sunroki · 9 months
i finally watched the barbie movie
i was really busy this semester and never got around to it, but now i'm home with the family and we wanted something fun to watch so i suggested the barbie movie. both my parents have already seen it, and with my mom at the beach with a friend, my dad was siked to show it to me and my brother (he also hadn't seen it yet). i was aware that it was all about patriarchy and feminism and what it means to be a woman and all that stuff but i really wasn't prepared for how it would make me feel.
i'm nonbinary (afab) and when i was a kid, i was not allowed to play with barbies. my mom had a similar opinion as sasha about barbies, that they were a bad representation of women and really just reproduced gender roles, so i grew up with other dolls (i think i had an our generation doll) and stuffed animals and littlest pet shops. i was always so jealous of other girls who had American girl dolls and barbies because they were cool and i wanted so desperately to be cool. at the same time, however, i didn't want to be like other girls. i was tomboyish and as soon as i could dress myself, i stopped wearing dresses and anything pink. in fact, i detested pink and only relinquished my negative opinions about pink in the last few years of high school.
watching this movie has brought so many conflicting emotions to the forefront of my mind about womanhood and femininity. i felt like i couldn't process properly while watching the movie because i was watching it with my dad and brother. i love them dearly and they are feminists and openminded and all that, but there is something about watching a movie that is a celebration of womanhood and humanness while being the only one with those experiences in the room. we were connected and bonding as a family, and at the same time, i have never felt more isolated. there were several points throughout the movie where i wanted to burst into tears but i just swallowed it down and let the feeling burn in my chest because i knew i would not have the words to explain why i was crying to people who are, ultimately, men.
i saw myself in sasha as she navigates becoming a teen and discovering herself outside of her relationship to her mother and the way that manifests in closing yourself off and rebuffing any attempt at connection and love with her mom. i saw myself in gloria as she laid out the maze of social expectations women are meant to navigate 24/7 and what that kind of pressure does to a person. she says "i don't even know" as her conclusion and i felt like i was kicked in the chest. everything is so hard and you can understand the patriarchy and systems of oppression on a cognitive level but to let yourself sit in that understanding and fully emerse yourself in your oppression is a terrifying prospect and in all genuineness, i'd rather not. i saw myself in stereotypical barbie who has lived her entire life believing in her own power and being told "women can be anything!" only to step out into the real world and learn insecurity and objectification and the fundamental unease of existing in a male-dominated world.
i think i need to rewatch the barbie movie again either alone or with my mom or literally anyone else who has the same experiences. i love my dad and my brother but we cannot connect on the same level about it.
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onboardsorasora · 3 months
mechanic daniel starts getting his own fanbase and fans call out to him to sign stuff if they see him walking into the paddock during the weekend and max Hates It because daniel should be spending time in the garage, doing his job, (being with HIM) not flirting with all the fans
daniel likes it because he knows it makes max jealous
He's walking into the paddock early with the guys and there's yells of his name. At first he's confused, then surprised as hell. He waves and gives a thumbs up because what else is he supposed to do.
Then there are signs. Daddy Ric, Big Ric, Danny I love you, Big Ric Energy.
He's, flattered and feels out of his depth. He gets teased about it in the garage too. Callum starts calling him Daddy Ric. Genty names one of the hammers big Ric
Max is hella confused when he enters the garage to hear someone else call Daniel Daddy Ric, then there was Big Daddy. Daniel laughs it all off, telling a few of the guys to fuck off jokingly. Max doesn't get it, till he's in the car and sees one of the signs on the broadcast, then the camera cuts the Daniel who is explaining something to Callum in the back of the garage. The cheers are loud and Callum slaps Daniel's chest and he gives a smile and a thumbs up
The cheers get louder.
Max isn't pouting. He doesn't pout at all
Daniel comes to check his straps and Max goes "thanks Daddy."
"not you too." Daniel groans
"you don't like it?" Max's voice goes deeper.
"you sound jealous?" Daniel grinned slyly, before winking
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onboardsorasora · 3 months
omg handyman daniel??? i’m in love
eventually max would get fed up with trying to hint at daniel that he’s into him (he even used lines straight out of porn, and not the subtle ones either) and he finally just tells daniel “i want to fuck you” while daniel is in the middle of fixing something (the pipes under the sink are clogged again, for the fourth time) and daniel hits his head on the counter in his surprise and they have to go to the hospital together because daniel is bleeding from the back of his head and max thinks he might need stitches
Daniel’s dazed and he thinks it’s all a joke or maybe he made it up by the time he leaves the hospital. Max is still there. He was there the whole time and Daniel just thought he felt bad
But Max is all ‘I’ll be his guardian. I’ll check for concussion signs.’
‘I have friends who can watch me and my sister is visiting’ Daniel doesn’t see where Max needs to be the one to do this. But Max pulls the ‘let me make it right’ card and before he knows it Daniel is moving into Max’s place temporarily
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onboardsorasora · 3 months
similarly in line with the mechanic daniel talking to jenson ask, how would max react if he saw mechanic daniel talking to some of the younger drivers in le mans like callum illot or clément novalak? or scott dixon, who understands being so far from home as a new zealander? would he be insecure at all?
He wouldn't be insecure per say. He would be possessive and jealous because Daniel should be looking at him that way. He's not thinking that maybe Daniel finds them attractive or would want them over him.
He just thinks that Daniel shouldn't bother waste his time talking to them. Because Daniel is too good for all of them... He's Max's
But Max is also aware that hey he can't go storming into the garage right now. So he clenches his teeth every time the camera pans to Daniel flirting with another driver. He kinda wishes the racing would start back so he could see Daniel kneeling over top a car again, ass in the air
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onboardsorasora · 4 months
okay now i need to know what happens when charles somehow figures out that max’s dog is actually daniel. maybe he see daniel shifting or max slips up and refers to the dog as daniel?
Hey bestie! Oh gosh it would definitely be an accident🤣
Maybe he had been over there for the afternoon, playing with the dog. Maybe Max does slip up once and says Daniel and Charles asks after him and Max uses that distraction.
But then Daniel pads to the room to shift back. Thinking Charles has left, because he swore he heard the door. But he didn't know that Charles had opened the door then popped his head back in with a question and then he and Max had gotten into a mini argument about something stupid.
So Daniel comes out stretching and charles looks at him with wide eyes and Daniel looks back with equally wide eyes. And Max is like 'well shit.'
And Charles looks over at him like 'whats going on?!' and Daniel groans because this is just fucking great.
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onboardsorasora · 3 months
i was rereading the early sponsor max posts and i’m dying at how like. chill and normal they were and now much the power dynamic was very minimal in comparison to what the dynamic ended up being in the fic
I snorted so hard because its so true! it was whimsical and like there but not the focus. but then... for it to truly be a fic... it had to be *there* right? and I feel like the fic worked out perfectly with it front and centre instead of it being a background thing for suurreee
like the collar wouldn't have worked if they were all cutsie lol
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onboardsorasora · 6 months
omg max and daniel in a hercules AU??? i’m so on board. that was my favorite disney movie as a kid :)
It's really one of my faves. I think the brand of humor would be hilarious
'im a damsel I'm in distress. Have a nice day'- Max probably while on stream with redline playing cod or something
Phill is yelling at Daniel to use his head and he WOULD think to headbutt something. Completely unaware of his own strength n all that jazz.
Pegasus would be Scotty and Blake is Phil because Blake would be soooo done with him🤣🤣
Thooooooo on the other side, Max would make a lovely Hercules with those tits. And Daniel would be a lovely sarcastic Meg
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onboardsorasora · 6 months
🎱 and 🧩 for the ask game!!
Hello Lovely!
🎱Ao3 total stats? I'm actually super floored by this. It's so wild me me. Thank you to every single person whose read one of my stories
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🧩 what will make me click away from a fanfic? Damn I always forget my answer when I'm asked about these and then I remember something like days later in the shower or something lol
Hmm there's other stuff but like when a pairing or character I'm interested is tagged but they're like a vague line in the fic. I guess I won't click out 'immediately' its a pet peeve.
Ask game
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onboardsorasora · 5 months
for the moot ask game, you’re azure, tangerine, and lilac :)
stoooooppppppppppp :)))))))))
dinosaur birthday theme our beloved!!
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onboardsorasora · 4 months
For @sunroki 😏😏
The desperation of it melted away under the upbeat sounds of the anthem. The trophy was bigger than he remembered, massive enough to contain the hopes, dreams and plans for this the second part of his career.
Max was in front of him before he even gripped the neck of his bottle, looking up at him expectantly and with a glint in his bright blue eyes.
Daniel shook his bottle and sprayed Max before he could spray him first. Pierre was already dumping his bottle over Daniel's head, giggling when Daniel let out a shocked laugh. Lewis joined in the spray and Daniel was barely able to keep himself from drowning in the bubbles.
Max watched him hungrily, how the champagne glistened along his skin, mixing with the sweat in his hair and on his brow. Daniel's smile was glorious, Max wanted to spit in his mouth.
Watching Daniel do the first shoey was a religious experience. The way his nose pressed into his boot and the champagne poured out down his gulping throat. Max imagined if he could press his mouth to Daniels Adams Apple and drink his own shoey that way. Imagined it would taste even better coming off of Daniel's skin, washing through his beard.
He accepted the boot eagerly and pressed his face into the opening licking and lapping at the champagne as if trying to show Daniel, to remind him that he could make it good. Make it wet and hot. Daniel watched him intently and Max locked eyes with him.
Pierre drank it quickly, allowing most of it to pour off of him before raising the boot to the delight of the crowd. Lewis drank it with a roll of his eyes and a shit stirring grin.
Max stepped onto the top step and raised his bottle and an eyebrow to Daniel who obediently walked over and opened his mouth, tilting his head backwards in supplication. Max poured the champagne, watching with hooded eyes as Daniel's Adams Apple bobbed with his swallows, the way how the fizzy stuff clung stickily to him, beading in his hair and on his skin.
They took the podium picture at the best of an annoying official and Max followed closely as they made their way back to the cooldown room. Daniel glanced back at him when they put their trophies on the table. The air felt charged.
“Amazing drive guys.” Lewis grinned, grabbing his helmet and gloves. Max and Daniel barely even looked at him. “Oh they kept the winners room in the remodel. I wonder if they still keep the door unlocked.” Lewis mused aloud. Max's eyes snapped to the door he was looking pointedly at.
“Enjoy.” Lewis giggled with a wink and he was gone.
The tension in thickened and Max walked curiously to the door. The handle gave way with little pressure and opened to a small room with a sofa in the corner. Daniel walked up curiously as well and Max grabbed him by his collar and closed the door behind them.
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onboardsorasora · 5 months
out of context lines
I was tagged by the lovely @racecrafting, thank you darling!
The Rules: If you're tagged, make a new post and share one or two sentences (or lines for artists) from your most recent unposted WIP with zero context.
Daniel felt like he was going to stroke out. Fuck. Of all the times to be stuck as a dog. He pants silently, matching Max’s quivering breaths. And when he tenses and groans– spilling over himself– Daniel pads onto the patio. He planned to nibble a hole in the netting to jump off.
I always forget to tag people lol, @sunroki, @chenniechopper, @sysakiddo, @preet-01, and anyone else who would like to join!
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onboardsorasora · 4 months
Thank you @girlsdads for the tag!
rules: shuffle your spotify ‘on repeat’ and list the first ten songs
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I’ve been in a mode where I need to hear the music that molded me in high school lately lol high school Sora was a vibe
Tagginggg @rizzstappen @sunroki @dancinginthestreet9 @felicity-smoak-is-my-goddess and anyone else who wants to join!
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sunroki · 3 years
nathair [riverdale] (discontinued)
part one
part two
part three
part four
part five
part six
masterlist from my other account [riverdale]
house and home [dream smp]
lotr: aragorn frodo arwen sauron thranduil legolas sam éomer
acotar: rysand feyre
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sunroki · 6 years
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King of the Woodland Realm
Son of Oropher
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sunroki · 6 years
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Aragorn II
Son of Arathorn
King of Gondor
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sunroki · 6 years
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High Lord of the Night Court 
Mate to Feyre Archeron 
Amarantha’s Whore
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