gojonanami · 2 months
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so basically
don’t do this to me, it’s so cute, I can’t 😭😭😭 it’s so accurate — they still loved each other at their absolute worse and that’s truly love 😭😭😭
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suguwife · 4 days
Depths of Pain - Series aesthetic
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suguwife · 4 days
Depths Of Pain - Gojo Satoru aesthetics -
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suguwife · 4 days
could you pleasee show us what y/n’s wardrobe is like in DOP?
Of course !!
Outerwear would be classy, chic, elegant and obviously expensive since she comes from wealth - she likes to wear long maxi dresses/skirts like this often
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When she’s feeling a little less modest for outerwear she’d opt for shorter skirts/dresses with pointed heels/ballet flats
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When she’s not doing anything special (like walks/grocery runs etc.) she’ll wear something simple but stylish, usually jeans or shorts
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In bed/at home (when she’s not going out) she’ll just wear nightgowns/slip dresses/short+tank top sets made out of cotton or silk, and they’ll usually have some sort of lace design on the hem/collar
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suguwife · 4 days
Do u guys like shorter or longer chapters😭? I’m thinking of doing 9k-10k minimum words for each chapter now so they’d be pretty long.. or should I keep them short idk
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suguwife · 20 hours
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This image does things to me I need him so bad
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suguwife · 2 days
reader and gojo’s wedding was just before the story started.. so, what did their wedding look like? I rlly wanna know what they wore and how the venue looked even if it doesnt mean much for the story😣
I love u for this question honestly I love aesthetics sm even if it doesn’t mean anything much for the story.
It was an old money wedding full of wealth, since both of them come from a lineage of power + influence. Guests filled with intimate family members, some influential figures and friends
An elegant + classy European styled wedding in a large mansion venue
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Bridal wear, I imagined reader wearing an off shoulder laced wedding dress that hugs tight on the waist, loads of intricate designs in the dress and the back end of it dragging on the floor with a matching veil with real white diamond jewellery
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Makeup - glowy, long lashes, innocent look. Hair - natural updo with her front strands let out in soft waves
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- and for her entrance song I imagined an orchestra + violin playing Young and Beautiful by Lana Del Rey (link)
Satoru would’ve just worn a black suit with a tie and loafers, his hair slicked back with one strand hanging out over his forehead waiting at the altar for her with a bored face, he kept that cold face on when she walked down the aisle too but his lips were slightly parted from how beautifullll she looked
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suguwife · 3 days
Hope you’ll feel better soon! Your story is amazing to read and I look forward to the next chapter, no rush at all! ☺️ I absolutely love how your story is detailed and you can really feel the readers thoughts and emotions in it. Hopefully the reader will one day be fully alright after such a traumatic event and week. I feel for satoru as well with how his dad and step mom/ brother treat him. Seems like they have shaped him to be the way he is, cold with a temper. Funny thing is that before you even mentioned Naoyas name in that one chapter I was thinking to myself “hmmm this step brother totally sounds like naoya” and bam! You said his name haha. Such a sad emotional story but it’s written really well! You’re doing an amazing job and I love reading this, thank you for posting updates so fast 💟💟💟
I’m literally dying breathless on my bed rn but this made me smile so much thank you sm sweetie 🥹<3 I really rlly want to continue finishing off the chapter I have so many thoughts in my mind but I just CANT and it’s pmo.
I don’t wanna spoil but reader goes through much more later on too it’s never ending pain for her (sorry)😭 and YES, literally that, his childhood shaping him into who he is and he feels as if he has to stick to that, since that’s the kind of man he’s known to be, he’s unfamiliar with change and love since it was so absent in his years of living - but he’s willing to try and learn by himself for reader
I wasn’t even gonna use naoya as his step bro I was js gonna make up a random name ngl, but as I wrote, just like u i was like “this is something naoya would say” and yeah😭
And thank you sm again ! once I get better updates will be rolling in fasttt hopefully
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suguwife · 3 days
5k words in, 5k-6k more to go😫
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suguwife · 4 days
i hope dop!gojo realizes that she’s also (mostly) like this because of him and i hope it hurts him horribly
I love how everyone whose reading my series literally HATES gojo rn😭😭 spoiler but y/n’s feelings are conflicted because shes forgiven satoru but doesnt know if she should after how he’s treated her
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suguwife · 4 days
I wish he wasn’t such a misogynistic prick, Gege made him too beautiful and it pisses me off
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suguwife · 6 days
Hey queen
do u got an update schedule for the gojo x reader story (I’m obsessed 😢)
I don’t have an actual schedule but there will be frequent updates every 1-3 days!! I already have the entire story drafted up, I just need to rewrite it into tumblr soo new chapters will be released fast dw
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suguwife · 3 days
heyyy girlie!! here are all my ideas for future oneshots/short series whatever you’ll do after DOP‼️
1. Mafia! Gojo/Toji x Badass Mafia Y/n (reader)
2. Hitman!Toji x teammate hitman!reader
3. Tomboy!badass!y/n x enemy!jjkmen
4. Nurse!y/n x mafia!jkkmen (she’s their favorite nurse and they can’t stand anyone else healing them but her)
5. Grumpy!jjkmen x Sunshine!Reader
{ them stands for whatever jjk man you’ll do! }
6. CEO!Cold!Mean!Husband! x gentle!wife!reader
(I know this looks like dop, but it’s jjkmen loving reader but can’t express themselves and being mean to her but regretting when she cries!)
7. [ ONESHOT IDEA ] them going shopping with you for hours, helping you choose clothes
8. [ ONESHOT IDEA ] you getting harrassed by your enemy gang and you calling them for help, but they arrive and see all the gang members who tried harrassing you laying on the ground bruised and you with a proud smile ,,^^,,
9. [ ONESHOT / SMAU IDEA ] playing Roblox with them..
( Dress To Impress , scary horror games , cute games or others)
10. They Can’t Stop Kissing You!
andddd thisss is it!! if I ever find new ideas I’ll send you asks!! Sorry if it’s long omg 😮‍💨😮‍💨
but maybe for the oneshot ones you can do small one shots for each characters!! Thanks for Reading this, sorry for the long ideas 😔💁🏻‍♀️
Omg don’t apologise thank you for these🫶🏼!! I like the nurse x mafia one MAYBEE ill write on that first after I finish dop, then do the other ones if I get any ideas what to write but it will take me a while. I spent like a month a little more planning for dop so😭😭 but again thank u sm sweetie <3 ill keep these saved
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gojonanami · 19 days
Hi sabb!! u were my first favourite active fic writer when i first downloaded this app and i love ur page and ur blog and everything so much please help a girl out😭 i want to start writing fics i already have a whole plot and story planned and drafted but i dont understand how to make a blog or theme and stuff..? ive searched tutorials on youtube but cant find anything for fic writing. what did u use to start ur page please lmk🩷
hi babe!! ahhh that’s so sweet thank you!!
so my blog is a side blog (which I don’t rec exactly because it’s better to just be a main blog so you can like / follow from one blog)
for a theme on desktop, there’s a lot of people who make free themes! @ / glenthemes comes to mind (I think that’s the person I’m not sure)
and then you just set up a pinned post navi like most people have just to have important links and things
for theming you can just do whatever for the most part!! some people do kpop, animes, etc — for me I just like using art of satoru and suguru because I love them
so just be creative!! let me know if you have any other questions !! Feel free to just message me
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suguwife · 15 hours
I so want to write a write a smut scene in my dop series but I can’t because we have to wait till a few chapters later
And I want to write a drabble on gojo eating reader out so badly rn but I need to wait for night time for my 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴 mode to turn on its high😔
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suguwife · 20 hours
Next chapter will have quite a few time skips in between at the start so I hope that doesn’t bother anyone - its only bcuz I don’t want to drag on chapters by writing boring stuff if that makes sense😭? I’ll explain what happens during the time skips though and all, like little flashbacks, I just don’t want to write long boring dialogues because it makes me get bored of writing and put it off
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