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stressbucks · 6 years ago
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rschanfish · 5 years ago
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Cars! Hibernation! Corona go away, Summer come soon! I want normal back!! #Cars #GrandIllusionRanch #CoronaGoAway #SummerComeSoon #CarCollector #Jaguar #Porsche #MorrisMinor https://www.instagram.com/p/B-Qzxv_HhZK/?igshid=4kz6lcu5x86f
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heckerleash · 7 years ago
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*heart racing* inputting @foofighters 2018 ticket info.. day number?? *googles day number, because what the actual heck does that mean?!* (more coffee, please) phone number, heath.. 😳 oh my WORD. this is going to be the greatest day of the whole year/summer/everything.. now, to breathe. #flashbacks #foofighters #wrigleyville #cubbybear #itsallhappening #summercomesoon #foostakewrigley #presaleperks #davegrohl #live #music #shakyhands #iphone4 #2014 #fromthearchives (at Cubby Bear Wrigleyville)
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mandeeeeesays · 8 years ago
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👫 An #ootd from two July's ago! #2015 When we went back to our Canadian home and did a mini road trip to New York the next day overnight #doublejetlag Can't wait to travel again! || #throwback#newyork . . . . #mandeeeeeootd#wanderlust#tbt#summercomesoon #ohmandeeeeegoesbacktocanada (at New York, New York)
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bellamafiax · 7 years ago
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Feeling Like This Would be Perfect For The “Spring Weather” London is Experiencing Right Now 🌷❄️🌹☔️ #BellaMafiaUk #UkFashion #LondonFashion #UkStyle #LondonStyle #Fendi #Spring #Winter #ColdFront #BeastFromTheEast2 #SummerTimeDreaming #SummerComeSooner (at London, United Kingdom)
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extraweenus · 4 years ago
Summer loving had me a blast
Summer loving happened so fast
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#SummerComeSooner #NeedMeATan #LastSummerDays
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f3rrara · 7 years ago
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Took this like 2 years ago.. This relaxes me, reminds me of the beach #summercomesoon (at New York, New York)
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lauralalis · 7 years ago
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Welcome Spring! I still don't feel you 😒 #imfrozenhere #goodkeepmefromthecold #summercomesoon #spring #photography #walthamstow #flowers #instaflowers (at Walthamstow, United Kingdom)
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sarsparilly · 8 years ago
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Its the middle of winter here in Australia, but it was 24 degrees today (celcius) where I am, its so unseasonably warm. I'd be lying if I said I didnt enjoy the Winter sun, what a tease! 📸 @sophlog . . . . . #flamingo #poolparty #pool #wintersun #summercomesoon #warm #warmweather #spring #missingtheheat #sun #sunny
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rearrangedalphabet · 8 years ago
So I always forget how unwelcome I feel at home until I have to speak to another member of this household when they are in a bad mood (every other day mostly). It is getting to the point where I just sob in my room because I don’t feel like I’m wanted. I can not wait to move, the space will hopefully do me and my father some bonding room. Don’t get me wrong tho I love my dad to the moon and back just don’t get along with him usually.
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uschihills01 · 8 years ago
The last few days where everything seems peaceful but it’s practically the calm before the storm.
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littleonelittlelife · 8 years ago
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Y'all can just expect flower posts every day...I'm desperate for summer. This is the Camassia flower, which apparently is both part of the lily and asparagus family. We were informed by a wise older gentleman today that the Indians used to roast the bulbs of the plants over several days, with the end result being very similar to potatoes! How neat is that?! These particular Camas are a beautiful purple blue, but others can be white from what I've seen, there are multiple varieties. They grow mainly in the prairies, its amazing to have these at a project so local! Flower rant over...but would you just look at it?! 😱😂 --> --> --> --> #plantidentification #optoutside #liveauthentic #vsco #local #herpnw #flowers #flowergram #myjobisbetterthanyours #summercomesoon #takemoreadventures #campvibes #tuesday #life_in_the_evergreens2017🌲 #wouldyoujustlookatit #neature #howneatisthat
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emily-rhyme · 8 years ago
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#sunnies #summercomesoon #sickofthecold
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christypowersart-blog · 8 years ago
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Going to have to keep working on this tomorrow, but happy with its progress. #wip #art #artistlife #sketchoftheday #painting #ink #gouache #watercolor #nofilter #yupo #familyphotos #beachday #summercomesoon
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Скоро лето - воду отключать будут горячую. Вода в летних лужах будет казаться ничем иным, как джакузи. Воробышек уже привыкает. ;) #bird #water #sparrow #wash #bathroom #streets #streetlife #city #citylife #cityscape #wild #live #life #fun #nice #arkhangelsk #russia #spring #summercomesoon (at Архангел��ск-Город)
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tineshiaj-blog · 8 years ago
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I hope I never grow to get sick of the bubblegum flavour, I love it too much, whether it's actual bubblegum or the flavouring, I'm there 😍🍨🍬 . . . #bubblegum #icecream #treatz #wycombe #local #treatyoself #summercomesoon #shotwithphone #delicious #allgone #avecfriends #youth #outing #churchsocial #childhood (at Treatz High Wycombe)
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