#super p force pills
promeds · 9 months
Best Non-Prescription ED Pills: Rediscover Your Intimacy with Pro Meds Health
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When it comes to matters of the heart and intimacy, few things can be as frustrating as erectile dysfunction (ED). It's a condition that affects millions of men, and it can take a toll on your self-esteem, relationships, and overall quality of life. The good news is that you don't need a prescription to find effective solutions. In this blog, we will explore the world of non-prescription ED pills and how Pro Meds Health can help you reclaim your confidence and revive your romantic life.
Understanding Non-Prescription ED Pills
Non-prescription ED pills, also known as over-the-counter (OTC) treatments, are designed to help men achieve and maintain a firm erection without the need for a doctor's prescription. These are ideal for individuals who may not want to consult a healthcare professional or those looking for discreet, accessible options.
The Benefits of Non-Prescription ED Pills
1. Accessibility: One of the most significant advantages of non-prescription ED pills is their easy accessibility. You can purchase them conveniently online, saving you the time and hassle of doctor's appointments.
2. Discretion: OTC ED pills are shipped discreetly to your doorstep, ensuring your privacy and comfort.
3. No Prescription Needed: As the name suggests, you don't need a prescription to obtain these medications. This means you can address your ED concerns without discussing them with a healthcare provider if you prefer.
4. Effective Results: Non-prescription ED pills are formulated with clinically tested ingredients, offering effective results for many men.
Popular Non-Prescription ED Pills
Here are a few non-prescription ED pills that have garnered positive attention:
1. Cenforce: Cenforce is a powerful OTC option that contains sildenafil, the same active ingredient found in Viagra. It is known for its effectiveness in treating ED.
2. Vidalista: Vidalista is another top choice, containing tadalafil. It's renowned for its prolonged effects, which can last up to 36 hours.
3. Fildena: Fildena, a generic version of Viagra, contains sildenafil and offers a cost-effective solution to ED.
Why Choose Pro Meds Health
Pro Meds Health is your trusted partner in finding the best non-prescription ED pills. Here's why we stand out:
1. Quality Assurance: We prioritize the quality and authenticity of our products. When you purchase non-prescription ED pills from us, you can be confident that you're getting a reliable solution.
2. Discreet Packaging: We understand the importance of your privacy. That's why we ensure your orders are shipped in discreet packaging, and your information is kept confidential.
3. Expert Guidance: Our team of experts is available to provide guidance and answer your questions about non-prescription ED pills. We're here to support you on your journey to regain your confidence.
4. User-Friendly Platform: Our online platform is designed to make ordering quick and easy. We aim to provide a seamless experience from selection to delivery.
Erectile dysfunction shouldn't hold you back from enjoying a satisfying and fulfilling romantic life. With non-prescription ED pills, you have accessible and effective solutions at your fingertips. Pro Meds Health is your trusted source for quality OTC ED medications, and we're here to help you rediscover your confidence and reignite the passion in your relationship. Don't let ED control your life – choose Pro Meds Health, and take the first step toward a more vibrant and satisfying romantic life with the best non-prescription ED pills.
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knmaskitten · 2 months
Messy ‹𝟹
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Pairing: Nanami Kento x afab!reader.
Summary: You decide to accompany your father to his business party with all his boring-looking co-workers. Until you spot Nanami Kento and you’re not able to take your eyes off of him the whole evening.
warnings / tags: No use of y/n. Reader is in her twenties, a lot of slapping, creampie, praise and degradation kink, almost public sex?, mentions of the pill, unprotected p in v, oral (f recieving). VERY BADLY WRITTEN SMUT. Sorry if i forgot anything, tell me if that is the case !
notes: This was so self-indulgent. I'm really sorry if you read this I'm so bad at writing smut. This was not proof read so enjoy!
wc: 2,296.
minors dni, 18+ only !!
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It was a saturday night when your father randomly asked you to accompany him to one of his work parties. It made sense; your mother was on a trip visiting your grandma, and your dad surely loathed going alone to said gatherings. That did not mean it didn’t take you by surprise—this whole boring ordeal—but you loved your dad and ended up agreeing to be his company for the night.
So this is how you ended up at a party with people clad in work attire; ergo, you felt like you were sticking out like a sore thumb. You innocently picked a flowy white blouse and a black pleated skirt alongside a pair of Mary Jane shoes. Even so, you were not going to feel self-conscious over some stupidly boring outfits that only people who gave up on fun could pick. And also, your outfit was super cute.
“He is my boss, little one. He makes my life miserable.” Your dad whispered to you. You saw a man who could easily be an NPC. You chuckled a little bit, rolling your eyes. You couldn’t believe that a boring-looking man could make your dad’s life so difficult.
“So sorry to be you, dad.”
And then, in a sea full of grey and monotonous office workers, you saw him. Toned, tall and well-built. A blonde guy who could easily crush you between his fingers. It urged you to know who he was. He was no different than the others, dressed in caqui pants and a blouse that, to your surprise, was blue and not white like the other ones. It urged you to know who he was, as you slightly bit your lip when you analyzed him from top to bottom. The room felt a little bit more hot with him in it.
You panicked when you saw him approaching you. Did he see you? Did he notice how you looked at him? You were so out of it that you almost didn’t catch him and your dad exchanging greetings. You heard your name escape your dad’s lips, only to be followed by the guy’s voice. Your name sounded angelic coming from him. You had to force yourself to snap out of it.
“This is Nanami Kento, little one.” Your dad told you. “He works with me.”
“Hello, I guess my dad already introduced me.” You looked at him, this time intentionally, and extended your hand so you could feel at least his hands. He took your hand in his firmly and shook it. This left a tingling sensation on the palm of your hand.
The rest of the night, you couldn’t take your eyes off Nanami, It was as if he had a magnet glued to his torso. He drew you in; he looked so deliciously toned that you started to feel the need to see him without this much clothing. What could he be hiding behind his office worker clothes? Was the room always this hot? My god, he was going to make you collapse. 
For a really short moment, he connected his eyes to yours. Stoic as he was, he did not take his eyes off of yours, not once changing his collected expression. And you didn’t know if this was your delusion, your own imagination, but you swore he signaled you with his head and then walked off the crowded place. So, with your heart on your hands, you told your dad you needed to go to the bathroom and followed Nanami.
You caught a glimpse of blonde walking and taking a turn towards the office desks, so you hurriedly followed him. You saw him standing, giving you his broad and muscular back. You licked your lips before saying:
“Nanami-san, are you alright?” You innocently said.
He turned around to face you, looking at your body, unashamed. The curve of your hips, your plush tits, and your ass that was barely covered by your skirt. He slowly walked towards you, cornering you with the wall. You could feel how his chest rose with each breath he took.
“You’re such a little naughty girl. Looking at me all night long.” He clicked his tongue, disaprovingly. “Thought I wouldn’t notice those shamelessly pretty eyes?”
You quivered looking at him; you saw him starting to loosen up his tie, shaking his head in the process. Deciding it was best not to move a muscle, you gleefully decided to admire his movements. 
“Imma teach you to be respectful to your elders, pretty girl.”
He then put his hand in front of you; he looked to be asking for permission. You knew this meant you were tacitly agreeing to something bigger than just a single hand. And you wanted it so bad, so you gave him both your hands. Nanami very swiftly tied both of your hands behind your back with his tie.
“Pretty eyes wonder how they’ll look brimming with tears while you scream my name.” He whispered near your earlobe, nibbling at it. You shuddered, feeling something deep inside your core. He was going to get you wet with nothing, how pathetic of you. You wanted to touch him, to sink your hands into his neatly done hair, to squish his muscles, but you couldn’t.
Nanami brought his hands to your hips, squishing them tightly, while leaving a trail of wet kisses from your ear to the crook of your neck, he stopped there. With one of his hands, he revealed a little bit more of your collarbone and started leaving lovebites there, marking territory. Anybody who could see you will know that you were his.
“You’re so soft.” He mumbled in your skin, his hot breath making you quiver. He looked at you with hazel eyes, hungry, and then kissed you. It wasn’t a sloppy kiss; this was orchestrated, as if he were a director and you were his orchestra. You matched the kiss, it felt as if he was all you needed in your life. Lips clashing, he glued his body to yours, grabbing you by the hips. He explored.
He decided to explore your ass, squishing it hard once, twice, then slapping it. You moaned in between kisses, feeling how his hand pushed your skirt upwards to gain more access to your ass. His other hand went up, landing underneath your blouse and slowly going towards your breasts; he felt them, over your bra. You could feel how his digits applied different kinds of pressure to your sensitive area, how he placed two fingers in between one of your nipples.
“Nanami-san, ah” You moaned when he started playing with your nipple.
Nanami Kento looked like a cool, calm and collected type of guy, and he showed it in every single one of his movements. On the way he ruthlessly flickered and squished your nipple between his fingers, on how he casually stopped the kiss and looked at you—plush lips, pinkish cheeks, and big, lustful filled eyes. You huffed, trying to catch your breath. 
“You look so perfect like this.” He whispered, close to your face.
He started teasing you, touching the hem of your panties, tugging at them. He then pushed you towards a desk, urging you to sit on it. He positioned himself in between your legs and planted a chaste kiss on your covered pussy. You whined at this, feeling a heat rush deep into your core. You could feel it, you were getting wet. He did not make any comments; he just let out a faint chuckle, as if this amused him. Nanami decided to explore the plethora of reactions you could give him. He first felt your clit over your clothed folds, rubbing slow, delicious circles.
Arching your back, you purred a little moan. He then slapped your clit lightly, scolding you.
“Be quiet now, darling. We don’t want your daddy hearing us, don’t we?” 
He resumed his task, pushing your panties aside, he admired how wet you were. He teased you about it, your name escaping his lips in a degrading manner. This made your head feel fuzzy as he acknowledged that this was, in a way, something that couldn’t be discovered. For fucks sake, you were his coworker’s daughter and at least 8 or 6 years younger than him. You felt so lewd, so out of it. Your hands wanted to explore Nanami, to touch his abs and his well-toned chest. God, you hated being restrained, but at the same time, it elicited some kind of deep, twisted pleasure.
He kneeled down inches from your wet, dripping entrance. You caught him licking his lips, and then he pushed his face into you. Wet sucking sounds were all that could be heard, you tried your best not to be noisy, but it was hard, extremely hard. You felt how he used his tongue to lap at your clit, applying the right amount of preassure to send you to heaven. For him you taste sweet, like honey, and he was enjoying you.
He decided his tongue was not enough, so he used your wet arousal to coat his finger and pushed it into you, you moaned. He started thrusting, his moves deep and well-maneuvered, everything was exactly calculated to his liking. You felt how he was hitting that spongy point of yours, with his finger curled up. The little knot in your lower belly grew stronger by the minute; you were a hot mess. Soaked and messy, the squelching sounds and your whimpers echoed in the room, fogging your brain and clouding your senses. He made you feel mushy.
He increased his pace, knowing this would manage to get you on edge. You arched your back and started squirming.
“I’m going to cum soon, Nanami-san.” You gasped.
He started pumping his finger in and out more ruthlessly, inserting a second finger.His fingers felt tight they were thick and long, reaching perfectly every spot that needed his attention. You felt it before him, how your walls tightened around his fingers before you covered them with your juices, coming. He did not stop pumping, helping you through your high. 
He looked neat, as if none of this had an impact on him; you could only discern the hard bulge that grew in his pants. Nanami made eye contact with you, giving you a stern look, and afterwards, taking his glistening fingers to his mouth, tasting you once again.
“You taste as sweetly as you look.” He commented, wiping his fingers clean. “Look at you; I can’t believe you are doing such lewd stuff with your dad’s coworker. Such a naughty girl, might need a lesson or two.”
You whined, not replying to him. It really made you feel aroused by the way he spoke to you, how he treated you like you were the prettiest thing in the world, and then how he reminded you of how indecent it was what you were doing. He gave you a long kiss, in which you battled against his tongue, trying to win terrain in an already lost war.
After that, he decided it was time for you to have him because he unbuckled his pants and took out his length. You saw it sprung free and pushed your legs together expectantly, trying to ease your need. He was large and thick; he pumped his shaft twice, coating it with precum before he asked:
“Are you on the pill, darling?” He huffed.
“Yeah, please, hurry up.” You pleaded, needing him more than you have ever needed anyone in your life.
He gave you a quick slap to your tits, grabbing them roughly afterwards, flickering your nipples.
“You don’t tell me what to do.” He then added, looking directly into your eyes. “Imma stuff you full, sweetheart.” He then aligned with your entrance, entering in one swift motion, leaving you stuffed and flustered. This was nothing like his fingers; this felt a step further than heaven. Bliss was all that you could think of.
He was good, with each and every pump, he managed to undo you more, leaving you in chaos. He grabbed you by the hips with brute force, fiercely. You knew his fingers were going to leave marks on your soft skin. But it didn’t matter as long as he kept thrusting into you, you didn’t care.
You also knew that, after this, no man could ever satisfy you like he did. Nanami was going to leave you broken for everybody else. You could feel him stretching you out, deliciously, feeling the pang that came with him hitting the right spot. He felt your cunt starting to squeeze tightly around his cock, making him grunt.
“Gonna finish inside of you, angel.” He said, dangerously close to your ear. For the first time in the evening, you were able to see him worked up. Pearls of sweat pooled in his forehead, ruining the neatness of his hair, which was now sticking to his forehead.
And you felt your high coming and moaned in answer; you two were a symphony of grunts and whimpers, clouding the room with heat. And with one final sound and whine of his name, you came undone. Covering his cock with your juices. He didn’t stop, though, guiding you through your high and going into overestimulation. He pushed with more brute force into you, pushing you thighs upwards.
You felt his cock twitch and knew he was close. He increased his pace, smashing his hips into your ass, creating even more lustful sounds. After that, he came, saying your name in a grunt and filling you up with his cum. He gave you a kiss and pulled out.
And as if nothing had happened, he fixed his hair and pants and left you there, panting and gasping, messy.
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Thank you for reading <3
masterlist and more.
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xcherryerim · 3 months
| videos | Categories | Live | premium |
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Public’s favorite: 🌟 | Popular: 💕
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🌟💕 “Double The Fall, Triple The Pleasure” | wc: 3.6k | Gn!reader
Summary: As you work your shift as a casino host Derek Danforth, the son of the co-owner, decides to begin a round of baccarat with a stranger named Billy. Somehow you end up participating in the game and emerge victorious, causing the two players to owe you financial compensation but, they end up repaying you in another way. (Billy x reader x Derek)
“Intoxicating Admiration” | wc: 2.7k | Gn!reader
Summary: Running from the police, Billy finds himself hiding in a grunge bar, unsure of what to do next. He decides to stay for a little while longer and as he watches your band's performance, He is instantly drawn to you.
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“Forgotten Bond(age)” | wc: 3.7k |Gn!reader
Summary: At a freshman college party, you spot Clapton, the individual whom you used to torment in high school, who promptly initiates a search for you despite your efforts to evade an encounter. However, instead of seeking answers or explanations, he seems to desire something else, as he appears to seek out a more intimate and provocative connection, aiming to submit to your dominance.
this is just a reallyshort clapton x amab reader
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🌟💕 “Double The Fall, Triple The Pleasure” | wc: 3.6k | Gn!reader
Summary: As you work your shift as a casino host Derek Danforth, the son of the co-owner, decides to begin a round of baccarat with a stranger named Billy. Somehow you end up participating in the game and emerge victorious, causing the two players to owe you financial compensation but, they end up repaying you in another way. (Billy x reader x Derek)
“On Your Knees” | wc: 3.2k | Gn!reader
Summary: Once a suspicious source leaked documents of Derek helping his mom get ahead of the presidential election, you are forced into a PR relationship to distract the media from finding the truth. Even if this is all a facade, Derek will prove you’re his.
“Sugar Rush” | wc: 3.3k | Fem afab!reader
Summary: Since the day Derek friends’s introduced you to him as a dealer, he grew obsessed with you but never acted on his feelings until you gave a him a glimpse of hope (combined with the magic powder cough cough)
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💕 “A Call Away (Help I’m Still Hard!)” | wc: 1.6k | gn!reader
Summary: After taking some pills to have some fun by himself, the harness doesn’t seem to go away so he calls his beloved partner for help.
“New Memories” | wc: 2k | afab!reader
summary: Sleepless Futturman playing with reader’s chest.
🌟”Spilled Drinks” | wc: 2.8k | gn!reader
Summary: After many failed attempts, Josh, Tiger, and Wolf decided to change their perspective and get after the co-owner of the Kronish experiment, hoping it would finally prevent the super-cure from ever happening. Unlucky for Josh, to get after the co-owner, he needed to wear an out-of-the-comfort-zone attire in an unusual bar, where you happen to be.
in other words…
“Josh is undercover as a slutty ass waiter for a mission, he eventually loses sight of the goal and begs you to fuck him while he's still wearing the lingerie. “ — An user said
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“A Helping Hand” | wc: 2.4 | Gn!reader
Summary: Injured and touch starved Mike, that’s it.
💕 “Chocolate Kisses” | wc: 2.3k | Gn!reader
Summary: After another failed date that makes you feel like you will never find love, you go to your best friend's place (Mike), searching for comfort, but he ends up showing you the love you’ve been craving (and also something big and thick). 
💕 “Roommates Conflict” | wc: 3.9k | fem afab!reader
Summary: After fighting with your roommate for a month, you decide to discuss your issues with Mike but, your plans don't go accordingly, and then...Mike finds you stuck on the couch.
⭐️“Strange Fascination” | mini series | gn!reader
Summary of pt. 1: After not seeing you at school to pick up your brother, his mind is flooded with worry. In an excuse to hangout with his sister, Mike drove near your place, observing your every move through the cafe window.
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“What You Deserve” | Venessa Shelly x gn!reader
Summary: Engaged in a situationship with Mike, you can’t help but let your insecurity drive you the conclusion that Mike and Vanessa are into each other, that’s until Vanessa proves you wrong.
— Want me to write for another Jhutch character? Let me know! (If you send request please be specific as possible with what you want!)
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huffelpuff210 · 3 months
Taken Care of Part 2 Soft Dark Steve Rogers x Soft Dark Bucky Barnes x Reader
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Warning: Mentions of depression, Loss of a child, Dark themes, Forced marriage, forced relationship, forced pregnancy, baby trapping, age gap, Non, Con, Manipulation, Grooming, 
After much yelling and crying at the two super soliders to leave, you are now sandwiched between them in bed, this was not uncommon especially when you had to go with them on a mission to decrypt something when Tony wasn’t available, Natasha always called them your guard dogs, 
They were both fast asleep, You were wide awake, not able to sleep, 
You can’t remember the last time you slept. Your back was pressed against Steve’s chest while Bucky’s arm is over your hip, 
You sighed slowly peeling Bucky’s arm off you, You crawl out of bed quietly, tip toeing out of the room, You just didn’t have the heart to wake the two. 
You make your way to the kitchen, passing the nursery, slowly opening the door, the room was decorated with blue walls, a white crib, a mobile with wales on it, a blue nursing chair, a gray dresser and changing table, 
You place your hand over your mouth, tears welling up your eyes closing the door before you had another shut down, you walk towards the bathroom popping a few pills, they were depression pills it was bad enough to lose your child but having post part-om depression is the worst of it, because you don’t even get to hold your child, You grip the edge of the sink feeling like you couldn’t breath, You were having a panic attack
You couldn’t breath you felt like someone was cutting off your oxygen, You slide down the wall trying to catch your breath, you felt like someone was choking you, this was always happening, 
suddenly you felt and arm around you, 
“Shh, Kitten breathe..” He says
You hear Bucky’s voice 
“Deep breaths, in and out.” He says his hand rubbing your arm, 
“You don’t have to be here.” you say, 
“of course we do.” Steve walks in, 
They pull you to your feet, 
“You are suffering and we are not just going to stand by.” Steve says 
He rubs his hands up and down your arms.
Bucky was now behind you his lips on your neck, 
You try to push them away, but they are strong, and won’t budge, 
“W-What are you-” You say your hands against Steve’s chest. 
“We’re gonna make you happy.” Bucky says 
“W-Wait we’re friends.” You say in a panic
“Yes we are, and we’re done waiting for you to realize you are perfect for us.” Steve says 
You cannot believe what they were saying, 
“You have been broken enough by losers, Let us show you what a real man is, not one who abandons you when you get knocked up, Not one who makes you lose a child because of stress, no, no, A man supports his girl.” Bucky says as his lips trail down your neck from behind, his hands firmly on your hips, Steve on the other hand has his hand roaming up the inside of your tank top, 
“A man loves her no matter what.” Steve says kissing the other side of your neck, You try not to give into them, but it almost felt as if your senses were coming to life. 
“W-Wait..” You try to speak but a moan escapes your lips as Steve’s hand twists your breast, 
Steve’s lips capture yours in a possessive kiss, it felt as if he was sucking the air out of your lungs, Your hands still on Steve’s chest suddenly fist his shirt as he kisses you harder while Bucky is still attacking your neck, 
Bucky’s hand slips inside your pajama pants and past your panties, slipping past your wet folds, 
“God she’s wet Steve.” Bucky whispers nipping at your earlobe 
Steve finally releasing you from the possessive kiss, smiles down at you, 
“You will never have to worry about pain again, or loss we will take care you doll.” Steve says as he has your chin in his grip, 
“But-” You began, 
“It wasn’t a request kitten, you are ours now, no exceptions, we have waited for far too long.” Bucky says as his fingers pump in and out of you causing you to lose whatever argument you had as your head is thrown back into Bucky’s shoulder, the pleasure coursing through you,
And you feel the wave of pleasure come crashing down on you as you Cum hard, Bucky pulls his fingers out of you bringing them to his lips, 
“Mmm, you taste better than I imagined kitten.” He says 
“I can’t wait any longer,” Steve says scooping you up in his arms taking you back to your bedroom, laying you on your bed, hovering over you, 
“Take your shirt off now.” He says in a commanding voice you look over at Bucky  who just smiles and nods at you telling you to do as you are told, 
You shakily take your tank top off revealing your black laced bra
Steve’s hand slowly roaming from your stomach to your breasts, 
“Mmm, just as beautiful as I imagined.” He says in a low voice, 
“Are you ready to please your husbands?” He asks, 
“But your not my-” You began, 
He cuts you off by placing his index finger on your lips, 
“Not yet but soon enough.” He says kissing your belly, and making his way up, 
“We’ll take care of you.” He says 
He quickly unclasps your bra throwing it on the floor, 
You try to push him away, 
“S-Stop.” You say 
Steve quickly pins your hands by each side of your head, 
“We are not going to stop, you are ours now kitten.” Bucky says you feel him pull your Pajama pants off along with your panties, The bikini cut from your C-Section now a scar, knowing they see it, 
You turn your head trying to hold your tears, 
“Don’t worry doll, you are beautiful.” Steve kisses the side of your neck before, wrapping his mouth around your breast you bite your lip trying not to egg them on, 
And suddenly you can feel Bucky between your legs, His talented tongue enter your folds, you arch your back, squeezing Steve’s laced fingers, 
“That loser never made you feel this good did he?” Steve asked his blue eyes shimmering in the moonlight, 
You didn’t understand what was happening, they never behaved like this before, Suddenly you felt two fingers enter you and you arched your back letting out a gasp, 
“That’s it kitten give in.” Bucky says 
“N-No, Stop,” You gasp
“Really? Because you body says differently.” Steve says with a chuckle, 
Suddenly you feel the pressure it was all becoming too much, between, Bucky’s tongue and fingers, and Steve’s mouth on your breast, you felt yourself losing control, you could feel yourself clamp around Bucky’s fingers, 
“That’s it Kitten, cum for us.” Bucky says and suddenly you feel yourself cum hard, you let out a loud moan, 
“Mmm, I enjoyed that kitten,” Bucky says 
smirking from between your legs, Steve still had your hands pinned beside your head you see Bucky get up and quickly undress, it wasn’t a secret that both soliders had magnificent bodies, 
Steve lets go of your hands, to undress you try to get up to make a run for it But Bucky was already restraining you, 
“No running kitten we are just getting started.” Bucky says as he has you pinned, 
“You ready?” He says 
You shake your head no you didn’t want this, Bucky grabs both of your thighs lining himself up and slowly pushing himself in, You gasp at the intrusion, He was bigger than anything you’ve had before, thicker, he kept inching himself in, until he bottomed out, You didn’t realize you were holding your breath until Steve was kneeling beside you, 
“Breathe doll.” Steve says petting your head, 
You do as he says, 
“How does she feel?” Steve asks, 
“God, Fucking amazing, she so damn tight.” Bucky grunts, 
Bucky pulls almost out completely and slams back into you causing you to let out a loud moan, arching your back at how rough he was being, 
His hands squeezing your thighs knowing you were going to have bruises, Bucky continued his rough and fast pace, grunting and groaning as he continued to slam into you, You could see Steve, Pumping himself with his hand watching the scene, You couldn’t believe this was happening they were your best friends, and now they were doing this to you, 
“God, I can’t wait to see you full with our children.” Bucky grunted, 
This caused you to freeze, Shaking your head no, 
“No, Please.” You say trying to get him off of you, but he pinned you to the bed by your throat, 
“Yes, you are perfect for us.” Steve grunts still pumping himself, 
“We will take care of you and the children,” Bucky says grunting, 
You can feel the pressure building, squeezing him tightly, 
“That’s it kitten Cum for me.” He says continuing his hard and fast brutal pace, And you feel yourself Cum hard again, arching your back as you let out a loud, Moan, 
A few hard and fast thrusts and You feel Bucky Cum inside of you, feeling the tears welling up in your eyes, He pulls out of you and you are about to get up when You are flipped on your Stomach, And Steve has you by the hips, 
“My turn.” He says his voice almost feral
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When an Unstoppable Force Meets an Immovable Object
In chapter 59, Princess Iron Fan uses her magic, divine wind-producing fan to blast Sun Wukong into the heavens (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 3, p. 126). The book provides two conflicting figures as to its effectiveness, stating that the fan can blow a target a total of 84,000 li (八萬四千里; 26,097.59 mi/42,000 km) or 108,000 li (十萬八千里; 33,554 mi/54,000 km) (based on Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 3, pp. 127-128 and 148). To combat this weapon, the Bodhisattva Lingji (靈吉菩薩) sews a precious Buddha treasure, the "Wind-Arresting Elixir" (定風丹), [1] into the collar of Monkey's robe (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 3, p. 128). But our hero later accidentally swallows it, and his body is strengthened by it. Chapter 61 explains:
He [the Bull Demon King] did not know, however, that when the Great Sage changed previously into a tiny mole cricket to enter the stomach of Raksasi [in ch. 59], he still had in his mouth that Wind-Arresting Elixir, which he swallowed unwittingly. All his viscera had become firm; his skin and bones were wholly fortified. No matter how hard the Bull King fanned at him, he could not be moved (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 3, p. 149). 不知那大聖先前變蟭蟟蟲入羅剎女腹中之時,將定風丹噙在口裡,不覺的嚥下肚裡,所以五臟皆牢,皮骨皆固,憑他怎麼搧,再也搧他不動。
The elixir essentially turns Sun into an immovable object. This is forgotten in subsequent chapters, but this would be an interesting element to make use of in fanfiction. I can see this being a great setup for a battle. Hear me out ...
Sun Wukong vs Juggernaut!!!
Both are fierce and super strong, and both of their respective static and kinetic abilities are tied to divine beings (Buddha and Cyttorak). So, what do you think would happen if the two met head-on?
I know who I would bet my money on.
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1) Lingji twice reveals (ch. 21 and 59) that the Wind-Arresting Elixir (定風丹) is a treasure bestowed by the Buddha (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, p. 419; vol. 3, p. 128). Yu (Wu & Yu, 2012) translates this magic pill as the “wind-stopping pearl” in chapter 21 (vol. 1, p. 419).
It's interesting to note that a “wind-stopping pearl” (定風珠) is said to be one of many heavenly jewels decorating Tripitaka’s cassock in chapter 12 (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, p. 282).
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crusherthedoctor · 7 months
Get a Load of Traits - PART 2: Dr. Eggman
It's that time again, folks. Time for another analysis you didn't ask for.
I explained how the setup goes with my previous installment revolving around Sonic, but to recap: for the sake of not dragging things out too much, I’ve decided to keep it all thematically consistent by sticking with 9 main points per character, in terms of what I personally consider the highest priorities for each of them. These will usually not be listed in any particular order of importance or relevance unless stated otherwise, and while there may be other major traits that might not get mentioned (in which case, feel free to bring them up yourself if you see fit), this keeps things simple and focuses on the points that have the most flexibility with how much of the character they encapsulate.
It should also be noted that these posts are made with the game portrayals in mind, because the games mark the core of the franchise, and as such, they objectively contain the purest essence of the cast. Adaptations generally like to play by their own rules, some more gratuitously and inexcusably than others, and this will inevitably crop up with certain entries. All that being said however, I’ll attempt to stay focused rather than devolve into another rant about this adaptation or that adaptation, only directly referring to them if I feel it’s necessary for the point being made.
Anyhow, for today’s installment, the spotlight shines on everyone's favourite villain that they pretend isn't a villain: Dr. Eggman.
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He's larger than life.
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Where could he be???
He's shaped like an egg. He laughs and bellows like it's going out of fashion. He proudly announces when he's in the room for no other reason than to inform everyone that he's in the room. He takes sadistic glee when you don't have enough memory in the memory card. Why would you want to sawdust away this side of him? What are you, a Hollywood writer?
Just as Sonic is a fun hero, it's integral that Eggman is a fun villain. He's all about the colour, the spectacle, the raw energy. This is non-negotiable. If you approach this character and think he needs to be made grounded because he has a silly name or something, then you are going about this the completely wrong way. Villains like Eggman get praised all the time for being vibrant and wacky, so frankly, there is no excuse to write him off for it.
He is genuinely smart.
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"Oh yeah? Well if you played nice, I wouldn't need to transform you into a tedious gameplay mechanic that appeals to furries and is guaranteed to give this game negative reviews from IGN. Haha, gottem."
Look at the screencap above. He was able to turn the tables against Super Sonic right when it looked as though he was thoroughly cornered. How was he able to achieve this? By planning.
*leans closer to the mic*
P L A N N I N G.
Yes, he is not literally omniscient. Yes, he can be prone to the occasional oversight. Yes, unexpected events can transpire that would be difficult if not impossible for him to account for. But all that aside, Eggman is a genius. He does have an IQ of 300. He talks a big game, but with all the amazing tech he's created over the years, and with all the ways he's pulled a fast one over the heroes, he has proven that he can play the big game. Need I remind you that this is a human, and his arch-nemesis is the fastest thing alive, not some dude on the street. He would need to be on his A-game in order to last.
And yes, it is indeed him who does all that brainstorming. Ever since day 1, he's always been very hands-on with his operations, not needing to steal the credit from another scientist or force a hostage to do it all for him. His plans? His weapons? They're all him. Would a mere bumbler be able to subdue the Time Eater?
He is genuinely evil.
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"What's this shite I'm hearing about a Mr. Tinker...?"
We've got the Triforce of Funny Man. We've got the Triforce of Real Intelligence. Now here comes the hardest pill to swallow: the Triforce of Actually Malevolent.
For reasons that can be pinned on certain portrayals that are coincidentally more commonly found in adaptations, fans are all too willing to remove agency from Eggman's villainy. When they're not claiming an amnesiac personality that peaced out as quickly as it arrived is his true self, they're claiming he has all these heated gamer moments for the purpose of avenging his Wasted™ grandfather, Professor Gerald Robotnik. Or they claim he's not as bad as other villains in the franchise because he "only" wants to conquer the world, rather than destroy it.
Now how can I put this gently...
No, I am not just saying this because I personally happen to favor Eggmen with proper villainous balls to their name rather than glorified frenemies with Sonic at best. Even when exorcising myself of all potential bias, the Eggman we see in the games is still a very different fellow from what a concerning number of fans say with a straight face he is.
He stuffs animals inside robots on a regular basis. He lies, cheats, and backstabs on a regular basis. He fired a laser at the planet with the intent to fracture it, with no consideration for destruction or fatalities. He conquered other planets just to reduce them to self-indulgent attractions for his theme park. He drove a friendly robot to insanity after they were willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. He wanted to destroy Station Square right out the gate, with the only difference come the end of his rope being that he changed tactics to more suicidal means out of desperation. When the Deadly Six were defeated, and the world remained in a dire state, his only reaction was to express relief that there was still something for him to lord over. And although Forces may have glossed over much of his rule, it's clear that it wasn't pleasant for anyone other than himself. Throughout all of this, he rarely brings up Gerald in a consistent manner outside of SA2 and ShtH, and in fact, even in those games, it's pretty clear that he only cares about Gerald's scientific legacy and how that makes him special in the process due to being his grandson. He's never been shown to give a damn about the rest of Gerald as a person, including the philanthropist he was at heart prior to his last days.
Not wanting to destroy the world is not an act of kindness. It's simple logic: he can't conquer something that's not there. And is treating the population to a lifetime of slavery really that softer than a quick and (relatively) painless death? I'm sure TV Tropes would say yes, but what do you think?
He's a self-made man.
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Egg Jameson confirmed.
Our horizontally enlightened fiend did not start with a kingdom of his own. He was not a test tube baby who could shoot lasers out of his hands from day one. He was not born a demon, nor did he hail from a bloodline of gods. When he began his path in life of being a furry shamer, he had only his gadgets and tools to work with. Yet, he has managed to carve himself a bountiful list of pro gamer moves over the years despite his mortal human status, including harnessing the Time Eater as mentioned, bringing his dream Eggmanland to life in all its glory, and the engineering marvel that is Metal Sonic... and almost never suffering from financial troubles despite the frequent destruction of his machines at Sonic's hands. (Keep Sonic 4's name out your fuckin' mouth.)
And speaking of that last part, there has been evidence across the series that he has more than one way of ensuring the moolah keeps rolling in. We've seen him set up casinos, carnivals, Extreme Gear companies, newspaper factories, and other facilities to extend his reach. We've seen his robots mine for resources all over the world, and occasionally other worlds. We've seen him own a literal ocean of oil. We've even seen him sell his stripped down robots to chumps who don't know any better. For all his childish ways and penchant for plagiarizing the Death Star, he's surprisingly good at money management.
Then there's his specific approach to scheming and beating Sonic. Winning on its own is never enough for him: he wants to win on his terms, by doing things his way. So he might steal a shiny gem, but he'll use it to power the tech that he made. He might wake up a sleeping beast, but he'll have an Egg Carrier operating alongside it. The doc is always pulling his weight no matter the game, because if he didn't, how could he back up his self-admired intellect without it ringing hollow? You know he wouldn't be having that.
All of this goes a long way to explaining how he grew a knack for being so pro-active as a villain in the present day of the games proper. Instead of having it easy by being born an almighty superbeing, he had to work his way up using nothing but his brain. Because Dr. Eggman is a man with quite a few admirable qualities. Just a shame that morality is not one of them, no matter how much I've been gaslit by fans into believing otherwise.
His ego is his motive.
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Don't say it.
As we discussed, for all his manufactured admiration of his late grandad's genius, he doesn't mention him as often across the franchise as fans would lead you to believe. But you know which moustached gentleman he does mention a lot throughout the franchise...?
An overfilled sense of pride is to be expected for a pure villain. Regardless of their motive and their means to fulfill said motives, they're expected to think highly of themselves to some degree. But Eggman is not your everyday egotist: he IS the ego. Many villains have made statues of themselves, but how many do you know who have defaced historical monuments and plastered their visage on them? How many villains do you know who call half of their machines Egg Something? How many villains do you know who make up every single boss in more than one installment?
That's because Eggman's ego isn't just part of his character: it's the source of his drive. Everything he does, everything he wants to do, is fueled by how much he loves himself, and how displeased he is that the rest of the world does not feel the same way. He wants everyone to bow down to his excellence, he wants to conquer the world to satisfy his lust, and even that wouldn't keep him satiated forever, since evidence has shown that he would just make a grab for the whole universe if he got bored. He cannot picture a world where anyone else matters, because they're not him. Over the span of three decades, his inflated self-worth at the cost of everyone else's agency and wellbeing has not diminished one iota, and unless SEGA decides to pander hard to the Eggdad standom, this is not likely to change anytime soon.
Which leads me to my next point...
The consequences are irrelevant to him.
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Quote by Billy Mitchell.
Part of the recurring problem with Eggman being woefully mischaracterized as not such a bad guy when you get to know him is because people like to suggest that since he rarely shows outright sadism while committing his evil deeds (except this is also not true; see Tails' story in SA1, or the sheer ecstasy in his tone when he betrayed Emerl's trust in Battle), that means the results that spring from them are more excusable than the likes of Mephiles, Starline, Disney, etc.
Putting aside the fact that he's still willingly committing these deeds to begin with - with no regret at that - let's assume they mean in reference to ordinary citizens and the like. Now maybe it's true that he's not known to dedicate much of his career to making things personal with random nobodies. But let me ask you something: when he declared his intent to destroy Station Square with Chaos so he could build ROBOTNIKLAND THE ULTIMATE CITY WHERE I WILL RULE IT AAAALLLL COME ON CHAOS LET'S FIND ANOTHER EMERALD SHALL WE Eggmanland over its remains... did he say anything about letting the residents evacuate? Did he provide a means to help them evacuate?
What you need to keep in mind is that Eggman showing little interest goes both ways. He doesn't give any thought to these folk period. If his giant mech killed people who were in his way, or he fired a cannon at Whocaresville and the people living there didn't have time to get out of dodge, he's not going to shed a tear and call for a moment of silence. Because, as we've already established, the only person that matters is him. So long as he gets what he wants, and so long as there are still other people out there to worship him, what's the big deal if some kid is now without a parent or a home?
He is not a good master.
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"Also, I did create a vaccine. That's what you get for listening to our loving fans who hate us."
Well, at least he shows a more caring side to his creations, right? Sure... if you don't pay any attention to how it plays out onscreen.
My dude is certainly willing to shower his creations with high praise, but what advocates of Good Guy Eggman fail to note is that he praises them because he made them. An achievement for them is an achievement for him, because how would they be so brilliant and competent if it weren't for who built them that way? And you know what else? That praise conveniently only manifests when the creation is doing their job: the moment they fall short of his lofty standards, he flips like a switch. Can it truly be considered sincere and from the heart if he's that willing to turn on them that easily?
Of his many robotic stooges over the years, two that he held in high esteem were the E-Series and Metal Sonic. He made a show of tasking the former with an important mission, and the latter has been recognized repeatedly as one of his crowning masterpieces. And yet, all of the E-Series bar Gamma were discarded and essentially left to fend for themself in an unfamiliar world, with Beta being forcibly modified without a second thought. Gamma was only spared because, you guessed it, he was the one with a victory to his name. As for Metal Sonic, for all his longevity and special treatment, he too is not immune to punishment in the event of failure or disobedience.
And Infinite? His prized right-hand man during his six month conquest? Whisked away without a word after one bruh moment too many, followed by making a point to show off his own mastery over the (real) Phantom Ruby.
Needless to say, this is a stark contrast from the goofy dad you often see in fanart.
His will is equal to Sonic's.
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"I'm gonna have to reset, that was a practice run."
Being a regular human does not serve as a limitation for Eggman's status and capabilities, unless you're a hack writer who believes superficial power levels are the instant-win key to a good antagonist, or a well-crafted story in general. On paper, a hedgehog with Sonic's level of power should have dealt with this silly old man once and then never again. That happened with aliens. It happened with gods. It happened with talking ballsacks. Yet Eggman is still around. Despite being subjected to a wide selection of situations that should have Big Oof'd him, with Sonic normally not considering saving him from said perils a high priority, Eggman keeps surviving, and he keeps trucking on.
Why? Because main villain immunity, yes, but compared to Bowser the fire-breathing turtle, and Ganon the occasional boar-shaped demigod, a human scientist managing to persist for as long as he has is still impressive even without the out-of-universe justification. This detail of his character is even incorporated into his boss fights: the Egg Viper battle ends with a kamikaze attack. The Mega Death Egg Robot had a second machine stored inside it, keeping up where the fight left off as the first one conks out. S3&K in its entirety was practically dedicated to his absolute refusal to call it quits.
He doesn't give up. He never gives up. And he's not the type to piss his pants either. When the odds are stacked against him, he will either give it his all with much gnashing of teeth, or he'll retreat because it's the tactically sound thing to do. What he doesn't do is show fear and plead for his life. (Unleashed doesn't count, that was a Wily ploy.)
He hates Sonic.
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Or else he wouldn't have made this.
You would think this would go without saying. You have not spent enough time in the Sonic community. I wish I was you. (Then again, I met my friends through it...)
There are many people - many, many, many people - who will vehemently drill into your head with the trustworthy assurance of a SonicTuber that Dr. Eggman, arch-nemesis of Sonic the Hedgehog, world's longest Attempted Sonic Murderer champion, secretly likes the guy deep down, and would never wish for the Blue Blur to actually kick the bucket for good. They claim that when push comes to shove, the old doctor would never fully commit to world domination, because he simply enjoys his bouts with Sonic too much.
For X!Eggman? Probably.
Boom Eggman? Definitely.
Game Eggman? The Eggman? No.
Eggman hates Sonic. Eggman loathes Sonic, and he loathes the rest of his multicolored accomplices just as fiercely. The amount of times he has tried to bust a cap in Sonic's ass is plausibly in the triple digits. He has subjected Sonic to all kinds of threatening, terrifying situations with the explicit purpose of either killing him or hitting him where it hurts. He shows happiness when Sonic is in pain, or has appeared to have been vanquished by his efforts. What about any of this suggests that he likes him? Because of respect?
Now yes, that much is true. It's evident that Eggman respects Sonic as an opponent who can keep up with him, and it's true that he enjoys their battles to an extent. That's not the same thing as actually liking the guy on a personal level. For all the respect he may wield, he would still gladly rid himself of the hedgehog the first chance he gets. Remember the big moment in SA2 in which he launched Sonic into space? He bid his farewell, in a semi-mocking tone, then went right back to business like it was nothing. And what about Forces? What did he plan on doing with Sonic once he got bored of waving his victory in his enemy's face? That's right, he planned on slamming the red button on him. Sorry you had to find out this way, that's what happens when you don't Play The Game.
Ivo Robotnik is a jovial man, but his goals are dead serious. He wants his empire more than anything else in the world, and he will get it. For whatever thrills their encounters may provide, he would piss on Sonic's grave without a moment's hesitation in order to make progress with his ambitions. If he wasn't serious about taking over the world... why the fuck would he do all that he does? Do you really think he spends all that time researching ancient tablets because he wants to be Sonic's friend? Do you think he enslaves alien races because it's not like he likes Sonic or anything baka kawaii desu (please don't unfollow me, I won't do it again)? I don't think so, chum. There'd be no game, and no franchise, if Eggman wasn't coming up with ways to put him in an early grave. And then probably vandalize the grave after.
If you understand all of these points, and if you can take to them, then I believe you should have what it takes to write a good, or even great, portrayal of Dr. Ivo "EDP445" Robotnik. No portrayal is going to be one-and-one with that of another, there'll always be subtle distinctions depending on the writer, but you'll be fine as long as he's not a softie or a fool who only exists to be replaced with a gay platypus.
Oh and, one last thing...
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Heroes manual lied to you. Sorry, English fandom.
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valssecretshit · 2 years
To/bi and (if ur able to) Ja/son The Toy/Maker
OOOO JAYJAY!!!! I HAVENT WRITTEN FOR HIM AT ALL YET THANK YOU toby neither but i don’t mind, i may have something for him <3
✨ toby’s nose isn’t actually as sensitive as one might think, so it would take quite a bit of force for him to be set off. strongest thing you could use is a rolled up tissue but it’ll get soggy p quick 🌝 he sneezes in multiples every time so this might even make him lot more sneezy than that, which everyone’s surprised doesn’t knock him out. for jason, i think feathers would knock him down pretty quickly, especially tiny ones. you don’t even need to shove it in there or anything, you can just lightly brush it under his nose a few times. it won’t send him into a fit but you’ll get maybe 2-3 maximum from him, still would be worth it !!
🌡 toby i imagine has a moderately strong nose yet a pretty weak immune system, and he’s especially prone to stress or infection induced fevers. so usually when he runs hot he BURNS. wakes absolutely burning and shaking badly, he feels cold and hot at the same time but when you rub his arms and neck he’s absolutely fuming and his skin is so tender and drenched in sweat. poor baby 💜 as for jason he’s pretty moderately warm when he runs a fever but if he’s not careful it’s very easy for that to skyrocket. his face runs super red and his body won’t be able to feel the a/c or fan both when they’re on at the same time. so it def forces him to try and care for himself even when he doesn’t want to.
💊 toby doesn’t enjoy taking medicine, mainly because he has a past with being forced to take pills he didn’t need, therefor making him sick than curing him for whatever he was convinced he had by family members. pills you’d have to def hide in his food, but he eats slowly, so it doesn’t always work and he gets so mad when slender tries to hide the pills. liquid is def better for him, he prefers child medicines that are flavored anyway, but he doesn’t like to admit it. jason takes medicine like a MOTHERFUCKER he is NOT fucking with no fevers toDAY. it could be pills, medicine, shot, doesn’t matter at all he’ll fucking take it.
🎤toby’s voice doesn’t change too much when he’s sick but there’s def a heavy stuffiness to it. he tends to talk a little quieter to avoid the possible pain of straining his throat anymore than it felt. for allergies his voice gets super super stuffy but not as much as it does when he’s sick. jason runs mute when sick because his voice does have a heavy rasp as well as congestion to it, also just huge saliva buildup which would make everything he says super weird and gross sounding anyway, during allergies though he talks just fine as he only has the issue with congestion.
😔 toby when sick does get agitated easily while sick but it’s more of a sad frustration than anger. he can get mad at others quite easily, but its mostly him taking out his anger of being sick on others. he cries sometimes especially when he’s met with this frustration, and if he snaps at somebody badly for this the guilt makes him cry too. generally not feeling good emotionally or physically. jason tends to withdrawal and stay in the background as he prefers to be alone to heal on his own time, doesn’t even like people checking on him. if someone should check on him, he can and will kick them out. he couldn’t be bothered one bit.
🤧 toby’s sneezes are in fits, and absolutely rapid fire. there is no room for breathing while he’s having a fit, and his ticks can get triggered quite a bit due to the agitation. his sneezes could be spelled like this “hHXCH- CHK-CHK-CH-TCHH-TCHH-TCH-KCHX-CHK-CHX-iHXCHHEW!” while jason is generally a quiet guy his sneezes are pretty harsh and can be almost dad-like, he sneezes in doubles or triples mostly. those could be spelled like this “hehh-hHRRSCHH-UHH! hHHRSCHUHH! h-heh-heHAHRSCHHHUU!” (trust me they’re always a shock to everyone lol)
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weonbullshit · 2 years
Past!Cody: :) Hello!
Future!Cody: *Oh God...* Uh... Hi?
P!Cody: What's your name?
F!Cody: Uh... *Think of something!* D-Dakota? *SHIT*
P!Cody: Noble! My name is also Dakota!
F!Cody: *Jesus, why did I ever say that catchphrase!?* Uh... Yeah... Noble.
P!Cody: So what is your job?
F!Cody: I'm a healer, I usually work for the army.
P!Cody: That's so noble!
F!Cody Yeah! *God please kill me now, why the fuck was I so annoying!?* Uh... What do you want to be when you grow up?
P!Cody: I want to be like my dad!
F!Cody: Oh really...
P!Cody: I want to be part of my family's rescue team and have my own bot!
F!Cody: Uh-huh. Hey, lemme give you some advice.
F!Cody: Look kiddo, I get that you want to be just like your Daddy and siblings and have your own super cool rescue bot. But you shouldn't force yourself to live up to your town's expectations, you're still a kid. Go life your life! You can still help out, but you should also take more care of yourself.
F!Cody: Also stop saying noble. It's cute when you're a little kid, but cringey as fuck when you're older. So stop while you can.
P!Cody: ...O-Okay?
F!Cody: Oh look it's time for me to go, oh and also: TAKE YOUR GODDAMN PILLS
F!Cody: Toodles!
P!Cody: ...What just happened?
I actually like to think that something like this would happen if they met. 🤣
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tonybryantt · 10 months
Super P Force Safety Profile: Understanding Potential Side Effects
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Super P Force – it might sound like a superhero's secret weapon, but it's actually a medication designed to tackle two common bedroom woes: erectile dysfunction (ED) and premature ejaculation (PE). In this article, we're diving into the safety profile of Super P Force, examining its potential side effects, and helping you make an informed decision.
Sildenafil Citrate Component
You might have heard of sildenafil citrate – it's the powerhouse behind the famous blue pill, Viagra. It works by increasing blood flow to certain parts of the body, which in the case of ED, helps men achieve and maintain an erection. But here's the catch – with great power comes potential side effects. Some users might experience a pounding headache, dizziness, or changes in vision. It's like having a dazzling light show in your eyes, but not in a good way. And speaking of lights, you might also experience facial flushing, making you look like you've just run a marathon.
Mechanism of Action
Let's get a bit technical for a moment. sildenafil inhibits an enzyme called phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5), which leads to increased levels of cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP). This little chemical champion relaxes the blood vessels and allows that rush of blood to flow where it's needed the most. But sometimes, this increased blood flow can cause a stuffy or runny nose – an unexpected side effect of the body's natural response to the medication.
Common Uses for ED
Super P Force comes to the rescue when a man's best friend is feeling a bit lackluster. It's a go-to solution for those times when ED throws a wrench into the works. But, there's more to the story – Super P Force isn't just about prowess in the bedroom; it's also a contender in the battle against premature ejaculation.
Dapoxetine Component
 Enter dapoxetine, the unsung hero of Super P Force. It's a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) that helps tackle the issue of PE. SSRI might sound like a mouthful, but what it does is increase the levels of serotonin in the brain, which can improve control over ejaculation. Yet, like all good things, it's not without its side effects. Some users might experience nausea, vomiting, fatigue, or even the frustration of insomnia.
Combination Effects and Interactions
 Sildenafil and dapoxetine might seem like the ultimate tag team, but they also come with their own set of interactions. For instance, certain medications and health conditions don't mix well with these components. If you're on medication for cardiovascular issues, it's best to have a heart-to-heart with your healthcare provider before diving into the world of Super P Force. And speaking of hearts, this medication can also affect blood pressure – so if you have a history of high or low blood pressure, it's time to have a sit-down chat with your doctor.
Patient Considerations
 Remember, not all heroes are created equal. Your body's unique characteristics can influence how it responds to Super P Force. If you've got a history of neurological disorders or kidney and liver issues, it's like having a kryptonite that could affect the medication's effectiveness. Age is also a player – what's suitable for a younger hero might not be the same for someone with a few more battle scars.
Dosage and Administration
Buy  Super P Force isn't a one-size-fits-all solution. The recommended dosage and timing of administration can vary based on individual needs. But here's a pro-tip: avoid alcohol and heavy, fatty meals before taking the medication. They could slow down its effectiveness, leaving you twiddling your thumbs instead of enjoying the action.
Consultation with Healthcare Provider
Now, before you leap tall buildings in a single bound (or at least before you start popping pills), it's crucial to consult your healthcare provider. They'll delve into your medical history and current medications to ensure Super P Force is the right choice for you. Remember, they're not just your medical advisors – they're your allies in this journey.
Monitoring and Reporting
 As you embark on your Super P Force adventure, keep an eye out for side effects. Not every hero wears a cape, and not every side effect is severe, but it's important to know when to call in reinforcements. If you experience prolonged or painful erections, sudden vision or hearing changes, or any allergic reactions, it's time to signal the healthcare Bat-Signal.
So there you have it – a comprehensive look at the safety profile of Super P Force. From the dynamic duo of sildenafil citrate and dapoxetine to the potential side effects and patient considerations, it's a tale of balancing the benefits with the risks. Remember, the decision to embark on this journey isn't one you have to make alone. Your healthcare provider is your trusty sidekick, guiding you through the twists and turns. And just like any hero's story, it's all about finding the balance between great power and responsible choices.
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primedz · 1 year
Super P Force (Sildenafil) Tablets Online | USA
Super P Force is usually one of the best and popular tablets to solve when men are suffering from their sex life. Super P force is widely used. Super P Force is one of the most popular best tablets for men. Taking Super P Force is the best drug for your ED problem. These pills should be kept away from small children and pets. To improve sexual life, these tablets should be taken as per the doctor's advice. Super P Force Keep away from small children and pets.
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getsedpills · 1 year
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buygenmedspharma · 1 year
The Health Advantages of Male Dance Instruction
Dance is a discipline that combines expressive, rhythmic body movement with bear exercises. A state of calmness in the mind results from being freed from the stress of everyday obligations. Both a man's physical and emotional health are significantly impacted by dancing.
In prejudiced societies, dancing has typically been seen as a female-dominated pastime. However, many dance forms included men and offered them different forms of entertainment.
Our bodies are kept active by dance, avoiding a number of illnesses that would otherwise necessitate men taking pills like Cenforce 200.
Increasing confidence Dancing can boost a guy's confidence in a variety of situations, including the office. To complete a task without hesitation or self-doubt, a guy requires self-esteem.
Self-doubt can be a problem for men who deal with erectile dysfunction or other physical problems like low self-esteem. Super P Force is a drug that is prescribed to erectile dysfunction patients.
Moving can change how you view the world. Dancers synchronize their body movements to tunes or other musical pieces. The body's repetitive action helps us relax. This peace then affects how we perceive reality.
It is common to see a man with a short fuse begin dancing classes and gradually improve his poise and ability to handle the difficulties life presents. If not, medications like Fildena would be necessary.
Alzheimer's illness prevention Our body dances now and at other times. In addition to the cerebrum and cerebellum, dance requires the use of muscle memory. As soon as a certain piece of music or tune begins to play, a man can remember every single movement and stride of the limbs due to the scientific marvel known as muscle memory.
Since guitarists rarely need to look at the chords they are playing, this is frequently noticed in them. On occasion, it is also noticed in dancers.
Dancing makes it simpler to maintain weight. Due to the physical exercise required of the hands, legs, and other body parts, dancing helps burn calories. In order to perform the precise movements required by specific dancing styles, such as hip hop pally or any other classical form of dance, a participant must keep his physical fitness.
As a consequence, the person's weight and general health are maintained. Dancers don't typically need medications like Vidalista 40 mg cheap cialis because they rarely get ill.
reduces discomfort from arthritis
The dancer uses their musculature all the time. starting at the girdle of the shoulder and going all the way down to the leg. The fluid known as synovial fluid is in charge of preserving the flexibility of our bodies' joints.
Enabling one bone to slide over the other, encourages fluid movement without any obstacles. You can increase the range of motion of the synovial fluid throughout your entire life by moving. Men's joint fluid starts to dwindle after age 40.If a man moves around a lot, the drying process takes longer.
Makes a guy trustworthy
particular song or track necessitates a particular bodily movement in a particular dancing technique. Timing issues will hurt the overall show.
Because dance requires participants to move their bodies precisely in time with the music being played, it has an automatic impact on participants and stresses them out to make them more punctual in life. His ability to perform his work would also improve as a result of this.
You ought to receive lap band therapy for weight loss as well. to become familiar with the medical process.
Dance helps you become more centered.
Dancing requires coordination with other performers in a group. A large group of men and women collaborate to stage a specific performance by a company. They consequently grow more empathetic and helpful in everyday situations.
For instance, it would be simple andefficient for someone to collaborate with colleagues on a project at work. Play dancing is therefore thought to have an impact on men.
Expectation Therefore, dancing has an effect on a man's physical and mental well-being. It also aids in making him much more patient, calm, and aware of the worth of time.
Maintaining a healthy weight and avoiding severe conditions like most diseases are among the physical advantages. Although they might not seem like much, each of these benefits can greatly enhance your life and may even eliminate the need for you to buy prescribed pills from Buygenmeds.com.
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Super P Force 160 MG | Sildenafil with Dapoxetine
The extent of the parts is extraordinary: Sildenafil Citrate is substantial for 4 hours, and Dapoxetine - for 15 hours. Review that alcohol, smoking, medications, and smooth food sources reduce the abundancy of the solution.
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Super P Force is a medication expected to bothersome convey treat two male issues endlessly: male erectile brokenness and. These are uncommonly normal conditions in men some spot in the degree of 18 and 64. Each tablet consolidates 100mg of Sildenafil Citrate and 60mg of Dapoxetine.
As known Super P-Force is a drug to treat two men medical conditions- erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. Working for the treatment of both conditions is different. Let us see the working of the drug. The drug is made of 100mg sildenafil citrate, which is PDE5 inhibitor and used for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. The drug relaxes the muscles in the penis, which become constricted due to no blood supply, by releasing nitric oxide in the blood.
Also, super p force stamps down PDE5 enzyme, and replaces it with cGMp enzyme. This entire process allows more blood to enter the penis and gives accurate erection. If taking the drug for premature ejaculation problem, dapoxetine component comes into action. It main aim is to delay ejaculation, so that intercourse can be enjoyed for long time. Dapoxetine is anti-depressant and works on neurotransmitters of the brain. The drug also increases blood flow.
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strapcartonline · 2 years
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If are you suffering from a serious problem of impotence and want to buy Super P Force A online to solve it, then you will find the pills easily and at a reasonable price on our online site. Super P Force is a popular and best drug for solving sexual problems. Which improves your sex life. Consult a doctor before taking Super P Force otherwise, it may cause side effects. Check Super P Force reviews before buying online.
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