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fictionkinfessions · 10 months ago
i miss my worlds. all of them. the issues of beinga charecter and also from a bunch of different sources
layla (genshin) (#sunflop)
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rabbitsoverload · 3 years ago
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laeirbag · 5 years ago
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fictionkinfessions · 10 months ago
something i just relaized is that basically all our fictives have blue/purple hair,, layla, other layla, scaramouche, seele/acheron/sampo/whoever honkai is, haruka,,,,
kuni (#sunflop)
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fictionkinfessions · 11 months ago
for the canon deetz:
childe: favorite food waz raw meat, and liked eating nazty ztuff in front of other people to freak then out, he zaw lyney and lynette az hiz couzinz. he loved having out with pierro becauze pierro waz the only one that could zpeak khanrien and would zpeak about what lif waz really like down there. he had low vizion and he and columbina bonded over that and alzo being gozzipz. he had the power of the abyzz which meant that at the lazt ztatue he prayed to, he would pick up the abilitiez off. alzo he waz down a leg, but he juzt conztantly kept in hiz half foul legacy form to create a hydro/abyss construct that functioned much like a real leg. thiz alzo had the added affect of making him zeem taller and older then he actually waz. punk waz like biologically zixteen but looked like 22.
dottore: would alwayz play really lound muzic in hiz lab, waz a real zoftie for kidz even if he didnt zeem like it. he zaw the fatui az hiz family, with the hearth kidz az hiz neicez and nephewz. he and columbina would zneak off to do expirimentz with eachother, and they liked to dizzect animalz together. he loved fruitz, and would never get mad at me even if i mezzed up hiz expirimentz. i kinda zaw him az a parental figure, but only zlightly.
columbina: the biggezt gozzip, and had pet pidgeonz zhe trained to fly around and annoy people az well az deliver mezzagez. zhe alzo zaw the hearth kidz az her own becauze of her connection to arleccino, and waz the zweet one that would get them giftz and ztuff. zhe waz preatty blind, and zhe and child bonded over it. zhe waz alzo big friendz with zandrone az well az zignora. oh and zhe had a hydro vizion and a geo delution.
zucroze: zhe waz dottorez daughter, relaly nice girl. it waz zo funny watching her interat with normal people and with the fatui family, zhe would go from thiz zazzy girl with few wordz to a ztuttering mezz. zhez actually not that zhy, zhe juzt hatez new people and getz really zcared by them. childe, her, and the hearth kidz all zaw eachother az couizinz. her favorite color waz mint, becuaze her dadz heair was mint, and her favorite flavour waz coffe. zhe loved coffe to an unhealthy amount. zhe liked me, and would try to get me to ztop doing dum thingz. zhe zucceded half the time. i maybe zaw her az a zizter figure.
arleccino: zhe really wanted the hearth kidz to be happy and trained, zo zhe puzhed them. they all knew it waz becauze zhe cared for them, though. zhe adored tea and would judge you if you didnt make tea the right way. zhe waz alwayz cold and liked to uze columbina as a heater. zhe hated dogz, and loved catz a lot more. her catz were viziouce though, they zcarred me for life. zhe alzo lovez cake, but not any other baked good.
zandrone: zhe waz a genuiz and waz the one who made the cathrine dollz, af courze with my input. zhe rezpected all of her creationz, and treated them like people. zhe couldn't walk, but zhe found wayz to work around that az well az making the place more accezible for thoze who came after. zhe loved orangez, az well az thingz like cinnamon.
pantalone: idiot rich guy waz really annoing, but he had heart. he juzt had weird wayz of exprezzing it. zhe really had the mozt terrible handwriting, az well az the bezt accuracy for throwing thingz. it waz almozt a zuperpower, the way that zhe would throw a can and it would nail childe perfectly on the head. he waz a zimp for dottore though. he got threated zooo much by dottorez kid when zhe found aout about the two of them, even though zucroze waz uzually really zweet.
pierro: he waz like that weird dad wrangling the abzolute toddlerz that were ther ezt of teh harbingerz. he really licked tea partiez, and would have them with the tzaritza and pulcinella, az well az with childe. i think that he waz kaeyaz grandpa or zomething, i dont know. he hated zunny dayz, zaid hiz eyez were too zenzative. he knew a bazillion languagez, he would zpeak inazumen to me to imporve hiz zkillz. he waz actually kinda nice. but i would never let him know that, he already haz half the other harbingerz zeeing him az a parental figure, and i alredy have dottore.
zhogun: my beloved zizter. they hated zweetz, aand loved cold thingz. they ended up making a hollow body for ei and zeperating themzelf from her, gainig a cryo vizion on the procezz, az well az cutting their hair, a move they ztole from me. when they were under ei'z thumb, we would zecretly zend letterz to eachother, and we kept in contact. they hated zuper ztrong falvourz, and adored eatcing edible thingz. they were horrible at zocial interaction, and got along well with dottore, zucroze, zandrone, and arleccino, who took them under her wing.
pulcinella: the old zhort guy. zhild looked up to him, but not me lol. he really liked animalz, and would alwayz pet them. zhe waz like a zemi grandparen figure and loved zeeing the kidz at the houzez of the hearth. he was like an empath in that he woudl alwayz know if zomething waz up, and waz almozt like a therapizt type guy. he pierro and tzarizta were the three guardianz of teh group, and they becaume cloze becauze of it.
zignora: her firzt language waz mond, and zhe woudl curze under her breath in it whenever zhe got too mad. zhe waz zoo up to date ith fazionz and the like, zhe would alwayz be wearing the hot new look. girl would not get over her dead huzband, but her and dottore and pantalone had a thing going on, i waznt invloved that much. zhe had a cyro delution, but no vizion. actually i think zhe had an anemo vizion but never uzed it becauze zhe didnt like it. zhe actually had annoying zenzory izzuez. alzo zhe totally lived, juzt took a zecond to regenerate and heal.
capitano: he waz weird, and part liyuen. all the lakeyz adored him, and alwayz tried to be in hiz coumpany. of courze once zomebody waz under a harbinger, they would really get attatched to them. however mr boatguy took it even further, knowing bazically everybody. nobody ever zaw hiz face, but he adored flowerz and could name bazically every zingle flower ever. he played the violin, and waz really good at it. zometime you could catchi him playing out in the garden. him and child had a whole weird cruzh/zparring partnerz thing going on.
tzarizta: zhe waz bazically the bezt leader anybody could azk for. zhe knew uz all intimatly well, and basically evrybody adored her. rightfully zo of courze. zhe made zchneznaya the zafezt place ever, az well az zuper duper accezible. like, if you were dizabled in any way, zcheznaya had your back. zure it may zeem werid, to outziderdz, the culture there, but ti waz ztrong. zhe loved rozez, and would have tea partiez with pierro and pulcinna to drink firewhizky out of dainty cupz and gozzip. zhe had a whole thing with a bunch of other archonz, and yeah zhe waz planning a rebellion. zhe loved evrybodyz talentz, adn woudl collect thingz for them. zhe loved rozez and berriez and thinga that were red (her faveorite color)
zorry about rambling, thiz azk brought up memoriez. i mizz them lmao.
zcaramouche (#sunflop)
For the canon deets:
Childe: favorite food was raw meat, and liked eating nasty stuff in front of other people to freak then out, he saw lyney and lynette as his cousins. he loved having out with pierro because pierro was the only one that could speak khanrien and would speak about what life was really like down there. he had low vision and he and columbina bonded over that and also being gossips. he had the power of the abyss which meant that at the last statue he prayed to, he would pick up the abilities off. also he was down a leg, but he just constantly kept in his half foul legacy form to create a hydro/abyss construct that functioned much like a real leg. this also had the added affect of making him seem taller and older then he actually was. punk was like biologically sixteen but looked like 22.
Dottore: would always play really loud music in his lab, was a real softie for kids even if he didn't seem like it. he saw the fatui as his family, with the hearth kids as his nieces and nephews. he and columbina would sneak off to do experiments with each other, and they liked to dissect animals together. he loved fruits, and would never get mad at me even if i messed up his experiments. i kinda saw him as a parental figure, but only slightly.
Columbina: the biggest gossip, and had pet pigeons she trained to fly around and annoy people as well as deliver messages. she also saw the hearth kids as her own because of her connection to arleccino, and was the sweet one that would get them gifts and stuff. she was pretty blind, and she and child bonded over it. she was also big friends with sandrone as well as signora. oh and she had a hydro vision and a geo dilution.
Sucrose: she was dottores daughter, really nice girl. it was so funny watching her interact with normal people and with the fatui family, she would go from this sassy girl with few words to a stuttering mess. shes actually not that shy, she just hates new people and gets really scared by them. childe, her, and the hearth kids all saw each other as cousins. her favorite color was mint, because her dads hair was mint, and her favorite flavor was coffee. she loved coffee. to an unhealthy amount. she liked me, and would try to get me to stop doing dumb things. she succeeded half the time. i maybe saw her as a sister figure.
Arleccino: she really wanted the hearth kids to be happy and trained, so she pushed them. they all knew it was because she cared for them, though. she adored tea and would judge you if you didn't make tea the right way. she was always cold and liked to use columbina as a heater. she hated dogs, and loved cats a lot more. her cats were vicious though, they scarred me for life. she also loves cake, but not any other baked good.
Sandrone: she was a genius and was the one who made the cathrine dolls, of course with my input. she respected all of her creations, and treated them like people. she couldn't walk, but she found ways to work around that as well as making the place more accessible for those who came after. she loved oranges, as well as things like cinnamon.
Pantalone: idiot rich guy was really annoying, but he had heart. he just had weird ways of expressing it. she really had the most terrible handwriting, as well as the best accuracy for throwing things. it was almost a superpower, the way that she would throw a can and it would nail childe perfectly on the head. he was a simp for dottore though. he got threatened sooo much by dottores kid when she found about about the two of them, even though sucrose was usually really sweet.
Pierro: he was like that weird dad wrangling the absolute toddlers that were the rest of the harbingers. he really licked tea parties, and would have them with the tsaritsa and pulcinella, as well as with childe. i think that he was kaeyas grandpa or something, i don't know. he hated sunny days, said his eyes were too sensitive. he knew a bazillion languages, he would speak inasumen to me to improve his skills. he was actually kinda nice. but i would never let him know that, he already has half the other harbingers seeing him as a parental figure, and i already have dottore.
Shogun: my beloved sister. they hated sweets, and loved cold things. they ended up making a hollow body for ei and separating themselves from her, gaining a cryo vision on the process, as well as cutting their hair, a move they stole from me. when they were under ei's thumb, we would secretly send letters to each other, and we kept in contact. they hated super strong flavors, and adored eating edible things. they were horrible at social interaction, and got along well with dottore, sucrose, sandrone, and arleccino, who took them under her wing.
Pulcinella: the old short guy. shild looked up to him, but not me lol. he really liked animals, and would always pet them. she was like a semi grandparent figure and loved seeing the kids at the houses of the hearth. he was like an empath in that he would always know if something was up, and was almost like a therapist type guy. he pierro and tsarista were the three guardians of the group, and they became close because of it.
Signora: her first language was mond, and she would curse under her breath in it whenever she got too mad. she was soo up to date with fashions and the like, she would always be wearing the hot new look. girl would not get over her dead husband, but her and dottore and pantalone had a thing going on, i wasn't involved that much. she had a cyro delusion, but no vision. actually i think she had an anemo vision but never used it because she didn't like it. she actually had annoying sensory issues. also she totally lived, just took a second to regenerate and heal.
Capitano: he was weird, and part liyuen. all the ladies adored him, and always tried to be in his company. of course once somebody was under a harbinger, they would really get attached to them. however mr boat guy took it even further, knowing basically everybody. nobody ever saw his face, but he adored flowers and could name basically every single flower ever. he played the violin, and was really good at it. sometime you could catch him playing out in the garden. him and child had a whole weird crush/sparring partners thing going on.
Tsarista: she was basically the best leader anybody could ask for. she knew us all intimately well, and basically everybody adored her. rightfully so of course. she made schnesnaya the safest place ever, as well as super duper accessible. like, if you were disabled in any way, schesnaya had your back. sure it may seem weird, to outsiders, the culture there, but ti was strong. she loved roses, and would have tea parties with pierro and pulcinna to drink firewhisky out of dainty cups and gossip. she had a whole thing with a bunch of other archons, and yeah she was planning a rebellion. she loved everybody talents, and would collect things for them. she loved roses and berries and things that were red (her favorite color)
Sorry about rambling, this ask brought up memories. i miss them lmao.
Scaramouche (#sunflop)
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fictionkinfessions · 1 year ago
im kinsidering vklower and. hhhh
like. i put her as my pfp becuase it looked cool. and then i started think "oh, shes so me. im literally her. like, i am her. she is me. i am so vflower." and now im thinking. oh my gosh. i kin her. djlkfswhsgdkj.
im technically plural and we have introjects, but this is my first like. intense kin that ive very kinshifted into. its interesting? kinda overwhelming and weird. because im ment to look like myself and i dont.
also all the over bglower kins are obessed ith appatite of a people pleaser like oh my gosh im in sooo many songs!! why that one in particular!!
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fictionkinfessions · 1 year ago
i miss my everyone!!! tub, i love you so so so much /p. ranboo & ender & oobnar & allie & everybody else; you're so silly -- hang in there, man. puffy -- thanks for raising me; you wre a great father. dream, you were my brother, and now your locked in a cell. drista, you're pranks are missed. foolish -- congradulations, and i know we're not super close, but im glad ur alive. phil, thanks for trying. techno -- you're getting close. willbur; are you sure that You aren't the innter??? you are So obsessed with him.
theseus, dsmp au.
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fictionkinfessions · 1 year ago
Orchids Are Sprouting From the Floorboards and My Father's Accent by Kaveh Akbar, Accident Report in the Tall, Tall Weeds by Ada Limón, and (Requiem) At My Funeral There Will Be No Flowers by zeeskeit.
if books count then I Love You But I've Chosen Darkness by Clair Vaye Watkins, On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous by Oceon Vuong, Echo Maker by Richard Powers and Pearl by Siân Hughes.
they're all very tragic, and kinda surreal, and beautiful, and flowery, and metaphoric. i like then becuase that's was both of my canons were kinda like.
-- a semi canon kunkuzushi fictive
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fictionkinfessions · 1 year ago
for canon voices;
i was very surprised heaving my voice being used well in a song. to me right now at least, i sound a lot like vflower— deeper then other me.
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fictionkinfessions · 10 months ago
that feeling when you know your from a specific source but you dont know who you are,,, like i enjoy the names seele, bronya, and march, but the way acheron looks resonates and being stelle/trailblaizer would also fit and sampo is so me and-- im just going by honkai for now.
honkai (#sunflop) (also i realised weve accidentally been using tthree tags, so sorry about that we forgot the order)
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fictionkinfessions · 1 month ago
well, K would want his vision, delusion, and other innate abilities, same with ophelia, i would also like that, and andrew would want a sword (genshin, scaramouche, furina, layla, and other layla respectively). Orion would want his train compartment (hsr, stelle), and Chibiko would like her ribbons/headband (miku). And valence would like his outfit (vflower)
layla, #sunflop
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fictionkinfessions · 9 months ago
For the LGBT canons - I (stelle), was polyam and bi. I was also just. Gender non conforming. Me, March, and Dan Heng were in a commited but open reltionship -- we were always dating eachother, but were also open to dating or doing stuff with other people, as long as we cleared it with the polycule first. March was a tran girl, and bi. Dan Heng was actually born female but he was really butch and really did not care; was likely on what we would now call the aro/ace spectrum. Welt was bi, I think? Sampo was the first person who we added to the polycule - he was nonbinary and queer and was dating Gepard, who was trans and gay. Me and Sampo were QPRs/partners - more then friends but not lovers. March and him got along well, but Dan Heng often didnt interact. The next person we added was Sushang, who was lesbien and went on cute dates with us. We wer't dating her, and she didn't want that, but we went on dates to practire and have fun. Dan Heng would test out dates with her, and they became close friends. March just liked hanging out with her, and I saw her as a really sweet induvidual. The next person that was added was Ruan Mei was aroallo, and me and her were basically married but nonromantically -- she actually had us married in Herta's records, and we were coparents to the critters together. Me and firefly went on a date togetether but... we all know how that ended.
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fictionkinfessions · 9 months ago
well, scaramouche was what humans would consider to be transmasculine in its canon -- its anatomy is fundementally different from humans, but it has taken steps to look more masculine becuase thatś how it prefers to be perceived. he is uninterested sex, and only only feels romantic desire to those he is close to -- those people have been of both genders. it is what you would call asexual demiromantic bi.
as for me, i don fit into the gender binary, and i use she/they pronouns. iḿ aslo asexual, and likly straight. andrew, known in that world as nigh layla, was transmasculine, and aromantic.
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fictionkinfessions · 1 year ago
i miss my sister, sometimes. she's annoying, but i miss her. now i'm the older sibling. ven is super duper nice, though.
-- shiho
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fictionkinfessions · 1 year ago
for the cloths ask, i just discovered that the sound of cleats on concrete sounds super similar to the way my talons should!
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