#sufferer leijon kin
hskinhome · 8 months
i’d like to make a canoncall for anyone uwho remembers having a duwalscar vantas timeline, especially if they remember or are a psiioniic maryam and/or swufferer leijon. if there are any condesce captors ouwt there that’d be great too!
i’m casting a broad net here bc i’m awuare that i’m wunlikely to find anyone uwho shares the exact timeline as me, bwut i uwanna interact uwith people wuho had at least something in common wuith my timeline.
some additional stwuff:
the only folks i really directly interacted uwith are suwfferer leijon, psiioniic maryam, dolorosa zahhak, ghb peixes, and condesce captor.
in my tl, louwbloods (but especially rust and goldbloods) wuere able to cast cwurses. i think that jadebloods wuere able to hypnotize people to some extent bwut i might be misremembering.
the exact suwaps uwere
swufferer leijon
handmaid ampora
suwmmoner pyrope
psiioniic maryam
disciple makara
dolorosa zahhak
redglare serket
mindfang nitram
darkleer megido
ghb peixes
duwalscar vantas
condesce captor
if any of this souwnds familiar, yowu can contact me at @2ollux-and-company (and please don’t forget to ask for one duwalscar vantas— buwt youw can also call me douwblespirit).
Go Message him if this sounds familiar!
-Mod Nepeta
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davekat-sucks · 5 months
"OH my god, Anon! [Feferi]'s PETA!"
spot on on, because if meenah is more like caliborn, feferi is more like calliope. and thats how you get beforus, a nanny state planet that pretends to be an utopia. tumblr. speaking of which.
I'm cool with whatever people do in their spare time, you know, you do you. But what ticks me off is when they start acting all authoritarian with their headcanons, insisting they are canon and claiming others are clueless, ignorant, illiterate, tone-deaf, every internalized or externalized -ist and -phobic under the sun etc for not seeing it that way. Treating fictional characters with more decency than they do with real people essentially. So because I dont give a single iota of a fuck anymore, let me call out this retarded fandom that butterfly effected all western fandoms turning into warzones and hussies lazy hack ass really quick.
Here's the deal: Some people really just wanna show off how "woke" they are to others, so they slap labels like they're trendy accessories and project onto characters without giving a damn about their background or personality. That usually backfires and ends up with pretty darn terrible results. We all know this, we've heard the HS2 horror stories. And that's exactly what went down here again.
Because, lately, there's this, as I said let's call it headcanon, floating around insisting that the Vantases, Kankri in particular, are canonically aromantic asexual (aroace). The Vantases are the worst possible candidates in the whole webcomic for this. Why?
1: celibacy ≠ aroace. first one is not an orientation, but a choice to abstain from acting on attraction. and the other IS a orientation, not a choice, where you feel little to no romantic or sexual attraction. so much for respecting some people's identities and values. If the vantases HAVE to be assigned a human label despite being fucking aliens, why not demisexual???? kankri even asks karkat if he might be "panquadrantic demiromantic", doesnt that fit how the signless took time to open his heart to the disciple and had a love that went beyond all quadrants with her?
they are both HORNY and THIRSTY as hell for the pyropes, the captors, the leijons, john egbert, i dont fucking know, take your pick. make them fuck a clown. That's why Karkat is obsessed with romance and Kankri panders so hard, they are both that pathetically desperate for someone to connect and care for them back as obsessively intense as they are with everything.
3: Some previous anon pointed out how HIC, besides being an authoritarian tyrant that wanted galaxy-wide conquest, is an eugenicist fascist. Yes. She genocided limebloods. So did Beforan Feferi actually. And you know Karkat's handle? carcinogeneticist? How he inherited the Signless's burden? These things are all related, and let me use a comparison to explain how or why. Imposing this label onto them would be as perplexing as suggesting that Aang from THE LAST AIRBENDER, being a monk, should also be aroace. Right after all the airbenders were wiped out by firebenders, also authoritarian tyrants that wanted world conquest. Do you see the parallels? Karkat and Kankri have significant self-esteem issues, stemming from their mutant blood, from which bloodcaste they mutated from? Limebloods. The caste that has faced intense persecution, to the extent of genocide, on BOTH planets, resulting in their GENETIC LINEAGE being wiped out from the troll GENE POOL. Limebloods are EXTINCT. That's why their mutancy is their burden, it saved them from being killed, but condemned both to a lifetime of suffering and hiding under the same culling regime that killed their kin. And that's why the burden is the responsibility of revitalizing their bloodcaste BY PROCREATING. ADDING THEIR GENES TO THE TROLL GENE POOL. But because both Karkat and Kankri are fucking idiots with crippling self-esteem issues and Hussie wrote with his asscheeks, what did these two chucklefucks do instead? One praised the Empress that wanted to kill him and wanted to become her thresecutioner, and out of desperation did the devil's tango with the worst and most disgusting vile living being available, a hussie self-insert. And the other became fucking CELIBATE to focus on what was truly important to oppose the regime he disagreed with… performative bullshit that nobody asked him to care about, overcorrecting to the point of being even more offensive than the start, and not actually solving any problems but creating more. To make "progress as a civilization" with trigger warnings, HE DIDN'T PRESERVE THE FUTURE OF HIS OWN BLOODCASTE. NEITHER DID KARKAT WHO WAS TOO BUSY WATCHING MOVIES. And that was actually clever writing, because if you are a fandom activist who hates kankri, and also think hes unironically aroace because he's celibate, congratulations! You fell for the trap, youre exactly the kind of person Kankri is satirizing, he also missed the point by hyperfocusing on labels and hating himself, and like a self fulfilling prophecy, became the same thing that he was fighting against without realizing because he unwittingly ended up aiding troll eugenics by doing the hard work and taking himself out of the dating pool!
So next time you see a pretentious writer vagueposting about you or your interpretation of a character or guilt tripping you because you dont adhere to their offensive stereotypes, check if they headcanon Kankri as aroace, and if they do, you can simply smile and rest assured knowing that nothing you do will ever be as disconnected from reality or as far off the mark regarding character interpretation as that. Why would you listen to these evil people? Are you like Hussie?
That is truly why Davekat really fucking sucks and always fucking will,
Because not only did it ruin everything with their nonexistant chemistry-less relationship but because thanks to it and pandering to its stans, Sea Hitler won and both muties are out of the gene pool and limebloods remain extinct. That IS actually canon.
And while Johnkat and Jadekat are excellent, Karkat and Kankri's harem of trolls is better than davekat. Suck my dick.
PD: What's that? Baby HIC married Karkat? Doesn't surprise me. Grooming kids is her whole thing. There really was no excuse for not making Karkat fuck Sollux or Terezi instead.
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Karkat and Kankri's Harem are better than Davekat. Meenah, Porrim, and Aranea sprites from @befriendus Damara sprite by @magua-vida
Condesce, Disciple, Redglare Neophyte, and the Dolorosa by elanor-pam
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2ollux-and-company · 10 months
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(credit to Vim_des on twitter for our icon.)
(credit to benkeibear on tumblr for our dividers.)
CURRENT HOST: Dualscar Vantas
We are the Silly Billy system! We are a fictive-heavy system with a variety of sources, but this blog is for the Homestuck fictives!
We will occasionally post sprite edits, which most of us love doing! They’re very fun and we wouldn’t be opposed if someone requested some from us!
PLEASE DO NOT INTERACT if you are a syscorse blog, a proshipper, or a Cronus fictive/kin!
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Sollux Captor: II go by any pronoun2 but II prefer iit/iits. II am not 2ure of my age, 2o tread liightly iif you want to talk flu2hed wiith me. II’ll mo2tly po2t and reblog art and 2tiimboard2. My tag ii2 #twinarmaggedons.
Gamzee Makara: I LiKe GoIn By ClOwN/ClOwNsElF. I’m DeFiNeTlY A MiNoR So DoN’t TrY To GeT It On ReD StYlE. I’lL MoStLy PoSt RaNtS, SoUrCe MeMoRiEs, AnD My VrIsKa ObSeSsIoN. My TaG Is #terminallycapricious.
Vriska Serket: hi! ::::) i go by she/her (but i’m experimenting with he/they!!!!!!!!) and i’m an adult! i’ll mostly just re8log shit like fanart (mostly of me ::::)) 8ut i’ll also make appreciation posts a8out my darling girl nepeta! my tag is #arachnidsgrip
Nepeta Leijon: :33< i go by kitty/cat!!! i’m vrhisska’s kid and i’m thirteen! i lovelovelove reblogging silly posts and i’ll post my own someclimbs! i’ll also post a lot about karcat and equihiss (they were my moirails!) my tag is #arseniccatnip!
Dave Strider: i go by he/crab (in honor of karkat my silly rabbit) and i’m a grown man B) i’ll mostly talk about karkat and sollux, and i’ll totally reblog shit about them too. my tag is #turntechgodhead.
Bro Strider: I go by he/him. I’m 28. I won’t post much, probably, but I’ll reblog anything about my dope ass lil bro. My tag is #timaeustestified.
Kanaya Maryam: I Go By She/Buzz/Flower. I Love Rose Very Much, So Most Of My Posts And Reblogs Will Be Rose-Centric And I Will Subject You To Each Post Twelve Times A Day. My Tag Is #grimauxiliatrix.
Mituna Captor: H1 1’M M17UN4 1’M 8 5W33P5 0LD 4ND 1 G0 8Y 8UM8L3/833 1’M G0NN4 83 P0571NG 480U7 L47UL4 4ND M33N4H 4 L07 MY 74G 15 #twiceannihilated
Gamzee Nitram: yO, i’m gamzee nitram, i’ll prOlly nOt use this blOg Often, but if i dO pOp up feel free tO say hi, i’ll reblOg things that remind me Of sOurce, i gO by any prOnOuns, my tag is #gnefariousguffaw
Doublespirit: i’m duwalscar vantas! i go by he/it/sor and im a duwalscar sufferer-wways kin! no, not a fictive, i knoww. buwt anywway i’ll probably post art n shit ya my tag is #doublespirit
Kerpop Makara: yO yO YOOOO it’S thE GRAND MOTHERFUCKING HIGHBLOOD iN thE FUCKING HIVE YO! I gO bY hE/honK/snorT anD I FUCKING LOVE MEN. I mighT noT posT mucH, buT iF I dO I MOTHERFUCKING RECKON i’lL posT abouT mY sourcE. mY taG iS #ghb
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wheremakingthishapen · 11 months
okay okay here's a fun little list of characters i've been in relationships with as my kins
<3: dualscar
<3: john egbert
<>: karkat vantas
<3: the signless/the sufferer
<>: porrim maryam
<3: eridan ampora
<>: kanaya maryam
<>: equius zahhak
<3: dice, gentaro, and jakurai(?)
<3: sarvente
<3: kanaya maryam
<>: karkat vantas
anyway, why am i putting all this here, you may ask? well, it's because all of these characters (minus sarvente bcuz it's complicated 🙄) are now f/os of mine bcuz i loved them so so much and i will continue to love them forever and ever and ever and ever. and now you know all the characters i loved/love so much
also i was in a pitch relationship with vriska in my sollux tl for a period of time but we broke up and also she sucked so that's why i didn't include her in this because fuck the vriska from my sollux tl specifically she can suck my dick. all other vriskas are fine tho i just hate that one in particular she personally wronged me
anyway that was my incoherent rambling i hope you enjoyed thank you for coming to my ted talk 👍
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royal-skullz · 4 years
i classpected seven deadly sins (nanatsu no taizai) charcters
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Elizabeth- since she can heal ppl i was gonna go with either sylph or life but since the hope aspect deals with angels and 'holy' thiings sylph of hope made the most sense. (also hope vs rage is a good compression for goddesses vs demons)
Meliodas- ik ik kurloz makara kin but prince of rage makes the most sense since rage deals with negative emotions and princes destroy their aspect or with their aspect. princes also appear to have a lack of their aspect when in reality they are drowing in it.
Ban- well you see he steals things right? and he serves the ppl right? but doom??? well ,y thinking was he doesn't steal life for others he steal their deaths and saves them.... okay honestly i just didnt knwo what to give him
King- kind is really weak at the beginning but he gets stronger and stronger and when his wings sprout(im using that as a metaphor for god tier) he gets much stronger and life can be taaken as plants or smthin idk.
Gowther- ik ik muelin leijon kin but honestly i think mind works a bit better but i like my rationale for mage of heart. so mages suffer from their aspect and he is shown dislike the pain a heart can guve so much so he erases his memories and his heart. again mind might make more sense i kinda cant pick
Escanor- honestly kight of hope just makes sense for him
Diane- ik ik jade harley kin but hear me out she can change the size of earth at will she can aslo change her size(with merlins help but ya know) also the whole loneliness thing
Merlin- ik ik rose lalonde kin but look since the light aspect is all about seeking out knowledge and the seer class is all about understanding it fits merlin perfectly since her being a 'glutton' for knowledge is the entire point of her sin
Arthur- heirs turn into their aspect so an heir of hope is literally hope
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anti-kin-cringe · 5 years
Is it bad that so many of my kins are like, the edgiest version of the character? Like, i have timelines that are a carapacian!mc freindsim who was heavily gaslit by scratch on the green moon, a tavros leijon who lost his joy after being told by vriska pyope alongside the other survivors of her massacre that he had killed everyone, and a Wilson from dont starve whos skin was a good 70% scar tissue from the hostile magic of the Nightmare Throne. I just worry about what this kinmonality says...
Regrettably my kintype is also edgy, it’s more just something you have to suffer good-naturedly and maybe play off it with jokes and such. Honestly more people would be annoyed if your associated attitude is edgy, rather than with the kintypes themselves (although you still get people who will roll their eyes and dismiss something if it’s “too much” by their standards, you just ignore them and their holier-than-thou mindset).
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