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news-blog2 · 3 months ago
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news-blog2 · 3 months ago
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adayinbookland · 5 years ago
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Dec 15th, 2019 || mini-reviews. I got through some books this week. There is a bit of everything this week. Let’s go through worst to best. . 🗽The good fairies of new york by Martin Millar. This was a dnf; I got to page 21 and I read such an awful passage that I was like nope nope nope. Also, the writing style was so bad it wasn’t worth it . 🐳 Deeplight by Frances Hardinge. The premise of this one was amazing but sadly, I didn’t like the execution. I struggled throughout to keep my mind focused on the story and I also didn’t connect with any of the characters which in the end was a massive problem for me because it prevented me from fully engaging with the narrative. The writing was good and there were some moments I enjoyed but as a whole, this didn’t work for me (4/10). Maybe this one wasn’t the right one to start reading Hardinge so if you have any recommendations, feel free to let me know. . 🇻🇳 The best we could do by Thi Bui. This is an illustrated memoir of the struggle of a family to come to America due to what was happening in Vietnam. This graphic novel is amazing; it explores identity and trauma, parenthood and sacrifice. It is such a worthy read (9/10). . 🌹 A curse so dark and lonely by Brigid Kemmerer. Picked this up because I needed some form of escapism and I got exactly that. Read it in two days, was hooked from the very beginning. It is flawed though and I guessed the big twist but all in all I had a lot of fun reading it. One thing I wanna say though, and it’s not just about this novel, but YA as a whole is that authors need to get their lengths of time right…. I mean, the amount of stuff these characters achieved in two days alone I wouldn’t have done in a week. It is not realistic (7/10). . What have you read this week? Hope you have an awesome sunday? ❄️ • • #thegoodfairiesofnewyork #deeplight #thebestwecoulddo #acursesodarkandlonely #fantasybook #yalit #stackofbooks #bookstacks #readingupdate #recentreads #sundaybooks #adayinbooklandreviews #graphicnovels #graphicmemoir https://www.instagram.com/p/B6Fu04SIa6J/?igshid=1ksdh89fyfy9q
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adayinbookland · 5 years ago
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Jan 19th, 2020 || my week in books 📚 . 🌿sadly dnfed now we shall be entirely free. I wanted to like it because it was a christmas gift but after pushing myself at to page 219, i had to stop. it’s not only that i didn’t like the writing style, but i also didn’t care about the characters and the story the author wanted to tell. . ��finished i’m afraid of men and wow. a lot is packed into this 80-pages long little book. loved how raw and honest Vivek Shraya was. . 🌿picked up the starless sea again after putting it down for a few weeks. i’m still not sure how i feel about it though... the writing is beautiful but the story feels lacking to me. . 🌿finally, last night, i decided to start rereading the diviners. i read it first 6 years ago (the hell?!) and wasn’t blown away by it like most people seemed to be but i’m intrigued about the rest of the series and everybody agrees the story gets better... so i’m gonna give it another shot. . this weekend i haven’t done much reading because i’ve been devouring season 2 of sex education (finished it half an hour ago and i’m angry 😂). hope you had an awesome day and come and tell me how was your bookish week down below 😊 • • • #readingupdate #sundaybooks #booksandcoffee #thestarlesssea #thediviners #nowweshallbeentirelyfree #imafraidofmen #fantasybook #fantasybookseries #historicalfiction #nonfiction #queerreads #lovereadingbooks https://www.instagram.com/p/B7gkKYiIOrT/?igshid=d2myw7e6bqo8
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adayinbookland · 5 years ago
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Feb 16th, 2020 || my week in books 📚 . 🌿finished two books: 🍃the girl who speaks bear which was a fun middle-grade novel influenced by russian folklore, and... 🍃la canción de Salomón (song of solomon) which was my second time reading Morrison and oh my god, what a novel. . 🌿i’m also in the middle of three other books (shown in the pic) but enjoying all and i also decided to continue my reread of PJ and picked up sea of monsters. . i hope you all had a great weekend ❤️ • • • #songofsolomon #lacancióndesalomón #thegirlwhospeaksbear #headsofthecoloredpeople #fightofthecentury #theshadowking #literaryfiction #middlegradefiction #childrensbook #sundaybooks #myweekinbooks #februarybooks #likesforlikes #like4likes https://www.instagram.com/p/B8oqshvIVGQ/?igshid=qdrid2hygjrf
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adayinbookland · 5 years ago
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Sept 29th, 2019 || current tbr 📚 . 🌻El clamor de los bosques. Been reading this for a while but slowly, so that I can take in everything this book has to offer. 🌻Serpent & Dove. One of my most anticipated YA books of the year. Haven’t read much (60 pages) but it’s interesting and fast-paced. 🌻The Prisoner of Azkaban. I have started rereading the HP series and it’s time for the third installment. It’s not a priority read so i’ll read it whenever. 🌻Girl, Woman, Other. Been meaning to read this one for months.... the booker is gonna be announced soon and i wish i could’ve read it by then but considering my reading moods lately it ain’t gonna happen 😔🤷🏻‍♀️ . I hope you’re having an awesome sunday! 🌿 • • • • #girlwomanother #elclamordelosbosques #serpentanddove #harrypotterandtheprisonerofazkaban #yalit #literaryfiction #fantasybook #fantasybooks #readingpile #currentreads #ilovebooks #sundaybooks https://www.instagram.com/p/B2_YXl8gavz/?igshid=iulldvpfk7xe
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adayinbookland · 5 years ago
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Jan 26th, 2020 || my week in books 📚 . 🌿finished two books: i’m afraid of men & ghachar ghochar and enjoyed both of them. you can read my thoughts on my previous post. . 🌿i’m currently in the middle of four books. yes, four books: 🍃i’m almost done with the starless sea and i’m sadly not very impressed with it; it’s not working for me at all but i’ll elaborate more my thoughts once i finish it. 🍃i’ve also started the familiars and lovely war - the latter picked my interest after watching jennifer @ insert literary pun here favourite books of 2019 video. it’s a historical romance novel which it’s not something i gravitate towards anymore but this story is told by aphrodite and i’m already loving it. 🍃lastly, i’m making slow but steady progress with the diviners. it’s my ‘before going to sleep’ read and i’m enjoying it a lot more than i did the first time i read it so that’s good. . what about you? hope you had a great week, i’m currently going back home from a day out in madrid and i just want to curl in my bed and sleep 🤣 • • • #readingupdate #sundaybooks #januaryreads #thefamiliars #thestarlesssea #lovelywar #generalfiction #yaliterature #historicalfiction #witchybooks #booksandblankets #ilovereadingbooks https://www.instagram.com/p/B7ylzg4om42/?igshid=1nteslb5999s0
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adayinbookland · 5 years ago
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Nov 24th, 2019 || this is my tbr attempt for the rest of the year. i already know i won’t get to all of these and i also forgot to include A Gathering of Shadows and Wundersmith but at least these titles are the ones i’m gonna focus on. . Do you have any books you wanna reas before we say goodbye to 2019? 🌻 • • • #literaryfiction #yaliterature #nonfiction #fantasybook #thesecretcommonwealth #thestarlesssea #themadship #thecollectedschizophrenias #thedragonbonechair #mydarkvanessa #frankissstein #lavozdeamunet #kingdomofsouls #bookstacks #stackofbooks #sundaybooks https://www.instagram.com/p/B5PvehNoW_f/?igshid=pp5w8nlapke5
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adayinbookland · 6 years ago
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July 7th, 2019 || I’m determined to finish this today. I have 150 pages left but it’s either powering through them or putting the book down. This is one of those strange examples where I can’t really gather my thoughts and opinons on a novel. I’m not hating it but I’m not sure I’m enjoying it either; I think my issue is the writing style... maybe something got lost in translation but it feels as if I’m reading a disjointed story. . Anyone else has read this and feels the same way? Maybe it’s the English translation? • • • #currentlyreading #currentread #awinterspromise #translatedfiction #sundaybooks #frenchliterature #yafiction #fantasyreads #foyles #bookstagramespaña (en Foyles Bookshop) https://www.instagram.com/p/BznNpt7ojLE/?igshid=fu68xmvkcdc6
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adayinbookland · 5 years ago
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🌻BOOKISH THOUGHTS🌻 The Little Stranger by Sarah Waters. . I have mixed feelings about this. I loved the setting but the pacing was off for me. It took too long to set off and once you think it does, it goes to its slow-pacing again and for me it lost its momentum and I found myself not interested midway through. Thankfully it picked up again and I was in for a ride. . As I said, what I love the most was the setting and the gothic atmosphere Waters created. The entire story is written in a very subtle way, even the answers given - blink and you miss it kinda of way. It such a pity that although I cared for the characters, I didn't fully connect with them. Like, I felt sorry for them but at the same time.... I didn’t? It’s a weird thing to explain. I did feel sorry for Gyp though… . However, the issues Waters discussed and how she did it was spot on. I love the commentary on class and its decadency in post-war England but also the frustration of those who try to raise above their status; and despite being respectable people in society they are never seen as anything other than their class. Repression also plays a massive role in this novel. . Rating: 7/10 . This was my first Sarah Waters and I won’t be my last. I own Tipping the Velvet and Fingersmith, and since everybody says the latter is her masterpiece I’ll save it for last. . I hope you’re having a great Sunday! What are you currently reading? 🍂 • • • #adayinbooklandreviews #sarahwaters #thelittlestranger #literaryfiction #historicalfiction #femaleauthors #booksandglasses #fortheloveofbooks #fortheloveofreading #sundaybooks #bookreviewers https://www.instagram.com/p/B4ZnTNsoAPN/?igshid=1mq5h3d4xm5y2
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words-and-ghosts · 2 years ago
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🌌 . . . #bookish #books #bookworm #bookstagram #bibliophile #heaven #cozy #cozyread #sundaymorning #sundaybooks #bookrecommendations #bookreview #bookrecs #reading #currentread #booksandcoffee #nails #bookishcontent #content #bookstagrammer #bookstagramespaña #booktok #booksbooksbooks (at Madrid, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cnblcxltsks/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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the-page-ladies · 4 years ago
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Happy father's day everyone! I hope everyone is enjoying their day. I made ribs corn sweet potatoes and apple pie! In between I've been reading the The Damage by @caitlinwahrer I started it this morning and I'm a little more then halfway through. So saying its good may be an understatement! What about you? What have you read this weekend? #fathersdayreading #ebook #mysterybooks #thrillerbook #thedamagebook #read #sundaybooks #bookstagram #dinnerandbook #loveofbooks📚 #greatbook (at Cleveland, Ohio) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQW9zcajkVh/?utm_medium=tumblr
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feel-the-book · 4 years ago
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Buona domenica #Feelers Oggi vi diamo il buongiorno così, con questo splendido libro di @silvia_avallone 📚 “Ci sono forze invincibili. Forze molto più irreparabili.” Non era corretto, dal punto di vista semantico. Non esistevano cose più irreparabili di altre. L’irreparabile non si ripara, punto e basta. Ma era anche giusto, dal punto di vista della vita. Perché esistevano sul serio cose così rotte, così impossibili da aggiustare, che era come morire.” 📚 Avete letto qualche altro titolo di questa bravissima autrice? 📚 #FTB #FeelTheBook #SilviaAvallone #Rizzoli #dadovelavitaèperfetta #libridiinstagram #letture #autoriitaliani #libridaleggere #librimania #sundaybooks #reading #sundayreading #letture #letturedomenicali #booksofig #bookpower #instaquote #weekendreads #librisulibri #libridaleggere #librimania #librichepassione #bookaddict #bookstagram #lettori https://www.instagram.com/p/CQVhrhUnNW7/?utm_medium=tumblr
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karanscottcoaching · 4 years ago
This is what can become of the brokenhearted 💕 Available on Amazon & Kindle now: https://amzn.to/2Y4sC0s (link in bio) #sundaybooks #sundaybook_challenge #sundaybook #sundaybookclub #sundaybookreview #sundaybookmarket #toorelievedtogrieve #thealternativeheartbreakhandbook #karanscott #karanscottauthor #memoir #truestory #reallifeevents #availableonamazon #kindlebooks #kindlebooks #heartbroken #breakupbooks #breakupadvice #divorcerecovery #divorcecoaching #karanscottcoaching #karanscottnlpperformancecoach https://www.instagram.com/p/CPfZNaVp6nK/?utm_medium=tumblr
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hross42877 · 4 years ago
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My #sundaystack also known as Welcome to Night Vale corner!⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ #read #bookcommunity #sundayreading #nightvale #shelfie #sundaybooks #goodreads #shelfielicious #igreads #welcometonightvale #bookshelf #bookworm #wtnv #readersofinstagram #bibliophile #sundaystack #shelfiedecor #booksbooksbooks #bookaddict #booksofinstagram #booknerd #bookphotography #sundayvibes #bookaholic #instabook #bookstagrammer #bookish #bookstagram #booklove via @hashtagexpert https://www.instagram.com/p/CMZlB88g7-n/?igshid=1cnqcvv0b153t
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feel-the-book · 4 years ago
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Vi auguro una splendida domenica #Feelers In compagnia di un buon libro o di un buon amico. 📚 "Ti dirò una cosa che so." La signora Cauley si sporge e gli tocca un braccio. "Le persone che abbiamo perso, tornano da noi al momento opportuno." 📚 #FTB #FeelTheBook #sundaybookclub #lasciadirealleombre #JessKidd #sundaybooks #reading #sundayreading #letture #letturedomenicali #booksofig #bookpower #instaquote #weekendreads #librisulibri #libridaleggere #librimania #librichepassione #bookaddict #bookstagram #libribompiani #bookstagrammer #bookphotography #booklove https://www.instagram.com/p/CL1YXOvHgIY/?igshid=u9u0pzlilbci
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