#sunny forecast: shiny shiny sun
ohsunnyboy · 1 year
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Magick ritual if you’re feeling ‘meh’
Anyone a little ‘meh’ right now? A ritual here that will shake things up with the power of the sun, music, and someone who doesn’t even know they’re involved in a spell....  
As always, take time to make sure that the items and spaces you use are safe and that you can carry out this ritual in a way that won’t endanger you or others. We’re witches, not stunt performers. :)
The below ritual allows for modifications so that you can tailor it to what you can easily obtain. These are labelled ‘good’, ‘better’ or ‘best’. It’s how you do it that counts the most. Happy Magick-making!
When To Carry Out
Good = Any day. Better = Sunday would be preferable. Best = A sunny Sunday. Check the forecast.
What You Need
1. Clothing Good = A piece of clothing you haven’t worn in a long time. Better = A whole outfit you haven’t worn in a long time. Best = A whole outfit plus fragrances/cosmetics you haven’t used in a long time.  2. Washed and dried coins Good = Whatever coins you have. Better = Really shiny coins. Best = Really shiny coins minted this year or last. 3. A gift tag Good = A plain tag of card and string/thread. Better = A decorative gift tag with ribbon. Best = A beautiful gift tag that you’ve made yourself. 4. Five Drops of Oil Good = Whatever carrier oil you have. Better = Canola oil. Best = Sunflower oil. 5. Green Plant Material Good = Whatever green plant material you can get your hands on even if that’s a few blades of grass from a lawn. Better = Fresh Bay leaves (rosemary and sage would be good too). Best = Living Houseplants 6. A clothes hanger(s) Good = Any clothes hanger. Better = A wooden clothes hanger. Best = A padded clothes hanger (ooh fancy!) 7. A window Good = Any window. Better = A south facing window. Best = A south-facing window with a beautiful view of nature. 8. A non-alcoholic, citrus drink Good = Orange juice. Better = Lemonade Best = Lemonade in a fancy glass.
9. Music to dance to Good = Any upbeat song. Better = An upbeat song that was playing the last time you went out and had fun. Best = The song from the happiest time in your life so far.
The Ritual
Step One - Connect Gather all your materials together and just sit and breathe with them. Touch them, greet them. Take some time to connect to their energy. Do any other cleansing, grounding rituals you would normally do before spellcasting. Step Two - Set up (During daylight hours) - Using your finger dipped in the oil, mindfully draw an arrow on the tag pointing towards the ribbon/string. Use as much of those 5 drops of oil as you can. - Tie the tag to the ‘neck’ of the coat hanger so that the arrow is pointing up. - Put your clothing on the hanger (if you have multiple items, you don’t need another tag) and hang it in the window. - On the window sill, or another surface near the window that receives sunlight, arrange the coins and plant material in any way that brings a smile to your heart. Do the same with the items that won’t go on a hanger. Step 3 - The words Speak these words while focusing on where the sunlight is illuminating the objects. You may even want to sing these words: Sun, shine bright! Cast out blight. Light the light inside me. Light the light around me. Sun, shine bright. Cast out blight. Take some time to feel the energy in the space. Notice if you can sense it in your body in some way. Step 4 - Charging Leave the clothes and other items in the window to charge in the daylight at least until nightfall.
Step 5 - The Dance! - Once the clothes have had a day of sunlight, put on the clothes and use the cosmetics and fragrance. You can wait until the next day if need be. - Put the coins in your pocket (if you have no pockets, you can use a bag.) - Return the plants to their home (ie. put houseplants back in their regular spots, or if you have leaves or grass from outside, find a patch of bare soil to offer them back to the earth. Say a quick thank you while you’re at it.) - Put on the song and dance! Imagine the music is not coming at you but actually coming from you; as if your own body is creating the music in the moment. - Notice if that changes the way you move, or if it creates new sensations in your body. - Refresh yourself by drinking the orange juice/lemonade. Feel how the citrus flavour stimulates your tongue. Step 6 - The Witness - Leave the house and let someone see you in that old outfit. This is the witness. The witnessing seals the spell. - If you live in a really quiet area, it may take some planning so that you will actually pass someone! Step 7 - Use it or Lose it - When you get back home, assess the outfit. Ask yourself, ‘Why don’t I wear this often? What’s the problem with it?’ - If you actually liked wearing it: great! Plan a time you can wear this magickally charged outfit again. - If you didn’t like wearing it, here’s your opportunity to move on stagnant energy. Donate or recycle it and free up the space and energy for fresh magic in your life.
Step 8 - Put your money where your values are (as and when there’s an opportunity) - This may happen way down the line so don’t rush to do this part of the ritual. If you’re not spending for a while, simply keep those coins somewhere safe. - When the time comes, spend those coins in places that are meaningful to you, in ways that speak to your values. - Eg. if you believe in community, and also economic justice, use the coins to buy a Fairtrade tea at an indie cafe. Or, if you can spare the money, donate it to charity. - Directing energy - and money is a very particular kind of energy - in positive outward directions is a powerful way to make space for fresh energy. - Each time you ‘put your money where your values are’ you make the world better. Do that with magick-charged coins, and you’ll make the world magickally better!
Final Thoughts
If you are stuck in a rut, feeling listless, bored or blank, please know that this is a completely normal feeling. I’m betting that everyone you know has felt ‘the blahs’ at some point. The first step is to know what it is that you’re feeling and to give yourself permission to feel it fully in a safe space. Then, when you’re ready, try this ritual and let the magick breathe new inspiration into your life.  Wishing you Blessings and Abundance.
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thequeenofthewinter · 2 years
Ulfric Weatherman
We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming in order to bring you this week’s weather forecast with your favorite, controversial, power-grabbing Jarl, Ulfric Stormcloak.
*Ulfric adjusts his infamous bear cloak with a charismatic smile as he half-turns to a map of Skyrim behind him*
Morndas: Partially cloudy and winds coming in from the East. Looks like a good day to be crowned High King of Skyrim.
Tirdas: A cold front moves in from the West which should make things difficult for the Imperial army. *turns to Galmar in the background* “Make sure to move our troops up to the borders of Whiterun. We can use this to our advantage.” Looks like a good day to be crowned High King of Skyrim.
Middas: A new day will dawn in Skyrim with a mixture of clouds and sun. Winds will come out from the East and will help lead the Stormcloaks to victory. Looks like a good day to be crowned High King of Skyrim.
Turdas: A snowstorm moves in—No, that can’t be right. *looks down at script and frowns* *makes adjustments with his pen* Fair weather will be seen in Eastmarch. Looks like a good day to be crowned High King of Skyrim.
Fredas: Overcast skies over the majority of Skyrim, reflecting my displeasure over Turdas’ forecast. *points at Eastmarch* Except in Windhelm which will be grey but sunny. Still looks like a good day to be crowned High King of Skyrim.
Loredas: Mixed clouds and sun. Nothing exciting. Looks like a good day to be crowned High King of Skyrim.
Sundas: At the end of the week, warm weather will appear as a symbol of hope for all of Skyrim. *reaches behind him and places a crown over his head* The sun will glint brightly off of my shiny new crown. Time to get out your shades, Skyrim. Looks like a good day to be crowned High King of Skyrim.
(Note: This was inspired by a conversation in a Discord server where @ravings-of-a-madgod-in-training mentioned that Stormcloak would translate to "weather forecast" in Latin, and where @crysdrawsthings mentioned that there should be a TV channel for Skyrim where Ulfric gives the weather. I most definitely agree, so I made this happen.)
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peterbivens · 5 months
Protect Your Roof with Waterproof Roof Coatings: A Guide to Metal and Liquid Roof Coatings
Keeping your roof safe is super important for your home or building. That's why waterproof roof coatings are a big deal. Whether you've got a metal roof or you're thinking about using liquid roof coatings, it's good to know what they do. They help protect your roof from bad weather and make it last longer. In this guide, we'll check out metal and liquid roof coatings to help you understand how they keep your roof strong against the weather.
Understanding the Importance of Roof Coatings      
Roof coatings are like superheroes for your house. They protect your roof from all kinds of trouble, like rain, sun, and snow. Imagine your roof as a shield, and these coatings are like extra armor, making it stronger and tougher. Without them, your roof could get damaged easily, leading to leaks and other problems inside your home. So, by using roof coatings, you're giving your roof the best chance to stay in tip-top shape for years to come.
Exploring Waterproof Roof Coatings: What You Need to Know
Let's dive into the world of waterproof roof coatings! These coatings are like special shields that keep your roof safe from water and other nasty stuff. They're like invisible armor, protecting your roof from rain, snow, and even the blazing sun. With waterproof roof coatings, you can make sure your roof stays strong and sturdy for a long time. So, let's take a closer look at what these coatings are all about and why they're so important for your home.
The Versatility of Metal Roof Coatings: Benefits and Applications
Metal roof coatings are like magic potions for your roof! They have superpowers that can make your metal roof last longer and stay strong against all kinds of weather. Imagine your metal roof as a brave knight, and these coatings are its shiny armor, protecting it from rain, rust, and even the hot sun. With metal roof coatings, you can give your roof a makeover that makes it look better and last longer. Let's explore why metal roof coatings are so amazing and how they can make your roof shine bright like a diamond!
Liquid Roof Coatings: A Cost-Effective Solution for Roof Protection
Liquid roof coatings are like a secret weapon for your roof! They're a smart and affordable way to keep your roof safe from all sorts of trouble. Think of them as a special shield that you can just paint onto your roof, making it super strong and waterproof. With liquid roof coatings, you can patch up any cracks or leaks and prevent new ones from popping up. Plus, they're way cheaper than replacing your whole roof! So, if you want to protect your home without breaking the bank, liquid roof coatings are the way to go. Let's find out more about why they're such a great choice for keeping your roof in top shape.
Key Considerations Before Applying Roof Coatings 
Before you dive into applying roof coatings, there are some important things to think about. It's like planning before you start a big adventure!
First off, make sure you pick the right type of coating for your roof. Different roofs need different coatings, so do your research to find the best one for yours.
Next, check the weather forecast. You want to apply coatings on a sunny day when it's not too hot or too cold. Rain can mess up the process, so make sure there's clear skies ahead!
Also, prep your roof properly before applying the coating. Clean off any dirt or debris, and fix any cracks or leaks. A smooth surface will help the coating stick better and last longer.
Lastly, safety first! Roof work can be dangerous, so make sure you have the right gear and take all necessary precautions.
Once you've thought about all these things, you'll be ready to give your roof the protection it needs!
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Step-by-Step Guide to Applying Roof Coatings
Applying roof coatings is like giving your roof a superhero cape—it's a job that takes some care and attention, but it's totally worth it! Here's a simple step-by-step guide to help you get it done right:
Prepare the Surface: Start by cleaning your roof thoroughly. Remove any dirt, debris, or loose material. You can use a broom or pressure washer for this step.
Inspect for Damage: Check your roof for any cracks, holes, or areas that need repair. Patch up any trouble spots with roofing cement or filler. Let it dry completely before moving on.
Choose the Right Coating: Select a roof coating that's suitable for your roof type and weather conditions. There are different coatings for metal, asphalt, or concrete roofs, so make sure you get the right one.
Mix the Coating: If your coating needs to be mixed, follow the instructions carefully. Use a stir stick or mixer to ensure it's well-blended and ready to go.
Apply the Coating: Start at one end of the roof and work your way across, using a brush, roller, or sprayer to apply the coating evenly. Make sure to cover the entire surface, paying extra attention to seams and edges.
Allow to Dry: Let the coating dry according to the manufacturer's instructions. This usually takes a few hours to a full day, depending on the type of coating and weather conditions.
Apply Additional Coats: Depending on the product and your desired level of protection, you may need to apply multiple coats. Follow the same process as before, allowing each coat to dry fully before adding the next one.
Clean Up: Once you're finished applying the coating, clean your tools and dispose of any leftover materials properly.
Inspect and Maintain: After the coating has dried completely, inspect your roof for any missed spots or areas that may need touch-ups. Regularly inspect and maintain your roof to ensure the coating continues to provide effective protection.
By following these steps carefully, you can give your roof the protection it needs to withstand the elements and stay strong for years to come!
Maintaining Your Roof Coatings for Long-Term Protection   
Keeping your roof coatings in top shape is like giving your roof a regular check-up—it helps ensure it stays strong and sturdy for the long haul! Here are some simple tips for maintaining your roof coatings:
Regular Inspections: Take a stroll around your roof every few months to check for any signs of damage or wear. Look out for cracks, peeling, or areas where the coating may be thinning.
Clean as Needed: Keep your roof clean by removing any dirt, debris, or leaves that may accumulate over time. This helps prevent buildup and ensures the coating can do its job effectively.
Prompt Repairs: If you spot any issues during your inspections, don't wait to address them. Patch up any cracks or holes with roofing cement or filler to prevent water from seeping in and causing further damage.
Annual Maintenance: Schedule a yearly maintenance check-up with a professional roofer to give your roof a thorough once-over. They can identify any potential problems early on and recommend any necessary repairs or touch-ups.
Reapply Coating as Needed: Depending on the type of coating you used and your local climate conditions, you may need to reapply the coating every few years to maintain optimal protection. Follow the manufacturer's recommendations for reapplication intervals.
Protective Measures: Consider adding additional protective measures, such as applying a UV-resistant coating or installing gutter guards, to further extend the lifespan of your roof coatings.
Safety First: When performing any maintenance or repairs on your roof, always prioritize safety. Use appropriate safety gear and take precautions to prevent accidents or falls.
By staying proactive with your roof maintenance and addressing any issues promptly, you can ensure your roof coatings continue to provide long-term protection for your home or building.
Maintaining your roof coatings is essential for ensuring long-term protection for your home or building. By following a regular maintenance routine, including inspections, cleaning, and prompt repairs, you can keep your roof coatings in top condition and maximize their effectiveness. Remember to reapply coatings as needed and consider additional protective measures to enhance durability. With proper care and attention, your roof coatings will continue to safeguard your property against the elements, providing peace of mind and preserving the integrity of your roof for years to come.
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foxofthedesert · 6 years
Arrow FF | Dinah x Laurel | A Christmas Miracle
A Christmas Miracle, Part 1 - The Pursuit (Click to read on AO3)
Winter has arrived in earnest to Star City, a little late to the party but right on time for the main event. The holidays are right around the corner. Literally. Christmas Eve is already fading into history along with the setting sun.
After a benign autumn, meteorologists had predicted this season would be Northern California cold at worst, which is to say mild compared to the rest of the country with temperatures hovering between the high forties and fifties. Up til now, they'd been spot on with their forecasts. Unfortunately their crystal balls ran out of juice yesterday while today a never ending assembly line of huge gray clouds rolls is currently lazily by, announcing more of the same dreary, wintry weather. If Dinah didn't know better, she'd think it was about to snow. In Coastal California.
Teeth chattering, she tugs her coat tighter around her shoulders to ward off the chill of an uncommonly cold afternoon. This is exactly the kind of shitty weather she thought she left behind when Central City was firmly in her rear view mirror. California was supposed to be sunny and warm, or so said the movies. Well, from where Dinah stands they were lying because she is a bundled up in several layers, a thick coat and scarf atop a sweater and tee with mittens on her hands and woolly socks on her feet, just like she always used to in Missouri.
Dammit. And I just had to wear jeans. Oh well, at least my boots are keeping my toes from freezing.
Cursing the weather and her own foolish choice to be out it in when she doesn't have to be, Dinah curls her shoulders in, stuffs her hands into her coat pockets, and soldiers on. She is on mission right now and has no time to feel sorry for herself.
The sidewalks of the Triangle are bustling with activity in spite of the cold and the waxing evening hour. Shoppers flitting about care little for the rules of polite etiquette in their single-minded pursuit of last minute gifts for their friends and loved ones. Others are meandering aimlessly about, stopping every now and then to gawk at the intrepid shops that bothered to put up decorations or lights or both. Others still have their heads down like Dinah, trying to blend in with the crowd and filter through on their way home or to their jobs. That Dinah's motive for laying low is far less innocuous is beside the point.
Earlier this afternoon she got a surprise call from the District Attorney's office informing her of a prosecutorial change for a current case. Not just any current case, either, but one involving a corrupt, insanely powerful chemical manufacturer based in Gotham which had spread its disease into Star City while the government was occupied preventing one disaster after another. For the better part of a month, Dinah has been grinding through evidence and conducting interview after interview with the one and only Laurel Lance. Since the beginning Laurel has been her partner in overseeing the Ace Chemical case and they were really just hitting their stride on it when the rug got pulled out from underneath her feet. Finally after months of tedious police work and highly stressful court appearances, the CEO and a bevy of her criminally corrupt lapdogs all guilty as sin of dumping toxic waste in the Triangle right on the outskirts of a school zone were fixing to go to jail. Dinah had thought Laurel would want to see it through seeing as she put as many grueling hours in than Dinah has, if not more, ensuring all the I's were dotted and ever T was crossed. With one call from A.D.A Martinez, Dinah was dispelled of that notion and it caught her completely off guard.
The case being pawned off to the longest tenured A.D.A. would not have sat so wrong with Dinah if it hadn't seemed to be as intensely personal to Laurel as it is to her. Normally Laurel Lance acted the prototype of a picture perfect D.A.: a bulldog who is always in control in the courtroom, professional to a fault in the office, and able to politic with the best of them. This case was different, though, even more so than when Laurel went to bat for Oliver while he was still stuck in Slabside. She was burning the midnight oil like never before and spent more hours with Dinah at SCPD going over investigative and arrest reports over and over again until they both had just about memorized them to the letter. Also Laurel's intensity levels were constantly through the roof, and that was saying something considering she is, in every avenue of her life, perpetually cut throat and high strung. Laurel often chastises her staff for no good reason, such as failure to include one minor detail in a relatively inconsequential report due for filing, which is par for the course for a hothead with a combative streak as wide as the Space Needle is tall. But she never did so publicly until working this case. Only last week when one of her paralegals forgot to pass on an innocuous enough message from a DAI, she berated him in front of half the office so badly the poor kid burst into tears, so traumatized that he fled work early and missed the entire next day as well. Once the outrage ebbed, Laurel actually confessed to Dinah that she felt intense guilt over her treatment of that employee.
Laurel Lance. Formerly of Black Siren notoriety. Felt guilty for hurting an underling's feelings. That alone told Dinah how important this case was to Laurel. That she went on to say that this was the first case she'd worked on since assuming Earth-Prime Laurel's life that she categorically refused to lose. Once she went on a bender working on the case, refusing any and all attempts by her employees to get her to go home. Finally after thirty-six hours they called in the cavalry.
"All those people that soulless, greedy bitch made sick deserve justice," Laurel had told Dinah upon being confronted about her obsessive, incredibly unhealthy behavior. "And I'm gonna get it for them. If that means I don't sleep until I get a guilty verdict, then so be it."
If Dinah hadn't put her foot down, she's pretty sure Laurel would have made good on that promise. As it was, she had to all but drag Laurel out of the Court House into the parking garage and then deposit the District Attorney in her shiny new Lexus with perhaps a little less gentleness than was called for.
The point of all this is that Dinah is worried – a lot – about Laurel shrugging off a responsibility she has been obsessing about so religiously over the past two months. Worried that something is wrong or worse, that Laurel has at last fallen off the reformation wagon. Dinah sort of hates herself for jumping to such a cynical conclusion, but there it is. Sometimes those old feelings of bitter acrimony crop up and taint the progress she has made with her former enemy.
Enemy. There's a word Dinah hasn't associated with Laurel in almost two years. Since they teamed up with Felicity to free Oliver from Slabside, she and Laurel have made such significant strides that she would consider Laurel her closest female friend. Which is still sort of shocking when she actually sits down and thinks about where they came from to arrive at what she would categorize as as intimate a friendship as she is capable of forming. No one could have predicted the turn their relationship would take thanks to Felicity's meddling, least of all Dinah, who had once believed the aptly utilized designation of frenemies would be the best she could ever attain with the woman who killed the man she loved. Yet here she is, wading through a sea of people on the streets in ass-clenching cold just to make sure Laurel is alright when she could be at home bundled up on the couch in her favorite blanket sipping on hot cocoa. And it's Christmas Eve for Christ's sake! That alone speaks volumes about how much she actually cares for Laurel.
What's even more amazing is that there is not a shred of doubt in her heart of mind that Laurel feels the same for her. Of course, there is some cause to call that into question, or at least to redefine what care means from Laurel's end. Of late, Dinah has been getting these weird vibes from Laurel, who has started looking at her and even treating her differently than she used to before they tackled this case together. Ordinarily that would be a bothersome development. Except the change is not in a negative direction. If anything, Laurel has been noticeably more attentive and considerate, which when combined with those vibes produce strange feelings and urges in Dinah she has yet to figure out the meaning behind. And that's not to mention what she is supposed to do about this sudden spike of awkward, nervous, excited energy that buzzes between them whenever they are in the same room together. There is a word for it, she is sure, though right now she is not prepared to break out her dictionary so that she can officially print the term on a label to slap upon the deeply complicated relationship she shares with Laurel Lance.
That said, not yet being ready to face what her subconscious has been screaming at her is going on but her conscious has been deliberately and stubbornly annoying does not preclude Dinah from springing into action whenever Laurel starts acting wonky. Such as today when she dropped a case they were both so passionate about for no reason this morning and then inexplicably cut out of work after lunch without so much as an explanation to her immediate subordinate beyond a clipped response, "Worry less about what I'm doing with my afternoon and more about closing this case. Your future here depends on it."
Since getting the call from A.D.A. Martinez, Dinah has been unable to shake a feeling in her gut that something is going on. Something she should be concerned about. So she did what she does best. Pulled rank at the precinct and decided to indulge her nosy side. Leaning upon all she has learned as a vigilante and as a cop, she stalked Laurel on the traffic cams to the street she is currently plodding down, having covered six blocks already, only to lose sight of her at the intersection of Weisinger and Papp. There is only one significant place of interest Dinah can think of at that location, and she cannot for the life of her figure out what Laurel would be doing there. Her gut feeling tells her to follow through, though, so she complies without further complaint other than some more grumbling about the weather.
Upon rounding the corner, Dinah spots the homeless shelter, the city's second largest, and trudges down the sidewalk towards the entrance. Foot traffic here has dwindled down to a negligible amount. Only the inhabitants of the shelter and what few individuals are willing to brave being seen among such a lowly, somewhat dangerous element. Such as Laurel. For whatever reason…
Once perpendicular from the shelter, Dinah quickly cuts across the street when the street traffic gives her a pause. She gives no thought to the fact she, a police captain, has just blatantly broken the law. Jaywalking isn't the first misdemeanor she's committed today and probably won't be the last. Now on the correct side of the street, she picks around the exterior of the shelter until she finds a bedraggled older man perched on a cinder block just inside the alleyway on the east side of the building. Prepared for just this opportunity, she pulls out her badge and then the stock photo of Laurel she'd snatched off her desk.
"Calm down," she says to the startled man warily eyeing her badge – former military judging by his close cropped hair, rigid posture, and army surplus jacket. "I'm not here to arrest you. Or anyone else. What's your name?"
He exhales, fiddling with an exotic, expensive looking watch on his wrist that seems off beyond it being worn by someone without means to purchase it. A second later he offers her a shaky nod, then responds, "Name's Marv."
"Nice to meet you, Marv. I'm Dinah." Dinah's eyes are again drawn to the strange watch, only to have it quickly hidden under a well worn jacket sleeve. For a split second she considers pressing about how a homeless vet came by such an extravagant piece of a bling, only to change her mind in favor of an expedient end to her mission to find out what the hell Laurel is doing here. Now that proper introductions are made, she doesn't feel bad about thrusting the photo of Laurel in his face. "Have you, by chance, seen this woman this afternoon?"
"Yep. That's Dinah. Been here every day this week. First time before eight, though."
Brows searching for her hairline, Dinah almost comments on the name Laurel gave out before she remembers that it actually is Laurel's name. Dinah Laurel Lance. Whose mother's maiden name was Dinah Drake. The synchronicity of those facts alone are enough to keep Dinah awake at night. When factoring in all that conspired to throw them into a collision course trajectory, which they somehow survived only to be caught up in a mutual orbit, she can't help but feel there is some unknown force at work. Call it fate, kismet, destiny or any other whimsical designation, something out there clearly wants her and Laurel close to each other, and Dinah isn't sure how she feels about that. Well, that's a lie. She knows how she feels, just doesn't want to admit it – even to herself.
"What's she doing coming here every night?" she asks around the lump in her throat that often forms when thinking about Laurel. When the man she's questioning shoots her a dryly outraged glare, she quickly amends herself. "Not that I'm judging. Just curious."
Marv accepts her apology with a shrug of his broad shoulders. "No sweat. I was a little skeptical too when she started comin' to help the staff and residents – ya know, pitchin' in where she can. Cookin' and cleanin' and all that domestic shit. Done some electrical repair work that needed doin'. Good at it, too. Also did most of the decorating for Christmas. Real talented gal."
Dinah's eyebrows shoot up into her hair line. Laurel Lance cooking and cleaning and fixing stuff and...decorating for Christmas? She fights the urge to pinch herself to make sure she isn't dreaming.
Marv laughs at her expression. "Don't blame ya lookin' that way. When she pulled up in that fancy car and came stridin' through the doors in that expensive suit, I figured she was some politician out for a photo op or somethin'. Only never was no cameras or reporters around and she outworked everybody the four hours she was here. And the next time she showed up, she dressed down for the occasion. To fit in better, ya know? Worn out tee, ripped jeans, nose ring, hair braided up nice and tight. Got down in the trenches without a single complaint. Nothin' like the high class bitch that strutted her fancy ass into a world she don't belong in. Nah. Figured out right quick she belonged alright. Just hides it real good out there." He indicates toward the wider world by a tip of the chin. "Good heart in that one, too. She don't know I know, but she's helped more'n a few us land jobs that start up after the Holidays. Like Jordie and Lew. I, uh, I'm one of 'em, too. Asked the guy who hired me why he did it. Wouldn't say anything except a pretty lady who has a way with words convinced him to give me a chance, that he wouldn't regret it. I knew who it was just like that." He snaps his fingers to accentuate the point.
Dinah hardly knows what to say to what she's heard. Never has she been given a less Laurel-like description, and yet she can sense beyond all doubt that she is being told the truth. The paradox being presented to her is confusing as all hell, and it only incites her curiosity into irresistible fascination. Another layer of the Laurel onion is being peeled away right before her very eyes and she is a captive audience spellbound at the unraveling.
"Wow. Uh...I have to say that surprises me," she says after a brief moment of speechlessness. "That doesn't sound like the Lau -" she stops herself short of giving out Laurel's name out of respect for her privacy, "Dinah I know."
"Guess that means you don't know her like you thought," Marv says, eyeing her wryly. "You showed up looking for her, though, which means she's awful important to you. What're you her girl or somethin'?"
The denial comes a little too quickly and too defensively and too disingenuous underneath the abrasiveness for Dinah's liking. Her poor reaction only serves as an additional reminder that she is all too aware of her feelings for Laurel and is in that stage where she just can't accept them. Their ugly past is the main obstacle, and that should be enough, right? There is enough baggage between them to fill up the terminal in the O'Hare Airport claim center.
And then there is the fact that Dinah is pretty sure Laurel is straight. She has caught Laurel checking a few ladies out here and there, but chalked those smoldering glances up to either zealous admiration or incendiary envy. Most of the ogling Dinah has caught Laurel doing has been directed toward one particularly unavailable man who just so happens to be married to her closest friend on this earth and who treats her like shit most of the time – the latter of which seems aligned with Laurel's history of being attracted to men who treat her like shit, which is another subject Dinah would rather not dwell on to keep her blood pressure in check. Not that Dinah can use any of this evidence as definitive proof that Laurel is, in fact, straight seeing as the same could be said of her.
In so far as her friends-slash-teammates know, she has only dated men when that is not quite the truth. In college she had several experimental hook ups with hot coeds from other sororities, one of whom was a steady girlfriend for nearly a year whose name was Lynne. It was Lynne who helped Dinah sort through the mess of her emerging identity to figure out she was actually bisexual and not simply going through a phase. Since then she has primarily dated men since that is her preference, but she has slept with a few women in between boyfriends, the most recent a one night stand in Hub City right before Oliver Queen interrupted her misguided quest for vengeance. That said, Laurel has been the first she's thought of the way she did Lynne, and even then the comparison is lacking. What she feels for Laurel rivals how she felt about Vince when he stopped being her undercover partner and became her lover. And that frightens Dinah so badly that every time the thought crosses her mind she panics and quickly stuffs down all of those complicated feelings Laurel provokes.
Sucking in a breath through her teeth, she lets it out slowly to compose herself before giving a more rational response. "I mean...I know her, yes. We work together. We're also friends. Of a sort. I just..." she trails off into a sigh. "Look, it's complicated. And not that it's any of your business but I was worried about her. She took off from work early, which she never does, and then abandoned a case really important us both. Seeing as she has a penchant for self-destruction, here I am."
After a contemplative hum, Marv nods to himself. "So she is some sort of bigwig politician."
"How do you figure that?"
Marv chuckles drolly. "Ain't hard to figure out. To be workin' with a police captain – got that from your badge by the way – she has to either be a cop or someone real important. And she ain't no cop. Heard her let loose some salty language about some of y'all. Don't leave much else possible. Lawyer, I'm guessin'. No, wait." He snaps his fingers again, eyes alighting. "Now I know why I though she looked so damn familiar. She's the D.A. ain't she? What's her name? Laura? Laurel! That's it. Laurel Lance. Well. I'll be damned."
The expression of utter amazement upon Marv's face is mirrored in Dinah's. "You and me both buddy," she says, taking a pause to process all she's learned. That Laurel has been volunteering at a homeless shelter for the past two weeks. That while still her sassy self, the Laurel that threaded in so seamlessly into the upper echelons of Star City society just as fluidly accommodated to the acclaim-repellent, elbow-grease-required strata of the most humble of the most humble that the mass production and low human value culture of America can produce. Laurel has also made another and even more drastic transformation in shedding the cold, calculating, vicious skin of Black Siren only to casually adopt the fully functional, productive citizen persona of the woman so beloved by so many a statue was built in her honor as if it were no big deal at all. All taken together, her series of adaptations is in Dinah's estimation an accomplishment of which few aside from the most elite social chameleons can boast.
All of that begs the question: who is the real Laurel Lance? And that is a question to which Dinah has no answer except to say she is dying to find out. Laurel is a jigsaw puzzle with a million jumbled up, radically disparate pieces spilled out before her as if to taunt that part of her brain that craves a challenge. Solving the unsolvable was one of many reasons she decided to become a cop after serving her enlistment in the Marine Corps, and there aren't many she's encountered that have her more vexed – and more invested – than Laurel.
As much as she would love to say that was the only reason she's out here in the tit-freezing cold talking to a complete stranger, her heart is not absent of engagement in the mystery of Laurel, either. Something about Laurel has tugged at Dinah's heartstrings for a long time now, since far earlier than their detente to aid Felicity's quest to exact vengeance upon the Dragon and the subsequent cooperation to free Oliver from prison. Maybe it was watching a shell-shocked daughter silently grieve when Quentin died while maintaining a facade of strength in support of a sister she didn't even know. Or maybe it was watching her, with Quentin's devoted fatherly guidance, slowly but surely step out of the inky blackness she inhabited out into the light of a nascent dawn and prove one day, one act, one speech at a time that there really was a fleshly, beating heart in her chest capable of great warmth that courses with red blood that bleeds like every one else upon the infliction of a wound. Or maybe, just maybe, it was getting to know the woman behind the innumerable masks and finding her to be as infinitely interesting, and surprisingly funny and charming on top of that, as the projections she offers up to the world to protect a heart that is far more fragile than she could ever bear to admit. Whatever the cause, there is no denying that Laurel has – probably without even trying – slipped past Dinah's own inner defenses and taken up residence in a place precious few have ever occupied.
"So, is she still here?" Dinah asks after deciding she best not think too much longer about this lest she become unnerved and tuck tail to run for the hills. Which is distinct possibility as scary as these unfurling feelings for Laurel are.
As if ignorant of her internal turmoil, Marv nods sharply, then indicates back toward the building with his head. "Yep. You'll find her inside. In the kitchen probably. Or out serving. Dinner ran over 'cause she got here a little late. All she did, wasn't right to start without her. Worth the wait though. Prime eatin' in there."
"Glad to hear it." Dinah means that in more than one way, though she declines commenting along those lines out of curiosity as to why Marv here is out in the cold with her instead inside and warm tucking into some dessert or something. "By the way, why aren't you inside? Gotta be better than freezing your ass off out here, especially if the food is as good as you said it was."
In response, Marv grins as he gives his belly a satisfied rub. "Already been through the line. I'm stuffed, and it can get loud in there, so I came out for some peace and quiet. Besides, it's a nice evenin'. I'm from New York, ya know. This cold reminds me of home."
"Missouri here by way of St. Louis." Select few outside of Team Arrow know that about Dinah, and that prompts her to wonder why she feels so comfortable sharing it with a total stranger. There is just something about Marv that she can't quite put her finger on. Something familiar. Hmm. "Gotta say, I don't miss the winters down there and they're a far cry from what y'all get in New York," she then adds as she studies the older gentlemen, noting his features remind her a bit of her grandfather, which satisfies that pique of curiosity for the time being.
"Yeah," says Marv, one corner of his lips quirking up just like Laurel's do – a ridiculous comparison that comes out of left field and is swiftly dismissed by Dinah. "But it ain't Christmas less it's cold, you've been fed like a prince, and you're with family. Guess two outta three ain't too bad for a washed up old vet."
Dinah's heart goes out to Marv. She knows the loneliness of having no roots left to speak of worth contacting this time of year. An only child of two only children, her mother's death the year she enlisted signaled the end of any familial obligations. So she cut clean after her discharge, moved to Central and never looked back. Thankfully she has since discovered a new family in Star City, one she did not inherit but chose of her own volition. Also known as the best kind of family.
"Not bad at all. I don't have any family left either. Gotta take what you can get around the holidays, right? Also, you're not all washed up. You figured my rank out with a single glance at my shield."
"My eyes still work. It's the rest of me that don't. And no offense, Cap, but that question you asked me earlier can apply to you, too. What the hell're you doin' standin' out here in the cold yappin' with an old geezer like me? Didn't you come here for a reason?"
Brow raised at his cheek, Dinah nonetheless shifts nervously from side to side. "Yeah. Yeah, I guess I did. Just..."
"Not what you expected to find, eh?" Marv interjects, rich green eyes twinkling in amusement. "Looks like your girl's got some surprises up her thousand buck sleeves."
"That she does. And I told you, she's not my girl."
Marv chuckles amiably at the denial that rings hollow to them both despite it being the truth. Laurel may not be her girl, but Dinah is increasingly becoming aware of the fact that she wants her to be.
"Yea, sure," he says. "Keep tellin' yourself that, Cap, maybe some day you'll convince yourself." Abruptly he shifts on his cinder block throne, clears his throat, and just like that Dinah knows the conversation is about to be over. "Now, if you don't mind, I'd like to enjoy a few minutes of that peace and quiet I came out here to get before I go back in and rejoin the rabble."
Dinah holds her hands up in surrender, recognizing the dismissal not as a suggestion but as the command that it is. "Alright. Message received." Unwilling to depart just yet for the fondness for this man she has so swiftly developed, she hesitates for a second as her analytic brain sifts through various potential scenarios in which they might meet again. For a variety of reason, not the least of which is statistical probability, most of them aren't good. "Listen," she says after the silence stretches out too long, causing Marv to arch a brow impatiently. "Stay out of trouble, you hear? I don't wanna see you in my station for any reason. Got it?"
Her reply is a mock salute and an equally sardonic, "Sure, boss. No need to worry, though. I don't got any plans to get locked up until at least the New Year. But I'll be sure to target your precinct if I change my mind just for the repeat pleasure of your company."
Recognizing the joke at her expense, Dinah rolls her eyes and quips, "In that case I'll keep the cell warm I reserve for unrepentant smart asses," before swirling to beat a hasty retreat. Back at the alley entry, she veers in the wrong direction only to be course corrected by Marv's consequent shout of, "Hey, Cap? That's the wrong way to the door, ya know." Dinah does know. She was just too damn nervous and uncertain all of a sudden to go through with confronting Laurel about her unexpected injection of the Christmas Spirit. Apparently being called out for her cowardice by a down-on-his-luck vet is the cure for that malady. Straightening her shoulders, she nods her appreciation at a man who in such a small span of time made such a large impression upon her.
"My bad," she calls back. "Thanks!"
She can see Marv's cheesy, smug grin even in the low light afforded by the street lamps and the single outside fixture attached to the outer wall of the shelter. And she certainly has no problem hearing his reply.
"You're welcome! Now, stop lyin' to yourself, march inside there and do what you gotta do to get your girl and make this a Christmas to remember."
To her astonishment and a degree of elation she has not experience since she in High School, Dinah does not bother to correct him this time. In light of all the revelations she experienced tonight about herself and Laurel, along with Marv's timely encouragement just now, clarity descends upon her with an intensity that cannot be denied. For far too long she has been too terrified – albeit for oh-so-many very good reasons – to directly confront the undeniable reality that she is falling in love with Laurel. And instead of inciting a panic that will derail the astounding progress she has made in the process of a single conversation with a man with whom she has only just become acquainted, instead of making her want to run away as fast as her legs will carry her, it does the exact opposite.
Against all rational explanation, and wildly contrary to how she felt on seconds ago, all Dinah wants to do right now is run straight to Laurel. So that's precisely what she does.
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jiaxinghwa-blog · 7 years
Ghost of the Past (aka Sealed with a Kiss)
By: A. K. Rini Uta is watching the burst of water from the fountains at the Italian Garden in Hyde Park. The water gush out and shooting high to the sky, forming shades of rainbow on their tracks. Uta sinks even deeper into his wooden chair, stretching out his long legs to make himself comfortable. He crosses his arms on his chest, humming contently when the warm sunlight caressing his face. It is almost eleven. If it were at his hometown, he’d be sweating ungraciously if he ever decided to sun bathing at this hour. However, here is London. In spring. Like other Londoners, Uta is appreciating every inch of sunlight he can get when the sun is out and shiny. He read the weather forecast this morning, saying it will be sunny all day. He then decided to discard all of his work for an hour or two under the sun. No, this is not him being lazy, he assures himself, but his body needs Vitamin D like everyone does. Uta smiles at the sight of a little boy and girl playing with their dog near the garden fence. It’s a big dog, a St. Bernard, and it is torn between looking after its young masters or to succumb to his instinct for catching the oblivious squirrel not far from them. The little guy is way too busy collecting food than to pay more attention to the dog. Or, he knows that the dog will stick to his training, which is protecting its masters no matter how strong the urge to hunt the squirrel down is. The dog does exactly that. Snorting a bit, the loyal animal turns its head when the little boy gives him a pat and his sister tells them to follow a brunette middle age woman toward a small path aside the Serpentine. Laughing cheerfully, the three humans’ and the animal’s silhouettes are slowly swallowed by the trees as they walk passing the Peter Pan statue. Peter the naïve kid who cherishes puerile dreams and pursues, refusing to grow up. Or, he is simply being brave; being brave to choose what his heart longs for instead of following what the society requires him to be. He is awarded by his dream and becoming the symbol of a prevailing dream. At least he does for Uta. The tall man tosses his head to the headrest and sighs. He always does that whenever he is thinking about how he keeps his dreams alive and how his stubbornness to pursue the said dream made him taking the biggest decision he ever made in his life. Not that he regrets it, not with all the achievements awarding him in his pursuit, telling him that he had done the right thing by coming to this city, living out his dream. He likes London. Since the very first time he stepped down his plane, stepping out the airport door or when he rode down the highway to the city, he has always been enveloped with the warm welcoming atmosphere of the city. It is the same atmosphere with what he used to feel back at his hometown. As he made his stroll in the city, walking in and out the alleys of London, visiting the stores and the squares, the intimate feelings grows stronger. This is the city that embracing differences and letting its people to live in confidence of being unique yet still keeping them in order. However, like any other places, sometimes discrimination does happen. He experienced it once or twice too, since his facial features are anything but to be looked over. He maybe tall, has high nose and cheekbones like a Caucasian, but his skin is tan and his eyes are slightly slanting. He is the result of tolerance of his own nation too, where the genes of three social classes used to be established by the colonial government; the three social classes that were expected to remain distant one to another are running together inside his blood. He is proud of what he is, of what his country has become. He has many friends like himself. They are carrying and living the diversity in their beating pulse proudly. However, sometimes prejudice happened, stereotyping bubbling, discrimination took place. It ripped away his chances for so many times, but he doesn’t bitter. Like his struggle in this city, he just keep pushing his limit and proves himself in contrast with the low expectation those people had for him, proving them wrong. His hometown is struggling with such struggle too. It has always been. However, her people have never been dismayed. Tolerance back home may faces challenge, but just like his dream, like Peter’s, it will always prevail. He has no doubt for it. Uta reaches for his coat pocket and takes out a pink invitation. The said invitation arrived this morning and it sent thrill to his spine. On that meticulously made invitation, printed with curving letters, is the name that he knows all too well. The name is resemblance to his own: Uria. It is his brother’s name. His identical twin brother’s name. His brother is getting married next month. He swipes a thumb over his brother’s and a woman’s name printed beneath his. His brother has found the love of his life and decided to build his own family with her, anchoring himself to the domestic bond. Uta smiles to himself. Uria has always been the responsible one indeed. Ever since they are kids, his brother has always pleased their parents with his obedient trait. Uta, in contrast, is known for his antic. Deep down Uta thinks his parents has prepared their heart to see him spread his wings and flies away from them to pursue his dream like Icarus who was soaring to the sky, flying after the sun. Hopefully, their ends will not be entangled together. “I know you might be here,” a soft voice startles Uta, makes him straightens his body in instance. When he turns around, his gaze meets a fond gaze from a pair of jade orbs. “Millie,” the man clears his throat and makes a room for the petite ginger to sit next to him. “Did you come to drag me back to the studio?” He eyes her suspiciously. Millie laughs and shakes her head, letting her curls dancing mid-air. She stretches her body and takes a deep breath, greedily savouring the fresh air and the warm sunlight. “Nah, I know you. You’ll be back after another hour, and you need to take a break, anyway. You are more productive after some break, so Cecil asked me to come here to give you some company. She did notice I need some break too.” They are sitting in comfortable silent, watching how the world is turning around them. How peaceful it is when people and nature are mingling together. It is neither too silent nor too robust, just a fair amount of lively noise offering tranquillity. After some times, Uta breaks the silent by taking out the invitation and shows it to his colleague. The ginger takes it from his hand and reads it thoughtfully before her eyes widened, dawning in understanding. “This is the reason why you are a bit weird this morning!” She exclaims. “You are contemplating to go home…” Uta chuckles. “I don’t need to contemplate anything, Millie. The second I received the invitation, I knew that I need to go home. It’s my twin brother’s wedding, no matter what. I need to be there for him.” “Are…are you sure? I thought you’ve vowed to never go back, for the city broke your heart for too many times.” Thin bittersweet smile breaches Uta’s face. “I could never hate her, though. She will always be the one place I could call home.” “It always amuses me how you refer your hometown with female pronoun. I thought London makes you feel that way too…” “He does. Both of them do…” “And…, there goes the male pronoun for London,” Millie laughs. “Well, Freud did say that England, principally London, has masculine virtue. He is the very polar of the feminine and seductive Paris. I guess I’m just giving affirmation to his opinion. London is strong, yet it has a condescending nature of a fatherly figure. He lets his children to grow up with their own unique personality, but always keeps them in a certain traditional conformity and self-control.” Millie lets out another fond laughter. “What about your hometown, then? What kind of female figure it was?” Uta’s opal orbs sparks with glint of amusement as he talks. “She is beautiful by nature and had all the potential in the world to build herself with gentle character. However, the colonial government forced her to be strong and bold, to be the melting pot of extreme diversity. In fact, only the boldest of them could survive living there. She is a no romantic also. You will hardly find parks like this there. She is a hard worker. Efficiency in time and work is the ultimate requirement of survival there.” Millie wrinkles her nose. “Seems like a tough city to live in. No wonder you escaped here.” Uta laughs and shakes his head. “I came here to escape the constriction my family laid for me, not from the city. I love her dualism, actually. Because once you see her at night, you could see her initial soft nature all around her. She was forced to be tough to support our country’s growth, but at the same time she is always ready to offer comforts for her children. You could feel it when the twilight is falling.” “I’m not quite understood it. Maybe because I’ve never been there,” Millie cracks an apologetic smile. “However, I understand the constriction you are feeling. My family is like that too, to an extent. Maybe not as hard as Asian family, though. I think that’s how family is. They are just trying to help us walk the path they had been familiar with. However, when we could show them that our path of choice works too, they’ll be supportive.” Uta laughs. “Maybe…" They fall into another silent. The sun is radiant on top of them, but the breeze is teasing them with her cool fingers. Millie sneezes and chases away a pair of doves that approaching them for treats. Uta laughs and offers her his scarf, which she accepts after making a face. Uta smiles again and watching her putting down the scarf. A thought crosses his mind. “Hey, Millie,” he says. Millie raises her head, arching her brows waiting. “Do you want to come with me to see her, to see Jakarta yourself?” **
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lafotka · 7 years
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Whether you’r going to a festival this Summer or not, festival boho hairstyles are too pretty to miss out on. Having said that, please forgive my non-festival outfit and “grassless” backdrop. The forecast was rain (surprise, surprise!) when I got back from Sassoon Salon Edinburgh and I really wanted to show you my new Summer do, so we had to make the most of what we had. In fact, my curls were so much more curlier too but I know you understand me. Scottish weather – lets leave it at that.
Do you remember me having this hair dilemma in this post? I was on the fence and didn’t know whether I should go for the bob or keep growing my hair. As you can see I decided to leave it as is. The condition of my hair is still so good I just couldn’t cut it all off. Our hair gets a bit drier in the Summer due to Sun exposure and heat (no danger of that in Scotland), so to retain the good condition of my locks, the guys at the salon have given me Sasson’s brand new treatment. The new “Smart Bond” treatment will keep my hair stronger, shinier and softer for longer and this new service is only £35. Great on its own or after colouring… My hair feels so shiny and soft and it’s supposed to benefit from the effects of the treatment for weeks. Ideal.
Those of you who have seen me rave about the salon on Instagram Stories earlier this week will have seen that Sasoon and I have a special little something for you. If you’ve always wanted to visit Sassoon, then we can help you do so. With a SAVING of 20%. All you have to do is quote LAFOTKA when you first visit your nearest UK salon. Offer valid for new guests only, with select stylist and colourists Monday to Friday. But of course I really recommend the Edinburgh Salon. The guys are truly the best.
Here’s to great hair! x
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Bag – Chloe Faye (via Farfetch)* Jeans – Levi’s (via LABEL)* Tee – H&M Shoes – ZARA Sunnies – Chloe
Huge thanks to Sassoon Salons for supporting this post & for my new hair.
The post SUMMER HAIR – FESTIVAL STYLE appeared first on LAFOTKA.
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estchange · 7 years
Tomorrow marks my last full day in Germany since my flight is at 1.30pm on Wednesday and I really only have time for breakfast, and I’m bored in the hostel so I figured I should do something more productive and do a blog post.
(The sound of my typing is really loud because the room is so quiet…I feel bad for my roommates but hey it’s only 10.30pm, I doubt anyone is sleeping.)
I was in Berlin from 11-15th April, and I’ll be in Munich until the 19th. 
I had pretty okay weather in Berlin - it was mostly cloudy but the sun did shine through from time to time. And though it was cold, my fingers weren’t numb and my cheeks weren’t red, and the showers usually only lasted for a few minutes. 
Berlin - Germany indeed - has an interesting history. Most famous is, of course, the holocaust, and memorials dedicated to its victims are unavoidable. The museums are good and make every effort to paint a truthful picture of the holocaust. It’s funny seeing children in the museums though, since many of the images are graphic and I’m not sure they understand the extent of cruelty behind them, but it’s still nice that they’re not sheltered from these issues. 
My favourite part of the Berlin trip is (technically) outside of Berlin - Potsdam. Potsdam was stunning, the palace and its grounds lovely and well-maintained, and the weather was sunny and great. The walk around the palace grounds was calming and the people there were fun to observe - children chasing after ducks, people sneakily taking pictures in the palace, people discussing the rusty outdoor bathtub in the gardens (but seriously - bugs and mosquitoes in the bathtub!!!! why would you do that to yourself!!!!!), and couples sitting on the benches around the park, surrounded by yellow flowers and a gentle stream of water in front of them. 
Berlin itself was okay - the city is no Prague in that its architecture is mostly modern and dull, all concrete and metal and flat and shiny. Every wall was covered in graffiti - some were nice, some I couldn’t read, some were mediocre, some didn’t even try. It’s a bustling city with many people and from all over the world. The public transport system is fantastic and very efficient, though their construction industry seems to be lagging behind quite a bit (construction machinery and areas everywhere…but all without workers and life - and no, the cold is hardly an excuse since Norway is much colder and they were all out and working). 
I think Berlin is big on nightlife and party life so I probably missed out on a large part of its fun. My airbnb host recommended a whole list of bars and clubs, of which I went to none (funnily enough, he also included a gay bar in the list, and a "fucked up bar (with) freaky creatures"). But nightlife is not for me, so I guess that’s why Berlin doesn’t come close to being one of my favourite cities. 
Munich, however, is a different story. 
I haven’t really had the chance to explore the city since I went on two day trips - to the Neuschwanstein Castle and then to Dachau - but from what I’ve seen of it, it is absolutely gorgeous and without compromising on liveliness, food, and even nightlife. It was essentially what I expected Berlin to be. It was also made better because I met my friends - and after not having anyone to talk to for days, the company was much needed. 
The city centre is surrounded by grand churches and elegant, old buildings, all the while having dozens of great shops around (New Yorker! Zara! H&M! etc.), an outdoor market/food area, and with tons of great restaurants and cafes around. And while I haven’t been, Munich has some great parks and gardens around too, with a Bavarian palace to boot. 
The city has so much life and is so full of promises - everything is great...safe for the damn weather. 
It has been consistently below 10 degrees (heck, below 7 degrees I would say), showering nonstop for hours and hours, at times even raining or snowing. I expected Germany to be above 10 degrees so I left my thick coat in Oslo - I was thus completely reliant on my umbrella and I was left trying to keep as warm as possible in my thin coat, sweater, and thin tee under. Of course, the wind just cuts right through anyway. 
I had to cut my visit to Dachau shorter because I was freezing. And then the rain and wind were so bad in Munich that I just bought some bread and headed straight to the hostel, and even then I swear my umbrella almost broke from the wind. 
Tomorrow I will mostly be in the city centre since it’s close by and has plenty of shelter. I’m just mad because I wanted to explore the English Garden, the other park, and the palace, but I would just be suffering in the cold (especially because it is forecasted to snow tomorrow what the fudgy fajitas) so there is really no point. Plus, transport is expensive and walking is not an option in this weather. 
Alright it’s midnight now and everyone wants to sleep and I feel bad for having my lights on and for the sound of typing so I’m just gonna end it here.
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jeanhm · 8 years
Wednesday cable car etc
We have now given up weather watching as it seems so hit and miss so after breakfast, despite the sun shining we headed for Funchal again ready for the trip up Monte. The bus ride, despite being via the express way, was cramped and hot and the seats are clearly built for skinny midgets not Germans and Brits who were the main occupiers. We arrived sticky and hot and went straight to the cable car to avoid being behind a load of confused German tourists!! We decided to go just one way, not knowing how far the wicker basket trip down would go and that was the right move. It took about 40 minutes up with queuing and the trip itself and although it was cooler at the top it was still brilliantly clear, not like Monday when Monte was in the clouds. We had a wander about seeing inside the church and Karl 1 of Austria's grave and wandered through the garden adjoining the botanic gardens, frankly not worth paying for as you can see most of it from climbing to the church. Then we watched the basket sledges, fascinating and just has to be done!! The sledge is "driven" by two chaps running and sliding on the back steering with just two ropes tied to the front. The sledge runs down the roads for 2 km and you can see just how shiny the road surface has got over the years. They oil the wooden runners to make it more slippery and I have to say it was great fun, especially when you go sideways and skid around the corners. It was even worth buying the picture of us with our drivers taken as we whizzed down the road. We walked the remainder of the way back to the town centre, a very steep road downwards and I was glad it was downhill, reminded me of mt Fuji, it was that steep. Back in town we had a look around the market and bought some weird fruit, mainly different flavour passionfruit which seems to be an island speciality. The banana shaped one didn't taste banana like to me! Back by 2.30 to a cloudy day so reading by the pool I think as not sunny but no rain as yet despite it being forecast. Pictures to follow I am very proud of Steve as he really doesn't like heights and therefore to go up in the cable car was a big deal for him. Big hugs x
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ohsunnyboy · 9 months
merry christmas everyone :) hope you enjoy the ricky fic, it took some hell of dusting to get me to be happy with it but it's done !! i did say to expect it when you least expected it hahaha
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smallstudiodesign · 8 years
Tumblr media
Clear Forecast Ahead: Hang in there Vancouver, it's getting fixed: "Fix it I say, fix this Jeezly nonstop monsoon, Jesus!", I say - and lo, Jesus's been listening to ma prayers and The Saviour He shall fix us from the Damnation of relentless rain - Behold the Glory to come under our famous empty skies! #clearskies #sun #sunshine ##vancouver #rain #rainforest #clear #clearsky #cleanair #shiny #snowcappedmountains #eastvillage #eastvancouver #eastvillagevancouver #vancouverlife #aftertherain #afterthestorm #sunny #eastvan #smallstudiodesign #sumaru (at Vancouver Rainforest)
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joya34blanco · 8 years
10 Step Guide to Improving Your Photography Without Buying New Gear
Will buying that new camera or lens or travel to iconic places automatically result in beautiful images?
Landscape photographers often dream about the latest gear or traveling to far away places to capture great images. For example, places like Iceland, Patagonia, Lofoten Norway, or Tuscany. The problem is that we spend too much time in front of our computers seeing all those great images on social media platforms and dreaming about photographing those vistas ourselves.
We believe that going to iconic places or buying the latest gear will automatically make us better photographers, or that this is the only way of capturing great imagery. As with any craft, you need to practice, practice, and then do some more practice. This way you’ll have the greatest possibility of taking that fantastic photo, either close to home, or once you finally go away on that travel adventure of your dreams.
Here are my 10 tips for how to improve your photography without buying new gear:
1) Learn the basics about your camera and photography
Start by reading your camera’s user manual. Yes, it’s very basic and should be obvious to everyone, but you would be surprised how often people buy a new camera and start using it right away, thinking that the camera is going to do all the work. Many camera stores also offer beginner courses. Ask your local camera store about this option before deciding to buy from them.
Learn about topics like leading lines, the rule of thirds, exposure compensation, and the relation between aperture, shutter speed, and ISO. I will not go into this in more detail as it would merit a whole book, but these topics are available in printed books, e-books and here on dPS.
Read more here:
How to Use Leading Lines Effectively in Landscape Photography
5 Simple Techniques for Leading the Viewer’s Eye in Your Images
How to Use Exposure Compensation to Take Control of Your Exposure
Mastering the Exposure Triangle for Newbies
Understand Exposure in Under 10 Minutes
Using leading lines.
Using the rule of thirds.
2) Do your photography under the right conditions
A word photography literally means drawing with light (from the Greek photós meaning “light”, and graphê meaning “drawing, writing”). I would say that at least 80 % of your most successful images will be taken during the sunrise or sunset when the quality of light is the best. The other 20 % will be taken during cloudy days when the light is much softer than days with direct sunlight.
Many photographers don’t consider this second aspect enough. When starting out, I would often photograph during sunny days with clear blue skies with hard light that produced too much contrast. Today I try to do as much photography when there’s a shift in the weather pattern from high to low pressure or vice versa. The reason is that during this period there’s often a build up of dramatic clouds and the weather shifts between rain and sun creating more drama in your photos.
I suggest that you regularly check the weather forecasts and try to plan your photography for these days.
3) Scout for new locations and return multiple times to the same place
The majority of my best photos are from places very close to home. Most of the time they were not taken on my first attempt, but rather I had to come back many times to the same location before the conditions were right.
Google Earth is a great tool for your initial location scouting as are social media platforms like 500px, Instagram, or Google+. Remember that you should use these sites for inspiration, and not try to copy the same images that have already been taken numerous times before.
4) Change your vantage point
Have you ever considered the vantage point of your photos? The majority of photographers always take photos from the exact same position as they are standing – at eye level. This creates boring photos that all look the same. It’s also the same vantage point from which your viewers see the world.
By crouching down low or shooting from a higher position, like a hill or even from the top of a rock, it will drastically improve your photos. The visual appearance of your photo can dramatically change by just placing your camera a couple of meters in another direction. You should “work the scene” by looking for different viewpoints and not be satisfied with your first choice.
Taken from a low vantage or view point.
Shot from a low view point.
Taken from a high vantage point.
5) Use your lenses creatively
Use your wide-angle lens for creating depth in your image and your telephoto lens to compress the landscape. Both techniques are very effective and create totally different effects. By trying to pre-visualize how your want your photo to look, your choice of lens will be much easier. This takes time and comes more naturally as you gain greater experience.
For landscape photography, you often want to maximize your depth of field by taking photos between f8 and f/16. You could go higher than that but then you risk having softer images as most lenses have a “soft spot” between these parameters.
You could also try to zoom or move your lens during the exposure. This technique is more a trial and error basis and often you need to take many photos before you’re satisfied. Luckily all your frames in digital photography are free.
Use of a wide-angle lens.
Use of a longer or telephoto lens.
Created by intentionally moving the camera or lens during the exposure.
6) Use the elements in your surroundings to your benefit
Is there is a rock, a tree, strong colors, some leading lines, etc., that you can use to create interest in your image and lead the viewer’s eyes throughout your image?
Because we are fed daily with thousands of images, it becomes important to immediately catch the viewer’s attention and make sure that their mind is stimulated. Therefore, the image should have a clear object, this could be a person or a landmark, which the viewer can quickly identify.
If the photo is too busy with too many conflicting elements, the viewer will become confused and move on to the next image. Less is often better than more. Consider excluding elements that do not add to the image. It could be annoying things like tree branches entering the photo from the corner, paper bags and other waste in the photo, etc.
7) Invest in good quality accessories instead of buying the latest camera or lenses
There are some camera accessories that are more important than the latest camera or lens.
The single most important one is a good quality tripod. You should not waste your money buying a cheap aluminum tripod that will shake every time you put your camera on it, resulting in useless blurry images. In the end, you’ll be forced to buy a more expensive tripod anyway, adding unnecessary extra costs. Instead, spend the extra money on a quality tripod from Manfrotto, Gitzo, 3 Legged Thing, or any of the other top brands. Trust me, in the end, you will end up saving money.
Another very important accessory for us landscape photographers are filters. You definitely need a good polarizing filter to reduce the reflections on water and other shiny surfaces. Polarizing filters work the same way as your sunglasses.
Cameras are also limited in their ability to handle dynamic range. In short, this means the ability to register the darkest and lightest tones and everything in between. An example of this cis when you’re photographing a landscape and the foreground looks good, but the sky is too bright. This is where the graduated filters come into play. They have a dark and light part with a soft or hard transition in between. Generally, you should use a hard transition filter when photographing seascapes, as there is a clear definition between the sky and the water. A soft transition filter is preferred when photographing landscapes where there are trees, hills or mountains.
I’ve tested many different brands and would highly recommend LEE filters, They are expensive, but in my opinion are worth every penny. Lee also produces two neutral density filters called Little Stopper and Big Stopper. These filters enable you to slow down your shutter speed. When you see those photos with silky smooth water or clouds, most likely the photographer used such a filter.
While these accessories will cost you some money, they will be more of a one-time expense. Taking good care of them means you can use your accessories for many years to come.
8) Photograph in RAW format and learn to use a photo editing program
When photographing in JPG mode you let the camera do all the processing of the image. This means you have less control over the final outcome. It’s better to photograph in RAW format and then use a software like Adobe lightroom to post-process them yourself.
For me, the main reason for shooting in RAW is to have a greater dynamic range so that I’m able to save many images that are otherwise too light or too dark. Of course, it’s important to get the exposure correct from the start, but RAW files definitely give you some room for errors. There is a lot of information about RAW format and post-processing, read;  RAW Versus JPG – Why You Might Want to Shoot in RAW Format and How to Use Adobe Camera Raw and Photoshop to Make Your Landscape Images Pop.
9) Learn to focus manually
This is crucial for landscape photography. As mentioned above, you’ll hopefully be taking most of your photos in low light during the morning or evening. You will also be using a tripod to avoid camera shake.
During long exposure photography, it becomes very important to focus manually in order to avoid having the focus move during your exposure as is the risk when using autofocus. You should use a small aperture like f/11 and focus about a third of the way into the scene if you desire to have sharpness throughout the frame. Make sure you use your camera’s Live View mode or focus peaking if you own a mirrorless camera, for manual focus assistance.
10) Think before you shoot and study your photos afterward
Often I see photographers arrive at their location, take out their gear, and do the “machine gun “photography approach, taking dozens of photos from the same location over and over again. It’s important to work the scene, moving around looking for the best viewpoints.
The same applies when you’re done editing your photos at home. Try to study your photos and look for improvements. Compare your work with other established photographers to see how you can do things differently next time. This takes time, but after a while, you’ll certainly notice better quality in your work.
These 10 points are just the very basics to get you started. Make sure you search dPS for more information, study photography books, and feel free to leave a comment below or ask any question you might have. Good luck!
The post 10 Step Guide to Improving Your Photography Without Buying New Gear by Jacek Oleksinski appeared first on Digital Photography School.
from Digital Photography School https://digital-photography-school.com/10-steps-improving-photography-without-new-gear/
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ohsunnyboy · 1 year
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ohsunnyboy · 1 year
hands in a circle to manifest junhyeonnie top 9 everyone 🫳
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ohsunnyboy · 1 year
ngl i'd actually have a breakdown under seunghwan's eye contact
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ohsunnyboy · 1 year
for all that was the mess that was the second eliminations and onwards, shuaibo is a gem and a hilarious one at that
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