#super fucking tempted to find Twine again and make some stories
ollovae3 · 2 years
It's 2am and I've got the ambition of a creature who thinks Summer lasts a year bUT-
Would anyone be interested if I made a lil original/kinda fic writing blog? I've got some tidbits from school I still love, and I'm wanting to get back into creative writing again before school consumes all my art time (so hyped to go but also panicked cause I gotta get housing and I Have Never Left Home 💀)
Mainly thinking about bits about OCs (LOTR or Dragon Age probably, because of the new show/game out soon) but also I'm a lil obsessed w Fae and the Ljósalfar, and also a v sad lil romantic starved of decent content and wanna try my hand at making some stuff, even if they're short or just world-build-y?
While ik it likely isn't a super popular concept, since writing blogs don't get much attention and I'm usually an artist, but it'd be nice to show off whatever I manage to make to anyone interested!!
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nighttimepixels · 5 years
I LOVE tytanttortoise’s version of soulmates. Mind if i ask what the ladies would respond to finding their soulmate? Please and thank you.
Oh man, this is a good one - I’ll admit, I can be a bit of a sucker for the soulmate trope. (and I love @tyranttortoise and her takes to death)
(also, sidenote on the soulmate front, are you guys following @popatochisssp?? because you should be! They’re a hilarious delight and a fantastic human being and are currently writing a series of oneshots about the skeleguys and their soulmates called Make Your Mark that is obscene levels of adorable and I totally recommend, along with all their writing & hot skele-takes! ♡ )
There’s a delightful not-so-guilty pleasure in the idea of soulmates in the contexts of UT & AUs; see, my interpretation falls in the category of ‘soulmates are people who are so perfectly compatible it transcends any other kind of resonance you have with people who get you’. It’s not so much fate forcing you together as it is… someone who’s just right. Puzzle pieces, you know? 3D ones, that interlock perfectly and make a stronger unit together. ♡
I’m also a big ol’ softie who loves her fluff and happy endings, so, y’know. X)
For transparency’s sake I’ll clarify that I’m not making soulmates canon to the Lilytale fic, but I love indulging in soulmate aus, so… I’ll answer this for those delightful ‘what-if’ scenarios anyways >:)c
That said! I’m beyond tempted to wax on about the girls, but here goes an effort to not be too long-winded (//▽//)ゞ below the cut!
first edit: (post Serif’s) ahaha nope this is long, hope you guys have fun with what turned into a series of super gay minifics
SECOND EDIT: ooookay, this turned into minific central! Below are soulmate setups for Serif, Vellum, and Crimson.
…. -sweats- it got… long.
So, if you want more of these… let me know! Leave a comment too, letting me know what you liked - doing just this much took more time than I meant, woops, so it's nice to hear if anyone's actually into it. X)
To clarify, this isn’t going to be a ‘soul mark’ situation - rather, I’ll work under the parameters that soulmates aren’t something you immediately realize.
For this post, soulmates are someone you are naturally drawn to…
But there’s got to be a moment, right? So… we’ll say that the ‘moment of realization’ only comes when you first kiss your soulmate.
Shhhh don’t @ me I love me some shoujo-tastic fluffy romance ;v;
She didn’t think she had a soulmate.
They’re rare, after all; 2 souls, that compatible? Stars, after everything she’s been through… she’s just happy to have a cute s/o like you.
You’ve been dating for a while - she’s not the pushy type, not in the least, and hell, you were friends for well over a year before you’d woken up, leaning against her after a movie marathon turned sleepover… and her hand, tangled in your hair, slowed from it’s gentle stroke. She’d ended up admitting she liked you, to turn a long story short, with a casual matter-of-factness that was just so her - and the way she’d ended up grinning at you when you'd flustered and spluttered… You can’t help but wonder if she wasn’t hoping to hear your laugh.
Of course, you’ve been dating for a little while now. Life was busy, and hell, being friends for long enough, you weren’t in a rush - you held hands, cuddled, even went out on dates to her and now your favorite bar and grill, Charby’s -
She’d kissed your cheek goodnight so, so many times.
Stars, it was so close to your lips, but every time you nearly had the courage to try and sneak a proper kiss by turning your head into her motion - well, you got awfully distracted by the way her eyelights glimmered in the night, looking at you with a softness and focus and something that just stopped every thought in your head…
Maybe that’s why you were so caught off guard when she was dropping you off, one easy shortcut from Charby’s to your front stoop - and instead of turning her head to kiss your cheek at the last moment as always…
She didn’t turn.
Her mouth caught yours, gentle, something like the brush of a butterfly, one that fluttered your stomach as your heart skipped a beat -
And suddenly, everything… clicked. You had no idea how, no idea why, what this was - but it was like you’d been looking at the world through a tilted lens without even realizing it… and her kiss had set it right.
Her breath rushed out of her, her hand tightening in yours, her gaze meeting yours -
And suddenly, suddenly magic tears were welling in her eyesockets. You panicked, torn between laughing in giddy joy and confusion, your hands coming up to wipe them away, questions as to what was wrong on your tongue -
Her hands met your cheeks at the same time, wiping away tears that you hadn’t realized were falling down your own face.
“fuck,” she whispered, a single word that had you laughing wetly for how reverent it sounded coming from her, from your Serif, from- “you’re my soulmate.”
There were a million questions you could have asked - you’d heard the term, knew they were real, but there was so much unknown, so many questions all at once-
Instead, you kissed her.
Nothing, nothing had ever felt so right.
She kissed you right back, laughing and curling her arms around your waist, floored that… that she could have been so lucky. The kiss is breathless and passionate and eventually turns sweetly, mutually languid as she holds you ever closer...
It’ll take a long time for her to feel like she isn’t dreaming, but who’s she to question a good dream? For you… she’d dream forever, wouldn’t she.
Rare was it, a day that passed without your gorgeous skeleton lady-knight in stylish armor didn’t sweep you off your feet.
Vellum loved it - loved the feel of you in her arms, loved hearing your bright, flustered laughter, loved the light that sparkled in your eyes, loved the way your arms wrapped around her to stick close.
You were the sun in the sky to her, and stars, she loved getting to be the one to see you rise, again and again, day after day. And when you were feeling low… well, she was just as willing to be the clouds that pillowed you and gave you a break from the pressures of everyday life-
Hm. Maybe that metaphor got away from her a bit.
But still!! The fact was, she loved you, and she knew it. You’d known each other for long enough, even if she was a little nervous about accidentally applying ‘pressure’, as she’d learned might happen from admitting such things too early-
But she just… she knew it. Down to her soul. She’d wait, of course, and besides there was so much to do first and she’d delight in every step of your newly confirmed relationship-
So… why was it she felt like her skull was about to burst as you leaned closer to her, your arms looped around her neck, that look in your eyes-
Kiss her!
Every ounce of her magic was clamoring that this was that soul-pounding moment, where it felt right to kiss you, and clearly you felt the same, and oh my stars her skull was sweating nearly as bad as Serif’s when she was caught sneaking that annoying (but damnably cute) dog into their house the first time-
She swooped in, riding on pure instinct and what felt like every butterfly in the world crammed into her ribcage trying very much so to be literally anywhere but that location.
She was many things! Strong, tall, extremely clever, definitely a puzzle master, a (now) excellent cook, quite the snappy dresser thank you very much, a brilliant strategist for escape rooms, very athletic and coordinated-
-as it turned out, smooth with the first kiss, she was not.
Her forehead smacked into yours, and you nearly tumbled off the couch you were both sitting on for your MTT marathon, and the popcorn fell off her lap and scattered everywhere as you both yelped at the pain-
She tried to scramble to catch you in the same moment, succeeding only in tangling your legs and knocking half the snacks off the coffee table as she too tumbled off the couch, 90% limbs, stars help her-
With an ungainly thud and mutual groan, you two ended up in a heap on the floor, snacks joining you for the party in a mess that even Serif would be proud of.
“OH, BUTTER BISCUITS…” she groaned, attempting to rub her head as she cleared it - only to find her hand otherwise occupied. It was, in fact, occupied by your own grasping hand, attempting to steady yourself from your newfound position post-injury-
Splayed on top of her, chest to chest, all but straddling her.
Suddenly, the room felt very, very hot. Hotland hot. Oh stars help me, I’m very gay, oh no she’s hot and I’ve injured her but also please don’t move or also ever remember what just happened hot-
Vellum could tell she was blushing by the low lights in the room doing ill to cover the glow over her cheekbones.
Vellum could tell you were blushing by the gorgeous shade your cheeks took on, the heat creeping down to your neck and even over your ears as you seemed to freeze, realizing your position in the same moment-
A slew of apologies were on the tip of Vellum’s summoned tongue, really. You would have heard them all-
If you hadn’t suddenly gotten a terribly brave and attractive look in your eyes, flushed cheeks aside - and swooped down to press your lips to her mouth.
For the rest of your lives, the story changes as Vellum tells it - sometimes she’s successful in gallantly catching you, others she’ll admit to fumbling it in the first place - but what never changes…
What never changes is how she compares it to seeing the sun rise for the first time.
To breathing fresh air, free of the underground’s stagnation, for the first time.
To realizing that for the first time in her life, she… she was free. And she had purpose - any purpose she wanted in life…
Because you… being with you… that was the reason the sun rose in the morning, to her. That kiss sealed it. Your futures, building and twining together - that kiss sealed it. Tackling all of life’s excitement, it’s lows and highs, it’s beauty and it’s struggles…
In that moment, it crashed through both of you, bursting open a damn and sealing something that deep down, you both realized you’d very nearly already known.
Neither of you thought to clean up the mess scattered about you for hours to come.
After all… Vellum was nothing if not very driven to be the best in everything she did. And you… well, you were her incredible soulmate, and she would show you just how much that meant to her, how much you meant to her - every day, for the rest of your lives.
The first time you kiss…
Is the first time you meet.
It wasn’t, in fact, a hook up - though when you’d walked into the busy bar, Crimson had done a double take immediately. Stars, you were… something. She knew a lot of people from all walks of life, knew how to get a vibe for what they were like, knew that sometimes some people just really vibed.
She’d never felt as drawn to someone before.
Naturally, she balked.
She wasn’t looking for a relationship - sure, sure, they were on the Surface, sure that seemed solid, no more screwy time-space anomalies, but… there was a lot to do, see, experience. It’d been a few years, yeah, but - she was a boss monster. She had a hell of a lot of life ahead of her - she didn’t… do serious. Not yet, anyways.
… Not even if she laid awake sometimes, hands folded behind her head and staring out the skylight she’d personally installed in her bedroom ceiling… just… wondering what it would be like to look up with… someone, someone who cared… tucked against her side.
… No, no. It was just - you’re gorgeous, it was obvious. Hell, if anyone insinuated otherwise, she’d either scoff or, maybe, deck them - as a service, obviously. Clearly they needed some sense knocked into ‘em, after all.
But uh, maybe you were… too good for her to… try and hook up. You were laughing with a friend - not alone, anyways. She’d see if you were down to dance, when a good song came on, just - eh, she was overthinking it-
She threw back her shot, waved at her friend the bartender to bring her another round, slammed that one back -
Aaaand tugged another girl to the dance floor.
What? She had standards.
… You met ‘em, at least from a distance, dammit. If she wasn’t gonna hook up with you, she had to burn of some kinda energy before approaching you and seeing if she was just too damn horny for her own good or if maybe she was still half-decent at reading souls and you’d be the kinda person she could… not… hook up with-
Of course, she couldn’t notice the way your own eyes had caught her as she disappeared into the dance floor’s crowd with another girl in tow. Didn’t catch the way your friend teased you for the distraction, following your line of sight… couldn’t know that they’d also given you a heads up, being a frequent visitor to this bar themselves, that Crimson wasn’t exactly the serious type, just so you were… forewarned.
Instead, all she knew was about an hour later, after a brief but very fulfilling trip to the back hallway and a closet Crimson could break into in her sleep, she exited a few minutes after her liaison with the other girl that had decided she was good for the night and left the bar -
After that, all she knew was she saw you, on one edge of the dance floor. Your friend wasn’t there. Three guys, however, were, and they were getting decidedly and unwantedly friendly.
Crimson hadn’t survived this long with half-assed instincts, or without developing an uncanny ability to read faces and body language - or, with a little more special a skill, read the intent of a soul.
You didn’t even see her coming, and startled when you heard Crimson’s voice from behind the guys that had zeroed in on you while you waited for your friend to get back from the bathroom.
“there ya are, cariña- sorry for takin’ so long.”
Two of the guys stumbled as her hulking form shouldered past them. Her grin was practically sultry - she swore she heard your heart skip a beat, but with all the bass thrumming through the room, surely that was her imagination.
Your blush and confusion wasn’t - but just as quickly, she saw you cotton on, and a flash of relief went through your gaze. She slung her arm around your shoulders, grin crooked and eyesockets lidded as she winked at you, ignoring the now blustering men.
“y’ wouldn’t believe the request i heard this guy give the dj- it was real obvious taste wasn’t his forte.”
You snorted.
Fuck, you were cute.
Your hands clapped over your mouth, but you were giggling, clearly not expecting her excellent humor, and Crimson grinned wider, snickering herself before the dumbasses who’d been bothering you and not taking a hint decided to prove how bad they were at this whole hint thing.
“Why the fuck didn’t you say you were seeing someone, c’mon,” one of them whined. The look Crimson shot him shut him up, and not for the first time her temper threatened to get away from her-
But then, another one of the morons spoke up.
“Oh please, don’t act, you’re too cute for someone like this bitch-”
Crimson didn’t even have time to misplace that temper.
The next moment, you’d grabbed her by the furry trim of her collar and tugged down and-
You were kissing her.
Later, she found out you’d done it not just to shut up the ‘total jerk’, but also to prove a point because you had noticed her, thought she was cute and ‘also rudely hot, I mean really, there you were just- just walking-’, and you couldn’t stand by that guy insulting her or your taste so with a little liquid courage burning an empty belly you’d gone for it because guys like these didn’t really accept words-
In the moment, though, the bar didn’t matter. The idiot guys she was half inclined to toss through the door herself didn’t matter. The pulse of the beat, the fact that, er, well, she’d just screwed the brains out of a girl in a supply closet and left her very satisfied, thank you- that didn’t matter-
Because you were kissing her, and holy shit, you were her soulmate.
Apparently, the rest of the world ceased mattering in the same moment, because when Crimson’s arms scooped you up and turned you around, pressing your back against the wall as her hand dragged along your thigh, your arms wrapped desperately around her neck and your legs, gods, your perfect legs wrapped around her hips-
…. Yeah, safe to say, you both forgot about the room. Neither of you had a damn clue what happened to those assholes that had been bothering you.
Eventually, when she broke the kiss to allow you, her perfect, breathless, soulmate a moment to breathe - her hands clutched you closer, one hand sliding into your hair. Her forehead met hers, her own breathing rough, her red eyelights dilated and fuzzy.
“soulmate,” she whispered, almost disbelieving. The reverence in her voice could have shaken mountains to dust.
Her…? You, her soulmate?
She didn’t know your name, didn’t know anything about you. She would though, and she just… knew, whatever you were like… gods, she was crazy about you. Fucked up, soul-scarred, battle-worn her…
What did she have to offer you? She - well, she was a fair hand at a bunch of shit, sure. Was kinda, secretly, wealthy… thanks to some of her inventions. But she had so much blood and dust on her hands, and… she didn’t regret all of it. She’d do it again, and she knew that had to make her an awful person -
Hell, she’d always assumed… well, as much as she craved a soulmate, as many times as she’d recounted fairy tales in Scarlet’s youth to her about older, better times, about the hope a soulmate brought a monster…
….. She never thought she’d be one of the lucky few to actually have a soulmate.
She didn’t deserve this. Didn’t deserve you. 
Fuck, she’d never let you go.
You’d cursed, then, looking awed, and it startled a laugh from Crimson. She was grinning, beaming, hoenstly, and the expression felt foreign on her skull… as did the flush stealing over her cheeks. Would getting to know you inspire… this? But stars… you were blushing too, and maybe, just maybe, Crimson could get used to the feeling if it meant she could see that look on your face.
That warmth, that… excitement, that hope-
You were hers. And fuck, if only you knew - if only you knew how much she was yours.
after note: can I just say… thank you so much to anyone who leaves a comment, whether a reply or a tag squeal?
I know it’s no chapter update, but these kinda posts take a while, so… seeing people like it enough to leave a little thought or bit of excitement one way or another beyond a like means a lot. You cuties are the majority of why I’ll take the time to sit down and write all this! I appreciate you deeply, and trust me when I say I read every comment ;//////;
Lilytale is such a… niche AU, so it means a lot to get any kind of interaction/feedback for it. Hearing that it means something to you cuties… well, that just makes my day in ways I can’t really describe.
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Omega’s Dragon: Desert Heat (The Sunfire Brothers Book 1)
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Dragon Alpha Tyran Sunfire knows it’s good to be King. As ruler of the dragon clans of the desert, he’s used to owning the best of everything: a glittering casino on the Las Vegas strip, a palatial estate in the desert, and gorgeous men at his beck and call. There’s just one catch: In order to keep his position of power, he must produce an Heir to the throne. And fast. Bailey, a human Omega, spent his childhood one step ahead of the law, but his sister promised that one last heist would set them up for life. Unfortunately, getting caught stealing from a dragon has dire consequences. In exchange for his sister’s freedom, Bailey offers his body to Tyran. But the dragon is interested in more than just a one night stand... When sparks start to fly, will the growing child inside Bailey be enough to hold them together? Or will their differences tear them apart?
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Sneak Peek:
“Tell me the plan once more.”
Bailey sighed, but obediently counted off the steps on his fingers. “We get to the blackjack table. You sit down at the one where Mark is dealing. I sit down two tables away and pretend to be drunk and sloppy. At five thirty two pm, I pretend to pass out, making as big of a scene as I can.” He rubbed the cheap digital watch on his wrist just to confirm it was still there.
Rachel nodded approvingly as she paced the dingy hotel room’s worn carpet. “And then?”
“During the commotion, you and Mark swap the casino’s deck of cards for your counterfeit one. Once you make the swap, I miraculously recover and exit, to meet you back here. You do your crazy card counting magic, bet it all, win, and we walk away from all this.”
His sister smiled. “Well, a little simplified, but correct. But you don’t need to understand the card-shark stuff, just your part. You feeling ok?”
“I still don’t see why we’re picking the biggest casino on the strip for this. They’ll have the tightest security, won’t they?”
Rachel ruffled his hair affectionately. “Oh, little brother, I’ve taught you well.”
“Seriously, Rach. Why?”
She sighed. “I know it’s not ideal, but do you know how hard it is to get an inside man who’s willing to take the risk? Mark works at the Golden Dragon, so that’s where we’re hitting. Besides, all that racket about Vegas casinos having super tight security is a myth.” Rachel waved a hand dismissively. “They spread stories about their special tech and godlike surveillance to discourage idiots, but even the best security system is only as good as the people watching it. They’re only human, after all.”
Bailey frowned. “And you’re sure Mark is legit?”
“Trust me, I can pick out a cop in ten seconds. He’s not one of them. Besides, he stands to lose just as much as we do if this goes bad.” Her eyes softened, and she rested a hand on his shoulder. “Relax, Bailey. I know you don’t like this, but hitting it big is our best chance at a good future. We’re not going to be stupid and greedy like the people who get caught. We’ll finish this job, take the money, and go live somewhere quiet. Isn’t that what you always said you wanted?”
Bailey felt the familiar pang of longing deep in his stomach. He nodded, unable to speak.
Rachel knelt down so that they were eye to eye. “Like I promised you when you were born, kiddo, I’ll always take care of you,” she said. “I’m no saint, but I love you. You know that, right?”
“I know,” he said. “I love you too, Rach.” And he did.
“I’m glad you’re looking out for us, but don’t worry. Just do your part and we’ll be fine.” She stood and stretched like a cat in the sun, flashing him a warm smile. “Besides, I’m feeling lucky.”
“Yes, that’s it,” growled Tyran, as his cock hit the back of the stranger’s throat. “Slower.” He twined his fingers in the man’s hair and guided him up and down, just the way he liked it. The dragon had picked up his latest boy toy at the pool that afternoon: he could spot a Beta from a mile away. Tyran couldn’t recall the man’s name; probably because he hadn’t bothered to ask. And after all, who needed a name when you had an ass like that?
Outside the window, Tyran could see the last rays of the setting sun sinking behind the mountains, painting the desert sky a vivid gold. He’d selected the suite on the 40th floor for their little tryst on purpose: the height gave him a fantastic view of the Strip. As the sun faded, the famed lights of the city began to glow like multicolored jewels, tempting tourists to come try their luck. His kingdom. His playground. His Hoard.
As if sensing his distraction, the stranger ran the flat of his tongue up the underside of Tyran’s cock, making the dragon smirk. Needy little thing. “Where did you say you were from, again?”
“Nebraska,” mumbled the Beta, the sound muffled by a mouthful of the Alpha’s thick cock.
“That’s right. In town for a sales conference?”
Tyran chuckled. “You want some business advice? Quit sales, go into whoring. Because fuck, your mouth feels good.” In truth, the stranger was about average. But the dragon knew how to get the best performance out of his toys.
As expected, the Beta enthusiastically increased his speed, sucking like he wanted to drain every last drop from the dragon’s cock. Tyran’s eyes fluttered closed as he lost himself in the pleasure. The hot tight mouth was drawing him closer and closer to the edge. As always, it was so good to be the King.
The harsh buzz of his cell phone, vibrating like some giant bee on the nightstand, stirred Tyran from his reverie. He reached for it, careful not to move too much. The stranger shot him a disapproving glance, but the dragon ignored him and thumbed the answer button without looking at the screen. “Hello?”
“Tyran, do you know what time it is?”
“Good evening, Mother. To what do I owe the pleasure?”
Her voice was girlishly high and soft, yet Tyran could hear the anger beneath it. “This isn’t a social call, Tyran. You missed the appointment I had scheduled for you today. Didn’t Kael tell you? Do we need to find a new assistant?”
Tyran smirked. “He told me you had scheduled a lunch meeting for me and a certain friend of yours. I told him to ignore it. I don���t appreciate being set up on a thinly-disguised date with some ancient dragoness. She’s closer to your age than mine, you know. How would that look?”
The Beta’s eyebrows furrowed in a look of confusion. Tyran smiled and gave the back of his head a gentle push, encouraging him to continue.
His mother’s voice interrupted his reverie. “She may be older than you, but her Clan is famous for their strong fertility magic. Why, her sister is mated and has four children already.”
Tyran made a face. As if his mother could see him, she sighed heavily.
“We have been over and over this, Tyran. You are the eldest son. I’m not nagging you because I enjoy it. It is your responsibility to us all to produce an Heir. Otherwise, our status as ruling Clan could be compromised. I know you don’t care about ruling, but think of me. Think of your brothers.”
He scowled. “I will mate when I choose to. And I do not choose to yet.” At the sound of the word “mate,” the Beta perked up. Tyran rolled his eyes. “I have to go, Mother. We can discuss this later.” Or never. He hung up without waiting for her reply and reached out to stroke the Beta’s hair. “Business. You know how it is.” He was pretty damn sure the stranger had no idea.
The Beta smiled anyway. “I’m sure running this place and dealing with all that money is so tiring. Let me help you with some of that stress.” He drew Tyran’s cock into his mouth again. The dragon sighed and laced his fingers behind his head, letting his eyes close. The Beta wasn’t the brightest, but he gave a decent blowjob. Tyran lost himself in the surge of pleasure, the hot tightness of the stranger’s mouth.
When the phone rang again less than a minute later, Tyran was sure it was his mother calling to berate him for hanging up on her.  But when the caller ID display lit up with “SECURITY,” he sat bolt upright in bed. The Beta made a little choking noise, but Tyran ignored it and punched the call answer button.
“Sir, you’d better come down here. We’ve had a breach.” Despite her jarring words, the voice of Magda, his chief of security, was calm.
He cursed under his breath. “What kind?”
“Someone tried to bribe one of our dealers. He let us know in advance, so we set up a sting. Idiots never saw it coming. We have them in the holding cells now.”
Tyran felt a rush of triumph. “Good work. I’ll be down in five.”
“Yes, sir.”
He hung up and patted the Beta’s shoulder, causing the man to look up. “Looks like we’ll have to cut this short. Get dressed and see my assistant Kael on the way out, he’ll get you a car.”
The man looked startled. “But I thought… don’t you want me to wait until you get back? Don’t you want to fuck me?” His tone was pleading, with an overly submissive whine that set Tyran on edge.
Tyran smiled. “No. I won’t be needing you any longer.”
The Beta’s face reddened, and he sputtered something, but Tyran was already off the bed and headed for his closet. Too bad he hadn’t gotten to finish, but this was Las Vegas. Easy come, easy go.
And he had some people’s lives to ruin.
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