#suits & ties collab
kaidabakugou · 1 year
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WARNINGS: some graphic descriptions | mentions of death | cunnilingus | pubes | hint of body worship | nipple play | marking | biting | blood | blood drinking | spit | breeding kink | hint of dumbification | some hair pulling | overstimulation
A/N: proud to finally be able to share with you guys my submission for Touch of Divine Rush Collab by @dark-mnjiro, i love Norse Mythology and had lots of fun writing this one so i hope you enjoy my little knowledge dump plus my interpretation of what Vidar’s journey would look like after Ragnarök
i also made a GLOSSARY to help you understand some of the terms and old Nordic language used without the need of researching it yourselves, please enjoy and tysm for reading!
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The air felt thick as ash rained down upon the battle grounds, the remnants of the wrath from the towering flames of the fire giant evident all around as the silent god took in his surroundings. His foot still perched atop Fenrir’s fiery jaw as he looked down at the mangled wolf, a sharp pain making itself known on his palm when adrenaline started to subside from his body. Noticing one of Fenrir’s fangs pierced into his right hand where he held the beast’s jaw open seizing it before bracing his lower foot, adorned with his magical leather shoe, against its lower jaw and tearing it apart as the prophecy intended. Successfully avenging his father, Odin, after his journey ended being devoured by the foul monster.
Bakugou could barely see a few feet around him, the sky burned black as the flames reached all the way up to the stars, consuming them as not even the cosmos could evade their fate of being swallowed by the sea. Ragnarök, the final battle, had finally progressed to its final phase. And as the world burns in flames, Bakugou couldn't help but to inhale the stinging smoke around him, feeling it stain his lungs as he closed his eyes towards the black sky.
Clearing his head from the chaos that surrounds him, beginning to feel the icy touch of Helheim against his scorching skin as he calls upon the forces of nature whom he trusted the most to guide him through this new journey.
A small smile adorned the god’s features as he accepted his fate, although destined to survive the destruction, he found it hard to believe in prophecies when the rumbling of the ocean’s hunger was making the ground beneath his feet tremble as it started to sink into the depths of the unknown. But the silence in his ears reassured him that he will once again rule over a regenerated earth.
Silence had been Bakugou’s strongest companion, known as the silent god for he desired nothing more than to be left alone to rule the forests who were bound by close ties to him where nothing but solitude and deep silence reigned. And his desires would soon be answered as droplets of water began to slowly quench his stained skin, the god’s deep vermilion irises fluttering open as the skies poured down on him. The flames around him began to die down as the sea rumbled again and Bakugou mentally kicked himself for doubting the Norn’s prophecy as their words echoed in his head. 
“Early begun.” 
“Further spun.” 
“One day done.” 
“With joy once more won.”
Ragnarök wasn't the complete end of the world. Out of the sea, the earth started to rise again, new and filled with all shades of green where fields of grains soon began to grow without the hand of any god, human or elf to aid it. A new sun shined down upon the fresh world, and soon a new moon would follow suit as they both traveled the same path as their ancestors and returned to their old lawful regularity to keep earth from seeing the darkness of Ragnarök ever again. 
The surviving gods met at Ithavoll, once again a safe place for the gods to regather themselves as they built a new city and joined forces to bring earth back to its original splendor. But after a while, once the tasks at hand were complete and life on earth was once again restored, Bakugou left Ithavoll to take his throne in Landvidi, the wide lands. 
Where his glorious palace eagerly waits for his return, decorated with large green boughs and only the most delicate of flowers in the midst of an impenetrable primeval forest where he could peacefully reign among the silence of the trees. Where anyone who dared disturb his silence, will receive no mercy and awaken the same mighty god that tore Fenrir’s devilish jaws with his bare hands. Soon, everyone across the realm knew better than to enter the forests uninvited, for all who entered were never to be seen again.
All except one. 
Ever since you were a child, your mother would warn you to never go near the woods just off the threshold of Alfheim, the land of the elves. Hearing stories and tales of how those who had crossed were turned into corpses and left to rot by the border as a warning or were never to be heard from again.
Tales of giant man-eating beasts that would starve themselves and wait patiently for whatever ignorant soul dared set foot into their territory. Some would even say that the surviving dragons resided deep within the monstrous shadows of the tall trees, that reached so far up into the sky that no daylight could seep through. Blood-thirsty bees and spiders that would drain their victims of their blood to the very last drop, leaving them nothing but a mess of bones and dried flesh for the forest soil to consume. 
And those who managed to avoid such terrible fate and considered themselves lucky enough to reach deep within the forest to find the triumphant god’s palace in search of hidden treasures that only the remaining son of Odin could possess, would only be left wishing they would have died at the claws of the forests beasts, for they imagine their death would've been quicker compared to the merciless torture the retired god would greet them with before watering his rare carnivorous plants with their blood and feeding them their remains to keep them hungry for more. 
But you would argue the opposite.
The forest has always been kind to you, ever since you first stepped foot inside of it, back when you were just a small elf beginning to learn the elven ways of magic and strayed a little too far off the border in search of kalonji, a white-petaled flower that only grew near the thresholds of the forest and was a necessary component for brewing medicine due to the healing properties of its seeds. 
But by the time you finished collecting the rare flowers, you had already entered the forest and had no idea on how to return home. The warnings of your mother started to echo inside your head as panic began to settle in the more you looked around and the vast forest seemed to appear the same no matter which direction you faced. Sinking to your knees as tears started to cascade down your cheeks, dropping the basket of flowers beside you as you buried your face in your hands waiting for whatever horrid fate that would end your sorrows. 
Your choked sobs and sniffles were certain to attract one of the many beasts your mother had told you about, but when you started to hear the ruffling of leaves in steady steps getting closer, you never imagined coming face to face with one of the most beautiful creatures you had ever laid eyes on.
A white stag with the most piercing red eyes stared down at you warily. Large, majestic antlers adorned the sides of his head, resembling the leafless branches of the winter trees, as he cautiously smelled around you, taking in your scent while your cries died down in your throat as you stared up in awe at the towering giant. His large hooves were the size of your head, and his long legs were taller than you as you took in their size while he circled around you before settling on your opposite side.
Taking one last whiff of you before turning his snout towards your basket, inhaling the rich aroma of the kalonji before gently stealing one. Raising his head to stand tall in all his glory as he looks around whilst he eats it. You reached over and grabbed a flower as well, bringing it up to your nose to take in its bitter notes within its subtle floral fragrance before presenting it to the stag. To which he happily accepted as he lowered his neck towards you once again, taking your offering before beginning to walk past you and into the trees, stopping momentarily to look back at you only to find you already at his side as you two made your way through the extensive forest. 
You were unsure of where the stag was leading you, but you figured that sticking by his side would be better than waiting alone for the icy souls of Hel to take you. Taking in the vibrant colors of the forest as you found it hard to believe that so much beauty could hold such terrors, but you weren't going to remain present long enough to see it for yourself.
Along the way you encountered small white wood aster and yellow trout lilies that also possessed many medicinal benefits, taking some and putting them inside your basket for later while your started to carefully weave their small branches together, although your inexperienced hands were still clumsy, you still managed to keep all the flowers secure until finally closing it into a circlet. You've been so distracted with the flower crown in your hand that you hadn't noticed the stag had led you back to the threshold of the forest, being aware of your location once he stopped a few feet away from the treeline where you could see the busy city of Alfheim just past the bushes. 
Excited that you were going to be able to return home safely, you thank the stag as he looks down at you, giving you what felt like a nod before turning his body to leave. But stopping in his tracks when you ask him to wait as he gives you a confused look, watching as you walk up to him and offer him the crown you'd been building the whole path back. Those piercing vermilion eyes softening as he stares back down into your eager ones before lowering himself to your height, presenting you the top of his head while being careful not to hurt you with his antlers as you gently place the flower crown between them.
The different shades of yellow and green contrasting from his unique white fur beautifully as you feel his cold nose poke the side of your cheek before leaving a long wet lick on it, making you giggle before waving him off as you make your way down the hill and back to the city whilst he disappears back into the deep forest.
And ever since, each time you've gone to collect more kalonji, you'd find small and rather odd gifts near the flowers. Sometimes it would be random objects like polished stones and crystals, pretty feathers of all colors and sizes, and even sharp teeth that you could only imagine belonged to a creature far larger than those of these lands.
But mostly, you'd find only the rarest of flowers placed neatly upon the grass, looking so out of scenery as they wait for your arrival against the green fields. Flowers that you couldn't even begin to name since you'd never seen any others quite like them. Some would possess the most vibrant colors your eyes had ever seen, and others would have the most fragrant aromas to carry them despite their subdued appearance. Whatever the case, you'd always look forward to the little presents that awaited you on each journey to the border, and back then you were always so curious as to who could be leaving them for you to find at such opportune times. 
But now, nearly a vicennial of winters later, you still look forward to the same little surprises, only now you are well aware of who is responsible for leaving such treasures.
Making your way past the same threshold, you walk through the dense trees you've grown so accustomed to. Ever since that eventful day, the forest has always been kind and welcoming to you. Presenting you with an abundance of the same exotic flowers you would find when you were little, showing you paths filled with the same rare and delicate crystals you'd receive on occasions, and even the few animals you've had the fortune of meeting on your different journeys have grown a liking to you. 
But your reason to return to this forest always remained the same. 
Landvidi possessed only the most beautiful of landscapes, filled with the highest trees and tallest branches in the realm, lush vegetation and fresh flowers. Past the high grasslands, in the heart of the forest known as The Hall of Landvidi, is where the silent god’s palace is located. Surrounded by an even greater portion of earth’s natural beauty that paints a picture of solitude, for no being other than the retired warrior god could reach.
And as the protector of these lands, filled with ambition and strength, he is determined to ensure it remains that way. He has seen what destruction is like, lived it himself during the great battle of the destruction of the cosmos and all that lived within them, and will stop at nothing to keep the peace. 
Bakugou is the strongest of the gods, following Thor, and after fulfilling his fate as an avenger and brave warrior, his rebirth after Ragnarök symbolizes sustainability and regrowth. Being the only god known to be tied with nature, as most gods were connected to the sea through Heimdall, the watchman of the gods, Bakugou had always felt his soul to be more at peace within the wide lands. And even though he swore to never allow any trespassers into his territory, ever since he heard your cries all those winters ago, something within him told him you'd be the exception.
As you descend down the stoned path towards the small tunnel under the large oak trees, you take in a deep breath when the soft breeze hits your skin, the tunnel is formed by the widened crowns of the trees that spread and reached the branches of the oak trees on the opposite side, creating a beautiful passage towards the hidden waterfall ahead. 
From the oak branches, bellflowers of all colors hanged down decorating the path with a mesmerizing view. You reached up and collected some of the violet-blue flowers, making sure to grab several of their leaves as well. Although their petals had a mild taste, the leaves can be quite refreshing, and you knew the one you seeked would enjoy them. 
Securing them inside your basket next to the fresh apples you'd collected from your orchard, you resumed your way down the oak passage as the sound of the waterfall filled your ears. The Querencia Waterfall is the most beautiful of all the waterfalls in Landvidi, located just at the entrance of The Hall a few miles from the palace. It's the only waterfall in the land that’s so high, when the sun is at its peak some of its rays seep through the tall crowns of the oak trees, forming rainbows that look like they're cascading down along with the stream when they capture the water.
Surrounded by ancient willow trees, the lake where it pools contains powerful waters filled with passion and love from the root of the weeping willows that are believed to provide a nourishing embrace of fertility and healing. These were the only willow trees in all of Landvidi, after Ragnarök they became quite rare to find throughout the realms, so you were astonished when the white stag brought you here on one of your visits. Welcoming you into the water to bathe while he feasted on some of the exotic flowers that floated around different areas of the lake. 
You smiled to yourself as you think back on that day, remembering how nurturing the water felt around your body for the first time as its magic began to absorb into your skin. Your heart swelling when you recall feeling something being placed atop your head, only to find the stag adorning your hair with the water hyacinths he collected, rounding them on your head by tangling them with strands of your hair to the best of his abilities until it formed a circlet as his own way of thanking you for the crown you gave him on your first encounter.
You've been coming to Querencia ever since to meet with the stag, bringing him only the freshest fruits from your orchard and collecting flowers from the forest on your journeys to make more crowns for him as a thank you for all the treasures he leaves on the threshold for you. Sometimes he'd wait for your arrival near the berry bushes just off the edge of the forest and escort you through the wide lands filled with birch trees where many wildflowers favor growing near their roots so you can collect them. Other times, you venture into the forest at first daylight and wait for him in the water.
Today was one of those days as you reach the willow trees closest to the waterfall, settling your basket down near its roots as you begin to strip your garbs, folding them by the basket before entering the water. 
Submerging yourself deeper as the warm water sinks into your skin, the soft current wraps you in a state of tranquility whilst you absorb its properties before soon enough you spot the majestic antlers of the white stag. Smiling when you meet his gaze, noticing how his doe eyes seem to light up when he meets yours before entering the water with you, gracefully making his way towards you as water splashes around him from the force of his hooves. Giggling when he presses his wet nose against yours before lowering his soft furred forehead to your damped one. Something that had become a habit when greeting each other.
“God morgon, you came rather quickly today!”, you whisper against him as you greet him in the old language.
Although the old tongue was not commonly used anymore after the great destruction, you noticed you get a reaction from the stag when using some of the old words, almost as if he understood them better than the modern tongue. 
“I brought you something!”, you eagerly tell him, causing his ears to perk up at your announcement as you lift yourself from the water and start walking back towards the willow roots where you left your basket, the stag sauntering alongside you. 
Watching as you open your basket to reveal the shiniest of apples, his tongue dragging against his snout at the sight as he leans forward to eat one when you offer it to him, knowing your orchard produced some of the juiciest and most delicious ones in the realm after you watered them with the water you'd collected from the Querencia river. Offering him the bellflower leaves next as he accepted them and eating one yourself before diving back into the water. 
Fully submerging yourself as the stag followed suit, his smooth white fur now a light gray as it clung to him, droplets of water dripping from his antlers and falling against your skin when he circled closer for you to hold on to him as you swam together.
This was your usual routine on the days you'd meet on the waterfall, bathing together and feeding each other different fruit and flowers you'd bring to one another until the sun would start to disappear behind the mountains, indicating it was time to return home before nightfall. Currently seated on his back while he paraded you around the lake while eating some of the fruits on the bushes near the waterfall, sighing as you wished the stag could communicate with you further, even though you already communicated in your own unique way, exchanging gazes and gifts, and sharing intimate moments such as these that many would thought impossible to be as close to a rare white stag as you are with this one, you still wished he could speak sometimes and be able to tell you stories from the forest he knew so well.
“I wished you could speak to me”, you express as you rest your head against his neck, feeling the patches of hair beginning to fluff up from the breeze hitting his back where you laid. Ceasing his chewing at the sound of your voice as his ears flick at your words, turning his head to the side to look at you before softly snorting while rattling his antlers to signal you to alight and join him in the water again, to which you comply as you sink back in and circle him until you're facing him again. 
Smiling when he presses his cold wet nose against your stomach, snuffling up the center of your chest while leaving gentle licks on your skin before reaching your neck to nuzzle his jaw there as your hands pet along his broad shoulders and trailing them up his slender neck. He gives your side another lick before stepping back a few steps further from you as you stare back at him confused. Unsure of his behavior since he has never done this before when bathing together. 
But just as you begin to approach him again, you stop when the water around him changes its movements, once a steady stream now rapidly swirling with such force you could feel it pull you in closer. Trying your best to steady yourself in the water to swim away but as quickly as it came it dissipated, the water returned to its peaceful flow as if nothing had changed. Except now the white stag was no longer there, and in his place stood a man you'd never seen before.
A tall blonde with a strong physique of that of a warrior, adorned with battle scars and tattoos of old nordic runes on his chest traveling all the way down his abdomen and disappearing below his waist submerged in the water that you couldn't quite make out from your position. Rows of different stone necklaces, identical to the ones you gifted the stag a few winters back embellished his neck and a circlet of flowers sat atop his ash locks, the same crown of flowers you had placed on the stag not so long ago when you were riding him. 
You stood there frozen in place, still confused as to what had happened to the stag that was just standing before your eyes mere moments ago. Snapping out of your daze when the man started to come closer to you, water rippling around him with each step, similar to when the stag enters the water and it splashes from the might of his hooves. The man stopped in front of you as you peered up at him, the sun seeping through the trees hitting his chiseled face to reveal his piercing vermilion eyes.
The same pools of red that you'd recognize anywhere, the eyes staring back at you were the ones of the stag, eyes you'd look forward to seeing everyday when you woke up, a deep crimson you'd come to find in all things that reminded you of the stag, in the ripe apples of your orchard that he loved so much, in the rare red lilies that only bloomed during the early times of spring in the valley near the waterfall, in the polished pyropes stones he’d bring you every late winter and now in the body of a man whose presence felt familiar the more you took in the energy around him. 
He smiled when he noticed everything beginning to make sense to you when your widened eyes began to soften. 
“Elskan mín”, his voice low but eager as he wraps his arms around your waist and hoists you up to spin you around in the air, causing you to secure your arms around his neck while laughing before holding you close to him. Wet skin pressed against each other while strong arms keep you close as your legs instinctively wrap around his center.
Lowering your face towards him to nudge your nose against his before pressing your foreheads together, just like you would with the stag only now his nose is warm and the dampness of his forehead matches yours. 
“How come you hadn’t done this earlier?”, your eyes searching his as you notice him peering at your lips while you speak before meeting your curious gaze again. 
“Didn’t want to scare you away”, he answers simply whilst pressing kisses along your jaw sporadically. 
“Why now then?”, you push while allowing your digits to travel up and down his nape, tangling with his hair. 
“It just felt right”, he whispers while fondling one of your braids with the charms of your mother, she had removed them from her locks and secured them in yours before passing so you could have a piece of her with you when she could no longer be present in body but carry on in soul and spirit.
His hand traveled down to your shoulder where old nordic runes adorned your skin as well, only yours possessed sacred sigils of the old elven folklore, while his runes were of a time before Ragnarök. Which made you wonder if this was the retired god of vengeance everyone was so wary of, he evidently possessed the powers of one and if anyone was to allow the welcoming treatment the forest has presented you with all these years, it was him. 
You reach for the hand still tracing the runes on your skin to cradle it in yours as you turn it so his palm could be facing you, whilst he watched as you inspected his hand. Smiling again when you pulled your bottom lip between your teeth, almost able to see the ripples of electricity in your head as you put all the details together, a habit of yours that he loved to observe throughout the years since meeting each other.
To Bakugou, out of all the creatures that had stepped foot inside his forest seeking his aid, you were the most beautiful he had ever seen, no flower from his garden could compare to you, and since the day he met you he swore that one day you would become his goddess, and he has remained by your side since, waiting for this exact moment that he'd be able to finally show himself to you and solidify your love. 
He watched as you traced the scar on his palm, a reminder of the path he once walked guided by the burdens of fate. Your eyes meet his again when you finally put all the clues together, noticing how he looked at you like you were the only thing that mattered, and to him you were, for you had become his purpose after no longer having interest in matters of war and retiring to spend eternity within the silence of the wide lands. 
“You're him… the silent one”, only receiving a nod in return as more answers arise in your head, but settling on the one that dominated your thoughts the most.
“Why me?” 
“It's always been you, elskan mín… and now we are able to seal our love for one another.” 
All your questions are melted away when he pulls you towards him and captures your lips in a kiss so fervent that causes your insides to stir with emotion. Only pulling away when the need for air becomes inescapable as you pant against each other's lips. 
“I’ve waited so long to do that”, he exhales while making his way towards the shore with you still secured in his arms. 
The fresh spring breeze hitting your skin when you leave the comfort of the water makes you shiver, a small hint of winter still present in the air as the forest was still transitioning from the stabbing cold into the warm energetic glow that this season brought along with it.
Your nipples pebbling at the loss of heat from the god’s body when he sets you down on the soft clearing of moss and wildflowers under the tallest willow tree. Something that doesn't go unnoticed by him as he peers down at you, now able to openly devour you with his eyes whilst you lay under him, strong tatted arms caging you between them as he lowers himself to capture your lips once again.
All the tales of the remaining son of the once All-Father were of his brash and merciless demeanour, ones that were bound to inflict fear upon anyone that heard them, but all those stories drifted into distant whispers of the wind the more you got lost in him. His touch was firm yet delicate, something that would seem impossible for his physique with such imposing structure, but it was possible. His touch was filled with love and spoke the words his voice failed to express. And only now that his lips trailed open-mouthed kisses along your skin, is that it becomes evident to you the extent of said love as you look back on all the years you've spent together. 
Courting the other in the shape of flowers, stones and apples, in a dance of mighty passion that led to this exact moment as he settled himself between your legs, positioning your thighs above his broad shoulders whilst his fingers traced informal shapes on them. His eyes fixated on the tuft of hair above your cunt as he sinks down to bury his nose in it, inhaling your scent as you watch his eyes darken from finally being able to delve in the thing he craved the most after so long.
Maroon eyes meeting yours while his lips follow the trail of hair down towards your sensitive lips, the feel of his hot breath alone making you clench around nothing as you watch him hover above your cunt, puckering his lips so a long strip of spit falls from them and lands on your clit. Watching as it slides through your folds before pressing his tongue flat on your entrance and licking all the way up to your clit, repeating the action as he falls into rhythm. Feeling yourself get increasingly wetter with each swipe of his tongue while your chest starts to rise and fall unevenly. 
Getting lost in the pleasure as your hips begin to buck when his tongue focuses on your clit, circling it before rapidly flicking against it causing something to ripple inside of you. He wraps his lips around the sensitive bud while his eyes look up in awe at the way you arch into him, your cries unleashing the might in him that had been forgotten for centuries as he sucks on your clit with more vehemence, needing to hear you sing for him louder. 
Increasing his movements as he begins to suck on your folds, the feeling of his lips messily fondling with yours sends chills across your skin as you slowly rock your hips along with him. Your hands reach for his where they rest on your hip bones as he easily opens them for you to tangle your fingers with his whilst he continues to increasingly devour your cunt. The wet smacking sounds of his lips clashing with the ones of the waterfall as you feel yourself get closer and closer to your release.
The sweet taste of your fluids on his tongue drove Bakugou into a frenzy, lapping and eating your cunt while whined grunts resonated from deep in his chest, the vibrations pushing you over the edge. Arching deeper into his touch as wanton moans escape your lips, white spots clouding your vision when he buries his face further into your cunt, nose rubbing on your clit while he drinks every last drop of your release, not stopping until he gets his fill. 
Parting from your cunt once your whines die down into heavy breaths, face stained with your fluids that he pays no mind to as he dives back in to place a tender kiss against your clit before trailing up to the tuft of hair, savoring your scent as he buries his nose in them again and runs his lips against them. Pulling your hairs between them, the slight tug making you peer down at him as you meet his eyes, filled with love and adoration mixed with something else, something more sinister and hungrier that hasn't been sated completely.
Watching as he presses a kiss to your hairs as well before continuing to trail them up your abdomen, never breaking eye contact as he reaches the valley of your breast. His hands untangle from yours as they glide against your sides to cup your boobs, shaking them in his grasp before capturing one of your pert nipples in his mouth. Swirling his tongue around it while he sucks them harder and slowly pulls back until it flicks out of his mouth with a wet slurp, to then switch and give the other nipple the same treatment. Alternating between both breasts as your whines encouraged him on, not stopping his ministrations until your chest was swollen and overstimulated, almost making you reach your climax once again but pulling away to edge you on as he continued to lay kisses against your chest before moving towards your neck. 
Shifting from tender to ravenous when he starts to mark your skin with his teeth, nipping across your throat until settling where your neck meets your shoulder. Feeling his tongue drag against your skin followed by a sloppy kiss before his teeth scrape your delicate skin, your cunt clenching in anticipation as you wait for him to finally give in to his desires. 
Bakugou could hear his heart beat loudly inside his ears as he began to sink his teeth in you, pressing down until the skin gave away against his force, the rush of blood drowning his taste buds making the loud beating cease into silence as his eyes rolled to the back of his head.
The mighty god had left the path of war behind a long time ago, but one's nature can’t be so easily avoided as the craving for disaster and vengeance haunted him at times from a period where the blood of his enemies would quench his skin, finding its way to his lips, reminding him what victory tastes like.
So as the savory metallic taste pours down his throat, he can't contain the groan that escapes him as a chill runs down his spine making him grind against you whilst your sweet cries pull him from his silence. Withdrawing from your skin to lap up the remaining rush of blood before cradling your face in his hand, holding your jaw firmly as he presses his lips to yours. Kissing you with such might you feel he could almost devour you through the kiss as the taste of your own blood mixing with each other's spit sends you both in a trance as you continue savoring it.
Bucking your hips to grind against his cock as his hips follow suit, beads of precum mixing with your arousal as he rubs his length between your folds whilst his tongue tangles with yours. Too engrossed in the kiss to pull away, you sneak your hand between your bodies and guide his cock to align with you as he slowly begins to sink into your cunt. The stretch of his cock sends a hot wave of pleasure down your back as your cunt sucks him in further, inch by inch as your fingers curl around ash blonde strands. 
Your breaths become labored as you part from each other, lips swollen and red as he fully sinks into your warmth. The grip from your silken walls forces him to brace himself as he places his arms next to your head to keep himself from collapsing when he feels his thighs twitch. Pressing his forehead to yours when his hips start to rock into you, slow and steady at first before gradually increasing his thrusts into a brutal pace that drives both of you into a babbling mess. 
Your wetness gushing messily, soaking the untamed strands of ash hair on his pelvis as they bounce against your own, before dribbling onto your skin causing it to spread in sticky strands every time his hips part from yours to snap against them again. Strangled moans mixing with the sloppy sounds of your bodies as the sensations become overwhelmingly good.
Tears threatening to spill from your eyes as you look up at him, trying your best to answer him when he asks you to tell him how good it feels between the curses in old tongue and heavy grunts that escape him. Responding to what feels like incoherent babbles as your mind melts away the more he pounds into your sloppy pussy. 
Bakugou could feel his balls twitch as he neared his release, but he needed you to come undone with him and make an even greater mess on his cock for him. Shifting his weight on one arm while the other gives your breast a quick tug before reaching between your bodies as he starts drawing quick circles against your clit with his thumb. Sending an electric shock of pleasure through your body as your breath gets stuck in your throat before you start coming apart. 
Squeezing around him hard as a flow of arousal gushes between your bodies as it stains both of you and leaks down into the soil beneath you. Your walls clenching around him mixed with the obscene sounds coming from your pussy sending him over the edge as well as he buries his cock to the hilt, filling you up as the hand on the side of your head tangles with your hair when yours tug harder at the one on his nape.
The tears finally spilling from your eyes as hot - impossibly hot - globs of creamy cum spill against your sultry cunt, searing your insides as you find yourself never wanting this moment to end, wishing to always be plugged full of the vengeful gods mighty cum. Feeling the final pulses of his cock inside you as his head falls down against your shoulder, smiling to yourself between heavy breaths at the wet feel of his ecstasy filled tears smearing against your skin but choosing not to say anything as he fully allows his weight on top of your whilst your arms wrap around him. 
Giggling at the soft lips pressing feather-light kisses on the side of your neck as they slowly trail up towards your lips, capturing them in a gentle kiss while his fingers caress your scalp where he previously had a grip on your hair.  
A cold breeze pulls you both from your trance as the rustling of the willow tree above you fills your ears, once again reminding of the remnants from the harsh winter as goosebumps erupt from your skin. You notice how the waterfall no longer has a rainbow flowing through it, indicating that the sun has already begun to set, and you need to return home quickly.
You've never stayed in the forest long enough to see nightfall, and the stag would always make sure to escort you back to the treeline safely before sunset, but today time had slipped from your hands and you began to worry. Bakugou is quick to notice your concern as he wraps his arms around your center to hold you close, burying his head in the crook of your neck again and taking a deep breath as he inhales your warm scent. 
“I have to leave”, you remind him but still reciprocate his actions by wrapping your arms around him again as you also hated the idea of having to depart from this moment. 
“Stay”, he whispers against your skin followed by a swipe of his tongue against the dried blood around the punctures on your neck. 
“There is nowhere for us to st-”, you began to dissent, but the forest god silenced you by quickly pulling you into a kiss once more. Grin on his features that you couldn't help but smile in return despite your disapproving eyes.
“I want to show you something”, he guides your legs to wrap around his waist before rising from the ground with you secured in his arms as he carries you through a path of the forest you hadn't explored before. The sun was already halfway past the mountains, making it hard to see, but just as you were about to express your concerns to him, a light in the corner of your eye caught your attention. A small blinking light followed by another until an entire cloud of dancing lights was illuminating your path.
After Ragnarök, it was rare to catch a glimpse of certain insects, fireflies being one of them, so seeing so many in one place had your jaw slack as you watched how they gracefully danced under the upcoming moonlight whilst they guided you through the forest. 
Bakugou kept walking through the field of thinning willow trees that started to morph into magnificent maple trees that even with only the dim light of the fireflies, you could vividly see their vibrant colors. These acer trees had also become a rarity after the great destruction, and the analgesic in their bark was of high command to aid as a remedy for some illnesses, which made you wonder why he hadn't shown you this part of the forest before. The stag had always granted you access to all the rare medicinal flora found in these lands so you found it odd that he kept this area hidden from you. 
Your confusion only grew more as you made your way deeper into the darker trails of the maples, where the path seemed to end by a sealed corridor blocked off with an impenetrable wall of large roots and maple leaves.
“Blómi”, you hear Bakugou whisper as the sound of creaking wood follows, watching as the roots begin to untangle from each other and the leaves falls to the ground revealing a path of lit stones descending into a large garden with a great abundance of flowers, leading towards a large structure. 
Your jaw fell slack again, as you wouldn't have imagined  that this is where the silent god kept his palace, nor that such a vibrant area filled with such sublime greatness of nature could be hidden amid the sacred gloom of the maples. Bakugou couldn't help but smile as he carried you through his garden whilst you stared in complete enchantment, filled with joy that he could finally share his greatest treasures with you. 
The inside of the palace was equally as marvelous as the outside and had a beautiful golden fountain at the very center with small creeks that led to other corridors of the palace, ones you couldn't wait to explore once daylight came again. As for now, the mighty god was still carrying you towards what you could only imagine were his chambers as he ascended the grand staircase near the main entryway. Revealing an archway adorned with flowy white curtains that led inside his bedchamber where he set you down on the spacious bed at the center of the room. The bedding was soft and cozy as you sink deeper into the comfort of them, noticing how the moon sat perfectly above the palace where you had a clear view through the sunroof above the bed.
“Hí, elska”, you heard Bakugou whisper next to you, offering you a coconut shell filled with water. 
“Takk!”, you smile while grabbing the shell and drinking from it, finishing its contents before settling back down on the bed as a yawn escapes you, sleep finally catching up to you after such a fulfilling day. Settling against his chest whilst Bakugou worked his fingers through some of the tangles bathing earlier might have caused.
“God natt, ásynja mín”, he boasts, a grin spreading at your widened eyes looking up at him. 
“Ásynja?”, you ask, unsure if you heard him correctly to which he only nods in return as you match his smile. 
“Yes, ásynja mín, for everything I own is now yours as well”, he adds while nodding towards the room, confirming that he meant the palace and everything within his forest was now yours to rule alongside him for eternity. 
And you couldn't be happier as you drift off to sleep against the god’s chest, neither could him as he placed a gentle kiss against your forehead before peering up at the moon. Asking his father if he was watching as he finally found the one with whom his soul delights in after many years of hard battles, he has completed the prophecy he set for himself all those winters ago when he met you, now with a content smile as he buried his nose in your head, excited for what the future awaits as the rulers of Landvidi.
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atzfilm · 10 months
winter blossom (m)
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pairing/wc: k.yeosang x reader (10.1k)
genre: alien au, secret relationship
warnings: smut, mentions of murder/injuries, petnames
summary: earth abandoned centuries ago, you travel the cosmos alone. you land on a smaller planet, meeting an exiled dweller that calls himself yeosang.
— part of the ...and it's snowing collab!
Space has always been noisy. Ships riding past you in the low lights, stars sparkling in far away galaxies, the rumbling of your own engines enough to fill what small amount of peace you have alone.
You sit in front of the navigation screen, eyes flicking over the map. You have little fuel left and perhaps you overestimated how much you'll be needing before the next port. It's several hundreds of thousands kilometers away and you barely have enough to make it halfway there. Sure, there's planets in between that you can land at but it's a risk. Most hate humans, hate their existence entirely. Once they see you, you may be taken – either killed or used for parts. You rub your face, looking over your options. You won't make it to the next large port, that's for sure. Waiting out in open space is unreliable – pirates can get to you quicker than a space marshal would.
You groan, a planet close enough for you to land on. One you haven't heard of before.
You glance to the side, typing up the name into your database.
Elysium. Planet primarily consists of thickened forestry and large oceans, similar climate to the planet Earth. Population of three million, ruling under a monarchy. Temperament toward humans is neutral. Climate: Snow.
It ticks off enough boxes for you to decide to land, setting the destination point for Elysium as well as instructions and identification to the port for approval. You grab your telecommunicator and walk off away from the screen, readying yourself to land in the next few days.
“Hey pretty girl,” you walk past the framed photo of your passed cat, pressing your lips on the glass before moving on. Everything is tied down, thankfully, nothing out of place. You jog down the corridor, glancing in each room. All of it is secure since no one has lived in for ages, commotion from prior years of having a crew absolute. It wasn't anything bad for why they left – you all had different ideas on how to make money. Yours was simple, collecting mostly artifacts and lost space junk, getting a heap of coins every now and then. It's a simple life. Alone, yes, but it's fine. Nothing you've haven't grown used to.
After checking all of the rooms you move back into the navigation room, throwing yourself on
the fold up bed you've stored there. You can't remember the last time you slept in your own bed – it's probably been months. Being alone has made you more wary of leaving the room without an attendant. Anything could happen between the distance of your room and here. You'd rather deal with it straight on than wasting precious seconds running toward it. You tuck yourself beneath the sheets, eyes glued to the wide windows showcasing space.
The port is quiet as you land. Ships stationed in several spots, but you only see a few patrollers out and about. You grab your mask and place it over your face, suit already on as you exit the craft. An Elysium, taller than you by almost a foot, comes toward you. You read in the brief biography that they're quite tall in comparison to the average human. That you can clearly see as he stands in front of you. Most of the other traits are the same except for pointer ears, irises a lighter blue. Skin pale and almost translucent, lips a light pink. As if they haven't seen the light of day for ages. His head tilts as he looks down at you, surprised.
“A human on Elysium? I never thought I'd see the day,”
You bow slightly at the guard, holding out your identification and paperwork. “Yes sir. I have all the proper paperwork. I'm here to fuel up before the next stop.”
“Ah, quite far from Candor,” he glances over the paperwork. “It looks in order. Unfortunately for you, we no longer have enough fuel for an aircraft the size of yours.”
“Are you sure? I checked the database to confirm you had the capabilities for fuel and –”
“Oh we do have the capabilities, human,” he nods. “But we've slowed down on our supply since not many land on our port. We can give you fuel, yes, but it will take a few weeks in human time to fuel up that tank enough to get you to the next destination.”
There's nothing else you can do. You take your identification back from him, knowing what you have to ask next.
“Where can I stay while I wait?”
You hold the glass in your hand, staring at the seeds swirling in the water. The bartender insisted that it was made for a human's palate, but you almost gagged at the taste. Water this acidic couldn't possibly be water at all. Your helmet and suit rests on the seat next to you. After a quick chat with the guard stationed at the port, and a small device placed beneath your skin, your body is accustomed to the climate of Elysium. You’re all but ungrateful, the heavy material of the suit would only make your stay feel so much longer. Your eyes move to the table, wanted photos seemingly solidified in the glass. Your gaze strays to one in particular.
His presence stood out amongst the fugitives. Hair darker than what you've seen around, eyes staring into yours. His beauty is beyond any of what you've seen so far around here – and that's saying something. Skin covered in … glitter? A birthmark on the left side of his face. Some would say it would lessen his beauty, but it only exemplifies it for you. Your finger traces the outline of his figure, reading the description. It's conveniently in a language you can understand.
Kang Yeosang, Prince of Elysium. Wanted for the murder of the King of Elysium. Bounty set at 4,979,990 Elp.
He is a prince? It makes sense, you can see his commanding aura through the thin paper. But why would he kill the king? You presume it's his relative, father or uncle maybe. You can only snort to yourself, shaking your head. He should have had a maid or butler perform the task if he wanted the throne so desperately. The bounty is high, though. Higher than you've ever seen it. Enough to set you for life and then some.
“He has been forgotten for over a century, human,” A voice pulls you away from the table. You look up, meeting the eyes of another Elysium. His hair is a deep blue, skin covered in bandages. He sits at your table without even a hint of an invitation from yourself, humming. “Neither Elysium high guard or the most elite bounty hunters have been able to find where he resides. This planet has been torn apart for decades. Most have accepted that he is no longer alive. I doubt a human like yourself would be able to find him.”
“Well stranger,” you take another slow sip of your drink, wincing at the taste. “I never said I would be hunting for the forgotten prince and neither do I want to, seeming as he hasn't been found in so long. Trying to read the emotions of a person you don't know doesn't seem to be your strong suit.” You roll your eyes, looking away from him. All you're trying to do is stay under the radar, keep to yourself. Weeks of avoiding unneeded conversation is going to be rough, but you'd rather not start messing up your plan right now with an Elysium that's trying to read your mind.
“You were thinking it, I could tell.” He shrugs.
You narrow your eyes now. Taking the bait surely, you continue, “And how can you read my mind? Is that an ability many of you have? Because it doesn't seem to be working all too well.”
“Ignoring that snide remark of yours, it’s because of your ship,” he glances out the door for a moment. “Before it was just you, there was a whole crew. You were bounty hunters back then, finding lost men and growing. You were quite notorious too, until that crew of yours broke apart. Quite unfortunate now, you could have found the biggest bounty yet if you came here back then.”
“I only deal in antiques now,” you retort. The past is the past. And notorious? You doubt the crew was that popular. Maybe relatively known, but not famous. Just reliable. “And I don't remember seeing you around the port when I was parking.” You would have remembered a face like his. His lips curve at your words, shrugging.
“I'm forgettable. My name is San, by the way,” he holds out his gloved hand. You take it, shaking it. “I'm the owner of this bar, and the man who will be showing you to your room next door.”
“You own both?” Your brow raises.
He nods. “Family business. Whenever you're ready just find me. I’ll be out and about.”
You stare at the lack of clothing in your carry-on bag, knowing you’ll have to go back to your ship soon to grab some more supplies. You rub your face, sinking into the bed. This is exactly what you didn’t want. Familiarity, staying longer than necessary. If the government let you rest on your ship you would have. But instead, you’re stuck in a hotel, waiting impatiently for your fuel. You glance at the door. Secured with makeshift objects you kept on your person, a bell twisted around the doorknob. San insisted that this place is safe, but you’d rather not take the chance. Especially as one of the only humans on this entire planet.
“Hell,” you murmur, looking out the window. The planet is known to be dark at night, which only adds more sense to why their skin glows. You look at the streets, shimmering Elysium walking every which way, bright against the streets. It is beautiful, enough for your eyes to continue to wander, lids growing heavy enough to fall unconscious.
The rattling is what woke you up. You leaned forward almost immediately, fingers reaching for the knife beneath your pillow you took off your plate at dinner. Coming up empty handed, you slide off the bed, hands up slightly. Your eyes barely get a chance to adjust to your dark room, but you see them. Their skin brightens up the room, glowing against the walls. They hold up the knife, crushing it between their fingers. You swallow, shooting a fleeting glance at the door. They stand in between you and your escape. You could jump from the window, but it’s several stories above the ground. You doubt you’d survive the landing. They take a step toward you and your body stiffens.
“What do you want? Elp? Artifacts? I have none, they’re all on my ship.”
They hesitate for a brief moment at your words. “Your ship?” Their voice echoes around the room, smooth and deep. Pretty, despite the circumstances. “You have a ship?”
You curse yourself, nodding slowly. “I do. It has no fuel, so you won’t be able to get anywhere with it.”
“But you have a ship,” they confirm. “You can leave this planet.”
“Is that what you want? What are you, a fugitive?” Their skin's luminescence softens at your words. It's almost enough for you to make out their features. In that brief hesitance, they look eerily familiar. You don't get the chance to look any closer though, skin back to where it was. “I can help you.”
“I need to leave. When will you be free to go?”
Good question. “Maybe a few weeks? They said it'll take a while.” Why the hell are you negotiating with a bright spot? Just as you open your mouth again, they interrupt.
“I will be back.”
They dissipate in front of you in a blink, gone from your sight. You drop your arms, chest throbbing, breaths quick. You stand still for a few more minutes. After realizing that they're truly gone, you drop your hands. The smart thing to do is tell San what happened. But your gut is telling you otherwise. It was strange to say the least. But you can't think of leaving to complain to San about someone who might just be a figment of your imagination in your tired state. You convince yourself as such, moving closer to the door. The bell and other contraptions are still in the same place you left them. You walk back to your bed, a cold metal touching your foot. Glancing down, you see the pile of dust.
The knife they crushed.
You soon convinced yourself it was a dream despite the circumstances. The knife could have been fragile. You could have somehow imagined the pile of dust. All of these explanations ignore the feeling in your gut. It dwells. No one has bothered you much for the past few days. A little talk here and there, but most left you alone. San, you've grown to notice, speaks to everyone and anyone around his tavern and hotel. And it seems that everyone knows him well, his loud laugh echoing around every room he's in. It brings you comfort. Enough to hide that sinking feeling.
You sit outside, staring out into the thickened leaves and trees. They're nothing like what you've seen, vines tight, barely any signs of movement. As if it knows you're watching. So still that your gaze moves to the rustling of leaves. You tense, glancing around. No one is out and about. Only you in this area. Just as you begin to stand, you see him.
His hair is long, pulled back from his face with braided strings. His eyes are iridescent, still on yours as he makes his way to you. His movements are elegant, hands tucked into his jacket, hidden from view. There's only one person he could be – the Elysium from your bedroom. As he moves closer, you see it. The birthmark near his eye, extending to his temple. Pretty, but deadly, in these circumstances. He pauses in his movement, noticing your shift of focus.
“You know me,” his voice is softer, hesitance wrapped around each word. “You told me you were a human.”
You can't begin to speak, slowly standing up from your spot. Having the exiled crown prince standing in front of you, especially after all San said about his disappearance. What kind of luck do you have?
“I am.”
His eyes narrow, “Then how do you know me?”
“You are the forgotten one. How could anyone not know you? I –” You glance back. “I don't want to be involved in whatever you're planning.”
“I want to leave the planet.”
“Leave? You've been gone for a century, you could have left anytime you wanted. They forgot about you. Why are you trying to hitch a ride with me? What's your plan?”
He stares at you, silent. Your irritation makes your fear lessen, waiting for his response. He merely sighs, staring at the grass beneath his feet. “Humans have rarely landed on our planet. Each time, they refused to help me. Which is why I am asking you.”
“And why would I help you? If someone caught me, I could be killed. You murdered the king. That's not a petty crime.”
His jaw tightens at the mention of the past. Knowing you very much made a mistake, you backtrack. “I don't know you well enough to listen to what you have to say.”
“So why do you listen to what the others say? Do you know Elysium well at all? Why listen to the words of beings you have never come across? Why not listen to my words?”
You pause, unsure of how to answer. Sure, you can listen to the masses, take their word for it and report that you certainly have seen the lost prince. Or you can keep this quiet, decide on whether you want to save him. The longer he stares and waits for a response, the more you're sure of your decision.
“Did you kill him?” You ask.
“Did you do it on purpose?”
“Did you have no other choice?”
“...Yes,” he takes a breath. “If I didn't, more Elysium would have been killed. I had no other choice.”
There is no wavering in his tone. He says it strongly, a furrow of his brow. Lost, maybe hurt. But he is sure.
“Okay,” you glance around. “I will get you out of here. But once we land at the next port, you're gone. And we will pretend none of this happened.”
“I'll follow your words, human.”
“y/n,” you correct. “My name is y/n.”
“You’ve been out and about a lot these past few days.”
San glances up from cleaning the glass, leg resting on the edge of the chair. You have avoided him since your encounter with the lost prince. You doubt he can read your mind, mostly, but being around Elysium when you’re hiding the most sought out of them all is not exactly something you’d like to do. Especially since you’re growing a soft spot for San. Another thing you didn’t want to do. Unfortunately for you - he’s too kind not to.
“Am I not allowed to explore the planet I'm inhabiting temporarily?”
He purses his lips, leaning against the arm of the broom between his clothed fingers. “You are, of course. Just strange, the way you’ve been acting. Anytime someone asks where you’ve been, you look as if you’ve seen a ghost. Just what are you hiding, y/n?” His brown lifts, glancing between your eyes. “Or is it best that I not know about it?”
Do you trust him enough to spill what you’ve been hiding? Yeosang has warned you, especially tonight, not to say a word. Out of fear or otherwise. So though San is trustworthy enough, you can’t quite tell him. Not yet, or ever, really. You merely shake your head, and he nods in understanding.
“Fair enough. I hope you keep your radio line open, y/n. I’d hate to lose contact with you.”
You leave the hotel tonight after weeks of staying, petrol finally filled to the brim in your ship. You’ve spent all day filling up your storage with preservatives enough for your long journey and then some. The guard was curious that you had so much, enough for several people. He even inquired as to if you’ve found a life partner on Elysium. You denied it and he only waved you off.
San passes you a small bag of snacks you ordered earlier and you thank him, your hands brushing against each other. The leather encompassing his holds yours for a moment, a small smile on his lips. “There’s a small map in there to an entrance to the docks that no one takes anymore, out of commission. It so happens to be behind your ship, exactly where you parked it. No one would see it since it’s out of view from prying eyes. Someone would advise someone else to take it, using that little pill in that bag. It’ll show whoever it is as someone else temporarily. Not long enough to hang around for hours, but enough. In case, of course.”
He lets go of your hand, smile wavering. “Be safe, y/n. I trust you, even though I haven’t earned your trust yet.”
He holds up his hand, shaking his head. “Don’t want to know my friend. Safe travels, keep that radio on. Don’t forget me and call if your journey is too boring, or if you’re tired of him.”
He doesn’t say anything more, grabbing his towel and broom, disappearing into the back of the bar. You grip the bag tightly, grateful that you’ve met him.
“It is safe?” Yeosang holds the pill in his hand. You’ve thrown a large coat around his body, the scraps of clothing that he has now not merely enough to make him look like a normal Elysium. The snow does not seem to bother him the way it bothers you, he himself ignoring how the flakes stick to his cheeks. “You’re sure of this?”
“I am,” There’s no need to expand on how or who gave you those pills, exactly. But you think you can trust him. You hope you can. Since he knows what you’re doing, he could have spilled it long ago. But he didn’t, and that’s enough for you.
His soft eyes watch yours. There’s fear of the unknown hidden between the irises, the slow blinks. He has trusted you up to this point. You’re not sure why he decided to grab a random human to help him, but he did, and it’s you. You’ve gotten this far, you wouldn’t betray him. Giving up your life for him is definitely a stretch, but you’d help him in any way you can. And those worried eyes do nothing but make your chest swell. You will help the forgotten prince off this cursed planet. Taking your silence as an answer, he swallows the pill, grabbing the bottle from your hand and drinks the water. You watch him as he stands very still. As if he’s waiting for his death to come. Instead what you see – you can only describe it as magical.
The dark, black hair of his disappears into a lighter blond, softer features hardening, delicate nose changing. Kang Yeosang is nothing like himself. He seems to have shortened in height as well, leveled with you. His eyes stay on yours though, now brown eyes hesitate. Without thinking, you reach out, brushing his wavy hair away from his face. It is not Yeosang in appearance, no, but you can still see him through the disguise. You reach into your pocket, pulling out your small pocket knife, showing him his expression through the reflective metal.
He laughs, shaking his head, “How horrid,” his voice is obscenely deep. Almost obnoxiously so. “What a relief you didn’t want to kill me.”
“I wouldn’t have, you know that,” you roll your eyes.
“I do,” he agrees simply. “Let us go?”
You nod, slipping your fingers into his. He stills for a moment, letting you pull him out from the forest. There’s plenty of people around but none pay attention to either of you. Yeosang’s grip tightens in yours, stiffer as he stands close to you. He hasn’t been around his people in so long, it must be jarring to see them not give him a second glance. Not shame him for what he’s done. You’d like to pick his brain on what he’s feeling right now but you have a task to complete.
You look around, entering the port through the back. It is as San said, no one around, no one to bother the two of you. You quickly open the back door of your ship, ushering him inside. He is a bit hesitant as he stands there, almost forcing you to push him into the ship. He turns to you, eyes widening. “You are not entering?”
“Not back here, I have to go around the front and grab my papers before leaving. I’ll be back.”
You take a step back and he moves a bit forward again, as if to follow you. “Hey, stay in there–”
“You wouldn’t leave me, right?” His words are soft now, the tone of Yeosang’s voice you’ve grown accustomed to. “You would come back?”
You look around, before stepping forward. You hold his face between your hands, “I will not leave you, alright? I am coming back, just give me a few minutes. I’m not lying to you. I promise you this.”
The tension in his shoulders dropped slightly, “Okay. I will hold you to that.” His lips press against the inside of your wrist, stepping back. You quickly move down the ramp, shutting the doors. Ignoring the beating of your heart in your ears, the warming of your face. There’s no time to worry about that now. You have more important things to do, like lie to the guard and smuggle off a fugitive worth more money than you can comprehend.
It’s been a few hours since you’ve left Elysium. You know Yeosang is still on, from the rummaging in the room you told him to stay in. You haven’t entered only to give him privacy. In fact, you haven’t seen him since you closed that ramp. The magic has definitely worn off by now. You did want to check but decided against it. Whatever he’s going through right now you’re letting him process it slowly. Hopefully carefully, knowing you have valuables in the room he’s staying in.
You sit at the control table, slowly eating a snack San handed to you. You radioed him just after you left to let him know that you were safe and everything was handled, and he sighed very loudly in relief, explaining that he definitely was not sitting around waiting for your call (he was) or that he thought you might have been taken (he definitely did think so). You reassured him with simple words, not enough to say what you mean, but enough for him to understand. The call was quick, ending with a simple goodbye. You will miss him endlessly, but landing on that planet again wouldn’t be in your favor. That’s your first and last time ever in that sector. Or near it at all. The next port is a couple weeks away, but you have enough fuel to go much farther. You want to discuss with Yeosang and see what he thinks, but he still hasn’t left his room.
Very smart of you to take a banished prince into your ship without knowing anything but what he’s told you.
The hum of the spaceship's engines echoed through the metal walls as you stared at the cameras. You glance at the closed door of the guest quarters, mind swirling with apprehension. The decision to let a stranger on board has always come with its own set of risks, and you just cannot shake the memories of a past experience that had gone terribly wrong.
A few solar cycles ago, you did something similar, made the mistake of extending hospitality to a different traveler stranded on a desolate moon. The person seemed fairly harmless at first, grateful for shelter and food. As the days passed, you noticed a few things off - stolen data from your harddrive corrupt, and before you could even confront them they took the rescue sub and left, leaving you to deal with the aftermath of compromised security, and lack of an escape. It took you months to get something to replace it. The weight of that previous betrayal still hangs heavy on your shoulders; sleepless nights spent trying to repair the damage, the sense of disgust that lingered long after the unwelcome guest had departed, regret that you even trusted a person enough to leave them alone around your things.
Your fingers trace the edge of the data pad, a holographic display of Yeosang’s past. The background check had little, just a brief history of what happened. Nothing to tell you about him, really, just what his people now think of him. Still, you cannot shake the feeling that history might be repeating itself.
"Am I being too paranoid?" you murmur yourself, glancing at the viewscreen that displays the vastness of space outside. "Hell."
Perhaps establishing additional security measures?
You hesitate for a moment. You think you trust him, you do. You trust him enough to leave him around your valuables without thinking twice. So you drop your hand from the screen, shaking your head. If everything messes up, it’ll only be your fault, no one else’s. You move from your spot, approaching the small bed in the corner. Deep sleep will evade you since you’re on board with a fugitive, but your lids are too heavy to ignore. You tuck yourself beneath the blanket, blinking slowly as you stare out the windows. You made a choice. A big choice.
You just hope it’s the right one.
“You’re quiet.”
You look up from your food, Yeosang slowly approaching you. He wears the clothing you’ve left in that room for him. Though a bit tight, and silly looking, it’ll fit for now. Nothing like what royalty would wear. You reach back, passing him a bowl that you’ve already made for him. In case he decided to appear in front of you.
He widens his eyes as you sit it across from you, gesturing for him to dig in. You take another bite as he slowly sits down. “You made this for me?”
“You haven’t eaten in days. I know Elysium aren’t the same as me, but you have to eat, Yeosang. You can’t survive on just water.”
“I can for a few months,” he says. Just as you’re about to apologize for your assumption, you see the slight smile on his lips. You roll your eyes, continuing to eat. “I’m grateful for your presence, and your thoughtfulness, y/n. I wouldn’t have been able to choose anyone better to help me leave.”
You shake your head, “It’s nothing-”
“It is something,” he interrupts, “I essentially forced you to take me off that planet. And you obliged without much hesitation. You risked yourself for me. There’s no way I can repay what you have done for me, nothing. I can only remain forever in your debt.”
You think for a moment before speaking. “I trust you Yeosang, I hope you know that. I wouldn't have let you on this ship with me if I didn't. I know that you’ve done it for a reason, and if you’re not able to tell me now, it’s okay. And it’s okay if you cannot say it ever. And do not place yourself into debt with me. Call us even.”
“You place far too much trust in me,” he whispers, looking away from you. “A stranger you barely know.” He takes a deep breath, eyes glued to his bowl. You can see the weight of his unspoken pain. “I wish to tell you what happened.” His eyes flick up to yours, holding your gaze with a mixture of gratitude and. He speaks of his father, the king, who had become corrupted by power and had posed a threat to the people of Elysium. And how, in an act of pure desperation to protect his people, he had taken the life of his own father.
"The council, the people—they didn't understand," Yeosang confesses, words laced with pain. "They saw me as a traitor, an assassin. I was banished, branded a murderer when all I wanted was to save them. I didn’t know how to deal with that, when I tried to save them all."
You can feel the depth of Yeosang's isolation and loneliness, the weight of the truth hanging heavy in the air. There is no doubt from you. You believe him.
"I was almost killed in the process," Yeosang continues, his eyes reflecting the memory. " And I almost let them do it, thinking that my sacrifice would be enough to prove my innocence, but then I pulled myself out of that. They would just let the royal line die, they wouldn’t dig into the past and see. I am the sole heir to the throne, it died with my banishment. If I died then, no one would care to see why. They would just celebrate my end."
Your expression softens, nodding slowly, "You've been through so much, Yeosang. I can't imagine how difficult it must have been."
"I miss being able to protect my people," Yeosang says, a hint of sorrow in his voice. "But now, all I can do is hope that they'll forgive me someday, that they'll learn the truth about the danger my father posed and the sacrifices I made to try and save them."
"You’ll find a way to clear your name, to unveil the truth. It might take time, but…” This is much to say, much too soon. “If you need me, we can face it together. I can help you in any way you need me to."
Yeosang meets your gaze, a mixture of gratitude and vulnerability in his alien eyes. "I've learned to trust only myself, to keep my guard up against those who might see me as a threat. But being around you... it's different. Easier. You've shown me kindness, understanding. And for the first time, I feel like I can breathe."
Pushing the dwelling feelings inside your own chest, you nudge him slightly. "You’re not alone anymore. I'm here for you, and we'll navigate these fucked up stars together."
“Until the next port?”
You pause. “Right. Until the next port.”
His head tilts. “I just would like to know why you’ve let yourself become entangled with me. Why you have yet to throw me off this ship.”
There’s no explanation you can give that would satisfy his curiosity. In all honesty, you haven’t the slightest clue. If it were pure idiocy that you let him on your ship, let his words convince you. There’s just something that you trust in him. Something that makes you believe everything and anything that he says.
Oh, you are just an idiot.
The first thing you hear is yelling.
It's low because of the incessant engine humming in the background. Cutting through the sound, echoing around the hull of your ship. Your eyes flick open immediately, feet slipping into your boots without much thought. Just as you stand, the cold metal of a knife presses against your throat. You still, thoughts flashing back to your past.
“A woman alone on a ship this large? Have you no concern for your safety?”
Alone? They haven't found Yeosang?
You keep your gaze to the floor, trying to think of a way out of this. You haven't the slightest inkling on how many there are, but there's bound to be more than three. You're severely outnumbered, and you doubt the prince has ever fought anyone like you have. Isolation for over a hundred years – the two of you will either be forced into slavery or killed within the hour. Well, at least you would be. Once they see the bounty on Yeosang's head, they'll take him back. And all of this would have been for nothing.
“Do you speak, woman?”
“My crew left,” you say. “We went our separate ways. They left me the ship as a gift.”
“And what a pretty one it is,” he sneers, forcing you to stand as he digs the knife into your neck. You follow his movements slowly, heart racing as the cold steel of the pirate's knife pressed against her skin. Your mind races, trying to come up with a fast solution to free yourself. Your security system is too far for you to run to, and he would very likely stab your neck before you can yell a command.
“The others are searching this ship,” he begins to explain, forcing you into a seat. Panic fills your body. His knife lifts from your chin, steel digging into your wrists as he ties you into the seat. The knife drags along your arm as you cry out. All of your plans of overpowering him dissipate into nothing. You're only a human, after all. There isn't enough strength in your body to rip apart metal confinement.
The door to the room swings open, and before you could turn to see, an ax hits the middle of the pirate's face, blood splattering against your cheek. You scream, leaning away from the bloodshed. Hands wrap around your constraints and pull harshly, dropping them to the floor. You have no chance to look back before arms surround your body, pulling you close against him. His sweet, calming smell is familiar enough to calm your heart.
“You're safe,” he whispers softly, lips pressed against your hair. “You're safe.” Taking in his own words, his arms drop from your body. You look at him, shocked at what you see. His lips are bloodied, body covered in cuts and slowly forming bruises. Shirt shredded, barely hanging on his firm build. He blinks slowly, eyes steady on yours.
He could have died. He could have died so horribly, and you were stuck in a room with one man. Your trembling arms wrap around Yeosang, holding him as if you could shield him from the wounds that adorn his skin. The smell of blood lingers in the air. Tears welled in your eyes, blurring the sight of the injuries that coat his body. He could have died. And you're not sure how you could have lived with that.
Sobs escape your lips as you press your face into the crook of Yeosang's neck, "I'm so glad you're alive," you whispered, carefully choosing your words.
Yeosang winces at your hold. You almost pull away, until his grip tightens, wrapping your arms around him again. His concern is etched in the lines of his furrowed brow, betraying his actions. "y/n, you're hurt. Your body," he rasps, fingers delicately resting against your arm. "I should have protected you better."
Your grip tightened, as if by sheer force of will, somehow you could mend both the wounds. “Protect me? You're the banished prince, idiot. I'm the one who should be protecting you,” you reprimand ever so gently. "You're the one who faced the brunt of it. I'm just glad you're alive. I only have small cuts here and there compared to you."
Yeosang's eyes, a mix of gratitude and worry, meet yours. "But you've risked everything for me already. I cannot bear to see you hurt."
A soft smile plays on your lips, "Yeosang, I know the risks as much as you do. I can protect myself."
You can see that he wants to argue more, but his expression relaxes, a silent acknowledgment of your words. You let your fingers trace the outskirt of his wounds. He watches you for a brief moment, before speaking. "I'm sorry for worrying you," he murmurs, voice wary.
You shake your head. "Worry about yourself for once.”
Your tears mingle with the stains of blood on Yeosang's torn attire, clinging to him fiercely.
The vibration of the spaceship's engines reverberated through the metal hull, creating a steady rhythm that accompanied your growing sense of unease. Something you’re not able to grasp fully. As a banished prince, Yeosang exchanged his endless roaming in Elysium’s forest for you. And as each day passes, you find yourself stuck, grappling with a strange and undeniable attachment to him. It’s not like you wanted this to happen. In fact, you actively avoided him every chance you got after what happened on the ship. But the silent nights sitting next to one another in the navigation room, the soft smiles shown between the both of you, somewhere in between, things just changed. It was subtle. Soon small smiles were nervous ones on your end.
You cannot avoid the inevitable, that you know.
In the vastness of space, surrounded by the glow of distant stars and the gentle hum of technology, you find yourself sitting in the main room, eyes glued to the television screen. It’s a bit older than newer ships, you never bothered to change it since you rarely watched it. The artificial gravity comfortably keeps you glued to the couch, legs tucked into your chest, blanket over your resting body. Yeosang sits on the opposite end of the couch, not daring to touch you. That’s another story in itself.
Yeosang never really touched you since the brief hijack, nor comfortably since that first time, his lips on your wrist. He actually avoided touching you, slowly taking things from your hand, shrinking himself against a hallway wall. You know it’s for your comfort, but it only makes you yearn for him even more. You never considered yourself a touchy person, not really. Not until now. You wouldn’t be able to tell how many nights you’ve stayed up, thinking about his eyes on yours as his lips covered the skin above your quickened pulse. How he stayed there, longer than needed, before disappearing in the ship. How you wish you can tell him to do it again.
How infuriating.
So as you stare at the screen, you cannot shake the unsettling realization that you are becoming tethered to the person that you sternly told needs to leave when you arrive at the next port. Vulnerability, unfamiliar and raw, creeps over your body, your stomach twisting. How silly that the unknown, uncertainty of the space outside these walls seems vastly incomparable to the fear of losing him.
“You haven’t said a word about the main character.”
You glance at him from your spot, confusion crossing your features. “Hm?”
“Whenever we watch this show, you comment on how annoying the leading man is. How he doesn’t deserve the leading woman. Then, you grumble and groan everytime he says another cheesy line, and sigh when she falls for it. But you haven’t done that at all this whole time. Are you alright?” His pretty eyes rest on yours, brows furrowing.
No, you aren’t okay. You aren’t sure if you’ll ever be okay.
“I’m alright, Yeosang. Thanks for asking.”
“You’ve become easily readable, y/n. I can tell when you’re lying to me. You can say it, you know. Who am I to judge?”
“Just… old times. Things. Stuff, you know.”
He frowns, “That is bigger than the last lie you’ve told me.”
“Yeosang, it’s fine.”
He sighs simply, head turned back to the screen. “Fine, I am not one to push. I just, I don’t know, perhaps I believed that we’ve moved past this hidden information phase. That you somehow trusted me enough to let me know when you’re upset.”
He’s picking at you, it’s clear. You know if you told him straight that you didn’t want to speak of it he’d drop the topic immediately, but you haven’t. It’s very clear to both of you that you want to tell him. But on your side, you’re just afraid to. Yeosang, though not looking at you, waits patiently for your response, unaware of the angst within your heart.
Your fingers nervously play with loose strings of the blanket across your body, trying to find the right words, fear pressing down on your shoulders. He will reject you. Yeosang, despite his status now, is still royalty. He may very much only see you as nothing more than a commoner. Though deep down you know for it to be a lie, your mind wants to convince you that it is true. That he will never stoop down to someone your level.
“I’m fucking terrifed, Yeosang,” you whisper softly.
His mild irritation disappears at your words, body turning fully to look at you. You avoid his gaze as best as you can.
"You’ve… you’ve lived so much of your life as royalty. And here I am, a reject from my former crew, confined in a ship with a prince," your voice is softer now, hesitant. “I’m scared of my feelings for you. And I’m scared that you’ll find me disgusting, gross, and try to leave as quickly as you can."
Yeosang's eyes soften, “y/n–”
“Wait, let me just… let me say this, please.”
He closes his lips, a silent invitation for her to continue.
"And I wondered, what if this feeling is just because you’re nice to me, you know? What if I’m so deprived of kindness that the slightest glimpse of someone remotely caring makes me want you? I never wanted you to pity me, and I don’t want you to say yes when it’s not true for you as it is for me. I like you, I like you so much that I can’t even look at you without feeling it. It aches me,” your eyes burn, tears threatening to fall. “But if you find me as insignificant as I think, please just let me know. Let me know so I can move on.”
Yeosang's expression is unreadable. It scares you even more. He uncrosses his arms, hand resting on the edge of your blanket. "You are not insignificant to me, y/n. You never will be," he smiles. "I just hate that you’ve said all of this before I could confess my feelings myself."
That stuns you for a moment. The way he looks at you is enough to make you look away. He has never made you this nervous before.
“Look at me, please.”
You turn to him.
"y/n," Yeosang begins, his gaze unwavering. "When I first saw you in that hotel, there was something different about you. I couldn't put it into words, but I felt a connection, a sense of trust that I hadn't felt with anyone in a long time."
Your eyes met his in a mixture of surprise and curiosity. You allow him to speak as he allows you.
"Back then, despite it being only weeks ago, I didn't know how to express my gratitude," Yeosang confesses, his fingers absently tracing patterns on the old couch. "You saved me, helped me escape. And in these past few weeks, spending time with you, I've come to see humans for who they truly are. Not just as a means of survival, but as individuals capable of kindness, understanding, and compassion."
A faint smile plays on your lips as you take in his words.
"I didn't realize it at first," Yeosang continues, "These feelings I've been grappling with—whether they were genuine or just a manifestation of attachment because you saved me. But right now, as you sit in front of me, gripping your blanket with such an enormous amount of strength, I just knew."
"Knew what?"
"That this would be it for me," Yeosang admits, "That I'm completely and utterly terrified of saying my next words, but I care for you deeply, and I want you to be mine. I have no reason to worry since you think the same, but I don't want you to have regrets. I don't care if you're not royalty as I was before. I cannot quite understand why you would think I ever cared about such a thing. I never even mention my former status to you unless you bring it up.”
He is right, of course.
“So what do we do now?” You ask after a moment of silence.
He shrugs, leaning further into the couch. “The same as we’ve done before, except now we know we both like each other,” his head tilts, eyes glued back to the television. “Ah, you’re right. He is quite a nuisance.”
And that is how it was.
Days melted into nights aboard the spaceship, neither of you mentioning what happened. The air shifted, no longer burdened by the weight of unspoken words. But still, there is a bit of awkwardness between you. Yeosang, no longer avoiding you or pressing himself against walls to avoid you, entered rooms you occupied and initiated conversations, his presence comforting enough. But other than that, he still avoided your skin. There was only one time he didn’t notice you around, your arm brushing against his to grab something from a cabinet. His skin flushed, body rigged as you lightly nudged him out of the way. After that, he rarely gives you his back, always sending you a smile, or keeping himself aware of where you are in the room.
The physical distance persisted, enough so that you could no longer handle being around him without bringing it up.
One night, as you tend to the plants in your nursery you finally sigh, looking back at him. He wears an old crewmate’s attire, tight against his fit limbs, leaving nothing to the imagination. It’s almost enough for you to forget what you were going to say, until his brow lifts, waiting for you to speak.
"Yeosang," you say, voice breaking the silence. "Is everything okay?"
“Hm?” he tilts his head endearingly, only making this much harder to bring up. You push past the unsettling feelings within you, glancing away from him.
“Do you not like touch?”
“What?” his voice is dripping with shock, almost appallingly so, brows furrowed so harshly they may as well rip his skin. “What makes you think that?”
“It’s hard not to when you avoid touching me every chance you get, Yeosang. I mean, I barely brush your arm and it’s like I’m some sort of disease? I don’t understand.”
“No, y/n, that’s not at all what I am thinking. I…” He rubs his face, moving off the wall, “I am filled with a never ending desire to touch you. It’s my fault that you don’t think so. I presumed that you knew of the mating practices of Elysium without even asking,” he rubs his arms, gaze sliding to the floor. “I don’t know if you noticed while on your brief time there, but on Elysium, all of us wear gloves to avoid touching each other. We only have skin to skin contact with prospective mates.”
You remember how his lips brushes against your wrist, his hand clearly wrapped around yours. How you pushed his hair away from his face, how you held it between yours. You’ve rarely touched him, but you’ve still done it, not knowing what it meant. No wonder he looks perturbed each time you’ve done so.
“I didn’t know. I’m sorry,” you whisper.
“And I should have presumed that you did not,” he murmurs. “Each time, every time you touch me, it’s an indescribable feeling. No one has touched my skin since my mother when she held me as an infant, y/n. You are the first since then,” his eyes land on your hands. “When I kissed your wrist, it was an act of confession. So when you told me a few days ago that you were scared I did not feel the same, I didn’t quite understand since I’ve already touched you. Again, another assumption that I didn’t explain,” he shakes his head. “Apologizes.”
“All we’ve done is assume,” you agree. “You don’t need to apologize.”
“I do, and I’m sorry again. I ... I didn't want to make you uncomfortable since touch as an adult Elysium with another is so much more than innocent. After what I said, though, if you’re uncomfortable, I can give you space."
“No.” You say quickly, an amused smile cast on his lips. “I mean, I don’t mind you touching me, Yeosang. You don’t have to ask. I’m comfortable with you.”
Relief washing over Yeosang's features, "Okay. You can touch me too, y/n.”
You snort, turning back to your plants, “Never thought I’d have a conversation like this.”
“Neither did I.”
The conversation fades into silence, your back to him as you dig out the leaves. You’re focused enough that you don’t hear Yeosang inching closer and closer to you, until a slow hand wraps around your waist. He pulls you into him with ease, breathing in heavily. You can hear your own heart beating against your eardrums, hands gripping the tools tightly. Sure, you expected him to touch you sooner or later.
But you just didn’t expect it to be this soon.
Yeosang’s lips brush against your neck, leaving a trail of goosebumps in his wake. “Can I touch you now?"
You lean into his body, humming, “Are you not already touching me?”
His free hand slips down, resting on the curve of your thigh. “Not in the way you want me to. Not in the way I desire, So,” his hand stills, “May I touch you?”
His hand slowly drags against your pants. You watch as he does so, lips brushing against your neck. His lips caress your skin, breathing steadily. “I don’t know what I’m doing,” he says after a moment, causing a laugh to escape your lips. Though he does not move away from your body, you can feel his protruding lips pouting against your neck. You try turning around to look at him but he tightens his hold. “You’re not leaving, are you?” he whispers. “I can learn how to pleasure you.”
“Yeosang,” you try turning again, feeling how he reluctantly lets you go. You lean slightly against the framing of the nursery, stretching out your legs and wrapping them behind him. It pushes his body closer to yours, he himself grabbing the planters on either side of you, steadying his body against the framing. Entrapping you in his embrace. His eyes look nervous as they stare into yours. Without missing a beat, you reach up, cupping his cheek. His lids flutter, eyelashes brushing against his cheek.
“Why would I leave you alone?”
He swallows, gaze heavy as it rests on yours. “It is not an unfamiliar feeling.”
You lean forward, pressing a light kiss against the corner of his lips. He trembles. “I am not leaving you, Yeosang. I won’t leave you. As long as you want me around, I’ll be here. I won’t abandon you.”
His tongue drags against his lips, “You are sure of that? As long as you can be? I… You won’t leave me?”
“No,” your voice is firm. “I’m not leaving you. And I’ll teach you how to please me, pretty boy–”
An echo of metal cracking behind you stops you from continuing. You glance to the side, seeing his fingers digging deeply into the planters. Eyes widened, you turn back to him. His eyes are glazed over, glued on your every movement. Flicking down to your lips, he leans forward. You meet him halfway, hand resting on the back of his neck. Your tongue drags across his plush bottom lips, pulling him closer. A light gasp escapes his lips, and you take that chance to enter his mouth. He tastes sweet, as sweet as that smile of his. It’s something you very much can get used to.
You hear the planters crack again, his hands resting on either side of your hips, desperately clawing at the fabric. How delicate he holds you compared to the damage behind. He learns without you telling him how to kiss, clumsy a bit at first before calming himself down. Your hand slips down, following the curve of his broad shoulders, hesitating slightly as you touch the solid muscle of his arms. If there were any way you could be more enthralled with his very being you would have surpassed it long ago. You pull away to catch a breath, his head leaning against your shoulder, chest rising and falling quickly.
“Fuck me,” he murmurs, a strange set of words to come out of his usually proper speech. “We have done not a thing, but I am already too excited,” he lifts his head, thumb rubbing circles into your side. “How do humans fornicate? Is it like us?”
“Depends, what do you do?” Though he asked first, you cannot help but wonder about his answer. He pauses for a moment.
“From what I’ve learned, it is usually snowing outside. That is our peak fertility time. We strip bare, and fuck in the snow.”
“Yeosang!” You gasp, unable to hold in your laughter at his confused gaze. “You’re a riot.”
He continues on, as if you didn’t say a word, “We enter the mating partner through their anus and ejaculate after so much time. Depending on the Elysium, of course.”
“We are not having anal sex. Not now at least,” you say simply. “Humans, well, it depends on the genitalia of their partner. I’m assuming you have a dick?”
He tilts his head, thinking. “Yes.”
“Well, then…” After a brief history on what actually happens (brief as in, a forty minute lecture), Yeosang’s fingers are inside of you, moving quickly curving slightly. You moan against his ministrations, gripping the sheets beneath you, eyes flicking down to how easily he learned. His gaze never leaves yours, lips slightly parted as he watches you come undone.
“You’re so pretty, my pretty queen,” he whispers, a small smile gracing his lips as he feels you clench around his fingers. “So so pretty for me, my queen.”
“Yeosang, wait–” you grip his wrists, and he increases his pace. You’ve set boundaries earlier, your safe word being snow. “I’m going to cum if you continue.”
“Then cum for me, pretty. I want to feel you tight around my fingers,” he curls them slightly again, thumb rubbing against your clit. With warning, you moan, falling over the edge. He continues to move inside you, though much slower than before. Once you’re down from your high, he pulls out.
His free hand grips his pants, ripping them with eagerness. His hand wraps around himself, stroking his –
Two cocks rest between his soiled hands, his strokes slow and calculated. Your brain tries to wrap around where exactly in the conversation you had prior, when he told you exactly how many he has. He looks at your shocked expression, worry decorating his. “Darling?”
“You have two, Yeosang. I asked you if you had a dick and you said yes!”
“I do have one, y/n,” his expression still puzzled. “Humans do not also have two?” He swallows slowly, strokes slowing down. “Is this too much for you?”
“Ah, no,” you disagree immediately. “Just surprising.”
“I can only enter you with one, as to not hurt you,” he says quickly. “It’s what you prefer, of course. We can stop now.”
You think it through. Having one inside you is a job in itself, but two? They’re both pretty average and similar to a human’s, though a bit more prominent – skin softer-looking, and covered with shimmer, just as his skin is. You don’t want to end this, and clearly, neither does he. So with confidence, your eyes meet his nervous ones.
“We can try it.”
“…Both?” There’s a bit of hope in his voice.
Who are you to crush it?
note: no part two ;-;
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tojipie · 10 months
for the lovely @honeybleed ‘s milestone collab event ! wrote this little drabble based on this song:
content: drugs, alcohol, strip club setting, no actual smut but def not pg
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thinking about being his fav dancer at the club <3
toji always comes to the club alone. tall, broad, always clad in a suit. thick hands hands that remain perpetually stuck under the bikini tops of the girls keeping him company.
the older man likes to nurse a bottle on his days off, long fingers dwarfing the neck of a sweet liquor you can't pronounce. he smells like it the first time he walks by you on his way to the private dances he can't help but pay for every night. you wonder what his lips taste like.
his composure is iron solid. unbreakable. the man didn't bend for any drug, drink, or woman. not that you were stalking him (you were). you watch him down bottles that would put any normal man in the ER, taking casual swigs in between feeling up the gaggle of dancers fighting for his money. he doesn't seem dunk, not even once. brushing it off like he does every night.
you strategize, subtle yet deliberate. memorizing his schedule to a T, dolling yourself up a little extra on the nights he comes in. word from the other girls was that it was easy to get his attention-- the real challenge was keeping it.
you catch him looking at you across the dimly lit club one night, eyeing you up on stage while another girl feels him up over his dress slacks. his hands falter over her waist as you turn your back to him. a sign that maybe, just maybe, you've piqued his interest.
toji doesn't look away for a second, taking you in with practiced skill. you know he's locked in when he shoos the other dancer off, raising his glass to you in a way that herds you over like a lamb.
you feel warm all over when you straddle him, giggling at how strong his legs are. heat radiates off his body in waves. the man's lower half is spread wide and corded with muscle, holding your lower half up as you rub and grind all over him.
toji hisses at the bold display, tucking a wad of 100s into the seam of your bikini. a generous client, rare but appreciated. he leans in, husky voice cutting through the booming music.
“you new here?” he mumbles, slipping a single between your cleavage. you feel the pad of his thumb slip under the thin ties of your bottoms, rubbing back and forth in the junction between your heat and your thigh.
“no, you know that,” you tease, pivoting to straddle him cowgirl style.
"smart girl," he praises. "knows when she's got my attention."
the air hangs heavy with an unspoken promise as the near stranger continues to spoil you. slowly, you turn, dropping to your knees in front of him to sit at eye level with the part of him you've been curious about this whole time.
"might have a new favorite girl after tonight, huh?" he leers.
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treedaddymcpuffpuff · 2 months
Excessive Force : Tom Ludlow x Fem Nurse Reader (COLLAB W/ THE INCREDIBLE @johnwickb1tsch) - Chapter One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Eleven Twelve Thirteen Fourteen Fifteen Sixteen Seventeen Eighteen Nineteen Twenty Twenty-One Twenty-Two
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TW: nsfw, blood, trauma
Tom busts into the room. Someone’s yelling behind him about red tape and policy, like they don’t even know who he is in the first place. He’s blood and sweat coated, a fine grime glazing his skin, and still the most handsome and soothing thing you’ve ever seen in your life. Yes, even with the pickle juice smell and cornchip residue in his hair. “You alright?” He asks, kneeling down and wrapping an arm around your shoulders. 
“I’m fine,” you say. “I see this stuff all the time.” 
“Is he being an asshole?” He asks, glaring over at your interviewer in his two piece suit— the man looks about ready to either piss himself or strangle Ludlow. 
“No, just a dick,” you joke before really thinking about it, and now you’ve earned yourself a scowl from the gentleman asking you questions who has actually and surprisingly been pretty nice. “I’m just kidding,” you reassure him, “inside joke.”
He looks to Ludlow, then back at you with his eyebrows raised as if he gets the whole picture now. You don’t really understand why you’re embarrassed about it. After all, if you’re going to date—what a weird word and even weirder thought—Tom Ludlow, you’ll probably meet his coworkers at some point. 
“Stare a little longer, Brixton,” Tom warns. 
You turn fully to the angry man beside you and rest your hand on his shoulder. “I’m alright. He’s going through suspect pictures. That’s all.”
“Any luck?” 
You hate to dash that hopeful lilt in his voice. “Not yet.” 
“But we still have a lot to go through,” Brixton says, interrupting the intensity between you and Tom. 
“No shit,” Tom smiles. 
5 million criminal profiles, four cups of disgusting coffee, and an actual migraine later, you are still shit out of luck. Looking at Brixton hopelessly, head in your arms, eyes almost as red as the blood stains on your clothes. “So, what if it’s none of these?” You ask. 
“Could be someone new, someone we haven’t identified yet. Like I said initially, if it isn’t any of the ones I show you, you should be fairly safe. Low level criminals don’t usually care about witnesses.”
“Low level?” You ask, eyebrows pulling up. “They shot up a convenience store with submachine guns.” 
He shrugs. “You’d be surprised at how easy it is to get ahold of those in this town.” 
“Okay,” you sigh, “can I go, then?” 
He looks at you for a long minute. “You gave your description to the sketch artist?” 
“Yeah, I did.” 
“Alright, pack up.” 
Seeing Tom is terrifying, and not because he’s a walking bloodbath. It’s terrifying that you can tell so easily, even from a distance, the man is in a rage. Berserk, boiling with dark energy, the kind that has your stomach tied up and your body tensing. “Are you alright?” As he’s walking you out of the precinct, a possessive hand on your waist. 
“Let’s just get you home, cleaned up, then we’ll talk.” 
“Okay.” You stay silent the entire car ride to your house, then all the way up to your apartment. The doorway breaks his silence. 
“He’s alive, thanks to you.” 
You let out a breath that got stuck in your lungs a long time ago at the store when the last bullet pierced Washington’s chest. You don’t understand why Tom feels the way he does about his old partner. After all, the man is attempting to throw him directly under the bus without a second thought, so you’re not really relieved that you saved Washington’s life, but rather that, for some reason, Tom seems content with the whole thing. “That’s good,” you say quietly. “Right?” 
“Honestly…” he trails off, looking at the floor like he’s having some internal struggle about what he really feels; something you can relate to all too well. “I’m glad that you’re alright.” He crosses the room in a long legged stride, and bundles you up in his arms. “That’s the only thing I care about.” 
And you thought you were fucked before…
“Let’s get clean, and go see the movie.” He sounds lighter, now, but you just know there’s something he’s holding back—trying not to tell you. You can feel it in the way he holds you, see it in the hard black of his eyes, taste it in the air like you can the dried mephitic blood. 
“We don’t have to do that,” you assure. 
“I want to.” 
You’re not sure you really feel like sitting through a movie, but it seems important to him, to do something normal. Maybe that’s the way he copes with the horrible things he sees in his job. Forcing himself to do normal things. Or maybe…he just really wants to spend time with you.
You take a shower together–to save water, obviously. California is experiencing a drought. You get distracted though, for obvious reasons, and “we’re gonna be late,” you groan, as he sucks up the mess between your thighs. “Thought you-ah-wanted, wanted.” 
He shushes you with the taste of yourself, licking at your tongue, pressing you against the soaked tile, hands cupping your breasts. “I’m sorry, baby, you’re just so fucking pretty.” He talks against your mouth, then delves back inside to clash teeth again. “How am I supposed to resist you?” 
Possessive, needy, insistent Tom fucks you nice and slow on your bathroom floor with your legs pressed against your chest and knees hooked over his shoulders; a recipe for a deep, splitting angle that makes you scream. He pauses that lovely, skilled glide of his hips and pushes hair from your face. “You alright?” 
“Jesus. Fuck. Yes! Yes. Why did you stop?” Because he was pummeling your gspot with every thrust, and it felt like nirvana and you need him to move again—oh, there he is, at the same pace, even—an expert in making you see God and the Devil all at once. You don’t know how many times you cum like that, pressed against the plush bathroom rug you got from a discount bin at Target which is surprisingly comfortable. Many consecutive orgasms are starting to feel like a continuous, nonstop one—like you’ve lost control of yourself, like the only thing you are or want to be is a tight sleeve for Tom’s cock. 
“I can’t last much longer, honey.” By the sounds of it, it's a miracle he lasted this long. 
A strangled sound escapes you that’s almost a laugh. He’s been so good to you. So good it feels like a dream. It’s almost hard to remember, now, a time when you’d been certain he was such an asshole. All this flits through your brain in a matter of a second. “Cum for me, baby. I wanna feel you. Need you.” 
You watch with abject fascination through heavy lids, as his head bows, his body tenses, his grip on your hips tightening hard enough to leave bruises. How is it that you make this beautiful man fall to pieces? You’re afraid you would never tire of the sight. He spills inside you with a moan that shakes you to your soul, filling you with the hot rush of his seed. 
It’s funny, the ridiculous things that go through your mind after sex, floating in through the fuzzy white afterglow of umpteen orgasms and Tom’s solid weight resting on top of you. Such as: It’s a good thing your bath mat is machine washable, because you just made quite a mess. 
“I think,” Tom pants against you, “We’re going to miss the movie.” With this man in your arms, you cannot bring yourself to care. After the day you’ve had, this suits you perfectly.
“It’s fine,” you tell him breathlessly, pressing your lips to his cheek. “This is all I want anyway.”
He manages to sit up just a smidge, looking down at you with mischief in his sparkling brown eyes. Yet there is a vulnerability there too, underneath it all, and it squeezes your heart. You know he has a dangerous job, but the pure power and fury of those submachine guns earlier today ripping the store–and his old partner–to shreds probably had him feeling extra keenly the miracle of being alive. You knew that you yourself were a little surprised–but also numb, which maybe wasn’t the best, but it was how you cope.
“My naked body in your arms?” he ribs you, lifting an eyebrow.
“Either way.”
He lays a big kiss right in the middle of your forehead. “I think you like me.”
You look between the two of you, assessing the situation as if to say duh. But, then, feeling a little rogue, “nah, you must be hallucinating.” With a big grin on your face.
Reluctantly you part, Tom taking a deep breath as he leans back against the tub. “We might need another shower now?”
You smack his shoulder playfully–it’s all you can reach, from your position on the floor.
“I think this is where I’m sleeping,” you sigh, your head at a strange angle.
“Come on, sweetheart, I’ll make you something to eat.” 
Miraculously, you suddenly find the strength to sit up right. He helps pull you to your feet, and you pause for a luscious moment, your body pressed to his.
“Yeah, baby?” he asks with his lips on your forehead.
“This…is the nicest thing that’s happened to me…maybe my whole life?”
Maybe you'll regret it later, but there’s just something about nearly dying that day that makes you want to say it.
He really surprises you with his answer. “Me too.”
You’re surprised because he is literally the whole package: cooks, gives massages, fucks like a nineteen year old on double shots of testosterone. You? You feel like you pale in comparison to him, so of course the lack of nicety in your life isn’t really surprising. In his? Astounding.
He teaches you how to cook pollo con arroz with the sparse ingredients in your kitchen. Behind you, helping you cut an onion, he leans down to press his mouth against your ear. “I’m gonna have to take you grocery shopping.”
“Are you going to be cooking for me with those groceries?” You ask, only half joking. 
“I’ll cook for you every single day. Breakfast, lunch, dinner. You never have to touch an oven again if you don’t want to, baby.”
You know he’s probably exaggerating, but those words make your heart beat in Tom-sync. The organ no longer belongs to you, it belongs to the warm, tall, beautiful man behind you who’s making sure you don’t slice yourself with the veggie knife. And you’re not even sure how it really happened. 
“You don’t think I will?” He asks, resting his chin on your shoulder. 
“Do you have time for that?” You reply, trying to keep your tone light and fun. 
“I’ll make time. I made the mistake of working too much, when I was married. I promise, I’m not going to do that with you.” 
“They give you a choice at the department?” you tease, still desperately trying to keep things light, even as your heart is constricting in your chest at the mention of his late wife.
“There’s only so much time in Complaints I can handle,” he fires back.
“So…how is all that going?” you ask. “Because they definitely looked at you at the station like you’re a legend.”
He raises his dark brows at that, endearingly shy all of a sudden. “I think you’re misinterpreting their feelings. They fuckin hate me.”
Sounds like Tom Ludlow doubts himself? Strange. You’re so used to his self-assured, cocky, confident side. “Sounds like you hate them?”
You feel him shrug. “I like three of them.”
That makes you chuckle. “Oh man.”
“You like everybody you work with?” He challenges, nipping at your earlobe playfully. 
You squeak, almost slip with the knife until he catches and steadies your hand. “Easy,” he murmurs, boiling your blood again. Your vagina, who was once all bets off for Tom, is now begging for a break despite the constant kiln of arousal kept hot by his presence. Hell, by the thought of him. But, damn, it had been a while before this insatiable beast grabbed you in his clutches, and if you’re this sore and overworked you know that he probably is, too. 
“Mostly,” you reply, swallowing the gathering saliva in your mouth. “I mean, nurses are bitches, but we’re too busy to really be catty or dramatic.” 
“Nurses are bitches? Nurses are the backbone of healthcare.”
It makes you giggle, the fact that he’s defending your own kind against you. “Well, thank you. Despite what people say about cops, I think that there are some good ones—for example, you.” 
He hmphs. “No, cops are fucking terrible.” 
“If you didn’t exist, I’d probably agree.” 
He turns you around and presses you against the lip of the counter, a wolf’s smile and shining, blown black eyes making your pulse thrum faster. “My ego can only take so much, baby.” 
“Careful,” you warn, “I have onion hands.” 
He grabs your hand up, takes your fingers and sucks them into his mouth, tongue tickling and warm and wet. You shift, try to pull back because it feels strange at first, and then so, so good, the skill of his mouth resonating in your clit. A tiny moan slips out of you and he smiles around your index, raising both eyebrows as if to say yeah, you like that?
“Tom,” you try, “I feel like if we have sex again my vagina will pack its bags and leave town.” 
He lets your pinky go with a little wet plop. “You just let me deal with her. I’ll convince her to stay…” 
Yes, Tom, whatever you say, Tom. You’re a little disgusted with yourself, but oh, not with him, not with Prince Dastardly Charming. “I am hungry, though,” you tell him, blinking wide and innocent—a great tactic, as you’ve come to learn. 
The food is delicious, and you have just enough rioja left to serve it with. You sit across from each other at your little dining table, his legs tangled with yours because the man can’t resist touching you for more than five minutes—which you secretly love. You honestly forget that there’s something you need to ask him until you’re halfway through and halfway full. The food is that good. If he ever decides to change careers, chef wouldn’t be a bad place to start. 
“You said that you worked too much? When you… were with your wife?” Maybe it’s invasive, but you add in, “you don’t have to answer that.” 
“No, it’s okay,” he assures, washing a mouthful of rice down with red wine. “I want to be open with you about it, if you want to hear it?” 
“Of course,” you nod, genuinely intrigued. 
“The last few years of our marriage, I got promoted. That meant less time at home and more time at the job. I was gone a lot—a lot more than I was present, and I didn’t notice she was pulling away until it was already too late.”
You wince, and take his hand. “I’m sorry.” 
He looks to your hand as if it can ground him, somehow. Keep him straight and steady. “Looking back, it was my fault. She’d beg me to stay some nights. But I was an asshole, I thought the work I was doing was important. After she passed I found her diary, it had a page in it where she wrote…” He pauses to take another drink. 
You rub over his thumb, trying to soothe. 
“It was one sentence. Over and over again. Please come home, Tom.” 
You can’t help the tears threatening to spill from your eyes. Maybe that’s why he’s so persistent, so determined to make you his—to show you he’s worth something. Because he couldn’t do it for her. 
“Oh, honey…”
“So I was wrong. There will always be more crime to fight. More shit to shovel. It’s not a war we’ll ever win. But there was only one of her, and I…fucked up. I don’t even blame her for stepping out on me. I wanted to punish the shitbag who treated her that way, but I was the shitbag who left her alone in the first place.”
“Tom…” You squeeze his hand. “You made a mistake. But you couldn’t have known.”
“I should have known. I’m a nosy motherfucker, if you haven’t noticed.”
This makes you smile a little, despite the subject at hand. “It’s possible I picked that up about you.”
With his hair in his eyes he pays you a winsome smile that about breaks your heart. “C’mere,” he says, orders, tugging on your hand.
For once in a mood to obey, you let him pull you into his lap. It’s becoming your favorite seat. With his strong arms wrapped around you, you feel as though nothing bad can touch you. He snuggles into the bend of your neck, just holding you, and for the millionth time you think to yourself that you are just utterly doomed. “If I get caught up in a case and you need me, baby, promise me you’ll just tell me, alright? I’d drop everything for you.” 
Once again, the tears well in your eyes. Fuck if you don’t believe him too. “Ok.” It’s all you can get out, past the scratchy lump of emotion lodged in your throat like a sea urchin.
You watch some mindless television together, until you decide you are both exhausted. You brush your teeth and change into your favorite age-softened nightgown–only for Tom to pull it right back over your head with a smile that is somehow both roguish and tender. “No need for that,” he tells you, walking you backwards until your knees hit the bed.
“Tom…” you plead, unable to stop your sleepy giggle as he kisses the insides of your thighs. “I was serious…”
“Shhh,” he says, smirking up at you with his cheek resting on the warm pillow of your thigh. “Kitty and I have to have a little chat.” 
“Kitty says she’s tired,” you whine, your breath hitching as his lips travel higher. 
“But I’ll be so gentle.” His soft lips touch your flesh so close to your aching apex, and your vagina is ready to tell you to fuck off, so she and Ludlow can have their talk. You’re really not sure how this is your life right now. Your love life went from dry as the desert to this–this beautiful man, between your legs, and in your kitchen, and if you’re really up for some brutal self-reflection:in your heart.
He has a little bit of stubble on his face this time; you can really feel it as he nuzzles into the plump top of your pussy. You press him back, choking on saliva, thighs clamping around him in an attempt to protect the sensitive flesh. “Oh God,” you murmur, head thrown back against the pillows. 
“Sorry, baby.” He kisses the top of your slit where your clit peeks out, holds your hips from spasming, from probably giving him a minor concussion. “It’s hard.” A long lick up your labia, generous with saliva and feathery gentle. “To resist my gorgeous pussy.”
Here you are, legs hanging off the end of the bed, Tom Ludlow kneeling by your feet and licking your puffy cunt, calling you his again, and you’re not even arguing. No protest whatsoever. You might as well be handing your meaty little heart—and clit—over on a silver platter, garnished with spring onion and lemon.
You think, maybe, you can stand this method of cunnilingus a little better. But you’re wrong. The slow, torturous tease of his wet mouth inching its way into your folds, purposefully avoiding the yearning bulb at the very center of your pleasure makes you beg for that hungry devourer you once knew. You can tell he’s holding back by the low groans of agony vibrating your skin, the tensing of his arms so tight on your malleable thighs and hips, indents and bruises as testament to his resolve. 
While he exercises self control, he makes sure you do, too—securing you into the mattress with his grip, conjuring the most hellish ache in your cunt and then pinning it in place, keeping you right there, whining and soaked and finally begging him for more despite all the initial, useless resistance. 
He keeps you on the edge of his careful tongue for a little while—a lot longer than your patience can tolerate. Instead of trying to squirm away now, you’re pressing into him, offering yourself up for just a little bit longer of that wicked suck-lick-repeat that makes your vision gooey around the edges. “Please, Tom.” You want to beg pretty, but it comes out desperate and feral, the opposite of feminine and sweet, your teeth clenched so hard it makes your jaw ache. 
He surfaces from the deep pool of your arousal. “Look at me.” 
You do, and it’s a mistake. Because when you catch his black, heavy eyes, he’s giving you a long lick that feels like it’s breaking your toes instead of merely curling them, and the shiny, wet, hedonist’s smile is enough to take you right to the edge and leave you there. Screaming and thrashing. 
“Baby, baby,” he calls, soothing you by petting your twitching, sweaty skin—fuck, you are going to need another shower. “You wanna cum?”
“Uh-huh.” Your eager nod makes him chuckle. 
“Say you’re mine, greedy girl.” 
Dirty cheating bastard. The glare you give gets sucked right back out of you, through your pulsing clit, into his mouth. He presses two fingers just inside you, and you growl at him, proving that you are, indeed, more like that cute chihuahua than you want to admit.
“That’s adorable,” he muses, stretching you open a little more. “C’mon, tell me.” 
“That’s not fair,” you protest, trying to push down onto his hand, swallow him up. 
He over exaggerates a sigh, breath cooling over your fiery flesh. “That’s alright, I have all night.” 
Another strangled sound escapes you, your eyes dewy with pure frustration. Is it not enough, that he clearly holds you in the palm of his hand? Do you really have to say it out loud?
“I’m going to get you back for this,” you pant, straining for just a little more friction in just the right spot. 
This only seems to delight him, of course. “Oh, I hope so.” 
“Tom, Tom, Tom,” you call softly, trying a different tone, “please fuck me.” 
“I am fucking you,” he says, laving at your clit and getting it nice and warm and soaked again.
“No,” you hiss. “Want your—oh. Want your cock inside me, please. Want you to-ah-uh cum inside me.” 
You must drive a hard bargain, or he just can’t take it anymore. Judging by the sight of his big, beautiful cock, leaking and turgid, it’s the latter. You don’t have enough sense to be suspicious of why he’s letting you win so easily while he’s fucking your permanent indent into the mattress, sucking the nape of your neck between his teeth.  
He gently fists his hand into your hair, sends your hips pushing into him. “That hurt, baby?” He asks, grunting with the force of his thrusts. 
“Uh uh,” you say, biting into the skin of your arm while a thickened, wonderful release builds in your belly, soothes the stretching ache that goes hand in hand with his girth. “Feels good.” 
He tugs a little, winding your hair around his fingers, digging into your scalp and mimicking the rub of his cock on your gspot. That’s enough to send you spiraling, falling down the rabbit hole, spasming and gushing around him with no before indications. 
“That was unexpected,” he tells you, trying to laugh around a groan. “The hair, huh?” 
You try to tell him to shut up, but between the muffling comforter and the increased speed of his taut hips, it comes out jumbled and messy, a praising moan instead of a witty insult. Then, you realize, he’s not letting you win—you can’t win, not with him. Whether it be with your fragile heart or your overworked cunt, you’ll lose in the end. You just know it. 
He keeps a warm, grounding hand pressed to your scalp while he spills inside you, as deep as he can go, cursing and twitching. It makes you giggle, how he lays his full weight on you and then thinks better of it and rolls over to nuzzle by your side, instead. 
“This is good,” you tell him, sleepily kissing his bicep. 
He hums in agreement, setting the back of his hand on your shoulder blade, and then proceeding to adorably and immediately fall asleep. You happily join him after a wobbly trip to the bathroom.
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partyanimal167 · 1 year
How Fitting Pt 2- Crocodile x F!Reader
I've been waiting for requests for my International Spy Event, and I got a few requests for a part two, so I figured why not. I surprised myself with how much I knew about sewing (even though it was the family trade), so I think I can continue to lean into that world more. The first part was going to be more about modeling, and that didn't happen so I think it might here.
Thanks for reading! Part One
You were so well-suited into being a behind-the-scenes person, so all of this was out of your comfort zone. However, you would do anything for your beloved boss, so there was no reason to say no. Just save the day, and no one would know. Right?
The opportunity came that your boss and mentor would be featured in a magazine praising his work and legacy of the shop. You were ecstatic for him and knew that it was well-deserved. He kindly downplayed it all but asked you to come for the photoshoots and assist with the models. He would be bringing out some archived looks as well as those that blended the vintage styles with modern trends. (That is why he's a pro at all of this)
The day of the shoot started with you loading boxes and bags of clothes into a car and going over a detailed checklist. Your boss sat behind the counter drinking coffee and enjoying the Sun. You could only hope to be so relaxed in your future.
Soon, the two of you were in the studio setting up the clothes while photographers ran around checking for equipment and models. There seemed to be multiple designers in the building at once. You assumed that the organizer wanted to get everything done as soon as possible, so there wouldn't be a hold-up when editing.
You pressed ascots, ties, lined up vests and jackets, and paired cotton socks with shoes. Models came and dressed and you boss helped direct them to the sets.
For now your work was done, so you decided to peak to another set that was showing off women's formal gowns. It wasn't your sector, but the familiarity of dresses and heels brought back memories of your family elders. You checked the schedule and noted that there would be a collab shoot between this designer and your boss. You thought that the styles complimented each other.
You continued to stand in the corner watching when a few people frantically ran passed you before talking to a woman sitting in a director's chair. She was gorgeous with tanned skin, black hair, and bright blue eyes. She listened intently but didn't seem too affected by the urgency. For a moment, the two of you locked eyes and she smiled brightly.
You turned away to zone out but that didn't last when your heard heels and saw the woman in front. "Excuse me, are you one of the models for the other designers?"
You gawked for a moment and mentally ran through your outfit: slacks, loafers, messy hair, measuring tape around the shoulders. You shook your head. "Eh not at all. I'm one of the men's fashion assistants." you explained.
"Ah well, I'm sorry to bother you. I'm Robin. I'm doing one of the shoots for the women's line as you can see, and I'm in need of a model that would fit your dimensions." you starred blankly at her. "Do you think you could step in?"
"Me? Model?"
She laughed at your reaction before glancing at her notes. "Ah yes, the photos would be for our collab with Mr. Lewis." Shit, that was your boss. "I would really appreciate it." she beamed kindly at you.
You fidgeted with your fingers a little and nibbled a cheek. "Eh, I wouldn't say I'm model material-,"
"Nonsense. You'd be beautiful on the camera."
The deep timbre made you aware of the others in the room--however too late to notice one specifically. Your face warmed up at the compliment, and you turned slowly at the newcomer.
"You're already stunning in the flesh."
Oh earth come get me now! Your eyes found his, and Sir Crocodile looked down at you with those intimidating gold orbs that were highlighted with mischief.
You hadn't seen the man in awhile, but it was if your body knew the protocol, and your hand reached out gently for him to take--greeting you with a kiss as always.
"You haven't called me."
The air in your lungs rushed out. "I've uh- my apologies." you replied quickly trying to replenish your breath.
Even though the man brought it up, he didn't seem troubled by the fact.
"Well if you're willing to help Robin, I'm sure the matter can be forgiven." you pouted before you could stop yourself. He chuckled.
"Ah you two know each other?" Robin perked.
"I'm a tailor." you simply provided at that.
"A talented one at that. I'm sure she helped produced the clothing that's being featured." Crocodile didn't allow you to downplay yourself at all. "However, it would do her well to step into the light. No need to keep hiding a treasure." he went on but focused on your eyes.
You couldn't find an excuse if you wanted to. The two in front of you seemed like a business power duo and quick to resolve things too. You pinched the bridge of your nose before you sighed. "Okay fine. Some pictures won't hurt."
Crocodile waited anxiously for you to step back into the shooting space from the dressing rooms.
He attended to many businesses and trades, but certain things in life he wanted to keep simple. He enjoyed a good outfiIt that fit well and stuck to the same shop that always got it right. He appreciated your attention to detail and care for your craft.
Admittedly, he was also excited to see you in something other than a dress shirt and slacks. He was appreciative all the same, but seeing you in a formal dress would fuel the dreams of taking you out to nice places and enjoying special evenings.
He heard the heels before he saw you, and your entrance into the room seemed to make everyone pause.
It was a dark green dress with a halter neckline, a tasteful slit on the side, and was backless to help fit where your body curved and dipped. It sparkled and was pleasing to the eye.
Crocodile could feel your nervousness, but your stride never faltered. You had done this before, he figured. Everyone turned away from you, and he could see you physically exhale. He watched as you were quickly shuffled into place for some solo shots while assistants gleamed over the hair and makeup of the models already present. Your boss stood by him, and the two men enjoyed the vision of two different brands coming together.
A gentleman stood by you in a black-n-beige suit that definitely made the scene feel like a gala of a Bond movie. Crocodile kept his eyes intently on you. It was like you got into character and followed the instructions on how to express and emote for what was needed. It was captivating.
More photos were taken, and just when you thought things would be wrapping up, Robin clapped her hands and said, "Now, let's have Crocodile join us." You both quickly turned to the woman.
"This isn't an inclusivity issue." Crocodile argued referring to his prosthetic.
Robin only hummed. "It wouldn't be inclusive if we only showed differences on special occasions." she was ready for his retort.
Crocodile grumbled. "I need a suit."
"Actually, that suit is one of mine; I'm sure of it. The color scheme goes well with what's already here." your boss quipped in.
The man reached into his coat and sighed. "Fine, but I'm enjoying myself while I do this." he brought out a cigar.
"I wouldn't want it any other way." Robin went on.
You fidgeted slightly as the man puffed his smoke before joining you. You met his eyes and smiled. Assistants moved props and posed your hands and positioned bodies. Unknowingly, you drifted away from your companion.
Crocodile chuckled as he wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you closer. He turned away from the camera and whispered into your ear. "Don't run away. You're the star of the show." the gruffness made you gasp. Neither of you even noticed the cameras flashing.
You got a hold of yourself and leaned into the man's touch. "I'm staying." was all you could get out before placing your hand back on his chest.
Robin only wanted a few shots, and with that, the day was finally over. The set-up lamps began to shut off, and you sighed to yourself. It was a fun experience, and you weren't uncomfortable. You were just ready to not have so many eyes on you.
"It was a pleasure seeing you." Crocodile offered while others shuffled around you two.
You nodded and smiled. "Likewise. I'm sure we'll see each other sooner next time."
"How about dinner now?"
You blinked for a moment. "Oh sure, let me just change, and then we-,"
"Why wait? Let's go like this."
You gaped a little. "Huh?"
Crocodile grinned. "Well my dear, the last time I let you go; you hid. You said you wouldn't be running away this time."
You swayed a little. "Ah well, I'm sure I have to return the dress."
"Consider it paid for. It'll be a great addition to your wardrobe." There was never a problem he couldn't solve. "Don't be so nervous around me, love." He brought your hand back to his lips. You expected a kiss but felt a rush through you when the skin was lightly nibbled on, and he winked. "I only bite if you want me to."
I like this~ I hope Crocodile doesn't seem pushy. I figured he'd be more direct with his intentions since he didn't see you after some subtlety.
Requests are open! And I also have an event going on, so feel free to check that out.
Thanks for reading!
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tmntxthings · 2 years
Σ一The Villainess, AKA: Cherrypie ‘A Cute-Meet’。・゜・
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summary: way before the night of the ball, Y/n and Raph met under pretty average circumstances, if average includes testing out a prototype for a cloaking brooch & a certain special ring getting stolen
author’s note: this is first prequel to the ongoing collab with <3 @marwhoa <3 we have been contemplating more prequels to continue adding depth to the story and ofc the almighty ‘part two’
warnings: rise!raph x villain!reader, cloaking brooch au, secret identities, cute meet, fluff
〔you’re here〕 → next
Through one of the very few quiet streets of the city, a hand emerges from the wall. Around it glitters magenta sparks, twinkling as an entire body follows through it. As dazzling an entrance as that was, this particular stranger happened to be dressed simply. A plain, ruffled, scarlet dress with a billowing skirt, accented by the pair of matching sandals wrapping up her calves, and tied together by a red clutch-purse as its accentuating piece. ‘Plain-Jane’ blinked away a crackle of red magic that was quite literally drawn into a ring upon her finger. Small bits of arcane energy surged in, bouncing erratically beneath the clear film protecting ruby crystals inside—all until the last twinkle blipped into the vacuum.
With a few calming rotations of the ring around her digit and a tucking of stray hairs behind her ear, the silent street was filled by soft tmps of the mysterious newcomer’s light footsteps. Perpendicular to the alley she has appeared through, a sneaky peek was given before she stepped out the next pin-drop quiet street with sidewalks that likely experienced so little foot traffic that they just might be clean enough to eat on.
Luckily, this lass wasn’t here to dine on the sidewalk picnic style—no, no, she was here for a special café that was quite literally the hidden gem beaten off the path. Had it not been for her frequenting, it likely wouldn’t be able to stay open. THAT is just how out of the way it was. Alright, that may have been blown out of proportion, but Y/n couldn’t care less as she and her temporarily-inflated self-importance pushed through the doors. Immediately she was woken up by the soothing hold of coffee grinds and baked goods. They cradled her, placing energizing kisses upon both cheeks.
A barista greeted the door’s chiming bell with a cheerful good morning and “Welcome to Sugar n’Spice!”
Any sleepiness brave enough to stay in your system from a bright and early rise wouldn’t stand a chance in this quaint, domestic place and its enlivening, ambrosial scents as you approached the counter. A glance was passed to the occupants of the room—a man who looked like he just got out of the gym, two sickly looking old ladies by the window, a lady bouncing a kid on her hip, and a man in a suit who’s foot tapped in a ‘watching the clock closely’ fashion.
Giving a curt “Excuse me,” as you navigated around the impatient man, you swallowed the bitterness upon your tongue for these humans who had the privilege to be here, topside, all day, any day. Hold back that discontent, for there is one important rule! A personally appointed exception, specially made for Sugar n’Spice: this place was divine enough to escape your witchy wrath. Show utmost respect by refraining from the usual ‘Hidden City Dweller seething at the humans.’ You could do that anywhere but here. This place was the holy land. The heavenly pinnacle of coffee—the SACRED LAN—
“Ma’am …?”
The barista tilted their head towards you playfully as that increasingly bizarre inner monologue settled abruptly. The distractions were waved off by a shaking of your noggin and an apologetic smile. “Sorry! Caught up with something—could I get the spiced Red Velvet latte? Please.”
Your lips shifted into a patient smile as the barista practically sighed in relief, hand on their chest as they muttered, “..much more normal than that last customer,” under their breath. You quirked an eyebrow at this but quickly rested your features. Humans complained too much for folks that—no! No, no, Y/n, quit it. The rule, remember the rule!
“Oh! Also, can I do the student discount? I’m an Eastlaird student.”
There was a missed opportunity as three of the occupants in the room perked up upon hearing that name; alas, your attention was instead fixated on your red clutch. Swiftly unlatching it and digging out two cards: one to show to the barista, your ID, and the second, your debit card. The animated worker leaned in, nodded at the little plastic, and took off some of the charge via the ‘Sugar n’Spice’s Nice Discount.’ With just one swipe of a debit card and a little wave after the machine’s little ‘doot!’ , you were all ready to go and await your beloved order. Your seeking eyes gazed all around the room in search of a table to claim until landing fondly upon a small two-seater. There, in the corner opposite of the old ladies and other waiting humans, was a perfectly empty space. Morning sun rays seemed to illuminate a chair for you to sit in, whispering a ‘come here to enjoy the one thing humans were able to do right, dear!’
After a moment to place your things upon the uninhabited table, you then went over and leaned against the counter near where orders came out and scrolled nonchalantly through your cellular. A scoff or two may have escaped at whatever human news headlines caught your eyes, at least up until your expression glimmered with a split-second of trepidation as an instinctual swipe did away with an unwanted notification.
You have one new message.
➤ MOTHER sent now
Where are you?
Not here, please, agonized the disguised witch silently. This was your one true escape—the one and only getaway from home that you had. Away from the mystic training, away from her, and into a place where you could be a normal... A normal what, human? Don’t even think about finishing that thought.
But, Sugar n’Spice cafe… this was one of the only human-made delights you had…
Surely that granted you one little ‘cross my heart’ secret kept, right?
Trapped in your chest was a deep sigh; you didn’t want to think about your mother. It felt like she had done nothing but push you to your limits as of lately. Constantly claiming that your magic “wasn’t performing at its peak.”, That you “should train more,” —no, even MORE than that, that you should only be training. The ever-lingering pressure to perform and perform well, lest you don’t come up to par with your mother’s expectations, it was starting to get ridiculous. “Seriously Y/n, are you even trying? If you don’t start taking training seriously—” You quickly shoved the memory away violently.
The little device was hastily shoved into your clutch, along with the unpleasant memory. Your eyes closed as the subconscious habit of twisting your ring came in full swing. You did it mostly when nervous, but every so often it would give off a calming effect—and per usual, it served to ground your racing heart in the here and now.
This place was your safe haven. You didn’t want to mar its charm by thinking of that hateful woman who did nothing but dampen your spirits. Just as you were opening your eyes after building up your resolve, one of the baristas called out, “Spiced Red Velvet latte!” Right on time, just the thing to completely nip these nerves in the bud as if clicking a ‘do not disturb for at least an hour’ switch.
You were so focused on your destination, hand reaching out for its prize. So focused in fact, your hand jolted and floated stiffly as your peripheral caught another hand closing in. Far closer than a stranger’s hand should be, and your eyes were blown wide, resting upon the intruder heading straight for the cup—your cup.
Both of you stilled. You followed the hand up until you met the gaze of a culprit who dared to try and steal the drink you ordered every single visit! Just as quickly as you made eye contact with a pair of emerald eyes, the barista’s worried voice snagged your attention once more.
“—that’s right! Sorry, both of you ordered the spiced red velvet latte,” clarified the worker behind the counter, slowly, nervously, pulling their hand away from the fresh beverage. “The, uh, the next one will be out shortly!” They amended, turning back to concocting tasty drinks.
“Sorry! You can go ahead, I’m in no rush.”
Your gaze returned to those bright green irises. His voice was deep and soothing, offering a soft smile as he dipped his head towards your drink. Or rather, a drink whose fate laid in the hands of you both. A shared dilemma.
“Wait—wait what?”
Cue the double-take. From the drink, to those curious green eyes, right on back to the drink. Was this… Selflessness? Displayed by one who belonged to a selfish society? “You’re just letting me have it?”
Now, by no means would you ever forfeit something of yours to a human. Not even a drink mishap like this! But, what stopped you in your tracks was the lack of a rude ‘I’ll be taking this! You can wait for the next drink.’ from the stranger.
“Well, yeah, a’course. Raph prides ‘imself on bein’ respectful— ‘s good manners, too.” He was beaming with a proud grin, crossing his arms and standing with a stance that seemed all-too-heroic. The “amaze” factor of his pose was severely detracted by the gym clothes he wore. Basketball shorts and a tank top, sneakers—was this dude on a morning jog? Not the most heroic get-up.
“R.. Right..” Y/n’s eyes rested on the cup and its steam, lingering there for long enough that the drink’s twin had been completed and slid out on the counter, metaphorically framed by the worker chirping, “Another spiced red velvet latte, for here!”
The gears in your head were turning, still frozen by the smallest gesture, far too small for anyone else, but that meant so much more to you. This is a sign, echoed a thought. As he took his drink, you couldn’t have missed him doing a victorious fist to the air and muttering “You still got it, big guy! The precious drink has been secured.” The whimsical nature of the whole interaction had your hand moving before anything could be thought through enough, driven by a single fear. Pushing your hand, the fear begged you, as though letting this one leave here and now would become the biggest regret of your life.
You nearly whispered the word, feeling an uncharacteristic thump in your chest as those same green hues turned and locked with your own shaky eyes.
“Someone who loves Sugar n’Spice’s spiced red velvet lattes as much as I do, th-that’s hard to find. ‘Cause, y’know what they say, it’s too much sugar and spice.”
“It’s too much sugar n’spice.”
Laughter brought the two together within seconds as the realization that they said the same thing at the same time set in. Y/n’s nerves dissolved—and to be frank, so did this particular stranger’s, not that you would know that.
A shaky invitation was proposed, asking him if he’d like to sit together and share company. With a toothy smile and a nod, the two sat at her claimed table, humming at the clinks the cups made when their bottoms met the polished redwood of the café tables. Just before either could start conversation, one of the old ladies across the room gasped dramatically loud. Y/n would have looked over, had it not been for the man in front of her quickly covering up the scene with a cough and interjection.
His voice cracked, seeming to choke on a bit of unease as your eyes returned to him.
“Ya gotta be a regular, too, then?”
“Yes—what gave it away?”
Y/n inquired, taken aback by such a bizarre deduction. Seriously, what gave it away? She glanced at her drink, her seat, and then to the board. The evidence revealed itself before he continued.
“These drinks ‘ave long since been taken off the menu, but they still serve ‘em for the few regulars who knew about it.”
The happy trill he gave upon sipping the hot drink further lowered your guard as you leaned into your hand. The little voice in your head placed its imaginary hands on your shoulders, leaning into your ear with an ecstatic ‘maybe this one’s a good human? say, don’tcha think nice humans exist? there’s the owners of sugar n’spice, so can’t there be others !!?’
“Quite the observant eye you have, sirrrr… Raph” Dragging out the last word until the name came back to you, the same one he said earlier. You were banking on that having been a third-person-speaking moment as opposed to him giving the name of an absentee.
“Raph,” He nodded in confirmation, to which you dipped your head with him, copying his nod.
“And your name?”
“Oh, it’s Y/n.” Your voice spoke sheepishly, wondering why it had taken you so long to say so.
“Issa lovely name, and a pleasure to meet ‘cha!”His smile was so warm and comforting that you let go of the embarrassment swirling around your head, heating your cheeks. Play it off as being from your drink’s steam, that’ll work! Go on, a little ‘shoooo’ to the maroon-red liquid before taking the lightest sip. Ah, it’s still too hot.
“How long ‘ve you been a patron?”
The friendly human asked in order to continue the conversation. This had a tiny smile appearing on your face. You almost couldn’t remember the first time you stumbled into SnS. You blew out a winded raspberry.
“It’s been a good long while..” Pondering hums reverberated from within as your hands lifted the drink once more in a contemplative sip. This was your first year at Eastlaird, so that …plus a couple of years more, Ah!
“Around 3 or 4 years,”
The cup’s bottom tapped the tabletop with a light clink. Ever since you had found one of the more far-off gateways from the Hidden City to the topside, your nose had followed the sweet aroma of coffee. Now every time you snuck away from your mother, you made sure to squeeze a stop here into the schedule. Fortunately for you, sneaking away was one of your specialties, thus your regular status at said coffeehouse.
“Well Raphs been grabbin’ a drink here for 5 or so years!”
The huma— Raph, added after you finished. You wondered internally how miraculous it was that neither of you had run into each other before.
Silence filled up the space around you both. Though the conversation had reached a momentary halt, Raph caught himself lingering on a potential topic. Should he bring up Eastlaird? It was an overheard tidbit from the exchange between you and the employee at the register. But, how could he phrase it without sounding like a bit of a creep for eavesdropping in the first place? He glanced up from his glass to find you staring out of the window. Head angled slightly upwards as though captivated by something, and so his own gaze curiously followed yours to the bright blue sky.
Nothing particularly interesting nor impressive stuck out to him. It was just an ordinary sky—not exactly a clear sky, an occasional cloud would make it’s gradual trek across the expanse—, but as his eyes came back to you, it seemed your eyes saw something else in the overhead canvas. A soft smile graced your lips as your eyes affectionately soaked up the view. Maybe it was the strokes of light morning pinks and golden yellows streaking across the canvas. Or it might have been the dashes of clouds, like stretched-out cotton clouds, pinned to the board for depth. Something about this thing that Raph had seen every day yet never truly seen, the twinkle in your eyes had him taking another look. The atmosphere between the two of you opened up to him as he began to realize the position he was in.
Here, at a table for two, with a lady as pretty as you. Deceiving you, disguised and still daring to watch fondly at this vulnerable smile you gave. You were the perfect picture of someone who saw a world he didn’t, and that very thing was leaving a sour pit in his chest. Raph immediately looked down at his drink, taking another swig, but this time the sweet drink left a bitter aftertaste. Everything he did sounded louder to his ears—picking the cup up, swallowing the latte, placing it back down. He was suddenly all too aware of every action he made. How couldn’t he be? Look at you, so well put-together and serene, and here he was making a blunder of the whole conversation. You went out of your way to invite him, and his thanks to that was uninteresting small-talk.
Raph suddenly felt…
The gap in the conversation only seemed to widen as the two of you both scavenged for the next topic. It was an understatement to say it was humiliating to you—inviting a stranger, who was a human also, don’t forget that very important bit, and then proceeding to give them the driest conversation in existence?
You took the pause as a chance to take in your delightful beverage, and it seemed he had the same idea. As the rays of sunlight filtered in through the bay window beside your table, framed by decorative brown curtains made of the silkiest fabric and lined with gauzy trim, you both had your spirits raised as you bask in warmth and contentment brought at the sweet and refreshing sting of the beloved lattes. As true to their name, the delicate blend of sugar and spice displayed a masterful dance upon your tongue. It was just the kind of drink to set you at ease and clear your head entirely, so much so that you found yourself needing to place the glass down gently and excuse yourself to the bathroom.
A splash or two met your face, dragging you out of the vulnerable trance that the latte left you in.
Think about it, you are sharing a table with someone you hate. Well, not him personally, but his people! They treated your folks so poorly, shunning and belittling them. Don’t even think for a second that your community had forgotten the witch trials!
But, the little voice in your head interjected. This is someone showing us something different. Surely you see that, right? He is yet another example of a good human, and there has to be more, Y/n, you know it deep down!
And just like that, Y/n could feel herself slowly turning back to thoughts she once had as a child—all because of this, this!
This guy. Something about him was making her falter on the hatred her mother ingrained in her. Something about him was making this soldier fall out of line…
And back at the table, that someone was almost disturbing those around him with how his leg was bouncing. A ding from his phone made his knee instantly knock against the table, spilling some of the liquid in his drink-twin’s cup. Begin the panic! Napkin after wadded napkin built up on the table as Raph worked to clean up the spill as best as he could, almost going so far as to pour some of his in to make up for the bit lost. Alas, some restraint was exercised while checking the notification that started this whole debacle to begin with.
It was from a certain nosy brother, texting for “the deets“ of what was going on.
Agitated, he turned to the old ladies at the window who instantly—DESPERATELY—looked everywhere else, pretending they weren’t just boring holes into the back of his head.
“Knock it off, you two! I will not be giving you the ‘deets!‘ So stay out of it—you’re throwing me off”
Raph turned back after having whisper-shouted to the ‘ladies’. No, scratch that, to the not-so-dearest brothers clad in blue and purple who took to elderly human disguises. Why, you may ask? To keep an eye on their brother who was currently trying out a mystic cloaking prototype.
As he leaned into the palm of his hand, huffing and twiddling with the delicate chain around his neck, Raph thought back on what led up to him being here, his special café, with THEM, his meddling little brothers. His human thumb ran across the twinkling ruby as it gave off a magical glow.
So, roll back the cameras—back before you strolled through the door.
Raph had a rather awkward entrance. By no means had he fibbed about frequenting here for the past five years, but there was a crucial detail left out.
This was the first day that he came in with so little clothes.
Not like that, no, I mean that he usually only ventures into the human’s stores and public spaces in get-ups that had him sticking out like a sore thumb. Like seriously, who wears scarves, hats, masks, and coats in summer and spring? But today, clad with a magical item, he was just a normal human being. Normal humans had the privilege of not melting themselves under radiating suns from seasonally-inappropriate disguises. They also held the privilege of getting their drink ‘for here’ instead of ‘to-go.’
And boy was he grateful for that on this day specifically.
See, when he had his antsy, awkward encounter with the barista minutes before you came in, he had been all-too-prepared to grumpily seat himself with the odd old ladies. He had even encouraged himself, “Alright Raph, you got this!” before making a complete fool of himself.
“Raph would like to buy one spiced red velvet latte, thank you….”
He and the worker exchanged glances for a few moments. Nobody could miss the quirked eyebrow they gave at his approach. Recovering from the oddity, they typed away on their device then wordlessly stared up at him. Raph felt that there was something to be done now, as though their eyes were conveying a ‘Well? Go on?’ message. Come on, Raphie, you’ve done this a million times over, why now do you blank out?
“And uh… Where does he pay..?”
Raph added, giving an apologetic smile to the poor worker whose face almost read as ‘this isn’t the normalest customer service experience I’ve had, but it definitely isn’t the worst.’ They gestured to the card reader, adding a low, confused “here, sir.”
After he then fumbled with his card, Raph finally paid and made his way to the pick-up counter. Not so bad.. definitely could do better. Nonetheless, he was brimming with pride from configuring how to order, as a human. He rocked back n’forth on his heels, only coming to a standstill when his attention gravitated towards the baristas working fluidly. Down he came from all the jittery nerves of talking to a human, especially while in a rather comfortable outfit, perfected with the stylish mutant-cloaking necklace! Raph almost started fiddling with the golden chain yet again, this time out of grateful thank yous to the inanimate jewelry piece.
But he held himself back, hands shifting down into his pockets. Donnie had told him plenty of times to, “refrain from touching it.” Which, fair, it was a prototype, and Raph was sure he would need to permanently avoid this place if he shifted back in front of all these people! Or, well, all the workers. Not really a busy place when you’re quite literally a hidden gem. Needless to say, he was only halfway aware of his surroundings when the door chimed. A bell rang out and in walked a figure wearing his favorite color.
Now the color alone would always catch his eye, but the reason he lingered was solely because of her. First, he started at the sandals. Awfully pretty, especially with how they wrapped up and around her calves. Raph could never pull that off, he concluded mentally. Next, his gaze continued to climb, taking in the red dress. The way it—
He blinked and began chiding himself for staring so blatantly. It wasn’t polite! Raph’s eyes darted back to the front and center, aimlessly looking at the menu he may or may not have known well enough to not even look. Away his gaze went, searching for yet another sight to focus on. Ah, right, he noticed the baristas had yet to start on his drink, which he didn’t mind, he wasn’t in a rush for anything more than a normal thing to look at for as long as needed without being creepy. A sign, a table, even a chip in the floors! But all too quickly he found his eyes roaming back to her. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail; although, a few pesky strands must have been bothering her because occasionally her swift hand moved to brush them right back behind her ear.
His phone buzzed, bringing him back from his staring trance once again. It was the perfect opportunity to distract himself, and so when he glanced at the notification, the last thing he wanted to see was a notification from Leo. Raph held in an eye roll as he read, ‘Staring quite hard there, brother of mine’ He promptly let his phone slip back into the pockets of his basketball shorts, leaving the message on delivered.
Though he did lull his head towards the two elderly dressed women in one corner of the coffeehouse, giving the one clad in blue a hard stare that read his reply, Shut up. Raph knew full well he was guilty of the accused crime, staring. Didn’t mean he wanted or needed to be called out by his very annoying little brother, and it definitely didn’t help that Leo had a smug face despite the ridiculous amount of makeup he had on. “Gotta look the part!” Leo’s voice echoed in Raph’s head from earlier this morning, as Leo somehow forced Donnie to put on the makeup as well. They looked absurd, and Raph was thankful for the cloaking necklace now more than ever.
Still, Raph found his gaze trailing back to you so much that he dragged his hands down his face, stretching and groaning out, low and exhausted. It wasn’t till the call for a “Spiced red velvet latte!” broke his trance enough that he sluggishly moved over. Like a crescendo, his energy came back with each step until he reached for his drink with a polite nod to the barista. Their shocked look and follow-up sentence was what brought his eyes elsewhere. Down to the cup.
The hand he recognized much-too-quickly stiffly hovered near, and her gaze was a mixture of an unknown emotion and pure confusion. He, too, stiffened up as though meeting the eyes of Medusa herself. Gosh, she’s even prettier up close, a side-tracked thought said, only for him to recoil his rude hand and gesture to the drink. He was apologizing before your gaze could shift into anything that may have ached his heart, following it up with insisting you take the drink. He could wait! Whatever you were saying next was muffled as he found himself entirely entranced, answering in automated sentences that may or may not have been prepared, had he found himself locked in small talk with a human.
So, to break the trance, he accepted the next identical latte handed to him and turned, quick to flee the scene. That is, until the spell knocked up a notch with your hand on him, inviting him to sit.
And that is exactly how he got into this position: sipping his latte as he watched you come back over to your rightful seat, having left the lavatory. All while trying his best to look like a normal person who definitely did not make some of your drink rock out of its mug a second ago. No, not him. Totally. He’s innocent.
“Sorry! I was, er… Splashing my face. To do away with some sleepiness…”
Raph nodded, taking another sip of his drink that had since cooled down. Did he look guilty? Was he playing it off? He choked up on the sweet liquid upon your next statement.
“Whuh—it’s sticky, did you spill something?”
Curiosity and a bit of wariness swirled in your eyes as they bore through him, begging for an answer. He was caught red-handed, entirely so. All he could do was admit his crime, a sigh slipping his lips as he gave an ashamed look to the left like a regretful puppy-dog.
“I was hopin’ I’d cleaned up alla mess ‘fore ya got back. I had some nervous jitters and knocked the table.. Sorry, Y/n..”
There was yet another one of those uncharacteristic thumps in your chest when his eyes met yours, pleading forgiveness. Rather than the usual bitterness settling in your chest, you found yourself a tad bit more patient towards this special boy. Your cheeks flushed, emitting a heat soothed by the cool side of your hand pressing against it with an even more uncharacteristic stammering.
“Y-You’re fine.. Thank you, for the honesty and clearing the mess.”
The next bout of silence was less awkward and more-so dizzying—in a good way. It fluttered your heart and felt welcoming. As the last bit of your drink passed your lips and settled inside, filling you with blissful comfort, you held out a hand for his empty mug. Perhaps a change of heart would do you some good—a kind gesture returned for someone who truly deserved none of your hatred. His eyes met yours, quickly understanding as he stood and passed the cup to you. This moment was coming to an end, and somehow that made your eyes sting for a moment. It was almost as if a tear was threatening you to prolong it as the ceramics were placed upon their respective ‘for-washing’ pedestals at the disposal corner.
“Well, Raph… it was nice meeting you.”
His smile had you considering an option you would never ever do. Your mind strayed to where your phone was, itching to ask this boy a certain question. Together, you both walked out of the café—and again, you missed how the two old ladies were practically becoming the window with how hard they pressed to the glass, nosily watching.
The morning sun was still bright in the sky, shining through clouds in a way that almost spotlighted you guys as you gathered the courage to ask! Turning to face him, you bit the bullet and opened your mouth!
“Could we exch—IRK!”
Y/n lurched forwards when someone knocked into her in a fashion that just couldn’t have been played off as an accident. Thankfully she had bumped straight into Raph (and tried desperately to ignore how nice his chest felt), but the draining, nauseating feeling that began quickly washing over was enough to raise alarms.
And she knew the exact cause. It wasn’t the closeness to a human or the lack of an “excuse me” or “sorry” for shoving her. No, there was another, far more important cause to the sickness tightening. Y/n raised her dominant hand, holding her clutch and finding that a special ring was no longer wrapped around her finger. Of the things to have taken, had this one thing seemed much more important than a literal wallet?!
“The nerve of some people! He totally meant th—Y/n, whoa, ya look pale! Are you okay?”
His hand instinctually made contact with you, brushing some stray hairs away from your face as you had done a few times earlier.
“Th-That guy, he—thief, he took my-my!”
You held your hand, twirling air around where a ring once was. Raph blanked for a second, thinking you had meant something to do with your clutch, but as his eyes zeroed in on the light prints of an absent ring, it suddenly all made sense to Raph. A rushed “What? Wait here,” was muttered before he was quickly pursuing the thief. All while leaving you against the outside walls of the café.
You watched Raph’s figure leave. A heavy exhale clawed itself from your chest. How foolish! You had been so caught up in thought—about asking for Raph’s number, that you had allowed someone to get so close. Too close, right into your personal space, and completely able to swipe your ring.
That small piece of jewelry was dearer to you than anything else you owned. It was what contained your power, or rather, what kept it in control. Without it, you were a hazard who started leaking mystic energy immediately. Red sparks crackling around your eyes when you were pushed.
Just seconds from a potential disaster, but somehow it was Raph’s voice that snapped you out of it. You couldn’t lose control here in front of the one place you swore to protect from your evil. You wouldn’t lose control in front of him. So when you barely explained with a shaky voice and he quickly sprung into action, leaving you, there was relief swirling around. This was a good thing. You’d rather him not be around to witness if you couldn’t maintain a firm grip on your power. Not him. Okay, try to distract yourself. Control, think about anything else, anything but your magic right now.
Oh, right! He had held you!
The thought struck you so fiercely your cheeks heated to the same shade as your dress. The warmth of his arms holding you lingered. Even just remembering the feel of his broad chest had you utterly distracted. And it hadn’t stopped there! He had brushed your hair away from your face, his fingers so careful and gentle. That type of touch was quite foreign to you. It had you blushing even more furiously than before—if that was even possible. Your eyes never left Raph’s back until he dashed out of view into an alleyway.
As soon as Raph had seen your expression twist and realized you had been wronged, it was like his body moved before his brain could catch up. The perpetrator had sped up into a jog, after hearing Y/n call out “thief.”
Luckily there weren't that many people crowding the sidewalks this morning. Especially since this part of the city wasn't as advertised. Raph’s green eyes tracked the punk as he dodged into an alleyway. He pushed himself faster, shrinking any chances of this guy getting away right on down to zero. Maybe even into the negatives if he tried hard enough,
Fate was on Raph’s side, as is befitting of the hero, because he slowed to a stop to find the petty criminal glaring at the dead end before him. The universe was practically handing this criminal over to Raph in a cute little red bow right now.
“Alright felon, hand back the stolen ring.”
His voice was rough and commanding. Above all else, he despised those who preyed on the weak. Criminal acts like these deserved a good beating, but Raph was willing to compromise on that if this perp coughed up the ring without making things difficult.
“Back up, hero!”
The cornered thief sneered as he brandished a knife, waving it threateningly.
Raph couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped. If only this guy knew! Raph and his brothers faced weapons tenfold more menacing on every patrol. He doubted such a dull thing could even pierce his shell. For a second, he toyed with the thought of taking off the cloaking necklace. Showing his true form. This punk looked like the type to wet himself, and the slight trembling in his hand that wielded such a crude weapon didn’t go unnoticed by Big Raphie.
“They always wanna do it the hard way,”
Raph murmured, shaking his head as he moved forward. This guy was sorely underestimating him. It was comical! Raph ended up wondering if his human form, despite its size, just wasn’t all that intimidating. That would be new to him. So Raph opted for using this to his advantage. After all, he may look big, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t fast, and what was more rewarding than proving wrong the criminal foolish enough to underestimate the Raphael Hamato?
The crook hardly got a second to blink before he was sprawled out on the ground, clutching his gut as he dragged in wounded breaths. Securely in Raph’s palm rested a wooden ring, Y/n’s ring. It had a band of red jewels inside that glimmered brightly even though the alleyway was covered in shadows. He smiled to himself, it seemed as though you really liked this color. His color.
Yet another thing the two of you had in common, other than drinks. How much more did the two of you share interest in?. He wanted—no, needed—to find out.
Now Raph was sure he had held back on his punches, but it was painfully obvious this culprit was struggling to even stand. I see no issue with him turning his back on a downed enemy, do you? Was that overkill? No? Maybe? Who’s here to judge him, honestly?
“Next time, think twice before stealing from a pretty lady.”
He growled over his shoulder before starting up a run back to you. Raph hoped he hadn’t taken too long as he tried to move just a little faster to get back to your side.
Since having been left by Raph, you were finding each second to be harder and harder to restrain the burst of overflowing magic. Thoughts and distractions could only take you so far before fizzling out. Just as you were your mother’s vessel for revenge, that ring was your vessel for magic—a conduit, even. Others would even call it your arcane focus.
Bottomline was, without it, you could barely handle the destructive force pinballing around within. It seems the state you were in was so worrying that the two elderly ladies from the cafe came out, frantically bickering in harsh whispers that were all too muffled in your ears.
Was it getting hot in here, or was it just you? Anyone else? Just you? Alright. Your body pressed harder into the cafe’s brick walls, soothed by the coolness they held. Your head was spinning, with worry and desperation. Was this area hidden enough to attract more danger? Had you really been so foolish as to leave yourself open in prime human territory? Hell, what if this was all an elaborate trick and that thief was actually in cahoots with Raph, and vice versa?
But, what if these are all just your delirious, panicked thoughts? Remember the little voice, the one beckoning hope. She wants to believe humans are good. She wants to believe Raph is good.
You want to believe humans are good, don’t you? How did that one saying go, the one about how even the smallest things can cause the biggest changes? However it went, it seemed this Raph human might have been your smallest thing, creating this ripple of thoughts in your head.
Or, again, maybe that’s the delirium.
You had almost entirely given up on the last bits of hope for Raph being good when finally you saw his silhouette running back to you. He had the widest grin on his face, waving your focus in the air and calling out “Y/n! I got it, ya don’t gotta worry!”
You weren’t sure when the ladies had left, but when he slowed down in front of you and took your hand, you couldn’t help but notice you were all alone.
Old humans were… strange.
Color returned to your skin, the plummeting left your chest, and your tremors ceased as the polished wooden ring slid back into its rightful place upon your hand.
“Th-Thank you…”
You breathed out, allowing yourself to press into him once again with your senses returning faster than you were capable of handling with a straight face. Your forehead rested against his chest as the overflowing energy was being vacuumed right on back to the ring, leaving you far more winded than any training session with Mother had done.
“It’s no problem, Y/n… This ring must be really important to have you this… Upset…”
His voice was softer than it had been during your talks inside. There was obvious concern and worry laced in it. Such kindness was nearly unrecognizable to you, so forgive the temporary dependence on it.
“More than you know, Raph..”
You replied, rubbing the ring so that it twirled around your skin—a nervous habit that Raph took notice to almost immediately. Forgive him, as well, for the heightened attention he had on you right now. A fond smile settled upon his lips as something came back to him suddenly.
“About your question a moment ago, before… well, this. Sure.”
You looked up, confused by what he meant. The smile he gave you was enough to put even more hope in your head, eroding the grime and muck that poisoned you, beckoning you deeper to the villainous pits.
“T’exchange numbers, right? That was what ya almost asked?”
Oh! You had completely forgotten that part. Straightening up and taking a coy step back from him, you pulled your cellular from a pocket in your dress (because, really, what villain wears a dress without pockets? never you, of course) and handed it to him with bashful joy.
After the exchange, you both waved your goodbyes, then turned your adoring gaze to the contact in your phone.
𝘙𝘢𝘱𝘩𝘢𝘦𝘭 (𝘚𝘙𝘝 𝘓𝘢𝘵𝘵𝘦 𝘛𝘸𝘪𝘯)
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Answering the questions!
Thank you Admin! ♪⁠ ⁠\⁠(⁠^⁠ω⁠^⁠\⁠ ⁠)
I like a heathly combination of fluff and plot though I don't mind either on their own. I prefer cinematic stories with more parts!
Slow burn is definitely a favorite of mine! I like all genres but I do have a preference for fantasy storylines.
I absolutely avoid the fan made y/n-esque audio rp with already existing characters i.e Midoriya, Todoroki, Bakugou, no hate to the ones who like or make those, props to the voice impressions. I find it amazing they could imitate the voices but they just aren't for me though. Original characters are much more my thing.
Otherwise I'm fine with regards to everything else!
So far I only like GBA, Redacted and Sundew. I prefer soft, gentle mid-ranged to deeper voices. I like deep voices but I don't think I'd like a voice as deep as the mariana trench lol. Higher pitched voices also aren't my thing and if it's too whispery then it won't do it for me as well.
I'm pretty picky ain't I? Apologies if this is inconvenient, I have no one to ask for recommendations and I'm particularly new to the community (⁠*⁠´⁠ω⁠`⁠*⁠)
Warmest regards, much love, numerous thanks and salutations,
Oh, I have some recommendations for you! My opinions are a bit biased here (I have a very strong preference for plot-heavy audios over fluff) but it looks like a lot of my favorites suit your tastes. I dislike fanfiction stuff too, especially MHA stuff and I also prefer gentle voice ranges that aren't too high or too low.
I'll give you a few recommendations.
#1: Escaped Audios! He's the very best VA at making you feel like you are living in a movie. All of his stories are heartfelt and exciting, most have slow-burn romances. Most of his characters have a gentle, mid-range voice that isn't too high or too deep (though he as a couple deeper voiced characters). I like his style of acting because he sounds very sincere and "real" when he talks. My two favorite playlists from him are Matador Gothic (his dramatic vampire slayer adventure) and The New Jersey Rats (a mafia-themed Romantic comedy).
I've followed him since Matador Gothic came out a little over a year ago but he's only recently started to gain hype after being super under-rated for a long time. If you like GBA's style of story telling you'll probably like him too. The only downside you might experience is that his stories usually don't leave a lot of room for fluff, so there are no cuddle audios or sleep aids etc on his channel. That said he's my current favorite, is incredibly creative and original, and he's amazing at supercharging my brain with serotonin.
#2: Obsidian Lantern. He has some of the most immersive sound production of any VA I've ever seen. Some of his earlier stuff is a little weird and clumsy but once he catches his footing he's great. His voice is very gentle and comforting to me, and he'll even speak a little Spanish sometimes.
His Gator Boys series is great and actually ties in with the lore of a few other VA's universes! I also really like his Merfolk series. He also plays around with common tropes while putting his own unique spin on them and I really like that too. He also makes all of his own art, and he not only draws thumbnails but actually makes illustrations of the scenes in his audios which is super cool. Overall really great, I think you'd like him.
#3. ZSaku VA. His playlists start out a little slow but over time his style evolved to be more cinematic. I really like his Vampire series (the Xanthus playlist) and his two interconnected crime series (The Elias and Issac playlists). They're good from the outset and just get better. Lately he's been making higher-stakes stories with more collabs and I love that. He's also collabed with a bunch of the other people I mentioned, which I love to see.
He has a nice balance between fluff and story-telling, and lots of his plots/characters connect to one another. If you like Redacted Audio you'll probably like ZSaku. The only downside is that he takes a long time in between episodes of each series, and works on multiple series at the same time, so if you really get into one playlist you might end up feeling a bit impatient.
#4: YuuriVoice. He's got a rotating cast of characters and he's one of my long-time comfort channels. He has ongoing plots throughout all of his series, but his stuff is mostly character-based. It's worth listening to everything and getting attached to his characters, as their development gets better and more complex over time.
He can do a pretty broad range of voices too, and they all feel unique and fresh. He has done some MHA/fanfic type audios before in the past but over time he transitioned to focusing on his own original characters and I love all of them.
#5: Shining Armor ASMR. I like him more as a comfort/fun/fluff channel. A great channel for listening to little bite sized audios with fun character concepts and lower stakes. I also like his voice and his accent, and it's fun seeing him do different voices within his accent. Definitely more on the fluff side but I think you'd appreciate him!
That's about it! There are more channels I like but based on your tastes I think you would like those channels. Also, honorable mention to Desmond ASMR. I love him but he's been on hiatus for like a year now!
Feel free to leave your own recommendations/cosigns/etc in the comments and reblogs.
Love, Ringmaster.
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pacdevil · 2 months
celeb au spite EP
there's a lot and i'll give a mini summary that gives u the jist of the au..... heh...
note: this is NOT the au i've been teasing and writing about, this is completely different unfortunately...... KSDFJKSFJSDKJF
so, amy is a popstar, believe it or not (smirks), and she's in a complicated situationship with sonic, who's a celebrity in his own right (mostly just for fighting eggman all the time)., and it's not visibly healthy in the slightest. They're together, then sonic breaks up with her, then they're together, etc etc. It's bad.
but one time, sonic gets caught cheating, once again, but not with a random person but another popstar (smile) and amy breaks up with him for the first time. and she finds herself getting away from the press and her emotions by finding metal sonic at a rave one night (a famous dj in the underground scene, not known well outside of those circles). they hit it off, and metal sonic thinks it's the real deal, even if they're keeping their relationship a secret, and even if amy seems to act oddly most days....
and in the worst way, metal sonic finds out one day that amy and sonic got back together, and amy ghosts her. even going to the point of not acknowledging metal sonic in public when she tries to see amy again. and this devastates her for a while, breaking her metaphorical heart, until her anger reaches a boiling point and she creates a spite EP collab with three other artists... one of which being the popstar sonic cheated on amy with.... smirks..
(these events are subject to change, but its the general idea i have for now<2)
The EP song list
i drew the whole concept on one page, which is why a lot of the scenes overlap in the shots. this is mostly for giving the characters outfits and the scenes for the music video<2 and yes, all four songs are in one music video.. imagine with me.....<222
Band Members:
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DJ Speedway (Metal Sonic): vocals, mixer & lyricist; stunt double for once scene.
MinaMina (Mina Mongoose): vocals, lyricist, guitar & bass. she's the other popstar sonic was with smirks
E. RavenWave (Wave the Swallow): drums; she's known as a popular and talented drummer online and appears in collabs with other artists
DJ Absolution (Silver the Hedgehog): keyboard, synth & mixer; less popular dj in the same scene as Metal Sonic. friends with both her and RavenWave
we got the various put together or disheveled suit look for the outfits of this EP; wave doesn't have a tie, mina has a tied up handkerchief, silver has a imperfect bowtie, and metal sonic has a loose-fitting tie
Song Tracks:
im gonna explain very generally here, but always assume the worst<2 also all these songs are by set it off and from the same album 'duality' if you don't use spotify
(Listen along if you want, btw<2)
Bad Guy
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A duet duel meanings and shared feelings. its very backstreet boys in the rain but they're still having fun. mina and metal sonic dance and are having a good time despite their heart-breakers making them look bad on tv
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yet metal sonic isn't satisfied, and all four of them go back in time to stop his past self from getting involved with amy in the first place. smirks... imagine p!tad sins not tragedies...
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(dw about coral!silver in the corner skdsksk)
now its amys turn to be put in a bad light, as she's thrown out of the church and into the downtown bustle. the tvs lighting up the night with talk shows, podcasts, comment. yt., etc; and they're all talking about her. with metal sonic making her out to be the toxic, manipualtive person she really is
The Haunting
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my fave of the four- there's too much to explain here, i highly recommend just listening to the song. it explains itself dkdfkskskd but very generally: metal sonic is haunting amy in her own home, and she wakes up at the end of the song in her bed from her nightmare
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vellichxrr6782 · 2 years
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— lowkey.
character[s] — kamisato ayato. theme & genre — fluff, kissing, strangers to lovers? cw/tw — alcohol, a tad bit suggestive. word count — 2.9k words. a/n — for @maehemthemisfit 's fluffvember collab ! thank you for having me <3
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wonder what i'll do when the cops come through and the whiskey's run out.
you mindlessly swirled around the sparkling beverage in your wine glass, the soft party lights illuminating everything around you.
you weren't really one for house parties, especially when your friend who'd promised to keep you company had just abandoned you to go talk to someone about fifteen minutes ago. now, you were sitting alone, which was quite embarrassing, considering everyone around you was chattering away with their companions.
it was a shame, really. you'd gotten all dressed up and put on your best clothes and nicest accessories, and even got all excited to have fun with your friends, all to be left alone.
although, you wouldn't say you felt alone, honestly.
especially not with the incredibly handsome stranger who'd been eyeing you for the past five minutes.
he wasn't exactly a stranger, you'd seen him around your university, he was quite the celebrity there. understandably so, since he was the president of the student council, his sister being the vice president. you didn't quite remember his name. from what you'd heard, he was an intelligent and opportunistic man, but equally mischievious and cunning. but god, no one had told you he would be so attractive.
when you first met his eyes, you immediately turned to the other side, a bit surprised from realising he was looking at you, of all people. in your eyes, you were definitely one of the least eye-catching people there, surrounded by many eccentric souls who came off a bit too strong in their mannerisms and impressions.
feeling his gaze on you, you fixed your hair out of instinct, looking down at the drink. it seemed lackluster now, for some reason. actually, almost everything seemed lackluster after you'd locked eyes with him.
time passed rather slowly for your comfort, and it was a bit frustrating. solely because you still felt him looking at you, his lavender eyes gazing upon your figure sitting on the bar stool. you would rather he come up and talk to you instead.
he was assertively sitting on the sofa, legs crossed as if he owned the place. some women did approach him, but he was quick to deny any advances made from them. he came with four other people before, but now he was all alone. you'd noticed them get up and go to dance, and you assumed he didn't want to.
well, assumptions were no more needed, anyway. you could just straight up ask him directly, now, since he was making his way to you before you could process anything.
'cause i've been lookin' at you since half past two, wanna take this downtown?
a cool, collected voice asked you, "is this seat taken, miss?" and you quickly nodded, knowing who it might be. his voice made little goosebumps form on your skin, but you dismissed it to be the cold air in the room. it was nearing the end of november, anyway.
you took another sip of your drink. you suddenly felt like you were underdressed for the occasion, even though this was the most you've dressed up for a party.
he had a cup of bubble tea in his hand (the first time you'd ever seen someone drink bubble tea at a house party), fairly well-dressed for a place full of people on the verge of breaking down, with his blue hair tied into a low ponytail that was thrown over his shoulder.
you glanced at him, and felt your cheeks darken a bit. you convinced yourself it was the alcohol (and spoiler alert: this wasn't the last time you're to blame the your drink for whatever was to go down). why were you embarrassed again? he was the one who was staring, no?
"um, hi. you're the president of the student council, right?" you said, tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear, even though it was already tucked. "y/n."
"hm? a pretty name. suits you well." he smiled, stretching out his hand as if it were for a business deal. "ayato kamisato, president of the student council, you may just call me ayato. a pleasure to meet you, miss y/n."
a pretty name... suddenly, you felt grateful for your name. you wouldn't trade it for the world. ayato, his name was prettier. everything about him was. the way he composed himself was so dignified.
"no need to be formal. you can just call me y/n." you shook his hand. they were soft as silk, and you enjoyed the feeling of them against yours. "it's nice to meet you too, ayato."
a small moment of silence followed your introduction. a part of you was hoping that wasn't the end of the conversation.
"what brings you here, y/n? i mean, you're alone, like me. so i couldn't help but wonder." he raised a brow and you laughed softly, your voice barely overpowering whatever cliché love song that was playing on the speakers.
"i came with friends, but they all left to do their own things. so basically, i was ditched." you frowned a little, then titled your head in ayato's direction. "you?"
"my friends have their dating anniversary today. why one would keep an anniversary for their first date, i will never know." he chuckled softly, and you felt warm in your chest, comforted by his presence.
you chuckled, wishing them a happy anniversary from your end. ayato nodded, taking another sip of his boba.
ayato had a playful glint in his eyes, his smile lighting up the room as he carefully tapped the table in front of him with a proper rhythm. he was gorgeous, no competition.
"they went off to dance. each of them has their own partner, but me. i'd rather sit alone than dance alone surrounded by my friends who look like they're about to make out with each other." ayato said, as if he was waiting for you to say something.
fifth wheel, much? you felt pretty bad about that, but hey, he was always welcome to dance with you.
that's what you were thinking, atleast. not what you wanted to say out loud. you swore you were never drinking alcohol again.
this liquid courage got me way too honest.
"well, would you like to dance with me?" you said, and your hands clasped over your mouth the second the words came out of them.
bold move, y/n. very bold.
"you can just say no it's fine you don't have to say yes i mean i'm practically delusional for wanting to dance with someone like you you know i'm basically nobody and why would you even dance with me even though i find you pretty cute and i'm internally wishing that you would and i should really shut up now-" you paused, taking a deep breath. "shouldn't i?"
ayato stared at you, wide-eyed. "huh?"
"i'm so sorry, you can ignore me for the rest of the nigh-" you started, but were interrupted by ayato's laughter echoing through your ears.
"oh my god, you're so cute." he stated, and you nearly fell off your stool. "i'm WHAT", was your internal monologue. you were absolutely flabbergasted. how could he say things like that without feeling embarrassed?
his contagious laughter subsided as you attempted (and failed) to collect your thoughts.
"it'd be an honour to dance with you, y/n. besides," ayato winked, grinning. "i couldn't ignore you even if i tried."
cheesy. and unbelievable. that's how you would describe the entire situation. but despite how your face was on fire, you couldn't help but feel an uncontrollable surge of euphoria rush through your veins.
ayato stood up, extending his hand for you to take. you got up, following his lead.
the music was deafening, but you could still hear his heart beating loudly as you danced with him. you smiled in his direction, eyes meeting for what was the hundredth time, but seemed like the first, since you felt all your complex emotions over and over again.
perhaps it wasn't good to be so attracted to a stranger. perhaps it wasn't so good to want to leave this party and go somewhere quieter. where it was just you and him.
you wished he wasn't looking at you the way he was, his sultry voice making you feel goosebumps all over again.
his hands were wrapped around your waist, as he moved to the music. you clutched onto his clothes, unable to meet his gaze.
put your phone on vibrate, let's catch a vibe, babe, while the sun's down.
"look me in the eyes, y/n." he whispered close to your ear, and you stiffened up, immediately locking eyes with him. he smiled, his thumb holding up your chin. you instinctively closed your eyes, and he leaned in.
his soft lips pressed against yours, and for a brief moment, it felt like you were falling.
it was thrilling.
when he pulled away, you pulled him back for another kiss, and he obliged willingly. it felt surreal, to kiss underneath party lights, the surge of adrenaline rushing through your veins, your heart beating fasted than it ever had before.
the alcohol was starting to act up.
"do you... do you wanna go somewhere else?" you whispered, voice barely above the chattering of people. bold move, you thought to yourself. but you didn't want to wait for no reason and let it pass by you.
ayato took the hint immediately, smiling. "of course. where do you want to go?"
"what about my place, then?" he offered, and you nodded quickly. ayato smiled, giving you his hand.
hush now, i know we're a little too fucked up to stay still, love.
you followed as he led you through the sea of people, and he stopped to talk to a woman who looked just like him. you assumed it was his sister.
"ayaka, i'll be going back home." he said, and the girl; ayaka, asked why. ayato responded by nudging you, and you greeted her.
she bowed slightly, greeting you back. "see you, brother!" ayato grinned, waving her goodbye.
"your sister is gorgeous." you complimented, and ayato replied with, "i'll let her know."
you both quietly left the party, making sure to tell no one except ayaka that you two were together. god knows what sort of wildfire would begin when they found out that the kamisato ayato was seen leaving a party with a nobody.
be as quiet as you can, 'cause if anyone sees they'll just blow shit up.
then again, you didn't care. you were impatient, and you knew nothing mattered except you and him. let people say whatever, you were just there to be with him.
you and ayato spoke about things on the way while he drove to his estate, and you were glad to get to know him. you'd never felt this... free, this comfortable with someone you'd just met before. he was charismatic, and easy to talk to. it didn't take much for you to find yourself feeling attracted to him.
you were quite talkative too, under the influence of whatever drinks you'd had at the party. you wished his estate would come quick enough, cause it was tough holding back on yourself when he was right in front of you.
after what felt like an eternity of talking and playful flirting, you finally reached his massive house. he welcomed you in, and said that it was only you and him, since the servants were on a leave.
how coincidental. the timing was perfect.
i don't gotta know if you're taken,
his hands held onto yours tightly, and he tilted his head, looking you in the eyes. "are you nervous?"
"a little, i must admit..." you let out a soft laugh, and ayato hugged you in response. "don't be. i won't force you to do anything. just stay with me."
you sat down on the sofa in his living room, your legs crossed in anticipation. a part of you felt nervous, but you were getting impatient, too. your emotions were overwhelming.
ayato sat down beside you, his eyes meeting yours in the silence. the room was dimly lit, and the large window showed a beautiful scenery of the city lights and stars.
he put an arm around your waist, pulling you close to him. you felt your breath hitch as you came closer, gaze lingering on his lips for far too long, and ayato wasn't exactly clueless either, since he took the hint.
i'll just let you know, bedroom's vacant.
the night was still young. the stars were sparkling brighter than any of the blinding lights at the party you had escaped from. you couldn't help but never want to leave.
you didn't want tonight to end.
there was an undeniable charm in the air, mixed with unfamiliar feelings you had never felt before. you thought to yourself, were you one of the many people he had brought to his home like this? or were you the first?
no one's gotta know, just us and the moon 'til the sun starts wakin'
you dismissed those thoughts, and neither did ayato give you time to think, as his lips gently pressed onto yours once more. somehow, it felt far more magical than kissing under party lights.
you closed your eyes, and swore you could see stars because of the fever of excitement you were feeling. his kiss melted onto your lips, slowly savouring every little part of yours. his fingers delicately placed themselves on your cheek, caressing it to soothe you and reassure you to keep going.
you grabbed onto his shoulders for support, inching closer and closer to his body. the kiss lasted far longer than it had before, and you enjoyed every second of it. you found yourself wanting more when he pulled away, and you couldn't blame anyone but him for getting you addicted like this.
but how could you blame him, either?
you kissed ayato's neck, unbuttoning his shirt a little to make way for you. embarrassed by your confidence, you buried your head in ayato's chest, and he teasingly asked you, "are you being shy? don't worry, we don't have to rush."
that was reassuring. you wrapped your arms around his waist, sitting down on his lap. ayato ran his hands through your hair, whispering compliments. he was so gentle with you, it felt ethereal.
up's the only direction i see, as long as we keep this lowkey,
"you're so pretty." he breathed out, "so, so gorgeous."
his voice was like ambrosia, his lips like honey, tasting so incredibly sweet on your lips that you couldn't believe they were all yours. his passionate kisses were mixed with your sloppy ones, you were trying to form coherent words but you couldn't. not when you were at such close proximity with the kamisato ayato, to the point where you could see each crevice of his carefully-carved visage.
a mark was clearly visible on ayato's neck from your little adventure earlier, and he ran a finger over your lips, an indescribable emotion in his eyes. the crinkles under his eyes and the curve of his lips was driving you to new heights, and you, flushed with embarrassment, desperately tried to hide your face.
you ain't even gotta love me.
the moon was glowing, the stars dwindling in the sea of black. you felt like you were falling deeper and deeper into his abyss, only to crash-land onto clouds of tenderness that he'd created for you with his hands.
perhaps it was the alcohol, or maybe it was ayato, but you felt so intoxicated. your skin was on fire, and you swore it was liquid courage that had you feeling so bold tonight.
"you're a secret, one i don't want anyone to know." ayato claimed, warmth glimmering in his eyes as he looked at you. "perhaps i'm scared they'd take you away from me."
"no one's going to take me away, ayato." you laughed, pressing your forehead against his.
"they will once they find out how absolutely bewitching you are." ayato immediately responded, as if it was second-nature for him to be so enchanting with his words.
us in a king-size, keep it a secret,
you didn't want to leave, regardless of how late it was getting or how many rumours would spiral if you were with him. you didn't really care, if you wanted to be completely honest.
"stay the night, won't you?" ayato whispered against your ear, and you nodded, arms wrapped around his neck. “if it’s you, though, i’d like for you to stay forever.”
you knew what you wanted. you knew it was with him. and still, still you would blame the alcohol for your courage, honesty and fogging up your rationality, cause you had never felt this strongly for someone before.
say i'm your queen, i don't wanna leave this,
you didn't even want to tell anyone, it would be for the best. what use was others knowing gonna bring? so naturally, you assumed the best course of action was to keep it a sweet secret, just for the two of you to savour.
keep all the nights you wanted to spend with him a secret. keep all the longing glances and fleeting touches a secret. keep all the passionate kisses a secret. keep the blooming love a secret.
keep it lowkey.
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taglist — @yesntforno @serramii @shadowmist0706 @jmgrule @imeanwatever @c00kie-cat @xtodorokismistressx @ieathairs @endlessmari @strawberryclumsy @serenity-ren-bliss @scarasbaby @1eaf-me-alone @sonder-paradise @96jnie @komiyaa @scaramouchenumber1fan @linn-a-a @wisteriaflowersss @ineriris
published on; 27th november, 2022 writing belongs to @/vellichxrr6782 on tumblr.
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splatcam-0110 · 2 years
Hello I didn’t pay attention to the direct after the Splatoon announcement so I took pictures.
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So Wave 2 of the Splatoon 3 DLC pass will revisit the Inkopolis however as you can tell not everything is the same. This will definitely be another story mode campaign that will have agent 8 as the main character. There were many images that flashed that I took pictures of and I’ll review each one.
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As you can see the Square is much different than what it was in Splatoon 2 whether this is the actual Square in its current state or a alternate version (like how we saw it recreated in that one level in Octo Expansion) is to be determined. The Lobby is replaced with this manor like building which I suspect will be the sort of hub area between the levels. Other than that the décor shows a lot of coral-like structures particularly dead coral that have been bleached by chemicals like we see in IRL oceans. This may tie to the central theme of the story where chemicals are affecting the world and the creatures of the campaign.
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Here we see 8 sporting new gear for this new journey. The Splattershot looks more like a rifle with a stock and an extended barrel which might imply upgrades like in the Alterna Campaign. She also has another device in the other hand which might be a fizzy bomb or a new sub altogether. There's a multicolored device chained to her waist but the use of this item is unknown. There are also a lot of elevator themes which may be how 8 will travel between levels and the hub in the main plaza.
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These shots of 8 I believe are taken in the same place, this large room with weird black pillars, bleached walls and floors with red veins spreading like ivy. Agent 8 may still be recovering from the events of Octo Expansion as we know from the mem cakes she experienced great loss of her previous life before the metro station which may come back to haunt her.
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This shot suggests this as this may be a flashback to when she was still an octoling in the octarian army surrounded by her peers before losing them in the metro.
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This shot is very interesting as it shows the visage of an inkling (noted by their pointed ears). This could by Captain 3 since Agent 8 had ties with them in Octo Expansion. However it could also be Agent 4 since canonically 8 and 4 are roommates and an appearance of the captain would be slim given how they are currently in Splatsville at this point in time.
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This image seems very important as it was mostly shrouded in darkness in the trailer, however when brightened it gave me no clues on what this figure is. A device of sort that may be the cause of the bleaching in the Plaza or some entity that may be important.
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Lastly we know that Pearl and Marina will be tied to this story. The two shots here show them in their outfits they had in their most recent collab with Damp Socks. What is to note is that Pearl has her shades down and her eyes not showing, may be implicating that it may be some form of hypnoshades. Marina is showing to be glitching out as if were seeing her through a messed up monitor. Hopefully this campaign will go more into their relationship and the events that happened after the Final Fest in Splatoon 2.
My personal predictions/theories
With the themes of coral bleaching and ties to Octo Expansion and the Order side of the Final Fest. I think we are revisiting some form of sanitized ink concept.
With the Kamabo Corporation in shambles in the epilogue and the Tartar's creations being salvaged, there could be some entity that might have got their hands on some sanitized ink and done experiments on it like Grizz did with the color crystals, refining it and altering it to suit their needs.
Pearl and Marina's involvement with the events of Octo Expansion would connect them to this story (also y'know the Plaza itself has heavy ties to Off the Hook overall).
I'm hoping. HOPING that we see more 4 content and that the inkling was indeed 4 because there isn't nearly enough representation than with 8 or Captain.
In the mem cakes in Octo Expansion, we know that 8 also had a friend and I'm hoping that picture of the other octolings is a sign that we'll be going in-depth with this aspect of 8.
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deedee-sims · 10 months
Late replies!
Under the cut!
@gummilutt replied to your post “4t2 EP08 Shirt Bowtie Some formal shirts! These...”:
These are so cute! Great alternative for male Sims where a whole formal shirt and suit jacket is too formal, but you still want them to look somewhat put together.
Oh yeah! I was surprised I couldn't find something like this already. There are some shirts with ties, but not with bowtie. Love me some male formal stuff ❤
@kalux-sims replied to your post “4t2 Sweater Backless (a collab with @episims❤) I'm...”:
I'm so glad I didn't start this yet. 😂 I have it in my WIP folder.
Phew! Great minds! (with @episims 😅)
@morepopcorn replied to your post “4t2 Sweater Backless (a collab with @episims❤) I'm...”:
I have a sweater like this IRL and I can confirm that there is basically no practical temperature to wear it in. It’s cute though.
Lol I can imagine!
@gummilutt replied to your post “4t2 Sweater Backless (a collab with @episims❤) I'm...”:
Love the gradients, super cute! I might use them as pyjamas, your arms outside the blankets are arm but the back that is under the blankets is open, makes sense :P
Oh! Well, that's an idea, for sure! 😄
@eulaliasims replied to your post “@lucilla-sims 4t2 EP14 Skirt Embroidered Short I...”:
How cute! Thanks, Deedee! ^^
I'm glad you like it! I'm shortening long things and lenghtening short things, that's just how it is 😅
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estercity · 1 year
now that we have all 18 i'm posting my personal project voltage ranking :]
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PSYCHIC TYPE MIKU - 4/10 it's fine. its the closest to base miku of all the designs? like this is what i'd imagine if we got a miku collab in the newest games. nothing about ti really says psychic type to me though, which is why its low
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GRASS TYPE MIKU - 2/10 i hate this design. not only is it boring but i don't like the colours, i think it looks messy and it might be the style disconnect or the design itself but if you didn't tell me who this was i wouldn't think it was miku. a grass type cheerleader doesn't sound like a bad shout which is why im so sad it sucks
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FIRE TYPE MIKU - 5/10 . its just basic. it gets one point more than psychic because i have fire type bias but other than that its underwhelming. idk whats going on with her legs either? is it like exposed robotics? idk its just a miss for me
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WATER TYPE MIKU - 8/10 this is so cute. the water textured hair, the tan lines, the like lifeguard gear(?) and the pokeball beach ball? it all comes together so well. i don';t think you can really go wrong with a water type design? even if i don't love water types myself you can't deny their designs just come together
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ELECTRIC TYPE MIKU - 10/10 oh baby girl my BIAS i fucking love electric miku. shifting her blue accents into green, giving her a suit and making her a split-dye blonde were all such good decisions. i love the silhouette of the big puff pants tucked into the rubber boots and the suspenders with the lightening cane. everything about this makes me so happy
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NORMAL TYPE MIKU - 9/10 i might be going back on what i said with psychic miku but to me even though it's very reminicant of base miku, it works better AND does enough to set her in her own typing. the multicoloured accessories, the rings, the glasses and the body suit. if we ever did get a real collab of her in game i hope this is the direction they'd go
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ICE TYPE MIKU - 8/10 full disclaimer so much of this is just because im obsessed with her hair and suit combo. shes not outright evil looking like dark type but i still feel like shes a rival with a lot of power, anbd tbf a lot of ice type characters are made to be Icy in personality. my only gripes are the red bag chain and the open heels
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ROCK TYPE MIKU - 6/10 its fine! it might be because i dont like the colour scheme or that i'm not a huge fan of all the flowy fabric, (especially because it directly follows ice type miku which made a point to utalise the sharpness you'd associate with ice) but i just doesn't wow me.
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GROUND TYPE MIKU - 7/10 i really love this design, i adore the colour scheme and the cactus braids, i think she looks like a trainer you'd be ambushed by in the desert and the soundtrack would kick up and it'd RULE... my drawback is i don't think she looks like miku? i thought she was gumi at first and now i can't really unsee it. but eh im nitpicking
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FLYING TYPE MIKU - 5/10 again, i like it but its very standard for a flying type character. the cloud braids and the sheer sleeves are fun! they're definately my favouritre part of the design. idk why her legs are painted white, i think they look kind of silly and im confused about the platform sandles but other than that its fine
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FAIRY TYPE MIKU - 6/10 a cute miku design for a cute pokemon type, can't really go wrong with that. i enjoy that they didn't go lolita style with her, which i fully assumed was going to the case, but instead a gal type with the fake nails and pleat skirt. i enjoy that its a different way of doing a look for miku we've seen plenty of times before
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BUG TYPE MIKU - 6/10 i don't hate it! very simple but very effective. i like the segmented limbs, the insectoid braids, the wing bow that looks like butterfly wings. i'm just not super enthusiastic about the colours. maybe i'm just used to bug types being Creepier in my head so to just have her be cutesy is boring to me
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POISON TYPE MIKU - 9/10 this is such a baity designnnn the only reason i didnt give it a 10 is because i hate that shade of green but thats a personal issue. the plastic baggy shoes, the toxtricity, the mad scientist goggles and latex gloves... it all comes together so beautifully. idk if its like too busy or again, maybe i just personally don't love the individual colours used. i really hope elements of this design are used for a future character
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GHOST TYPE MIKU - 4/10 i honestly don't like this design. yeah lets make the ghost type miku... a ghost, and nothing else. i think it's really boring compared to all the other ones. the glitch element is really cool but that's... all thats going for it? the colour scheme is the same, the neon is boring and i think everything is very stylish for pokemon but idk i wish it was more unique
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DARK TYPE MIKU - 10/10 babe holy shit. this is a gorgeous design, i'm so happy they went an evil miku route with it. i was going to say i wish there was more red, and then i noticed the underside of the hat in the other concept so i'm happy. shifting the cyan to the bottom of the design is a really good call. she looks expensive as she should
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STEEL TYPE MIKU - 10/10 absolutely beautiful colour scheme, shifting everything to metalic shades of blue is perfect. i think it's my favourite overall. very strong typing without them just doing Robot which i assumed. LOVE the metal braids with the welded patches the most, and i jsut noticed theyre kind of shaped like leeks. the charm on the sandogasa and the arm/calf guards really bring it all together
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FIGHTING TYPE MIKU - 8/10 the black, white and orange is gorgeous and i love the splash of green connecting to sir farfetched. i'm just not inlove with the leg split tbh, i think if it was a cape i'd like it more. i think my main drawback is idk it doesn't scream fighting type to me other than it being based on the pokemon
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DRAGON TYPE MIKU - 9/10 AND IMMEDIATELY MY PRAYERS WERE ANSWERED. the cape really completes the knight motif of this design perfectly where i think the previous one lacked. the scale decor jumpsuit, the gauntlets and boots, the SWORD MIC and the tail braids. they really did keep getting better and whilst this isnt my favourite its such a strong finisher
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daily-mao-isara · 5 months
do you rpefer mao's fits from ! or !!, and which ar ryour favourites? (that was the question sorry it took time to clam down lol)
I do have to say that ! are a lot more interesting to me bc !! just lacks a little something 😔
but thats mostly because nothing will ever top cat ear crop top mao
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thats just the best outfit ever
but there are some pretty good one in !! like his circle outfit
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it's very visually interesting , lots of colors and patterns that reference to manga tones ! I think its a fun outfit :3
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I also really like these two 3* because a : crop top b : i think dark colors suit him pretty well ! also i like when an outfit has a gem because it's always a pretty pink for mao hehe
for more simple outfits i like his summer-spring casual because his shirt says dunk! on it because he plays basketball .... the warrior scout with souma is also nice he looks good in blue
and the replay cover outfit is good but it's like.a turtleneck a shirt and a blazer with accessories and chains but it's a good aesthetic tbh
! era definitely went way harder on the fits tho
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i mean just look at this , he looks so cool in pastel colors!!!
the 2nd one im definitely obsessed abt there's so many details !
first the painted nails , the rings on the thumbs , the choker !!! and the earcuffs are really cool too ...last but not least THE COLOR OF HIS HAIRCLIP CHANGED !!! i think it really ties everything together and im forever sad that its almost always the same color now :(
!! era doesnt do anything with his hair when ! had theses :
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(!!! era plz bring back mao with a ponytail 🙏)
! era has really cool concepts like studco angels scout BANGER , pajama scout BANGER , onibi scout BANGER !!!
anyway to continue yapping i also really like ace agent (it's a cool suit) , chocofes (simple but really cute) , first dreams (sleeveless shirt ...how scandalous/j) and the food fantasy collab ( i mean yeah he's just wearing the outfit of a guy in the other game but he pulls it off really well )
To conclude I am pretty hopeful for the outfit in !!! era because if we take the example of ritsu's new outfit , in essence it's pretty much the same ( a black tshirt with a oversized layer over it ) but cooler you know
(im still asking for ponytail comeback plz)
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shiraishi-kanade · 6 months
Okay, first and foremost, thank you for letting me on such a decision. As a fellow plushie lover I find it my duty to give a rightful answer! You can always include the Sanrio Collab as a plush, but me personally I like animal symbolism a lot so I decided to use that.
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The first answer is obviously a doggo. Not only is An a very loyal person, both to her dream and the people she loves, but she's also active, friendly, trustworthy and overall the golden retriever of vbs. Also, this card! And you might say "hoc those are fucking foxes what are you on" and I'll say "yes! But in my defence I didn't know that because in Tsukasa's dragon event (where the card comes from) the character the card is inspired on is a dog."
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Speaking of cards, magpie is another candidate! In Japan, they mean good luck and good news (that's why it's carrying a letter, it's a messager of hope) which really suits An because up until now she's had pretty good luck! Also, they share colour scheme.
And I thought that's where it ended, but then I came upon this!
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This ties really well for the whole grieving theme, and can also symbolise her connection/fate-bind to Kohane! Pink robins also exist, if you like the idea, and if not their colours still kind of remind me of Nagi/radder in general
And if you don't like any of these ideas, you might like fox An! No real explanation, but @/ w1f1n1ght4r3 made a beautiful AU that features An and if you haven't checked it out please do!
I leave the choice to you, but I'll give some samples as to what each of them might look like!
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Oh my gosh you did a whole research paper /pos
I've also considered puppy, fox and magpie, but robin isn't one I expected! I'm actually impressed they exist as plushies! I think this is the one on choosing, both because of the symbolism and because it's the cuddliest one imo.
Nobody said An couldn't get multiple plushies though (⁠*⁠˘⁠︶⁠˘⁠*⁠)⁠.⁠。⁠*⁠♡
Tysm for this! :D
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In the past I've been confronted with many a-holes, thiefs, even pedophiles and it really made me hate the internet for allowing many of those people to carry on without consequences.
But this current situation perfectly shows how the internet can enforce consequences.
Iilluminaughtii has been forced out of silence because her subscribers are getting tired of asking her for a statement and to take accountability, after she just carried on as if she hadn't attempted to ruin lifes and careers and shown someones su1c1de note in her video.
Her views are dropping, her current collab-podcast cut ties with her and even sponsors are dropping her.
And then she faces more consequences after posting an empty statement about false allegations not silencing her, while sending cease and desist letters to Wonderstruck. OzMedia says she's threatening him with a SLAPP suit, which essentially means "Shut up or I'll sue you and bleed you dry with all the lawyer costs". And her statement really reads like "I'm taking legal action against people who dared defend themselves against my allegations".
The internets response to her threatening to financially cripple a man who's mental health she tried to weaponize against him?
If you threaten to ruin this mans life just because your ego is too big to take accountability for your own actions and bullying him specifically is your answer to his mountain of evidence against you, I'll gladly help him defend himself.
I hope he doesn't need it, and if he doesn't all the money goes to the Trevor project.
I don't see me loosing anything, I only gain the fact of either helping a great cause for a whole bunch of people or helping make one of the greatest bullies with the worst behaviour I've ever seen face consequences.
I hope instead of suing people she uses the money to get therapy.
Seriously, Blair, go to therapy.
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alexmercer786 · 1 year
Adapting to Change: Remote Work and Coworking in Bangalore
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Embracing Remote Work
The concept of remote work has gained significant traction in recent years. With advancements in technology and changing attitudes towards work, many professionals now have the flexibility to work from anywhere. This shift has allowed individuals to break free from the confines of a traditional office and explore alternative work arrangements.
The Benefits of Remote Work
Remote work offers a host of benefits to both employees and employers. Professionals in Bangalore are discovering that they can:
1. Achieve Work-Life Balance
Remote work allows individuals to better balance their personal and professional lives. No longer tied to a physical office, employees in Bangalore can tailor their work hours to suit their needs, resulting in improved well-being and reduced stress.
2. Access a Global Talent Pool
Employers in Bangalore can tap into a diverse pool of talent from around the world. This global perspective can lead to increased innovation and creativity within organizations.
3. Reduce Commute Stress
Bangalore’s infamous traffic jams are a thing of the past for remote workers. Commute times are drastically reduced, freeing up valuable hours for more productive activities.
Challenges of Remote Work
While remote work offers numerous advantages, it also presents unique challenges. Professionals in Bangalore need to navigate issues such as:
1. Isolation
Working from home can be isolating. Coworking spaces in Bangalore provide a solution by offering a collaborative environment where individuals can interact with like-minded professionals.
2. Lack of Infrastructure
Not everyone has access to a suitable home office setup. Coworking spaces provide a well-equipped workspace with high-speed internet, meeting rooms, and ergonomic furniture.
The Rise of Coworking in Bangalore
As the traditional office model undergoes a transformation, coworking spaces have emerged as a prominent solution. These shared workspaces cater to the needs of modern professionals by offering flexible and innovative environments.
Benefits of Coworking Spaces
Coworking spaces in Bangalore have gained popularity due to their many advantages:
1. Flexibility
Professionals can choose from a variety of coworking plans, from daily passes to long-term memberships. This flexibility aligns with the ever-changing nature of work.
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Coworking spaces foster a sense of community. In Bangalore, professionals have the chance to connect with individuals from diverse industries, opening up possibilities for collaboration and growth.
3. Professional Environment
Coworking spaces are designed to enhance productivity. With well-designed work areas, ergonomic seating, and access to essential amenities, professionals in Bangalore can work comfortably and efficiently.
Coworking Spaces in Bangalore
Bangalore is home to a plethora of coworking spaces, each offering a unique experience. From the bustling streets of Indiranagar to the tech hub of Whitefield, professionals have a wide range of options.
Coworking spaces like Collab Cubicles provide state-of-the-art facilities in prime locations, making them an attractive choice for professionals seeking a dynamic workspace.
The Hybrid Future
As the lines between remote work and traditional office spaces blur, a hybrid model is emerging. Professionals in Bangalore are adapting to this change by choosing coworking spaces that offer the flexibility needed to thrive in the new work landscape.
In Bangalore, the synergy between remote work and coworking spaces is reshaping the way professionals approach their careers. By embracing this change, individuals can enjoy the best of both worlds — the freedom of remote work and the community of coworking spaces. This adaptability is not just a response to current challenges but a glimpse into the future of work in Bangalore and beyond.
To explore the vibrant coworking scene in Bangalore and find your ideal workspace, consider Collab Cubicles. We offer a range of flexible plans and a collaborative environment that can elevate your work experience.
In this ever-evolving work environment, adapting is not just a choice; it’s the path to success. Embrace the change, and thrive in the new world of remote work and coworking.
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