arlaischan · 1 year
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Andi: *Thank goodness! The station is gone, I hope the doctor got away… but I’m free! Free! Now where to go? I guess look for a nice green world… a paradise… quiet and hidden…Wish me luck and farewell… * This is where things stop For Andi… We pick up with Taliesin tomorrow:) #questcalendar2023 #bjd #luts #lutsdoll #lutsdollbjd #2023 #Taliesin2023 #Taliesind&d @sundialgamesllc #dice #jan15 #jan14 dicebound #pennybjd #cheapbjd #sundialgames #sundialgamesllc #rememt https://www.instagram.com/p/Cnha7U6L8i2/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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arlaischan · 1 year
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Andi: *Fuck this is scary! I just want to get out of here! Shit! The station is on fire! I hope the doctor is ok! **white noise.*”The ship got hit once… I guess I’m better at flying the I thought!* #questcalendar2023 #bjd #luts #lutsdoll #lutsdollbjd #2023 #Taliesin2023 #Taliesind&d @sundialgamesllc #dice #jan16 dicebound #pennybjd #cheapbjd #sundialgames #sundialgamesllc #rement https://www.instagram.com/p/Cnhal65r1h2/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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arlaischan · 1 year
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Andi: *I really don’t want to hurt others… I really don’t but I have no choice…two ships aim for me soon as I leave the dock and the station.. i hope they were not.. living.. as I quickly took them both out since as they turned.. I saw their weak points. I need to get out of here and away from this craziness.* #questcalendar2023 #bjd #luts #lutsdoll #lutsdollbjd #2023 #Taliesin2023 #Taliesind&d @sundialgamesllc #dice #jan15 #jan14 dicebound #pennybjd #cheapbjd #sundialgames #sundialgamesllc #rememt https://www.instagram.com/p/CnZqw7orLYH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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arlaischan · 1 year
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Andi: *I guess I was not as safe as I thought… the Doctor and that scumbag turn up..just as the ship is released from the holding claps. That Jerk Ankoor even fires on my ship!!! As he notices the weapon does nothing, he starts yelling at the doctor!* #questcalendar2023 #bjd #luts #lutsdoll #lutsdollbjd #2023 #Taliesin2023 #Taliesind&d @sundialgamesllc #dice #jan13 dicebound #pennybjd #cheapbjd https://www.instagram.com/p/CnXroocy5BD/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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arlaischan · 1 year
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Andi: *I open the panel and with the key have no issues get on to the ship… I also downloaded how the ship works into my system. Outside is clearly dangerous, explains why they were not focused on finding me as they should have been and why they aren’t giving chase really.. out into space I go!* #questcalendar2023 #bjd #luts #lutsdoll #lutsdollbjd #2023 #Taliesin2023 #Taliesind&d @sundialgamesllc #dice #jan12 #dicebound #pennybjd #cheapbjd https://www.instagram.com/p/CnXrD8ay-xp/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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arlaischan · 1 year
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Andi: *Finally to the hanger area… I have managed to take a more human shape I hope this makes me less… threading..the first room I run into a guard that fires on me as I leave.. they hit me… but luckily do not follow. I run into a security bot but my new human look, it does not see me as a threat.. fuck! A trap! I bare the pain as I hurry though, taking only a bit of damage.. interesting…. I’m bleeding? I go into the next room but the guard has there back to me and I leave before they notice me… thank goodness the next room has a ship… I quickly get on..* #questcalendar2023 #bjd #luts #lutsdoll #lutsdollbjd #2023 #Taliesin2023 #Taliesind&d @sundialgamesllc #dice #jan11 #dicebound #pennybjd #cheapbjd https://www.instagram.com/p/CnXqa8nyTWW/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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arlaischan · 1 year
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#questcalendar2023 #bjd #luts #lutsdoll #lutsdollbjd #2023 #Taliesin2023 #Taliesind&d @sundialgamesllc #dice #jan1 #jan2 #jan3 #jan4 First 4 days of the void-spark chronicles. Swarm/Andi:*I am awakened and things are different. One of my main caretakers tells me to escape, leaving a purple key outside my contaminant unit.i try the passcode but fail twice… before I just break the glass quiet successfully, to the point I feel stronger.* https://www.instagram.com/p/CnAOGk2u7Gf/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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