#suddenly eyes everywhere lookin around
iizuumi · 2 months
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Side effects of wearing your Kaiju suit too often ,,,, Part 2
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obaex · 1 year
the three times duke tried to tell you something - rafe cameron
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summary: rafe's dog duke starts acting differently towards you, clearly trying to tell you something that you and rafe can't seem to figure out on your own.
word count: 1.2k
a/n: short, fluffy and sweet! forever loving soft rafe ♡
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The first time, Rafe noticed before you did.
It wasn't unusual for Rafe's eyes to follow you as you walked through the house, drinking you in as you wandered past him to the kitchen or back to bedroom or onto the back porch as he tried to focus on his work, fingers itching to pull you into him and toss his laptop to the side. What was unusual was his dog, Duke, following you everywhere you went.
He couldn't put a finger on when it started, but suddenly it was like you had a second shadow, Duke following your every move, his eyes trained on you or sitting patiently at your feet whenever you were stationary.
You didn't notice until you were coming out of the shower and nearly stepped on him as he sat, waiting for you just outside the shower door. "Oh! Geez, Duke! You scared the heck out of me" you said, leaning down to pat his head, much to his enjoyment.
"Hey, have you noticed that Duke has been following me around?" you asked Rafe. As if for emphasis, Duke exhaled loudly where he sat nearly on top of your feet as he looked up at you with his puppy dog eyes.
Rafe smiled and leaned over to look at his dog, "You lookin' after our girl, Duke?" Duke licked his hand in response.
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The second time, Rafe was on the mainland for the day and you were walking to get the mail, Duke firmly by your side, when your neighbor who was jogging stopped to talk to you. "Hey, Y/N! Good to see you! Having a good summer?" he asked.
He tended to be a little flirtatious so you tried to keep your answers curt and casual, but before you could answer Duke growled at him. You looked down in shock to see his teeth bared, his eyes fixed on your neighbor. He normally had such a sweet and loving disposition, you couldn't remember him ever being aggressive. You were almost embarrassed as you whispered "Duke!" in surprise. He looked up at you innocently before returning a narrowed gaze to your neighbor who was edging away from you both before he took off running again.
"Duke growled at Sean today when he stopped to talk to me" you told Rafe later that night. "I swear, Rafe, something has gotten into him, I've never seen him act like that before."
"Is Sean that guy that's always hitting on you?"
"Good boy, buddy!" he said, leaning down to scratch Duke behind his ears and getting a bark in response before Rafe pressed a kiss to your cheek.
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It was all fun and games for Rafe until later that week the two of you were in the kitchen making dinner and listening to music. Rafe pulled you into his arms to dance with you. He nuzzled into your neck, pressing soft kisses there and tracing them up your jaw to land on your lips, catching your smile with his own. He kissed you softly and slowly as his hands traced down your waist, and then he began to tickle you, eliciting a squeal and a giggle from you as you tried to wiggle out of his grasp. Duke was on his feet and barking immediately, nudging himself between you and Rafe, and nipping at Rafe's ankles, finally causing him to drop his arms.
"Duke! Buddy! It's okay!" he said, putting his hands up in front of him in surrender as Duke stood protectively in front of you.
Rafe looked up at you, "Okay, maybe I'm starting to see what you're talking about..." he trailed off, looking down at his dog "...and I thought I was protective, what's gotten into you, huh?" Duke looked from Rafe to you and back again and barked once like he was trying to say something, both of you looking at each other in confusion.
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That weekend you were curled up on the couch watching a movie, snuggled in Rafe's arms. Duke had been lying on the floor at your feet when he propped his head over the side of the couch and onto your lap.
"Hey, good boy" you whispered, running your hand over his head absentmindedly before returning your attention to the movie. He didn't give up. He nudged his cold, wet nose into your hand, into your lap, nuzzling you further and further.
"Okay, okay" you said, thinking he wanted more pets, and giving him more attention. But he was unrelenting, his entire head now resting in your lap. "Rafe, look at this. He's never this cuddly" you said as Duke came to rest his head nearly on top of your torso at this point, where he finally sat still, eyes looking up at you intently as you continued to pet him, now with your full attention.
"What is it, buddy?" you asked.
He nuzzled into your torso one more time for effect.
And that's when the lightbulb went off in your head.
"Oh my god" you said, suddenly.
"What is it?" Rafe asked, pausing the movie and sitting up quickly at your tone.
"Oh my god" you said again, popping off the couch as you ran down the hallway, Duke hot on your heels.
"Sweetheart? Sweetheart! What's wrong?" Rafe said as he got up to follow you both.
You had shut yourself in the bathroom and Rafe began knocking frantically on the door. "Sweetheart, what's wrong?"
"Babe, you're freaking me out. Are you okay? Please just tell me you're okay?"
"H-Hold on" you said, your voice shaking.
Rafe jiggled the doorknob, his heart in his throat. "Babe, please don't make me break this door down."
You didn't respond and Rafe let his forehead fall against the door, eyes resting on the dog sitting next to him who was pawing the door helplessly.
The minutes ticked away before, quietly, the lock clicked and you swung the door open. You had tears in your eyes and Rafe immediately cupped your face in his hands. "Babygirl, what is it, what's wrong?"
You moved to hold up your hand that held a small plastic stick with a digital window reading one word that sent Rafe's heart into a maddening flutter: Pregnant.
"What?" Rafe whispered in disbelief as he took the stick from your hand.
"Babe, are you sure? Are you absolutely sure?" he said, a smile already breaking across his face. You gestured behind you at two other sticks on the counter, nodding and smiling as tears rolled down your face.
"You're having our baby?" he asked breathlessly, "I'm gonna be a dad?" The realization crashed over him as tears welled in his own eyes and you nodded vigorously.
"We're gonna have a baby!" he said, scooping you into his arms as he peppered kisses relentlessly on your cheek and forehead, finally finding your lips and searing them with a kiss that was so sincere and soft, overwhelmed with emotion.
You could feel him breathing heavily against you as you laughed and cried together, the moment broken only by Duke barking at your feet, jumping up, wanting to be a part of the action.
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taglist: @surftrips, @ietss, @gillybear17, @palmwinemami, @sweetestdesire, @softcoremaybank, @diary-of-jj, @m-indkiller
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deanscherrypie420 · 3 months
pookie i just read ur latest hotch fic bro pls write more for him i beg 😭🙏
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A/N: Your wish is my command <3 I hope you enjoy it! This one is more wholesome so let me know if you want something more spicyyyy-
Characters: Aaron Hotchner, Reader Y/N, Jack Hotchner, BAU team
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner X Reader
Warnings: Jack is lost at the beginning and Hotch saves them ,but just a lot of fluff after. (Let me know if I missed anything!)
Summary: You didn't expect your day to begin with finding a lost kid, but it wasn't exactly a bad start...
Y/N was enjoying a morning walk, the beautiful scenery of the park relaxing her. It was a crisp day, a cool breeze gently brushing through the leaves.
Suddenly, a young boy - maybe around the age of six or seven - ran up to her, a worried glint in his eyes. "I can't find my dad," He murmured, looking around and scratching his neck.
"Oh, uhm, okay. Do you need help finding him?" Y/N asked, a nervous panic bubbling up within her. The boy nodded frantically, picking at his nails.
She took a deep breath, realizing that she needed to stay calm to keep him calm. "Okay, I can do that. What's your name, sweetheart?" She questioned as she crouched down, meeting him at eye level.
He allowed her to take his hands, holding them carefully. "Jack. My dad was with me, but then I walked off and he was gone." She nodded along as he spoke, making sure he understood she was listening.
"Alright, Jack, why don't we walk around and look for him, okay?" She offered, and he nodded again, already studying the area around him. They walked around for a minute, Jack calling out for his dad every few seconds.
A man walked up to them, a small smile on his lips. "Hey, buddy. We were lookin' everywhere for you." He ignored her presence, only focusing on the boy. She instinctively pulled him back a bit, hunching over a bit to speak to him better.
"Do you know him, Jack?" She asked him and Jack shook his head. The man cut in, now reaching out to grab the boy. "I'm his dad's friend. Come on, Jake."
She pulled him behind her back, shielding him with her body. "No, I think he should stay with me." She started walking backwards, Jack stumbling back with her. She was holding his wrist - maybe a little too tight - not letting the man get closer.
He kept walking towards them, insisting he take Jack with him. Out of the blue, a man jogged over and stepped in front of her. He grabbed his wallet out of his pocket and flipped it open.
"Agent Hotchner, FBI. Can we help you?" He nearly spat at the man, staring down at him with a cold gaze. The guy stepped back, clearing his throat and raising his hands. He mumbled something incoherent as he stormed off.
"Daddy!" Jack beamed, running out from behind her and hugging the agent. He wrapped an arm around him and smiled, planting his hand on top of his head. "Hey, buddy. You okay?"
Jack nodded and pointed at the young woman. "She helped me from the bad guy, daddy." He explained and she let out a nervous laugh. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to put him in danger. I was just trying to help."
The man smiled and stuck his hand out. "I'm Aaron, thank you for looking out for him." She accepted his handshake and smiled, still a bit hesitant. "I'm Y/N, nice to meet you. And of course, I'm glad you found him."
She gave an awkward wave and turned to walk away, but Aaron cleared his throat. "Hey, actually, do you want to hang out with us for a bit?" He offered, and she noticed how Jack's face lit up. She let out an airy laugh and shrugged.
"Sure, why not."
They had spent the day talking and playing with Jack. He was a bit shy at first, but once they started tossing a soccer ball around he came out of his shell completely.
After soccer, Jack heard an ice-cream truck and begged his dad to get some. He agreed, and he paid for all of them to get popsicles. When Jack went to go run around - both of them now keeping a watchful eye - she insisted she pay him back.
"It's just ice-cream, Y/N. You don't have to worry about it." He chuckled, throwing the sticks into the trash. Her cheeks were a bit flushed, unreasonably embarrassed about the situation. "Are you sure? I mean - we just met." She argued, and his smile grew.
"Yeah, but a favor for a new friend doesn't hurt." He flashed a grin at her and she bit her lip, a laugh slipping out. "Okay, okay. I surrender." She joked, and they continued on with casual conversation, moving to sit down on a bench.
Out of curiosity, she asked about his job and she was dumbfounded. He explained cases they've worked on and briefly explained some of his co-workers.
"Wow! That sounds horrible!' She snorted, non-stop giggling as he told her about an average work day. He couldn't help but laugh along with her, her radiant smile becoming contagious.
"It's not for everyone, that's for sure, but it's nice being able to help people." He explained and she nodded, her laughter subsiding. They continued to chat about it, and she lit up with excitement when he mentioned a case she knew.
"I listened to that on a podcast! You solved that?" She beamed, and he nodded, finding her joy adorable. "Yeah, it was a challenge." He added, and they compared what they knew about it.
She quickly cleared her throat and nudged him with her knee when she noticed Jack running up to them. He rambled about a cool bug that he saw for a bit before Aaron's phone rang. He excused himself and took the call.
He came back and Jack was noticeably bummed, and she had a guess as to why. "I have to go, we just got a case." He sighed, and she nodded, standing up to give him a hug goodbye.
"It was nice hanging out with you. If you want, we can exchange numbers and maybe... hang out again?" She prodded, and Jack nodded rapidly, making both of them chuckle.
"Of course, I'd love to."
Emily and David were chatting by JJ's desk, waiting for her to return with snacks. They were planning to watch a movie in the conference room with the rest of the team. It was their day off and they felt like they earned it.
Emily glanced over when she noticed a young woman looking around, appearing to be lost. She had a visitors badge clipped onto her shirt. Both the agents noted that she looked nice, as if she was going out.
"New agent?" Rossi asked, and Emily shook her head. "No, she might be here to see Strauss, or Garcia because of that seminar thing she did." He raised his brows and flattened his lips, a nonverbal sign of agreement.
Emily walked over to her, gently tapping her shoulder. "Hi, are you here to see someone?" She asked and Y/N looked up at her, an awkward smile tugging at her lips. "Yeah, actually. Uhm, is Aaron here?"
The agent's eyes widened, now reciprocating her smile. "Yeah, his room is up-" She started but was cut off by Aaron's door swinging open. "Hey, Y/N!" He had a huge grin on his face, waving her over.
She gave a quick goodbye to the agent in front of her before happily speeding up the stares, quickly getting engulfed in a tight bear hug. "Aaron! I missed you!"
He ruffled her hair and invited her into his office, now leaving them behind closed doors. JJ was now in the room, jaw nearly on the floor. "Did you guys see that?" She asked, and both Rossi and Emily nodded, confusion evident on all of their faces.
Shortly after, Derek, Penelope and Spencer all walked in, arguing over what movie the group should watch. Spencer raised a brow when he noticed the hushed conversation between the trio in front of them. "What are you guys whispering about?"
After explaining the situation to the rest of the gang, everyone was coming up with their own theories. "Wait, what about movie night?" Garcia gasped, and Morgan chuckled. "Babygirl, seriously?"
Aaron and Y/N stepped out of his office, laughing and whispering to each other. The two made their way down the stairs, seemingly oblivious to the group not too far away.
Aaron's alarm went off on his phone and he reached into his pocket. "I'll meet you by the elevator," He stated, pressing a kiss to her cheek. She nodded and left the room, the glass door blurring her a bit as she walked away.
He turned and now realized the group that had been staring him down. He took a minute to think of what to say, shrugging and rubbing his jaw.
"Sorry guys, I have my own movie date planned." He admitted, quickly making his way out of the room. "Don't worry, you guys will get to meet her another time, shes the best." He added with a smile, something the team didn't often see.
Once the two disappeared down the elevator, Spencer scoffed in amusement. "He smiled" David nodded, a shit-eating grin on his face.
"Love is in the air."
A/N: I hope you guys enjoy! Let me know if you want a part two - of like when they're at the movies-
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lemoncrushh · 3 months
Claiming His Territory
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Summary: Harry gets jealous when he thinks another guy fancies you, and he decides to claim his territory.
Warnings: Smut, dirty talk, possessiveness, angst. 18+ ONLY!
Word Count: 4960
A/N: Here's another one shot from my 2016 collection. This was originally two parts, but I've combined them into one. Obviously, this is 1D Harry, and you're spending time with him on tour.
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"Hey, Y/N," you heard a voice behind you say.
You quickly twirled around to see Dylan, the new drum tech, a huge grin on his face. He was carrying pieces of the drum kit as he was apparently making his way to the stage to set it up.
"Hey, you need some help with that?" you asked him, reaching for a cymbal that was slowly slipping from under his arm.
"Thanks," Dylan nodded sheepishly.
With a giggle, you took the cymbal from him and followed him through the backstage area. Your breath hitched in your throat as you stepped onto the stage and looked out at the empty seats. You'd seen this view a few times with Harry when you would come visit him on tour, but it never ceased to take your breath away. You still didn't know how he managed to face that many people night after night.
"You can just set that right there," directed Dylan, pointing at the floor next to the toms.
"Oh, okay."
"So how long have you been with One Direction?" asked Dylan as he adjusted the bass drum where he wanted it, a lock of his long blond hair falling over his right eye. You had already admitted to yourself a couple days ago when you'd first met that he was cute. And the way he smiled at you gave you goosebumps. But you were with Harry...
"Y/N," Dylan suddenly said, making you blink.
"I'm sorry, what?"
Dylan chuckled. "Is this your first tour with them?"
Finally understanding what he was asking you, you laughed and shook your head. "I don't work for them," you explained. "I'm not part of the crew."
"Oh!" exclaimed Dylan. "I just always see you in the hall helping somebody, I thought-"
"Heyyyy there you are!" a familiar voice sounded behind you. Before you could turn around, Harry had is arms wrapped around you, his lips on your jaw. "Been lookin' everywhere for you."
You swallowed hard as Harry's mouth trailed to your ear. "Um, I was just helping Dylan with the drums."
"Who's Dyl- oh, hey mate," said Harry, acknowledging the young man's presence.
Dylan jerked his head up with a curt nod, clearly now understanding that you were indeed not part of the crew, but Harry Styles' girlfriend. He fumbled with the hi-hat stand, nearly toppling it over when Harry grabbed your butt and you let out a squeal.
"Stop," you giggled, though you leaned back against him. "We're not alone, baby."
"Then let's go be alone," he murmured in your ear.
You rolled your eyes and looked over at Dylan just as Harry began to pull you back by your arm. "See ya, Dylan."
"Yeah, sure," he nodded again.
You kind of felt bad for the guy, but you didn't have time to dwell on it as Harry jogged down the hall, taking you with him. Finally pushing open a heavy black door, he pulled you inside, locking it behind you.
"I reckon somebody has a crush on my girl," Harry smirked, sliding his hands up your waist and back down.
"Oh please," you scoffed. "He was just being friendly. And I offered to help him with the drums."
"I could see the way he looked at you, love. His eyes said it all."
"I don't think he knew I was with you," you muttered as Harry's mouth found your jaw again and he backed you into the wall.
"Well, then, let's show him so he knows."
"What do you mean?" you teased.
"I mean 'm gonna leave my mark. To show you're mine." Harry lifted his head, his eyes meeting yours with fire in them. "C'mere."
Harry guided you to the nearby sofa where he pounced on you. You giggled with glee as you playfully pawed at him, helping him remove his t-shirt followed by your own.
"Tell me where," you hissed as Harry swiped his tongue across your collarbone, unclasping your bra with one hand.
"Where what, baby?" he mumbled.
"Where you're gonna leave your mark."
A deep growl rose from Harry's chest as he lifted himself up to look at you. Dropping your bra on the floor and lightly dragging his finger across your neck he whispered "here...", then he did the same down your shoulder and collarbone, "here...and here...", finally dragging it to your breast. "And here..."
"Mmmm," you sounded, reaching for him and eager for him to get started.
Devouring your neck, Harry sucked hard, the blood rising to the surface quickly. The sting only made you want more as you hastily unbuttoned his jeans for him. But Harry wasn't finished claiming his territory just yet. You clawed at his arms as he slid down to wet the top of your chest with his tongue. Leaving his next mark, you arched your back with a moan.
"Harry..." you said breathlessly. "Touch me. Please."
"Where baby?" he asked. "Right here?"
Grazing his thumb across your right nipple, Harry took your left one into his mouth, swirling his tongue across it. You let out a kitten-like cry before saying his name again. Reaching for his hand, you guided it where you wanted it between your legs.
"Ah, right there?" Harry teased as he rubbed you over your jeans. "'s that where you wanna be touched, baby?"
"Mmm hmm," you nodded with a pout.
"Then let's get these off, yeah?" he raised a brow, quickly unbuttoning your jeans.
You kicked off your shoes just in time for him to slip off your pants and underwear, leaving your naked body trembling underneath him.
"So pretty," Harry murmured, swiping his fingers up your slit. "And always so wet for me."
You nodded with a shy smile.
"This is mine, innit?" he added as you opened your legs wider.
"Yes," you replied.
"Yeah," he nodded, licking his lips.
With his free hand, Harry managed to push down his already open jeans, freeing his erection. You blinked at the sight of it, though you'd already seen it several times. Removing his fingers from your wetness momentarily, he produced a condom from his pocket and rolled it on.
"You ready for me, love?" he inquired, positioning himself between your thighs.
"Always," you said.
Harry smirked as he pushed in slowly. "Yeah ya are. Always ready. And so warm. Fuck."
His eyelids heavy, he began to thrust deep inside so you could feel all of him, stretching you to fit around him. Tiny mewls escaped your mouth as you grasped at his shoulders.
"God damn, I love the sounds you make," groaned Harry. "So fucking sexy."
Biting your bottom lip, you reached above your head to grab hold of the armrest. Then you lifted your leg up against the back of the sofa. Harry tried his best to focus on your face while he pumped, his perfect mouth open.
"You're mine, yeah?" he breathed.
You nodded. "Yes."
"Yeah. Nobody else's. All mine."
You weren't really sure where this possessiveness had come from, but you kind of liked it. You liked being Harry's. And the idea he was claiming you turned you on.
Harry lowered his head again, nibbling on your neck and sliding down to suck another tender spot, no doubt leaving another mark. You heard him moan against your skin as he thrust harder and faster. You felt yourself reach the edge, a deep rumbling in your core.
"Fuck, Harry..." you cried.
"You gonna come for me?" he asked, lifting his head to look at you again.
You nodded, your eyes wide. Hard breaths puffed out of your mouth as you grabbed his hips, guiding him deeper.
"Right there," you instructed.
Harry covered your mouth with his, slipping his tongue inside to meet yours. You felt your orgasm rip through you then as you moaned against his lips. Harry bit your bottom lip, dragging his teeth across it before releasing it. His eyes looked wild as he stared at you. You could tell he was close.
"Does it feel good?" you asked him.
"Fuck yeah, baby. That pussy's so wet and all mine."
You grinned at him. "Yes, Harry. Take it, baby."
Harry shut his eyes as he let out a quick chuckle and licked his lips. With two more thrusts he was moaning your name as he came.
You laid on the couch together for a few minutes while you tried to wait for your breaths to even out. Suddenly you heard a soft pout before you felt a wetness on your neck. Realizing Harry was licking your skin, you giggled.
"What are you doing?"
"I think I mighta got a bit carried away," he replied.
"How many are there?" you inquired.
"Um...like five?"
Your chest shook with laughter as Harry sat up. "Sorry, babe."
"I'm sure it's fine," you commented.
Harry excused himself to the restroom while you sat up and got dressed. When you stood, you walked over to a nearby mirror to inspect Harry's work. Five might have been an exaggeration, but he'd definitely left his mark on you. One particular love bite almost covered the entire left side of your neck.
"Jesus," you muttered, covering it with your hand.
"Told you," you heard Harry say behind you.
You turned to face him with a shrug. "Well you definitely got your point across."
"Are you mad?" he asked hesitantly.
"No," you shook your head, walking around him toward the bathroom.
"You sure?"
You waved your hand above your head, not bothering to turn around. "It's fine."
Shutting the door behind you, you inspected your neck and shoulders better in the bathroom mirror. You weren't exactly sure why, but the sight unnerved you. Harry wasn't known to be the jealous type. So maybe he had just been playing. Or maybe it was just the adrenaline and the height of passion that made him so animalistic. Even during the sex, you hadn't thought anything was out of the ordinary. But thinking about it now, and looking at the evidence, it sure seemed like Harry had been trying to prove something.
Was he really upset about you talking to Dylan? Had he truly had a problem with the way he looked at you? You honestly hadn't noticed anything, other than the fact that he was cute. But it wasn't like he'd been flirting, and neither had you.
What had suddenly made Harry want to be so possessive and claim his territory?
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Opening the bathroom door, you stepped back into the dressing room. Harry sat on the sofa, but you barely looked at him. Instead you made your way to the exit.
"Where are you going?" you heard him ask.
"Gonna try to find a scarf or something," you replied.
"So ya are mad," remarked Harry.
"I didn't say I was mad. Did I say that?" you jerked around, your hands on your hips.
"Your tone says you're mad."
"So I have a tone now?"
Harry groaned, running a hand down his face. "Babe, I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking."
You sighed loudly, dropping your arms. "I said it's fine, Harry. I'm not mad. It's just kind of embarrassing is all."
Harry glared at you with a set jaw. Grabbing the doorknob, you swung the heavy door open.
"I gotta go find something. I'll be back," you announced.
You made your way outside to the tour buses, stepping onto the one you'd arrived on, quickly finding your suitcase. You hadn't remembered packing any scarves, and coming up empty handed confirmed it. The next best thing was your favorite hoodie, a pink one from Victoria's Secret which didn't match your outfit, but it would have to do. Slipping it on and zipping it up, you pulled your hair over your neck and shoulders, trying your best to cover what the hoodie didn't.
Okay, so you were mad. Maybe mad wasn't the right word. Just...irritated. Perturbed. But you knew it was partially your own fault. You'd certainly had a part in Harry's assault on your skin, hell you'd even egged him on, asking where he was planning on marking you. But now you felt weird about it...almost dirty.
But what bothered you the most was that he'd done it after seeing you talking to another guy. A guy whom you paid no mind to. You thought Dylan was cute, but that was as far as it went. And Harry had never been the jealous type.
Stepping off the bus, you returned to the venue where the activity had picked up and the hallway was more crowded than before. Harry's dressing room was now empty, and for a moment you considered just sitting alone for a while until you heard your name called.
"Hey, Dylan," you said softly when you saw him coming towards you.
"Hey, um, sorry about earlier," he muttered.
"What for?"
"You know...um...I didn't know that you were...with Harry."
"Oh," you looked down at your hands. "It's okay."
"I guess maybe I should keep track of who's with whom," he grinned sheepishly.
You gazed back up at him, shaking your head. "You can't be expected to know. Besides, it's not like you were flirting with me or anything. I was just helping you with the drums."
Dylan chuckled, that same strand of blonde falling over his eye again. "Yeah, sure," he nodded. Then leaning in closer, he whispered, "Maybe I kinda was."
Biting your lip, you felt yourself blush. You weren't quite sure how to respond to that. Since being with Harry, guys hadn't been flirting with you. Or if they had, you sure as hell hadn't noticed.
"Um...okay," you muttered, absentmindedly combing your hair behind your ear. That's when you noticed Dylan's eyes widen.
"Whoa!" he exclaimed, stepping back.
"What?" you asked a millisecond before you realized. He'd seen the marks.
"Guess he wasn't kiddin'," said Dylan, pointing at your neck.
Ashamed, you tilted your head and pulled your hair back over to hide Harry's love bites.
"He told me you were his," Dylan added, "But I guess he wants everyone to be aware."
You furrowed your brows. "Wait, you talked to him?"
Dylan shrugged. "If you could call it that. I didn't get much say in the matter. He just came up to me a minute ago and said, 'just so you know...Y/N is mine.' And he walked off. I didn't really take it as a threat then but..."
Your shoulders fell and your mouth went dry.
"Guess he's claimed his territory," Dylan finished before walking off, leaving you standing dumbfounded in the hallway.
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"Hey, doll," greeted Lou when you entered the room designated for hair and makeup. Liam had just left the room with a short wave of his hand, and you were grateful to find it empty now except for her.
"Hi," you barely mumbled as you sunk into a chair.
"Something wrong?" she inquired as she returned a makeup brush to its caddy.
With a long sigh, you pushed your hair back to reveal the hickeys on your neck and shoulder.
"Bloody hell!" exclaimed Lou.
You groaned. "Help."
"Were you snogging all day? What-"
"Never mind," you got up to leave, but Lou called you back.
"I'm sorry, love, c'mere. I think I have something to cover it."
You sat back in the chair and Lou got to work putting makeup on your neck, at least the areas that were most exposed. You focused on the various cosmetics on the counter so you wouldn't have to look at her face, knowing it was probably full of shame. You appreciated her silence, however, until she finally said you were good to go.
"Thanks," you muttered as you stood, still pulling your hoodie tight around you just in case.
"Y/N," you heard Lou call as you reached the door. You turned to look at her. "You sure you're okay?"
"Yeah," you nodded.
"Alright," she sighed. "Just know that I'm here if you ever need to chat. And anything you say never leaves this room, you hear?"
You smiled softly at her. "Thanks, Lou."
You'd just rounded the corner when a tall frame nearly bumped into you.
"Hey! Was looking for you," said Harry. "Did you find something?"
"Um...yeah," you stammered, licking your lips, grabbing the zipper pull of your hoodie and moving it up and down. "Lou helped me out with some makeup."
"Oh, right," he nodded. "Good."
"Harry, we need to talk," you gazed up at him.
He furrowed his brows, looking past you. "Show's about to start, babe."
"What did you say to Dylan?" you asked, ignoring his words.
Harry's eyes darted everywhere but at your own which told you all you needed to know. But you still wanted to hear it from his lips.
"I just told him you were mine."
"Did you threaten him?"
Harry finally looked at your face, shaking his head. "No, not at all. I just wanted to make sure he knew you were taken."
"Harry, he wasn't even doing anything," you scoffed. "We were just talking. For like five minutes!"
"I've seen the way he looks at you," declared Harry in an accusing tone.
You rolled your eyes. "How does he look at me?"
"Like how I look at you!" he exclaimed.
You threw up your hands. "So fucking what?"
"I don't like it," Harry's voice dropped so low you barely heard his reply.
"Harry, what the hell is going on? You've never acted jealous before."
Harry stood up straight, his chest puffing out as he crossed his arms. "Do I have a reason to be jealous?"
Your mouth opened to retort, but you stopped. You couldn't believe what you were hearing. Harry never acted like this. Never.
"You're unbelievable," you shook your head and turned to walk away. "We'll talk about this later."
"Hey, you're the one who said we needed to talk now," you felt his hand on your arm. You shook it off.
"We're not talking about this now!" you yelled through clenched teeth. You held your hands up in front of you. "I need to calm down, and you have a show to do."
"Y/N," said Harry, his tone softer now.
"Go," you pointed to the backstage area. "Your fans are waiting."
You felt the bile rise in your throat as tears threatened to release from your eyes. Turning once again, you zig zagged through the crowd whom no doubt had heard at least some of your squabble.
"Hey, doll," Lou stopped you. "You coming to sit with me?"
"Not yet," you blinked. "I need to be alone for a minute."
Without another word, Lou merely nodded, patting your arm before making her way to the family seats. You walked to Harry's dressing room, immediately locking the door behind you and lying on the sofa, finally allowing the tears to fall.
You didn't understand it. You tried your best to recall the evening's events that had let up to this. Just an hour ago you were on this same sofa as Harry fucked you, sucking on your neck and telling you how you were his. You'd liked it, his possessiveness as he claimed what was his. But the marks had left you feeling uneasy, and then to find out he actually did have a problem with Dylan...it made you wanna throw up. The look in his eyes when he asked if he had a reason to be jealous sent you over the edge. You were hurt and angry at the same time. This...this was not the Harry you knew. This was someone else.
Despite the noise on the other side of the door, you somehow managed to cry yourself to sleep. When you woke up, you sat up, realizing the concert still had half an hour left. Wiping your eyes, you used the restroom and emerged from the dressing room. You were halfway down the hall when you spotted Dylan. With an uneasy smile, you walked up to him.
"Hi," you greeted.
"I don't think you're supposed to be talking to me," he proclaimed.
You rolled your eyes and folded your arms across your chest. "What the fuck ever." Another tear escaped your eye and rolled down your cheek. As you swiped it away with the back of your hand, Dylan stepped closer to you.
"Hey," he said softly. "I was just joking."
"I know," you sniffed.
"You okay?"
"No," you replied quickly, looking up at him. "No, I'm definitely not okay."
"You wanna go somewhere and talk?"
The sounds of cheering fans and the boys singing "Story of My Life" seemed miles away.
"Yeah," you sighed, running your fingers through your hair. "But can we talk about something else? Anything else?"
Dylan grinned. "You bet. C'mon."
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You sat alone on the bus, waiting for Harry. You'd decided to wait for him there instead of his dressing room. You knew he was more than likely going to be mad, or at least a little confused as to why you hadn't gone to watch the show. So, you figured you'd give him some time to cool down, take a shower and get dressed before meeting you on the bus.
After talking to Dylan, you felt a little better. He was really nice and funny and took your mind off of everything. You hoped that you could talk to Harry and assure him that you were his and he had no cause to be jealous. But when he stepped onto the bus and you caught the look on his face, you knew that had been too much to ask.
"Hey," you whispered.
With a scowl, Harry walked right past you without so much as a nod. You watched him as he headed toward the back of the bus.
"Harry..." you sounded.
Nothing. He was ignoring you. You had to admit that hurt even worse.
"Harry, talk to me please," you called.
"Oh, so now you wanna talk?" he jerked around, a horrible mean look on his face.
His jaw set, he closed the space between you swiftly. "Why didn't you come to watch the show?"
"Because I was upset," you replied. "I didn't feel like it."
Harry narrowed his eyes. "Didn't feel like it. What were you doing?"
Stepping back, you shoved your hands in the pockets of your hoodie. "Nothing. I went to sleep in your dressing room."
Harry nodded slowly, an accusing look in his eyes. "Right."
Almost feeling frightened, you glared at him. "Harry, what the fuck is going on?"
"Why don't you tell me? One minute you're moaning my name, begging me to touch you, and the next you're embarrassed by me."
"How dare you turn this around on me! I'm not the jealous one here!" you yelled.
"I'm not bloody jealous, Y/N! You think I'm jealous of that twat?"
"Why else did you make such a point of leaving so many hickeys on me?"
"I told you got carried away!" Harry exclaimed. "I didn't mean to."
"Did you mean to go up to Dylan afterwards and threaten him?" you asked.
"I-" Harry glared at you. "Did he tell you that?"
"No," you looked down at your hands. "He just said you came up to him and told him I'm yours, and-"
"So you talked to him." It was a statement, not a question. A statement and an accusation.
"Harry, I think I can talk to whomever I choose. And you're being a little ridiculous."
"Ridiculous?" Harry raised his brows.
"Yeah. And frankly, a bit scary if I'm being honest. I don't know what's gotten into you."
"Fuck!" Harry turned his back on you, his fists at his sides as he walked to the back of the bus.
Trying to keep your calm, you took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Just then Niall stepped onto the bus behind you.
"Um...everythin' okay?" he inquired.
"Yeah," you bit your lip, stepping back to allow him to pass.
"Ya sure?"
About to nod, Harry turned around an answered for you. "Apparently showing your girlfriend how sexy you think she is and how proud you are to be fucking her pussy isn't allowed."
Your bottom lip trembling, you stared at Harry for a moment. "Fuck you."
"Whoa," Niall muttered as you stomped off the bus.
You could hear Harry calling after you as you ran toward the venue, but you didn't bother to turn around. Liam was just exiting the back door and Louis was halfway towards the bus, both of them stopping in their tracks to watch the scene unfold.
"Y/N!" Harry shouted. "Wait!"
"Leave me alone!" you screamed as you neared the door. "I wish we never met!"
You didn't look back as you continued to run through the hall. You stopped only when you saw Dylan emerge from behind the stage, drum pieces in his hands. Your chest heaving, you swallowed hard. Your eyes met, but you remained silent. Instead you turned toward the makeup room, finding Lou packing the rest of her products.
"Jesus, what's wrong, doll?" she asked when she saw your wild eyes.
Your knees buckling, you broke down right there. Lou reached her arms out to embrace you, allowing you to cry on her shoulder. You stayed in that position for a long time, your body shaking as you cried over and over. Lou rubbed your back, told you to let it out, and that everything was gonna be okay.
"Baby..." you suddenly heard behind you.
"Go away," you mumbled in Lou's shirt.
"Baby, I didn't mean it," said Harry. "God, you know how I feel about you."
Still keeping your back to him, you lifted your head to look at Lou. She had a kind expression on her face, silently urging you to listen to him.
"Don't you?" Harry sounded. You could tell he was closer. "Please say you do. Baby, I'm crazy about you."
Shutting your eyes, you scoffed. "Crazy about sums it up."
"I know. I deserve that."
You wiped your eyes as Lou released you from her grasp and turned you around. Harry had a somber look in his eyes, his body slack from defeat.
"I can't excuse the way I've acted," he said softly. "I don't know what's wrong with me. I've never felt like this before."
"Like what?" you asked.
"Jealous," Harry shrugged. Then he let out a slight chuckle. "Fuck me, I'm jealous. And I don't know why."
"I don't know why either, Harry. There's absolutely no reason to be jealous. I barely know that guy. And until tonight he didn't even know I wasn't part of the crew let alone your girlfriend."
Harry hung his head. "I realize that. I honestly don't know what got into me. At first I-"
Harry lifted his head then, and you heard Lou clear her throat behind you. "Let me just get this," she said, grabbing her makeup caddies. Once she left the room, Harry turned back to you.
"At first I thought it was just kinda hot, you know me claiming my territory, showing that kid - and everyone else - you belong to me. But once I was inside you...it was like something happened, some switch went off and I couldn't stop. And you were loving it too, begging me. Like I said...I got carried away. Then I could tell you were embarrassed by the marks and I'll admit, it made me mad. I didn't want you to be embarrassed. I wanted you to be proud and flaunt it in front of his face. Like 'fuck yeah, my man fucks me good'."
"Harry..." you scoffed, rolling your eyes.
"I know, it sounds stupid now. But that's what was in my head then."
Licking your lips, you looked down at the floor and then back up at him. "You scared me."
"On the bus. I've never seen you like that. I've never seen you like...any of this," you shook your head. "It's frightening, and I don't like it."
"I know, love," Harry reached for your hands. "I don't like it either. But I swear, I didn't mean what I said."
"I know," you replied softly.
"I'm hoping you didn't mean what you said either. That you wish we never met."
You sighed. "Of course I didn't, Harry. I just..."
"You just what?"
"I just..." you released your hands from his and combed a hand through your hair. "I think maybe we should cool it for a little while."
"What do you mean?"
"I'm gonna go on home earlier than I planned. I'll ask Lou if I can stay with her til tomorrow. I'm sure there's a flight I can take."
"Baby..." Harry tried to reach for you again.
You bit your lip and held up your hand. "Please, Harry. I think...I think it's best. For right now. I'll come back later. If you still want me."
"Of course I want you, Y/N. I want you now! With me!"
Covering his mouth with your finger, you silenced him. Then dropping your hand, you placed a soft kiss on his lips. "It's gonna be okay," you murmured.
"Not without you," he pouted.
You mustered up your best smile as you dragged the backs of your fingers down his cheek, then squeezed his arm. "Goodnight."
Turning on your heels, you headed back down the hall to the exit doors. You were halfway there when Harry called your name once again. Stopping, your turned around to see him standing in the middle of the hall.
"I love you," he declared.
You sucked in your lips as your insides trembled. He'd never said it before.
"I love you, too," you echoed before blowing him a kiss and walking out of the venue.
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Sorry about that sad ending. I don't really remember why I decided to end it that way lol. I guess I felt more realistic with all the angst than to give it a happy ending. Also, the "I wish we never met" line was a prompt I'd received so I threw it into this story. It's pretty harsh, I know. Hope you enjoyed anyway.
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neuvistar · 2 years
— featuring . wanderer / scaramouche x fem!reader
— warnings / content warnings . nsfw. not proofread, scaramouche being an absolute meanie, scaramouche referred to as “kuni/kunikuzushi”, kitchen sex? well guess we’ll have to find out! a lil implied pregnant reader, mentions of breeding, use of nicknames, overall suggestive content. please let me know if i missed a few ໒꒰՞ ܸ. .ܸ՞꒱ა || 18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT.
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scaramouche’s eyes fluttered open, glancing to his side as he read the alarm clock. midnight it read. stretching his limbs, he paused as he noticed you were out of reach, no where in sight.. not even in bed with him. he rubbed his eyes, stomach growling. maybe a little midnight snack wouldn’t hurt, right? forcing himself off the bed, the young male ran his fingers through his hair as he went off to look for you while getting a little snack for himself. he made his way downstairs, approaching the kitchen. then, his ears perked up. alert and fully aware of his surroundings, picking up the sounds of spoons, forks, and knives colliding and hitting against each other. could that be you perhaps?
with a tired and lazy stumble, he stepped inside the kitchen. “[name], is that you?” his voice faded mid sentence, silencing himself as to not interrupt your frustrated murmurs and mumbles. scaramouche’s eyes widened completely, blessed with the sight before him. he checked you out, his eyes tracing over your figure, whole body completely covered up by his clothes. you were slightly bended over as you tried to search for leftover foods and drinks to help your cravings, eyes landing on the cute little baby bump stretching his clothes out. your husband’s sight was blessed even further at the many bite marks all over your body. inner thighs, neck, cleavage, everywhere! he made his way over to you, wrapping his arms around your waist so suddenly.
“someone’s hungry tonight, hm?”
“and i thought you were asleep.”
“not anymore.” he pulled your body close to his, careful not to inflict any sort of discomfort on your belly. he grinned to himself as he saw your fingers tighten on the fridge door. “i’m a little hungry, i want a snack” you rolled your eyes at that, “well then do you want me to make you something?” you mumbled, feeling his shake his head from behind. “fuck that. my snack is right here right infront of me.” he tugged the hem of your shirt, whispering if he could touch you further in which you obliged. he shifted it up slightly, lips curving into a smirk as he caressed your belly ever so gently.
“not wearing anything underneath? you were waiting for this, weren’t you?” you couldn’t help but blush at his words, letting out a cute whine as you felt his hand run through your stomach, making you melt in his touch. scaramouche picked you up, carefully setting you down on the kitchen counter. “are you serious? in the kitchen, kuni?” “food is just food, angel. and i’m looking for something sweet, like you.” you but your lip, noticing how your husband began to go lower.. lower and lower till he reached your knees, spreading them apart. he raised your legs, planting a kiss on your inner thigh.
“you’re soaked, [name]. were you waiting for me to fuck you? waiting for me to fuck you dumb, hm?” “n—no! that’s not it!” “you’re a naughty girl aren’t you.. you want me to give you another baby, want me to fill you up and breed you until i’m sure i’ve given you another baby, [name]?” you squirmed in his touch, shuddering at the cold air on your wet pussy, heart pounding in your chest. “stay still for me will you, [name]? need to prepare you even further.” about to lick you up with his tongue, he leaned almost against you. you shut your eyes for the incoming pleasure you were about to receive, before hearing a small chuckle, seeing as scaramouche pulled away completely from your sex. he got up, a huge smirk on his pretty face. you pouted, squeezing your legs together in embarrassment before huffing at him.
“wait.. did you think i was being serious? i’m just messing with you, idiot. you look so cute when i’m about to do those things to you, do you want me that much?”
what. a. fucking. jerk.
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Such a jerk isn’t he?? ^.^ I’ll correct a few things later! so so sorry — Maryse
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hidden-snow · 7 months
✦┈⋆┈ ⋞ 〈 Running Home to You 〉 ⋟ ┈⋆┈✦
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Summary // You thought your relationship was as special to him as it was to you. You thought he loved and cherished you as much as you loved and cherished him. But when his family leaves the Omatikaya and all he has to offer is ‘I’m sorry’ when you beg and plead for him to stay with you, you realize that you were so, so wrong about him. Heartbroken and defeated, a girl barely seventeen years old, you decide that you will never love again. After all, it hadn’t meant anything to him. Years later and you are the best of the best. A strong warrior and an even better hunter, you provide for your people in every way except for a child to add to the next generation of Omatikaya people. They respect your wishes but you can hear the whispers. You can feel the concerned gazes from your parents, too old to conceive a sibling to make up for your lack of children. When he comes back, it throws you through a loop. Handsome, mighty, and different, he comes to you right away. But you promised yourself.
Warnings // Angst, a bit of stalker Neteyam, some fluff, mentions of drinking, heartbreak
Word count // 1,405
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7
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What were you doing?
If someone could help you navigate your emotions, you’d accept the help immediately. Unfortunately, they were either busy fawning over Neteyam or doing their daily life’s work.
You found yourself attracted to Neteyam in a way that you’d never felt before. Your brain offered the possibility of manipulation, but Neteyam wasn’t that kind of person.
Was he?
Before, you couldn’t stand being near him. Not even for a minute. Now, you couldn’t stand the thought of being far from him.
It was like your brain did a sudden 180 and you had no idea how to process your new feelings.
When you were near him, all you could do was eye his lips. You seemed to be sensitive to his rough, calloused hands that brushed against your soft skin occasionally.
At times, when you were alone, you could smell his musky masculine scent that only belonged to him. It danced on the breeze, teasing your senses, whispering of what you were beginning to want but couldn’t allow yourself to have.
It wasn’t until you got drunk at a feast that things progressed rather suddenly.
Neteyam’s arms wrapped protectively around you as he guided you back to your family’s alcove, your feet dragging through the lush soft greenery all around you. You swayed around in his grasp, stumbling so many times that you couldn’t help but wonder how he was keeping you upright.
“Y’know, I used ta hate yer guts,” you slurred as he guided you in and towards your sleeping mat.
“I know,” he responded dismissively, tucking you into the bed. Your hand slipped into his, your grip keeping him from leaving you just yet.
“I don’ hate you no more.”
His hairless eyebrows arched at that statement and you patted the mat beside you, letting him know you wanted him to sit with you. He did just that, sitting down while waiting for you to explain exactly what you meant.
“I can’t stop lookin’ at you. Everythin’ is about you. I smell you everywhere. I feel you everywhere too. I can’t go nowhere without you bein’ there.”
He was starting to grow confused now, brows scrunched together to make him look even cuter than he had looked before.
“Come here,” you instruct, pulling him down so that he was mere inches from your own. Your finger touched his lips, sliding down slowly to feel the plumpness of the soft skin beneath the pad of your thumb.
“You broke my heart. So why do I… want to kiss you so much?”
You were drunk. Heavily drunk. But he couldn’t help himself.
“Is that so?” he whispered as he leaned in a bit more, breath brushing softly against your own lips.
“You want to kiss me? Well then, Y/n. Kiss me. I’m right here.”
You didn’t need any more prompting than that. Your fingers entangled in his hair, closing the distance as you press your lips against his. Lips parted and pressed against his own, you feel his tongue poke into your mouth, brushing lightly over your teeth before fighting for dominance with your own tongue.
Despite the passionate heat of the kiss, you do nothing more than that, as it satisfied your craving for his lips. The only downside to this moment of pure bliss was that your craving would come back with a vengeance.
When you woke with a thudding pain in your skull in the morning, you found yourself curled in his grasp, your head resting against his chest. You took a moment to just feel the steady rise and fall of his chest cavity, still half asleep and a little confused about who’s lap you were in.
After a couple minutes of confusion, you finally gather the courage to look up at the owner of the lap and you squeak, jumping out of his lap. Your sudden movements startle him out of his sleep and he tilted his head to watch you with a silent curiosity.
“Please tell me we didn’t do anything,” you pleaded with him, watching as his tongue poked out to swipe over his thin lips.
“Well… we didn’t do too much, if that’s what you mean.”
You groan, hands falling to rest on your hips, gaze burning into his surprisingly calm eyes.
“You know that’s not what I meant. What happened last night?”
He stood up slowly, stretching out his body, and you can’t help but find yourself entranced in the stretch of his ribs and chest, arms straight out in the air.
When he straightened, he smiled a lopsided grin at you, pushing some of the beaded braids behind his ear.
“You confessed your feelings to me. How you really wanted to kiss me and how obsessed you currently are with me. I just went along with it. I told you to kiss me if you wanted to and you definitely wanted to. That’s about it, though. We didn’t do anything else other than kiss. Now, some good breakfast will help you look a little less like you’ve just seen Eywa herself.”
You ignore him, hand to your forehead as you paced, mumbling to himself.
“I-I didn’t mean it! I was drunk and you know it!”
Neteyam can’t help but smirk at your feeble attempt to explain what had taken course the night before. He moved to touch your wrist but you shied from his touch. That’s when he sighed. An impatient, exasperated sigh that only belonged to a parent with a difficult child.
“Look. I really don’t mind it, Y/n. I kind of enjoyed it, actually.”
“Of course you would,” you snap back before you could stop it and a look of hurt flashed across his face for just a split second.
“Neteyam, I-”
“I have to go. I have a lot of things to do today. I hope you get some food. Take care of yourself, alright?”
He left before you could get another word in and you felt the sinking of your guilt deep in the pit of your stomach, your own words coming back to slap you in the face.
You shouldn’t have been so harsh with him. It wasn’t right of you to behave like that. He was only trying to help, after all.
Straightening your clothing and fixing your hair, you try to hold your head high, but it was no use with the shame of what you’d just done weighing heavy on your shoulders.
He was avoiding you, leaving you feeling that guilt and shame wherever you went. You didn't know how to approach him, especially when he seemed to always disappear as you are coming to apologize.
This was what you wanted, right? For him to leave you alone so that you could live your life without heartbreak.
Something wasn’t settling in your heart and, as you focused on what it could possibly, you realized that in trying to avoid more pain in the deepest cavities of your chest where your fickle little organ was, you’d broken your own heart.
Oh, the irony of this whole situation.
You were no quitter, though. He hadn’t deserved your backlash and, as you sat and thought about everything that had happened since he’d come back home, you’d applied your knowledge to the situation at hand.
He had been trying his best to show you that you didn’t have to be afraid that he’d do what he’d done in the past. He’d changed and he was desperately trying to get that through your guarded mind in the best ways he could.
You had to apologize.
Working hard and planning carefully, you came up with a way to jump him so that he couldn’t avoid you anymore. You were going to show him that you’d changed too. You’d changed so much more since he’d come back to you and you needed him to see it too.
You weren’t perfect. Not by a long shot. Emotions were hard to understand and, since you’d pushed them aside for so long, you didn’t know the slightest thing about how to interpret your own.
You just hoped that he’d understand that too. You had to make him understand that you were like one of those earth flowers. The rose. You had so many thorns and each one hurt more than the last. You needed someone to smooth out the sharp points of your heart and mind. And he was the person you needed.
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Taglist // @earthling55 / @cardi-bre91 / @bambithewriter
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featherdixon · 18 days
nothing else matters
rockstar!daryl x leadguitarist!reader (rivals to lovers)
first part.
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summary: you’re the lead guitarist in a band, and daryl dixon is the biggest singer of your generation. you were born to be rivals, but but you’re made to love each other.
warnings: rockstar!daryl x leadguitarist!reader, m!reader, rivals to lovers, abuse of drugs and alcohol, sassy!daryl, rock & roll, rough kiss.
words count: 2K+.
based on my headcanons and this ask. (thanks bro you’ve given me an incredible idea)
very proud of this work, i hope you all like it.
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There’s a reason why the sun leaves the sky every night. Light isn’t meant for the darkness.
Daryl was smoking a cigarette, leaning against his motorcycle. The smoke filled his lungs and drifted out through his nose. His sharp eyes seemed to take in everything and yet focus on nothing.
Your world, on the other hand, was upside down. Nerves made your fingers tingle. You had a guitar slung over your back and a bottle of rum in your hand. Your heart was pounding so hard that you almost told it to calm down, or you’d both be stuck on the edge of success. Today was your first day with your new band.
When you got to the venue door, it was locked. You knocked a few times with your knuckles. Nothing. Not a sound inside. Frustrated, you turned around and saw a guy leaning on a bike, puffing on a cigarette. The smoke clung to his lips, and your body tensed. He brushed his hair out of his face and gave you a lazy, half-asleep look.
“They open in ‘bout an hour,” he murmured in a raspy voice. Suddenly, you heard something more—the tune that wouldn’t stop playing in your head. The one you couldn’t help but hum, even unconsciously. Whether you were showering or cooking, those lyrics and that addictive melody followed you everywhere.
That guy was Daryl Dixon. The lead singer of Arrows, the city’s hottest new band.
Your first instinct was to show your admiration, but you took a deep breath instead. You were in the same game now and had to make your own space. You took a swig from the bottle to get into character.
“So, what you doin’ here, then?” you asked, your voice a little rough from the strong alcohol. Daryl’s eyes flicked over you from head to toe and back up again. “You lookin’ to grab a seat at the bar?”
You laughed, but he didn’t. He just ran his tongue over his bottom lip, his mouth dry from the smoke.
“I’m playin’ tonight,” he said bluntly, cheeks hollowing as he took a deep drag. He looked at your guitar and nodded at it with his ring-covered fingers. You could’ve sworn you saw one with a skull and another with some kind of monster. "Ya even know how to play that thing, or is it just for looks?"
An immature thought flashed through your mind, and you stuffed one hand into your pocket. You knew how to play it all right; you’d practiced a bunch of his songs.
“I’m pretty good,” you said, holding his gaze. Daryl nodded, but his eyes stayed blank. Not even a hint of curiosity. It was a void you could either float in or drown in.
“I’m playin’ tonight too,” you said, gripping the neck of the bottle as you looked at him. It was impossible to look away from this guy, no matter how hard you tried.
He tossed the cigarette to the ground and ran a hand through his beard. He was wearing a leather jacket you’d seen at his shows.
“When?” he asked, stepping closer, his presence so intense it made you tighten your grip on the bottle.
“Nine,” you answered, and a smirk crept onto Daryl’s lips, making your jaw clench.
He was just inches away when he tapped you twice on the shoulder.
“Well, looks like you’re my openin’ act,” he said, licking his lips before unlocking the door with a key you hadn’t noticed. Standing in the doorway, he gave you a cocky smile. “Don’t put ‘em to sleep; I don’t wanna have to wake ‘em up.”
Before you could respond, Daryl stepped inside and shut the door right in your face.
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A few more years and you were quite a celebrity. You enjoyed doing concerts in cities you had only seen on TV before, and women were crazy about you. You couldn’t take two steps without being stopped for an autograph; you were the sensation of the moment. And it was just as well that you couldn’t sing, or the spotlight would have been all yours.
That night, you were in Chicago, backstage at a festival. You were practicing some chords on your guitar while Glenn (your best friend) was arguing with the sound guy for not paying attention to something. You were murmuring a Nirvana song until you saw the guys from Arrows approaching you. It had been many years since you last saw them.
The drummer of the band walked up to you and offered his hand. He told you he liked the way you played a particular chord.
Daryl was wearing a vest with wings on the back, sunglasses that covered his eyes, and he had the same rings on his fingers. You remembered what he had said to you the day you met, and you couldn’t help but move closer to him.
"Now we're headlining," you said, making him turn around and take off his glasses. His blue eyes burned you.
"Congrats," he said, looking into your eyes and then at your lips. It was so subtle you didn’t know if it was just in your head or if he really did it.
"Daryl!" the guitarist of his band called out to him, and he turned his back on you again. His indifference hit you like an arrow.
"I'm havin’ problems with my wife, man," he confessed loudly enough for everyone to hear. “She saw some pics of me with another girl, and she's freakin' out. I gotta get home and sort it out.”
You shared a laugh with your best friend, who had grown tired of tormenting the sound guy.
"Don’t fuck with me, man," Daryl said, clearly frustrated, as he fixed his clear gaze on him. "We gotta perform in front of over fifty thousand people."
Glenn took a few steps forward and approached Daryl, placing his hand on his shoulder. You didn’t understand why he did it until he opened his impertinent mouth.
“My guitarist can help y’all out,” he said with conviction, and you felt your blood rush to your face. You kept your cool, lifted your chin, and crossed your arms.
“Why would I do that?” you asked, feeling Daryl's gaze slide over your body—your tense neck, your muscular arms crossed against each other, and your makeup that only deepened your features.
Your best friend didn’t expect your answer; he knew you were always there to lend a hand. He frowned and let out a soft laugh, shaking his head.
“You know their songs,” he pitched, making your heart start to pound. Daryl was surprised by this revelation; he didn’t expect you to know his songs. He placed a cigarette between his lips and looked at you.
“Ya don’t gotta do it, it’s no big deal,” Daryl murmured without giving it much importance.
You clenched your teeth and nodded.
“I’ll do it,” you said, running a hand through your hair. “There’s a whole mess of folks waitin' on us.”
Daryl smiled, and you felt something deep in your heart. He was still your rival, but he burned you as much as a lover.
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You let your bony fingers caress the strings of your guitar with expert technique as you played the opening chords of Metallica’s “Until It Sleeps.” Nothing else existed in this world but you and your instrument. You allowed the melody to seduce you and transport you to a new realm. You knew the lyrics so well that your lips moved almost instinctively. You lifted your smoky-eyed gaze and saw Daryl drinking a beer while watching you.
You continued playing, and Daryl took the opportunity to lose himself in the way your fingers moved, the grace with which you strummed the strings, and your feet keeping the beat. He found himself staring at the blackness that clouded your eyelids and the way you parted your lips every time the chorus came around.
He hated with all his soul that he couldn’t admit how amazing you were.
He hated with all his heart how you made it even more perfect.
He wanted to move closer to you and sing along.
He wanted so many things that he just stayed there, finishing his beer.
An up-and-coming band finished their set, and it was Arrows’ turn. You shot Glenn a death glare, and he just winked at you. You had no idea what that was about. You sighed and stepped onto the stage. The applause was so deafening it almost left you without hearing. Your anxiety turned into something almost surreal. Daryl kept his eyes locked on you and the guitar hanging from your shoulder.
“Ready?” he asked, and you nodded.
You were in sync with the band; you started right on cue and ended almost perfectly. Everyone supported you and trusted your technique, which made you shine on stage. But everything began to unravel when you heard his voice. His voice sank into your bones and made you feel so many things you couldn’t even name. You watched his hair, the way his body moved while he added his voice to your music, and your whole world seemed to tremble. Sometimes you had to play the strings harder just to remind yourself that you were there. Playing with him.
Daryl’s grayish eyes were locked on you during the solos. He parted his lips and smiled. You couldn’t tell if he was teasing you or genuinely impressed.
When you thought the show was over, you took a moment to look at the thousands of people. They were pumped up, going wild for Dixon. Everything was going just as you expected until Daryl signaled his bassist and started playing a song. You gripped your instrument and swallowed hard. That song wasn’t on the setlist you’d been given.
That song was your favorite, but you’d buried it in the “forced forgetfulness” drawer after what happened with Daryl at the bar.
The idiot had released it a few months after you met. The song was about a night with a girl in a nightclub. She’d done her eyes up with dark makeup and had a tough attitude. The lyrics described how her hands touched him like guitar strings and how she straddled him, moving as if she were the star of a movie. It was about a girl he wanted but couldn’t truly have, because after their one night together, he knew they both belonged to the same sky, but at different points.
You looked at your hands on the guitar and remembered your own face. You heard every lyric, how it described her shining. You thought you were dreaming until he gave you a look that made you forget how to breathe.
You’re such an idiot, Daryl Dixon.
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“What the hell was that?” you demanded as you barged into Dixon’s dressing room. You had a few minutes before it was your band’s turn.
Daryl was checking himself out in the mirror, and you were right behind him. You were wound up, your heart racing, and you couldn’t believe what had just happened—even if half of it was probably just in your head. He was your rival; you’d spent half your careers making each other’s lives miserable, trying to one-up each other. It wasn’t fair that, when you finally shared the stage with him, he sang that song.
“What?” he asked calmly, fiddling with his rings.
“Uh…” You swallowed and hesitated. No, it didn’t make sense to say what you wanted. ““You sang a song without tellin’ me. Y’all should’ve—”
Daryl unbuttoned his vest because it was sweltering in the room. You noticed his chest and a new tattoo on his abdomen. He scratched the back of his neck with a fake hint of embarrassment and gave a small laugh.
“Yeah, we shoulda told ya ‘bout that song,” he said, moving closer to you as if drawn by some invisible force. “What’s the deal? You don’t like it? If it makes ya feel any better, you played it real good.”
His condescension got under your skin, and you closed the gap until you were almost touching. You were fuming and couldn’t figure out why. Maybe you were still mad because Glenn had pushed you onto that stage with him. His eyes locked onto yours, and he raised his chin, challenging you to keep eye contact. His body was close, almost naturally dominating. In this game, no one was going to win.
“Who’s the song about?” you whispered near his lips. “Who is she?”
You pressed your lips to his, lingering to steal his breath. He tasted like alcohol and weed. Daryl froze. Maybe you’d made a huge mistake. You cleared your throat, shook your head, and started for the door.
Before you could leave, Daryl pushed you against the wall. The shove was unexpected, rough, and bold. You locked eyes, and before you knew what was happening, his lips were on yours. The kiss was fierce and hungry. His hand, covered in metal, wrapped around your neck and you let out a moan. His tongue danced with yours, and you both nearly lost your breath.
All your heat gathered in one part of your body, and you pressed your hips against him, making sure he felt you.
“Since I’ve known ya, all my songs’ve been ‘bout you,” he admitted, pulling away and wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, still wet from you.
Your chest heaved as you looked at him.
Glenn knocked on the door and said it was almost time.
“I didn't like your song,” you confessed, holding his gaze.
Daryl turned around. You saw him laughing thanks to his reflection in the mirror.
“Maybe I’ll like it when you write about something real,” you said, making his mood shift completely.
He sat down on the couch, spreading his legs slightly, and you felt a rush of heat. He softly touched his thigh with his hand.
“Give me a reason then,” he murmured, drawing out the words.
“I’m sorry, but I have to keep being a star, Daryl Dixon,” you said firmly, walking away.
There’s a reason why there are stars in the sky. They’re meant for someone to look at in the dark.
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dietmountaindewbae · 9 months
young Al anon again, when I mean Dom. I meant horrid cocky piece of shit 20 year old Alex being merciless because he sees the reader as just a groupie from his new fame
xxi. your band is all the rage
alex turner x reader
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word count: 6348
summary: Glastonbury festival (2007) was here, you and your friends adventure into the festival, but on the way you get lost, and you run into the boy that was taped to your bedroom walls (fwn! Alex) you didn't expect what would happen next...
warnings: sp*t, or*al, dr*gs, alc*ohl, degr*ting
song recommendation: paper planes by M.I.A
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The lingering pre-euphoric feeling of being in Glasto watching and hearing your favorite band live with your most real friends, drinks being poured down your throat like water, and breathing pot smoke like part of the oxygen was magical, it would be hard to forget this year, you recently moved to London for college living in a little flat with your two best friends, and a small puppy that was like your son, staying up late and sleeping until the next day, you had saved up enough for Glasto, all the money that was for the rent ended up in there, but it was worth it, the muddy boots, thick leather jackets, long belts, short skirts, and broken tights, busted knees.
"For fucks sake!" You screamed trying to find a signal in the middle of the field, looking so lost and silly with your arm up high in the sky all stressed up, you had lost your friends after Amy Winehouse went up the stage, and you spend hours trying to find them, and you began to feel worried, and paranoid, the whole day you were stuck together like glue, but then drinks swung one after the other and you were pissed throughout the concerts and suddenly you were alone singing with Amy, somehow you managed to find a spot with one bar of weak signal, you choose to follow that signal until it was getting stronger which let you thru some bushes in the darkness you battled your way out, you walked for a few moments depending on your phone's light for illumination until somehow, you managed to find the camp where everyone who headlined was, you sneaked around when you saw some security walking around the place, you sneaked your way thru some bushes until you found reception again, the trailer that you were hiding behind, for your luck had the door unlocked and you hide from security.
"Shit, shit, shit..." You whispered over and over again, as you tripped over something that knocked you to the table, the moment the lights went on your heart dropped to your stomach as your paths crossed with none other than the boy with a shaggy and short haircut that you've been crazy about for years wearing some denim jeans and a black long sleeve shirt, the one with his face all over your room, you looked for him in magazines and in person he looked just like a normal human.
"Um... excuse me... who are you looking for?" He was alone with his eyes a bit swollen and his hair made a mess as if he had just woken up and was trying to decipher wether he was dreaming you or not, you didn't realize how stupid you were by going inside the trailer, face red, you looked everywhere and anywhere for a quick answer since your brain couldn't develop one.
"I- um..." You awkwardly giggle, "I'm just lookin' for my mates, I lost them or they lost me... I-I dunno... I-I'm sorry I should go, I'm such a prick" Your knees were bruised, but you managed to get yourself up and fix your dress.
"But... how did you get here?" He said, looking at you like you were the dumbest person alive.
His eyes roam your body with no shame, his breathing short as he sees the way your mouth moves as you speak, how your eyes have this little sparkle whenever he looks at you, and how you couldn't hold his gaze for more than a second, your brain taking pictures of his faces, "That's a good question, I've been wondering that myself too... I just found a little bit of reception here, and-"
He clears out his throat cutting you off, "You know what? It don't matter... you can stay, just don't go inside anyone's trailer like that again doll, you can get in serious trouble" He called you a doll, and you smiled to yourself at the fact that Alex fucking Turner had called you a doll, "Want a drink?" Holly fuck, you cursed into your head.
"Sure... yeah that'll be cool" You walked around the monkeys trailer as Alex turned on his blender, throwing on some ice in two cups, all the things that you wanted to say, and scream simply couldn't be spilled out of your mouth as your mind took pictures of every bit of the messy trailer, you could spot Matt's drumsticks, and Nick's bass, you were more than excited when you saw Jamie's owl strap hanged in the settee, and when your eyes ran across Alex's little hard covered open notebook, you wanted to read it so badly.
"Margaritas!" He handed you over a cool red plastic cup, sitting beside you on his olive green settee, "Cheers, love" He watched you pour his margarita down your mouth with the biggest look of relief, he smiled, eying you up and down from the side, you bet you were looking dirty and sweaty, your dress didn't hide much of your body, it made your legs longer with your gold dress and leather belt around your hips, with your dirty rain boots, and your trashed eyeliner with gold sparkles on your eyelids, but not only was your face that captivated him, your smooth legs with bleeding bumps on them, if he looked more higher he could see your pair of black knickers.
"Fuck, I never thought this would happen..." You admitted, pushing your hands through your hair, the palm of your hand on your forehead.
"What?" He leaned in closer.
You sighed looking down at your cup because you couldn't look at his face for long, "It's my first festival" You said with a smile, "Well it's our first festival, and I dunno... I saw this coming but I was hoping it wouldn't happen, losing all of my girls just like that" You snapped your fingers.
"This is what happens when you give young girls more booze than they can handle" He chuckled while you awkwardly laughed at his comment, maybe that was his sense of humor, he saw you smiling so he took that as a sign that you were getting into him, his body began to close the space between yours very slowly, leaning in, "To be honest, I'm sort of glad you crashed here," His arm rested on the head of the couch, his fingers lightly touching your shoulder, "To finally have someone that's easy to talk to" You smiled not quite sure to take what he said as a compliment but you politely took what he said as something possibly positive.
"Well... thank you," You said, smiling and resting your head on his hand, his fingers intertwined with your hair, you felt embarrassed about the way you had rudely woke him up just a few minutes ago, you thought it was the right moment to apologize since he had gone quiet, but what he did was admiring your face, "When I... crashed here, where you asleep?" You asked kindly, he nodded his head, "I'm sorry for waking you up" His hand pats your thigh gently, and you look at him in the eyes, and he shrugs with a smile.
"I'm happy you did though, I dunno why but whenever I'm 'bout to play at any festival I just have terrible nightmares, then you came and I thought I was still dreaming" You blushed at the comment, even if it was a cliché, he was just as you imagined he would be, sweet and shy, handsome as well with a touch of cockiness for some spice, you noticed he wasn't as smooth sometimes when it came to flirting but at least he didn't say anything stupid, he was a dork.
"What was it about?" He shrugged smiling to himself again, he stared into your eyes, something in them thrilled you when they shine.
"About me shoes...." You both break into laughter, he sees that familiar spark in your eyes, your smile charming him, so he decides to leave behind his shyness and take a chance with you, "Can I tell you summat?" You nodded, "This is me first Glasto too, so why don't we make it unforgettable together?" Your head raised when he proposed you to stay with him, his hand landing on your knee.
"You reckon?" He said yes with his head, "Really?"
"Yeah, I can write your girls on the list, we'll have a party after the show ends," With no doubt, you said yes, "You're welcome..." You told him your name and you heard him say it back at you with a smile, you pinched yourself to prove that you weren't dreaming this, but this was real, Alex Turner knows about your existence and asked you to stay with him.
"I don't think I need an introduction, right?" You giggled saying no, "Right then, follow me doll, we're almost up" He put your margarita down, and grabbed your hand turning off the lights of his trailer and grabbed a black coat on the way out, on the walk backstage he never dropped your hand, properly holding it, fingers intertwined, his hand soft, and his fingertips bumpy and thick, you went thru the woods his hand gripping yours tightly until you were at the back of the big pyramid, it was so strange looking at it from that angle but it was still magnificent, there was a big white tent right next to the stage, security stopped you and Alex before going inside.
"She's with me, we also have more people coming with us," Out of his pocket he took out his wallet, sliding some money into the palm of his hand, the big man that was twice the size of you and Alex, nodded his head.
"Names" That's the only thing he said, you wrote them down on a piece of ripped paper he gave you and went inside with ease, the place was poorly illuminated but you recognized everyone, your pulse speeding up when you saw that iconic 60's bee hive black hair of hers, walking towards you with her black tank top, leather belt around her waist and beautiful red skirt and her big eyeliner.
"Aye, kiddo!" Amy approached the both of you with a cigarette trapped between her teeth, "It's wild out there, I just wanted to tell you to have fun, it's big and I'm sure after this you lots will only go up and up" She blew the smoke at your face, you were honored, "And who is this?" She greets you with a big friendly hug and kiss on your cheek, you tell her your name and she scans you up and down, "You look very fit"
You internally screamed, "You were amazing out there, me and my gals were-"
"Meh, a bit shit," She said making you laugh, "But have a nice night, I'll see you at the party right?" She repeated your name and you were only able to nod your head and she said goodbye to you, walking to her trailer with her security.
"Shit, I can't believe that just happened" You covered your mouth, "Amy, just... bloody hell" Alex laughed along with you.
"I know, big fan as well, she's just lovely... come to meet the rest" The rest? you were about to enter into a coma if you met the rest, "There's a signal here as well" Shit, you forgot about that, you walked away for a moment phoning your girls.
"Chelsea?" You yelled, there was a lot of noise but when she said your name you were relieved, "You won't believe what just happened but I'm in the back of the fucking pyramid with Arctic Monkeys and I just fucking saw Amy!" Your friend began yelling like a little child but you managed to explain to her how to get there, "Find Gracie," She promised you she would and to phone you when she was there, you finished the call, and Alex waved his hand at you with a big smile, you ran to meet him, your heart rate speeding when you saw the rest of the guys together.
He pulled you in, his arm around your waist, sticking your body next to his, and introducing you to the guys, "Lovely to meet you" Nick said hugging you and padding your back, Matt and Jamie did as well, and Katie who's Jamie's girlfriend gave you a big hug.
"Finally, a girl! I was tired of all of that testosterone and cologne" Katie pulled you away from Alex, "You don't mind if I steal her away from you for a couple of minutes, do you Al?" He looks at you and back at Katie, she practically had already claimed you.
"Mmm, just don't take long, I want her to see our set" Katie raised her beer and nodded.
"Sure you do... come" She grabbed your hand pulling you to a corner, "I've been dying to fix my hair and makeup!" She said, "Do you mind holding your light and my purse?"
"Oh, no, not at all!" You held your phone up, as she took her lip gloss and mirror out from her little Prada purse, "Shit, I don't know where my bag is" Her laughter was contagious, you were put at ease by her presence.
"You're lovely, do you mind?" She gave you her mirror and you held it up for her as she fixed some gloss on her lips, and some powder on her face, patting it gently on her nose and under her eyes, "Here, have some too," She pats it into your face, taking out some of your runny makeup with her fingers, she put some pinkish lipstick on your cheeks and her cheeks, lastly applying more gloss on your mouth, "Done, let's go back before Al yells at us" Your phone began to buzz like crazy.
"That was fast, my mates are here, I'll be back" She held your hand, she was compromised not to leave your side.
"I'm coming with you" She quickly put her things back in place and ran with you to the entrance hand in hand pushing everyone away with a lot of 'excuse me' and 'sorry', you hugged both of your girls tightly, all of you relieved you were back together, all in one piece.
"Fuckin' hell, where did you guys go?! You left me!" You yelled at them and Chelsea hugged you so hard your lungs ran out of air.
"Gracie saw me running to the bushes to throw up and then we lost you, and then she lost me but I'm fine now!" When Chelsea got drunk she acted like that, that's how your friend was and more than being mad at her you were happy that now you were together.
"Girls, this is Katie!" Katie kindly hugged the girls and all of them already knew who Katie Downs was, the rockstar model girlfriend, a goddess to many girls, all of you looked out to her for pulling Jamie Cook, and now when you went back inside, and saw Alex with that evil cocky smile on his face you could tell he was looking at you shamelessly, when you walk into the room it was hard for Alex to not picture those black knickers falling to your ankles, and that dress to the floor, or your bruised knees getting new ones, you were something else, and Alex wanted you, when he saw you so messy, and so sexy, he just wanted to get to see more of you, get a peek of what was behind that dress.
This time when he saw you, his arm possesively around your lower back, his hand falling to your hip gripping it tight and playing with the studs on your belt. Chelsea quickly caught up on him and the way he was whispering things to your ear and making you laugh, his nose taking a sniff of your scent, he was desperate for the party to come.
"Monkeys!" The staff announced, and Matt alongside Nick were the first to go running up the stairs. Before Jamike walked in, he pulled Katie to a dark corner in the staircase to kiss her deeply gripping her sides tightly, you and Alex crossed looks with each other as you saw them kissing, you blushed when Alex pulled you away to a dark corner before he came up the stairs, caging you in between his arms.
"Aren't you gonna wish me some luck?" One of his hands dropped to your ass gripping it lightly, he bit his bottom lip with a smudge smile, looking at you needy like a teenager, you smiled, taking a step close and kissing his cheek.
"Good luck Al" That's all you said, his smile was quick to come off when he didn't get what he wanted, you could see it crystal clear but you wouldn't let that man go without something to hold on to, you grabbed his hand stopping him, "I'm not done with you yet..."
"Alex!" They yelled but he ignored them when you put his hands on your lower back, your arms wrapping around the back of his head, living a lingering kiss on his mouth, opening it to slip your tongue inside his mouth, his hand went up to your neck, his grip loose around it but his thumb caressed your skin, you took your lips off from his mouth, and he leaned in for more, but you attacked his neck nibbling on his skin, and whispering in his ear, "Would you sing one for me, Al?" Your eyes tender, he smiled and gave you a peck.
"Mmm, yeah babe... just wait for me, I'll show you summat else after I wrap it up here, enjoy the show" He went back with the rest, all of their heads turning to you and Alex, of course, they knew what was going on but you couldn't care less.
"Be careful" Chelsea said, she was more rational than Gracie who was more boy obsessed, she loved boys so much that she, of course, would support your decision to stay with Alex, "You know rockstars, they hit it, lit it and quit it," You hummed as a yes, you were cornered, in the wonder, would it be worth it to spend the night with Alex or to hit and run before he does that to you?
The crowd screams wildly as they see them walk onto the stage, without saying a word they begin to play, everyone recognizes the song in the very first strum of his bronco, and the crowd sings the lyrics along with Alex.
"So who's that girl there? I wonder what went wrong so that she had to run the streets she don't do major credit cards"
As the show settles down after the first song ends, the next no one begins back to back, Alex shared his excitement with the chanting crowd you were dancing and jumping thru the whole gig, "We'd like to play a cover for you Glastonbury, ladies and gentlemen, it's like I said before, you know it only happens once...we're fucking like thrilled, thrilled and we just wanted ...like make it out for everyone to have a good time you know?"
He kept smiling whenever he looked at you in certain lyrics that he dedicated to you when he sang 'Diamonds Are Forever', you had no words to describe how euphoric you felt when you turned 18 you thought your life as a teenage girl was over but you still feel like that young girl that hopelessly wore her heart on her sleeve, when Alex looks at you, a fire in your belly spreads wildly, you couldn't control it, you wanted to be all over him, you didn't care anymore, it was pure young lust, and it was something he wasn't hiding either. At that moment, when he saw thousands of people waving their arms, chanting, clapping, jumping, and throwing themselves, the monkeys felt that they'd made it, all of them had an itch inside their tummies, and all of them could feel it in each other, this was it, this is their moment, this is when they begin.
Alex's lips leaned in closer to the microphone, announcing the next song, "This is called 'Leave Before The Lights Come On' ladies and gentlemen.... and I should stop saying ladies and gentlemen, that must be about the fourteenth time" He quickly turned to see if he had made you laugh, he knew he had embarrassed himself in front of thousands of people but when he saw you smiling he felt fine.
His intentions were clear, right as he came down from the stage bathed in sweat his hands landed on your hips, there was a spark in his eyes that was hard to control, that fresh concert euphoric bliss that had his eyes so deeply dilated, that angst he couldn't control like an itch on the roof of his mouth, he couldn't console, he wanted to do you and only you.
"Mate, everyone's going to Lily's tent, we'll see you there, reyt?..." Matt said, Alex just nodding focusing your eyes on you.
"Shit, Chelsea and Grace!" Little did you know that they were also hooking their selves with the guys from Fratellis, specially Chelsea as you imagined, you turned to look at Alex and you fetched them.
"Lily's... now" That's the only thing you said but everyone was gonna be back in the trailers of course, either way you managed to get them all, including Kasabian, Fratellis, Amy, and The Killers were there too, you were baffled by the amount of people you met and all the pictures you took with each of them, but it didn't take long until you had to get out for a necessary cigarette break.
Just when you had relaxed and sat on your legs to enjoy your cigarette you heard someone say, "There you were" Your heart speeds when you see Alex, and you quickly stand up and keep smoking.
"I lost you, with all of those girls in there... I thought you had forgotten about me," You said with a hint of annoyance, he nudged his head to the side and said no.
"I'm not finished with you yet... I could have all of them and you know that, right?" That was very hard to accept but who were you kidding? He was right, then he took your cigarette away, pulling you in and pressing your body against him so you could feel how hard he was, he blew the smoke into your mouth wrapping you up in a poisonous and addictive kiss, "Don't flatter yourself" Your cheeks painted dark red without you noticing it, he grabbed your hand and let your way to his camper, both of you knew exactly how things were going to go down.
Alex couldn't wait any longer both getting excited by the anticipation, the ride to his campsite was too far for him, his need for you was too hard, and he needed to get it out of his system, the kiss was enough to get him hooked, he couldn't get you out of his head the whole gig, and the euphoria, and the bliss, and you... he knew you were more than willing, he pulled you to a bench, settling you on top of him.
He pulled your face to his, slipping his tongue inside you the moment your lips parted to kiss him, his hands gripping your ass tightly, your dress riding up to your hips and that was enough for him to take advantage of, feeling your smooth skin and digging his nails into your ass, you sighed when that piece of thin fabric in your body rubbed against the roughness of his blue denim jeans, "Quite needy" You whispered, at that moment he thrusts his hips, you felt that piece of hard meat coming in direct contact with you, your underwear was so thin, you could feel him entirely.
"You couldn't expect for you to just leave me like that, now do you?" He chocked, "I know what you want" His eyes look down to his bulging boner, you oblige, knees on the ground, your hands on his jeans, stroking him, but he already had figured out exactly what to do with you in his mind, he quickly unbuckled his belt, he didn't want to waste more time while you just wanted to warm him up and tease him to get him more worked up, he took out his cock from his belt your eyes widening at the size, you looked up at him, he was impatient pulling your head down to his cock.
Your mouth closed around him but barely did anything, a big sigh of relief left his lips, and you smiled your eyes coming in contact with his, "I don't have all night" He said demandingly, you began to gather up a steady pace, sucking hard but not going too fast, swirling your tongue around his red tip, while your hand strokes the rest of his dick, "Are you gonna blow me or what? You're wasting me time"
He pulled your head back and your hands gripped his thighs to not let him go, "No, no! Wait... I'm sorry" Here you were, down on your knees being the one that apologized to him because you weren't doing a good enough job in Alex's eyes, but he still had a little trace of goodness, and the chances of him treating you more like shit would make you better, he could see how hard you tried, how much you wanted to please him, he wouldn't let down a chance like this, a girl that would beg to suck his dick.
"Sorry won't make me cum, just get down you fuckin' cunt" You leaned in forward, pushing your hair behind your ears, sliding his cock down your throat, he chocked out a groan, his whole body relaxing on the bench, and sighed and said, "Fuckin' finally..." You tried your best to keep your breathing steady, but you couldn't stop gagging around him, his size too thick, you drew some of his cock back, going back to rimming his cock with your tongue, he pulled your head back, and your mouth drooling, "Hey, is this your first time sucking a dick, you lazy whore? Don't act like you can't do better than just gag," Sliding back your comments about his arrogance you took him in.
Alex moaned as he kept watching you suck him more harshly, your cheeks hollowed the outline of his cock could be seen on your cheek, the exaggerated moans that fell from his mouth could tell you than more than enjoying your warm, wet, and greedy mouth he enjoyed himself, he only saw you as that, as something he could use to play with, to make himself feel higher, more confident, and you liked that, you liked how much he enjoyed himself so you began to do the same, your hand sliding down in between your legs, and it was obvious, you were soaking wet by now, you enjoyed giving him head so much, him fucking your mouth like it was your pussy, and possibly spilling his cum down your throat, and how much of an asshole he was with you, how little value he gave to you, it pushed you to be wilder, to try harder, to not be scared of him being more rough, you could vividly picture him fucking you, your walls contracting around nothing by the thought, your clit swollen from rubbing it in harsh circles, the vibration of your moaning making him moan louder and louder, he smiled when he saw you touching yourself.
"You're a dirty little slut touching yourself like that, you like how I feel in your mouth huh?" He asked, "You'll like it more when I fill it up" You moaned loudly as your fingers slid in easily, your fingers fucking your hole harder, "You dirty fuck, I'm gonna fuck your mouth until you can't breathe" He pulled your head down, gathering your hair into a ponytail, thrusting his hips, your screams muffled by his cock, you couldn't stop him, he had lost it the moment you kissed him, and now you were paying for it.
Then, the moment you heard people approaching Alex quickly drew back his cock from your mouth, putting it back inside his boxers and zipping up his jeans, he grabbed your hand picked you up from the ground, and dragged you around the tent, behind a three, both of you could hear the music close, and at any moment, anyone could see you two together and that was so thrilling, it's not like he cared, but he wanted to remain some things private, he leans in forward slowly, backing you up against the tree cupping your cheeks, "Kiss me" You closed the space between you and his body, at first he enjoyed the deep kiss, tasting your warm mouth, something about you was quite addictive, you didn't know if it might be the tiniest trace of nicotine or the fact that he just wanted to feel your insides more than just wanting a simple blow.
Alex flips you, face against the tree, his hands dropping to your hips pulling them forward, "Are your little fantasies coming true? You can't lie to me, I knew you were thinking of summat like this... just wanting me inside you this whole time... and you didn't say anything..." You heard the sound of his zipper coming down, you gripped the wood tighter as Alex pushed your dress up to your back, he finally saw what was underneath your golden dress, that thin pair of black knickers, he pushed them aside, and pressed his fingers down on your clit making you sigh, he smiled to himself gathering up a slow tempting pace.
"You're such..." You were cut off the moment his fingers finally made their way into your panties.
"Such a what?" You couldn't stop gasping as his fingers began to fuck your hole more vigorously, deeper, you couldn't stop moaning his name out loud, even if you tried, he filled you up to the top, your legs losing balance, "Such a good fuck, babe?" You whined when he took himself out of you, rimming his dick on your cunt, spreading your wetness all over it.
"Mhm" You whimpered, the tip of his cock was used to rub your weakest spot in circles, you could feel him smiling to himself, whatever happened to that 19-year-old boy that won your heart with his shyness in his interviews, reserved, quiet, a sweet kind smile, now he was all over you, treating you like a trashy whore, but you loved it, it boosts his ego, but nobody had seen this part of Alex Turner, or even felt it, "You are Alex" You whimpered.
"Be quiet sweetheart, or they'll hear you..." He enters you and keeps fucking you like a doll, pressed against you so tight you were seeing the stars in the black sky shining like diamonds, reflecting in your eyes, you felt butterflies fluttering in your stomach, his lips pressed against your neck, sucking on it harder to leave his little stamp, his mark, "I bet everyone would be glad to know you got fucked by me..." You didn't know how did he have the strength to keep talking to you while he fucked your insides so good. His lips were so soft against your skin, his cock reaches to a place that covered your flesh in goosebumps, his nose tickling your nape, his hands gripping your tits, squishing them together, kneading them.
"Oh... Alex," You gasp, he had such a delicious rhythm that burned your body and his, the tension making the air thicker, harder and harder for you to catch your breathing, you trembled, your cheeks burning hot as your pussy only got wetter, and nipples got hard.
"I felt that... tell me what it is..." He drawled, but you couldn't sound a syllable, you grabbed his hand, sliding down in between your legs, your back arched as his fingers press down on your clit, your head on his shoulder, your long neck so beautiful in his eyes, his other hand chocked your neck, he kissed you as best as he could, rubbing your clit harder as he feels you contracting, your pussy made a mess, wetting your inner thighs, feeling those tickles, and his dick was pushed deep inside you, only to make you finish all over him, your eyes turning white gasping for some air, making you feel lightheaded, and he let go of your neck before you passed out, but you were sure it wasn't because you couldn't breathe, it was because he fucked you so well, "Now is my turn..." He gathered up a giddy pace, so fast that the sound of his hips colliding against your body sounded like applause, your ass turning tender and soft like a piece of dough, he was coming to an end, and so did you for the second time, he pushed himself harder, "Cum all over me cock, you dirty cunt... fuckin' do it" He flicked your clit and you came again, not being able to stand on your feet any longer, he pulled out of you fast to cum on your back, the warm fluid dripping down your hips and bum, "Shit, shit... oh fuck" He gave himself a few strokes to squeeze everything out when he opened his eyes again he began to panic a bit, he researched in his jeans for something to clean you up.
You quietly giggled and kicked your panties off your feet, "Just use these" You panted, he grabbed them and he pushed his lips together.
"But I'm gonna ruin them" He pouts, you wave it off and he cleans up your back, once he is done, you take your coat off, wrapping it around your waist, he feels bad about it, and you can see it on his face, "What's wrong?"
"Ruined a sexy pair of knickers," Your fingers brushed the hairs on his forehead, and you kindly smiled at him, pecking his lips.
"It was for a good cause," You made him laugh, and it was the silliest, sweetest, and most contagious laugh ever, you've heard it before on the radio when they interviewed them, but it was nothing like real life, "Besides, I always keep a spare on my purse" He pushed his eyebrows together, smiling, his smile was the one that made your insides melt.
"Now I'm curious to see what's inside that magical purse of yours," You looked at him with a hint of sadness in your eyes, knowing that maybe it was time for you to go your separate ways as you walked together, but at least for today, he didn't want you to just disappear, so he grabbed your hand and you walked back together, you found a bathroom in the way where you could change, and he waited patiently outside for you, telling your how sorry he was over and over, but you truly didn't care. 
You had the time of your life, partying with him and the monkeys, Lilly Allen had turned the party into a costume party, you saw Alex changing into a green dinosaur onesie, drinking beer, and dancing with you dressed like an angel, with sparkles in your eyes and a white dress that Amy lend you in exchange for your golden dress, you kept dancing and drinking until the sunrise with him, smoking some weed with him and Matt in the back, Alex played with you, he stuck with you throughout the whole night, pinching your bum, kissing the back of your head, but mostly he spent most of the time craving the taste of your mouth, kissing you with angst and possession since there was another guy, James from Klaxons that wanted to kiss you, he wouldn't leave you alone, both of you felt like you were flying like planes running and rolling around the grass watching the sun peek behind the giant pyramid. And then, your memory went blank, you had woken up from the floor with your knees and elbow bleeding, blood on your wings and broken fishnets, Chelsea lying on your thighs and Gracie hugging you close, you glanced at your clock, it was 8 in the morning, you woke Chelsea and Gracie up, taking them with Jamie and Katie who kindly gave them water and some food, then you had another worry, it was Alex.
"Have you guys seen Alex anywhere?" You slurred to Jamie and Katie, then Jamie grabbed Katie's hand and went outside with you, you heard the sound of Alex's grunts, and you followed them until you saw him wrestling James in the mud with his dinosaur onesie, his eyes just as red as yours, "Alex!" James was in the mud and Alex quickly went running back to you zigzagging, you couldn't help but laugh so hard it knocked you to the floor, your body and head still felt light, he laid down next to you staining your costume with mud, "What the fuck, Alex?"
"That fucker wanted to kiss you!" Alex's voice sounded a pinch higher when he was drunk, he was annoyed that you kept laughing, "What? He needed to know that you're mine, he can't kiss you"
"So brave!" You teased him, cuddling close to him, "How much grass did we smoke? Jesus... I'm so tired" You turn your head to look at him but he is already staring at your lips, stealing a kiss from you.
"We could go back to the trailer," He pinched your chin, his thumb caressing it gently, and a smile crawled to your lips.
"You're not that tired, are you?" He said no with his head, his hands sneaking to pinch your bum, making you giggle like a child and blush hard.
"I'll do everything, you just have to lay down... and look pretty just like now" He kissed your temple, piggybacking you back to the trailer, closing the door shut.
Happy Alex Turner day everyone! 💘
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iwanty0uu · 1 year
“𝐺𝑜𝑜𝑑 𝑃𝑢𝑚 𝑃𝑢𝑚 𝑁𝑒𝑒𝑑𝑠 𝐺𝑜𝑜𝑑 𝑆ℎ𝑒𝑙𝑡𝑒𝑟“~𝓁ℯ𝓁ℯ ✧˚ · . ✧˚ · . ✧˚ · .
A day had passed since you met connie in the auditorium of your physics class, and since you didnt have that class everyday, you decided it would be the best spend time in the library getting a head start on a paper. Your fingers quickly moved along your purple keyboard, eyes focused on the screen making sure to not accidentally delete the second page of your assignment. You were good at focusing but the bald boy wouldn’t stop crossing your mind. “hm” you thought to yourself while picking at the piece of paper with his number on it. It took everything in you to not give in and text him last night, but you stayed strong. Your focus shifted back on your paper determined to finish at least three pages as you thought of treating yourself to Starbucks and catching up on your favorite game, the Sims. “I wonder how he’s holding up in class without me” ..
~ he wasn’t holding up at all actually.
Connie grew restless shifting uncomfortably in his seat waiting for you to enter the large metal auditorium doors, he expected a brown head held up high, looking right at him with big eyes that could easily hypnotize anyone, but instead, he was met with the beady rat eyes of a bald, barley blonde old man. His grey tuxedo was made with that itchy string like material, and his black bow tie sat tightly around his fat red neck. He looked as old as time, and the wrinkles on his face made his lizard like face, made it no prettier. Disappointed, Connie continued to reminisce about yesterday. It was too soon to start missing someone he barley communicated with, he just met you and shared more words on paper with you than he did using his mouth. He couldn’t help but regret not searching you down like a hound yesterday when he had the chance.Not making his situation any better, his friends noticed how antsy Connie was and Connie could already smell their lame ass jokes. “Damn connie, you whipped over a girl you just met? You think you alecia keys or something” Jean asked, opening a Poland spring water bottle and putting it to his lips, when he was suddenly met with a fist in his stomach, causing him to choke. “Bro don’t piss me off, circus pony lookin ass, you just mad cus she noticed me and not your long headed ass.” he said mugging Jean who had tears running down his face, holding his stomach from from the pain now doubling over on his chair.” Well fuck you too” he said slapping the back of Connie’s head, the sound echoed through the room making the brunette girl laugh.
“Sasha i know your big ass not laughing” connie said turning around abruptly “my fault gang” a deadpan looked shot across her face as she put her hands up,“no need to be mean best friend” she said patting his shoulder gently. “Somebody pissed in his Henny this morning” Eren mumbled while finishing the last of his brownie. “You taking edibles at 10 in the morning…did you even drink tea?” “ why so sassy bro? we didn’t tell your girlfriend to skip class” A dark skin boy said putting his pre-rolled blunt in the Calvin Klein pouch that rested over his shoulder. “whatever man..” Connie was stressed, and school was no help, everything reminded him of you, he thought every girl with the same orange purse you had on yesterday could have been you, and scanned every room he entered for your black curls, the deep coconut infused scent of vanilla he noticed when you sat in front of him seemed to be everywhere, he smelled it so much that he thought he was going crazy. So when his friend group mentioned a kickback they were throwing, just for some close friends, he hoped desperately that you would be there. After all it was his life long best friend Sasha’s idea, and she did it because she hasn’t seen connie so strung on a girl in years..literally since his freshman year of high school, and what type of friend would she be if she didn’t use her stalking skills to get her friend the girl of his dreams?
She walked into the library holding her phone and computer, sitting next to a girl with grey leggings and a black essentials hoodie. Her nike socks were stretched a over her ankles,bringing out her Military style retro Jordans.
Her puff was slightly covered by her hoodie while the top still peeked out,and her head rested on her arms on the table, it would be awkward to sit directly next to a sleeping person, so she mindfully placed a chair across from her, began to work. “okay, so mystery girl probably lives in the dorms, imma check the residents list first” she mumbled to herself as the familiar scent of coconut and vanilla swarmed her nose. She furrowed her brows as she lowered the computer screen in front of her, which dimmed the light on her brightened face, the sleeping girl sat up and stretched, picking up the paper on the table and placing it into her pocket. “is that her?” Sasha didn’t have time to question herself, but she did question the girl. “Um excuse me?” she said softly, “I’m sorry if i woke you up but like..aren’t you the pretty girl from my physics class yesterday?” as you stopped packing yourself up and looked at her you remembered the brown haired girl who waved to you ,“you didn’t wake me up girl” you smiled, face stretching as a yawn crept out. “oh shit yea i remember youuu whats your insta i wanna be friends” you said pulling your phone out happily. “damn i love her already” Sasha thought to herself almost forgetting about the link up, “Oh! my friends and I are having a kickback later, and i wanted you to come, ill text you the details okay boo?” Your face lit up quickly and you mentally screamed, you had been waiting for this moment for what felt like your whole life, and trusted the girl even though you didn’t know her name, so it wasn’t a surprise that you showed up in your best “i put dat shit on” outfit.
Walking into the house, the heavy scent of weed filled your nose, “damn i hope i don’t smell like an eighth after i leave this shit” you texted your best friend Serenity who laughed at your remark. Your light blue jean skirt hugged your waist and barley covered your ass, as the tied black and white, printed baby tee revealed the curve in your back slightly. Your brand new dior converse glistened as it reflected against the light, your small silver Telfar stood pretty around your chest, separating your breasts. Your curly hair was in the same puff from earlier and silver jewelry adorned your ears,neck, nose, arms, and belly button, you love you some jewelry. Greeted by the brunette, which you now know as Sasha, the rest of the crew said their hellos and you made your way to Connie who was occupied talking to some dudes. Eyes looking up, tongue still on the half rolled blunt, a smile didn’t even creep on his face,it flew naturally into its rightful place. He stood up walking to you, spliff in hand and now all perfectly rolled up. His excitement got ahead of him, he didn’t want to seem desperate which he was, so he pretended to dust of his jeans and slow his pace. “Wassup y/n” he said giving you a side hug, “hey connie” you said taking in his scent, he smelled so sexy, your panties dropped right then and there. “i heard Sasha invited you?” he asked as he motioned for you to follow him,”you drink?” he asked pointing towards the Smirnoff pack resting in the cooler. You grabbed one and leaned on the kitchen counter, heart racing in your chest.
You both talked for what seemed like an hour, mingling with the main group and then finding your way back to connie, you weren’t wasted but felt a buzz from the alcohol and weed, making you a little more impulsive than usual. “hey connie, can i call you con?” you asked innocently, the look in your eye made his body stiffen “of course” he said softly, as soft as he possibly could, you looked so delicate and gentle, and was surprised when your staring contest was forced to an end as you stepped closer to him, tugging on his shirt slightly to reach his level, and kissed him. The taste or alcohol mixed with the sweet vanilla taste of your lipgloss, the kiss deepened as his tongue swiftly moved against your bottom lip asking for an entrance, you felt like only you two were in your own universe. Sasha nudged her friend Mikasa who looked up over the kitchen counter and at your make-out session. “Sasha you need to make this fucker pay you for your elite services” she giggles dapping Sasha up. You slyly pulled away from the kiss getting all shy, and stated quietly “ i want a little more privacy..can we do this somewhere else?” You hoped to go all the way for the first time with Connie, but the reminder of the pudge that sat in front of you almost made you change your mind. You simply decided that if he really liked you, he would deal with all of you, even the parts that you disliked. So as you hesitantly followed connie to an empty room, you sucked up all your fear and hoped for the best.
The night was everything but over.
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loveinhawkins · 2 years
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20 Part 21 Part 22 Part 23 ao3
Eddie stirs to someplace just outside of sleep at the sound of voices. They’re not loud enough to wake him up all the way; even the occasional bout of laughter sounds like it’s stifled, like they’re trying to keep quiet.
He gets one eye open, sees a blur of Robin’s beige jeans and suspenders. There’s a quick flash of grey in the corner, one of Steve’s crutches, and he realises that Steve must be just out of view, trying to trip her up.
More giggles.
“You’re such an asshole!”
“You shush, you just tried to injure me.”
“I barely touched you.”
Eddie hears a little creak nearby, blearily glances somewhere above to find Steve leaning on the arm of the couch, looking down at him with an apologetic smile.
“Sorry,” Steve says, hushed. “It’s still early, you can go back to sleep if you want. Robin just can’t tell the time.” And he ducks suddenly, as if avoiding a blow. He glances over his shoulder, sticks out his tongue and says, “And she’s violent.”
Eddie blinks slowly at Steve. Feels himself smile. “…’Kay,” he manages, tired but amused.
He just catches something that sounds a bit like, “Oh, Steve, he’s so sweet,” and, “You wake him up again, you’re getting a crutch to the head, I swear to God,” but he fades back into sleep before he can really process it.
When he wakes up again, it’s to the smell of toast just on the cusp of burning, the T.V on. His head rests by Steve’s thigh; when he glances over, he sees that Steve is sitting on the couch, facing the T.V head on, his leg propped up by a stool again. There’s a plate of toast in his lap.
Eddie rubs his eyes, raises his head a little—spots the moment when Steve notices that he’s awake, the lovely way his eyes light up.
“Hi,” Steve says.
Eddie yawns out a, “G’mornin’.”
Steve nods down at the toast. “Want some?”
Before Eddie can reply, Steve is already halving the slice, passing one to him. He wakes up further after that, lifting his head up a little more to peer at the T.V—makes out a quaint cabin before Steve’s speaking again, voice lowered thoughtfully.
“You look better.”
And from Steve’s slight gesture, tapping at his own cheek, Eddie gets the meaning: that he must look less pale.
Eddie finishes his slice of toast, sits up on his elbow. Robin’s sat on the floor, back to him, seemingly captivated by the movie.
“I feel better,” he says, matching Steve’s quiet volume, adds a teasing, “Was I lookin’ real rough?”
“Hideous,” Steve says without missing a beat.
Eddie prods him in the side. Then he’s finally awake enough to appreciate what they’re watching: Doris Day singing about ‘A Woman’s Touch’ in a way that he suspects is not all that heterosexual.
Steve half-succeeds in hiding a yawn behind his cup of coffee.
Robin suddenly turns around accusingly. “Uh, Steve Harrington, the least you could do is pay attention to this when you’re the one who started the whole—”
“Rob, I’ve never seen the movie before! I just call you Calamity Jane ‘cause you knock shit over, all the time.” He makes a little series of explosion noises in demonstration that are so damn stupid, that Eddie can’t even reign in his grin. “You know, like, bam, bam, the tapes are everywhere! A calamity.”
“Oh my god, you knock over the cardboard cutouts every shift! Name one time that I—”
“Uh, hello? Last December? You ruined my whole Christmas display!” 
“Oh well, that’s different. That was on purpose.”
Steve gives a mock offended gasp, nudges Eddie as if to say, Can you believe this shit?
“Keith’s the biggest Grinch ever, dude, I was providing ambience.” He stresses the word like he’s making a point, as if him and Robin are trying to one up each other on vocabulary or something.
“Yeah, you provided so much ambience when you shushed that dude ‘cause you wanted to keep watching Miracle on 34th Street.”
When Eddie snorts, Robin shuffles over to the couch, tilts her head back to grin at him upside down.
“This guy stood at the counter for days, Eddie. He said ‘ahem.’ Like, he didn’t cough, he literally said the word. And Steve just…” She folds her arms, heaves a sigh and mimes checking her nails.
Eddie starts to laugh.
“He deserved it. And he was interrupting the court case, Robin. Fred Gailey’s big moment!”
“Are you a Christmas movie nerd, Harrington?” Eddie asks, “‘cause I’ve got no idea what you’re talking about.”
“No-one has any sense of culture here.”
Robin makes a huff of protest, waving her arms pointedly at the T.V. “Um, hello? You’ve got art right in front of you, dingus. Ooh, and speaking of Christmas, uh, sorta. I have presents.”
She reaches for a backpack leaning against a pile of videos, then brings out two clearly ‘homemade’ mugs, the handles comically thick.
“Since when do you do pottery, Buckley?” Eddie asks.
“Since town hall decided that putting on a load of arts and crafts would help us forget everything. Like, did you all just get nearly destroyed? Bummer. Can we interest you in some clay?”
As she speaks, she nudges the mugs over to the side of the coffee table, where Eddie’s left the gift bag she already gave to him.
Eddie smiles. “You don’t need to keep giving—”
“Nope, it’s too late,” Robin says, somehow grinning and looking deadly serious at the same time. “This is your life now, Eddie—every birthday and Christmas, you better be ready.”
It’s a joke—Eddie knows it’s a joke, but he also knows that she means it, and that’s…
It’s the implied permanence that hits him, really: the thought that their friendship isn’t just one created through fear and survival instincts, through necessity. That it’s here to stay.
He clears his throat before he can do something stupid like actually get all choked up about it. Again.
Thankfully Robin provides the perfect distraction, reaching into the bag once more and saying, “So Steve, you were gonna get a mug, too, but I kinda messed it up…”
She brings out a lump of clay that perhaps in a very generous past life was once almost a mug. It wouldn’t have looked too out of place as an amorphous blob of Something crawling out of The Upside Down.
“Robin,” Steve says flatly. “What.”
“Ta-da! It’s a…”
“Thanks for giving me the weapon I’ll use to murder you.”
“Oh, in your world, maybe.”
Steve plays up the offended look so well, all slack-jawed disbelief, that Eddie wonders if it’s possible to crack a rib from trying not to laugh.
“No, no, it’s got an old school charm,” Eddie says—immediately has to speak through a giggle when Robin points to him triumphantly, as if that had been her goal all along. “Like, murder mystery prop. It was Harrington in the living room with the paperweight.”
Steve rolls his eyes, knocks their shoulders together. “Don’t encourage her, man.”
But then Steve catches Robin’s eye, and it’s a fleeting moment, but Eddie watches as Steve’s eyebrow rises almost imperceptibly, as if asking for permission without words. And Robin’s expression softens in a way that Eddie doesn’t quite understand. She nods ever so slightly. Something passes between them.
Then the moment’s gone as quickly as it came.
“Hey, Robin,” Steve says, grinning like butter wouldn’t melt, “who were you doing pottery with?”
“Who says I was with anyone?”
“Oh, me. I say.”
“Well, she had to show me how to—”
“Ah-ah-ah! So, she had to—”
“Ugh, fine! Yes, it was Vickie.”
It’s Steve’s turn to look triumphant. Eddie looks on as he beams, wide enough to show that one of his incisors is a little crooked, and it’s so goddamn endearing all of a sudden.
“And? You were yourself, huh?” Steve asks Robin, sounding smug, like he’s saying I told you so. “You had to be—only you could make,” he waves a hand at the ‘mug’, “that.”
Robin scoffs, but Eddie can tell that she’s fighting a smile. “You’re so full of it.” “C’mon, gimme some material to work with, Rob! You met on a… something-something day.” Steve clicks his fingers at Eddie. “Adjective?”
Eddie glances between them both, their joy infectious. After a sufficiently dramatic pause, he says, “Serendipitous.”
“Seren—” Steve does a double take, gives Eddie a look like he’s just sunk a winning shot from wherever-the-fuck on the basketball court. “Yeah, what he said.”
“Okay, cool your jets—”
And oh, Eddie smiles to himself; that’s definitely a Steve-ism that Robin’s picked up.
“—it’s not like we—like, yeah, she told me she broke up with her boyfriend, but we didn’t really confirm anything, or—”
“Oh my god,” Steve groans, “I’m gonna suffer through this for years. You’ll just keep making mugs for each other, over and over without actually talking—”
“Don’t be silly,” Robin says, “I’m giving all the mugs to Eddie, catch up.”
Eddie reaches down, messes up her hair until she lunges for his in revenge.
“I s’pose there are worse things,” he says, laughing when she thumps him with a cushion.
He thinks of “I’m glad we’re weird.” How before, it was Casablanca references and shared secretive smiles, and now it’s something louder, jubilant.
And Steve knows.
He slips upstairs to use the phone in Steve’s bedroom, brings the piece of paper where he’d written down the number from Hopper.
“Ring if there’s any trouble,” Hopper had instructed—and Eddie knows that probably meant if he was in trouble, but…
He doesn’t have to wait long before his call is answered—and to be honest, when Hopper said a private number, Eddie had kind of assumed that it was a private number for the man himself.
So hearing the nasally, bordering on chipper voice of a stranger throws him a bit.
“Hello? …Hellooo? Listen, I’ve been assured that this line cannot be tapped, so you better not be the Feds. I mean, thank you kindly for the courtesy call if you are, nice to have some warning for once.”
“Um.” Bewildered, Eddie temporarily covers the receiver. Double-checks the number. No, he’d definitely dialled right… “Sorry, uh, I—who am I speaking to?”
“My goodness, a voice! Hallelujah! Oh, you’re the kid, aren’t ya?”
“You know, one minute you’re just a kooky high school outsider, you play a board game or whatever that gets everyone a little spooked, yadda yadda yadda, now you’ve up and started a satanic cult?”
Eddie feels a flicker of anger through his trepidation. “I didn’t start a—”
“Phew, relax,” the increasingly annoying stranger says. “I’m just messing with you.”
Maybe the fucker can somehow sense the way Eddie is gripping the phone tightly, or maybe the silence just speaks volumes, because when he starts talking again, he actually sounds a little apologetic.
“So. I feel like we got off on the wrong foot here. Sorry. It’s been a wild few years, kid, my sense of humour’s shot. Name’s Murray. I’m a friend of Jim’s? Jim Hopper?”
And at that, Eddie feels some of his anger start to cool. He trusts Hopper, trusts the way him and Joyce looked out for Steve; knows that Hopper wouldn’t have given him this number lightly.
So maybe he can trust this Murray, too. Even if the guy’s pissing him off.
“It’s Eddie, right?” Murray prompts. “You called for a reason, huh?”
Ring if there’s any trouble.
Eddie pushes the lingering irritation aside and takes a deep breath—tells him about Nancy, about Jason holding her at gunpoint.
“Ah,” Murray says, and there’s more of an edge to his voice now, like he actually cares, and Eddie thinks good. “She, ah, neglected to mention that. Okay.”
The rapid scratching of a ballpoint pen against paper. “I’ll speed up some things. Sounds like his parents have got a troubled young man on their hands—they’ll wanna uproot sooner rather than later. For his own good.”
Eddie can’t help it; he shakes his head in disbelief. “What, just like that?”
“Look, I don’t have a magic wand, but… you’d be surprised at how easily certain folks take… uh, well, bribes would sound unseemly to them. Let’s say they’ll come to an agreement.”
“…Okay,” Eddie says, hesitant.
Murray hums in response; Eddie can hear the creak of a swivel chair, like he’s leaning back against it.
“There’s eyes on him, got it? Trust me when I say there’s lotsa people that just want all of this to go away, nice and quietly. And uh, I’ve been round the block a few times. Got enough leverage to take a story, water it down until it’s just ripples in the pond, softly softly, yeah? No big, crazy headlines this time. Target’s off your back.”
Eddie pauses. Presses the phone against his forehead. I understood, like, fucking none of that.
“And… Hopper trusts you with—everything?”
Murray laughs. “I know, it’s a miracle. I jest, I jest. Yeah, he does. Look, from what I’ve heard, you kids have been through the ringer. Let us handle some of it.”
Eddie breathes out. Jumps when he hears a knock at the door, relaxes at the sound of Dustin’s persistently upbeat shave and a haircut rhythm.
“Okay,” Eddie repeats, sounding a little more certain. “Uh. Thanks. Thank you. For… yeah. There’s—I’d better—”
Murray laughs again. “Oh, that’s right, you’re with Steve.” His voice goes singsong and reedy when he says Steve’s name.
Eddie frowns. “Yeah, what’s that supposed to—”
“Nothing, nothing. Well, Mr Not A Cult Leader, I won’t keep ya. Anything crops up, just call and I’ll be… well, I’ve got karate on Fridays, 1 to 3. That one’s non-negotiable, I’m afraid.”
Eddie huffs out a bemused laugh. “I mean, no offence or anything, but I hope I don’t have to call you.” He fiddles with the phone cord, mutters, “Just kinda want a quiet life, y’know?”
Murray chuckles. “Yeah, kid. I can respect that.”
When he reaches the top of the stairs, the front door’s already wide open, Dustin leading from the front as the whole troop of kids surge through the hallway. They’re chatting all over the top of each other, chaotic and joyful, and as they reach the kitchen, he hears Robin call out a gleeful, “Hey, it’s the von Trapps!”
And Eddie can’t help thinking that maybe all of this feels a bit like a Christmas movie, actually.
He shuts the front door, gets a glimpse of what looks like a pizza van driving away.
When he turns around, Max is standing there alone. She’s looking down at the floor, fidgeting with one of her hoodie sleeves.
“Is Steve charging you rent yet?” she asks.
Eddie smiles. “Don’t tell him, think he forgot to. I kinda like freeloading.”
There’s a pause, and then she darts forward. It’s quick, barely lasts a couple of seconds before she disappears off to the living room—but Eddie has just enough time to squeeze her shoulders and murmur, “You’re good, Red.” -
El has the casting vote in them deciding to watch Mary Poppins—“You only chose that cause she can move stuff like you,” Will teases, to which Mike laughs, no longer as quiet as before.
Eddie catches his eye through the rowdiness and Mike nods with a little smile.
“See him?” Robin says, nudging Dustin when a little dog in a checked jacket appears on screen. “That’s you.”
Lucas starts giggling, and that soon makes Max break, too—a little reserved, but it’s still a welcome, bright sound.
Eddie’s fetching the ice-cream Erica had brought, when he hears Steve come up behind him.
“Harrington, go away.”
“Wow, what a charmer.”
“I mean it! Go sit down.” Eddie indicates the tubs of ice-cream, says, “Think I can handle this.”
“Oh, yeah?” Steve raises an eyebrow, smiling. “Where are the spoons then?”
Eddie very confidently throws open a drawer at random.
Steve’s smile broadens. “Cool, I’ve always wanted to eat ice-cream with a can opener.”
“You can go off some people, y’know.” Eddie heaves a defeated sigh. “Fine, show me where the spoons reside in your maze of a kitchen.”
It’s when he’s turning for the correct drawer that Steve indicated—“On your left… your other left, dude,”—that Eddie hears it.
Gentle humming.
It stops and starts, skips past a few notes. Repeats the chorus just because, at a relaxed pace, like someone taking a stroll through the song. But Eddie recognises it. Would know it anywhere.
“Steve,” he says, almost a whisper—and when he turns back round, he sees Steve’s eyes widen a little in surprise, and the humming stops.
Oh, you didn’t even know you were doing it.
“Yeah, funny story,” Steve says lightly. He reaches past Eddie, opening the cutlery drawer, rummaging for spoons. Humming again.
God, you make it sound so… happy, Eddie thinks.
“There was this guy,” Steve says, all nonchalant, but his lips are twitching. “I don’t know, man, he just kept singing. Couldn’t get it out of my head.”
Eddie manages to smile. He pretends that one of the ice-cream lids is stuck, buys himself enough time so his voice is steady when he speaks.
“That sounds really annoying.”
Steve laughs. “No, I don’t think so. It… He was the best.”
By the time everyone else leaves, one side of Steve’s cast is covered in signatures and doodles; there’s even a game of tic-tac-toe with ‘FUCK’ underneath in capital letters, presumably in response to whoever won.
Eddie’s secret favourite comes in the form of two little stick figures holding popcorn: Max and Lucas arranging to go to the movies.
“There’s space,” Steve says, gesturing to the markers Will left behind, “if you wanna…”
And Eddie knows an invitation when he hears one.
He gets the idea as he’s reaching for a pen, briefly closes his eyes to recall the class of ‘85.
Steve catches on after the second signature, laughs. “Woah, are those—? How do you even remember…?” He points. “You even got how she dotted her ‘i’s with a heart.”
Eddie shrugs at the praise, pauses in thought before adding another scribble. It’s shaping up okay, this imagined replica of Steve’s yearbook.
“I’ve gotten good at forging notes. Another little money earner.”
Steve raises an eyebrow in interest. “Notes?”
“You know, like, hall passes, doctor’s notes… Unlike certain weirdos in this room, some people wanted to get out of gym.”
“Ha ha. Okay, but this is more than doctor’s notes, Eddie.”
“Uh, yeah, I can—memorise handwriting, I guess?”
“More than guess, dude. Shit, you could steal someone’s credit card with this.”
Eddie smirks. “I pinky swear that I’ve only used my skills to facilitate truancy.” He doodles a few stars, adds more thoughtfully, “I’ve signed many a yearbook in my time.”
“You didn’t sign mine.”
Eddie looks up, grinning. “Oh? Do I detect a note of offence, there, Harrington? You never asked me to.”
He imagines for a moment, with faint amusement, what that would’ve been like—the looks they would’ve gotten if Steve handed his yearbook over to him. Then he wonders if that would’ve even mattered.
“Oh, hold on,” Eddie says, “gotta make it realistic.”
He leans forward and adds a bunch of hearts to a few of the girls’ signatures, cackles when he rounds everything off with some ‘xoxo’s.
When he looks over, Steve’s face is going red. “Oh my god, literally none of them did that.”
“Uh-huh. Sure.”
“High school crushes don’t even mean anything, dude.”
Eddie snorts. He’s overheard enough cafeteria gossip to presume otherwise. “Interesting premise. Continue.”
Steve stutters. “I mean it! I guarantee half the time, more than, they—the whole thing happened just ‘cause I was there, I could’ve been anyone. You dick, stop laughing!” “Jesus Christ, Steve.” Eddie’s stomach hurts; he can’t stop giggling. “I guarantee you that no-one was crushing on King Steve just ‘cause of, like, general proximity.”
General proximity, Steve mouths mockingly, but there’s still a pink tint to his cheeks. “Uh, thanks. I’ll take your word for it.”
Eddie’s giggles finally start to abate. He puts a cap on the marker he’s holding, tosses it aside. “You know,” he starts, trails off with another little laugh, “I used to think you were playing the long game with that nickname. Like, you started it as an elaborate ploy to get Prom King.”
Steve chuckles. “Oh, jeez. I didn’t even want Prom King, man, not really.”
“Yeah, don’t blame you. Christ, that shit was boring. Almost considered pulling a Carrie, just to make it more lively. ‘Cept chocolate pudding or something instead of pig’s blood.”
Steve gives a joking nod of approval. “God, that movie. Y’know we put it on at work, and Robin said the worst bit is the waiting, like for the bucket to fall? The suspense?”
“Yeah.” Eddie tilts his head, considers Steve. “You don’t think so?”
Steve shrugs. His smile turns bittersweet. “Guess I’m used to waiting for things to, um… happen.”
Unbidden, Eddie thinks of Steve sitting cross-legged in his bedroom, managing to smile, to laugh right before—
“Robin hated the whole scene, the build-up, everything. Kept complaining ‘bout the bottom dropping out of her stomach.”
“Yeah,” Eddie says quietly. “Yeah, I know the feeling.”
“See, I told her she was wrong though! ‘Cause in that whole movie, the blood, the powers, whatever—”
“The deaths?” Eddie says wryly.
Steve waves a hand. “Yeah, yeah. Still, outta all of that, the scariest thing is the mom, right? You know.” His voice lowers in a hushed imitation: “They’re all gonna laugh at you. God, I ignored, like, three customers in a row while that scene played.”
Eddie tries not to stare. He picks at a thread on the couch, considers the thought that horror isn’t just blood and screams. That it can be quiet, too.
Steve gives a long sigh. Whispers, as if to himself, “Lighten up.” Then he says, louder, “What were we talking about, before?”
Eddie thinks. Makes a face. “Crushes.”
Steve laughs like he’d genuinely forgotten. “Oh yeah, that’s right. Okay, back to crushes, then.”
“Ugh. Must we?”
“I kinda thought I had a crush on Robin.”
“Oh.” Eddie blinks a few times in quick succession. “Shit, man, I’m sorry.”
But Steve scoffs with a smile. “Would you listen?” he says, and it sounds a bit like when their damn French teacher would stress, “Écouter et répéter!” He throws a stray pen at Eddie. “I said I thought I had a crush on Robin. Thought.”
Eddie catches the pen. Throws it back. “Okay, okay. Listening. Uh. Why…?”
Steve huffs in contemplation. “Well, I kinda thought that’s what people do, right? Y’know, summer vacation, nothing else to do but, like, go to the mall. Catch a movie. Look at someone and think oh yeah, it’s you. You know what I mean?”
“I don’t know,” Eddie says, and he intends for it to sound flippant, but he doesn’t think he achieves that at all. If anything, he sounds quietly amused—fond even. Can’t help but be a little charmed by the thought of Steve viewing summer like that, all rose-tinted and hopeful.
And you say I’m the romantic.
“You were the one living the ‘All-American boy’ life, Steve. You tell me.”
Steve laughs, wrinkles his nose. “Pretty sure I wasn’t, man. So then, I spilled to her. And, uh, obviously like, you know, it wasn’t gonna happen. But then I…” He laughs again, tender. “I felt relieved.”
“Yeah. ‘Cause… I don’t know, I’m shit at explaining this kinda stuff. The whole summer, I thought well, I’m a guy, she’s a girl, she makes me laugh, guess that’s just how it goes. And then when… I realised oh, I can just. We can still, like, hang out? She can still make me laugh, and I—I don’t have to… we can just be friends. And I—I liked that we could just… be like that. Loved it. Still do. Is… is that weird?”
“Nah.” In all honesty, Eddie thinks that’s one of the sweetest things he’s ever heard. “No weirder than me, anyway.”
He takes a deep breath, then realises for once that this isn’t scary. With Steve, it isn’t scary.
“I guess I’ve always sorta… known who I liked.” He smiles, adds tongue in cheek, “I know you think high school crushes don’t mean anything, but—”
“Ignore me, man,” Steve says quickly. “I didn’t mean—I was just talking about, like, the stupid shit.”
“Relax, I’m just teasing you. Well, my first… it was earlier, actually, in middle school. This boy… he moved outta state that Christmas, but… Damn, it’s silly. He lent me a pencil. Said I could keep it. And then I—” Eddie exhales, laughs. “Couldn’t stop thinking about his eyes. And then… that’s how I knew.”
“Oh,” Steve says softly. And that’s all he says, his lips parted like Eddie has told him something precious.
Eddie smiles, happiness and sadness battling it out. “Then, uh… well, I caught on pretty quick. Worked out that I couldn’t exactly… I wasn’t ever gonna be dancing with who I wanted to at prom, y’know?”
Steve lets out a forceful sigh. “The fact that—” And then it’s like the words choke him for a moment, because he has to start again. “The fact that some people can’t—can’t—” He swallows, adds a disjointed, “That they can’t—just because other people are awful makes me—” Another sigh, a little shakier than the first. “Makes me really fucking angry, sometimes.”
“Well shit, Steve,” Eddie says faintly, because it looks like Steve might actually cry over him, which… he doesn’t know what to do with that. “Don’t get cut up about it. I’m fine.”
“I know you’re…” Steve tips his head against one of the cushions, like he’s trying to hide his face. “Just… just let me be sad about it, Eddie. And it’s not—” He frowns, clearly mulling something over, so Eddie doesn’t interrupt. “I don’t mean it like a poor you, if only you weren’t… kinda thing, okay? The world sucks. Not you.”
“Got it,” Eddie murmurs.
He slowly travels up the couch, until him and Steve are side by side. Steve turns his face away, but the hidden tears on his lower lash line are revealed in the light.
“Hey,” Eddie says gently. He reaches out and catches the tears with his thumb. “It’s not worth that, sweetheart.”
Steve closes his eyes. Opens them. “Yeah, it is,” he says. It sounds like Yeah, you are.
Eddie smiles. He brushes away any tears that have clung on, just a couple trickling down Steve’s face. “Sweet of you to say so.” You’re sweet.
Steve smiles. Winces a little. “Not really. Check my yearbook, man. I was a real asshole.”
“Now why would I do that,” Eddie says, “when I could just look right at you?”
And he can tell that Steve’s taken the wrong thing from that entirely—spots the way he looks down.
So, fuck it. Eddie says the next thought out loud, as clearly as he can. Keeps his hand cupping Steve’s cheek for a second longer, even though the tears are gone.
“You wanna know what I think? Too bad, I’m telling you anyway. I think… that you’re a kind soul, Steve Harrington.”
Steve blinks. His mouth opens, but nothing comes out. The silence says it all. You’d be one of the first to say so.
“And you know me,” Eddie says, knocks their foreheads together until he feels Steve let out a quiet laugh. “My word is God, so. You better believe it.”
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blingblong55 · 1 year
Smoke Signals- COD MEN
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This is based gonna request:
Angst?, Family issues, mentions of abuse, mentions of SA and possible R8pe.
It's a known fact to Price that you never had a relationship/bond with your family. You had the worst relationship with them. As a child they treated you like shit. Nothing but the worst. One time, you tried to explain to them what had happened to you at a party, they as always didn't believe you. You were triggered when others would touch your thighs, so when they knew this, they pinned you to the floor, touching you everywhere. Ever since, it had been you out in the world.
Any time you'd have to take time off because you "earned" it, you'd stay at base. Price was the man you told all of your problems to, he listened to it all. Always the shoulder you leaned on, on tough nights. The guy who would make a joke as you cried. To him you had become his own child. So when your family would sneak up on base and verbally harass you for not being there for them(always asked for money) price would have them escorted. He'd sent you to his office and you'd sit there with a therapist, his hand holding yours. Always squeezing it when he knew you'd be close to a bad memory.
It brought him pain when he watched you talk about the past, you were so use to the mistreatment your poor soul thought this was normal. And ever since you first shared a dark memory with him, he has been teaching you the right ways you should've been treated like.
One late night, Price, Ghost and Alejandro had a meeting. It extended further than they'd like. Soap, Gaz, Rudy and Kreuger were off base, they decided to treat themselves to a few drinks. You walked around base, waiting for anyone to hang around with you. Unfortunately, your family got passed security. Soon they found you, they started to say things to you. "look at you, such a weak thing." your father pushed you around.
"there is a reason why I nearly aborted you, such a disgrace"
Your siblings started to push your buttons. And suddenly as you closed your eyes, you were 7 years old again. You were back in your room, your arms protecting your poor weak figure. "Daddy please stop!" you begged, yours eyes shut as tears streamed down. "this si what you get for being such a disrespectful thing!" he kept hitting you.
"please mummy do something, it hurts."
You prayed and prayed, hoping someone would hear this and take you away. To somewhere safe, kind and far away. To and mum and a dad who would love you, who'd hold your hand when you were scarred.
You must've been lookin' for me Sendin' smoke signals Pelicans circling Burnin' trash out on the beach
"get away from them!" price rushed to you. The rest of the team trailed behind, confused as to why the captain was acting like this. But as they approached they saw you. You were sitting on the floor, holding yourself as tears ran down. Price kneeled down, his arms around you. "Ghost call security, get these fuckers out" he spitted.
"hey, listen to me, you're safe now. They are gone." he whispered as he rocked you in his arms. "I'm here, they won't hurt you again. r/n"
But you weren't responding. You pushed hi off, he stepped back. You started whispering, "M'sorry dad, it's my fault just please..please don't hit me." your voice cracked. Your hands started to travel around your skin, you started to grip onto it. Price knew you were close to having a breakdown. So against your wishes he picked you up and jogged to his office.
One of your eyes is always half-shut Somethin' happened when you were a kid I didn't know you then and I'll never understand Why it feels like I did
Through the night he stayed up, listening as you calmed yourself down. "you left me alone." you finally said, your gaze focused on him. "I know kid, and for that I am sorry."
"why did you leave me?" your voice was so soft, god it broke him a million times to hear you say this.
"I didn't mean to."
It was a regular Friday. Price and the other commanding officers back at the meeting room. You were locked in your room. What can I say, you learn from mistakes after all. You grew hungry at around 5pm, the mess hall was closed. To all other soldiers, but price gave you a spare key. "have a go, just don't be hard on the ice cream, and save me some." he had told you. As you exited your room, your mother tapped your shoulder. "I believe we have to talk." And you walked inside your room again. They sat around, "so what is it?" you asked. "why are you so stubborn with us?" you were confused. "stubborn?"
"well we try and try to talk to you, but all you do is send us away. I mean I am your mother for god sakes, and all I want is for my child to love me!" She began to fake cry. It was typical for her. "mum-"
"no your mother is right, we have tried to reach out, we send stuff to you, and all you do is bitch about it to your commanders." you dad stood up, god you hated that look on his face. Unfortunately it was a emotion he carried everywhere.
"When have I done such bullshit? I was just a kid when you all decided I would be your personal punching bag, you fucking blamed me for shit I didn't do. I loved you all, forgave you for it all."
"those are stolen memories, you saw a show and what you say we did is fake." you mother said
"what?! that is such a fucking lie! I lived through all your hate! I was always the idiot to go back to you! I cried for you, I begged for you to love me and all you did was laugh at my face mother!"
"pity me pity me." your sibling mocked your voice. You were closer to crying this time.
"aren't you embarrassed? grown men have to protect you, I mean you are just another burden for them!"
"that. is not true! I have found a family here, we all understand each other, we respect one another and I would die for them" you opened the door from your room, stepping out.
Your "conversation" had become so loud your teammates came out of their rooms. They all stood around and watched as you started to crumble. As you marched out, your mother grabbed your arm. "this isn't over! You listen to me here-!"
"no you listen to me! I have had enough of all of you, with you shit memories, you always play hero mother, always and I am tired of your fake crying. And by the way you should be embarrassed, at your grown age acting like a child? God you are pathetic.!" Your voice cracked every now and then, you wiped your tears and continue to look at her.
Alejandro wanted to step in, but Soap pulled him back. Price started to make way to you. You dad slapped you across the face. "don't you ever disrespect your mother!" There is was, his goddamn devil face. If he wanted you he could kill ya.
"go ahead dad, beat me, do it! just like when I was a kid! You fucking piece of shit."
"I hope you fucking die!"
the men started to approach. Your mother pushed you to the floor, as you looked up at her an evil smile was smudged against her lips. It was the same look she gave you every time she would hit you hard.
And once more, you were a child.
"mummy please, please don't hit me! I love you mummy please!" but she did it, she'd hit you until you fell asleep. And then as she regained some energy she would pull out a cigarette, she would light two. One for her and one for your skin. Anytime she inhaled the smoke, she would burn your skin
You're cried, "you are seriously doing this again?" your voice cracked, it was so low that only she heard. You had given up once more.
And as your father started to take his belt off, Ghost tackled him. He punched him a few times. One of your siblings tried to push him off, but Sebastian (Krueger) held them and with one move he knocked them out. Price and Soap dragged your mother and other sibling out.
"We will be back and next time I come around you'll regret being being born!" Rodolfo and Alejandro held you in their arms.
Just checking out to hide from life And all of our problems, I'm gonna solve 'em With you ridin' shotgun Speeding 'cause fuck the cops
Soon all the men looked at you, "what?" you cheek was red, a hand print on it. Gaz came back with a pack of ice, "here, don't want ya pretty face to suffer." he jokingly said.
"yeah imagine having to kiss ya cheek goo'night with what could be a bruise,,,,yikes" soap said as he wrapped you in his arms. Alejandro smacked the back of his head as he said that, it caused a giggle to escape your lips. "Oi!" he responded.
And for the first time, you were able to admit that your family had become your annoying lover boys. For this was true family, your family.
Tags: @ruler-of-fandoms69
A/n: okay maybe this isn't exactly what you had in mind, but I really do hope you liked it!
Can’t sleep so here ya go!
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psych0-str1ngs · 9 months
Marriage- Julian Casablancas
Authors Note: I had to look up what his personality was like, and im still not totally sure like.... How he acts, who he is and everything but I hope you enjoy!!! @jakelinestradlin
Warnings: P in V (protected) cussing,
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"Today's been a great day," You looked up at Julian smiling.
"I agree," He grabbed your hand, and held it in his as you both walked through the flower field.
Julian finally had a day off, so naturally, he wanted to spend it with you. You two had gone everywhere today, first he took you for coffee and donuts at your favorite shop, then he bought you flowers from a small stand wedged between two much larger buildings.
After all that, he bought lunch for the both of you, and took it to a park, and that's where you currently were. You had both finished lunch in the car, and had gotten out to find a spot to sit. Julian grabbed a soft blanket from the backseat.
You walked up through the tall green weeds and lay down the blue blanket. Julian layed down on his side, letting his head rest on his hand. He stared down at you, smiling lightly.
"What're you lookin' at Mr." You giggled.
"You," He smiled brightly. "You're just so gorgeous I can't help it"
You blush deeply before pushing him on his back lightly. You lean over him and peck his lips, pulling away quickly. Julian's hand reached up and pulled you back down, pressing his plump lips against yours again. You pulled away smiling. His face quickly changed from loving to nervous. You looked at him concerned.
"are you okay?" You asked, moving to sit on your knees.
"Well I uh," He looked around nervously.
"Oh no don't tell me your leaving me," Your face twisted into a side ways pout.
"No No No," He shook his head, crossing his long legs. "That's not what this is, it's actually opposite."
You looked at confused, "What do you mean?"
He sighed before pulling out a blue velvet box, and opening it, a small diamond ring sat comfortably in between the plush holders. You gasped before looking up at him.
"Don't feel pressured," He looked up into your eyes. "But I really love you, more than anyone else. You're exactly like me, but also totally different, and life with you never gets boring. I want to spend my life with you Y/n, will you marry me?"
Your eyes tear up, you nodded, and hugged him tightly. His long arms wrapped around your torso, you pulled away wiping away a singular tear from your face. Julian grabbed your hand softly sliding the ring onto your finger. His eyes glazed over with happy tears. He kissed you deeply, you moved to sit on his lap, your legs on either side of his body. His hands gripped your hips gently, your hands placed on either side of face. You parted your mouth lightly, letting Julian's tongue sleep in between them, his tongue touching yours lightly.
You pulled away and looked into his eyes. He looked into yours, you both stared at each other for a moment.
"I wanna go home," You whispered, knowing the feeling that was in between your legs.
"Me too," He said quietly, standing up and putting out his hand to help you.
You let him help you up before you flattened out your clothes and grabbed the blanket. You both walked back to the car in silence, but still holding hands. throwing the blanket into the back, you sat down in the passenger side, Julian closing the door for you. He walked back to his side and got in, driving off towards home, his large hand gripped your thigh.
Once you were home, you put the flowers into a vase and set them on the kitchen island, turning around only to be enclosed by Julian's tall form. You gasped slightly.
"You scared me!" You slapped his chest.
"I'm sorry love," He chuckled, before suddenly throwing you over his shoulder and taking you to the bedroom.
You giggled as he threw you down on the bed, standing at the edge of it. You knew what was about to come. You both maintained eye contact as Julian pulled off his shirt slowly. You followed, taking yours off, as well as your green lace bra. His eyes adverted to your chest, smirking lightly. He crawled up to you, kissing you as soon he reached you.
You kissed back, your hands immediately went his neck, gently caressing his skin. He pressed kisses from your mouth to your neck, gently nipping at the skin. He kissed down your plush stomach before kissing your lips again. He leaned over you to the dresser and grabbed a condom before pulling his pants down and letting his member slap against his stomach. You pulled your shorts down with your underwear, and threw them to the side. Julian scooted closer in between your legs and leaned down to kiss you once more.
"Are you ready?" He asked softly, looking into your eyes.
You nodded.
"Words, my love," He ran his thumb over your bottom lip.
"I'm ready babe," You blushed.
He slowly inserted his member, before stopping for a second to let you adjust. He started off slow, delivering slow but powerful thrusts into you. You moaned, letting your arms hook under his, your hands place softly on his back, his face tucked in between your neck and the pillows. His thrusts sped up, your nails dug into his back. He moved, his hands grabbing your legs and throwing them up onto his shoulders, you moaned loudly. Julian's member slid in and out quickly, his tip repeatedly hitting your sweet spot. Your legs began to shake, his thrusts faltered.
"I'm gonna cum!" You moan loudly.
"me too," He groaned. "cum with me baby"
Julian sped up, giving you hard and fast thrusts, you both came with a loud moan, he stayed in place for a moment before kissing you gently. He pulled out slowly, panting heavily. You smiled at him.
"You were amazing as always," He looked at you lovingly, pulling off the condom and throwing his boxers on, throwing you your panties.
"You were too sweetheart," You blushed.
Soon after, you both fell asleep.
THE END, please enjoy! <3
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eldorr1e · 3 months
PILOT: To See A Familiar Face [Lookism x Transmigrated!OC]
Sypnosis: After realizing Avery was in the PTJverse, she decided to have a little fun and become more involved in the story as one would think.
In which a fangirl gets plopped into a country full of hot people, and decided to go full fangirl.
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Chatter lingers around the classroom as certain students or friend groups go to one corner to another as they talk about numerous topics. One group was full of girls, all circled around one person’s desk, Avery Hwang.
As she humorlessly talked to her friends, her mind was in a different place. Today… She thought. Today is the day I will meet the main character of this world, or more accurately, one of the main characters of this universe, Daniel Park!  The olive skin-toned girl excitedly taps her feet as she musters up the courage to finally talk to him in person.
Yes, that’s right. She’s aware of everything around her, and for the longest time too. After getting in an accident at the ripe age of 5, she remembered all of the memories from her past life and even got the nearly-the-same powers of a certain MC from Questism. Instead of giving her cards as a reward, it gives her points to put on different aspects of herself in which she can upgrade.
She got 50 points from a previous quest? Great! Now she can choose to put in any stats on her that she sees fit. Intelligence? Put 3 in there! A hobby shes never done before suddenly becomes available in the shop that requires 300 points to master? Put in 12 points in there!
This is how her life has been for the past 16 years. At some point in her life, she managed to unlock a tiny creature (which she considers to be her mascot if she had any), to talk to!
There were many stories here in the Pak Tae Jun  verse she could have chosen, but she chose to be close within the story of lookism. Why?
Cuz it was more fun that way, Duh.
“Alright class, settle down!” The teacher drops his text books to his desk to gain  everyone’s attention. The students quickly went to their seats to get ready for class.
“We have a new transfer student who will be joining us today. Now I know we’re halfway towards the semester, but I still expect all of you to greet them a warm welcome!” Hushed whispers were passed out and about trying to figure out who the new students might be.
“A new student?”
“At our school?”
“Is it a guy? Or a girl?”
Holy shit! This is it! Avery excitedly awaited for Daniel Park’s appearance to J high for the first time. I’ll finally get to meet him!
The teacher signals the new kid to get in to introduce himself.
“Hello. I’m Daniel Park, nice to meet all of you.” The new kid smiles to the rest of the class as everyone gapes in booth horror and amazement. Gasps and mutters are heard from everywhere in the class, much to the teacher’s disappointment.
“Gosh! Even his voice is cute!”
“Is he a trainee?”
“Look how tall he is.”
The teacher instructs Daniel to sit on the empty seat at the back as Daniel followed suit.
One girl was cleaning her classes and coincidentally put it on the exact same time as Daniel walked by. A sudden gust of wind comes whipflashing at the girl’s face, cracking her glasses. Daniel walks pass her not noticing before the girl mutters next to her seatmate.
“I bet he’s over 180cm!”
“Is he an undercover idol?”
Daniel sat down and remembered how his first day of middle school was back in his old body and school. He was so excited to open up a new chapter in his life, only to be threatened by his seatmate not to talk to him or else.
He shudders over the fear of his seatmate being the same. His eyes linger over to his left side to see his eventual demise.
“Hey, I’m Zack Lee. Nice meeting you.” The student nonchalantly responds with his hands on his pockets. Daniel’s eyes widened as he realized who he was seated next to.
“O-oh, yeah! Hi!” Daniel stuttered as he stiffly waved his hand to the mean looking raven haired boy.
It was the guy who beat me up at Central Seoul yesterday! His eyes quickly darted around the classroom only to see the dreaded brunette girl he accidentally bumped into…
Oh no. His face paled at the thought while covering half his face with his hand.
“Hi there.” His body jumped at the new voice to his right. He looked over to see a half brunette half blonde with a complicated long hair style. “My name is Avery Hwang. Welcome to our class! Hope you don’t get too spooked here…” Her lips ruptured a laugh and nudged her head towards the guys in front of their row, a bunch of tough and scary looking kids sending him daggers.
Daniel’s body shivers over the thought of being beaten up again, even in his new body. Just as he was having an internal battle within himself, a new player was added into the battle grounds. A girl was walking towards his direction after she introduced herself.
“Daniel, right? Hi! I’m Zoe.” She gives Daniel her most sweetest smile before waving a small hello. Mutters could be heard around the classroom once again, only this time it was directed to the bob cut girl.
“Zoe Park…” One grimaced.
“I knew she would do that.”
“As soon as she sees someone good-looking…”
“She’s at it again!”
“C’mon guys, let’s be positive now-“ Avery tried to save Zoe’s reputation.
Wow, she’s hot! Daniel looked at her with his mouth agape, a blush creeping up his cheeks.
Zoe feigns surprise as she points at his face. “Hey, you’ve got something on your face!” Daniel touches his face trying to look for the supposed thing. “Where?” He asks.
“A hand-some-thing! Hehe~” She giggles as the rest of the class blanches at her sorry excuse of a flirt. The girl right next to Daniel sighs in disgust while hiding her face in second-hand embarrassment.
“I knew it!”
“Just expect Zoe to come in like a damn buffalo..”
“Wish that was me frfr”
“Get a life man!”
A click of a tongue could be heard as Zack stares at Zoe with a disgusted look on his face. “Hey, Zoe. Stop flirting and sit down already. It’s annoying.” His eyes twitches an annoyance and embarrassment.
Zoe pretend to get scared as she ducks down Daniel’s desk. “Oh Zack! You’re so scary~” Zack’s gaze at her alters from cringe and gets even more furious. “Jesus! Why do you women act so weird?! Ugh, all of you are the same.” Wait! Not Mira! Mira is different! Zack looks over to Mira to apologize, only to see her blushing and staring at Daniel’s figure.
Suddenly, all his bare minimum respect for the new kid suddenly vanished away as he glares at Daniel.  I hate the new transfer dickhead!
“Come on, guys! I’m not even done talking yet! Zoe, get back to your seat.” The teacher instructs to Zoe as she grumbles while walking back to her seat, a few of the kids laughing and giggling at her failed attempt.
As the teacher continues talking, Daniel is left on a sour mood as he realizes he’s done fucked up. A tap on his shoulder breaks his inner turmoil as he looks over to the girl beside him, Avery Hwang.
“Sorry you had to experience that. Zoe has a knack for trying to weed out good looking guys for god knows why, and Zack is a rather… Interesting individual.” They both look over to Zoe who’s acting all cute and pristine in class as she know has a reason to finally act properly. “Please forgive them. And don’t get shaken up too much! I’ve seen your face and its not looking so well.”
Daniel scratches his cheek before chuckling humorlessly. “Oh, yes. Of course. I don’t mean too much trouble.” His eyes goes to look at the board to distract himself from his thoughts as he thinks of a hundred ways to live his new life.
Unbeknownst to him, Avery’s honey colored eyes still lingers on his figure, her face veiled in mystery. After all, this isn’t the first time she met Daniel Park. She knew him from long ago, from a past life.
Just divided between a screen.
Ew this is cringe help
Decided to mix in the dialogue in the anime and in the webcomic! If I were to shift to lookism, I imagine it’s in the anime style but everyone gets to keep their original character designs, like Zoe with her bob cut and more cuter and softer look. But I’d let Mira’s appearances stay as in the anime and vasco cuz I like him tan like that ong
I decided to write a long-ish(?) pilot of a story idea I came up with! It’s noting interesting, just my oc being involved in the story. I wanted to go to a x OC approach if that’s okay! If any of you would like me to turn this into a x reader, feel free to tell!
Should I finally make a proper Chapter 1?
This is my first time publicly sharing my fanfiction so please be gentle with me in the comments-
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mooodyblue · 1 year
I had a dream and I was wondering if you could write it!
I have a favorite stuffie! She's a bunny (she's pink and named bunbun😊), and in the dream, someone hides her from little me, and BDE finds out and gets even more protective over me. It takes all day, and Jerry's help to figure out where it is, and it was in the room I wasn't allowed in like ever! So BDE figured out I didn't misplace it, but someone hides it on purpose 😯 can you believe that!!!
oh no!!! i'm glad he was able to find it!!! this was super fun to write, thank you for the request! <3 my favorite stuffie is a big, fluffy dog and i can't imagine not being able to sleep with him every night 😥
wc: 1k
you really didn't want to bother elvis, not while he was deep in conversation with jerry in the music room. but your favorite plushie, your best friend, the little pink bunny that you loved so dearly had suddenly gone missing. whenever bunbun wasn't in your hands, she was sat somewhere patiently for your return in the same spot every single day. you looked everywhere in your room but she was nowhere to be found! and elvis would never take her from you–not your favorite plushie.
elvis could spot you in the corner of his eye, shyly hiding behind the wall. he raised a brow, “now, i know that ain’t a lil’ ghost hidin’ in my walls, is it?”
you walked out from behind the wall shyly, hands behind your back.
“well, hi darlin’. what's goin’ on?” he asked, squatting in front of you.
“uhm..” you glanced over at jerry then back at elvis. “bunbun…s-she's gone ‘n i can't find her.”
elvis gasped, “and you looked everywhere in your room?”
you nodded. “even under my bed! ‘n it's scary under there!”
he stood up and let out a small ‘hm..’, placing his hands on his hips. of course, he didn't touch it. jerry didn't touch it. you were very careful of where you placed bunbun and he knew of it. the only time he ever touched the plushie was if you were having a bad day and you specifically asked for him to bring it to you. he disallowed people going upstairs without his permission–he couldn't even remember the last person to ask to go upstairs that wasn't to go into his office. someone definitely did this on purpose, that is unless there's a bunny plushie thief on the loose that he wasn't aware of.
unless you really did misplace it. he knows you aren't fully there when little and can be forgetful sometimes.
elvis sighed, “well, looks like we’re lookin’ for a bunny on the run.” he looked at jerry. “you mind helpin’?”
“not at all. i’ll go look around outside.” he nodded, stepping out the front door to start his search.
“i swear i didn' lose her, daddy!” you sniffled. “you gotta find her!”
“we’re gonna find bunbun, i promise ya.” he took your hand and began searching everywhere inside the house.
no sign of her in the music room or the foyer. mary hadn't seen her anywhere in the kitchen either. elvis searched the kitchen himself just in case, still nothing. no sign in the den–just a few broken crayons that mysteriously found their way behind a couch. you were starting to get worried. you don't know what you'd do if she was gone forever. you knew you didn't misplace her, you would never.
jerry came back inside, sighing. “no sign of her outside. i looked everywhere. none of the horses got her, nothin’ in the stables either.” he frowned at the sad expression on your face, “sorry, kid.”
“she can't just be gone forever….” you sniffled, wiping at your eyes with the back of your hand.
“we ain't givin' up just yet. let’s go check the bedroom one more time, alright?” elvis brought you back upstairs to the bedroom, tear the whole room apart trying to find your beloved bunny. he looked in every drawer, behind every piece of furniture and under every place he could think of.
the bunny was a lost cause and honestly, he didn't know how to tell you. “honey, i think bunbun might be gone. we’ve really looked everywhere…..”
“she can't be gone!” you cried, “daddy, you said you'd find her!”
“i did baby, but we’ve torn this whole house apart and-” an idea popped into his head, one last room he hadn't checked. his office. you weren't allowed in there, so it'd make no sense for bunbun to be in there but it was worth a shot anyway. “hold on. stay right there.” he sternly pointed at you, showing you he meant it. you nodded, taking a seat on the bed.
elvis unlocked the door to his office, entering and beginning his own search. he checked the file drawers, boxes, under the sofa, nothing. he finally moved to his desk, searching every crack and crevice until he came across pink fur sticking out of the bottom drawer. he opened it, meeting face to face with your pink bunny. “well, hello there.” he took it out, checking for any marks or tears. she looked just fine, unharmed, and still pink. but how did it even get there?
he walked out of his office, looking at jerry from up the steps, “you been in my office recently?”
“no, i don't think so. why?”
he held up the bunny, “someone hid this damn bunny from her in my desk.”
elvis wasn't gonna lie, he was fuming at whoever decided to hide her from you. he knew it was on purpose, you were his good baby and never entered his office without his permission. there was no reason for her to be in there.
his friends knew you were little and loved that bunny to death. most were accepting and understanding of it, but some were confused by it–always finding their way out of being stuck with you while little. he had an idea who was up to this prank, he'd definitely be firing someone later.
he approached you in the bedroom, a fake sad expression lingering on his face with his hands behind his back. “sweetheart,” he crouched down slowly. you felt more tears begin to pool in your eyes, only to be met with the pink bunny as he excitedly pulled her out in front of you. “look who i found!”
“bunbun!” you squealed, taking her and holding her close to your chest. “you found her!”
“just like i said i would!” he grinned, patting your knee. “now, honey. you keep a close eye on yittle bunbun here. and make sure to always stay by daddy’s side when you've got her in your hands. can you do that for me?”
“mhm!” you pet the soft fur on your plushie, smiling down at her finally being in your hands.
he smiled, giving you a quick kiss. “you go on and play now, come get me if you need anything.” he looked down at the plushie, tapping on her nose. “happy to have you back!”
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larcenywrites · 1 year
headcanons for affection with tony? like the ways he shows it, his favorite ways to receive it. specially physical affection since I think he'd be quite touch-starved
aww yes❤️ he would be really touch-starved and just melt at the gentlest touch 🥹
Headcanons | Receiving and Giving Affection ❤
💠Affection can be confusing and hard for him at first, both giving and receiving, but that doesn't mean he doesn't love it and want it!
💠It's just... the few affections he's used to aren't exactly, uh- soft, or innocent, or loving, or real 💔 So when it is suddenly soft and innocent and loving and real, he might not exactly know what to do, but he does know that it feels... well, good ❤️‍🩹
💠His favorite ways of both giving and receiving affection are definitely physical. He was always handsy, confidently putting a hand on your lower back and cheekily sliding a hand up your thigh. But when you held his hand and snuggled into his side, all that confidence in touching turned into a blush and an overwhelming warmth in his chest. He probably went a little stiff at first, but he learned to lean into it! He was 1000% smitten when he was working at his computer one day and you unexpectedly wrapped your arms around him. His head instantly flopped to your chest and he could've fallen asleep with the fingers and kisses in his hair!
💠It just makes him feel so safe and adored when you hold him tight or smother him, and it makes him feel so special and like your protector when you bury yourself in his neck or chest and let him smother you back! It's a language he understands best, after all, so he hopes you feel the same way 🥹
💠Definitely lots of kisses, too. The easiest way for him to say thanks or let you know you're being cute wherever and whenever. He may just come up and litter your face with sweet little pecks when you tell him something exciting or do something nice for him. Or maybe you just look extra cute while he's walking by and he'll suddenly trap you in a long, deep kiss before going about his day and leaving you dazed 😘
💠Gifts!! He loves giving you things that reminded him of you when he saw it, or maybe he thought it would look pretty. Maybe he gets you something that you had your eye on but kept brushing off, or maybe just that lion plushie at the zoo that was super soft and you kept coming back to it. In a way, it's one of the few ways he feels he can repay you for everything you do for him and how much you love him, and show you just how much you mean to him. They say money can't buy happiness, but you usually look pretty damn cute and happy when he gives you something soooo 😌
💠He's not as big on receiving gifts (besides, what do you get for the man that has everything and can buy anything?). Low key feels like that's His Thing™️, and also doesn't want you to feel like you owe him anything :( He will appreciate anything you do, though!! If it's something small and thoughtful, handmade or meaningful, he'll feel pretty sappy 🥲 After all, it's another language he understands pretty well, so he knows you're thinking about him and want to give him everything you can ❤️
💠It may be annoying at times how overprotective, nosy, and occasionally controlling he can be, but it comes from a good place! Yes, he may have constant access to your location via phone or even your favorite necklace he gave you and noticed you wore it everywhere so he may or may not have bugged it... and yes, it might also have a sort of 'panic button' in case something goes wrong and you need him...
💠He might call to ask where you're at, even though you told him three hours ago, but he just thought you were taking too long 🙄
💠There may be a very specific road he's decided you aren't allowed to take 🤨 or a specific area he'd rather you not go to anymore 🫤 And while he can't really do anything about it other than pout, he can see your location (and may even get notified about it)
💠He just really wants to keep you safe and wants you to know he's looking out for you and cares about you! And let you know that he can protect you, and wants you to feel safe! He can't bear the thought of something happening that he could've prevented, and now that he has something so safe and loving he'll do anything to keep it!
💠He doesn't expect anything like this in return, but in a way, you protect him too! He's incredibly grateful when you chase off any press when he's tired, or sass those agents away that won't leave him be. Even when you drag him out of the lab for some rest, or 'forget' to tell him about something that would've just stressed him out more than he already was, but now it's been dealt with or it's passed now anyway. It lets him know you care about his well-being too, and want to keep him safe in your own way 🥰
💠And while it may be hard for him to say back sometimes, a simple 'I love you' can do wonders. He'll always look over and smile, with a little kiss to your cheek to say it back. But he says it in many other ways! Like those check-in texts at three in the morning making sure you're okay, or asking if you need anything, or silly compliments when you walk by. It may be when he's thanking you for something so mundane, or thanking you for being his 🥺❤️
💠He knows he may not be the easiest person to love sometimes, but he'll make sure to let you know he appreciates you for sticking around! And loves you 'til the end of time ❤️
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deke-rivers-1957 · 6 months
Walter Bi-lick AKA Kid Galahot
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Walter gets off the back of a truck and looks around for a business needing new employees. After a half hour he walks into a a lodge.
"Morning. Ah'm lookin for work."
Mr. Zimmerman sits up in his chair.
"Alright you can work with training my tiger in the ring for 5 bucks. Joey can use a good sparring partner."
Walter's eyes widen.
"Tiger? What if Ah get bit?!"
Mr. Zimmerman squints at Walter.
"Yeah, you know, like - CHOMP! The tiger bites mah arm off."
Mr. Zimmerman has a fit of confusion.
"What the? Joey ain’t a literal tiger! What do ya think I mean?"
"Well, ya know you coulda meant a tiger like the wild animals. Ya know, big, has claws, eats raw meat, chases antelope."
"Yeah like we really got wild animals runnin loose everywhere."
"Ya never can tell 'cose animals do get out of zoos sometimes. And circuses they got them all the time, you know, elephants and tigers and all that kinda stuff."
Mr. Zimmerman groans as he face palms.
"Just get in the ring! Lew start stringing him up."
Lew gets in the ring and starts lacing up Walter's boxing gloves.
"Hey hey hey, Lew, let's stop a minute. Let's let Joey know. Ya know, tell Joey the name and Ah'm supposed to be the sparring partner."
Lew sighs as he turns to a guy at the other end of the ring with a punching bag.
"Hey Joey, ya got Walter here as your sparring partner."
Joey nods as he walks over to Walter. Walter's lips part slightly as he eyes up Joey.
"Alright boy, you're up."
Lew slaps on Walter's helmet and gets on the outside of the ring.
"When yer ready, Howie."
Mr. Zimmerman pulls out his stopwatch.
"And begin!"
Joey immediately punches Walter. Everyone watches in shock as Walter completely fails to block his face. No one can believe it and Lew is just facepalming.
"Hey Walter in case ya wanna block once in a while, it ain’t against the rules."
The fight continues and Joey continues to punch Walter in the face. A group of boxers mutter to each other.
"How’s he handlin all those blows? He should’ve been knocked out by now."
Eventually Joey starts to slow down. Suddenly, Walter punches Joey so hard that he falls against the ropes and then the floor unconscious. Mr. Zimmerman gets in the ring as everyone is in complete shock.
"Joey! Joey! Joey, please. We can't afford to get knocked out by this zombie. Joey! Joey, can't you hear me?"
Joey doesn't reply and Walter starts to feel bad. Lew comes up to him.
"Go on inside. Willy’ll get you yer money."
Walter goes back inside and heads to a changing room. Willy comes inside with the money.
"Here's yer 5 bucks. Ya know I’m thinking of signing you on to be my own fighter."
"Ya are?"
"Right hook like that ya can’t lose. Give it the night to think about it."
Willy leaves the room as Walter starts to change back into his uniform.
Time Skip
Walter sits outside with his back to the door near the other boxers but not officially sitting in their group. Joey comes outside and Walter turns to see him. There's an indescribable energy between the two. Walter can't help but stare at Joey. As much as he's nervous that Joey would lash out at him, there's another emotion bubbling up inside.
"Whew. What'd you hit me with? A bomb?"
The tension breaks as Walter giggles.
"Aw it weren't nothin. Jus worked out that way."
The other boxers call out for Joey to join them.
"C'mon Walter. Sing with us, c'mon."
Walter smiles at being invited to join the group. They all sing together until it starts to get late.
"Awright fellas Ah'm goin to bed."
"Ok. Night Walter."
Walter waves as he heads upstairs to his room. He starts to get undressed and goes to bed. As he starts to dream, he just can't can't get Joey out of his mind.
Time Skip
On the day Joey leaves for a flight to Boston, Willy's sister Rose arrives from the Bronx. In between practice bouts, Walter took up the task of fixing an old Model T. At some point in the day, he walks inside the lodge and sees Rose.
"Uh... hi."
"Um, mah name's Walter."
"I'm Rose Grogan."
Even though Walter has seen quite a few women in life, there's just something about Rose that catches his eye. In fact, the whole world around her seems to turn into a fuzzy glow.
"Do you work here?"
"Well yeah. Ah'm a boxer. Ah mean Ah'm a boxer but Ah really wanna be a mechanic. In fact, Ah'm workin on -"
Walter starts to babble until Mr. Zimmerman shouts from outside.
"Galahad! Hey Galahad get out here!"
Walter flinches.
"Who's Galahad?"
"Uh that's me. Ah gotta go."
"Oh. I guess I'll see you later then, Walter."
Walter walks backwards as he's still distracted by Rose's beauty.
"Yeah. Yeah."
He bumps into the support beam and giggles from embarrassment before walking out the door.
Time Skip
The months pass as Walter writes many letters to Joey while also getting close with Rose. Now that the Model T is fully painted, he can't wait to take her to the 4th of July picnic.
"Uh.. Rose?"
"Yes Walter?"
"Do you... Do you wanna ride in mah car to the picnic?"
She smiles at him.
"I'd like that."
He carefully helps her down from the carriage and leads her to his car.
"What did you say in your letter to Joey this time?"
Walter blushes as he drives.
"That Ah've been missing him. Ah mean Ah like the other guys an all but Joey helped me feel welcome here. He was like their leader ya know so Ah don't think Ah woulda ever been accepted if it weren't for 'em."
Since Walter was paying attention to the road, he never noticed Rose having a knowing smile on her face. Eventually, they make it to the picnic grounds. As expected, there's singing, dancing and food. While Walter and Rose did have fun at the picnic, they start to drift down their own path after a few hours.
"Ya see this? Mr. Prohosko's gonna be givin me this whole shop once he retires. Tha's why Ah gotta have the money from this fight aginst Sugar Boy."
"So no more fights?"
"No more fights. Won't be any need for it. Well..."
Walter starts to babble again and drops a bolt.
"Ah dropped the bolt, 'cuse me."
He kneels to try to find it as Rose helps him.
"What kind of bolt was it, Walter?"
"Quarter inch."
"How big was it?"
She knows this will get Walter to babble again. Which he does only there's a moment of chemistry between them. They can feel each other being drawn closer.
They kiss and it feels very natural. After about a minute they pull away.
"I think I'll be the only one to call you Kid Galahot."
Walter giggles despite the nagging feeling that he isn't telling the truth.
"Yeah. The only one."
Time Skip
It's a week before the Sugar Boy fight. Joey finally returns from Boston and Walter feels strangely elated to see him. The two continued to spar on two sides of the camp. Until one day, Lew noticed that Walter was feeling strangely hopped up.
"Hey Joey, straighten Walter out here."
Joey looks at Walter in surprise. He moves closer and grabs Walter by the shoulders.
"You gotta come with me Walter. Can’t be having Rose see ya like this."
"She won't like it?"
"No. Got a hungry look in your eyes."
"Ya mean like a tiger?"
"Yeah now come on. Gotta calm ya down."
Joey leads Walter to a quiet bedroom. Walter seems to instinctively sit down on the bed.
"How do ya feel, Walter?"
Walter giggles goofily.
"Like Ah could move a mountain."
Joey nods his head like he expected this.
"Certainly got a lotta testosterone in your system."
"Yeah? How do we fix that? Ya think it'd be a good idea to bring in Rose for a little, ya know, "talkin"?"
Joey walks over and sits down next to Walter on the bed.
"Nah. You gotta learn what a lotta boxers do to unwind."
"What do they do?"
"It’s an inside secret that we men help each other out."
Walter slowly gets closer.
"Ya mean like, help each other... uh, let off steam?"
"Yeah. Women would just get hurt if you go at it after a match."
"But ya think that'd help me out?"
"Better than being a race car stuck in neutral."
Walter tries to contemplate this idea. Somehow it's not that bad of an idea.
"Ya sure Rose ain't ever gonna know?"
"Rose knows the business. This isn’t anything new for her."
"So she'll be okay with it?"
Joey claps his shoulder.
"All that’d matter is that yer safe."
Walter looks up at Joey. Just like the first time they met his lips part slightly. Walter can only nod as Joey starts to chuckle.
"I’ve been seeing ya giving me that look since day one."
"Ya have?"
"Ever since you clocked me with that right hook of yours."
Walter blushes. Despite not fully understanding it, he seems to know exactly what Joey means.
"Ya figured it out that quick?"
"Seeing you look at Rose told me yer a terrible poker player."
"Ah guess that's true."
There's an awkward silence. Walter starts to feel calm but deep down he wants to go through with this.
"Well... can we get this over with?"
"Yeah. Might as well."
Joey gets on top of Walter. It's a good thing everyone else is outside or downstairs. Walter would've been completely embarrassed if anyone had heard the loudest bed creaking ever. Not that he ever would've known himself. He got so caught up in the sensations that he doesn't even realize the noises he's making.
"Wow. They oughta call ya Kid Galahot."
Walter's panting while he's lying on the bed feeling completely limp.
Walter can barely keep his eyes open as he's experiencing the afterglow.
"See why ya don't wanna be doing this with Rose?"
Joey chuckles.
"I'll let ya take a nap then."
He tries to get out of bed but Walter weakly grabs his hand.
Joey's heart melts. For a grown man Walter can really look like a little kid at times. So Joey lays back down next to him.
"Ok. But only for a little while."
Walter moves a little closer to Joey and immediately falls asleep. While no one else will ever know what really happened that day, everyone in that camp knows that Walter will always have that twinkle in his eye every time he sees Joey. They will always have something special.
AN: Shout out to the discord besties for requesting this. It really was an inside joke we shared that Walter and Joey's relationship seemed to be something more than a friendship. I just couldn't help it.
Tagging: @arrolyn1114, @thedaisymaisy, @karel-in-wonderland, @moonchild-daniella, and @xanatenshi.
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