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enejpg · 6 months ago
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[ainda tenho esperança de que o meu viva o sul seja um dia a comemoração de um país independente, eu creio sksksksk]
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p4tag0nier · 23 days ago
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silly propaganda sulista I made @benzodiazepinicaa
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caduferreira · 2 years ago
now, i dont use it for reblogs but i pronounce it "erre - bê - ése" in the portuguese pronounciation because of these mfs
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o que ser sulista faz com um fdp (what being southern brazilian does to a mf)
Poll time!
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geniousbh · 11 months ago
ai ai lau você falando um pouquinho sobre a relação do matías com os sogros me fez pensar que ele com certeza eh do tipo que topa qualquer coisa que sua família inventa. aniversário de alguém? ele vai. viagem em família? ele já tá com a mala pronta. ir numa loja de construção ajudar a escolher o azulejo novo do banheiro? ele ajuda. pegar estrada pra ir pro interior visitar uma tia que você só viu uma vez na vida? ele vai. churrasco? ele é o primeiro a chegar. no fim ele é tão presente em tudo que é mais fácil faltar alguém da família do que ele 😭 enfim boa segunda diva
oi divinha!! sua ask foi tão pertinente omg amamos ser todas almas conectadas aqui 💓🔗 e eu digo que sim! o matías 100% de crtz tem como linguagem afetiva toque físico, mas pra te ter fisicamente ele precisa estar com você 🤯🧠📚, o que acaba fazendo com que tempo de qualidade seja a segunda linguagem afetiva mais forte nele.
vai te acompanhar em entrevista de emprego - se você já é descartada de cara ele fica puto, te segura a mão e vai te guiando pq vc ta toda xoxa e quando chegam do lado de fora ele mostra o dedo pra câmera do estacionamento "salafrários!!! tão perdendo ouro!" -, te acompanha no dentista, no supermercado (e nesse aqui ele se aproveita porque sempre faz você pagar uma coquinha pra ele), vai em enterro de parente de segundo grau seu - "quem que foi de arrasta?", "n sei, matí, fala baixo!!", "🙄😒" -, e por ai vai
e é ÓBVIO que ele faz você embarcar nos roles mais nada a ver com a família dele também, nisso você já levou a sua sogra no pronto socorro quando ela teve cólica renal, já ajudou a capinar o mato de um sítio antigo com o pai dele, já foi até na apresentação de teatro de um priminho e vocês dois não paravam de tirar sarro dos pobinhos
sua família conhece ele, a dele conhece você e não tem muito mistério que se continuar assim vocês vão casar (como eu disse ontem, pr mim o matías é duro na queda se ele decide que vc é a mulher da vida dele não há LITERALMENTE não há vaquejada que mude isso)
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kveldulv88nsbm · 1 month ago
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morangoowada · 2 months ago
Seeing my moots talking about kissing or cuddling their partners meanwhile everytime I talk about my qpr it's just to call him gay
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thesadadventurersgame · 11 months ago
Care to share some facts about the ROs?
hmm let's see
Antara has a bit of an hero complex. He also tried to become a knight at some point of his life but gave up since being a knight wouldn't give him the kind of adventure he wants.
Rajinder is illiterate and refuses to learn to read or write out of shame, only knowing how to write his and Antara's names. Surprisingly, they manage to hide the fact that they are illiterate very well.
Yueling cooks very well and loves to sew and they may or may not have a child.
F is a bookworm and they particularly like erotic books, but will deny it as if their life depended on it. They also have hemophobia (irrational fear of blood) and, when they need to feed, they need to do it with their eyes closed and very quickly.
Aza current weapon of choice is a giant hammer, but she has trained with all types of weapons before. Aza is a picky eater and always orders the same thing when she goes to restaurants or bars, the same cannot be said about drinks, as she drinks anything that has alcohol.
Douglas is Brazilian (Brazil does not necessarily exist in this world but I made Douglas with Brazil in mind) I told some facts in general that I find most interesting about them since you didn't ask for anything specific anon! Thanks for the ask!
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dtaegis · 1 year ago
look i believe in science and everything she has to say but i draw the line at "you should only take 1 shower per day and not wash your whole body". i'm on the negationists side on this one
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saucetail-hasanewblog · 2 years ago
meu traço mais tóxico é querer que todos os meus personagens tenham sotaques
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maiteo · 2 years ago
in such an anti dragão establishment can my beloveds PLS do something for me����
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random-racehorses · 9 months ago
Random Real Thoroughbred: GRAND-SULISTA
GRAND-SULISTA is a horse born in Brazil in 1990. By DON BORGES out of PAL AT ABLE. Link to their pedigreequery page: https://www.pedigreequery.com/grand-sulista
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meodeus uma das minhas colegas novas de apto é bolsominiom socorro
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humanaaa · 1 year ago
Escrever o Forever sem ele poder chamar o Richas de ovo (pq o Richas é uma criança “humana”) tá sendo difícil. Não tem palavra que possa substituir o ovo…
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kaeyapilled · 2 years ago
quero saber do seu au 🥺
ahhh!!!! ok não é um au muito bem desenvolvido então não espere muito. eu só gosto de pensar em de quais regiões/estados do brasil os personagens seriam. por exemplo o diluc. extremamente sulista. tipo, rio grande do sul. ele literalmente faz vinho e suco de uva e é levemente alemao (ou seja la em qual cultura mondstadt é mais inspirado). o kaeya por outro lado me passa uma vibe um pouco carioca. sei la primeiro que eu acho que se algum lugar no brasil é capaz de ser khaenri'ah seria o rio de janeiro. mas tipo eu sou paulista então estou um pouco além do meu lugar de fala aqui. e eu nunca vi um carioca corinthiano e eu preciso que o kaeya seja corinthiano pq EU sou corinthiana. enfim, o cyno é indiscutivelmente carioca pra mim. flamenguista até. talvez o tighnari também.. mas o kaveh e o alhaitham são nordestinos pra mim. scaramouche mto paulista da capital. descendencia japonesa. vai fazer role na liberdade. seila o que mais... yoimiya mineira. rosaria goiana. voce ta enxergando a minha visão?
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missnxthingg · 6 months ago
AND NOW THIS???? THE MATE??? fuck off this man is living rent free in my mind for two entire weeks now. i need him BIBLICALLY
franco colapinto is literally the type of guy i would have a crush on irl and after the end of this season i'll be mourning his departure
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graysbullshit · 2 years ago
a list of brazillian fun facts you might want to know for your qsmp fanfics! (or in general lol)
DATING IN BRAZIL (because I know at least 50% of yall are gonna be writting slash):
Phase 1 can be or texting/talking or ficando (infinitive: ficar), it depends on how shy you are;
Ficando means to be actively seeking a person out consistently with the intent of talking for a bit and then making out (it does not entail any level of loyalty);
Brazillians only consider it "making out" if you french kiss;
Kissing without tongue is considered weird and viewed negativelly;
A little peck on the lips is cute, but not really what we consider kissing;
There are two types of brazillians: the ones that will start dating after a week and the ones that take months to make up their minds;
If a brazillian is interested in you (even if you don't know each other) and you're in a party there is a very good chance they will walk up to you and ask if you want to make out/ask for your instagram handle (it depends on what kind of party it is tbh);
Also, most brazillians kiss and tell lmao;
It is not uncommon for outgoing brazillians to make out with random strangers, especially during carnival;
We are a sex positive country mostly;
We are very sensual, even if we have no romantic interest;
Mock-flirting or Joke-flirting is very common in friend groups;
People who make out/date with the person their friend likes are called Talarica or Talarico;
When you get cheated on you're called Corno;
People usually go on dates after ficar for a whille;
Usually, if you're going on dates with someone it is expected of you to be faithful or to end things (you can't go on dates with a guy while also going on dates with another guy, that's fucked up);
We call dating namorando, from the infinitive namorar which refers back to namorado (boyfriend) and namorada (girlfriend);
brazillians are typically very direct when they are interested in someone, which doesn't mean they will say "oh, i like you" right away, but they will flirt for sure;
in Brazil saying "I love you" isn't a big deal, most brazillians will say it pretty fast and not saying it back (if you're in a relationship) is considered VERY WEIRD;
brazillians have the tendency of being very jealous lmao;
Brazil is a continental sized country, being the fifth biggest country in the entire world. It is bigger than the USA, if counting only directly conected land (ignoring Brazil's islands and Hawaii and Alaska);
Because of it's size, brazillian states have a great number of differences in language, culture, food, climate, and politics;
There is as much animosity between states as in the USA (the difference being: brazillians will always defend each other rather than gringos);
The brazillian streamers are all from the Center-West, South-East and South of Brazil (unfortunatly there is nobody to represent the North and North-east);
The south-east is the are of biggest economical impact, while the center-west is known for the capital of the country (Brasília) and the agriculture, while the south has a terrible reputation (they have livestock too, but mostly a bad reputation);
Brazil has two of the biggest cities in the world: the 5º biggest, São Paulo, and the 19º biggest, Rio de Janeiro;
Nobody fucking likes São Paulo (the city) except from the people that were born there or lived there their entire lives;
Brazil has a mostly warm climate, and most brazillians consider anything below 20ºc to be cold (vai sulista, fala que no sul é mais frio, fala);
Brazil's seasons are more often defined by the level of humity, rather than how hot/cold it is;
Brazil is a giant when it comes to agriculture and livestock. We have a lot of grains, and red meat. If you drink coffee and eat meat you have definetly tasted brazillian products without knowning, since we do a lot of exportation (especially to europe);
Brazil has natural diamonds, pre-sal (which can be used in the making of combustives), gold and other precious stones.
Brazil was mostly colonized by the portuguese, but there was also a presence of the Spanish, French, Dutch and British. You can tell by the architecture;
Rio de Janeiro was the capital of the Portuguese Kingdom for a little while;
Brazil (much like Mexico) was once an Empire;
Brazil (as it's own coutry) has had only two Emperors;
the Brazillian Empire was a big deal despite ending fairly soon;
Brazil's Empire once eliminated about 90% of the male population of Paraguay during a war, which is def a war crime. We have repayed them for what happened, though;
Cities like Rio de Janeiro have a lot of Imperial architecture, but most of the colonial architecture can be found in states like Minas Gerais;
Brazil sent troups in WWII to Italy, the famous Smoking Snakes;
Brazil was forced into a dictatorship by the USA (surprising no one);
Brazil had a president that decided to develop highways instead of trains (i fucking hate him). It's the same guy that moved the capital from Rio de Janeiro to Brasília;
Brasília was build with the blood of poor people and it fucking sucks, but it has the shape of an airplane so everything is fine ig /s;
Brazil's first woman president and it's current president were both tortured during the dictatorship;
Brazil is a concervative country, despite everything;
Do not ask me about Brazil's politics, because it's so fucking insane lmao;
Brazillian culture exists on top of three axes: Portuguese, African, and Indigineous;
We take A LOT from Japonese culture (since we are the country with the biggest Japonese population outside of Japan). I've never met a brazillian who hasn't watched anime, even my grandma knows what Pokemon is /srs;
Some other important diasporas in Brazil: Lebanon (we have more lebanese than Lebanon itself lol), China, Germany, Italy, and many different African countries;
Most brazillians listen to funk and sertanejo, but other brazillian music you might be interested in: samba, BRrock, mpb, BRpop, Axé, and Pagode;
Some other famous brazillians you might not know, but you should: Silvio Santos, Celso Portiolli, Rodrigo Faro, Angélica, Eliana, Xuxa, Luciano Huck, Pyong Lee, Mauricio de Sousa, Ariano Suassuna, Clarice Lispector, Machado de Assis, Guilmarães Rosa, Fernando Pessoa, Vinicius de Moraes, Toquinho, Mateus Hwang, Tiago Leifert, Tadeu Schmidt, Boninho, Guilherme Briggs, Fernanda Montenegro, Rodrigo Santoro, Wagner Moura, Seu Jorge, etc;
Most brazillians only drink tea for medicinal reasons (like cammomile tea);
Most brazillians love coffee and hate iced coffee;
Most brazillians start drinking coffee at a very young age;
Drinking (alchool) age in Brazil is 18yo, but most brazillians start drinking around 15yo;
Most brazillians love meat and barbecue. Here is a picture of a brazillian brabecue:
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Brazil, differently from other American coutries, didn't have potatoes/corn as it's basic food, we had a root called Mandioca. Although it is still very beloved in brazillian cusine, the base for brazillian meals is currently Rice;
In Brazil we usually don't eat a lot during breakfast, but have a big meal (with rice, veetables, meat, and beans) for lunch and dinner. And our dinner is usually around 20h-22h;
We don't use AM or PM;
We use the metric system and Celcius, and we very much deslike the imperial system and what's-his -face is an abhorrent scientific disgrace;
brazillians who suck up to gringos are called "Vira-latas", which can be translated to "mutts" or more directly "eat-trash";
brazillians have mutiple coffee breaks during the day, mostly in the afternoon;
brazillians brush their teeth at least 3 times a day (mostly after every big meal);
brazillians shower at least once a day, some going as far as to shower three times a day during summer;
brazillians do not use snapchat and they think it's obsolete (because it is);
brazillians will pirate anything that isn't made by other brazillians, and I mean ANYTHING. There is no shame in pirating in Brazil and we are very proud of being the country that pirates the most in the world! We will also buy counterfeit products knowing they are counterfeit;
brazillians rivalry with argentinians is REAL. And, although is mostly a football thing, it really translates to everything else (especially if it's online);
brazillians have a hierarchy when it comes down to rooting for stuff, and it goes like this: brazillians, sibling countries, latin americans, other african countries, other third world countries, japan, other asian countries, european countries, anglo-saxon americans, argentina (if it's football), germany, portugal;
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