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najaamplee · 8 months ago
WHY! I Have Something To Tell You! And ... @NajaamPLee
🌞💫New Post! 💖We wrapped up MAY 2024 and why is time jumping timelines??? 👀 Check out today's reading here:
#sundayupdate #why #insights #newwebsite #najaamlee #bodypain #newdesign #spiritual #spirituallifecoach #intuitivetarotreading #positiveselftalk
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ericleo108 · 1 year ago
July 20th 2023 Sunday Update, posted on time to tumblr.
We’re on August's second release
This is a sunday Update video I put on Tiktok every sunday.
I was posting the twitter sunday update but tumblr changed it’s look so I tried posting the YouTube longform sunday update but I don’t want to repeat videos on my timeline and Instagram doesn’t post well so this is the Sunday Update on Tiktok. I'll post them on weeks I release music
Visit EricLeo.org.
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johnnoirsmith · 4 years ago
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🎉Sunday Update!!🎉 *
"Uncoollaughlaugh" was FINALLY released this week! 😁 and what better way to celebrate it than by visiting the lovely @talormade (as pictured)? 🙊 25 minutes of delicious ukulele music. Perfect to start your mornings, end your evenings, and anything in between 😊 And by 10 o'clock IN THE MORNING it had already 100 streams! 😱🤯 and then 200 by Thursday, and yesterday we hit 300 streams on the album already!!! CRAZY!!! * And speaking of Thursday: I got an "Fans also like" section on my Spotify page on Thursday evening!!!! 😁 it has been a goal of mine for a long time now, and I finally got one! 😁 so far the only band mentioned is the wonderful @skovveien, and I do not mind in the least being associated with them 😊 * I think those two huge news are it for this week. And I'd like to use this opportunity to give a big THANK YOU!!!! to EVERY one of you and all your amazing feedback on the album, and how extremely well it was received!!!! 😁 it really made my week, and I cannot express how much I appreciate it 😍🥰 I hope you've all had a nice week, and that you liked how "Uncoollaughlaugh" was when it finally dropped 😊 * * * #SundayUpdate #JohnNoirSmith #Uncoollaughlaugh #FansAlsoLike #Spotify #SpotifyForArtists #Ukulele #UkuleleAlbum #UkuleleMusic #SpotifyStreams #MusicStreams #Streams #Skovveien #Talormade #TalorsDonuts #Donuts (ved Talormade Oslo) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEhdi5xJfjX/?igshid=1mewfk940mo8r
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Sunday Update
Working on currently:
- assets for Untitled Game Two! - modeling modeling modeling - learning how GIMP operates - Checking out 123DCatch
So I had a brief break while I went to Dallas to visit a friend and we had critiques, so haven't had too much to add until this week.  We're starting game two, which will be a VR design project. The project I’m planning is very personal, if I can accomplish it.  
Here at OSU, an incident happened several months ago where a student drove his car into the side of one of our campus buildings.  After exiting the vehicle he used a knife to stab several people before being fatally shot.  This incident occurred outside the lab I work in here on campus.  I was told to flee, and did so.  However, when I reached my car, I heard sirens, screaming, and an officer on a megaphone telling everyone to hide.  I got into the floor of the backseat of my car, covered myself with a coat and a blanket I keep in the trunk for emergencies, and waited.  And waited, and waited.  I spent a total of two hours in the back of my car, afraid to move a muscle.  I could only see small slivers of window from this position in the car, so I was almost completely cut off from view.  What I did have to gauge the scene unfolding outside my car were the sounds I heard, and my cell phone. 
Messages from friends and family filled the tiny screen as I peered at it from under the blanket.  At first it was concern over whether or not I had been injured by the crash or the attacker.  Their fears were at first relieved when they learned I was in the parking garage, but that was quickly replaced with horror as the campus alert system warned everyone away from the very garage I was hiding in. It was believed that there was a suspect hiding in the garage somewhere and they were believed to be armed in some way.
Eerie silence surrounded me most of the time, but when it was broken it was punctured by a disturbing soundscape. Quick shuffling footsteps, car alarms, orders being shouted, helicopters flying somewhere above, and host of indistinguishable noises would pierce the constant hum of my racing heartbeat.  At one point I felt something bump the rear of my car, very low near the bumper. I tried my best to slow my breathing as much as I could so that if someone was hiding under my vehicle they would hopefully be unable to hear me.
Finally I started to receive word on my phone that it was believed that the parking garage was safe. They said no one was inside.  But I knew I was inside and no one had found me.  Maybe the police had missed a gunman too.  Eventually I worked up the nerve to call the campus police and in as low and quiet a voice as I could use I explained to them where I was.  Armed officers with police dogs were sent to find me, and just before I was pulled from the car I heard a thud against the door next to my head.  when I turned, all I could see was the end of a large gun.  It was a SWAT officer, but for just a moment I thought I was truly dying the next second.
So it looks like I’ll be making a light-hearted VR experience.
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rhazel-cascante · 8 years ago
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Yes finally I got time to start blogging again. It's been ages since my last update. Mostly are just photos I shared from my Instagram and reblogs here and there. Medyo tamad. Anyway, I promised myself to post regulary for this year, and that's one of my resolutions. Sana matupad. It's not too late for a sunday update right? Pahabol lang before I end the day. By the way, that is the most decent photo I took for today haha! My dad driving.. I don't know why I took it. I always take random photos everywhere. Haha! So here's the recap for today. •Woke up at 8 (that's very late for me) Supposedly, 5:30 ish kasi me and my sister are planning to play volleyball pero tinamad. •went to church at 10:30 •lunch with family at glorietta. •home, did the laundry •dinner with boyfie around 6:30 na. Got home late. Nothing much. So yun. I end the blog here. Sobrang iksi lang. haha!
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dr-munaroe · 3 years ago
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the Lord is good, He is our Shepherd and we are His Sheep #HappySunday #SundayUpdates #DrMunaroe (at Plumstead, Western Cape, South Africa) https://www.instagram.com/p/CYg2H03sCg2/?utm_medium=tumblr
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caribelmonte-blog · 7 years ago
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And is #sunday .. I hope you all had a great and productive weekend. . . i wanted to use this #sundayupdates to give a shoutout on three amazing accounts I saw hustle all through the week! CHECK THEM OUT! @shamelessbysteph @sabrinarupprechtart and @plantchics - They all have different things to offer. . . Also I wanted to use my account to bring awareness to the tough time that my country #Venezuela is going through. #venezuelafuerte #venezolanosenelexterior #venezuelalucha . . And finally I’m bringing more things to the table... counting the DAYS. . . #hustle #consistency #believe #behindthescenes #venezuela #womeninbusiness #womenempowerment #bloggerstyle #mindfulness #locallove (at South Beach, Miami)
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newlifenc-blog · 6 years ago
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Due to the hurricane weather forecast, church is cancelled for this morning, 9/16. Have a safe and blessed weekend. www.newlifenc.com
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iolaele · 7 years ago
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/ e t h o s 〰 🌱 . . . #twitterquotes #mytwitterfeed #sundayupdate #twitterweek #sustainableliving #sustainability #sustainablelifestyle #statementstyle #sundayrunday #mystyle #sundayvibes #greenliving #januaryissue #januarybaby
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ericleo108 · 2 years ago
July 16th 2023 Sunday Update, posted on time to tumblr.
We're still on July's 1st release
This is a sunday Update video I put on Tiktok every sunday.
I was posting the twitter sunday update but tumblr changed it’s look so I tried posting the YouTube longform sunday update but I don't want to repeat videos on my timeline and Instagram doesn't post well so this is the Sunday Update on Tiktok.
Visit EricLeo.org.
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ginawesome-blog · 7 years ago
Mandag var en av de verste dagene så langt. Ingenting skjedde på jobb, eg var trøtt og sliten og alt gjekk virkelig imot meg! Når du bare sitter ved en pult og føler du kaster bort tiden din begynner du å sette spørsmål med heile opplegget. Whyyyyyy har eg satt mitt eget liv på vent i et heilt år, der eg bare blir svakere i egen sport, for å jobbe som frivillig og så blir eg ikkje brukt? Tirsdag var hakket bedre, med ein tur til Adastra school, som er den mest proffe og fine skulen eg har sett her. Me møtte rektor og avtalte tider for GOAL session. På ettermiddagen var det en tur ut på AirPort school der me hadde den første session, noe som var veldig utfordrende og spennende. Har heldigvis med meg folk som snakker lokalspråket og som gjør det lettere for meg. På en annen side blir det litt for lett, for eg stiller meg litt på sidelinja og lar de prate. Onsdag var plutselig tidenes arbeidsdag! Om morningen kjørte me ut på ein ground og bare fant masse kids som ikkje gjekk på skule så tidlig på dag og så spelte me fotball og volleyball i nesten to timer! Garantert det gøyeste eg har gjort så langt. Etter dette sneik eg meg på trening, før me tok turen ut på Kamunza school for deirans første GOALsession, som eg la ut litt bilder fra. Heile dagen gjekk knirkefritt, eg hadde nok energi og ingen var ekstremt ubrukelig. Suksess! Torsdag var teachers day, noe som gjor at ingen skuler var åpne. Så me reiste ut igjen på ein ground og spelte litt fotball med randoms. Fikk beskjed tidligere i veka at eg måtte komme til Lusaka søndag 8. Oktober for ein workshop. Bestemte meg for å reise fredag, for å henge litt med Cynthia. Begynte dagen med ei treningsøkt, før eg skulle ta bussen kl 12. Bussen kom seff ikkje før 13:30, noe som gjør at eg lærte at du aldri kjøpe billett på forhånd, men vente til du ser ein buss kjøre inn og så kjøpe for det selskapet. Mens eg sitter på bussen får eg melding fra ei av de andre frivillige om a ho har fått beskjed om å videreformidle at alle er forventa å møte opp på ein sport event heile lørdag. Eg klikke. Får beskjed kl 17 dagen før om obligatorisk oppmøte. Skjer ikkje. Eg sender melding og skriver at eg ikkje kommer siden de gir beskjed så seint, så får me se ka som skjer. Turen tok seks timer, så med andre ord var eg ikkje framme i Lusaka før det var mørkt. Stress! Fant ein taxi som såg oppegående ut, men så feil kan ein ta. Første som skjer er at me skal stoppe og fylle bensin, så dør batteriet på bilen. Der står me i 20 minutt før han får den gang. Så kjøre me ein anna plass for han skal fylle der. SÅ DØR DEN IGJEN! Eg sverge eg har ikkje vært så oppgitt på lenge. Etter å ha styrt på i nesten ein time, der eg har prøvd å sei at eg skal finne ein anna taxi, storme eg ut av taxien og plassere meg på nærmeste matplass i håp om at noen andre hente meg. Heldigvis blei kvelden mye bedre etter Cynthia henta meg og me gjekk ut for å feire forlovelsen til ei venninne av ho. Lørdag var det tid for kraftig solbrenthet og chill ved bassenget. Kjente at eg angra på at eg nekta å være ned på arrangementet på pur trass, men var digg med alenetid. Og det var visst ikkje brukt for oss uansett. Kvelden gjekk med til å se på landskamp, kvalifisering til NV! Dessverre blei det tap og dårlig stemning. Søndag var det tid for workshop, noe som viste seg å være veldig nyttig. Her fekk eg fortalt om utfordringene mine på jobb og følte virkelig at eg blei hørt. Satser på litt endringer fra organisasjonen framover, men fekk og kjenne på at eg må ta meir tak sjøl og kreve at noe skjer. Rett og slett ta enda meir initiativ og fortelle ka eg føler. OG SÅ FEKK ME HOTELLFROKOST😍😍 for meg som ikkje har følt meg mett siden krigen var det heilt fantastisk! Alt i alt ei overraskende fin helg etter ei turbulent veke med mye følelser. Snakkes💛
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1.29 Sunday Update
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Just trying to get everything organized for this first project! 
Currently working on:
  - Timeline for remaining game parts
  - Textures and materials 
  - Not ripping my hair out at my lack of skills 
It always helps me with other projects to outline everything before I start, so now that I really need to start making this into a working game I’m going to try the same approach.  This way I know what I’ve worked on and what still needs completed when trying to plan my time out for working on all the components of the game.  It also serves to keep me on task for making the game actually do what it’s supposed to do and look the way I intend it to.  I also sort of get easily overwhelmed when taking on a large project so breaking it into multiple pieces and tackling it a bit at a time keeps me from trying to scurry from one part to another without actually getting anything done.
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jenningscouch-blog · 8 years ago
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4 DAYS TO GO! We are playing a FREE ENTRY show at the Bedford in Balham on Thursday, Londoners ! Let's have some fun... 
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rhazel-cascante · 8 years ago
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•Mass with the family •Lunch @ Max's •Choirs as we get home. Feeling super tired right now. P.S. Coldest temp EVER today. Baguio - 11.5 C Quezon City - 19 C
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hubcitylandscaping · 6 years ago
Sunday Update 4/11/2018 buying new vincas and fertilizing roses
#vincaplant #sadabahar #Roseplant #Sundayupdate
from Hub City Landscaping Blog https://blog.hubcitylandscaping.com/2018/11/05/sunday-update-4-11-2018-buying-new-vincas-and-fertilizing-roses/
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caribelmonte-blog · 7 years ago
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#latepost . . Yes this is #sundayupdates #sundayvibes . . So here we go: For tomorrow and for those that will read this on Monday (for today)- Will have: 💯 Episode 12 of #cblifetravels with @moda_mimi - una mujer emprendedora, exitosa y recién ganadora de un #teclaaward ☝️ . . 💯More tracks to the podcasts will be uploaded this week . . 💯 A new addition to #cblifetravels . #contentcreator #goals #hispanics #healthylifestyle #hustle #believe #blogger #lifestyleblog #runnersofinstagram #womenempowerment #workoutmotivation #surpriseyourself #sundayfunday (at South Beach, Miami)
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