#sunny castle
amethystandemma · 5 days
A Sunny Castle and Peter Parker one-shot
TW: somewhat descriptive depiction of a teen’s death. The paragraphs that could be potentially triggering are separated from the rest by a series of dashes.
Please tell me what y’all think!
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Living in NYC means that you get used to the city being threatened pretty quickly. Between Green Goblin blowing up the Brooklyn Bridge to aliens invading to find the perfect cucumber sandwich recipe (long story), it becomes normal that something weird will happen daily.
Dating Spider-Man didn't help either. He regularly fought insane maniacs like Electro or Mysterio while on his way to and from work. Occasionally, he needed help, which is when Sunny as Halo would show up.
Mostly, criminals attacked buildings or civilians, regardless of what they looked like or were. Mostly.
And then you have the anti-mutants.
"I'm here outside Sasha's Supreme Steaks where a Sentinel just attacked the restaurant looking for mutants," the young newscaster, Bette Brant, reported. She stood in front of the smoldering remains of the restaurant while firefighters desperately tried to get control of the situation. "Amateur footage recorded the attack. We are about to show it now, but please be advised, the video you are about to see can be disturbing."
I should turn it off, Sunny thought.
But she couldn't. No matter how disgusting the images she was about to see were going to be, she couldn't help but watch. This was happening to people like her, people who were just born different. They didn't ask for this.
Sunny watched in horror as a giant hand ripped through the roof of the restaurant, sending patrons into a screaming frenzy. The person recording leapt beneath a table, making the film shaky. It didn't prevent the camera from catching a mutant, a green male with fish scales, being crushed into a bloody pulp.
He couldn't have been over fifteen years old.
"I'm heading out."
She had been so focused on the news that she didn't even see Peter walk into the room. He already had his Spider-Man suit on, the only thing missing was the mask.
He'd once told her he wears the mask so no one could tell he was afraid. Some people are able to hide it pretty well, but Peter's blue eyes always gave away his alarm. As they did now.
"I'm going with you," Sunny replied, heading towards their room.
"Sun, you can't."
The young man grabbed onto her elbow and turned her around, forcing her to look him in the eyes. Sunny realized he wasn't scared for his sake, he was scared for her's.
“Those things are targeting mutants. If you go out, you're at an even higher risk of being hurt. Or worse."
She tried to get free from his grip, but it was too strong.
"I'm not losing you." He whispered.
They stared, her green eyes meeting his blue ones. The air was charged around them; the tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife.
Ding dong.
The doorbell once. Neither one of them broke eye contact.
The door opened before the bell finished ringing. Jubilation Lee, the mutant better known as Jubilee, stepped in through the open entryway, holding Roberto da Costa up with an arm around his shoulders. Both were bleeding from multiple spots with cuts all over their bodies.
"Hey, there is a situation going on out there and we need a doctor," she snapped, her normal bubbly personality nowhere to be seen. "Kitty is on her way. She's bringing some kids along with her."
Jubilee dropped Roberto on the loveseat with a grunt from both of them. She turned back to the couple who were still in the same position.
"We need a safe space. You're the only one we got," she continued. Her voice wavered, the cracks beginning to show on how much pain she was in. "Are you in?"
Sunny turned back to Peter. The two exchanged a look that said what a thousand words could not. No matter what was going to happen; they were going to help those in need, and they were going to stick together.
"We're in." Sunny confirmed.
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puppyeared · 5 months
so a few things
my brother and i have our rooms facing each other he recently got a mood light installed and he can change the color his favorite color is purple
which would normally be. FINE but every time i walk to my room its just been this
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manu031192 · 5 months
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boschintegral-photo · 1 month
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Sunny Forest Schloss Nordkirchen Nordkirchen, Germany
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cynosfunnyjokes · 2 years
A Heart’s A Heavy Burden
Characters: Howl x Reader
Genre: Angst
Warning: None that I can think of.
Summary: Loving Howl Pendragon isn’t easy.
Word Count: 827
Summary: Not really edited or anything- I’m sure there’s mistakes all throughout but I wrote this while watching Howl’s Moving Castle for the umpteenth time lmao. No pronouns are used for the reader!
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Apprenticing under Howl was such a joy- never was there a dull moment. He would brighten up the room with his smile- his laugh. It was so contagious that you and Markl couldn't fight the grins growing on your own faces.
Meeting Howl on its own was nothing but luck- you had found yourself in some trouble with the guards, their stupid remarks making you nothing but uncomfortable- and then poof, a stranger was there, whisking you away.
How strange that the random man was Howl himself- a well-known sorcerer and someone you looked up to. Of course, you nervously asked him to take you on as an apprentice, eagerly telling him about your interest in magic since you were young.
He simply laughed, smiling that bright smile everyone adored, and simply agreed to take you in.
All went well- he was a great teacher after all. Even with him being gone at random times throughout the day, you had Markl to spend time with to practice. And then there was Calcifer and his witty remarks. They never bothered you, simply jokingly throwing one back at him.
It didn't take long for feelings to grow for the mysterious sorcerer- everyone noticed it but Howl himself. Not that it was surprising.
Even Calfcifer noticed but never said about it, unlike Markl who made random remarks during the day in whispers, causing you to hide your face while the blush crept up to your ears.
Although one day, while cleaning up the firepit during the time Howl was away, Calficer clicked his tongue at you.
Raising an eyebrow, you turned your head to the burning ball of fire in front of you, silently asking him “what?”
“You really do love him, don't you?”
It was so sudden, it felt so random-
But that’s all he said. That's all he needed to say.
You were undeniably in love with Howl, and you could only hope the feelings were reciprocated. Maybe, just maybe they were.
All hope went down the drain the moment Sophie showed up. Suddenly, Howl wasn't around as much anymore- and when he was, he was with her.
It was always her. Sophie this, Sophie that.
Slowly, the feelings of sadness crept in, their sharp nails jabbing into your heart.
Is this what heartbreak felt like?
Eventually, you stopped leaving your room- opting to just study the days away instead of focusing on the pain residing in your heart.
Markl would stop by to check on you, dropping off food that would stay nothing but untouched, slowly growing cold as time passed.
Even though you appreciated Markl’s company, it didn't help that he often talked about Sophie- how cool she was. All this, all that.
It was all too much.
Howl never stopped in to talk- to check on you. Not that you expected him to. He was his own person who had his own things to do. He was a busy man after all. But still, you found yourself clinging to that hope- just to have it crushed.
Eventually, even Markl stopped popping in, choosing to set the food down on your table before retreating to Sophie.
It was fine. It was all fine. That's what you always told yourself.
But yet... Why did it hurt so much?
Pressing shaking hands against your tear-filled eyes, the only sound that could be heard was small sobs that you were trying oh so hard to muffle.
It was so unfair.
You wanted him to look at you like he does her. To experience the feeling of being wrapped in his arms, to feel his loving gaze.
But that would never happen.
There wasn't much point in staying there anymore- you refused to leave your room unless it was to quickly run to the bathroom, refused to even leave your bed unless it was necessary.
What was the point of staying there? Where the reminder of your unrequited love stayed?
It was raining outside, the soft pitter-patter of the rain on the window helping drown out any sounds that escaped you.
Bag in hand that was full of a few necessities and a small photo of you and Howl, you stopped to stare at Howl’s bedroom door for a minute.
Loving him hurt- but it wasn't something you regretted. If only things were different, maybe it would've been better. Such a false sense of hope.
Howl seemed happier with Sophie- even Calcifer and Markl were happier.
You weren't needed anymore.
So without a single thought, you turned on your heels and climbed out the hallway window to avoid Calcifer knowing.
Landing on the muddy ground below with a let thump, you looked at what used to be your home one last time, thoughts racing a thousand miles per second. You didn't want to stay and be reminded of how much happier everyone was without you.
So you left, the rain being your only company as you sobbed into the night.
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mlppng · 1 month
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2003 Pony Catalog
via Breyer600
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the-jamless-one · 2 years
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eats all of them
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humornaut · 1 year
Hey, @basil-daisy here.
I just wanted to drop by because there's something that has been eating my insides for a long time and I can't get it out of my head.
I wanna talk about the scenes in Black Space, more precisely the scenes in the Church of Something, both the Sunny route and Omori route, although the Omori route one was really the one that made me think.
Have you ever thought about how the scene where Omori finally finds and "saves" Basil in the Omori route feels strangely like... A wedding?
It's not only the bridal style way Omori catches Basil. It's the way Basil lightly complains about Omori being late, the way they stop as Omori gives Basil his flower crown back and how directly after the act is interrupted by Stranger, who objects the whole "thing". A spectacle a bunch of "guests" witness.
I was always really curious about the church symbolism. For example the way Basil is stuck at the top of the church. I've tried really hard not to think about what usually is in the same place in churches because that comparison is making me die inside, even if it weirdly makes sense (Basil died for your sins U^U).
Besides that we have Sunny's interesting relationship with religion. Mainly that he probably feels insanely guilty. He feels judged by all the religious statues, moreover the snow angels, which are also one of my favourites, don't need to have the game tell us Omori feels judged by them. You feel it just by looking at their eyes.
The fact that Basil is in a church of all places is so telling too. Besides masses churches are known for holding weddings and, well, funerals. And in case of Faraway town's church is has a graveyard right behind it, where Mari lies.
I wonder if the scene in the Omori route is supposed to feel like a wedding but also double as a funeral (considering it marks the end of Stranger and his admittance of defeat that is actually a premonition of Basil's death in real life). It's one of the few scenes between routes that changes drastically and what it represents is absolutely fascinating.
What is really interesting also is that in the Sunny route the scene feels is completely different. It no longer feels like wedding. If anything it is just Basil begging for forgiveness, which does of course ties well with religion. But he's not begging for God's forgiveness, no, he's begging for his best friend's forgiveness.
I imagine this might be another way of showing us that Basil idolises Sunny as well as telling us that Basil feels really bad (what an understatement).
I also question if the Omori route scene is there to mirror the Sweetheart marriage scene somewhat, but I think I would need to dwell a bit more on that to come reach a proper conclusion.
Anyway, I hope you're having a lovely day! 💜
Wow, this is a really good ask! I'm going to break it down into a few different parts.
The Symbolism of the Church of Something
I think you are right on the money in how things go down in the Church of Something in the Omori route. The entire scene does almost play out as a wedding! Not just as a marriage to Headspace Basil, but as a final marriage to Headspace in general. After Sunny moves, whether or not he ever finds out about the fate of the real Basil, he has wholly become Omori. Stranger's objection does represent the last vestige of Sunny's mind trying to stop him from doing this; after all, saving the real Basil is the only loose end that Sunny really feels a responsibility for in a way that he can fix. He may want to see his other friends again, but he doesn't feel guilty for not doing so, because he feels he doesn't deserve it. Basil's a different story, because he knows he did Basil wrong for the selfish reason of protecting himself from his past.
To deepen the significance of this "wedding to Headspace Basil, and with it, a marriage to the concept of Headspace itself", I also want to point out that there is an implication that the end of Black Space in the Sunny route is not an end to the loop of Headspace, which won't happen until Sunny decides to shatter the light bulb on the next night. There is Stranger dialogue in the hub area that makes clear that killing the Basil that has seen the truth in Red Space is something that usually happens, and when you go there, you can find multiple of Basil's bodies littering the area. Instead, it's the Omori route that "breaks the loop of Headspace", via Stranger choosing to attack Sunny for abandoning Basil and the others.
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That's not even mentioning the things that happen after this in the Omori route.
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The flower crown that Headspace Basil gives to Sunny in the last Headspace Night in the Omori route provides twice as much HEART as the next best charm in that department (with those charms being the the Pretty Bow, a charm tied to Aubrey, and the Tulip Hairstick, a charm tied to Omori). The use of the word "precious" is also used in the Sunny route, in the description for Basil's Photo Album:
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All three of these charms are only accessible in the Omori route, as well. The Pretty Bow item is only receivable after defeating Abbi, and is explicitly described as "too flashy for your taste".
Finally, so long as we are talking about weddings in Headspace, there is another thing that we would be remiss not to talk about. To go along with your mention of the Snow Angels (who have another interesting connection that I will go over later), the charm that you get from completing this area is the Wedding Ring.
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As I've mentioned before, there are three different charms that allow the wearer to start happy, and they generally have fairly romantic connotations. First is the daisy, which both you and I understand is likely tied to Basil, but also has a romantic connotation due to the context of being a reward for assisting a character acquire a gift for their crush.
The second is one that I would also tie to Basil.
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The Heart String is such an interesting little item, and the way it is tied to Basil isn't as immediately obvious as the Daisy. First off, this item is really easy to miss. You have to grab it during the chase section within Humphrey, and you can't go back to grab it afterwards to get it. There is also another item in the same area: the Blender weapon for Hero. This item immediately sets off alarm bells in my head, because smoothies (the only snacks in the list that are made in a blender) are snacks that are pretty clearly tied to Basil. Why make these two items into two of the only completely miss-able items in the game? And it doesn't evade my notice that shortly before Humphrey, where you find these charms, you have the Branch Coral, who makes another connection to Basil using the romantic image of a string.
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Finally, the wedding ring is tied to Basil in another way, and that is what's going on in the area that you find it. Obviously, there is a negative association between Headspace Basil and the cold/snow, but there's also the fact that the ascent up Snowglobe Mountain is reminiscent of the leadup to the Church of Something in general, with the stairs and the snow. And regarding the Snow Angels, aside from the religious connotations behind them, there is another neat association. Take a look:
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this was pointed out by someone in a discord server that I am in, and I unfortunately do not remember who at this point. Let me know if you see this and want credit!
I would argue that this similarity was intentional, as an older version of the game had White Egret Orchids looking much different, though I can't find a beta picture of Basil's house at this exact moment. These Snow Angels serve much the same purpose as Stranger in this route: being embodiments of Sunny's guilt for abandoning Basil and refusing to take responsibility for his sins. This takes place on the final night before Sunny moves, the same night that the real Basil chooses to end his own life. These are his final thoughts following Sunny into his dreams (whether you take this as literal or figurative).
One last thought on Basil in the Omori route before moving on: the Basil Rush, and how it’s the most explicit the game ever gets about how Sunny imagines his Basil's closeness.
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Like, oh my goodness. The TAG photos didn't even need to exist, but they were put in anyway! And a little detail that goes unnoticed a lot, is that the hand-holding TAG photo is one in which Omori has initiated it! I think part of the tragedy of the Omori route is that it is most player's second playthrough (if they ever play it at all) and it is when the idea of Sunny and Basil having romantic feelings for each other starts being implied way heavier than before. Congrats! You got some heavy romantic subtext between the two boys. One of them is dead in the real world because you didn't save him.
Moving on!
The Religious Connotations of Headspace Basil
You didn't want to go into it very heavily, but I will: among other things, Sunny's dreamworld has turned Headspace Basil into a Christ-like figure.
Of course, there is his position in the Church of Something, but that's not all. He constantly wears a Flower Crown (crown of thorns, anyone?). In fact, Omori has to give Basil the Flower Crown back in the very first Black Space area, the Watermelon Area, seemingly as a preface for what's going to be happening with Headspace Basil throughout that portion of the game.
Look at what he says during the hide and seek game:
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There's also the fact that in the Sunny route, we are looking at a game that takes place over three days and three nights after Basil disappears from Headspace, which I'm sure I don't have to point out the significance of.
This is a connotation that Sunny is making himself. Basil did not choose to take on Sunny's sins in real life, he expected that they would always be together. It was Sunny that decided to throw the responsibility of both of their sins on Basil, by choosing to forget. Basil will literally die for Sunny's sins in the real world.
Which brings us to the Flower Crown that Basil gifts to Omori after being rescued. Whether Sunny knows it or not, Basil has decided to end his own suffering in the real world. By gifting the flower crown to Omori, Headspace Basil has symbolically indicated that the situation has been reversed. Basil is no longer suffering for Sunny's sins, but Sunny is about to start suffering for Basil's. We are told numerous times throughout the game that Headspace is on its last legs. It's running out of places to hide the truth. We see Black Space leaking through almost everywhere, and the Basil Rush ends in a direct reminder of the day of the incident.
All that is to say, Headspace is seemingly going to fail, and soon. Black Space has grown too strong. If you ask me, it's only a matter of time until news of the real Basil's death has reached Sunny in the real world, and that will be the tipping point. From there on, assuming Sunny even decides to go on after that point, he will be living with the same weight that Basil did for those four years after Sunny left him, and there won't be anyone to save him.
The Sunny Route and Sweetheart's Castle
Finally, you mentioned how the scene goes in the Sunny Route. It should be noted, right after Stranger merges with the version of Basil there is the first time in the entire game that a version of Basil in Sunny's head refers to Sunny exclusively as his best friend, and from that point on, we will see that repeated in Sunny's mind. The room that Omori and Basil fall into prior to Red Space is one that we will see during the truth sequence, but it also appears in the Omori route, in a manner that we should discuss, as it ties into what you said about Sweetheart's Castle being connected. After all, the room that Omori and Basil falls into is the same room that Sweetheart's Castle turns into once you accept the Keeper of the Castle's deal, as I noted in my post about Sweetheart's Castle previously.
Sweetheart herself represents Sunny; both in his quest for presenting a perfect version of himself and his broken understanding of love, both of others and himself. Spaceboy represents the more "Omori" part of him; someone claiming to be above his emotions, but ultimately ruled by them. He even changes his name while he is in a relationship with Sweetheart. From this interpretation, we can extrapolate that their wedding in the castle is a representation of the Omori route's ending, right down to ending up on Snowglobe Mountain.
I also want to point out what happens right after this. You don't immediately just jump on down to the Lost Library. You try to leave, but right before you exit the area, you get the cutscene showing Stranger on the stage, leading you into the hole, meaning you literally need to walk down the aisle of an area explicitly designed for a wedding to follow Stranger into the Lost Library.
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Whether or not you interpret Sunny and Basil as having romantic feelings for each other, this seems very symbolic of the fact that accepting and following Stranger (who I have previously described as the individual in which Basil's love of Sunny resides, be it romantic or platonic) is how you get to the truth. It's as if Sweetheart and Spaceboy's wedding represented the ending of Black Space in the Omori route, while what happens right after represents the ending of Black Space in the Sunny route. And like most of the ways Sunny remembers aspects of his history, the library is tied to Basil. Where the real Basil would provide books for Sunny to read, Stranger leads him to an entire library filled with books depicting his memories, both good and bad.
I hope you found all this interesting! I haven't really gotten the chance to talk about these things before, since I haven't really found the motivation to talk about them in their own post before! I hope you have a wonderful day as well! Time to go back to packing for my flight tomorrow!
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amethystandemma · 11 months
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Protective mama mode engaged
I just read Spider-Boy #1 which is the first story I’ve read with Bailey in it and I LOVE him. I know for a fact Sunny would too
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foundinthevoid · 5 months
Three bizarre guys! ☀️
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krasytoonz · 1 year
Finally done with all of them! I’ll explain the lore and everything later bahaa
Update: check my pinned post! The summary’s up!
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Update 28 June 2023:
(Hello there, Sunny!) *side character, won’t appear much in royal au (NOT an oc)
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Update 10 august 2023:
Eddie out of his Armor!
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amethystandemma · 10 months
If Sunny Castle got bit by the spider instead of Peter Parker
Sunny: ouch!
Sunny: oh man, I’d better go to the hospital to get this checked out
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have you done your daily click
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lilac-udon · 9 months
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spending my new year drawing this
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tubchunk · 10 months
sunny reading that q!pierre called himself a lord, said he had a castle with everything, and asking her to see it and move in, OF COURSE SHE IS GONNA BE ENAMOURED !!! SHE'S A LITTLE GIRL PLAYING PRINCESS AND SOMEONE IS TELLING HER SHE CAN SEE AND MAYBE LIVE IN A REAL CASTLE
when you're a little girl, the stars in your eyes are so bright when it comes to the wonders other people seem to have that it blinds you to what your parents are trying to show or give you and that isnt wrong, its sad but its so normal
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cabinetduo · 9 months
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saw this and started seizing
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