#suny purchase
chickenhuggit · 4 months
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Calling on all the SUNY's to Divest from Israel, and to stop helping to fund genocide.
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hairscare · 2 months
this is something ive been putting off for a while since i was waiting until after i drop out, but i think after today its important that i make this info known especially since its around the time that ppl decide colleges. suny purchase is a ny state school that specializes in the arts and has a very high amount of queer students to the point that they outnumber cishet students by a lot. however, the school is actually so bad that ive decided to leave the school after this year, as have multiple of my friends. ive talked abt how bad this college is a lot on here, but i really want to bring attention to how zionist the school is.
today me and my roommate we walking across campus and passed this on the lawn. its literally a pro-israel rave. there were also so many police there, even more than we got on video, and some in unmarked cars
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while the student body is predominantly pro palestine, the school itself is outspokenly pro israel.
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also, in november, a notable zionist speaker was promoted as speaking at the school. a die in event was held, and protesters were mocked and belittled by staff members.
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suny purchase also made headlines recently where a student was suspended for trying to take down an israeli flag a staff member had. said staff member physically assaulted the student, and he has recieved no punishment
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suny purchase as a college is already riddled with issues, hence me leaving. hell, the other day i bit into raw chicken from the dining hall. but this issue is only escalating, and i hope that anyone planning to attend purchase college will reconsider. the waters polluted, the foods unsafe, theres asbestos in the buildings, and worst of all, its outright zionist.
i know purchase isnt the only zionist school, but id really appreciate if ppl would spread this post and raise awareness! if this stops one person from going to this fuck ass school, ill be happy
edit: info from rtcpurch on insta
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catdotjpeg · 2 months
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SUNY Purchase students launched their encampment today, and the school responded by placing the campus on lockdown and calling in state police:
Checkpoints on its public road to prevent anyone from getting anywhere near campus and checking on the well-being of the students.
-- Suzanne Adely, 2 May 2024 7:04 PM EDT
The full demands are as follows:
1.) Financial transparency: Purchase College Board of Trustees and SUNY board must make public all investment records in the interest of transparency and to ensure that these institutions engage in ethical financial practices. The college must also establish a diverse committee of elected faculty and student responsible for ensuring ethical investment in the future. 2.) Divestment from companies with ties to the Zionist entity and form any defense contractor, weapons manufacturer, or surveillance company in the form of investments and institutional partnerships. 3.) Enforcement of a full academic boycott of “Israeli” academic institutions, including exchange programs and collaborative education projects 4.) A full acknowledgment of the genocide currently taking place in Gaza, through which a distinction is made between anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism, a ceasefire is called for, and a public apology is issued to Palestinian students who have been offered not even a kind word from administration since the siege of Gaza began. 5.) Amnesty from criminal charges and academic sanctions must be granted to all comrades occupying the liberation encampment, as well as to non-violent protesters such as CJ who have been sanctioned unfairly in the past. 6.) Removal of Paul Nicholson from campus as a consequence of physically attacking a nonviolent protester in December.
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power-chords · 2 months
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The dream for this arts community is a good one, the motives fairly sincere and honorable. If those hopes, fantasies and aspirations are not realized, the failure stems more from the reluctance to face certain critical realities early enough than from the concept itself. And the most significant of these realities concerns the physical milieu—the sort of locale and assumptions that the architectural solution required.
Purchase thus becomes an architecturally compressed metaphor for conflicting attitudes about a physical environment and how it is created. The campus design reveals most of the pitfalls of creating, from scratch, an architectural embodiment of cultural aspirations; it also reflects certain intriguing contradictions. For behind Purchase is a paradox: The college emblemizes a set of architectural values in the vanguard of the years (around 1965) when it was designed. These values—reliance on vernacular forms, antimonumentality, historic continuity, sense of place, and variety or surprise—were previously forgotten principles that dominate architectural attitudes today. Yet Purchase reveals the antitheses to this set of values, in some cases in undiluted strength.
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At a glance, the plan is unabashedly Beaux-Arts. Its strong longitudinal axis, the mall, with the streets running on cross axis to it, the placement of a performing arts center at the top, a gymnasium (is that symbolic?) at the bottom, all create a definite symmetry and organization of some bygone era. From a modern architect known for his adherence to quiet unassertive forms, his Harvard training under Walter Gropius and Marcel Breuer, this overriding axiality of Barnes’s plan and the grandly proportioned open spaces may come as a surprise. Nevertheless, modern architects have given in to their secret Beaux-Arts fantasies before. While considered an aberration since the modern movement substituted shifting balances for symmetry (among other things) as the chief means of ordering design, various forms of classicism and neo-Palladianism have made repeated forays onto the architectural scene. One could read the tendency in the work of Mies van der Rohe, see it full-fledged in Philip Johnson’s architecture of the 1950s, and of course always find it somewhere in the work of Louis Kahn. Even urban-planning thinking has often been (consciously or not) Beaux-Arts-oriented. As Vincent Scully recently remarked, while the Beaux Arts suffered much unpopularity in the ’40s, by the ’50s architects visiting Europe began to “discover that Beaux-Arts streets and squares made sense urbanistically.”
Barnes himself was not immune to them. A classicizing order began appearing in his houses, then gradually seeped into campus schemes in the ’50s and ’60s. So it is not unusual that Barnes should “return” to those preoccupations to create the highly dense urban situation at Purchase. He had never really gotten away from it—and neither had many of his other colleagues in the modern movement. The important question here, however, is why bringing back the Beaux Arts fails to work at Purchase. If Paris was the city of expansive vistas and grand boulevards in the 19th century, a “phantasmagoria of space to which the flaneur was addicted,” as Walter Benjamin noted, Purchase’s pedestrians seem less than ecstatic.
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annasellheim · 2 months
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next part
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ttheatre-trashh · 5 days
i love love love love love SUNY purchase rtc 💥💥💥💥
amazing line delivery 💌‼️‼️
amazing Monique dress 💌💌💥💥💥
amazing cast ‼️‼️‼️
Angry bojd 💌💌‼️‼️💥
i love the Mischa so much he’s so gooddddd 💌💌💌💥
everything ‼️‼️‼️
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beautifulpurchase2 · 2 months
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robynochs · 1 year
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I'm off to keynote the first-ever Lavender Graduation celebration at Purchase College, the school from which I received my Bachelors of Arts degree MANY years ago. This is a significant moment for me.
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fatherfigurefusion · 3 months
So, RTC moots, how do you feel about Stony Batter Players and/or SUNY Purchase RTC?
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gabethesquid · 1 year
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I have been making some zines as part of the SUNY Purchase Zine Collective. This is the most recent one I made.
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I did it guys!
I won the black heart award! 🏆 🖤 🏆
After all this time, after so many years of opening myself up to the world and being vulnerable I've finally become bitter.
To my liberal art school professors who helped me get a useless degree
I want to thank my friends who unfriended me on fb because of my politics
My father's side of the family who signed my grandpa's trust for him and put all of our inheritance money in their name.
I want to thank my mom's side of the family for trying to kick us out of their gatehouse when we were looking for an apartment
To my boss who took me off the call list because I was having car issues
To my sister who beat me up on vacation
And last but not least all the bi bumble girls who either ghosted me, used me as a side toy or tried to get me to have a threesome with their ugly husband's
This goes out to you all! I am finally welcomed into your heartless club! Cheers. 🍻 👏
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balkanbitch · 30 days
Im getting desperate so I need to put this in to strangers hands
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indoorzzz · 2 months
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omg obs is so much fun we like to have fun around here
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Nature and Man
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power-chords · 2 months
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xgh0ulx · 9 months
The ideal roommate duo is the autistic one and the one who’s high all the time.
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