#suggestions for new nicknames for ikemen mcs
nica-my-beloved · 6 months
There is boar🐗, fox🦊, rabbit🐰 and robin🕊️
For the next Ikemen games, MC's nicknames: Kitten😻, tigress🐯, mouse🐭?
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xxsycamore · 2 years
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𝗡𝗮𝗽, 𝗡𝗮𝗽𝗼, 𝗡𝗮𝗽𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿, 𝗡𝗮𝗽𝗼𝗹𝗲𝗼𝗻𝗶, 𝗡𝗮𝗽𝗼𝗹𝗲𝗼𝗻𝗰𝗶𝘁𝗼, 𝗲𝘁 𝗰𝗲𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗮 [Napoleon x MC]
► Lately Napoleon notices that MC is using quite a lot of nicknames for him…
Napoleon Bonaparte x MC • rating: G • wordcount: 776 • tags: fluff; nicknames; humor; ‼ slightly suggestive • masterlist
a/n: While talking about how in the ikeseries games there are suitors whose nicknames are the actual names of other suitors and thus making it hard to figure out who the person is speaking about, (see: Leo (midcin) and Leo-nardo/Gali-leo; Liam and Wil-liam (ikemen villains); Leon (ikepri) and Napo-leon) it accidentally turned into a discussion of preferred nicknames for Napoleon.
From @viohasgoneintothewoods : Nap
From @venulus : Leone, Napoleoncito, Leoncito
From @krys-loves-otome : Napster, Naps, Napoleoni
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Lately Napoleon notices that MC is using quite a lot of nicknames for him…
1. As soon as he wakes up.
"Wakey wakey, Nap…"
The sound of MC's voice wakes him up just to the point where he reaches a hand out of the bedsheets to drag her in for his infamous morning kiss. But he pauses. He realizes the nickname she called him with.
"…Nap? Because I sleep a lot?"
"Yes, because you sleep a lot!"
Napoleon hums, nestling himself further in the mess of bedsheets.
"I don't even nap that much, I just sleep in…"
2. At breakfast
"Vincent, can you pass this to Napo?"
"Napo? Oh! Here you go, Napo!"
Napoleon blinks at MC's new nickname for him, quickly adapted by Vincent, barely remembering to take the plate from his hands. He guesses he's Napo now.
"Hah. Napo. I like how it sounds." Leonardo chimes in, not even looking away from his morning paper.
"Napo…" Jean tries. If it sticks with Jean, then it sticks forever.
3. On a date
"Are you falling asleep?"
Napoleon makes a low sound in his throat in reply, enough to let her know that he's not falling asleep. Their picnic date turned into a lazy reading session in nature, and frankly, the book hasn't been too interesting.
"This is why I call you Napster."
There it is again.
He remains silent for a moment. He looks for the line he read last in the book but he can't find it.
"You don't even call me Napster."
4. At the école
"Napoleone! Your fiancée is here!"
Turning to the boy who informs him of MC's arrival, Napoleon nearly misses the incoming attack from his other short opponent. But only nearly. Because he's not their cool teacher for nothing.
"Ahh, did you lie about proposing to me again? Stupid Napoleoni…"
Napoleoni? Napoleoni??!!
The laugher of a dozen kids is too much shame to live with. He will never be their cool teacher again, not with that lame nickname.
5. At night
Being a vampire doesn't mean that you don't deserve a nice massage at the end of a long day. Truly, his muscles aren't given the chance to stiffen too much, but he can't miss the magic touch of MC's hands on him. He's lying on his stomach, with her straddling his waist and working the knots on his shoulders.
He's aware he is being vocal. It's just that good.
MC giggles.
"You're roaring like a lion."
"Mmyeah? Do you have a clever little nickname for that too?"
"I do actually!"
She pauses, and Napoleon thinks she might be coming with it right now.
Oh. So we're spanishing it up now?
"That's a little too long, don't you think? Defeats the purpose."
"Hmm, hmm…"
She's not even moving her hands anymore, but Napoleon is too interested to see where this leads to care.
"Leoncito then. I like it! You're my little lion…"
Now, this is taking it too far.
In one quick and swift movement, Napoleon snakes his way from under MC and throws her down on the bed - so that he's leaning over her with a hand on each side of her head.
"Am I still a little lion?"
MC catches her bottom lip between her teeth, looking him in the eye. He seems quite handsome from this angle, if she has to be frank.
"Please don't eat me."
"Only if you tell me what's up with you and nicknames lately."
She giggles under him, fidgeting with a button of his shirt. Not necessarily with the intention to undo it.
"I just thought you might've gotten bored with the same old every time. You've got your 'Nunuche' for me but my 'Leon' or occasionally 'Leone' is not as creative as yours is."
Napoleon's eyes scan her features while taking in her words. Then he sighs.
"So that's what it was."
"Mm, maybe I should try harder…"
"I didn't say that I'm bored with how you call me."
"I liked Nap… it's keeping it nice and short. Maybe an 's' at the end will help it roll off the tongue better. An elongated one. Napsss…"
He leans in closer while she trails off in voiced out thoughts that he made clear he is not enthusiastic about hearing. She doesn't turn away, but doesn't stop either.
"Or maybe you liked Napster better? I liked Leoncito the best."
He's so close he can practically feel the shiver of her skin as he whispers against her neck, letting his fangs scrape against it.
"Call my name next."
He hears her suck on a breath and a smirk blooms on his lips.
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Taglist: @arsnovacadenza @ale-teodora @kimi00twin @otomelady @privilegedpancake @g-kleran    @pumpumnnnp @thesirenwashere @ravenarld @kimmy-banana @devonares @animeworldsposts @randomanimatedhusbandoseeker @galaxyprison @sadshaxk @starshards26 @pro-cat-stination @acethephoenix256 @ikevamp-shrine-2 @nad-zeta @crystal13unny @keen19thcenturygoatsstudent @lordsister @ikemen-banshou   @themysticalbeing @canaria-blackwell @otome-scribbles @rhodolitesrose @coornn @kpop-and-otome @queen-dahlia @kisara-16 @chaosangel767 @ikemenlibrary @queengiuliettafirstlady @aurora-morning @aquagirl1978 ​ @ikemenlover24 @violettduchess @mcofthemansion @tiny-wooden-robot @joy-the-reader @katriniac @ikemen-writer @tele86 Let me know if you want to be tagged/untagged!
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onegianthotmess · 9 months
Ikemen Vampire Rants:
💃If the Suitors Turned Into Women💃
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If you haven’t seen part One of this rant, I suggest you read it for more of an explination on how this multi-part rant is formatted.
This is part two, which makes the next three suitors Arthur, Vincent, and Theo/Theodorus. (There’s a trend of them talking and then being like “oh shit” and slapping a hand over their mouths when they wake up as women this round-)
Also, I will be using myself (Amelia; looks like Uraraka from MHA but with peach colored eyes, fluffy and curvy figure, and is between 5’9-5’10 in height) as an insert for the MC and as the one who helps the suitors through their strange experience.
Mini Warning!: there is one use of a Dutch swear word in Theo’s part, but his nickname for the MC is literally mutt/dog/puppy, so-
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Faust needed a few test subjects for his new experimental elixir, and naturally he first moved to put it into Charles’s and Vlad’s dinner. But, by some inexplicable reason, a few vials of the elixir somehow made their way to le Comte’s mansion and ended up in the residents’s dinner. Let’s see how this plays out, shall we???
Arthur Canon Doyle
Our British lad woke up unusually early, craving fudge
He didn’t feel too unusual, his back ached the tiniest bit and his chest felt a bit heavy, but those could’ve been cause by him sleeping wrong and he could be coming down with a little something or in need of a drink
Either way, the author didn’t think too hard about it until he actually got out of bed and glanced down to see that he now had breasts
“Bloody hell-!”
He clapped a hand over his mouth when he’d heard the sound of his voice
It sounded higher, more feminine, and much sweeter than it ever sounded before
Even as a boy his voice wasn’t this high and light!
Arthur moved his hand from his mouth and felt down his sides and to his hips, confused by his new curvature and build
And, now that he was awake, he realized his hair went down a little past his chest now
As much as he wanted to solve the mystery of his new predicament, he also needed help on how to be situated as a woman
And with extremely limited options, the author immediately went to the only woman in the mansion; Amelia
He of course poked his head out from behind his door to check if anyone was around before he rushed down the hall as quickly and quietly as possible to Amelia’s room and knocked on her door
It took a couple of knocks before Arthur could hear the brunette sleepily grumbling as she pulled herself out of bed and made her way to the door
Only to instantly be wide awake at the sight of a dimly lit Arthur that was now a woman
The brunette quickly pulled the author into her room and turned on her light to get a better look at him
Slightly shorter with a very slender hourglass type figure, not too many curves, and a rounder, more feminine face with slightly fuller lips
Amelia was just as confused as Arthur, if not a little more with how sleepy she was, but was very willing to help
After she sent him to go back to bed so she could help him at an appropriate time to actually be awake instead of an ungodly hour of the morning when it was still dark out
And so, Arthur went back to sleep, woke up at a more reasonable time, and Amelia came to his room with a few things to help him a little bit after he woke up
A little bit of improvising had to be done since Arthur was less curvaceous than Amelia, but eventually a solution was found that kept Arthur’s new chest in place
A few belts had to be used to make Arthur’s pants fit around his slightly slimmer waist, but other than that his clothes still fit him decently, if a little loose
And after Amelia brushed Arthur’s hair, he was fine to head down to breakfast if he wanted
And he did
And he gave zero explanation to anyone and began behaving like normal
Theo was even more annoyed with Arthur because he wouldn’t explain how he suddenly became a woman overnight
And Isaac was even more embarrassed to have Arthur teasing him because now he added some flirting in there
(You can’t fucking tell me that Arthur isn’t bisexual!)
The day went on as normal with Arthur going back up to his room and writing, drinking coffee, and eventually taking his beloved Vic outside to play a bit
And the afternoon was ended in Arthur running away from Theo, who was chasing him because Arthur started flirting with him just to see what would happen if he did
All in all, Arthur was happy with his day and went about normally the next day when he was back to normal
And Isaac hid himself away from Arthur for a good two weeks out of embarrassment and in a desperate attempt to avoid anymore potential flirting on the latter’s part
Side note: Arthur didn’t flirt with Isaac after that because, while he is a teasing asshole, Arthur isn’t a monster who completely tortures people
Vincent van Gogh
Sunshine boy woke up on his couch as per usual
(Christ on a stick, we need to get babie boy his own bed-)
And he was so tired and used to sleeping on a couch that he didn’t really notice anything different with him until he began to get dressed for the day and then-
“OH MY-!”
Both of Vincent’s hands quickly flew to his mouth when he heard his own voice
First of all, he now had breasts and very wide hips
Second, his voice was higher and somehow even softer and lighter than it was before
Third, his hair now seemed to be long enough to reach just a little above his chin
And things didn’t get better when he heard Theo knocking on his door
And they got worse when Vincent turned around to see the door opening
“Broer, you slept in past breakfast so I wanted to—WHO ARE YOU?!”
Theo, of course, was shocked to see some random woman alone in his brother’s room
But, after a second, when he really looked at the woman, Theo could tell that the woman was Vincent
He looked more or less the same, except with a rounder face and fuller lips and somehow even softer features
Both brothers stood frozen and staring at each other until Theo told Vincent to wait a second and to not move while he went and got help before rushing out of the room, closing the door behind him
Figuring that he had little options at the moment, Vincent just sat down on his couch and patiently waited for his brother to return, hands folded in his lap
And a few minutes later, Theo came back with Amelia in tow, a bag slung on her shoulder
When the brunette saw Vincent, she immediately dropped her bag, ran over to the artist, and immediately hugged him and saying that he was the most fucking adorable thing she’d ever seen in that moment
When Theo got mad, a quick glare and threat to not help shut him up
And then he was forced out of the room as to not overwhelm Vincent
Once Amelia kicked Theo out, she turned to the former man and began to help him in getting ready for the day as a woman with the things she brought with her in her bag
The upper body undergarment was a bit of a struggle since Vincent’s new breast were just a wee bit too small to pass in wearing one of Amelia’s undergarments, so a bit of improvising was required
After that, Amelia just had to help Vincent to get his clothes to fit his new body correctly, his shirt was a bit loose around the waist and his pants were a bit tight due to his new curves, but they managed to fit
And once Vincent’s hair was brushed, he and Amelia walked out into the hallway where Theo was waiting because he was still worried about his brother
Theo did thank Amelia and asked Vincent what he was going to do, if he was going to tell Comte about his situation or any of the other residents
And Vincent just said he was going to go into town with Amelia because he promised to hang out with her the day prior and said Theo was welcome to join so long as Amelia was okay with it
And she was because she knew Theo wouldn’t take no for an answer and she wanted extra help in keeping an eye on Vincent because there was no doubt would weird things would happen if Vincent turning into a woman was the first thing on the agenda for the day
So, without being seen by anyone else, the three left the mansion and got in a carriage to go to town and have a little down time
Amelia was almost tempted to go and buy Vincent a dress, but she resisted knowing that it probably wouldn’t fit him for long if he did turn back into a man
Speaking of men, many men approached Amelia and Vincent and began flirting with them, specifically with Vincent because he literally looked like a fucking angel
But a glare from Theo made them apologize and run away, leaving Vincent and Amelia very confused
The three of them spent their day looking around town, finding places for Vincent to sketch, and Amelia sketching Vincent at one point because he was so beautiful and she wanted to remember this odd day
In the evening, the three of them made it back to the mansion and Vincent snuck back to his room and Amelia delivered a small bottle of Rouge for his dinner since he didn’t eat all day
The next day, Vincent was back to normal and no one but Theo and Amelia knew why all three of them disappeared from the mansion the day before
And it was gonna fucking stay that way
Theodorus van Gogh
(Christ on a stick, I had too much fun with Theo!)
Theo woke up as normal, if quite early, but he felt strange
His chest felt incredibly heavy and his back was in quite a bit of pain
When Theo managed to sit up and throw his legs over the edge of his bed to sit properly, he looked down and-
Theo clamped a hand over his mouth when he heard his now feminine and honey laced voice
Somehow, he found that he now had an ample bust under his nightshirt and long hair that reached his hips
Theo’s mind went a mile a minute as he thought of what to do
As much as his instincts told him to, he couldn’t really go to his older brother as he wouldn’t have any ideas on how to really help Theo’s current situation
Arthur would make fun of or flirt with or do both with him instead of help most likely
Le Comte would probably just as stumped as he was
And Theo didn’t really think that any one of the other residents would be of much help for this particular situation
Well, except for Amelia, who was the only woman in the entire mansion
Seeing as he had no other options, Theo decided to go to Amelia’s room with his clothes for the day in hand
Of course, he had to take a couple of detours and even hide once from an already working Sebastian and a sleepy Arthur already on his third cup of coffee for the day as to not be seen before he’d gotten any help
And, for once, he was happy to have a couple days off of work
Once Theo reached Amelia’s room, he knocked a couple of times before a faint “Come in” could be heard
Not wanting to be out in the open in the hall, Theo quickly and quietly ducked into Amelia’s room
And he stood awkwardly in front of the door when he was inside of the room until the brunette woman emerged from a corner already dressed and froze when she saw him
After a split second Amelia burst out laughing at Theo, to which the art dealer responded by dropping his clothes, rushing over to the maid, and clapping a hand over her mouth
“Please put a muzzle on that snout of yours, Hondje. I’d rather not have anyone see me like this right now.”
After Theo heard a muffled, but annoyed, “Fine” from the brunette, he moved his hand away from her mouth
Amelia quickly stepped back and looked Theo up and down before shrugging
“I mean, your tits are too big to fit any of the undergarments I have, but we can improvise.”
Theo was confused. “My what?”
“Your tits. It’s another word for boobs, I mean breasts.”
Theo was going to get angry and shout when Amelia held up a hand to silence him
“Just look at them before you get mad, dummy. Your chest is two or three sizes bigger than mine so it won’t fit anything I’ve got. Your back must be killing you, too.”
As Amelia kept rambling, Theo just kept quiet and let her help him
Once a makeshift upper body undergarment was fashioned for Theo, Amelia helped him in getting his pants to fit around his slimmer waist with a few belts
And after that, Amelia told Theo to sit and she did his hair, clearly having fun because she put it into a loose braid
And like that, Theo was dressed in a way that would help him be more comfortable and he thanked Amelia for her assistance
Amelia then said that Theo could go down to breakfast if he wanted to, but she had to leave so that Sebastian would get help preparing everyone’s meal
And like hell Theo was going to pass up his beloved pancakes!
Are you crazy?!
Mf would probably marry some pancakes if he didn’t eat them first-
When Theo went down to breakfast, no one really said anything
Until Arthur came in the room
“Well, Theo, you look rather-”
“Finish that sentence and I’ll feed you to King.”
Needless to say, Arthur shut up after that
When Vincent came in the room, his brain went completely “am confusion cinnamon roll noises”
“So my little brother is now a woman… Does that mean I have a little sister now?”
Either way, Vincent said Theo was incredibly beautiful as a woman and pat him on the head, to which the latter got embarrassed by and asked the former to stop
Not much happened after breakfast, except for Arthur needing to be told off occasionally
Theo mostly spend his day with King, playing with him and taking a nap with him at one point
King ended up on top of Theo and used his chest as a pillow as he usually did
Theo had to glare at Arthur so he wouldn’t make a sexual joke or comment about it
The next day, Theo woke up back to normal and was so relieved
“Oh, thank god!”
His back was killing him yesterday and he gave Amelia props for being able to still be able to stand up straight at the end of the day
No one really said anything about the day before, except for Vincent saying he was happy his brother was back to normal and King whining because his new chest pillow wasn’t as big and soft anymore
And there’s the next three suitors! Sorry it took a minute, babes! I had fun with this one and yes, I do imagine Vincent and Theo having sort of reversed female body types. Stay tuned for part three and go read part one of you haven’t, please and thank you!
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shatcey · 8 months
Event for Newbies (Ikemen Genjiden)
I love Genjiden so much… It's done with such love… Incredibly authentic game design, cute animation, very beautiful characters and stories… the language is so complex that the translator is constantly stuck (obviously in awe).
But today I wanna tell you a little bit about the event for beginners. Yes, they have it too.
Above all… you can easily find it (finally) on the main page. It's this cute fan with the turquoise ribbon on the right.
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And yes, each fan represents a different event. It's so convenient…
There is even a very clear explanation of how to work with story events… These chibis are so cute…
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And this event probably split in two again, because there were only 6 characters. I still haven't memorized their names, so I'll continue to use the nicknames I mentioned here (I'm sorry, guys, someday I'll memorize all of you).
We have these pairs at event:
Little Nobunaga (slash) Zombie
Japanese Yves (slash) Yoichi (yes… I'm playing his route so I memorized his name. First achievement unlocked!)
Big Fox (slash) Black-tits demon
Each story is very different, but they all somehow revolve around a blooming cherry tree… Sometimes there is even an animation of falling petals… a little, but still very cute.
So… I didn't actually tried to finish this event with all endings, I was just curious to see at least one in each pair.
Little Nobunaga vs Zombie
MC came to the festival to see a cherry blossom and… randomly meets a Little Nobunaga and Fluffy haired. Little Nobunaga was the guest of honor and behaves accordingly… all smiles and talking. But it turned out that there was another guest of honor… and… surprise surprise, it's Zombie.
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Now I deeply regret calling him Zombie. He's so handsome and... ahhhh... how pretty his hands are… Where have you been all my life?!?
Turned out there is a killer at this festival who only kills single women. And Zombie came to find him and put him on trial. MC volunteered to play the victim, but before that, the boys pretend to be in love with her and compete with each other a bit.
And at some point a question appear…
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The answer was obvious…. How can I NOT choose you?..
The last part of the story makes me believe that MC and Zombie are already in a relationship. Which is new. Usually, an event for beginners is about to "getting to know each other"
Japanese Yves vs Yoichi
Japanese Yves came to MC to thank her for helping him. And as a reward she asked him to indicate (I emphasize, she only needs hints) the best place to observe the cherry blossom. And he answered he WILL GO with her tomorrow. Ooook…
And at the festival, MC randomly meets with Yoichi, who was… where… I didn't catch the reason. But he participated in shooting competitions and was with a child for some reason.
It was a rather strange competition between old friends and suddenly there was a question…
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I'm starting to think that I just chose the one who asks me question… I mean… Obviously, I like Yoichi more. He wears all my favorite colors… orange, yellow and green… I know him better for an obvious reason. And… I can almost see his chest (outrageous!). But still… I'm plagued by doubts…
And finally...
Big Fox vs Black-tits demon
MC went on a house call with Big Fox. The boy feel unwell, but there were no visible problems. From a short conversation, they find out that the boy just misses his dad, who is now abroad. They have a tradition of attending the festival and watching the sakura blossoms (I use this term at least ones). But this year, due to heavy rain, the cherry trees do not bloom, so there is no festival.
MC decided to look for a blooming tree and bring a branch to the boy (a vandal). So… on the way to the forest, a demon suddenly appears and… just for fun, he suggests a competition. Whoever finds the blooming tree first will get MC's time as a reward.
Until the very end, I didn't know who to choose. A cute caring kitten… sorry… fox or a rude and always in a bad mood demon… They remind me of someone… Hmmm….
But…. as expected… I chose a demon. Because I remember who he reminds me of… Silvio.
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He probably meant "can be attacked"... Or I'm completely missing the point.
Why do I like grumpy characters so much?.. a rhetorical question…
So… I choose only rebellions and don't feel sorry at all. It was fun.
If (or, more likely, when) I finish the second part of this event, I'll write about it.
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