#sue storm y Johnny storm
nekoannie-chan · 5 months
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Título: Cometas.
Fandom: Marvel, 4 Fántasticos.
Pareja: Sue Storm y Johnny Storm.
Palabras: 235 palabras.
Cuadro: 4 “Cometa volando.”
Clasificación: B.
Sinopsis: Sue quiere volar cometas con su hermano como cuando eran niños.
Advertencias: Fluff.
N/A:  Esta es mi entrada para Marvel Rare Pair Mini Event Spring Fling 2024. SFW Spring Fling Bingo Card #3.
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Links: Wattpad, Ao3, versión en inglés
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Sue estaba buscando algunas cosas en las cajas que tenían en el ático, sonrió al encontrar las viejas cometas que Johnny y ella solían volar cuando eran niños o simplemente querían escapar de los problemas.
No podía recordar cuando había sido la última vez que habían ido a volarlas, aunado a que la situación que ahora mismo estaban viviendo todos los superhéroes era exageradamente estresante, así que tal vez era momento de que se hicieran un pequeño espacio y volver a hacer aquella actividad que tanto disfrutaban.
No le dijo a Johnny a donde iban, simplemente le pidió que lo acompañara. La confusión era evidente en el rostro de su hermano cuando llegaron a un gran campo abierto.
—¿Qué hacemos aquí? —Johnny cuestionó.
—Vamos a tener un hermoso momento de hermanos, como cuando éramos pequeños.
—Ni siquiera pienses que dejaré que me vuelvas convertir en tu modelo de pruebas de maquillaje, nunca has sido buena para eso —Johnny advirtió.
Siempre quedaban mal todos esos maquillaje y Johnny se veía horrible, a veces incluso costaba demasiado trabajo quitar todo ese maquillaje.
—No, simplemente haremos algo más tranquilo ella respondió sacando las cometas —Sue respondió.
—Ya estamos grandes para eso, ¿no crees? —una ceja de Johnny se levantó.
—¿Y así eres el alma de la fiesta? Anda vuela tu cometa —Sue ordenó.
Unos minutos después ambos estaban riendo mientras volaban las cometas, como en los viejos tiempos.
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thezombieprostitute · 7 months
🧚🏻‍♀️✨Bippity boppity bow chicka wow oww! You’ve been visited by the Shameless Hoe Fairy, and now you must share a hoe drabble about:
Johnny Storm + realizing his feelings for you are real and strong because you’re the first person he’s ever missed while you’re apart 🥺
A/N: This is my first time writing for Johnny Storm so please let me know if I did okay!
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"Johnny, what the hell?!" Sue's voice rang from the shared kitchen.
"Whatever it is, I didn't do it" Johnny yelled from his room.
"You were the last person in the kitchen!"
"It still wasn't me!"
Sue storms to Johnny's room to find him in his bed, hugging a sweater you'd left behind a few visits ago. "You're really gonna lay there and try to convince me that you, the last person in the kitchen, after I cleaned it this morning, are not responsible for the half-assed attempt at baking I just walked in on?"
"Well excuse me for trying to do something nice for everyone," Johnny whines.
"What's gotten into you, Johnny? I swear I've never seen you like this."
From further down the hall they hear Ben, "lover boy just misses his girl is all."
"No, I don't," Johnny shouts back at him.
Ben snickers, "I can't see you but I know you're cuddling up with her shirt, ain't you?"
Johnny throws your sweater to the side before pouting, "NO!" Sue smiles fondly as Ben breaks out into a laugh.
At that moment the front door opens, "I'm home!" Richard calls out. Sue turns to greet him but is distracted by Johnny shoving her to the side to run to the door.
"Wait, where's Y/N," Johnny asks. "She was supposed to come back with you."
"Yeah," Reed confirmed. "She wanted to go home and get some rest."
"But..." Johnny can't think straight.
Reed continues, "I asked her if she wanted to come over but she told me, the last time you two went out, you said you wanted some space." Reed shrugs, "I guess she's just giving you what you want."
Johnny starts pouting and angrily grabs the keys to his motorcycle before storming out of the apartment.
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Your apartment feels cold and quiet as you enter. You miss Johnny but you don't want to bother him, especially after he said he was feeling a little "smothered". You flinch at the memory.
"Ugh, one thing at a time," you tell yourself as you start putting your things away. It was a long trip and you feel exhausted. Maybe a shower and some sleep will cure your ills.
A shower certainly does help but you still find yourself feeling lonely. Maybe Johnny was on to something. Maybe you do spend too much time with him and not enough alone. You put on some pajamas, order delivery from your favorite pizza place, and settle in on the couch for some alone time.
Too soon to be the pizza, you hear an insistent knock at the door. Confused you head over and look through the peephole. It's Johnny! As soon as the door is open he's pulling you into a deep kiss, complete with a warm hug.
"I'm so sorry," he says when he pulls away. "I'm so sorry I said I need space. I don't need space, I need my head examined. I missed you so much. So much more than I've ever missed anyone. I'm sorry I tried to push you away."
You gently rub his cheek while giving him some reassuring coos. Neither of you realized the door was still open until the pizza arrived. The two of you settled on the couch to eat. You thought to sit on the opposite side but Johnny pulled you close, until you were practically sitting on his lap.
"I need you to know," he whispers after finishing a slice, "why I said what I said." You turn to face him, making sure he knows he has your attention. "I've...I've never been one for things like long-term relationships. No one who knows me thinks I'm even capable of anything more than just...casual hookups or convenience relationships, like you and I have."
You nod your understanding and he continues, "I was trying to keep that reputation when I told you we were spending too much time together. But this last week, without you being around at all? Fuck, I, I have to admit, I'm in love with you."
His confession leaves you wide-eyed, "you really mean that?"
"Yes," he replies with a look you've dubbed his "serious face".
"I accept your apology, and your confession," you hum. "But you owe me."
"Name your price, Fire Lily," he breathes.
"You have to give me back the sweater your keep in your room."
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fandomnerd9602 · 1 month
Sue storm and male reader please?
Y/N feels someone pinch their butt…
Y/N: Sue!
Susan giggles and materializes…
Susan: nothing like keeping you on your toes, huh?
Y/N: and I thought Johnny was the playful one of us.
Johnny walks by, popping popcorn with his bare hands…
Johnny: I am. I just won’t touch your butt
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Promot 18 and 9 for johnny storm please
.⋆。On Fire。⋆.
Johnny Storm x plus size reader
Johnny is ok at being a hero, he’s good at extreme sports and he’s a god at sex, but feelings- he can’t do those
Warnings: smut, unprotected sex, FWB to lovers, angst, shower sex, Johnny’s a bit of an asshole, I accidentally wrote Johnny as an American Jamie Tartt and I can’t find myself getting mad at it, fluff
WC: 1.2k
Minors DNI
Library- @hannibals-favourite-meal-library
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3000 Follower Celebration
“Holy fuck this pussy is goddamn magical.” Johnny groaned into your shoulder, his teeth sinking into your delicate skin. Cold water rolled down your body, the hot water having long been used up. His thick cock buried to the hilt inside you, his hands firmly planted on your wide hips as he drove into you.
“Johnny I love you.” You moaned. Your back arched as yet another orgasm began to build in your stomach. You reached back for him but only succeeded in skimming his abs with the tips of your fingers. He retaliated by punching into your cunt even harder, forcing your naked chest into the chilled shower tiles and away from him.
“Jesus, loosen up, you’re squeezing me so tight.” He groaned through gritted teeth. Heat began to grow behind you and Johnny’s cock somehow got even hotter inside of you. His right hand released your hip and captured your clit between his fingers, strumming you desperately to your end. “Fuck!”
Heat exploded deep within you and drove you over the edge. “God baby.” You moaned and slumped forward, letting your body relax underneath the cool spray of water.
“Damn baby, that was a good one.” Johnny slapped your plump ass in a friendly manor and pulled out of you. 
You winced at the feel of his release escaping you as you stood up straight, letting the water wash your previous activities away. “Yeah it was.” You dismissed. Johnny raised a brow at you as you walked past him, grabbing one of his very expensive white towels on the way out. 
“Where are you off to? Got some hot date?” He teased, trailing behind you. You didn’t even glance at him while you grabbed your clothes.
“No but you do. Diamond has been dying to finally get under you.” You sneered her name as you pulled on your panties. He scoffed.
“So what, it’s not like I’m actually dating you.” You froze, your stomach dropping.
“Yeah, I know.” You slipped on your sweater and grabbed the rest of your things. “Goodbye Johnny.” And this time, your goodbye actually sounded real.
Johnny stared at his phone like it had offended him. “What’s up your ass today?” Ben planted himself in his reinforced chair across from the younger man, coffee cup in hand. Johnny just glared at him.
“Y/N’s been ignoring him for a week now.” Sue sat next to her little brother, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. 
“What did you do?” A murderous gaze levelled at him.
“I didn’t do anything!” Johnny retorted with a whine. A notification lit up his phone and he immediately abandoned the conversation in favour of grabbing his phone. He let out a sigh of disappointment, it was just a message from yet another one night stand.
Even without eyebrows, Ben’s brow raised. Johnny crumpled. “I didn’t do anything.” He muttered almost shamefully. “She just left my place the other day and hasn’t called me back even though I’ve texted her like 20 times! That’s 19 more times than I usually do!”
Richard suddenly appeared behind his wife. “And we ask again, what did you ‘not’ do?” 
Johnny sighed heavily and slumped over the table. He propped his chin up on the counter, staring off into nothing. “I thought she didn’t mean it, I mean I was in the middle of blowing her back out!” The others winced but he continued. “She said she loved me.”
“And did you say it back?” Sue asked. The silence was all the answers they needed.
“And you’re still seeing other people?” Again there was silence but he nodded.
“And is she?” He shook his head.
“You’re a fucking idiot and you most definitely do not deserve a good woman like that.” Ben slammed his palm on the table, shaking the ground with the force. “Absolute piece of shit, can’t believe how stupid he is.” Ben muttered as he walked away.
Sue and Richard watched him go before turning back to the youngest member of the group. “Johnny, you know what she’s ignoring you. You broke her heart and I think it’s now breaking yours.” She squeezed her brother’s shoulder. “And I agree with Ben, you kind of deserve it.”
“But, maybe you can fix this.” Richard spoke up. “It’s never too late if you really do love her.”
Johnny glanced at his brother-in-law sceptically. “But I don’t love her. I mean I guess I like having her around. She’s incredible in bed and she makes these pancakes that are out of this world. And when she sleeps next to me, I sleep better than I ever have. And when she smiles at me, I get this weird feeling in my stomach. And sometimes when I’m out shopping I look at rings. But that means nothing!” He paused and looked at Sue. “Right?”
She just looked at him, her eyes softening. “Right?”
Sue laid a kiss to the side of his head. “I think you know the answer to that already.”
The bottle of red was halfway gone when the knock on your door came. You groaned and forced yourself up from your extremely comfortable couch, stumbling only once as you made your way to the door.
“What are you doing here?” The one and only Johnny Storm stood on your doorstep looking like a lost puppy.
He looked at you with those huge blue eyes that had made you fall into his bed more times than you could count. “I was an asshole.”
“Yes you were.”
“And I shouldn’t have ignored your feelings like that.”
“And I shouldn’t have let you walk out that door because you are by far the best thing that has ever happened to me. So I guess what I’m trying to say is that I’m sorry and that I- shit c’mon. I looo- I can’t say it but you know what I mean.” You raised an eyebrow at him causing Johnny to sigh.
“Ok well I can’t say that but I do feel it. You’re absolutely amazing and a complete bombshell. And when I’m around you, I can be myself, not Johnny Storm, not the Human Torch, just me. You have been by my side through so much, even before we started sleeping together, which was a great decision by the way cause we are fucking awesome at sex.” You couldn’t help but smile and agree with the sentiment. “You’re my person, you are my home, you always have been. So yeah, there’s that.”
He shrugged almost sadly, shoving his hands into the pockets of his jacket. “This doesn’t fix everything, you know that right?” His shoulder’s fell along with his expression.
“But what you said does mean a lot to me, so you can come in if you want to but you stay at least five feet away from me at all times. You have a lot of grovelling to do before you’re allowed back in.” You emphasised. Johnny perked up and bounced up the steps, giving you a peck on the cheek as he passed. You allowed the affection and slipped in behind him, a little smile on your face.
Johnny was buried between your thighs barely 15 minutes later.
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Casual (pt. 2) >> Johnny Storm
pairing: johnny storm x popstar!reader (no use of y/n)
word count: 3k
summary: Johnny always meant to keep it casual with you but unfortunately for him, he wasn't so good at sticking to his word this time.
warnings: reader gets dangled off the empire state building but i think that's it-
a/n: @fwskullz asked me to write a part two so here it is! sorry it took so long, i did in fact move to college-
read part 1 here!
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“So I really messed up.”
Even though the concert had finished a few minutes ago, Johnny’s eyes were still glued to where you were just performing center-stage.
“No kiddin’, Bic-Head,” Ben chuckled. “I ain’t never seen any of your exes so ticked off ‘atcha. And you’ve had a lot–and I mean a lot–.”
“Thank you, Ben,” Johnny growled, whirling around to face the other man. “We get the point!”
“I don’t know how you’re going to get out of this one, Johnny,” Suzie winced. “She looked really upset with you.”
“I didn’t even know the two of you broke up,” Reed blinked, always the one out of the loop.
“Technically we were never really together,” Johnny halfheartedly defended himself.
“Johnny,” Sue cocked a skeptical eyebrow at him. “She wrote a song about you called ‘Casual’. I think it’s safe to say that’s precisely what she’s mad about.”
Johnny groaned, covering his face with his hands.
“I’d better go talk to her, huh?”
Ben clapped him on the shoulder with mock sympathy, briefly knocking him off-balance.
“Yeah kid, I think you’d better.”
You were backstage in your dressing room after the show, seated in front of the vanity mirror as you brushed out your hair, when there was a knock on your door.
“Come in!” You called in reply, putting your brush down nonchalantly as you were used to these sorts of various intrusions preceding and following a show.
You watched the door through its reflection in the mirror and leapt from your seat when you saw the first person through the door.
“Sue!” You cried happily, dashing over to wrap her in your arms. “I didn’t think you were coming!”
It was sort of true. You really didn’t think she was coming, but only because you’d forgotten that you’d invited her in the first place. As you held her in your arms, the day you delivered the tickets to her began to trickle back into your memory. It must have been at least four or five months ago now but even still, you can’t believe you forgot. It wasn’t until you heard the door shut that it finally occurred to you: if she was here, then most likely so was–.
Your eyes flew open over Sue’s shoulder and you immediately locked eyes with the blond man leaning against the doorframe, flanked by Sue’s boyfriend Reed and his best friend Ben. You gave Johnny a pointed sneer as you pulled away from Sue, stepping around her to first embrace Reed and then completely ignore Johnny as you sidestepped him to plant a kiss on Ben’s cheek.
“What, no greeting for an old flame?” Johnny opened his arms toward you.
You turned, considering him for a moment before plastering on a fake smile and approaching him slowly. Instead of the warm embrace he expected though, as soon as you got close enough you greeted him with a hearty slap across the face.
“Thought that when I told you to go to hell, the ‘and stay there’ was implied,” you snarled.
“Okay, that’s fair,” Johnny cringed, rubbing his cheek which was now burning red. “I deserve that.”
“You deserve worse than that but seeing as your family’s here, consider it a compromise.”
You turned to the other three who were watching you with a combination of shock and awe and smiled, gesturing at the seating around the coffee table at the center of the room.
“Please, sit! It’s really been too long since I’ve seen you three.”
You led the way, occupying a plush armchair while the other three squeezed onto the couch across from it. Johnny, who you were very purposefully not looking at, hovered somewhere back across the room, investigating the space as you spoke.
“So what mayhem have you three been getting into across the galaxy?” You smiled conspiratorially.
“Oh you know,” Sue waved you off. “New planets, weird plants, alien races—the usual. You on the other hand have been on a world tour! I want to hear about that.”
“Oh gosh,” you giggled, allowing yourself for the first time in months to have missed this—missed them. “Wow um, performing a lot, of course. Partying at night, writing on the rare occasion I have downtime. Speaking of, what did you guys think of that new song?”
“Personally, I loved it,” Ben chimed in immediately, smirking patronizingly at Johnny. “I mean, that last part—“
“The outro?” You suggested.
“Yeah, that!” Ben agreed enthusiastically. “Absolutely brutal. I’m sure whoever you wrote it about feels real sorry now.”
“Thank you, Ben,” you replied earnestly. “Even if he didn’t care about me before, I’m sure he does now.”
“I always cared about you!” Johnny piped up indignantly from the corner.
“Did you guys hear something?” You asked the three sitting across from you. “Must have been the wind.”
“That’s really mature, you know that?” Johnny snarked.
“Oh, that’s rich coming from you!” You snorted. “Now please keep it down over there—I’m trying to catch up with the members of your family who aren’t lying, manipulative pieces of shit.”
“Okay, that’s enough,” Susan stood up, Reed and Ben following suit.
“Wait, Sue, I’m sorry,” you quickly apologized. “I was out of line, just—.”
“I didn’t say he didn’t deserve it,” Sue sighed, crossing to your side of the table and kneeling to rest your hands in hers. “Look, I’m not sure what happened between you two and I’m not going to pretend I do. Whatever you’re feeling is valid and I have no doubt it’s probably justified too. But just… do me a favor and hear him out, okay? He’s a boy and he’s stupid but he has a good heart. Whatever happened, he feels awful about it and he wants to fix it. Just give him a chance to explain himself, please?”
You glanced over Sue’s head to where Johnny was watching the exchange. When he saw you looking, he pressed his hands together and mouthed ‘Please?’. As much as you hated to admit it, you couldn’t deny the flicker of affection that sparked in your chest.
“Fine,” you conceded, standing to open the door for Sue, Reed, and Ben. “You get five minutes and then I’m either letting you three back in or kicking you all out.”
They followed you to the door and out, Ben first, then Reed, and then Sue after she stopped to hug Johnny and whisper in his ear: “You're welcome. Don't mess this up.” When they were finally out the door, all three gave Johnny various pointed looks as you shut it behind you, leaning against it with your arms crossed and eyebrows raised in reluctant anticipation.
“Look, I was an idiot—I am an idiot,” he opened.
“This is a surprise to absolutely no one,” you quipped. “Go on.”
Johnny sighed, running a nervous hand through his blond curls.
“I didn’t realize you were the best thing in my life until you were gone.”
“I broke things off with you months ago, Johnny. Why here, why now? You could have called.”
“Would you have answered?” He asked genuinely.
“God dammit, Johnny, you could have tried!” You forced down the lump in your throat. “As someone who stopped seeing you because I didn’t feel wanted, you’re not doing a great job of convincing me I was wrong about you.”
Johnny hung his head, knowing you were right. Hell, he didn’t realize he missed you until a couple of hours ago—how was he going to convince you he really wanted you back? But the next thing you said gave him an idea that would either make or break your relationship depending on how well he stuck to his word.
“I mean, how would you even start a relationship with me right now, Johnny?” You thought out loud. “I’m on tour, I’m in a new city every day. And it’s not exactly like you can drop everything and follow me around given your line of work.”
“I have an idea.”
You looked very much like you didn’t trust him as far as you could throw him, but you looked intrigued too. You nodded, urging him to continue.
“I’ll wait for you.”
You barked out a disbelieving laugh.
“You’re kidding, right? Johnny, I’m on tour for the next three months. You’re telling me you’re not going to see a single girl that whole time?”
“That’s exactly what I’m telling you. You think I can’t do it?”
“No, Johnny, full offense but I really don’t think you can.”
“So I’ll prove you wrong. And when I do, you’ll owe me a date.”
You squinted your eyes at him, not believing him at all but willing to let him at least try.
“Fine,” you sighed. “If you can wait for me—and I mean really wait, I don’t wanna see you with another girl in the tabloids or on Instagram or anywhere—then I promise to go on one date with you. No promises after that.”
He pumped his fist and you shook your head exasperatedly, extending a hand for him to shake.
“You’ve got yourself a deal, Lowell Spencer.”
“In the spirit of apologies, I’m going to let that slide.”
“How kind of you.”
You shook on it.
If you had known three months ago that your deal with Johnny would end in you being dangled off the Empire State Building by New York’s villain-of-the-week, you might have reconsidered your decision. You hadn’t even been in New York when you woke up that morning—you’d been preparing for the final performance of your tour in Los Angeles. Unfortunately for you though, distance is nothing to an alien who can create portals out of thin air, and thus instead of celebrating the final night of your tour with thousands of your adoring fans, some space freakazoid was threatening your life in front of millions of people on live television.
You didn’t even know what the guy wanted. He’d been monologuing obnoxiously at you since he yanked you from your dressing room and through the portal to New York but apparently there weren’t any public speaking classes in space because you had absolutely no clue what he was on about. Odds are, he probably wanted to take over the city or something but whatever it was, you only hoped that Johnny would figure it out in time. The man (if you could even call it that… what were aliens’ stances on gender?) holding you hostage had made it very clear that you were the bargaining chip for Johnny specifically. As it were currently though, the flamebrain in question was nowhere to be found. Three of the four were gathered high up in the air on one of Sue’s invisible forcefield things but it was evident that wherever Johnny was, he was too preoccupied to come save your life. Figures.
You couldn’t really hear much over the combination of blood pumping in your ears and the wind rushing by but from what you could see, it appeared as though everyone around you was doing an awful lot of talking as opposed to saving like you were hoping for. Thinking on it though, given that you were over a thousand feet in the air, how much saving could the other three really do without Johnny? It wasn’t like any of them could fly. Did this mean you were doomed? Your train of thought seemed to be corroborated by the sudden rrrrrrrip of the back of your bodysuit that the villain was suspending you by. The tear didn’t rip through the costume completely but you squeaked pathetically as the separating fabric dropped you closer to your impending doom a thousand feet below.
Realistically, you realized you should have alerted the Three to your escalating problem but in the adrenaline of the moment, you couldn’t bring yourself to open your mouth, let alone make any voluntary noise or coherent commentary. How did they (and Johnny) do this every day? Performing for crowds of thousands was a walk in the park compared to this. This was horrible. If you made it through this, you were going to tell all four of them how grateful you were for the sacrifices they all made on their mental health.
Once again, your train of thought was interrupted by a bigger, louder rrrrrrriiiip as the costume tore some more. You tried harder to say something, anything but looking down and seeing the city over a thousand feet below you stole your breath in a not-so-pleasant way that had you both choking and hyperventilating at the same time. You managed to tear your eyes away from the ground and over to the Fantastic Three-Fourths but by the time that happened, you were only able to squeak out a “Help” before your costume split clean in half and you were falling backwards through the New York City skyline.
If anyone were to ask you, you would most definitely not recommend freefall. Why anyone would do this willingly was beyond you. If it wasn’t before, skydiving was definitely off your bucket list now. Though you guessed that maybe it was different when you chose it as opposed to having it thrust upon you in the form of some deranged, costume-wearing alien. Forget gratitude, you thought. I probably won’t live through this but if I do, I’m going to give Johnny a real piece of my mind. 
When you asked Johnny about it later, the thing he said haunted him the most in the nights that followed was the sound of your screams as he pushed his flames to grow hotter, stronger, begging them to help him gather velocity and just please god get to her in time—. You don’t remember screaming. All you remember is the force of the wind against your back and the brightness of the sky above as you plummeted rapidly toward the concrete below. It happened in the blink of an eye—one moment you were certain the puffy clouds above would be the last thing you’d ever see, and the next, your vision was bombarded with red hot flames and your stomach swooped as you were swiftly grabbed around the waist as Johnny changed direction.
He flew you both around the corner so the Empire State was out of sight before making your descent back onto solid ground. You swayed on your feet for a moment, Johnny’s arms shooting out to catch you when your knees inevitably buckled. He pulled you in even closer to him, tucking your head securely into his chest, and you allowed it for a beat as you caught your breath before suddenly tearing yourself from his grasp and pounding your fists against his chest.
“Where the hell were you!” You seethed. “I almost died, Jonathan Lowell Spencer Storm!”
“I know, I know,” he tried to take hold of your wrists, gently caressing them with his thumbs, but you ripped them away to continue beating your fists against his chest.
“Three months ago, you said you would wait for me but here we are three months later and you couldn’t care less that I was being dangled over the edge of the freakin’ Empire State Building—!”
“I was in LA,” he defended as you continued talking over him.
“—So much for second chances, huh? What’s your excuse this time? You were away visiting your hot model friend in Ibiza?”
“I was in LA!” He repeated louder this time, trapping your face between both of his abnormally warm hands and tilting it to face him.
You stopped short, taking in a few breaths as your mind struggled to catch up with his claim.
“What the hell do you mean, you were in LA?” You squinted at him in suspicion. “I thought superheroes didn’t take vacations, what were you doing in LA of all places?”
“Waiting for you to perform,” his eyes stared into yours with a devotion so intense you almost didn't believe you were looking at the real Johnny.
“What?” You blinked in disbelief. “Johnny, if this is a joke, it isn’t funny.”
“I’m not joking, sweetheart.”
The corners of his lips tilted up nervously, self-consciously. You didn’t think he was capable of it, but there he was. Your eyes flickered rapidly between his, trying to catch him out in a lie, but you couldn’t find one. You couldn’t help it—you kissed him. And damn, if it didn’t feel good after over a year of angst and pining that you thought would never be requited. After a moment of letting your mind run away from you, you pulled away from him, resting your hands over his pounding heart and your forehead against his.
“Wait,” you panted. “You really haven’t seen any other girls in the last three months?”
“Haven’t had to when I knew I had you waiting for me.”
He went back in for another kiss but you used the leverage of your hands on his chest to hold him away from you.
“Ah-ah-ah, not so fast, you temptress.”
He chuckled darkly, eyes fluttering lustfully between your eyes and your lips.
“You swear you haven’t seen any other girls since I last saw you,” you confirmed.
“Not one,” he squeezed your hip affectionately. “I swear it.”
You couldn’t help it any longer. You sunk your fingers into his golden curls and pulled him back to your lips, smiling when you felt how he melted against you. Unfortunately for you though, this wasn’t the time for your happy reunion. Johnny frowned and looked adorably confused when you pulled away again.
“What did I do now?”
You giggled, giving him another peck for the road before gently pushing him away.
“You gotta go save the world, Flamebrain,” you backed away with a flirty wink. “I’ll be waiting.”
And even through all your hardships, as Johnny flamed on and flew back toward New York’s newest resident space loser, you couldn’t help but feel like the luckiest girl in the world.
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nevenkebla · 2 months
Una fuerza incomprensible
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Fantastic Four (1961) #262 John Byrne (Escritor, dibujante)
(Una oleada de miedo sigue a la mujer en llamas cuando esta pasa cerca de los presentes. ¡Es el heraldo de Galactus! ¡Es Nova! Y también es…)
— Johnny Storm: ¡Frankie! Sue… ¡Es Frankie! — Susan Storm: ¡Calma, hermanito! Ya no es Frankie Raye. Pertenece al cosmos… Y allá donde ella va… ¡Galactus la sigue seguro!
(Y si su heraldo provoca el miedo, imagínate, si puedes, el terror, el pánico ciego, irracional que ahora recorre a los reunidos. Más de un millón de ojos alienígenas miran a aquel que es Galactus, y para cada raza, la visión difiere. Pues Galactus ciertamente ya no es un ser en el sentido absoluto físico. Es, como Odín lo ha llamado, una fuerza de la naturaleza. Y cada mente que lo ve lucha como mejor puede para percibir una fuerza incomprensible en una imagen que pueda comprender.)
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supercap2319 · 1 year
"He's a virgin?!" Johnny asked and laughed at the same time.
Susan 'Sue' Storm-Richards looked at her younger brother, Jonathan 'Johnny' Storm. A visible frown on her features. She moves a strand of hair out of her face and huffed. "It's not funny, Johnny. I think it's sweet that Y/N hasn't had sex yet. You could learn a thing or two from him."
"Or he could learn a thing from me." He grinned. "Like how to suck my dic—"
"Don't even think about it, Johnny. He's a nice guy and I don't want you trying to get into his pants. I mean it." Susan warned.
"Yeah, yeah." The Human torch waved her off.
Susan rolled her eyes and left the room as Johnny grinned, putting on some black shades on his face as he chuckled. Y/N would be his greatest conquest yet. A virgin. He hasn't had one of those in a while, especially a male. "Flame on!" His whole body erupted in flames as he flew out of the room and out the window towards Y/N's house.
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rubywrites-4 · 4 months
Such a backstabber🔪🩸
warning: violence, inappropriate language and more ⚠️
Johnny Storm had never been the type to settle down. He was a former playboy, known for his charm and charisma, but all of that changed when he met Y/n. She was different from anyone he had ever met before, and he knew from the moment he laid eyes on her that she was the one for him. They had been dating for a while now, and Johnny was convinced that Y/n was the love of his life. He had even started planning on proposing to her, wanting to spend the rest of his days by her side. But little did he know, his playboy ways were far from behind him.
Y/n had a close friend who she had known since she joined the Fantastic Four team, and unbeknownst to her, this friend had caught Johnny’s eye. Despite his feelings for Y/n, Johnny couldn’t resist the temptation of his friend, and soon enough, he was having an affair behind Y/n’s back. As the day of the pre-wedding party arrived, everyone was in high spirits. Johnny’s side chick was there, mingling with the other guests, and everything seemed perfect. But then, chaos erupted.
Bombs went off, sending guests running in every direction. Johnny was frantically searching for Y/n when he finally spotted her, standing with blood on her white wedding dress, tears streaming down her face. His heart shattered as he realized the extent of his betrayal.
Rushing to her side, Johnny hugged Y/n tightly, vowing in his heart to be loyal to her from that moment on. But just as he was about to profess his love, he felt a sharp pain in his stomach. Looking down, he saw a knife protruding from his abdomen, and when he looked up, he saw Y/n standing before him, a devilish smile on her face. “you thought I really do love you huh Storm?” She laughed at Johnny and continue pushing the knife deeper into his stomach
Suddenly Doctor Doom made his appearance while clapping his hand saying “bravo sweetheart” & kissed Y/n on the lips “mhm I missed you baby” Y/n moaned in the kiss and Doctor Doom replied “ I missed you more my baby” while kissing her back more deeper.
Johnny, Sue and everyone looked at Y/n in disbelief and was confuse of what’s going on and then a flashback played where Y/n is actually spy sent by Doom and also his girlfriend as well. Y/n acted as that innocent and sweet girl charisma and won everyone’s heart including Johnny’s and they both started to get to know each other and decided to date. Each and every time Johnny insisted sex, she would drug Johnny and goes to find evidence on the documents Johnny has secretly kept hidden while he’s unconscious and the next day she make him believe that they had sex and he passed out in tiredness. One final day she had found the important details and evidence of the Fantastic Four Team.
Flashback comes back to the reality where Y/n looks at her friend that she acted fake friendly and said“ I don’t have anything against you but no one shall have a friend like you who steal what’s belong to others so you know what you deserve bitch? ” Y/n winked & reloaded the gun to shoot her friend on the chest and forehead. Johnny didn’t even blink his eyes because of the shock and the fear he had for you at the moment
Evil smile presented on Y/n face and then she looked over Sue and smirked “ you would come after me for doing this to you” Y/n sighed and shot sue on the shoulder and apologized “I’m sorry Sue! You’re nice but I have to” luckily the shot didn’t affect Sue badly
Johnny scream and struggled to get out of the grasps Doom’s people had on him. Tears, fears and the pain do betrayal presented on his face and he asked Y/n with pleading eyes “ Y/n you bitch! Such a backstabber!! how could you do this to me ?” Y/n looked at him and laughed “ah little boy you don’t get to say that. You literally had a side chick and did things so you don’t get to talk about betrayal” y/n smiled sarcastically and told “lucky me I didn’t love or date a manwhore like you for real”
Y/n shot Johnny on both legs and he screamed in pain. Doom took his girlfriend’s hand “let’s go baby. I missed you so much” y/n smiled and pulled him for a kiss. Doom smirked and said “ah not here princess… let’s go to our home”. Both of them walked away holding hands and Y/n turned around to see Johnny fighting for his life while tears streaming down his eyes, Y/n smiled devilishly and showed her middle finger “this is how you do it mothafucker” then blow Johnny a kiss before walking away.
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abbatoirablaze · 6 months
Fire & Ice, Chapter 6
Word Count:  662
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Your throat felt dry.
Your entire body ached. 
But as your eyes opened, you were shocked to see Johnny sitting beside you, his hand softly running up and down your arm. 
He nearly jolted as his eyes met your opened ones, and he ripped himself into a standing position, “You’re awake!”
You went to laugh, but your throat cracked.  It hurt even more as you gasped.
“Y-you’ve been out for days…let me get you something-water-ice-“
But he stopped when your hand reached out to his, and you stopped him from moving.  Without a word he seemed to understand that you wanted him not only to stay with you, but also to know what was going on.
“Sue is okay…”  he offered.  You sighed in relief as he sat down and took your hand in his, “you saved her, you know…you saved her life.”
A tear slipped down your cheek and he reached up, swiping it away, “No tears…you’re safe…Sue’s safe…and that evil version of you-sh-she’s dead.”
You nodded quickly in response. 
“I-I was worried that you were gonna die on me,” he admitted after a second, “worried that you were going to just give up and call it a day…”
You shook your head at him and he chuckled. 
“Must have a death wish or something…you know, someone else came across from the other side…in the blip…”
Your brow rose, and he looked to the door. 
Reed was standing there, “he’s gone already, Johnny…”
“Only one room in this universe for Johnny Storm, I suppose…” He smirked playfully.  Your brows furrowed and he pursed his lips, “I know what you went through in meeting yourself…I-uh, well...Something similar happened after we got you stable.  I came through-and well-meeting another version of me…that-that was scary…but he followed after her because he knew that she didn’t die when his Reed and Ben pushed her out of the window…he saw her disappear.  And he came after her because he was going to stop her himself.  I-I nearly went after him when he thought you were like her…”
Your eyes went wide, “w-what?”
Reed stepped into the room along with Sue, who handed you a glass of water.  You drank it greedily as Reed explained, “the other Johnny thought you were like the one from his universe.  Thought you were going to kill us.  But then Sue explained how you saved her life.  And, well…that seemed to be enough to convince him.  He told me that she was like you before the rest of the four turned on her, and treated her like a monster.  He was relieved to see that you weren’t like that in saving Sue…he said that in his universe Sue had died because of a fight over you...”
“Yeah...I-I don’t know what to believe anymore.”
“That’s understandable,” Reed explained, “you just went through an extremely traumatic experience.”
“Wh-what happened to her?”
“We don’t know why you’re so different from her!” Johnny shrugged.
“No...I mean, what happened to her body?” you asked, “I mean-people might think that I died if they saw her.”
“He took her body back to his universe…” Johnny admitted with a frown, “evil or not, he still loved her...”
“S-so it’s over?” you asked, eyeing up the three of them, “none of you are going to try to kill me over what happened?”
“No one’s going to hurt you…” Johnny confirmed with a small smile, “
“Right…” Reed confirmed, “we got to hear the other Johnny’s ordeal, and while it seems like we evaded a ‘canon event,’ the world seems to have righted itself with a version of you dying, and someone being impaled.  It looks like you ‘absorbed,’ Sue’s death in a manner of speaking.”
“So what now?”
“I don’t know,” Johnny shrugged, “but we have the time to figure it out if you’d like.”
You nodded softly as you allowed yourself to feel the emotions you’d pushed away for as long as you’d known him, “I’d like that.”
Tag List:  @designatednewbie, @elbell20-blog, @lohnes16
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gravedadoasis · 5 years
send me “so…” to hear what my character would say to yours after casual sex.
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el héroe solamente sigue con sus ojos cerrados y moviéndose entre las sábanas azules de su cama. la noche que ha pasado ha sido excelente, sabe que estar dejando sus diferencias de lado con daken ha sido bueno. “si mis sobrinos vienen a molestar puedes decirle que se vayan a molestar a sus amigos.” dice dándose una media vuelta y dándole la espalda. el rubio podía tener mucha energía, pero actualmente estaba agotado y pasar más tiempo en su cama durmiendo lo que anoche no realizó sonaba perfecto. “o tal vez puedes preparar algo para comer, y eso sería bastante bueno para nuestra relación.” sabía que daken cocinaba bastante bien, y claramente un desayuno en la cama sonaba perfecto. todo era demasiado normal hasta ahora, pero eso era lo que esta relación necesitaba un poco de normalidad después de todo. @stvrxlight
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nekoannie-chan · 2 months
Título: Pesca
Fandom: Marvel, 4 Fantásticos.
Pareja: Sue Storm y Johnny Storm.
Palabras: 100 palabras.
Cuadro: O2 “Viaje de pesca.”
Clasificación: B.
Sinopsis: Sue y Johnny van de viaje de pesca.
Advertencias: Ninguna.
N/A:  Esta es mi entrada para Marvel Rare Pair Bingo Round 3 2024. MRP-066.
Links: Wattpad, Ao3, versión en inglés.
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         Si te gusto por favor vota, comenta y rebloguea.
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DISCLAIMER: Los personajes de Marvel no me pertenecen (desafortunadamente), exceptuando por los personajes originales y la historia.
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Otros lugares donde publico: Ao3, Wattpad, ffnet, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter.
Tags: @sinceimetyou @black23 @unnuevosoltransformalarealidad @azulatodoryuga
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—¿Recuerdas la última vez que fuimos a pescar? —preguntó Sue mientras lanzaban sus cañas al agua.
—Sí, tenía unos doce años y tú atrapaste un pez tan grande que papá dijo que teníamos comida para una semana —respondió Johnny.
De repente, la caña de Johnny se dobló bruscamente. —¡Tengo uno! —exclamó. Pero justo cuando estaba a punto de recogerlo, un enorme pez saltó del agua, rompiendo la línea. —¡Ese era mío!
Sue trató de no reírse demasiado.
—Quizás debas dejar que las cosas sigan su curso natural.
—Y papá diría que estamos haciendo trampa al no atrapar nada —Johnny comentó.
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the-iceni-bitch · 3 years
Take Me On Top of the World
Pairing: Johnny Storm x fem!reader
Words: ~2.7k
Summary: Your friends get a little too excited when Johnny crashes your girls’ night out.
Warnings: explicit language, explicit sexual content (fingering, f receiving oral sex, unprotected vaginal sex, public sex, multiple orgasms), excessive alcohol consumption, SMUT!!! 18+ ONLY!!!
A/N: I’ve been wanting to write a Johnny fic for a while and I finally got the inspo for this one! May continue this as a little series but I haven’t decided yet.
I’m no longer doing taglists so if you want to stay up to date on all the latest filth, follow my sideblog @the-iceni-library and turn on notifications!
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You grabbed the tray of shots to bring back to your group, the bitches already starting to get rowdy from the three other bars you’d hit earlier.
It was so nice to have a little break from work. Yes, you absolutely loved the opportunity to collaborate with Sue. Even if she hadn’t been the Invisible Woman, she was a giant in the field of genetics. Having access to her resources as you worked on your comprehensive mapping of the human genome was a huge boon. But girl was intense as fuck.
Hence, girls’ night. Sans Sue.
“Alright ya skanks, I got more tequila!!!”
A huge round of cheers went up at that, all of you tossing back your drinks with some wild hoots. You had to grab some of the glasses before the sloppy whores tried to smash them Viking style and you had to head back to the bar to grab some water for their crazy asses. Once you were sure everyone was at least relatively stable, you herded them all towards the dance floor to hopefully burn off some of that drunken energy.
Fuck your life, what was Johnny Storm doing here? That was a stupid question, it was a club full of women. You so did not need to deal with this fuck boi right now.
“It is Y/N, right?” He was giving you that fucking pretty smile that you hated. “Sue’s friend? Or do you prefer Dr. Y/N?”
“Jesus, Storm, are you gonna bother me here, too?” You were drunk enough that you didn’t really care about being gracious. “It’s bad enough I have to deal with your shenanigans at work, just let me dance with my friends without acting like a slut.”
“Holy shit, is that the Human Torch?”
“Goddamn you drunk bitches.” You mumbled under your breath, making exasperated gestures at them behind Johnny’s back when he started sauntering towards them with a cocky grin.
“That’s right ladies, it’s me.” The looks those hoes were shooting between you and the boy toy were not helping your mood. “Now, who’s up for body shots?”
“Absolutely not!” You grabbed Tracy when she stumbled forward with a giggle, frowning at Johnny when the rest of the gaggle pouted at you. “Babe, you just got engaged, and I am not explaining to all the boyfriends and girlfriends and spouses why there’s photos of you idiots licking salt off a superhero’s abs on the front page of the tabloids tomorrow.”
“Fine, you are such a mom!” Greta rolled her eyes at you as you tried to corral them away from the pretty boy. “But you don’t have an S/O that needs explaining to, and if all we can get is some vicarious horny action…”
“Christ, you’re a bunch of manipulative cunts.” You stuck your tongue out at them before turning back to Johnny, breathing deeply at that stupid kicked puppy look he was giving you. “Quit pouting Storm. Apparently, me and you are doing shots together so these stupid bitches don’t start breaking shit with their temper tantrums.”
“Excellent, I think we’re gonna have a great time.” He sauntered to the bar to grab everything you were going to need while you tapped your foot irritably and ignored the excited noises coming from the group of idiots behind you.
“If I see myself on TMZ tomorrow, I’m gonna be pissed.” You rolled your eyes when he started to follow you back to the private booth you’d reserved, sighing when you turned around and saw him starting to unbutton his shirt. “Nice try, pretty boy. Your shirt is staying on.”
“I dunno if you’ve ever done body shot before babe, but…”
“I’ve done body shots before, asshole.” All your friends were frowning at your mom friend ass. “I’ll lick it off your neck.”
“Ok, prude.” He just snickered when you flipped him off, wetting his fingers and dragging them over his throat before grabbing the salt shaker.
You ignored his smirking while you poured your shot, rolling your shoulders to loosen up as you made appeasing gestures at your friends. One of these nights you were gonna go out and they weren’t going to try to set you up with some fuck boy.
Johnny bit his lip as you drew close to him, tilting his head to the side and humming when you flicked your tongue out and ran it over the salt in a quick stripe. Being so close to him made you realize just how warm he was, the heat radiating off him and the shot of tequila you downed having a very interesting and heady effect on your body. Even him grinning at you like an idiot around the lime didn’t serve to sour your mood like you thought it would, taking things a little slower when you leaned forward to pluck the fruit from between his lips with a soft sigh.
What did bring you back was a camera’s flash going off, turning to growl at Kim when she tucked her phone back into her clutch with an innocent shrug. You scowled at her while you salted your neck, grabbing the lime Tracy handed to you and perching it between your lips.
He moved much slower when he bent to lick the salt from the column of your throat, dragging his extremely warm tongue over your thrumming pulse until you let out the tiniest, most satisfying whimper. When he leaned back to down his shot, he winked at you, and fuck him but maybe you shouldn’t have agreed to this after drinking so much because you were suddenly having all sorts of thoughts about how warm certain other parts of his anatomy might be.
You felt his tongue sweep over yours when he took the slice of lime from between your lips, his hand curling around the back of your head while he lingered there for a few breaths before leaning back and cocking his head at you.
“Huh.” He spat the rind into the shot glass and set it aside, chewing on his bottom lip as he gazed at you.
“Yeah.” You couldn’t think of anything else to say, were you really this hard up? Or was he just surprisingly sexy right now?
“You wanna, I dunno, do another one?” He couldn’t figure out why he was feeling so sheepish all of a sudden.
“Sure.” You could slap every one of those stupid sluts who were giggling behind you.
Maybe it was when you started letting him take the shot glass from in between your tits, the way your balconette bra pushed your cleavage together making a perfect little glass holder that he was more than happy to take advantage of. Or, maybe it was when you switched out the tequila for sake, because if you were going to slurp alcohol out of his overheated bellybutton, it was gonna be something that was supposed to be warm. But at some point, your friends decided they were sick of watching you two lick each other and headed out.
Right now you had completely done away with the pretense of body shots and were shoving your tongues in each other’s mouths, your limbs wrapped around each other as you ground into Johnny’s lap. You tried to tell yourself that this was all because of the alcohol, but with the muggy temperature that was permeating the booth you had sweat most of it out.
“Christ, are you always this warm?” You nibbled at his lips as you framed his face in your hands, running your fingers back until they were running over his buzzed hair and it was tickling your palms. “Or is this just how you get all those girls to take off their clothes so fast?”
“It just gets harder to control when I’m excited.” He chuckled low in his chest, turning it into a purr when you started brushing your lips over his jaw. “The naked chicks are just a bonus. Why? You want to get out of that dress?”
“Well… mmph.” You almost lost your train of thought when he pulled your lips back to his, tracing them gently with his tongue until you were moaning for him. “Maybe if we weren’t still in the middle of the club.”
“Baby, no one’s looking at us.” He started leaving a trail of wet, warm kisses down your neck until he could bury his face in your chest.
“I’m still not getting naked in a crowded nightclub, Storm.” You gasped when he started skimming his fingers up your thighs and under your skirt. “But, if you can be sneaky…”
“I can be so damn sneaky.” He grinned against your lips when you whined at the feel of his fingers growing warmer as they inched closer to your core.
“Good.” Your voice was low and husky with need while you traced his bottom lip with your thumb. “Why don’t you show me what else that tongue can do.”
He beamed and gave you a peck on the lips before taking a quick survey of the crowd, slowly sliding off the bench and to the floor once he was sure no one was looking. His hands trailed up the outsides of your legs until they were drawing your panties off and tucking them in his pocket, the feeling of his lips pressing against the inside of your thighs making you slide further down in your seat so he could get closer to your throbbing core.
“Oh fuck, you’re so pretty.” He spread your legs wide with his broad shoulders once he reached the apex of your thighs, pulling your silky folds apart so he could really look at you and groaning at the sight of your slick leaking out of your throbbing pussy. “Would it make you mad if I told you I’ve been thinking about this ever since you started working with Sue?”
“Yes, get to it.” You grumbled, arching your back violently with a sharp gasp when you felt the wet brand of his tongue lave over your entrance. “Holy shit!”
You thought it was going to be good but you weren’t prepared, the heat radiating from him making everything so much more intense. Your toes were already curling while he dragged his tongue slowly over your slit, the pressure and warmth making you choke on your tongue when your clit throbbed against his mouth.
It was taking a ridiculous amount of self control for you to not start screaming, your voice leaving you in a steady whine that you fought to contain when you felt two of his thick fingers slipping inside you. The feel of him curling and stroking them against your velvety walls was so good, his tongue couldn’t move fast enough to lap up all the slit that was leaking out of you.
The pads of his fingers found that perfect spot and your whole body seized, your hands digging into the leather of the booth while your muscles arched painfully and your eyes rolled back in your skull. Your cunt was trying to pull him deeper as your release soaked him to the wrist.
“Just fucking beautiful.” He couldn’t stop staring at the way your pussy was fluttering around his fingers, the wet tightness of your core drawing him in until he had to bury his face in your swollen lips. “Fuck, I need more.”
“Ungh, Johnny!” The way he was pressing his tongue against your clit was making you lose it, you actually lost a heel when you thumped your feet against the floor when he slid a third finger inside you. “Oh, fuck, Johnny, don’t stop. Fuck, so good. Please!”
He kept stroking that perfect spot inside you as his lips wrapped around your clit, the warmth that radiated from his mouth and fingers spreading through your whole body until you let out a thin keen. It was unbearable. This playboy should not be this good at taking you apart, he was making you lightheaded.
Something changed in what he was doing. Maybe it was the angle, or the pressure, or the heat but suddenly you were jolting forward with a harsh breath and smacking your palm against the table when your body shivered with another intense orgasm. You sagged against the table with a low moan when he finally released you, breathing deeply as he slowly rose from the floor to sit close to you.
“You doing ok there, Y/N?” He leaned over you to press his lips over the curve of your shoulder and wrap his arm around your waist. “Maybe you can help me out?”
“Sure.” You groaned when he pulled you into his lap, tucking your face into his shoulder as you dipped your hands between the two of you to undo his fly. “Not like I’m gonna be able to walk tomorrow anyway.”
“And I’m not even sorry about it.” His chuckle vibrated his chest against yours as he bent forward to nuzzle into your neck, purring gently when he felt your fingers wrap around his cock. “Ah, fuck.”
“I hope you’re ready, pretty boy.” You sat up slightly on your knees to line him up before sinking down onto him at a deliciously slow pace, grinning at the wanton moan he let out. “I don’t wanna be the only one who’s walking funny.”
He growled when you started to ride him, his fingers digging into your hips as he guided your rhythm. You were very pleased to find that you were right, his cock was so warm, like velvet covered steel sliding through your slick channel at an increasingly wild pace as you grew frantic.
Not only was he warm, he was big. So long and thick and hitting you so deep in this position that you were dangerously close to screaming already. You were stretched so tight around him it was almost painful, but the heat made it easy for you to relax. Johnny whined when he peeled down and watched you swallowing him whole, your thick cream coating his cock until he could slam you down on him at a pace that was going to leave you with some deep bruises on the insides of your thighs but who fucking cared at this point.
“Jesus fucking shit.” He hissed at you clenching around him when he hit your deep, your back arching your chest towards his face until he was almost motorboating you. “Lemme just pop one out, baby, please.”
“Ok.” All you could do was gasp at this point, your fingers digging into his shoulders as he kept hitting that deep spot over and over until you could barely think.
He hooked his fingers over your neckline and yanked, groaning when one of your breasts popped free. You purred when he wrapped his lips around your nipple, sucking softly and massaging it with his tongue as he gazed at you through his lashes. There wasn’t anything he could think of that was prettier than how you looked right now, your bottom lip tucked between your teeth and your eyes fluttering wildly as he brought you right to the edge.
His lips pulled back just a little and as soon as you felt the scrape of his teeth you were gone, burying your face in his neck to muffle your strangled cry as you released all over him. He released your breast with a wet pop and yanked your lips to his, tugging at them with his teeth and growling low in his chest as he held you tight and his hips started to stutter. When you felt his somehow even hotter cum shooting into you, you sagged into his shoulder, panting heavily as he shuddered underneath you.
“Fuck me.” He ran his fingers over your spine as he pulled you close, grinning when you finally lifted your head to gaze into his eyes. “We heading back to your place, or mine?”
“God, you are so fucking cocky.” You gave him an exasperated smirk as you climbed off him. “Your place. Don’t need your stupid commentary on my apartment.”
The weekend was absolutely fantastic, and totally worth the copy of the Post that Sue slammed on your desk Monday morning, a photo of her brother with his face buried between your thighs splashed across the front page.
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Feeding The Flames: This Is Dolce...
Summary- Johnny Storm x You. 2.3k. Johnny looks so good on stage at a ceremony in that suit. Yes, THAT SUIT. It just stirs something in you that you need to have taken care of right away, which leaves the two of you sneaking off once again.
Warnings- Male receiving oral, like one moment of name calling, choke hold because lately that has been my thing. 18+ Only Blog.
A/N- self indulgent piece due to some discussion with @americasass81 and @justalonelyslytherin discussing Johnny Storms Suit Thank you for reading. Sharing and comments are so appreciated!
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You and Alicia proudly watched from your table in the front while both of your men, as well as Sue and Richard, were giving a recount of events as well as the findings that resulted from that mission to a NASA hosted function. 
You leaned to your friend, whispering softly to her to not disrupt the speech Richard was currently giving about the energy levels needed to result in such drastic physical changes to the team. 
“Ben is looking like he is handling it well.” You mentioned, watching as he gave shy little waves at the camera's flickering lights. Alicia smiled proudly. 
"Ben was really nervous this morning about it, but we worked through it. He is slowly starting to see how special he is.” You were so proud of Ben, out of everyone, his reaction had come at a big cost for him. Seeing him embrace who he was now was a big step, one that you admired him for. He handled the questions thrown out at him like he had been doing this all his life. Alicia tilted her head, listening to the crowd around the two of you. “How is Johnny doing?” 
You snorted as you took a sip from the mojito gracing your table. “He is fine, he loves that spotlight.” Sure enough, Johnny was happily answering questions directed at him, his hand smoothing down the front of his black suit on occasion. The action made you grin to yourself, recalling how earlier he tore through the closet debating about which to wear. 
“I wanna look good Y/N.” 
You had been sitting at your vanity applying your makeup, the dress you chose already hanging and waiting for you. “Johnny, you look good in any of your suits.” You stated as he gave a bit of a whine in frustration, pulling out another and stuffing it back. You knew that this was important to him so you took some pity on him. “You know which one I absolutely find you handsome in through, that Dolce.” 
“Dolce… Dolce… Dolce…Oh yes, that is a good one.” He muttered as he pulled it out and held it up to look it over, a sly grin growing on his face. “Wasn’t this the one…?” 
“Yes, yes it was.” You winked at him in the mirror as you were applying your foundation. “Can’t look at you in that suit without thinking about that night.” 
It was settled, Johnny donned the suit of your suggestion and now admiring him in it on stage, you couldn't help the way your body responded. The white shirt clung to his chest, the black suit jacket made his shoulders really filled out and broad looking and the long dark pants gave him a long-legged appearance that you just knew his ass looked perfect in if he would just turn around. 
And there it was, he tilted just enough to take a picture with his sister on the stage and you had to bite your lip. Your man had an ass you simply wanted to sink your teeth into and have on occasion. 
“I think they are finishing up?” Alicia questioned from next to you, the requests starting to die down and more flashes of cameras as the group posed together. They started to trickle off the stage for now. 
“Yup, they are coming back over right now.” You beamed at Johnny as he rejoined the table, his hand sweeping along your bare back and dropping a kiss on your mouth. “You guys looked great up there.” you directed the compliment at everyone. 
“Thanks, the questions this time were really interesting.” Richard started, you nodding in agreement while your hand fell beneath the table, giving Johnnys thigh a suggestive squeeze while brushing your hand against the front of his slacks. 
Next to you, you felt some heat radiating from him, a clear sign that he got the message. Now, you wanted him now. He was quick to glance at your drink. “Come on, let's go refill your drink.” He grasped your hand and tugged you from your seat, leaving behind the rest to converse as he steered you away from the bar, you were sure there must have been a heated mark in the dip of your back where he had his hand resting, steering you. 
You were about to head to the parking lot, figuring that he was taking you to the limo when he twisted the two of you around the back of the front desk and crashed into the coat room. You wasted no time in turning into Johnny, hands cupping his face as your lips planted on his hungrily. “I thought you were going to the car.”
“You looking at me like that and how am I supposed to get to the car Y/N?” He tilted his kisses to run down your neck, hands clasping your ass through your dress to arch you into him. “Coat room is the best I can do right now.” 
Your eyes closed at those heated nips at your pulse, bracing against him as you rubbed into him. “It works, add it to our bucket list.” You wrapped a hand in his hair and tugged, pulling him back to kiss him hungrily again, your tongue waring with his while you moaned at the taste of him. A taste you wanted more of. “I need you to fuck my mouth, Johnny.” Pulling away, you push him back enough to bounce against the hanging coats, hiking up your dress so you wouldn't get it dirty. 
“Wait!” Johnny tugged on someone's jacket, tossing it down while you kneeled in front of him, looking up at him with ruined lipstick and excitement. Maybe later you would feel bad about dirtying someone's jacket, maybe later you will look back on this moment and wonder why you didn't have more self-control to wait till you get home. But that was all later, now everything filling your vision was Johnny standing over you, wild blue eyes blazing almost black with excitement and swollen pink lips where you two were messy in your kisses. “Fuck Baby, I’m gonna ruin your lipstick.” He was unbuckling his belt, his bulge so close to your face that you ran your nose along his shaft through the pants while fumbling with his zipper. 
“Just don’t ruin my hair.” 
“I can’t make promises.” He stuttered while you yanked his pants down enough to have room. His cock tenting his briefs now, you moved those too, wrapping your hands around him and rubbing your palms against velvet soft skin, throbbing veins and lapped your tongue over his swollen red mushroom top to taste salty pearls leaking from him already. 
“If you dont, I wont forgive you.” You assured him before your lips wrapped around him to suck. Your eyes were still lifted to watch his reaction, which was just as you hoped. 
His jaw tensed and his eyes just about went cross while his body tensed in the suit, your hand braced against a muscled thigh confirmed that. “Shit.” He muttered as you pulled back to kiss and lick all along his shaft, spitting to get him good and slick so your hands could work him. In his best efforts, he braced his hand against the nearby wall, doing everything he could not grab your hair. You appreciated his efforts, considering you worked hard to look good tonight. “Woman you are gonna make me lose it.” 
“That's the plan hot stuff.” You directed your mouth to suck kisses against his adonis belt, lapping your tongue along the crease till he gave a grunt above you and a warning look, making you grin. Settling back a bit more, you opened your mouth and stuck out your tongue to press his cock into your mouth, still working him one handed around his wide girth. A series of cusses erupted above you that felt like praises. 
You loved destroying Johnny like this. Sucking him off was one of your favorite acts of service you performed on him and everytime hearing him just loose his control, even a little bit gave you the rush you thrived on. Your hands worked what your mouth couldn't fit. 
“I know you can fit all of me.” His tone dropped, no longer the fun loving Johnny that was out on stage earlier. But a commanding one that had you squirming in your kneel. A warm oversized hand cupped the side of your face, feeling how you stretched around him. His hand dropped, squeezing lightly around your throat. “Come on Babygirl, lemme feel you swallow my cock like a good slut does.” 
You could have came right there, feeling a rush in your panties that clung to your folds, your hands fisting in his pants to steady yourself as you whined needily, your gaze going from triumphant to a desperate pleading. 
Yes, yes you wanted to be his good slut, a good slut swallows. You relaxed and did your best, gagging around him as he praised you, fucking into your throat just a little more each time. "I bet your pussy is just throbbin', huh baby? You are so fucking ruined looking already."
Tears leaked from the corner of your eyes and your makeup now was ruined as messy as you have gotten, but you relished in this, watching him above you while he took over to finish, knowing that he would shoot his load down your throat and all while someone could burst through that door to collect a coat to find you here on your knees worshiping him. 
The things that Dolce suit could do to you. 
“I'm gonna come down your throat.” Johnny hissed, his head tilting back and adam's apple bopping in time with his thrusts. Your face pressed into his pelvis, your hands wrapping around his thighs to keep upright so he wouldn't grab you, it was at the last moment you felt him grab at the back of your head and pull you back enough to fill your mouth. “Fuck…” He stuttered as he immediately let go while you jerked him off, doing your best to swallow his spend down so you two didn't have a mess to figure out how to clean up. “I'm sorry Baby, I didn’t mean to.” Johnny stammered as your tongue lashed over his cock's head, panting for air.
You weren't upset, if anything you wished he had pulled harder now, left you unable to fix it. Let everyone know what he did to you. When you let him slide from your mouth, you glanced up, your eyes widening in alarm at the smoke curling off his shoulders. “Johnny! You are smoking.” 
“Why thanks baby…” He started and you frantically shook your head, pointing at his shirt. “Oh shit!” He smacked at his chest to smother it, scowling at his shirt as you giggled at his feet. “This is the Dolce!” Johnny sputtered with a scowl before glancing at you, while you covered your mouth in an attempt to keep your giggle smothered. “I got so damn worked up.” 
“It’s just the shirt, everything is else is still intact. Can you fix my hair?” Johnny worked on fixing your hair that he had messed up, luckily it wasn't too bad. You tucked him away before taking his offered hands to help you up. “How is my makeup?” You ran a finger along your bottom lip, cleaning off the last of his release. 
Eyes scanned over your features, his fingers tracing along the tops of your cheeks. “I mean… yeah you looked fuck but it's not too bad.” He turned to search in some nearby jacket pockets for a pack of travel tissues that he finally scored. “Tilt your face up so I can clean you up Y/N.” He was careful wiping away any smudges he could, trusting him since you didn’t have a pocket mirror. Your purse you had left in Alicia’s care when you two left the table. “Okay, best I’m gonna be able to do. Fuck you look hot.” He grinned while you straightened your dress. 
“Don’t start or else you are gonna burn the rest of your suit.” You reached for the jacket to smack out any dirt you got on it. “It’s not too dirty, right?” 
“Nah, it’s fine. Probably not even the worst thing that's happened to it.” Johnny informed, but tucked a twenty bill into the pocket, just to make up for it. He was working on buckling his belt when his name started to be announced once more. 
“Johnny Storm, can you please approach the stage?” 
You both looked at each other in surprise as you got the door open, pushing him out of the coat closet. “Hurry up, before they come looking for us.” 
Johnny wasn’t about to enter the main room once more without you on his arm, he hooked his arm around your waist, hand heatedly resting on your hip as he led you back into the main event, sliding back into his public face, good natured smile putting everyone at ease for his absence. 
You on the other hand, flustered and still coming back from what just happened looked slightly sheepish while he brought you back to your seat. “Be right there!” He said as he cupped your face, giving you a very passionate kiss, which of course the camera was honed in on. It took your breath away, making you clutch for a moment at his suit before he pulled away, dropping to your ear. “I’m so going to ruin your pussy in the limo later.” With a wink, he let you go, leaving you at the table to imagine what he had in store for you after this was over. 
Alicia slid a drink over to you, which you took to sip from, letting the alcohol burn in a way only it could. “One day you two are gonna get caught you know.” 
You looked up at the stage to see no one on there was the wiser as to what you and Johnny had been up to, he had managed to hide the slight burn mark on the shirt. Sue and Richard were distracted by the photographers and Ben looked like he was ready to be done with all of it at this point. Johnny, well Johnny looked like he always did- like he was a professional at working the crowd. 
“But today is not one of those days Alicia.” And you downed the rest of the glass.
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loveronlineee · 3 years
Change: Chapter 8 (Eli Moskowitz x Reader)
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All Chapters
Eli Moskowitz x Reader (She/Her)
Warnings: none
Chapter synopsis: Eli and Y/N decide to go back to Cobra Kai for another session
Y/N notes: none
‘You know we don’t have to be here right?’ Y/N said to Eli. She looked around at the students that came back. It was significantly less people. Not that that was very surprising. Eli shook his head.
‘No I have to do this. I want to be able to defend myself. You don’t have to be here if you don’t want to.’
‘I’m not leaving you here with that psycho.’
‘Okay everybody fall in!’ Johnny shouted to his students. He noticed the drop in numbers. ‘Where is everyone? Crater face? Nose ring? Slingshot?’
‘They quit Sensei.’ Miguel said.
‘You serious?’ Johnny paused. ‘I mean good! That was a test! I wanted to see who the quitters are. Not you guys.’
He pointed at Y/N. ‘Hey you! Your princess friend not here today?’
‘I think he got turned off karate when you threw him to the floor on his first day, Sensei.’ Y/N replied.
‘Yeah well he should learn when to talk and when to shut up.’
‘I unfortunately agree with you on that.’ Y/N said in a quiet tone. Johnny spotted Eli standing in front of her.
‘Lip! Look, even lip’s tougher than those guys. He’s no quitter.’ Y/N’s fists tightened.
‘Could you please not call me that?’ Eli mumbled.
‘Excuse me what?’
‘Could you please not call me that.’ He repeated slightly louder.
‘I’ll warm them up Sensei.’ Miguel interjected, trying to defuse the situation before Y/N did anything. Johnny put his hand out and walked towards Eli.
‘No, lip has something he wants to say. Speak up lip. Or is your tongue messed up too? Are you one of those challenged kids?’
‘Umm the doctor said I could be on the spectrum.’
‘I don’t know what that is but get off it pronto. All right? If you don’t want me to call you lip, don’t have a weird lip. Can’t you get surgery for that?’
Y/N had never felt so much anger for a person before. Her knuckles were white, her stare was intense. Miguel had never seen her like that and although he knew she could never land a hit on his Sensei, he was still a little scared at what she was gonna do.
‘I was born with a cleft lip. This is the scar from the surgery.’ Eli explained.
‘You mean it was worse before that? Or did the doctor just screw up? Because if this is the after photo that sucks man. You should sue.’
‘Can we just please change the topic?’
‘You don’t think I want to? It’s tough when it’s right in front of me. If you wanna be something other than a nerd with a scar on his lip, you gotta flip the script. Okay? Get a face tattoo or gouge your eye out. We’ll call you patch all right? No don’t do that you’ll still look like a freak.’ Eli stormed out. Y/N followed him.
‘Oh great, really? More quitters?’ Miguel sighed. Y/N ran out, catching up.
‘Eli wait! Are you okay?’ Eli snapped around.
‘I’m fine Y/N. Go home. I’ll see you tomorrow.’ Y/N hesitated before opening her mouth again.
‘Wait. Can we talk about-‘
‘I don’t wanna talk right now.’
Y/N watched as he stormed away. She expected him to be upset, not angry. It was different. Different for Eli.
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nevenkebla · 10 months
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Guionista: Dwayne McDuffie Dibujante: Paul Pelletier Publicación original: Fantastic Four #549 (2007)
— Susan Storm: Y ahora, ¿qué voy a hacer contigo? — The Wizard: Esto es entre tu marido y yo. — Susan Storm: Me secuestraste, me hiciste daño, has tratado de matar a mi familia y amigos… que ni se te ocurra atacarme mientras hablo. Eres patético. Una de las mejores mentes del planeta malgastada durante años en trucos de magia… y luego tratando de imponerte a un hombre que nunca te haría daño de verdad a pesar de tus continuas provocaciones. Pero esa es la diferencia entre mi marido y yo. — Johnny Storm: ¡Sue, no! — Susan Storm: Él no entiende de venganza. Pero yo no me decido entre los muchos modos de hacerte daño que voy a usar. ¿A quién quiero engañar? Sé exactamente lo que voy a hacer. Veamos tu cavidad torácica. Habría perdido la apuesta, sí que tienes corazón. Late un poco rápido, ¿nervioso? Posiblemente, un hombre tan listo como tú sabe qué ocurriría si bloqueara con un campo de fuerza tus tres arterias coronarias. — The Wizard: T-trombosis, infarto. — Susan Storm: Piénsalo, Wizard, llevas años atacando a mi marido, y a mi hermano, incluso más tiempo. Y he peleado contigo aunque no me hiciera falta. Te puedo apagar como una bombilla en cuanto quiera. Y ahora mismo quiero hacerlo. — Storm: Sue, no habrás… — Susan Storm: No. Se ha desmayado. — Ben Grimm: Y tanto. Casi me desmayo yo. — Johnny Storm: ¿Dónde has aprendido todo eso del corazón? — Susan Storm: No sé, supongo que viendo Anatomía de Grey.
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imaginedreamwrite · 2 years
What if she starts distancing herself after this? Only going to social or public’s events with him, not any hangouts that are not contractual and in front of cameras and not accepting any gifts, unresponding to his text unless they are about ‘business’. How does Johnny react?
He stared back at the screen, waiting for something, anything, and when he had gotten nothing in return he had dropped his phone loudly to the table. He had banged his elbows on the table as he tucked his hands under his chin and stared down at his niece as she fiddled with the small device in her hands.
“Something wrong?” She raised an eyebrow, her lips pursed.
“Nothing.” Johnny responded with a snark, a bite to his words that had her rolling her eyes.
Valeria had scoffed and mirrored his stance, her bright blonde hair piled on her head in a messy bun. She stared Johnny down with familiar blue eyes and the typical Storm nose that flared when she was angry.
“No offence uncle Johnny,” she led with a sugar laced voice that soon turned sour, “but you’re an idiot.”
“Why the hell would you say that, Valeria?” Johnny used her full name and watched her squirm and roll her eyes again.
“I like Y/N, Frankie likes Y/N. she’s the only girlfriend you’ve had that we can tolerate.” She had dropped her hands back down to the table and fiddled with the device. “And you’re an idiot.”
“You take her out to all these parties because you want to boost your reputation and then you go and sleep with a bunch of random women? How do you think it looks to her?” Johnny ignored her temporarily and reached for his phone again, his scope deepening.
“She won’t return your texts? She won’t accept your gifts? She’s ghosting you except for when you invite her to events she needs to go to?” Valeria spoke like she already knew, and Johnny felt like a kid again, being scolded by Sue.
“You’re too young to understand-“
“I understand fine.” Valeria stood and cupped the device in her hands. “To quote mom, grow up.”
“If you don’t pull your head out of your ass, you’re going to lose her. And if you lose her, some other rich guy is gonna take your place.” Valeria shot him a look, leaving him abandoned to the dining room.
“I’m going to call her.” Johnny denied Val’s claims and instead fixated his attention on trying to reach you, again.
“She won’t answer.” Val called over her shoulder. “You’re burning your bridges.”
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