cloverwings · 9 months
About me, and where we met.
RPs account handling and their agency :
Minluri, Mignhuri or ofMinddu : CHALKnZONE, byHangout, Delincuents.
Miyepn or Mhiyoen : HeartofMontreal, wecarpadeem, atMIDNIGHT, WithpaIette, ProjectofBlue, Marchengartens, Soretember & LivreBroche.
Sunwov. (new owner)
CTs handling : Evleoryn of zeichstern, Caliana of ofFlawsome, & Kelana of Marchapiness.
Closed agency :
EmpathsMIYEON, of CycleOfFeeling.
AijinSUNWOO, of ItsWhizzLove.
MINJUcarols, of LikeChristmassy.
DazeMinju, of WeDreamTale.
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moltolavoro · 2 years
@sunwove | eddie & chrissy 
❛ hey i made uh...mac and cheese? but not the box stuff, it’s actually - it’s good. ❜ there’s a shy sort of modesty to that ; eddie’s pretty good at cooking, but he also knows what he likes better than he understands how to cater for other people, especially when those other people are chrissy cunningham, who inexplicably still wants to hang out with him, and eddie’s just trying not to question it. instead he puts mac and cheese in both bowls and hands her one and tries not to apologise for how shitty the chairs are.
again. ❛ how’s uh...y’know. everything? ❜
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dreamwaited-moved · 3 years
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cont from discord w/ @sunwove​​ ft. rapunzel
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EUGENE KNEW IT WAS CRAZY. in the grand scheme of things they barely knew each other. and yet she knew him better in a couple days than anyone else. the idea of their future scares him. commitment had always been hard for eugene. but he’s never felt more ready to place his full heart on blast. she could ask him anything and he would answer in full honesty. even if there were certain dark parts of his past that she might not like once she heard. it was those parts of his history that worried eugene but he quickly shifted his attention back to rapunzel. first they were going to go to corona and meet her parents. they could worry about forever later. he leans down to place a gentle kiss to her forehead. he’d tempted to save her abused bottom lip but he’d let her be. for now ❝ no matter what happens. we have each other. so we’ll be okay ❞
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bigartiste · 3 years
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“   it’s   just   a   shame   ——   all   that   hard   work,   gone.   ”    @sunwove​   liked.
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fightwing · 4 years
                   dick’s always the first to arrive for lunch. alfred packs his own so there’s no need for him to join the line, and dick’s fourth period math is one room over from the cafeteria. typically that means he’s in charge of grabbing their unassigned assigned seats first, only rarely is it that they’re ever beat out. babs is usually second, with english just a few doors down and   SOME   story or other of the entitled kids in her junior class but today is a little different. time passes   SLOWER   without babs to break the minutes, and dick is left thinking about if he shifts on slightly in his seat, he feels like psimon threw another fire hydrant at him. he’s distracted enough that he only really notices artemis by the time she’s already clambering into her seat, and he gives her a small nod of recognition. ROBIN is her friend. dick grayson is more like an acquaintance with a friend in common.       “ babs is sick today. ”             he takes a bite of his sandwich. closing his novelty superman lunchbox with a soft click.         “ her dad says it’s the flu. ”
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moonswove-moved · 4 years
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  ❝    hermione  ,    are  you  sure   you’ve  thought  this  through    ?      -   ❞        he  has  to  ask,   even  if  he  thinks  he  knows  the  answer .   hermione  thinks  through  almost  everything  she  does ,   and  with  an  offer  like  this  he  doubted  it  was  an  exception .    he  desperately  wants  to  accept   .     he’d  been  aimless,  unsure  what  to  do  since  the  war  had  ended,  now  the  weight  had  been  lifted .   and  this,   a  flat  together,   seemed  as  good  an  idea  as  any .   still,   he  hesitates  ,    green  eyes  finding  hers,      ❝   you’re  not  sick  of  me  yet  ?    ❞   
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it’s  posed  with  a  laugh,  though  there  is  something  anxious  and  hard  beneath  it  .  he  thought  it  would  be  fair  if  she was ,   given  the  year  they’d  already  spent  living  together .   the  last  thing  he  wanted  was  for  her  to  be  stuck  with  him,  out  of  pity  or  worry  .  
@sunwove​  /  muse  roulette  (  harry  for  hermione  )
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luminanox · 4 years
@sunwove  |  sc. 
it’s been a long time since they’ve had anything resembling alone time -- not that kanan really regrets taking on zeb, or sabine, or ezra, but there are times when he misses the old days. when it was just them and chopper standing up against the galaxy. or something like that, anyway; it’s just gotten a lot more serious, now, than it used to be. 
but sending all the kids -- chopper included, because he at least will make it back, even if it means ditching everyone else, if something goes wrong -- on a meiloorun-run was, he thinks, pretty smart. 
smarter than he’s been in a while. kanan sidles up alongside hera, in the phantom’s cockpit, and throws himself into the co-pilot’s seat. just like old times. 
❝    so.  no new missions upcoming, and the kids are out...  uh, running errands.   ❞  he grins, then, in hera’s direction, toward the warm presence in the force he knows is her.   ❝    what do you say we take a break ?  ❞
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moltolavoro · 3 years
@sunwove | peter call !!
❛ you know what they never tell you in superhero training? ❜ peter’s voice is muffled from where his head is down on the table, buried in his arms. ❛ how hard it is to do the college stuff and the...the hero stuff at the same time. ❜ he lifts his head then to look at mj, chin resting on his crossed arms. ❛ you think i can make like...super caffeine? cause this regular stuff isn’t working anymore. ❜
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boytangled · 4 years
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❛❛     the   view   from   up   here   is    BEAUTIFUL      —       did   you  say  it  was  your   dads?      ❜❜          the  boy  looks   up   with   true   amazement,   holding  her  hand   tight   as   they   soar   through   the   skies.       he  wonders  if  this  is   what  it   felt   like   when  his   own  mother   and   father   set  the   lanterns  into  the  sky   like   in  his   mothers   story.    everything   around   them  shines   when   he   turns   to   princess   amira     ——     he   can   already   picture   the  painting  he  will  make  of  this   night.   it’s   unforgettable.   ❛❛    are   you   cold   ?    here  —   take  my  jacket.    ❜❜      
@sunwove​​   for   amira.   
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wishwove-archive · 3 years
#  WISHWOVE.     a   private  &  exclusive   multi-muse  blog  featuring   characters  from  literature,   animation,    film,   etcetera.    low  activity   and   explored  by   mara.   [    she/they  20  ]     
affiliated    with   @sunwove  &  @rebelwove  &  @wishset  &  @wishpower  & @wishreflected
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terrorcheer · 2 years
hi all uh so im gonna be moving chrissy over to my multi @sunwove. i’m not sure yet whether this will be a temporary move or a permanent one. i’ve just been feeling uncomfortable here and, to be honest, never really quite felt like i fit in / found my place. that coupled with stuff i’ve been struggling with irl i just dont think it’s healthy for me to keep this blog going. i do want to say thank you to everyone who shared in my excitement for chrissy and let me ramble on and on about her 💜
please feel free to follow me over on my multi, which will be my main blog now, but i do ask that you only follow if you are actually interested in plotting and writing. if we currently have a thread going that you would like to keep, especially if i owe you a reply bcus as of right now i wont be pulling them over, please let me know!
hopefully this won’t be goodbye but i owe it to myself to do what makes me the most comfortable 
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moonswove-moved · 4 years
at some point in the year after the war, hermione tentatively suggests harry gets a new owl because him receiving constant letters from all over the place and having no way to respond without going to an owlery is not practical and harry just,, completely shuts down the idea.  won’t even consider it, is almost a second away from losing it if it wasn’t for the fact he knew hermione had good intentions with the question.  
hedwig is a symbol of his innocence and childhood but also, harry quite literally cites her as his best friend for a lot of the series, he almost feels similarly toward hedwig as he does to ron and hermione. he might even like hedwig more in a way because, in his absolute darkest moments it is hedwig who is still there for him (eg, the summer no one writes, fifth year when he starts spending his time in the owlery ect) the idea of replacing her is deeply revolting and upsetting to him, in a way he doesn’t really start to unpack for a bit. 
harry had absolutely no time to mourn, most of the people who died that year, let alone his barn owl who was his first friend. but at least with the people he’s given the space, the owl not so much. when harry finally goes to get a new owl, it’s indicative of him moving into a much healthier stage of processing not only his grief, but his childhood and the way he was treated for a long time
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nofable · 3 years
*    —    character associations   +   LEO VALDEZ.
animal.  dogs, specifically guard dogs.
color(s). orange, reds. 
month. november.
song.  all eyes on me / bo burnham.
number. 9.
day or night. day.
plant. sunflowers.
smell. fire, gunpowder, burning.
gemstone. amber.
season. fall.
place. anywhere warm. beaches.
food. pancakes, anything fatty.
astrological sign. cancer.
element. fire.
drink. lemonade.
TAGGED BY: my beloved @morsquies
TAGGING: @stoiicist,   @ginnyweaslie,   @wizeadry,   @luciur,   @sunwove
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moltolavoro · 3 years
@sunwove | fred & daphne 
❛ for a haunted mansion, the grass sure is cut nice, ❜ fred’s voice is pleasantly conversational, which kind of contradicts the fact that it’s midnight and the only sound besides their footsteps is the occasional owl hoot. still, they’re outside. it’s nice! fresh air, and there’s mountains in the distance framed by the moonlight.
fred turns to daphne with a grin, adjusts the backpack slung over his shoulder. ❛ be pretty romantic if we weren’t headed for a mausoleum, dontcha think? ❜ 
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tahnos · 3 years
hello  so  im  sure  no  one  is  surprised  but  for  the  time  being  im  moving  ahsoka  over  to  my  multi  @sunwove​  just  to  make  things  easier  for  me  /  until  my  muse  for  her  returns ❤️
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