pielplesier · 30 days
Hierdie is my Afrikaanse blad vir mans wat in Afrikaans wil piel kyk en draad trek. Wys jou piel hier en laat weet as jy wil saamspeel. Lekker draad trek!
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blackmensuited · 1 year
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jack-owo-valentine · 1 year
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justsasuke · 2 months
Team Taka Matsuri 2024 day 4: Sasuke
OK so I ran out of time to make his social media (I promise to do it in the near future) so here's a segment from a scrapped fic I started writing a while ago and then lost steam for...oops.
The premise is that Sasuke gets really bad sleep terrors when he's alone at night so he's always sleep deprived. This is a modern AU thing where he works a corporate job. It's supposed to end up as a JuuSasu fic (ofc.) but all I ended up writing was Sasuke and Suigetsu quality time lol.
"Sasuke, you look terrible"
It's the first thing Suigetsu says to Sasuke when he opens the door to let him into his apartment.
"Is Karin here?" 
Sasuke ignores Suigetsu's comment and gets straight to the point.
He's so tired, and all he wants is to sleep.
Suigetsu shakes his head, stepping out of the way so Sasuke can pass by.  "She just left".  Karin had come by to drop off some watermelon she has received as a gift from her neighbor before leaving to meet up with friends in Shibuya.  "She won't be back until tomorrow".
Sasuke nods but he's not really listening to that part.  He drops his backpack beside the dining table and then sinks into the sofa that's just past it.
"Do you need to stay here tonight?".  
Suigetsu could be a lot of things; annoying, jarring, blunt, abrasive, to name a few, but insensitive and oblivious weren't among them.
Sasuke nods, pinching the bridge of his nose between his fingers and thumb as he scrunches his eyes shut.  He wants to keep them shut forever.  
"Just on the couch is fine".
It was embarrassing enough that he needed to ask Suigetsu to let him stay the night, there was no way he was going to ask to sleep in the same bed too.
"You're not going to be lonely?" Suigetsu fake pouted, sticking his bottom lip out in a way that made him look stupid.  Annoying was definitely one thing he did well.
Sasuke rolled his eyes behind his hand.  "Shut up, will you?"
He didn't hate it though, the way Suigetsu would turn it into a joke or pretend to flirt.  There were plenty of ways the situation could be made worse but Suigetsu always knew how to keep it light.
"I'll be fine". He sunk further into the sofa, sliding down until his neck was resting against the back of the cushion.
He felt like he could sleep for years.
"Are you going to be here for now?". 
It was only 7 p.m., so it wouldn't be unusual for Suigetsu to head out.
Suigetsu pulled his phone out of his pocket, pressing his finger to the home button until the screen lit up with the time.  "I'm meeting up with Mangetsu for drinks at 9, wanna come? You can catch a nap before then"
Sasuke kept his eyes shut, "maybe I'll go".
The idea of going out sounded like hell, but maybe if he could sleep first…
He could already feel himself getting drowsy, the promise of not being alone enough to convince his brain he could finally relax. his limbs felt so heavy.
"Well, I'll be here until then so move over"
Suigetsu crossed the room and dropped onto the couch next to Sasuke, pushing the darker haired man out of the middle and onto the far side so he could have room to stretch out.
 "I want to clear the next level of the game before I go".
He grabbed the game remote from the short table in front of them and then settled back down on the couch, situating himself diagonally so his back was resting in the corner where the back cushion met the arm and one leg was stretched along the back of the couch, the other stretched in front of him.
He reached over and grabbed Sasuke's arm, pulling him over on top of him before the dark haired man could even realize what was happening.
"Wait–" Sasuke pulled his arm out of Suigetsu's grip and sat back on his heels. The tips of his ears were tinged pink.
 "If you need the couch I'll just use the bed".
He thrust his chin towards the corner where Suigetsu's bed was positioned half secluded from view by shelves of One piece volumes and various decorations.  
Sure he'd be alone, but maybe he'd be fine with Suigetsu in the same room. Even if he did wake up screaming it would be much less embarrassing than whatever the hell this arrangement was going to be.
He started to get up and then yelped when Suigetsu yanked him back down.
"Look, Sasuke."
Suigetsu's voice was low, 
"this is better for you, isn't it?  You sleep better with someone close by so just shut up and sleep.  You look like crap."
"Sasuke. Hey, Sasuke"
Sasuke stirred, groaning softly as he opened his eyes.  It was dark in the apartment now with only the light from the TV casting a glow around them.  
On the screen Suigetsu's game was paused.  
Sasuke rubbed his eyes.
He was still laying on top of Suigetsu, his head resting on his friend's chest and the rest of his body curled between Suigetsu's legs because the couch was too short for him to stretch out.
His legs felt distant and when he moved his foot it started to tingle.
"What?" Sasuke's tongue was heavy in his mouth as he tried to speak.
Suigetsu laughed softly, carding his fingers through his best friend's hair to get his bangs out of the way.
"It's almost 9"
Sasuke pushed himself upward using Suigetsu's hip as a hand hold. 
Nothing felt real.  He rubbed his palm into his eyes again to get the haze out of them.
"You need to get going then" 
His voice sounded weird, he should drink some water.
With Sasuke no longer on top of him Suigetsu stretched, sticking his arms and legs out stiff and almost kicking Sasuke in the face.
"Ahhh that's so much better" Suigetsu sighed.
"You're kinda dead weight when you're asleep. I couldn't feel my legs"
He was back to his usual light voiced, teasing self.
Sasuke snorted, pushed Suigetsu's foot out of the way so he could get off the couch and stretch his back.
"Yeah I slept fine, thanks".
He no longer felt exhausted to the point of throwing up but he was still tired.  What he needed was to sleep for a solid 9 hours.
Maybe on the bed this time since there was way more leg room.
But Suigetsu was heading out and if he stayed to sleep he would be by himself in an apartment that wasn't his own.
And as tired as he was he didn't want to have to deal with the inevitable consequences of being alone.
"Are you coming?"
Suigetsu asked as he tossed the controller on the table and stood up.  "I told him I'd meet him at the bar".
Sasuke rubbed his eyes again, the bed was looking extremely tempting.
"Yeah I'll go".
It would be better to just hang out for a few hours and then go back to sleep.  Suigetsu knew how tired he was, there was no way he would keep him out for too long.
. . . Or so he thought but he'd forgotten how much of a talker Mangetsu could be.
.. .. ... end note: there maybe enough in my drafts for a part 2 of this so let me know I guess.
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Sow? Sow zpb uvs hlyrl ka? P uwz yhvla. Mmn 17 fcwyq. U L Y N Z. 17 mb afat, Kwich. Fmq mcas yjncn hr il dky lka awygjn. Zqa waa wkb laccn vlyl awycz mmn tc. Poc aureycpf mb vsn sgrlq. Ov udf, Kwich? Dfu? Dfudfudfudfudfsfuddwsouudfsfudduddfsdfsousouddwsousfuddwsoudduddfsouddwszwsouudfsffsdwsouddfsoqqdfsqcgrbimkbrdhliarukvcgyknqejnszpbgkigklb4 rpbvbgyk sow.
Aaaa ato vx fu senhg. Aaaa ato V xaa vwlqr. Aaaa ato V xaa eitobr yke chqe waegxr hvjx. Suig snw B wg jtqyx yke chq oibjt eekai. Pdrr peyp B xr euhr xh qahxnfxtjq xaa UEMA lsn dnzx wtebjfx fa. Jlxj jmeh V ygzrvlpnrw Suig svpe E Jlxj jmeh Jlxj
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averagelonelypotato · 2 years
does class 3-z anime adaptation mean we are going to get takazura friendship???? delinquent suig and his goody two shoes but also kinda idiotic friend zura 
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Étoiles ✨ sky my Dreams L aventures commence comme game on trilogie zelda Mario bros. tout les neigt and days s étaient un match décisifs. ou fallait être polyvalent sur le ter1, ter1. rer1. Gard1 but ou remplaçant never lâché le ballon ⚽. Bal o.pied kid kid j étaient un cador. Acro des pèle, Maradona, Rut gulite Davids, Le mat1 des lève sunshine footings cardio pompe ⛽ Abdo. j enchaîne l entraînement solo comme thé warrior, raptor aligator. Mentale gonfle à blok. D No-No sur ter ter allé retour sur tous le terr1.
sur Le parquet j enchaîne les shoot 2a3 point. Smok my footings World zik station and movi movi. Multi-Sport. Multi-Sport de combat 🤼‍♂️. Big, flo. Big big style, big big smoka Pour mes tug des favelas, ghetto, street connexions. .Tjr avoir ces Dreams près son âme et son cœur. Ce comme un moteur qui te teabsport on puissance. V12Injection-24krat speed comme Bolt uselt. Des le départ je te lsc keblo ds les starting-blocks block Firmule1 dryver de l excellence mon ecuri team soudé comme le All-star game East-Wesat On cherche tjr son horizon malgré le movaus timing. Le bien contre le mal un poisson souvent Réal Real. Ange ou demone qui suige si je jalouse mon proch1.
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444namesplus · 9 months
Abav Abhu Abuk Abum Adiv Afag Afah Agim Agku Agot Agse Ahdi Ahud Aket Aksa Akux Alfa Alin Alla Amok Ampo Amro Amxo Anar Apag Apke Apnu Apol Argi Arol Arva Aspo Asxe Atis Avat Avil Axho Axid Axos Axse Axza Axze Azoh Baan Bafa Baka Baol Bate Beki Beru Bier Biin Bixi Boat Bozo Daah Daim Daip Daku Data Deap Deur Dexu Diex Doal Doox Dora Dudu Dufa Duhe Duox Ebab Ebax Edde Eden Efmu Efub Egit Egsa Ehab Ehat Ehot Ekho Ekox Elfi Elsu Elxe Embe Emid Emsa Enam Enob Enop Enug Epgi Erba Erde Erku Erxe Eset Esex Esku Esod Eson Esur Etdi Etme Etpa Evas Evhe Exar Exla Expu Exsi Exun Ezxu Faag Faam Fago Fale Fase Fele Feom Fibi Fiel Figu Fihi Fiip Fiti Foop Fooz Fuve Gase Gati Gauk Gaup Gaze Gefo Getu Gibi Giep Gilo Giri Gite Give Goap Godi Goir Good Guax Guef Guif Gula Habu Hale Heog Hezu Hius Hoah Hoas Hoir Holi Hopa Huma Hunu Hutu Ibaf Ibim Idbo Idfa Idus Idvi Ifro Ifxa Igah Iged Igeg Igep Iggu Igmo Iham Ihax Ihho Ihiz Ihxa Iknu Ikvi Ilin Ilud Iluz Ilvu Imbu Immu Imob Inut Inuz Ipho Ipne Ippe Irri Iruk Itke Itmi Itox Itur Ivgo Ivog Ixha Ixki Ixte Izpo Izxu Kamu Kaog Kaon Kasa Kaub Kele Kiod Kiom Kipe Kiuv Kizu Kobu Kood Koos Koux Kuag Kual Kugu Kuoh Kuur Laaf Lato Laun Laut Leev Leog Liap Liev Liis Lona Luoh Luur Main Maka Meav Meen Meul Mevu Mimi Miri Moex Moha Mufu Muum Muur Naup Neah Nias Niil Noav Novu Nuid Nulu Obbe Obze Odda Odib Ofaz Ofis Ofox Ofun Ogda Ohel Okex Okgi Okig Okuh Okun Oler Olgi Oluv Olva Olzi Omlu Onez Opip Opme Orba Oref Oren Orub Osfe Osig Osto Osuf Osxe Osxo Otak Otek Otiz Otpu Otut Otxu Ovde Ovge Ovub Oxan Oxar Oxed Oxpi Ozib Ozki Oznu Ozup Ozzu Paga Paos Poox Pupi Puro Puzo Rafe Rain Reno Reoz Riaf Riev Rubi Rulu Ruob Ruop Rure Saaf Safi Sair Sauv Seef Seix Sema Seru Sexo Sieb Sifo Soad Soek Somu Soot Soru Soun Soxe Soxu Suex Suig Taon Taxu Tilu Tiuk Toan Toet Tule Ubfi Ubhe Ubko Ubug Ubvi Uddo Udez Udpu Udve Ufah Ufek Ufoz Uhah Uhox Ukdu Ulaf Ulde Ulib Ulku Ulox Ulte Ulub Umde Umgu Umna Umuv Unfu Unin Unum Upuh Urug Usag Usap Usbu Usep Usik Usom Uspe Utga Utol Utze Uvad Uvbo Uveh Uvor Uxas Uxne Uzox Uzuk Vaob Vaze Veef Vehi Veis Veox Veux Viut Vook Vuak Vueb Vuke Vuox Xale Xaov Xeem Xemo Xini Xipa Xoam Xope Xula Xuog Zatu Zavu Zaxu Zeku Zelu Zevu Zida Zifu Zoov Zosa
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rausule · 1 year
Kyk, ek het 'n maand laas geëet en ek is baie honger. Ek is besig om my oog te suig. Hoekom haal jy nie een van jou oë uit nie, Tier? Dis alte lekker om aan te suig."
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Tier is ook nie links nie. Hy haal sommer sy oog uit en sit dit in sy mond. Maar die oog was so glibberig dat voordat jy ,,mes" kon sê, was dit ingesluk...
,,Grr..." grom hy nors.,,Voordat ek kans gehad het om dit te proe, glip dit by my keel af."
,,Foeitog!" sê Haas simpatiek.,,Maar dis darem nie my skuld nie. In elk geval het jy nog 'n oog: suig bietjie daaraan."
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Tier haal toe so ewe dom sy ander oog uit en sluk dit voorwaar ook in. Nou is die arme Tier in die middel van die wêreld.,,Grr..." en hy tas met sy pote in die donker rond.,,Ek... ek is blind! Al wat ek kan sien, is my maag... en dit is leeg. Hasie, Hasie... ou maat, waar is jy? Jy moet nou nie wegraak nie..."
,,Toe maar, Tier, dis nie nodig dat jy jou so ont- stel nie," antwoord Hasie, nou bietjie meer astrant.,,Kom, ek sal jou help. Hier is die pad,
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volg my net. Oppas! Stadig oor die klippe, hoor," en daarmee lei die klein vabond vir Tier na die randjie van 'n hoë krans.
,,Sit jy nou maar lekker daar, Tier," sê hy vriendelik.,,Ek sal 'n lekker vuur aanpak om jou warm te maak."
Teen dié tyd is Tier so benoud dat hy waarlik van koue bibber. Hy gaan sommer op sy hurke sit. En toe het daardie skelm diertjie 'n nare ding gedoen. Hy pak sowaar 'n vuurtjie sommer agter Tier se boud. Hy steek die droë houtjies aan die brand. Een, twee, drie is daar 'n groot vlam, wat Tier se hare skroei. Hy wip so geweldig van die skrik dat hy sommer oor die krans val.
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Hee... ee... ee," giggel Hasie ferwyl hy oor die krans loer. Daar hang Tier met sy tande om die tak van 'n boom wat halfpad langs die krans af groei.
„Liewe land, Tier," sê Haas met 'n fyn stem- metjie,,,dit was 'n noue ontkoming. Ek kom jou dadelik help, hoor. Sê net,A' sodat ek kan weet dat jy nog daar is."
Toe Tier sy mond oopmaak en ‚A' sê, het hy
natuurlik soos 'n stuk lood verder geval. Boemps lê hy heel onder... morsdood!
,,Tra-la-la," sing Hasie. Hoe dom is sommige mense tog nie!" En toe wip Hasie daar weg, op soek na verdere avonture.
Hy het ook nie ver gegaan nie of daar ontmoet hy 'n boer wat perde aanja.,,More, Boer," groet Hasie.,,Wil Boer nie 'n mooi tiervel besit nie?"
,,Al te seker," antwoord die boer gretig.,,Waar is dit?"
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„As Oom na daardie krans gaan, sal Oom die tier daar kry. Ek sal intussen na Oom se perde kyk."
Die boer het hom ook nie twee maal laat nooi nie en gou-gou is hy weg in die rigting van die krans. Maar Hasie het nooit by die perde bly wag nie. Moenie glo nie! Hy wip sommer daar weg, op soek na verdere avonture.
Eerlank kom hy by 'n klomp rawe wat hulle neste oppas.,,More, rawe," groet hy vriendelik. Laat ek julle 'n ding vertel. Doer is 'n klompie perde met seerplekke op hulle rugge. As julle 'n
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leowifefang · 1 year
big boobie mauvier in a suig but hes ai generated. kill yourself in front of me like a sick dog tearing out its intestines pleadr and yhank you
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pizza-ra-bizza · 1 year
my [ kwekerye soen velde. Charl;ie
Op die wenke keer ons terug van voor af swaaiend om nie die banke te versteur nie Ons steek die bloedvlekke weg voor Charlie's Graces en aan Mark Dunn my [kwekerye soen velde. Soos betoweraars tot die verswelgers kom ons wys die helms-silinder Gelukkige hase en duiwe kom uit en vlieg rond
Die moeders gryp vinnig in en beveel ons om mekaar in liefde elders te gaan soen: Terwyl die vaders ons goed in sig hou met hul gewere, afguns op liefde En van die dakke begin blink antennas-weerlig val. Span die lyne vas en spits in 'n haas kom ons sny die tou: Charlie jou soen liefs betower my hulle bind my ek is joune, Te stadig as gevolg van die rugsakke vol lywe en granate Al die gewig van die onontplofte rondtes in die rigiede magasyne: Ek wil jou nog hê. Ons word gejaag deur doodloopstrate, kruispaaie, voorstedelike parkeerterreine: Ek sal jou in elke hoek wys, Charlie. Die stad wriemel en kraak en suig selfs die laagste lug in die skeure lyk die gestrande goed moeg.Lê op die wenkbroue droom ons daarvan om die duif te jaag. Op die punte van jou tepels tussen ineenstortings om nie die gevallenes te versteur nie. Die veiligheid word rustig afgeneem te midde van mortiere en ejakulasies. Met die hoek van die oog groet Brant die kameraad die nabygeleë kameraad Ontplof op die verste van die aura aurora is ons verblindend; Charlie joune ek is
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ra-tolkein · 2 years
Vie 'n Sodat die lug helder is, Maru Hemel blou
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Dit gee geen glans nie, Azania Maar hulle is onder water en hulle deug is in die modder; Kama Seretse Kama! Hy skree: «Vries dit op, want vir jou clango ek, la la la hasana Neem die wapen op en verhef daardie een: Mate Madi au sana Dat sy met moeite saamleef; Moeder Augusta Ma Ho Go Dimo En Capanèo en Crassus verslind haar, tot Nero Neo Roma Aglauro, Simon Magus, die Vals Grieks, dermwolkkussing En blinde Macometto, feniks gees van die woestyn Mohame eta 'profeet! Dit hou Jugurtha en Farao in pas - Fia divine love El liefde Dan draai jy jou na jou regverdige burgers, blameer ons land, prys tera 'U' Bid dat sy altyd sal verheerlik. Maa Ho Go Dimo ​​Mee ' Geloftes vir vrede (cannabis)-argipel by Fortuna. Mussa goddelike daad Binnekort lig die sneeu winter Cristus Van 'n dik donker wolk stralekrans geseënde Deum Haar baarmoeder was bedek met aarde, tee Rasta En die donker lug Mosese Pia en tona Die pragtige aangesig van die hemel het verborge gehou; Osiris
Austro dianzi en Arabiese Phoenix-vlieër Moha ame ere Aga ba la la Met die suig Arabiese mond sy gaan dia Hulle het elke rots en elke rots gebrand, Azania Critus Rocca En die gewapende Orïone na die suide kruis kruistog bloed Madia Facea met suur sous Madibeng au na tenzone wave
Nou die warm son Amon Moses Dit maak die jaar mooier, Israel En die veld pryk met juwele en die heuwel Luna Mudimo tyd En vir die son en son Ra Vierkante het die rose en viooltjies gestrooi; Arabiese Abeba
Sodat die lug helder is, Maru Hemel blou van lag en gelukkig, Virgilio Maru A modimo.
Stappe deur: Rausule RB De Beer. “Poësie, volklore en gedigte. 'n Kort geskiedenis van die wêreld in die afgelope dertienduisend jaar. helliBoeke.
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rebrandtdebibls · 2 years
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Die klippe sal dán uitroep
Uitgespoeg deur drupnat planete of uitgeskop uit die binnegoed van die aarde nou so driftig vasgeklamp om my voete met die tydlose geduld van getroue honde. Ek behoort klippe nie te wantrou nie behoort klip as klip te aanvaar maar ek hou 'n klip in my vuis teen my oor wag gespanne dat sy slapende asem moet ruis.. Ek suig 'n stowwerige klip in my kies, sit op 'n bergklip en ontken ons paring.
Ware oorlewendes van daardie tyd is vyf antieke tempels, almal gebou voor Christus, en 'n monumentale boog. Twee tempels is van die bes bewaar in Rome, dit is die tempel van Ercole Vincitore en dié van Portuno, in die tuine tussen die kerk Santa Maria in Cosmedin en die Ponte Rotto. Die ander drie was langs mekaar gedeel deur twee smal stegies, om hulle te sien, moet u 'n bietjie wegkruip met Rome speel. Hulle oorblyfsels is in werklikheid binne die mure van die kerk van San Nicola in die gevangenis voor die Marcello-teater opgeneem. Die liggaam van die kerk van vandag was die tempel van hoop, die een aan die linkerkant na die register was die tempel van Juno Sospita en die ander in die rigting van die Marcello-teater die een wat aan Giano gewy is. As u die uitsig verskerp, sal u die kolomme aan die twee kante van die kerk sien. As u op soek is na 'n fassinerende ervaring, gaan die kerk binne en vra om die kelders te besoek. U sal die basis van die kolomme, die twee stegies, die oorblyfsels van sommige oorlewende pakhuise en winkels van die Olitorio Forum kan sien.
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justsasuke · 1 year
Taka movie night head cannons? After the argument of who's watching what. I imagine there has to be a system for taking turns with choosing the movie. How does everyone know and up on the couch? Snacks? Movie preferences? Whose falling asleep first? ( now it just sounds like a sleepover lol)
This inspired a huge thought dump so here it is in a semi-organized manner hahaha. Feel free to add any thoughts
Annual movie nights was originally Suigetsu's idea, he loves films (especially very weird, very obscure cult classics) and couldn't believe Sasuke hadn't seen most of the ones he loved so he decided to make it everyone's problem
Karin and Juugo haven't seen most of them either bc they're usually very obscure indie films from countries not in the five great nations but Suigetsu never gave them hell about it.
Sasuke has only ever seen a handful of movies in his life (never really had time, wasn't interested etc) and that includes whatever Yugie movie he watches in theaters with team 7.
Karin had a TV in the southern hideout but really only watched dramas.  (All romance ones with leads who look embarrassingly like Sasuke so she never brings it up and always pretends she never had time for TV). The movies she has seen and liked are all fast paced action films or thrillers.
Juugo never watched movies bc reasons (he lived in a cave away from humanity) but after hanging out with the team he started getting into them and finding ones he likes.  So far it's a lot of nature documentaries and slow slice of life movies with happy endings.
Movie nights started as a once a week plan but often ends up being way more frequent than that, especially in the winter.
Deciding what to watch each night was chaos at best.  They tried a rotation but everyone kept forgetting who was next so Suigetsu ended up picking three weeks in a row.  After several debates and a near pillow fight Juugo finally put it on the calendar and now everyone knows who's turn is when.
Sasuke never picks movies.  He's more of a social watcher and is generally down for whatever as long as it's not horror or super brutal.  (He generally finds Juugo's picks to be best bc neither of them like high stress movies while Karin and Suigetsu both do).
Each of them (luckily) has a different spot they like to sit to watch movies.
Karin likes to sit cross legged on the thick carpet in front of the couch, surrounded by various snacks and hugging an enormous pillow.
Sasuke likes the the left arm of the couch to lean against, he also keeps his feet up so Karin usually ends up sitting in front of him.
Suigetsu likes the other side of the couch to start but always ends up lounging on the floor halfway through.
Juugo will sit on the sofa next to Sasuke.  His legs are long so he usually takes up a lot of floor space and Karin has definitely used his leg as a backrest once.   It's not uncommon for Sasuke's legs to end up draped across Juugo's lap when he finally needs to stretch them.
Movie nights tend to end up as sleepovers just because once the movie is done no one feels like going home.  This means that in each person's house there's a stack of extra pillows and blankets in the corner.
Suigetsu always has to pee 20 minutes into the movie and then again at the most intense part.  This drives everyone crazy but they're too nice to keep going without him so they just wait.
Sasuke falls asleep 89% of the time not because he's uninterested but because he's bad at getting enough sleep generally.  He always wants to know what happened in the movie though and used to look it up secretly so he would know what everyone was talking about without having to ask (he was embarrassed about missing it).  
Juugo noticed and started giving really detailed comments about the ending ("it was cool when [extremely detailed description of events in the film] happened") so Sasuke could be in the convo right away.  
Both Suigetsu and Karin know this is happening.
Their snack habits while watching is as follows:
Suigetsu always brings a ton of snacks (mostly yogurt drinks) that he consumes mostly before they've even picked a movie.  He does not like the sound of crunching while he's watching and will give you side eye.
Karin likes candy when she watches and sometimes a cold beer to go along with it.  She tends to pick candy that kind of matches thematically (sour candies for intense movies, soft gummies for romance/slice of life etc.).  She will ask everyone if they want some but only once.
Juugo always has a lot of snacks prepared but never really eats them himself.  He prefers to snack after the film while talking about it.  The types of snacks he gets/makes are all otsumami (snacks to eat with a drink) like edamame, sashimi etc.  and he usually makes them himself.  If he does snack while watching the movie it's on chestnuts.
Sasuke likes to bring senbei (rice crackers) and always brings some from a local shop.  He doesn't snack during the movie unless someone directly offers him something but will snack before and after. Out of everyone he's the only one that gets to eat from Karin's snacks twice and it's not even because she offers them, he'll just take it so casually no one notices.
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rozenmaiden-dolls · 7 years
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shelzchillilounge · 4 years
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#sluk vs. #suig https://www.instagram.com/p/CAlMxPLloaF/?igshid=1hpsy1hkqi9vv
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