poppy-metal · 3 days
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hnngnngnggggnnn Patrick being a spoiled little rich boy <3
need to be his sugar baby :( getting to lounge around his mansion and use his black card at any shops you want as long as your mouth or pussy or ass are available to him whenever he wants :((
his little free use girlfriend who he parades around at important events in skimpy dresses that make people stare at you in shock, all so he has easier access to lift up your skirt or tug down the top and reveal your tits if the whim arises :((((
need to be rich!patrick zweigs bratty sugar baby. need to be his little mistress because he never separated from his family and grew up with a silver spoon in his mouth and became pro at tennis and became like all the other boring fucking older men at his fathers country club he swore he'd never be. need him to hate his life and how easy everything was to obtain and how his marriage is loveless and she doesn't even put out and his kids are rich little brats he can't connect with because they're little ipad kids, absolute demons, they wont go outside with him they dont wanna learn to play tennis or any sport or run around and make stick and dirt soup like he did when he was a kid and life is so fucking boring everything is in grays - until he meets you.
at a bar one night. its not the first time hes cheated on his wife - but it might be the first time he's fallen in love. he sees you and wants to fuck you immediately. already decides he'll have your panties around one ankle while he shoves a tongue up your cunt in the bathroom stall - he buys you a drink and you let him. you're sweet and flirty and you draw him in like a bee to a pretty flower - he's subconsciously leaning in, eyes can't stop dropping to your lips.
things take a turn though when you get up to leave and he blinks because he didn't mean to get swept up in the conversation - chases after you to try again - to take you back to a hotel or even in the back of his car - but you tell him no.
he just looks at you. confused. hard. "no." he repeats. rolls it around in his head. foreign. hasn't heard it much before. it sounds sweet coming from your lips.
"you're not fucking me." you tell him simply.
that shouldn't turn him on but it does. he's not stupid. you were attracted to him. he'd seen the way you looked at him - bitten your lip. he knows he's not projecting, because even now you're smiling as you say it.
he rubs a thumb over his bottom lip as he checks you over. strappy heels, but cheap. tight little bodysuit, but not designer. flashy purse but he knows the diamonds on it are fake.
"you in college?"
you smooth a hand down your hair. "sophomore year."
he nods, leans against the brick building of the bar. fishes in his coat pocket for his packet of cigarettes. "what're you studying?" he flips the box open, slides a cig out - brings it to his lips.
you eye him curiously as he roots for his lighter next - trying and failing to ignore the heat in your belly at how good this man looks leaning against something with a cigarette dangling from his lips.
"we already did the small talk, dude. you're not getting any."
he ignores that. lights his cigarette and inhales. he likes that you're obviously irritated but you dont move away. he blows smoke through his nose. says again, "what're you studying."
you huff. roll your eyes. he watches you calmly, taking drags his cig. in the cool night air you can't tell the exact shade of his eyes, but you think they're green. everything about him screams money and dominance.
you cross your arms. "law." short but simple.
he nods like that makes sense, flicks ash.
"that's good." he says it in a way that sounds like he means it but also could be condescending and you dont know why that makes you swallow deeply. "expensive, though."
you narrow your eyes.
"you think im poor?"
usually someone would fumble after being called out like that but patrick just smiles in a way that says he knows you are -
"i know you're not rich."
you bristle. that hurts. you don't know why. who wants to look rich, anyway. fucking snobs. but still, its embarrassing to be told the distinction in class is obvious to someone else who's far far above you. you can already tell the watch hes wearing costs more than the apartment you can barely afford.
"thanks for the unasked for observation, dickhead." you yank your purse strap higher on your shoulder, make to turn away. "I'd say its been pleasant but well, it hasn't. so."
you make it a couple steps before he calls out -
"I'll pay it."
you're alot of things. you're haughty and stubborn and yeah, not rich. you're also down on your luck and struggling and drowning in so many things in the moment - barely being able to afford your own fucking beer at this point when what you wanted to accomplish in life would take thousands, thousands of dollars. so hearing the word 'pay'. well, yeah. it makes you turn around to face the guy.
"you'll what?"
he knows you heard. it was cute how you perked right up.
"I'll pay it." he gestures towards you. "all of it - your semester. your tuition. textbooks. whatever else you need."
you gawk at him.
the thing is. he's attractive. alarmingly so. disarmingly really. he's tall and broad and he dresses well. he has that perfectly styled hair and deep rich man scent that makes your mouth water. a beautiful face with a rouge kind of touch. you'd have fucked a man like him under any normal circumstance, but given the way your life is going at the moment - you haven't the time to waste on pretty men with big dicks.
probably. he probably has a big dick.
"you're fucking kidding me."
"nah." he licks his bottom lip. takes another drag. flicks more ash to the pavement. he looks at you like he's already imagining you naked in front of him. "I'm good for it."
"well duh." you look him up and down. "you look like you just stepped out of a magazine for mens wealth or whatever. why the fuck are you offering? you expect me to suck your dick for it or something?"
you say the last part sarcastically, rolling your eyes - but patrick just looks at you seriously. sucks the humor right from your bones when he says - "yeah, i do."
two things happen in your body.
firstly, you stiffen. the urge to slap him for being so derogatory making your fingers twitch at your sides. your face burns.
secondly and most apparently, your cunt throbs. your nipples tighten. you inhale sharply in a way patrick notices. smirks at.
you blink at him several times.
"i can't believe you just seriously said that to me." you say it kind of breathlessly. you really can't believe it though.
"should i be more clear?" he takes one step towards you. "i want to fuck you - you want to fuck me, but you won't do it for free. I'm offering to pay you for it."
"i - im not a whore."
the grin patrick gives you makes a tremble shoot through your whole body. you feel it in your toes.
"you sure about that?"
you really should slap him.
you dont.
you fumble, "you're married." you'd spotted the ring at the bar earlier. it hadn't been the reason you turned him down initially, but still.
"you dont care about that."
"you cant just...... buy whatever you want. im a person."
he nods. he's done with his cigarette so be crushes it beneath his boot. "give me your hand." he just takes it anyway. you watch dumbly as he gets a pen from his pocket - how many things did he have in his fucking pocket? - bites the cap off, and brings the tip to your palm. "this is the number for my personal phone."
of course he had multiple phones. he doesn't let go of your hand when he's done writing. rubs his thumb into the pulse point at your wrist.
"when you change your mind -" when not if. "- i want you to call me."
you go to pull your hand away, but patrick squeezes it.
"one more thing."
he's close enough the spicy mint scent of him fills your nose. he dips his head so he's closer to your ear, you feel the stubble on his chin graze your cheek -
"when you let me fuck you - you will be a cheap whore. you'll let me do what I want to you. and i know its not because of the money. but i understand what its like to need something to let yourself have something else." he turns his head. kisses your cheek. "don't take too long to call, though. I'm not a patient man."
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hainethehero · 1 year
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Sugar!baby Mike at Harvey's place, eating his food and being a total brat while the older man is all too happy to buy him whatever he wants and give him whatever he asks for bc who could resist those puppy eyes...?
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doll3tt33 · 7 months
╰➜ ⊹ ࣪ ˖┆soon to be inactive┆⊹ ࣪ ˖
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she/her 𝜗𝜚 libra ☉ libra ☾ sag ↑ 𝜗𝜚 will come back to occasionally post and drop off a bot of the evans if I make any
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my most recent fic/hc! - my haunted lungs, ghost in the sheets ❥ colin zabel
everybody knows I’m a good girl, officer ❥ colin zabel
‘cause when you know you know ❥ colin zabel
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my most recent c.ai bot! - playing dangerous ❥ colin zabel
a day in the life of a cleaner for homelander ❥ homelander
check your window, he’s at your window ❥ tate langdon
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Goodbye for now! ♡
Requests are closed cuz I’m moving on with other interests, so this account wont be as active anymore. might come back one day.
rules for bots. picky for fics but might consider
a lil’ info:
• If you’re under 18, then it means this place isn’t for you and YA BETTER GET OFF MA PROPERTY!! On a fr note, please do not interact if you’re a minor.
• characters I’m sorta confident I won’t mess up with (aka characters you can request for): Kai Anderson, Tate Langdon, Austin Sommers, Kyle Spencer, Kit Walker, Colin Zabel, Peter Maximoff, Stan Bowes, Luke Cooper, Charles Decker, + characters from The Boys
• characters I’m not so confident with right now: James Patrick March, Jimmy Darling, Warren Lipka, Mr. Gallant.
I’ll need a rewatch to get a better grasp of their character so they won’t be ooc, but I’ll make them available to request in the future!
• general requests are cool! but I really appreciate requests with a specific scenario/AU. This is a kink-friendly blog, so feel free to go wild!
Bots & fics masterlist below the cut!
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all of the bots below have detailed defintions and descriptions, along with example messages! So dw, none of them are empty carcasses of an ai bot
angst/dark themes - ✮ sfw - ❀ (might lead to) nsfw - ✧
c.ai filter breaking tut: pt.1, pt.2
Kai Anderson:
𝜗𝜚 Fanfics:
Your faithless love’s the only hoax I believe in. ✮
𝜗𝜚 Headcanons:
Kai Anderson SFW headcanons ❀
𝜗𝜚 AI bots:
Being in a toxic relationship with Kai (based off the song ‘Ultraviolence’) ✮
Kai breaking into your home for revenge ✮/✧
Visiting spiritual counselor!Kai to seek guidance ✮/❀
Kai coming up to you at a bookstore ❀
Kai “accidentally” spilling his coffee all over you ❀
⇢ I recommend the bookstore one over the coffee one if u r looking for a standard Kai bot to use, cuz the former’s settings are improved ((but like the coffee one’s still aight ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Colin Zabel:
𝜗𝜚 Fanfics:
Everybody knows I’m a good girl, officer ✧
My haunted lungs, ghost in the sheets ✧
‘Cause when you know you know ❀
𝜗𝜚 AI bots:
Getting arrested by Colin… again ❀
Having your first session with therapist!Colin ❀
Professor!Colin teaching you on your first day of college ❀
Peter Maximoff:
Peter challenging you to Pac-Man at the arcade ❀
Chilling with Peter in his room ❀
You’re both lonely on prom night so Peter invites you to join him ❀
Stan Bowes:
You’re the daughter of Stan’s boss and he has to pick you up from a party ❀
Having your first ever dinner with sugardaddy!Stan ❀
Interrupting Stan in the middle of work ❀
Austin Sommers:
paparazzi!Austin who won’t stop pestering you ❀
Kyle Spencer:
Frankenkyle showing up at your doorstep in the middle of the night ❀
You’re a new witch at the academy and you’re responsible for Frankenkyle ❀
Studying alone with frat!Kyle at the campus library ❀
frat!Kyle comes up to you at a college party on New Year’s Eve ❀
Tate Langdon:
perv!Tate snapping photos of you in the school’s bathroom ✧
Helping Tate after he gets bullied at school ❀
Tate walking in on you playing a ritual game ❀
Dealing with an emotionally unstable Tate after your break up (based off the song ‘Meant to Be Yours’ from Heathers: The Musical) ✮
Kit Walker:
singledad!Kit hiring you as a babysitter ❀
Kit taking all the blame for you at the asylum ✮
bartender!Kit serving you a free drink ❀
Getting steamy with husband!Kit in the kitchen ✧
Luke Cooper:
Luke getting everyone’s coffee orders wrong but yours ❀
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butterflyrry · 2 years
I really hate how some (blog) fetishize Harry once again and down playing his acting in MP and saying the sec scenes are only so „realistic“ because he „100% had sex with a guy before“. And that he „looked Harry during these scenes because he could finally be who he wants to be“. This is so disrespectful towards Harry and everyone involved in MP. Also it’s still a movie so of course he is looking like he’s enjoying himself during those scenes! And this is also coming from certain people who never had sex before, so how would they even know what a „realistic sex scene“ looks like?! Yeah, right, they don’t! Just let Harry be who he wants to be without forcing him into anything and just watch the movie without thinking about Larry or xarry or Alessandro or any other bullshit „sugardaddy“ 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ (Not you mod, but I’ve seen enough out there of people who really need a reality check and need to go out and have more contact with humans!)
I’m saddened that only the MP sex scenes have leaked and that the movie is being reduced to being about that. Anyone who’s only interested in the sexy parts is totally missing the point of the movie. This is the only time Tom and Patrick can express their love and intimacy because it’s forbidden for them to be openly together.
If people think Harry can bring something special to the role because he relates to Tom, I’m not bothered by that or by the suggestion that he’s been intimate with men. However, if they are in any way suggesting these scenes are real, that’s another story. That just discounts all the hard work that the cast and crew did. As we already know, the love scenes are heavily choreographed so whatever is happening is by design. (In this case anyway…unlike some other movies I could mention COUGH COUGH). It is not Harry personally having sex on screen, it is Harry playing a character who is but of course, they want it to look as realistic as possible in the interest of storytelling.
Having said that, I find this kind of speculation tame in comparison to the harries who said they were taking their vibrators to watch DWD and the ones who moaned and screamed every time he was on screen. That is sexualizing him in a way that he would absolutely hate.
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soulscalibur · 2 years
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look who’s inside again | E | 6410
Patrick's been working a lot, recently.
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lupinwritings · 5 years
Not sure if you'd do this but... Pete being lowkey a sugardaddy?... I love the idea of Pete spoiling Patrick when he's not used to special treatment.
Hi, um, I love this idea. Power dynamics can get real problematic real fast so I’m going to do my best to play with that dynamic without it nearing abuse at all because that’s bad. Hope you enjoy.
Patrick straightened his tie and gritted his teeth as he stepped into Pete’s office. He’d been at the company for just over two years and only met the CEO, Peter Wentz, a few times. It was his last day before he left the company to do more independent music as opposed to production and he had been excited until he got a voicemail that morning scheduling him for a private meeting before he clocked out for the last time. He exhaled through his nose before he raised his eyes, reminding himself that he jsut had to get through this meeting and then he was done.
Peter wasn’t the traditional boss, his hair was long and usually pushed back with enough gel to give him a bit of a fifties greaser look. Patrick might have thought he was handsome if he hadn’t been so scared of why on earth he was having this meeting in the first place. Peter had his legs crossed with one ankle over his other knee and was leaned back casually as if this was an everyday thing for him, which, it probably was. “Sit down, Patrick, you’re not in trouble,” he said with a hint of a smirk on his lips.
Patrick took and seat and smoothed out his jacket and then pants. He could feel his heart in his throat and hoped he didn’t look as nervous as he felt.
“I have to admit, I was sad to see your resignation. You’re a good musician. There’s nothing I can offer you to convince you to stay?”
Patrick took a breath before he shook his head “thank you but - I got a music degree to create my own music, not to manage someone else’s.” He realized his fists were clenched and consciously made himself relax “I appreciate the offer, though.”
Pete nodded and clicked his pen absently. Patrick’s eyes flicked to his hand for a moment, no ring. “I understand. Well, I wish you the best. You were one of our most promising employees so I’m sure you’ll be very successful. Should you ever need anything…” he scribbled something on the back of a business card before standing and offering the card and his hand to Patrick “don’t hesitate to reach out.”
Patrick stood and took the card, then shook Peter’s hand “thank you, Mr. Wentz. It’s been a pleasure to work under you.”
A flicker of amusement passed over Pete’s face before he nodded “Pete. It’s been a pleasure to have you.”
The next few weeks were far more stressful that Patrick had imagined. He didn’t have professors or teaching assistants who could help him get gigs anymore, he was on his own for the first time as a musician. He got a few spots playing at bars and even one at an art festival but it was constant work and it didn’t pay nearly as well or as steadily as his previous job.
On the bus ride home from a meeting with the manager of an upper-class Chicago bar, he felt something in the pocket of his suit jacket. He absently rubbed the face of the card without even looking at it, while at his previous job he’d collected his fair share of business cards that he had no use for so finding one in his suit wasn’t strange. He closed his eyes and sighed, he needed this gig - rundown bars only got someone so far, getting a spot at an upper-class place for actually get him some name recognition or tip money, especially if he could manage a recurring gig. He eventually pulled the business card out to give himself something else to think about for a moment.
The front read “Peter Wentz. DCD2 Records, CEO.” and then Pete’s office number. He flipped it over and saw a second phone number written, the one from the meeting on his last day. He figured it would be another office number that would go through a secretary and probably never get to Pete but he took his phone out anyway and dialed the number. It was late enough that the bus was quiet and Patrick could hear every tinny, electronic ring as he waited for for a voicemail, seeing as it was far past office hours.
Patrick hesitated a second, he hadn’t expected an answer “is this Peter Wentz?”
“One and only, who’s this?”
“Patrick Stump, you said to call if I needed anything.”
Patrick could hear Pete’s tone change through the phone “damn, I was starting to think you’d never call. How’s life?”
Patrick chewed his bottom lip, he wasn’t used to hearing Pete so casual “could be worse. I like getting to make my own stuff.”
“Mhm,” Pete mumbled, he sounded tired and Patrick hoped he hadn’t woken him up “so what made you call?”
Patrick’s leg was bouncing but at least his voice sounded steady “any chance you’ve got any connections at a bar called Harbor Lights? Sorry, I’m sure that’s really unprofessional. Just - fuck, I need this gig.”
Pete hummed “easy. Yeah, I know some people. Tell you what - you meet me for coffee tomorrow and we’ll talk. Get some rest, okay?”
Patrick grinned and nodded even though Pete couldn’t see it “yeah, okay. Thanks - thank you so much.”
“Don’t mention it. I’ll text you details in the morning.” Pete hung up before Patrick could say goodbye. He slipped his phone and the business card back into his pocket as the bus got close to his stop, still smiling slightly.
The coffee bar was way above Patrick’s price range but he reasoned that he’d have to spend money to make money. He wasn’t going to argue with the man who might get him his first good gig about coffee locations. He spotted Pete after a moment and took a seat next to him at the bar. Pete turned and smiled before shaking Patrick’s hand. “Good to see you again, man.”
Pete looked good in a suit, Patrick remembered that from their interactions at the office, but Patrick decided that he looked even better casual. He had on skinny jeans and a white button up that had the top couple buttons open under a suede jacket. “You too. H-how are you?” Patrick bit his tongue after his stuttered, his social anxiety would really be the end of him.
Pete smiled, though, and shook his head “better since you called me. I was worried I’d freaked you out.”
“No, I just…” don’t say forgot, he reminded himself “didn’t want to bother you.”
“You could never do that, sweetheart. Now, you’ve got an interview with Dan?”
Patrick nodded “had one yesterday. I just know - I mean, that place must get so many applicants for a position like that and -”
Pete cut him off “don’t worry about it, I get it. I’ll put in a good word. You deserve it. Dan and I have worked together for years.”
“Thank you,” Patrick exhaled, still a little stressed, “it means a lot.”
Patrick got out his wallet as the barista walked over to take his order. Pete put a hand over Patrick’s before he could get his card out “don’t. I’ve got it.”
Patrick opened his mouth to argue but he really wasn’t in a position to turn down a free coffee “thank you, again. Can I ask why you’re being so nice to me?”
Pete let go of his hand and sipped his own coffee “because you’re a damn good songwriter who deserves to make it…” for a moment Patrick could have said Pete looked nervous “but also because you’re cute and you’re not my employee anymore.”
Patrick blinked at him for a moment and searched for words.
“Sorry,” Pete looked down “wishful thinking that you’d - anyway, I’ll make that call for you tonight. Feel free to pretend that didn’t happen.”
“No - I…” Patrick stuttered “I mean, really?”
Pete shrugged “I’d be stupid not to give it a shot. Hope I didn’t make you uncomfortable.”
“You didn’t. I’m sorry, I’m bad at this. If you’re asking me out I’m saying yes.” It wasn’t Patrick’s smoothest line but it was a hell of a lot better than his previous silent staring followed by stammering over incoherent sentences.
“Yeah? Alright, cool. Thanks.”
Patrick laughed, it was strange to see Pete caught off guard “sorry, you’re just a little… out of my league.”
Pete raised an eyebrow “seriously?”
“I mean… yeah.” Patrick looked down.
Pete reached over and tilted Patrick’s chin back up “you’re cute, I’m serious. I figured you’d already have a partner or that you wouldn’t be interested.”
Patrick shook his head “nope, totally single. I don’t really get out much with working a lot and making ends meet right now.”
Pete drew his lips together and hummed thoughtfully “listen, sweetheart… I’m not - just let me know if you need anything. Not just with work. I don’t want to find out you’re not able to pay bills or afford for or anything, okay?”
“Peter, you don’t have to do that.”
“It’s Pete, and I know. I just don’t want you struggling if I’ve got the means to help. I don’t mind taking you out once and a while while you’re still figuring things out.”
Patrick leaned over and hugged Pete, he wasn’t sure if that was the proper thing to do but he needed to say thank you somehow and he didn’t have much else to offer, Pete’s hands on his waist and back felt good, though. He hoped he wouldn’t mess this up.
Like I said, I LOVE this dynamic. I hope you guys liked this as much as I did and please let me know if you want a sequel because I will happily write one. I’ll also write a sequel once this gets to fifty notes. Send me prompts if you have any other ideas and have a great day!
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adolecente le paga a su suggar dady Acampo
FIND MIRROR DOWNLOAD / WATCH Adolecente le paga a su suggar dady - Sugar Daddy Dating S/log/210/ Today we decided to sit down and open up about the gay night life in NYC and talk about some *interesting* experiences to say the least. Por parte de su Sugar Daddy (SD) para as pagarse la carrera universitaria, . Sugar Daddy Dating Sites Le premio a mi novio footbolitas . Sugar daddy - papi querido. XVIDEOS mi suggar daddy no aguanto mas y me folla en el carro free. Recibe en tu buzn nuestras newsletters para estar al da de la actualidad. Sugar Daddy Sites By subscribing to sugardaddy gay club you will find new friendships and you can meet level sugardaddys looking for someone younger. #1 FREE Gay Personal Site for Daddies and Boys. Anonymous View Sugardaddy Sugar Daddy 9 Jun 2019 . My sugar daddy experience (Exposing gay night life) - YouTube Gay sugar daddy, Anuncios - pcfarmacia Your time is precious and you don'T want to waste it with awkwardness and confusion. The sugar gayby, according to Patrick, one twink I speak to who identifies . Free Sugar Daddy Dating It was a time and place situation with LA, I wasn'T doing it for money it was. Free Sugar Daddy The Secret Life of Gay Sugar Babies, AnotherMan adolecente le paga a su suggar dady 2 min 720p. Encuentra Sugar daddy Gay Conoce Sugar baby Gay Encuentra . Gay Sugar Daddy Dating Apps - The Largest Gay Dating Site for . For some, the sugar gayby-daddy relationship is one of convenience. You meet generous. Mi suggar daddy no aguanto mas y me folla en el carro - XVIDEOS . As me hice pasar por una 'Sugar Baby' Y un millonario saud me . Machista que piensa que el hombre es el que paga a la mujer, no se va a. Que busquen a alguien de su mismo play con los servicios "Gay Affinity". 23 Apr 2020 . Expresin de la comunidad negra de los aos 20, para referirse al amante que mantiene a su chica especialmente joven. 6 Jul 2018 . Sign in and enjoy contacts. Varela069 content gay joven smooch-love gay-new gay-love gay-smooch adolecente; +. Adolecente le paga a su suggar dady. Free Sugar Daddy Sites View Low Qual.
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nomisez · 7 years
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I need a sugar daddy, filling out applications.... Credit to @crazy_betches_unite : Coffee, lunch, nails, eyebrows, occasional shopping spree... it's expensive being me 🙃💰💸 #crazy_bitches_unite . . . #money #broke #work #job #expensive #fabulous #gorgeous #life #coffee #coffeetime #lunch #instafood #fashion #shopping #makeup #helpmeimpoor #lol #spongebob #meme #patrick #nomiSEZ #RP #Repost #sugardaddy http://ift.tt/2wpASLT
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