#sung joon scenarios
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fujunfuren · 2 years ago
It was a slowburn for sure.
His friend!! Meanwhile it's fun to see his smiley face because of discovering the tension btw these two, I'm a lil bit sad about what he said after selling his car. Hope it won't get any deeper. I like their friendship, I need them to stay as one.
Yeah... there is a spark in his life. I'm slowly wondering what Dong Jin would look like when he is happy. I'm so used to see them serious or sad.
"don't like me" thing wasn't annoying! She regrets about her previous actions and is stressed about her new positive feelings building up for him. I like that these are the factors of her mixed actions! She puts a distance as well as does things in his favor. I can't find a proper way to explain it now but like... the confusion in the episodes were understandable for me. And yes it was also fun to watch Dong Jin reactions. Idk maybe I'm convinced well that this time it didn't annoy me seeing a main couple avoiding each other. Kdrama writers have a shitty timing preference for this type of situations.
the number of side characters/plots and episodes concern me. I don't want this drama to end up like Cheer Up. I genuinely hated to see all potentials getting wasted. I'm praying hard for a possibility that the writer(s) thought thoroughly about the direction of the scenario.
Coming to my experience with this week's episodes...
His ex's past and (seems like our permanent villain) old boss took a bit of space in this week's episodes meanwhile the main characters were busy with putting a distance.
Ex's past wasn't a waste of time, surprisingly. I liked and understood the reason perfectly since the drama did a great job showing how annoying and tiring Dong Jin's mom is for everyone. Dong Jin wanting to give more time for his gf for her sake and Minyoung misunderstanding this as reluctance on taking a step further... understandable.
Ending of ep7: her realization of her feelings. PERFECT. For her part, I loved the confusion and the long talk. Additionally, I loved Sung Joon's eyes in that scene. He delivered well and it was shot well. Those eyes were pretty! (Alexa, play 예뻤어)
Ending of ep8: his acceptance of his feelings. PERFECT. one "어" and lots of feelings on that face. I also liked his talk before this moment.
And it is cute that both characters lived that moment while they were alone with their close friends.
Ms. Baek!! She keeps getting my attention. I liked her small scene with Dong Jin. (Also remember how she got soft towards Woo Joo at one point?)
There are small plots winking at us. Woo Joo's sister takes some pills?.. Dongjin promised to go to camping (and we all saw that picture but unfortunately didn't see the SCENE yet)... Woo Joo's mom getting mentioned pretty often... Jun's confusing acting performances?.. (does he really act? which statements are he actually serious about?) There are some uninteresting ones, too. Like the old boss's revenge. I thought and hoped he would stop at one point but he's racing for the main villain role... Aaand I don't think we would have a fun time with Woo Joo's dead father's will? The less I see that woman, the better.
Hope there would be many good/fun things to mention next week!
frienddddddd the way you go off with all the detailssss i could neverrrr!!!!!
like you said, I too feel the main couple "avoiding" each other is very apt in this storyline. It's the way they wanna put distance but keep doing things against it like how woojoo sewed his button and told him she want to do it so dont stop her or lock the door aasdjkjfd. It doesn't feel frustrating or draggy yet (I just dont want it leaning that way soon >.<).
Yesss I really want to see more of the other characters mainly her sister and jun. There's a lot to explore so I hope they dont make the side characters get drowned unnecessarily. and i also picked that up about haesung supposedly taking pills???? 👀👀
everytime they show flashbacks I get more intrigued. I would think dongjin already talked to minyoung about his mom and how he's brought up. From the flashbacks, dongjin seemed to be quite emotionally stable despite his own baggage when he was with minyoung. It's understandable that minyoung would feel that him delaying to meet the parents as reluctance for the next step but the fact that she cheated for a year still doesnt sit right with me. Although, there might be possibilities that she fake cheated cos she didnt get married anyways and stayed in US alone.
OMG yes ms baek seems to be such a sweet person and she was also very accepting of woojoo when she joined because she can do her job. I like that she's always supportive and professional in a very subtle way.
i hope the mum rot in jail or somewhere and never bother anyone again like goshhhhhh. and his ex boss...in the next ep teaser he seems to be wanting to assault minyoung w a rock? like bruhhhhhhhh
im looking forward to the revival of best fairs after all they went through!
Have a great week ahead! cant wait for wednesdayyyy
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kdramacrybaby · 2 years ago
The Glory (2022)
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Genre: Revenge, Thriller
Synopsis: Moon Dong-eun faced severe mental and physical bullying while she was in school. She had to give up on her dreams because she had to drop out of school, so instead, she spends her entire life planning the perfect revenge on those who hurt her. Whatever it takes, she will take them down one by one. Her bullies are living their perfect lives, but with Dong-eun suddenly back in their lives, everything starts crumbling around them.
Episode info: 16 episodes / Runtime around 60 minutes
Lead cast: Song Hye-kyo (Moon Dong-eun), Jung Ji-so (Young Dong-eun), Lee Do-hyun (Joo Yeo-jeong), Lim Ji-yeon (Park Yeon-jin), Yeom Hye-ran (Kang Hyeon-nam), Park Sung-hoon (Jeon Jae-joon) Jung Sung-il (Ha Do-yeong)
Link to watch: You can watch on Netflix or Dramacool
Drama rec masterlist | Drama rant thread (beware of spoilers)
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Firstly, I want to start with the warnings for this drama - because this drama is dealing with severe bullying, as well as sexual assault and domestic violence. And Netflix does not shy away from showing everything, and I really mean everything. So if this is something you have a hard time dealing with, this drama is not for you, just trust me on this one. Even I had to look away sometimes, and I’m not usually squeamish.
While this drama was a hard watch, in the sense that it’s so brutal, I really liked seeing the female lead just not giving a single fuck. She does not care if what she does makes is technically wrong - she wants her revenge, and she is going to get it. Don’t get me wrong, she is kind to the right people, but as she states multiple times herself: “I am not a good person.”
And this thing about being either good or bad is such an interesting topic. I think I touched on it in both Vincenzo and Your Honor too - good or bad is not black and white, and Dong-eun is most definitely that grey area where she balances on the edge of both. She never did anything wrong - she is 100% the victim in this scenario - but by choosing revenge, she suddenly becomes a vigilante in a sense, and that requires some morally bad actions. 
The people who help her in the end (and the people she ends up helping along the way, even though she has a hard time seeing that herself) are all victims too, with their own trauma and their own ghosts to deal with. They do not care that they have to join her in the grey zone, because they too have suffered and felt trapped in their own selves as victims. They want to take back their power.
Idk, I just really love dramas that have you rooting for a character who is morally grey, because it makes you think - how far would you go?
And while it is a drama about revenge, it is also a drama about healing - about allowing people to break down your walls and help you move forward to better places. About learning to love and accept yourself for who you are without the trauma casting a shadow over every part of your future.
The actors are phenomenal, absolutely blew me away with their raw emotions all around. Especially the younger actors were absolutely amazing, they must have worked so hard, and I hope they are okay after having to do the very graphic bullying scenes.  
In the end, I just want to mention that - in case you didn’t already know - this series is loosely based on actual bullying cases from South Korea. Bullying in their schools really do get this bad, and it is wild to me that kids are capable of this evil. Bullying should absolutely never be allowed. If you see something, say something. Don’t ever be a bystander.
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weirdesplinder · 2 years ago
Podcast amiche di drama e trama: Perchè guardare i drama asiatici? 
File mp3 scaricabile del podcast in modo possiate ascoltarlo quando e dove volete: https://www.dropbox.com/s/0yxnpwjd12npyfy/Perch%C3%A8%20guardare%20i%20drama.mp3?dl=0
Drama e libri citati nel podcast:
- Squid game, kdrama
Link: https://www.netflix.com/it/title/81040344
Trama:  un uomo divorziato e sommerso  dai debiti, Gi-hun, viene invitato da un uomo incontrato per caso a  partecipare a una serie di giochi tradizionali per bambini per vincere  una grossa somma di denaro. … Chi rifiuta di giocare verrà eliminato, o meglio ucciso.
La mia opinione:  chi non conosce questo drama? Avvincente e adrenalinico, non gioca solo  sull’apparenza, ma ci mostra anche uno squarcio di umanità realistica e  grottesca che ben si sposa con la crudezza dei giochi per bambini, così  crudeli nella loro semplicità.
- Battle Royale, romanzo di Koushun Takami
Link: https://amzn.to/43y8Glc
Trama: Repubblica  della Grande Asia dell'Est, 1997. Ogni anno una classe di quindicenni  viene scelta per partecipare al Programma; e questa volta è toccato alla  terza B della Scuola media Shiroiwa. Convinti di recarsi in una gita  d'istruzione, i quarantadue ragazzi salgono su un pullman, dove vengono  narcotizzati. Quando si risvegliano, lo scenario è molto diverso:  intrappolati su un'isola deserta, controllati tramite collari radio, i  ragazzi vengono costretti a partecipare a un “gioco” il cui scopo è  uccidersi a vicenda. Finché non ne rimanga uno solo…
La mia opinione: Edito  nel 1999, “Battle Royale” è un bestseller assoluto in Giappone, il  libro più venduto di tutti i tempi; diventato fenomeno di culto, ha  ispirato celebri film, manga sceneggiati dallo stesso Takami e  videogiochi. Scritto con uno stile insieme freddo e violento, “Battle  Royale” è un classico del pulp, un libro controverso e ricco di  implicazioni, nel quale molti hanno visto una potente metafora di cosa  significhi essere giovani in un mondo dominato dal più feroce darwinismo  sociale.   Battle Royale descrive nei dettagli la  violenza perpetrata e subita dai ragazzi coinvolti nel terribile  programma, mettendone in mostra l'inutilità e la gratuità. Non si può  dare senso a tanto sangue per quanto lo Stato cerchi di giustificarlo, e  non si può negare che l'uomo qualsiasi uomo, se messo alle strette sia  capace di tali atrocità.Questa in soldoni l'amara verità di  Battle royale, insieme a un triste dipinto della gioventù odierna.  Perché allora leggere questo libro? Perché in fondo è lo specchio di una  generazione, la nostra quella dei nostri figli, alla stregua di film  come Fight club è bene che ci si renda conto di quanto la violenza sia  ormai considerata normale, giustificata e assimilata attraverso  videogiochi e altri mezzi mediatici. Ed è bene rendersi conto di a cosa  ciò potrebbe portare. Ma a parte questa visone  morale del libro, si tratta anche di un bel romanzo, scritto bene, che  merita di venir letto. A mio parere almeno, siete liberi di non  condividere la mia opinione. Da ragazza cresciuta a forza di  cartoni animati giapponesi ambientati nei licei giapponesi non mi ha  sconvolto più tanto come lettura, mi era già chiaro come quelle scuole  dividessero i ragazzi in caste e come li potessero ferire.
- What’s wrong with secretary kim, kdrama
Trama: Puoi essere così egocentrico da non aver idea di cosa stia veramente succedendo intorno a te? Lee Young Joon (Park Seo Joon)  è il vice presidente dell'azienda di famiglia, Yoomyung Group. È così  narcisista da non prestare attenzione a quello che la sua fidata  segretaria, Kim Mi So (Park Min Young), cerca di dirgli il più delle volte. Dopo  nove anni cercando di mettere Young Joon in buona luce e gestire il suo  enorme ego, Min So decide di lasciare il lavoro. Il fratello maggiore  di Young Joon, Lee Sung Yeon (Lee Tae Hwan), è un attore famoso ed è innamorato di Mi So. Potrà Young Joon accettare il fatto che Mi So non vuole più lavorare per lui o se ne farà un'idea sbagliata? "Cosa  c'è che non va con la Segretaria Kim" è una serie drammatica sud  coreana diretta da Park Joon Hwa. È basata su un romanzo di Jung Kyung  Yoon. Un fumetto online del 2016 di Kim Young Mi è basato sullo stesso  romanzo.
- Touch your heart, kdrama
Trama:  Oh Yoon Seo (Yoo In Na), un'attrice famosa, viene coinvolta in uno  scandalo insieme al figlio di una ricca famiglia. Con la sua carriera in  rapido declino, cerca un'ultima possibilità di tornare sugli schermi e  finisce con l'ottenere la parte di segretaria in un film drammatico  scritto da un famoso sceneggiatore. Per potersi calare nella parte, Yoon  Seo inizia a lavorare per sei mesi come segretaria per conto di Kwon  Jung Rok (Lee Dong Wook), un avvocato famoso per il suo perfezionismo.
- Alice in Borderland,  jdrama
Trama:  Un appassionato di videogiochi e i suoi due amici si ritrovano in una  Tokyo parallela, dove per sopravvivere sono costretti a partecipare a  una serie di giochi sadici.
La mia opinione: Così come  Squid game, Alice in borderland fa parte dello stesso filone a cui  appartengono molti altri film e telefilm per lo più giapponesi, dei  giochi mortali, che mostrano l’umanità al suo peggio durante la lotta  per la sopravvivenza. Vedi ad esempio Battle Royale, che è anche un  romanzo.
-My roommate is a Gumiho, kdrama
Link: https://www.viki.com/tv/37880c-my-roommate-is-a-gumiho?locale=it
Trama:  Dopo aver vagato sulla Terra per gli ultimi 999 anni, Shin Woo Yeo sta  per realizzare il suo più grande sogno. Dopo aver passato gli  ultimi mille anni a raccogliere energia umana nella sua preziosa perla,  questo gumiho millenario è finalmente pronto a liberarsi della sua forma  di volpe e diventare completamente umano. O almeno lo era fino a quando  una ignara studentessa di nome Lee Dam, ha rovinato tutti i suoi piani.  Mentre cerca di aiutare la sua amica ubriaca a  tornare a casa, Lee Dam ingoia accidentalmente la perla di volpe di Woo  Yeo. Sapendo bene che ingoiare la perla finirà per uccidere l'umana, Woo  Yeo non ha altra scelta che affrontare Lee Dam svelando la verità.  Senza una vera idea su come risolvere la situazione, Woo Yeo suggerisce  di vivere insieme, finché non troveranno una soluzione.  Lee Dam accetta  l'insolita richiesta di Woo Yeo. Ma la convivenza li aiuterà davvero a   trovare la risposta che cercano, o porterà solo una serie di problemi  completamente nuovi?
La mia opinione: di nuovo un  drama con elementi fantasy perchè conoscete i miei gusti letterari, ed è  questo tipo di trame che posso trovare più spesso nei telefilm coreani  che non americani. Questo mix di realtà e fantasia. Una storia dolce,  senza grandi conflitti. Ad un certo punto inciampa nel clichè  dell’amnesia, ma per fortuna lo supera in fretta. Molto bello l’inizio e  la fine, la parte centrale ralleta un poco, ma è comunque una favola  molto bella su cosa significa essere umani e su come diventarlo.  
- Extraordinary you, kdrama
Link per guardarlo: https://www.viki.com/tv/36728c-extra-ordinary-you
Trama:   La liceale Eun Dan Oh, figlia unica di una famiglia facoltosa, soffre di  un problema cardiaco congenito. Un giorno inizia a domandarsi perché  stia continuando a perdere i propri ricordi. Scopre così di  essere il personaggio di un fumetto, e che tra una scena e l’altra può  uscire dalla personalità del suo personaggio ed essere se stessa, così  decide di cercare di cambiare la sceneggiatura in modo da non morire.  Nel frattempo, un personaggio  più che secondario, che non ha neppure un  nome nel fumetto ma è  noto soltanto come il liceale n. 13 della Seuri  High School,  vive nello sfondo insieme a tutti gli altri personaggi. Questo finché la  sua vita non cambia grazie all'incontro con Dan Oh. I due iniziano la  loro misteriosa avventura per scoprire il funzionamento del mondo del  fumetto,  e cercare di riottenere la propria indipendenza.
La mia opinione:  bellissimo sia intellettualmente come concetto che come estetica. Trama  stupenda, attori bravissimi, vi farà provare ogni tipo di emozione.  Super consigliato
- W two worlds apart, kdrama
Link: https://www.viki.com/tv/30854c-w?qId=b26aac1720f56c7e0431eb489ccd3695#episodes
Trama: Il padre della chirurga toracica Oh Yeon-joo scompare  misteriosamente durante la realizzazione dell'ultimo capitolo del suo  webtoon  “W”. Recatasi nell'ufficio dell'uomo, Yeon-joo rimane scioccata  trovando sul computer una scena in cui Kang Cheol, il protagonista  dell'opera, muore. Mentre legge una nota lasciata dal genitore, una mano  emerge dallo schermo e la trascina dentro “W”, trasportandola in cima  all'edificio dove Kang Cheol giace sanguinante. Yeon-joo riesce a  salvarlo e apprende di poter tornare al mondo reale se i sentimenti di  Kang Cheol cambieranno. Quando succederà, la parola “continua” apparirà  sullo schermo e verrà teletrasportata nuovamente a casa sua.
La mia opinione:
altro drama con elementi fantastici, dove mondo reale e modo virtuale  si incontrano. Un disegno scoprirà di non essere reale ma solo creazione  di un artista e questo cambiareà per sempre due mondi. Adrenalinico,  molto veloce come ritmo (cosa rara per un drama), appassionante, un  piccolo gioiellino, forse non esente da qualche difetto (alcuni  personaggi secondari sono solo abbozzati e praticamente inutili da  esempio), ma le performance della protagonista femminile e dell’attore  che fa suo padre da sole bastano a renderlo un drama di alto livello. La  trama innovativa fa il resto.
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noona-clock · 6 years ago
Actual Friends
Genre: Single Parent!AU/Fluff
Pairing: Sung Joon x You (Female!Reader)
Warnings: Mentions of death, some very slight mature themes
Words: 4,435
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“Hey, sweet boy, how was your first day of school?” you asked as your son climbed into the backseat of your car.
“Pretty awesome,” he replied casually, getting situated in his booster seat.
You couldn’t help but let out a soft sigh of relief. When you’d dropped him off this morning for his very first day of Kindergarten, he’d been a little apprehensive.
And so had you, to be honest.
He’d gone to preschool, of course, so it’s not like he would be completely out of his element. But still. Preschool and actual school just seemed like a huge leap, and it also meant your little boy was growing up. He wasn’t going to be your little boy for very much longer; it was terrifying.
For five years now, it had just been the two of you. Your son’s father had chosen not to be in the picture ever since the very beginning, since before your son was even born, so you guys had only ever had each other.
Thinking about your son growing up and no longer needing you like he did now... it kind of broke your heart.
You knew it was inevitable, of course. It was how life worked, and there was nothing you could do. But it still hurt.
So, you would just have to make the most of the years you had left before he started hanging out with friends more than he did with you.
“What did you do?” you asked once the teacher closed the car door. You drove off through the car rider lane, heading home to the townhouse you’d lived in for the past few years.
“We walked around the whole school and we played on the playground and we went into the cafeteria and I got to play on the computer,” your son relayed, his little forehead wrinkled adorably as he thought about his day.
“Sounds fun, baby,” you grinned. “Did you make any friends?”
“Yeah!” he gasped. “I played with a girl on the playground because everyone else wanted to play superheroes but I wanted to play animals and she was the only one who would play animals with me.”
“Oh, wow! That was very nice of her. She’s in your class?”
Your son nodded before continuing on telling you about how he and his new friend had played The Lion King; she had wanted to be Pumbaa, and he had been Simba, so the two of them had frolicked around the playground pretending to eat bugs and making farting noises.
From the sounds of it, your son had met his perfect best friend.
By the time you arrived home, you’d learned just about every detail of his time out on the playground with his new friend. Despite your attempts to get him to talk about something else -- the rules of the classroom, for instance, so you knew he’d been paying attention when the teacher went over them -- he continued on with the lions and the bugs and the farts.
“I’m glad you had a good time at recess,” you smiled as you parked in your driveway. “It sounds like your new friend is really nice.”
“Yeah, she’s pretty cool,” he agreed as he unbuckled his seatbelt.
You helped your son out of the car, reaching in to grab his backpack and handing it to him.
But he wasn’t there to take it from you. Instead, he had run to the other side of the driveway, waving his arms wildly through the air and yelling out a name.
Your brow furrowed at his actions, and you shifted your gaze to see who he was calling to.
A few driveways down, you saw a little girl with (presumably) her father. She had just gotten off the bus, and she was also standing at the edge of her driveway, flinging her arms around and yelling out your son’s name in return.
“Who’s that?” you asked as you stepped up to your son’s side.
“It’s my new friend!”
“Well, look at that!” you grinned, lifting your hand up to wave at her father (who replied with a two-finger salute). “Your friend lives just down the street. We’ll have to see if she wants to come over and play sometime.”
You took your son’s hand and walked inside with him, reminding him to hang up his backpack by the front door before you went into the kitchen to prepare an afternoon snack for him.
And so continued on the routine for the next few days: you picked your son up from school, talked about what games he played during recess that day, waved to his friend when she got off the bus at the same time you two arrived home, he hung up his backpack, and you made him a snack.
“Now, remember,” you said when your son scrambled into the car on Friday afternoon. “I won’t be picking you up like this next week. I can’t leave work early anymore, so you’ll be taking the bus and grandpa will be here to stay with you until I get home.”
You were fully prepared for your son to whine and pout about taking the bus, but surprisingly, he replied quickly with a cheerful, “Okay!”
You glanced back at him in your rearview mirror, wanting to make sure he was actually as happy as he sounded. “Just look for grandpa waiting outside so you know when to get off, okay?”
“Okay!” he repeated. “But my friend rides the bus, and she knows when to get off. She’ll tell me so I don’t forget.”
Oh, that’s right. His friend rode the same bus, and her dad (you hadn’t learned who he was if he wasn’t her dad) always met her in the driveway. 
You knew your dad would be there to meet your son, but you were relieved to have a back-up plan in the case he was running late or something.
I mean, you probably should meet this little girl’s dad first...
“Mommy, can we invite my friend over to play tomorrow?” your son asked as if he had just read your thoughts.
“Yeah, of course, sweetie,” you answered. “I can’t wait to meet her, she sounds really fun and nice.”
“Yay!” your son cheered, bouncing around in his booster seat.
A soft chuckle escaped your lips, and you turned onto your street, the school bus following right behind you.
After you pulled into your driveway, the bus stopped at the corner, letting off a few kids -- including your son’s friend. As soon as you turned the car off, he pushed the release button on his seat belt and opened the back door.
“I’ll go ask her if she can play tomorrow!” he cried excitedly, sliding down from his booster seat. Once his feet hit the cement, he took off running down to her house where she had just met up with her father.
You were about to yell out to your son to slow down, stay on the sidewalk, be polite! But you resisted, reminding yourself he was old enough to know all of those things. Plus, he needed to start learning to be more independent, so you would have to pull yourself away from being overprotective and nagging him about rules and safety.
That didn’t stop you from following him quickly down the sidewalk, though, wanting to arrive there before your son could abruptly invite the girl over without you even introducing yourself to her father.
When you approached the girl’s driveway, her father was crouched down in front of your son, holding his hand out for a handshake.
“Nice to meet you,” the man said with a half-smile. “My daughter has told me all about you.”
“Yeah, she’s pretty much my best friend,” your son replied as he shook the man’s hand.
“She says the same thing about you,” the man chuckled before he stood up straight, his gaze shifting to you.
“Hi,” you greeted as you came to stand behind your son, resting your hands on his shoulders. “I’m Y/N, the mom.”
The man’s half-smile grew just the slightest bit, and he then held his hand out toward you. “Y/N, nice to meet you. I’m Sung Joon. The dad.”
...It was the strangest thing.
The second you slid your hand into his, the second you heard his deep, smooth voice say your name, a delicious shiver ran down your spine.
“Nice to meet you, too,” you replied breathlessly.
“Can you come over to play tomorrow?” your son asked Sung Joon’s daughter. He rocked back and forth on his heels, clutching the straps of his backpack in anticipation as he awaited her answer.
“Yes, we would love to have you over if you can come,” you confirmed with a smile.
The little girl immediately turned her head to look up at her father, her eyes wide. “Can I, Daddy?” she asked.
Sung Joon’s half-smile finally grew into a full smile as he looked down at his daughter, resting one hand on top of her head and ruffling her hair a little. “I don’t see why not.”
Both children almost immediately broke out into a celebratory cheer, and you giggled softly at the adorable sight of them clapping and bouncing around.
“What time should she come over?” Sung Joon asked, looking back at you now.
“Around noon? She can have lunch with us,” you offered with a small shrug.
“Mommy!” your son cried. “Can we have dinosaur chicken nuggets?! Please please please please?!”
Oh, god. Your son was just going to rat you out for not always feeding him healthy, nutritious foods, then.
Thanks, buddy.
“Sweetie, I --”
“Please?!” Sung Joon’s daughter echoed. “Those are my favorite! With smiley face french fries!”
...Well. That made you feel better.
“Yes, we can have dinosaur chicken nuggets and smiley face french fries,” you consented with a smirk.
“Careful now,” Sung Joon interjected in that deep voice of his. “If you feed her that, she’ll never want to come home.”
“You can stay with us!” your son gasped, reaching out to hug his friend.
“But if I don’t go home, my Daddy will be lonely!” she replied with a slight pout.
Oh, interesting.
Did that mean... he was a single dad?
“Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you go home,” you assured the little girl, smiling warmly down at her. “Nobody will be lonely.”
Sung Joon simply chuckled softly, the low sound once again sending a shiver down your spine. “We’ll see you tomorrow then,” he murmured, nodding at you as he put a hand on his daughter’s shoulder to guide her into their townhouse.
“Bye!” your son cried, lifting his arm and waving at the two.
“See you tomorrow!” you added. As Sung Joon and his daughter headed up the walkway to their front door, you held out your hand to your son so the two of you could walk to your own front door.
As you strode down the sidewalk, slightly swinging your son’s hand back and forth, he said, “My friend doesn’t have a Mommy just like I don’t have a Daddy.”
Well, you weren’t sure where that came from, but you were just nosy enough to want to know more.
“She doesn’t?”
“Nuh-uh,” he answered with a shake of his head. “Her Mommy is in Heaven.”
“Oh no,” you said softly. “That’s really sad.”
“Yeah, she said she gets sad about it sometimes, but she doesn’t remember her.”
So, it must have happened a while ago, then.
“She told me her Daddy used to get sad a lot, but now he’s okay.”
Another interesting tidbit of informa -- 
Wait. Hold on a second.
Why did any of this matter to you? He was your neighbor, your son’s best friend’s dad, and you had just met the guy literally minutes ago.
His marital and emotional status should be of no concern to you!
Maybe it had to do with the fact that his touch and his voice had been spine-chilling -- but, like, in a good way. Not in a creepy way. Definitely not in a creepy way.
And then your son asked a question which thoroughly interrupted your thoughts.
“Are you okay, Mommy?”
Your brow furrowed deeply, and you quickly looked down at your son. “Yes, of course, I’m okay. Why do you ask?”
“My friend’s Daddy was sad, so I thought you might be sad, too. Since I have no Daddy.”
You slowed your steps and bent to pick your son up, hoisting him onto your hip.
“Listen here,” you said gently before quickly pecking his soft cheek. “I’m not sad at all. Your Daddy wasn’t ready to be a Daddy, and that’s okay. I was sad for a little bit, but then you came along. How can I be sad when I have the best, cutest, sweetest, smartest, funniest son in the whole world?”
You leaned in and kissed all over your son’s face, eliciting lots of squeals and giggles from the both of you.
You hadn’t talked too much with him about his dad, really only just telling him the basics and deciding to wait until he was older to divulge more details.
Maybe that moment was approaching a lot sooner than you’d anticipated.
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“Lunch is served,” you announced as you set down two plates at the kitchen table. Two plates filled with dinosaur-shaped chicken nuggets and potatoes formed into smiley faces, much to the two children’s delight.
“Can we watch a movie after lunch?” your son asked before grabbing a nugget and dunking it into the pool of ketchup on his plate.
The day had begun with buckets of rain, and the sky hadn’t let up by the time your son’s playdate rolled around, so playing outside was definitely out of the question.
“Ask our special guest if she would like to watch a movie,” you reminded him as you sat down with your own plate (of a turkey sandwich and a salad -- although the nuggets and fries were tempting...). “You also have plenty of toys in your playroom.”
“Can we play with your toys first?” the guest of honor asked with a mouth full of happy potatoes.
“Okay,” your son agreed, mumbling around the prehistoric chicken in his own mouth. “We can watch a movie later.”
“What good friends you guys are,” you commented before biting into your sandwich.
Unlike the two five-year-olds sitting next to you, you had enough manners not to speak with food in your mouth.
After all three of you had cleaned your plates, you set the kids free, giving them permission to go upstairs to the playroom. Your heart warmed as you heard their little footsteps running up the stairs, and you kind of had to swallow down a tiny lump of emotion in your throat as you loaded the empty plates into the dishwasher.
You were just so happy your son had adjusted to school so well, even finding a friend he wanted to invite over and play with on the weekend.
It had been hard raising him by yourself for the past five years. Your parents helped as much as they could, but you hadn’t wanted to rely on them -- you still didn’t. Asking your dad to stay with your son after school was about as far as you were willing to go. 
So, to see with your own eyes that he was becoming a well-adjusted kid was rewarding and relieving, and it made you really, really happy.
Once the kitchen was clear and (somewhat) clean, you headed upstairs, yourself. You figured you could use this time to catch up on some reading, and since your bedroom was right next to the playroom, you could still keep an ear out just in case you were needed.
They were still trying to decide what to play when you passed by, and you caught bits and pieces of their conversation.
“--play house. But if you’re the Mommy, I don’t want to be the Daddy,” your son said with some conviction.
“Why not?”
“Because I don’t have a Daddy,” he answered. “Not everyone has a Mommy and a Daddy.”
“I know,” came his friend’s reply, and it sounded like maybe she was pouting just a little bit. “I only have a Daddy, remember?”
“Do you think my Mommy and your Daddy could be friends like you and me?”
You heard a soft, high-pitched gasp, and you covered your mouth to keep from giggling.
“Yeah! They could be friends, and then your Mommy could be my Mommy, and my Daddy could be your Daddy.”
Your eyes widened a little, and you immediately resumed walking to your bedroom.
That was enough eavesdropping for now.
You would be lying if you weren’t just a little intrigued by their amateur matchmaking scheme.
Because... her Daddy was hot.
And if you want to pretend like I meant that in a different way, you are more than welcome to.
I mean, just look at him.
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Thankfully, once you got settled in your bed with a book, the two of them had moved on and were now playing with the map rug on the playroom floor. All talk of Mommies and Daddies ceased, and you were able to thoroughly focus on your book.
Kind of thoroughly, that is.
Thoughts of Sung Joon did pop in your head from time to time, but they only lasted for a few seconds!
After a couple of hours, you heard the door of the playroom creak open. You glanced up over the top of your book just as the two hobgoblins appeared in your doorway.
“Mommy, can we go downstairs and watch a movie?” your son asked in his most angelic voice.
You immediately closed your book, setting it down on your side table and swinging your legs over the side of your bed. “Of course, sweetie,” you answered. “Should I make popcorn?”
Both of them answered with very excited cheers, and a smile lit up your face as you headed out into the hallway to go downstairs together.
After getting them set up in the living room with a DVD, you shuffled into the kitchen and grabbed some popcorn from the pantry. Just after you unwrapped and placed it in the microwave, the shrill chime of the doorbell pierced through the air.
You quickly pressed the 2-minute button before jogging down the hall to the front door.
You weren’t sure who you were expecting, but when you swung the door open and saw Sung Joon’s stupidly handsome face, you knew you definitely hadn’t been expecting him.
Although you probably should have been.
His daughter was here, in your house, after all.
“Hey,” you greeted somewhat breathlessly, opening the door wider to let him in. “I just put on a movie for them, so you might have a time trying to pry her away from the TV.”
“Oh,” Sung Joon chuckled, his lips pulling into a smirk (a very sexy smirk). “No, that’s all right. I’m not in a rush.”
Oh. So... did that mean he was coming inside... to, like... talk?
“Would you... like something? Water? Coffee? I’m making popcorn for the kids, I can throw a bag in for you, too, if you’d like,” you offered as you led him down the hallway and into the kitchen.
“Coffee sounds great,” he murmured, his voice a lot closer to your ear than you were expecting. It made your heart skip a beat, and you found you were kind of holding your breath as you opened a cabinet and got out a mug.
“How has she been?” he asked quietly as he slid onto a barstool at the counter, his eyes following you while you gathered the bag of coffee and a filter.
“Oh, she’s been great,” you assured him with a grin. “They’ve been playing up in the playroom since after lunch. I got to read, and they didn’t disturb me once.”
Sung Joon’s brows lifted, and that smirk reappeared on his lips. “Impressive.”
“Yeah, it was,” you chuckled. And then, as you scooped the coffee grounds into the filter, you felt the word vomit erupting. “I heard them deciding what they wanted to play, and I guess they wanted to play house because they were talking about who would be the Daddy and the Mommy and all that. They said they wanted us to be friends like how they’re friends so you could be his Daddy and I could be her Mommy.”
...Oh, my god.
Why did you just tell him that?
But instead of a very awkward silence, you heard Sung Joon’s low, deep laugh. A quick glance awarded you the sight of his smiling, crinkled eyes, and your heart leaped up into your throat.
“I guess I’ll have to tell her that’s not how it works,” he chuckled. “But I’m more than open to the idea of being friends.”
Your eyebrows rushed up as you slid the filter inside the filter basket and set it on top of the carafe.
“I -- I mean, yeah,” you replied with a bit of a stammer. “Absolutely.”
“We just moved in a month ago, and I haven’t really had time to get to know anyone yet,” he explained. You could feel his eyes on you, and after you turned the coffee maker on, you moved to the opposite side of the counter, facing him. He was, indeed, looking at you, making direct eye contact. And making your heart race.
“I figured you must be new around here,” you replied somewhat breathlessly.
Sung Joon nodded before saying, “We just... needed a fresh start.”
“Yeah, my -- my son told me... I’m so sorry for your loss,” you said quietly.
A soft, sad smile tugged at his lips, but only briefly. “Thank you. It was over four years ago, and we were still living in the same place... I finally felt like it was time to move on.”
“Good for you,” you said with a small grin, desperately wanting to reach out and put a hand on his arm. “I can’t imagine how difficult it must be.”
“At least I have her,” he murmured, glancing over his shoulder into the living room.
“Yeah, exactly,” you agreed. “I feel the same.”
Sung Joon turned back around to face you, his brow furrowed gently. “What’s your story, then?”
“Me? Oh -- he just left,” you explained, trying to sound casual. “Didn’t want to be a father, I guess, so he bailed.”
“Like you said, at least I have him. He asked me yesterday if I was sad because he doesn’t have a Dad, and how can I be when I have him as a son?”
“Still, though,” Sung Joon sighed. “Single parenting is not easy.”
“No,” you agreed with a shake of your head.
“Maybe we should help each other out,” he suggested, throwing you a curious but hopeful glance.
“Help each other out? What do you mean?”
“I’ll take him sometimes, you take her,” he explained with a shrug. “We can do things together. Just make it easier on ourselves.”
“So... become actual friends,” you chuckled, leaning against the counter.
“Yeah, become actual friends,” Sung Joon agreed with a soft laugh. A soft laugh which, unsurprisingly, sent a shiver down your spine.
“I would very much like that,” you nodded.
As you heard the coffee machine start to gurgle and sputter, you turned to go to the fridge to get out some creamer.
But Sung Joon’s quiet voice interrupted you, making you freeze in your tracks.
“We could even do things together,” he suggested. “Like, kid-free.”
You knew he probably meant as just friends, but a part of your brain was now trying to convince you he meant... as maybe more than just friends.
“Y-yeah,” you replied as movement came back into your body and you reached to open the fridge. “Yeah, that sounds great. I honestly don’t spend a lot of time with other adults besides my co-workers and my parents, so --”
“Me neither,” he chuckled. “At least, not since --”
He cut himself off, and you knew right then and there you would do your best not to push anything. Not to rush into a more-than-friendly relationship -- if you felt like it could go there, that is.
You certainly wanted it to go there, but if it did, then you would take it slow.
There was a lot on the line, after all.
Two things on the line, to be exact, and they were just in the other room watching a movie.
It was then you realized the microwave had gone off a few minutes ago, so you rushed over and opened it, taking the bag out and dumping the contents into a bowl.
Once you delivered the popcorn to the kiddos, you headed back into the kitchen to pour Sung Joon his coffee. And, while you were at it, you poured some for yourself, too.
After each of you had added your essentials, Sung Joon lifted his mug up toward you in a toast.
“To being actual friends,” he murmured, and you could’ve sworn you saw a smirk tugging at his lips.
“Actual friends,” you repeated with a slightly shy chuckle. You lifted your own mug up and carefully touched it to his.
Little did you know that drinking coffee with Sung Joon in your kitchen was the start of an actual friendship.
The two of you would start spending quite a bit of time together, mostly with your kids, but sometimes without.
You would go to the park, to the movies, to the zoo, and even just to the grocery store. You would walk around the neighborhood while the kids rode bikes, and the two of you would just talk.
You would get to know each other extremely well, and as much as you tried to hide it... feelings for each other would start to simmer under the surface.
But you would stick to your promise to yourself. You would take it slow, and it wouldn’t be for another year that Sung Joon would ask you out to dinner -- and clarify that he meant it as a date.
After that, it would be another full year of secret dates and stolen kisses until the two of you would finally decide it was time to tell your children.
And they would be absolutely thrilled, of course.
So would you.
But right now, as you sipped your sweet, creamy coffee, you had no idea any of that lay ahead. You were just glad to have a friend.
An actual friend.
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onepumpofsyrup · 7 years ago
So I’m adding like 10+ actors to my line up and this means some new things are going to happen on this blog. 
Lets do some ground rules, they’ll be on my request rules or you to look at later.
I wont be doing like group reactions, all actors can be requested as a solo request. I’ll be doing scenario style reactions.
I am not doing requests for specific dramas, just actors. I might add dramas later but not yet. 
Same rules apply for what I do write and what I don’t write. But I guess the above is basically my only rules right now. Huh, when I was thinking about this earlier I feel like I had like 3 ground rules but oh freaking well. 
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oraclekleo · 2 years ago
List of Idols and Actors I know or follow
I strongly urge you to take all the tarot readings on this account lightly. All the posts are intended to have an entertaining nature, they are pure speculations and completely made up by me. I can never ever guarantee any of it and you should never take any of the tarot readings for granted. I would like to stress that I know no idol nor actor personally, I never met any of them and all those readings are fictional, imagins, make believe and hypothetical scenarios. Do not base any of your life decisions on a tarot reading only, always use your common sense. If you have issues with tarot cards for religious or other reasons, do not engage in reading my posts.
When you make a request take my life into consideration and be patient. I’m a responsible adult with a full time job, dog, family, friends, duties, house chores and requests from other sources. All these take my time. Also reading tarot cards requires a certain mood, vibe and concentration, it can’t be done just anytime. Count on the time delays, please. I will do my best to complete your requests.
I’m always willing to help out if you yourself consider taking on tarot cards as a hobby. Feel free to ask if you have any inquiries about it, no question is dumb. I don’t know everything but will try to help the best I can.
Tip me for my readings on ko-fi! Purely optional! All readings are for free now!
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LINK: https://ko-fi.com/oraclekleo
Requests status:
K-Pop Readings - CLOSED
List of Idols and Actors I included into my ultimate chart and into the Compatibility Calculator:
Black Pink
Block B
Golden Child
Red Velvet
Stray Kids
Super Junior
Teen Top
The Boyz
The King
The Rose
Xdinary Heroes
Actors + Soloists
Ahn Hyo-seop
Ahn Jae Hyun
Byeon Woo Seok
Do Ji Han
Eric Nam
Gao Hanyu
Gong Yoo
Ha Sungwoon
Hirose Tomoki
Hong Jong-hyun
Hyeok Geun Choe
Cha Hyunseung
Ishikawa Plowden Luke
Jasper Liu
Jay Park
Ji Chang Wook
Ji Soo
Ji Sung
Johnny Huang
Jung Il Woo
Jung Won Chang
Kang Daniel
Kang Haneul
Kim Jaewook
Kim Soo Hyun
Kim Woobin
Kinchiku Yuuki
Kwak Dong Yeon
Lai Leon Yi
Lee Dong Wook
Lee Jae-wook
Lee Jehoon
Lee Jong Suk
Lee Joon Gi
Lee Min-Ho
Lee Min-ki
Lee Soo Hyuk
Luo Yunxi
Nam Joo-hyuk
Park Bo-gum
Park Hae Jin
Park Hyung Sik
Park Seo-joon
Sakaguchi Kentaro
Satoh Takeru
Seo In Guk
Simon Dominic
Simon Gong
Song Kang
Song Weilong
Sota Fukushi
Sung Hoon
Takhon Paing
Timmy Xu
Tsao Yu Ning
Vardy Wang
Wang Rui Chang
Wi Ha Joon
Woo Do Hwan
Xiao Zhan
Xu Kaicheng
Yokohama Ryusei
Yoo Seung Ho
Yu Christian
Zhang Zhe Han
Members of the listed groups who went solo
+ You are allowed to request any idol or actor or celebrity you like as long as they are 18 years old or older. Including non-asian ones.
The K-Pop Chart and Compatibility Calculator can be found
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dramas-vs-novels · 3 years ago
TV Recommendation: What’s Wrong With Secretary Kim?
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Kim Mi-So is perhaps the greatest secretary in all of Korea.
The executive assistant to the incredibly self-absorbed Lee Young-Joon, she practically runs his company on his behalf. For his sake she learned Japanese and English- among other languages- and breaks her back day in and day out to meet the demands he puts on her.
All this she does without complaint in order to pay off the student loans taken out by her two older sisters, who obtained graduate degrees in clinical psychology.
When the loans are paid off and the debts cleared, Kim Mi-So finally does something for herself: She quits.
When Kim Mi-So was a child she was abducted and held captive by an insane woman. Mi-So only escaped with the help of a boy who had been a prisoner of that woman for days. After escaping he brought her to her home and then vanished.
Now, Kim Mi-So intends to use her childhood diary and paper thin memories of that incident to find him again and make sure he’s alright.
But she doesn’t tell Lee Young-Joon any of this.
Her OCD, delusional boss simply cannot fathom any scenario in which his secretary would EVER leave his side, and he cannot stand the idea of replacing her. Mi-So only tells him she wants to quit because there is no work-life balance, which he takes to mean she wants to date and marry.
So, he proposes.
Kim Mi-So sticks to her guns and works on training her replacement, but Lee Young-Joon won’t give up Kim Mi-So so easily. He is determined to keep her by his side by any means necessary- he’s just... not so good at thinking of any means that Kim Mi-So is responsive to.
As the pair do indeed learn to see each other in another light and grow close, Kim Mi-So searches for the answers to the questions most important to her:
What happened to the little boy who saved her life? What really happened so many years ago? What secrets pushed apart Lee Young-Joon and his brother, famed author Lee Sung-Yeon? And, most importantly, why did Lee Young-Joon hire the naiive, untrained, and unqualified Kim Mi-So in the first place?
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dramaawomaan · 3 years ago
Let me start this off with ⚠️⚠️SPOILER WARNING⚠️⚠️
It took me 9 hours to finish The Silent Sea.
In those 9 hours I cussed my tv out (not really because I don’t cuss 😛.) I cried a little, went in denial, and got flashbacks from the Movie Train To Busan.
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In those 9 hours I cried for a character that I fell in AND out of love with. Bitch got me fucked up when he was revealed to be a MURDER.
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Did I pull a ‘Scholar That Walks The Night’ when I fell in love with Gwi even though MAN WAS THE DEFINITION OF EVIL??? no, but it still saddened me terribly.
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In those 9 hours I was MINDBLOWN when everything came together about the incident that happened 5 years ago.
This drama was REALLY GOOD.
Let’s jump into my ✨Review✨
The Silent Sea
Staring :
Gong Yoo (Train To Busan) as Captain Han Yoon Jae
Han Yoon Jae is a soldier for the space agency, who joins as the team’s captain.
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Bae DooNa (Stranger) as Doctor Song Ji An
Song Ji An is a scientist who previously served as a astrobiologist but has switch after a tragic incident to her sister.
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Lee Joon (My Father Is Strange) as Lieutenant Ryu Tae Suk
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Kim Sun Young, Lee Sung Wook, Kil Hae Yeon, Kim Shi Ah (full character list below from Mydramalist.com)
Overall cast rating 9 ⭐️
The cast did amazing, you can really tell by the talent they put out throughout the 8 episodes. There was growth between all characters, especially Doctor Ji an and Captain Han Yun Jae.
The story was pretty unique, with the mixture of Sci-fi, thriller and apocalypse themes. Like I stated in my previous post there was zero romance, which both saddened me and refreshed my mind. Surprisingly I got through the drama with minimum breaks, considering this was Sci-fi and apocalyptic I thought that maybe I wouldn’t get through the show over night. I’m not the best at watching dark shows by myself at night, I over think and freak out lol.
The drama was set up in the far future, the world has changed a lot and climate change has brought forward severe issues such as severe drought . At the same time the development of aero science as sky rocketed. As a result, there seams to be easier travel to the moon with good communication back to earth.
A team of 11 has been formed to recover important samples from a station located on the moon, that faced a tragic accident 5 year prior killing all inmates including Doctor Song Ji An’s older sister. The team travels out to ‘Balhae Space Station’ located on the lunar land in their spaceship names ‘Nuri 11’. On their mission to retrieve the samples they face unusual activities and come to find out mysterious facts about the station that happed 5 years prior. Dr. Jian’s knowledge and Capt. Yoon Jae’s leadership drives the whole show.
The plot development was pretty entertaining. The drama laid the introduction foundation, pretty well, establishing a good impression on the characters. The space scenarios and lunar premise were preformed pretty well which made the drama more intriguing to watch and created a good amount of curiosity.
The pace of the drama at the beginning was slow compared to the ending. I felt after episode 5 everything was rushing a little too fast. The ending was to simple for my preference, nothing fabulous and life changing... it was pretty basic actually.
I really hope Netflix picks up a season 2. The ending left me with too much curiosity. Which saddens me because this is one of the few reasons I was reluctant to watching a Netflix drama. Netflix likes to end shows with the hope of continuing a new season, but rarely follows through.
That being said I still suggest watching The Silent Sea. My overall rating would be 8 ⭐️ with a 40% chance of rewatching... unless they add a second season. 😬
Thank you for reading my review! Follow me for more reviews!!! ❤️
Comment any Suggestions of what I should watch next!!
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parkhyoshinbrazil · 4 years ago
MELON revela as melhores músicas da última década (2010-2019)
No dia 1º de dezembro de 2020, o Melon - o maior serviço de streaming de música da Coreia - revelou sua tabela com as 100 melhores músicas da década de 2010 (2010 a 2019). IU foi a artista que conseguiu o maior número de músicas, de longe, nas paradas, com 11 de suas músicas chegando ao top 100. BOL4 ficou em segundo lugar, com cinco músicas, enquanto TWICE e Park Hyo Shin empataram em terceiro com quatro músicas listadas cada um. BTS, BLACKPINK, Paul Kim e Busker Busker vieram em seguida, com cada artista colocando três músicas na parada. Parabéns a todos os artistas que fizeram o chart! A lista completa de 100 músicas é a seguinte:
Busker Busker’s “Cherry Blossom Ending”
IU’s “Through the Night”
Park Hyo Shin’s “Wildflower”
BTS’s “Spring Day”
IU’s “Friday” (featuring HISTORY’s Jang Yi Jeong)
Ailee’s “I Will Go to You Like the First Snow”
IU and HIGH4’s “Not Spring, Love, or Cherry Blossoms”
Paul Kim’s “Every Day, Every Moment”
MC the Max’s “No Matter Where”
Naul’s “Memory of the Wind”
MeloMance’s “Gift”
VIXX, Sung Si Kyung, Park Hyo Shin, Seo In Guk, and Lee Seok Hoon’s “Because It’s Christmas”
IU’s “Meaning of You” (featuring Kim Chang Wan)
Yoon Jong Shin’s “Like It”
Heize’s “You, Clouds, Rain” (featuring Shin Yong Jae)
TWICE’s “Cheer Up”
BOL4’s “Galaxy”
IU’s “Merry Christmas in Advance” (featuring Thunder)
Im Chang Jung’s “Love Again”
Urban Zakapa’s “I Don’t Love You”
Soyou and Junggigo’s “Some”
iKON’s “Love Scenario”
IU’s “Good Day”
San E and Raina’s “A Midsummer Night’s Sweetness”
Shaun’s “Way Back Home”
Han Dong Geun’s “Making a New Ending for This Story”
Kim Bum Soo’s “Last Love”
Red Velvet’s “Red Flavor”
Im Chang Jung’s “The Love I Committed”
Primary’s “Johnny” (featuring Dynamic Duo)
IU’s “Palette” (featuring G-Dragon)
BOL4’s “Tell Me You Love Me”
Lee Juck’s “Don’t Worry”
Busker Busker’s “Yeosu Night Sea”
IU’s “You & I”
Crush’s “Beautiful”
Paul Kim’s “Me After You”
Nilo’s “Pass”
Jang Deok Cheol’s “Good Old Days”
BOL4’s “Hard to Love”
Lee Hi’s “Breathe”
Dean’s “D (Half Moon)” (featuring Gaeko)
WINNER’s “Really Really”
Jung Seung Hwan’s “If It Was You”
BOL4’s “Travel”
BTOB’s “Missing You”
BLACKPINK’s “As If It’s Your Last”
Park Hyo Shin’s “Snow Flower”
Wanna One’s “Energetic”
Seo In Guk and Jung Eun Ji’s “All for You”
BLACKPINK’s “Playing With Fire”
Zion.T’s “Yanghwa Bridge”
Jung Joon Il’s “Hug Me”
Oh Hyuk’s “A Little Girl”
GFRIEND’s “Me Gustas Tu”
BEAST’s “On Rainy Days”
BOL4’s “Some”
Woo Won Jae’s “We Are” (featuring Loco and Gray)
PSY’s “What Would Have Been” (featuring Park Jung Hyun)
Heize’s “Don’t Come Back” (featuring Yong Junhyung)
Taeyang’s “Eyes, Nose, Lips”
Paul Kim’s “Rain”
GFRIEND’s “Rough”
Park Hyo Shin’s “Breath”
Baek A Yeon’s “Shouldn’t Have…” (featuring Young K)
Taeyeon’s “I” (featuring Verbal Jint)
Hyukoh’s “Wi Ing Wi Ing”
MOMOLAND’s “BBoom BBoom”
Kyuhyun’s “At Gwanghwamun”
Davichi’s “This Love”
MC the Max’s “Wind That Blows”
GFRIEND’s Yuju and Loco’s “Spring is Gone by Chance”
Han Dong Geun’s “Amazing You”
IU’s “Twenty-Three”
TWICE’s “Dance the Night Away”
4Men’s “I Can’t” (featuring Mi)
Busker Busker’s “Love, At First”
Sung Si Kyung’s “Every Moment of You”
Roy Kim’s “Only Then”
Lee Sun Hee’s “Meet Him Among Them”
Suran’s “Wine” (produced by BTS’ Suga)
IU’s “My Old Story”
BTS’s “Blood Sweat & Tears”
AKMU’s “200%”
Zico’s “Boys and Girls” (featuring Babylon)
Maktub and Gu Yoon Heo’s “Marry Me”
Primary’s “Question Mark” (featuring Dynamic Duo’s Choiza and Zion.T)
MAMAMOO’s “Starry Night”
AKMU’s “Last Goodbye”
Park Won’s “All of My Life”
Naul’s “Living in the Same Time”
Zion.T’s “Eat”
10cm’s “What the Spring??”
Gummy’s “You Are My Everything”
Fontes: Park Hyo Shin Planet e Noveen
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emeraldbabygirl · 5 years ago
I have 56 Daddies pt.9
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Hong Jong Hyun (one of the Daddies in 2NE1’s Falling in Love mv)
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Lee Soo Hyuk (the second Daddy In 2NE1’s Falling in Love mv)
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Kim Woo Bin
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Nam Joo Hyuk
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Park BoGum
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Sung Joon
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Park Hyoshin
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Kim Young Kwang
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Park Haejin (btw, I feel like all the actors on my Daddy list are soft Daddies. Like, they’ll call you princess, darling, babydoll or kitten and they’re very sweet and protective daddies)
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Cai Xukun (THIS FUCKER HOWEVER, he’s one freaky rough bih. He’s the shove a bag of frozen jelly beans up my ass kinda daddy. He’ll make you wear your ropes and butt plug out in public while he films you) I’ve barely found out about him and he’s already disrespecting me.
Btw, thank you @pocket-scenarios for introducing me to this delicious piece of man meat
I really wanna put Gai on here but he’s younger than me so oog. He’s daddy material tho 😔
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aishiteru-clip · 6 years ago
7 times kdramas made us believe in true love
We all agree that kdramas have taught us many life lessons aside from entertaining us. One of the reasons we keep watching kdramas is the ‘true love’ bond or experience that are portrayed in most of them. And we have to admit it!! We absolutely love seeing the lead couple being lovey dovey and we also cry when they do.
No matter the genre, almost every Korean drama treats the ‘love’ topic really well and so well that we even want something like that in our lives!
There have definitely been moments in the kdrama world that have broken out hearts and moments that made us recover faith in humanity; this is precisely what makes us keep tuned and continue watching many of them. But these, just to prove that love may probably be the most powerful force in the universe.
So, here we go!
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7. - City hunter- Kim Na Na being shot to protect Lee Young Sung
City Hunter is an old classic starring Park Min Young and Lee Min Ho who also actually started dating in real life after working together. They shared an amazing chemistry and we could tell they were truly in love.
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One of the most iconic scenes in this drama is when Kim Na Na (Park Min Young) literally took a bullet in order to save Lee Young Sung (Lee Min Ho) and then just said “You saved me twice”. This scene broke our hearts and made us burst into tears. Furthermore, I think we can all admit this was an act of true love.
6.-100 days my prince- Meeting after more than a decade and falling in love again.
I know, I know!! Almost EVERY couple in dramaland has had an encounter/experience/meeting as kids; and traumatic or not that’s what makes them reunite again as adults. Even when this situation has become a kdrama cliché throughout the years, I still think it is a good way to denote the strength of the love bonds that can be developed between two people. I strongly believe writers ought to create different scenarios to treat this topic though.
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100 days my prince tells a story of a young love; two kids, a prince and a noble girl, who share beautiful but also sorrowful experiences that somehow will make them separate. Prince Yool still thinks of his first love after their unfortunate separation and loses his memory through some circumstances many years after, but this isn’t a barrier. They meet again and fall in love, OVER AGAIN, without knowing they knew and cared for each other since kids. Can you guys tell me if this is other than destiny?
I think a most of us has dreamed of something like this at some point of our lives. Furthermore, the fact that two people are able to find each other, and fall in love again, no matter what, means they must have been under the power of two forces: destiny and true love.
5.-My love from the star- The whole plot tbh
It’s 2019 and ‘My love from the star’ was aired 6 years ago, so it’s officially an old classic. However, I feel like I really don’t have to explain this one cause during the whole series is more than evident how the leads deeply love each other. That’s probably because Jun Ji Hyun and Kim Soo Hyun had such a great chemistry.
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Idk guys but I can’t help but get soft when I hear this title, because it really moved my heart in a way that’s more than difficult not to love the couple or everything it possess.
Do Min Joon (Kim Soo Hyun) could literally hear Song Yi (Jun Ji Hyun) calling his name no matter where he was, he rescued her several times and he was willing to do everything he could for her to be okay. Song Yi was more than in love, she cried rivers and rivers till they could finally be together.
Somehow I consider this drama had a ‘meant to be’ couple, since they ended up meeting through random situations, and more than randomly, because of destiny itself. This kind of situation gives us the ‘true love’ vibe we hardly get in real life. Moving our hearts that’s way is what irradiates the feeling that the reason why the main couple (sometime secondary couples as well) gets together is love.
4.-I’m not a robot- Love heals the wounds of the heart
Okay, first things first, I’m not a robot has the cutest couple in history as far as I’m concerned. There are also two main points of this kdrama I want to explain from my point of view. So, from what we can see throughout the series is Kim Min Gyu (Yoo Seung Ho) has a severe allergy to other human beings and he gets better due to Aji 3’s (Chae Soo Bin) presence in his life. For some people these may look like Min Gyu has a skin disease and Ji Ah is the ‘medicine’ he needs to cure it.
Nevertheless, I personally think that Kim Min Gyu has a psychological trauma caused by other people in his surroundings when he was a kid, that’s why he’s able to touch Jo Ji Ah when she pretends to be a robot without getting ill. What I’m trying to say is that problem was more a psychological thing rather than an illness.
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No matter what the illness or condition is, what is remarkable from this drama is that directors and writers give us an important theme which is that regardless of how lonely and hurt you are, love can really heal the wounds of your heart.
Even though at the beginning the story is kinda sad because of the fact that Min Gyu thinks he is in love with a robot and also because of other heartbreaking moments, as the lead couple actually becomes a couple and they solve all their problems, we are able to see many tender and adorable moments that as a matter of fact, make our hearts flutter.
3. - Hwayugi: A Korean Odyssey- ‘Wait for me and I will find you’ promise
Hwayugi is a fantasy drama aired in 2017 until the first half of 2018 and it stars Lee Seung Gi and Oh Yeon Seo. Hwayugi, Hwayugi…This drama has several ups and downs but I guess it is good enough to be in this top. Aside from having such a bad finale, (which the writers tried to fix at the very end) Hwayugi sadly has also bad special effects, which is baffling considering they had a good budget.
Despite all these aspects I just mentioned, Hwayugi still has ‘good things’ to offer. Even though several characters die/disappear what comes behind all these situations is a well-portrayed friendship bond. At the beginning the relationship between the leads starts as a one sided love and then as a mutual love. Even though Son Oh Gong seems to love ‘Samjang’ because he’s under a spell, if we look further we can really tell he loves her for real. At the end of the series, he even gives her one of his eyeballs so he can find her in the underworld.
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2. - Stairway to heaven - The whole series even when it hurts
Stairway to heaven is a classic melodrama and if you ask me, it’s probably the most popular kdrama worldwide. This was the very first Korean drama aired on Latin American TV and it got so popular that you can literally ask anyone and they will say they have seen it at least once.
And just because love doesn’t mean happiness, I consider important talking about this drama. First of all, Stairway to heaven has a killer cast and the story is beyond sad. Words could never tell how sorrowful it actually is.
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I think the most painful thing in this drama is that the main couple is (almost) never able to be together no matter how much they love each other and how much they try. Song Joo even looks for Jung Suh after believing her dead and does everything he can till they can reunite again. This lasts a short period of time to discover Jung Suh has cancer and is gonna die. I mean, they literally have to face every barrier in the universe to be together and even at the end what gives them the strength to keep living is the love they have for each other, considering everything else in their lives is unfortunate.
The saddest thing is that the people around them would also suffer as well, especially Jung Suh’s step brother that somehow falls in love with her and even commits suicide to save her. But we are gonna talk about this last statement below.
1. - Stairway to heaven. - AGAIN
It has been more than ten years since I watched Stairway to heaven for the first time, and I still can’t get over what Tae Hwa did to let Jung Suh see the man she loves again. There isn’t anything else I have seen in any other drama that is to me more an act of true love than this one. (Even when it is such a sad and dramatic event.)
No matter how much I think about it, this is beyond miserable, considering Jung Suh never accepts Tae Hwa’s feelings because they are siblings but he still does all these for her. At the end this sacrifice is in vain because Jung Suh dies anyway. Such a sad story to be honest.
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a-lame-constellation · 7 years ago
Korean MVs that came out in 2018
~Since i’m not into most kpop groups i might forget to write a comeback so feel free to tell me some that i haven’t written yet or if i have done a mistake.~
*The songs are not in order
**I’ve already made 2016 and 2017 lists
Drug Restaurant - Her
Trcng - Wolf Baby
N.Flying - Hot Potato
Momoland - BBoom BBoom
Oohyo - Honey Tea
Mamamoo - Paint Me
Block B - Don’t Leave
Infinite - Tell Me
JoWoochan, ParkHyunjin, Achillo - OGZ
Stray Kids - Grrr
Stray Kids - Young Wings
Kim Dong Ryul - Reply
Sunmi - Heroine
Chungha - Roller Coaster
JBJ - My Flower
Girlkind - Fanci
Cheetah - Stagger
Ohhyuk, Cifika - Momom
Jane Jang - Button
Ashmute - Ghost
Oh My Girl - Secret Garden
Jay Park - Run It (ft. Woo Wonjae & Jessi)
Kassy - I Want Love
Jimin - Hey
Holland - Neverland
Sik-K - YeLowS Gang (ft. Herr Nayne, Woodie Gochild)
Jonghyun - Shinin’
Jonghyun - Before Our Spring
Dean - Instagram
Red Velvet - Bad Boy
Standing Egg - From the Star
Ikon - Love Scenario
Penomeco -  L.I.E
Suzy - Holiday (ft. Dpr Live)
Suzy - I’m In Love With Someone Else
Golden Child - It’s U
Jeong Sewoon - Baby It’s U (ft. Kiggen, earattack)
Davichi - Days Without You
KCM - Dawnpark
Ravi - Nirvana (ft. Park Jimin) + Alcohol Remix
Vav - Spotlight
Rainz - Turn it Up
Jay Park x Yultron - Forget About Tomorrow
Na Haeun - So Special
BoA - Nega Dola
Jong Shin Yoon - Slow Starter
gugudan - The Boots
Seventeen - Thanks
CoCoSoRi - Miamor
Jung Seung Hwan - The Snowman
Jung Seung Hwan - It’s Raining
Ailee - Rewrite…If Can
Eden - Good Night (ft. Jukjae)
Naeun, Jinsol - My Story
Hong Jinyoung - Good Bye
Yang Yoseob - Star
Yang Yoseob - Where I Am Gone
Vav - Gorgeous
Hyolyn - To Do List
Roy Kim - Only Then
Suzy - SOberR
Nct U - Boss
Min Kyung Hoon x Kim Heechul - Falling Blossoms
Kim YoungChul - Andenayon (ft. Wheesung(Realslow))
Kang Hodong x Hong Jinyoung - I Kicked My Luck Off
I.M - Fly With Me
CLC - Black Dress
Weki Meki - La La La
Vromance - Star
Cheeze - Just as a Lie
Hash Swan - Wang Like Alexander (ft. Gray)
SF9 - Mamma Mia
Red Velvet - I Just
Nct U - Baby Don’t Stop
WJSN - Dreams Come True
Cheetah - I’ll Be There
Jeon Soyeon - Idle Song
I.C.E - Shameless
Sha Sha - You & Me
Yoyomi - Who’s That Guy
Kisses - Blue Lagoon
J.yung - Can I
Trax x Lip2shot [STATION] - Notorious (ft. Sophiya)
Roydo - Crzy
Martin Smith -  Crazy (ft. Jung Sungha)
Kim Sung Kyu - True Love
Marvel.J - Really (ft. New Champ, Olltii)
Got7 - One And Only You (ft. Hyolyn)
Junhyeok - Stay
DongWoo - My Half
Joypark - Missing You
E Hyuk - Come Up To Me Like The Wind
Chris Kim - Miss U
BeautyHandsome - Where Are You
j-hope - Daydream
Jooyoung - Dive
Sleepy - iD
Nct Dream - Go
Nct 127 - Touch
Got7 - Look
Heize - Didn’t Know Me
Heize - Jenga (ft. Gaeko)
Heize - Mianhae
Mamamoo - Starry Night
Mamamoo - Everyday
Suho x Jane Jang [STATION] - Dinner
Jane Jang, Suho - Do You Have a Moment
Noel - Our Last Day
Minseo - The Grand Dreams
Suzy - Midnight (ft. Yiruma)
April - The Blue Bird
Cheetah - Bumpkins (ft. Minos)
Golden Child - Lady
Most Badass Asian - Want
Most Badass Asian - 2018
Choi Ye Geun - To Say Sorry
Junoflo - Grapevine (ft. Jay Park)
Yong Junhyung - Sudden Shower (ft. 10cm)
Wanna One - Boomerang
Yeesang - Here (ft. Loco)
Filmisland - it’s Love (Vocal by OFA)
Monsta X - Jealousy
Stray Kids - District 9
Stray Kids - Grow Up
Jung Joon Young - Fiancée (ft. Microdot)
Samuel - One (ft. Jung Ilhoon)
Hoya - All Eyes On Me
Kisum - It’s Okay (ft. Heize)
San E, Mad Clown - Butterfly (ft. Bumkey)
TVXQ! - The Chance of Love
Super Junior [STATION] - Super Duper
Honey Popcorn - Bibidi Babidi Boo
Crazy Music - We’ll Always Love (ft. Yejoon.E)
Sunwoo Jung A - Fine (ft. Lim Heon Il)
Marmello - Wake Me Up
Kid Milli - Why Do Fuckbois Hang Out On The Net
Sweden Laundry - Scene
Nct U - Yestoday
Oh My Girl Banhana - Banana Allergy Monkey
Pentagon - Shine
Winner - Everyday
Exid - Lady
The Boyz - Giddy Up
YDPP - Love It Live It
Flowsik x Jessi - Wet
LOONA / Olivia Hye - Egoist (ft. JinSoul)
Jeong Jinwoon - Erasing
TVXQ! - Love Line
D:amant - Sick
CLC - Distance
Bigone - Wavywavywavy
Primary, Anda - Moonlight (ft. Xin Seha)
Primary, Anda - Dressroom
Primary, Anda - Zeppelin
Primary, Anda - The Open Boat (ft. Colde)
Twice - What Is Love?
Eric Nam - Potion (ft. Woodie Gochild)
Eric Nam - Honestly
Noir - Gangsta
UNB - Feeling
GreatGuys - Ganda
Hyeongseop x Euiwoong - Love Tint
Badkidz - Just One Day
Exo-CBX - Blooming Day
Ten [STATION] - New Heroes
N.Tic - Once Again
Jo SoJeong - Stars
Gunmin x Heedo - Don’t Worry
Lee Hong Gi, Yoo Hwe Seung - Still Love You
Yoo Seonho - Maybe Spring
Mad Clown, Ailee - Thirst
Super Junior - Lo Siento (ft. Leslie Grace)
Drunken Tiger - Yet
The Rose - Baby
E Hyuk - I’ll Live
Vanilla Acoustic - Travel
Eddy Kim - Whoa Whoa
Jo SoJeong - Lost Sea
WeAreYoung - I Know
Carla - I Don’t Need You
Shin Yong Jae(4Men) - Today
Young Jun (Brown Eyed Soul) - Don’t Leave Me
Imfact - The Light
Soma - Spring
Vixx - Scentist
Whee In - Easy (ft. Sik-k)
JBJ - Call Your Name
Hyo - Sober (ft. Ummet Ozcan)
Hoons - I C U
Highteen - Timing
Jo Hyun Ah - After You
June - Sérénade
Sei - Nobody Knows
HA:TFELT - Pluhmm
H.U.B - When A Blossom Day Of Cherry Blossom
In2it - SnapShot
Apink - Miracle
Cando - Rain Drop
Yoonmirae - KawiBawiBo
Nano - Punishment
Solar - When The Wind Rises [original: Kim Kwang Seok]
Solar - Nada Sou Sou [original: ??? (jp)]
Solar - It’s Been a Long Time [original: Love & Peace?? (not sure)]
Lovelyz - That Day
Hyolyn - Dally (ft. Gray)
Yun Ddan Ddan - It Will Be Okay
Yun Ddan Ddan - In My Room
Yun Ddan Ddan - Let It Flow
Stray Kids - Mirror [Performance]
Hwang In Sun - Dead Clock
Jackson Wang - Dawn of Us
Snuper - Tulips
Hwang Chi Yeul - The Only Star
Luna - Night Reminiscin’ (ft. Yang Da Il)
TheEastLight - Are You Okay
Kim Bum Soo - I Love You
MeloMance - Just Friends
Monday Kiz - Every Moment
Bang Yongguk - Portrait
Zai. ro - When Are You Coming
BrotherSu - What’s Wrong With U (ft. Gaeko)
Sunwoo Jung A, The Barbarettes - Outside The Chart
Kyung Dasom - Fall In Love
Gfriend - Time For The Moon
JBJ - Just Be Stars
Iz - Granulate
Park Hyo Shin - The Other Day
Temperature of Saying ‘hi’ - If You Tell Me
Halo - O.M.G
Colde - Your Dog Loves You (ft. Crush)
Jay Park, Simon Dominic, Loco, Gray - Upside Down
Iz - Angel
ii - I’m Already You
(G)I-Dle - Latata
Jung Up - Nothing Left
Loco - Party Band (ft. Punchnello, Thur)
So Soo Bin - Sweet Nothings
Gaho - Stay Here
Crush - Bittersweet
Teen Top - Seoul Night
Vinxen - Sinking Down With U
Yong Jun Hyung - Go Away
Dreamcatcher - You And I
Seo Eun Kwang, Changsub - My Day
K.Will - My Star
Cross Gene - Touch It
Woodz - Pool
Jay Moon - Fire
N.Flying - How R U Today
Kanto - Salty
Doko - Don’t
Paul Kim - Additional
Bts - Fake Love
GB9, Park Bo Ram - If You
Eyedi - Luv Highway
Uni.t - No More
Trei - Nike
Eluphant - Welcome
PLT - Hocus Pocus
V.O.S - Door
Jisook - Edelweiss
Gross Gene - Believe Me
Moonbyul (ft. Seulgi) - Selfish
Moonbyul - In my room
Victon - Time of Sorrow
Jinjin (Astro) - Like a King (ft. Superbee, MyunDo)
Khan - I’m Your Girl?
Bang Yongguk - Drunkenness
Shinee - Good Evening
AOA - Bingle Bangle
NTB - Dramatic
Boyfriend - Sunshower
The Rose - I.L.Y
TST - Love Story
Eyedi - A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Junoflo - Real Ones
Adoy - Young
Han Yo Han - Helicopter (ft. Kid Milli, No:el)
The Night of Seokyo - Falling in Moonlight (ft. Dawon)
Bol4 - Travel
Bol4 - Starlight
Bol4 - Wind
TheEastLight - Love Flutters
24K - Bonnie N Clyde
Risabae - E.N.C (ft. Kisum)
ii - I’m Already You
C.A.P - For
Sung Si Kyung - Eternally
Pristin V - Get It
Marmello - Moonlight
Crucial Star - Night Alone
Jane Jang - Seoul Noir
Samuel - Teenager (ft. Lee Rohan)
Thama - Like That (ft. Giriboy)
Elo - Osaka (ft. Zico)
Hyukoh - SkyWorld
Hyukoh - Love Ya!
South Club - Outcast
Pudditorium - Paradise
Stagger - DnA
Stagger - 4 Your Eyez Only
Girlkind - S.O.R.R.Y
Shinee - I Want You
Shinee - Our Page
A.C.E - Take Me Higher
Yu Seungwoo - Slowly
Dpr Live - Playlist
Blackpink - Ddu-du Ddu-du
Rothy - Sullae
Kobel - Don’t Hit My Line
Longguo - Clover (ft. Yoonmirae)
Koh Na Young - Humming
Jay Park - Soju (ft. 2 Chainz)
Like A Movie - Twilight
Yubin - Lady
1sagain, Nuun - Fade Away
Minseo - Is Who
Red House - Endless Night
Taeyeon - Something New
Kim Dong Han - Sunset
Bloo - So Rude
Busters - Grapes
Katie - Remember
Melodyday - Restless
Day6 - Shoot Me
It’s - Sleep
Momoland - Baam
Tenny - 159cm
UNB - Black Heart
d.ear - Rain is Fallin’
Onf - Complete
BTOB - Only One For Me
Kang Gogh - Stay
Arkay - Because Of You (ft. Le.Ju’ce)
[HNB] Woo Jin Young, Kim Hyun Soo - Falling in Love
Park Kyung - Instant (ft. Sumin)
Nano - Maladgjustment (ft. Yezi)
NeonPunch - Moonlight
Lee Jin Ah - Run (ft. Gray)
Apink - I’m So Sick
Gyeong Ree - Blue Moon
Yoonmirae - You & Me (ft. Junoflo)
Jay Park - FSU (ft. GAshi, Rich The Kid)
Holland - I’m Not Afraid
Holland - I’m So Afraid
Jessi - Down
Twice - Dance The Night Away
Oohyo - Papercut
Golden Child - Let Me
Hickee - Fragrance
Epik High x End of the World (Sekai No Owari) - Sleeping Beauty
MyTeen - She Bad
Aivan - Tell The World
Sugarbowl - Getting Better
Target - Is It True
gugudan Semina - Semina
Seenroot - Paradise
MeloMance - Tale
Jeonghan - Think About It
LambC - Beauty
Crush - Cereal (ft. Zico)
Jaejooboys - First Trip
No:el - Parrot (ft. Giriboy, Han Yo Han)
The Boyz - KeePer
Moti - Blue
Suran - A Pleasant Meal
Louie, Geeks - Penalty
Park BoRam - How About U
Jvcki Wai, Kid Milli, No:el, Young B, Swings - Work Out
Jvcki Wai - Enchanted Propaganda
John OFA Rhee - Brightest Star (ft. Kim Minseok)
Geupsik-Dan - Geupsik
Prep - Cold Fire (ft. Dean)
Mamamoo - Egotistic
Seventeen - Oh My!
Han Yeoyoo - Bang Bang Bang
Lee Seung Hwan - For Your Ears Only (ft. Stella Jang)
Ashley - Here We Are
Uniqnote - Like Gentle Rain (ft. Crucial Star, Park Jeonkoo)
Myteen - Martian
TaPi - Croquette
Triple H - Retro Future
Chung Ha - Love U
Varsity - Flower
Saturday - Mmook Jji Bba
Bassagong - HBD
GFriend - Sunny Summer
Hyolyn - See Sea
Mudskipper - Universe
Seungri - 1,2,3!
Seungri - Where R U From (ft. Mino)
Aoora - Harder (ft. $mili, B.E, Eili)
Woodz - Different
Rocoberry - Telephone (ft. Punch)
Minseo - Zero
Super Junior ~ D&E - Sunrise {Japanese}
Standing Egg - Oh, Wait
Jeong Sewoon - 20 Something
Choiza, Microdot - Hit!!!
FtIsland - Pretty Girl {Japanese}
FtIsland - Summer Night’s Dream
Astro - Always You
MaseWonder - Love Me (ft. Choilb)
In2it - Sorry For My English
Kard - Ride on the Wind
Laboum - Between Us
yeesang - Game
John Park - Understand
Boi B - Neymar (ft. Ted Park)
Ben x Kim Won Joon - The First Night
Band 88 - Windmill
Carla - Hate U
RPR - Dang Diggi Bang (ft. Beenie Man)
Leo - Touch & Sketch
Zico - Soulmate (ft. IU)
SixBomb - Hiccup Hiccup
SF9 - Now or Never
Joo Jin-Woo - Ever
Park Ki Young - Mercy
A-Yeon - You & I
Kevin Oh - Lover
Miryo - Yellow
Kisum - 100%
Hanscur - Toomuch (ft. Charles Shin)
Jo Gon - Old Notes
Heygirls - Nog-Yeojwo
South Club - Grown Up
Ikon - Killing Me
Btob-Blue - When It Rains
Voisper - I Believe
Yerin Baek - La La La Love Song
Yeoone - Pat Pat
Glabingo - On My Body
Cho Kyu-chan - Deja Vu
gracie - 25/7
Villain - Manitto
Nature - Allegro Cantabile
Stray Kids - My Pace
Red Velvet - Power Up
Loona - favOriTe
D-Crunch - Palace
Giriboy, Kid Milli, No:el, Swings - Flex
Apollo, No.11,  Ekko, SungJoo - Honey
WooIn - That Night
Hollen - Shimmer
DailyNote - Where Are U
12Dal - A Second
Honk - Perphaps
Aivan - Curious
Somdef - One Plus One (ft. Loco, Bravo)
E Mel - Tomorrow
Cherry On Top - Hi Five
Yoo Hyung Kyun - Diamonds In Your Eyes
Sundae - How?
Imfact - NaNaNa
Super Junior-D&E - ‘Bout You
Hyolyn - Bae
Mc Sniper - Skyfall
BerryGood - Green Apple
(G)I-DLE - Hann
Penomeco - Coco Bottle
Coco - Sugar Cake (ft. Microdot)
Jannabi - Good Boy Twist
Hoons - Sweet & Salty, Sweet & Salty
Bigflo - Upside Down
We Higher - Like You Better (ft. Douner)
Yang Hee Eun, Sung Si Kyung - You
GrimGrim - Rooftop Bird
Loona - Hi High
Red Velvet - Power Up
Gaeko - Vacation (ft. Sole)
10cm - Mattress
BTS - Idol
Sha Sha - What The Heck
Norazo - Cider
Shinhwa - Kiss Me Like That
Leebada - Night Dream
Rothy - Burning
Stray Kids- My Pace
Stray Kids - Awkward Silence
NCT Dream - We Go Up
Jin Longguo - Friday n Night
Part Time Cooks - California Butterfly (ft. Jay Park)
Baekhyun X Loco [STATION X 0] - Young
June - Sérénade
Drug Restaurant - 403
Jooheon - Red Carpet
DyoN - #Life_Is_Pain
Ovan - Twenty (ft. Shaun)
EZ Kim - Straw
Young B - Polo
the Night of Seokyo - City Girl City Boy (ft. Dawon)
Jeong Jinwoon - All I Need Is You
Nana Mellie - Falling
KwonMilk - Guitar Man
100% - Heart
Nam Woo Hyun - If Only You Are Fine
Nam Taehyun - Star
Blanc7 - Drama
Sumni - Siren
Jimin Park - April Fools
James - Up [not a korean mv but a lot of us know james]
WINee - May
The Boyz - Right Here
GWSN - Puzzle Moon
SoRi - Touch (ft. Basick)
Great Guys - Illusion
Elaine - Wake Me Up
Bravo - Sunny Day
Yook Sungjae - Confession
Thama - Nuuh
Jjangyou - Koki7
Blue Lamb - Universe
Chanyeol x Sehun [STATION x 0] - We Young
Got7 Jackson - Made It
Got7 BamBam - Party
Got7 Jinyoung - My Youth
Got7 Yugyeom - Fine
Got7 Youngjae - Nobody Knows
Got7 JB - Sunrise
Got7 Mark - OMW
Got7 - Lullaby
Haon - Noah (ft. Hoody)
12Dal - Day Off
Day6 - Beautiful Feeling
Pentagon - Naughty Boy
Oh My Girl - Remember Me
Jay Park - V
SHINee - Countless
seizetheday - Ocean View (ft. Sleepy)
ms. isohp romatem - Trauma
ms. isohp romatem Distance From You And The Stars
Hyomin - Mango
Giriboy - Used (ft. Kid Milli)
Hoya - Baby U (ft. Hanhae)
EB - Wanna Know
JooYoung - N/A
Gavy NJ - I’m Fine
S.I.S - Say Yes
Orange Fang Fang Boys - Ready To
Roy Kim - The Hardest Part
Uni.T - I Mean
Uni.T - Begin With The End
Lucente - Your Difference
DinDin - Insomnia (ft. Lee Hongki)
Mommy Son - Shonen Jump (ft. Bae Gisung)
PLT - Igoholic
Vinxen - Yoo Jae Suk
Modsdive - Buran
Lof.T -  밤이 피네
Dreamcatcher - What
WJSN - Save Me, Save You
Day6 - Breaking Down {Japanese}
Gwon Youngchan - Weak
GFriend - Memoria {Japanese}
Spectrum - Dear my
Girls’ Generation-Oh!GG - Lil’ Touch
Heo Seongjeong - Sound
VeriVery - Super Special
Onewe, Oneus - Last Song
Giriboy - acrnm (ft. Goretexx)
Boy Story - Enough
Amber - White Noise
Eyedi - Red
Vanmal - Unification Road March
Bambi - Violin (ft. Dunkin Downer)
Park Sanhee - Over The Blue
Soran - Zamianwa (Can’t Close My Eyes)
JooYoung - Inn
The Black Underground - Slow Life
Krr - The Night Time
Shirts Boy Frank - Foam
Jay Park - Sexy 4 Eva
Seulgi x SinB x Chung Ha x Soyeon [STATIONx0]  - Wow Thing
Tiffany Young - Teach You
Woodie Gochild, Haon, Sik-K, pH-1 - Kitkat
SOMDEF - Slip N Slide (ft. Crush)
Sik-K - XiBal
Lee Hongki - I Am (ft. Cheetah)
Lee Hongki - Cookies (ft. Jung Ilhoon)
Park Won - Rudderless
Ikon - Goodbye Road
Nu’est W - I Don’t Care (ft. Spoonz)
S.O.U.L - Get Myself With You
Noir - Airplane Mode
Hangzoo - Drive Thru (ft. Gaeko)
Lay - Give My A Chance
Cheeze - Everything to
Yoo Hwe Seung (N.Flying) - Expectation
Soyou - All Night (ft. Sik-K)
Seven O’clock - Searchlight
Seven O’clock - Nothing Better
Epitone Project - First Love
Super Junior x REIK - One More Time (Otra Vez)
Ashmute - Summer’s Gone
UV - Who Am I (ft. Yoo Hee Yeol, Jung Jae Hyung)
Loco - It Takes Time (ft. Colde)
fromis_9 - Love Bomb
NCT 127 - Regular
San E - Wannabe Rapper
Wheesung (Realslow) - Breaking Down
Haebi - Wolfboy
Yoonhan - Saryuni Forest
Weki Meki - Crush
VAV - Senorita
NakJoon (Bernard Park)  - Still (ft. Luna)
NC.A - I’m Fine
Park Bo Gum - Let’s go see the stars
John Legend x Wendy [STATIONx0] - Written In The Stars
The Black Underground - Love Is Love, Life Is Life
Eddy Kim - Trace
Yu Seungwoo - Always
Deepshower - Summer (ft. Jeebanoff, George)
Yang Da Il - sorry
April - Oh! my mistake
Zion.T - Hello Tutorial (ft. Seulgi)
Crush - none
Kim Dong Han - Good Night Kiss
Jeong Eun Ji - Being There
The Rose - She’s In the Rain
Sohee - Hurry Up (ft. Bol4)
Stray Kids - I am YOU
Monsta X - Shoot Out
Charari Danchu - 노잼시기
Hoody - Sunshine (ft. Crush)
Sam Kim - Make Up (ft. Crush)
Sik-K - Fire
Hailey - Truly
the Night of Seokyo - Hug You (ft. Dawon)
RM - Forever Rain
RM - Seoul
son&johwa - Mokhwa
Lee Moon Sae - Between us
UV - Sorry
Golden Child - Genie
BoA - Woman
ATEEZ - Pirate KIng
ATEEZ - Treasure
Horim - Street
Lee Kichan - 지구인
gwon.u - Home Sweet Home
LYn - Run to you
Kiha & The Faces - Cho Shim
N.Flying - Like A FLower
Jin Ju - Petal
Flowsik - Bbung
Eian - Me in the A.M
Ha Hyun Woo - Home
Horan - Wanted
Marychou 2018 - Beacuse of Weather
IZ*ONE - La Vie en Rose
Paul Kim - Me After You
Black6ix - Swamp of Despair
Richard Parkers - Stay with me
Eric Nam - Miss You
JBJ95 - Home
Monday Kiz - The World That is of You
Samui - Today Of All Days
Peterpan Complex - Ghosting
Fromm - Hold Me Like It’s Forever (ft. car, the garden)
B.A.P (Jongup) - Annoying (ft. Zelo)
South Club - I’m Crazy
Twice - Yes or Yes
Bloo - I’m the one
Hwang Chiyeul - Learn to Love
[i’ll do this month soon]
Hong Jinyoung - Seoul (ft. Bray)
H M Moon - The Poet’s Winter
Got7 - Miracle
Sam Kim - When You Fall (ft. Chai)
Kream - You can take my youth away, but you can never take my dream away
Holmes Crew - Holmes Delivery
O.O.O - Seesaw
Avatar Darko - C U When I C U (ft Jay Park)
Ezen - Fly Away
Jung Key - Star With ME (ft. Yoo Sungjae)
Jung Key - Honest (ft. Minseo)
Onew - Blue
Soran - Happy
Up10tion - Blue Rose
Laboom - Turn It On
Minyong - I can’t do that thing
Junoflo - Autopilot (ft. BoA)
Starship Planet - Christmas Time
Bay P - Snow In Your Eyes
Coogie - Justin Bieber (ft. Jay Park)
Well - Settle (ft. Realslow)
Rira - Love Spoon
B1A4, Oh My Girl, Onf - Timing
Day6 - days gone by
anna - Let It Snow
Changsub - Gone
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bangtanitalianchannel · 6 years ago
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[ARTICOLO] I rappresentanti dell’industria votano i migliori artisti, rookie e molto di più del 2018
“Con il 2018 che volge al termine, è arrivato il momento di considerare le parti migliori dell’anno.
Le agenzie mediatiche coreane “News1″ e “dongA” hanno intervistato diversi professionisti del settore per raccoglierne le opinioni sui migliori artisti, rookie ed altro dell’industria K-pop di quest’anno.
News1 ha intervistato i seguenti venticinque dirigenti di agenzie d’intrattenimento:
Kim Byung Sun (Jellyfish Entertainment), Kim Sook Kyung (Jellyfish Entertainment), Kim Yeon Soo (Pledis Entertainment), Kim Eun Ah (SM Entertainment), Park Gye Eun (TS Entertainment), Park Yong Eok (Million Market), Baek Chang Ju (C-JeS Entertainment), Seo Hyun Joo (Starship Entertainment), So Sung Jin (Source Music), Shin Dong Gil (Swing Entertainment), Shin Hyun Hwa (The Music Works), Shim Jae Geol (YG Entertainment), Woo Young Seung (Stardium), Yoon Young Ro (Cre.ker Entertainment), Lee Sang Chul (Long Play Music), Lee Young Joon (Woollim Entertainment), Lee Won Min (WM Entertainment), Jang Hyung Chul (QUAN Entertainment), Jung Wook (JYP Entertainment), Jung Jin Ho (Big Hit Entertainment), Jung Hyung Jin (CJ ENM), Jo Sung Wan (FNC Entertainment), Choi Kyu Sang (Amoeba Culture), Choi Sung Pil (Plan A Entertainment), Han Jung Soo (Kiwi Media Group).
Ventuno di questi hanno votato per eleggere i BTS come artisti dell’anno, commentando così la loro decisione: “Serve davvero una ragione per scegliere i BTS?” e ancora “Non solo hanno fatto conoscere la musica coreana al mondo, ma sono stati anche dei veri e propri rappresentanti culturali con le loro campagne attraverso cui condividono messaggi importanti con i giovani”.
In diciotto, invece, hanno scelto eventi legati ai BTS come i migliori dell’anno, fra cui il loro discorso alle Nazioni Unite e il primo posto sulla “Billboard 200”.
In un altro sondaggio, questa volta di dongA, a ventuno professionisti, fra i quali anche dirigenti di aziende di intrattenimento, critici musicali, produttori ecc… è stata chiesta un’opinione su diversi argomenti.
Gli intervistati sono stati:
Kim Ah Reum (W Korea), Kim Hong Ki (Space Oddity), Lee In Sub (Universal Music Korea), Clayton Jin (Warner Music Korea), Kim Hong Bum (KBS), Jung Young Sun (MBC), Choi Da Eun (SBS), Kim Eun Ah (SM Entertainment), Shim Jae Geol (YG Entertainment), Jung Wook (JYP Entertainment), Jung Jin Ho (Big Hit Entertainment), Jo Sung Wan (FNC Entertainment), music critics Kang Il Kwon, Kim Yoon Ha, Kim Hak Sun, Mimyo, Park Joon Woo, Baek Soon Tak, Seo Jeong Min Gap, Lee Kyung Joon, Lee Dae Hwa.
Le loro scelte sono state le seguenti:
Canzone dell’anno:
1. iKON “Love Scenario” (11 voti)
3. BTS “Fake Love” (6 voti)
Miglior artista coreano:
1. BTS (16 voti)
2. IU (13 voti)
3. TWICE (7 voti)
4. Cho Yong Pil (5 voti)
5. Jay Park (3 voti)
Miglior produttore K-pop:
1. Bang Shi Hyuk (11 voti)
2. Teddy (10 voti)
3. Pdogg (6 voti)
4. Lee Soo Man (4 voti)
Agenzia di intrattenimento che crescerà di più nel 2019:
1. Big Hit Entertainment (9 voti)
2. Pledis Entertainment (6 voti)
3. YG Entertainment and The Black Label (5 voti)
4. SM Entertainment, Brand New Music (3 voti ciascuno)”
(N/B: L’articolo è stato tradotto solo nelle sue parti riguardanti i BTS)
Traduzione a cura di Bangtan Italian Channel (©jimindipityR) | ©soompi
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noona-clock · 7 years ago
A Kiss, Apparently
For Admin B: Can i ask for a scenario with an actor of your choice and being caught under the mistletoe or baking Christmas treats with their s/o please? You said you only had one request for actors and I wanted to feed your need for actor requests (Im still getting into Kdramas so I dont have favorite actors really yet im sorry😅). Thank you so much for sharing your writing!💞💞💞
Ahhhh, anon!! Thank you for this request, it was literally so thoughtful of you!! I ended up getting a very good amount of actor requests, but yours, in particular, has allowed me to write for someone I haven’t had the chance to write for yet: Sung Joon!! If you haven’t seen him in a drama, I recommend Shut Up Flower Boy Band or Madame Antoine!
Genre: AU/Fluff
Pairing: Sung Joon x You
By Admin B
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You and Sung Joon had been friends for a pretty long time. 
You’d met each other your freshman year of college when your roommates were dating each other. They’d actually tried to set you up yourselves, but... it just hadn’t worked out that way.
But you did end up becoming extremely good friends.
Well... that is, until about a year ago when you’d realized you... kind of had feelings for him.
And it really confused you because why did you not have feelings for him earlier when your roommate tried to set you up with him? You guys had gone on a few dates, and you just... didn’t feel the chemistry, didn’t feel the sparks.
But then one day he invited you to a family get-together, and his two-year-old niece was there and seeing him smiling and playing with her... It was like a lightbulb suddenly went off in your head.
Nothing like seeing a guy with a little kid to realize how attractive he is, am I right?
Ever since then, you’d been falling hopelessly in love.
And, yes, ‘hopelessly’ was the very, very accurate term.
Because he certainly didn’t feel the same way about you.
He didn’t act any differently around you, and every time you worked up the nerve to somewhat flirt with him, it was like he didn’t even notice.
You’d invited him over tonight to help you decorate for your annual Christmas party under the guise he was the only person you knew who was tall enough to help hang garlands.
“Up just a little more on the left,” you instructed, tilting your head to get a better view. “Stop, stop, stop, stop. That’s perfect, right there.”
Sung Joon hummed in response before putting up the Command hook and placing the garland just where you’d wanted it.
“What’s next?” he asked in that deep, smooth voice of his.
“Um...” You racked your brain, going through your mental to-do list of what needed to be done before your guests arrived in less than an hour. “Oh! The mistletoe!”
He let out a soft chuckle, shaking his head as he looked at you with a ‘you’ve got to be joking’ expression. “Really? Mistletoe?”
“Yes! Remember, my theme is Traditional Christmas this year. What’s more traditional than mistletoe?”
“A Christmas tree,” he answered immediately, his lips pulled into the smirk you’d come to know so well over the years.
“Shut up and just hang the mistletoe,” you retorted. But then you remembered your manners. “Please.”
He grabbed another Command hook, heading over toward the doorway in-between the hallway and the living room. You followed behind with the sprig of mistletoe, ready to hand it to him when he was ready.
“Does that look centered?” he murmured as he put his finger over the spot where he planned to put the hook.
“Yeah, looks good to me,” you affirmed.
He reached up to place the sticky part of the hook on the wood of the doorway, but as he did, he dropped the hook itself.
“Oop, I got it.” You immediately stepped forward, bending down to grab the hook and handing it up to him.
He muttered his thanks before placing the hook right where his finger had been. You gave him the mistletoe, and he hung it like an expert.
“Perfect,” you grinned as you gazed up at the festive decoration. And then when your gaze shifted back down, you noticed Sung Joon was... staring at you.
“What?” you asked awkwardly. Did you have something on your face?
“What do you mean ‘what?’,” he chucked. “We’re standing under the mistletoe.”
“Oh!” You immediately stepped away, but Sung Joon reached out to grab your shoulders, stopping you from moving.
“If we’re standing under the mistletoe, we should kiss,” he stated. “It’s tradition.”
And before you could actually process what he said, he leaned in, tilting his head and placing his lips on yours.
A surprised hum escaped from the back of your throat, but it didn’t startle or deter him from continuing the kiss. His lips cradled yours gently, though you kind of felt like there was a passion deep down inside the kiss, waiting to emerge.
It was... incredibly intoxicating and incredibly confusing.
When he pulled away, your eyes fluttered open to see Sung Joon’s slightly furrowed brow. He was looking at you a bit... quizzically.
“...What?” you whispered.
“Do you think... if we had kissed on that date we went on in college...” But then he trailed off, shaking his head to signal the fact he wasn’t going to speculate on that situation.
So, did that mean he... felt something? That he liked the kiss and was now wondering if a kiss could’ve changed your relationship’s fate a long time ago?
“Sung Joon, I like you,” you said, the words tumbling out of your mouth before you could stop them. “I have for about a year.”
His brow furrowed even more. “Really?”
You nodded silently as you worried your lip.
“Why didn’t you say anything?”
“Because... you’re my friend. And you don’t like me that way.”
“I just... I never thought about it. If you had told me, I would’ve wanted to try something to see if...”
“Try something? What are you talking about?” you chuckled.
Instead of answering verbally, he kissed you again. This time, he brought his hands up to cradle your jaw, his lips tugging and pulling at yours.
Ah, okay. Try something like this.
When he pulled away this time, it was just enough to detach his lips from yours. He was still holding your face, and his eyes were now searching yours intently.
“...So?” you asked curiously after a few moments.
He kissed you yet again, and you couldn’t stop your lips from curving into a wide smile against his, your hands coming up to hold onto his wrists.
A kiss, apparently, was all it took.
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kaori04 · 7 years ago
what do you wanna see park sung woong do next, who do you want him to work with?
I would really like to see him as a main character in a movie, not just any movie, but a really well-crafted one (I’m not saying Method was bad, I’m happy it happened too, but it was a low-budget and indie film). Like New World, The Wailing, Asura. Something big and very anticipated.
Answering your second question, if we are speeking about directors and screenwriters, then Park Hoon-Jung (New World, The Unjust, V.I.P.), Na Hong-Jin (The Yellow Sea, The Wailing), Kim Sung-Su (City of the Rising Sun, Asura), Bong Joon Ho, may be Park Chan Wook or even Lee Chang Dong?? That’s like the best case scenario haha. It could be someone less known, but still good (like Lee Soo-Youn, I liked Bluebeard very much), may be a new face that would turned out to be very succesful with their first work (I think it’s about a time for new promising director to appear).
If we are talking about possible costars, then given that I have already seen him working with Hwang Jung Min, Lee Jung Jae and Jeon Do-Yeon, now I would be happy to see him with any of my other favourites, like Song Kang Ho, Bae Doo Na, Shin Ha Kyun.
Speaking of the character he might play, I would like it to be somewhat similar to his roles in New World and For The Emperor, but I suspect he already got tired of that image, so I would also be glad to be surprised with something new as I was with his current role in Life on Mars. I didn’t expect him to carry such character so well and yet he did and I’m in love with him once again. But anyway I want his character to be morally gray or even evil, I want his story to raise difficult moral questions, I want to hate and love his character at the same time. I want it to be a thriller that will keep me on the edge of my sit and I want it to have an ending that will make you watch the whole movie once again with different angle. I want this movie to bring PSW’s career to the next level and make his fanbase bigger, I want him to be in-demand even more than he is now.
Despite what I said I’m pretty happy with what he is doing now, far more happy than with what he was doing few years ago. I think LoM was a great choice for him and his next drama project looks very promising too. I only wish he was more present on a big screen as well, not just in background supporting roles.
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bodashiri · 7 years ago
2017 Korean Box Office
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2017 Korean Box Office Top 20 (Admissions)  
January 16, 2018  Finally Updated
Along with the Gods : The Two Worlds 신과 함께 : 죄와 벌 (Lotte) / 12,944,298
A Taxi Driver 택시운전사 (Show Box) / 12,186,327
Confidential Assignment 공조 (CJ E&M) / 7,817,631
Spider-Man : Homecoming 스파이더맨: 홈 커밍 (Marvel/Sony) / 7,258,678
The Outlaws 범죄도시 (Megabox) / 6,879,844
The Battleship Island 군함도 (CJ E&M) / 6,592,151
1987 (CJ E&M) / 5,916,097
Midnight Runners 청년경찰 (Lotte) / 5,653,270
The King 더 킹 (NEW) / 5,317,383
Beauty and the Beast 미녀와 야수 (Disney) / 5,138,330
Kingsman: The Golden Circle 킹스맨 : 골든 서클 (Fox) / 4,945,484
Thor: Ragnarok 토르: 라그나로크 (Marvel/Disney) / 4,853,935
Steel Rain 강철비 (NEW) / 4,441,052
The Swindlers 꾼 (Show Box) / 4,018,341
The Fortress 남한산성 (CJ E&M) / 3,849,087
Your Name 너의 이름은 君の名は。 (Japan/Megabox) / 3,710,818
The Mummy 미이라 (Universal) / 3,689,325
The Fast and The Furious 8 분노의 질주 : 더 익스트림 (Universal) / 3,653,238
Despicable Me 3 슈퍼배드 3 (Universal) / 3,324,874
I Can Speak 아이 캔 스피크 (Lotte) / 3,279,296
The following list is the result of Korean film critics' poll.
source : Cine21 articles
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Top 10 Korean Movies released in 2017
On the Beach at Night Alone 밤의 해변에서 혼자 Dir. Hong Sang-Soo 홍상수
The Fortress 남한산성 Dir. Hwang Dong-Hyuk 황동혁
The Merciless 불한당 : 나쁜 놈들의 세상 Dir. Byun Sung-Hyun 변성현
Jane 꿈의 제인 Dir. Cho Hyun-Hoon 조현훈 
I Can Speak 아이 캔 스피크 Dir. Kim Hyeon-Seok 김현석
Bamseom Pirates Seoul Inferno 밤섬해적단 서울불바다 Dir. Jung Yoonseok 정윤석
The Day After 그 후 Dir. Hong Sang-Soo 홍상수
The King 더 킹 Dir. Han Jae-Rim 한재림
Anarchist from Colony 박열 Dir. Lee Joon-Ik 이준익
Our President 노무현입니다 Dir. Lee Chang-Jae 이창재
Best Director
Hong Sang-Soo 홍상수 (On the Beach at Night Alone 밤의 해변에서 혼자, The Day After 그후)
Kim Hyeon-Seok 김현석 (I Can Speak 아이 캔 스피크)
Best Actor Seol Kyung-Gu 설경구 (The Merciless 불한당, Memoir of a Murderer 살인자의 기억법)
Best Actress Na Moon-Hee 나문희 (I Can Speak 아이 캔 스피크)
Best New Director Cho Hyun-Hoon 조현훈 (Jane 꿈의 제인)
Best New Actor Lee Ka-Seob 이가섭 (The Seeds of Violence 폭력의 씨앗)
Best New Actress Choi Hee-Seo 최희서 (Anarchist from Colony 박열)
Best Cinematographer Kim Ji-Yong 김지용 (The Fortress 남한산성)
Best Scenario Writer Hwang Dong-Heuk 황동혁 (The Fortress 남한산성)
Best Producer Kim Hong-Baek 김홍백 (The Outlaws 범죄도시)
The Most Overrated Movie A Taxy Driver 택시운전사 Dir. Jang Hoon 장훈
The Most Underrated Movie Heart Blackened 침묵 Dir. Jung Ji-Woo 정지우
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Top 10 Foreign Movies released in 2017
Dunkirk (2017)  Dir. Christopher Nolan
Elle (2016) Dir. Paul Verhoeven
Toni Edmann (2016) Dir. Maren Ade
Moonlight (2016) Dir. Barry Jenkins
Blade Runner 2049 (2017) Dir. Denis Villeneuve 
Logan (2017) Dir. James Mangold  
Manchester by the Sea (2016) Dir. Kenneth Lonergan 
Arrival (2016) Dir. Denis Villeneuve   
The Unknown Girl (2016) Dir. Dardenne Brothers
Okja 옥자 (2017) Dir. Bong Joon-Ho
All Time Korean Box Office Top 15 (Admissions)
Roaring Currents 명량 (2014) CJ E&M / 17,615,152
Ode to My Father 국제시장 (2014) CJ E&M / 14,262,498
Veteran 베테랑 (2015) CJ E&M / 13,414,200
Avatar 아바타 (2009) 20th century Fox / 13,302,637
The Host 괴물 (2006) Show Box / 13,019,740
The Thieves 도둑들 (2012) Show Box / 12,983,841
Along with the Gods : The Two Worlds 신과 함께 : 죄와 벌 (2017) Lotte / 12,944,298
Miracle in Cell No.7  7번방의 선물 (2013) NEW / 12,811,435
Assassination 암살 (2015) Show Box / 12,706,483
Masquerade 광해, 왕이 된 남자 (2012) CJ E&M / 12,323,595
King and the Clown 왕의 남자 (2005) Cinema Service / 12,302,831
A Taxi Driver 택시운전사 (2017)  Show Box / 12,186,327
TaeGukGi: Brotherhood Of War 태극기 휘날리며 (2004) Show Box / 11,746,135
Train to Busan 부산행 (2016) NEW / 11,566,862
The Attorney 변호인 (2013) NEW / 11,374,879
My 2 cents
As you know, my favorie Korean movie of this year is The Merciless 불한당 : 나쁜 놈들의 세상. The Cine21 critics praised this movie for putting an end to the long-time deceptive (somewhat homophobic?) concept called "bromance" and declaring itself openly as "a romance between the two men". I agree with them. That's why I love this movie.
I also agree that A taxi driver 택시운전사 is the most overrated. This movie's box office success was an unhappy by-product of the current government supporters' crazy demagogy. I agree Gwangju Democratization Movement described in this movie is very very important historical turning point, but the overall quality of this movie sucks. Actor Song Gang-Ho failed to show something new and remained the same as in the Attorney 변호인 (2013).
I'm pleased Actor Kang Ha-Neul 강하늘 left a box office success (Midnight Runners 청년경찰) before entering the army. All of his 3 movies (The New Trial 재심, Midnight Runners 청년경찰, Forgotten 기억의 밤) reached the break-even point this year. I can't wait for his return.
The most popular foreign movies in Korea are Marvel superhero movies like Spider-Man : Homecoming and Thor: Ragnarok. Marvel’s only failure is Guardians of the Galaxy. It is unpopular not only because its English wordplay humors can't be adequately translated into Korean language, but also because many Korean audiences can't understand its 1980s American pop culture references.
My favorite is Thor : Ragnarok directed by Taika Waititi. I loved his natural humor so much that I even watched the director's previous indie movies like Hunt for the Wilderpeople (2016) and What We Do in the Shadows (2014). Now, he is one of my favorite directors in the world.
Star Wars franchise always flops only in South Korean market. I heard that's because arrogant 20th century Fox asked for too much money about 40 years ago, so Korean importers boycotted the release of Star Wars : The Empire Strikes Back at that time. As a result, there exit only a few star wars fans here in South Korea. Unfortunately its prequels and sequels failed to generate many new fans. Of course, there exist a few star wars fans with loud voice but the majority of the general public don't care about Star wars at all.
Finally, Netflix original movie Okja 옥자 directed by Bong Joon-Ho  봉준호 should be mentioned. I thought it's a kind of live action version of Miyazaki Hayao animation and loved the goofy ALF members. Hope Netflix would make a spin-off of the ALF.
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