#sun divider by sweetmelodygraphics
heartofbalemoon · 8 days
🎀📷🫏 inti!!
aah thank you for the ask!! sorry i havent got to them;; been saving for the right time ;w;
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🎀 Do any canon characters- excluding your F/O(s)-  have crushes on your OC?
hmmm... i'd like to think that over the years of being a x-time champion of the pilgrimage (aka. the pilgrimage of the return of the sacred flame), she has a pretty sizable following of fans mostly of women-
inti does acknowledge them and thank them for their ongoing support, her heart remains with her childhood friend/sweetheart - aka a certain sealgirl from the people of the springs-
📷 What are some images that sum up your OC's aesthetic?
here's a moodboard i think fits inti..!
lots of sun/gold themed elements (especially given connection to her namesake), the flower-feather clan symbol (her tribe), a macuahuitl (a wooden club with obisidian blades that i can imagine working as her signature weapon?) and the andean condor (since those are said to be messengers of her namesake plus it fits her tribe's affinity for high places, her constellation & the exploration portion of her kit where she has glowing golden wings that help her glide across long distances fast!)
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🫏 What are the silliest three facts you can share about your OC?
1. inti has a soft spot for the young saurians (especially koholsaurs and qucusaurs!) and would play little games with them akin to how humans play with doggos!!
2. inti tends to take monthly prescribed nutritional plans from iansan in anticipation for the yearly pilgrimage tournament - mostly a lot of high protein content that usually the collective of plenty tribe consume! her favorite is mualani's cooking though.. 💕
3. inti can usually withstand the hottest temperatures natlan can offer, with the warmth absorbing into her skin naturally! but if the temperatures grow drastically cold (say as cold as dragonspine?), she'd either find herself shivering (trying to hide it but ends up nuzzling into mualani's arms) or hibernating/sleeping it off until the temperature returns to normal!
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moonchild033 · 1 month
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About Myself and The Blog
Manual Drawing of Divisional Charts: A Beginner's Guide
Random Astro Observations
Astro Observations -2
Astro Observations -3
Astro Observations-4
Astro Observations-5
Vedic Placements and Evil Eyes
D6 Chart: Dissection of 6H
Few Indicators of Past Life Partners in Birth Chart
Indicators of Having Twin Babies
Pushkara Navamsa- A Hidden Gem in D9 Chart
Indicators of Having S*x before Marriage
Rahu-Ketu Dosha and Marriage
Agricultural Astrology
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Some Interesting Vedic Astro Stuff
Aswini Nakshatra
Saturn in Water Signs
Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction/Aspects: A voice for social causes
Indicators of Marrying within the Extended Family
7H in Birth Chart: Enemies or Lovers?
Rahu in 5H and a Woman's Marriage Plight
Rahu/Ketu stars and The Air/Fire Signs: A Philosophical Perspective
Few Important Factors considered in Marriage Match Making according to Vedic Astrology
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Moon signs and lucky colors
Mediocre or Way too good Vedic chart?
Sun in 9H
Names of Solar and Lunar Yogas
Dharma Karmadhipati Yoga
Neecha Bhanga Raj Yoga
Pancha Mahapurusha Yogas- Part 1
Pancha Mahapurusha Yogas- Part 2
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Shravana Moon in 5H
D1 and D9 chart
Rahu-Ketu (1-7 axis) in Bhavottama
Multiple personal placements-1
Multiple personal placements-2
Nakshatra Exchange
Others- 1, 2, 3, 4
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Divider credits: @sweetmelodygraphics
Header credits: @saradika-graphics
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unholywriters · 25 days
Innocent Face, Dark Fantasy
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Summary: Back in a kingdom that was said to look like gold in the sun and moonlight, there was a Kitsune in disguise. Keeping their tails hidden from the eyes of humans, Keeping up the appearance of a innocent prince who wished for nothing more then the best for his people and the forest life around him. Allowing the foxes to come in as they please and taking care of them. No one would believe anyone else if they said their prince wasn't the innocent face he was. Yet he met y/m, a human or maybe not but it wouldn't matter to the prince. After all he always gets what he wants, right?
Warnings: dom yeosang, bottom male reader, non-human yeosang, possible non-human reader, some blackmailing, kidnapping, degrading, pain kink, spanking , some bl00d {fox hunting in the beginning}
Authors Note: I wanted to try something different here with yeosang, with him using his innocence and charming looks to win the trust but also being a mischievous kitsune looking for a hybrid for him to keep. Also I'm sorry for the lack of dividers I'm trying to find a good one, if anyone has any recommendations for any or any good tips of where to get some or make them, please let me. But as always grab your tea cups, any blankets or pillows and find the perfect flower to rest inside and get comfortable. I Hope this one won't feel as rushed as the last one, I will redo the ending some other time for that one to give it more of a intimate feeling.
Credits to @sweetmelodygraphics and @xurengu0 for the dividers. I'll make sure to credit for each use.
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Walking along the nightly dimmed forest path, there was a sight of one ombre black to white trail slowly swaying side to side as the figure continued to walk. Allowing his footsteps to sound like nothing but soft crunches before finally stopping at the reason he was called. There was a dead fox curled up under his bare dirty feet. The tall male had kneeled and showed his pitch-black claws as he carefully picked up the dead fox. Allowing his bright blonde hair to carefully fall in front of his eyes a she held the fox like a mother soothing their own crying child. It was during this time that the small fox started to disappear in the man's arms into parts of clouds. Floating off into the sky and passed the bright orange eyes following the trail before hearing twig snap and the quick yell of someone falling. He could smell the fear around him, smelling like a freshly made buffet that was just lying on the table. Something he grew to enjoy because it made the human hunters learn something. Never hunt and kill any foxes, he will hear them. 
The scared duo had slowly looked up from their fallen spot, not seeing anything anymore, they didn’t see the 4 swaying tails all moving by themselves. There was nothing around them, but they needed to run. But the prey was gone and if they were to get caught, they’d be killed within seconds for their punishments, after all its forbidden to hunt and kill foxes for any reason here in the fox kingdom. Something everyone here had to learn for themselves and pass on the word. Something even the elders would tell as it would anger the deity who was within the area and always knew whenever someone would hurt the kingdom’s national animal. The hunters had started to run back to their home, but one of them had fallen once again, but there wasn’t a scream or a cry for help. When the leader had turned around to look, the man was dead on the ground, his heart now missing from his beating chest. Looking down at his now dead friend, the shock now slowly sets in before feeling something fall on his cheek. The tree line above was high since there have been reports of tree elves and fairies living within the leaves and makeshift branches. But there was no fairy, no elf or anything else of that nature. There was the bright orange tails, pitch black sharp beautiful black nails with soft hands that were now covered in blood with the dead heart being squeezed in his hand. And the bright orange eyes now staring daggers and glares into the last hunter's eyes.  
“You curious little humans. How hard is t to obey rules made by someone else, hm?” He started, simply vanishing from the branch, letting the heart fall into the ground where it was slowly being taken down into the ground, almost as if it were eating the heart like food. The hunter was looking around, trying to run back to where he came from before bumping into the male, falling onto the ground only to look up and see those same eyes, but a smile on the dangerous male's face. Showing his sharp fangs and his tail kept swaying around as he walked closer with his pale feet walking along the dirt. “I gave all your shelter, you know. Apparently better than your last king had ever done before everyone would be dead or hoping to be accepted into another kingdom. And this, is my thank you?” He taunted, flicking over his nails to watch needles pin the man to the ground, promising that if he ever needed to punish any humans that he wouldn’t damage any of trees, but the ground will be tainted.  
“Some of you are so greedy that it disgusts me. You interrupted my priavte time with someone very special. But I’ve gotten enough fear from you.” He ended, holding the man’s now slowly dying heart before dropping it back in the ground. This was his little mark, everyone now knew if someone was missing their heart, it was because they went and killed a fox, any number would lead to this and any extreme measures of punishment. The male had sighed as he flicked the blood off his hand. Refusing to get it onto his clothing since this was his favorite outfit. The outfit was handmade by him. There was a black fabric color made around the neck that covered his chest, but it was showing their shoulders, connecting down to his pants, the black flowy fabric softly swaying in the wind. Rolling his eyes as he started to walk, he knew that the sun was starting to rise, and he needed to return home before the guards and servants had walked around and opened his door. Turning to the balcony he jumped just enough to land on the balcony as quietly as he could. Allowing himself to be surrounded by golden flickers before looking down at his pjs, the same ones he wore to bed before being left alone in the night. 
Looking in the window reflection to see his eyes going back to the more natural brown color before walking in and laying in his bed. Walking on the cold stone floor and laying in his bed, feeling the soft silk sheets and messing up his own hair to look like he was having another restless night, tossing and turning but slowly sleeping in his own way. Keeping his eyes closed while hearing the sound of someone footsteps getting closer and closer before the quiet creaks of the door opening made him open his eyes once more. He knew how to look tired despite not having the chance to fully rest. 
“Prince Yeosang? It's time to wake, breakfast will be done soon.” A soft voice spoke, walking over to the bed and softly shaking his shoulders and allowed Yeosang to finally open his eyes to the tall and worried butler coming to wake him. His soft curly black hair almost covered his eyes, but Yeosang could still see the brown color in his human eyes. “You still have enough time to do your morning walks around the forest. Though there is a closed off spot by the guards, two people were killed again for killing a fox.” Helping the prince sit up on his bed and fix his hair, pushing down some of the fly aways in his hair. “There hasn’t been a fox killing in about almost a year, who would ruin that this close?” Yeosang asked in a soft, tired and almost hurt voice as the taller male helped him up. Walking over to the wooden wardrobe and kept looking for some clothes fit for a nice early morning walk. 
“I am not sure my prince. But it seems that they have forgotten the legend, should we send some regards to the families, If so what should we send?” he asked, watching Yeosang slowly stand up and walk over. Looking at the set of kimono’s he had in front of him. Choosing a black one, the upper top having is name sewed into the right top overlapping the left side. 
With a long yet larger tie with the outline of foxes. With the help of the butler, he was dressed with black slippers. It wasn't as grand and eye catching as his royal clothing that he would have to wear later in the day to tend to his royal duties. “First, we need to talk with the family to see why the deceased members would do anything knowing it was against the rules. Then after we get the truth we will go from there. But that will wait till after breakfast and my walk. Is that alright, Seonghwa-Hyung?” Yeosang asked the butler in a soft tone, seeing him turn around once more after holding yeosang’s early morning basket with a soft nod. 
“Jong-ho should be handling the body and the crowd. But Min-go or San should be down there waiting for you by the doors if you want them to my prince.” He ended, watching Yeosang take the basket and nod his head. Not wanting to bother anyone he walked to the slide doors and opened them, leaving the room and closing them once more. He didn’t want to bother anyone this early since he knew the news of people losing their family members, and now the families will be a mess. Jong-Ho would need help during all of this, and he hates having his walks ruined, even if it is important. He cares for his home, more than anything he could put into words. There was just something about these talks that made him feel more relax and ready to handle the day he has ahead of him. 
Walking down the hall, Yeosang bowed to his seniors, despite being higher with them, he still wanted to show them his respect towards them, walking to the main doors and watching the doors be opened by the guards who were stationed to walk on the topped of the wall. The gates were opened and walked into the busy streets, waving to the families and even walking over to play with some of the kids. Either playing ball games with them or helping them fly kites in the air with the wind blowing. It was something he enjoyed doing. He would give fruit in his basket to those in need of something, it happens, and he does his best to give them all homes to work themselves higher so they could never fear this. Some would be surprised with how long he was gone for during the day, he would wake up at dawn and would be gone for about 2 hours. Walking around and making sure everyone was alright if he could find them. Most of the time was going into the woods and walking around. Walking deep within the woods and making sure no one was following him. 
He would look around before taking a left off the path he had made. This path had more leaves and trees which made it harder to walk through without getting smacked. He would spend most of his time here, walking past the leaves to reveal a large crystal-clear pond with a slow and quiet waterfall in the middle surrounded by some stones and flowers Yeosang had collected over the years. It was here Yeosang would watch people in the morning and would often groom his tails and wash them. He would allow his tail to show as he walked closer to the waterfall, taking off his clothes and folding them on a dry spot before grabbing a comb he made and started to comb his tails with the waters. Knowing that this was the only time for him to do so while he would often play with the water, watching those who were close to his home and making his plans accordingly. But as of now, he wasn’t looking into them for now, he had done that earlier. Listening to the mothers scream and curse the god for killing her good boys and that they will lie about their intentions, but he would find a way. After all, only the best people were allowed to live here and those who would lie and got caught were kicked. He hates lairs. 
But as of now, he was watching an elf, at least that what he looked like. Softly smiling at how the males hair would sway in the wind  as they continued to help gather up herbs and water for the elves in the trees. 
Yeosang had come across this elf a long time ago, seeing them run in the woods to try and get help for their home. Yeosang was trying to get a fox back close to him but made the fox always run and stay with the elf. “Oh, little Y/N, you look so beautiful as always. How I wish you were allowed to come back. I would give you the best tea you have ever tasted. Soon your father will have to come to me, and I will ask for your hand regardless of what he tells me.” Yeosang said, letting his fingertips softly touch the reflective water like a baby reaching for their mother's fingers to hold and never let go of. 
“You will be my little gem, after all the golden prince needs his last piece. Your father won’t last long against me. Just you wait.” Getting himself dressed and hiding his tail once more, Yeosang quickly walked back out and ran back to the palace. Y/N was a high elf, whose father was the chief on the tree elves, and the rules was to never go to the ground since some humans were still trying to hunt down the elves for their own personal reasons. But Y/N was the only child of the chief of the Leaves. But Y/N was more into the surfaces with the human kingdom he had to share a home with. Collecting things every now and then that would be left near the tree he would always peak under. And it was clear to the chief who was leaving these, and it was something he knew that could lead to something either great for his people or horrible for them and could lead to their own extinction. The prince would leave the items underneath the tree and keep them hidden. The prince would bring over a basket full of items for the son, leaving notes of each item and what they could do. Even leaving seeds for them to use and keep their supplies full. It made Y/N more excited as the days went one wanting to see who was doing so and why their father was having a hard time trying to make a choice. 
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Within Y/N’s customs, it was the males who would give birth, at least some of them. Some would give birth, sometimes it was the female ones. There was never any role designed for each gender, if someone was able to do a role, regardless of their physical features if it was done then that’s all that mattered. There was always a ceremony to see what could be done. Where the Elves would go to a larger tree under a full moon and would watch the spells come to play. Watching the symbols shows everyone their role to create function.  Y.N had done this ceremony when theyw ere of age and was seen as a healer, but also a carrier for children. Something that their father worried about because he knows his son. His son is something humans would fight to have. To show off but not take care of in any way shape or form. Which is why he does everything that he can to protect his son from the cruelty of humans. 
But the number of humans coming into the forest worried him. Because moving would cause chaos and would try to take them for ransom, the king knew that he had to do something. But he also knew he would have to bring his son with him. “Y/N, please pick something simple.” The short father said, watching his son run around the tree closet in all the elegant robes and outfits for their own reasons to be worn. “But this is the prince of gold! We must show” “Y/N, if we tried to upstage the prince we might be seen as an enemy. Please, something nice and simple. And if things go well, then maybe you can wear something more of your taste.” Watching his son giggle before finally settling on an outfit. The outfit would have white under garments, like a loose white shirt with flowy white pants. The bottom skirt was a two layered one, there were also green leaf designs sewed into the bottom of the skirt, with a white small bow on top of the torso. With the top part having the same design, but on the right overlap flap. And to pair nicely with it was a mint green silky robe to wear on top. It was simple, and paired with flower crown on the top of Y/N’s head. 
His father looked over and smiled at the outfit. It was something better and knew it work better for this. “Now let’s get going, it’s better to be early then late.”  
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“Yeosang, do you want to wear something like this? Or do you want to wear something a bit less flashy but still getting the point across?” Seonghwa asked, watching Yeosang walk around the closet and pick something. “That’s perfect! I don’t want to intimate them with all the gold. This will work amazingly Hyung,” The outfit was grand, simple but still would make the attention to everyone in the room. The Silk used for the outfit and the robe itself was a dark blue color, something rare and that took days to make the right color to everyones liking, well to his liking. The robe was made ot resemble that of a peacock, the feather design carefully sewed into the arm sleeves and the back. Each in the right colors from a soft dark blue to a calming green color. Yeosang’s long hair was then tied back into a ponytail with a gold headpiece in front. Allowing seonghwa to help slip on his slipperes and tie the robe in a comfrtable manner yeosang looked up as he slowly rose from the ground. 
“Now then let’s get going, the elves have agreed to meeting in the garden near the lake for a sense of familiarly and no prying eyes other than myself and San as the guard.” Yeosang nodded his head once more as he began walking behind him. Seonghwa had worn something simpler of a solid color as to not throw off anyone since he was known for having very lavsih clothing as well, a gift from the prince himself along with all of his close friends of course, it was the least yeosang could do for them now, wasn’t it? Seonghwa had kept a pure white clean robe that was tied loosely, not on purpose but out of comfort given how much he would have to walk around or even run. His hair was a natural pink color, which was something rare for anyone to have but Yeosang help seonghwa embrace his hair, combing it so it was a long as it is now, which was to his lower back. His middle back when it was in a high ponytail.  
Arriving to the back doors, there was San standing near the open arch away that lead to the luscious green fields, Where the lake would lead to along with a table with cushions to sit on for comfort. San was younger then Yeosang, but he was still shown the same respect as if San was older. As the captain of the royal guard, with his own brother being the second in command, they were to wear black for them. His was long, but tight enough to allow him to move silently along in the dark or in the shadows when he needed to follow his targets. Having a metal wrist guard on both to protect himself any swords or arrow. His ponytail was tied back iwth a dark red ribbon with his sword tucked away in its holster, having his mask up to cover his nose and mouth, San bowed to the prince before turning his attention to the archway. Walking behind the pair since the garden was something yeosang took pride in. He enjoyed how wide it was with the Varity of flowers sent in from other kingdoms and as gifts and he made sure they were all taken care of. But some flowers were only sacred to him since the human touch would harm them. Those were more kept tucked away in a thick array of bushes and tress no one could reach. 
“My prince, we are here.” San spoke, keeping his stance tall as the two elves slowly turned around. San had bowed, keeping his gaze down before standing far off while the other two had walked closer. Yeosang had a smile on his face that was only getting bright as his gaze was focused on y/n. Wearing something so simple yet enough to make him strand out in Yeosang’s eyes. “Your highness, I am chief Hongjoong of the tree elves just a couple miles away from your border. This is my only child Y/N, I hope you aren’t offended with their clothing.” Hongjoong mentioned, taking a step closer as Yeosang bowed to him fully. “It’s an honor to meet you as well. And do not worry about your clothing, I like getting to know about others and their cultures. But I understand. After all I am human, but I will strive to be different. Please take a seat and enjoy the treats we have while we discuss any concerns that you’re having.” guesting to the seats, Yeosang could see the look in hongjoong’s eyes. He knew something, then again, Yeosang heard tales of the chief’s being able to see things that the human eye has failed to see.  
But haivng a quick glance at seonghwa, who was making sure the prince’s clothes were kept nicely, the pillow was comfortable, and the treats were to everyone’s liking. He knew seonghwa didn’t know a thing, and if he did, he was great at hiding it on his face. “Can I ask what these are? We’ve never had these before!” Y/n asked with a slight bounce as he sat down across from Yeosang, but on the right side of his father, who was seated across Seonghwa. “This is our Macha green mochi with crushed matcha powder and flour, the same for the tea.” Hongjoong took the first bite since he knew y/n wasn’t going to eat it without seeing his reaction. While Yeosang was watching the two of them curiously. Seeing hongjoong give Y/n a quick look, y/n smiled and started to eat. It was clear that they have gone over this many times in order to ensrue the safety of each other. Along with any other hidden elves within the area, which San had an eye out for and saw one. But the only thing san as able to see was their eyes. Those dark brown eyes filled with curiosity but also a waiting desire. 
“Thank you for the treats, but I have some questions for the prince. Y/N, you’ve been asking about the flowers when we arrived. Is it alright if your associate showed them the flowers, my prince?” Hongjoong asked, giving Yeosang a slow side glace. Yeosang could see the look in his eyes, at first Seonghwa was going to decline but Yeosang agreed to it, having a smile on his face to hide the smirk that was growing. “It’s fine Hyung, we want them to feel comofrtable in our space. We will call when we are done.” Yeosang said, never taking his eyes off of hongjoongs while hearing the pair slowly get up and walk away, Y/n already asking questions about everything as their voices managed to faint as they walked further. San knew what Yeosang was, everyone in the court knew. He made it clear what he would do if anyone tried to hurt him or any foxes in the area. “You seem to be wary, hongjoong.” Yeosang said, dropping the nice tone in his voice while Hongjoong set down the treat before resting one arm on his knee, laying on it. 
“Elve’s are trained to see things the human eye can’t. I knew you looked familiar since our last agreement.” “And I’ve made sure every rotten corpse was never nailed to a tree. They just get dragged into the dirt where they belong. So what is this about.” Feeling his nails get sharper, Yeosang was trying to keep his nails their human length while keeping stern eye contact with the elf in front of him. Knowing one wrong move would make San attack the elf he was having his own staring contest with to see who would move first while listening on the conversation close by. “I know, but that’s not the reason why I’m here today. The tree’s south from here are dying and I have little to no room for new elves. Let alone the amont that is coming this way. And I know you, prince of gold.” “are you suggesting I went there and caused the south to suffer myself?” “You leave the kingdom that far to mess with human’s? You’re not that young to be doing any of that. So no. What I’m asking is what do you want in return.” 
Yeosang raised a brow as his eyes flashed from their dark brown to the golden yellow look before back to normal as a smirk grew present on his face. Knowing hongjoong hates asking for help. So, he asks what the person wants in return and sees what they can do from there. But Hongjoong knew this wasn’t going to be something he would want to give to Yeosang easily. Which was why he was already so tense as is. “You are not. Having my son’s hand in marriage Yeosang kang. He would scream at the first sight of any blood regardless of the situation.” He growled, Yeosang trying not to laugh as he titled his head to the side while hongjoong tried to remain calm. “Yet your curious, beautiful son is so curious about me. And you know they are, just like how you know that every night they try to sneak down to the land and come to find me anywhere. They how their growing curious of the evil kitsune that lurks here and wants to so desperately get them to be good and find other ways to teach the humans to stop killing my own foxes for coats, breeding and whatever else they have in their sick tiwsted little minds. You know that’s what I want because then, I can teach them everything bit by it and help you in everyway I can do with my own powers. Even create a more lush forest for you to have more roles and even coexist with the humans here. But you know what I will do. Who knows, maybe you can even get close to Seonghwa again. And this time not mess with her memories like you have.”  
Yeosang was cut off by hongjoong keeping the tip of a dagger close to his neck, seeing the anger rising within hongjoong who wanted nothing more than to kill him. Knowing his weapons would do nothing but make things worse for him. “You leave Seonghwa out of this. You know exactly why I did what I did and you were there. If they get to remember they will remember everything you did as well.” “And do what against me, hm?” Yeosang grinned more while Hongjoong put down the dagger on the table before covering his mouth to hold in his anger. “Do not, bring Seonghwa into this.” “Then let me have what I want, and You can have what you want. I’ll even throw in seonghwa remembering everything and think all of the bad times were just a dream and y/n can learn everything about their human mother.”  
Hongjoong continued to glare like there was no one else around the pair. His eyes screaming nothing more than hate, but also hints of defeat, sadness and anger field tears wanting to prickle out from his eyes but he would rather be dead than let yeosang see him cry once again over losing someone again. Yeosang knew what he was doing, he had the upper hand in this situation and he knew it was pissing off Hongjoong to see. After all hongjoong had to give up everything in order to survie, but Hongjoong also knew why YEosang had grew to be so cruel, possessive. Yeosang had grown up with humans by force, he was taken awya from his natural nest and those who came to save him were taken and used in the ways the humans saw fit. And one day yeosang had enough and started to enjoy the way he was. After all, now that humans had someone to fear they weren’t as bold as they used to be. Something Yeosang took pride in.  
Yeosang had only leaned closer on the table, knowing San was already in position to attack. His knees were bent with his right hand on the handle of his sword. Locking eyes with Wooyoung in the trees, who was keeping his bow and arrow hidden, but it was drawn back, ready to take a shot at San if he had to. “You will let them decide if they want you, Yeosang.” “You have nothing else I would want other than your son. I’ll give you everything else that you would need for such a large group. I can even create an entire water spring just for you to make sure none of your water will ever be tainted by humans again. It will be grand and everything you’ve dreamed of and more.” Yeosang kept pushing, knowing that the others were coming back and he knew that he would’ve had to drop the act. He could see how deep hongjoong was trying to think about this. Because this isn’t just someone, he can give away so carelessly, this is his son. The only one he’s ever had and the only thing he had left of his lover, who was so close to him but yet seonghwa wouldn’t have remembered a thing about him.  
“We’ll ask them when they return. You can keep trying, but I let them make their own choices and if they say no, you will not lay a hand on them or not even your human knights can save you.” Yeosang’s smirk slightly lessened as he leaned back and blinked his eyes, letting them return to normal before hearing Y/N’s laughter as the two of them returned. Y/N had a lot of flowers in hand, kipping back to the two with seonghwa tailing behind with a content smile on his face. Hongjoong wanted to cry at the sight, his family was so close together. So close but so far from each other and there was nothing he could even if he wanted to. Not with Yeosang here and having seonghwa close to him at all times and it was going to drive him crazy but he had to put on a brave face. This wasn’t the time of place for something of this manner and he knew it. He was able to close his eyes and take a deep breathe before opening his eyes and showing a smile as Y/N sat down next to him again, showing off the flowers he had never seen before wiith all types of colors.   
“Hwa-San said I could keep all of these just as long as I take good care of them!” “OH really? Did you thank Hwa-San for them?” Y/N quickly nodded his head before turning their attention to Yeosang. Their smile never fading as the two locked eyes. Yeosang knew how to get people to get in a trance but his eyes. But he also knew how to make sure it wasn’t too much but it was subtle. But this is hongjoong’s child, it will take a lot more then just a simple stare with a hint of trance in order to gt them clsoer. He was trianed to be careful of things like this and make it even harder for yeosang to push it, something he both hated but enjoyed since it made him have to think more or else things would start to fall apart in front of him. 
“Did you two come to an agreement? Do we get to live here with them too!” “Well that all depends on if you want to get to know the prince.” Y/n looked at their dad confused, it was up to them to pick and this would be one of the few chances' Y/N had the choice to pick something. Sonce hongjoong rarely had to ever ask others for help but would always try his best to teach y/n what to expect from others like this and make sure that he puts his foot down and if they had to use any of their abilities or skills against yeosang, they knew what to expect. Even if it was just a little bit of it. “Do I have to fight the prince to prove that?”  Yeosang looked surprised to hear that question while hongjoong had a proud look on his face. Slowly turning to look at the prince and then back at his son, not even bothering to hide the smirk on his ace as he did so but continued to let out a soft hum while in thought. “Well that all depends on what you think is a great way to seal off any deals you have in mind. Then again, I’m sure the prince wouldn’t want to fight you. It’s said he hates fighting people unless he truly has no other choice but to.” Y/N continued to sit there in thought, looking between the two older men in front of him and trying to come up with one of the best choices for them at this time. Because Y/n didn’t want to be the reason why his father had a new enemy and now had to try and find ways for the other elves needed to keep running and try to find ways of their own survival to continue living and not be in fear ever again. 
“Well, if I were to lose, we would have to leave and figure out something else. And we can't have that as of right now. What if I stayed with him but brought three of the guards with me just to be safe? It would give me an idea of who we’re working together with, making it easier to decide and even allow you more time to see if you can find someone else to make a deal with. I give it a week to make a choice till then and if we can’t then we leave with no strings attached.” Yeosang watched their facial expressions, seeing how hard they were trying to take this situation and come up with one of the bet answers he could come up with during a time like this. Something that there was no going back from if either of them messed up. And even though he could see the look on his father's face, the look of disapproval. This was all up to them, and Y/N already knew the three that he would want to bring with him to keep him safe, but he knew his father would keep them close and send the messengers out far just to make sure there were other places they could stay, letting this place be seen as a last resort for its own reasons. 
“Who would you bring?” “Wooyoung without question, Min-gi and Yunho since those two never leave for any mission alone. Even if they must sneak away with each other we both know where they go.” Hongjoong could only nod, since those three were known to be the best ones he had and they were able to make the point stand across and protect y/n no matter what were to happen to them. And they also helped train Y/N to look out for subtle but obvious signs of them needing to be on the edge and be ready to attack. Having their own way of communication and signals to keep the other person away from their business, after all not everything had to be shared between everyone to make the point stand there. “Those 3 will keep anyone else in check if they tried to come close to your living quatres and not let anyone in unless you gave them permission. I can handle that much, and woyoung would send me letters and the end of the day to make sure everything is alright. That is...fine.” Hesitating to agree to this it was hard but he had to let it be. “Is there anything you would like to leave and go pack?” Watching Y/N nod his head and stand up, that cheerful glow being replaced by a serious one throughout the entire ordeal to make sure no one would be planning anything else with them around.  
“I will be back with some things and the three guards within 2 hours just to make sure everything will be alright. If it’s not too much to ask can our place of stay be close to the water and garden?” “Of course, I have the perfect spot in mind. Please take your time.” Yeosang watched the two of them leave, listening to San and wooyoung slowly leave to return to their respective parties. “My prince, shall I go and get the room prepared in advance and leave some treats and tea on a place for y/n to return to?” “Yes Hyung, there should also be close enough rooms for the guards if they choose to sleep in their own rooms and if not, please see that they still have comfortable things to rest on like pillows and blankets.” Yeosang slowly stood back up and turned around to fac ethe door. Seeing San slowly slipping down his mask while letting out a soft sigh before looking at the prince. Knowing that, he must be prepared to be on the lookout once again. “Is there anything you would want me to do My prince? I could watch them from afar and keep taps on everyone.” Yeosang shook his head, walking back inside with the main two walking behind him, making sure they were listening to his orders to see what he wanted to do with this. 
“No, remember San these are elves. There are things that we can’t predict that they’ll do things we aren’t prepared to do and if we’re going to be working with them, we can’t allow anything wrong to happen here or else they’ll leave before we could make any deals within the time being.” 
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Y/N had brought enough to last them for the week, their bags were able to carry a lot more then normal and it was something that had always come in handy during a time like this. Wooyoung stayed in the closet to them. Keeping their long black hair down but keeping a stern stare with his two swords staying on both hips. Min-gi and Yunho were trailing behind the two, both are known to use their height to their advantage when fighting and being able to hide and strike those when needed. “Y/N, are you sure this is a good idea? Your dad seemed like he was ready to bite the prince’s head off when they were having their talk. I couldn’t hear much.” Wooyoung had a gut feeling that all of this was a trap, something he couldn’t prove right, but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t do his best to prove himself. He cared for y/n and didn’t want them to be taken advantage of for thinking of their home and the safety of everyone else. It was a lot to worry about even while they were just walking on the ground for the first time. Only taking this way so they could walk to the back of the palace, not the front with the humans out and about watching them. 
“I’m not entirely sure to be honest with you guys. But we’re growing too far and we need to move, but we can’t live in fear of humans or any another creature using us as a ransom. You know my dad, he won’t be rash when trying to save others' lives.” Looking around at the garden where the meeting took place, Y/N saw their dad standing there with a small yet sturdy piece of wood from one of the weapon rooms back home. Something that Hongjoong was able to summon even from where he was sitting. Y/N could see just how much Hongjoong didn’t want them to go behind those walls because he wouldn’t be able to protect them in case the other three were too caught up trying to make the situation a little bit easier to handle. “Dad, you look like you’re going to cry, I’ll be alright. But why do you have the staff with you? Don’t you need this one?” Hongjoong shook his head before holding it out towards them slowly. “This one isn’t as strong as my own, but it’s close enough to give you any help and make the room more like home to you with all kinds of plants and vines that you can come up with. Think of it as a next step into your own practices.”  
Slowly taking the staff from his father's hands, Y/N looked him in the eyes and could see how soft they were looking down at them. Hongjoong had let out a soft yet shaky sigh before patting his son’s head and softly planting a kiss on his forehead, where a four-leaf clover mark laid hidden under their hair. “Take care of my kid boys, even though I’ll be close I’ll be busy trying to make more rooms and accommodations for the others. And y/n please, please be careful.” “I’ll do my best dad, don’t bury yourself in work. I’m sure Sir bang Chan will step up and offer you more help. I even made sure he knew what to look when you’re trying to work too hard.” Hongjoong could only chuckle softly while looking down at their bracelet. He made it for his mother and his wife at the time and made sure y/n had always it on. It wasn’t just there as a reminder and something y/n had cherished dearly. But it would also protect them if needed and give them an extra power boost if they ever needed it. Even if they didn’t think they would need to. But it was for their own safety reasons. Y/N held the staff close before hearing footsteps close to them. Slightly seeing Min-Gi and Yunho had straightened their stance and kept their staffs in close range to be held and ready while wooyoung kept their gaze dark and on point. 
Yeosang had walked out wearing the same clothes as easier had walked back out with San and Seonghwa close to him with San looking down to pull his mask back over this mouth and nose before locking eyes with the others. Hongjoong looked at the three of them before slowly stepping aside to allow the three elves to meet with them. Giving slight glares to Yeosang before turning his back. “I take it that this will be everything you brought with you is all? I have rooms prepared for you and the others if they want. Just as you requested.” Yeosang mentioned with a soft bow before standing up and seeing Y/N holding the staff along with their bag. Trying to keep a serious gaze opposed to their cheerful attitude and happy gaze, almost like a switch was flipped on. “These three won’t take a room no matter how good it looked; they’ll stay close to me at all times but thank you for the gesture.” Yeosang could tell by the look in their eyes that there was almost no way that they would be able to do anything in this situation. Almost making it impossible yet again to do anything with three of them near, and it was clear as to why hongjoong gave them that staff. Yeosang had rarely ever had to battle any magic elves in his own home, he never got the chance to be able to study and watch the magic to prepare for any attacks. 
“Then by all means please follow me and I’ll guide you to your room.” Yeosang said with a smile and a soft hand gesture, watching y/n hug hongjoong tightly one more time before walking with yeosang to their, the guards all trailing behind them while San kept his hands behind his back. Hongjoong let out another sigh before walking to the trees and jumping up and walk away back to the haven, leaving y/n in the hands of the three guards. 
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Looking around the large room, with the floors made from hardwood shined perfectly, the sheets were carefully tucked in the large circle bed that was on the far wall of the room, where there would be a skylight looking down to allow the moonlight and stars to shine down along with the sun shining down. There was a large built-in closet nearby with enough space for both shoes and clothes to be hung along with storage for anything else. The open arch windows that would lead to other wooden platforms to allow room for more walking around and sitting if y/n ever wanted a break to just sit and rest. The curtains were made from the finest silk that would softly sway in the wind, along with a large wooden desk with some paper and ink ready in case anyone needed to write a letter to be sent to anyone for any reason. Along the platforms outside, there was fresh clear water with lotus flowers floating around on the water, on the closet platform to the room there was a bench with some food for the fish in the water or even the ducks if ever needed. 
There was another one close to one of the walls, over there was an empty table with soft cushion chairs sitting around it, there was a wooden swing made with soft white and green cushions and a soft pillow. This was a place where Y/N and the others were to do whatever they wanted here and not have to worry about anything. And as promised, Seonghwa had made sure there were enough sweets for everyone that was resting on a large white plate with some cups carefully placed around a large teapot with fresh green tea ready for them. “This is one of the largest ones we have put there is also a garden close by. If you ever need me there is a bell close to your bed to ring whenever you need me. Is there anything I could do for you as of now?” Yeosang asked in a calm voice, noticing how the others were looking around, making sure the place was truly left alone and no one else was allowed to watch or get close to y/n before they could speak. “I would like to know a little bit about your kingdom from you if that’s alright. There were some days we would hear screams coming from here.” “Oh, the people who broke the rule, I do need to tell you that, most used to say it was fake until the killings started to happen.” Yeosang had walked to one the stone seats and sat, watching y/n sit down close to him while the other three stayed close around the table, standing up with their arsm crossed and their faces stern. 
“Before I was crowned, the rouge king as we call him, was known for killing almost anything that moved that wasn’t a human, though he would torture those who tried to urn from his rule in many ways. But close to here tucked away in the tress and stones, a Kitsune was born and heard foxes dying. And just like many others they say, is very protective of the foxes, seeing them as his own children and wanting to avenge them. The kitsune had dragged the king back to the Townsquare and killed him in a very slow, humiliating manner as they say, and made a deal. He would watch over the land, proving a land of riches, crops, fresh water, we would be known as the best kingdom around for anyone to live in. But under no circumstances were anyone allowed to kill any foxes. No matter how cold, how hungry, if they heard a fox cry out and die, or even in pain. The kitsune would find them and kill them slowly till they died very slowly and painfully, and no one was allowed to go and help them. That was their punishment. Even if we were in the threat of war the kitsune would handle that so no one had to bury their partners so easily. The last screams you heard were of the last two people who broke the rule. There is another myth going around that the kitsune promised to never pin any dead corpses to any trees since it would taint them, instead they were taken away by the roots and left to rot underground. From what I know, the kitsune will otherwise be very kind to others if you ever got the chance to meet them, but they keep their face covered sometimes, but they also can switch very fast and very violently.” 
It took Yeosang to not ever smile at the fact of this, knowing he had killed many who thought he was bluffing even after ripping the old king apart limp from limp in a gruesome manner and would do it all over again without a second thought or hesitation whatsoever. But he knew he needed to remain the soft-spoken prince of gold to the elves for now, everything would fold into play later and there would be nothing anyone could do to stop it from happening. Yeosang was watching y/n listen very carefully in order to make sure nothing was going over their head and everything was staying intact so they could remember the information. “Has the kitsune ever talked to you? How do you know it’s actually them?” “Their trade mark is impossible for us to copy. The way the limps are taken off, a human would leave a blood trail and the weapons would be easy to find no matter how deep they were buried since we take these matters very seriously. And if someone ever did try to copy them, just like the hunters, they would be killed but their bodies would be displayed in the middle of the town. We had those for a while and they were very...quickly stopped.” “What can the humans do in return?”  
Yeosang had to think of a simple answer for this one, softly humming to himself and slightly tilting his head while seongwha had brought the plate over, softly sitting it down nad pouring some of the teacups. “What we’ve learned throughout the years is that the kitsune loves treats made to look like fish, though strangely they won't take the fish themselves. They have a statue close to the palace, and we know they like it when the water in the bottom layer is shining like the stars. If it’s dirty then they don’t like it.” Y/N was trying to stay watchful of yeosang’s expressions to see if therewere any hoels inside of yeosang’s story. This was something he wanted to see for himself, since he never was able to walk down on teh floor before now in order to see if there were any holes in this story. Slightly looking between wooyoung, Min-gi and then Yunho just to make sure they were listening too so no one was missing anything and if needed, they could go out and look for the statue and see and maybe even find the fox themselves, but it would be hard since Y/N wouldn’t allow them to die for trying to figure this out. But yeosang has had to tell this story countless times to those who would want to trade or even come to visit and ay their respects, not even those outside of the kingdom are safe if they disrespect the kitsune in anyway shape or form and htey never take it lightly in any shape or form. 
“Come, I’ll take all of you there to see it for yourself, you can bring anything with you to leave there, they are always watching.” Standing up from his seat, softly patting his lap and walking slightly turning his body to see if y/n would want to come, maybe they could leave something in their bag and Yeosang can make sure that nothing happens, after all he has a legend is true for themselves. But he also had to be careful, there were three guards watching his every move. Y/N took his offer and started to walk with him, allowing for the three tall males behind them to follow the pair to the main gates, where San was doing his check-ins with his mask still on just in case Yeosang were to come out and go on a walk, since he is known to be leaving quiet frequently just to walk around and see what he can do to those around him. San had kept his sword on his right hip as he looked down from the guard post, leaning on the ladder to slide or even him down.  “My prince, are you wanting to go out with the guest?” “Yes San, can you open the gates and come with or is the switch happening now?”  
San looked over to the other guards up on the walkway of the wall where most of the guards were walking to do their switch before seeing the thumbs up around. Softly nodding his head before holding onto the far side of the ladder and slid down before reaching the ground. Fixing the gauntlets on his wrist before walking over. “You can take your mask off as well, they will be staying for a while. It’s only fair that they get to see your face as well.” At first San had raised a brow at this statement, hiding a grin from under his mask before nodding his head to him and reached his hands behind before unhooking the back of the mask and holding it in his hands. Showing off his sharp and that smirk on his face, but also a deep cut on his left cheek while keeping the mask tucked in one of his many pockets so it wouldn’t get dirty or lost. “Oh, my what happened to your cheek? Did you get caught in a nasty fight?” “It was a fair duel I had when I was younger. But the person did not take the loss lightly and tried to cut my face but got my cheek. Not that I mind it, I just wear a mask when we must leave or meet others so they can’t recognize my lower half since most of the guards have the same eyes as me, making it a little harder to pinpoint, but we have several different ones to wear when we need to.” 
San explained to Y/N, seeing their concerned expression on their face as the gates opened to allow the five of them to leave. San had folded the mask and kept it tucked away in his pocket before crossing his arms, something he grew used to doing as a habit before walking with them to the village outside of the gate. Side glancing at Yeosang to see his facial expression, and he had a interesting look on his face to say the least. 
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“This is where the statue stands, no one was allowed to fully make the face out of stone since it was requested to have the mask on to cover their eye and leave their smirk, the artist wasn’t allowed to tell not even the prince here what they saw.” San spoke, finally showing the elves the clean white statue of the fox being surrounded by its own tails around its waist and being close to him. The smirk on the statue was the main point here, being surrounded by fresh clean water and well-kept treats as well with not even a lea floating around in the water and resting on the front of the two steps were baskets of flowers, anything gold even and some favored sweets that were even seen taken bite marks out of some of the sweets and have been kept there since.  
The flowers surrounding the statue were some of the kitsune’s favorite, the different colored roses that were blooming along with some smaller flowers to make it feel more peaveful despite the things he had done to get here. And still holding a mask to cover his eyes. Something Y/N was taking a liking to while setting down some of the treats they had brought from their home, feeling excited to finally see this in person, the legends surrounding the ones they know are often those who simply come and aid those in need but this one was different and was not afraid to show it. “They say kitsune use fans as weapons if there ever in a duel, does anyone know if that’s true for this one? Or is he only known for being brutal with his killings.” Yeosang looked puzzled by the question, not because he didn’t truly know, but how would he answer that? No one had seen him fight before, not with anything in his own hands before, nor had he ever had the reason to even use a weapon though he did have a fan, that was kept near the shrine in a hidden box buried under some flowers. Yeosang was known among the court to use his hands in a brutal manner, often having to scrub his hands before resting because of how much blood would stain his hands, because if he were to wear gloves people would wonder if he had a rash and those who are visiting often would press him about his hands no matter what kind of reason he gave. 
“I truly do not have an answer, some thought he would use a sword, others thought a staff but most say a fan. But we’ve never seen any of those markings on any of the bodies. Some are spilt on whether he uses his hands and claws for it or if he managed to use his fan in creative ways to make it like this.” He answered, admirng how excited Y/N was while Wooyoung was staring at the statue almost as if he were studying some of the features that were present before slowly looking over to Yeosang who was smiling and gently talking with Y/N about whatever he could manage to talk about. Then looking over to San, who was also staring at him but not in a admiring way, but in a warning way. Because this was something that could ruin a lot of things and that could and most likely would include Y/N’s safety. Yeosang is a man of very few possession but when he sees something he truly wants he does whatever he can to get it and this was the same for Y/N. 
Wooyoung would look at the other two he was with, knowing that they would need to have a talk when San wasn’t around to hear them, or even pull San into this talk but would know that they wouldn’t get near to it, and this was going to be something that that needed to plan out. “I can show you the library section and you can read just about anything you would like that we have on everything here, come I’ll guide you and allow San to do as he wishes. He loves this type of weather when we get the chance.” Wooyoung watched the two start to walk, doing his tongue clicking to make sure Min-gi and Yunho were close behind him while San started to walk close, the 4 of them keeping up with their pace while they were still talking like the two of them were long distance friends and trying to reconnect with one another. They were close enough to keep a wide range of them, but far enough to talk about something without anyone knowing. “We need to talk to you, along mister show off. You know something he isn't telling us. And either I figure it out, or her father will find a way to get it out of you and it won’t leave such a pity scar on your face.” Not even looking at San, keeping a resting face with his arms crossed over his chest and marching back to the walls. San couldn’t help but grin slightly before looking at the large red gates, giving the wave to open the gates for all of them just enough for them to get in, no one paying much attention to the guest since they knew they would be judge by the prince for doing so. 
“San, you are free to do as you wish with our guest here, I’ll be in the library and if I’m not there I should be around the kitchen or the garden. If I’m not there then yes you can come and search for me.” Yeosang said quickly before holding Y/N’s hand and running back inside like an excited child before disappearing behind the doors, allowing San to turn to look at the other three males before seeing Yunho hold the spear close to his neck, despite the guards who were watching closely with arrows almost ready to be drawn and shot, but San did the lower sign before agreeing. “Come, there’s always prying ears here, and it wouldn’t be fair to have a standoff with over 30 men around the walls of the place waiting for my command.” 
San started to walk to the left, listening to the others walking to a door within the walls. It was a side door in case anyone needed to make a quick escape or entrance, but it was also close to the guards living quarters where they had accessed their own bath house, but the captain had their own little hot spring to rest but also a lake to sit and watch the stars at night when it was time for him to rest and his second in command, Jong-Ho would take over for the night. San made sure no one knew where this was since it was more like his own secret find, the sight here was something he wanted to have to himself and keep it so no one else was allowed to make him resent ever finding it for himself. He led the other three here before walking on the stones and showing them a place to sit before sitting down. “By all means, ask me anything.” Wooyoung kept his arms crossed while looking at him before the quiet two, who kept a stern look before wooyoung turned to stare back down at San. “Mingi, Yuho, go inf the library and see if there's any window, if not you know what to do, I’ll ask from here.” Yunho had hesitated because he knows Wooyoung’s temper, and sometimes people will use that and keep him wrapped around their fingers no matter how close they think they are. 
But Mingi gave the nod before the two had jumped from the trees, not trusting the door they came from. San just kept a carefree expression while keeping his eyes locked on Wooyoung. “Your prince is the kitsune, I heard that conversation and I know this isn’t your first time hearing something like it. Is his stories accurate or is he just bluffing.” He demanded to know, leaning his hands on the table while San just raised one eyebrow in an arch before crossing his arms. “You’ve been paying that close attention? Most just say they look related in some form or another. No one's ever got this close before.” “Cut the shit and tell me.” “You’re very serious for someone that looks this cute, but I guess.” Wooyoung looked ready to punch san in the face if he possible but kept his distance just to stop that from happening and just stood back up and crossed his arms while San let out a sigh. “The way it happened was complicated. Because The prince himself is the son of the late king that was known for being cruel. But the actual prince himself was known for being the way he is now, he loved everyone that walked through those gates.”  
Wooyoung kept watching San’s close expressions to make sure there was no lies being spread about this, wanting to make sure that nothing was a lie. Seeing the look in San’s eyes change from being a soft and friendly stare to something sterner in staring and make him want to question more. But San wasn’t done, even before Wooyoung could ask the question. “But during that killing, Yeosang decided to make a deal, because truthfully everyone around knew that the prince was deathly sick but we also knew the king hated his only son and was planning to kill him off, just to either make another son with some poor soul or would find someone just as messed up as he was to ruin this place further . The prince made a deal, because they knew they only had seconds to live at that point. And when the seal was done, the prince had already died. And when that happened, he erased his actual face from those who were watching trying save the king but not the prince. But he made sure those in the court and related towards them had to remember for obvious reasons. Now as for the seonghwa situation, you have good luck getting that out of your captain for answers. As for Y/N don’t worry, Yeosang  won’t do much to hurt them, that would be the only person to see them in such a vulnerable state before. But that wouldn’t happen till Yeosang has to do something drastic, which we all know will happen and there won’t be anything you could do.” 
Looking down at San in shock, wooyoung felt the story come together and wrap around in his head while San started to stand up and get closer. “Everyone in the court knows if Yeosang finds someone he cherish more than his own gold stash, anyone who makes them cry is going to tortured in the worst ways no human could ever stop. Now we should head now hm? Let’s go.” 
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You know Y/N, this is why being curious can always be a bad thing.” Yeosang started walking through the woods, the moon was shining down brightly through the leaves to the ground, where he was quietly walking in a taunting manner. His flags were slowly swaying side to side while his fingernails started to grow, the tips of his nails turning black. His eyes turning their dangerous bright orange color while he held his two pitch black fans with a smirk growing on his face as he kept listening in. “You wanted to meet me after just two weeks being here, why are you so scared to meet me now, hm? Nothing else is different, other than my tone.” He stopped before slowly turning around to see the elf pointing their staff towards the male, trying to even seem brave for doing so while Yeosang continued to smirk, flapping his fans open before fully turning around. “You...You did a lot of things to my dad and my mom. You never told me that!” “Little leaf you never asked. How can I answer questions if they aren’t being asked?” He slowly got closer, seeing them point the staff closing, this meant they would attack if needed. Seeing little orbs of light start to surround the top of the staff, trying his hardest to show that he was serious about this and wasn’t going to take anything that wasn’t the truth here. 
“Answer me first!” Squatting down to the ground, Yeosang’s eyes never leaving Y/N’s. He jumped backwards, landing on a branch but didn’t even seem to shake it before slowly sitting down, his tail staying upwards while his legs were crossed. “Simple, your parent's relationship was seen as forbidden on your mother's side. Since he wasn’t supposed to date anyone outside of who his parents had arranged for him to date. Let alone another man. And an elf on top of that? Elves are known to get any gender pregnant to term, oh but your mother was determined to leave when you were supposed to be born. But without the help of your dad and the other trained elves, your birth was dangerous without help, and his family chased him through the woods, oh they planned to kill you the moment you were fully out of the womb and do who knows what to your poor mother. But your dad made a deal with me, I take care of those monsters, he saves your mother and gets to keep you. But I didn't must do a thing when I got there.”  
Yeosang’s tone remind in a calm, but still lingered with a taunting tone, staring down into Y/N’s eyes while their eyes were frankly moving around as if he were tyring to solve the puzzle with so many pieces still needed to fall into their places before anything could be done about it all to begin with. Something Yeosang enjoyed the most when doing, and there was nothing a lot of people could ever do about it, even if they wanted to. “Your mother had killed her own family, knowing either way he was bound to be hunted down by them. And if they ever saw you, you would be dead regardless of how old you were. But the scary part for your father was that your mother was in a nest, the branches and vines from outside had made their way inside to wrap under him and he was being forced to push despite not wanting to. It was dangerous to get close but hongjoong went anyways because your feet were sticking out, which for them is a good sign but human births, it could be dangerous. So he got close enough and got you safe in his arms, but your mother was in a dangerous state. Changing almost and so, the only thing I could do to fix it was by erasing her memories of her family. Making it look like they were killed in a robbery, but he was able to hide, but I added a catch. If you grew up and ever said the word mom to him, your mother would remember everything. Which is why when you accidentally called seonghwa mom, they looked at me and started to panic. And while you were so determined to catch me, I know your dad heard that and ran thinking you were hurt. Oh, he’ll be so happy to see why, he missed his little family.”  
Yeosang had vanished from the branch he was sitting on, making Y/N jump and blink in confusion, as if they were just now coming back from their own little world that was slowly crumbling faster than they could build. But that’s when they heard their dad screaming out their name, and now their mother. Turning around to see the two of them running closer with hongjoong being the first to hold YN tightly, seonghwa holding the two of them while trying not to fall on the ground after running and having to jump over tree logs to get here. Yeosang stayed behind a tree, watching them while trying to make sure the sun wasn’t coming up now. Even with it being late, almost close to morning, he needed time before he had to change once more. He enjoyed the sight of seonghwa looking around before the two finally locked eyes with each other. Seonghwa didn’t scream but he did tug hongjoong, breaking the family hug while the three of them kept staring into the bright orange eyes that peaked out from the tree. With hongjoong stepping forward with his own weapon in hand, but could just imagine the grin on Yeosang’s face that was hiding in the dark. 
Looking back up, the wind suddenly moved around Y/n whistling their eyes opened wide before seeing Yeosang in front of him. His sharp eyes staring down while his tails swayed to the sides with excitement burning in both the way they swayed and the look in his eyes. “And we have a deal, you are mine to bite, to devour, to taste.” He started not caring if the staff was glowing towards his chest, watching y/n try their hardest to stand up while walking backwards and trying not to trip on anything behind him that he couldn’t see. “You belong under me, doesn’t that sound like such a pleasant place to be? No concubine has ever been able to get that, that get handed to San, Jong-Ho, anyone else in my court. Yet all I want is you, and I’m going to get it.” He kept walking till Y/n tried to run, knowing that their Appa was close behind him and all he needed to do was run and make it before it was too late. Licking his lips and fangs Yeosang began the chase, jumping up to the trees before jumping down far ahead of Y/N, twirling them around and picking him up before making their eyes meet. “Running does nothing more than excite me more and I can’t wait to bite you. But I have a deal to uphold. Your village gets their safest place to do as they wish without the fear of anything and your Appa will be able to do as he wished to punish them, you’ll get your family back. But your mine, and there will be no saving you from me, understand now little leaf?” 
In such a teasing tone, his nails stayed under Y/N’s chin while his face was closer together and all he could was smirk, holding y/n’s hips close with his freehand while tilting his head to the side. “Running will do nothing, I won’t harm your family, but You Appa will burn every place he walks into if it means he can have you again, and you wouldn’t be able to recognize the man in front of you, now let’s head home and get you ready, I bite a lot.” 
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Hongjoong was sitting at the table, holding his hands together on his sides while staring steaught ahead at nothing, He had to give away his little boy, his proud little boy who loved plants and flowers more then anything else, minus him. He hated it. He saw the fear in his sons eyes while they tried to stand strong in the outfit they were wearing. Yeosang had a wide varity of the wedding outfits both men style and women style for Y/N to choose from without having to make anything else. This was supposed to be a happy day for Y/N, and an emotional day for Hongjoong when he had to give away his son. Walking into the room where his son was, part of him wanted to cry at the sight of it. In that beautiful Hanbok with a fighting smile, their hair was allowed to be down with little flowers across his head. The dark blue fabric almost seemed to glow. The collar had white outlines while the shoulders and arms had dark gold stitched within them, the shoulders were tamed, but the sleeves were like an X pattern, around the waist was a gold band, the bottom was the main eyecatcher. Almost leaving a circle behind Y/n of dark blue and gold embroidery while the stitches seemed to resemble the outline of scales strangle. 
He knew what he had to do, but what hurt him more was seeing the mother of his child let silent tears fall down his face while helping them get dressed. The soft kisses but tight hugs knowing there was nothing either of them could do even while being allowed to visit at almost any time. But they had to go, the ceremony was filled with flowers with a day so brought it was perfect for a marriage. Yeosang stood there happy as could be, not wearing his mask anymore while smiling brightly while watching y/n get closer and closer. It was hard to hide his tail because of how excited he was about this moment. Hongjoong had to stand there and listen to the vows that were prepared beforehand and watching the pair finally kissed, allowing everyone to enjoy the feast of each other and mingle, while they were taken to eat high and dance before leaving the scene. Hongjoong was just in a corner of the courtyard, he didn’t know whether he wanted to destroy everything and have a fight against yeosang or bite his tongue and not look at anyone or he would cause a scene. “Your going to pop a vein in your head if you keep staring too hard at nothing.” Hearing that voice snap him back to reality, hongjoong whipped his head around to see Seonghwa walking over with two plates in hand. A small smile on his face before slowing sitting down, hongjoong could only blink a couple times before slowly sitting up in his head, letting go of his hands.  
He wanted to say something, because seonghwa truly hasn’t changed much at all and it made his heart flutter to see them so close together, just sitting down and trying to eat again. ”Seonghwa...I’m SO-” “Don’t. I know you, this was your very last resort if things truly were bad. We may not be together the way we imagined, but we’re somewhat closer. I have to be by their side every day and knowing you, you’ll be switching between here and there.” Hongjoong could only look at the taller male trying to feed him, trying to make some light of this situation knowing that there was very little either of them could do. “Do you think Yeosang will truly keep Y/N safe, you would know better than anyone I could ask.” Seonghwa turned to look at the crowd, seeing yeosang have a tight yet protective hold on the masking male in front of him.  He smiled brightly while swaying side to side. “Every Fox has their muse, he’ll be safe but also be strict, Yeosang never shares what he claims is his, and that is rare.” “And would tonight be a safe night?” Seonghwa could only stare at Hongjoong, knowing that the next time either of them saw y/n and yeosang, all Seonghwa hoped that there would be no grandkids running around so. 
The celebration was grand with mixed themes from the elves and from yeosang’s people were having fun trying out new things. Dancing together with vines and flowers surrounding the married couple with the sound of drums and banging in everyone's ears. Trying new foods and drinks before seeing Y/N try to quietly walk up the stairs to where his resting quarters would be, so yeosang was quick to run up there and hold y/n’s hand close before stopping at the top of the stairs. “Ready to rest now little leaf?” he asked, moving his hands up to their sides to help lift them above his head before holding him close to his chest. “I was hoping to walk alone to the room.” “Now now you would’ve been lost, my real room is hidden. You don’t know that one. Unless you don’t want to see my tails and teeth we can go to my main room, but for everything else, we have to go somewhere else to see all of that.” 
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Despite Yeosang wanting to ravish his new husband on their wedding night, when he heard the words no, he didn’t keep pushing. He respected their choice and waited till the y/n could look him in the eyes and say yes. Something he always wanted to hear because it would give him more free rein to leave as many marks as possible, even as the days turned to weeks, weeks into months and almost 2 years. Yeosang would Lay in a nest hungry but would often try his hardest to keep his own desires away till he heard the green word, and he could lose his mind. And tonight was no different, he left Y/N alone once dinner was over to rush to his hidden room and nearly ripped the fabric of his clothes off till they were on the ground before laying naked in his nest. HIs tails swaying around while his ears twitched with his eyes remaining closed as he could feel himself sweating despite his room being mostly cool year around. He wanted his partner, he wanted to pounce after waiting so long but he kept stopping himself frmo doing so. That was until he heard the door sliding open slowly, it made him jump while his tails kept him covered and he was so happy at what he was seeing. Y/N slowly closing the door while only wearing loose clothes before finally looking in yeosang’s eyes. "You've waited long enough, it;s a custom of ours. Where we make our partners wait 2 years before being able to touch, and you’ve made it.”  The clothes were just seemed to make their way feel at home thrown and crumbled away in the corner of the white and golden room with the windows all closed, tucked away from the hearing ear and prying eye with the doors closed and no one being able to come inside from the outside, since it was hidden and seemed to blend in to look like just another plain wall painting for anyone else to see. The only thing happening now was skin to skin contact with the married couple. Laying on the large round bed with the sheets already having wrinkles and tugs on them, with some of the pillows being a mess. Y/N having their stomach touching the sheets with their back in the air, feeling Yeosang’s nails and lips kissing from the back of their neck to the lower part of their back. Planting their own little marks along while Yeosang’s tails began to sway excitedly side to side. “You don’t have to be shy around me now, in this room there would be no reason for me to hurt you, it’s been ages since I’ve last stayed here, I’ll take such good care of you.” 
His kisses were hungry, flipping Y/n on their back and kissing their chest and stomach, his eyes remianed closed while his ears twitched at every sound, every moan, every groan before Yeosang pulled away from the soft delicate skin because of the tug he felt in his hair, catching him by surprised as he let out a soft yelp at the feeling. Seeing Y/N arch closer to lock the pair in a kiss with their heads tilted to the side, tongues were twirling around each other while y/n’s hands continued to roam but being careful of the tails, since one of them could either make Yeosang fall and be submissive or drive him crazy till he could no longer thrust anymore and he would fall. It was something of a risk with getting the right one depending on the mood. “Please...please let me do the work, if I have to sit still, I’ll pound you into this bed so fast your parents might just bust down the wall to make sure I’m not killing you.” Yeosang groaned, licking Y/M’s neck with soft bite marks while holding their legs on his shoulders. But Y/N had a smirk before shaking his head no, finding a way to flip them over so Yeosang was on the bed, and they were on top, slowly crawling down to the ground between Yeosang’s legs. Looking up at his desperate eyes. “Hmm, no. I want to try this first, might explain why Wooyoung drags San to hidden places before coming back.” Yeosang wanted to open his mouth to say something, maybe like a weak whisper of please before letting out a groan, nearly falling on the back of the bed when he felt the inside of Y/N’s mouth around his dick. His head quickly leaned forward to look down at the sight of Y/n bobbing his head back and forth, letting out gagging noises while swirling their tongue around it all. Their eyes would stay closed for a while before looking up to see Yeosang’s head leaning all over the place his legs propped to the side while his nails were digging into the white sheets under him while his opened mouth continued to let out moans mixed with whimpers and his staggered breath with each movement. 
His words were seemingly failing him, no matter how many times he tried to open his mouth to say something, anything but there was just nothing coming out while he managed to have one of his hands tangled in Y/N’s hair. His eyes fluttering opened and closed while he felt his hips move on their own. His ears stayed pointed straight while his tails seemed to be going up and down while almost seemingly like there were shaking. Yeosang could feel it now, his own release was coming but Y/N had no plans on slowing down. Staying on their knees with his hands gripping on Yeosang’s inner though to leave scratched before stopping. Letting out a muffled gag before slowly pulling away whist a string of salvia before swallowing. Looking up at Yeosang with their tongue hanging out before slowly standing up, locking eyes with a starstruck yeosang who was panting still before pulling Y/N down for a kiss, wrapping their arms around him before flipping him back over, he was growling in the long kiss while Y/N would let out a soft giggle or moan before looking at the hungry man. His tip was resting right under the entrance where it needed to go. Yeosang’s eyes were full of desire, he wanted to hear it. It would drive him crazy but he wanted to hear it, his eyes doing most of the begging for him. “Dear..” Y/N ran a finer down Yeosang’s spine in a slow manner, watching yeosang shiver at the touch like he was about to lose his mind. “If I’m not stuck to this bed and barely able to move and speak to you, if I’m not full and leaking, I’m going ot ride you till you can’t stay awake, or I finally give up. Elves are known for this.” It was like a dark switch flipped inside of Yeosang’s mind, keeping Y/n’s head pinned down to the bed before pushing himself inside of Y/N, letting that loud moan fill his ears before letting his hips move in an animalist pace. Feeling the scratches on his back, hearing the pleads right in his ears while leaning his head down before Y/N’s shoulders. It was enough to let him off edge. 
“Right there Yeosang! Fuck making you wait really was torture huh?” Y/N tried to tease with moans and gasp in between, but each word just made Yeosang move faster, changing his angle slightly upward while the sound of skin slapping got louder. When Yeosang finally pulled away from Y/N’s shoulder, his fangs showing with his eyes showing nothing but desire as they glowed that signature bright orange color while they two of them locked eyes with each other. Wanting nothing more than to never stop but he knew at some point the two of them would have to regardless of how much they didn’t want to. The night was passing them, but yeosang was no longer ontop. His bright eyes were going dim as his body began to shake after so many releases, he was sure there would be children growing. Yeosang was now on the bed, his eyes struggling to stay awake as he watched Y/n bounce like they still had stamina, holding onto Yeosang’s scratched marked sides one more time before finally slamming down one last time. Allowing streams to cover Yeosang’s chest one more before collapsing on him. His body was tired, but Yeosang’s eyes closed before he could even say anything. His tails were swaying to show that he was still awake and breathing but he just couldn’t keep his eyes open. Y/N could only smile at this, knowing their plan worked all along. 
Slowly leaning up to grab a towel close to the pair, slowly lifting themselves up and wiping yeosang cleaned along with himself. He hummed softly to himself before straddling Yeosang once again. Looking down at the tired fox before smiling, keeping his tone quiet so Yeosang wouldn’t be able to hear him in his sleep. “I always knew a charming elf was something the kitsune would want, not for power but just because, I’m surprised Appa didn’t tell you anything. But I got to meet my mother so that’s all that matters, they’re happy. And you’re forever mine, not the other way around.” 
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steviebbboi · 2 months
Let's Blow This Popsicle Stand
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Writing another ficlet for @bigtreefest's Summer Lovin’ 300 Follower Celebration. Excited to share this one :)
This follows the prompt/trope: strangers to lovers + “here, you can share with me” + “aw man, that was the last one” + praise kink + oooo! Hand + a popsicle dripping down someone’s skin + ice cream shop/stand + beach
Pairing: Ari Levinson x Reader (no y/n)
Words: 2.3k ~ woah
Dividers from @sweetmelodygraphics ~ thank you for this creation!
Disclaimer(s): 18+ fic, Minors DNI, I do not own Ari Levinson (wish I did though). Graphic depictions of smut and serious flirting action from Ari. Allusions to eventual smut btwn reader and Ari. Allusions to domAri!/subReader! dynamic. This ficlet is unbeta'd.
Additional Note: I don't give permission to post this anywhere else. This is only posted on here and Ao3-- please do not steal work, my friends!
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Your hand softly rests on the side of your neck as you hold your hair away to rub some ice on your perspiring skin. Letting out a sigh of relief, you try to shift further into the shade until you find some reprieve from the warm sunrays peeking through the shadows of your small store front.
Throwing away your makeshift ice pack, you let out another exhale and lean forward onto the counter while going back to mindlessly flipping your magazine. 
A few minutes of turning page after page after page, you huff and put the magazine to the side to go get yourself a grape-flavored popsicle. 
As you suck on your new treat, you look out towards the very crowded beach and observe people in their bikinis and shorts, also seemingly basking in the heat joylessly. The summer usually invites you to thrill in the sun’s generosity of its fevered heat. This summer though- it seems like the sun is being a little too generous. 
You were finally having a moment of reprieve after flocks of customers started raiding through your store. Looking briefly at your remaining inventory, you smile as you predict your sales from today fondly. You have a feeling that you’ll get to close a little bit earlier today.
Your smile remained on your face as you brought your magazine back to your attention while happily humming, enjoying your ice pop. Really investing some newfound focus and energy into reading an article discussing a pop singer’s summer romance, you don’t even notice the man walking up to the counter to stand in front of you. 
Only when you hear a throat clear, and your eyes shift to notice a shadow now being casted over the once sun-lit counter, do you look up to find a pair of amused blue eyes staring into your own. A soft smirk on the face of this just hot, glistening, sexy…hot, shirtless man. You freeze as you could practically feel this guy’s eyes piercing through you as you stare at him with your ice pop still pursed in your mouth. 
Your eyes couldn’t help but roam over his fit physique, his dark hair breezed around his taut shoulders and his sculpted chest that only enhanced his handsome features. Your eyes glazed back to his upcurved pink lips that was accompanied by a full, dark beard. 
Overall, the status of said man in front of you is: hot. 
You both stare at each other in complete silence until the awkwardness starts to sit in for you where you then suddenly slurp the sweet grape flavor that leaked from your ice pop and with a soft pop, the icee slicks out of your mouth. The popsicle in your hand was already melting. 
A few more moments of silence sat in the space and you saw the man’s eyes drift down to your lips that shined with dewy drops of icee. Unbeknownst to you, the cerulean blue hue of his eyes darkened a shade when he noticed you bite your lip in response. 
“Hi.” Your eyes widen as that is the only word that seems to escape your mouth. Feeling embarrassed by your ditzy response, you flush and shake your head, “Uh- hi, how can I help you?”
The man only gazed back at you with a wider smirk on his face. A peek of perfectly white, straight teeth peeking out of his cheshire grin. “Hey. Sorry if I scared you.”
You shook your head adamantly, “No – that’s okay. I should’ve been paying attention. Sorry for…well, not noticing.” You let out a small huff of a chuckle.
The man gave you a small smile, “No worries, honey. I was wondering if you still had some ice pops left?” He looked back over his shoulder briefly before turning back to you. It was then that you noticed the cash gripped in his fist. You also looked over his shoulder to notice his friends chatting and lingering by the volleyball net stand on the sandy, yellow beach. 
“Oh, yes of course! Let me see…how many did you want?” You ask brightly. Again, happily reminded of your successful sales flow of the day. 
“Five, please.” He responded with his smile still locked on his face. His eyes couldn’t stop staring at the curvature of your thick lips that were now curled into a light smile. 
“Beautiful.” Ari thought. He quickly noticed how fixated he was becoming as he focused on the plumpness of your mouth and shamelessly stared once more.
The man let out a hm while taking another look at you up and down over your body that was visible behind the booth. You couldn’t help but blink and flush again, wondering if maybe the ice pop you were eating has left a stain anywhere. 
You subtly look down your clothes to check for stains. When you didn’t find any, you look back at the handsome face and ask, “Sorry, is there something on me?”
The man blinked as if he was taken out of an intense thought, but not out of embarrassment of being caught, rather– he seemed to drag his eyes away from your body reluctantly as if you interrupted him in a thought that he would rather stay in. 
“Uh, no, not from what I can see.” He responded simply with his smirk now back on his wonderfully tanned face.
You let out a flushed okay and go back to looking over your inventory. You frowned as you counted only four ice pops left over. The fifth melting in your closed fist.
“Ah, I’m so sorry, sir - it seems like I have only four left.” You smile at him apologetically while putting out the ice treats on the counter. 
“Aw man, that was the last one, huh?” The man jokingly referred to the icee in your hand. He puts the cash on the table as you stammer again. You didn’t catch the humor in his voice and immediately felt guilty for taking the last one. 
Not wanting to leave a bad impression, you panickedly let out, “Oh! Uh, here, you can share with me!” 
And once again, your awkwardness has induced a panicked response that has now led to you staring at him, doe-eyed, and in silence. “Why the fuck did I just say that?” You thought– your inner voice yelled at you as you tried to recover by coming up with a covered up response.
The man stared back at you as you attempted to talk your way out of that offer. Though, he unashamedly stared at you again with a darkened narrowed gaze. You didn’t know what your words had inspired him to think about next. 
Your plump lips were covered in ‘juices’, letting out small mewls as your mouth engulfed the hilt of a concave shaped object- but instead of it being a popsicle, it was you sucking his thick, hard cock as he gripped the back of your head. Your attempt to speak now smothered with soft moans around his dick, all while Ari groaned out encouraging words staring down at the glazed look on your face. Your head was bobbing back and forth with tears swelling in your eyes as he thrust deep into your warm and wet mouth. Your tongue made the same slurping noises around the girth of his cock and was swirling around his mushroom tip over and over again. One hand fisted at his base since you couldn’t fit the whole thing in your mouth. Ari didn’t care though and drove deep inside until he could feel you gag around his cock again. He continued to relentlessly thrust into you until a mix of spit and pre-cum could be seen around your gripped fist.
“That’s a good fucking girl. I know your cock-sucking lips can do better than that.” Ari grunted and tightened his grip on your hair while quickening his thrusts with deep groans until he would eventually finish inside your waiting tongue and all over your doe- eyed stare that begged him for his cum.
Ari could only let out a huff of desire as he broke out of his reverie, perceived as a breath of frustration by you, not knowing that Ari has to lean into the bottom of the counter to adjust his raging hard on. 
“Yo Ari, where’s my icee?” One of Ari’s friends runs over and comes up from behind him only to glance over at the two of you in your intense staring match. You look over at the friend with panic in your eyes and take action, you apologize for how long you were taking. You motion to hand over the icees to him and Ari. 
Ari still hasn’t let up his wandering gaze on you and the friend seemed to catch on quickly, noting his friend's lack of reaction. Noticing Ari’s tense posture and the way that he was leaning suspiciously far into the cover of the counter, the other man raised his eyebrows and took another look at you. He suddenly smirked, as if he understood Ari’s reaction (or lack thereof), before saying, “No worries, darlin’. Thanks for the treats.” 
You nod affirmatively but still confused as you look back at Ari's stiff stance. His friend continues to smirk and lets out a chuckle before clapping Ari on the shoulder quickly before running back to the rest of their friends with the frozen treats now in his hands. 
At his friend’s touch, and noticing the concern still lingering in your eyes, Ari blinked once more and cleared his throat with a smile. The darkness in his eyes hasn't gone away and Ari didn’t even attempt to cover it up. 
You were thinking that you just completely embarrassed yourself in front of one of the most attractive guys that you have ever seen in your life. While Ari was now thinking of all of the ways that he could have you later that day.
“I can’t believe I said that- in front of a customer too! God, I’m an idiot.” You thought to yourself while frowning and looking down at the counter towards the small remnants that remained of your popsicle. 
“I’m so sorry, sir. I don’t know why I said that.” You apologize while staring at him through your lashes, intimidated by the man’s silence. 
Before too much silence could take up the space again, Ari merely gave you another smirk, “Don’t be, honey. I’d love to share with you.” 
At that last comment, you look up with surprise. Not even registering how Ari was flirting with you, you look back at the last stubs of the icee in your hand. “Oh, uhm, it seems to be gone now though.”
Ari looked down at the popsicle with you and abruptly gripped your now wet and sticky wrist and brought it up this mouth. You let out a gasp at the unexpected move and the pressure of his grip, and proceeded to let out a quiet, surprised moan that you couldn’t control once you gauged what he was doing. 
Ari’s soft tongue and wet lips lapped softly and slowly at your hand, gathering all of the juice that spilled over in the last few minutes. The flavor of the popsicle and of your soft skin burst on his tongue as he peered back at you to see your reaction. Your eyes glazed over and followed the motion of his mouth. You could barely register the feeling of his tongue sucking at your now ‘clean’ skin until he eventually covered his mouth over the remaining small popsicle piece. The cold bite gave Ari a quick reprieve from the heat of his thoughts as he landed one last open kiss on your hand. 
You let out a small whimper once you felt the withdrawal of his mouth on your skin. You instantly miss his warmth and images of Ari’s tongue on your wet, pulsing cunt were the only thoughts coming into your mind. A gush of slick coated your thin panties and you shifted your feet to adjust the discomfort.
A confident smirk swept back onto his face as he heard your soft and whines leave your throat. He gave your wrist a squeeze until he grasped onto the wooden stick that was sticking out loosely from your wet grip and took that into his mouth with a flirty grin on his face.
“Thanks for sharing, Doe. Maybe I’ll come back a bit later to share something else with you, if you don’t mind.” Ari says with a determined glint in his eyes. 
Your eyes were taking in his unabashed demeanor, along with this newfound nickname, as he simply chewed on the wooden stick again while waiting for your response, or as you would put it, waiting for your soul to come back into your body. Receiving the boldness of his implied message, you could only let out a breath and a quiet yes, sir.
Ari’s eyes took one last sweep over your exposed skin and back to your plump and bite-ridden lips. He darkly responds to your affirmation, “That’s a good girl.” 
Another whimper chirps out of your throat at the unexpected rush of warmth spearing into and all over your body when hearing his praise.  
Looks like you won’t be getting out of work early after all.
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Ahhh, I really love this one. Also, I haven't written anything smut in a long time lol, please be kind 🙏🏼 Hope you enjoy, any comments/likes/reblogs are loved and much appreciated, thank you!
Check out my other @bigtreefest summer lovin' celebration fic here.
Main Masterlist
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indigosparkle444 · 2 months
🕸️ Welcome to my blog 🕸️
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👻 30, flirty and thriving
👻 Cali born and raised
👻 Engaged, open relationship
👻 I love nature, going on hikes and bike rides, painting
👻Capricorn sun, Aries moon, Virgo rising (I love astrology and spirituality)
👻 Music has my heart (feel free to send me suggestions)
👻 I like to post things that I’m interested in or find cool and I share my thoughts/outfits on here from time to time. I DO post NSFW content.
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Credit for dividers: @sweetmelodygraphics @firefly-graphics @cafekitsune
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voiceoffenrisulfr · 3 months
Becoming Spider-Man - Chapter Eleven
Peter Parker Takes a Step
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 -> Peter Parker & Tony Stark (IronDad)
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘 ->In which Peter has an appointment, and Tony did some research.
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 -> (T) Trans medical discussion; minor, hypothetical discussion of self-harm and suicide, but nothing particularly heavy.
𝐀/𝐍 -> Disclaimer - I know almost nothing about trans healthcare in America, and the waiting times involved. I know that sometimes there is one, and sometimes there isn't, and quality is highly variable. Please don't assume this is factually accurate, for everyone's sakes. <3 Check it out below, or on AO3 here! Cute divider by @/sweetmelodygraphics!
<- Previous Chapter (10/16) Next Chapter (12/16) ->
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It was an oddly unobtrusive start to such a momentous day. I didn’t sleep well, finding blissful escape only as the sun began to hint at the horizon, but I felt refreshed as I stretched luxuriously between Egyptian cotton sheets. There was no obnoxious alarm blaring, no manic genius hammering on my door – only a slow progression into a comfortable consciousness. Sleep stolen in hours that should be spent in class are undeniably the best, I mused distantly as I slid myself into my suit, having learnt the trick by now and flattening my body without the flailing of limbs that had accompanied my first attempt. I had other binders now, sure – but this was a big day, and I wanted to do it not only as Peter Parker-Stark, but also as Spider-Man.
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When I emerged, dishevelled, Tony was waiting in the kitchen, a mug of coffee sending curls of steam into the charged air. “Morning, kid. You all ready to go?” I nodded hesitantly, unable to hide the trembling of my hands. “I think so.” He watched me carefully, tracking the shaking of my fingers as I moved to pour myself my own pick-me-up, knowing I’d need it when the adrenaline wore off. “Nervous?” I wriggled my free hand indecisively as I took a sip, before offering him a weak grin. “Terrified… But in the best way.” He simply smiled in response, shrugging on his jacket. “We’ll get on our way in a minute.” I nodded then paused, struck dumb. “M… Mr. Stark, is that… A pronoun badge?” The small pin was stuck unobtrusively to his chest, pale blue with black typing, but once I’d spotted it adorning his jacket, I couldn’t look away. “Huh? Oh, this?” He looked down, offering a half-shrug at the he/him proudly displayed.  “Yeah. I wanted to… Y’know, show that you have my support. And it’s good to normalise offering and asking pronouns, to avoid trans people feeling singled out when they clarify theirs.”
Despite his head still being angled down, I could see the text scrolling across the bottom of his tinted glasses, and pinched my lips to suppress a smile. “I think it’s a lovely idea, Tony. I’ll have to get myself one, too.” He looked back up, grinning broadly as he reached under the counter. “We have a range to choose from. I intend to offer them to both the Avengers and the Stark employees – and we’re putting together a HR meeting with the Stark Enterprises team to discuss the importance of using people’s correct pronouns.” My own smile broke free then, fondly eyeing the box before me. “That’s amazing – so cool of you!” He hesitated briefly before opening the box and sliding it toward me. “I… Never actually thought to ask you, actually. Are you comfortable sharing your pronouns with me? I’m sorry for not asking before now.” I resisted the urge to clasp a hand over my heart theatrically, deeply touched by his care. “It’s no problem, Mr. Stark. I use he/him pronouns, but I’m ok with they/them, too. Really, the only ones I don’t like are she/her.” I couldn’t fight the curl in my lip at the words, making Tony chuckle fondly, reaching out to tousle my hair as I dove into the box for my matching pin.
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The small badge on my lapel bolstered my confidence as we entered the sleek clinic, a minor-yet-major thing that proclaimed me as male for the world to see. Tony checked us in while I gazed around myself in wonder, stunned by the white furniture and polished surfaces.
“This place looks expensive,” I hissed under my breath when we were invited to sit in the sterile waiting room. Tony shrugged one shoulder modestly.
“It isn’t – not for me,” he added when I arched a brow in disbelief. “Kid, you’ve gotta remember; at this point, I have more money than I know what do with. And besides… It’s all yours in the end, anyway. I may as well get chance to see it being put to use.”
I nodded, still not entirely comfortable, before hesitating. “… ‘Mine in the end’?” I clarified, heart stuttering.
Tony met my gaze, head tipped. “Of course. You’re my son, Peter – where else would it go?”
I swallowed dryly, fighting off the flutter of happiness in my chest that occurred whenever he called me his son. “M-Mr. St… Tony… I didn’t… I’m not-”
“-here for the money, I know,” he interrupted softly. “I know, kid. But it’ll be yours regardless. It’s up to you what you do with it, and if you don’t want to keep it, that’s fine. However, in the meantime, just let me do something good with it, okay?”
I looked down, chagrined and humbled, and nodded once. “Okay, Tony.”
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The office we were shown to was just as sophisticated as the waiting room, which did nothing to ease my nerves, despite the nurse smiling at me from her straight-backed leather chair.
“Peter and Tony, right?”
I nodded and mumbled out a hello, while Tony stepped forward confidently, offering his hand. “That’s us. Thanks for fitting us in so quickly.”
The woman laughed, a comforting, gentle sound. “My son is a big Iron Man fan, in all honesty. He’d never believe I’d met you!” There was a tense pause, and her hand went to her mouth as she flushed pink. “Not… Not that I’d tell him, of course. We take patient confidentiality very seriously here – I just meant, you know, hypothetically.”
Tony glanced at me, and I shrugged. “I don’t care.”
He smiled affectionately before turning back to our nurse. “I don’t suppose you have your phone?” Her mouth worked wordlessly before she nodded, reaching into a purse below the desk and handing it to him silently. I watched as he deftly opened the camera, clearly used to the routine by now, and set up the front facing video. “What’s your son’s name?”
“Um… T-Tyler. He… He’s actually why I work here. He’s trans, too. Not that that’s… I mean, he’s very open about it, and we touch base often about whether I can disclose that to clients, and he’s fine with it,” she clarified quickly.
“You don’t say?” Tony’s lips quirked in the corner as he glanced at the nurse – a pretty blonde, I noticed for the first time. “What about you? What’s your name?”
“Lola,” she replied, blushing once more. “She/her.”
“He/him,” he responded smoothly, settling in front of the phone.
“Hey, Tyler! I’m here with your mom, and she said you’re a big fan. She’s…” Tony glanced at me once more, and again, I nodded, eliciting a fond smile. “She’s looking after my son, too. Peter.” He gestured me over, and I ducked into frame, offering an awkward wave.
“Hey, Tyler. I’m a pretty big Iron Man fan, too.” Tony elbowed me lightly in the ribs, chuckling playfully, and I laughed.
“I’ll make sure to give her an autograph for you. You’ve got a good mom, sport. Look after her. The world needs heroes, big and small.” ‘Sport’? So he only calls me ‘kid’, huh? I thought affectionately as he threw up a peace sign before cutting the camera, and I smirked, dropping back into one of the vacant seats.
“Kinda ironic, don’t you think?” I quipped, and he rolled his eyes at me.
“Yes, yes, very funny, kid.”
“Thank you so much, Mr. Stark – and you, too, Peter,” she added, voice soft and flattered as she put her phone away. “Now… How about we get to business?”
Tony nodded, quickly returning to the task at hand. “Yeah. We – Peter and I – we put together a kind of plan of what he’s after, if that helps?” Delving into his own case, he pulled out a clear file, through which I could just about see the sheet covered in our mingled, untidy scrawl.
Lola raised an eyebrow, visibly surprised. “You two really thought this through, huh?”
I shuffled forward a little, finding my voice at last. “Yeah. Tony’s been really supportive, and he’s helped me so much. I wouldn’t have been able to do it without him. I mean, I’ve known that this was what I wanted for a long time, y’know? But actually doing it is a little scary. I didn’t always… Well, I’ve not always had the greatest of support systems. Tony’s being unquestioningly compassionate to my struggles, and done a ton of research on how he can help. It… Means a lot,” I finished lamely, wincing. But how could I put words to what he’s done for me? He saved my life.
She smiled again, glancing warmly at my guardian. “That’s great. I’m really happy for you; far too many trans youth are in unsupportive environment, and it makes an already difficult life significantly harder. Society’s treatment of trans people has a long way to go, but a bit of compassion at home can make the world of difference. But,” she added, growing serious, “this process is, first and foremost, about you, Peter. And while I understand that you are appreciative of your relationship with Tony and how he’s supported you, I am required to ask – are you ok with him being here while we talk, or would you rather he stepped outside?” I opened my mouth to respond instinctively, but she cut across quickly. “If you want him to stay, that’s ok. Or if you want to discuss the more sensitive stuff first, we can ask him to come back in after. Or if you’d rather speak without him here at all, that’s fine too. It’s about you, Peter.”
I glanced across, chewing on my lip. Tony offered me a reassuring smile, and I couldn’t help but wince. “Is it okay if… If we talk about some stuff alone, first?” I asked meekly, looking away when Tony’s smile began to feel strained. There was a heavy pause, then he got to his feet, clapping me on the shoulder.
“Sure thing, kid. I’ll be right out there if you need me.” His fingers ruffled my hair and I couldn’t help but lean into the touch, feeling deeply ungrateful, but somewhat relieved.
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The door closed with a quiet click, silence continuing for a heartbeat before the nurse spoke again, her voice soft. “It seems like that was kinda hard for you to do, huh?” I simply nodded, chewing on my thumbnail. “Can you explain to me why that is?”
I looked up, startled, into her clinically impassable mask. “Nothing… It’s nothing like that. Tony’s supporting me, sure, but I’ve never felt pushed into transitioning. It’s always been what I want, and when I want it.”
She frowned infinitesimally, puzzled, and shook her head. “I didn’t assume otherwise, Peter. It seems like the two of you have a great relationship.” I swallowed dryly around my throat, cursing myself for my assumption. Nothing looks quite so suspicious as vehemently denying something that was never even a question, huh? “I only want to understand why it was difficult for you. It seemed like a pretty hard thing to do, so I don’t think you’d have done it without a good reason.”
I nodded again, my gaze still low. “I… I feel ungrateful. He’s done so much, and this feels like secrecy, and he deserves better.” I picked at the skin around my nail uncomfortably, yet another wave of guilt rising in my chest. “But… Yeah. I figure it’ll be less painful for me to ask him to leave.”
“Less painful than hearing what you have to say?” she prompted softly.
I ground my teeth, reluctantly meeting her eye. “Yeah. I… I know that part of this is talking about my mental health. And that’s… I mean, there’s nothing to worry about. But it’s not always… Great. And I know that wouldn’t be fun for him to hear.” She watched me quietly, waiting patiently for me to continue, and I sighed. “I feel… If I don’t think about it, I feel okay. Normal, y’know? But… Then I do. And it sucks. I feel… I feel trapped. In here,” I added, tapping a finger to my temple. “I feel like who I am will never be seen by everyone else.”
“Do you ever think about hurting yourself, or ending your own life?”
The question was a simple one, but there was no simple answer. I squeezed my eyes shut briefly, a flashing blade flickering across my lids. “I think about it every day,” I answered softly, hesitating before opening my eyes to meet her gaze. “I think about it constantly. It’s always there – an exit strategy. A way to opt out, y’know? If it all gets too much.”
“Do you have any plans, or are you actively harming yourself?”
I couldn’t help but smile, albeit weakly. “No. And I’m not even tempted anymore, not really. Ever since I moved in with Tony, it’s been easier to ignore that voice. But even when I lived with Aunt May – when it was the loudest it’s ever been – I still never intended to actually do anything. I just… Find comfort in the fact that it’s a possibility.”
She nodded once, making a brief note on her legal paper. “Well… We’ve only had a brief interaction here – and it’s something I’d definitely like to discuss again – but I don’t feel like you’re a danger to yourself or others, and you haven’t told me anything that makes me think you or anyone else is at risk. So, you’ll be relieved to know, I have no cause to disclose anything you’ve said to me to Mr. Stark. But,” she added, looking up to meet my eye seriously, “I encourage you to talk to him about it yourself. It’s important to share how you’re feeling with the people in your life, especially those who clearly care about you.”
I hummed thoughtfully, pulling on a hangnail. “Maybe. I’ll think about it.”
She offered me a reassuring smile, and leant forward a little. “Are you ready to call him back in?”
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“Deep breath.”
I inhaled sharply, the sound tearing in my throat, fingers laced tightly with those of my guardian as the needle sank into my skin.
The gravity and monument of the moment was disturbed somewhat by the explanation by the kind, but chatty, nurse. “Make sure you fully depress the plunger before pulling out the needle, Mr. Stark. I doubt this young man will want a low dose in your hurry to remove it!” she chuckled, sliding the needle from my skin almost painlessly. “A small bit of blood is normal, but if you remember to draw back before injecting, you can be sure you haven’t hit a vessel.”
Tony, to his credit, was nodding along, a look of fierce concentration fixed on his face, despite his own extensive medical knowledge; I was more than certain that he knew how to administer a shot without instruction, but he was entirely devoted to listening, and entirely oblivious to my gazing at him adoringly. The man basically performed heart surgery on himself, but he’s so adamant about getting this right for me…
“And that’s you done! You can go ahead and pull up your pants now, Peter. Congratulations,” she added with a tender smile. “You’re officially on testosterone.”
I split into a wide grin, inching my waistband over the site gingerly. Tony’s partially-removable suit had been a Godsend when I’d been told I could start testosterone there and then – the idea of having to remove my entire suit just to access the top of my butt was one I hadn’t been thrilled about, but Tony had simply reprogrammed his nanos, forming a strip of available skin for the shot without any hassle.
“And that’s every four weeks?” he clarified, tapping his palm against the side of his fist as he committed the procedure to memory. She nodded, and he met my eye with a proud smile. “I’d be honoured.”
I flushed crimson as his arm snaked around my shoulders, gripping me affectionately. “You don’t have to, Mr. Stark. I’m sure Dr. Banner would-”
“Not a chance, kid,” he interrupted gently, ruffling my hair. “It’s a blessing I want… If you’ll have me?” His voice tilted at the question, subtly concerned, and I shook my head with a grin.
“I’d love for it to be you, Mr. Stark. Who else? I’m only here because of you.”
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We pulled up outside the complex before I mustered the courage to approach the sensitive topic, but I knew it was never far from either of our minds.
“Mr. Stark, I want to-”
“Look, Peter, I don’t expect you to-”
We hesitated together, and chuckled uncertainly, each motioning the other before he exhaled heavily, running a hand through his hair. “Kid, I know you aren’t going to tell me everything. That’s fine; I wasn’t offended that you asked me to leave. I just worry. I know about the mental health concerns in trans kids – especially those that are kicked out. And I know that I’m not… That it’s not always easy to approach me. I’m not that great at talking about feelings. But I’m always – always – here for you, Peter. I just want to make sure you know that. There’s nothing that will make me stop loving you, or want to get rid of you, okay?” I’d looked away halfway through his speech, and his declaration of love had the windscreen swimming before my eyes, vision suddenly blurred as I swallowed around the swollen lump in my throat, simply nodding. His gentle hand found the hair at the nape of my neck, smoothing tenderly, which, while comforting, only made my emotions more difficult to control, and I sniffed loudly, breaking the silence. “I do, y’know. I… I love you, kid. You mean everything to me, and I sure as hell am not going to let something as simple as ‘talking about our feelings’ get in the way of that.”
His voice cracked almost imperceptibly, sending my pixellated gaze sliding back to his face, locking on his own watery eyes. “M… Tony. I… I owe you everything,” I breathed, trying to keep the sobs from bursting from my lungs as they fought to maintain control. “Without you, I… Well, I probably wouldn’t be here. I definitely wouldn’t be here,” I added, waving a hand blindly at the main building of the compound I’d almost forgotten existed in this moment, “living with superheroes and on T.  I love you too – of course I do. I… Uncle Ben died before I ever really knew him, and I can’t remember what my father was like. They’re just figures in my mind – a shadow without a face. I never really had a dad… Until now.”
I blinked in surprise as a tear rolled down his cheek, devastation and delight warring across his features. This man, renowned for his robots and literal suit of armour, was dissolving before my eyes, simply from my tender words. He pursed his lips, looking away, the muscle in his jaw ticking as he fought with his emotions. “That… That means a lot, kid. Thank you.”
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Our return to the compound came after several minutes of quiet in Tony’s car, both sniffling and wiping our eyes. It had been an emotional day in every way, and combined with the dull ache in my butt, I was definitely ready for bed, despite it only being a little after midday.
“Just… I’m sorry, in advance,” Tony murmured as he led the way into the kitchen, following up on his promise of a cup of coffee and a relaxed evening. “I tried to tell them that you’d likely just want to slump in front of the TV, but…”
The door opened to the amassed Avengers, each grinning as broadly as the next, cheering beneath a banner proudly proclaiming, ‘It’s a boy!’ – a cliché, undoubtedly, but one that touched my heart. I laughed breathlessly as the team gathered around me, clapping me on the back and making light-hearted jibes about when I’d eventually grow a moustache. Tony shrugged apologetically over Widow’s shoulder, and I shook my head minutely, fondly.
How could I be mad about this?
“Congratulations, Peter. How do you feel?” Vision enquired, his soft voice cutting over the clamour as he hung back with Wanda, ever the reserved pair.
“Honestly? It’s… Weird,” I chuckled, scratching my neck uncomfortably. “It’s both a huge, momentous thing… But also oddly anticlimactic, y’know? Like… A quick stab, and that’s it – I’m on Testosterone. This massive goal of my life is achieved. I don’t really know what to do now,” I added, laughing lightly. Vision smiled tightly, sympathetic.
“It’s not the end of your journey, though,” Tony added, nudging his way through the mass of bodies to my side. “It’s just the beginning. And I think I speak for everyone here when I say – we can’t wait to see the man you grow into.”
I smiled, tipping my head against Natasha’s fondly. “Thank you, Tony.”
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