#suga was good at hiding it but he was actually so nervous about meeting iwaizumi
monstrsball · 2 years
i'm always thinking about iwa and suga friendship but like... specifically thinking about them gradually becoming friends when suga starts dating oikawa. iwa's not just suga's boyfriend's best friend anymore, he's his best friend now too.
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Reaction to Cutting Your Hair Short
These are the first Haikyuu!! fics I ever wrote (barring one Asahi fic) that I used to practice characterization and I figured it would be time to share them! They’ve been waiting almost four long years for the world to see them.
Inspired by the fact that I need a haircut.
Suga’s is inspired by something that actually happened to me when I was 17. That was embarrassing.
- Admin Rachel Lauren
Kageyama never once considered you an impulsive person. He could tell from the first day he met you that everything in your life was pretty much planned to the minute: the fact that you were constantly scribbling reminders into your weekly planner was his first hint at this. It wasn’t until he had actually mustered up the courage to confess to you and that you insisted that he take you to the movies at exactly noon—heavy emphasis on “exactly”—the following Sunday that he realized just how meticulous you actually are.
“And I won’t forgive you if you’re even the slightest bit late!” you chimed with a sweet smile at the time. If he hadn’t been so over the moon about you accepting his confession, he would have been concerned. So your dates became a regular weekly thing—Sundays at exactly noon—that he couldn’t afford to be late to. 
Today, he’s sure to arrive early to the café, fifteen minutes ahead of time just in case. It’s bothersome, but there’s something about beating you there that felt reminiscent of his constant competition with Hinata over who could get to morning practice earlier. The fact that he won this time was enough for him to get over it.
“Ah, there you are.” 
Kageyama raises his gaze up from the menu he’d been staring at for the past few minutes. Blues eyes widening at the sight before him, he drops the plastic-covered pages onto the table.
Your once-long hair is gone. Completely chopped off into a bob stopping at your chin. He had just seen you yesterday and at that time, your hair was much longer. As you take your seat across from him, he stutters nonsense syllables. 
“Mmm, I’ll take it as a good sign,” you say while picking up the menu before you and glancing it over.
Finally, he’s able to form a coherent sentence. Leaning a little closer to you, he asks, “W-when did this happen?” 
You pick at a hair on your cardigan, a leftover clipping from the salon that the hairdresser was unable to wipe off of you. “Just before I came here.”
Normally, you would let him know of these kinds of things, but you hadn’t said a word about it. Or maybe you had and he hadn’t been paying attention. He knew that if you had, you would definitely scold him for not listening to you, but he couldn’t help but ask about it.
“W-were you always going to get it cut this short?” 
You shook your head, your hair shaking along with it, and gave a casual shrug. “I just decided to do it when I woke up this morning.” You stare off into the distance in thought. “I don’t know. Maybe I was just tired of how long it would take to style it.”
This is definitely an unusual sight for Kageyama, seeing you so unsure of yourself. Something in the pit of his stomach feels heavy. This uneasiness makes it hard to look at you, and his eyes keep glancing down at the table, then at the floor, and back.
“Kageyama-kun, do you not like it?” 
He raises his head again to finally meet you eye-to-eye. The slightly dejected look on your face only makes him feel worse about the whole thing. Now that he was finally getting a good look at you, it was easy to see that the length actually suited you and framed your face nicely. There was an air of maturity about you as well. If he hadn’t known better, he would have assumed you were one of his senpai.
“No, it looks…” He struggles to find the right word, pouting slightly at his own inhibition. “Nice” was too simple. “Fine” didn’t feel right either.  “…cute. It looks…cute.”
There’s a shaky sigh of relief from you. That dejected look on your face relaxes, and your lips curve upwards into a wide grin. Whatever uncertainty he had about you before seems to fade instantly away.
Tears brim at the corner of your eyes, as they had been on occasion for the past few days. It was so stupid and childish: getting lice of all things! When your head started itching after coming home from vacation and your mother checked through your hair and found the pests, you groaned. The thought of whatever child had been in your seat on the flight before yours could make your blood boil if you were a meaner person. What’s worse is that this wouldn’t be your first time having to take care of this matter. 
You had first dealt with lice as a child. Your hair had been long then too, so your mother did every remedy in the book for a solid three days on end until your head was free of the suckers. She spent hours with you bent over the bathtub using lice shampoo on your scalp, your knees and neck sore from the harsh tiling and awkward positioning. The memory of seeing the little, dead bugs wash out of your hair gave you nightmares for a week after that. You smelled of vinegar for longer than you would have liked in your attempts to suffocate them by soaking your locks in it while a towel held them in place. And of course, there was the dreaded nit comb. There were too many tears from you as your mother pulled that comb through your hair for an entire afternoon, your scalp raw from all the tugging and washing.
So now, at seventeen-years-old, you knew better than to go through that living hell another time. You would have to use the shampoo and the nit comb again no matter what, but at least not with hair that long. You could easily remedy the problem within a day by chopping it all off.
Except it had taken you so long to grow it out from the last time you cut it short, and it looked so pretty to boot. And perhaps, more importantly to you, your boyfriend loved your hair. He would constantly compliment it, and you would be lying if you said you weren’t nervous about how he would like the possibility of a new ‘do for you.
“Koushi, I’m so embarrassed,” you say with a sniffle over the phone. Your room reeks thanks to the vinegar-soaked towel around your head. “I could honestly drop dead.”
“These things happen. It’s okay.” Suga’s voice was as sweet as it ever was, but it was anything but reassuring at the moment. “Would you like me to come over now and help you shampoo? I know your mom’s the expert at this point, but I have a distinct feeling that you need to see another familiar face.”
You bite your lip in frustration. You’re dying to spend time with Suga after having not seen him since you’d been home, but the idea of him seeing your now-short hair was doing nothing to ease your woes. “Don’t. I’d feel awful if I gave them to you.”
He let out a quiet laugh. “You say that as if my hair isn’t short and easy to manage. You can’t hide from me forever! I’ll be over in a little while.”
Suga lives a few streets over, so it doesn’t take him long to arrive. Your mother answers the door, and you groan at the sound of his footsteps from the stairwell. You don’t move from your spot on the floor of your room when he walks in. Your eyes are downcast. Not even his presence can stir your attention away from the carpet. He’s about to say something, but the timer on your phone starts blaring: it’s time to wash out the vinegar. Without a word, you unwrap the towel and let your soaked hair flop down into place.
Lips trembling, the tears finally start coming out in giant droplets. You place your hands over your face without hesitation. “It looks so bad. I know,” you sob. “I had no choice.”
He huffs. “It’s not fair, ____. You can’t cry like that when I can’t pull you into a hug to make it better, especially when you look so pretty.”
You pull your hands away from your face, tears still falling, streaking your cheeks. Suga’s seated cross-legged in front of you, chin placed in his hands. His smile is as wide and refreshing as ever. You let out a squeaky, “Really?” in between your shallow breaths.
“You know I always think you look pretty, but shorter hair really suits you. You look like a new person.” He sits up straight, and pinches his nose with a wink, his lovely voice now nasal. “But you smell awful, and that I can’t forgive. Let’s go wash it out.”
Still sniffling but tears stopping, your lips curve into a smile. Suga holds out a hand for you, and you take it, giving it an affirmative squeeze. He raises your hand to his lips and gives it a gentle peck, eliciting a sigh of relief from you.
“Thank you, Koushi.”
A few days have passed since you’d last seen your boyfriend. A volleyball tournament over the long weekend for him and a visit to the grandparent’s house for you had kept the two of you apart. It’s hardly unusual that you don’t see him on the weekends anyway, given that it’s the height of volleyball season and he more than often overworks himself practicing. However, something about this weekend feels...off. 
Perhaps, it’s the shortage of texts and calls on his end that bothered you. You’d be lying if you said you weren’t worried even before this particular weekend: something in the way he talked to you at school and the general air about him when he walked you home felt distant. Hesitantly, you had asked Iwaizumi if something had happened, but he couldn’t tell you what was bothering Oikawa, just that he had noticed the tension between the two of you as well.
When you had passed the hair salon while out shopping for your grandmother when you arrived in her town on Friday evening, an idea popped into your head. It was pretty impulsive, but you had been debating about cutting your hair short for a few weeks now. If it was going to happen, now was the time. Except that it had only taken you two days to get used to it, so you forgot rather quickly that it was a thing you had done without his knowing.
So when you open the door for Oikawa on Monday morning when he comes to pick you up for your walk to school, and see his signature smile swiftly fade into a look of confusion, you panic.
“What is it?” you ask, slightly wide-eyed. You pat your face to feel for any food crumbs that you might have forgotten to wipe off after breakfast.
“Your hair.”
You blink. “Right.” You bring your hands up in a slight shrug and chime, “Surprise.”
He takes a step towards you, face a little less confused and a little more shocked now. His eyes take in your styled tresses, fingers reaching out to touch them and barely brushing your chin in the process, but pulling back before he actually does. It was almost as if he needed the reassurance that this was all very real. Your heart beat furiously in your chest as he did this; you honestly had no idea how to gauge this reaction from him and it was making you uneasy. Oikawa was generally very quick to compliment on your appearance, so this distinct lack of commentary is worrying.
Your eyes downcast as he stands before you, you exhale deeply. There’s no turning back now; it’s not like you can just glue your locks back together.
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done this,” you apologize, eyes fixed firmly on the floor. “You’ve been kind of distant lately, so I thought that maybe I was boring you. I know I did it on sort of a whim, but I thought that maybe a little change in appearance would help.”
His long arms quickly wrap around you, pulling you into a tight hug. Your own arms twitch at the sudden gesture, but you relax in his embrace and place your hands on his back, nuzzling your head into his chest.
“I thought you were the one who was bored with me!” he says with a bit of a whine. You pull away from the hug, and give him a look of concern.
“What do you mean?”
He flashes you one of his celebrity-status smiles, but there’s something pained behind it. “Well, it’s no secret that I’ve been dumped before because of volleyball. In fact, I was really surprised that you hadn’t done so already...” His smile fades into pout and he looks over at the wall. “It certainly didn’t help that Iwa-chan kept saying you’d dump me for someone who’d pay more attention to you.”
You blink, mouth in the shape of a small “o.” It subsided into a grin as you giggled, “Oh, we’re both pretty silly, aren’t we?” 
He hums and let out a “Yep!” before giving you a peck on the cheek and taking your hand. “We should hurry or we’ll be late. Besides, I can’t wait to see how jealous Iwa-chan will look when he sees that my girlfriend’s gotten even cuter.”
Game Over.
Kenma’s face contorts as he stares at the dark screen of his handheld console, white lettering taunting him. He read online that this particular level was notoriously tough, and he’d been stuck on it for the past few days. 
Unlike last time he was bested in one of his video games, and Kuroo was there to point out how to beat the enemy, there was no giveaway about how to approach this boss battle. It was just this particular video game’s unusually high enemy curve that made it difficult.
He looks up from the bench before deciding whether or not to take a break from the game. He turns around and looks inside the salon’s storefront windows. You had just been seated in one of the chairs, the stylist wrapping the cape around your neck while your lips move. You place your hands against your hair, palms down, to indicate how much you wanted her to cut. It would still be a while before you were done. Kenma returned his attention to the console and hit “Try Again”.
The only reason he’s outside is because the salon is swamped today. There was only one seat in the waiting area, and it made sense for you to take it while you waited for your appointment. Even if there had been another seat available for him, he wasn’t sure he would have felt comfortable in the midst of all those people. The brash whirring of the hairdryers and the loud chit chat between stylists and customers would have distracted him from his game anyway. 
He also still wasn’t entirely sure why you had asked him to tag along. This was the kind of thing you would do on your own, and then do something together with him after you were done. It wasn’t that much of a bother because, either way, he would have played his game the whole time while he waited for you whether he was at home or anywhere else.
Kenma’s approach to the boss battle is definitely more careful the next few times he attempts it. The enemy’s health bar comes dangerously close to total depletion; his heart races faster because, finally, he would be able to move on in the game. Just as he goes to use a finishing combo, the enemy strikes his character with its most powerful blow, wiping out the little HP he had left. 
The screen fades to the black “Game Over” screen again. Kenma throws his head back with an exasperated sigh while the bell on the salon door jingles.
“All done.”
He directs his attention towards you. If he hadn’t recognized your voice, he wouldn’t have recognized you. The sight of you with short hair, almost similar in length to his, is a vision he would have to get used to. He had only known you with long hair. He blinks once and slowly, until he notices the large plastic baggie in your hand. Sensing his uncertainty about what you were holding, you hold it out for him to see. 
It’s a braid. Your braid.
He looked around, his eyebrows furrowed in concern. He muttered a quiet, “You’re keeping it?” He knows that parents sometimes keep a lock of their children’s hair after their first haircut as a memento, but he knows nothing about someone keeping their own hair when they’re older, and all of it for that matter.
Joining him on the bench, you zip your bag open to place the baggie inside of it. “Well, this salon won’t send it to the company for me, so I have to mail it in myself.”
His concerned look doesn’t waver at your words. What do you mean by having to mail it somewhere yourself? Don’t salons usually just cut off people’s hair and then sweep it away? You giggle at his scared face.
“Kenma, I’m donating it.”
His whole body relaxes and he lets out a sigh of relief. Thank goodness it isn’t for something weird. 
You peer over at the console in his hands, lips dipping into a slight frown at the unfortunately familiar “Game Over” screen. “Still stuck on that boss battle, huh?” 
His eyes glance between you and the screen. “Yeah.”
Crossing your arms over your chest, you lean back into the bench in thought with a slight hum.
“Maybe your character needs to get a haircut so he can see better,” you tease. “Get that wild mop out of his eyes.”
Kenma shrugs and hits the “Try Again” option once more. As the battle music starts to play and he taps at the buttons, a small smile tugs at his lips. “Even so, he probably wouldn’t look as nice as you.”
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tender-rosiey · 4 years
You are his what?!
❥— Oikawa Tooru (HQ)
❥— Fluff
❥— Edited 16 February 2021
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ᴀ/ɴ: Looking back I regret ever posting this; THIS IS TRASH OH MY GOD-; This is from my wattpad rosey_lover_ btw
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Before you transferred to Karasuno you were with Kageyama and Oikawa in Kitagawa Daiichi Junior school. You are really good friends with Kageyama and he truly respects you a lot.
You have been friends with Oikawa since childhood pretty much. You, Iwaizumi and Oikawa were an inseparable trio until the day you had to move to Karasuno.
Oikawa was devastated when he heard the terrible news for he had the biggest crush on you since childhood so he confessed to you and that's how it went:
It was the day before the last day of school and Oikawa was determined to confess to you so he asked you to meet him on the rooftop after classes and so you did.
When you arrived there you saw Oikawa's back facing me so you called out for him "Oikawa?" He turns quickly and hides something behind his back and says "O-O-OH HEY L/N-CHAN"
You tilt your head confused "Is something wrong" he starts swaying nervously and says " W-well I wanted to t-tell you something" You smile in hope of reassuring him because he looks so nervous.
he takes a deep breath before bursting out
As he was done he squeezed his eyes shut while offering a box of chocolate and a bouquet of flowers.
You cover your mouth and start tearing up, Oikawa opens his eyes slowly and looks at you with wide eyes and says "W-WHY ARE YOU CRYING" You hug him tightly but still careful not to break the chocolate and ruin the flowers.
You smile widely and say "You have no idea how happy I am".
Oikawa smiles a genuinely happy smile and hugs back and says "Even if you are moving school I won't stop talking to you, I promise"
It was the day when Karasuno was having a practice match with Aoba Johsai.
You became the manager of the Karasuno Team along with Shimizu, Both of you got along really good and she pretty much treats you like her little sister because you are a second year. Your personality is so lovable and you get along with the boys pretty well even Tsukishima ( oya oya? Reader-chan is getting dem boys ;) ).
Moving on to after the practice match, Oikawa was standing beside the gate talking to the Karasuno boys.
You just came out of the bathroom walking to the boys seeing Tooru pointing at Tobio saying "Because I want to pulverize my dear underclassmen, setter-on-setter, in an official match".
You sigh used to your boyfriend childish antics and walk up to them and say "Tooru stop being an asshole to Tobio."
Said brunette chuckle and replied with chuckled then poses sassily and replied with "Oh come F/N-chan aren't you supposed to support your wonderful and unbelievably handsome boyfriend?"
The team looks at you speechless with wide eyes except Tobio silently for some time. Hinata was the first to break the silence.
"L/N-CHAN YOU NEVER TOLD US YOU HAD A BOYFRIEND" and Tanaka says "LET ALONE THIS GUY" with one of the most disgusted looks you have seen on his face, you chuckle and state "Guys he is not that bad, he is actually a great boyfriend also Tobio you didn't tell them?"
Yiu look curiously at him as he looks to the side and says "Well it's your personal life and I didn't want to tell them incase you were uncomfortable with them knowing..". You run to Kageyama and hug him and say "What did I do deserve to meet someone like you."
Your poor junior got a little flustered at the form of affection much to Oikawa's dismay.
So he frowns and pulls you into his arms and wraps them around me protectively and says protectively "Anyways now you know that this perfect angel is mine so you better not make a move on her or I will hit you till you break"
He then kisses your cheek as he smiles not so innocently while you chuckle at the reference. The team brushes it off  then Sugawara looks at me curiously.
"Okay but L/N why didn't you tell us about him?" You shrug and casually answer with "You never asked" Daichi chuckles and responding with "Reasonable enough.”
You hold Oikawa's hand and say "Well Guys I will walk home with Tooru if you don't mind" while scratching my cheek shyly, Suga smiles widely and raises a thumbs up then says " Its okay! Go ahead and enjoy your bfs company!"
You smile about to bid your goodbyes but Oikawa pulls you by the hand and you start walking home. Oikawa suddenly stopped which made me confused, he turns back to you looking very seriously.
"F/N-chan.." "y-yeah?"
He wraps his arms around you and pulls you close to him ever so tightly and cries out saying "I MISSED YOU SO MUCH I HATED SEEING YOU WITH THOSE KARATSUNOS" then he kept showering your face with kisses and you giggle "But at least we are gonna spend some time together now, right?"
You smile sweetly at him, as a response he grins widely and jumps excitedly and says "YES YES F/N-CHAN LETS HAVE A SLEEPOVER AND CUDDLE FOREVER"
“LETS GOOOOOO!” And so you spent the day cuddling watching movies.
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copyright © 2020 tender-rosiey
do not copy or plagiarize or you will be reported
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kurosarium · 6 years
Headcanons for Ennoshita, Sugawara, Akaashi, Sawamura, and Iwaizumi where they really like this kind of quiet girl and she likes them too but is nervous to tell them? how do they did together, how are they like dating, etc. I hope this isn't too specific
Man, I’m sorry this took me forever. I hope you enjoy them! 🥰
Your request isn’t too specific, don’t worry. I would even go as far and say it’s not specific enough (for me personally)!
It was a little complicated to write how their relationship dynamic works, because even though you said the girl was quiet, that’s not he whole character, you know? Working with only one character trait was a little hard, because I wouldn’t know if she’s not only quiet, but also shy? Socially awkward maybe? An introvert? You know what I mean? I tried though! I hope you will like it ^^
It depends on how obvious the girl’s crush on him is. Ennoshita wouldn’t approach her until he’s certain that she returns his feelings, in the mean time he will try to get closer to her on a friendship level, though.
He would engage her into conversations more often, ask her to partner up in group projects, walk her to the bus station, and even randomly join her and her group of friends from time to time.
Ennoshita isn’t exactly a shy person, but he’s cautious, and wouldn’t want to make the impression that he’s crushing on her (except he knows that she likes him back) to avoid embarrassing him in front of her and/or his friends. If Nishinoya found out he would tease him endlessly and try to give him ‘advice’ on how to get her etc.
If he knows that his crush returns his feelings, because she’s being painfully obvious or whatever, he’d be very courteous and approach her confidently, asking her to hang out after school (he’s gonna confess, this boy doesn’t hesitate).
How they became a couple? Ennoshita asked her to wait up for him after school/practice one day, while walking through the neighborhood aimlessly they would talk about anything, but at some point Ennoshita would say something to tease her (whatever the reason), and he totally notices the blush on her cheeks and how she tries to avoid his gaze.
It’s then when he decides that there won’t come a better opportunity to confess his feelings, so while they continue walking next to each other he just blurts out that her reactions when he teaser her are super cute and that he loves her smile/laugh. His crush obviously didn’t see that coming and stops in her tracks, and while she gets more flustered by the second she asks him if he is implying that he has feelings for her.
Ennoshita doesn’t deny it, of course, and plainly asks her how she feels about him and if she’d like to go on a date with him.
They are a very chill couple. Most of their dates are indoor dates, they watch movies together, cook together or just lie on his/her bed listening to music while talking about god and the world.
He’s a very supportive boyfriend and encourages her to step out of her comfort zone (when she gets extremely getting shy/nervous about something), but won’t force her to do anything against her will.
PDA is not an issue, he will gladly hold her hand and hug her in public. He also loves giving her kisses on the cheek, especially when they’re greeting each other or say goodbye. If she’s doesn’t like PDA he will respect that and ask her what her boundaries in public are so he knows what she feel comfortable with when they’re outside.
Sugawara is quite straight forward, and it’s probably going to be him who makes the first step. Though he will only take action, if he detects some signs that show him that she’s interested in him. It will take Sugawara a while until he figures out if he’s just reading too much into her signs/ imagining things or not.
If he isn’t aware of her crush on him he will be waiting for quite some time until he finally brings up the courage to ask her to hang out with him. He may be straight forward, but he’s pretty cautious and wouldn’t just throw himself into an uncertain situation that could end up being extremely uncomfortable for him (if she wasn’t actually interested in him for example).
In the end, it’s still more likely him who eventually asks for a real date, because of his straightforwardness, and the fact that Sugawara wouldn’t want to waste an opportunity to get closer to her.
Lets say she is indeed sending him signals, even if they’re subtle. If Sugawara catches onto those signs, (noticing her staring at him from across the room etc.) he will approach her directly, smile at her and even flirt a little with her to test his waters, and making sure he’s not imagining said signs.
One day he just comes up to her and asks her out on a date, he tries to appear as confident as possible, but there’s still a slight tinge of red on his cheeks when he confronts her.
Sugawara often encourages her to talk more and participate in social events, he’s not very forceful and definitely accepts if she doesn’t want to change her way, but he tries to get her come out of herself a bit more.
He totally enjoys taking her out on fancy dates to a restaurant or the movie theater, but he also highly appreciates indoor dates, especially nap dates.
Even though he has a crush on her he won’t necessarily take action, there’s other factors in life he holds equal to love or even prioritizes them at some point. So depending on where he is at in life (school/college/work) he might approach or simply won’t, and if the latter occurs he will simply wait until his crush subsides.
Whenever he’s around her he pays close attention to her facial expressions and gestures , being the observant person he is Akaashi will memorize and cherish every so little feature about her.
It’s his perceptiveness that allows him to put the pieces together. After getting to know her, be it on a level of acquaintanceship or even friendship, he would be very quick to figure out how his crush feels about him, he’s a pretty good judge of character after all.
Once Akaashi figured it out he will start dropping subtle hints that he’s interested in her. He will invite her to hang out with his group of friends, offer his help, if she appears to have a problem with something, and even starts teasing her.
Akaashi’s a patient guy, but knowing that his crush is also crushing on him drives him crazy. At first he would wait to see if she gathers up the courage to approach him, but after waiting for weeks or even months he will take matters into his own hands, approaching her after she finished school/work and asks he if she was free that evening.
The confession itself isn’t awkward, for Akaashi at least. He’s very calm and collected, he talks to her in a gentle voice and tries to keep the atmosphere light and relaxed. He’s well aware that she’s a quiet person and senses her nervousness, therefore he leads the conversation and eventually asks his crush out.
As a boyfriend, he highly respects the quiet nature of his s/o and is very understanding when they need time for themselves or if they are too nervous to attend some kind of social event that requires them to interact/talk with a lot of people. In those cases Akaashi would just suggest they both stay home and enjoy a movie together or get take-out food.
He’s a very chill boyfriend.
If his s/o’s quietness would cause an issue at some point in their relationship (maybe she bottles up her feelings or just doesn’t communicate well) he’d try his best to sort the issue out in a peaceful way. Even if something really frustrates him and his s/o isn’t understanding or doesn’t recognize the problem, he would never yell at her. He barely ever raises his voice, and if he does it’s mostly to get Bokuto under control.
He’s extremely good at comforting people when they’re sad, even with only few words spoken. Akaashi always knows exactly what to say to make her feel better, if she wishes so he will discuss her problem with her in detail, and when she doesn’t want to talk a out it at all he’s fine that too. In that case he will comfort her physically by hugging her, kissing her head, making her tea/hot chocolate or her favorite dish, and stays in bed (or wherever she is) with her until she feels a little less sad or well enough to talk about what’s bothering her.
He’s not very discreet when he’s crushing on someone, he tries to be subtle about it and definitely doesn’t want the whole world (Sugawara) to find out about his crush, but he’s just really bad at hiding it. Suga finds it out anyways, because he knows Daichi too well and teases him about it A LOT.
He totally stares at her. Not in a dreamy kind of way, it mainly looks like he’s glaring at her as if she’s done something wrong. It’s not intentional though.
Daichi has absolutely no problem with approaching her directly, even though he gets flustered quite easily around his crush he seeks her closeness and eagerly engages her in conversations. At first he only talks about his club, because it gives him a feeling of safety and it’s something he’s proud of, but the more he gets to know about his crush the bigger the variety in topics becomes.
It doesn’t bother him that he initiates most of their conversations, he’s well aware of her quiet character and wouldn’t want to force her out of her comfort zone.
One day Daichi invites her to his team’s practice (he wants to show off a little), hoping she would not only show interest in what he does after school, but also see it as a way to get him to know better. After practice ends Daichi ever so often walks up to her and asks her if she would be coming again, usually they end up talking about a lot of other things too .
He would feel most comfortable confessing/asking her out after building a solid friendship with her, when he feels that they connect well and she actually might like him back.
Daichi would preferably ask her out somewhere private, like his or her home. They’d be meeting up at his place for a movie night, with popcorn and everything, and while they would be watching the movie (romcom or action movie there’s no in between) he sneakily tries to lay an arm around her shoulders.
At the end of the evening, when she’s about to leave, he asks her to stay a little longer because there was something he’d like to talk about with her. He tells her that he enjoys spending time with her and that he always has a lot of fun, that he cherishes their friendship, but he would wish for more to happen between them.
As a boyfriend, he tries to include her into almost everything he does, he just loves having her around. There are times he’d rather spend alone, but it doesn’t happen often, if at all it happens when they had an argument and he’s angry.
They go on a lot of outdoor dates, they go swimming swimming together, occasionally play table tennis or badminton, or go bicycling together.
Daichi is totally fine with her non-talkativeness, if there’s a silence between them it’s usually not awkward at all, they can enjoy being around each other with only few words spoken.
Oh boy, he can be so awkward around her. While he loves spending time with her and he desperately wants to get closer to her he sometimes finds himself tensing up and getting nervous when it’s only the two of them. When his tenseness hits hard he finds it hard to phrase appropriate sentences, it only happens on rare occasions though.
Iwaizumi mostly admires her from afar and doesn’t make any advances towards her, he values their friendship so if he isn’t 100% sure that she likes him back he wouldn’t even think about confessing, the potential loss of their friendship is too much of a risk to him.
Thinking long and hard about it he comes to the decision to ask his best friend, Oikawa, for some advice, already bracing himself for the banter he will have to endure. What Oikawa told him was mostly cheesy stuff you see in stereotypical romance movies, though some of his advice actually sounded decent and useful.
It does take him a while, but once Iwaizumi is positive that his crush presumably likes him back his moves become bolder. He talks to her more frequently, the topics getting more personal each time, he starts teasing her like he teases his close friends, and tries to maintain eye contact for as long as possible when their gazes meet during class/break etc.
When the time is right he offers her to accompany her home, and when they reach her doorstep he feels it s the right time to tel her about his feelings. If she would reject him he could always just leave, and the situation wouldn’t be as awkward as if he would do it in between classes or at a set location.
Iwaizumi chases people (the fellow 3rd years lmao) away from her when they pester her with questions or just talk too much in general, he wants her to have her peace.
He leaves her alone when she needs some alone time and isn’t too bothered by her quiet character, he even prefers it, especially after a long day spent with Oikawa.
Even though her quiet character is not an issue for him, it definitely would become one if she would not speak to him about her feelings and problems. Communication is extremely important to Iwaizumi so he would find it difficult to deal with her when she doesn’t talk to him about important matters (regarding their relationship).
When his s/o gets extremely nervous about something and it results in her not wanting to do/say said ‘something’ Iwaizumi will encourage her to follow through with it and tells her that he believes in her (such a cute supportive bean), but he would also take on said task if she wasn’t able to do it. He wouldn’t judge her or anything, he tries to be as understanding as possible.
A/N: I hope they’re not OOC. I mean, it’s my interpretation, but still....
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its-love-u-asshole · 7 years
Hello Adriana! I binge read all of Let My love and I just want to say that it is absolutely lovely!!! It hurt me in the best of ways and I just... I just want to lock Kuroo and Tsukki in a closet somewhere! Would you share some kurotsuki/terutsuki headcanons (or any of the couples)? Only if you're willing to of course, as the fic is still ongoing. I'm really excited for the next chapter and I'll be patiently waiting.
Ahh first off, thank you so much! This anon made my day and gave me the strength to finish up some of my assignments so bless you lol. I’m super excited whenever people ask about lml, it’s my favorite fic to write and I have so many headcanons about it skdjfn I’m really just flattered that you enjoyed it enough it send this ask
Minor spoilers under the cut:
-Tsukki is Terushima’s first long-term relationship in years, before him he’s mostly had flings or one night stands. He’s not ashamed of that of course, but part of him does worry that Tsukki would think less of him if he found out, since some people aren’t as open minded
-Terushima really respects Tsukki though for how smart and non-judgmental he’s been so far, and enjoys spending time with him
-Romantic intentions or not, Terushima really feels that Tsukki listens to him when he needs it most, and had Tsukki been in a relationship when they’d first met, they still would’ve gone on to be really good friends
-before Tsukki met Kuroo, he was content with dating Terushima, but he never really has the urge to be overly affectionate or physical with him; it’s not in a disgusted way, it’s just that the usual passion isn’t there, though they’ve had sex a few times
-Their relationship is actually fairly nice for both of them though, they’re super different people and often clash, but they admire each other’s qualities, especially if they themselves lack some of those traits that the other has
-Terushima likes having a partner he can pamper and show off, while Tsukki values someone who he can work with to achieve their goals and someone he can cherish in private
-one of their first dates involved them going to a nice restaurant, but they can’t manage to get a reservation and the manager is snooty as hell, so instead they pretend to get engaged in the restaurant’s lobby and totally get free food out of it. It’s a fun time.
-Terushima doesn’t have a lot of experience with love or what it’s like to fall in love, but he does know that he’s grateful that Tsukki is in his life
-when they first meet in the library, Tsukki also feels the weird pull (not just Kuroo), and he can’t help but think of Kuroo all the way up until he falls asleep
-Tsukki looks up to Kuroo and is super thankful for him, despite how much he roasts him lol. For Tsukki, finding someone who doesn’t exhaust him is rare and something he appreciates
-Kuroo and Tsukki are relatively private individuals but around each other they over share way too much lmao they can’t fucking help it, by the end of week one, Tsukki knows Kuroo’s thoughts on movies, books, politics, you name it
-of course, the subject of family hardly comes up, but wow, wouldn’t that have saved them some awkwardness huh?
-Tsukki always finds excuses to restock books in rows near Kuroo, just so they can talk. He’d never admit this.
-They both love horror movies and one day when it’s super slow, they stream some shitty ones on Kuroo’s laptop
-Kuroo’s jokes and puns are fucking terrible but Tsukki remembers every single one
-Kuroo is super observant of Tsukki’s behaviors and after talking to him for a while, becomes familiar with the things which make Tsukki happy or uncomfortable
-Tsukki also sees through Kuroo quite easily, and doesn’t get why he feels the need to act so confident even when he’s clearly having a bad day
-the thirst is real but Tsukki is so astonished by it initially that he just pushes it away and acts like he imagines it
-they never want to cross the line of actually going out together outside of the library/coffee shops, but they always speak in hypotheticals. “if we ever went to an amusement park, we’d have to go on this…” “if we ever go to the movies, we need to see this director” “I’d kick your ass at mini golf, just pick a date and we’ll go”
-they know deep down it’s probably not good for them to do it but their imagination is kinda all they have so whatever
-Kuroo hides notes for Tsukki in his favorite books, because he knows when Tsukki is bored the blond rereads the same novels over and over
-Tsukki recommends books to Kuroo and in return he reads all of Kuroo’s science articles and asks questions about what he doesn’t understand
-I’m sorry but I just have to say that Semishira is the cutest married couple ever okay, they’re fucking saltmates and they’re probably worse than kyouhaba when it comes to group gossip
-Semi is a famous volleyball player and Shirabu retired after an injury, but he enjoys working from home and travelling around the world with Semi
-Semi is super whipped and everyone makes fun of him, but honestly Shirabu would die for him so it’s even
-Semi always scolds Shirabu for roasting people but when they’re all alone they hella high five each other bc damn that shit was savage, and Semi is proud
-Though Semi knew Shirabu since he was in diapers, they didn’t develop feelings for each other until high school, and it was super embarrassing for both of them
-Everyone still gives them shit for it
-The group knows Yachi from college but she may as well have been there from the beginning, she’s their anxious angel. In Uni, they’d always order food for her or call the office whenever she felt too nervous, but make no mistake, if it gets to a breaking point, she will put her foot down, and they’re all weak as fuck to her
-Yachi’s “I’m disappointed in you” face is a force to be reckoned with
-She can even reign in Oikawa when he’s having a dramatic episode ok? She’s fucking hardcore, she totally is the first person he called when he was first getting to know Iwaizumi
-Yachi loves all her dumb boys, it’s law
-Kuroo and Terushima are the ones who conspired back in high school to push Kyoutani and Yahaba together after years of pining
-Kyoutani’s parents were never home when he was little so the group always had sleepovers, and Kyoutani and Yahaba always seemed to mysteriously disappear…
-Kuroo is the nerd of the group and the group never understood why everyone thought he was a suave bad boy in high school, since Kuroo spent half his time buried in books
Honestly there’s so much more…I haven’t scratched the surface of iwaoi and their relationship with Suga, but anymore and I feel like I’d be going overboard LOL but I hope you enjoyed these! I’m also tagging @rhealmobsidi bc maybe she’d be interested? 
Thanks again! Asks like this are tons of fun ^^ 
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