#sumer is i-cumen in
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The Cuckoo Song/Sumer is i-cumen in (anon. ~1300s)
Sing, cuccu, nu. Sing, cuccu.
Sing, cuccu. Sing, cuccu, nu.
Sumer is i-cumen in -
Lhude sing, cuccu!
Groweth sed and bloweth med
And springth the wude nu.
Sing, cuccu!
Awe bleteth after lomb,
Lhouth after calve cu,
Bulluc sterteth, bucke verteth -
Murie sing, cuccu!
Cuccu, cuccu.
Wel singes thu, cuccu.
Ne swik thu naver nu!
(copied from The Norton Anthology of Poetry, ed. Margaret Ferguson, Mary Jo Salter, and Jon Stallworthy. *My attempt* at a modern translation to modern English based on their text) below!
Sing, cuckoo, now. Sing, cuckoo.
Sing, cuckoo. Sing, cuckoo, now.
Summer is coming in -
Loudly sing, cuckoo!
Seed is growing and fields are blooming
And the woods are budding now.
Sing, cuckoo!
Ewes bleat after their lambs,
Cows low after their calves,
Bullocks leap, bucks fart(? contested translation)
Merrily sing, cuckoo!
Cuckoo, cuckoo.
You sing well, cuckoo.
Don't ever stop now!
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renmorris · 5 years ago
musical of the wicker man (1973) would be fuckin sick tbh
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creativenicocorner · 6 years ago
In honor of the Super Blood Wolf Moon Eclipse...thing lol I present a little something I’ve been planning for a future Shigir story! 
The Changeling Trooping Song!
It is said, when the moon and stars are just right, and a band of changelings are together, olde singing processions can be heard, and bonfires can be seen coming from high hills, or cliffs near bodies of water. 
[Sung in the tune of Sumer Is A-Cumen In - “the Wicker Man” ‘73 version, as it is a little more foreboding than the original folk tune. ]
Make way! Make way! The Moon Doth Sway Orva la Fée we Troop A Trooping are We Leave Pie and Seed We Hope this Pleases You Sing We Do!
The Moon is Red the Water is Dead This Dance we Gift to You You’ll Be Home Soon And Come June We’ll Come to Court to- Troop Troop Troop then we’ll be happy too All Thanks to You
Make way! Make way! The Moon Doth Sway Orva la Fée we Troop Dancing are We Sop Drink be Glee  The Court will Be Ours Too
Sing to You!
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0liver-hope · 4 years ago
for the song shuffle tag thingy
1. people like us (2005 remaster) - talking heads
2. festival/mirie it is/sumer is a-cumen in - the wicker man ost
3. gently johnny - the wicker man ost
4. foreigner's god - hozier
5. procession - the wicker man ost
6. dog days are over - florence + the machine
7. miri it is while sumer ilast - anon 1225
8. gibraltar - beirut
9. dream operator (2005 remaster) - talking heads
10. willow's song - the wicker man ost
there's a theme lol
I tag anyone who sees this!!
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gotojobin · 7 years ago
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#Wordsofold #wordstomakeyouthink #wordofoldandworsetothinkabout Words of old and words to make you think. Middle English Bestiary (British Library Arundel MS 292) [13th century]: Cethegrande is a fis, / The moste that in water is. / That thu wuldes seien get, / Gef thu it soge wan it f let, / That it were a neilond / That sete one the se sond. / This fis that is unride, / Thanne him hungreth he gapeth wide; / Ut of his throte it smit an onde, / The swetteste thing that is o londe. / Therfore othre fisses to him dragen. / Wan he it felen he aren fagen. / He cumen and hoven in his muth; / Of his swike he am uncuth. / This cete thanne his chaveles luketh, / Thise fisses alle in suketh. / The smale he wile thus biswiken; / The grete maig he nogt bigripen. / This fis wuneth with the se grund / And liveth ther evre heil and sund / Til it cumeth the time / That storm stireth al the se. / Thanne sumer and winter winnen / Ne mai it wunen therinne; / So drovi is to sees grund / Ne mai he wunen ther that stund, / Oc stireth up and hoveth stille / Wiles that weder is so ille. / The sipes that am on se fordriven, / Loth hem is ded and lef to liven; / Biloken hem and sen this fis, / A neilond he wenen it is. / Therof he aren swithe fagen, / And mid here migt tharto he dragen. / Sipes on festen / And alle up gangen, / Of ston mid stel in the tunder / Wel to brennen one this wunder; / Warmen hem wel and heten and drinken. / The fir he feleth and doth hem sinken: / For sone he diveth dun to grunde. / He drepeth hem alle withuten wunde. / This devel is mikel with wil and magt / So witches haven in here craft. / He doth men hungren and haven thrist / And mani other sinful list; / Tolleth men to him with his onde, / Woso him folegeth he findeth sonde: / Tho am the little, in leve lage. / The mikle ne maig he to him dragen; / The mikle I mene the stedefast / In rigte leve mid fles and gast. / Woso listneth develes lore / On lengthe it sal him rewen sore. / Woso festeth hope on him / He sal him folgen to helle dim.
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