#sue mq
algumaideia · 1 year
Imagine how Sue and Carol would be appreciated if we had 20 - 26 eps per season
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roman-roy-apologist · 2 years
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appletvdaily · 2 years
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NFT’s are the future, Sue. NFT, huh? Hey, I got an NFT for ya.
Mythic Quest 3x03 - Sue Gorgon
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sphericalbee · 1 year
more mq text posts
i'm definitely addicted to making these
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mysteriaqueen · 4 months
day 3 of saving for E6 S5 Aventurine
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one thing i’m really glad that the third season is making clear is that david, like… sucks. like i feel like there was a popular perception before that david is a sort of mistreated sweetheart which has never Really been true but this season in particular is making it very evident that david is a very small petty spiteful person who really only thinks about himself
and idk that’s really been true this whole time right? like david is a selfish person who doesn’t think about others (using carol as a therapist despite her objections, such as that not being her job) and i think more importantly he’s Obsessed with the idea he has of himself and how other people see him. he allows brad to waste his day on the nazi bracket not Really because he wants to actually do the right thing (the right thing is to ban misogynists, pedophiles And nazis, not fight over which is the least okay) but because brad is playing on david’s desire to be perceived as a good progressive person and to Feel Like a good progressive person regardless of the actual impact of his actions. that’s also how poppy gets him to follow her in her vendetta against brad— he doesn’t have any actual objections to what brad Wants, but he wants to be a cool boss who “backs creative.”
for me though the really big one is the way he breaks up with the widow he was dating— he asks her to move in with him and she says no, which is a pretty clear signal that he’s moving too fast for her. but instead of listening to her, david immediately proposes, because it’s what he wants to do and what fits his narrative of himself (he’s sweet, he’s vulnerable, he wants to be loved, he’s a big tough wolf showing his vulnerable underbelly as you sometimes have to, whatever the story was that day) and that’s more important than his partner’s comfort. and she dumps him. obviously. because that’s stupid. like david does not get left because people are cruel or because he’s weird or whatever people don’t like david because he is an unpleasant person to be around. which imo is more interesting than softboy david LMAO that is a grown man. anyway this isn’t like a serious post i’m just glad we’re seeing more of that control freak self centred completely un-self-aware undercurrent on the Surface this season
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kaitcake1289 · 2 years
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miithic quest
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atlas-diary · 2 years
Chapter 3, let’s go! Btw sue is so underrated IMO so she appears a lot :))
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queenhawke · 11 months
ok wishlist for mq season 4:
good writing lol. bring her back!!!
dana corruption arc. give my girl some flaws please. like she's cool but her being the only sane one automatically makes her kinda boring u know
make brad more evil. he did so little actually evil things in s3. i like my men deranged
please please please can we actually deal with brad's ED in some way. i don't need it to magically get better i just need it addressed by someone
poppy my precious girlfailureloserboy.... i don't have any specific wishes for her i just want to see her again. and see her being a loser. it is So important that she is a loser
ian go away. skjdfndsf no i kid the grimmpop relationship is important of course of course but liiiiike i don't care about him so... idk grow a beard again, the smooth face bothers me
rachel corruption arc also but then she gets out of it and actually uses her sjw powers for good. like can we have an actual leftist character who isn't a hypocrite maybe. can we do that in a comedy. can we have a true leftist critique of the gaming industry perhaps? oh right ubisoft is coproducing this so no we can't
what if we got rid of ubisoft tho. they can make the show without them right. cmoooooon
oh also she/they or they/them rachel. no YOU're projecting
also more sue. she was barely in s3 :(
bradjo bestieism. let them be evil together
EVERLIGHT............. 2
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anyway braddavid kiss. it'd be so funny
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totallynotmeems · 19 days
HELLO omg im so excited ur a fellow mq enjoyer. my fav is sue !! i love her soo much. but i think what really shines is whatever grimpop have going on, the constant spiral and fight for power in their relationship is so interesting, especially considering ian's backstory and relationship with his own masculinity and sense of self. these characters feel so real and messy and i love that. just finished another rewatch today lmao and i do have to say where it falls flat the most is season 3 dana </3 her character direction is so strange to me, how she suddenly gains all this confidence and ofc, the nft arc </3 but despite, i have hopes for season 4 <33
yeah whoever made the decisions to make the lesbians ooc can fight me, bc that's how they were in s1 and 2, and that's not how the arc should have gone imo. i see grimpop as bi4bi who's "will they, won't they" doesn't need to actually resolve, but all the coworkers wish it would.
NOW, for what i'm most crazy about! BRADDAVID!!!! i love an evil gay and a disaster gay dynamic. i started community before mq, if i believe correctly, but i was watching both at the same time at some point. i really hope they don't do my gays poorly like they did to the lesbians.
(sorry for not using their names, its been a while since i watched, and my subscription expired.)
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algumaideia · 1 year
Forget Brad and David, Jo and Sue would be the best and funniest gay couple of mq
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roman-roy-apologist · 5 months
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grungiiuvu · 4 months
in an opposite version of cheap villain, sqx is still a mary sue, and mq is still a character that definitely gets tortured, but mq is the author of a story that had very little romance and was mostly mystery and storyline (where he added a self insert that he hurt because trauma made him believe he deserved it), ans sqx really just wants to use this chance at an isekai romance. Mq put in the character of sqx as a side character to critic on the mary sue trope by having a very obnoxious one that wasnt the main character , and is very much regretting it when the qingqing friendship still develops.
Lmao what kind of trauma do you think Mu Qing has??
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sphericalbee · 1 year
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gregor-samsung · 2 years
“ Il Gen. Videla, nel 1977, dichiara davanti ad un gruppo di giornalisti inglesi: « Sovversivo non è solamente l'individuo che imbraccia un fucile o ha tra le mani una bomba, ma anche colui che diffonde idee contrarie alla civiltà "occidentale e cristiana" ». Valutazioni di questo tipo venivano manifestate in continuazione dai nostri sequestratori e rendono l'idea di chi sarebbero stati coloro che avrebbero composto la gamma di vittime di questa crociata nazionale destinata a preservare l' "ordine occidentale e cristiano". L'obiettivo fondamentale era quello di frenare le mobilitazioni popolari tendenti a gridare sulle piazze rivendicazioni economiche e politiche. Tali mobilitazioni avevano dimostrato di essere molto attive e diffuse in città come Córdoba, perciò bisognava distruggere il movimento operaio e popolare organizzato e annientare le organizzazioni rivoluzionarie. Nell'ambito di questo progetto, le vittime della repressione avrebbero abbracciato un ampio raggio sociale e non sarebbero state, perciò, un piccolo numero. Operai, intellettuali, studenti, artisti, scienziati, religiosi, professionisti, uomini e donne del nostro popolo, tacciati di sovversivi, sono vittime del terrorismo di Stato. Molti di essi sono avviati a campi di concentramento, come quello de "La Perla" a Córdoba. Questo campo di detenzione clandestina, sotto la giurisdizione della 3" Armata dell'Esercito, entra in funzione nel marzo del 1976 come sede dell'OP3 —Gruppo speciale di Operazioni del Distaccamento di Intellighenzia 141 — e continua le sue attività fino al termine del 1978. Per uno dei suoi capannoni, che copriva approssimativamente un'area di 300 mq., sono passate centinaia di prigionieri, calcolabili all'incirca sui 2.000. Dopo essere rimasti in funzione per alcuni anni, questi campi di detenzione clandestina, molto diffusi in tutto il territorio nazionale, recentemente sono stati smantellati. Anche "La Perla". Dove sono tutti quelli che sono passati sotto il suo tetto, che hanno vissuto quella dimensione irreale, disumana? Qual è stata la loro sorte? Molti vi arrivarono già morti, assassinati durante le operazioni di sequestro perché avevano opposto resistenza, oppure vi morivano in conseguenza delle ferite riportate in quella occasione. Altri, a causa della tortura, entravano in un processo irreversibile che poneva fine alle loro vite, in mezzo a lamenti e deliri. Molti furono portati via di là durante la notte, per essere trovati cadaveri in qualche angolo della città o della provincia, o in prossimità di una fabbrica in cui erano in corso delle agitazioni, come se fossero rimaste vittime di supposti scontri armati. A queste operazioni avevano affibbiato il nome di "ventilatori" ed avevano lo scopo di incutere il terrore più nero, di spaventare la popolazione, i sindacati in lotta, di paralizzare l'azione delle organizzazioni armate. Mentre alcuni furono trasferiti ad altri campi, in carcere, o rimessi in libertà, la maggioranza — e periodicamente — venivano portati via con destino ignoto. “
Piero Di Monte, Desaparecidos. Testimonianza di un superstite, a cura di Giulio Battistella, edizioni EMI, Bologna, ottobre 1983¹; pp. 73-74.
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