#supa strikas stan power
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abyss-strikas · 2 months ago
Alright so I didn’t REALLY complete the page for the IU boys, but I got lazy so have whatever I have (I’m referencing this post btw; also this post is very long cause of headcanons so that’s your warning)
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As before, Skarra being annoyed with Dingaan wanting to hang out with him, while Dooma looks on, also annoyed but tired he deals with this everyday.
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Next, something a bit more on the headcanon side involving Rookie Season. I think that when Automatic joined Invincible United, he still held some resentment towards Supa Strikas, especially towards Shakes, Dancing Rasta, and Coach. Shakes is more obvious since the kid took his place, but Auto hates the fact that his old captain didn’t do much to help him out, as well as Coach. He had hoped Coach could give him a new exercise regiment to help him get better, he would have even taken a harsh pep talk from him. But nothing came out of it, so whenever he sees Supa Strikas from time to time, he can’t help but remember those memories, memories that were once good now have become sour.
The Web tries to get his friend to take his mind off the other team, maybe inviting him to his place where they can play pool or even play board games. I do headcanon that Web was Automatic’s first friend in the team, maybe aside from Skarra who would have looked up to him when he still loved Supa Striks. Web had been the first teammate that Automatic opened up to, probably because the goalie had pointed out that Automatic seemed to fit better as a midfielder rather than a striker. If Coach or Rasta had let him try that position, maybe Auto wouldn’t be with IU, but he doesn’t think too much on it.
Snake on the other hand is there to help convince Auto to leave the Supa Strikas alone, even as he goes on about some of the stuff he seems to be fond of them. The reason is because I headcanon that Snake actually enjoyed having Shakes on the team when they did the Rookie Swap show. I felt like Snake and Shakes could have had a sibling type relationship, with Snake being the older brother that shows his love to his sibling by pranking him every time. I do think Snake is a bit jealous at how well Shakes gets along with Supa Strikas, and he envies that fact. He pretends to not care but in reality, he really does care a lot.
Finally, my two favorite boys from this team because I am such a basic bitch- /hj
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The Power Twins! Whose names were confirmed by a concept artist of the show! Now, when this episode did come out, I was the one who asked that concept artist if they knew their actual names, and they found out their names were Stan and Norm!
Now being the naive fool I was back then (affectionate), I thought this meant their full real names were Stanley and Norman. But fast forward and another fan did suggest that what if their names were legitimately “Standard Power” and “Normal Power”?
Needless to say, I really should have thought of that before because the writers do like to make use of word puns as much as possible. After hearing that, I immediately went and changed some things of their backstory. Mainly the fact that Max Power (Maximum Power) is the eldest brother of the twins and he’s joined the Silver Lions, a group that their dad hates with a passion (for the most stupid of reasons), Max has changed his name to Liam, and their dad is an ego maniac who really cares about nothing more than his surname. These guys also have an elder sister by the name of Suzanne Power, who belongs to @yanxioustrikas . In this AU, she is three years younger than Max, but three years older than the twins, and she was formerly known as Minimum (Minnie) Power until the mom and dad divorced, and Suzanne went to live with her mom in South Korea.
With all of that in mind, when the twins returned to the UK after their twin switch plan failed, there was a lot of family drama that escalated to the twins almost getting hurt by their dad. Luckily, Liam and his friends were able to protect them. As the trial gets set up for the dad, since his big booming business in sales had some low-key shady stuff in their books, an old “friend” of Vince, a former player of the Silver Lions before they went on hiatus, asks the IU coach for a favor: take back the twins into the team, as they’re not fully safe in the UK at the moment.
Vince can’t turn down a request from this “friend”, so he signs the twins back up under their shortened names. No one in IU knows about their full names and their family history. Not yet at least.
So for now, the way to differentiate between the twins is the fact that Stan has gotten piercings on his nose and ears, something his dad wasn’t too keen on in the first place. Norm still looks the same but he and his brother have chosen to not conceal their freckles, nor the shadows under their eyes from the restless nights they spent trying to deal with their crazy dad. They still play their best, even if they have to switch for the first couple of games they’re back, but their attitude and demeanor has changed because of the events they’ve gone through. They’re not looking forward to going back to London for the trial, but they’re hoping they can convince a certain striker and defender to join them as support, especially when they decide to change their names, just like their older brother and sister did.
I’ll start another page at some point and draw the rest that didn’t make it, lol. I know this was a bit more headcanon heavy, but let me know if you guys have any questions or you want to share your own headcanons too!
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mimpinightmare · 2 months ago
IMAGINE being this talented~ ✨✨✨
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so im gonna try being slightly more active no promises tho Enjoy some supa strikas art i made! (i have more but i need to figure tumblr first)
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maggotmargarita · 24 days ago
max power pls
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ask and you shall receive 😜😜😜
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irlnorthshaw · 2 months ago
just like how they did w dooma, i wish max actually comes back as a proper player for united. idk it seems such a them thing to do to hire shady players and keep them on the roster 😭😭
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on that note, the ep name being "perfect match" and these two having hella tension?? that's craaaaazy
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gastaticn · 2 years ago
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norm power never thought imperfections could look so beautiful.
the power twins were raised to be physically “perfect”: flawless skin, athletic and lean build, healthy. they weren’t unhappy, but their life was lacking. after norm’s arm was “defiled” during that fateful match, he knew he needed to rub off the god awful tattoo. for the sake of the match. for the sake of his and his brother’s image. as he reaches the bathroom, norm finds himself entranced with the mark on his lightly freckled skin. before he couldn’t pull away from the thoughts filling his head: images of body modifications came to mind, ways he could ruin his “perfect” image, but in return finding his perfect image.
norm was the first, and the boldest, of the twins to get body mods
after committing himself to experimenting, he got his first tattoo: flowers on his bicep
although large, it is done in fine-line, making it easy to cover with makeup
the placement also meant he could just wear longer sleeves
stan followed suit, because he was curious
his first tattoo, and every one following that, was done on places easily hidden
stan wasn’t appalled by them, he just found it more fun to be a secret
norm prefers blackwork tattoos
stan enjoys the japanese tattoo style
both are fans of cybersigilism
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mimpinightmare · 2 months ago
And NGL, if this theory does become true, is much more funny yet quite genius knowing the context from the people who work on the show to name them "Stan" and "Norm"-
"Norm(al) Power and Stan(dard) Power... Together they make... *Hits with realization* MAX POWER. OHHHHHHHHH."
my little sister was onto something when she thought that the power twins’ actual names norm and stan were derived from “normal” and “standard” 💀 💀
yes those are the twins’ names, one of the people who worked for the show confirmed it
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yanxioustrikas · 2 years ago
please enjoy some of these Max Power pics
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bonus from perfect match episode:
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yanxioustrikas · 9 months ago
super league teams: invincible united fc — part 4
credit goes to @strika-archyvez for uncovering the original canon full names for some of the players in this series!
credit goes to @strudelbbg for digging into the archives of the old supa strikas website!
disclaimer -> i will use "(?)" to indicate that the ethnicity of the players based on the surnames may not be accurate, despite the whole point of these posts is to show my own headcanons for the iu players lol
links to the other parts:
part 1
part 2
part 3
joseph "joe" "thunder" thobela (top two)
nationality: south african
ethnicity: sotho
william solomzi "the web" marais (middle most)
nationality: south african
ethnicity: french + xhosa south african
stan(ley) and norm(an) "max" power (bottom-left)
nationality: british
ethnicity: british + korean
bonus! jasper sodiqov (bottom-right)
nationality: uzbek-south african
ethnicity: uzbek
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p.s. the following are headcanons, otherwise the rest are canon:
EDIT: shoutout to my friend @strika-archyvez for letting me know that the web’s (i assume old) canon first name is william! but since i also like the headcanon name i initially gave him, ‘solomzi’ will now be his middle name hahaha
all of their ethnicities (possibly except the power twin's british descent, however the korean descent is also headcanon)
the web's nationality probably
joe thobela's full first name being 'joseph,' but it's most likely canon
norm and stan are canon names confirmed by one of the writers, but it is also possible that their full first names 'norman and stanley' are canon
according to @strika-archyvez joe thobela only appeared in an older issue(?) prior to 2007, and he might never have an appearance in the show, however the pic under his info does look a little like thobela, so take this as my headcanon of this cartoon version
again for joe thobela, i put two pics for him since i personally believe that those two pics are supposed to be the same person (though the one on the left resembles dingaan lmao)
jasper is a headcanon name that @abyss-strikas came up with!
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abyss-strikas · 2 months ago
The way I’m going insane with the power twins’ names cuz that’s so clever and absolutely hilarious Skarra could have had a field day if he founds out also IU lore👀👀👀👀? I love it cuz that’s so in line with canon (also the show should have gone a bit deeper with Automatic ngl cuz ain’t bro a long time player?) anyways loving the post ncksnncnfnd
(Post in question)
Dude, I already had names lined up for the twins because at the time, Liam was actually one of the twins but under a different name, Logan, and the second twin was just named Max. (I changed Logan's after the episode Altered Ego from Rookie Season, since there is a character of the same name). Just finding out that the writers DID have names for them in the script was astounding to know, especially since they easily could have done "Power Twin #1" and "Power Twin #2". I do want to say that I headcanon Norm to be the twin that hung out with Shakes at that charity event Skarra set up, and Stan is the one who messed up cause he was not paying attention at all (I could go over them at some point, but now I'm thinking of having Stan have ADHD, I think it would fit.) ANYWAYS–
I do want to stress that the names "Standard Power" and "Normal Power" are not canon, just a suggestion as to what Stan and Norm's full names could be. Still, it does lean in more with what the show writers' would do. If you stopped to count the puns in the series, there would be A LOT. Either way, I am going with those suggested names, but I do already have their new names lined up as well. I won't reveal that just yet though.
I think Skarra would have a field day with teasing the twins about their full names, if under different circumstances. The others might get in on it, but I could see Dingaan seeing it more as playful banter and thinking their names are cool. I feel like Dooma and/or Auto would tell Skarra to cool off on the teasing at some point, since they need to focus on winning games and he HAS to work together with the twins since they both got assigned to be strikers again.
It's kind of hard to say what they could and should have done with Automatic, but if they were planning both Season 7 and Rookie Season at the same time, they should have at least given more scenes to Automatic in Season 7 if it was going to lead up to Rookie Season. I can only recall Auto speaking in Perfect Match when he sees Skarra making another post for his charity event, and probably in Food For Thought when the whole IU team is arguing.
Automatic literally became sort of interesting to really interesting after Rookie Season. He was sort of interesting to me in the episode "Return to the Pirate Tower" because of his unstoppable throw-ins. I think if he was given that chance to play as a midfielder with Supa Strikas, thinks would have been very different. I'm sure Auto would have moved on since he's been with IU for so long, but a part of me thinks he still holds on to that resentment.
I sort of hope that if we ever get a new season, either for the main series or Rookie Season, we could have some scenes between Skarra and Automatic bonding over what Supa Strikas did to them. Maybe they would develop their own brotherly relationship, even if Skarra won't admit to it. I think Auto wouldn't mind it, but it would also feel weird to him cause the need to protect someone else was never there before, but now he's got this vicious chihuahua he's playing with and I just, I just think they would honestly.
Now, I kind of did have Skarra and my oc, Trent, also have a brotherly relationship, even if Skarra wouldn't admit to that either, I feel like maybe there were would be tension between Trent and Automatic until like the two of them bond over their experiences of dealing with Skarra, and they become pretty good friends after. Which makes it worse for Skarra since now he's got Auto greeting him with noogies and pranks, and Trent is greeting him with hugs, spinning him around cause he's much shorter than him, and getting embarrassed by him.
I'm rambling again, I apologize. But hey, I'm glad you enjoyed the post! I'd probably should make a separate post for all the IU headcanons I have at some point, WHEEZE. Or just Supa Strikas headcanons in general. Let me know!
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mimpinightmare · 2 months ago
Love their dynamic already~ ✨💜💛💜💛💜💛💜✨
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Suzanne (my OC) and Stan, just siblings being siblings
Some time after the episode “Perfect Match” but don’t ask me for more backstory lmfao
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matchanxious · 2 years ago
Updated Headcanons for Max Power’s Family
Inspiration from @supa-suckers ‘s headcanons
***Max Power (Stan and Norm) are canon twin characters from the TV series Supa Strikas. The rest of the names mentioned here are OCs***
* Thomas and Phoebe Power (grandparents) were both engineers, and founded an engineering company. Because of their successful business in England, they became one of the wealthiest families in London.
* The couples have three kids: the oldest Philip, the middle James, and the youngest Lloyd.
* Philip majored in Civil Engineering, James majored in Sports Management, and Lloyd majored in Business Administration.
* Philip continues to run his family business as CEO.
* James works for Invincible United FC as part of the executive team.
* Lloyd runs his own business in London that sells unique fabrics. His company has partnered with the Super League.
*Lloyd was very distant from his own family due to difference in beliefs
*Everybody in the family are huge football fans, and Philip, James, and Lloyd have played the sport during their youth too
*In later years, Philip is still happily married, James got a divorce and then got remarried, and Lloyd is still single
*James Power got married to Charlotte Cho, and the couple has three kids: twin sons Stan and Norm (Max Power), and youngest daughter Suzanne (my OC)
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matchanxious · 3 years ago
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Suzanne (my OC) and Stan, just siblings being siblings
Some time after the episode “Perfect Match” but don’t ask me for more backstory lmfao
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mimpinightmare · 2 months ago
NGL, I thought the story would get more escalated- 😭😭
So, first art post is gonna give you an idea of what I will mainly be focusing on for this blog: angst. There will be room for fluff and whatnot, but it’s gonna be angst all the way.
So have a couple of rushed doodles (doesn’t look good but future stuff will) and a bit of a story to go with it. Let’s put this after “Perfect Match”:
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“No way.” Norm’s jaw dropped when he saw who was at the counter. He turned back to his twin, whispering rapidly, “H-He’s here?! I thought he was back home!”
Stan shook his head and bit down on his lower lip, a bad habit he could never get rid of. “W-We should go. Before he sees us and–”
“Before I what?”
The twins froze before slowly turning around to see who had come up behind them. They both swallowed the lumps in their throat, sweat breaking out on their foreheads.
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The older Power sibling frowned, glaring down at his younger brothers. “What are you two doing here?”
“We should be asking that of you!” Norm said, pointing a finger at him. “We thought you were back in London!”
“Why does it matter that I’m here?” He narrowed his eyes, glaring daggers at them. “Unless you’re still embarrassed of that stunt you pulled using my name.”
That made the twins freeze up and look down, guilt on their faces. It took some self-control to not stare at the scars that decorated the edge of their brother’s face, before one of them spoke.
“We…” Stan let out a shaky breath. “We didn’t mean–”
Their older brother shook his head, looking down with a bit of sorrow. “It’s fine.” He said with a sigh. “I never liked that name anyways…”
I have this headcanon that Max Power is an actual person: The elder brother of the Power twins, Norm and Stan Power! This iteration of Max Power had originally been one of the twins, but after I found out what the twins names were on script, I decided to make him my own character and go with the big brother angle.
Max Power, now named Liam Power-Bailey, might be happy to see his twin brothers? Who knows. I’ll get to their backstory when I get the chance.
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yanxioustrikas · 2 years ago
gas once again serving another juicy hc
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norm power never thought imperfections could look so beautiful.
the power twins were raised to be physically “perfect”: flawless skin, athletic and lean build, healthy. they weren’t unhappy, but their life was lacking. after norm’s arm was “defiled” during that fateful match, he knew he needed to rub off the god awful tattoo. for the sake of the match. for the sake of his and his brother’s image. as he reaches the bathroom, norm finds himself entranced with the mark on his lightly freckled skin. before he couldn’t pull away from the thoughts filling his head: images of body modifications came to mind, ways he could ruin his “perfect” image, but in return finding his perfect image.
norm was the first, and the boldest, of the twins to get body mods
after committing himself to experimenting, he got his first tattoo: flowers on his bicep
although large, it is done in fine-line, making it easy to cover with makeup
the placement also meant he could just wear longer sleeves
stan followed suit, because he was curious
his first tattoo, and every one following that, was done on places easily hidden
stan wasn’t appalled by them, he just found it more fun to be a secret
norm prefers blackwork tattoos
stan enjoys the japanese tattoo style
both are fans of cybersigilism
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