#sunnydale post office
btvs · 28 days
omg where have you beeeeeen i miss u on my dash. i sincerely hope youre doing okay <333
i’m fine! i’ve just been dealing with chronic illness, mental illness etc . feels a lil hard to log on here sometimes since there’s often a lot on my dash that doesn’t make me feel great. not a huge deal i have been avoiding all other social media too. it is how it is
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coraniaid · 2 months
AU: Gwendolyn Post is either not evil, or decides to play the long game instead of going straight for the magic glove.
Okay ... let's say Post was still kicked out of the Council for (mis)use of dark magic, but she knows that if she's careful it will take the Scooby Gang a while to figure that out. Indeed, we know Giles hasn't thought of asking the Council for confirmation of Post's claims, and we also know the Council don't plan to actually send a replacement Watcher for Faith. The Council won't visit Sunnydale at all until the events of Helpless, and it's not as if Giles seems to discuss Faith's need for a permanent Watcher with Travers in canon.
Post initially was in town just for the glove, but she reconsiders after she talks to Faith in the motel and realizes the potential she represents. Before knocking Giles out and trying to kill Angel, she hasn't really done anything suspicious at all. So when Giles calls her in to his office and tells her they have a plan to destroy the glove she came all this way for, Post tries her best to look pleased and quietly finishes her tea. Faith and Xander still decide to take matters into their own hands, but the library is empty when they arrive looking for weapons. So rather than splitting up they both head to the mansion, where they run into Angel and Giles and Post. Post is [as in canon] a bit nonplussed to realize that Angel is a vampire (and she's even more surprised when she realizes he's that Angelus), but she sticks with her new plan and (between Giles and Post telling her it's all okay), I don't think Faith is quite ready to attack Angel in front of witnesses. Privately, after the glove is taken care of, Post tells Faith she understands her concerns and admits she didn't realize Angel was a vampire ("Mr Giles' choice of allies are quite utterly unfathomable to me"), but she praises Faith for her good judgment in coming to her Watcher for orders before doing anything rash (they both know, of course, that this isn't what Faith was doing at all, but Faith is more than willing to persuade herself she was if it will win her the approval of her newest surrogate parental figure).
With no big fight or falling out at the end of Revelations, Buffy thinks things with Faith are still going well, even if Faith is angry about her hiding Angel. But behind the scenes, Post has worked out by now that Faith's ties to Buffy are the only competition she has, so she pretty quickly gets to work undermining them as much as she can. Wondering out loud why Giles seems so willing to bend the rules for Buffy and whether Buffy realizes just how dangeous Angelus is, dragging Faith out of town on private training exercises, doing whatever she can to play to Faith's (painfully obvious) inferiority complex. By Amends, when Buffy invites Faith over for Christmas, Faith really isn't lying when she turns Buffy down because she has other plans. (Post invites her over to her house for the first time that Christmas, and though they both find the experience pretty awkward for their own reasons, Faith is moved enough to talk about Diana, who she wasn't good enough to protect, and to try to pretend she's not crying when she promises "Gwen" she won't ever let her Watcher down again.)
Post is almost caught off-guard when Giles talks to her about Buffy's upcoming Cruciamentum [I think the charitable take is that Giles -- and all first time Watchers -- didn't know about the Cruciamentum in advance either], but she agrees to take Faith out of town so she won't cause any problems. Of course, she's smart enough to realize that the game is pretty much up at this point -- no way Giles isn't going to mention her to Travers at least in passing, even if the Council haven't brought a real replacement Watcher yet -- so she decides to make the best of it. Once she and Faith are set up in wherever they've gone for training, Post (while pretending not to know when Buffy's birthday is), does her best to look serious and concerned for her Slayer's well-being while she warns her that as Faith's birthday is coming up soon the Council might be planning to subject her to the Cruciamentum ("a primitive and outdated practice that of course I will have no part in ... though I fear Mr Giles is something of a traditionalist in these matters").
What Post is really hoping for is that they get back to town to find Buffy dead and for Faith to be too furious and heartbroken to do anything but blame Giles and completely refuse to listen to anything the Council tells her ever again [Post wouldn't mind if she took care of Quentin Travers either; she never really cared for him even when she was really a Watcher]. She wasn't expecting Faith to immediately rush back to Sunnydale and arrive just in time to rescue Buffy and her mom from Zachary Kralik, but it all works out pretty well anyway. Giles is fired, so he's no more of a Watcher than she is now, and if Travers starts going on about some supposed thefts and a few cursed rituals she might have been caught doing it's not as if either of the Slayers are going to take his side over hers. Of course she's prepared to bend the rules if it means saving people and stopping monsters. Why, she's just proved that. She doesn't even mind too much when Faith and Buffy start patrolling together again. Maybe Buffy's angry enough at Giles that she'll listen to her over him. (That part doesn't last, sadly for Post.) But Faith is done with the Council, now -- she's not going to let them take her powers away, and she's not going to listen to Wesley for a second. She doesn't need an official Watcher anyway. She's got Mrs Post, and Mrs Post has her back. She saved Buffy's life, didn't she?
That being said, Bad Girls plays out a lot like it does in canon, at least at first (Faith might not listen to Wesley, but if Gwen thinks it's a good idea to look for Balthazar's amulet...). Faith still accidentally kills Allan Finch, and she still freaks out, but this time she doesn't just dump the body and try to convince herself she's made the problem go away. She dumps the body and then goes to see her new mom Watcher, who she knows will be able to make the problem go away. And Mrs Post knows exactly what to tell Faith: she shouldn't feel bad about killing some random interloper, she's a Slayer and accidents happen and it's not as if he were some paragon of virtue. Why, it's quite possible he was in league with Mayor Wilkins, who they've just learned is working hand in hand with vampires, so Faith probably did the right thing by killing him. It's a shame she couldn't do a better job of hiding the evidence, but ... well, perhaps Post was expecting too much of her. She knows Faith prefers hanging out with her friend Buffy to training properly, after all. No wonder the two of them got into trouble without proper supervision. ("It's quite unfair, isn't it, that Mr Giles is planning to cover for his Slayer and put all the blame on you. I don't know how he can countenace the thought of shipping you off to England to be tried by the Council, which ... oh. Didn't Buffy warn you about that, Faith? Well, perhaps she didn't know.") By the time Wesley's Council friends arrive, Faith and Gwendolyn Post are long gone. Boats leave from the docks everyday, after all, and the world is full of vampires to kill and dangerous (and valuable) magical artefacts to secure for safe-keeping. And maybe Mrs Post doesn't have a cool cursed glove that can shoot lightning, but she's got something better. She's got a rogue Slayer who'll do whatever she wants her to do, no questions asked, and all she has to do in exchange is occasionally pretend to give a damn about her.
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rock-and-compass · 1 month
Precursor - I wrote about the fifth season of Angel many years ago - probably around the time that the season 8 comics were first being published. I originally published these meta essays over on LiveJournal and I've decided to re-post them (as written), mostly for archival reasons. I love season 5 of Angel. It's such a shame it got axed before it could get the envisioned 6th and 7th series
Episode 5.2 – Just Rewards
On the surface, this episode is about an opportunistic necromancer who has been robbing the dead for countless years finally getting his ‘just rewards’, his comeuppance if you like, courtesy of the dead in the form of Angel and Spike. But the term ‘just rewards’ is also associated with the ideas of moral victory or deserved punishment; when a person gets their ‘just rewards’ they get what they morally deserve as a result of their actions whether that is a reward or a consequence. This episode offers plenty of opportunity and scope for contemplation of the phrase, particularly in relation to Angel and Spike. 
When we last left our heroes, Spike had just made his dramatic re-entry into the world, a mere nineteen days after the Sunnydale operation (see BtVS 7.22). Angel’s anger is again obvious. The very thought of Spike makes him angry, the fact that this much despised, former ally is now standing in his office has his blood boiling. Angel’s anger is understandable, yet not completely justified either. Alright, so the last time he saw Spike in season one’s In the Dark (A1.03) Spike did have Angel tortured in order to locate a particular ring that would render the vampire wearing it invincible. And, yes, going way back, Angel’s ‘daughter’, Drusilla dared to bring home a very special creation of her own in the form of William (a.k.a. Spike) and then have the audacity to expect 'Daddy' to raise him and teach him the ways of the vampire. So, yes, Angel and Spike share a particular bond; mentor and protégée, ‘father’ and ‘son’, companions in the kill, partners in crime... Spike is, in essence, a very unwelcome reminder of Angel’s former life as the greatest mass murderer the world has ever seen. No wonder he’s angry. Spike’s like the proverbial bad coin, showing up at an inappropriate, inopportune time and place.  
Except . . . that in the intervening four years since his last visit to L.A., Spike has been fairly busy; Spike returned to Sunnydale only to get captured by a covert military organisation and have a behaviour modification chip implanted in his brain. It fundamentally ended his days of hunting humans. With the very basis of his vampire existence pulled out from under him, Spike had no option but to adapt. Luckily, it is a particular strength of his. So he chooses a bold course of action, he goes to his natural enemy, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and requests protection in exchange for the supply of information and so begins his prolonged association with Buffy and her Scoobies. While never a completely accepted member of the gang, (Spike is the outsider’s outsider) he does share a particular bond with Buffy. They think in a similar way, they understand each other, he ‘gets’ her and understands her ‘job’. Kinda helps that he’s been obsessed with slayers for over a century.  But it is when Spike falls in love with Buffy that he really begins to change. His character provides a stunning conundrum regarding his capacity to love and feel where other vampires are not capable of such human emotion. On the surface he seems to be motivated to do good only to gain Buffy’s affection and appreciation but this is regularly contradicted with completely selfless acts, particularly towards Dawn, Buffy’s little sister. She that once would have been a first choice, tasty victim is now protected above all else and so their association provides his character with acres of space to develop and grow. 
When Buffy returns from the dead and feels alienated from the world around her, she turns to Spike, the only person for whom she feels any affinity, for comfort and companionship.  The relationship turns sexual but it is good for neither of them. The sex is amazing but it comes packaged with conflicting emotions, contradictory feelings and subverted behaviour. They both battle with who they are, while trying to be what they once were and it’s killing them. The final straw comes when Spike, trying desperately to [re]kindle their relationship by exploiting their physical compatibility, goes too far and attempts to rape Buffy. She kicks him across the room ending the ordeal. Both are shocked and dismayed at the turn of events. Spike responds with some deep, personal self analysis:
What has he done? 
Why didn’t he do it? 
What is he? 
Sick of being nothing, neither man nor monster he resolves to make a change. Find a solution. So he heads to Africa, seeks out a legend, goes through untold trials and torture, wins himself his soul back; His choice, his reward.
The Spike that returns to Sunnydale is a new man but not actually all that different from the old Spike. He just has that little extra something, the spark to make him fit. Initially he’s crazy, yes, but Buffy has faith in him, she makes him use that soul, she knows he can be a good man! And he responds. Their relationship in season seven is nothing short of beautiful. It’s trusting. It’s compassionate. It’s intimate. It’s deep. It gives them strength; strength enough to enable him to be ready and willing to sacrifice himself to save the world, his amazing journey finished.
Except that it's not…
Spike finds himself surrounded by faces he doesn’t know in a place he doesn’t recognise. Yet some of them know who he is. Wesley betrays his Watcher’s Academy factual know-how, while Gunn’s recognition suggests a more anecdotal association. Maybe Angel does tell the odd story from the ‘good old days’ sometimes? Wesley begins to explain to the uninitiated who Spike is by ranking his proficiency as a vampire as second only to…
Angel finishes the sentence by saying “Me”, and instantly claims superiority and reminds everyone, including Spike of how the hierarchy works, once a vampire, always a vampire, despite the presence of a soul or two.  Angel then adds, “But you’re dead.”
With how much of Spike’s recent history Angel is reasonably au fait, we can only guess, though one suspects that he doesn’t have all the facts. He obviously knows that Spike died in the final Sunnydale showdown. From where this information came we can also only speculate. But regardless of the whys and wherefores, Angel is clearly dismayed to see him. In Chosen, when he learnt of Spike’s change of allegiance and acquisition of a soul, he was sceptical of the younger vampire’s motives and displayed a petty annoyance at no longer being the only member of the souled vampire club, and Buffy readily admits the bond they share; Spike is in her heart and she chooses him as her champion in the final battle, not Angel.  Spike was a complication he didn’t expect. . . .  all which might lead to the assumption that Angel would view Spike’s death as a problem taken care of, quick and easy. But alas, probably the most important lesson Angel is yet to fully appreciate is that there is no such thing as a quick fix…
On seeing Angel, Spike’s first instinct is to attack but instead of clashing physically Spike literally goes through Angel and discovers that he is in fact a ghost (or something fairly similar). Bugger.
In the questions and confusion that follows Buffy’s name is mentioned. Instantly Spike wants to know about her, first and foremost is she alright, did she survive and then once satisfied with that, where she is. Angel is parsimonious with the information. 
“Europe, last I heard from her” is all the information he’s willing to give. Angel’s body language as he says this is interesting. He looks sideways, shifts his eyes as one does when they are guilty or trying to get away with misinformation or. . . or trying to seem more knowledgeable than they actually are. Could it be that Angel and Buffy have not communicated in the intervening nineteen days since the destruction of Sunnydale? Has Angel already got his Wolfram and Hart resources tracking her moves? Is it possible he knows as little of Buffy’s movements as Spike currently does?
Spike says he wants to see her, talk to her. Angel basically forbids any such contact. The competitiveness and rivalry that bubbles beneath the surface of his contempt is particularly obvious whenever Buffy is mentioned. It doesn’t matter that Angel is not actually in love with her anymore, Buffy still functions as a ‘what if’ for him; she’s part of the prize reserved for that distant day when he’s finally earned his redemption. Spike’s association with Buffy is annoying and inconvenient. It’s another case of Spike invading his territory. When Spike was dead, the relationship between him and Buffy became ancient history, not worthy of further mention. But now that Spike’s back their close association is not so easily ignored and so Angel resorts to his traditional role of dominance over Spike and denies the possibility that Buffy and Spike had a meaningful relationship at all. Angel’s denial of the relationship doesn’t make it any less real or factual, it just makes Angel feel better about something of which he has little understanding.
Angel has also been pretty circumspect with the information given to his team too. Wes has a few details; that Spike was an “ally” of Buffy’s for “some time”, but that’s about it. It is quickly revealed that they know nothing of his role in saving the world and nothing about the reclamation of his soul. Spike has in fact been denied his ‘just reward’ of a hero’s reputation for his part in saving the world. Angel’s silence and lack of recognition saw to that. Gunn queries if Spike is a “good-guy vampire, like Angel?”
“He’s nothing like me” Angel responds, causing a rare moment of agreement with Spike as he adds “Got that right”. This idea will be explored with great effect in the later episode Destiny. Fred raises the possibility that Spike has been brought back for a purpose, a gift from the Powers That Be (PTB) to help them fight evil. And so we get the seed of suggestion planted, but we don’t notice it so much because we get distracted by Spike’s distinct lack of enthusiasm for the idea of being a toy in the games of the ‘High and Mighties’. It provides an interesting contrast; Angel saw the possibility of a higher purpose as destiny, as direction, something to justify his existence and help him achieve redemption while Spike sees it as intrusion, interference and presumption. He doesn’t need a ‘prescribed’ destiny, he makes his own. Though Spike does observe the connection between Angel’s hero status and material gain; it makes an uncomfortable illusion to Angel’s need for reward (both material and spiritual) for all he’s done. Angel tries to dismiss this as Spike not knowing what he’s talking about. But as Spike points out, he doesn’t need to know the details, he can read the facts; Angel has been compromised:
Spike: I'm not the prat here. I know you, Angel. What do you think you're doing? Made some devil's bargain to take over this company? Thought you'd use it to fight the evil of the world from inside the belly of the beast. Trouble is you're too busy fighting to see you and yours are getting digested.
Angel: Not gonna happen. 
Spike: Oh, you think you're in control here? Guess again, mate. You're no more in control than I am. Except I'm not gonna bloody stand for it, 
Angel is, at the moment, in denial that anything bad will happen as a consequence of their going to work at Wolfram and Hart. It will be on his shoulders if it does, he’s the one who bought them here. 
Unfortunately, Spike discovers that his incorporeal state makes him useless, unable to affect anything. It highlights the similarities between Spike and an infant, determined, yet unable to do anything but yell and scream for attention. This in turn further highlights the symbolic father/son relationship between Angel and Spike. Spike determines to leave L.A., resolute in not letting his ghostliness be a limitation but discovers he can’t. He’s trapped with 'daddy' at Wolfram and Hart whether he likes it or not. But Spikes presence has got Angel thinking:
Angel: Could have been me, Wes, was supposed to be me.  
Wesley: You're not feeling guilty? 
Angel: About Spike? He's not—that's not—that's not—  Wolfram & Hart gave me the amulet. They must have expected me to use it. And they had to have known it would've done to me what it did to Spike, so—
Wesley: Why bother handing you the keys to the kingdom?  
Angel: Doesn't make sense. What are the senior partners playing at?
Wesley: Maybe there's dissent in their ranks, or maybe there's another player in the game they—and we don't know anything about. Then again, maybe they got exactly what they were after. 
Angel: Spike. 
Wesley: He may be the one they—
Angel:  What are you doing here? I thought you left town
He may be the one… Wes comes very close to a very interesting topic but as is becoming custom, Spike’s presence distracts them from further contemplative discussion and besides, there are other pressing matters at hand. Novak, a young lawyer had been sent to talk to Hainsley, the earlier mentioned necromancer, but returns from the visit as the slushy content of three buckets. Angel’s term as CEO has already had a rather damaging impact on the attorney and it foreshadows the impact that the tenure will have on them all, despite Angel’s blind faith that this situation won’t have any repercussions.  Angel decides to talk to Hainsley by himself with little discussion or consultation, just as he’s done in the past, just as he’ll do again in the future. This decision is made despite the fact that Hainsley, being a necromancer, has power over the dead...
This episode shows Angel that the recipe for success is teamwork. Gunn’s new legal knowledge provides an alternative stratagem, Wes provides caution (an invaluable asset in the high risk world of heroics) while Spike provides information and strength (of sorts). Yet Angel doesn’t learn the lesson, not properly, and time and time again he attempts to ‘go it alone’, a practice that will have dire consequences by the end of the series.
Angel goes to confront Hainsley accompanied by Spike who is already waiting in the car. Angel is not impressed. But Spike, ever the adapter, is already trying to make his new situation work for him. Not for this one is 100 years of moping about in self-tortured isolation.  
“Fancy a road trip. This’ll be fun eh? You and me together again. So…where are we off to?” Spike says, seemingly wanting acceptance from Angel more than just about anything, deliberately positioning him and Angel together, reminding Angel of their history and linking their connection to adventure and fun of the kind experienced in buddy-buddy-type-road-trip-tales. The metaphoric infant is demanding attention and recognition from the non-responsive father.
It is interesting then that once at Hainsley’s mansion, Angel involuntarily begins to introduce them as  “We’re” but then swiftly amends this to “I’m from Wolfram and Hart”. The second is correct, Spike isn’t from Wolfram and Hart but the habitual teaming with Spike ‘back in the day’ must also seem like second nature to him. As much as Angel doesn’t want to admit it, they did form half of a very formidable foursome that ran amuck across Europe for some twenty years. His history with Spike is long and eventful. While Angel is hesitant to acknowledge this history, Spike is downright determined to claim it, going so far as to describe himself as Angel’s “date”. 
While waiting to see Hainsley, Angel and Spike have an interesting exchange that again highlights the meaning of ‘just rewards’
ANGEL: What is your problem?
SPIKE: You are, ya ponce! You're my problem. You got it too good.  You're king of a 30-floor castle, with all the cars, comfort, power, and glory you could ever want, and here I save the world, throw myself onto the proverbial hand grenade for love, honour, and all the right reasons, and what do I get? Bloody well toasted and ghosted is what I get, isn't it? It's not fair.
ANGEL: Fair?! You asked for a soul. I didn't! It almost killed me. I spent a hundred years trying to come to terms with infinite remorse. You spent 3 weeks moaning in a basement, and then you were fine! What's fair about that?!
So Angel obviously knows about Spike’s time in the basement and that knowledge could only have come from Buffy (or, at a stretch, another Scooby). They both seem to think that the other has it better. Spike sees that Angel has reaped ample rewards and, more importantly, has the glorious reputation to boot, while Angel envies the speed with which Spike has been able to reconcile with his soul. Angel seems to recognise that because Spike asked for his soul it is less of a punishment than his own soul by curse. It is interesting that Angel still sees his soul as a punishment, but one that must be endured and suffered in order to ultimately win redemption. Spike sought his soul voluntarily and because the process of self-analysis began before gaining it back, his soul inherently carries more reward-like associations.  
When they do finally meet Hainsley, the controller of the dead has the upper hand. Angel institutes plan B and freezes Hainsley’s assets and notifies the IRS of his ongoing tax evasion. Not the usual way of doing business but equally effective. Angel leaves satisfied, but Hainsley summons Spike and proposes a deal; a corporeal body in exchange for help with his Angel problem. Spike seems very enthusiastic indeed.
When team Angel reconvenes the “Spike situation” is top of the agenda. Angel wants it dealt with and true to form; he wants it done quick and easy. Wes suggests destroying the amulet as a means of setting Spike free. Spike overhears some of the conversation including Fred’s opinion that it would be akin to murder. Angel seems keen and latches on to mercy as a reason to do it. But, to his credit, Angel decides to sleep on the decision rather than just eliminate all reminders of the past as has been his usual custom (see: Darla (the first time), Penn, James, Elizabeth and later, Lawson).  Spike pays a visit to Angel’s apartment and we learn that if Angel is about subterfuge then Spike is all about the forthright. He lets Angel know that he knows about the group discussion regarding his future. But it also brings the more surprising news about the proposed deal with Hainsley. 
 Angel: Tempting. So what'd you say?
Spike: You see, right there, that's the problem. You having to ask me that.  I don't play for that side anymore, or haven't you heard? Besides... even if Mr. Death could do what he promised, I trust him about as much as you trust me.
Angel: What do you want from me?
Spike: I can't live like this, Angel. Being useless.  Being nothing. I want it to end.
Besides being affronted that Angel cannot accept that he bats for the good-guys now, Spike reveals that he can’t live with ‘being nothing’. It’s understandable. He’s been there; done that, found the cure. Accepting this would be a compromise, worse – it would be going backwards.  And so he determines to be useful even if it means going to his frenemy for help. Been there, done that too. 
So they hatch a plan together, just like old times. It involves a double-double cross and the pretence that Angel will shatter the amulet. During their ‘goodbyes’ Spike, for the first time since his reappearance, reminds Angel of their familial bond, that Angel is his grand-sire. This ‘family’ relationship plays a very important role in the sub-text of the entire season and this is our first subtle reminder of it.  It is also noteworthy that Hainsley refers to Spike so cajolingly as ‘son’. The necromancer offers tempered praise, acceptance and a solution where Angel can barely bring himself to care. Spike has everything to gain from Hainsley’s deal. He owes Angel and co. nothing. Yet he refuses to take what’s on offer because the price is too high. It would mean compromising what he is; a stark contrast to Angel who has accepted compromise and made a much bigger deal with much bigger consequences for everyone involved.  
The plan goes well. Teamwork works. By working together Angel and Spike are able to defeat Hainsley permanently.   Finally, Spike goes to see Fred and asks for help. He says he is being pulled into hell and he doesn’t want to go and could Fred try and find a solution? That he would go to Fred is, of course, beautifully obvious. Fred is the one person who has expressed faith in him since his return – something that is incredibly important to the often insecure vampire. She’s the one who spoke up against smashing the amulet and she is, after all, female.  Spike has a stunning history of having women take the role of his saviour, his mother, Drusilla, Buffy . . . and now Fred.
Coming up next - 5.3 - Unleashed
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paulgadzikowski · 4 months
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[Image description: Preview panel for the comic strip at the link below. Willow, Xander, Giles, and Buffy of Buffy The Vampire Slayer are sitting in an office with Buffy behind a desk. Xander wears an eyepatch. Xander is saying, “You okay, Buffy? You’re a little quiet.” Giles is saying, “Did you run into any trouble on the Enterprise yesterday?” Buffy is saying, “No. I’ve just been thinking lately. It’s now been longer since we left Sunnydale than I lived there.”Unfortunately there are not image descriptions at the main Hero Of Three Faces site. End description.] 
The Hero of Three Faces is fanfiction crossovers, but it’s comic strips with stick figures, but they’re triangles. Preview panel only. Click here for full cartoon. Or see the on-site navigation tutorial. Or see this blog’s FAQ, or my archive tumblog’s FAQ. Cartoons may contain unmarked spoilers. Cartoons linked from Tumblr 10:00 (Central US time) daily are the previous day’s new update and the posts are pinned to the top of this blog. Cartoons linked from Tumblr 22:00 daily are from the archive and the posts are pinned only during annual summer hiatus of new updates.
This cartoon and the next three chronologically form a set of four. Here are the others' preview panels and links:
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The preview panel for the third one in sequence spoils the punchline for the second one actually, so here’s just the link
And the fourth:
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(Or you can just follow the normal chronological links on each one)
Thanks for reading.
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jvstheworld · 1 year
The Buffy Re-watch: S2E10 (part 1)
What's my Line: Part 2
We last left off with Buffy and Kendra fighting, and the shock revelation that Kendra is the new Vampire Slayer. After a tense truce, they go see Giles.
Angel might die? Oh no. But we know he won't.
Slayers would do much better is they had more support from others. Not just the watchers in charge of their training and care. Anything to suggest otherwise is bullshit.
It is understandable why Buffy would be a little creeped out with Kendra being around. Her death caused her activation, and reminders of such a traumatic event is bound to gives you a bad feeling.
So, Kendra sort of messed up and almost got Angel killed. Luckily Willy is there to sell him out to Spike.
Bug guy attacks Xander and Cordy and he moves fast. Also, ewww.
Actually Kendra, Buffy's death was not her fault. Don't hold it against her.
Willy, my guy, don't be a creep towards two teenagers.
Spike is so sweet to Dru, the way he wakes her up and talks to her. Come on, I wish someone would do that with me.
There's a slayer handbook? I want to see that.
What's a pocket protector?
Giles and Kendra bonding. It's weird.
Tensions rising between Xander and Cordy, and rising and rising until they finally kiss.
Why does Xander keep hosing Cordy down even after she tells him to stop?
Oz, we love Oz and he likes Willow.
The member of the Order of Taraka that is a police officer just so happens to be doing the Sunnydale High careers fair? Because she was there before the bounty was put out, or was the bounty put out before the careers fair began and just brought it up in conversation later, so she made sure she was at the fair to be able to get a good chance of killing Buffy and claiming the bounty?
Oz taking a bullet for Willow, he's a good guy.
Yeah, Xander really likes his women as slayers, which is why he was pining after Buffy for so long.
Last point I will make for this post: Angel is buff.
As usual, part 2 will follow tomorrow.
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mothman-rewatches · 1 year
Rewatch: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, "Welcome to the Hellmouth" (S1Ep1)
Summary: In this episode, we meet Buffy Summers, a teen girl with a secret - she’s the Slayer, someone destined to fight the forces of Evil. As she tries to navigate being the new girl in town, she learns that Sunnydale is not as it seems. 
Written by: Joss Whedon, Matt Kiene, Joe Reinkemeyer 
Directed by: Charles Martin Smith, Joss Whedon
Aired: March 10, 1997
WARNING: This post contains spoilers.
It’s here!! The first episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, not so eloquently explained as I break it down and share my thoughts. 
As a pilot episode, there is a lot to cover, so let’s jump in. 
Recap (What happened this episode? In two minutes or less): Buffy starts her first day at Sunnydale High School. After one of her classes, she goes to the library where she meets Giles - a creepy librarian who tries to give her an ancient looking book. She goes to lunch and meets Willow, Xander, and Jesse before Cordelia approaches her and informs her that gym is canceled because of a dead guy in a locker. Upon investigating it, Buffy goes and confronts Giles, who reminds her of her duty as the Slayer. She tells him she is retired and leaves, and it is revealed that Xander has overheard the whole conversation. That night, she goes to a local club called the Bronze. On the way, she encounters a mysterious man who warns her of “the Harvest” and gives her a necklace with a cross on it. When she gets to the Bronze, she chats with Willow, encouraging the girl to seize the moment. She gets distracted by Giles, who tells Buffy to use her natural abilities to find vampires. She spots one, and he turns out to be talking to Willow. As they leave, Buffy rushes after them, running into Xander who reveals that he knows Buffy’s secret. They follow the vampire and Willow to the cemetery, where the three of them and Jesse are attacked by vampires. Buffy fights a big one as Xander, Willow, and Jesse flee. 
Overall Thoughts (Literally anything. Thoughts, questions, grievances. Basic commentary): First and foremost, this episode does not give you a good feel for the show. It gives you the general idea - one girl in all the world, blah blah blah - and gives you shells of the characters, but fails to feel like it belongs with the rest of the show. The show is finding it’s footing, though, and there are plenty of good episodes to come.
Funnily enough, despite this episode not feeling like Buffy, this episode gives us two very significant images to the rest of the show - the Vampyr book, and the cross necklace. These two things become part of the iconography of the show from this point forward. 
Tropes, unsurprisingly, are a large part of of Buffy, even in this episode. Famously, Buffy as both a character and the show, is based on the damsel in distress meets big bad monster trope, albeit turned on it’s head. Buffy would go on to be the fore-bearer to a lot of tropes that come up in YA media today (thank you to my friend Kay, who pointed this out during a conversation we had about the show). This episode plays around with a few tropes, notably in the scene in which Buffy awakens on her first day at a new school. It’s young adult in a way that forces me to remember this is a show about teenagers, for teenagers and young adults. Other tropes include Xander’s immediate infatuation with Buffy despite not knowing her, the obvious crush Willow harbors for Xander, and the whole reveal that Xander has accidentally overheard a very private conversation. 
Speaking of, I just have to point out that there is no reason Xander should have been able to overheard that conversation. Giles comes out from the stacks, which could imply that he was helping Xander look for a particular book. You’re telling me that Giles had no idea that Xander was in the library? And even if he did, he and Buffy could have had their conversation in his office, not out in the open where anyone could walk in and hear something they weren’t supposed to. 
Also, the way that Buffy’s “transfer” to Sunnydale feels very poorly handled. It is the 90s, but it doesn’t stop me from wondering why Joyce wasn’t included in the meeting with Principal Flutie and Buffy. At first, Joyce is very concerned with Buffy’s education and her successful transition to the new school, so the fact that she isn’t there at the meeting is surprising. 
Finally, my last comment is on how the Buffy and Giles relationship is handled. It is odd to me why Buffy and Giles are just meeting, rather than having a professional relationship prior to Buffy’s move. It could have been much more interesting to see them already know each other, and it would have made the scene where Giles reminds Buffy of her duties and she tells him she’s retired much more impactful. As the series progresses, we learn that Watchers and their Slayers have personal connections, have formed bonds in their time of knowing each other. Buffy and Giles do end up forming a bond, but I think these first few episodes would mean more if they already had one. 
That being said, season one is going to be a journey. The show is trying to get on it’s feet, and tonally it might not be like the rest of the show. It will be interesting to look at it through this lens, and I look forward to it. 
Fashion Corner/Costuming (Comments about the clothes): Really the only comment I have on costuming this episode is laughing at what Buffy says about the vampire at the Bronze. She points out that the outfit is “carbon dated” and no one dresses like that anymore, but if I remember correctly, Xander starts dressing like that at some point. 
Characterization/Dynamics (Comments about the characters, especially as they grow or change, and relationships between characters): The characterization in this episode is a doozy. I mentioned earlier that the characters are shells of who they really are, and I stick by that. The show fails to find most of it’s characters’ voices in this episode, leading some of them to be unrecognizable. 
On one hand, Xander is painted to be somewhat of a cool guy. He’s not popular, no, but in comparison to the character he becomes, they are worlds apart. He is dorky and a little awkward, but if you didn’t see those parts of him, you would genuinely believe that he fits in. 
In comparison, Willow is a ghost. She is given an almost childlike quality in this episode, one that makes you think she’s fresh out of middle school. She’s innocent and shy and awkward, which are qualities that our Willow has initially, but she’s basically a kicked puppy in this episode. 
Because of this, it’s hard to believe that Xander and Willow are actually friends. It feels more like they were friends when they were kids, but grew apart, and now Xander only hangs out with Willow because he feels bad for her, or because he feels obligated to. I wish I could see their genuine friendship, because without it, the show feels a little lacking. 
Facts (Things I know about the show or calling out specific things): For those of you who don’t know, the high school used for Sunnydale High is also the same one used in Beverly Hills 90210. 
Xander is shown skateboarding in this episode, but we never see him skateboard again. 
The Vampyr book has, as mentioned before, become an iconic image throughout the series. However, we never see it again, aside from the credit sequence. 
Quotes (Things that were said that were funny, iconic, or overall interesting): “What is your childhood trauma?” - Cordelia Chase. 
Apocalypse Counter (Is there an apocalypse that the characters have to try and prevent?): 0
Final Notes: Please feel free to leave comments, suggestions, and questions in the ask box!
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sunnydaleherald · 2 years
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Tuesday, February 28
ANYA: (exasperated) Chicken. XANDER: Would you stop? ANYA: Dare you. XANDER: Anya. If I tell them we're engaged right after you dared me to ... wouldn't you always wonder if that's the only reason I did it? ANYA: Oh. XANDER: Score one for Captain Logic. ANYA: No, no. Captain Logic is not steering this tugboat. I smell Captain Fear at the wheel!
~~Buffy Season 6 Episode #104: "Flooded"~~
The Sunnydale Herald is looking for at least one new editor! Contributing to the Herald is a great way to get your Buffy on! Find out more here. If you saw the phrase "HTML template" in our previous calls for editors and that was what made you decide that Herald duties aren't for you, you may be glad to hear that we've set up an alternative posting process!
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Puzzled (Xander, multiple xovers) by madimpossibledreamer
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Love & Writing (Buffy/Angel, G) by Darksidedawn
All The Biscuits in England (The Cookie Debacle) (Jenny/Giles, T) by backwvengeance
One Last Good Memory (Willow/Tara, T) by RollisiCarisi
Two Things (Willow/Tara, T) by RollisiCarisi
Tangled Web (Xander, M) by JadeWine
Didn't See That Coming (Xander, M, multiple xovers) by JadeWine
Just a little bit of elbow grease and... uh oh (Xander, M, multiple xovers) by JadeWine
Please validate and/or read to filth my 10th dentist boyfriend (season 6 midpoint) by VisageInATurtleneck
The field and the farmhouse (Buffy, G, Warrior Nun xover) by ThoseDarnNuns
Token of Appreciation (Buffy/Faith, T) by BeatriceEveryTuesday
Slain (Buffy/Spike, M) by HollyDB
Two broken souls know, we are quite the pair. (Lila/Willow, M) by xxsummixxx
One Girl in All the World (Ensemble, T) by BrennaLynn
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Walk Round the Bend (Buffy/Spike, G) by honeygirl51885
[Chaptered Fiction]
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One Girl in All the World Ch. 1 (Ensemble, T) by Brenna's Urbangirl Projects
Fathers Ch. 6 (Buffy/Faith, M) by Forgotten Conscience
All That Is And All That Seems Ch. 86 by Malk McJorma
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Bleeding Poetry, Chapter 71-72 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Dusty
Under The Rubble, Chapter 4 (Buffy/Spike, M) by Geliot99
The Office Hellmouth, Chapter 2 (Buffy/Spike, M) by Willow25
I've Got Soul (But I'm Not A Soldier), Chapter 3 (Buffy/Spike, E) by almondcat
Rewrite, Chapter 25 (Buffy/Spike, E) by hopelesswanderer
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A Certain Mystical Nexus Ch. 18 (Ensemble, E, anime xover) by Sithicus
College Life: Hellmouth Edition Ch. 1 (Ensemble, M, SP N xover) by BrandiIndigo
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork:New Signature Art by fauxindigo
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Artwork:ATS 203. First Impressions by tmcarlee
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Artwork:out n about (Buffy/Faith) by spikedru
Artwork:IT’S ONLY SEX! (Faith) by lehaneisms
[Reviews & Recaps]
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PODCAST: The Initiative by Buffy the Vampire Straya
[Fandom Discussions]
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Been rewatching season 4 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. by little-tayy
It's not often I run into someone who has a positive view of the potentials by kyliafanfiction
wait wtf is happening, why is everyone ganging up on Buffy rn by wikiangela
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Creative ways to rewatch? by Multiple Authors
Buffy Re-Vamped - Stage Show 2023 (UK and Australia tour) by simdagger
Discussion of 4.17 "Superstar" by simdagger
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Buffy The Last Vampire Slayer Special #1 by BAF
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Favorite callback? by Kindly-Conference750
Does what happened to Cordelia make you dislike the show? by scoobysmokesalot
Why do you think the First went so hard on Dawn? by aCH00blessme
I am on AtS s4 ep17 as a first time watcher and honestly I have no words. by Illustrious_Swing558
What would you want to get rid of in btvs? by N00B_DuDe
what are some things you would have loved to seen on the show? by spuffy4life
S7 Foreshadowing? by laughatbridget
Oh, Principal Flootie… by themollipop
Sex Scenes s6 by BMCA2001
The scoobies and love by Ajacentmagic
The various headcanons and speculations of Sunnydale High School students by mbene913
When do you think the Sunnydale students 'figured out' the supernatural? by Individual_Syrup_848
Something clever I noticed about the dumbest episode by king_of_karma
Why do so many people dislike Tara? by gillianmorsee
This scene is sooo awkward, you can literally feel it by Opening_Knowledge868
Excluding Buffy and slayers activated after her, who is the slayer that latest the longest by Worsethanboys
Yeah I would have dropkicked Dawn off that tower by goldenhoneyheart
I just finished season 3 and OMG by DesertBlooms
Favourite Giles moments? by Journo_Jimbo
Spuffy and Tropes by Captainoats88
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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PUBLICATION: The Art of the Musical Episode—And Why Buffy's "Once More With Feeling" Still Slays by Paste Magazine
PUBLICATION: "One Girl in All The World" is a Continuation of the "Buffy-verse" by Kansas Public Radio
PUBLICATION: Joss Whedon Believed Buffy Could Never Have A 'Healthy Relationship' by Slash Film
PUBLICATION: Joss Whedon Used Buffy The Vampire Slayer's Hush To Save Himself From 'Hackdom' by Slash Film
Submit a link to be included in the newsletter!
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giftedeath · 10 months
very unserious xfiles verse under the cut ( i wrote more than i should have )
xfiles verse where buffy post s7 - after sunnydale, takes dawn and is being a MOTHER ! who yet again needs a job and she's out one night slaying and runs into theeee dana scully who see's the whole thing and is like :o shocked and buffy's all " oh he uh, he had this flesh eating disease there's a lot of weird stuff going on around here ! " but scully knows she's lying but buffy being buffy thinks like, oh hey what's that ? are you like a police officer or something ? are they hiring ? and scully takes her under her wing in kind of a pitiful way but also to keep an eye on her, and she gets her a job as mulder's assistant and mulder's just like. um i didn't ask for this, why can't she be YOUR assistant. and basically she becomes the dual assistant to both scully and mulder. it's just like answering phones and bringing everyone coffee. she ends up really just being a pain in their ass, and talks too much when they're trying to WORK, but also eavesdrops sometimes on what they're doing/talking about and is never shocked or surprised to hear about alien shenanigans ! and buffy becomes mulder's #2 defender ( she could never out do scully ) like people around the office are like " mulder's back on his alien nonsense again. " and buffy's like " wdym nonsense, i literally got abducted once, i'm gonna report u to hr if u keep disrespecting him." but also everyone in the office is kind of sus abt buffy too bc she just leaves randomly, or like shows up after her break with little blood stains on the cuff of her shirt, and she fills the water cooler back up with far too much ease for a girl of her stature, and everyone's like .. why is this dainty valley girl so strong something's not adding up. to the point where people are going up to scully like " what is up with the office assistant - why is she like that ? " and scully's just kind of not bothered, but also curious. and eventually she'll find out that buffy's been this slayer of vampires the whole time ... and then ofc she'll tell mulder, and mulder will just be like : " oh yeah i've known that for like months now. " bc of course he has ! and lol. yeah this is very unserious but i kind of love it.
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javier grillo-marxuach (@OKBJGM) Tweeted: i wrote an indiana jones/downton abbey crossover fanfic and i am proud of it. if anyone wants to accuse me of being a "bad writer" they are welcome to come to my house and shine either one of my emmys. https://okbjgm.tumblr.com/post/420080415...
Juan Carlos Fernandez (@obijuanca) Tweeted: @OKBJGM Now I wish I had written my MAD MEN/COLD CASE crossover where they determine Don Draper's fall from an office skyscraper window wasn't a suicide.
John Rogers (@jonrog1) Tweeted: @obijuanca @OKBJGM The spec I was working on, just before I swung over to features, was an X-FILES/BUFFY crossover where Mulder and Scully go to Sunnydale. Not for the vampires. For the UFO's. Which are kidnapping vampires.
John Rogers (@jonrog1) Tweeted: @obijuanca @OKBJGM My point being -- if we were writing specs, which we all were, writing "fan fic" was literally the price of admission to being a TV writer for two decades.
K.D. Byers (@katiedbyers) Tweeted: @jonrog1 @obijuanca @OKBJGM ::raises hand:: you can just call it fanfic and there's no space in the word
John Rogers (@jonrog1) Tweeted: @katiedbyers @obijuanca @OKBJGM We're old, that's how we spelled it IN THE BEFORE TIMES.
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mayorwhisper · 3 years
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@quenepacrossing designed Sunnydale, a bright island that's colorful and cute! I loved each little stop on my journey through the island, especially the post office and the library!
DA 8822-6994-4147
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btvs · 1 year
Cranky because you weren't a gifted kid and got teachers praise type of mental illness instead of making their jobs worse and getting sent to the principals office every week mental illness aren't you :3€
you say this as if its some kind of own instead of just being incredibly ableist
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coraniaid · 2 years
Tagged by @restlesshush (uh, a while ago, I think -- sorry for the slow response).
Rules: share the first line of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written fewer than ten, don't be shy and share anyway.
I've written more than ten fanfics but I've only published eight. Posting the first line of all eight of those plus the first lines of two WIPs I'm (slowly) working on.
Residuum (Mass Effect: currently unfinished, but one day…?)
"Talitha stared out of the shuttle window."
The Choice (Mass Effect, one-shot)
"… approaching Omega 4 Relay."
All Our Precious Things (Mass Effect, complete)
"It's been centuries now."
Children (Mass Effect, one-shot)
"The war was over almost as soon as it began."
Alchera (Mass Effect, one-shot)
"She doesn't remember dying."
Night Winds In Nos Astra (Mass Effect, currently unfinished)
"I knew the quarian would be trouble the minute she walked into my office."
Coexist (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, currently unfinished but not long to go)
"For such a small town, Sunnydale has always had too many cemeteries."
One Girl In All The World (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, one-shot)
"Faith dreams of Buffy Summers."
No Such Animal (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, in-progress but unpublished)
"She’s pathetic, that's her problem."
Summers Gone (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, in-progress but unpublished)
"The thing you have to keep reminding yourself of is this: Dawn isn’t real."
… okay, so what I've learned from this exercise is that I don't write very interesting first lines.
I think everyone I know on here who writes any sort of fanfic has been tagged already (but if I'm wrong, let me know?).
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bakedbakermom · 6 months
Writing Patterns
Thanks for the tag @thatfragilecapricorn30!
Rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern.
Well I have exactly 10 fics on ao3 at the moment so let's see. In reverse chronological order...
Desperately They've barely tumbled through the door before she slams him back against it, hard enough to rattle the hinges, and shimmies up his body like a cat up a tree.
Takeout Interruptus Scully’s tongue thrusts hot and wet into his mouth, her hands tangled in his hair.
The Stinking Rose They catch the killer gutting tourists along Fisherman’s Wharf, and he whisks her up the foggy hills to North Beach to celebrate.
Waking Dreamland He grows a beard.
Cupcake He is trembling as she presses closer, body molding against his in a variety of new and exciting places.
Good Morning He loves her first thing in the morning.
Thigh Highs The rule about “no sex in the office” had been Scully’s idea.
Stained Scully unlocked the door to room 217 of the Sunnydale Motor Inn and slipped inside, hoping the brief spill of buttery sunlight wouldn’t disturb the occupant.
Heatwave It’s hotter than hell in Washington, D.C., and Fox Mulder is wrestling with temptation.
Enough God, I only meant to kiss him, Scully thought, gasping, before Mulder’s tongue swirled around her nipple and she lost the ability to think.
Well given how much smut or smut-adjacent fic I write, it's not surprising that so many of my first lines have to do with touching and kissing!
Honestly I am so bad at tagging people... if you see this and feel inspired, have at it!
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chasingfictions · 3 years
jenny obviously 👀
dsfdfskjdfk a) all my jenny calendar opinions r lifted directly from u, o wise scholar. b) YEAH let's GO
My favorite thing about them
i just love her audacity like YEAH i WILL just storm into this guy's office and be like hey im a technopagan the end is pretty seriously nigh i KNOW there's a demon in the internet anyway take off your pants :)))) i KNOW miss jenny has got fire placements in her birth chart
My least favorite thing about them
sdfskjf this isnt her fault but robia lamorte being a pro-life nut does always have me going damn i wish jenny was in more seasons.... oh wait :)) no i dont :)).
also the fact that she died before i could see her take on early 2000s fashion... problematic!!!!
My favorite canon relationship
.... ok she has One canon relationship with any sense of screentime but also even if she didnt... calendiles my HEART. soulmates!!! horny idiots!!!! making fools out of themselves in public!! insane!!!
My favorite non-canon relationship
the way u have made me a jenny/faith mom/daughter truther... like YEAH gimme the traumatized brunettes sunnydale transplants with a contentious relationship with their own families and who never know the right thing to say!!!!
The sexuality I headcanon for them
okay tragically we never get to see jenny interact with an adult woman??? i dont think??? so it IS hard to read the gaydar, that said, she has gay outfits. i think she's *samantha jones voice* , a try-sexual. i'll try anything once.
What I’d do if I could spend the day with them
we WOULD go to metaphysical shops and get lattes and buy shoes, jenny feels like an unparalleled person to have a Girl Errands Day with where we say we have important things to do but mostly we are buying snacks and smelling candles at tj maxx and buying flowers from trader joes
Random fact about them I like
ok u posted one time about how jenny always has a lil snack and like ... yeah get it :))) we stan a hungry queen :))) ALS
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jvstheworld · 1 year
The Buffy Re-watch: S1E8 (part 2)
I, Robot, You, Jane
How did Buffy follow Dave? He was driving a car all the way across town, how did she keep up?
Xander coming in with the useful info. He has lived in Sunnydale all his life (probably) and would know that the 3rd largest employer in the town had shut down. That would be huge news. Also his uncle worked there.
Buffy make a Spider-Man reference to spider senses and Giles does not understand. Probably thought she was turning into a spider demon. I do not want to see that.
Does anyone read out loud what they type? Just curious.
Oh Malcolm, you've showed your hand too soon my guy. Now Willow is mistrustful of you.
And back to the tech, good or bad, debate. Yes, it can help society but it can also hinder and stunt other parts to it too. Both Jenny and Giles have valid arguments, it's just about getting the right balance between the human and the virtual. That being said, say no to AI and support real people and their professions, eg artists, actors, writers etc. Please support the WGA and SAG-AFTRA during their on going strikes. Told you in my last post these tangents and rants would happen again, I knew they would because I wrote it in my notes.
So Moloch being the evil dick that he is, is erasing people medical histories as a nurse didn't know about a student's allergy and they most likely died as a result. Allergies are no joke.
Dave is being a sketchy guy and tries to kill Buffy by electrocution.
Dave was really just a good guy who got mixed up with the wrong ones, he didn't deserve his fate. But when did Fritz get behind him?
Next question: how did Buffy not notice the dead body in the room? She walked in pretty far and looked around but did not see the body until she bumped into it.
News reports on the radio in Giles' office about more shit that Moloch is doing.
Jenny knows about demons! Gasp. Though if you live in Sunnydale you probably should. It's no like they keep themselves hidden all the time.
You never see phonebooths anymore, the convenience of mobile phones rendered them obsolete. Though if you lose signal on you phone, run of of charge or just straight up lose/break your phone, phonebooths would be useful.
I kind of like the look of Moloch's tech body. It does give me Captain EO vibes though.
Okay, how realistic is it that neck breaks that cause instant death in the way the Moloch does? Paralysis I can understand, but sometimes you kind of doubt it if it really kills someone. I know he's a demon in tech body so will be very strong, but sometimes they just don't look like they would actually kill someone. Or I have seen Dr Mike react to them too much so now I'm doubting it too. But you bet your ass that I will be complaining about some of the chest compressions we'll see on this show.
A man planning an assassination attempt on his mother is not a good thing, Moloch. Unless she was a truly horrible person then could understand, but still extreme.
Our big bad is trapped in his tech body thanks to the work of Jenny and Giles and Buffy ends him with a well timed duck. I say that's good teamwork guys.
Giles is right, tactile experiences matter. It's linked so well with human memory that the absence of it can leave a memory harder recall.
Where does Jenny dangle the corkscrew from?
Buffy, Willow and Xander's dating histories will be littered with weirdness. Vampires, demons, witches, slayers and apparently a previously mystical ball of energy used to break down the barriers between worlds. Yeah, I know about Xander and Dawn getting together and having a baby in the comics. I do not know how I feel about that.
Tomorrow we talk about the horrors of puppets and talent shows.
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rubickk7 · 3 years
Masterpost - Rubick’s Works
 Check out my original novella here.
Masterpost of all my fics/edits
AO3 Works Page
Drabbles - Check out all my drabbles for various fandoms in one collection.
Black Widow
The Monsters in the Dark - 2k - Written for ToT 2021, a little Mature trick revolving around Natasha and Yelena as children.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
One Night at a Time - 23k - Buffy/Faith - Explicit - Written for 2022 AU Exchange, based on the prompt “What if, when Faith heard Buffy was back from the dead in S6, she decided to go back to Sunnydale?”
So Crazy - 1700 words - Buffy/Faith - Explicit PWP - A direct sequel to a fic by another user. Written for FiaB 2022. 
We Got This - 4k - Buffy/Faith - Explicit - Written for the Second Annual Femslash Kink Exchange 2021. Fuck or Die’ trope.
The Falcon and the Winter Solider
Captain America and the Winter Soldier and the Box Full of Kittens - 6k - Sam/Bucky - Established Relationship - Rated T - Written for the If I Fits I Fics 2021 cat-centric exchange. Because I had to write Bucky bringing home a box of kittens to Sam.
The Care and Keeping of Your Best Friend’s Plants - 10k - Sam/Bucky - Explicit -  Set immediately after CA: WS. Bucky asks Sam for help getting his memories back. 
Smooth Like Velvet - 5600 words - Sam/Bucky - Rated T - Written for a holiday exchange, Sam and Bucky eye-fucking each other in formal wear while their friends do some scheming. NYE fic.
Loki (2012)
Don’t Stop the Music - 10k - Loki/Mobius - Explicit - Written for @multifandomtropefest 2021, A little bit of dancing, banter, and some light bondage.
the space between - 20k - Loki/Mobius - Explicit - Written for Fic in a Box Exchange 2021. Post S1 secret relationship feelings shenanigans.
The Magicians
ashes in my mouth - Niffin Alice/Q - Written for Smut4Smut 2021, short fic that features sad Q and Niffin Alice. Mind the tags!
baby did a bad bad thing - Q23/Q40 - Yep, you read that right. A fucked-up, smutty little one shot.
craving is just another word for need - Beast!Q/Monster - A crack fic that was meant to be funny and just became weird. 1700 words 
A Fillorian Knight's Tale - Queliot. My first fic ever, TM characters set in a Knight’s Tale. It is as riveting as you’d expect someone’s first ever fanfic to be.
Flexible Office Hours - Queliot - Sexy 5k one shot featuring a healthy Professor Coldwater and student Eliot. 
French Toast - Queliot. 3k oneshot featuring Quentin’s first BJ. Roommates trope
High King, Baby - Explicit - Penny/Margo - 5500 - PWP written for Smut4Smut 2022 Exchange
i might write you down (so i can watch you leap up off the page) - Queliot - 2k of Eliot reading a book. Just read it, it’s short and cute.
i’ll put your poison in my veins - Queliot - Written for the TM What If...? Event. What if, during S4, the gang found a body swap spell? And used it?
if I get burned (at least we were electrified) - Wickoff. Based off the song “Dress” by Taylor Swift. Almost 14k of Julia and Kady dancing around each other in a S1 No Beast AU while Queliot flails in the background.
Jamba Juice - Queliot - More blowjobs. God I write about them a lot. 4k one shot.
Love Me To Life - Queliot with a Pygmalion/soulmate twist. Written for the 2021  🧙 Fairy Tale Inspired Exchange.
Marina’s Best Friend - Marina-centered gen fic where Marina’s cat eats Reynard. Written for the 2021 If I Fits I Fic Exchange.
No Job is Too Big - Queliot - Funny one-shot where Quentin keeps going back to the same house to fix all their broken shit. 6k. No blowjobs.
The Only Exception (with the floppy hair) - Queliot - Soulmates, bitches! And the Fillorian Fucking Festival. Really you can’t go wrong here. 11k.
Professor Coldwater: Social Maladjustment 101 - Queliot - My baby. Me trying to see how far I can stretch my angst and smut muscles. 200k of fast sexual/slow emotional burn.
Quentin Coldwater and the Universal Truth (That a Slytherin as hot as Eliot Waugh would never be attracted to a Hufflepuff such as himself) - Queliot. Harry Potter Pride & Prejudice AU. You get to read 80k of eye fucking before they even have a real conversation. Hooray.
so tell me 'bout your sins (and shock me with their luridness) - TM/CXGF Crossover - Short one-shot where the TM gang takes on a magical job in a certain California town. Written for a very specific audience.
Surprise Dick Energy -  Funny little meta crack fic.
There’s No Place Like Home - Queliot - post-mosaic fake-dating fun times.
This is Me Trying - Queliot - baby’s first foray into real angst. 40k of me figuring out how to make these boys cry and come. Not necessarily in that order. Also based off a Taylor Swift song.
The Way the Story Ends - Dark Queliot - 5400 words - Teen Rated - Mind the tags, this features an off-screen MCD that is NOT Queliot - At the end of S4, instead of dying, Q niffins out. Here is what could have happened next.
Whatever Happens in Atlantic City... (that’s how it goes, right?) - Queliot - My first fic written for a fic exchange! It was a 1k minimum for Smut4Smut 2021, I wrote 20k. A fun little fic where the gang takes a vacation post S3. 
you said the words, and they altered the universe - Queliot - I love this fic. A fusion with the books and show, five scenes from the books as seen through a Queliot lens. Please read, I’ll love you so much.
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Best. Birthday. Ever - Explicit - An exchange fic written for a recip’s prompts. Bucky/Clint/Nat/Phil/Steve fivesome fic.
Boss Man in the Street - Explicit - Clint/Coulson - 26k - Written for Smut4Smut 2022 Exchange, based on the prompt “BDSM - Character A is dominant in public but submissive to Character B in private”
Captain Catmerica - Clint/Coulson - Explicit - A cat adopts Phil. She changes his life. Written for the If I Fits I Fic exchange.
Girl’s Night - Kate/Yelena - 16k - Explicit - A look at what could have happened with Kate and Yelena’s relationship post Hawkeye S1. A fun getting to know each other fic.
I Love it When Things Go Sideways - Clint/Coulson - Teen - 8k - Written for Fluffity Fluff Exchange, Fun times when undercover at a formal event
Love in Slow Motion - Clint/Coulson - Explicit - 26 - Fake Dating - Phil goes to his ex-girlfriends wedding, and he can’t possibly go alone...
Operation: Bowtie (aka Operation: Pheelings aka Operation: Get Clint Barton Back) - Clint/Coulson - Explicit - 13,700 - NYE Fic with a pining Phil ready to fix an old mistake.
Such a Cliché - 44k - Clint/Phil - Explicit - Written for the 2022 AU Exchange - Vampire AU
Whatever Happens In... (Doesn’t Stay In...) - A Clint/Nat/Phil explicit series exploring their relationship. Ongoing.
Why We Fight - Steve/Nat - 16k - Explicit - Written for FiaB 2022 - Nat lives Fix-it set in the five years between Infinity War and Endgame (and a little bit after).
Original Work
Destiny, Fate, and all that Crap - Written for Heart Attack - 21,527 - Teen Rated - F/F Soulmate Enemies to Lovers
of love, your kiss (those hands, those eyes divine - Written for Original 5k Fic Exchange, a regency-era fic written for the prompt “Bookish Regency Gentleman/His Charming Outgoing Close Friend Who's Refused Every Past Suitor”
A Rescue - 14k - Teen Rated - Written for the 2022 Cat Exchange - Based on the prompt “Stray Cat Who Tries to Steal a Fish & The Skipper Who Wants a Cat”
so hot, so sweet, so whet my appetite - Written for Smut4Smut 2021, I went a little nuts on a treat for a fandom BFF. This was my first foray into any kind of kink, and I had a blast writing it.
you will not die today - Written for  The Second Annual Femslash Kink Exchange 2021, featuring the trope Conquering Queen/Defeated Enemy Commander. 2700 words of me stretching myself as a writer. Please MIND THE TAGS, this one is technically noncon with a ton of angst.
Ted Lasso
First Loser is the Real Winner - Explicit - Keeley/Roy/Jamie - 4k - PWP - Keeley, Roy, and Jamie play strip poker.
Sex Therapy
plus one is three (that’s fun, fun, fun) - Explicit - Elliot/Haruto/Andreas - 6k - PWP - Elliot, Haruto, and Andreas go out on a date.
The Witcher
A Gathering of Crowes - Geralt/Jaskier - Established Relationship - Written for ToT 2021, a Witcher/Twa Sisters fusion.
The Magicians - evermore
willow - Queliot
gold rush - Queliot
champagne problems - Queliot
cowboy like me - Queliot
ivy - Queliot
tolerate it - Qualice
tolerate it - Eliot & Margo & Todd
tis the damn season - Queliot
happiness - Queliot
dorothea - Eliot & Margo
long story short - Quentin & Margo & Eliot
long story short - Queliot
marjorie - Queliot
coney island - Queliot
closure - Queliot
evermore - Queliot
right where you left me - Eliot
The Magicians - miscellaneous
I’ll Fall For You Soon Enough - mood board for Queliot fic
magic madness heaven sin - mood board for Penntin fic
The Physical Kids - mood board for Queliot fic
Queliot Height Difference
Take Me To Encato Oculto - mood board for Queliot fic
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