#sultan muhammad v
royal-confessions · 8 months
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“Kelantan royal fam is just bonkers. I'm convinced the Sultan is not right in the head. He literally removed the only sane male in his family (his brother) who also has the only legitimate male heir and replaced him with another young brother who's just as crazy (like kidnapping & abusing his ex-wife). First it was the Sultan's fiasco & paternity mess with a Russian model, then an official wife popping out of no where and now the succession drama?! What a cesspit of a family.” - Submitted by Anonymous
“BREAKING NEWS: Sultan Muhammed V of Kelantan has deposed his brother as crown prince. I wonder what that is all about?” - Submitted by Anonymous
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docpiplup · 2 years
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@asongofstarkandtargaryen I saw another upcoming work involving historical drama (although it's a docufilm) of the Nasrid dynasty. It could be interesting because period dramas involving the Nasrids is Isabel with Muhammad XII "Boabdil", Muhammad XIII "al-Zagal" and Muley Hacen's family, like media often focus on the last Nasrids, so it's cool to see works about other members of the family.
1340. Knowing that his besieged Kingdom of Granada is doomed to disappear due to the advance of neighboring kingdoms, Yusuf I, the Sultan of Granada, embarks on the construction of a building that reflects the splendor of his civilization and defies oblivion: the Alhambra palaces. His vizier, Ibn al-Khatib (Amr Waked), a poet and genius ahead of his time, participates in this colossal challenge. But when the sultan's son, Muhammad V, inherits the throne and involves him in the new policies of his reign, the vizier is torn between the ideas of his old world and the new one that is emerging. Its chronicles tell us the history of the Granada of the s. XIV, the swan song of Muslim domains of the Iberian peninsula.
Cast & Main characters
Amr Waked as Ibn al-Jatib "Lisaneddín" (15th November 1313, Loja, Granada, Andalusia-1374, Fez, Morocco). The main lineage of his family belonged to a lineage of Syrian Arabs called the Benu Alwazir, who later changed their name to Benu Aljathib and who, having passed to Spain, settled in the city of Loja, from where they moved to Córdoba, then to Toledo, and finally his father settled in Granada. The Benu Aljathib house achieved social success, wealth and large estates. His grandfather Saíd was a qadi (a judge), a cavalry general, and his father Abdallah, a man of letters and governor of Granada.
He was an outstanding young man, his education was directed by the wisest doctors of his time in theology and law, philosophy, mathematics and medicine, excelling mainly in historical and political studies. From his early youth, he experienced serious setbacks because his father Abdallah fell out of favor with Muhammad IV. He spent much of his life at the court of Muhammad V al-Ghanî, whom he served as historian and minister (guazir) and with whom he established friendly ties. He carried out high political functions, as he was appointed double vizier (“du l-wizaratayn”), which earned him the nickname of Dhû l-wizaratayn or "the man of the two vizirates". Some of his poems decorate the walls of the Alhambra.
Farah Hamed Ali as Umm al Hassan (?, Málaga, Andalusia-?). Daughter of the qadi and doctor of Loja, Abu Ya Far al Tanyali, she was an expert in Koranic readings, a medical scholar and poetress. She helped Ibn al-Jatib in his writing of the "Treat of the plague" and together they manage to state some concepts and procedures like the notion of contagion and recommended isolating the sick and destroying their sheets and rigorously described the development and spread of an epidemic.
Mehdi Regragui as Ibn Jaldún (Tunis, 27th May, 1332-Cairo, 19th March, 1406). Historian, sociologist, philosopher, economist, geographer, demographer and statesman of Andalusian origin, whose family fled to North Africa, he was born in what is now Tunisia. He is considered one of the founders of modern historiography, sociology, philosophy of history, economics, demography and the social sciences in general. He is primarily known for his work Muqaddimao (Introduction to Universal History), Prolegomena to the Book of Evidence, a record of the beginnings and events of the days of the Arabs, Persians, and Berbers and their mighty contemporaries, which constitutes an early essay in philosophy, of history and sociology, the latter discipline of which it is often considered the predecessor.
Adil Koukouh as Muhammad V (Granada, Andalusia, 4th January, 1339- Granada, Andalusia, 16th January, 1391) son of Yusuf I and Butayna. Eighth Nasrid sovereign of Granada between 1354-1359 and later from 1362 to 1391. His reign can be considered the most prosperous since the establishment of the Nasrid dynasty. Father of Yusuf II and Nars. Muhammad was enthroned at the age of fifteen under the tutelage of Vizier Ridwan, who took the reins of government. Immediately, Muhammad V ordered that Ismaíl be confined, due to the threat that he posed to his government, along with his mother and sisters, in one of his father's alcazars, a sumptuous and comfortable palace that was close to the Royal House. and where they were treated generously. Muhammad signed a peace treaty with Pedro I of Castile, becoming his vassal and ally. With regard to Aragon, initially there were some conflicts, but he ended up signing peace with Pedro IV of Aragon, although in 1358 his vassalage with Castile forced him to align with Pedro I in the War of the Two Pedros, which pitted them against Aragon. Likewise, he tried to improve relations with the Benimerin Sultanate, although the final aspirations of the Maghreb were to seize al-Andalus. Their relationship improved markedly after the accession of Abu Salim.
In 1359 for a conspiracy led by the slave Maryam, wife of his father Yusuf I, and several relatives, including his future cousin Muhammed VI, to place his half-brother Ismail II on the throne. The conspirators scaled the walls of the Alhambra and reduced the royal guard, assassinated the vizier Ridwan and freed Ismaíl, who was proclaimed sultan. Muhammed avoided death because he was in the Generalife with his son Yusuf II (grandfather of Muhammad VIII, Muley Hacen and Al Zagal) and was able to escape more quickly to Guadix, settling in his Alcazaba and later exiled himself to Fez, the capital of the Merin Sultanate. Pedro I was forced to accept an alliance with Ismaíl due to the internal rebellions in Castile of his bastard siblings, led by the future Enrique II (supported by Pedro IV of Aragón), children of Alfonso XI with Leonor de Guzmán (they had together 10 children whom Alfonso widely favored them with noble titles and a lot of political power) he was not strong enough to help Muhammad V.
Ismail II was assassinated on the orders of Muhammad VI, who took control of Granada. Muhammad V returned to the peninsula, to the territories controlled by the Benimerines, and began attacks against his cousin, taking advantage of the fact that Pedro I was already attacking the territories of Muhammad VI. After several joint attacks, Mohammed V regains his position as sultan after Muhammed VI was assassinated by Pedro I, by throwing a spear at him.
During the First Castilian Civil War (1366-1369) he remained faithful to Pedro I, assassinated in 1369 by his bastard brother Enrique II, the first king of the Trastámara dynasty, organizing the attack on various Christian border towns. After the war, he signed a peace agreement with Enrique II that opened the way to a great period of stability. Muhammad launched some measures to eliminate the influence that the Benimerines exercised over the Nasrid Kingdom and recover some territories controlled by them.
Ari Inti Ruiz Girón as young Muhammad V
Hamid Krim as Yusuf I (Granada, Andalusia, 29th June, 1318 – 19th October, 1354), seventh sultan and sovereign of the Nasrid dynasty that held power between 1333 and 1354. Son of Ismaìl I and Bahar. He had nine children: three boys and six girls. His heir Muhammad V and his daughter Isa were fathered with his slave Butayna, while Ismail II, Qays, Fátima, Mumina, Jadila, Sams and Zaynab with his servant Maryam.
Firstly he was an ally of Alfonso XI of Castile, but then he allied with the Marin Sultanate who had crossed the Strait of Gibraltar under the orders of the Sultan of Fez, Abu al-Hasan ben Uthman, and some parts of the kingdom of Granada and its surroundings were ocuppied by them, and a war between Castile and Granada started, although it ended when Alfonso XI died in 1350 due to the Black Death.
In the Alhambra he carried out great works such as the Comares Palace, one of the jewels of Andalusian architecture, while in 1349 he inaugurated the Granada Madrasa, the first university in the city. He was assassinated in 1354 while praying in the aljama mosque of the Alhambra.
Diego León García Manotas as Ismaíl II (1339 – Granada, 28th June, 1360). The second son of Yusuf I and the ninth Nasrid sovereign of Granada, who reigned from August 1359 to June 28, 1360. He was the eldest son of the second wife of Yúsuf I, Maryem, born nine months after his half-brother Muhammad V, in 1339. Conspired with his mother, sister, and relative Muhammad VI to seize the kingdom. The conspirators took the palace by surprise in August 1359. Muhammed V managed to escape with his family, first to Guadix, and then to Morocco where he obtained asylum.
At first he was his father's heir, but long before his death Yusuf named Muhammed heir. For this reason Ismaíl and his supporters overthrew Muhammed V, although the reign of Ismail II was short, barely ten months, because his brother-in-law Muhammad had his own ambitions.
Ismaíl and his brother Qays were assassinated in a prison in the Alhambra by order of their brother-in-law Muhammad VI on June 28, 1360, and he became sultan, although he was defeated by Muhammed V and Pedro I's armies.
Alicia Mohíno as Fátima
Manuel Rodríguez Pérez as Abu Ishaq al-Shatibi (?-1388, Granada, Andalusia), was a Sunni jurist who followed the Maliki Islamic school. The place and date of his birth is unknown. His family is descended from the Banu La khm tribe who trace their lineage back to Qahtan who, among many other achievements, founded an Arab kingdom in Al-Hira, near modern Kufa (Iraq). However, one of his surnames, "Al-Shatibi", points to the city of Xátiva (Valencia), indicating that he was a descendant of immigrants from that city.
Sofian El Benaissati as Ibn Zamrak (Granada, Andalusia, 1333 - 1394) poet and politician from al-Andalus. Some of his poems still decorate the fountains and palaces of the Alhambra. Of humble origins, thanks to his teacher Ibn al Jatib he was presented at the court of the Nasrids. He accompanied Sultan Muhammad V to Morocco and when Muhammad was restored to the throne of Granada in 1361 he appointed him as his private secretary and appointed him court poet. When Ibn al Jatib was removed from the office of vizier, in 1371, Ibn Zamrak replaced him and the sultan ordered him to arrest him and then send a group of assassins to kill him in the prison of Fez. Subsequently, Ibn Zamrak himself was imprisoned for nearly two years by Yusuf II and was assassinated on the order of Sultan Muhammed VII while reading the Koran in his home.
Pablo Jiménez Cantero as kid Ibn Zamrak
Jorge de Juan as Ibn al-Yayyab (1274, Granada, Andalusia - Granada, 1349) poet and politician during the Nasrid dynasty of the Kingdom of Granada. He was the predecessor of Ibn al-Jatib as vizier at court.
Of humble origins and deep religious background, his nickname seems to refer to his father's trade, which sewed the pockets of the tunics (yayb, pocket). He entered the Diwan al-insa when he was about twenty years old and remained there until his death. With Yusuf I he reached the vizirate of the kingdom. He was the oldest of the poets, and thanks to his extraordinary ability to navigate changes in power, he met six sultans, Muhammad II, Muhammad III, Nasr, Ismail I, Muḥammad IV and Yusuf I. He died during the Black Death epidemic that ravaged Europe, but apparently not because of it. He was buried in the Puerta de Elvira cemetery and the sultan himself attended his funeral. As a courtly poet that he was, he put his poetry at the service of the sultans, and the laudatory quasi are abundant in his work. A very prolific poet, he initiated a style that would later be followed by both Ibn al-Jatib and Ibn Zamrak. The discovery of his written work has allowed us to know the place occupied by the poems that were written to be carved in the palaces of Granada.
Abel Gutiérrez Romera as chief builder
More info:
Duration: 90 minutes
Based on the chronicles of the 14th century, written by the vizier and poet of the Kings of Granada Ibn al-Jatib and with a unique access to shoot in the building, the director Isabel Fernández immerses the viewer in a journey through space and time to discover the characters responsible for the construction of the Alhambra palaces, their history and the reasons that prompted them to create this unique work of art. An astral and poetic journey that explores the architectural and philosophical meaning of one of the most iconic buildings in the world.
The production of the documentary began a year ago and the release date is finally known: November 25 in theaters.
The documentary is located in the Nasrid palaces and the Alhambra and Generalife precincts, in other buildings from the Nasrid period in the city of Granada, such as the Cuarto Real de Santo Domingo and the Corral del Carbón, and in the Atarfe quarries.
The script, written by the director herself and Margarita Melgar, has had the scientific support of the best experts from the Board of Trustees of La Alhambra, the University of Granada and the School of Arab Studies of the CSIC, in an unprecedented artistic-scientific collaboration. It is the first time that the Alhambra hosts a filming of this style. It is probably the most restrictive Spanish building when it comes to authorizing filming, and perhaps one of the most restrictive in Europe. In order to film inside, the production had to assume strict conditions and design a shooting plan fully adapted to the requirements of such a special space, which is a World Heritage work of art. The international star, the French-Egyptian actor Amr Waked (Syriana; Salmon Fishing in Yemen; Lucy) brings to life the protagonist Ibn al-Jatib, a fundamental figure in the Iberian Peninsula in the 14th century, author of the Chronicle of the Kings of Granada, and which is the first-hand voice that tells the secrets of the Alhambra. Other actors of North African origin such as Sofian El Benaissati ('La Hija'; 'Skam España', 'Gigantes'), Hamid Krim ('El Cid', 'Desaparecidos', 'La dévoilée femme', 'Les de l'hoquei'), Farah Hamed Ali ('Élite'; 'Retorno a Hansala', 'El Cid', 'Vis a Vis', 'Desaparecidos'), or Adil Koukouh ('Entrevías'; 'El Cid'; 'A escondidas') complete this fresh from a time when Andalusia was one of the most advanced centers of knowledge in Europe.
'Los constructores de la Alhambra' is a production of El de las Dos Vidas A.I.E., Al Pati Produccions and Polar Star Films and has the support of Media Europa Creativa, the Andalusian Agency for Cultural Institutions, the ICEC, the Board of Trustees of the Alhambra and the Generalife, the Granada Tourist Board, the Institut Ramón Llull, and the participation of Canal Sur, RTVE, the Franco-German cultural channel ARTE/ZDF, the Austrian public television ORF, Aljazeera Documentary, Canal Sur, and ORF Enterprise. The film will be distributed in theaters by Digital Version.
In this documentary feature film, narrative elements of the traditional documentary are combined with historical recreation, CGI and digital 3D, to recreate Nasrid Granada, the Nasrid society of the 14th century and the construction process of the Alhambra palaces, highlighting the knowledge scientists that the Andalusian wise men left us in disciplines such as astronomy, mathematics, medicine, agronomy or navigation.
The narrator of this adventure is Ibn al-Jatib, chronicler, poet, scientist, physician, philosopher, and vizier. One of the most important and unknown intellectuals of the 14th century in the Iberian Peninsula. From his office in the Diwan al-Insa (the Royal Chancellery), inside the Alhambra, he reminds us and revives the history of the building. At his side we meet Yusuf I and Mohammed V, the two kings who planned the construction of the Palaces of Comares and Leones, which still fascinate visitors today with their beauty and harmony. And we will also meet the other great poet of the Alhambra Ibn Zamrak, and the doctor Umm al Hasan, disciples of Ibn al Jatib.
For its director 'Los constructores de la Alhambra' is a historical documentary fiction for the here and now and a project to bring cultures closer together and remind us that the human being that we are is built on multiple layers, and that what we often see as strange, is also part of us"
The director explains the origin of the project: “I have always been fascinated by the Muslim legacy in Europe and especially the Alhambra, which is its masterpiece. Likewise, I have always been surprised by how little has been told about this part of history and its people. That is why 6 years ago I decided to immerse myself in the history of Granada to try to understand the meaning of that building that fascinates everyone. This great story about its creation was there asking for someone to come forward and tell it. I would like it to serve to reflect on a fundamental part of who we are, and to vindicate the weight of Al-Andalus in the creation of European culture”.
"Between the 8th and 15th centuries, Muslims, Christians and Jews lived together in Al-Andalus and produced one of the greatest centers of innovation and knowledge since the classical world. Granada was the heir to that knowledge, and the last episode of that historical period. We rebuild that world to try to understand it and project its wisdom towards our present", said Isabel Fernández, during the presentation of the film at the Nasrid monument.
Its premiere is scheduled for the next Malaga Film Festival.
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goharshahi · 2 years
New Video: Itrat e Muhammad (s) Aur Aulad e Fatima (a) | Podcast Panel | ALRA TV
Sufi Shaykhs Amjad Gohar, Hafiz Nadeem Siddiqui and Tanveer Hussain of the ALRA TV Podcast Panel provide their commentary on Sufi Master Younus AlGohar’s incredible discourse on the ethereal mechanism of a Sultan ul Fuqra and the explanation of the Tradition of the Prophet (s) regarding the spiritual ancestry of Imam Mehdi (a).
➡️This video is a clip from Sufi Online with Younus AlGohar, a daily show on ALRA TV streamed LIVE on YouTube at 10 PM GMT - join us here: https://www.youtube.com/alratv/live
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brookstonalmanac · 26 days
Events 8.25 (before 1940)
766 – Emperor Constantine V humiliates nineteen high-ranking officials, after discovering a plot against him. He executes the leaders, Constantine Podopagouros and his brother Strategios. 1248 – The Dutch city of Ommen receives city rights and fortification rights from Otto III, the Archbishop of Utrecht. 1258 – Regent George Mouzalon and his brothers are killed during a coup headed by the aristocratic faction under Michael VIII Palaiologos, paving the way for its leader to ultimately usurp the throne of the Empire of Nicaea. 1270 – Philip III, although suffering from dysentery, becomes King of France following the death of his father Louis IX, during the Eighth Crusade. His uncle, Charles I of Naples, is forced to begin peace negotiations with Muhammad I al-Mustansir, Hafsid Sultan of Tunis. 1537 – The Honourable Artillery Company, the oldest surviving regiment in the British Army, and the second most senior, is formed. 1543 – António Mota and a few companions become the first Europeans to visit Japan. 1580 – War of the Portuguese Succession: Spanish victory at the Battle of Alcântara brings about the Iberian Union. 1609 – Galileo Galilei demonstrates his first telescope to Venetian lawmakers. 1630 – Portuguese forces are defeated by the Kingdom of Kandy at the Battle of Randeniwela in Sri Lanka. 1758 – Seven Years' War: Frederick II of Prussia defeats the Russian army at the Battle of Zorndorf. 1814 – War of 1812: On the second day of the Burning of Washington, British troops torch the Library of Congress, United States Treasury, Department of War, and other public buildings. 1823 – American fur trapper Hugh Glass is mauled by a grizzly bear while on an expedition in South Dakota. 1825 – The Thirty-Three Orientals declare the independence of Uruguay from Brazil. 1830 – The Belgian Revolution begins. 1835 – The first Great Moon Hoax article is published in The New York Sun, announcing the discovery of life and civilization on the Moon. 1875 – Captain Matthew Webb becomes the first person to swim across the English Channel, traveling from Dover, England, to Calais, France, in 21 hours and 45 minutes. 1883 – France and Viet Nam sign the Treaty of Huế, recognizing a French protectorate over Annam and Tonkin. 1894 – Kitasato Shibasaburō discovers the infectious agent of the bubonic plague and publishes his findings in The Lancet. 1904 – Russo-Japanese War: The Battle of Liaoyang begins. 1912 – The Kuomintang is founded for the first time in Peking. 1914 – World War I: Japan declares war on Austria-Hungary. 1914 – World War I: The library of the Catholic University of Leuven is deliberately destroyed by the German Army. Hundreds of thousands of irreplaceable volumes and Gothic and Renaissance manuscripts are lost. 1916 – The United States National Park Service is created. 1920 – Polish–Soviet War: Battle of Warsaw, which began on August 13, ends with the Red Army's defeat. 1933 – The Diexi earthquake strikes Mao County, Sichuan, China and kills 9,000 people. 1933 – Nazi Germany and the Zionist Federation of Germany signed the Haavara Agreement. The agreement was a major factor in breaking the anti-Nazi boycott of 1933 and facilitated Jewish emigration from Germany and into Palestine. 1939 – The Irish Republican Army carries out the 1939 Coventry bombing in which five civilians were killed. 1939 – The United Kingdom and Poland form a military alliance in which the UK promises to defend Poland in case of invasion by a foreign power.
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dry-valleys · 8 months
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“No monarchies have fallen, no monarchies have even come close to falling, and that’s not by mistake”. Shadi Hamid.
The fourth part of my Morocco series; please see here, here, here, here, and here for the rest. (This is a post about modern Morocco; Moroccan history stretches back thousands of years and I hope you’ll read my other posts for more).
Bahia Palace was built in 1859 by Si Musa, a descendant of African slaves who rose to become vizier to, and power behind the throne of, Mohammed IV of the Alaouite dynasty, which has ruled Morocco since 1666. The architect was Muhammad ibn Makki al-Misfiwi.
In the 19th century, Morocco was beset by foreign powers, especially Spain and France, which had haunted Africa since Napoleon’s campaign in Egypt in 1798. France was piling on the pressure after conquering Morocco’s neighbour, Algeria, in 1830.
There was no sign of fear at this gorgeous place though: the attention to detail is extraordinary and while it’s annoying that tourists are in most of the pictures, this place has always been open; (9) and (10) are where petitions were received.
If you look carefully there is a difference; while (9) is beautifully inscribed with Koranic verses and is for the Muslim majority, (10), equally lush, does not have this; here is where Jews, who have lived in Morocco for hundreds of years, would be received. (The wealthy philanthropist Moses Montefiore came to Morocco in 1863, as he came to other countries in the Middle East and North Africa, where he found a large Jewish community and worked to better their lot; Morocco’s Jews were and are under the protection of the rulers of Morocco, whom they have always served, and Morocco still has a Jewish community today, though far fewer than before the state of Israel was founded in 1948; most Jews moved to the new state or to Europe, though thousands still live here).
Soon after this Mohammed IV died in 1873 and was succeeded by his son Hassan I, who successfully fended off European pressure until he died in 1894.
Between 1894 and 1900 this was home to Ba Ahmed, Si Musa’s son, who was the real ruler of Morocco as he governed in the name of Abdelaziz, son and heir of Hassan I.
(Around 2-3% of Moroccans are migrants from sub-Saharan Africa, and there is also an admixture of African blood from the descendants of former slaves, who were often raped or sold into forced marriage by their owners, and from higher-status African soldiers and politicians such as Ba Ahmed ibn Musa, whose descendants still have a high profile in Morocco’s elite).
Abdelaziz took power in his own right when he came of age, but was forced to abdicate by his brother Abd Al Hafid in 1908. Abd al Hafid lasted only four years before pressure from France and Spain forced him to agree to Morocco being divided between the two European powers in the Treaty of Fez 1912, which was so unpopular that he had to abdicate and flee to France, where he died in 1937.
This part of Morocco became a French protectorate in which the sultanate and old elite had less power than French Resident Louis-Hubert Gonzales-Lyautey, and Abd Al Hafid was succeeded by his brother Yusuf; Yusuf was sultan until 1927 though he did not get to wield real power.
Mohammed V, Yusef’s son, who had been exiled by the French in 1953, came back in triumph in 1956 and became King of an independent state; after Morocco helped win World War 2 by hosting the Casablanca Conference of 1943, and given American sympathy, this was inevitable, and Morocco became what it is now.
Morocco was not free from trouble as, almost as soon as it had become independent, it fought the Sand War against Algeria in 1963; 99 were confirmed dead and hundreds more probably fell in a senseless conflict in which both sides tried to overturn the French colonial borders, and neither succeeded then or since.
As I said, while France withdrew from Morocco in 1956, the other empire, Spain, stayed until 1975 in what is now Western Sahara. When they left there was bitter disagreement over what came next. This is hotly contested as almost all Moroccans, as my tour guide couldn’t help pointed out, believe that Morocco is the rightful ruler of this land, to the south of internationally recognised Morocco.
However, the Polisario movement on that territory claims to be Western Sahara’s rightful rulers and Mohammed V’s son, Hassan II (who had shared Mohammed V’s exile and ruled from his father’s death in 1961) fought a bitter war from 1975 until a ceasefire was reached, without full agreement, in 1991.
(Spain, meanwhile, still occupies the African cities of Ceuta and Melilla, which rather shows up their grandstanding about Gibraltar).
Morocco’s neighbours in the African Union disapproved of Hassan’s actions, and Morocco was suspended for 32 years. On rejoining in 2017, Hassan’s son Mohammed VI (who succeeded his father in 1999, from the same Alaouite dynasty that built this palace) said “Africa is my home and I am coming back home”. Despite the above-named problems, Morocco is one of the most stable and peaceful countries in the Middle East and North Africa; the Arab Spring, which broke out in nearby Tunisia in 2011, has had little impact here, the reforming constitution of 2011 and the forward policies of Mohammed VI fulfilling the aspirations of for most Moroccans, who are leaving behind the old poverty. (The leading quote is from 2013 and as I write in 2024, things are much as they were then).
This has been a tourist attraction (as you can see, rather too many!) since Hassan II’s time; Lyautey and Mohammed V had lived here, but now it is a museum to Morocco’s rulers, who have shaken off their past, and to that tradition of ceramics which can also be seen in the bustling souk, subject of a later post.
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wikiuntamed · 9 months
On this day in Wikipedia: Saturday, 6th January
Welcome, ようこそ (yōkoso), willkommen, 欢迎 (huānyíng) 🤗 What does @Wikipedia say about 6th January through the years 🏛️📜🗓️?
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6th January 1924 🗓️ : Birth - Kim Dae-jung Kim Dae-jung, South Korean soldier and politician, 8th President of South Korea, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 2009) "Kim Dae-jung (Korean: 김대중; Hanja: 金大中; Korean pronunciation: [kim.dɛ.dʑuŋ]; 6 January 1924 – 18 August 2009), often referred to by his initials DJ, was a South Korean politician and activist who served as the 8th (15th election) president of South Korea from 1998 to 2003. He was a 2000 Nobel Peace..."
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Image licensed under KOGL Type 1? by 대한민국 국가기록원
6th January 1822 🗓️ : Birth - Heinrich Schliemann Heinrich Schliemann, German archaeologist and businessman (d. 1890) "Johann Ludwig Heinrich Julius Schliemann (German: [ˈʃliːman]; 6 January 1822 – 26 December 1890) was a German businessman and an influential amateur archaeologist. He was an advocate of the historicity of places mentioned in the works of Homer and an archaeological excavator of Hisarlik, now..."
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Image licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0? by
Ed. Schultze Hofphotograph Heidelberg Plöckstrasse 79
6th January 🗓️ : Holiday - Christian Feast day: January 6 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) "January 5 - Eastern Orthodox liturgical calendar - January 7 All fixed commemorations below are observed on January 19 by Eastern Orthodox Churches on the Old Calendar.For January 6th, Orthodox Churches on the Old Calendar commemorate the Saints listed on December 24...."
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Image by njk92
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January 06
[1017] Cnut the Great crowned King of England in London by Lyfing, Archbishop of Canterbury.
[1066] Following the death of Edward the Confessor, his brother-in-law Harold Godwineson, head of the most powerful noble family in England, is crowned King Harold II.
[1099] Henry V crowned German King.
[1205] Philip of Swabia becomes King of the Romans.
[1322] Stephen Uros III becomes King of Serbia.
[1352] French King Jean II introduces Order of the Star.
[1355] Charles I of Bohemia is crowned with the Iron Crown of Lombardy.
[1449] Byzantine Emperor Constantine XI is crowned at Mistra.
[1453] Emperor Frederik III becomes archduke of Austria.
[1540] King Henry VIII of England weds his fourth wife, Anne of Cleves.
[1649] The English Rump Parliament votes to put King Charles I on trial for treason and other "high crimes".
[1690] Joseph I, later Holy Roman Emperor and son of Emperor Leopold I, becomes King of the Romans.
[1745] Bonnie Prince Charlies' army draws to Glasgow.
[1759] US 1st President George Washington weds Martha Dandridge Custis at White House Plantation.
[1809] Napoleonic Wars: Invasion of Cayenne, by combined British, Portuguese and colonial Brazilian forces, begins.
[1838] Samuel Morse unveils the telegraph, revolutionizing communication.
[1903] Theoretical Physicist Albert Einstein (23) weds Mileva Maric.
[1912] New Mexico is admitted into the United States as the 47th state.
[1929] Alexander I establishes a royal dictatorship in Yugoslavia.
[1945] Future 41st President George H. W. Bush (20) weds Barbara Pierce (19) at the First Presbyterian Church in Rye, New York.
[1950] Great Britain announced its recognition of the People's Republic of China.
[1996] Snow begins falling in Washington D.C., and up the Eastern seaboard, beginning a blizzard that kills 154 people and causes over $1 billion in damages before it ends.
[2016] "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" breaks North American box office record, passing the $760.5M taken by "Avatar".
[2019] Malaysian king Sultan Muhammad V abdicates after two years of rule in historical first.
[2021] A mob of President Donald Trump supporters descend on the U.S. Capitol, attempting to interfere with the certification of electoral votes from the 2020 presidential election.
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S O U T H E R N V O L U N T E E R S Daerah Muar 22 Oktober 2022 | 7.30 Pagi hingga 4.00 Petang EDU Hub Pendidikan Pagoh PROGRAM JELAJAH AGENDA NASIONAL MALAYSIA SIHAT (ANMS) DAERAH MUAR DAN SAMBUTAN BULAN MALAYSIA SIHAT SEJAHTERA PERINGKAT NEGERI JOHOR Southern Volunteers Daerah Muar turut serta dengan mengadakan slot pameran bersama peserta disamping menggalakkan mereka mendaftar bersama Southern Volunteers Daerah Muar. Terima Kasih 🤝 YB Tuan Ling Tian Soon, Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Kesihatan & Perpaduan Negeri Johor sudi singgah ke booth pameran kami. Terima Kasih 🤝 sukarelawan yang terlibat antaranya Muhammad Hasnizan, Balian Salim, Kamalysa, Hafizzol, Sithan dan Farah. Anda Hebat 💪🌟 Allah Peliharakan Sultan Allah Berkati Johor Semoga Dipermudah Urusan Kita Semua “KAMI ADA UNTUK ANDA” “KAMI PELENGKAP ANDA” “LINDUNG DIRI, LINDUNG SEMUA” 🔵🔴🔵🔴🔵🔴🔵🔴🔵🔴🔵🔴🔵🔴🔵🔴 #joydec #southernvolunteers #pdmuar #mpmuar #joydecmuar #SouthernVolunteersMuar #SV #SVMuar #SVPBTMPMDaerahMuar #SVMukimDaerahMuar #BandarMaharaniBandarDiraja #AgensidanKomunitiPerkasaMuarSejahtera #BandarWarisanBersihSejahtera #MuarDaerahMaju2030 #kepadaAllahkitaberserah #SkuadPantasSVMuar (at Pagoh Education Hub) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkBP5yjJMNh/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ifreakingloveroyals · 2 years
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3 November 2017 | Prince Charles, Prince of Wales and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall meet with His Majesty The Yang di-Pertuan Agong XV Sultan Muhammad V for a photograph at his official residence, Istana Negara in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (c) Yui Mok - Pool/Getty Images
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europesroyalsjewels · 4 years
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Sultan of Kelantan Crown ♕ Sultan Muhammad V of Kelantan 
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yellowbg · 2 years
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Sultan Muhammad V
The Sultan. — The present Sultan, H. I. M. Sultan Muhammad V., thirty-fifth Ottoman Sultan since the foundation of the Turkish Dynasty, and twenty-fifth of his line since the taking of Constantinople, was horn on the 3rd November 1844, and ascended the throne on the 28th April 1909. He is of a generous and very kindly disposition; he is the first real constitutional Sultan Turkey ever had, and is extremely popular among the people. Before he ascended the throne he was confined by his elder brother Sultan Abd-ul-Hamid Khan II. in the small low building which adjoins his present residence, the Volmah Baghcheh Palace.
People.—The population of Constantinople is a mixed one, composed chiefly of Turks, Greeks, Armenians, Levantines, as the half-breed descendants of Europeans are styled, and Jews.
The Turks, as their name implies, were originally of Turkoman descent; the race, however, is at present a very mixed one, owing to the continual introduction, through intermarriage, of the Arab and Circassian elements.
God will provide
The average Turk is of medium stature, with dark hair and an aquiline nose, and is noted for his punctilious politeness and hospitality, which latter he inherits from his nomadic ancestors, and for his indolence and apathy. This latter quality often stands him in good stead in the event of disaster or misfortune, which, like good fortune, he attributes to the will of God, or more often to Kismet (fate); he is in fact nothing if not a fatalist, and the Kismet of the Turk has become even more proverbial than his politeness and hospitality. This apathy, for it cannot be dignified by the name of stoicism, may be accountable for the comparative absence of suicide among the Turks, who console themselves for the greatest losses or mishaps, private or national, by piously ejaculating Kismet dir (‘ it is fate ’) guided istanbul tours, or Allah kerim (‘ God will provide ’). The Turk is extremely simple in his habits, frugal and sober, and on the whole may be said to be good- natured, easy-going, fairly truthful, and charitable; but is, on the other hand, extremely superstitious, and utterly destitute of any but the crudest artistic taste, and of any liking for the fine arts.
Even in his pleasures and pastimes his indolence and apathy assert themselves. His games are all of a sedentary nature, and he will sit for hours over a succession of games of backgammon. He never dances, all his appreciation of the Terpsichorean art being confined to viewing from his cushioned divan, through the fragrant mediums of coffee and cigarettes, the lascivious posturings and contortions of gipsy girls, performed to the accompaniment of monotonous, dirge-like strains.
The Turk’s favourite pastime is what he calls Keyeffy which is somewhat akin to the dolce far niente or sweet idleness of the Italian. This ‘ enjoyment ’ is attainable by repairing to some picturesque spot, and sitting for hours in listless, thoughtless, vacant contemplation, over the soothing coffee and cigarette. This is kcyeff downright, pure, unadulterated keyejf or whatever one likes to call it, for the word baffles all translation.
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royal-confessions · 1 year
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“Lmao Muhammad V is happily photographed holding his newborn nephew (& the heir after his own brother) while he denied paternity of his own son (who looks exactly like him) & abandoned his pregnant ex without bothering to pay appropriate amount of child support. Guess his sister-in-law Sofie knows this looks bad, that's why she blocked the comment option for this photo on her account lol.” - Submitted by Anonymous
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heartmylifes · 2 years
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Sultan Muhammad V
The Sultan. — The present Sultan, H. I. M. Sultan Muhammad V., thirty-fifth Ottoman Sultan since the foundation of the Turkish Dynasty, and twenty-fifth of his line since the taking of Constantinople, was horn on the 3rd November 1844, and ascended the throne on the 28th April 1909. He is of a generous and very kindly disposition; he is the first real constitutional Sultan Turkey ever had, and is extremely popular among the people. Before he ascended the throne he was confined by his elder brother Sultan Abd-ul-Hamid Khan II. in the small low building which adjoins his present residence, the Volmah Baghcheh Palace.
People.—The population of Constantinople is a mixed one, composed chiefly of Turks, Greeks, Armenians, Levantines, as the half-breed descendants of Europeans are styled, and Jews.
The Turks, as their name implies, were originally of Turkoman descent; the race, however, is at present a very mixed one, owing to the continual introduction, through intermarriage, of the Arab and Circassian elements.
God will provide
The average Turk is of medium stature, with dark hair and an aquiline nose, and is noted for his punctilious politeness and hospitality, which latter he inherits from his nomadic ancestors, and for his indolence and apathy. This latter quality often stands him in good stead in the event of disaster or misfortune, which, like good fortune, he attributes to the will of God, or more often to Kismet (fate); he is in fact nothing if not a fatalist, and the Kismet of the Turk has become even more proverbial than his politeness and hospitality. This apathy, for it cannot be dignified by the name of stoicism, may be accountable for the comparative absence of suicide among the Turks, who console themselves for the greatest losses or mishaps, private or national, by piously ejaculating Kismet dir (‘ it is fate ’) guided istanbul tours, or Allah kerim (‘ God will provide ’). The Turk is extremely simple in his habits, frugal and sober, and on the whole may be said to be good- natured, easy-going, fairly truthful, and charitable; but is, on the other hand, extremely superstitious, and utterly destitute of any but the crudest artistic taste, and of any liking for the fine arts.
Even in his pleasures and pastimes his indolence and apathy assert themselves. His games are all of a sedentary nature, and he will sit for hours over a succession of games of backgammon. He never dances, all his appreciation of the Terpsichorean art being confined to viewing from his cushioned divan, through the fragrant mediums of coffee and cigarettes, the lascivious posturings and contortions of gipsy girls, performed to the accompaniment of monotonous, dirge-like strains.
The Turk’s favourite pastime is what he calls Keyeffy which is somewhat akin to the dolce far niente or sweet idleness of the Italian. This ‘ enjoyment ’ is attainable by repairing to some picturesque spot, and sitting for hours in listless, thoughtless, vacant contemplation, over the soothing coffee and cigarette. This is kcyeff downright, pure, unadulterated keyejf or whatever one likes to call it, for the word baffles all translation.
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goharshahi · 1 year
New Video: Ilham, Khaas Ilham Aur Wahi Mein Farq | Sufi Master Younus AlGohar | ALRA TV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVUdKHXqX4I
Sufi Master Younus AlGohar delivers a marvellous discourse on the blessed occasion of Jashan e Shahi, the day His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi was coroneted as Sultan in the Court of Prophet Muhammad (s). In this video, Sufi Master reveals some selected features of HDE Gohar Shahi's esoteric personality; the difference between divine revelations and special revelations and why Gabriel accompanied the revelations; the pact of Radia Mardia between God and his friends, as well as several other incredible topics.
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brookstonalmanac · 3 months
Events 7.4 (1840-1940)
1838 – The Iowa Territory is organized. 1845 – Henry David Thoreau moves into a small cabin on Walden Pond in Concord, Massachusetts. Thoreau's account of his two years there, Walden, will become a touchstone of the environmental movement. 1855 – The first edition of Walt Whitman's book of poems, Leaves of Grass, is published in Brooklyn. 1862 – Lewis Carroll tells Alice Liddell a story that would grow into Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and its sequels. 1863 – American Civil War: Siege of Vicksburg: The Confederate army in Vicksburg, Mississippi surrenders to Union forces under Ulysses S. Grant after 47 days of siege, contributing to the Union capture of the Mississippi River. 1863 – American Civil War: Union forces repulse a Confederate army at the Battle of Helena in Arkansas. The battle thwarts a Rebel attempt to relieve pressure on the besieged city of Vicksburg, and paves the way for the Union capture of Little Rock. 1863 – American Civil War: Retreat from Gettysburg: The Confederate Army of Northern Virginia under Robert E. Lee withdraws from the battlefield after losing the Battle of Gettysburg, signaling an end to his last invasion of the North. 1879 – Anglo-Zulu War: The Zululand capital of Ulundi is captured by British troops and burned to the ground, ending the war and forcing King Cetshwayo to flee. 1881 – In Alabama, the Tuskegee Institute opens. 1886 – The Canadian Pacific Railway's first scheduled train from Montreal arrives in Port Moody on the Pacific coast, after six days of travel. 1887 – The founder of Pakistan, Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, joins Sindh-Madrasa-tul-Islam, Karachi. 1892 – Western Samoa changes the International Date Line, causing Monday (July 4) to occur twice, resulting in a leap year with 367 days. 1894 – The short-lived Republic of Hawaii is proclaimed by Sanford B. Dole. 1898 – En route from New York to Le Havre, the SS La Bourgogne collides with another ship and sinks off the coast of Sable Island, with the loss of 549 lives. 1901 – William Howard Taft becomes American governor of the Philippines. 1903 – The Philippine–American War is officially concluded. 1910 – The Johnson–Jeffries riots occur after African-American boxer Jack Johnson knocks out white boxer Jim Jeffries in the 15th round. Between 11 and 26 people are killed and hundreds more injured. 1911 – A massive heat wave strikes the northeastern United States, killing 380 people in eleven days and breaking temperature records in several cities. 1913 – President Woodrow Wilson addresses American Civil War veterans at the Great Reunion of 1913. 1914 – The funeral of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie takes place in Vienna, six days after their assassinations in Sarajevo. 1918 – Mehmed V died at the age of 73 and Ottoman sultan Mehmed VI ascends to the throne. 1918 – World War I: The Battle of Hamel, a successful attack by the Australian Corps against German positions near the town of Le Hamel on the Western Front. 1927 – First flight of the Lockheed Vega. 1939 – Lou Gehrig, recently diagnosed with Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, informs a crowd at Yankee Stadium that he considers himself "The luckiest man on the face of the earth", then announces his retirement from major league baseball.
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mahsed · 2 years
New Post has been published on
Sultan Muhammad V
The Sultan. — The present Sultan, H. I. M. Sultan Muhammad V., thirty-fifth Ottoman Sultan since the foundation of the Turkish Dynasty, and twenty-fifth of his line since the taking of Constantinople, was horn on the 3rd November 1844, and ascended the throne on the 28th April 1909. He is of a generous and very kindly disposition; he is the first real constitutional Sultan Turkey ever had, and is extremely popular among the people. Before he ascended the throne he was confined by his elder brother Sultan Abd-ul-Hamid Khan II. in the small low building which adjoins his present residence, the Volmah Baghcheh Palace.
People.—The population of Constantinople is a mixed one, composed chiefly of Turks, Greeks, Armenians, Levantines, as the half-breed descendants of Europeans are styled, and Jews.
The Turks, as their name implies, were originally of Turkoman descent; the race, however, is at present a very mixed one, owing to the continual introduction, through intermarriage, of the Arab and Circassian elements.
God will provide
The average Turk is of medium stature, with dark hair and an aquiline nose, and is noted for his punctilious politeness and hospitality, which latter he inherits from his nomadic ancestors, and for his indolence and apathy. This latter quality often stands him in good stead in the event of disaster or misfortune, which, like good fortune, he attributes to the will of God, or more often to Kismet (fate); he is in fact nothing if not a fatalist, and the Kismet of the Turk has become even more proverbial than his politeness and hospitality. This apathy, for it cannot be dignified by the name of stoicism, may be accountable for the comparative absence of suicide among the Turks, who console themselves for the greatest losses or mishaps, private or national, by piously ejaculating Kismet dir (‘ it is fate ’) guided istanbul tours, or Allah kerim (‘ God will provide ’). The Turk is extremely simple in his habits, frugal and sober, and on the whole may be said to be good- natured, easy-going, fairly truthful, and charitable; but is, on the other hand, extremely superstitious, and utterly destitute of any but the crudest artistic taste, and of any liking for the fine arts.
Even in his pleasures and pastimes his indolence and apathy assert themselves. His games are all of a sedentary nature, and he will sit for hours over a succession of games of backgammon. He never dances, all his appreciation of the Terpsichorean art being confined to viewing from his cushioned divan, through the fragrant mediums of coffee and cigarettes, the lascivious posturings and contortions of gipsy girls, performed to the accompaniment of monotonous, dirge-like strains.
The Turk’s favourite pastime is what he calls Keyeffy which is somewhat akin to the dolce far niente or sweet idleness of the Italian. This ‘ enjoyment ’ is attainable by repairing to some picturesque spot, and sitting for hours in listless, thoughtless, vacant contemplation, over the soothing coffee and cigarette. This is kcyeff downright, pure, unadulterated keyejf or whatever one likes to call it, for the word baffles all translation.
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