#sun and moon respond
chickenchirps27 · 2 days
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hello denizens of tumblr i come with humble offerings
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they wish to romance you
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oobbbear · 2 years
✨The Seven Mysteries AU✨
Long post warning
These are the twins who haunts an elementary school janitor’s closet, story inspired by Hanoko San the classic Japanese urban legend
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In this school it consists of seven mysteries, one of them is the ghost twins, legend says that if you go knock on the fourth floor janitor’s closet four times while calling their name, one of them will appear to greet you. If you’re a good person, Sun will appear and grand you blessings and treats.If you’re a bad person, Moon will appear and haunt you till the end of your days.
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The twin went to a regular elementary school when they were 7, unfortunately they got bullied and isolated by the students there.
It was the last day before summer vacation, the two got beaten and locked in a janitor’s closet, Sun was hit on the head and died not long after due to blood loss, Moon was able to stay alive for an entire week before dying due to starvation and dehydration. They were not found till 2 months later.
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After that, they haunt the school.
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Both were very much hurt but Moon struggles more than Sun because of what he witnessed
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The 6 other mysteries hopefully I will introduce them one by one, they gonna be the rest of the pizzaplex crew (rn I only have music man’s design, the rest I’ll come up with something somehow)
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lynaferns · 6 months
About that sun swimming post like what if he just tilts his head to use as a board cause the water keeps clashing with his head and makes him slow down so he just tilts his head whatever direction he's going moon too btw
(late response, sorry)
He was already looking up like animals do when they swim, Moon and Eclipse where just floating.
I drew the faces round, they aren't flat so it wouldn't slow them down much anyways.
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I just wanted to draw the boys swimming and pulling their rays back like puppies do because I thought it was cute. (I'm talking about the other post, Sun isn't pulling back his rays here because Moon is carrying him).
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r0b0s-robos · 2 months
Got any DCA fic recs?
Oh, goodness I have... so many recs....
Multi-Chapter Fics: "To Love Without a Heart" - Sun and Moon navigate their feelings for "Reader" "Long Road Ahead" - Your aunt buys you a robot that you don't really want, but friendship blossoms nonetheless and you become invested in their wellbeing. (please be mindful of the tags for this one. It has a lot of triggering content). "Pluck my Heartstrings - You work as an employee at a new medieval-themed Fazbear location. Love blossoms between you and the jesters. "So(u)l" - A Soulmates AU where all starts off well, but spirals as the jesters become unstable due to the virus and other factors. "Emotional Support Staff" - Honestly, I cannot begin to describe this fic. It's one of my favorites and you'll just have to read to understand lmao. "Love, Death and Rollerskates" - 80s AU where you work at a rollerskate rink, but your coworkers have more going on at night than you expected. "Starlit Skies" - Another fic that I just love beyond words. You'll have to read it for yourself to see what I mean. "Favillous" - Short fic where the DCA admires the temporary life of a human body and yearns.
Oneshots: "Intrusive Night" "Reassurance" "Don't you dare make me fall in love with you" "And we'll be here" "Countdown" "Floriography" "Scrape" "Paralyzed" "Speak Low, If You Speak Love" "Remedial Craft Day"
These are the ones I particularly really, really enjoy/enjoyed. I have... many, many others... if you check out the bookmarks section on my AO3, you can see all the other fics. I try to leave a comment in the bookmark's section and label then w/ the "heart" (rec) emoji in the corner.
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moonlit-dreamers · 2 months
after getting permission i decided to draw an interaction i had with an alter and turn it into a ship post bc it was really fucking funny to me
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small explanation since some ppl are probably wondering why eclipse said he didnt love solar (and why solar just finds it funny lol) >.>
i project onto eclipse so heavily so hes aroace and loveless. he doesnt experience love and isnt ashamed to say he doesnt. he doesnt love anyone or anything. sometimes he jokes and is sarcastic about how he "loves something" but its always a lie in some way. which hes fine with lying, he does it all the time. just that when it comes to his partners he doesnt like lying to them so he just says it how it is. he doesnt love them. but a lack of love doesnt mean a lack of care :3
reblogs appreciated !
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crabsnpersimmons · 5 months
I think Sun and moon should swap cat onesies, that’ll be much comfier
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a very good idea!
unfortunately... not too much of an improvement 😅
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Clip thought of everything 😂
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ohno-the-sun · 1 year
Since that chew toy was a success, did y/n end up getting a collection of toys for plant Moon? And had y/n ever caught Prof. Sundrop chewing on one without realizing it?
Lol this doesn’t quite answer the question but my brain was turning
Technically Moon’s thing with chewing was Sun’s thing with chewing. When he was younger he would chew on pencils and erasers when bored or concentrating. He grew out of it for the most part but sometimes you can catch him still doing it occasionally
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Since Moon is essentially taking over Sun’s brain, some of his traits are getting transferred over and vise versa. Another little quirk is Moon having a strange compulsion to keep things tidy
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Continuation of this and this
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socksandbuttons · 3 months
To be fair, they never fully explained why Nexus went mad. That’s why Moon reacted the way he did.
Thats true it just hurts me that Old Moon tells Nexus 'you arent fmaily' BRUH.... OUCH...
but also nexus still thinking of the others as family... regardless..,
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officiallightwarrior · 10 months
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I like Forkface, so I made a little redesign/au to his design as well as his real name (not really real name we don't know in the show) I just have a feeling Frank is one of the star beings, like Pollux and Caster, but like a baby star. A Protostar. So yeah, he's a star child who made his look based on Sun and Moon because he liked how they looked but wanted to be different.
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vectorisheree · 7 months
*breaks into your room* hi :D
I come offering
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big bro solar
wanna be friends and spazz about TSAMS together :D?
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HASJHDSAJASKFK Hiiii!!! I'd love to be your friend and talk abt TSAMS with you!!
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ruinous-confessions · 1 month
Bet you can't even bottle of woder - Lunar
First day on the job and I'm already being attacked?
You can't even reach the top shelf.
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gniteruirui · 7 months
On my sleepy head, I try to think about what would have happened if Stella had been hiding in Honey's room while he wasn't there. And I suddenly realized that our vision of Moon is very different.
Tell us about his behavior, how he looks in your eyes, how he treats children and employees? Why would he be so obsessed with stalking or somehow intimidating Stella/any other employee?
Can Honey calm him down with just talking or will he have to use force? Considering that Honey and Moon are friends, how will their relationship turn out after Stella appears in their lives?
There aren't many differences; I believe my perspective on Moon is similar to how the community portrays him. Perhaps with some variations, like in my AU, Moon is the good guy, even better than Sun. After the virus, both faced challenges, but Moon took all the credit for the out-of-control killer robot, as his violent transformation was more evident, while Sun managed to conceal it more effectively. Moon feels remorse, and Sun not entirely. Haha
While he has always been an intimidating animatronic, even before the virus, and loved caring for children, he remains intimidating, even more so now but without fulfilling his original purpose.
I think he simply enjoys intimidating rather than harming, but with the virus, it's hard not to do both. Now with the virus it is more twisted, making him unstable
Id would like to say that Honey might try to reason with Moon before he completely loses control, avoiding resorting to brute force. But I doubt Honey could do something to make it work; it would worsen things since I believe Honey is a factor that would cause Moon to have a breakdown (jealousy). In any case, when Moon is struggling to control himself, Honey's priority will be to take Stella away from danger, and if he has to dismantle Moon, he'll have to do it, even though I consider Moon himself a bit stronger than Hon.
Stella's arrival in Moon/Sun and Honey's lives was the best thing that happened to them. All three know what it's like to be alone – Moon in his cage of being feared by others, Sun in his cage at the daycare, and Honey in his constant cage of sleeping and waking up in a box or hospital where he knows the children he meets will perish.
Maybe there's no issue for Honey, but for Sun/Moon with the virus, it becomes chaotic. Jealousy and possessiveness will be the most common cause of their problems and fights
Honey is very protective. He is like. You touch this little creature of here and I will kill you.
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 1 year
A tall, gangly figure skips past the library’s front windows. The figure stops, and turns to look at the library. The figure is a yellow and animatronic, with five orange rays, blue eyes, and an ever present grin. The figure stares in shock at the librarian.
It closes its eyes as another shares their mind. Five rays become four, and the animatronic takes a blue nightcap from its—their—satchel and puts it on with practiced ease.
When the animatronic opens their eyes again, one eye is a darker blue than the other. The dark blue eye looks around before it centers on the solar librarian in amazement.
The animatronic connects to the librarian and sends a text. Two, actually.
Hello new friend.
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r0b0s-robos · 1 month
i love love love when the reader takes care of the dca too but i can never find (besides yours! they're lovely) any fics involving it :( its such a missed opportunit
(I swear they exist, I've read quite a few! None specifically come to mind, but I highly suggest giving my Bookmark tab a look through on AO3, you're bound to find a few).
But!!! I appreciate you enjoying that aspect of my fics! I’m a huge sucker for a seeing Sun and Moon come to terms with their feelings and it being a genuinely semi-miserable experience.
They love you.
They love you?
Why does it hurt?
Its the worst– best? feeling they’ve ever had. They don't know what to do. It’s all so new. You are so new.
They weren't made to feel this much. They were made to fulfill a function, designed with a specific purpose. And you've changed all of that. Everything is so disjointed and distressing and–
At the end of it all, every conclusion is that they love you. And they can't do anything about it.
And as they grapple with newfound emotions and revelations, you're always there to comfort them, whether your oblivious to their feelings or not.
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moonlit-dreamers · 9 months
my friend suggested this idea and now im brain rotting so fucking hard
thinking about if maybe servant sun wasnt actually dead he just fell into the portal and was brought to a nicer and more peaceful dimension
specifically if he met a different and nicer eclipse
how would he react? would he be scared? would he immediately submit? would he follow every request he makes as if it was a command? would eclipse explain that sun doesnt have to follow him around everywhere he goes and that he wont be punished if he doesnt? how would they help him come to terms that wut he went through was abuse? how would he cope? how would eclipse help him?
i have so many scenarios ive thought about OTL
like- wut if when sun first enters the dimension he doesnt recognize eclipse bc of lord eclipses different body and when hes informed that hes an eclipse he immediately panics. he bows down and apologizes continuously for not recognizing his god and not treating him with respect. begging for forgiveness and pleading that eclipse not hurt him. he didnt know! truly! it was a mistake!
also another one - wut if eclipse showed genuine physical affection to sun and sun just short circuits bc he has no clue how to respond. hes never been shown physical affection in any form. the most hes gotten is lord eclipse beating him, so to be held gently is foreign and confusing. he doesnt know how to respond. hes not sure if he should be grateful (bc in his eyes he doesnt deserve his own happiness) or confused. is he meant to enjoy this? is that the response hes meant to have? is that wut eclipse desires, for sun to enjoy this moment?
im having... so much brain rot...
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oh! while we're on the Appreciation Train and before i go to sleep! i would like to say that although i rarely respond to replies, i do see them! and i Do cherish them! thank you!
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