#suga/Agust d coming for throats
sweetestofchaos · 1 year
Being a multi-stan is not for the weak hearted…I’ve have gone through so much whiplash within the last two hours
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Distraction (m) | myg
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title: Distraction pairing: yoongi x f. reader rating/genre: m ; smut ; Agust D Universe (AgustDverse?) specifically in the Haegeum Universe ; Gang Leader / Mafia AU summary: After a series of circumstances leads you to be the assistant/right-hand woman of Bangkok's local thief/gang leader Min Suga, you're diligent in fulfilling your role in helping him take down Detective (& Underground Mafia Boss) Agust D. What you didn't expect in this role, was to catch your own boss reading p*rngraphic material during his free time and finding out there are consequences to distracting him. warnings:  dirty talk, hair pulling, slight riding, fingering, breast play, nipple sucking, slight body worship if you squint, COCKWARMING, orgasm denial kinda, she's being punished, There's two Yoongis and Thief ver. is Suga/Yoongi while the Mafia Boss is Agust D IM PUTTING A WARNING FOR THESE MEN ARE DANGEROUS note: this is my first time ever writing a bts fic AND smut in a fic. I've written fics 10 years ago for different fandoms and i never thought I'd be doing this again but I got too stuck on this idea that I needed to LET IT OUT. shout out to my beta reader @daegudrama for beta reading and being a great supporter. Idk if I'll ever expand on this fic but here it is. FEEDBACK & Comments are much appreciated !! total word count: 3.6k drop date: july 1st 2023, 12:00pm pst CROSS POSTED ON AO3 here (honeyjamjoon is my user on there) - -
You stood at the entrance of Suga's run-down, yet aesthetically-looking office in the heart of Bangkok’s Chinatown.
After an abundance of incidents, you begun working as his assistant and right-hand woman in his underground operations to take down Asia Pacific Police Detective Agust D, who moonlights as a mafia leader on the down low. A mafia leader who looks exactly like him. Someone you used to be acquainted with at some point.
As you pushed open the ornate wooden door slightly, you found Suga lying down on the sofa, engrossed in an erotic women's magazine. His face adorned with his signature mischievous smirk as he turned a few pages. Men, you thought to yourself while trying to prevent a scoff from coming out your lips.
"Yoongi," you called out, your voice cutting through the silence of the room. Since you two were closer compared to his other men, you called out to him by his real name often.
Startled, Yoongi quickly closed the magazine and tossed it aside, his expression shifting to one of mild annoyance. "Hey doll, can't you knock? I was in the middle of something." Doll, his endearing nickname for you always made you feel some type of way. 
You raised an eyebrow, feigning innocence as you crossed my arms. "Oh, I'm sorry, Boss. I didn't know reading Playboy magazines was part of your daily agenda." you commented sarcastically, rolling your eyes in the process.
Yoongi's cheeks flushed slightly, caught red-handed by his sharp-witted assistant. He cleared his throat, attempting to regain his composure. "It's...research. Yeah, research on...current trends."
You couldn't help but chuckle at his unusually flustered response. You sauntered closer, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Well, Boss, if you're done 'researching,' perhaps we can focus on more pressing matters?"
Yoongi let out a deep sigh, realizing he had been caught in his moment of leisure. "You're right, doll. Let's get down to business.” He moved from his position and straightened up his posture, all business-mode Suga once again. “What's the latest update on Agust?"
As you provided a detailed report on Agust D’s actions, you couldn't help but notice a twinkle of amusement in Yoongi's eyes. He had always been a man of few words, but his gaze held a silent appreciation for your wit and fearlessness in this line of work. Since meeting Yoongi, your professional relationship with him had always been one of mutual respect and trust, despite the dark world you both inhabited.
"You've done well, doll," Yoongi finally acknowledged at the end of your report, his voice laced with admiration. "I appreciate your dedication in doing this. This isn’t easy work, especially with so many eyes and ears working for Agust."
Your heart swelled with pride, knowing that your efforts were recognized by your boss, your leader. However, you know you can’t be feeling a certain type of way over his innocent comments.  You took a step closer, your voice lowering to a whisper. "Boss, may I remind you that there are eyes and ears on you too? It's crucial to maintain a certain level of decorum and professionalism."
Yoongi's lips curled into a sly side smile, his gaze locking with yours. "You're absolutely right. We should be more careful, especially when it comes to our private activities."
Your eyes widened in realization, understanding the underlying meaning in Yoongi's words. He can’t be trying to insinuate something, right? Being the brat you are, you decided to play along with his statement . A playful grin spread across your face as you sat on the opposite side of the sofa, crossing your arms once again. 
"Well, Boss, if you're looking for some 'private activities,' you could always start by hiring a proper assistant to keep you entertained."
Yoongi's eyebrows shot up, surprised by your audacity. A flicker of amusement danced in his eyes as he leaned back on the sofa. "Is that so? And who would you recommend for the position?"
You pretended to ponder for a moment, "Perhaps someone who knows your every move, can anticipate your needs, and can effortlessly keep you on your toes…”
“Someone like… you?" Yoongi smirked as he leaned closer, his voice filled with mischief. Your cheeks flushed with a mix of shyness and shock that he played this far into your game. "Well, in that case, I suppose I'll have to interview you for the position."
Damn, he got you cornered. Was this a dream, you thought to yourself. Usually when you’d have playful banter with Yoongi, he’d edge you on with his words and then immediately move onto business. But right now you’re left speechless. 
“Cat got your tongue?” He chuckled. Funny words coming from the same man who looked and acted like a cat himself at times.
“N-No..just.. dumbfounded.” You stumbled on your nervous response before giggling, “You got me good, Yoongi.” And this is where the game ended, or so you thought.
Yoongi locked eyes with you as he reached out and gently grasped your trembling hand. His touch sent a jolt of electricity through you, causing your breath to hitch. He tugged your hand gently, coaxing you to move closer to him.
"Doll," he said softly, his tone laced with a mix of authority and tenderness. "There's no need to get so shy around me all of a sudden."
Feeling a mixture of panic and excitement, you allowed Yoongi to guide you closer until you stood right in front of him. In a swift yet gentle motion, Yoongi pulled you onto his lap, your legs straddled him. Your heart pounded in your chest as you found yourself nestled against him, his arms wrapped protectively around your waist.
Yoongi's voice, now filled with a soothing warmth, resonated in your ear. "You may act bratty and shy, doll, but I can see through your facade. I know you're into this” He used one hand to brush a strand of hair behind your ear, “And I'm more than happy to oblige."
Your eyes widened, breath catching in your throat at his bold words. Yet, you couldn't deny the exhilarating truth behind them. A mix of embarrassment and desire coursed through your veins as you looked into Yoongi's eyes, your own filled with a mix of uncertainty and longing. You’ve been waiting for a moment like this for so long, but it felt silly to even believe it could happen one day. Let alone on a day where you catch Yoongi looking at porn. Sounds too good to be true.
In that moment, Yoongi tightened his hold on you and gently lifted you up a little. He glanced at you wholly, taking in the sight before him. He had always thought you were beautiful since the first day you encountered him in the night market while he was being chased by Agust D’s men. He too, didn’t imagine he’d have you to himself, but somehow the sexual frustration of not having time to pleasure himself pushed a button in him to try to make a move. 
He continued his movements by sliding his hands above your waist, approaching the peaks of your breasts. The soft touch sent shivers down your spine, and a blush crept across your cheeks. He looked at you to see if you were okay with moving further, to which you locked eyes with him and nodded your confirmation.
He began fondling your breasts slowly, tracing patterns of desire along your trembling flesh. His large hands on you felt so good it elicited soft gasps of pleasure from your lips. But you craved more. You wanted to feel him closer, and it seemed that he felt the same. He moved his hands to unbutton your sleeveless button front shirt from the top to bottom and then removed the garment completely. 
Under the shirt revealed a white floral lace bra with a cute pink ribbon in the center. "You know, doll," he murmured, his voice husky with desire, "Your bra is surprisingly cute." The sudden comment from Yoongi made your cheeks flush even more with a mix of embarrassment and pride. “It contrasts your workaholic demeanor. It’s nice to see a new side to you.”
Flushed and with a playful glint in your eyes, you mustered the courage to break free from your momentary shyness. With a teasing smile, you looked at Yoongi and whispered, “Shut up and just keep going,”
To which he smirked up at you and did just as you commanded. He went ahead and removed your bra, exposing your breasts to the slightly colder room temperature causing your nipples to pebble slowly. Yoongi groaned, squeezing your breasts together, and sucked a nipple between his lips. 
Mesmerizing sounds left your mouth when he flicked your nipple with his tongue and gently bit down. His tongue swirled around your sensitive areola, teasing it to a stiff peak as he cupped and massaged your other breast with one hand. Holding yourself steady with your fingers weaved through his pretty, long dark hair, you leaned back and arched your chest in toward his face.
You craved more besides these touches to your delicate breasts, but fearing changes in your ‘boss and right-hand man’ relationship with Yoongi had you hesitating further. You moved your hands to the top of his shoulders to push him away from your chest. “Maybe we shouldn’t keep going, Yoongi.” You looked at him, before deciding to look away and continue speaking, “We’ve been focused on taking down Agust D, and if we do this… it might get in the way of our goals.”
Yoongi let out a deep chuckle, “You know goals are one thing, but you think I haven’t noticed the way your body language radiates when you’re around me.” 
Your eyes widened, “W-What do you mean?” You weren’t being that obvious about these underlying work crush feelings, have you?
“The way you carry yourself when we tease each other? When you sway your ass in your little skirts to get me riled up?” He lifted a brow up inquisitively, hands drawing circles on your thighs to carry his point home. “I know you too well to know you want this too.”
You scoffed, “Hah? Yoongi, I think all the porn mags and hentai mangas you’ve read during your free time has gotten to your head.” You cupped his face with your small palms (in comparison to his large hands) and looked at him intently. “Maybe it’s time to ease up on that, sir.”
“I’m serious, doll.” He grabbed your hands away from his face and stared harshly, “I'd rather have you in my arms, feeling your warmth against me, than flipping through those Playboy magazines during my free time."
Literally, no words could release from your lips. You’re just awestruck that this carefree man who threw witty and sarcastic remarks on a daily basis could have conjured such a confession to you. You found it endearing in a way, knowing his exterior is just a facade and inside lies a compassionate soul named Min Yoongi. 
At this moment, you decided to surrender, allowing yourself to be consumed by the passion growing between the two of you. Embraced in the untamed fire that blazed in Yoongi's eyes. “Then, keep going. Waiting to see how you’ll keep me entertained.”
Quickly, Yoongi's lips descended upon yours, the kiss ignited an unknown sensation inside of you. The taste of anticipation lingered in the air as your mouths melded together in a fervent fight. His lips, soft yet demanding, explored every contour of yours, coaxing forth sighs of pleasure that escaped each others’ entwined breaths.
Feeling a bit assertive, you gently bit his lips as a signal for him to allow your tongue to intertwined with his, to which he smiled and let you in. Both your movements synchronized, a blend of dominance and tenderness. However, which each stroke of his tongue, he claimed your mouth, marking you as his own in a surge of possessiveness that sent shivers cascading down your spine.
As your bodies pressed closer, the intensity and eagerness to have him inside you grew. You once again let your fingers find solace in the soft strands of Yoongi's hair, tugging a bit which he responded to with a groan. Breaths mingling with the heady mix of desire that filled the room. Your hips meet Yoongi’s hard cock, visibly straining against his demin jeans, as you begin lightly grinding against him, needing to relieve yourself of this feeling blooming in your abdomen.
However, unbeknownst to you, Yoongi had other plans in mind. He suddenly held down your thighs to prevent you from moving further. You whine at him, frustrated. 
“Doll, I’m not gonna fully give you what you want right now.” The mischievous glint in his gaze betrayed his desire for retribution. He saw an opportunity to playfully punish you for catching him indulging in the guilty pleasure of his magazine. “Since you interrupted me earlier, I’m only going to let you sit on my cock as punishment. No riding.”
“Are you serious right now–” You paused, Yoongi lifting an inquisitive brow up in response. If you kept arguing with him, his stubborn self will deprive you of everything at this moment, his desires be damned. The thing you didn’t need right now was for him to command you to watch him jerk off or leave the room and go find someone else to fulfill his needs. “...Fine, Boss. Your wish is…my command.” You sighed, gripping his shoulders.
“No, it’s okay. I take birth control.” He eyed you intently. “NOT for what you think. I take it to regulate my cycle.” You responded, annoyed while he chuckled. Not like you had the time to be fucking people left and right in this high stakes job you had. You take your role very seriously, mind him.
He lifted you so he’s able to lift his own hips up to pull his pants down. He pulled his dick out and you stared at how it sprung up against his stomach, almost to full hardness already. It’s so thick and fat, you thought to yourself. You had imagined how he’d look underneath his clothes, but your thoughts never compared to the [reality of his] pale pink dick with small drops of precum at the top of the head. Yoongi took note of your glances and exhaled harshly. He slid his hands up your thighs to the hem of your skirt and pulled it to where your pink striped panties came into his sight. 
“You’re seriously so cute, you know that?” You mumbled a shut up as your cheeks reddened from his continued compliments. He pushed your panties to the side, placing two fingers teasingly at your entrance, collecting the wetness that you already displayed. "Do you need to be prepped more? Or can you take my cock without it?" He locked eyes with you as he slipped his two fingers easily in, quickly causing your walls to tighten around his digits.
“I-It’s fine, Yoongi,” You moaned his name quietly. You knew you were wet enough from the previous motions that you could do without it. “Just put your dick inside me already so we can call it a day.." He raised his eyebrows at your commanding attitude. "P-Please..”
Chuckling, he pulled his fingers out and grabbed your hips again. He took his throbbing dick in his hand and lined it up to your entrance. He sunk you down, slowly taking him in inch by inch, the thickness stretched you out more than you expected. You moaned out as quietly as you could, still struggling to fit all of him inside you. Yoongi kept a hand on your hips to guide you down, while the other caressed your back in reassurance.
"Keep going, love." Love? A new nickname? "You’re doing great." He praised, while trying his best to hold in beautiful sounds of his own.
With his encouraging words, you took a deep breath and moved down until your pussy had swallowed him whole, his head right against your cervix. "Just right…you did it," Yoongi cooed. He cupped your cheeks and made you look at him. "How does this feel?"
You’re starting to lose composure already, "I-It feels g-good…" you stammered, dragging out the last word while letting your eyes roll to the back of your head. 
"Great, but..” He stretched out to grab the D-Grayman vol 22 manga lying around on the table “Don’t you dare move. I’m gonna read." 
“I can’t believe you… you sick, sick man.”  His laughter rolled through him, which involuntarily  created a ripple of pleasure building within your cunt, a warmth growing again and spreading through your every nerves. Besides the fact that his warm cock was snug within you, filling you more completely than a dildo of yours could ever, you couldn't recall another moment where you’ve felt so content. While at first you were scared of crossing a line in your relationship, you can’t deny this feels just right.
He wrapped his right around your waist, while using his left to hold his book and flip the pages. Perks of having big hands, you wonder what else they could do. You laid your head on his right shoulder, eyes slowly squeezing shut. Maybe you should take a nap. 
However, while Yoongi seemed to be nonchalant and relaxed, he was struggling a lot more than you to not say fuck this and fuck you roughly in a cowgirl position. Because just as you were relaxing, suddenly his cock fucking twitched. You gasped, your cunt clenching involuntarily and wrapping tighter around his length. A shiver shot up your spine as you instinctively pushed back on him, taking him even deeper into you from a higher angle. 
“Yoongi, I swear..”
“Sorry. That was on me, doll.” He went back to reading before adding on a few minutes later, “I’m tempted to fuck you, but I’ll save it for another time. If I give in now, I’ll probably want to fuck you everywhere and anywhere we go. Want to teach you a lesson.” 
“Yoongi!” Your eyes widened and you smacked his back. He chuckled lowly. Pisces men really are lowkey sex freaks. You don’t know what you’d do if this man asks you if he can tie you up with ropes or vice versa. Let’s hope he’s just into vanilla shit for the sake of your sanity,
For the rest of the time, he stayed true to his word and remained resilient. At some point, you drifted off to dreamland, feeling so comfortable and cozy sitting on his dick. You faintly felt a kiss on your temple, though you’re not sure if you dreamed it, or if Yoongi actually did it. You didn’t bother thinking too much about it now.
The next thing you know, you woke up later that afternoon, laying down on the sofa with a blanket covering you. You glanced around to find Yoongi, but he was nowhere in sight. You checked your phone on the table and saw text messages from 35 minutes ago
Yoongi: Hey doll, got a call from joon saying he found the drug operation Agust D is hiding above that one good noodle shop in chinatown. I had to go with him and some of the guys ready to bust it down. I’ll be sure to to get you a bowl of noodles when I’m done. 
Yoongi: Extra beef and very spicy, right?
God, you’re actually gonna fall in love with this man. He really does pay attention to the little details about you more than you realized. 
You text back knowing he’s probably not going to be back for a bit longer.
Y/N: Yes pls! Don’t forget to bring some chopsticks.
Yoongi: 👍
Not long after, before the sun sunk underneath the horizon, he arrived back to the office holding a bag of take-out food from Asian Beef Noodle shop. “Sorry to keep you waiting. We got everything taken care of.”
Your eyes lit up with admiration as you sat up on the couch, your lips curling into a grateful smile. "Great job, boss."
Yoongi's gaze softened as he placed the tray of noodles on the coffee table in front of you. He took a seat beside you, his shoulder brushing against yours. "I appreciate your support, doll. So, I brought these noodles as a small peace offering."
"You're forgiven, I suppose,” You chuckled, voice filled with soft warmth. “Noodles are easily the best way to my heart."
Your playful comment sent a spark of anticipation through Yoongi. He grinned, a glint of mischief dancing in his eyes. "Well, I’ll make it up to you later, for being so good. Look forward to tonight," he whispered, his voice laced with a sultry tone.
Your cheeks flushed at the promise in his words, your gaze meeting his with a mixture of desire and excitement. “You’re making me embarrassed,” you sighed, replying further with a sultry voice with anticipation. “But, you better not disappoint. I’ll leave your side!” You joked, both of you laughing at the silliness of this conversation
Despite the fluttering emotions from earlier reawakening from his words, you two continued to share a comfortable silence, the aroma of the noodles filling the air. With a newfound sense of closeness, you two dug into the delicious meal, savoring the flavors and basking in the afterglow of their earlier passion. It was a moment of shared contentment, where the chaos of both your lives momentarily faded away, leaving only the warmth of connection and comfort of each other's presence.
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kk-k-kk · 6 months
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Godless (18+ MDNI)
Summary: The thriving streets with booming businesses have come to a stand still. Curfews and police raids every few hours to seize any whiff of narcotics terrorised every person, regardless of involvement. The Upper Side lies unfaltering in their picket fences. In this induced borderline dystopia, in your cardboard box apartment you have found a strange joy in watching the actions of a tangerine-stealing thug.
pairing: suga/yoongi/agust d x fem!reader
part warning(s): drug trafficking
a/n: this is still very fun
The air smelled of nothing. Every inch of the hall was so clean that the novices took their time with every breath, inhaling the rare fresh air, filling their stomach with it and trying to hold it in as long as they could. 
"I will now begin to present the details of the latest report of seized narcotics from LB-Z*. The entire block has been sealed for now. But our sources tell us that this block was the latest den of Suga-"
"Suga, again?"
"Is he real? I thought that was just for the news?"
"What kind of a name is that?"
The Commissioner cleared his throat, immediately shutting up the murmurs inside the hall. He was old but when he spoke, he sounded another ten years older. He croaked, "No face to the name still?"
The presenter nervously looked towards her superior before stuttering out some vague excuses.
"Do we even know if it is one person or a gang?"
Silence spread through the hall. Every breath could be counted. No one could really understand how this kept happening. Ever since the Complete Narcotics Seize* began in 2025, the nation watched as the reputation of the Korean National Police only flew higher and higher. Drug trafficking cases that were unsolved for years were being closed one after another and just when the international eye fell on the Republic of Korea, Suga appeared. 
The Busan LBs*, which had been quietened, were suddenly posing a huge obstruction to the nation's falling crime rate. The tensions were high as the stakes were higher. Large scale meetings and conferences were being held and Busan Metropolitan Police suddenly became the most searched on the internet. 
It was obvious that a hall full of officers of every rank couldn't understand why suddenly their well put efforts were failing. The murmurs floated from inside the hall to the building, gently spreading through the city until the internet's most searched topic became Suga. 
"Are these fresh?"
The shopkeeper eyed the man before him, finding it funny how a grown man was drooling over some tangerines. 
"Yes. Just brought them in. How many?"
The shopkeeper nodded, packing it in a polythene and tying a neat knot before handing it over. The crisp notes he received felt unreal, almost like they were just printed. 
"Are you coming from the bank-"
The man was gone by then. Elated, skipping steps with his dear tangerines swinging in the polythene in sync with his unruly hair. 
"What a weirdo!"
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LB-Z: Busan which has become the hub of the drug trafficking business has been segregated into categorical regions by the police.
The Upper Blocks and the Lower Blocks comprise Busan. The Upper Blocks are further classified into smaller blocks named, UB-A, UB-B. These blocks are further subdivided into UB-A1 and so on till UB-B1. The basis of the categorization is not disclosed to the public.
The Lower Blocks are divided the same way with LB-A, subdivided into LB-A1 and so on till LB-B1.
LB-Z is a whole block; the very last block at the very edge of the city. It is particularly known to have the worst crimes and cheapest real estate.
Complete Narcotics Seize: Launched in May of 2025 as a 'cleansing operation' by the Korean National Police. The operation focuses on the thorough investigation of all cases related to narcotics. It began with the reopening of closed cases and proceeded to take the entirety of the Republic of Korea by storm. While not officially disclosed, it is rumoured that the operation was launched right before the raid of the offices of Eco-blue, an eco friendly clothing chain, owned by the son of a Presidential Candidate.
Busan LBs: Busan Lower Blocks
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mistypsych · 1 year
/ yoongi / suga / agust d /
summary: as a doctor you never expected to be dragged into “the criminal life”, nothing and no one seems to be true anymore, your whole world turns upside down after you save him.
pairings: yoongi mob boss x f.reader x non idol bts members.
warnings: smut, guns, knives, stabbings, blood, gore, murders, drugs, criminals, gang life, medical emergency, illness, abuse, swearing, angst, dubcon, gang violence, corruption, manipulation, lies, cheating - 18+ minors dni.
Note: Hi! This is an attempt of writing a fanfic long after not writing anything at all. Please also keep in mind English is no longer my first language and it might be a bit rusty and odd at times but I try my best. As promised we are reaching the chapter where Suga will be taking the lead! Comments and thoughts are well appreciated. Don’t hesitate to ask questions, state your thoughts for me to post up and have me add you to the tag list!
The quiet “What?” echoed mercilessly over the walls of the small hallway. The only other sound to be heard, were your deep breaths. His was full of panic, while yours was coated with anger, that you have kept pent up inside these past days. This was not the best moment to start such a difficult discussion, but something snapped from within and you were ready for war.
Staring him straight in the eyes you worded out slowly “I WAS WITH YOUR FRIEND AGUST-D”. He just continued to stand there with a face full of disbelief. You could see his body stiffen as he was clearly thinking of what to say, but you decided that pause there was enough. Pushing threw him you stormed down to the kitchen, throwing your bag on the floor. Silence meant he was trying to come up with a lie, right? You didn’t know what to think anymore. Everything was getting out of hand. The life built on all the years of hardship, studies and sacrifices, seemed to be flying out of your grasp.
You felt your heartbeat all the way to your throat. Your muscles started to tremble and your legs threatened to give in. Were you really about to lose all you worked so hard on? Everything you knew and thought was so important seemed to all go down the drain. Tears were welling up your eyes. Your breath got erratic and your chest uncomfortably tight.
With a shaky hand your grabbed a glass of water, downing it in one go. Anxiety was starting to overflow your whole body. This was all really happening. Life as you knew it was being eaten up by flames and you were petrified of finding out, what would be left in the scorched remains. Was there any hope? Was there a chance of surviving this?
Suddenly you felt arms tightly wrap around your waist and Hoseok’s chin on your shoulder. You struggled to rip away from his embrace but he easily out powered you. “Let go of me! I don’t even know who the hell you are!” you yelled helplessly. Tears rolled down your cheeks, but he still wouldn’t let you go. Instead he quietly shushed you, tightening his grip and begged you to calm down.
“Y/N I don’t know what you think you found out but trust me I can explain…” he said in a soft tone. He pressed against you closely and hummed into your ear trying to end your fit. Once he felt your body loosen up, he turned you to face him, grabbing your face in his hand. You made the mistake to look at him. His eyes were full of concern and pain.
“Y/N please don’t cry. Just let me explain.” A sigh escaped his lips as he wiped the falling tears with his thumbs. You were so tired, you didn’t want this, you didn’t want to fight, you didn’t want your life to crumble into pieces. Noticing you cooled off your nerves a little bit, he lifted your chin to look at you „What is it your are accusing me of exactly Y/N? And how do you know Agust-D?” he asked calmly.
Your whole body shook. This was really happening. Things were going down and there was no backing out now, you already put this all in motion. “That you’re a dirty cop… that he pulls the strings at the police department… as for how I know him it doesn’t matter. What matters is I found out about your ties with him Hoba… and that you lied”.
He stroke your cheek gently and shook his head. “I would think you knew me well by now Y/N. I am your fiancé for fuck sake… not some bum you just met… and when did I lie to you exactly hm? That I didn’t tell you one of my jobs is to work undercover? That we have a whole team working quietly trying to find out who actually is putting their hands in the cookie jar? I can’t speak much of these things Y/N! Same as you have your confidentiality with patients…”
The words that rolled off his tongue, smacked you out of your despair. You looked at him stunned, blinking the tears away. How did this not cross you mind? How did you not think that maybe there was something more behind this? That he could have been working? Why did you go straight into believing he was scum? You felt guilt crawl threw your soul. What were your thinking? Or more like - Why were you not thinking at all?
You looked at him, your bottom lip hanging down. You could feel like your whole brain was being rebooted. “I… I mean… they said… that…”. Hoseok tilted his head slightly, still holding your face in the palm of his hands. There was no anger in his gaze, just worry, confusion and a bit of sadness. “Who said what Y/N?” he asked patiently, waiting for you to finally explain your outburst.
“I… umm… the whole Agust-D thing… Jungkook he… he got mixed in with him… he saw you around his business…” you stuttered out, trying to collect your thoughts. You still could not shake off a very odd feeling. But why? It all made sense, of course Hobi was working. He was one of the best detectives. It wouldn’t be strange for him to be part of the team on such a case.
“Kook? What does he have to do with those people even? Is he taking?” you shook your head quickly in response “No, god no… It is more complicated then that, but it’s not my story to tell… I just knew about the gang and the whole situation from him…” you lied a bit. You didn’t know why but something in you was telling you not to put yourself out there. To keep in the fact that somehow, you got entangled with those criminals as well.
Hoseok gave you a slight stare, that showed he wasn’t satisfied with your evasive answer regarding your friends involvement. Luckily he seemed more worried about opening a whole new can of worms with you. Seeing you calmed down, had him decide poking at the subject wasn’t worth it. In the end he didn’t really give a fuck about your co worker. All that mattered was that you retreated from the battle.
“So… now that you calmed down… care to explain the - I was with your ‘friend Agust-D’?” Shit he remembered your words. Before you could stop yourself you simply lied threw your teeth “I was just throwing bullshit… I was with Kookie… he told me about the police… you and this gang and that Agust-D, whoever he is… so I decided the best line of attack was to throw shit at you… you know… get a reaction…” he sighed loudly clearly buying what you were selling. Never would you think you’d make such a good liar.
Question was why was your brain reacting this way? Hiding stuff from your partner? You didn’t really understand but the truth was, at this moment you didn’t want to answer those questions. You were tired, stressed and confused even more than before, so you decided to keep some cards to yourself. Your instincts rarely failed you and something was telling you there was more to the whole story. So you had to wait. Wait it all out, until you were absolutely sure about what you’re dealing with.
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
Warm beams of sunlight slowly crawled up to your face. Last night you and Hobi both decided to sleep off the whole argument and agreed if one or the other had any doubts or wanted to add something to the topic, you’d simply talk it threw again. As for now it would seem no one was in a rush to continue digging into the gang subject.
You smoothed your face with your hands slowly and squinted your eyes. Hoseok was nowhere to be found. A small note rested on his pillow. You skeptically grabbed the piece of paper in your fingers - “I will be back late today. No need to wait up for me. Love H.” You grimaced after reading the words. Somehow even when yesterday, he gave you a logic and what seemed like sincere explanation about his involvement, you still felt like something rubbed you the wrong way.
But then again you couldn’t be throwing away all the years of your relationship on a whim. There was the possibility that after all what happened with your best friend and how he dragged you into all this shit in the first place, you were just sceptic about everything. Keeping that in mind you decided to give yourself more time and try to trust Hobi, after all you had history together and it seemed only fair to both of you.
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
On your lunch break you decided to go out and eat with Jungkook. You wanted to question him about the whole “dirty cop” situation. If Hoseok was doing work of course he would play into the whole game to get the gangs trust. You felt the need to talk with your friend about it, since he was also involved in all of this. You wanted Kook to know Hobi was just doing his job. Or was it simply the fact of you wanting to believe that was the case?
Once you sat down and the waitress brought your drink, you looked at the tattooed brunet and sighed slightly stirring your glass “I confronted Hoseok…” you blurted out quietly. Your coworker coughed slightly and ran a hand threw his thick locks. Narrowing his brows he let out a “Oh…?” and waited for you to continue.
“Yea… he looked a bit shook at first as to how I even heard of this Agust-D… later he asked… I kind of twisted the facts and had him believe I never actually met the guy… but anyhow…” you took a sip of your iced yuzu tea and shot a short glance towards your friend who was waiting quietly. “He said he was doing undercover…” you finally let out the info.
Kook straightened himself in his chair and loudly let out a breath threw his nose, as if calming himself. He arched a brow looking at you in an analyzing manner. He was trying to figure you out. What were you thinking? Did you believe your fiancé? After a while he slightly shook his head and said “And you believe him?” his tone sounded slightly worried and annoyed.
You lowered your head and looked at the tips of your fingers. Should you be honest? Should you tell him how your feel deep down? He did drag you into this mess but he was honest about what his involvement was in the end. Also he did warn you about all the police. Playing with a loc of you hair you sighed “Honestly…? I do want to believe him… I mean it’s Hoba. We are together for years… for fuck sake we live together and he is my fiancé so of course part of me believes him… wants to believe him…”
You friend kept his gaze on you. He gave you a second to collect your thoughts and then in a quiet voice asked “But the other part?”. Looking straight forward, you bit your lip and whispered “Has a feeling that he is lying threw his teeth to save ass…”. Kook straightened himself making the chair squeak against the floor. He once again screened over you with his big eyes and then nodded “It’s understandable you want to believe best about someone you love… but if you also have doubts usually that is sign Y/N. To be frank… when I saw him around it never crossed my mind he was ‘working’ and well… I think our intuition usually gives us a correct view on things…” he sighed deeply and put his hand gently on yours.
You looked at his tattooed fingers trying to avoid his eyes. All this was too emotional. You wanted to believe - no, for now you believed in Hoseok’s version but also deep down something was chipping away at your heart. Your chest was getting tight and you could feel the stress flood over your body. Jungkook’s gentle squeeze brought you back to reality.
“Y/N for what it’s worth… I really hope you and I are just being overly suspicious and that your Jung is simply doing his job. As hard as it might be, best to not overthink it for now… let the situation play itself out. Truth will come to the surface, no matter what…” you smiled gently at those words. Doubts you had about talking to him were long gone. It was clear how much you needed to have someone in your circle. Someone who was also in this hellish loop with you.
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
The week flew by quickly. You took your friends advice to heart and tried not to overthink things. It was going quite well due to the fact you barely got to see Hoseok. He was having a busy time at work and so were you.
When Friday evening came you thought you would see more of your fiancé, but coming back to your apartment all you saw was again a note stating he is gonna be back late but that he would make it up to you tomorrow. You sighed a bit, and rubbed your neck. A wave of anxiety creeping up your spine. You could not shake off a weird feeling, that something was not right. Trying not to overthink it, you decided to cook something and watch a movie.
You were pouring yourself a next glass of wine while looking at the screen of your tv, when your heard you cellphone ring. Walking up to it you saw “Kookie” as the caller ID. Your brows arched up in surprise. It was already quite late. What could he want? Did something happen. “Kook? What’s up?” you answered in a bit surprised tone. A sigh on the other end greeted you and that was the moment you knew something had to be off.
“Y/N… turn to video call ok? But don’t freak out… and best sit down…” his voice was a bit shaken and he sounded nervous. You switched to video and what you saw on the screen left you dumbfounded. It was your fiancé talking up some girl, or more like clearly flirting. You could see Jungkook had to be standing in some corner, not wanting to be caught out from the crowd. Once looking around the people that were visible to your eyes, you could see a couple of figures you recognized. There was Joon, Tae and Jimin. They were close by Hoseok and some other officers you knew he worked with.
Blood rushed to your cheeks and then hit back down your body, leaving you pale as a wall. Your muscles started to shake as you felt rage well up within you. This was the “job” he was tending to? Your friend kept quiet on the other side. You let out a breath, you were holding for quite a while - he is just flirting maybe it does have to do something with work? As you were about to try and calm yourself down, you saw the girl run her hand down your fiancés back. He was laughing and giving her his charming smile. Then you saw her whisper something to his ear that made him smile even wider and wrap his hand around her waist.
You felt the veins in your brain pulse, your head was about to explode. Was he really doing this? The answer to that came fast. Saying something to the other men he walked away with the lady. There was no doubt about the intentions, just looking at the body language itself was enough of a tell. For a moment you could not make a sound. You were seeing red and about to scream for bloody murder. “Y/N… I’m so sorry…” you heard Jungkook say and switch off the video. Putting the phone to your ear you rasped “Send me the bar name… I’ll come there…” you shot out angry “He left…” you cut your friend off with a “And? I am not coming there for him Kook. I need a drink…”
Once you received the address you took a cab and walked into the loud, crowded club. Kook was waiting at the bar as he said. Next to him were already the three gang members. You took a deep breath seeing you friend shoot you an apologetic gaze, clearly not being too thrilled by who had joined him.
You on the other hand got an idea. You remembered Taehyungs comments about you being a hottie. As enraged as you were your mind spun to some wild places. You were not going to blow up Hobi’s phone, calling him out on what he did, telling him you know. No, you were so fed up with his now very clear lies, that you stopped to think reasonably. You were pissed, planning to get shitfaced and go home with some guy. Have fun without any strings attached. Tae seemed like a good choice, cocky, sure of himself and good looking. Hitting on him shouldn’t be too challenging for you.
Once you made way to the bar, Jungkook was already holding a drink for you in his hand. As you started to down the colorful liquid you felt eyes on you. “Wow doc… you seem thirsty?” a smooth and low voice came from behind you. Turning, you saw the tall handsome man you were just thinking about. “Oh you have no idea…” you say, your voice turning sultry, what earned you an arched brow from your friend and a crook smile from Tae.
Looking you up and down, he sat on the stool next to you, taking a sip of his whiskey “Any way I can help with the issue?” Jungkook was about to tell him off but you spoke before him “Actually… I think you just might have the solution”. Your coworker almost let out a shocked gasp, eyeing you if you were serious about your intentions. Once he understood that a line had been crossed with you, and this was some sort of petty revenge from your side and a way to let loose he only nodded his head, making clear he was not about to judge your choices.
Two cocktails later, you found yourself on the dance floor, swaying your body against the tall brunette. Things were slowing getting heated as he twirled you around and hugged your waist. His hard on, pressing against your ass. “Well I guess I can say today I am one lucky bastard…” he whispered into your ear while nibbling at your neck gently. As you closed your eyes with a slight hum and were about to answer, you felt a tight grip on your wrist pulling you from Tae’s grasp.
Your eyes shot open as your body slammed against someone. Looking up you met those familiar black eyes. Agust-D wast staring into your soul and before you could protest he glared at Taehyung who quickly disappeared, while raising his hands in defeat. “Really…?” the raven haired man asked in a low rumble. Rolling your eyes you ripped your hand out of his “What? You guys are in some sort of cult that does not allow you to fuck around?” he blinked a bit taken aback by your words. “I was calling you. Have you forgotten you still need to take those stitches out of me?”.
Taking the phone from your pocket, you stared at the screen. You saw one missed call from an unknown number. “First of all… as I recall we were to have an appointment tomorrow. Second of all, do you know what fucking time it is?” his eyes turned chilly, as he took a step closer. “Did you forget already what I told you? You’re hella out of luck Y/N!” and just like that, he grabbed you once again pulling you behind him.
His whole aura made you instantly shut up and stop arguing. You followed behind him, feeling that if he wanted he could wave you around like a rag-doll. He opened the door to his SUV for you, waiting that you to get in. Once you were sat inside, he got behind the wheel and drove off. You sat in silence, wondering if he was taking you to the gloomy hangar you despised so much. To your surprise, you ended up driving into one of Seoul’s most luxurious parts - UN Village.
Waiting if you were just driving by, you observed the fancy apartment buildings, threw the window. Suddenly he stopped under one of them and got out of the car. Walking to your side he opened your door and awaited for you to jump out. As you slid off the seat, you couldn’t stop looking amazed by the beautifully lit up neighborhood.
Without a word he started walking. You quickly followed, trying not to trip over your own feet, from how surprised you were. He let you inside one of the apartments. It was huge, clean and modernly styled. You stood in the hallway, blinking your eyes. Of course he had to be loaded. He was the head of one of the main gangs of the city. You just did not expect him to chose such a fancy place to live.
Trying not to look overly impressed you said “I don’t have my medical bag with me…” you barely finished the statement and he threw a med kit on the small coffee table in front a huge couch. You walked up slowly, looking over the whole spacious living room. The place looked like from a magazine.
You were brought back to reality once you saw him unbutton his black shirt. Gulping, you averted your eyes from him. “Since you were so upset with the last place, I decided to fulfill you demands on decent workplace…” he said and then asked “Where do you want me?” still a bit stunned, you blurted without thinking “Sit on the couch” and then it hit you that your choice would put you in a uncomfortable position, but it was too late. He had already sat down, with his shirt wide open.
You slightly coughed, trying to think of how to handle the situation. You ended up deciding to sit yourself on the coffee table in front of him. Your slim fingers grabbed at the kit and took out a pair of small scissors and tweezers. Deciding to not utter a word, you hovered yourself over his abdomen and started taking out the stitches.
“Seems like you took the doctors orders a bit more seriously this time…” you finally spoke, earning a slight laugh from him. “Is there an award for good behavior? A lollipop or something?” he chimed in a graveled voice. Felling your face burn you cleared your throat. The alcohol was log gone from your system at this point and so was all the sass you had before.
Once you took the last suture out, you straightened yourself and let out a short breath. “All done…” you said quietly trying not to look at him, but then you felt his fingers push away a loose strand of your hair. “Are you? All done?” he asked in a low voice. Your heart was about to jump out of your chest, as confident as you felt around a guy like Taehyung, Agust-D was a whole different story.
All you could stutter out was a “Mhm… I think…?” still not looking at him, you heard him shift at his spot. He leaned in closer. His breath brushed over your neck and ear as he said “I think you are lying… You looked determined at the club to take my guy out with you…” a tingle went down your whole body as you took a deep breath, trying to regain yourself. “Yea… I still might…”
He chuckled at those words and moved even closer to you, whispering in your ear so close that you could feel his lips over your skin “Well I believe he would leave you disappointed. He wouldn’t be able to handle a woman like you…” you finally dared to gaze at him. He looked a bit amused by your reactions, what made you bite back a bit “Oh and you would know?”.
It was all he needed to feel provoked and grab you by the waist, pulling you onto his lap. “Yea, you are surely needy… and not such a delicate flower as some might think. Truth be told I believe you like a challenge don’t you?”. With that he wrapped one of his hands gently around your neck, causing you to quietly gasp and throw your head back a bit. “See?” you could hear he was smiling. You were so angry at yourself, at how you reacted to him, at how your brain wast starting to be clouded by all the lust he was flaming up in you.
tags: @wobblewobble822 @nansasa @nochook @kootieful @kooslilhoe @yoongisducky @xjiminsthighsx @danielle143 @llallaaa @idkjustlovingbts @darcyw16 @missussally-blog @honsoolgloss @nochuel @kaitieskidmore1 @starrlo0ver @geek-lara-nerd @jwnghyuns @xyahrinx @acquiescence804
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sparklehoney7 · 2 years
everything i wanted
by: ymkklover
pairing: yoongi/jungkook
info: one shot (3314)
tags: Inspired by Daechwita (Agust D) // Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot // Ambiguous/Open Ending // Top Min Yoongi | Suga // Bottom Jeon Jungkook // Dom/sub Undertones // Dom Min Yoongi | Suga // Sub Jeon Jungkook // Exhibitionism // Public Sex // Riding // Mildly Dubious Consent // not really but there’s a // Power Imbalance // King Min Yoongi | Suga // Name-Calling // Dacryphilia // Overstimulation // Multiple Orgasms // Corruption // Free Use // Come Eating // Light Angst // but only the last two lines tbh // Spelling Jeon Jungkook as Jeon Jeongguk // Author Is Sleep Deprived // Objectification // light but it’s there // Mentions of First Time
summary: Jeongguk slowly sinks into King Min's cock, swallowing a groan as one of the king's advisors clean his throat to speak. He tried to leave when the group of men were announced, but the King stopped him before he could. Now, his grip is tight on Min’s clothes, as he bites his bottom lip, trying to keep it quiet.
0 notes
whyse7vn · 3 years
[ ot7 x reader ]
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lmao what is this it’s 3 am and i’m tired enjoy ^ ^
jin: you ate without me…
y/n: did do that
jin: you said you’d wait
y/n: lied
jin: you’re not even gonna try and lie and say you tried you wait or something?
y/n: no
jin: we’re over
y/n: damn that sucks
jin: you don’t even care 😓
y/n: i do
seokjin please please please take me back i love you so much please please !!
jin: i guess i’ll give you another chance 🙄
y/n: thanks so much jinjin love you 😍😍🥰🥰🥰‼️‼️‼️‼️💕💕💓💓💓
jin: ew stop
y/n: stop what bae 😓💓
jin: that
y/n: you’re so hard to please
jin: i deserve better than you
y/n: choke
jin: i’m plotting your murder
y/n: it’s giving jin !alpha !hybrid !mafia boss !hard dom (disturbing content) minors dni
jin: i wolf you
y/n: would turn you into a rug
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namjoon: got a loaf of bread
y/n: smooth like butter
namjoon: also got broke that green bowl so i bought a new one
y/n: haters gonna hate and players gonna play
namjoon: the bowl is blue tho
hope that’s ok
y/n: pretty woman
namjoon: did you eat lunch ?
y/n: everybody say no
namjoon: you should go do that then
y/n: run run run
namjoon: i think there is soup in the fridge
go check
y/n: did you see my bag ?
namjoon: is it there ?
y/n: you’re so big for no reason
namjoon: what ?
y/n: i’m looking at that photo on the fridge
namjoon: the disney one ?
y/n: yeah and you’re standing behind me you a big bitch
namjoon: thanks ?
y/n: ur built like a brick
ur so hot
come home pls
namjoon: i’m on my way love
namjoon: i do
y/n: he really got you like that
i would of laughed if i was there
namjoon: i know
y/n: loud asf too
namjoon: i know babe
y/n: pls he really ate you up
lord i’m laughing now
namjoon: i figured
y/n: still love you tho 🤞🏽❤️
namjoon: love you too
was the soup in the fridge ?
y/n: no
namjoon: k i’ll order something when i get back ok ?
y/n: light it up like dynamite
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y/n: what if i had 1 hour to live and was going bald and my leg was broken and all my family was dying from cancer right now
yoongi: it’s 8am
y/n: what if
yoongi: it’s 8am
y/n: yoongi 🥺
yoongi: it is 8 am.
y/n: ok and i am gonna kms.
what now yoongi ? what now ??
yoongi: bye
y/n: what the frick bro
fuck you
you’re an opp fr
can’t trust anyone
not a soul not even your own bf
this is so sad
all they ever do is leave you in the dirt
this is what fame does to people
man this is so sad
all this money gets to them fr fr
i can’t believe it
you switched like a pussy lil bitch 💔🗣🙏🏽
agust d too famous for me 😓😓
omg am i the next rap monster but actually black ????
you should get them braids again bae 😍
could be twins
nvm i don’t like you forgot
suga flopped 🥱‼️
bts disband
skz outsold bts 🗣🗣🗣🗣
felix should replace suga 💯
agust d a flop 🙄
cyphers ain’t even that good
suga old asf
yoongi: i am trying
y/n: omg hey bae 😍😍❤️🥵🥰
yoongi: to sleep
y/n: without me 😩⁉️
yoongi: yes
y/n: omw to america rn btw like fr fr no joke /thisisnotajokeimbeingfr
yoongi: i know
y/n: i can tell you’re so excited ur so cute love you 💞
yoongi: yeah.
going to sleep now.
y/n: rest up bro ‼️‼️‼️
see you soon g 🥱🤞🏽
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y/n: i had a dream you violently slammed me into a pile of bricks
you had me by the throat
hobi: my fault
y/n: my back is broken now
hobi: sorry
y/n: it’s ok i forgive you
hobi: thank you
y/n: just don’t do it again
hobi: i promise i won’t
y/n: don’t let me down
hobi: ok
y/n: we are in love
hobi: true
y/n: cool
hobi: went into a cake shop today
y/n: what did it smell like
hobi: roses
y/n: interesting
hobi: got a small cake with a strawberry on top
y/n: photo ?
hobi: i dropped it
y/n: oh
hobi: i took a picture of it on the floor tho do you want to see ?
y/n: please
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tae: hiiii
y/n: saw a trumpet on the tv made me think about how shit you sound playing it
tae: fuck you i’ll be great one day
y/n: i take it back ur hot
tae: fanks
y/n: we can get matching trumpets
can we put like sequins on them or will that fuck up the sound or something?
tae: idk
y/n: you should
tae: can we drink tn?
y/n: we can make a lil marching band 🥺🥺🥺
tae: also can we not invite jin this time want it to just be us
y/n: we should learn how to play dynamite
tae: and we are gonna eat yesterday’s leftovers
y/n: but if i see your fucking feet out one time today marching band dreams will come to an end ok ?
tae: but idk if i’m really feeling leftovers yk???
y/n: make sure them dogs are LOCKED away
tae: yeah idk i’ll wait until it’s time to eat then i’ll decide
y/n: what ?
tae: huh?
why are you talking about my feet
y/n: they’re scary 😟
tae: i feel like we’re on the completely different pages rn
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jk: what if i was spiderman ?
y/n: that would be hot
jk: yeah
y/n: why aren’t you spiderman?
jk: racism.
y/n: valid
jk: do you still think i’m hot even tho i’m not spiderman?
y/n: i guess
jk: thanks
y/n: yw
jk: sorry i’m not at my full potential
y/n: i forgive you
jk: ok
y/n: ok
jk: bought a rock today
y/n: a shiny one ?
jk: no
y/n: like just a normal one ?
jk: yeah
y/n: nice.
jk: ikr
y/n: how much was it?
jk: 4k
y/n: what
jk: 4,000
y/n: jungkook
jk: yeah
y/n: what the fuck
jk: the rock seller was very convincing
y/n: can you return it ?
jk: no
y/n: what does the rock do
jk: sit ?
y/n: oh
jk: i’m gonna draw a face on it
y/n: i think i’m gonna take your card for a bit
jk: oh
y/n: yeah
jk: did i do something wrong ?
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jimin: watched 10 fancams of myself today
y/n: watched 10 of v
jimin: go fuck him then ???
y/n: might do that
jimin: no don’t it was a joke /j /j /j /j
y/n: don’t joke like that got my hopes up for nothing 😔💔
jimin: you would never
y/n: try me
jimin: you make me sick
y/n: 🤞🏽🤞🏽
jimin: you make me hard
y/n: i would hope so
jimin: yeah
y/n: yeah
jimin: i’m in our room
y/n: ok
jimin: just thinking
y/n: nice to know your brain still does that
jimin: you ruined it
y/n: my bad bro 🙏🏽
jimin: bro ???
y/n: bestie ?
jimin: ur so annoying
y/n: i’ll try better myself for you jimin 😔
jimin: you cant
you’re too lost
y/n: find me jimin 🥺🥺
pls find me 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
jimin: i’ll try
y/n: that’s so hot 🤤🥵❤️‼️💯
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not allowed v, m | myg
pairing(s): yoongi x reader, mentions of jungkook x reader – est. poly relationship
summary: BTS have had a long, busy day. Heck, a busy week, preparing for 2021 Grammys performance and interviews. It’s finally over, and all Min Yoongi wants is to take a shower and sleep with his favorite person. There’s no one like you. He deserves some special treatment – some belated birthday wishes granted perhaps?
warnings: rated M (18+) for language; domestic shower care (aww) and shower sex (hell yeah); feels and fluff; smut (fem reader, dirty talk, fingering, nipple play, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, handjob / blowjob (with tongue technology), f-receiving oral, doggy, spanking); idol!BTS; occurs the night of the 2021 Grammys
part of ‘not allowed’ series, but can be read alone. basic summary: MYG asks JJK to fuck you, again, let’s keep this going, oop JK dyed his hair blue; based on real time.
"I'm sorry you didn't win."
"It's okay. It was a long shot anyway."
"Well, you are good at basketball, so you can make a long shot, easy."
A deep, raspy chuckle. "Next time."
Water drummed against the tile, the rhythm interrupted by you working shampoo through black hair, conjuring fistfuls of lathered white clouds. The head lifted a little and you were about to chastise him, but one look into those black-brown eyes and small sheepish smile looking down at you, and you forgot what you were going to say. 
"It was never about us anyway. We wanted to win so ARMY could brag about us."
You grinned, chuckling a little. "They always brag about you, Yoongi."
You saw something flit across his face, but he didn't say anything. You already knew. I wish you could brag about me. And you did, but not in the way he wanted, because he was Min Yoongi, SUGA of BTS, Agust D sometimes, and your secret all of the time. You closed the distance, a simple, sweet kiss in response to his wordless wish, I know, me too, hands curling in his soapy hair, smiling gently against his lips. Hm. You could feel Yoongi was thoroughly enjoying your wet breasts against his chest. 
Something hard was poking you quite insistently.
You drew back a little and Yoongi's hands circled your waist, keeping your hips to him.
"Thought you said you were sleepy?" you teased.
Yoongi grinned slyly. "I changed my mind."
You chuckled, tipping his head back to rinse his hair off, forcing him to close his eyes with a displeased grunt. You could tell from his dark circles that he was tired from the stress of the day, having to wake up at two in the morning and be ready for his call time at five, but he still insisted for you to come, still insisted for you to sneak around and be here when he came home. You didn't get to see Yoongi on his birthday and not during the weekend before either. He was too busy filming content and preparing for the Grammys.
You did send him a voice message of you singing happy birthday and he replied with, thank you, my love, instead of the usual, you would benefit from a vocal coach, which meant he missed you far too much to tease you. 
You carefully straightened his neck and Yoongi breathed out, raising a hand to push his black hair away from his face, slicking it back and exposing his forehead. 
Yoongi's eyes opened, dark brown orbs reflecting the mischief in his smirk. 
"You sure you don't want me to call the maknae?" he asked not-so-innocently. 
You narrowed your eyes at him. He knew what he was doing. 
Your boyfriend had posted a selfie this morning, only to be followed up by Jeon Jungkook’s adorable pose in a colorful fluffy flannel shirt on Weverse. Earlier in the week, Jungkook had cutely invaded and sang happy birthday on Yoongi’s celebratory live, and then put up a picture of himself on his post for said hyung’s birthday.
The absolute gall of the Golden Maknae. 
Needless to say, you were disappointed, but not surprised. Only slightly though. Jungkook was like that. A little bit – alright, a lot – of a naughty little shit that needed his cock brutally choked by your throat or pussy every once in a while. Actually, no, definitely both, just to be on the safe side. But this day was not that day.
"You said you wanted to be selfish today," was your calm response to Yoongi's question, reaching behind him to rinse off your hands, pressing your tits into his chest. Your eyes flickered up to his. Yoongi raised an eyebrow as your fingers trailed on his back, drawing small patterns. 
"Has he been a bad boy?" he chuckled, referring to, of course, the shameless audacity of your other boyfriend, well-loved and doted-on Jeon Jungkook. 
Your expression matched his, inquiring but already knowing the answer. A silent conversation between kindred souls that followed the same thought process. Closer, water gliding between your bodies, lips fitting against his, lightly nipping at his lower lip as if to say, we're both a little mean, Yoongi chuckling in agreement as he captured your lips forcefully. Hands all over wet bodies, pressing him to you and him reciprocating, hot water seeming hotter, steam getting steamier, kisses passionate and intense, Yoongi pushing you into the shower wall, not letting you get away.
Jungkook had known you were coming, but he wasn't allowed to attend this time. 
He said he was tired from the events of today and he wanted you to spend time with Yoongi alone because it had been Yoongi's birthday recently and they should definitely get special treatment during their birthdays, right?
"I want special treatment on my birthday, so I suppose hyung should as well..." 
"Ah, that's too bad, I was looking forward to punishing you."
"Noona...!" You could hear the shy pout in Jungkook's voice as it lowered, whispering into his phone. "Don't say stuff like that..."
You heard a sneaky cat-like purr in the background. "Say what?"
Jungkook started and you heard the violent rattle of the phone falling, followed by scrambles to retrieve it. Ah. You could see now why Jungkook's phone was taped.
"Hyung! Don’t... I thought you were still in the bathroom..."
"Mmm." You knew that what that hum meant. You've been on the phone for a while. And Jungkook had, lamenting that he wished they could have won the award and had a celebration live with ARMY and you had to reassure him over and over that there would be more chances and ARMY was already very proud with the nomination, yourself included. 
"Uh... do you want to talk to hyung? He's here..." Jungkook did not sound like he wanted to give his phone up. He was only asking out of politeness.
"No, Jungkook, I'll see him in a bit."
"She said no, huh?" Yoongi mused and then you heard the sounds of footsteps wandering away. 
Jungkook made a questioning noise, but you reoriented him rather quickly. 
"I want to hear your voice some more, Jungkook." You recalled the opening of the Grammys 'Dynamite' performance and his teasing, cocky nose scrunch. "Was feeling rather sexy during the recording, weren't you?"
"You saw?" An edge of excitement to his tone. "That was for you, noona," he added playfully. 
"No, it wasn't."
His faint, wicked snicker. "Okay, you're right, but I did think about you while doing it."
"Mmmhmm. What part of me? My smiling face or my warm mouth wrapped around your cock?"
Alright, you did end up giving Jungkook a little bit of punishment, because neither you nor himself could help it. And at the very end, he played along, whining for you because he knew you wanted him to. Fuck, he was getting clever now, remembering all the things you liked. Stupid sexy Jungkook and his duality.
"Can't I come too? Please, noona?"
It took a lot of refuse his cute voice, but you did make a promise to Yoongi and you never broke your promises.
"Sorry, Jungkook, you're not allowed this time."
Reliving your memory was abruptly interrupted by two fingers sliding into your pussy.
"Excuse you," you muttered into Yoongi's lips. 
"What are you thinking about that's gotten you so wet, hm?" he drawled, dripping water down your cheeks and chest, kissing from your lips and up your jaw, slowly working his fingers in and out, your wetness thicker, warmer than the water, leaking down his knuckles. His voice in your ear, low and dangerous, making you fall for him more and more. "Thinking about me or the maknae?"
Min Yoongi knew you too well.
Couldn't think of a smart comeback, not with Yoongi's voice so sensual and invasive, staring up at the hazy ceiling while he sucked on your ear, biting your lip to stifle your moans, nerves lighting with shivering arousal. His fingers controlled, measured, focused on deeply penetrating you to graze your favorite spots, rubbing your walls and pressing his thumb into your clit, slow circles causing throbs of pleasure to glide through you. Yoongi knew all the places that made you weak, licking right under your ear to make you whimper for him, kissing and sucking up and down the curve. The warm water created a steady hum, background music for his dirty words. 
"Is that why Jungkookie ran so fast to the bathroom earlier today, hm? Mmm, you shouldn't mess with him so much. You should know better as his noona," Yoongi murmured softly, speeding up, catching your earlobe with his teeth and tugging on it, words slightly muffled as he continued, waves of heat flaring upwards with every thrust. "He'll keep teasing you, pretending it's for ARMY, and then when he has you next, he'll make you beg for his cock…" Teeth biting down, leaving a visible mark, his gravelly whisper sparking inhibitions. 
"And I'm going to watch you."
Fuck you, Min Yoongi, for always knowing the right thing to say.
Yoongi flicked your clit and you cried out, bucking into his hand, almost losing balance, but his left arm came up behind the small of your back and held you in place, strong and unyielding, orgasm cut short with your sudden worry of straining his recovery, but Yoongi already knew, cooing comfortingly in your inflamed ear. 
"I was dancing during the recording, remember?"
Right, he was cleared to dance, but still...
And again, Yoongi led you back into the proper headspace, kissing and nipping down your neck, tongue against your collarbones, stroking your side with his left hand as his right pushed in and out of you, building the pace and your needy gasps once more. 
"Shh, you're a good girl, don't move and nothing bad will happen."
A tinge of menace in his voice, indicating the double meaning, I won't get hurt and maybe you won't get punished. Only a maybe though, sending a delighted spark up your spine, pressing your shoulder blades into the shower wall, instinctively raising one of your legs to give Yoongi more space. You glanced down, but he wasn't looking at you, eyes calmly closed, soaked black strands sticking to his forehead as his pink lips wrapped around one of your nipples. Instant pleasure from his expert tongue, teasing the moans of his name out of you, praising him, fuck yes, Yoongi, so good, I love this, fingers filling you repeatedly, thumb knuckle grinding onto your clit, sucking on your hard nipple. You were so focused on the feeling that your torso froze up, head and hands pressed into the wall, back arcing as you came, pulses of ecstasy enveloping you, but Yoongi didn't stop, forcing another finger inside your tight hole, whines in your throat as your shuddering pussy sucked it in, still riding waves of aftershocks.
His left hand slid up and pinched your ignored nipple. 
"Yoongi, fuck...!"
You could only curse the gods that created the genius that was Min Yoongi, chuckling as he rubbed your left nipple, sucked on the right, thumb knuckle on your clit, three fingers fully stuffed inside you, so hard and so fast that his forearm was nearly vibrating. Too coordinated, too rough, too much, mind going blank, already orgasming, and again, and again, not stopping.
He was too good. 
Yoongi wasn’t going to stop until you made him. 
Your eyes rolled back, rocketing bolts of pleasure overtaking everything, entire body shaking and quivering with overstimulation, your own knuckles white because your fingers somehow curled into fists, moans rattling your chest as wave after wave of pleasure attacked you, pushing you to the brink of collapse.
"Y-Yoongi, oh, fuuuuuuuk, Yoongi!"
Your body made the executive decision for you, left hand shooting down and grabbing his forearm, gripping it tightly, gasping for air, making sure to keep his long fingers buried all the way inside, his hard muscle flexing under your palm. Fuck, so hot. Yoongi immediately stopped, detaching his mouth from your nipple, and you could barely protest, tremors thundering through your torso as your pussy spasmed and soaked his fingers with your sweet-sour juices, your inner muscles rapidly clenching and unclenching around him, his low moans filling your ears as he felt each strong pulse, stretching his fingers against your convulsing walls to amplify your pleasure and feel it all.
"Fuck..." Yoongi panted, leaning against you and your heaving chest. "Fuck, you're so pretty when you're wrecked." 
His lips on your temple, kissing you fiercely, grinding his crotch into your hip and revealing how hard he was as you tried to come down, tried to calm your heart threatening to pound out of your chest. You turned your head to face him and he was there, devouring your lips with rough kisses, pulling his fingers out to tug and pinch at your nipples with his knuckles, smirking at your submissive whines, your hands wandering down and gripping his length, leisurely stroking him.
Now Yoongi was the one gasping into your mouth, switching to rubbing your hard sensitive nipples to coax you to do more, switching your positions in the shower so his back was to the water. The two of you were only half-finished washing up, but neither of you seemed to notice or care.
You backed up a little, breaking the kiss, seeing Yoongi’s dazed expression as you lightly cupped the head of his cock in your palm, gently rolling into the slickness, continuing for several seconds before adding a little more pressure. He inhaled sharply, pleading for more with his breathing alone. His chin was slightly tilted upwards, black hair sticking to his forehead, pink lips slightly parted, water trickling in rivets down his neck and chest.
Yoongi noticed you staring and gave you his trademark open-mouthed smirk.
Who taught Jeon Jungkook how to be hot as hell?
It had to have been Min Yoongi.
You mentally took note of this image of wet Yoongi so you could masturbate to it later.
He cocked a brow and you cocked one back, challenging him. Then you dropped to your knees, careful with the slippery floor, and yanked his hips to your face so he blocked all of the water with his body. His stiff length smacked you in the lips and smeared pre-cum on them. You heard Yoongi gasp and you looked up, seeing him watching you, expectation and hunger in his dark eyes.
You smirked, tongue snaking out and licking your lips to taste him.
“Is my good girl going to do all my favorite things?” he drawled in his extra-low octave.
Your pussy throbbed at his domineering tone. You didn’t have to say anything, your scorching gaze alone creating that amused smirk on Yoongi’s lips. I know what you want. One hand holding up his cock, leaning forward, and Yoongi groaned in satisfaction, your mouth sucking in one of his balls, your deft tongue circling the other in loud, messy slurps, suffocating one while licking the other. You flicked your wrist back and forth, pumping his cock as you worked his balls, lips tight and pulling slightly, tongue flexed and slapping against the other.
You looked up at Yoongi’s dilated pupils, knowing that he could see flashes of your pink tongue against his balls, your hand stroking him slowly and deliberately.
“You’re so good, fuck… So fucking good at that,” Yoongi panted. “Every other man in the world is jealous that they’re never going to get to experience this.”
You popped your mouth off, making him hiss with pleasure. “That’s not true. I’ll give it to Jungkookie eventually.”
“Ah, he’s lucky that I picked him.”
You raised your eyebrows, you picked him, uh huh, I was the one stalking him on Twitter, and Yoongi nudged you with his hips, eyes narrowing dangerously, put my balls in your fucking mouth, and you obeyed, switching to his right side and sucking it into your plush lips, tongue snaking out to lap at his left one, now pumping him with your dominant right hand. He sucked in a breath, moaning softly, clenching his jaw as you increased to his favorite pressure and speed.
“Fuck, yes, make me cum just like this,” he snarled, as much a plea as it was an order, rocking his hips a little so he tugged on his balls in your mouth, forcing you to suck harder and lick more roughly to keep him in place, obscene slurps adding another layer to the song that was the falling water, Yoongi’s moans, and the rapid slap-slap-slap of your hand furiously jacking off his twitching hardness. You glanced up at him and he was observing you closely, drinking in every second of your mouth, hand, and spread-open thighs as you kneeled for him, water dripping off your nipples and ass, groaning your name, tone saturated with lust.
“Ah, fuck, I love you so much, you look so fucking good like this…”
You could tell he was getting close with how shallow his breathing was becoming. Tighter, harder, so devoted to the cause that you were whimpering to add vibration to the multiple sensations, drunk on the taste of his skin and the scent of his pre-cum right next to your head, needing it, wanting it, right now, your eyes telling him, please Yoongi, cum for me, want you to cum for me so bad, and he bit his lip, tense growl contained in his throat that morphed into a drawn-out wail.
“Fuck, now, fuck!”
You abruptly pulled off his balls and Yoongi gasped, startled and confused as you quickly repositioned yourself so he shot thick strings onto your mouth, painting your red swollen lips with drizzles of white, up your cheek and onto your nose, dark eyes wide as he witnessed his indecent mark on you. Like something out of a literal porno, your lips coated with glossy lines of his semen. You looked up at him, still holding his cock, sinfully triumphant.
Your devious smirk covered in cum.
“You wicked, dirty woman,” Yoongi breathed in amazement.
His hand was travelling down so you removed yours, already guessing what was coming next. You placed your hands on your thighs, sinking into the softness as Yoongi groaned, wrapping his fingers around his cock, pumping himself slowly to the image of your cum-covered puffy lips, red and white, upper body tilted back so your hard nipples pointed upwards towards him, squeezing your breasts together with your arms while your hands kept your thighs spread, wet pussy exposed to him.
“Fuck,” he hissed, so hard you could see the flashes of veins standing out through his fingers. “You’re too much, too sexy, come closer so I can use that mouth.”
You scooted nearer and Yoongi pushed his cock into your lips, moaning as he watched his orgasm smear down his length and disappear with each centimeter his cock into your tight, hot mouth, your eyes taking in the jerks of his shoulders and slack jaw, forcing you to take him all the way to the base. He was so turned on that you knew he wasn’t going to last as long as he wanted, but there was no stopping him now, already shallowly thrusting. You knew how to make him pause though, tightly tensing your throat muscles around the tip. Yoongi threw his head back, your name a desperate whine.
“Please, shit, I’m so fucking sensitive, fuck…”
Slowly Yoongi’s head rolled back and you took the chance to slide your tongue out, hands coming up to cup his balls, licking them in playful figure-eights with his entire length crammed down your throat, barely able to breathe.
You didn’t care.
Yoongi was in literal heaven.
Swearing, gasping, moaning, enjoying it for a good twenty seconds before fitting his right hand behind your head, tangled in your wet hair.
“Hold me,” he gritted out. “Hold me so I can fuck your face.”
You backed up a little to take a deep lungful of air, placing your hands on his hips. There was so much adrenaline coursing through your veins that you didn’t even notice that your knees were screaming in pain, completely focused on getting your throat ready for Yoongi’s abuse.
Your eyes flickered up to him, giving him the signal.
Yoongi grinned and began to thrust into your mouth. You adjusted your neck a little and Yoongi hissed, the throbbing head of his cock now rubbing against the roof of your mouth with every slide down your throat, rolling his hips into your face. You could tell he wanted to keep it slow, but his body craved the speed and he finally gave in, fucking your face mercilessly, fast and rough, nearly choking you but not quite, and that was the best part, Yoongi always knowing the edge, always knowing how much you could take, chuckling darkly as your moaned around his cock, trying not to dig your nails into his skin.
“It’s okay, do it,” Yoongi nudged, devilish edge to his voice. “Do it. No one is going to look there.”
Eye contact.
You sure?
He ticked a brow.
How many people were going to look at his ass? Eh, he was right.
You sank your nails into his hips and dragged them down, creating red scratches around his crotch.
“Yes, fuck, yes,” Yoongi gasped with your name, urging you for more, you clawing at his ass as he forced himself between your tight lips, marking him up, praying no one was going to ask why his ass looked like a cat’s scratching post, but it was doomed, your cries vibrating his cock, Yoongi losing control, lustful shudder as his cock jolted in your mouth, spilling down your throat. You swallowed greedily, puffing breath around his thick length, sucking a little so you could feel every quiver, his taste strong and salty, so delicious that your pussy pulsated with satisfaction even through it wasn’t being stimulated.
You felt Yoongi caress your wet hair, soft praises floating down to your ears. You licked him delicately, ghosting your tongue around and around the head. He shivered, exhaling hard.
“Such a good girl, taking me so well…”
You felt his cock soften. You did what any sensible human would do and took him all the way in your mouth to bounce his balls with your tongue.
Yoongi chuckled.
“You’re crazy.”
You gave him your gurgled response with his dick still down your throat.
“You’re right, I do love it.” He tapped your cheek. “But the water’s getting cold, so let’s finish this shower and get into bed.”
“What happened to my ripped panties?”
“From last time? Don’t know. Jungkook had them in his pocket.”
You frowned, working product through your wet hair. “I hope he threw them away safely.”
Yoongi looked thoughtful. “Ah, is that what he snuck over to Jimin’s room for?”
He shrugged. “It would be a good cover.”
You gawked at him.
Yoongi didn’t elaborate, going back to daintily and dutifully applying his skincare.
Get into bed.
This wasn’t exactly what you thought Yoongi meant, but you weren’t mad at it.
“Fuck, that’s so insanely hot…”
You were kneeling on the bed, chin on the pillows, knees spread, hands on your ass cheeks to spread your pussy open so your boyfriend Min Yoongi could watch you flex your wet opening.
At least he gave you time to blow-dry your hair before ordering you around.
For the moment, you were staring at the headboard, keenly concentrating on the exact precision and force needed to open and close with varying degrees. Most of the time, there was no need to be this focused, but Yoongi had asked for a show, so you were going to give him one. You could hear him slowly stroking himself, panting with exertion and awe. The bed sank a little as his weight was added, coming up behind you. Anticipation zipped through your veins, heartbeat spiking.
You felt a cold, fine spray on your ass and back. The fuck? Then the scent hit you, sudden citrus mixed with a verdant musk and the base of pine wood. On your skin, it immediately morphed, turning warmer, almost smokier, different than how it smelled on Yoongi. You twisted your head around, giving Yoongi’s smirking face a startled look.
“Did you just spray me with your cologne?”
He tucked his tongue between his neat white teeth. “No.” Which obviously meant yes.
You narrowed your eyes. “You shouldn’t do that. Someone might figure it out.”
Yoongi raised an eyebrow underneath his fluffy black bangs. “I’m sure many people buy and wear my cologne, including women. Can’t keep anything a secret these days.”
There was a twinge of arrogance and wistfulness in his deep voice, but before you could break it down and ask, what about me, Yoongi leaned in and shoved his tongue into your pussy.
“F-fuck, Yoongi!”
His satisfied groan trembled through your nerves, igniting arousal and causing you to clench around his tongue involuntarily. He didn’t have to say it, both of you already thinking it, keep going, but now you were gasping, getting wetter and wetter with the addition of Yoongi’s tongue lazily sliding up and down as your muscles contracted and relaxed, letting him feel your skill and power, his moans vibrating through you from your core. It was already slick and getting slicker, Yoongi’s tongue gracefully sliding through your folds, thrusting into your hole, your juices like honey seeping onto his greedy mouth, so fucking good you didn’t need to control it anymore, it was just happening, and it took everything in you not to shove your ass into his face even though you wanted to, because you didn’t want to make any sudden movements and accidentally hurt him when he had already worked so hard today.
Yoongi chuckled.
“Fuck you,” you hissed, knowing he could see the strain in your arms and the tremble of your hips trying to keep your position as he sucked on your clit.
He removed his mouth and you grumbled in disappointment, cutting yourself off when you heard the distinct rip of a foil packet.
“No, fuck you.”
Yoongi said it as if he was telling someone the time and not about to forcefully plunge his dick right into where his mouth was a second ago.
“Ah, fuck yes, Yoongi…”
He sank right in, stretching you out deliciously, sighing as your wet walls molded around his cock, familiar and wonderful. You finally had the chance to remove your hands from your ass so you could hold yourself up, relieving some of the pressure on your poor knees.
“I’m choosing to ignore your disrespect,” Yoongi purred, placing his hands on your hips and bottoming out, his balls smacking your engorged clit roughly, earning a low hiss from your throat. Your fingers twisted into the sheets, breathing hard as your body adjusted. He was asking you how you wanted it. You clicked your tongue and turned your head back, seeing him watching you closely under his black hair shadowing his dark brown eyes.
“What a nice guy,” you remarked in a cool, defiant tone, borderline bored.
Come on, Yoongi, mess me up.
His lips curved into that devious, open-mouthed smirk you loved so much.
He slid out and slapped his crotch into your ass, hard.
“Yes, Yoongi, fuck!”
Your nails sank into your palms and you shoved your fists into the sheets, locking your upper body so you could push back into his rough thrusts, pleased grin on your lips, his perfect cock filling you over and over again, core tensed tight to feel all of him, the thick head forcing its way deep inside slick velvet, the rock-hard length twitching against each ridge, his balls bouncing against your inflamed clit, so full, so good, so intense that it almost hurt.
It wasn’t enough.
Panting hard, chest shuddering, you reached up and planted a hand flat against the headboard and clenched your jaw, bucking back into Yoongi’s crotch. His voice was mind-numbingly deep, full of desire and danger.
“Harder it is, my love.”
You smirked, then gasped as you felt the hot sting of Yoongi’s palm on your ass, the sound reverting against the apartment walls. He didn’t stop, fucking you hard into the bed and slapping your ass as you kept up with his pace, doing half the work for him so he could focus on each sharp spank to make your ass bounce on his cock, the bed screaming for you two to stop, but neither of you noticed, completely focused on chasing wild, feral pleasure, Yoongi growling your name and you moaning at his carnal tone, soaking his skin with thick, sweet-smelling juices, pussy violently massaging his length.
“That’s it,” Yoongi hissed, breathing rapid and shallow, ceasing his slapping of your red ass to seize your hips and fuck you even harder, digging his nails into your skin and marking you with his lust. “Feels so good fucking this perfect body just the way I like.”
Fuck, his voice, taking your heart and setting your world into lustful wildfire, no one like him, nothing like this, making you lose your mind and fuck back against him harder, the roller coaster climbing higher and higher and higher, Yoongi cursing under his breath, and you were so far gone that you almost didn’t pick up his words.
“Shit, Jungkookie would have loved watching you get wrecked by me.”
A low moan ripped from your throat, the thought of Jungkook’s needy voice and expression seeing you get pounded by Yoongi’s full strength, being told to watch and probably not being able to help touching himself, fuck, you wanted it, wanted Jungkook so bad at that very moment, wanted to show him how ruined you were, knowing he would love it, crave it, desire it, fuck, it was too much and you came hard, seeing stars, planets, fuck it, the whole fucking galaxy, fingernails curling into the headboard and whining at the sensitivity, body rolling onto Yoongi’s cock and squeezing it powerfully. Yoongi gasped out your name, grip tightening as he spilled into the condom, his length pulsating and twitching into your walls. You thought that was it, but Yoongi’s fingers snaked down between your legs.
“Oh, fuck, Yoongi, Yoongi, fuck!”
He roughly rubbed your aching clit with two fingers, forcing you to cum again around his cock, moaning loudly with every convulsion of your overstimulated pussy, viscous juices clinging to the insides of your joined thighs, completely defeating the purpose of the fucking shower, but neither of you seemed to remember that, Yoongi too busy using his last ounce of strength to push you to your limit, flicking the sensitive bundle of nerves and vibrating his fingertips against it, your eyes rolling back and spine clattering as another orgasm blasted through you, up your torso and straight to your head, numbing pleasure overtaking everything, arm going slack and forgetting to hold yourself up, hand slipping on the headboard, fatigue finally having its way.
Yoongi was quick to slide his hand up your belly and keep you up, wiry strength of his right arm balancing between your breasts to prevent you from falling into the bed.
“Holy f-fuck…”
The words sounded far away even though they were yours, the resounding beat in your ears being your pulse trying to catch up, nerves tingling all over, acutely aware of the tiny flinches gliding across your skin, aftershocks of a particularly explosive orgasm. Your pussy was still throbbing around Yoongi’s spent cock, locking him in your embrace. You planted your hands onto the bed and lifted yourself up rather shakily, taking the burden off Yoongi’s arm.
“You okay?” Yoongi asked, caressing the underside of your breast lightly.
You had the energy to raise one hand and give him a thumbs-up.
He rapped your ribcage. “Stop that.”
You chuckled, finding your voice a bit hoarse. “Why? You always do it in pictures.”
You heard Yoongi mumble disapprovingly behind you. “Is that why you do that? To make fun of me when I take photos?”
“Almost eight years of being an idol and you still don’t know what to do with your hands in pictures,” you teased.
He pinched your nipples roughly and you yelped.
“I know what to do with my hands around you,” Yoongi growled, rubbing them between his fingertips, your moans radiating off his walls. “And that’s what matters.”
interlude 20210419 drabble — “This is not allowed, you two.”
part vi “Shh, you’re not allowed to tell anyone.”
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bubblesuga · 4 years
A Match Into Water
Summary: Sometimes all Yoongi needs is a warm cabin, and you. W/C: 2,068 Warnings: mentions of smut, cussing, slight angst but mostly fluff
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There’s something undeniably gorgeous about the Rocky Mountains of the western US. The sun shines brightly in the middle of the day and cloud coverage is practically non-existent, yet the snow resting on the peaks of the mountains persists like the buzzing of a bee desperately trying to find it’s hive. 
At times, it becomes more of a hindrance to Min Yoongi. He doesn’t like the cold. Hell, he hates it. The brush of the cold winter breeze drags his mood down into the deepest depths of a sinking black hole that he just can’t seem to pull himself away from. This vacation was supposed to help him, bring his mood up and inspire his creativity. Unfortunately it seems to have had the opposite affect. 
“Oh come on,” the girl who followed him on this company appointed vacation is cute, she knows English and helps Yoongi get around, “you’re supposed to be having fun.” 
“You’re insufferable sometimes, you know that?” Yoongi drawls, sipping his warm coffee and sitting in front of the wide window of the rented cabin. American coffee sucks. 
“I’m insufferable? Min Yoongi, you have not left this cabin once since we arrived. You’re like a fucking cat that doesn’t want to move from the one spot of sun inside the house.” her voice is loud, confident. Her lips curl downward and for a moment, Yoongi feels disappointment rush through his veins. He prefers her smile more than he’d be willing to admit. 
He shrugs, taking a long sip, “I like the sun.” 
She groans, falling back onto the well decorated couch, “Can you at least try skiing?” 
“Skiing involves the cold.” 
“Yeah, Yoongi. It’s winter.” 
“Maybe I didn’t want to come here! Maybe I wanted to stay in Korea, I wanted to write the album, and I wanted to move on!” Yoongi bites back, setting down his cup and turning to her. Her face is red, but she stares up at the ceiling as if she’s alone in the room. Yoongi resists the urge to lay beside her, to stroke her hair and ask if she’ll kiss him. 
She huffs, pulling herself up and meeting Yoongi’s eyes, “I’m sorry you didn’t get that opportunity. You’ve been in a rut and your company thought it’d be best for you to get away.” 
“Ah, and why’d they bring you here with me then?” 
“I’m your assistant, you dick.” she stands again and walks away momentarily. For a moment Yoongi thinks he went too far, sometimes the venom at the tip of is tongue moves too fast for him to catch with his lips. It’s not even true, he wants her here more than anyone else. 
When she reemerges from Yoongi’s room, she holds a jacket and warm sweats. 
“Change into these, we’re going down the mountain and shopping.” she’s demanding, maybe Yoongi should listen to her. 
“Why? If you’re my assistant, shouldn’t you be listening to what I want?” not without a little fight, though. 
“Now, Min Yoongi.” 
He chuckles, downing the rest of his coffee and slipping off the hoodie he already wore for the warmer jacket you brought out. She tries not to let her eyes linger on his briefly exposed abdomen when his shirt slides up with his hoodie. Instead, she opts for a nice look at the scenery outside. 
Yoongi’s legs briefly feel the cold of the cabin on his bare legs as he slips on the warm sweats. He’s let himself become comfortable with his assistant, more so than the past women who followed him around and listened to his every wish. This one is different. She’s feisty, opinionated, determined. He likes that a lot. Especially when she crosses her arms and pouts when he tries to fight her decisions. 
He glances at her, the sun reflecting off the snow and shining in her gorgeous eyes. He knows he shouldn’t feel the things he feels for her, but she makes it so damn difficult not to. How was he not supposed to fall for the pretty girl who smiles big and tells him when he’s being an asshole? Everything about her was exactly what he wanted in a woman. So, maybe listening to her wasn’t such a bad thing. 
“When I graduated college, I traveled throughout the world for a year. It made learning English pretty easy.” she shrugs, twirling the pasta around her fork. After shopping for a few hours, Yoongi insisted on stopping at the one Italian restaurant in the small valley at the bottom of the mountains. He only insisted because he knows it’s her favorite. 
“Ah, without you here I would be screwed.” Yoongi shrugs, reaching his fork across the table and digging it into a piece of chicken on her plate. She doesn’t make the effort to slap his hand away, instead reaching for his sangria and taking a sip. 
“I think that in a lot of aspects in your life. Where would you be if I didn’t pick out your outfits for the day?” she giggles as she speaks, already knowing the answer to her ridiculous question. 
“Hm,” he hums, slurping up some of his own food and pausing to swallow, “struggling to tell my right from my left sock.” 
Yoongi grins from ear to ear the moment her laughter leaves her lips. 
This is how their days together were usually spent in Korea, so the fact that the slush covered streets didn’t deter the two of them made moments like these even more special. 
“Why don’t you date?” she asks suddenly, stacking their plates as they were cleared off. 
Yoongi nearly chokes on his drink, taking a deep breath through his nose before swallowing the liquid in his mouth. He clears his throat, “what makes you ask that?” 
“Well,” her face turns slightly red, “I’ve seen all the other members dating. Bring people home. I’ve just never seen you do that so I was just curious as to why.” 
He can tell that she feels like she’s over stepping a boundary. Maybe she is. Of course it’s not appropriate for an assistant to ask her boss why he isn’t so keen on finding a woman to date. Yet, Yoongi isn’t upset by the question. Shocked? Possibly, but he doesn’t feel the need to deny her of an answer. 
“I have my eye on someone, I’m just not sure if she knows that I like her yet.” his words fall off his lips unstirred, landing into a pile on the table that Yoongi suddenly feels desperate to wipe away. Why even give her the notion that he may be interested in her? 
She smiles, but it doesn’t quite brighten up her face like her usual ones, “Who’s the lucky guy or gal?” 
Yoongi raises an eyebrow, “Lucky, eh?” 
“Well, yeah,” she laughs nervously, as though she didn’t mean to say what she said, “you’re a catch, Min Yoongi. Anyone would be lucky to have you.” 
He chuckles, that same breathy chuckle that seems to have an affect on women he meets. It comes across as careless, unwavering in his attempt to pull off his cool persona, yet it’s really just a ruse to hide the fact that he wants nothing more than to take this woman home and fall asleep with her between his arms. Yoongi meets her eyes momentarily, catching a shine in her shaking pupil. He drags his bottom lip between his teeth while his eyes drag to his assistants lips. They’re cherry red, stained with the remnants of his cherry sangria. He bets they’d taste amazing. 
Nodding, he speaks, “Would you feel lucky to have me?”
Her breath stutters as her eyes go wide. She seems to contemplate for a moment before she opens her mouth, “U- uhm, I’ll go get the bill.” 
Abruptly, she turns away and walks towards the front counter. Yoongi sighs, waiting for a moment before placing a 20 on the table and collecting both of their things. Multiple bags from various stores around the valley fill his arms and he quietly follows her back out into the street. 
In an almost unspoken decision, the two of them begin their trek back to the car and Yoongi drives them back into the mountains just as the sun is about to set. 
Though silent, Yoongi could tell his assistant was nervous. Her fingers fiddled in her lap while she stared out of the window into the dark wooded road. 
Perhaps he had been to abrupt. Perhaps he should have broke his interest to her a little slower. Or not at all. It probably would have been better for anyone if he didn’t say anything at all. 
His usual night routine began with a shower. Afterward, he brushed his teeth and blow dried his hair. Then, he turned on the bedside lamp and opened a book Namjoon had suggested to him ages ago. ‘The Unbearable Lightness of Being’ has become some sort of sick irony to him now. Minus the mistress, living awkwardly with a woman and not being able to leave quite yet was how he lived his life. 
It’s only been 2 days since he said anything to her, yet it felt like an eternity. There wasn’t anymore jokes, nor did he feel like he could speak to her as an equal. She called him Mr. Min, and it hurt. 
Suddenly, he hears a knock on his door frame. He glances up, and she stands in his doorway in her sleep wear. An oversized T-shirt and shorts that hid subtly beneath.
“Hello.” he greets, closing his book and setting it on the night stand. Sliding his glasses off his face, he turns his attention to her. She fiddles with the hem of her shirt, swallowing nervously. 
“When you asked if I would feel lucky to be with you, what did you mean?” 
Oh, so we’re getting right into it. 
Despite only being a couple years younger than Yoongi, she seemed nearly child-like as she asked the question. Her eyes stay glued to her feet while she sways gently. 
“Just that. Would you feel lucky to be with me?” 
She nearly scoffs, “What kind of a question is that?” 
Yoongi rolls his eyes, “Answer the question.” 
With a huff, she walks into the room and sits at the foot of Yoongi’s bed, “Of course I would be lucky to be with you, dumbass. You’re Min Yoongi.” 
“No,” Yoongi isn’t satisfied with that answer, “would you be satisfied with just being with Yoongi. Not Suga of BTS, not Agust D. Just... Yoongi.” 
She tilts her head adorably, her forehead creasing with concern, “That’s what I mean. You’re Yoongi, I’d be the luckiest girl in the world.” 
He smiles, crossing his legs and leaning forward, “That’s what sets you apart from other people. They don’t want just Yoongi. They want the identity I’ve created for the public.” 
“So that’s why you don’t want to date?” 
“I do,” he sighs, “I just want to with you.” 
She swallows, “Are you asking me out?” 
Yoongi shrugs, “If that’s what you want this to be, then yes.” 
As though the heavens had opened up and an angel had descended right in front of Yoongi, her face is bright with delight. She leans forward, crashing her lips onto Yoongi’s.
He’s quick to wrap his arms around her, bringing her as close to him as possible. Her frame fits against his perfectly, just as he had imagined so many times before. Yoongi feels his abdomen ignite with butterflies while her hands move to cup his cheeks. She rests her forehead gently against his, her breathing ragged. 
“Maybe this vacation wasn’t so bad.” Yoongi jokes, kissing each of her cheeks. 
Her eyes flutter close, “I’ve been telling you that from the beginning.” 
He grins, “I wanted you to prove it to me.” 
“Well, did I?” 
Yoongi doesn’t respond, he simply brings his lips back to hers. 
He gently lays her onto the bed, careful not to break the kiss. Her hands grip the back of his shirt as if he could disappear in her arms. It takes everything in him not to begin kissing down her neck, the last thing he wants is to scare her off. Yet, she encourages him. 
“I’m on the pill.” She whispers against his lips, and Yoongi grins. This was going to be a very fun night.
202 notes · View notes
moonscriptsx · 4 years
Make Me Proud (M)
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SUMMARY: With the release of his second mixtape and her album, the public are eating up the so-called chart rivalry between (Y/N) and Yoongi, desperately wanting to see one succeed over the other. But what they don’t know is that the two are happily together and are happily basking in each other’s success -- both literally and figuratively.
GENRE/WARNINGS: Idol!Verse, Idol!Reader; this is PWP to the max. Completely smut filled with mutual praise, mutual oral, unprotected sex (be safe, kids), dirty talk, hair pulling, and slight possessive terms. Yoongi and the reader just really, really love and appreciate one another.
WORDS: 5.6k.
A/N: This is a product of what happens when I’m drunk and listening to Yoongi’s new mixtape.
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“It’s an exciting day for music today in the K-Pop world, ladies and gentlemen! BTS’s Suga surprised fans with the release of his (fire) second mixtape and MV - Agust D’s Daechwita - which set the charts ablaze early this morning -- both figuratively and literally. Not long after that, SM’s Princess (Y/N) (L/N) released her well anticipated mini album along with the MV as well. The goddess has blessed us once again with her heavenly vocals as she skyrockets to the top of the charts. Between Agust D and the sweet Princess, we’re not sure who’s going to come out as number one -- but we’re more than happy to witness this battle.”
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FRIDAY - 11:15 PM
Yoongi lets out a grunt of surprise when his back hits the bed, the rapper’s arms encasing your body around his as you straddled his hips. Your chest is pressed against his as you caged his head between your arms, your lips pressing heated kisses to every inch of skin on his face. Yoongi mewled in delight as your lips found purchase on the pulse point of his neck, your teeth grazing over the juncture as you moaned in appreciation against his skin. Yoongi’s tilting his head back, the rapper giving you more access to his neck as he made a noise of approval in his throat.
“Baby,” he muttered, fingertips ghosting along the hem of your shirt. “Not that I’m complaining -- but what’s all of this about?”
Leaning one arm on the bed, you use the other to bunch up Yoongi’s shirt along his body, the rapper’s bare torso coming into view as you licked your lips at the sight.
“That fucking video,” you managed to gasp out, your lips sucking a mark into the underside of Yoongi’s jaw. “That mixtape.. Jesus, Yoongi.”
Yoongi’s hands are holding onto your hips as he raises his own, grinding your bodies together as he let a smirk dance across his lips.
“You liked it that much, baby?”
The teasing tone in his voice has you mewling in delight, your head nodding as you rolled your hips down onto his. Gripping the hem of his shirt, you’re pulling the material off of him and tossing it aside, your clothed chest pressing against his as you leaned down and feverishly caught his lips with yours. Yoongi’s moaning against your mouth, the rapper’s hands finding purchase in the tresses of your hair as he pulled the strands.
Lifting his hips up, he’s resting his feet on the bed as his thighs encased around your body, effectively trapping you between his legs as Yoongi tilted his head. The kiss grew with fervor, both yours and Yoongi’s lips fusing together with passion each time they pressed against one another’s. He’s lazily tonguing against the seam of your mouth, waiting patiently for your lips to part, and when they do, he’s speeding up the movements of his lips as the wet muscle prodded in delight against yours. Tightening his grip on your hair, he’s smirking against your mouth when you’re whimpering in pleasure, the rapper twisting his wrist until he’s made a makeshift ponytail in his hand.
“God, I can’t believe you’re this worked up, baby.”
Drawing back from his mouth, you’re sending him an incredulous look.
“Are you fucking kidding me, Yoongi?” You managed to breathe out, and Yoongi’s admiring the way your lips are red and swollen from the intensity of the kiss. “The second you came on screen I had to fight the urge to fucking jump you right then and there.”
Yoongi chuckled at that, the rapper sending you a flirty look.
“Oh yeah?” He asked, bemused. “I don’t think the boys would’ve liked that too much.”
You’re half listening to him speak as you trailed your digits across the planes of his chest, making note of the fact that Yoongi has gotten slightly broader and far more muscly than he previously had been. There’s a slight definition to his body as you trailed down the expanse of his abdomen, a hum of approval escaping you, and you’re settling your gaze on the heated one of your boyfriend’s as you lowered yourself to press kisses against his chest.
“It’s not even the fact that you looked good in the video,” you began, trailing kisses down Yoongi’s stomach. “It’s the overwhelming pride and joy that I hold for you.”
Yoongi sucked in a breath as your fingertips slid their way to the hem of his jeans, the rapper biting the inside of his lip as he stared down at your lustful gaze.
“You’re proud of me?”
His shaky voice made heat swell within your lower belly, your thighs pressing together in relief as you popped open the brass button of his jeans.
“Baby,” you purred, keeping your gaze on him. “You have no idea how fucking proud I am of you -- how fucking proud I am to call you mine.”
Beneath you, you could feel Yoongi’s cock jolt in excitement at the possessive term, the rapper mewling quietly as he looked down at you with a sedated gaze. You’re sliding the jeans down his lean legs as you slithered down his body, your digits grasping the hem of his briefs now.
“Mm, ‘m all yours.”
Yoongi’s voice is slurred with desire as he cradled your face in his hands, the rapper admiring you as you sent him a sultry look.
“My baby,” you mused, tugging his briefs down his legs.
Taking his hardened cock in your hands, you’re licking a stripe on the underside of his cock, the action drawing a loud groan from the rapper.
“My love --”
Flickering your gaze up to look at Yoongi, you licked your lips in anticipation before letting one last term of endearment escape from you.
“My king.”
The sound that left Yoongi’s mouth was near pornographic as your lips wrapped around the head of his cock, the rapper tangling his fingers in your hair as your mouth moved to engulf more of him. Your king… The words have Yoongi reeling with pleasure, pride completely engulfing him as he looks down at you, the image of you licking the length of his cock now and forever etched into his memory. He’s keening in delight as his blunt nails dug into your scalp, the rapper pushing your head further down the length of his cock.
Your mouth is warm around him, the heat from your tongue sending goosebumps along Yoongi’s body, and the vibrations of your soft hums are reverberating against Yoongi’s length and rocking his hips forward, the rapper relishing in the pleasure you’re bringing him. His hips are rolling against the movements of your tongue, his body thrashing about on the bed as he grips the shaft of your tresses.
“Holy fuck, angel,” Yoongi’s teeth are harshly gritted together, voice gruff with arousal. “God, you take my cock so well.”
You mewled against his cock at that, taking in all of the praise as you dropped your hand from his length. Instead you’re sliding your lips down until he’s completely enveloped within the warm cavern of your mouth, one hand gripping the flesh of his thigh while the other reaches down to gently grasp his balls. Yoongi is a complete mess underneath you, the rapper swearing profusely into the air as his hips rock up to fuck into your mouth. You’re humming against the movement, your hand enclosing tighter around his balls as you let Yoongi fuck your mouth.
“Jesus, fuck -- (Y/N) --!” Yoongi can barely catch his breath as he jolted forward, the rapper grabbing a fistful of your hair as he tugged the tresses harshly. “God, what did I do to -- fuck -- de-deserve you?”
You’re wiping the tears from your eyes as you steadied your gaze on Yoongi, taking in the sight of him completely unraveled beneath your ministrations as you swallowed around the length of his cock. He’s reeling in pleasure, your name falling from his lips like a broken record, and you can feel the pride swelling within your chest as you watched him. His praises have you sucking harder, tugging more frequently on his balls, as you bring him to his release.
“Oh -- fuck --!”
Yoongi’s orgasm comes in spurts, the warm liquid leaking from his cock as it engulfed the inside of your mouth, your tongue lapping up every last drop as you watched the rapper shudder in pleasure. His hands drop the grip on your hair as he sunk into the bed, completely fucked out from the intensity of his release. You had to fight the smirk that was daring to spread across your lips as you slid your mouth off of his length, swallowing every last bit of his seed.
Your hands are slithering up the expanse of his chest as you made your way back up to him, leveling your face to his. Looking down at him with nothing but admiration, you watched as Yoongi sluggishly reached up to grasp the back of your neck, the rapper bringing you down to press a heated kiss to your lips.
“You’re going to be the fucking death of me, angel.”
Yoongi’s voice is gruff, words muffled by your lips, and he’s pulling you closer to him as he tiredly runs his hand underneath your shirt, fingertips grazing the ridges of your spine as he fights the exhaustion trying to claim his eyelids.
Gently rolling to the side of him, you let your body mold into Yoongi’s as you wrapped your arms around his waist.
“Sleep, baby,” you murmured, brushing his fringe out of his eyes.
“Have to make you cum.”
Yoongi’s drowsy words made you chuckle quietly, your gaze landing on the - now asleep - rapper. You’re completely reveling in the pride and joy that the man endlessly brought to you, your head resting on the plane of his chest before you fell asleep to the calm of his heartbeat.
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In a turn of events, Yoongi had been the first one up that morning. The brightness of the sun peeking through the white lace curtains had raised the rapper from his slumber. Wordlessly he grumbled as he leaned up to push the two curtains together, engulfing the room into a much darker setting as he blocked out the rays of the sun from waking you up. There’s a deep frown on his face as he shoved himself against the pillows, not particularly thrilled to be up at the moment. Reaching over to the nightstand next to him, he grabs his phone and almost groans in frustration.
09:08 AM.
As much as he would enjoy going back to sleep, he knew that his body would never let him do so now that he was already awake. Letting the pillows surround him, he lets a pout form on his plump lips as he unlocked his phone and opened the Google app. Immediately he’s hit with a familiar name on the top of the trending page, his curiosity piquing in interest as he clicks on the topic.
SM Entertainment’s (Y/N) (L/N) achieves all-kill almost seconds after album release!
A prideful smile painted itself across Yoongi’s lips as he read the title, the rapper clicking on the article as he skimmed through the passage. The remarks about how talented you were, that this was your best album yet -- the achievements and praise have him glancing down at the words in a look of fondness, the rapper scrolling down to the comments to gauge the public’s opinion.
[+078] She is actually fucking unbeliveable! How is this possible?! And only two years after her debut!!!
[+036] The beauty, the talent, the grace -- a complete superstar. All other idols are quaking.
[+053] She’s kicking Min Yoongi’s ass!
At that last comment, Yoongi’s phone vibrated, signaling that he had an incoming message. Closing out of the article and app, he’s thumbing over to his messages, the rapper almost letting out a loud laugh at the response.
From: Jeongguk Your girlfriend is kicking your ass on the charts, hyung.
Locking his phone, Yoongi turned his head so that he could glance over at your sleeping figure. You were lying peacefully on your stomach, one hand underneath your pillow while the other was resting on the side of you. Your head was turned towards Yoongi, the rapper drinking in the features of your face, a fond smile gracing his lips as he watched you sleep. You were so beautiful to him -- with or without makeup. The beauty you held, the grace you poised… Yoongi was beyond smitten for you.
He could remember the first time he watched you perform, the rapper almost instantly taken with you as he recalled watching you on the stage. The charisma and passion you held with you while you danced and sang on the platform was something Yoongi would never forget. You were completely and utterly in your element while you were on stage, commanding attention the moment you were front and center. Your sweet personality was overtaken by nothing short of badass energy as soon as those lights hit you. You gave everything your 110% -- and he loved every second of it.
Putting his phone on do not disturb, Yoongi is placing the device back onto the nightstand before rolling towards you. Gently grabbing a hold of your arms, he’s pulling you until your lying on your back, his body slightly hovering over yours now as he rests above you. Dipping his head down, he’s letting his lips press soft kisses against the flesh of your neck, the rapper’s mouth coaxing you awake as he littered them along the expanse of the skin.
You groan at the intrusion, your hand reaching up to swat the disturbance away only to have it caught in a grasp. A huff of annoyance escapes you as you open one eye, the smirking face of Yoongi coming into a blurred view as the rapper grinned at you with delight.
“Good morning, angel,” he cooed, bringing your wrist to his lips.
“Too early,” you grumbled, frowning at him as he littered kisses up the length of your arm now. “Let me sleep.”
Clicking his tongue at your words, Yoongi managed to squeeze himself between your legs, the rapper on top of the blanket as he caged your body in his arms.
“Angel, we have to celebrate.”
His words coax you to open your eyes, your gaze settling on his smirking face.
“Celebrate what?”
Yoongi’s smirk never dropped from his lips as he wedged his face between your neck and shoulder, tongue lazily lapping along your collarbone.
“The fact that you’re number one.”
Your eyes widened at his words, your head lifting from the bed as you made a move to look down at Yoongi only to be pushed back flatly to the bed, Yoongi’s mouth attacking your neck.
“Wh --” you breathed out, moaning softly when Yoongi nipped at the weak spot on your neck. “What do you mean?”
“You passed me, angel,” he crooned against your neck. “You’ve got the top spot.”
Yoongi raised his head from your neck then, the rapper slotting his lips against yours instead as he kissed you with fervor. His hands moved up to cradle your face as he ran his tongue along the seam of your lips, the rapper groaning softly as yours parted almost instantly. Your tongue swirled around his as he kissed you, one hand dropping from your face as it trailed down your clothed stomach.
“My talented angel,” he murmured hotly against your mouth, his breath mingling with yours. “My hardworking angel”
Your eyes fluttered closed as Yoongi pushed your shirt above your breasts, his lips following suit and making sure every bit of visible skin was being kissed. Tugging the bunched up hem, he’s pulling it over your head and throwing it to the side, his lips instantaneously wrapping around a flushed bud as he suckled softly on your breast. You’re keening in response, your hand tangling in the black tresses of his hair as you arched into his touch. Using his free hand, he’s kneading the other breast, thumb and forefinger teasingly tweaking your nipple.
Mewling in delight at the contrast between the harsh pulls on your bud to the kitten licks Yoongi was giving, you relished in the pleasure as your boyfriend’s free hand trailed south, fingertips ghosting along the hem of your panties and leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake. You’re whining softly, wanting completely overtaking your mind and body as you gripped the back of Yoongi’s head and brought him up to your lips, kissing him with a fervor as your body ignited with passion.
Yoongi hummed against your mouth as his hand slipped into your panties, his digits teasingly sliding between your folds as he coated them with your arousal. You’re moaning at the contact, your hips bucking up into his touch, and Yoongi is clicking his tongue in disapproval as he pulled away from your mouth.
“Patience, angel,” he reprimanded, giving you a smirk. “I’m making up for last night.”
You watched as Yoongi slithered down your body, lips following his torso in suit, kisses being pressed to your skin in a chaste manner as he made his way down. Kneeling between your legs, he’s parting your thighs as his thumbs hooked into the hem of your panties, the material sliding down the expanse of your legs before they’re tossed carelessly to the side.
Hooking his hands around the width of your thighs, he’s kissing his way from your ankle up, lips ghosting along the flesh of your entire leg as he made his way up to your thigh. Nibbling softly on the inner flesh, the rapper cursed softly, blunt nails digging into your skin as he peered up at you through his long eyelashes.
“You talk about me looking good in my video but, angel,” he paused, moving to the other leg to repeat the same process. “You’ve never seen yourself from this angle -- keeping me locked between your legs; kissing you, licking you, sucking anything and everything. God, angel -- how are you real?”
Yoongi’s breath is hot, fanning your core as you whimpered, wanting more of his touch as he gripped your thighs roughly.
“You are mine,” he breathed out, gaze locked on your sopping pussy. “Just as I am yours -- you are my queen.”
You watched as his head dipped towards your mound, tongue poking from between his lips as he licked a solid stripe between your folds. Yoongi’s name falls from your lips with a wanton moan, your fingers twisting themselves the pitch black of his hair, and you’re relishing in the feel of his tongue as he gripped your thighs and pulled you closer to his mouth.
Your lips are parted as Yoongi suckled along your folds, tongue prodding your entrance, and you’re grinding along to the rhythm as you fist through his hair. Yoongi’s murmuring against your core in appreciation, sweet nothings being muttered against it, and you’re mewling in delight as your hips roll.
Yoongi is completely enthralled in your pleasure, the rapper tonguing any and every part of your pussy as he wrapped his lips around your clit. Bringing the bud into his mouth, he’s sucking harshly, the action drawing a near pornographic moan from your lips as you grinded against his ministrations. Blunt nails dug into the flesh of your thigh and Yoongi is bringing you closer -- if that was even possible -- towards him as he slid his hands around to grip your ass.
Large hands grip the flesh of your ass, kneading and massaging, before he’s drawing back one hand and letting it ricochet against the skin, slapping your ass as hard as he could. Your back arches in pleasure, his name falling from your lips in something akin to a shout as your thighs were placed on his shoulders. He’s completely delved in between your legs, tonguing relentlessly at your clit as he all but murdered the sensitive bud with his mouth.
You’re unraveling quickly beneath his ministrations, the pleasure completely overtaking you as you clenched your thighs around Yoongi’s head, letting him continue his assault on your core. The rapper mewls into your pussy, one hand falling from your ass as he teasingly traced a digit along your folds, before sliding it inside of you wordlessly. You’re keening at the sensation, your hips pressing into his mouth and hand as he curled the digit.
Yoongi doesn’t even wait to add another finger, the rapper sliding a second digit inside of you as he scissored them, his fingers ghosting along the velvet walls of your pussy. Between the ministration of his mouth and hands, you’re falling apart at a rapid pace, Yoongi’s name the only thing on your mind as you squealed, thighs clenching around the rapper’s head as an overwhelming warmth enveloped the pit of your stomach.
You’re riding Yoongi’s mouth and fingers as your high was washed over you, the rapper’s mouth falling open as he drew himself back from your core. You’re too wrapped up in the pleasure to even notice the shock written across your boyfriend’s face, your eyes squeezed completely shut as the white light danced across your closed eyelids, until Yoongi’s muttering under his breath.
“You just fucking squirted on my face.”
Your eyes snapped open at that, a harsh red flush skirting its way across your cheeks as you looked down at your awestruck boyfriend.
“I --” you paused, completely embarrassed. “Yoongi I’m --”
“That was so fucking hot.”
Slithering his way up your body, Yoongi smashed his lips onto yours with fervor, the rapper slipping his tongue into your mouth and letting you taste yourself. You’re whimpering against his lips as you wrapped your arms around him, pulling him flush against you as he caged him between your body.
“I love you,” you breathed against his mouth, making Yoongi whine softly, the rapper encasing his lips entirely around yours.
“I love you more, angel.”
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SUNDAY - 10:13 PM
“It’s been quite the battle between BTS’s Suga’s mixtape and (Y/N)’s new album. Which record will reach the top of the charts? It’s only been two days now but we can confidently say that -- has taken the lead --”
The broadcast is filled with static as the party goers booed at the poor reception, the onlookers wanting to know who was currently on top. For you and Yoongi, however, the two of you couldn’t care less. Sat in the corner with the seven BTS members and a few of your closest friends, you and Yoongi were attached at each other’s hips as your friends toasted to both of your successes. To them, you two were equal -- much like how it was for both you and Yoongi. While it was exciting to even chart, let alone be number one, for you and Yoongi, it was nothing but pride and joy for one another.
“I can’t believe you and Yoongi even left the bed,” your friend, Eunhee, snickered. “The two of you have been fucking each other’s brains out for the past two nights that I was beginning to get worried.”
Playfully rolling your eyes, you couldn’t help but grin at her comment.
“Listen,” you began, leaning closer towards her so that the others wouldn’t hear. “Once you and your boyfriend release something the same day and they’re both successful -- you’ll understand.”
“Yoongi and I aren’t doing it just because of the success, though,” you continued, giving her a pointed look. “When you love someone and you watch them succeed and grow as not only an artist but as a person… It’s special, Hee. He’s so passionate about what he does -- about who he is. And it’s so sexy.”
Eunhee nodded at your words, acknowledging the bond.
“I believe you,” she affirmed, placing an arm around your shoulder. “Now go over to your man because he’s been eye fucking you for a good ten minutes, now.”
At that, your gaze falls on Yoongi, the rapper’s intense stare sending a warmth throughout your body as you sent him a bashful smile. Bidding adieu to Eunhee, you made your way over to Yoongi, your arm comfortably wrapping around your boyfriend’s waist as he pulled you closer.
“Did I mention that you look beautiful tonight, angel?” He asked, a soft murmur in your ear. Blushing softly, you shook your head, teeth nibbling on your bottom lip.
“I don’t think you have, actually,” you rebutted, making Yoongi click his tongue in disapproval.
“What a shit boyfriend I am,” he retorted. “How can I not tell you that you’re the most gorgeous person this whole room right now?”
The hand he had around your waist slipped around to your back, his digits teasingly lowering to the space between your ass and back.
“Part of me wants to bring you to the bedroom and fuck you right here and now.”
Yoongi’s voice dropped an octave, the huskiness of his tone sending shivers down your spine, and you’re clutching the side of his suit jacket in your hand as you pressed yourself against his side.
“Please,” you murmured, looking up at him through your eyelashes. “Let them all know who’s fucking me right.”
You watched as Yoongi’s lips curled into a snarl, the rapper gripping your wrist in his hand as he all but dragged you down the hallway towards your bedroom. Your hands are on his body before he’s even got the bedroom door closed, fingers gripping the lapels of his jacket as you pulled him towards you, your lips fusing together in a haste of passion. Yoongi’s hands are gripping your ass through your dress, long, slender fingers plucking the length of the zipper as he lifted you up and placed you on the edge of his dresser.
He’s sucking your bottom lip into his mouth as his hand slipped underneath the hem of your dress, fingertips hotly gliding along the length of your inner thigh as he pushed aside your silk panties. You’re mewling into his mouth, your own hand slipping into his pants as you gripped his hardening cock through his briefs. Yoongi groaned at the contact, the rapper drawing back from your lips as he rested his forehead against yours.
Wordlessly he’s pushing two digits past your folds, the touch sending you keening into him, his name falling from your mouth with a wanton moan. Yoongi doesn’t move, his forehead still pressed to yours, and he’s gazing down at the sight of his wrist completely hidden underneath the fabric of your dress, the rapper licking his lips at the sight.
“Mm, this is only for me,” he managed to spit out, voice filled with a lustful grit. “Right, angel?”
Yoongi curled the digits making you whimper against his cheek, your breath fanning across his face as you nodded hastily.
“Y-yes,” you managed to get out. “Only for you, baby.”
Smirking against the skin of your cheek, Yoongi placed a soft kiss to your flesh - completely stark in comparison to the rough movements of his fingers gliding along your silky walls - before fishing his cock out of his pants. You moaned at the sight, your lustful gaze drinking in the long, girthy length of his flushed cock. He’s making a move to grab the condoms out of one of the drawers when you grip his wrist, halting his movements.
“Want you to feel me,” you muttered, gripping his face in your hands as you brought him back to you. “Want to feel you inside of me -- only me.”
Yoongi’s silent for a moment, the rapper looking at you with wide, cautious eyes, almost as if he’s determining whether or not you’re serious, before nodding. Slamming his lips back onto yours, Yoongi guided his cock to the heat of your entrance, the rapper kissing you with nothing less of passion as he laced his fingers with yours. He’s pressing the head of his cock in between your folds, pushing inside slowly.
You moan loudly at the contact, completely disregarding the company out in your living room, and you grip tightly onto Yoongi’s hand as he sheathed himself completely inside of you.
No matter how many times he does so, it never gets old; the way your velvet slick walls take him in without issue, your pussy stretching deliciously to fit the wide girth of Yoongi’s cock -- almost as if it was made just for you -- as if he was made just for you.
Dropping his hand, you’re gripping the back of his neck as you pulled him down towards your neck, your hips lifting off the wood of the dresser so that you can meet his thrusts. You’re keening in pleasure, Yoongi’s name falling from your lips with a breathy moan, and he’s mouthing hotly at the flesh of your neck. His fingertips are pulling at the silk material of your dress, the article of clothing tearing apart as he ripped the seam up the slit, your thigh coming into view as he gripped the meat of your flesh harshly.
Bringing you closer until you’re completely wrapped around his waist, he’s leaning you back against the mirror connected to the dresser, his teeth barring against your shoulder as he bit into your skin. He’s leaving marks upon marks on your flesh, the rapper claiming you as his -- only his.
“Mm, you feel so good around me, baby,” he mewled in delight, hips rolling as he pushed all the way to the hilt. “So good, so tight -- and all mine.”
You’re whimpering at his words, your fingertips hastily pulling at the buttons on his shirt as you stripped him. His suit jacket fell to the floor with a quiet thump, the button down soon following, and you’re shamelessly raking your nails down the length of his back, leaving angry red marks in their wake as you gripped onto your boyfriend’s shoulder.
“Fucking yes, Yoongi,” you moaned, throwing your head back until it rested against the glass of the mirror. “Fuck me just like that -- god, you know how I like it.”
“You know I do, angel,” he growled against your neck, nipping harshly at the base. “Only me, right?”
A harsh thrust has you jolting against his body, a cry erupting from your lips as you relished in the pleasure.
“Yes,” you cried, clinging onto him. “Fuck -- only you, baby.”
Yoongi’s thrusts are speeding up, the sound of skin slapping against skin echoing around the room, and he’s slipping a hand between your bodies so that he can press the pad of his thumb against your clit.
“You gonna cum for me, angel?” He murmured, bringing his lips to the shell of your ear. “You gonna cum for your king, baby?”
You mewled at his words, basking in the newly found - and loved - term of endearment. Tugging harshly at his raven locks, you’re bringing his face up to yours so that you can smash your lips against his, the rapper moaning in delight as he gripped the flesh of your ass with one hand, his thumb continuing its ministrations with the other.
“C’mon baby,” he coaxed, thumb rubbing harsh circles on your clit. “Claim my cock with your cum like the queen you are.”
That alone had your head reeling, white hot pleasure enveloping your body as you arched your back. You’re pressed flush against the glass of his mirror, your thighs shaking around his waist as you let your release completely override your body. Blunt nails are digging into the flesh on the back of Yoongi’s neck, your hips riding against his cock as you ride out the aftermath. Yoongi’s lips are parted, the rapper staring down in awe at the joining of both of your bodies.
“Oh, fuck, angel,” he groaned, hammering his hips against yours as he chased his own high. “Cream all over me -- just like that.”
You’re sticky, you’re sweaty, you’re breathless -- but it’s perfect.
Yoongi is swearing profusely against the flesh of your neck, his high washing over him in hot spurts as his hips jolted forward. He’s got both hands placed on either side of you on the desk, his plump lips parted in pleasure as he stilled to a halt. Neither of you move as you fall into post-sex bliss, a sheen of sweat coating both yours and Yoongi’s bodies, and you’re humming in satisfaction, the sound akin to a purr.
Raking your fingers through Yoongi’s hair, you’re pulling his head up towards yours, your lips ghosting along the edge of his jaw as you kiss along his skin.
“I am so fucking proud of you,” you murmured, the sound reverberating against his cheek. “I don’t care who comes out on top, I just want you to know that I am so incredibly proud of you and how far you’ve come.”
Yoongi’s cock is still sheathed inside of you as the rapper nodding in acknowledgement.
“Same to you, angel,” he breathed out, his nose gently brushing against yours. “It’s been an honor watching you grow these past two years.”
You’re grinning widely at that, your head tilting up so that you can press your lips against his, which Yoongi responded to almost instantly.
You’re almost working your way up to a second round, your tongue massaging against Yoongi’s until there’s a pounding on the door.
“If the two of you are done,” Eunhee’s voice sounds, an annoyance in her tone. “They announced who’s currently at the top.”
Smirking at her words, you gripped Yoongi’s neck, bringing the rapper closer to you as you anticipated it being him.
“Who is it?” You called out.
There’s a brief pause, silence filling the bedroom, until Eunhee’s voice sounded once more.
“It’s (Y/N).”
Your eyes widened at that, lips parting in shock, and you can’t even get a word in before you catch sight of Yoongi’s smirking face, the rapper licking his lips in anticipation.
“Oh angel~” He crooned, singing softly as he pulled you off of the dresser and pinned you to the bed instead. “You’re in for a whole lot more of celebrating.”
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newcaptainofsquad9 · 5 years
So, When Can We Tell The World? {1} Min Yoongi x black! fem! reader
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Parts: 1 2 3 4  5 6 
Pairing: Yoongi x reader
Summary: You and Yoongi have been collaborating for a few years, what the public world didn’t know however was that the both of you were in a happy, functioning relationship. After showing up to support at one of your shows, Yoongi suggests going public, making you anxious for him, but most of all your own well-being with his fans and of what the South Korean public would think of you. 
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Romance, Idol-verse, Smut (hinted at in this part, but none explicitly)
Word Count: 2, 046
Author’s Note: So, here we are another series. I know too many, but this one will probably be the same chapter length as Shakespeare Sub, I promise. Anyways, I hope ya’ll enjoy it and if ya’ll have any BTS or EXO requests, send them my way. Thanks!
The last song of the concert always feels surreal. The stage isn’t huge, just a decent sized theater in Bluetsville(your hometown). It’s the thought that gets me, I’ve played at bigger venues before, yet coming back always gets me emotional. Once the song finishes I smile so hard my cheeks hurt and glance out into the crowd as applause fills the entire venue. 
One person stands out the most with his over-sized black hoodie, glasses and a cap with my stage name on it. I wouldn’t have done a double take if he didn’t flash that familiar gummy smile, as if he knew I was going to look there. It’s only a moment, yet I recognize Yoongi’s smile anywhere, he hardly does it even around me. Maybe his fans don’t notice him but in that slip second I did as he claps the loudest before sending me his finger hearts. I start to do it back, but stop myself abruptly. No, that’ll just draw attention to us. It’s almost an exclusive k-pop gesture, which someone on Twitter could easily pick up on. Instead I send him a quick wink. 
“Thank you so much!” I scream.
The crowd reacts in thunderous applause once more, I give one last bow and turn back towards the curtain, disappearing behind it.
I find myself dressed down in my dressing room, wearing one of Yoongi’s old hoodies, a snapback and grey sweats. My phone lights up abruptly, signalling an upcoming call from my brother, Kevin of all people. 
“Sup loser,” I say through a low giggle. 
“Yo idiot,” he answers back, “how’d the show go?”
I sigh with a dopey grin.
It was amazing. Even though the people packed together in swayed, waved and sung together like a frenzied horde, I couldn’t help but think back to Yoongi. I hope he got to wherever he needed to safely. 
“Uh, did you hear me?” Kevin asks. 
“Y-Yeah,” I say quickly, “it went amazing, a little more daunting compared to my first tour.”
Kevin gaffs.   
“If that didn’t boost your chances at the Grammys, I don’t know what will!” 
I chuckle against the phone at my brother’s words. 
“I don’t think that’s how it works Kev,” I say, “I don’t really care, they invited me, I guess to preform.”
Kevin hums. 
“Yeah?” he asks, “And what about ol’ Agust D, eh? he performing with you? I heard him and the guys were supposed to be there too.”
I can’t help but smile when he mentions Yoongi’s other rap persona. That album was what made me discover Yoongi’s music, along with BTS’s discography and eventually pushed me to want to collaborate with them. What I didn’t expect was to fall in love with Yoongi during our time recording All The Crown Players(a song from your album). 
“I’m not really sure,” I say, “you know how they can be.”
“Oh, I know, how can they snub you twice!” Kevin whines, “anyway, I gotta go! Next time you talk to ol’ Suga tell him I said hey!”
I roll my eyes. 
“I told you  to call him Yoongi,” I groan. 
“Ey, that’s what the fans call him,” he says, “talk to you later, love you.”
“Love you too idiot,” I say.
Kevin starts to say something else but I hang up anyway. If he’s got something to do he won’t call back as fast and I won’t get another earful. 
“That’s what you get for teasing me about my boyfriend,” I mutter to myself.  
A text from Yoongi lights my phone up instead. 
Yoongi: It amazes me every time you perform, God you were so amazing babe
My dopey smile returns once my fingers numbly tap the keypad in response.
Me: I saw you at the end! How the hell did you get in without anyone recognizing you?
Yoongi responds straight away.
Yoongi: I have my ways. I’ve been doing this for seven years sweetheart, I’ve mastered the art of incognito mode. 😎
My grin spreads out at his message. My fingers follow the lame joke that pops into my head, yet I couldn’t care less.
Me: So, what you’re Batman? No, Anpanman! 😂😂
I giggle out as Yoongi’s response takes a little longer, as it should. Between my lame jokes and Jin’s dad jokes I think he’s fed up with the both of us. At least with me it makes some sort of sense. 
A moment passes, instead of a text back I get a call from Yoongi. Oh boy. 
“Hello?” I answer.
“I know you’re laughing,” Yoongi says, “I just want to confirm that it wasn’t funny.”
I cover my mouth to stifle the remaining giggles that flood out. 
“I know, but it’s true,” I say, “you are my Anpanman.”
Yoongi grumbles something that I can’t make out. 
“Sorry babe, what was that?” I ask. 
“Nothing Jagi,” he says, “anyway —”
“Yoongi,” I warn, “tell me, please?”
Yoongi sighs deeply.
“I said, I better be your Anpanman,” he admits, “are you happy now?” 
“Yes,” I say, “how long are you gonna be here?”
“As long as you want me,” Yoongi answers, “we got a small break before Grammys and the MMAs. I was wondering if we could meet at your place.”
My heart hammers in my chest at his words. We’ve stayed with each other overnight before, yet I always feel like I’m some lovestuck teenager when I’m around Yoongi. We rarely get moments together, if it’s public we have to remain friendly, but not too friendly to raise dating suspicions. Even when he’s here in America it’s difficult to schedule time for each other. I’m an artist too and BTS is getting just as huge, the fact that Yoongi and I both have time before the Grammy’s is a God send.    
“Y/N?” Yoongi asks, breaking me from my thoughts. 
“Yeah, we can meet there,” I reassure, “you still have a key?”
“You know I do,” he says, “see you there.”
I bit my lip before humming in agreement. 
The moment I step across the threshold of my house, I shut the door and twist the locks in place. A pair of strong arms wrap around my waist before I can get a chance to take my hands off the cold locks. 
“I need to go to your shows more often,” Yoongi says. 
I shiver at his breath near my ear and turn around in his arms to face him. He’s in his dark hoodie, but the hat is gone, revealing soft, short brown hair that falls into his eyes. 
“You come when you can,” I say, “I’m just glad you got there safely.”
Yoongi chuckles while he moves a hand up to cup my face. 
“You worry too much,” he notes, “I’m here, ok?”
His eyes soften as they bore into mine, he leans in to press our foreheads together. I follow his lead, our lips meet in a fierce kiss, something we haven’t been able to do in months. My fingers find themselves in his brown locks as he groans into the kiss, backing up slightly, yet not disconnecting from my lips. 
I pull back with a giggle.
“Are you good?”
Yoongi nods and nudges his head towards my velvet sofa. 
“I just wanted to take this to the couch,” he admits, “your concert took everything out of me.”
“Oh really?”
Yoongi nods as I take his hand and lead him to the sofa before we both plop down on it. 
“Really,” he confirms with a kiss, “you kinda got me worked up actually.”
I return his kisses fully, pull myself up into his lap and rub down his chest. 
“Is that in a good way?” I challenge. 
Yoongi growls against my jaw, kissing down my neck as his hands rub up and down my sides. 
“Oh it’s good baby, so good,” he groans, “God, tug your fingers in my hair again.”
I nod as our lips meet once again, my fingers find themselves in his hair as our make out continues. His moans make me smile, his hips bucking up against me as the kisses grow hungrier. 
“You’re so needy,” I whisper, “do you need me to take care of that?”
Yoongi’s eyes close as he nods. 
“Please, I, God, I love you,” he moans. 
My hands freeze once I reach for the buckle of his pants. Did he just say the l word? 
Yoongi opens his eyes, the lust that was once there is replaced with concern.
“Y/N?” he asks, “you all right?”
I nod and slide back onto the couch from his lap. 
“Yeah,” I lie. 
Of course I knew he loved me, he never says it though. I’m the one you says it, and Yoongi always responds with a “me too” or “love you more.” Never fully. It shouldn’t bother me much, yet it does for some reason. 
“Y/N,” Yoongi says. 
I look up and his face is only an inch from my own. 
“Was that too much?” he asks, “what did I do wrong?”
I stroke his cheek and shake my head. 
“Nothing, it’s just,” I pause before continuing, “it was just surprising to hear I love you from you.”
Yoongi pulls back to pull me into an embrace. 
“You had me worried,” he whispers, “I know I need to say it more especially when we’re pressed for time together.”
I smile in the crook of his neck. 
“No, it’s fine,” I say, “we can keep it between us.”
Yoongi pulls back with a puzzled glare.
“What do you mean?”
I sit up and gnaw at my lip. 
“Maybe, we shouldn’t say it often, because I don’t want it to slip out at the wrong time,” I explain, “with ARMY and all those girls clawing at you.”
Yoongi chuckles as he leans in to plant a few kisses down my neck. 
“Do they make you jealous?” he asks.
I can hardly focus as his lips continue to work. 
“Well, a little,” I say, “it’s a lot to live up to.”
Yoongi grows serious. I end up against his chest as his arms wound themselves tightly around me. His heart beats rhythmically in tune with mine, forcing me to calm down just a bit.
“They don’t hold a candle to you,” he says, “I love them, but it’s a different type of love. You know I’d do anything for you, right?”
The words get lodged in my throat at the intense look Yoongi throws at me. He’s completely serious. 
“Y/N, I want to tell the world,” he admits, “ARMY, everyone.”
Where is he going with this?
“Yoongi, what are you-”
“We should be official,” Yoongi declares.
My mind goes haywire. He isn’t serious, right?
“But we are official,” I say, “Yoongi, we’ve already established that we’re dating.”
Yoongi shakes his head this time.
“Y/N you know what I mean,” he says, “I don’t want to hide anymore.”
A rush comes to my head at once. The headlines would be horrendous: “BTS star Suga has been revealed to be dating ‘urban’ Hip Hop artist Y/N Y/L/N.” Kpop Twitter will literally implode in on itself. Yoongi won’t get any rest and I won’t be able to live it down. If I was Korean maybe, just maybe I would get out alive, even if I was white too, but as a black woman? There’s not a chance in hell.
“Babe, please tell me what you’re thinking,” Yoongi pleads,”you’ve been quiet for awhile.”
“Yoongi, I don’t think that’s a good idea,” I say.
“How come?” he asks.
“Well, for one, do you know what happened with Chen? Kai? Jennie?” I ask, “the fans would devour me!”
“They wouldn’t,” he grumbles, “you’re an amazing person, singer, rapper and writer.”
“Yeah and black,” I say bluntly, “they can’t get past that.”
Yoongi takes both of my hands prior to squeezing tightly. 
“I know, but they’ll just have to handle it, right?”
It’s like the words aren’t even being comprehended. Does he not hear me? 
I inhale slowly and stand from the couch. 
I give Yoongi an artificial smile, something to get him off my back for a moment. 
“I-I’m ok, I-I just need some time to myself,” I say. 
Yoongi deflates, but nods anyway before leaning back into the couch. 
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softyoongiionly · 5 years
Fear and Dumplings: Chapter Fifteen
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Confronting your fears for a final grade sounds unappealing but, with Yoongi as your partner, things might not be so bad.
Summary: You’re in your final semester at University when your Abnormal Psychology professor assigns you a partnered project surrounding your greatest fears. Lucky for you, your partner just so happens to be a cute boy named Min Yoongi.
Pairing: Min Yoongi x Reader
Genre: Underground Rapper! Yoongi, Soft!!! Yoongi, Fluff!!!, College! Yoongi, Sub! Yoongi
Word Count: 10.1k ( this is unedited for now)
A/N: hello its 4am and, Im dead inside but, I love soft yoongi so much. I hope this makes you happy :)))) This chapter was really supposed to be about Jimin’s showcase but, there is a lil spice and a whole lot of Suga (ha, get it?) at the end. Please please please let me know what you think, it means the world.
Warnings for this Chapter: overwhelming tension as we wait for the winner of the showcase to be announced, language, alcohol use (stay safe kidz), like an insane amount of fluff and friendship, smut (18+ only plz).
Chapter 15: Park Fairy and Professions
So, you think you can make it out of Yoongi’s studio aka the place where you’ve realized you’re most definitely falling for the one and only Min Yoongi aka Agust D aka THE CUTEST MAN ALIVE???
You can!
Well, barely…
After the conclusion of yet another round of morning sex, you finally pry your greedy hands off of Yoongi’s body and, force yourself to head home to freshen up before Jimin’s show.
Yoongi hadn’t been very fond of the idea but, the logical side of him knew that the two of you couldn’t stay cocooned together forever.
(even though he would have been totally fine with that)
He walked you to your car, flipping Seijin off as he berated him from the front desk and, placed at least 5 shy kisses onto your mouth after opening your car door.
Home boy was thoroughly whipped…
But I mean…so we’re you.
Because, now that you’re sitting on your couch in nothing but your towel, you can’t help but allow a drunken smile to invade your mouth.
While you might have erred on the side of caution a month or two prior, you can’t help but, free fall into the mushy pit of emotion that’s currently taking over your brain.
It’s nothing you can avoid anymore. You’ve been trying for quite some time.
You’re hopelessly, recklessly, falling in-
Saved by the bell…
You giggle, your heart warming at Jungkook’s open display of (aggressive) affection.
He’s come along way.
BROS FOR LYFE: I’ll be there! Even though getting beheaded by Jungkook doesn’t sound like a bad way to go…
BROS FOR LYFE (JIMIN): when he sends out death threats for you <333 I can’t wait to see you kookie, I miss you so much. Are you guys staying the night?
BROS FOR LYFE (JUNGKOOK): I’m definitely staying the night. I don’t know what Tae is doing.
BROS FOR LYFE (JUNGKOOK): and given that he ate my leftovers last night, I don’t care what he’s doing :D
BROS FOR LYFE: the ultimate sin
BROS FOR LYFE: tae, I’m surprised you survived through the night…
BROS FOR LYFE (TAEHYUNG): The leftovers were unmarked, aka they were fair game
BROS FOR LYFE (TAEHYUNG): also, yes we’re staying the night but, we have to leave early in the morning because we have finals to study for
BROS FOR LYFE (JIMIN): kookie never said he missed me back so, he might not have a place to stay tonight -_-
BROS FOR LYFE (JUNGKOOK): we spent four hours on facetime last night (while Taehyung the Traitor was taking candy (my leftovers) from a baby (me) ) talking about how much we missed eachother
BROS FOR LYFE (JUNGKOOK): I can’t be gross in the main chat but, you know I miss you a lot
BROS FOR LYFE (JIMIN): good point <333 I love u
BROS FOR LYFE (JIMIN): Y/N is Yoongi coming tonight??? I really want to meet him
BROS FOR LYFE (JUNGKOOK): I love you more jagiya
BROS FOR LYFE: *cries in genuine love and happiness for two of my best friends finding that good ol fashion true love*
BROS FOR LYFE: He’s coming <333
BROS FOR LYFE (TAEHYUNG): is he? He’s a cool guy, I feel bad that I didn’t talk to him more but, I got distracted
BROS FOR LYFE: all of you were distracted that night smh but, yeah he’ll be there
BROS FOR LYFE (JUNGKOOK): forgive me; I was confessing my undying love for Jimin
BROS FOR LYFE (JIMIN): and I was trying not to murder the group of co-eds for swarming my man like a bunch of fucking vultures ^-^
BROS FOR LYFE (TAEHYUNG): and I was uh…you know…getting laid
BROS FOR LYFE (JUNGKOOK): see Y/N, Tae has no excuse…
BROS FOR LYFE (JUNGKOOK): he’s just awful :-)
BROS FOR LYFE (TAEHYUNG): you were also getting laid??? At least I actually met Y/N’s new boyfriend
BROS FOR LYFE (JUNGKOOK): excuse you, I was making love…
BROS FOR LYFE (JIMIN): Kookie (◕‿◕✿)
BROS FOR LYFE:  There’s no hard feelings, yoongi and I were unbothered
BROS FOR LYFE: we all got laid that night XD
BROS FOR LYFE (JUNGKOOK): did she just
BROS FOR LYFE (JUNGKOOK): I’m so proud :’’’)
BROS FOR LYFE (JUNGKOOK): we’re getting distracted though
BROS FOR LYFE (JUNGKOOK): tonight is about the one
BROS FOR LYFE: True that
BROS FOR LYFE: Park Fairy, we are so excited to see you dance tonight! I already know that you’re going to blow us away but, I am not prepared for how hard I’m going to cry.
BROS FOR LYFE (JIMIN): I hope I make you guys proud, having you there means the world to me
BROS FOR LYFE (JUNGKOOK): hi, can you stop saying nice things? I’m in public and, I don’t need strangers seeing me cry
BROS FOR LYFE (TAEHYUNG): He’s cried twice already…once at the gas station and, once at mcdonalds
BROS FOR LYFE: Jimin, we’re already so proud of you…like? You’re literally so talented. We’ve been proud since you won the 7th grade talent show. WE WORE MATCHING T-SHIRTS
BROS FOR LYFE (JUNGKOOK): ahhh yes, how could I forget? You made Taemin cry lol
BROS FOR LYFE (JIMIN): he was really good
BROS FOR LYFE (JIMIN): I was just…you know…
BROS FOR LYFE (TAEHYUNG): isn’t he a pornstar now?
BROS FOR LYFE (JIMIN): is he?!?!
BROS FOR LYFE (JUNGKOOK): can 100% confirm that he is a pornstar
BROS FOR LYFE (JIMIN): how do you know?
BROS FOR LYFE (JUNGKOOK): well this was fun! Love you jagiyaaaa! We’re about to go through a very windy tunnel!
BROS FOR LYFE (JUNGKOOK): underground!
BROS FOR LYFE (JUNGKOOK):  I can’t hear you *static sound*
BROS FOR LYFE: did he just
BROS FOR LYFE: type out…static sound?
BROS FOR LYFE (JIMIN): I’m going to kill him  (◕‿◕✿)
BROS FOR LYFE (TAEHYUNG): lol Jungkook has left the chat. We do have to get back on the road though. We love you guys, see you soon : )
BROS FOR LYFE: Love you guys! Drive safe through all of those windy underground tunnels lol
As usual, a conversation with your best friend’s never ceases to leave a massive smile on your face.
Those three were good for the soul.
There were a few things you’ve been neglecting for the past two days. One of which was currently howling at your feet.
Marizpan is a fickle creature, as most cats are but, she’s exceedingly affectionate during times like these.
Times when she wants something
She rubs her tabby body against your legs to summon your attention and, immediately you oblige, picking her up and placing her on your lap.
“Hi…did you miss me? I was gone for one whole night and, I nearly died without you…” You lament, giggling as she offers a grumble in response, rubbing her head against your hand as you scratch gently behind your ears.
Another howl comes from Marzipan’s throat as she glances anxiously towards the kitchen:
She wants treats…
Of course.
“I can’t believe, after all of these years, that I actually believed you genuinely wanted affection…” You admonish her, smirking fondly as she grumbles again, eyes still trained on the kitchen.
“Fair enough, come on…” You giggle, patting her butt before the two of you stride towards the cupboard.
Marizpan’s insatiable hunger is satiated for now and, upon surveying your living room, you decide to tidy up a bit.
There was quite a bit of nervousness swirling around your stomach at how tonight would go. If Jimin wins his showcase, the odds of him being hired into his dance company of choice would literally skyrocket.
You know that’s his ultimate goal. It has been ever since you met him and, you wanted to see him succeed so badly. Watching Jimin evolve into the dancer he is today has been a truly incredible experience.
All of your friends have become amazing people and, you couldn’t help but smile to yourself at how lucky you are to have them in your life.
Yoongi meeting your friends was kind of a big deal and, you’re trying your best to downplay it. You wanted them to meet at Kappa’s party because, it would have been a less formal setting. In all honesty, you kind of knew that your friends would disappear and do their own thing so, it was a cop out to have them meet there in the first place.
Having them all formally meet on such an important night probably wasn’t the greatest idea but, given that it was Jimin’s suggestion, you figured he was more than ok with it.
There was a gnawing thought in the back of your brain that begins to remind you that the reason you care so much about Yoongi meeting your friends is because well…
You’re in-
Yoongi: Hey, what time should I be there tonight?
The abrupt buzzing on your thigh was a welcome distraction; your incoming texts seem to have impeccable timing.
You: Jungkook said to get there a half hour early so, maybe like 7?
Yikes, the butterflies are in full blown chaos mode and, all Yoongi has done is send you a text.
Yoongi: Ok sounds good.
A few seconds pass before another text comes through.
Yoongi: you left your bra here by the way
You: Ugh I knew I forgot something…
You: Would you mind setting it aside for me? I’ll get it the next time I come over.
The butterflies ricochet uncomfortably in your stomach as you respond with the assumption that you would be coming over again.
Yoongi: ok :-)
Yoongi: thank you for coming to the studio last night
Yoongi: I feel a lot better today
A small smile curves onto your mouth, his little smiley face with the nose are YOU KIDDING ME???
You: anytime <3
You: thank you for trusting me with your emotions; I know that shit isn’t easy.
Yoongi: idk, you make it pretty easy
Yoongi: I gotta keep working but, text me when you’re there so, I can meet up with you guys
Yoongi: have a good day <3
You: I will <3 you too!
Once again, Yoongi has a way of making you feel on top of the world but, saying only a few words. It’s always so genuine, which is why it strikes such a chord in you.
You never understood why people would want to spend all of their free time with one person until you met Yoongi. Obviously, keeping things realistic, you know that isn’t possible. But, you’re fully in that cupcake phase. If you had your way, you’d spend every day with him at this point.
It’s absolutely disgusting.
For Jimin’s showcase, your outfit choice was simple: just a patterned dress and, some boots. As Jungkook said, tonight is about the one and only PARK JIMIN.
But, you still wanted to look nice, as this night is so incredibly important.
Taehyung and Jungkook called you earlier in the day to let you know they had made it to Jimin’s apartment. Jimin, of course, had already left for the showcase to warm up and, get into his costume.
Yoongi had also texted you 10 minutes ago letting you know that he was leaving his house and, at that, your stomach had swirled once again with excitement.
As you’ve done so many times before, you bid Marzipan an enthusiastic farewell which, of course, isn’t reciprocated.
She’s kind of a rude girl.
But, anyway, off you go.
The ride to your university is longer than usual due to an unscheduled stop at a nearby station but, you make it to the center of campus in less than 20 minutes.
The school is swarming with students, which is obviously unusual for this time of day but, the annual showcase is one of the biggest events of the entire year. So big in fact, that there are several media outlets there to cover it.
You can’t be bothered with that kind of excitement because, you’re dealing with a very different kind of excitement that literally explodes in your gut the moment you see him.
Yoongi is standing by the fountain, dressed in a light blue button up, a chocolate brown pair of cuffed chinos, and dress shoes. His faded hair is combed neatly towards the front of his face and, you swear you’re literally going to melt right here, in the middle of campus.
There isn’t a need to feel shy anymore but, you don’t want to make a scene.
Not in public anyway…
“Hey I’m sorry to bother you but, you look so familiar. Do we have like…class together or something?” You inquire casually, resisting the urge to smile as his gummy smile immediately makes an appearance.
He saw you coming but, he chose not to look up from his phone, still holding on to some level of chill.
“Uh no sorry, I’ve never seen you in my life…” He replies, smiling but, not looking up from his phone, his cheeks flushing as he spots your dress out of the corner of his eye.
“So weird…” You muse before, hooking a finger underneath his chin to bring his gaze towards yours, “I feel like I just saw you this morning though…”
Yoongi thinks you look beautiful and, he kind of wants to proclaim it loudly to the entire quad but, of course, that isn’t his style. Instead, he keeps his smile intact: gums and all, and replies.
“Hm actually, now that I’m looking at you, you do look kind of familiar…”
He’s already itching to kiss you; emotions really are a sickness.
“Maybe this will jog your memory…” You murmur before leaning and pressing your lips against his, immediately wishing that there isn’t a crowd of people surrounding you.
Yoongi’s hands come out on instinct to rest on your hips, cursing himself for already missing the feeling of your lips.
“Do you remember me now?” You whisper, pulling away, one of your hands coming up to cover Yoongi’s.
He blushes, nodding wordlessly, still sort of lingering against your lips, “Y-Yeah…”
“WeEELLL hello there! Hi, yes we are here now so please stop being gross!”
You giggle, reluctantly pulling away from Yoongi’s mouth before turning towards the boisterous voice.  
Jungkook and Taehyung are approaching from the huge crowd of people and, you feel Yoongi tuck into your side obviously nervous. They draw attention from a group of girls also loitering by the fountain and, sometimes you forget how unbelievably attractive your best friends are. Taehyung is wearing a maroon button up that’s casually tucked into a pair of the tightest black pants you’ve ever seen and, Jungkook is dressed in all black (dress shirt and pants) along with a tie that LITERALLY HAS JIMIN’S FACE ON IT.
We love a supportive boyfriend.
“Uhmmmm hi??? Where did you get that tie and, why didn’t you bring any Jimin merch to share with the rest of the class?” You inquire, brows raised in expectation causing Taehyung to snicker and shake his head.
Jungkook scoffs, the two of them now standing right in front of you and Yoongi, “This is exclusive. Boyfriends only. Yoongi-ssi it’s good to see you again…” Jungkook bows his head slightly, shaking Yoongi’s hand and, Yoongi accepts it graciously, bowing his head as well.  
At this, you raise your brows, not expecting Jungkook to whip out the honorifics but, you can tell it pleases Yoongi by the small smile on his lips.  
“It’s good to see you again too, your tie is great.”  
Taehyung follows suit, shaking his hand and bowing before speaking, “Yoongi-ssi do you speak Korean?”  
Your ears perk up at the unfamiliar language and, immediately you see Yoongi smirk, “I do yes, it’s my first language.”
Jungkook snickers, “Interesting. So what I’m hearing is, we now have a way to communicate without Y/N knowing.”
Narrowing your brows, you nudge Yoongi, “What are they saying???”  
Yoongi smirks, turning quickly to press a kiss to your cheek, “Don’t worry about it…”
“Yeah Y/N, the adults are talking…” Taehyung chuckles and, you feel yourself roll your eyes in response.  
“Yah this is going to be fun…” Jungkook chuckles causing the other two men to join him.
With a roll of your eyes and, a groan at the back of your throat you, slide your hand down Yoongi’s forearm before interlocking your fingers with his, “You guys suck...”  
Yoongi thinks he’s going to melt due to the fact that you are now holding his hand but, he plays it off by snickering along with your friends.  
You don’t miss the way his thumb runs over the back of your knuckles whilst he still maintains the smirk on his face, “Did you not know that you’re best friends spoke Korean?”  
“Obviously I knew but, they only ever speak it at their parent’s house. I didn’t think they’d use it for mischief...” You grumble, nudging Jungkook as he wraps his arm around you, leading all of you towards the performance space.  
“How else do you expect us to intimidate your new boyfriend? If we said it in English, you’d know and ruin all the fun.” Kook explains, very matter of factly, still smirking as he keeps Yoongi and Taehyung entertained.  
“Excuse you, I don’t ruin the fun, now you’re just spreading lies...” You admonish, nudging Jungkook even harder, swaying slightly before leaning into Yoongi for support  
“You would ruin this specific type of fun.” Taehyung corrects, “we have to make sure Yoongi is a certified Bro...”  
“A certified Bro?” Yoongi inquires, brows furrowed in confusion.
Taehyung’s statement and Yoongi’s subsequent confusion make you giggle and, you nod to your cell phone in response, “We made a group chat on Discord like 7 years ago called Bros for Life and, we’ve kept the same name ever since so, that’s how we refer to each other…”
With a nod, Yoongi acknowledges your explanation, thinking it over before turning to Taehyung as the four of you walk closer and closer towards the entrance, “What are the qualifications to becoming a bro?”
Jungkook snickers as your face falls once again, “You’re off to a great start Yoongi-ssi, your willingness to annoy Y/N is impressive.”
Yoongi chuckles, nodding and, although your curiosity is eating you alive and, you want to smack Jungkook for enjoying it so much, you feel warmth blooming in your chest as you see Yoongi interact with your best friends.  
Also, hearing Yoongi speak Korean is…you know…hot.
“You speak in a dialect too, which makes you cooler, where are you from?” Taehyung fishes out his wallet, pulling four tickets out as you approach the beginning of the line.  
“Daegu, you sound like you’re from Gyeongsang too…”  
You recognize the word ‘Daegu’ from his otherwise mystery sentence and, you come to the conclusion that they are likely asking Yoongi where he’s from.  
Taehyung’s face goes wide with excitement, slapping Yoongi on the back a bit too hard, “Yahhh I am, I left when I was ten. Y/N your man is doing well so far, we’re from the same area back home.”
The end of Taehyung’s sentence reaches your ears and, you turn towards Yoongi to catch the blush on his cheeks.   
‘Your man’ Yoongi thinks, he likes the sound of that.
“Oh yeah that’s right Tae, I forgot you were from Daegu too...look at you guys, having things in common already…” You smile, averting your gaze towards the entrance to the auditorium.
It’s been awhile since you’ve seen Jimin dance. You’d gone to a smaller showcase earlier in the year and, although it was fucking fantastic, you have a feeling that whatever you’re about to experience is going to blow you away.
“Tickets?” A chipper voice draws your attention as the female student extends her hand towards your group.
Taehyung gives her a polite smile before handing over the tickets and, upon checking them out the girl’s face seems to light up.
“Sorry but, are you guys here for Park Jimin?”
You and Yoongi glance at eachother before Jungkook pipes up, “The one and only…he’s my boyfriend…”
Jungkook isn’t one for talking to strangers so, the fact that he is so willing to announce his relationship to this unsuspecting girl is kind of cute.
The girl smiles, her cheeks flushing a bit as she nods, “Oh well…congratulations um, I was just asking because, Mr. Park has a reserved seating area at the front of the auditorium. He also instructed me to tell you that he loves you very much and, if I see Jungkook, which I’m assuming you’re Jungkook…” She laughs and, gestures to Jungkook, “…to tell him that…” She pulls a piece of notebook paper from her pocket, reading intently, “ ‘ To my Kookie Monster, if you aren’t wearing anything with my face on it, I will probably die of a broken heart also, you look really hot, I can’t wait to let you hit it from the back later, lots of kisses, Love your little Mochi…”
The letter causes a great flush to come over Jungkook’s cheeks as  he desperately wishes Jimin had even an ounce of shame. You and Tae are in a full blown fit of laughter that Yoongi actually joins at some point but, not without blushing first.  
“Anyway…” The girl giggles, ripping off a portion of your tickets before gesturing to a tall man with a headset, “Soobin will take you to your seats, enjoy the show…”
“Oh he will…” You tease, your laughter still dying down as Jungkook audibly groans, trudging behind you like the angsty teen he really is.
“Shut uuuuuup.” He grumbles which only fuels the teasing more.
“Yah, Kookie Monster really? I thought you guys were Jeon-Z and Jimyonce?” Tae jests, pinching Jungkook’s arm.
He shrugs off Taehyung’s touch, a smile threatening his lips because, while yes it was pretty embarrassing, Jungkook secretly enjoys the attention.  
“We still are…” He affirms before, an uncharacteristic smirk comes over his lips, “…that’s just what he calls me in bed…”
At this, your brows go up but, Jungkook just keeps walking, pushing playfully past Tae who also sports your same astonish expression.
“Kookie monster is a weird sex name…” Taehyung murmurs in your ear whilst attempting to following Jungkook to your seats.
You giggle, shrugging your shoulders before subtly pulling Yoongi a little closer to you, knowing he gets nervous in larger crowds, “Don’t kink shame them, they are young and in love…”
“That’s no excuse.” Taehyung smirks, shaking his head as Jungkook proudly takes his seat front and center, frantically waving the rest of you over.
Still smiling fondly at your friend, you turn towards Yoongi, only to find that he’s already looking in your direction.
“Are you ok? I’m sorry, I didn’t even think about the crowd…”
Yoongi just smiles ( :] ), shaking his head, “No need to be sorry, I’m good…”
You raise his hand, pressing a kiss to the backs of his knuckles, which of course makes him want to keel over and die in the middle of the performance space.
“Ok good, let me know…” You assure him as the two of you sit down, the bustling of the room growing increasing louder as more and more people file in.  
Yoongi nods, still smiling fondly at you before, his dark eyes flit towards the stage. What you don’t notice is the quickening of his heart, which occurs every time you do anything remotely endearing.
This, unluckily for him, is very often.
As the room begins to settle, you see Jungkook pull out his camera, puttering around with the settings to make sure everything is ready for Jimin’s performance. The nerves bubbling in your stomach begin to grow, knowing full well that your best friend is backstage getting ready to put on the show of his life.  
You notice the various talent scouts around the space, stiff looking people nursing clipboards between their hands and, a panel of judges at the center of the room, looking just as pedantic.
“What number is he?” Taehyung leans over Jungkook to whisper to you but, Jungkook pipes up before you have the chance to speak.
“18. It’s his lucky number…” He nods with his response, his dark eyes eagerly scanning the stage.
You and Tae smile fondly at him before glancing knowingly at one another.  
Jungkook looked nervous, probably more nervous than you’ve ever seen Jimin. He’s likely spent many nights speaking with Jimin about the importance of this night and, Jungkook being the supportive, loving person he is, wants nothing more than to see his boyfriend succeed.  
“I think Jimin said there are 20 dancers in his category and, then a short deliberation period before they announce the winner.”  You affirm, patting Jungkook’s thigh, which has been bouncing up and down for the past few minutes, “Are you ok?”
He glances at you, nodding, his eyes holding a bit of apprehension, “Yeah, I’m just nervous for him. I know he’s going to be amazing but, I just want them to know that..” He nods to the panel of judges assigned with essentially sealing Jimin’s fate as a professional dancer, “He told me that he’s been promised so many things if he wins, like contracts and stuff, it’s just really important that he wins. I don’t know what would happen if he didn’t…I just want them to see how amazing he is…”
Jungkook’s concerns are mumbled in such a way that indicates he only wants you to hear them, not wanting to appear nervous to the rest of the crowd.  
“It would be impossible for them not to see how amazing he is. He’s going to light up the entire room, you know he will…” You smile, rubbing Jungkook’s thigh gently and, he leans into you, placing his head on yours momentarily before turning and placing a quick kiss on top of your head.
“I know, I know, thank you…he’s going to crush these amateurs….” He mutters into your hair, causing you to giggle at his brashness.  
“Into smithereens…”  
With a grin, Jungkook pulls away, trying to reign in all of his difficult emotions as the lights around the room begin to dim.  
The noise lingering around the room comes to a complete halt as the host for the evening meanders onto the stage. Dressed in a bright pink suit, you decide that he looks vaguely familiar but, you can’t quite place his face.
“Good evening ladies and gentleman, welcome to the 10th annual Crystal Cornucopia, the nation’s leading collegiate dance showcase. I’m your host for the evening, Kim Jong-in but, most of you probably know me as Kai. It’s pleasure to be back here on the 10th anniversary of this amazing event that launched my career not too long ago.” He smiles brilliantly at the crowd as applause erupts at the end of is statement.  
Ah yes, you remember now. Kai was an alumni of your university who subsequently actually lost to Jimin during Jimin’s freshman year showcase. However, things apparently worked out for him because, according to Jimin, Kai went on to join a very prestigious dance company after graduation. Knowing this gave you some comfort because, although Jimin losing the showcase was unlikely, it was still possible.  
“We have 50 incredible dancers tonight from three of my favorite styles.” Kai continues, adjusting the shiny lapels of his suit, “20 amazing contemporary performers, 20 hip-hop performers and, 5 stunning pairs of ballroom dancers.”
“Tonight, not only do we get to witness months of hard work and dedication but, we also get to witness the championing of the year’s best collegiate dancer.”  
At his words, the crowd cheers again, and you smile at the thought of your best friend twirling on stage to receive his much deserved trophy.
Kai continues his intro speech, giving the room a rundown on basic etiquette and, instructions for meeting with the dancers after the show.  
“First up is June Lee!”  
The hip hop category is first and with it, comes a lot of excitement and, older members of the crowd shooting disappointing glances at the stage.  
During a small set-up break between performers, you lean over to Yoongi, who seems to be enjoying himself, “Is Hoseok performing tonight?”
Yoongi smirks and shakes his head, “I told him when he transferred that he should sign up but he said, and I quote, ‘hyung dance competitions are way too mainstream and besides,  they would ban me immediately for being too sexy on stage.’ “
You laugh quietly, leaning into him as you do, “Fair enough, that’s why I didn’t join too, you know, cause it’s too mainstream or whatever…”
He raises his brows at that, “Oh yeah? That’s why you’re not in the competition?”
You attempt to get a straight face and a quiet voice as you reply, “Definitely yeah…I would have given Jimin a run for his money…”
Before Yoongi has a chance to return your banter, Jungkook casually turns to you and whispers, “Stop lying to your boyfriend Y/N, trust is the most important thing in a relationship.”
Whilst you gawk at him, Yoongi erupts in a quieter version of his rickety laughter and, you’re actually happy Jungkook is telling jokes, even if it’s at your expense. 
“Why would you expose me like that? I thought we were friends….” You lament, face full of mock offense as the two men continue chuckling.  
The chatter once again dies down as the next performer enters the stage.
Although you were thoroughly enjoying the performances as they were incredible, you were only there for one reason and, that reason was:
Park fucking Jimin.  
“Up next, we have three time national champion, Park Jimin, number 18!” Kai’s voice echoes throughout the room and, your stomach literally drops as the curtains are pulled open to reveal Jimin’s set.  
Several dancers had mini set-ups and, if you remembered correctly, they only had 30 seconds to put up and take down their props; Jimin had been stressing out over whether or not he’d be able to do it.
Of course, he pulled it off.
Your breath catches in your throat as soft periwinkle and yellow lights illuminate the stage revealing Jimin curled up inside a shiny looking bubble filled with flowers. His pink hair is ruffled playfully atop his head as his pearlescent lycra suit clings to his figure. Only, it’s not just the suit this time, he’s also sporting a diamond choker, paired with diamond earrings and, perhaps the most stunning addition of all, are the beautiful fairy wings adorning his back.
“Park Fairy…” You whisper, trying to control the massive smile that’s taking over your lips. Yoongi squeezes your hand encouragingly, knowing how emotional this moment is for you.
Jimin looks up at the top of the bubble as his song starts playing, it’s a song called Serendipity and, its one of Jimin’s favorites. As he touches the bubble, it seems to curl away and disappear around him, allowing him to move freely about the stage.  
And move freely he does, Jimin takes the stage gently and, then all at once. Twirling and twisting, hitting every single move perfectly, smiling brilliantly as he does, relishing in the attention the audience is giving him.  
“He’s so beautiful…”  
The unfamiliar words draw your attention for just a moment as you take in the sight of Jungkook crying beside you, adoration pouring out from his smoothed out expression. You don’t know what he said but, you lace your fingers with his anyway and, he obliges quickly without taking his eyes off of the stage. Taehyung isn’t doing much better but, he’s keeping it together for the sake of filming the performance for Jungkook.  
Your attention is pulled back to the stage as you catch Jimin leaping into the air before intentionally collapsing back to the ground, arching his back as he does. His movements, his expressions; everything about his performance is the epitome of beauty and elegance.  
Jimin’s dance seems to be about a fairy taking flight for the first time, given that he acted unsure in the beginning and, is now leaping and bounding across the stage. His expression grows softer and softer as he twirls to the bubble to grasp at a single pink rose.  
“Let me love, let me love you…”  
The song chimes behind him as he rushes to the front of the stage, his eyes glossy as he meets Jungkook’s loving gaze.
“Let me love, let me love you…”
Jimin mouths the words as he does his final move and, with the conclusion of his dance, he tosses the flower into Jungkook’s lap, which of course he catches with one hand, laughing lightly as he does, despite his tears not slowing.  
Jimin smiles softly, glancing between the three of you and, you can tell he’s reigning in his own emotions as he takes a deep bow for the audience.
The four of you stand up along with the rest of the room and, clap until your hands are sore. As you take your seats, Jungkook pulls you into a tight embrace, tucking his face into your neck.  
“He did so good, oh my god he did so good…” He whispers, still practically sobbing and, Tae sends another knowing smile your way, wiping his own tears with the back of his hand.
“Park fucking Jimin...” You affirm, smiling through your own tears as you rub a hand over Jungkook’s back, kissing the side of his head.
Sniffling, Jungkook pulls away, chuckling and shaking his head as he wipes his tears. His face is overcome with emotion, consumed with love for his boyfriend.  
“I feel bad for anyone who has to follow that...holy shit...” Tae chuckles, sniffling whilst placing a hand on Jungkook’s shoulder.
The two of you agree with him and its then you notice how quiet Yoongi is being, quickly turning towards him, wiping the last bit of tears lingering in your eyes.  
But of course, ever the collected one, Yoongi merely smiles, his thumb coming out to brush underneath your right eye, collecting another tear, “You’ve gone soft Y/L/N...”
You know he’s joking but, you snap your teeth at him anyway, a move that causes him to snicker and jerk his hand away, “Shut up.”
“Easy...easy...” He admonishes, but softness quickly returns to his eyes, “he was amazing. Definitely the best dancer I’ve ever seen.”
“Damn right he is.” Jungkook pipes up, still crying but, it’s much less intense and, his demeanor causes the three of you to chuckle fondly.  
“Be nice to me, I’m fragile...” You grumble, pouting your lips and, Yoongi, having never seen you really pout before, thinks that he’s going to explode.  
“C’mere...” Is all he says though because, you know, he’s gotta keep it low key but, he lifts his arm, encouraging you to huddle him next to him for the remainder of the show. “I’ll hold you until it’s over, since you’re so fragile.”
And of course, you oblige, smiling triumphantly as you snuggle up next to him.  
Tae and Jungkook smirk knowingly at eachother now and, while a large part of them really wants to tease you, they can’t exactly ignore how happy they are for you.  
You’ve never had anything like this before and, they know it.  
The rest of the show passes by fairly quickly but, the same couldn’t be said about the period of the judge’s deliberation...
“Oh my god are they done yet?????” Jungkook whines, slumping back against his seat.
Taehyung chuckles, patting his shoulder reassuringly, trying to deny his own nervous feelings, “Relax Kook, I’m sure they’re almost done, it's been awhile.”
“Awhile?” He bolsters, eyes widening as he gestures wildly to the backstage entrance, “It’s been a million years, are they trying to give me a heart attack?”
You’ve taken solace in Yoongi’s side, playing with his fingers, feeling soft as heck, the usual.
“I can’t imagine how Jimin must be feeling right now, he’s probably so nervous.” You murmur to Yoongi, not wanting to rile up Jungkook anymore.
Yoongi’s free hand rubs your shoulder tenderly, his chocolate eyes riddled with concern, “I know, I feel for him. It will be worth it when he wins the whole thing though.”
A smile pops onto your mouth, as you cuddle closer to him, selfishly wishing the two of you were curled up in bed together, instead of awkwardly on two theater seats.  
“I can’t wait to see the look on his face Yoongi...when he wins, he deserves it so much...” Your voice is even lower now, smiling gently at the thought of it, excitement stirring in your lower stomach.
“You’re a really good friend to him...” He muses, still rubbing your shoulder, “wait I think someone is coming out_”
You don’t have the time to react to Yoongi’s comment because, the lights are up and performers are flooding the stage. It only takes a second for you to spot the man of the hour: Park Fairy, IRL. After knowing Jimin for so long, you can tell he’s nervous; his plump is tucked between his teeth, the normally soft shape of his eyes are drawn tight with tension but, he still takes a moment to look towards the four of you to send a watery smile and, a small wave your way.
Jungkook tears up all over again mouthing ‘i love you’ in his direction, which causes Jimin’s thin smile to illuminate a little more as he mouth’s the same three words back to him.  
This was it.
Four years of work all leading up to this moment.  
You can feel your heartbeat berating the underside of your sternum as Kai takes his place at the center of the stage.  
“Hello everyone! Are we excited to hear who the winner will be?” He cheers, the audience reciprocating but, the tension in the room is clear. “The judges appreciate your patience as they had a lot of amazing performers to evaluate tonight but, they have just given me this golden envelope with their decision so without further ado...”
Kai opens the golden envelope, his eyes widening slightly as he sees the results and, at this point Jungkook has locked your hand in a vice grip, doing the same thing to Tae’s other hand, his body literally shaking with nerves.
“Ladies and gentleman, tonight you are witnessing history...” He begins, glancing towards the performers before finally revealing the winner, “because tonight, Park Jimin will become the ONLY collegiate dancer to win the Crystal Cornucopia FOUR YEARS IN A ROW.”
“LETS FUCKING GET IT!!!!” Jungkook bellows and, thankfully he is mostly drowned out by the crowd as you also jump to your feet.
You drag Yoongi up as the entire theater rises to their feet.  
The room is going wild.
And Jimin, well, he’s sporting the expression you hope he would. He’s beaming, he’s teary eyed and, shaky as he stumbles toward Kai, graciously accepting the trophy before bowing towards the crowd.  
He did it, he fucking did it.  
Park Fucking Jimin
You had never been more proud.
“My baby!!!”  
Jimin’s twinkling voice fills the lobby as he rushes out in his street clothes, his fairy wings sticking out of the duffel bag on his shoulder.
Jungkook immediately breaks out in a huge smile, running towards him to catch a leaping Jimin in his arms.  
They kiss for a moment, crying and smile into eachother’s mouths, as Jungkook bounces with his boyfriend in his arms.
“I’m so proud of you my love, I knew you’d do it, you’re so amazing yeah? You know that right? I love you so much...”  
Before you can ask the content of Jungkook’s proclamation, Yoongi’s raspy voice can be heard beside you:
“I’m so proud of you my love.”
“I knew you’d do it.”
“You’re so amazing yeah? You know that right?”
“I love you so much.”
You know he’s only translating for you but, at the last sentence you turn towards him, catching the softness in his eyes.
Well fuck, that definitely didn’t sound like a translation.
Yoongi smiles sheepishly but, Jimin is already bounding into you, pulling you into the kind of hug that only Jimin can give.  
Your attention is pulled towards him, squeezing your arms around his shoulders, kissing his cheek over and over, “PARK FAIRY??? REALLY??? DO YOU HAVE NO REGARD FOR MY FEELINGS???”
He snickers, overjoyed by the events of the evening, hugging you just as tightly, “How else would I pay homage to my best friend hm? I did a theme for Tae last year and, I let Jungkook plow me anytime he wants so, how else would I repay you???”  
The ridiculousness of his statement thankfully doesn’t travel past your ear lest turning Jungkook into a pile of dust.
Sniffling, you pull back, cupping his beautiful face in your hands, “I’m so fucking proud of you...you did it Minnie, you won.”
Jimin tears up again, smiling at you whilst he nods, “I’m so happy I made you guys proud, it’s all I want...”
Taehyung approaches then, placing a fat kiss on Jimin’s cheek, “Good, then we don’t have to get you anything for Christmas then...”
His voice is paper thin though, you can tell he’s trying not to cry.
“TAE...” Jimin exclaims, turning to the side to jump at his other best friend.
Taehyung’s boxy smile makes an appearance then, wrapping Jimin in a bear hug.
“We’re so proud of you...”  
Fondness is the only thing flowing through your veins until Jungkook butts in, flustered by the lack of attention.
“Ok, I want him back now thank you, any other physical contact will cost you $60,000 an hour...” He grumbles, tucking Jimin back into his grasp.
Jimin accepts it though, relishing in the attention, “Yahh are you whoring me out now?”  
Jungkook smirks, kissing his cheek, “Mmm you’re right, I’d never share this body...”
Taehyung’s face turns up in disgust and, Yoongi shakes his head, chuckling to himself at the sight of you growing flustered for information.
“Trust me, you don’t want to know this one...”
Before Jimin and Jungkook fuck in the middle of the lobby, Jimin’s face lights up with realization, “Oh my god Yoongi, I’m so sorry.”
He rushes over, pulling Yoongi in for a hug, smiling sweetly at him, “It’s so nice to meet you, thank you for coming...”
Yoongi blushes of course but, he reciprocates the hug, “Thank you for having me, your performance was amazing and, uh, we’ve met before actually...”
Jimin’s face wrinkles in confusion as he pulls away, leaving his hands on Yoongi’s shoulders, “Really? When?”
The memory comes back to you too,  a newly crowned Agust D, Jimin hanging out of a taxi cab....
“Outside of Glacier, you might not remember though...you were um...”
“...hammered.” You giggle, finishing Yoongi’s sentenc.
“Ohhhh that’s right, shit I’m sorry Yoongi...” Jimin chuckles.
He waves him off, “No worries, we’ve all been there, it’s nice to meet you again. Congratulations on your win...”
Jungkook quickly pulls Jimin back towards him, carrying his duffle bag on his shoulder.
“Thank you Yoongi. It means a lot that you came.” He smiles, kissing Jungkook’s cheek before eagerly looking towards the door, “Let’s get out of here, the dancing queen needs to EAT!”
And with that, the rest of you chuckle, leaving the performance space feeling on top of the world
Jungkook had made reservations at a fancy KBBQ place downtown but, after several rounds of meat and Soju, Yoongi had insisted on paying.
The dinner went exceptionally well, Yoongi had continued to click with your friends, their inhibitions loosening up with a bit of alcohol. Jungkook and Jimin were hammered by the end of it but, Taehyung stayed sober enough to drive them home. Oddly enough though, Yoongi only had two shots of Soju. You know Yoongi doesn’t drink all the time but, according to him, he really enjoys drinking. However, you decide it really isn't that important so whilst waving goodbye to all of your amazing friends, you decide to drop it.
Yoongi’s long fingers lace with yours, pulling you close to him in an attempt to shield you from the cold, “Aren’t you freezing?”
You smile, graciously accepting his touch as you nuzzle into his chest, “Yeah I am, I should have checked the weather, or brought a jacket...”
“Mhm...you’re gonna get sick...” He scolds playfully, rubbing his hands up and down your arms to keep you warm, “were you gonna go home after this?”
A smirk is placed against Yoongi’s chest, “I don’t knowww...why?
He chuckles at your tone before, untucking your face from his chest, smoothing a thumb over your cheek, “Come sleep in my bed with me.”
The alcohol and meat has roughed up his voice a bit and, that paired with his slightly suggestive expression has you feeling some type a way.
“Is that code for something?”
Yoongi just smirks, leaning over to whisper in your ear, “It’s code for: I miss you in my bed...you can take that however you want...”
Forward Yoongi isn’t something you’re used to but, holy shit, you’re not complaining.  
A kiss is placed on Yoongi’s lips and, he surprises you by catching your lower lip between his teeth, his big hands sliding over your hips to rest at your lower back. He smirks into your mouth before releasing it, still lingering into the kiss. There is a catch in your breath but, Yoongi doesn’t comment on it-
He just lets it go straight to his dick.
“Are you good to drive?” You whisper against his chin before placing a kiss there, keeping your lips on his skin as he responds.
“Yeah, I’m good, I didn’t drink that much...”  
His voice has also dropped to a whisper, not able to ignore the way your lips make him feel.
“Will you...” You begin, slowly trailing your lips down over his neck, relishing in the way he shivers for you, “take me home with you then?
Neither one of you can pinpoint what has you so riled up, the only thing you know is that you’re thankful you’re in a deserted part of the parking structure.
Yoongi’s head leans back against the side of his car now, his teeth gnawing on his lower lip, “Don’t stop...”
“Don't stop?” You inquire teasingly, brushing your lips against the sensitive skin of his neck, placing fluttering kisses down over his Adams apple, “But Yoongi, we’re in public...”
His grip tightens on your hips, pulling you closer to him as his eyes flutter shut, “Y-yeah I know but, my car has tinted windows...”
Yoongi is full of surprises tonight and, although it’s a huge part of your character to wonder why, the night last few months have been the best of your life so, maybe it’s time to just go with the flow.
“I remember...” You smirk still, recalling the first time you and Yoongi were ever intimate.
With his eyes still closed and, your lips still on his neck, he smirks, his hands sliding down the length of your outer thighs before his fingertips barely brush the skin at the bottom of your dress, “I’d hope so, I’ve never gotten over the image of you coming all over my lap...”
The movements of your lips, halt as your breath catches in your throat, Yoongi’s wanton mouth and fingertips going straight to your core.  
“ ‘may I sit Min Yoongi?’ ‘May I ride you Min Yoongi?’ I almost came in my jeans for you, right then and there. But I’m so glad I didn’t.” He continues, his fingertips trailing up further and further, tickling at the tender skin of your bikini line, brushing over the bottom of your panties.
“I could have gotten you hard again...”  You offer, your breathing picking up slightly when his fingers brush the top of your pussy. Yoongi open his eyes now, catching your gaze in his dark one, lips still quirked in a smirk.
“It wouldn’t have been the same though...I wouldn’t have came so hard for you a second time,” He insists, leaning in towards your mouth, “and you deserve everything I’ve got don’t you? Deserve anything you want...”
It’s safe to say that Yoongi’s dirty talking is obliterating you slowly and painfully, his eager fingers and, slight boost in confidence turning you on more than you’d expect.
But, he still knows his place and, if he’s forgotten it, you have no issue reminding him...
Two can play at this game.
“Baby?” You practically coo, holding his gaze as long it takes for you to brush your lips against his, your legs spreading slightly to encourage his touch, “you’re making me wet...”
Yoongi feels his dick twitch inside of his pants at the tender tone of your voice and, that paired with the access to the soft skin of your inner thighs is enough to make him swell painfully against the seam.
“Y-yeah? Really?” He’s a little breathless himself, the bit of smugness he has is still lingering but, his desire for you, his desire to let you take control is growing stronger. With a finger curved underneath your chin, he brings your lips a little closer, “Can I make you wetter?”
He seals his request with a plush kiss against your mouth, his hands coming out from underneath your dress to hold onto your hips once again. You’re nodding as the two of you kiss at one another, not quite able to think of a witty response, not with Yoongi being this bold.  
Without breaking the kiss, Yoongi uses the sensor on his keys to unlock his car, which of course doesn’t work until after the 7th try.
“Piece of shit.” Yoongi chuckles and, you follow suit, leaning into him still even as he opens the door to his backseat, ushering you inside.
His car is freezing so, you’re thankful when he starts the engine and, gets the heater running. Although, you’re more thankful when he returns to the backseat and, places the warmth of his body over yours.
“I’m sorry it’s so cold, it will warm up in a second...” He regrets his split decision to bring you in here, not wanting you to be uncomfortable while he takes care of you.
“It’s ok, you’re warm.” You whisper, smiling and kissing him harder, your hands pulling his body completely over yours. Yoongi just grins, his hands resuming their place on your thighs, squeezing gently at the flesh there.
He takes his time, unwinding you slowly, kissing around the curve of your jaw, suckling and nibbling at your skin, wandering fingers slowly pushing your dress over your hips. He kisses down your throat now and, you feel him hesitate a moment before taking your flesh between his teeth, groaning lightly into your neck. The motion sends your hands out in front of you to brace against his shoulders and, it hurts but you have to admit, you like the pain.  
“So pretty for me...”  
Your lips part as you hear his native tongue tumble past his lips, the tone sultry and unmistakably Yoongi but, his accent makes him sound slightly unfamiliar.  
You don’t want him to stop talking.  
“I think about this all the time...” He’s careful to place a few soothing kisses over the mark he left, nuzzling against the base of your neck before continuing his descent down your body, “kissing you everywhere...from head to toe...tasting you, drowning in you...”
You feel hypnotized, completely captivated by the sound of Yoongi’s voice: raspy and sounding like the bottom of the ocean. The only thing you can do is keep your hands on him, touching over his body gently to insure him that you’re letting him take the lead.
Your dress has been pushed up for a moment but, Yoongi is just now taking the time to take in the sight of your panties: tart cherry red and made entirely of lace.  It’s safe to say, you’d hoped this moment would come when you slipped them on this afternoon and, by the pained look on Yoongi’s face, you feel you’ve made the right choice.
“You really don’t let a man breathe do you?” He’s back to English as he continues pushing your dress up your body until you’re able to lean up and, push it over your head, revealing the matching bra to go with your panties.  
“Not when my man likes getting choked so much...” You smirk, running your fingers through his hair and, tugging on it a little.
Yoongi melts at the sensation, groaning again before burying his face in your chest, nipping playfully at the skin there, “Oh she’s calling me her man now huh? Playing dirty...knowing that shit makes me weak...knowing that I’d give anything to be hers...”
He keeps his Korean to himself and, uses English to convey a much less intense response, “Your man?”
A rather coy smile takes it’s spot on your mouth but, despite your sudden nerves you nod anyway, rubbing a thumb over the apple of Yoongi’s cheek, “My man...”
Yoongi feels his heart threaten to explode in his chest at your genuine expression. Leaning down, he captures your lips once more before nudging your nose and, pulling away slightly, “I swear I could die happy right now, just looking at you, you have no idea what you do to me...”
“Is that ok?” You check, obviously unsure what he’s actually responding.
You’re definitely going to finish your Korean lessons, that’s for sure.
Yoongi is kissing back down your bottom again, paying special attention to the curves and dips of your body, his hands making their way to the sides of your underwear, “More than ok...”
He doesn’t trust an eloquent response right now because, he’s too focused on his main objective: making you wetter.
“You’re so handsome...” You muse, playing with the ends of his hair, encouraging him to continue exploring, “I swear there is no other guy out there that can make me wet just from looking at them but, here you are, my man, ruining my good panties...”
If you aren’t mistaken, you think you hear a low growl at the back of his throat but, there is no time to asses because, the next thing you know, you feel Yoongi pulling down your underwear, “Do you want me dead is that it? Do you want me to fall apart?” He spreads your legs, allowing the cool air of the car to hit your center, which is swollen and practically dripping. “Because I would...for you. I’d break into tiny little pieces but right now_” An almost mischievous glint takes over his eyes as he begins kissing down the middle of your stomach, letting his lips and soft breath replace your skin with goosebumps. He stops right over the lips of your pussy, the warmth of his breath fueling the throbbing of your neglected clit, “...its your turn to fall apart...” He kitten licks over your lips before smirking and, adding_ “on my fucking tongue...”
Using his fingers to spread your lips open, Yoongi begins placing teasing licks all over your clit, kissing and sucking and, teasing the fuck out of your aching cunt. He’s eating you out like he’s never tasted anything sweeter, like it’s only thing he’ll ever eat. It’s sending you into a shockwave of pleasure, your nipples hardening against your bra painfully but, Yoongi’s oral skills literally fuck with your ability to remove it yourself.  
He makes an ‘O’ with his lips, suckling gently at your clit, increasing the pressure over the next minute or so, one his fingers teasing at your dripping entrance.  
“Does it feel good baby? Am I eating it right?” He coos, sucking on your clit three harsh times in succession, each bit of suction causing your toes to curl.  
“Mhm...your mouth Yoongi...oh god_” You breathe, a moan catching at the end of your sentence, hands reaching down to find something to grab onto.
Yoongi notices, smirking into your cunt before his hand reaches up to place yours in his hair, “Hurt me...hurt me while I make you cum...”
You quickly oblige, tugging on his brown locks, the stinging pain causing him to whimper into your pussy and, when you see his eyes squeezing shut, you know he’s trying to hold off cumming in his pants.
“Yoongi...I want you...” You whisper, eyes threatening to roll back as he sucks at your clit again.  
Your statement gets to him as it’s not often that the roles between the two of you are switched but, he doesn’t think the power switch does anything for him. It’s more so that he gets to see you being vulnerable for once, it makes him feel like you trust him.
“I’m right here.” He coos, licking up the length of your pussy, savoring the flavor of you.
Tugging at his hair, you shake your head, pleading with him, “Please? Inside...inside of me...”
Yoongi can’t deny you anymore, his emotions starting to get the better of him as he pulls away from your aching center. You don’t waste anytime, sitting up quickly and peeling his shirt off, touching and kissing all over the expanse of his bare chest.
He really is the most beautiful man you’ve ever seen.  
Long fingers comb gently through your hair as he kisses any part of you he can reach: your shoulders, your chest, your cheeks, your ears. Every inch of you.
Unclipping your bra is the last step before Yoongi lays you down on the backseat, placing a kiss on your mouth, “This is the only way I can tell you right now because, I am terrified you don’t feel the same way but, I’ll show you and, you’ll know...” His voice is shaky and, you desperately wish you knew what he was saying, “I’ll fuck you like I love you because I do...I love you Y/N.”
With that, he slides into you, his dick arching perfectly against your g-spot which is already swollen and, sensitive. Your lips connect with Yoongi’s as you settle into the kind of rhythm that isn’t meant for lasting a very long time.  
Through a few moments of soft kisses and, gentle pants, Yoongi leans back, his eyes eagerly scanning over your figure as your first orgasm hits you. He tucks his face into your neck, fucking you through your release, trying to hold off on his own, “Do you know how beautiful you are? I swear I could cum just looking at you...so pretty and so perfect and, you have no fucking clue...”He’s almost whimpering at this point, his hips pumping into you with all he’s got. “That’s why I give it up to you jagiya because, you deserve it. You think I get on my knees for just anyone? Fuck no...just for you...because I love you...”The truth is, the night in the studio had changed him and, the truth is, the main reason he wanted between your thighs tonight was because he realized something: in the midst of all the chaos, seeing you with your friends had been the icing on the cake:
Yoongi is in love with you and, tonight, he wanted to make love to you.  
The pleasure between your second (yes, second) and, final orgasm is so intense that you don’t feel qualified to speak anything else other than Yoongi’s name which, thankfully only pushes him closer and closer to the edge until he’s nearly there.
“Y/N...baby...I’m really close.” He warns, still out of it and placing sloppy kisses all over your face and neck, barely hanging on by a thread.
And you plan on snipping that thread with the one thing you know will make him cum instantly, “Come for me angel...”
With a tightening of his figure, Yoongi spills everything he has inside of you, continuing to kiss all over you as he does, whimpering your name against the rapid beat of your heart.
“I love you...” He whispers shakily before slumping over onto your body, clinging to you as he does.  
Through the heavy breathing and sweet nothings whispered at one another, you wait a beat or two before uttering the one Korean phrase you are whole-heartedly familiar with.
“I love you too”
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jungshookz · 5 years
a thought just came to me and i had to share- ceo y/n finding pics of yoongi in college (think 2013/14 yoongi) and lOSING HER MIND then finding out he used to be a soundcloud rapper in his spare time and she’s just is just like wtf!!?!?! bc he is a COMPLETELY different person and old age rly changes a person
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→ pairing: min yoongi x reader
→ genre: ceo!yoongiverse!!!!! y/n is all heart-eyes emoji over uni!yoongi!!! and she can’t believe he bleached his hair once upon a time!!!!! 
→ wordcount: 1.9k
→ note: hi i LOVEd this and i had to write a drabble for it and also i want everyone to know that i have a rly big crush on 2013 yoongi 
(gif isn’t mine!)
you don’t know how you’ve never stumbled across this box before
but oh boy
you just hit the jackpot babY
it was an accident, really
you were just trying to find one of hwayoung’s spare blankies because she’s spending the night with jimin (it’s date night for you and yoongi!!!)  
so you went into the storage room and started going through the boxes because you couldn’t find it in her closet
and this shoe-box certainly didn’t look like a blanket was going to be in it but you figured it wouldn’t hurt to check
and that’s when you found the hidden treasure
“what… in the world…?” you whisper to yourself as you pull out a dusty CD
you flip it over to read what’s scribbled on the front
‘agust d - mixtape by suga’
“mixtape by suga.” you mutter before narrowing your eyes and giving the cover photo a reaLLy good look
is that…,,.,. is that yoongi?
you recognise his eye lol
…but also why is his hair bleaCHed
you shake your head and set it aside before continuing to rummage through the shoe box
the next thing you pull out is a vEry worn out looking notebook
is it a journal
journals are supposed to be personal but let’s be real
ur super nosy
you probably won’t be able to read anything but you’ll look through it anyways lolz
you flip through it and your brows knit together when you notice that these aren’t diary entries
they’re.,.,. song lyrics
most of them are in korean (obviously) so unfortunately you have no idea what you’re reading but luckily there are some english lines
“…my tongue technology?” you tilt your head
what does that even mean
how about the little stack of polaroids  
let’s just take a look…
“oh my god. oh my god!!!!” you practically squEal as you flip through the stack  
oh my goodness!!!!!!
a baby!!!!!
he looks so young!!!!!!!!
jesus he’s cute
not that he’s not cute anymoRE but like
maybe you’ll give the cd a listen after jimin comes by to pick hwayoung up
you can’t help but wonder why yoongi’s never showed you this stuff before
you tuck the photos back in the box before picking it up with you as you get up off the ground
you can’t waIt til he gets back >:-)
you perk up when you hear the front door slam shut and reach down to turn the stove down on a little
time to get this show on the road
you wipe your hands off on the tea towel before scurrying out of the kitchen to greet ur hardworking husband
“jimin swung by to pick hwayoung up already?” yoongi furrows his brows when he spots hwayoung’s playpen with nO hwayoung in it
he was hoping to see her before she left for the night
“mm, you just missed him.” you smile softly and yoongi leans in to press his mouth against yours in a sweet kiss “how was your day?”
you giggle softly when he circles an arm around your waist and starts planting teasing kisses down your jaw
“it was okay… you know, the usual.” he pulls away to give you a quick kiss before pulling his suit jacket off “how was yours?”
“it was alright.” you shrug and bend down to pick his backpack up off the floor “i wrapped hwayoung’s hair up in a little ice-cream towel after i washed her hair and i took a picture of it to show you!!! dinner will be ready soon but… do you want any tea or anything?” you hum and plop his bag down on the couch
“mm, i’m good.” yoongi loosens his tie and shakes his head “i’m going to hop in the shower… you should join me.” he suggests slyly and reaches over to wrap his fingers around your wrist
you giggle when he leans in to kiss u again and the back of your knees hit the arm of the couch as he pushes you back gently
“i have to keep an eye on dinner”
“just turn the stove down for a while” yoongi hums and hooks a finger into the waistband of your shorts
you smack his arm gently
“gO take a shower… suga.”
yoongi freezes
he pulls away from you and his dark brows knit together
did you just-
is he having hearing problems or something because he swoRE he just heard you say-
“what did you just call me?”
you wiggle out of his grip
“i don’t know, agust d. what did i just call you?” you bend down and pull a shoebox out from underneath the coffee table
yoongi pales
o god
a smile creeps onto your face and yoongi pales when you flip the lid off before pulling out a vEry familiar looking notebook and CD out from it
o gOD
“where did you find that?”
“in the very, very back of the closet.” you sigh happily and open up the notebook
yoongi immediately reaches over but you move away before he gets the chance to snatch it from you
there’s a moment of silence
all of a sudden he practically lunGEs for the box but you grab it and hug it to your chest before scurrying to the other end of the couch
yoongi lets out a groan
“y/n.” he raises a brow “hand me the box and nobody gets hurt.”
you take a step towards the staircase
yoongi does the same
“over.. my… dead… bODY-!” you immediately make a sprint for the staircase and yoongi hOT on your trail
you’re practically cackling with glee as you bound up the stairs before bursting into the bedroom
“give it to me you brAT-“
before you get a chance to shut the door you feel yoongi’s arm snake around your waist and pull you backwards and the box goes fLying up into the air before it (thankfully) lands on the bed
“you know i already looked through the box, right?” you laugh lightly and glance back at yoongi
he lets out a quiet groan “…of course you did.”
“i couldn’t help it!!!!” you sit down on the edge of the bed and yoongi sits down on the other end
“and i bet you have a lot of questions for me, don’t you?”
“oh, i have a million questions for you, suga.”
the two of you start cleaning up the tiny mess and you smile lightly as you pick up another picture
yoongi clears his throat
“back in uni i used to…” he pauses as he flips through his notebook
it’s so weird going through this book again after years of it collecting dust in the closet
it’s weird thinking that he could’ve become a rapper instead of a businessman lol
“i used to be a soundcloud rapper and stuff buT i don’t know it’s not a big deal and also looking back it’s actually kind of embarrassing liKE i wrote a line in one of my songs about taking someone to hong kong because of my tongue technology but-“
“how old were you in these pictures??” you coo as you look through some more of the pictures
what a heartthrob!!!!!!!
yoongi leans over to look at the photo
he purses his lips in thought
“like… 20?“
so he would’ve been in his third year of university in these pictures
…oh you definitely would’ve had a crush on him if you guys went to uni together
if he was in his third year yoU would’ve been in your first year
you snort at the thought of 18 year old you drooling over 20 year old yoongi
it’s not much different to 24 year old you drooling over 26 year old yoongi now but still
“now, c’mon. put that away so we can go and take a shoWer-“
you gasp when you look at this next picture
jesus chRIST
you flip it around so yoongi can look at it and his face flushes
“…are you wearing makeup?”
“…it wasn’t mY idea okaY-“
“take it easy on the eyeliner next time!!!” you cackle as you hop up on the bed and wave the pictures around “oh yoongi you hAVe to let me frame these-“
you start bouncing up and down on the bed and yoongi snorts
“you are a child-“
“A to the G to U to the STD, A to the G to U to the sTD-“ you pump your arm up into the air as you continue bouncing around wildly “-woAH-“
yoongi whaCks the back of your knees and you buckle immediately
you can’t help but grin as you flop down on the bed and land on your back
you love teasing yoongi normally and noW you have so much new material to work with
yoongi settles in between your legs and pins an arm above your head
“you are insufferable.”
“it’s nothing to be embarrassed about!! i actually think it’s kinda sexy” you hum and reach up to run a hand through his hair
he hums and turns to press a kiss to your palm when you cup his cheek
“you do not think it’s sexy.”
“no, i’m serious!! are you kidding me?? 18 year old y/n would’ve dropped to her knees for you like that if she found out you were a somewhat successful soundcloud rapper.”
yoongi snorts and rolls his eyes as he crawls off of you and gets off of the bed “cut it ouT y/n”
you grin
you will never cut it out
in fact you’re going to amp it up a little bit just because you :) like :) pushing :) yoongi’s :) buttons
you watch as he starts to unbutton his shirt and you toss the pictures aside before getting on your hands and knees and crawling towards him
“aw, come on… i’m just an innocent little freshman who wants you to take her back to your soundproof studio-“ you purr and get up on your knees
you lean in and press your mouth against yoongi’s as your fingers undo a button
“oh yeah? what else do you want?”
a little role-play never hurts and yoongi will very happily play along
“want you to take me to hong kong with your tongue technology-” 
yoongi immediately lets out a groan
help me help you make your wishes come tru (aka send me a request)
drabble tag
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skinnybonsai · 4 years
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This is my first (public) fic. It’s angsty afffff. 
Summary: You and Yoongi have dated for 8 years which ends because of infidelity. 
Yoongi sits in the studio at the dorms. A track from his latest album rests on an unsteady repeat of backtracks, editing, adding pieces here and there then replaying it all to make sure it sounds good. Meanwhile outside in the hall walks Taehyung with a fussy Yeontan locked in his arms against his chest. The chocolate brown and tan furred pomeranian rests unwillingly against his body, ready to launch himself away at any given chance. Taehyung can hear the makings of another single as he passes Yoongi’s studio door and figures he could sit in for an hour or two.
Taehyung raps his knuckles against the door which goes ignored at first. He knocks again, still no answer. With a huff, he shifts Yeontan into his right arm so he could remove his phone from his coat pocket. He dials Yoongi’s number while Yeontan continues fussing in his arm. He can hear the phone ringing behind the door and the music pauses as Yoongi picks up.
“Yeoboseyo?” he drawls, exhaustion evident in his voice. He’s more gravelly than usual. “Hyung, open the door.” Taehyung says, gently kicking the door with his foot to alert the rapper inside.
There’s a brief silence and Taehyung wonders if Yoongi hung up when the door opens. To say his hyung looks like shit is an understatement. His eyes are bloodshot red and swollen, his lips are dry despite the black face mask tucked under his chewed out lower lip. His face looks slimmer and if Taehyung didn’t know him better, he’d chalk it up to Yoongi overworking himself. The man practically lives off iced americanos and honey butter chips. But Taehyung does know his hyung and he knows what poorly being hidden behind the excuse of the album’s deadline.
Moving inside, he lets Yeontan go and quickly shuts the door behind him so the small dog couldn’t escape. Yoongi says nothing and returns to his seat, clicking on his mouth a few times and tucking his leg under his butt. There’s a pregnant silence and Taehyung inhales deeply before peeling off his camel brown coat to lay across the arm of the studio couch.
“Call her,” he says. Yoongi’s hand stutters on the keyboard before speaking.
“Why?” is all he says which causes Taehyung to lean forward, resting his elbows on his knees and pushing his hands through his curls. His forehead is momentarily exposed before the hair flops back down, brushing barely over his eyes. 
“It’s been two months, hyung. Call her. I’m sure she’s just as torn up as you are.” he continues. 
Two weeks since you and Yoongi ended your eight year relationship. It was all over a misunderstanding, too. The media depicted Yoongi to having an affair with a member of another idol girl group based on the few pictures seen of the two walking down the street. In truth, you had your suspicions of the woman, as you knew her intentions. But Yoongi was never interested. He only had eyes for you. However, one night you found stockings and lipsticks in his car and you knew what the situation was. 
When confronting Yoongi on it, he admitted that he made a mistake. That although the two of them did not go all the way, things did happen. He never intended anything to occur at all, but you two were fighting so much lately and he wanted to feel something. He had no excuses and the sight of you breaking down in front of him was too much to bear. 
All he could do was apologize but he knew you. He knew your heart. Cheating was always the one thing you could never forgive and despite Yoongi promising he never would, he did. That’s what hurt you the most.
So no, he wouldn’t call. You have every right to hate him. No matter how many apologizes, bouquets of flowers, even an unreleased song dedicated to you, nothing would fix what he did. What’s more is he hated himself for betraying you so terribly. You truly were the biggest source of happiness in his personal life and he threw it all away. Why would he call?
Yoongi can feel his throat closing up, his vision going blurry as he tries to focus on the track on screen in front of him. He hadn’t noticed Yeontan nudging at his foot in attempts to reach the warm spot underneath the desk where all the wires and cords were located for a nap. He couldn’t breathe. His hand begins to shake and Taehyung comes up behind him to pull the chair away from the screen. What he sees in front of him is the shell of what a man in loved used to be. This wasn’t Suga, not Agust D, but Min Yoongi. Heart broken and exposed like a nerve. He’s never seen a man so destroyed and self loathing.
“Hyung..” he touches Yoongi’s shoulder and that’s enough to cause the dam to break. His face turns red and he pours himself out against Taehyung’s embrace. Usually Yoongi isn’t one for physical contact, but this is different. 
“I can’t live without her, Tae.” he sobs and Taehyung’s heart breaks for him. 
“I know. We’ll figure this out,” He says, rubbing his hyung’s back in the deafening silence of the studio save for the choked sobs coming from the broken man in the chair beneath him.
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mistypsych · 1 year
/ yoongi / suga / agust d /
summary: as a doctor you never expected to be dragged into “the criminal life”, nothing and no one seems to be true anymore, your whole world turns upside down after you save him.
pairings: yoongi mob boss x f.reader x non idol bts members.
warnings: smut, guns, knives, stabbings, blood, gore, murders, drugs, criminals, gang life, medical emergency, illness, abuse, swearing, angst, dubcon, gang violence, corruption, manipulation, lies, cheating - 18+ minors dni.
Note: Hi! This is an attempt of writing a fanfic long after writing anything at all. Please also keep in mind English is no longer my first language and it might be a bit rusty and odd at times but I try my best. The story is a non idol BTS fanfic with Suga being the main character. As promised slowly we are going into the chapters where Yoongi will be taking the main lead. If you want to join the tag list let me know!
After you had your hot bath and a glass of wine that turned into a whole bottle, tiredness of the whole event took over making you pass out on the couch. The fact was you also couldn’t bring yourself to go into the bedroom and fall asleep next to Hobi. You had yet to make sense of everything, but already your gut was telling you that all this new information was going to be a sticky deal. You dreaded that what Jungkook said is fully true and you didn’t know if you could pretend and ignore the facts.
You loved your fiancé with all your heart but could you be ok with him being dirty? Maybe if he had told you, maybe if he would not hide the fact he was entangled with the mafia and gave you a sensible explanation to all of it. You just didn’t know, because one thing you really hated was dishonesty. You could handle a lot of bad shit people have done or were doing as long as you knew about it. Once someone hid the truth from you it was a different story. You always believed the ugliest of truths was better than the prettiest of lies and this was a fucking hill you were willing to die on.
You felt a slight tingle on your cheek. A nice and warm feeling coming after it. Shutting your eyes harder and scrunching your nose you let out a quiet mumble as you felt an ache spread over your muscles. Last nights events surely strained your back. The decision to sleep on the couch did not help that matter as well.
Suddenly you felt a delicate kiss on your neck and then another one. You slowly opened your eyes to see Hobi sitting on the edge and leaning over you. Once your eyes met he gave you his sunshine smile and smoothed your hair back gently saying quietly “Hey. You slept on the couch?” his face had a bit of concern written over it. “Morning…” you croaked, your throat being dry from all the wine you consumed “Yea… I came back really late from that whole medical emergency. I drank some wine and passed out. I also didn’t wanna wake you…”
He hummed slightly soothing your cheek with his hand and grabbing a mug from the small table in-front of you. “Cold brew” he said smiling and passing the cup to you. Lifting yourself on your elbows you gladly drank the coffee, caffeine being exactly what you needed. While downing the brown liquid of life, your brain went back to yesterdays information about your fiancé that has been brutally thrown at you.
Seeing you’ve spaced out, he looked at you asking “You ok Y/N?” you shook your head throwing the intrusive thoughts to the back of your mind. You weren’t ready to confront him. Not yet. Matter of fact you didn’t believe that laying it out just like that would be a smart move. You had to plan it out safely. You could not draw suspicions and give him the option to lie himself out of trouble if what you heard about him would turn out to be true.
“Yes I’m fine.” you said forcing a smile. You had to keep your cool. He was a detective. You could not let him sense out that something was wrong. “I’m still sleepy a bit. Didn’t fully wake up yet” you cooed sitting yourself up completely.
Hoseok looked at you as if he was analyzing what you were saying but then he smiled nodding his head. “Not woken up yet hm?” he moved a bit closer to you, taking the mug out of your hands and setting it aside. You blinked a little raising an eyebrow “I’ve got just the thing to wake you up…” he said with a deep voice, a smirk painting over his lips as he leaned in to kiss your neck.
“Shit…” you thought to yourself as you didn’t think threw what to do if a situation like this occurred. Should you pressure that you are tired and not in the mood? Or should you play along? You actually didn’t know for a fact if Hobi was 100% a dirty cop and you wouldn’t be sure of it for some time. You were stressed out and needed to shut off your panicked mind. Giving in seemed like a really good idea. So once you felt his lips on you did just that.
A suppressed moan rolled out off your mouth as he licked down the skin of your throat. You weren’t aware how much you needed to be touched and just let yourself be careless at this very moment. “Told you I would get your blood flowing.” he groaned grabbing your chin and kissing you hungrily. You leaned your head back opening your mouth allowing his tongue to enter. You could feel him smiling, clearly happy about how you reacted to him.
Soon you were both out of your clothes and catching your racing breaths. Your mind still battling with the fact that Hobi might not be who you thought he was. But as his skillful fingers reached your wet core you decided to forget about it all for now. You pushed him down on the soft cushions and climbed onto him.
“So needy…” he chimed but you put your hands on his toned chest, letting your nails gently scratch over his perfect skin “Yea… so you better fuck me good Hoba!” you let the words fall out from your lips. There was no need to ask him again as you lowered yourself onto his already very hard member, deep moans coming out from both of you.
Grabbing your hips he stared thrusting into you, meeting your needy movements. Your breaths got shaky and uneven. As you bounced yourself to the sound of your bodies connecting you slightly wrapped your hand around his neck. You didn’t know what got into you. You never let yourself get too pushy with Hoseok. He was never really the rough type.
A bit shocked by your action he lifted himself into a sitting position, grabbing your back to make sure you didn’t come off of him. He continued to push deep into you as you moved your hand to his nape, not wanting to let yourself get anymore wild ideas. A knot in the bottom of your belly started to form. You pushed your hips back and forth hard into him seeking your release.
Loud groans and breaths slipping out from your mouthes. This time around all you wanted was to feel the pleasure to crash all over you. It was the only thing that mattered. You didn’t care to get intimate or sensual. You just wanted your mind blown so you could forget everything from that night, at least for a while.
So you kept the tempo, fucking your fiancé hard and fast until you both felt your bodies shaking from the short but strong release. You leaned your forehead on his chest catching your breath and not yet lifting off of him. You could feel him getting soft inside of you. He pushed your hair back from your sweaty face, saying with a slightly amused tone “well someone was in a rush today”.
Finally getting up you smiled with the corner of your lips “I guess I couldn’t wait since we didn’t get to have our fun for a while now…” you lied a bit. Truth be told you just wanted your needs fulfilled as soon as possible, so you didn’t have to be close to him for too long. You knew you were being a bit of a hypocrite, for not being honest with him. But he was the one who decided to hide things from you, so you felt you were allowed to bend the standards a bit.
Your gut was telling you that you couldn’t really trust him, that he was not being open and those facts taunted you. That is why you decided to start weaving a web of lies to shelter yourself. You could feel your morals screaming in your skull. This wasn’t like you. But you were angry, confused and fucking scared. Petrified that you were about to have your life blown up into flames and crumbled. You really had a lot to think threw. The realization that you probably will be facing some extremely hard decisions made anxiety slap you in the face.
* * * * * * * * *
The next days at work passed surprisingly well. You and Jungkook had an unspoken agreement not to bring up what happened. At least for now. Both of you didn’t direct any of the conversations towards that nights events. Luckily you were also pretty busy at the hospital.
You decided to take up extra shifts to the maximum and cover for some of your colleges. This meant you wouldn’t see Hoseok much those days. You knew you were procrastinating, but you needed to set your mind straight before making any meaningful moves and this seemed like the perfect way to do it.
Taking more on calls also meant you would get a couple days off after. You felt those would do you well and that you would then start your questioning of Hobi. Also you thought it would be good to simply go shopping and try to do the down-to earth little things to clear your racing mind and ready yourself for the tasks ahead.
You and Kook also coordinated work with the charities in such a way that you got to have the next week away from them. After all that unraveled, both of you had to fix up and manage some things in your private lives. You suspected Jungkook very much like yourself tried to ignore and push away everything that went down in that forsaken hangar. You could see he was trying hard to maintain your friendship and fix the trust he has thoughtlessly broken. But for the time being you felt other than hospital work, you needed a break from him.
* * * * * * * * *
As the final day of work before your days off passed, you could feel the anxiousness crawl up you skin. You were happy to take time for yourself but it also meant that you should start your head hunt for the truth about your fiancé. To say you were dreading that moment was an understatement. Your mind was already slowly making assessment and plans in case the accusations towards Hoseok were correct. All this shit daunted you.
Even tho you were a bit scared of the confrontation you gladly made your way back home after a long and hard day at work. Once you jumped out of the buss a couple of blocks away from your apartment, a strange feeling washed over you. Shaking it off, you turned around to check your surroundings. Nothing seemed suspicious so you shrugged, thinking it must be the anxiety toying with your tired brain.
As you were about to pass next to the alley of your apartments building, a tall figure walked out in front of you and blocked your way. Your heart dropped as you heard “Good evening doc…”. Namjoon was standing right there and looking down at you with his annoying smirk, that seemed constantly plastered to his face. If you wouldn’t know any better you would’ve surely slapped him, because of how he made your blood boil.
You could hear steps behind you as well. You turned your face to the side, so you could make out with the corner of your eye who it was. You recognized the shorter guy but the other one you did not recall seeing ever before. He was tall like Joon and had a look about him as if he has just stepped out of a GQ magazine.
“Oh wow not only is she talented but also pretty ey?” he spoke in a low, velvety voice. “Knock it off Tae, we are here to take her to the boss, not to romance her!” the low voiced brunette shook his head in disappointment and said “Don’t tell me you wouldn’t wanna find out what those capable hands could do. You know that surgeons have the steadiest of hands? Only imagine…”
You couldn’t take it anymore so you snapped “We also know how to use sharp scalpels!” the man laughed a little and winked at you clearly amused. You tried to walk off saying “And I am surely not going anywhere with your lot, so be so kind and fuck off! You have Jungook!”
You were only able to make a step before Namjoon skillfully grabbed your elbow and painfully yanked it, causing you to hiss. “I wasn’t asking doc, so now you’re gonna shut your pretty little mouth and get in the car!” he whispered angrily in your ear and stared at you warningly. You were sure if you tried something, maybe you would get away but the later consequences could be not worth it.
You ripped your arm from his grip and gave him a side eye while gritting your teeth. Now aware that you better cooperate, altho that didn’t stop the rage from bubbling in you. The fuck was their whole deal? Why did they have to bother you instead of your college. Taehyung opened the back door of the black SUV and moved his hand towards the seats in a welcoming way. If the circumstances were different you’d almost feel like some movie star. But the fact was, you knew you were about to get into deep shit.
Sighing you jumped into the car. “Jimin get in the back with her just in case she tries something” Joon said to the shortest male, who kept quiet until now. He sat next to you, his eyes scanned over you as he said quietly “Soon it will all be behind you. Just don’t make it more difficult than it needs to be…” his voice had a specific ring to it. You just gave him an angry eye roll, barely controlling yourself from telling them to eat shit and die.
Closing your eyes you waited for the drive to be over. You did your best to ignore the men who seemed to not be able to shut their mouths for even a minute. You just wanted it to be done. Go do whatever they wanted you to do and leave. Slowly your mind was starting to wonder towards considering moving back to your home country, especially if Hoseok was to turn out a liar.
Suddenly you heard the doors open and then slam. You jerked up in your seat, the loud sound startling you. Then your door got opened and you saw Tae with a big grin as he said “Let’s go!”. You dragged yourself out of the vehicle and took your medical bag. They were lucky to grab you right after work. Who knows maybe they were smarter than they looked and specifically chose that moment knowing you should have such things on you then.
You followed them inside the hangar. You could feel your back slouching a bit as if to block you from all the panic that was starting to rise from within. Walking into one of the big rooms with creepy walls made of small windows you felt your heart start to beat faster and then you saw him. He was sitting on a wonky looking stool, staring at the screen of his phone.
Once he heard footsteps, he rose his head and looked your way. You weren’t able to see his eyes during your last encounter but now they were piercing threw you in all their glory. They were almost pitch black and dark like his hair. Their gaze seemed cold but also had something extremely calm in it. You could feel a shiver run threw your whole body. He surely had an intimidating vibe about him.
“I wanted to file a complaint…” he said slowly in a raspy voice, while grabbing a cigarette and lighting it up. You raised your eyebrows giving him a dumbfounded look and letting a “Huh?” fall out of your lips. He stared down at his abdomen and then you saw it, the blood trickling threw his white T, that he styled under a Hawaiian looking shirt.
You straightened yourself and cleared your throat, showing you were starting to get ticked off “Well you are sitting here smoking instead of resting and let me take a wild guess, you sure had quite the activities in between?” you seethed threw your teeth. He took a deep puff of his cigarette letting the smoke blow out his nostrils and had an amused little smile come over his lips. “Can’t recall my doctor left any ‘doctors orders’” he hummed.
You could see he was a piece of work so, you mumbled a “Well I am not your doctor. You’re lucky you got to live in the end. You weren’t looking so hot on that table.” he jerked an eyebrow putting out the cigarette and saying “well we are gonna change the you not being my doctor part” after you heard those words, you let a loud, hysterical laugh out and dropped your bag, while clapping your hands and saying “how about FUCKING NEVER IN HELL!”. You were not about to get intimidated by some thugs, your anger went way over the roof at this point.
He sighed getting up and that was when you realized, everybody else had left the room. He walked up to you slowly like you were some sort of prey. You refused to look like a helpless deer in headlights, so you rose your head higher and masked your face with fake confidence. He was taller than you. When he got close, you realized he was a really good looking man. His body was slim and toned. His raven black hair was thick and wavy.
“I don’t recall I was asking…” he said in a very calm tone, that made you even more annoyed, so you shot the next sentence without thinking “Well I don’t care and if you kill me for refusing, you will have police looking at your hands. I don’t think you want that kind of attention…” once you heard what you spat out, you cursed at yourself in your mind.
He let out a deep laugh and shook his head saying “Oh I am well aware who’s girl your are Y/N. You think just because Jung Hoseok is fucking you, it will change the fact how well acquainted I am with the police?” you started, nervously blinking and thinking of what to say next but he cut you off “If I chose to break your pretty little neck, the police would not give one fuck, it would be just another sad accident.” he took a lose strand of your hair and tucked it behind your ear saying “That would be a waste wouldn’t it? And as much as I respect you trying not to get shaken down by a mobster, the reality is your shit outta luck and I don’t think I need to threaten your life to make you understand that?”
You could feel sweat starting to form on your forehead. The way he spoke of these things had you thinking he can make your life difficult. But you decided to try and lay out facts “Well I work in the hospital for your information and not like I would be at your every whim!” he laughed again and said very slowly “You really think that if I can handle the police like a bunch of dogs, a hospital would be a challenge? You really believe that director of yours isn’t mainly money driven?”
He looked at you with an amused gaze and shook his head lightly “But don’t worry your pretty head Y/N. I rarely get hurt and so do my men… and when we do it tends to be at nights and you wont convince me, you mainly work night shifts.” You gave him a glare, the fact he knew your name and other things about you, was bugging you beyond belief. He must have squeezed info out of your friend.
Seeing your irritation he sighed and walked behind you, just to lean over your shoulder and whisper in your ear “Don’t worry I won’t take up your precious time if it won’t be an emergency. Unless you will want me to…” You scoffed taking a step away from him and muttering “Yea for sure!” irony dripped from your voice but he did not seem bothered, if anything he was looking at you confidently as he said “Time will show won’t it? But for now…” he moved his head, showing down to his abdomen and saying calmly “I’d appreciate you handle the work you have already started”.
tags: @wobblewobble822 @nansasa @kooslilhoe @yoongisducky @danielle143 @xjiminsthighsx @nochook @kootieful
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featherypromises · 5 years
This one is for the Min Yoongi fans out there. The sickie is Yoongi with caretaking Hoseok and Namjoon. Thanks to: @snifflyjoonie @sneezybts @rosieknows and@bttwenty-whump for all the inspiration and headcanons.
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Min Yoongi was fond of saying that he was more than just one person. And now, all of him were busy. The lines between himself, Suga and Agust D were shifting and blurring as he took on more and more challenges. Songs for BTS, in addition to producing songs for other artists (as Min PD) kept him in Genius Lab sometimes from when the other members went to sleep until they called him to choreography practice in the morning. 
When his eyes started to feel like they were about to fall away from their retinas , he knew that was a sign to catch a nap for an hour or two on the comfortable sofa in his studio. This had been his default setting for the past three weeks. It worked for the most part, with him getting most of his solid sleep time on the studio couch and small naps between recordings and practices. Yoongi figured he was averaging between four to five hours of sleep per day. But the last two days, had been both hell and heaven in one terrifying mixture. Yesterday , they had made their appearance at the MAMA event in Seoul. They hadn’t performed in Seoul, but they would perform tomorrow. They had to take an early flight to Japan and the weather promised to be awful. The weather in Seoul had been a frigid 4° C (39° F) and windy. Japan promised to be about the same in temperature and climate. 
The rapper shivered abruptly; just thinking about it made him feel cold. He rubbed his eyes and blearily stared at the clock in the room. “11:30pm”, the glowing digital numbers made his vision swim as they tried to adjust to the different lighting. He slapped his face lightly to rouse himself out of his drowsiness. 
“Ugh… I’m not even done packing yet…” he groaned. He wasn’t worried about their performance. He knew that they had practiced every line and step until they could do it blindfolded. The weather worried him a little though: especially with Tae and Jimin just getting over their latest colds last week. Being outside in such cold, dry weather without any real weatherproof gear on, could wreak havoc on the vocal line’s sensitive voices. Combine that with all of the travelling and long rehearsals they were doing. At least they were ending the event in Hong Kong. it would be a little warmer there.
Speaking of warmer… Yoongi grabbed his spare jacket that he kept at the studio and shrugged it on over his hoodie. He turned off his beloved studio’s electronics and locked up. Outside the night temperature had plummeted below freezing; the sudden chill and dryness made him cough a little as his lungs tried to adapt to the drastic change in environment. An icy gust of wind tossed his hair into his eyes and he brushed it aside with impatience as he hurried to his car. He got in and cranked the heat as high as it would go with already numbed fingers.
Once he arrived back at the dorm, he pulled his sweatshirt’s hood up over his head, jammed his hands into his pockets and shuffled inside as quickly as his tired body would let him. The extreme change in temperature made his nose run slightly. He rubbed the wetness away with his pointer finger. Revived a bit by the warmth of the dorm, he made his way to his room, where he made short work of the last of his packing and gratefully flopped onto his bed.
He didn’t remember closing his eyes, let alone falling asleep; but he knew exactly how much he wanted to just go back to sleep, now that he was awake at 6 am. His head hurt and his nose was completely blocked on one side. Sitting up was a chore. He felt almost boneless with how tired he felt. Coffee... he needed lots of coffee. Damn… coffee was downstairs. He sighed and muttered a soft profanity under his breath, before peeling off the clothes he had worn the day before and getting changed into comfortable travelling clothes. 
As he tried not to fall onto his face while pulling his pants on, there was a loud knock on his door,
“Yoongi-hyung? Are you awake?” The deep voice belonged to a surprisingly awake-sounding Namjoon. Yoongi winced as he head as the knock seemed to reverberate through his head. He tried to respond, but his voice came out as a croak:
“Ye…” he coughed, clearing his throat, “Yeah, I’m up, Joonah.” 
“Okay, Seokjin-hyung is making is making breakfast. Come down soon.”
Hearing Namjoon’s footsteps fade away, the older rapper sighed again. This was going to be a long couple of days. He grabbed his suitcase, a warm winter coat and a warm oversized scarf before heading downstairs to join the others.
He could barely smell his hyung’s cooking with his stuffy nose, but what he could smell seemed to be good. He entered the common area and sat on one of the breakfast island’s stools. Seokjin was ladling soup into bowls, but looked over when he heard the stool scrape the floor. 
“Ah… Yoongi-yah. Can you help with setting out the potato banchans and the fried eggs?” Nodding wordlessly, the rapper went to the kitchen to begin plating the food for the younger members. Seokjin raised an eyebrow at him,
“Long night?” the older man asked, “I didn’t hear you come in…”
Yoongi shrugged and rubbed at his nose with his shoulder. The steam was loosening his congestion, but this was awful timing. He hitched for a moment, his nose scrunching, before burying his face into his upper arm (away from the plates he carried) and muffled a nearly silent sneeze into his sweatshirt.
“Hhxxgt.” he sniffled quietly, and replied, “Not too bad. I think I got to bed around midnight.” 
“Good, that’s fairly early compared to your normal time.” Seokjin was still focused on the food, so it seemed that Yoongi’s sneeze had gone unnoticed. As if the smell of the food had summoned them, the other members shuffled into the kitchen area to eat (and some of them to finish waking up). Jungkook had entered, virtually asleep on his feet, being dragged by Namjoon and Hobi. They seemed to be the most awake out of all of the group. They dumped Jungkook inelegantly into a chair at the table, and started getting beverages for the members. Jimin and Taehyung sat down with matching plops. Jimin requested juice and just slumped forward leaning his forehead on the table. Tae smiled at his hyungs and seconded the request for juice before trying to poke Jungkook into wakefulness. The maknae’s eyes weren’t even open yet. The sight made Yoongi’s mouth twitch upwards into the hint of a smile. Trying to wake Kookie up was a thankless and lengthy process. 
Breakfast was a quiet affair, most of the members were still sleepy due to the early hours, for which Yoongi was grateful. After eating, the Hyung line let the maknaes clear up the leftovers and dishes. By 8am, they had all piled into the van and were on their way to the airport.
A few hours later their plane touched down in Tokyo. The flight was mercifully short and Yoongi couldn’t remember ever being so pleased to get off of a plane in his life. The pressure changes had made his head throb painfully and the congestion in his sinuses was getting worse. His nose was completely blocked now, and he had not been able to sleep at all during the flight. His head ached fiercely and he hissed in pain after stifling a pair of sneezes into his scarf, which he kept over the lower half of his face. 
Slowing down a bit, Yoongi pulled Hobi off to one side, 
“Hobi-yah, do you have any headache tablets with you?” The congestion was more obvious than he had hoped, and he couldn’t meet Hobi’s eyes. Asking Hoseok was a safe bet on Yoongi’s part though. The dance leader had a habit of pushing himself to his body’s limits and beyond. Hobi smiled at his friend and quickly rummaged in his cross-body bag. “Yaaaahhh…”, Hobi teased, “Of course! I got you, man!” His voice was light and high-spirited, but the older rapper felt the dancer’s eyes on him, not examining, but curious. He brought his head up and met the younger man’s gaze for a moment and nodded in response to an unasked question,
“Just the pressure changes, Hoseokie.” Hobi just nodded in reply. He didn’t comment on the stuffiness in his older friend’s voice. They knew each other well enough to know that they both hated being the center of attention if they weren’t at their best. Yoongi wasn’t sure that he could have brought himself to even ask the other members for medicine if Hoseok hadn’t had what he needed, even if his head split straight down the middle first. 
Seokjin-hyung and Namjoonie would scold him for working late and fuss at him. The maknae line would worry and try to help, especially sensitive Taehyungie. Hobi knew him best though. It helped that they both tended to work through any minor injury or illness and that they could relate to each other’s pride in the face they showed to the other members and their fans. 
Hobi passed his hyung a water bottle  and clapped him on the shoulder amicably, “Ready?”
No, definitely not,...
Yoongi pulled his scarf back up and they rushed to catch up to the others. They reached them just as they were exiting the terminal and were greeted by the flash of hundreds of cameras  and the screams of the ecstatic Japanese ARMYs. They smiled, bowed and waved before exiting the airport and getting into the waiting car. The air had a sharpness to it, and Yoongi muffled a quiet cough as he crawled in next to Hoseok in the back. He leaned on the younger man’s shoulder. He slept in small, disturbed fragments. The trip to the hotel was a blur. Hoseok brought his bag into the room they would share, while Yoongi slept in the car. Mere minutes later they were traveling to the Saitama super arena for their final run through. It was a little while past noon. 
Three hours later, they had arrived, eaten lightly, stretched and had done their final practice. It was just the choreography portion to save their voices, but it was still tiring. Yoongi’s headache had been dulled by the pain relievers, but he felt fuzzy-headed and exhausted. His nose had changed from stuffy to runny during the rehearsal, which helped him breathe easier through the dances, but also made him clear his throat more frequently. 
By the end of the rehearsal, Yoongi was seriously questioning if someone could marry a bed. Laying down in a soft bed with warm covers sounded like heaven on earth right now. He rubbed his nose on his jacket sleeve, for what seemed like the thousandth time today and made a beeline for the chairs backstage and let himself fall into one with relief. Just behind him, someone cleared their throat (besides him for a change). Yoongi was startled enough to jump a bit, before seeing Namjoon in a folding chair just behind his. He must really be tired, he realized, if he didn’t noticed the less than graceful man flank him. Usually, he could tell when most of the others were nearby, just by their breathing alone (a consequence of living together for nearly 6 years). Maybe his ears were still off because of the flight…
“Hyung? Are you feeling alright?” Namjoon leaned closer behind him and kept his voice low. Yoongi turned in his seat until he could see their leader’s face out of the corner of his eye. The younger man was looking straight ahead, as if he was staring out over the stage, rather than at his hyung. The older rapper smiled tiredly at the attempt at subtlety. He brushed off the question quickly,
“You were struggling up there.” It wasn’t a question. Yoongi’s smile disappeared instantly, as Namjoon continued, 
“You were almost a full beat behind during Anpanman. You were out of breath too…”
Yoongi scoffed, ignoring the “slow” comment,
“Only Hobi could do that dance and not be out of breath afterwards, Joon.” 
“Look, if you need to rest before the show tonight, just…” the younger man trailed off, remembering the type of person he was speaking with, and sighed resignedly, 
“Hyung, at least be careful for our sakes if you can. We don’t need you to accidentally hurt yourself because you are tired… or…”
“Or?...” The oldest rapper voice was acidic and challenging Namjoon to complete that thought.
Instead the leader stood, cramming his hands into his pockets. Yoongi sucked in a breath to demand an answer, but began to cough as the inhalation scraped against a sensitive throat. He struggled to muffle it into his scarf, pressing it against his lips with a closed fist. The younger man was in front of him in the span of a moment. 
“Hyung…” Namjoon handed Yoongi his own water bottle and stood in front of him, effectively blocking the older man from the sight of the other members who were laughing and joking around on stage.
Catching his breath, Yoongi downed half the bottle desperately, his face pale, but stubbornly set.
“I can’t ask you to sit this show out, can I?” Namjoon questioned in a murmur, his eyes full of pity and concern. Shit, but Yoongi hated that look.
“Not unless you thrive on rejection…”
Namjoon ran his hand through his hair, in a very Jimin-like gesture, but this movement was laced with overwhelming frustration,
“Fine, I also won’t tell you that pushing yourself like this is stupid.”
The older man’s eyes flashed dangerously,
“This is one of our last performances this year. This is also an award show that we are hoping to win, isn’t it?!? How can you ask me to cripple us hours before a show… Can Hobi and you carry Anpanman alone? Not fucking happening, Joon. I’ll be fine.” His body chose that moment to side with Namjoon and he felt a burning pinch in his sinuses,
“H’ppshh! Isshh! Damnit…” he sniffled against a closed fist.
“Do you think you have a fever?” 
“No idea. That’s not relevant right now. Just let me get through the next two days. Then you can yell at me all you want.” Yoongi got up stiffly and walked away. He had taken as much of Namjoon’s leader mode as he could reasonably be expected to deal with at the moment. He knew it was well-intentioned, but right now, all that mattered was the performance tonight and finishing the next in Hong Kong. He could persevere until then. The others had enough to worry about; he refused to add more to their stress levels. 
He went to the area where the managers kept first aid items in case of emergencies. He made sure no one was around before opening the medicine box. He pocketed a couple a headache tablets and found the decongestants, he swallowed them dry and put a couple extras in his pocket just in case. 
He shuddered at the vile chemical taste, but went to start getting changed into his outfit for the show. He was starting to feel cold. This could be a problem. He was supposed to wear three different outfits. One for the red carpet, one for Fake Love and then a quick change into the one for Anpanman. He would be okay in the red carpet outfit because the long silver coat was big enough to wear a sweater beneath it, but the outfit for Fake Love was just thin pants and a loose fitting prince-style shirt. He decided to talk to the stylist about a last minute addition. 
After they had taken photos and done their introduction with the hosts, they headed into the audience to watch the first few performances. The other members were chatty and excited. When the signal was given, they headed back to wardrobe.
The stylist agreed to the change easily, as he would have been the only member in white with the old choice. She outfited him with a short suit jacket over the shirt, which gave him a bit more warmth and fit him well. She then sent him to make-up and he waited for the others to finish before taking a seat. 
“Min Yoongi-ssi, you are so pale today! And these circles under your eyes!” Yoongi murmured an embarrassed apology for cause her to work harder. The make-up brushes layered the foundation, concealer, or powder. As she was finishing the area around his mouth, he sniffled, and inhaled some of the powder. He released a small fit of sneezes into a raised hand. 
“Hhh’issh! Psssht! Igghhxt!” She patiently redid his makeup and offered a couple of tissues, 
“Just in case…” She said, smiling. He bowed and left blushing. He was grateful to be out of there and hurried to the backstage waiting area. The sound team attached their mics and earpieces and did their final sound checks. The members could hear loud cheering and the hosts beginning their introduction. 
Damn, his nose was running again. Yoongi sniffled and went to rub his nose on his cuff before remembering his makeup. Instead he used one of the tissues that the make-up noona had given him and dabbed at his nose gently, before tucking it away into his sleeve. Fake Love had intense dancing, but his rapping part was fairly short. Anpanman would be harder dancing and he would be rapping through most of it. 
They entered in darkness, the colors swirling over the stage in front of them, then the lights came up and Yoongi saw an ocean of ARMY bombs. He would do this, for ARMY who made this possible to stand here. He muted his mic until about 10 seconds before his rap, to minimize the heavy, gasping breaths he was taking from negatively impacting the song. He delivered his part with emotion and strength, the only fault he could hear had been the softened consonants as he sang. He kept pace with the others until the last chorus when his nose began to itch. He wanted to scream. Not here. He couldn’t during such an important show. His left foot missed a touch point as he became distracted. He couldn’t hold it. He had to sneeze. He held his breath as they met in the center for the final pose, and yanked his headset off before sneezing into his suit jacket sleeve. There was no sound, but across from him Namjoon was looking at him, breathing hard and completely focused on Yoongi’s face, unsmiling. The lights dimmed and they disappeared off stage putting out the anpanman outfits quickly. The sound team replaced his headset with a new one. 
They reappeared before the audience and began the energetic dance. Suga kept up through most of the song. During the part where he was supposed to rap alone he slowed to a rhythmic walk to give himself more air. His voice was rough and tired sounding but he was clear and on the beat every moment. At the end of the performance, he let Hobi “hug him” as they made their way offstage. Truthfully, Hoseok was helping to keep him upright. 
The got their makeup refreshed and their sweat-soaked hair dried before heading out to watch the ending. They received a few awards that night. Yoongi, managed a breathless laugh and a few important thank yous before leaving the rest of the speeches to the other members. Once everything was over, they piled into the limousine that would bring them back to the hotel. Namjoon was silence incarnate. The younger boys chattered and giggled and talked about the awards, Jin putting in his thoughts intermittently. Hobi kept Yoongi close. Every so often, he would push a water bottle into the older man’s hands in a silent encouragement to drink fluids. 
When they arrived, the younger members went with Jin to get cleaned up and to play games. Namjoon wordlessly followed his hyungs, his mouth a thin, tense line. Once inside the room, Namjoon paced for a few moments before asking Hobi,
“Hoseok-hyung, how is he?”
“HE is fine…” quipped Yoongi.
“YOU GET TO SAY NOTHING!” Namjoon shouted, surprising the oldest rapper into silence. 
Hobi swallowed hard and said,
“He seems to have a fever… I’m not sure how high yet, because of the exertion. He has had a bad headache since this morning, and he has been congested… Plus the sneezing.” 
“And the coughing fit earlier,...” Namjoon said mostly to himself, returning to pacing the room, but Hoseok heard the younger rapper and looked at Yoongi in disappointment. 
“Oh, Yoongi.” The dancer felt for the glands just under Yoongi’s chin and looked reproachfully at him when he felt how swollen they were. 
“If I had known you were this bad, I would have told Joonie-yah that you needed to be sat for this show. Are you trying to lose your voice before Hong Kong?”
Yoongi blushed, he felt awful for worrying them both. He was angry at his body and at himself. 
“No…” he mumbled, “m’sorry, Joonah… really.” 
Namjoon stopped pacing to stare at his hyung. He was pale with anger. He never seemed to run out of patience or tolerance for the other members' antics. Why was he almost shaking now with uncontainable frustration?
“You… you could have…” the young leader began, “You could need to be hospitalized if this gets worse.” He began to pace again, “You really amaze me, hyung…” This was meant sardonically, as the youngest rapper was in no mood to pay compliments, “What were you trying to prove? That you’re tough? That you don’t need anyone’s help? That you can’t or won’t trust me?”
Yoongi could only dumbly shake his head “no”. 
“What would have happened if you had passed out on stage? Do you think any of us could have found it in us to keep the show going while in a panic as an emergency team took you from us. What about ARMY? If they had seen something like that? They would have been terrified for your safety, and angry with us and the company for not taking care of you. I can’t exactly just go out there and explain that you are just a stubborn jackass with a deathwish.”
Yoongi looked at him in shock. This is what he’d been worried about this whole time? As the weight of what-ifs, hit him, the oldest rapper looked at the youngest member of the rapline, and saw him for what he was, a young man trying to carry all the cares and problems of the group and Yoongi realized he had only been making Namjoon’s life harder by keeping him at arm’s length.
Namjoon sniffed, and to Yoongi’s astonishment, he saw that the younger man was fighting back tears. His wall shattered and he reached out to his younger brother. Namjoon took his hand and said,
“Just tell me hyung, whenever you aren’t feeling well. It’s so hard not knowing for sure what’s wrong and having to guess. Please…”
At that, the tears spilled out of his eyes, and Yoongi could do nothing but pull Namjoon close to him in a tight comforting hug, 
“I promise. I won’t make this hard on you again. I’m sorry, Joonie-yah, I’m so sorry.” 
Hoseok sat beside them on the bed, his arms encircling Yoongi in a warm embrace. When the older boy broke away from them to sneeze into his fist, Namjoon said,
“Okay, hyung. Get showered and get some sleep already. Hong Kong is in 2 days, and you are only getting out of this bed to use the bathroom. If you are still this bad tomorrow, you will be sat. No arguments."
"Sounds good.” 
(I hope you like it. This one was really tough. I'm happy with how it came out though. 💜💜💜)
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ktaebwi · 6 years
[TRANS] [Pann] “I suffered from anorexia and planned to commit suicide, but I listened to BTS Suga’s song and stopped”
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Source post: Pann TW: anorexia / eating disorder, suicidal thoughts
“I had always been at obesity risk ever since I was born. But I didn't hate my body, for my dream was to become a novelist. I liked being happy with the fantasy I create in my head rather than despairing over my fat belly.
And for that, I couldn't understand anorexia patients. How can they be so obsessed with their looks that they cause pain to themselves? There're so many beautiful stories out there. I thought it would never have anything to do with me ever.
But I too grew older. I finished elementary school and grew familiar to the school uniform. Suddenly, all the girls started to become obsessed with their bodies and the boys judged their bodies behind their back. I, a plump kid, became the target of ridicule secretly, but the skinny kids became the envy of others.
It made me look at my body. In the mirror was an image far from the society's ideal. I grew a hatred for my body. I started distancing myself from the mirror and only wore black, baggy clothes.
I entered high school. I went through extreme pain one time and all of a sudden I lost 5kg. 59kg at 159cm. I felt the joy. Would it make me look like a crazy person getting all happy about bones prominent on the back of my hands? I picked up the momentum and started dieting.
My weight dropped more and more every day. 49, 48, 47, cutting down on carbohydrate, 46, 45, eating vegetable only, I'm not satisfied yet. 44, 45, more days of starving, 42, 41, 40, now I practically just kept myself full with only water.
I went through that hell for half a year. I thought I was happy, having gained all the sticky thin arms and ant waist I saw on the Internet before. But my strength was ebbing away and it became harder for me to even walk. For the first time, I realized I was having anorexia.
39, 38, 37, I came to being unable to forgive any bit of fat on my body. I didn't eat out with my friends, my relationships all messed up and so was my studying. But I couldn't afford to gain weight again. I continued to live on eating just 300 calories a day, having only a banana for a meal. Anymore and I would force myself to vomit.
One day, as I clutched on the toilet bowl and saw blood from my throat, I couldn't take it anymore and broke into tears.
The life I once loved had vanished into thin air. The slightly chubby girl who loved novels now became obsessed with dieting, gripping her legs and wrists every day to check for bones, tormenting herself by vomiting or running for 4~5 hours each day. I couldn't write even just a line of that story I used to love.
I became a senior. I forced myself to gain weight, for my fitness. I comforted myself, browbeat myself and by the time I reached 48kg, I had cried so much. I became healthier but deep inside I thought of myself as a pig. It was hard to focus on studying. Yonsei University was my long time dream but my grades had dropped from pondering over my body all day. The homeroom teacher recommended lower rank colleges in Seoul to me.
I wanted to die. I gained weight but my compulsive disorder stayed the same. I counted the calories and nutrient every day. I took photos of my body and checked for fat percentage. It had been a long time since any other thought vanished from my mind. I couldn't focus on the novels I used to love. I would probably fail to enter college too, wouldn't I? I will never get to achieve what I dream of. My life is hell. I should die.
All of a sudden, I went on Youtube. If I hadn't watched Youtube that  time, would I still be alive now? Among the recommended videos, there was a mixtape by BTS member Suga. A mixtape called 'Agust D'. He looks round. I clicked. I'm gonna think about how I should die after watching this.
It was a shock to me who just casually listened to his music. He was singing his life with the lyrics. He decided to come to Seoul from just a single song. He broke his shoulder in a motorbike accident while working part-time yet he continued to be a trainee and endured every day. He slept on the bathroom floor and stayed up all night composing music. I started to feel how insignificant my pain was.
I listened to his life and the last track got me shocked. He was trapped in his restless and impoverished life, he suffered from mental illness and even attempted to take his own life. It was just like my story, so I paid attention and listened to the rest.
He didn't tell how but looking at the lyrics, it seemed like he had overcome all those agonizing past days. "I'm really okay now, damn". There was a strength to his sharp voice. I exited Youtube and thought. This person probably went through a more painful life than I did. Perhaps I too could overcome, in my own way.
I threw my phone on the ground. The front camera smashed. I broke out in cold sweat. I could no longer take photos of my body anymore so my compulsive disorder would get better, right? I hope so. I pushed myself up and threw the calories notebook into the trash can. I too wanted to overcome it like I hoped.
It has been 7 months since then. I'm no longer an anorexia patient.
I fought with my inner disorder every day, though it wasn't easy. I would notice the bones on the back of my hands as I memorize the vocabulary and find my body heavy as I solve past test questions. Every time my anorexia comes back, I would listen to Suga's mixtape. Every day. I nearly memorized all the lyrics. I can make it too. I blasted the provocative beats and desperate lyrics into my ears and engraved that eagerness into my mind. Gradually, my life found its balance again.
Now, I can read the novels I used to love, although I don't have the time to as I'm a senior in high school. I had no subject under level 2 in the mock test in September too, fortunately. Sometimes I overeat or skip meals, but I'm not obsessed with my body anymore. I'm okay with my 51kg weight. What's left is to study hard in the future. I plan to write rolling admissions application from Yonsei University to Joongang University. I don't know if I;ll get in, but my grades have improved that even my teacher gives me support.
If I get to meet Suga — no, Min Yoongi — I want to thank him. Sincerely. Thank him for not giving up on his life and music, for living every day earnestly and let his name be known so that his lyrics reached me. I think of you as my life teacher.
It's hard to meet Min Yoongi so I hope he can read this post. I hope he knows that he who overcame hardships, his music has saved someone who was in pain. I will continue to listen to your mixtape and aspire more. If I get into Yonsei University, it's all thanks to you. I will pray every day for you and me and live moments that I will not regret. I'm grateful to you and I hope you're happy.
To everyone who's reading this, I hope you too will overcome your hardship and become happier. Thank you.”
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