papa sorrengail meet xaden’s mom !/!:!3&3’ejd (CFFH: i don’t think so ??? but maybe ???)
- not sure my thoughts on the name talia (CFFH: this is bc i picture my bestie Thalia Grace)
- the mommy issues are churning my stomach
- i loooooove aaric holy
- dude i totally thought ridoc was dead
- babe! this isn’t you!
- oh my god ?????? i was NOT expecting violet to give them the old kazzledazzle (CFFH: this is another six of crows reference in which Kaz uses someone’s child as leverage by implying that he’ll kill them, basically, except Kaz is on page morally gray. in THIS book violet is, but i don’t think she had been before now)
- this is genuinely honest to god NOT how i thought their relationship would go and it’s freaking me out
- you’re my soul JESUS what is he ON
- god poor andarna
- she wrote him a letter 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
- i will say i’ve been wondering if the venin effects xaden experiences are more of a ptsd metaphor than anything
- is cuir trans bc i totes thought she was a woman
- ….it would be a shame to kill my last living relative….
- god the adaptations to the running landing mean so much to me im so proud of her
- violet baby i love you to pieces
- you do some of your best work on that throne 😭😭😭😭 (CFFH: the amount of callbacks in this book was very intriguing to me)
- i was actually rlly against xaden telling anyone he was venin but it’s all gone surprisingly well
- if lindell and lewellen are xaden and liam’s gay foster dads….dont call don’t text
- shadow handcuffs………………..
- im a fan!
- god i did NOT expect that to be the route they took? with the sex ? (CFFH: i thought they were gonna handcuff XADEN. )
- she is absolutely having xaddys dreams but idk what the FUCK the cat one was
- IS XADENS THIRD SIGNET PROPHETIC DREAMS. (CFFH: im leaning towards venin mindfuckery but who knows)
- i am actually really enjoying tairn and adarna this read although id like a dragon punnet square
- violet is so venin. xaden IS power she says while she says SHE IS power mmmmm rebecca i know your secrets (CFFH: see yall after book 4 idk)
- hi who the fuck was the high priestess and why does it matter im so confused i can see the puzzle pieces and i am flipping the table
- also crack pot theory entered my head. if xaddy gets 3 signets then vi has to get 3 signets. tairn never says naolin he always says “the one who came before” what if…hear me out…somehow it was papa sorrengail???? and not naolin ??? at least not naolin the whole time so then she’s getting a third signet from tairn
- why the fuck did vi not listen to aaric in the first place mans clearly knows what he’s talking about (CFFH: #drama)
- okay is violet a demigod. is that what’s going on
- IS HER HAIR NOT ACTUALLY SILVER (CFFH: i feel like it has to be ????)
- okay wait im thinking about the dedication thing they said earlier -> lilith is sick -> they think fetus vi is going to die -> they ??? dedicate ??? her ??? to dunne ??? (CFFH: i still don’t know actually except she’s two and not a fetus? and it was just papa sorrengail. also i think they rode tairn there LMAO but maybe im insane)
- i cant get over garrick being a distance wielder i need to check on the immrick girlies (CFFH: immrick girlies i hope you’re well!!)
- god how are the irids involved in rsc ???
- i exist for tairn, but i live for xaden okay girl okayyyy
- god does she get to keep being an inntinnsic now ?????
- THRILLED about her sleeping in xadens clothes
- were past the break up stage he’s sooooo real i love him
- core. memory. (CFFH: this is the biggest sin rebecca’s committed anachronism wise my god)
- god DID they get secret married ????
- god when they said bring your brother and i thought she meant liam was being resurrected i actually started to enter cardiac arrest (CFFH: am i the only one 😔)
- is bodhi actually his secret brother and garrick knows and we don’t because what the fuck (CFFH: i guess it could just be vibes?)
- my heart is not in my chest cavity after the liam business
- i knew that was how it was going to go purely from alli’s take the second they said they had mira i was like reciting the sitq ending (CFFH: obviously i was slightly wrong but still! this is controversial but the fact that she let everyone were close to (mira/ridoc) live and only killed off tertiary characters kind of undercut the experience for me idk!)
- oh my god dain and sloane 🥹
- come back to me/only ever you
- is garrick’s distance wielding how they dealt with the fuck ass trips to aretia that didn’t work with the timeline bc that’s brilliant actually god damnit
- the bullshit about being everywhere at once means something i can feel it
- cannot believe that line is feirge
- hi so fun fact i don’t think jm meant to read for this many hours straight i feel like im locked in a trance
- what on earth is imogen’s second signet bc i don’t think that’s how fire wielding works ????
- i cannot believe the marked ones all have second signets what the ever loving fuck
- i feel like quinn’s death was just not that impactful however imogen saying her mom and sister will know who she is made me tear up jesus
This is where I stopped taking notes!! I’m SO confused about the ending. To be quite honest, I think I’ll reblog this with my thoughts on the ending after I’ve re read it, because I’m LOST. What did Xaden show Sgaeyl ???? Who turned venin with him, because I thought Bodhi but maybe Garrick but maybe both??? how DARE rebecca now show me the riorgail wedding ?/??2?3?3$33&:! WHO does he have a DEAL with???
misc thought that didn’t make it up there:
- i LOVE how she handled Sawyer’s amputation and rehab.
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pupkashi · 1 year ago
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rookie f1 racer satoru gojo decides the best way to kick off race weekend is going to a coffee shop
a/n: hi friends ! here is the first one shot for my f1 racer!gojo au :3 i am so beyond excited to start these, they won’t be a cohesive series & can be read alone! i will make an au masterlist though :] please enjoy and let me know what yall think !! if there’s any ideas or requests yall have for this series send them in !! reblogs very appreciated <3 ok that is all bye bye ! <3 also both gojo and reader are early 20s since i have him in his rookie season
word count - 3,444
there’s not many people out during usual work hours, kids are in school, adults are at work, and the world is a little quieter. it’s something satoru had grown to love. between all the cameras reporters, he just wanted some peace, and no one knew peace quite like coffee shops.
satoru sauntered into the building, it was unassuming enough, a few people scattered throughout the establishment, all too engrossed in their own work to look up. he doubted he’d get recognized by anyone in here.
he orders and gets his drink and pastry fairly quickly, sitting by the window and watching the world pass by him. life seemed to move in slow motion, the leisurely paces of someone walking their dog making him relax a bit.
“hey! is it cool if i use this outlet?” the voice makes him jump a bit, turning around to face whoever it was speaking.
you smile softly at him, hoping he would be kind enough to just let you charge your laptop. you figured he’d be attractive, his hair’s an eye catching bright white color, contrasting to the black shirt and sunglasses he had on. you caught a glimpse of his blue eyes as he looks at you, nodding before clearing his throat.
“yeah go ahead,” he returns the smile, motioning for you to plug in your charger.
“I’ll just leave it here to charge, i don’t wanna bother” you state, quickly plugging in your laptop before moving to walk away.
“you can sit if you wanna, it’s no problem” he rushes out quickly, hoping it was enough to make you stay. his breath caught in his throat as you turned to look at him.
“are you sure?” he nods quickly, “yeah no worries! I’m not doing much of anything right now,” he grins, regaining his composure and taking a sip of his drink.
it’s quiet between the two of you before you speak up, “you like Mercedes?” satoru feels his blood go cold, looking at you with a confused expression. you gesture to his shirt, “you’ve got their merch on” you laugh.
“oh! yeah they’re pretty cool,” he nods, watching as you smile and nod, focusing on your screen again.
“i didn’t know they had merch like that,” you admit, “maybe it’s just ‘cause im not super into cars.” satoru feels relief wash over him, his shoulders subtly relaxing before he’s looking at you again.
“it’s their f1 team merch” he says, “i work for them, actually.” his hearts beating a bit faster as you make eye contact with him, looking up from your laptop.
“oh? that’s so cool! you’re a mechanic or-?” your head cocks a bit to the side, smiling when the man across from you breaks into a wide grin.
satoru debates going along with your idea, but he can’t bring himself to lie to you, not when you’re eyes are shining at him.
“i actually race for them, im a driver” he corrects you gently, your eyes widen a bit and you cover your mouth as it opens.
“oh my god I’m so sorry! i don’t know a thing about formula one” you laugh nervously, “i knew there was something going on with all the extra fuss in the city but i had no idea what.”
he smiles at you and waves off your apology, “don’t worry! it was nice having someone to talk to that’s not yelling at me to sign something” he cringes a bit at the way the words rolled off his tongue, but you still smile at him, going back to working on whatever was it was you were doing on your laptop.
“one of my friends is actually getting into f1 i think, is there someone named,” you trail off as you think of the other mans name, “i think it’s Charlie? charles? one of those two” you laugh nervously, satoru’s ears perk up at the name.
“charles leclerc?” He asks, your eyes light up, “yeah that one! he’s a racer right?” satoru nods at you.
“yeah he races for ferrari,” you nod along to his words, realizing you hadn’t caught his name yet.
“what was your name, just so i know who to root for when people ask my favorite driver” you grin, a twinkle in your eye that makes his stomach flip.
“I’m satoru, satoru gojo” he reaches his hand across the table for you to shake, you can’t stop the soft chuckle that leaves your lips as your hands connect, a firm shake against his much larger, warmer and calloused hands.
a comfortable silence falls between the two of you as satoru finishes his drink off and you continue to focus on your laptop. satoru can’t help but continue to look your way, thinking you were absolutely breathtaking.
you on the other hand, had your heart beating against your rib cage as you pulled up your messaging app on your laptop and quickly texted your best friend.
you wait a couple minutes, your friend has yet to reply as your leg bounced under the table.
“what are you working on? if i may ask” the question makes you immediately close your messages and go back to your google document, looking blankly at the paper in front of you.
“it’s some busy work for a class im in, required by the university” you shrug, “was getting through it pretty quickly until my laptop died on me” the snowy haired man smiled at you, laughing softly as he pulls his phone out.
satoru scrolls aimlessly on his socials, nothing seemed as interesting as you did, sitting practically across from him engrossed in your work. the two of you made easy conversation for the next hour or so, not realizing how much time had passed since youd sat down.
you’d tried to get up and leave after you turned in your assignment and laptop was charged, giving him privacy you imagined he yearned for. but satoru was quick to tell you to stay, “you don’t have to go! it’s nice talking to you” he says, “like a breath of fresh air.”
and so you sit back down, the two of you falling into place as if you were old friends, people who’d known each other in years past and were catching up. you didn’t ask about his job or his career, asking about him and what his favorite color was, his favorite season and if he actually liked his coffee as sweet as it has smelled.
you kept reminding yourself this was gonna be a one off thing, he’d leave and you’d part ways, never talking again as you inevitably turned on an f1 race, seeing the pretty man on your tv screen and imagining what could’ve been if you were a bit braver.
it had been nearly three hours since you’d sat at his booth when his phone starts buzzing, quickly answering the call from his manager. his small smile turns to a faint pout as they tell him to head to the paddock for free practice in a couple hours, sighing and telling them he’d be on his way shortly.
you feel disappointed as you hear the words, not wanting the bubble you were in to burst, wanting to stay seated across from the attractive man for as long as you could.
“I’m gonna head out, have to go work” he jokes, his smile widens when you laugh, “i hope you pass your exam thursday,” he’s doing everything in his power to linger around, trying to figure out a way to spend more time with you.
you laugh softly and nod your head, “it’s open note so hopefully it’s not too bad, but good luck at your race! I’m sure you’ll do great.”
satoru’s bright blue eyes light up at your words, you could almost see the lightbulb forming atop his head, making you furrow your brows slightly in confusion.
“why don’t you come? to the race this weekend? are you busy?” the words tumble out his mouth in an unorganized jumble of excitement, he’s beaming at you with his bangs in his eyes, sunglasses barely balancing on the tip of his nose.
“oh i couldn’t, those tickets must be so expensive and i don’t wanna bother-” satoru is cutting you off with furrowed brows and a bewildered expression his face.
“you think I’d make you pay? don’t be silly,” he grins, “I’ll get you some good seats and maybe we can meet up after the race?” he can hear his heart beating in his ears. was he being insane? a little bit. did he care? not at all.
you bite your lip for a second, it’s not like you had an insane amount of work, plus the most attractive man you’d ever laid eyes on was asking you out to some crazy sporting event you’d only heard of in passing.
“okay yeah, i think i could squeeze it in my schedule” you grin, watching as the man across from you smile at you. he’s quick to ask for your information, immediately sending it off to whoever it was needed it and was informing you of all you needed to know.
“I told them to give you an extra ticket so you can bring a friend so you’re not too lonely waiting for me” the words make your face and ears heat up, trying to remain composed in front of him.
“well i guess I’ll see you sunday then?” the words make your stomach flip, wondering how he’d look like with his gear on.
“see you sunday” he smiles at you, waving goodbye as his phone buzzes for a second time, hurrying out of the coffee shop with his whole body buzzing from excitement.
you don’t fully process the entire interaction until you’re sitting in your apartment, phone lighting up from a new email.
Mercedes F1 team PR
Good afternoon! We are elated to send you two tickets to invite you to this weekends Grand Prix race! Below you will find all the information…
you open it quickly, reading the entire thing twice before you’re rolling onto your back and giggling uncontrollably, giddy beyond belief to see satoru again. your fingers itch to look him up, deciding against it and locking your phone as you try to continue on with your day.
sunday arrives quicker than you thought it would, your friend following you into the circuit as you try to figure out where to go next, looking around helplessly as you look down at your phone and at the map provided.
“are we supposed to go down there?” your friend points, both of you staring at each other blankly. the two of you wait for a second before looking around once more, taking a leap of faith and walking with confidence where you think you had to be.
your friend is much braver than you are, flagging down someone in a staff shirt and showing them the ticket, they’re quick to lead the two of you in the opposite direction, making you and your friend hold back laughter until you’re finally seated.
satoru was anxiously looking around, he wasn’t exactly sure where they had seated you, but he’d requested you be close to the garage, wanting to say hello before the race.
“you’re a lot more antsy than usual” the deep voice makes him look away from his phone. nanami kento, right hand man to Toto Wolff and next in line to take over the team principal position.
“I’ve got an important guest I’ve gotta impress” satoru replies quickly, putting his phone away and walking towards kento, “I’m gonna rack in some points today” he winks, making the blonde roll his eyes.
soon enough satoru is seated in the car and on the grid, mind completely focused on the race ahead, taking deep breaths as the red lights appear.
you couldn’t help but watch some race clips last night, figuring you should know some basics and not show up completely clueless. the videos, however, didn’t prepare you for how fast the cars truly were, engines sending vibrations to your chest and stands shaking as they raced by.
“and gojo overtakes hamilton! the rookie had a terrible qualifying yesterday, but seems as though he’s back in the game today” the announcers words blare through the speakers, chest blooming with pride as they talked up satoru.
you’re focused on the primarily black car, watching as he zooms past the stands at unbelievable speeds. your heart racing as he passes other drivers, cheering when he successfully overtook them.
satoru continues to climb up the ranks, cinching a position on podium; second place, sandwiched between verstappen and leclerc. he’s hopping out of the car and celebrating with his team, squeezing kento a bit tighter than the rest. his blue eyes are focused on the crowd as he waits his turn for the post race interview, trying to catch sight of you, mind racing as he wonders if you even came.
he smiles at charles as he passes him, walking up to the interviewer and answering the questions with generic answers ‘I’m beyond excited for the rest of the season’ and ‘I’m looking forward to the day i win my first Grand Prix’ along with thanking his support system and team before kindly thanking the interviewer and heading to the winners room before the podium ceremony.
satoru’s messy hair is covered by the Mercedes hat, taking it off and ruffling it a bit, sighing when he scans the crowd one last time and doesn’t make you out, turning around and closing the door behind him.
you only make it to the floor area moments after charles walks out, slightly out of breath as they call out satoru’s name.
the snowy haired racer is waving to the crowd, a semblance of a smile on his face as he stands on the podium, eyes still searching the crowd in one last feeble attempt to spot you.
satoru feels his heart skip a beat and face turn even redder as he locks eyes with you, a much more genuine smile on his face when he gives you a little wave.
you’re heart races as you make eye contact with the driver, adoring the way his cheeks flushed and skin looked honey like under the rays of the sunset. you smile and clap as he raises the trophy, pointing directly at the trophy then at you.
this one’s for you
maybe you’re a hopeless romantic, or maybe he’s just too hot and charming to not fall for, but you feel your heart giving in and walls crumbling as he shakes the large champagne bottle, dousing the other two until all three of them were dripping with champagne.
satoru finds you in the garage after 20 minutes, thanking his manager a hundred times over before walking up to you. his race suit only on from the waist down, black fireproof sticking to his body perfectly and snowy white hair tousled and wet from a mixture of champagne and sweat.
“you came” he says, making you nod and smile at him sweetly.
“why wouldn’t i? my favorite driver invited me” you reply.
satoru rolls his eyes and snickers, “im the only driver you know,” he watched you grin up at him sheepishly, “still you’re my favorite!”
“you did really good out there by the way” the words make him smile wider, biting his lip softly.
“yeah?” he asks, you nod your head, far too nervous to trust your voice as he looks at you, head too scrambled to figure out the emotion painted on his face as he looks at you. “good enough that you’d consider going on a date with me?”
it seems like it’s just the two of you in the busy garage as you smile up at him, tilting your head as you nod, “yeah I’d consider it.”
you think he looks almost angelic under the fluorescent lights in the garage, his white hair looks like a halo as you look up at him, pretty blue eyes a stark contrast against his fair skin and black uniform.
satoru thinks you look unbelievable, hair falling perfectly and voice sweet as honey as you talk to him, a saccharine smile on your lips just for him, the thought makes his knees buckle and brain stutter. he doesn’t care how whipped he looks as he takes you in, relishing in the moment before he speaks up.
“I’ll be off the clock next time,” he jokes, loving the way your giggles sounded. it feels like a relief off his shoulders, grinning widely as the two of you continued to talk.
“I’ve gotta get out of this uniform, but I’ll text you?” he looks down, biting his bottom lip as he fights a smile before looking back up at you, hoping you’d get the hint and give him your number.
you smile at him and tilt your head, “is that your way of asking for my number?” satoru blushes, smiling at you shyly and nodding his head, you can’t help but giggle as you grab a piece of paper and pen from the table besides you, scribbling your number and a smiley face. “here, don’t lose it.”
satoru grins, “i don’t lose.”
the sky is dark by the time you exit the garage, biting your lip and fighting back a smile as you meet up with your friend, finally heading home for the night. gushing about the interaction, reliving every moment and squealing at the memories.
when was the last time you’d felt this way? when was the last time you’d let your guard down so quickly for someone?
it was strange. the way your heart leapt when you saw him, the way your face flushed when he spoke to you and the way you felt so comfortable with him.
“maybe he’s your soulmate” you friend wiggled their brows at you, teasing you as you roll your eyes.
“or he’s putting up a front and he’s like every other guy” you shoot back, biting your lip. he felt, different. genuine.
“you don’t have to be so pessimistic! you never know he could be the man you spend your life with” they shrug their shoulders, smiling when you fall silent and hum.
you’re showered and in bed when your phone vibrates, a new text message from an unknown number.
satoru had spent an hour drafting the text, deleting it and typing it out again, removing and adding emojis until he forgot what he was even trying to say, starting over and groaning. when was the last time he was this nervous to text someone?
he can’t recall ever wanting to spend more time with someone the way he does with you. the though of love at first sight crosses his mind, making his face burn and dimples pop as he smiles.
hi it’s satoru ! thanks for coming to the race tonight , i hope i can see you again :)
his heart pounds against his chest as the three little dots appear on his screen, holding his breath when they disappear and reappear time and time again.
you continued to delete your text, trying to figure out how to word your text before finally biting the bullet and pressing send, heart racing as it says delivered, then read within the minute.
thanks for inviting me ! it was a lot of fun,, I’d love to see you again also :3
satoru squealed at the text, biting his lip before replying back, giggling at your every text and replying as fast as he could. the two of you texting back and forth until your eyes were too heavy to keep open, wishing him a goodnight. satoru was already pinching himself to stay awake, somewhat thankful you were also tired as he wished you goodnight, setting his phone down and falling asleep moment later, the faintest of smiles painted on his lips.
you grinned as you locked your phone, setting it down and biting your lip before squealing into your pillow. he wanted to see you again. you didn’t fight off the smile on your lips as your eyes fluttered shut, slowly falling asleep, then all at once, dreams filled with blue eyes and white hair and expensive, fast cars.
there’s no better place to find a lover than at a coffee shop on race weekend.
taglist (send an ask to be added!): @chilichopsticks @anime-for-the-sleepless @4sat0ruu @safaia-47 @nanamikentoseyebags @fushironi @nineooooo @the-mom-friend-dot-com @gojoshooter @beautiful-is-boring @sweetheart-satoru @luna0713hunter @torusmochi @sadmonke @lovelylixie
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canon-in-too-deep · 5 months ago
Free Grimms' Fairy Tales Typeset
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I am so very excited to present free typeset #33: Grimms' Fairy Tales, by, of course, Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm. (Apologies for this being quite a long post, but I really wanted to show pictures of what's available in these typesets!) When I saw this in my ask box, I knew I had to do a typeset for it. But there were so many individual tales, and I wanted to do something a bit unique for each of them. But I also wanted to use a lot of color. And throw in some art. And that might make the typeset not so super printer friendly for some folks, so....
I made two versions of this typeset! Two different designs and color options. Both pdfs are available for FREE here and are sized for half letter (letter folio).
Grimms' Fairy Tales typeset version one is the full color version with a lot of little details and different art/motifs for each story (most of the art I used was by Maurice Pillard Verneuil; his stuff is so pretty).
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And for the second version of the typeset (which I dubbed the Black and White, Hold the Art Alt in my google drive archive--I need a shorter name for that. The Deep Drive? Drivechive? Googachive?--I went black and white printer friendly, with prominent featuring ornaments and a more simple design.
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You can see the differences clearly above. Both these typesets were a lot of fun to make, and I hope they print out well for people wanting to use them. It's one I hope to be able to print out soon for myself, to have as a personal physical copy. I kept stopping in the middle of typesetting just to read a few tales. (Cat-Skin and Snow White and Rose-Red are my two favorite tales (I just love the changed appearance lover trope), though The Juniper-Tree has a a solid standing with best revenge death.) Anyway, use these typesets as you wish! If there's any issues with the files, feel free to let me know! Just please leave credit and consider tagging me if you use them, or reblog if you can! More details and interior shots of the first version are below the break!
So the black and white version has pretty much the same design across all the different chapters, while the color version has a different swatch of art featured next to each title, to give some flair to each individual story. The whole double border around the drop caps was inspired by another (much more talented than I) member on Renegade Bindery, but I added in the extra picture frame for the motifs and changed some things around to get the sort of clean, classic, elegant vibe I was hoping for (originally, I was going to use good ol' IM FELL English and go with a much more gritty, vintage-y design, but changed it after seeing how well Crimson Text worked for the fairy tales (like I've said before, Crimson Text is a special occasion sort of font). Here's some more screenshots of the chapter beginnings (albeit a bit pixelated. Dang screenshots and their low quality):
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The table of contents is pretty fun as well, extending the same borders and motifs design to full three pages:
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And the fun also extended to the last page with info on the Brothers Grimm:
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All in all, this was one of my favorite books to work on. If you have any suggestions for future typesets, my ask box is always open! Edit: also, the borders/frames going around the dropcaps were inspired by a design I saw done by the talented @teleportbooks!
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hysteria-things · 1 year ago
hi! i recently found your account, and i js wanna say omg ur so talented, like ur fr my new fav writer. could u maybe write something about a virgin reader, whos only ever fingered herself, and so when matt (or chris but im a matt girl and im being self indulgent about this), and she squirts, and is super embarrassed about it and he comforts her about it? u dont have to, but idk i js think u could do this idea rlly well:)
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: soft dom!matt x virgin!reader
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: you and matt have been together for quite sometime, but never had sex. he knows you’re a virgin and he’s so patient with you, but now you think you’re ready
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: SMUT but fluff!, making out, mini panic attack, praising, p in v, squirting
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1,066
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: for anon and @mattsleftnipple03
these were pretty much the same so i combined them! hope you like :)
thank you and love you guys🫶
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the pen in your hand scribbles on the piece of paper in front of you as you ponder. you’re in art class and your best friend sits across from you at the big table.
art class is basically a free period because let’s face it, you guys don’t do anything except gossip and draw for fun.
you’ve been asking your friend a series of questions about what losing your virginity is like since she has experience. the only experience you’ve ever gotten was your fingers, and to be honest, it gets old after a while.
you’re not embarrassed about being a senior in high school and still a virgin, but your boyfriend who graduated last year lost his with his ex a while back. you guys have talked about having sex for the first time for quite some time, but you were never ready.
no words can describe how grateful you are for matt. he’s been super patient and understanding with you.
but now, you think you’re ready.
“is there a reason you are asking me these questions?” your best friend asks, raising a brow.
you shrug, your hand still having a mind of its own with the pen. “i’m thinking about going all the way with matt.”
she smiles, genuinely looking happy for you. “oh my god! when?”
“i told him i plan on this weekend.”
“that’s so exciting!”
“yeah, but,” you pause to take a deep breath. “i feel nervous.”
she reaches over to stop your drawing hand. “it’s totally normal to feel nervous. matt’s such a sweet guy. i’m sure if you feel the slightest bit of discomfort, he’ll stop immediately.”
you smile at the mention of your boyfriend. she’s not wrong. matt will do anything to make you feel comfortable. he’s not one to force anything on someone. “you’re right.”
she gives your hand a light squeeze. “let me know how it goes.” she winks just as the bell rings for dismissal.
the rain outside is pattering on the window, you and matt cuddling comfortably on his bed. you guys just woke up from the best nap of your life.
you nibble on the inside of your mouth. “matt?”
“hm?” he hums, picking up his head that was resting on your chest.
“i want to do it.”
he beams at you. “positive?”
you bite your lip in excitement and nod. matt lifts himself to get more serious. “don’t be afraid to tell me to stop, okay?”
“i know,” you reply. he leans in and kisses you passionately with a hint of hunger. he breaks the kiss to take off his and your shirt but goes back at it to unclip your bra.
the skin-to-skin contact felt warm and comforting, but your anxiety is starting to take over.
you try to brush it off until matt reaches for your pants. yanking his hands away, you cover your top half with the comforter as you feel tears start to form.
matt freezes, a hint of guilt on his face. you try your best to take as many deep breaths as possible. “i’m so sorry, y/n.”
he carefully places his hand on your arm and rubs soothingly to calm you down. “n-no it’s not you.” you take three deep breaths before continuing. “it’s silly. the thought of a penis about to be inside of me freaks me out.”
you chuckle along with him, the humor helping you relax. “we don’t have—”
“i want to.” you say truthfully. “i just need a second.”
he goes through different breathing techniques with you until you calm down from your mini panic attack. he asks if you're okay at least a hundred times before you shut him up by kissing him again.
he hesitates with your pants not wanting to trigger you again, but after a beat, he pulls them down with your underwear.
his pajama pants soon end up on the floor with the rest of your clothes. he comes under the blanket with you and pecks you on the temple, grabbing a condom from the nightstand. “so proud of you.” he starts, making you blush. “you ready?”
you give him the okay, and he slowly starts pushing into you. the stretch makes you cringe and hiss, causing him to halt. “hurts?”
you shake your head. “pressure… keep going.”
dampening your lips by licking them, he continues to move. his eyes are dead set on your face to sense any discomfort. you let out a ‘mmph’ when he’s all the way in.
when he doesn’t see any bad signs, he starts moving his hips. you moan softly, the pain turning into pleasure.
“you can go faster,” you whisper, and he does. your nails leave crescent marks on his shoulders as he peppers kisses on your chest, neck, and face.
you squeeze your eyes closed, the softest of sounds leaving your lips. then, your legs twitch, and a watery liquid squirts out of you. your eyes widen, and matt stops the second he notices. “what’s wrong? need me to stop?”
“no. i think i…” your cheeks burn, too embarrassed to admit what you’re thinking.
“that’s okay. it’s completely natural.” he reassures, grabbing one of your hands to interlock with his above your head. “you’re doing so well, y/n. so fucking proud of you.”
he continues to rock his hips, this time pulling out more and thrusting back in a smidge harder. “oh.” you moan, arching your back when he starts hitting a certain spot. “oh shit, matt. just like that.”
he tries his best not to pick up speed to scare you, so instead he keeps the rhythm you’re comfortable with. he grunts, taking the hand that’s not holding yours and placing it on your hip.
the grip you have on his hand tightens, indicating that you’re close when his tip keeps abusing your g-spot.
you whimper, your legs starting to quiver from pleasure. “i’m close.”
“cum, baby. you’re doing such a good job.”
you sigh of relief when your cum slowly starts to ooze around him. matt’s right there with you with just a few more thrusts before spilling into the condom.
the feeling of him pulling out of you makes you wince, but then you two giggle. “i did it!” you say proudly, holding up your hand to give him a high five.
he laughs. “damn right you did.” he takes your high five, followed by a handhold.
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𝐭𝐚𝐠 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭!
@bunbunbl0gs @lexisecretaccx @thy-mission @angelic-sturniolos111 @sophssturn @mattsneezing @janiellasblog @blahbel668 @meg-sturniolo @hearts4chris @mattslolita @sturnbaby @imwetforyourmom @tillies33ssss @sturnifyed @mayhem-72
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benedictscanvas · 1 year ago
hey love! im sorry your request box hasnt been what you were looking for but maybe this will work! can i request a ball with benedict bridgerton where feelings are only realized when one of them dances with someone else? i dont really mind if its reader or benedict but i just think it would be cute!! hope you’re doing well <3 <3
hello my lovely. you're the sweetest, thank you so much for such a gorgeous request. I've got a pretty similar fic where Benedict realises his feelings, so I was super excited to do the other way around, I hope you enjoy <3 <3 | 1.5k words, fem!reader
There is a woman in Benedict’s arms and it isn’t you and you think you might throw your lemonade at her. Accidentally, of course.
You don’t know her, and if the reasonable side of your brain was in charge, you’d probably think she looks quite lovely. Her hair is adorned in elaborate braids and her smile is demure but still a little goofy - she isn’t shrouded in the fake humility that she finds so many ladies of the ton carry around with them. 
But still you find yourself fantasising about a large lemonade stain painting the front of her dress, the poor girl hurrying away in her shock and distress.
Away from Benedict. Who’s now laughing. At something the girl has said, no less. Why, you’d never seen him laugh at any lady of the ton who wasn’t either his sister or, once, Lady Danbury.
And yourself, of course, but you didn’t count.
At least, you didn’t think you counted. You didn’t think you wanted to count, content to while away the balls and the promenades by Benedict’s side, sometimes Eloise’s, whispering about so-and-so’s hat or whats-his-name’s hair. He’d never asked you to dance, although you’d never wanted him to before. Now that he was dancing with someone for the first time you could recall, however, you could feel that changing very swiftly.
”You know, looking vexed in the corner isn’t likely to win you many adoring suitors, Miss Y/L/N.”
Eloise always knows just when to get on your nerves and she’s grinning at you slyly when you turn to face her, finally breaking the spell that Benedict and his new dance partner had placed on you.
”Since when have you believed that was my endeavour, dear Eloise?”
”Since you’ve spent the entire night glaring at pretty young Miss Pennyforth. It’s making you look rather jealous, to the untrained eye.”
You turn away from her, fixing your eyes on her brother yet again. They’re not talking anymore, just staring at each other as he twirls her again and again. Maybe it was better when they spoke after all, because now your stomach is twisting into something that does indeed feel a lot like jealousy.
”Yes, well, you know better than to think I’m jealous. Though I do seem to be in a foul mood.”
Eloise nods exaggeratedly, a pretend-sympathetic pout on her lips.
”Yes, you poor thing. And it obviously has nothing to do with the brother of mine that you can’t take your eyes off.”
You pointedly look at her again but she just dissolves into giggles at the look on your face.
”If you have a point, Eloise, I suggest you make it.”
”Oh, no point at all. Only that the one ball where Benedict decides not to stand with you and ruin his prospects all night, you seem to be very dour indeed. With no correlation, of course.”
You glower at her as best you can. You have the irritable feeling crawling out of your stomach through your throat that you might be about to cry, and you refuse to do so here, or to allow Eloise to think it’s her fault if you do.
”You run along and find Penelope or I shall tell your mother there’s a gentleman asking after you.”
She gaped at you, quite genuinely.
”You wouldn’t,” she murmured, but then promptly hurried away when you fixed her with a look that told her you most certainly would. It was a lie, because you could never bring yourself to do that to your friend, but it was a ruse that allowed to slip away from the ballroom.
You cast one last glance over your shoulder at Benedict to see him kissing the back of Miss Penny-something’s hand and your eyes began to sting.
- - -
There was a little bench hidden away to the left of the grand entrance, just dark enough to not be spotted by those near the carriages. You managed to shed a few tears in private, silent silly things, and you wiped them away angrily.
It was only Benedict. Quiet, mischievous, generous Benedict. He was creative and caring and could come up with the most brilliant insults you’d ever heard. Obviously, he also had a beautiful face, but you’d never given it much thought. All the Bridgertons were beautiful, it felt like a requirement.
”Did Lord Tennesby try to talk to you again?”
You sighed deeply, closing your eyes with your head bowed. Of course he’d find you. If anyone was likely to be looking for a quiet spot for a moment’s reprieve, it was him.
You wiped at your face in vain before looking up at him with what you hoped was a convincing smile. 
“I’d be halfway back home if that was the case. What are you doing out here?”
Why aren’t you with Pennyfuzzy? was the unspoken second question that you couldn’t quite bring yourself to ask, knowing how spiteful it would come out. You wished you had realised you might want more from Benedict in the comfort of your own home, where you could take a week to process those feelings and prepare for how to deal with them.
Instead, you’d just have to see what happened in this conversation and go from there. Sounded promising.
”I was going to ask you the same thing. Have you…been crying?”
”I think it’s the flowers,” you point over at the hyacinths in the nearby flowerbed, “They often get the best of me this time of year.”
”Daphne’s ball last year was filled with hyacinths and you didn’t so much as sniffle.”
You frowned at him.
“I probably sniffled.”
“You didn’t. I would have noticed. I would have offered you a handkerchief like the dashing young gentleman I am.”
It was enough to pull up your frown at the corners, which in turn propelled him to take a seat beside you on the bench. You busied yourself with a crease in your dress when you talked to him.
“Maybe you’re not as dashing as you think.”
“I’m incredibly dashing,” he argued, pointing his chin upwards in that silly, mighty way you always giggled at, “I swept Miss Pennyforth off her feet just moments ago.”
Like an ice cold bucket of water poured right over you. You almost shivered.
“Ah, Miss Pennyforth. Has someone finally captured your wayward attention, Mister Bridgerton?”
You looked up at him and tried not to sniffle or snuffle or anything else that might give you away. He was just looking puzzled.
“What? No, I meant I quite literally swept her off her feet. I got the steps wrong, according to Eloise, who helped me up once she had a hold of her laughter.”
You blinked at him.
“You fell?”
“Into quite the heap. Miss Pennyforth was a good sport about it all but she did end up with a rather unfortunate lemonade stain all down the front of her dress. I think she was a little embarrassed.”
He had the decency to look a little embarrassed himself. There you had been, ready to hurl the contents of your cup at the girl and Benedict had solved your predicament for you. A twinge of guilt tugged at you.
“I’m sorry I missed it,” you said honestly, face overtaken by a wry smirk since Benedict had not sat down singing her praises. Still you had to be sure, “She was looking a very good dancer before I left, I was afraid she might steal away my conversation partner.”
It ended up sounding far more transparent in your intentions than you’d hoped. But you held his eye contact defiantly when he grinned.
“I knew you missed me,” he said, smug, “I took one look at your face and I could see it plain as day. Really, you should have hidden it better.”
“I don’t enjoy these events and you know it, Benedict.”
Back to his first name and by the light in his eyes, he’d noticed the switch. He stood up and held out his arm for you.
“I know. I’m very grateful for it. Now come along, I’ve done my duty to my mother dancing with that girl and now I would like to do my duty to myself.”
You raised an eyebrow at him, not moving a muscle.
“I would like to make fun of the Featheringtons with my most cherished friend. Would you do me the honour?”
Something skipped inside your chest. Light and airy again, no longer weighed down and chained to something churning your stomach. His most cherished friend. Despite the evening’s revelations, that sounded heavenly.
“Is Eloise inside waiting for you then?” you can’t help but tease and he promptly puts his arm back by his side with a huff.
“You are intolerable. I’m going without you.”
“No - wait!” you laughed, following after him gleefully as he turned away from you and started walking. You managed to catch him on the stairs, threading your hand into the crook of his elbow with ease as you did.
The smile he sent you would take at least the next week to contemplate but you had time. You could be a very brilliant 'most cherished friend' for now.
(and you were far more cherished than you knew, of course, but he wasn't quite ready to tell you yet)
if you'd like to request something of your own, please see this post for characters I write for and two super brief guidelines. thank you for reading, sunflower <3
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muikitoo · 1 year ago
Hi,Ummm,good morning/night
Can I request something regarding the Rottmnt boys,I want them their love at first sight with a female reader in a school ay(More like a mix between the Yokai/mutant/human society
(No rush,It's ok if you don't want to do it and stuff,It's totally fine to take your time☺️,Have a nice day/night)
Love at first sight
Aged up! Rottmnt x fem! Reader
(somewhere around their 20s)
A/N: this was so hard to do for me for some reason (especially Mikey and Raph), i had to think for a few days for certain scenarios and this might come late bc i rlly want it to be good. Im sorry if it isnt what u expected 🙏
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You were an English teacher who recently started working at a new school. Youre quite nervous, but exciting at the thought of what awaits you with this sudden change.
- Donnie was one of those strict science teachers that nobody dared to underestimate.
- At first, he didnt seem too interested when he heard of a new teacher who started working there.
- hes never even been a romantic type, he honestly didnt care and let fate decide if he gets a partner or not.
- When he saw you for the first time though, he thought he might be hallucinating.
- "Oh sweet Galileo help me.."
- you probably immediately checked his "cute but mean" type without even saying a single word
- He became more interested in you, talking to you more often, even at times asking u to meet up during the break.
- "Hey, uhm.. Could i maybe interest u in some coffee during the break?"
- he thought all of this "romantic feeling" thing wasnt real, but he seriously cant help but fall for you.
- Leo is obviously the laid-back cool Spanish teacher.
- Almost every student liked him, he was chill and even jokes around
- (he once drew donnie on the board with a huge forehead and wrote "megamind" next to it)(no, donnie did not take that well)
- He was quite interested when he heard of a new teacher, hell he was probably the first one to interact with you out of his brothers
- The second he saw you, this mf fell straight face down in love with you
- "oh mi gosh thats the new teacher?! Shes gorgeous! Do you see her Donnie?! You see her?! Oh i so need to get her number!!"
- tries to act sly and flirt with you
- and fails miserably
- "Hey there hermosa, how do you feel about a date? Ya know, just you and me? *Wink wink* *leans on wall, trips and falls miserably*"
- (A/N: i cried writing that)
- Mikey is the sweet art teacher and students enjoy being around him, but yet again they probably wont dare to underestimate his "Dr. Delicate touch" side
- He was quite excited when he heard about a new teacher.
- When he saw you, he suddenly felt nervous and flustered. And he knew why.
- at this point, everyone but you knew abt how he admires you, a little more than in the friendly way.
- He couldnt get the courage to go and talk to you, which put Dr. Feelings to shame
- When you actually started talking tho, you got quite close.
- Youd be with him almost every break
- You would often stay in his classroom/art studio and watch him paint during the lunch break
- and during those times he even asks u to pick his colours
- "Hey Y/n, which colour do you think would suit the ladies dress more? Red or blue?"
- Sometimes you even jokingly ask to be his model, but in all honesty he doesn't mind at all
- you guys were an inseparable duo, and he caught himself falling more and more for you
- He's the PE teacher, hes fun but strict when he needs to be.
- He doesnt mind that theres a new teacher, hes quite excited abt it actually - he would gladly want to meet you.
- First thing that catches his eye is that he thinks youre really pretty.
- He's most likely stuttering during ur first convo now😭
- Hes super sweet, bringing you coffee and/or lunch, helping u out with random teacher stuff, checking up of u, ect
- "Hey! How you feeling? I brought you some coffee.. if youd like."
- Hes so shy, but he cant help but feel his heart flutter every time you thank him or show appreciation towards him
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A/N: Raph was so hard and i know it's not accurate at all. Ive literally been beating my ass up bc of him cuz i didnt have any ideas😭😭 this took super long and I'm really sorry about that, i hope it turned out the way u wanted🙏 anyways its 1AM so im js posting this cuz i have nothing else to do😔
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andreilslovechild · 24 days ago
A Study on Aaron Minyard and Hatred
I've been in this fandom for years now. somewhere around 5 years or so. and since I've been here there's always been a distinct theme in how people talk about the brother of our beloved main love interest. see people speak about aaron in two ways mainly. the first way is, of course, labeling him as hateful and homophobic and disliking him because he dislikes Neil. the second way is building on his more personable characteristics and having him paired with someone else like Katelyn or Kevin to mellow him out. both of those are all well and good, everyone is entitled to their opinions and all, but I've never quite seen people look at both of those sides at the same time so I want to try and consolidate my thoughts on the matter.
first of all, I personally rarely consider aaron inherently hateful in my own understanding of him. annoyed or disgusted sure, but not necessarily hateful. mainly that hate is focused on three people from what the fandom talks about: Neil, Andrew, and Nicky. I'm using hate a broad term for dislike just for the ease of things right now so don't yell at me, but I think it fair to say the fandom typically pits these three up against aaron in a way that makes aaron look like the bad guy a lot of the time.
if I'm honest, I never really felt he hated Neil more than just didn't care much. at least until he found out about him and Andrew and gave him his version of the shovel talk. maybe a bit when Neil used Katelyn against him. but overall I never quite got it when people said he hated Neil, let alone hated him for "no reason". like id be annoyed too if a guy waltzed onto my college sports team while im studying premed, and turned out to be the long-lost son of a serial killer with a mouth so big it was a wonder hes still alive. plus he was super shady before all that was revealed too, but aaron was still pretty neutral when Andrew brought Neil into the monsters. he even spoke back to the upperclassmen when they freaked out about Neil sitting with the monsters. if you all need me to get the quotes I will, but it's currently like 2am, and I just can't be asked right now lmao. either way, the only time aaron really hates Neil in the books is when he uses Kate against him to get him to go to therapy. which was done for his own good in the long run, and I doubt aaron stayed upset about it for too long. plus we always have to be careful here because we are seeing things from Neil's perspective, someone who is inherently an unreliable narrator in the story.
in Nicky's case, there's a lot to consider. aaron definitely does and says some things (again not finding specifics rn because it's 2am) that are hurtful to him, or offensive. I certainly don't really blame people for reading it as homophobic on a surface level. but that's exactly what it is. surface level. his feelings about Nicky are probably the second most complex in this instance. because Nicky is his cousin, caregiver, friend, whatever you want to call him. They're close, they mean something to each other. but aaron also grew up with Tilda, probably talking with his family over the phone every few months, seeing them maybe once a year or two. when aaron moved to South Carolina he was 13. Nicky would have been 17. aaron probably spent a lot of time with him at first to avoid being alone before he made friends himself. used him as an excuse to get out of being around Tilda alone. which undoubtedly left him susceptible to Luther's preaching. I could make a whole other post on this alone. Still, he would have known Nicky was gay and that it was "wrong". He likely saw only his mask, not the depression inside because Nicky would have wanted to be happy with his cousin. he probably was around when Nicky went to Germany and then came back loud and proud, telling him about a man named Erik and finally standing up to his parents. to us, it's inspirational, exciting even, but for aaron it was like Nicky was abandoning him. He had gotten through Nicky being gone with drugs and staying out of the house as much as possible, but now knowing Nicky was leaving him there alone with his mom for what he assumed would be forever would have hit him hard. he never hated Nicky for being gay. he was angry he had left him, and he had grown up surrounded by the ideals Luther preached and likely his mom did too. with that, plus how uncomfortable it would be to have your cousin being openly sexual around you to an extreme extent like Nicky, I don't blame him really for how he reacted. he was disgusted by the thought of his cousin having sex, not who it was with. I can't remember if his disliking Erik is a canon or fanon thing. Still, he disliked him for taking Nicky away, not because he was a guy. Long story short I don't think aaron ever truly hated Nicky or was truly homophobic. I think he was just a scared kid who learned the wrong words and didn't know how to be vulnerable.
Andrew. good old Andrew. the most complicated relationship in Aaron's life save maybe his mom. I think we all know aaron doesn't hate Andrew. just like Andrew doesn't hate aaron. it's impossible for them to hate each other because they are so irrevocably tangled up and tied to each other's lives. from the second they found out about each other, everything they've done has been for the other in some way. mostly on Andrew's end sure but aaron has also done his share. see out of everyone here I think Andrew is the person that aaron thought he hated the most. he was angry about Tilda, about the drugs, about how Andrew refused to look at him. but deep down he knew he couldn't really hate Andrew. if he truly hated him he wouldn't have stuck around him this long to try and form a relationship with him. he wouldn't have bothered renewing their deal after graduating high school. he may have been stubborn and confusing and made aaron want to pull his hair out in frustration, but I don't think hatred for Andrew truly existed in him. For certain actions maybe, but him overall? definitely not.
Aaron Minyard may have been complicated, cranky, and annoyed for the majority of the times we see him, but he never truly hated anyone. not in the way people seem to think at least. and certainly, never the three people hes accused of hating the most.
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artstennisracket · 23 days ago
I was listening to "Be Mean" by DNCE and it immediately made me think of Art being submissive and needy having a degradation kink.
Please write Artrick Stanford Era where Patrick comes to visit Art from tour! Patrick is relentlessly teasing Art and it's driving Art crazy but Art is so pathetic and turned on by it that he begs Patrick to be mean to him and fuck his brains out.
this song is actually so good thank you for introducing it to my lifeeeeee. i took a few liberties but I hope you love it anon :)
bonus points if you saw my aave post and can figure out where I wanted to write Art be fucking
cw: nsfw(18+), dom/sub, bdsm overtones, spitting, slapping, all the things
Patrick had visited Art a handful of times during his time at Stanford. Not as much as Art would have liked (considering Patrick split his time between Art and Tashi every visit). The last time Patrick visited he was telling Art his latest sexescapde with Tashi.
“yeah man she wanted me to tie her up and everything. so fucking hot, didn’t know she’d be into bdsm,” Patrick grins, the memory replaying in his head.
Art is always flustered when Patrick talks about sex. Not because Art is a virgin or anything, quite the opposite actually. Maybe it’s because he’s imagining Tashi and Patrick doing those things in his head.
The thought of Patrick tying Tashi up and doing whatever he wanted to her? More realistically, whatever she instructed he could do to her? That was really fucking hot, Art could feel his lower region peak interest. He started thinking about if Patrick could tie him up and actually do whatever he wanted to Art…
Art clears his throat coming back to reality. Patrick is staring at him amused, like he can read Art’s thoughts. “wait what’s bdsm?” Art asks.
“it’s like— you know the rihanna song? S&M? ‘chains and whips excite me’?”
Art nods, he’d heard that song the radio a few times and may have downloaded it on his mp3 player. “yeah i’ve heard it before, so what’s the bd part then?”
“that part means bondage and dominance? bondage and discipline? im not a 100% sure. you seem very curious maybe you should look into it,” Patrick smirks.
Art’s cheeks are red and he opens his mouth to say something but decides not to. Patrick leans in closer so he can whisper in Art’s ear, “I dunno you seem pretty easy to dominate, maybe you’d be into it.”
So Art had been thinking about it ever since. He did look into it and there are parts he’d think he’d be into. Being dominated wasn’t something he got to experience often with girls and Patrick was the only guy he’s ever slept with.
Being tied up to be used at someone’s else’s disposal? Yeah that made his cock very hard. But he’s only slept with Patrick once and they never talked about it again, he wasn’t sure if he should bring it up when Patrick comes to visit him again today.
Later that day once Patrick arrives, they headed to the dining hall to grab some food. They sit at the bar type area with high top chairs. Patrick pulls Art’s chair closer to his right before Art sits down.
“so are you gonna tell me what’s up or are you gonna keep looking at me like that?” Patrick asks turning his head to the side to look directly at Art.
Art furrows his eye brows looking up from his plate of food, “what are you talking about?”
“since I got here you’ve been like on edge, what’s up?” Patrick crosses his arms in front of his chest.
Art rolls his eyes trying his best to not think about Patrick dominating him in the bedroom because it’s all he’s been thinking about all day. But Patrick has always been able to read him, so he has to put on his best acting performance.
He scoffs, “nothing is wrong man, I’m just happy you’re here that’s all.” Art is searching Patrick’s face to see if he believes him.
Patrick studies Art face for a second, his eyes scan across the blond’s face. He notices the super faint pink tint on Art’s cheeks and the way Art is avoiding making eye contact. He also notices the few blond curls poking out of his snapback, which Patrick didn’t realize this before but Art in a snapback is definitely doing it for him.
Suddenly he throws one arm around Art’s neck pulling him to be face to face with Patrick, “you fucking slut, honestly im proud of you. you should be opening up your horizons your in college, id be doing the same thing if I was you.”
Art is so confused right now, mainly by how his cock stirred when Patrick called him a slut. “im not doing anything, what’re you talking about?”
“you slept with someone right? did all your bdsm fantasies? that’s great why didn’t you tell me?” Patrick smiles.
Art is about to deny it but he knows that if he does Patrick might figure out what he’s actually thinking. He nods, “no yeah you’re right. I was nervous to tell you about it.”
Patrick blinks for a second. He realizes that he got it wrong, Art is lying. He’s not sure why though but he’s going to play along until he finds out. He retracts his arm and sits back down in his stool fully. “so what’d you guys do then?”
Fuck Art should’ve been coming up with a story in his head as soon as he said it, now Patrick is going to ask questions he doesn’t know the answer to because they never happened.
“um y-yeah she just like tied me up and—“
Art gets cut off by Patrick saying, “i knew you’d be the one getting tied up, you’re just so submissive man.”
Art scoffs, “okay well why are we even talking about this here in public let’s just go back to my room and watch a movie or something.”
Patrick continues asking question when they get back to Art’s room. “what was her name?” “what did she look like?” “more tits or more ass?” “how’d you meet her?” Art couldn’t fucking keep up, he couldn’t keep his story straight and that when Patrick knew he got him.
“you fucking liar.” Patrick says backing Art against a wall.
“what? im not lying about anything. she was real and she was here and—“
Art is cut off by Patrick again, “bullshit you know what I think?” He asks standing very close to Art their noses almost touching.
“i’m sure you’re gonna tell me,” Art says trying to keep his breathing and his cock under control. He’s not doing a great job at either.
Patrick smirks leaning in to whisper right by Art’s ear, “i think you want me to fuck you…again.” He moves his hand down to groping Art’s erection. His grasp is firm when he says, “and i think this time you don’t want me to hold back.”
Art’s eyes slipped closed and he bit his lip trying to stifle the moan on the top of his tongue. He doesn’t do a good job at that either.
“is that what you want?” Patrick asks as he slips his hand inside Art’s shorts and boxers. He cups Art’s tip where all the pre-cum had built up, using it to make his hand glide easily up and down Art’s shaft. “fuck, you’re so wet for me already. but I wanna hear you say it. is that what you want?”
Art nods, “ah fuck,” but the pleasure of Patrick stroking him is on the forefront of his mind. He lets his forehead rest on Patrick’s shoulder.
“can you use your words for me baby? wanna hear you say it. tell me what you want me to do to you.”
Art’s eyes are rolling is the back of head as he whines against Patrick’s shoulder. He has a feeling that not answering the question may result in consequences or even worse, Patrick might stop touching him. He nods before opening his mouth to say, “i— i want you to fuck me, don’t want you hold back, want you to be mean to me.”
Patrick smirks stilling his movements, “guess you’re not as dumb of a slut as I thought. didn’t think you were gonna answer me. and I don’t think you’re gonna need it but we should have a safe word anyway just in case.”
Art had read about this when he was doing his bdsm research, “um I think, maybe pineapple?”
Patrick lets out a laugh, “okay,” he takes his hand out of Art’s shorts before going to his bag. He had packed a few things he wanted to try with Tashi but he’s never been one to waste an opportunity. “I want you to take off all your clothes, lie down on your bed, and I’m gonna use these,” he pulls out two pairs of black fuzzy handcuffs.
Art strips so fast he might’ve gotten whiplash. It was crazy that his dreams were coming true. He’s wanted this for some time now and he was itching with anticipation.
Art lays down on his bed. He’s laying on some pillows so his back is slightly elevated. He’s so hard all he wants to do is touch himself—
“no touching,” Patrick tsks washing over to the bed. He takes each of Art’s wrists, handcuffing one to each side of the headboard.
Art was a vision. He was already so hard, his tip was leaking precum against his tummy. His face was flushed and his eyes were a little glossed over, “wow you look, really fucking pretty like this. all laid out for me. desperate, just waiting for me to use you however I please.” Patrick said as he traced slowly down Art’s torso with his finger.
He moved his gaze back up to Art’s nipples. He pinched one and took the other into his mouth.
“ah—“ Art gasps. No one’s ever touched him there, he didn’t think it’d feel that good.
Patrick does a small little lick to each nipple before kissing his way down Art’s torso. He purposefully skips over Art’s cock.
Patrick takes a step back to pull his shirt and his jeans off, “hm should I suck you off baby?” He questions as he steps out of his boxers and stroked himself a few times.
Art nods. Patrick tsks as he pinches Art’s nipple, “what did I say about using your words?”
“oh fuck oh fuck okay okay i- i- want you to suck me off, please please” Art whines, his body keening towards where Patrick is pinching him.
Patrick lets go, satisfied with Art’s answer, “good boy, but if you don’t answer me when I speak to you again, i won’t be so nice.”
He lays down on his stomach in between Art’s legs. He acts as if he’s going to lick up the side of Art’s shaft but inside bring his tongue to lick a fat stripe up Art’s tightness.
This takes Art by surprise and he moans out, “jesus fuck, Patrick.”
He teases the outside with his tongue before pushing inside. Art is taken aback by how good it feel, attempting to fuck himself back against Patrick’s tongue.
Patrick allows it. He needs Art to loosen up a bit before he can add any fingers. Patrick sits up holding two fingers in front of Art’s mouth, “suck, and this is all the lube you’re getting so make it good.”
Art opens his mouth sucking on Patrick’s fingers like there’s no tomorrow. Licking and sucking, sucking and licking, until he feels like he’s covered Patrick’s fingers in a good amount of spit.
Patrick pulls his fingers out and presses one finger inside Art’s hole. He grabs Art’s curls to pull him in for a kiss, it’s a mess of teeth and tongue. Patrick has now worked Art up to three fingers before he pulls his fingers out.
He wipes his hand on the bed, “now I’m gonna fuck your mouth for a little bit okay? remember there’s no lube so you better make my cock nice and wet so i can fuck you properly okay?”
Art nods biting his lip. He’s never had his mouth fucked, sure he’s sucked Patrick’s dick before but this would be different. He just doesn’t want to die of suffocation, Patrick’s dick is pretty big.
But he nods nonetheless, “oh— okay yeah i will, make it wet.”
“and hey you can just pinch me if you need me to stop at anytime.”
Art nods.
Patrick stands on the bed, Art’s chest is between his legs. He kneels down, moving one leg to be next to Art’s head. He grabs Art’s hair once again as he starts feeding his dick inside Art’s mouth slowly. Inch by inch. Once he hits the back of Art’s throat he lets out a low groan, “fuck baby, you were made to take my cock fuck.
He steadied himself before he starts fucking into Art’s throat, “taking me so fucking well, you’d let me use any of your holes to get off huh? fucking cockslut.”
The gurgling and choking sounds coming from Art are really turning Patrick on. He can hear all the spit building up in Art’s mouth so he pulls out. His dick is nice and wet, “did such a good job baby,” Patrick smiles, “now I can fuck you nice and good.”
Patrick stands up on the bed to move back to his original spot between Art’s legs. This time he lines himself up with Art’s hole before he pushes in.
Now it’s Art’s turn to let out a low groan as Patrick bottoms out, “ah oh fuck—“
“you are so fucking tight jesus, gripping the fuck out of my cock,” Patrick grunts as he grabs Art’s hips and starts picking up the pace.
“this is what you wanted right baby? wanted me to fuck you? and what else?”
Art whines, “yes Patrick fuck, wanted you to fuck me.”
Patrick grabs Art’s face forcing them to make eye contact, “and what the fuck else did you ask me to do you huh? or are you just such a dumb fucking cockslut you can’t remember. as soon as you get some dick in you you can’t think straight anymore?”
Art is so fucking hard, he wants to cum so fucking bad. And Patrick is saying all the right things it’s hard to focus. Fuck. What did he say? Why can’t he remember? Oh. He remembers, “be mean to me,” he chokes out between Patrick’s bruising thrusts.
“there you go, maybe not a dumb slut, but you’re definitely still a slut for my cock,” He smirks, “open your fucking mouth.” Art opens his mouth with no questions asked and Patrick spits in it.
Now alot of people would find that disgusting and Patrick was going out on a limb he had no idea if Art would like it. But judging by Art reacted, Patrick thinks his guess was right.
Art feels very disrespected and degraded and he’s never been more turned on his life. Maybe that’s why the next words that come out of his mouth are, “hit me, fuck, slap me, need it.”
Patrick slows down his thrusts for a second, unsure if he should, but he doesn’t want to ask and ruin what they have going on right now so he does it.
It’s light and short and not hard enough. “harder Patrick please,” Art begs, tears threatening to escape from his eyes.
Patrick didn’t have to be told twice, so he slaps Art again. Keeping his hand firm and following through on his swing. Fuck. Art’s going to cum. He hasn’t even touched himself but between Patrick fucking him, slapping him, and overall degrading him he can’t help it.
“‘m gonna cum, Patrick please, gonna cum, can I cum please?” He finishes all over his tummy.
Patrick already knew Art was close so he wasn’t holding back anymore and he let go, “yes fuck baby, you can cum. gonna cum inside you fuck, gonna fill you up.”
Patrick cleans them both up and uncuffs both of Art’s wrists.
“how do your wrists feel? or better yet how does your face feel?,” Patrick smirks and he’s pretty proud of himself. Making someone cum untouched was always on his bucket list.
Art is half asleep on his bed when he mumbles out, “‘m good, feel good.”
Patrick smiles before he takes Art’s blanket and uses it to tuck Art in. He feels pretty proud of himself for putting Art to sleep as well. He gets dressed to head out and get them some food. He already knows Art will be hungry when he wakes up.
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cursedpiratestash · 9 months ago
I'm going genuinely feral for your overwatch Talon headcanons im here growling and gnawing at the bars of my enclosure.. So may I request Talon with an extremely clingy reader pretty please <3
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Talon x Reader
Clingy Reader headcanons
A/n: Sorry for the long break! Was not expecting to come back to that many notes honestly it makes me super excited to write again! Thank you for requesting I hope you enjoy! <3
Surprisingly enough it hardly bothers him; even the mild PDA
However, at work, he realized how lenient he has become with you and that eventually bothered him enough to talk to you about it
His position in talon demanded respect and he couldn’t commit to that with you clinging to him any chance you got
That being said you agree, more or less, to a compromise that allows him to better command a room
Thankfully, at home he anticipates your needs before they’re even needed whether it be to carry you around the house or even just a tender moment by the door as soon as he walks in
When he begins to realize just how clingy you are it takes him some time to adjust
He loves you dearly, but he is quick to set boundaries mainly pertaining to your behavior at work
Outside of that, however, he simply cannot help himself. You make him melt at your touch
Even through his agony he softens at your beckon call and your pleas to accompany him in his more mundane activities
In fact, despite popular belief, your clinginess comforts him in ways nothing else can
Doesn’t mind it as much as one would think however she does establish a boundary concerning when she really has to focus on something/needs the space
Is occasionally too wrapped up in work to let you know when she would be late or wouldn’t be showing up but is easily forgiven with a little bit of a cuddle session
Despite her persistent studies she has her moments in which she craves your attention for a bit of a recharge
She comes to you masking her disheveled state with confident posture, but, the second she’s in your company she instantly relaxes as you retell the details of your day
Honestly doesn’t even notice that you are clingy and makes it a common occurrence to have you lay with her or on her while she works if possible
On days she's too busy or a mission is taking way too long she's already sending you a quick text with a few corresponding emojis while she's at it
She never tires of your company and is easily the biggest flirt on the team
When you two are apart she's always texting and answering you
Best chat logs out of everybody and almost never leaves you hanging unless the mission truly interferes in someway
If anything, this one is much clingier than you are
You two are always texting when you're apart even if he's in a meeting or briefing
You’re lucky if you even get out of bed as he’s always holding you. He hardly keeps his hands off of you when you’re together whether it be an arm over your shoulder or a hand around your waist
Your PDA makes everyone around you laughably uncomfortable and annoyed, although, you hardly notice them
Spending time with you is the best part of his day; he can’t imagine any other way he’d like to unwind
Isn’t the most touchy person out of everybody, but she tries to indulge your habits when she can
You two have a bit of a system built to avoid any uncomfortable moments when she needs her space
Regardless of this she cares about you very much and also enjoys her fair share of cuddles on the couch/in bed
Your dynamic leans more towards you talking while she listens, however, she does comment here and there when prompted
Although some distance remains, she can’t help but feel something every time she’s with you
Finds it incredibly endearing and indulges you quite easily when he isn’t solely focused on his work. Even so he doesn’t mind having you there with him from time to time
It’s quite common to find you two floating around spending time together and the PDA hardly warrants any complaints
His mind partially clears when he gets to spend time with you
You can see him hang on your every word as well as the joy in his eyes when he speaks so sweetly to you
Whenever you two are apart it isn’t surprising to hear him talk about you whenever he gets the chance. The other teammates are actually pretty fond of it
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elsweetheart · 1 year ago
omg idk if this is ok to ask since you’ve never written for hazel but like what do you think her reaction to you mindlessly wearing a super short skirt in front of her would be like… maybe ur like freshly into the relationship n didn’t have sex yet so she’d go crazy i 🤭
no because she’s so silly and awkward but like so horny ♡
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waiting in line for your iced latte at the university cafe and she’s backed up a few steps, literally removing her arm from around your shoulder so she can ogle at you without looking like a total creep. you look back to glance at her and she nearly does a full spin trying to pretend she wasn’t looking — and she wasn’t! honest! she was trying to read the rhinestone lettering on the tiny pink skirt that just happened to be spelling something out across your ass!
you didn’t even say anything or acknowledge her gaze, and yet excuses come tumbling suddenly — “n-no—i wasn’t — you had a…” she waves her hand like she’s casting a fucking spell, mumbling something about a stain and your attention is captured again by the barista handing over your drink, paying no attention to hazels rambling as it certainly wasn’t out of character. it’s only back in the safety of your dorm when she brings it up again, because she quite literally cannot keep her eyes off the skirt so she figured she should say something, you know out of politeness.
“so, ‘that a new skirt or?” she trails off hoping it sounded casual and nonchalant. you stand from where you’re sat at your desk, absolutely elated that she noticed the tiny skirt you wore just for her, and she’s breaking into a grin of her own at how cute you were when you were excited. god, she was down dreadful.
“yes! i literally went to get it from the post room yesterday, it’s so cute — it says spoiled across the ass look!” you turn around, twisting at the waist to look down at it yourself. hazels eyes widen naturally, rubbing her sweaty hands on her knees, self soothing so she didn’t nut in her pants there and then. the swell of your ass peeks from beneath the skirt, having ridden up and her mouth waters. she wants to bite the flesh there, not in a weird way or anything just… shit.
“y—i mean, yeah it’s…” she stands up, wandering over to you gently slapping her fist into the palm of her opposing hand, smile fading into more of a smirk— not cocky just… relaxed. whatever it was, it made you bat your lashes a little. “you kinda have this thing where you look good in everything you wear?” she squints, leaning back a little, her voice getting higher as if she was gently breaking news to you. “but the skirt is really pretty. you’re really pretty.” she smiles simply.
you feel all hot in the face and appreciated, rolling your glossy lips over eachother (which she doesn’t miss, her eyes flickering downwards chanting ‘oh fuck’ in her head undoubtably.) “well im glad. i did buy it because like… i don’t know, wanted you to like it.” you get all shy on her and she smiles even bigger.
“well i definitely do. a little too much.”
you giggle and so does she, your fingers interlocking where they hang before you lift them up, looking up sweetly through your lashes to kiss the ring on her knuckle. she shouldn’t get a shiver up her spine from that, because it was pretty innocent— but she was having some urges all of a sudden. she gently shakes a hand free and cups your cheek. “you uh— missed my mouth.” her voice gets breathy towards the end of the sentence as she closes in, pressing her lips to yours.
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gyaruhana · 2 months ago
Hai since you aren't taking actual fic requests right now and only headcanons I wanted to ask if you also do those rankings? If you haven't seen basically people ask a question like 'who would be the biggest gentleman in a relationship' and the person who asks either gives a few characters for the writer to rank and write a few sentences or let the writer choose which characters they think fit best
But yeah I've basically have been seeing this a lot recently and had to think of you and your blog because I think I'd be something nice and short to write when you don't wanna do hc's/fic's and could help with potential writers block !
And if you plan on doing that then here would be your first ranking request !! :3
So out of Thanos, gwi-nam and niragi who would be the most freaky and rough in bed?
(btw I know this is long and I hope this wasn't a bother to you, I just ramble a lot about things I'm interested in and I just love your blog and everything you've written so far and I hope you continue <33)
im in love with this ranking system thingy uhm oh em gee ?!?!?!?!
i will absolutely be ranking now it's such a cute concept😭😭
below is my personal ranking.. (also thank you for liking my writing it always makes me so nervous when people compliment me..)
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No.3: Choi Su-Bong/Thanos (Squid Game)
Thanos is rough, yes. He likes choking you, he likes making you cry - not to mention he really enjoys edging you for as long as possible to watch your face contort in slight pain as you beg him to let you cum.
However, I'd argue he's not entirely the type to force you into anything if it makes you super uncomfortable. The only exception for this is when he's high and not really mentally present but most of the time he doesn't push you too far over the limit.
Of course, don't mistake this for me saying he's not rough! He totally is. But, compared to the others I'm ranking, he's def less extreme..
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No.2: Yoon Gwi-Nam (All Of Us Are Dead)
This is pretty self-explanatory.. we've seen plenty of scenes with him and he does NOT play.
Again, he also likes seeing you cry and choking you and blah blah blah but he's more freaky than Thanos which is why he's number two on my ranking.
He's ONLY degrading. There's nothing nice about this man. Maybe he would've pretended to be a little nice but he drops all that when he's fucking you honestly.
However, he's still only no.2 because while, yes, he isn't above being violent toward you and man handling you - he's not quite as bad as who i put as no.1
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No.1: Suguru Niragi (Alice In Borderland)
No.1 for a reason.
He's the roughest and the freakiest best believe it !! He really doesn't bother playing nice whatsoever. If he sees you and he likes you, he'll just claim you without a care in the world.
Just really kinky in my opinion!!
prolly into gun play, knife play - anything incredibly violent sorry not sorry. I mean.. we all know the typa guy he is so..
i'd argue he views you ENTIRELY as a doll for his pleasure. Not anything more honestly.
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CONCLUSION: First time ranking and I may have made it a little fancy set up bc i got excited at this concept..
But, yes - Niragi is No.1 on this list. I feel like he's just a real kinky and rough asshole. Although, I do totally see Gwinam being similar to Niragi in the future when he reaches PEAK dickhead-ness.
My king Thanos is only No.3 bc he's not totally mean at heart i feel.. he's just really rough when he's high but I don't think he'd be the same level of rough as Gwinam and Niragi.
anyway, hope my ranking was good !!
(thank you sm for this idea i need more holy moly..)
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