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The Successful Mindset
How to Stop Time from Controlling You The Mindset for Successful Study Top 10 List!
How many times have you heard, “You need to work on your time management skills?”
Time can not be managed; however, you can manage yourself.
How you control your use of time will dictate how you manage your life.
Take a look at some quick tips, that with some effort and practice can help you stay on top of your…
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What is Irlen Syndrome?
Irlen Syndrome (also referred to at times as Meares-Irlen Syndrome, Scotopic Sensitivity Syndrome, and Visual Stress) is a perceptual processing disorder. It is not an optical problem. It is a problem with the brain’s ability to process visual information. This problem tends to run in families and is not currently identified by other standardized educational or medical tests.
HISTORY The Irlen Syndrome Foundation was originally founded in 1996 under the name, Learning Research Association. In 2014, the organization began referring to itself as the Irlen Syndrome Foundation to better reflect its primary goal of actively raising awareness of this disorder. ISF has a long history of providing financial assistance to low income individuals seeking support for Irlen screening and diagnostic services. The Southern California based organization supports research, outreach, and educational efforts around the world.
Colored Lenses, Colored Overlays, Training for your Brain
Welcome, Talk About a Trail Blazing Woman!
Helen L. Irlen is an internationally recognized educator, researcher, therapist, scholar, a MASTER in the area of visual-perceptual problems. She graduated from Cornell University and, Ms. Irlen has been in the field of education for over 40 years! Her past includes 15 years as a School Psychologist, 30 years as a Child and Family Therapist, Educational Therapist, Founder, and Director of the Adult Learning Disabilities Program and Assistant Professor of Adult Learning Disabilities at California State University/Long Beach, instructor in psychology at Cornell University, and research assistant at Cornell. She is recognized for her dedication to working with children and adults and is listed in Who’s Who in California, Who’s Who in Asia and the Pacific Nations, International Woman of the Year (1999-2000), International Who’s Who of Professionals, Kingston’s National Registry of Who’s Who, and the Dictionary of International Biography. Over 20 years ago, a research study led by Helen Irlen under a federal research grant studied methods of helping children and adults with reading and learning disabilities. One important discovery was that a subgroup of individuals showed a marked improvement in their reading ability when colored acetate sheets covered their reading material. For the next five years, Ms. Irlen worked on cultivating her discovery, developing diagnostic testing instruments, and patenting a set of colored filters. Because of this breakthrough, the “Irlen Method,” has been the subject of two segments of “60 Minutes,”” Good Morning America,” “The Home Show,” ” 60 Minutes Australia,” a “BBC Special,” “ABC Worldwide News with Peter Jennings,” “NBC News,” “The Doctors Show,” and numerous TV shows around the world. She is the author of “Reading By The Colors,” “The Irlen Revolution: A Guide to Changing Your Perception and Your Life,” and “Sports Concussions and Getting Back in the Game … of Life.” Her work has been reported in textbooks on learning disabilities in Australia and England; and the Irlen Method has received international exposure through National Geographic, newspaper articles, magazine articles, and television documentaries. There are over 170 affiliated Irlen Clinics worldwide, and over 10,000 educators trained in the Irlen Method. Many school districts have included screening as part of the regular test battery offered.
Whew… Now she is one impressive woman!
I, personally, understand the overwhelming symptoms of the Irlen Syndrome…
In the 2nd-grade my parents and the school noticed I did not learn the same way as the other children. I was given a serious of tests and was diagnosed with Dyslexia and ADHD, But hey this was the 80’s, and no one had a full understanding of what those meant. Primarily, in the outskirts of town, where I was raised! But my mother made sure to research and discovered, “Reading by Colors,” by Ms. Irlen and it changed everything! I highly recommend the color overlays and all of Ms. Irlen’s books. You will not regret it, whether it is for an adult or child, this is best method to help!
It was not an easy thing to deal with through my adolescence and the public education system, during that time. It was a bumpy road for not just me but my parents as well. As, an adult the sypmtoms started to show up again after years of working and schooling on Blue Screen devices! Thankfully, I knew what the symptoms were and that it had been so long, I went to an Irlen Syndrome clinic and had been requested, I can’t wait until I get my Color Lenses! I will write a new article after I have worn them for a while so you can get the first-hand experience.
Did you know Blue Screen devices are harmful to your eyes?
Even if you do not suffer from the above mentioned symptoms; you still need to protect your eyes!
Have a Fabulously, Poised Friday!
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How Color Can Literally, Change The Way You See The World! What is Irlen Syndrome? Irlen Syndrome (also referred to at times as Meares-Irlen Syndrome, Scotopic Sensitivity Syndrome, and Visual Stress) is a…
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First, decide what it is you really want to succeed at the most-(Dream)
Then, decide if you are ready to turn that dream into a Goal…
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  Do Not Get Overwhelmed! 
We are going to map a plan, this may sound crazy but we are going to start Big – Small goals that flow  together. What I mean by this is we will start with your top goal and then add smaller and smaller goals that can be achieved in a monthly, weekly and daily fashion.
You already finished the hardest part of the first step; which is to
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You did this by deciding to turn your dream into a goal!
The second step of -Act- is to map out your Goals! There are several ways to do this, (No I do not mean a “Dream or Vision” board) in order to make the change towards success, you have to stop dreaming and act!
Below is a template I created and will be availble on the products page. However this is only a template. Everyone has a different way to keep thier focus and aid them in remembering, so draw this out anywhere and however  you need to in order to focus.
The above flow chart is a blank, the top oval is where you write in, type in, draw in, etc. This is where you insert your Top Goal! Your Top Goal is where you want to succeed at in 5 years.
Sample Filled Out
See… That didn’t hurt one bit! 
So, this Goal Chart I have mapped a 6-month mark (to check your progess) two for every Top Annual Goal. It is important that you remind yourself to check in on your progess to achieve your goals, adjust when neccessary.
There are 5 Top Annual Goals:
Each Top Annual Goal is something you choose that correspond with your Top 5 Yr Goal! (This will take some research on your part, pick goals that help you achieve your main goal. Your goals need flow like water; this is where having a Successful Mindset comes in handy.
Watch Out, for these common mistakes while setting goals!
Be S.M.A.R.T!
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After, that get a daily journal and set yourself up for success; by setting weekly and daily goals.
Once you start seeing how productive you can be; the harder you try. The more effort you put in the more fruit you will see from your labor. Want to learn more…
Keep a look at for the 2nd step -Practice- Subscribe below, to connect with me!
          Do Not Just Dream; Set Goals! First, decide what it is you really want to succeed at the most-(Dream) Then, decide if you are ready to turn that dream into a Goal...
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Mindset Training- Give your brain a workout
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