#submitting their parts in addition to their circle work
hotvintagepoll · 7 months
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Ann Sheridan (I Was a War Male Bride, City for Conquest, The Man Who Came to Dinner)—she was called 'the oomph girl' and i think that deserves a vote
Marlene Dietrich (Shanghai Express, Witness for the Prosecution, Morocco)—its marlene dietrich!!!! queer legend, easily the hottest person to ever wear a tuxedo, that hot hot voice, those glamorous glamorous movies.... most famously she starred in a string of movies directed by josef von sternberg throughout the 1930s, beginning with the blue angel which catapulted her to stardom in the role of the cabaret singer lola lola. known for his exquisite eye for lighting, texture, imagery, von sternberg devoted himself over the course of their collaborations to acquiring exceptional skill at photographing dietrich herself in particular, a worthy direction in which to expend effort im sure we can all agree. she collaborated with many other great directors of the era as well, including rouben mamoulian (song of songs), frank borzage (desire), ernst lubitsch (angel), fritz lang (rancho notorious), and billy wilder (witness for the prosecution). the encyclopedia britannica entry im looking at while compiling this propaganda describes her as having an “aura of sophistication and languid sexuality” which✔️💯. born marie magdalene dietrich, she combined her first and middle names to coin the moniker “marlene”. she was a trendsetter in her incorporation of trousers, suits, and menswear into her wardrobe and her androgynous allure was often remarked upon. critic kenneth tynan wrote, “She has sex, but no particular gender. She has the bearing of a man; the characters she plays love power and wear trousers. Her masculinity appeals to women and her sexuality to men.” in the 1920s she enjoyed the vibrant queer nightlife of weimar berlin, visiting gay bars and drag balls, and in hollywood her love affairs with men and women were an open secret. she was an ardent opponent of nazi germany, refusing lucrative contacts offered her to make films there, raising money with billy wilder to help jews and dissidents escape, and undertaking extensive USO tours to entertain soldiers with an act that included her a playing musical saw and doing a mindreading routine she learned from orson welles. starting in the 50s and continuing into the mid-70s she worked largely as a cabaret artist touring the world to large audiences, employing burt bacharach as her musical arranger.
This is round 1 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
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"ms dietrich....ms dietrich pls.....sit on my face"
"First of all, there are those publicity photos of her in a tux. Second of all, I have never been the same since knowing that she sent copies of those photos to her Berlin lovers signed "Daddy Marlene." Not only is she hot in all circumstances, but she can do everything from earthy to ice queen. Also, she kept getting sexy romantic lead parts in Hollywood after the age of 40, which would be rare even now. She hated Nazis, loved her friends, and had a sapphic social circle in Hollywood. She also had cheekbones that could cut glass and a voice that could melt you."
"Did a bunch of humanitarian work during ww2, pretty sure a shot of her from Shanghai express was the inspiration for one of queens album covers and also her in the suit in Morocco (1930) CHANGED LIVES. I’m sure she’s already been submitted but I wanted an opportunity to submit one of my favourite pictures of her for the poll"
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Bisexual icon, super hot when dressed both masculine and feminine, lived up her life in the queer Berlin scene of the 1920s, central to the 'sewing circle' of the secret sapphic actresses of Old Hollywood, refused lucrative offers by the Nazis and helped Jews and others under persecution to escape Nazi Germany, the love of my life
Her GENDER her looks her voice her everything
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“In her films and record-breaking cabaret performances, Miss Dietrich artfully projected cool sophistication, self-mockery and infinite experience. Her sexuality was audacious, her wit was insolent and her manner was ageless. With a world-weary charm and a diaphanous gown showing off her celebrated legs, she was the quintessential cabaret entertainer of Weimar-era Germany.”
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"The bar scene in Morocco awoke something in me and ultimately changed my gender"
"Her manner, the critic Kenneth Tynan wrote, was that of ‘a serpentine lasso whereby her voice casually winds itself around our most vulnerable fantasies.’ Her friend Maurice Chevalier said: ‘Dietrich is something that never existed before and may never exist again.’”
"Songstress, photographer, fashion icon, out bisexual phenom (notoriously stole Lupe Velez and Joan Crawford's men, and Errol Flynn's wife, had a torrid affair with Greta Garbo that ended in a 60-year feud, other notable conquests including Erich Maria Remarque -yes, the guy who wrote All Quiet on the Western Front- Douglas Fairbanks Junior, Claudette Colbert, Mercedes de Acosta, Edith Piaf), anti-Nazi activist. Marlene was a bitch - she had an open marriage for decades and one of her favorite things was making catty commentary about her current lover with her husband, and her relationship with her daughter was painful- but she was also immensely talented, a hard worker, an opponent of fascism and the hottest ice queen in Hollywood for a long time."
"She can sing! She can act! She told the Nazis to fuck off and became a US citizen out of spite! She worked with other German exiles to create a fund to help Jews and German dissidents escape (she donated an entire movie salary, about $450k, to the cause). She looks REALLY GOOD in a suit. If you're not convinced, please listen to her sing "Lili Marlene". Absolutely gorgeous woman with a gorgeous voice."
Gifset link
"Bisexual icon and Nazi-hater. Looks absolutely stunning in the suits she liked to wear. 'I dress for the image. Not for myself, not for the public, not for fashion, not for men'."
"would you not let her walk on you?"
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aldbooks · 1 year
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Summer ACOTAR writing circle hosted by @azrielshadowssing - pairing Emorie
Cool for the Summer Part 1 - 1808 words
Part 2 | Part 3
Read below or on AO3
Wind whipped through the open windows of Emerie’s truck as she navigated through the quiet streets. Gwyn sat in the backseat, sipping an iced coffee and belting out the lyrics to the song on the radio while Nesta grumbled from where she slumped in the passenger seat. 
“You have far too much energy for this early in the morning. It’s unnatural.”
Emerie snorted as Gwyn ignored their grumpy friend entirely, grinning like a fool. She looked downright adorable in her white lifeguard tank and matching visor, her copper hair pulled into a perky high pony, mirrored aviators perched on her nose despite the low light of the early morning. She was practically bouncing in her seat as she sang. Gwyn had always been a morning person, the exact opposite of Nesta’s night owl tendencies. Emerie, who was neutral on the subject, had never been quite sure if her friend’s high energy levels in the morning were natural, or due to the copious amounts of caffeine she often drank.
Rolling her head to the side, Nesta glared at Emerie over the top of her cateye sunglasses. “I hate you for dragging me out of bed this early to deal with her.”
“You didn’t have to come,” Emerie chuckled. “You were the one who insisted we should all work here together this summer.”
Nesta returned her glare to the window, a few wisps of hair that had escaped the braid wrapping around her head, dancing in the wind. “Yeah, well, that was before I realized it required predawn hours.”
“They told us what the hours would be during the interview. You still agreed.” Silently, Emerie agreed that she hadn’t quite anticipated the ungodly hours either when she’d submitted to the job in a desperate attempt to avoid her family as much as possible over the summer. Luckily, they wouldn’t always have the opening shift.
Nesta made a dismissive noise and continued to sulk as they finally approached the country club’s parking lot and drove to the small section at the back they’d been instructed to park in for their shifts. Piling out of the car, Gwyn still humming under her breath, they entered the pool’s admin building, dropping their things off in the employee lockers and helped each other slather on sunscreen before they began the various tasks required to open the pool for the day. 
Gwyn opened the storage area and began bringing out the various flotation devices available for the pool’s patrons, Nesta disappeared to fetch towels from laundry while Emerie began setting up lounge chairs and umbrellas. Within an hour, the pool deck was set and ready, the bathrooms and various amenities rooms were checked and the doors unlocked. A family consisting of three very energetic children and their tired mother were already waiting outside as soon as the pool opened and Emerie kept an eye on them from her elevated chair as the mother attempted to wrangle them all into floaties before they jumped into the water.
The morning was relatively slow as guests began to slowly trickle in. Someone had brought their own speakers and was playing reggaeton at a low enough volume that no one bothered them about it. The music was a welcome addition to the background noise of screaming children and splashing. She could see Gwyn dancing in her perch across from Emerie and even Nesta was nodding along to the beat.
Nothing particularly exciting happened for the first few hours, and Emerie was just beginning to wonder if the easy paycheck was really worth how terribly bored she was when a group of unfairly good looking people trooped in through the gates and headed over to the row of cabanas that had been pre-reserved for the day. 
Emerie watched them with interest as they set out the coolers of drinks and snacks they’d brought with them. The cabanas and the amenities rooms were the only areas where food and drinks, other than water, were allowed, and the curly haired girl in the frilly pink bathing suit was directing the men with her on where to lay everything out while the women rolled out towels and blankets and rearranged chairs to their satisfaction. There were seven of them in total, but only four appeared to be coupled off. The curly haired woman with the man with ridiculously luscious looking red hair, and a woman who looked a lot like Nesta with one of the dark haired men who wore a smirk like it was painted on his face. 
Actually, now that she was looking…
Emerie: Nes, are those your sisters?
Nesta: *eye rolling emoji* yes. Ignore them
Gwyn: Why would we ignore them? You should introduce us. I can’t believe we’ve never met them before!
Nesta: No
Emerie looked up from her phone as the largest man in the group with his long hair pulled up into a bun approached Nesta with a wide grin under his glasses. She felt a brow lift as she took in his well formed physique, tattoos covering his shoulders. He stopped below Nesta’s chair, his head almost eye level with her boobs. Emerie couldn’t hear what he said to her, but she could see the way her friend pointedly ignored the man.
Emerie: Um… who’s the hottie?
She watched as Nesta snatched up her phone from where it had been sitting on the chair’s arm- right under his nose. She knew he’d seen the text when his grin widened and he turned to glance around the pool, nodding his head at Emerie and Gwyn when he caught sight of them, phone in hand.
Gwyn: *crying laughing emoji*
Emerie snickered to herself as she watched one of the last of the dark haired men from the cabana group make his way over to his friend, shaking his head in an exasperated sort of way. His steps paused as he scanned the pool deck and spotted Gwyn. 
Emerie: Oop! Looks like you caught one too, Gwyn. *evil grinning emoji*
Gwyn: *blushing emoji*
Nesta: stop it. Both of you.
Emerie: You never answered the question Nes. Who’s the hottie? 
The man in question was still attempting to flirt with Nesta, who had not even glanced in his direction, until his friend slapped a tattooed hand on his shoulder and steered him away.
Nesta: no one
Gwyn: HA!
Emerie: Oh, please. Don’t lie to us, Nes. It’s insulting.
*offended gif*
Gwyn: *pounting GIF*
Nesta: *eye roll emoji*
Smirking, Emerie looked over at her friend, her attention snagging briefly on a flash of bright red before doing a double take as another person joined the party in the cabanas. Emerie froze as her attention zeroed in entirely on the most gorgeous woman she’d ever seen. Strutting in red cork wedges with a matching bikini, under a sheer black sarong, a giant straw hat shaded her face but it was easy enough to make out her red, heart shaped sunglasses and equally red lips. Long blonde hair streamed behind her in perfect waves, and gold jewelry glinted at her throat and wrists. The woman looked like she’d stepped out of a magazine… or Emerie’s fantasies.
Her phone vibrated in her hand, jarring her back to the conversation with her friends. 
Nesta: close your mouth, Em. Your jaw is practically on the floor
Gwyn: *drooling emoji*
*GIF of cartoon character jaw drop*
Emerie’s cheeks heated as she glanced once more at the woman who was greeting the women who had to be Nesta’s sisters with a wide smile.
Emerie: shut up
Gwyn: *laughing emoji*
Nesta: *smirking emoji* That’s Mor
I can introduce you…
Gwyn: What?! You’ll introduce a potential love interest for Emerie, but won’t introduce your sisters?? Injustice!
Emerie: I agree with the ginger
Gwyn shot her a playful scowl from across the pool, which Emerie returned with a wink before remembering she was wearing sunglasses and just grinned. 
A loud whoop was followed by a massive splash that sent water shooting up high enough to drench Nesta, who sputtered indignantly, and caused waves to spread across the pool. Gwyn’s shrill whistle cut through the air as she stood and pointed at the grinning idiot that had been flirting with Nesta earlier, and had just resurfaced.
“No splashing!” she scolded. He ignored her, grinning up at a seething Nesta who now resembled a drowned rat. His friend shot Gwyn an apologetic look.
Emerie cursed under her breath and contemplated how to keep Nesta from doing something that might get her arrested but her sisters were already rushing over to diffuse the situation. Sitting back in her seat, she couldn’t stop her eyes from straying back over towards the cabanas, only to find the gorgeous blond staring right at her.
Heat flooded Emerie as she flushed under the attention. She reached up to play with the end of her braid, a nervous habit, as she held the woman’s gaze. It helped that they were both wearing glasses and were too far away to properly read each other’s expressions, which hopefully meant she couldn’t see just how red Emerie’s face was. 
The woman- Mor, reached a hand up to tip her sunglasses down, peering over them at Emerie in a way that made it obvious she was looking at her. Emerie flushed further as her red lips tipped up in a smirk. She then turned in an elegant move, untying the sarong around her waist so Emerie got a good look at her sculpted body as it fell away. Perching on the edge of a lounger, she slipped off her heels, reaching into the white and gold tote she’d brought in with her and pulled out a bottle of sunscreen. Turning to stretch out in the chair, Emerie watched, mesmerized as she began massaging the lotion into her long, tanned legs…
Once again, her phone pulled her back to the present. The grinning idiot was now riding a ridiculous unicorn floaty next to his friend who sat at the edge of the pool eyeing Gwyn, while Nesta glared at them both. Gwyn, for her part, was staring Emerie down, her red eyebrows dancing over the edge of her glasses when she finally caught her attention, a bright grin on her face as she looked back and forth between Emerie and Mor who was smirking at her once again.
Cursing to herself again, Emerie glanced down at the group chat that was full of suggestive GIFs and teasing innuendos from her friends at her expense. Nesta had again offered to introduce her and Emerie stared at her phone for a moment, biting her lip as she considered. When she looked up again, however, it seemed the decision had been made for her.
Mor, apparently finished applying her sunscreen, had risen from her seat and was now sauntering across the pool deck, directly towards Emerie.
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the-diabolist · 2 years
demon strade in the attic with a baseball bat 🫣
Kinktober 2022, day 18 - demon strade @_@ I'm overheating. (There will be a part 2 of this later lol)
c.w: afab reader, dubcon, temperature play if you squint, size difference, praise, mild sadism (so far), my demon kink is on full display oops, Strade is his own warning. 800w
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You hadn't expected the ritual to work, of course - who would? It was just something you'd found in an old tome from the secondhand bookstore, and you'd only tried it because you were bored, and a little lonely, and it was something to do.
The spell had called for a different focus depending on what you wanted from the summoning. You'd been reading too much supernatural romance lately and found yourself intrigued by the concept of an incubus - so, as the book instructed, you masturbated until you came in your underwear and then tossed them into the circle.
You don't even think you'd said the incantation correctly - it was a lot of words in a language you weren't familiar with - and yet here you are, gazing up in terror from where you'd fallen to the floor on buckled knees, watching a huge monster with horns and wings lift your panties to his face and lap at the wet spot on the fabric.
"Mmm... not bad, little human. Sweet, almost..." he muses, voice so low and rough that it's practically a growl. He dangles the intimate article from a claw, grinning down at you; his teeth are horrifyingly sharp. "But I think you have a more substantial offering for me, don't you?"
His words make you tremble, eyes widening. In theory, fucking a demon had been a hot idea - but now that one is actually standing here - somehow - you aren't so sure. You turn abruptly, crawling away, fumbling for the book you'd dropped behind you earlier, when he'd startled you by appearing out of nowhere in an explosion of green fire.
He can't leave the circle, right?? You panic internally as you frantically flip through pages. The movies always say -
A sudden, harsh exhale sends blistering air over your right ear; at the same time, a clawed hand comes to rest over your ribs. You stop breathing, dread freezing your lungs along with the rest of your body. 
"Pssst. What are you looking for?" he whispers, then runs his abnormally long, blazing hot tongue from the lobe of your ear, up the arch, and over the shell. You have time to shudder once before he yanks you backwards, pulling you underneath him, your back flush against his chest.
Everything about him is scorching - the arm around your middle, the glowing crater in his chest, the breath ghosting over your neck. The heat is uncomfortable on your skin, sweltering, even through a layer of clothing.
You whimper, submitting to his grasp simply because you don't know what else you can do. He's so much bigger than you, and you're reluctant to find out what kind of dangerous powers he might have... in addition to those wicked teeth and claws, that is. Even the tip of his tail looks sharp.
"I don't usually answer this kind of summons, you know," he says, casually, still alarmingly close to your ear. You wonder distantly if all demons are this conversational; he seems to like to talk. "But your scent was so... alluring. I needed a taste."
"What - um," you struggle to get words out through the frightened lump in your throat. They come out weak and quiet, barely there even in the stillness of the room. "What are you going to do with me?"
"Ahh, aren't you adorable," he rumbles. You flinch away when you feel his teeth scrape your jaw; you hear his wings rustle above you. "I'm going to do what you summoned me for, of course!"
"I - I don't know if I want - " you stammer, blood turning to ice in your veins. How do you politely turn down a demon?
"Nonsense~" he lilts, and you hear a ripping sound as he sinks his claws into your t-shirt, tearing it in half. "No need to be coy, my little darling - " he discards the shredded remnants of your shirt, which you weren't wearing anything underneath, and moves on to your shorts, which you also aren't wearing anything underneath - "I'm here now. I'll feed your cravings... and you'll feed mine."
His claws rake over your thighs as he pulls off your shorts, baring you completely, causing you to cry out in pain; only when you feel something warm running down your skin do you realize he must've drawn blood.
"W- wait," you squeak in alarm as you feel something huge and hard slip between your folds, sliding back and forth through the still-dripping slick from your earlier orgasm. He feels enormous, which doesn't surprise you based on his frame, but does terrify you. "Please wait - "
"Feel free to scream for me, sweetling," he purrs, then barely pushes inside you with a small thrust - but it's still too much, stretching you too quickly. Reflexively, you do scream, sharp and short. "Mm, good little human. Let's have a lot of fun, okay?"
So, how do you politely turn down a demon? Apparently, you don't.
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The update nobody likes seeing: I Think I'm Taking A Break.
"Fandom is a community" they said.
Funny - I've possibly never felt more alone.
Never felt so isolated and overlooked in favor of the familiar, the "famous", the friendly and out-going. Maybe it's all just the Seasonal Affective Disorder talking, and this is all momentary, but right now, it doesn't feel that way.
It sure doesn't feel momentary between how low my interactions have been on writing that I have put so much fucking effort into.
The community I foolishly thought I was a part of only ever seems to stick to reading their same circle of friends, endlessly, forever. Rarely ever do I see someone else gets given a chance outside of the friend group. And that's an "if" on if they reblog something a friend didn't write...
"Reblogging is important for everyone!! If you like a fic reblog it! Everyone in this community is equally important and valued."
Fucking is it? Am I?
Is it important for EVERYONE in this community, or it just applicable to your friends? Is it only your friends who get your reblogs, and your comments, and your reaction memes, and whatever else? Is it only your friends who are worthy of your time for a simple reply when it comes to thanking ""everyone"" who left you a comment?
If everyone is as valuable to this community as you claim... why aren't you acting a little more like it?
Why are there people like me who feel like they have to resort to "Put Yourself Out There!" type of posts in order to get absolutely pitiable levels of acknowledgement in return for time and energy that only ends up being a waste?
A waste of the organizer's time, and a waste of the participants' time.
Some sweet soul (and god fucking bless them) sent in my Last of the Pack artwork in for a previous Fandom Friday some time back and the interactions barely budged. I think I only ever got 2 additional notes from the recommendation...
I signed up for a follower appreciation event where people were supposed to submit their masterlists, and the participants were supposed to pick two (at minimum) items out of their assigned masterlist to react to/comment on in their reblog of either the work of fiction or piece of art...
... And I haven't seen a single reblog out of it from whoever was assigned to me (yet, I believe there's still time within the event deadline, to be fair).
Thing is: I don't know that I'm gonna be postponing this inevitable hiatus I feel I need to take in order to see those for much longer.
I'm probably going to stick around just long enough to post a Fives x Reader that an anon requested from me, and then I'm going to bounce. I don't know for how long. So that means I don't know when "Deep Night" to Poets and Painters will end up being posted.
That means I don't know when anything will be posted again.
But I think I need to perform a serious evaluation of the effort I'm expending for the turn out of any type of interaction I'm getting in return while lowering my expectations AGAIN before I come back to my sideblog.
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jobrookekarev · 11 months
All Dressed Up Chapter Two
Chapter: Two of two.
Words: 2,466
Summary: The karev’s pick out their costumes and go trick-or-treating at the hospital. 
Fandom: Grey’s Anatomy.
Relationship: Alex Karev/Jo Wilson
Characters: Alex Karev, Jo Wilson, Cormac Hayes, Richard Webber, Levi Schmitt, Luna Wilson, Helena Karev, Edith Karev.
Rating: General Audiences.
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Fluff, Family, Love, One Shot, Holidays, Domestic, Children, Cute, Halloween, Costumes, Trick-or-treating, Family fun.
Read at AO3
Read at FFN
Alex was rushing through the last of his paperwork as he tried to get out of the office in time to go trick or treating with the girls. He still had half of this consultations paperwork and surgery dictations to do. Thus he hastily typed it up as fast as he could. If it wasn't due tonight he wouldn't have done it for tomorrow, but he needed to send this to an oncologist in Hawaii. Therefore it had to be done before 6:00 pm tonight, if he wanted them to respond and he could still have the time to submit it all by midnight, so they could get the funding. 
Their leave was up a week ago and he had gone back to work part time as they eased back into it. Jo was still on leave for another two weeks and the girls were back in daycare part time while he was working. Alex was excited to get back to work as he missed it, he missed surgery and medicine. Jo had missed it too, but she struggled with the idea of putting Edith in daycare. Jo wasn't ready to be away from her just yet. They agreed that Jo would be on leave for another two weeks and then would go back part-time as well. They were lucky that they were able to not only afford it but be allowed it.
He was just finishing up the last paragraph and filling out all the little boxes, making sure that the forms were ready to send off when he heard a knock on his door. Alex groaned if he was an intern with a page or a nurse with a patient he would kill them. He quickly got up and went over to the door swinging it open ready to yell at whoever was there, but instead he was greeted with one tiny pink dinosaur, one white and rainbow unicorn, Ellie Sattler park ranger, and one even tinier baby dinosaur. 
“Tik or tee, daddy,” the girls said as they held up their bags.
“Well aren't you the cutest trick or treaters I’ve ever seen,” Alex said leaning down and hugging them both kissing her cheeks. “I don't think I've seen a prettier dinosaur or a unicorn.” He said looking at them 
‘I have a tutu,’ Luna signed as she showed it off to him, and did a little twirl. 
‘I see, you look beautiful,’ Alex signed to her with a smile as he looked over at Helena. “No hearing aids?”
“Yeah, she had taken them off at daycare,” Jo said with a shrug. 
“Alright,” Alex nodded as he looked down at Helena. “And is this a scary dinosaur?”
“Roar,” Helena said, coming at him with her claws and teeth. 
“Helena Karev, don't bite your dad,” Jo said, grabbing Helena's hand and pulling her back as she leaned in to actually bite him and Jo shoved a circle teether into her mouth. “She already bit two other kids today.”
Jo waved the report slips at him as he frowned and looked down at Helena as she chewed on the teather. “Two?”
“Two,” Jo said again, shaking her head. “This kid.”
“Yeah, let's leave the biting to real dinosaurs,” Alex said, bopping her nose as she giggled and he shook his head.
“Are you ready to go trick or treating?” Jo asked, holding up his costume.
“Almost, it's just going to take me about another five minutes to get this paperwork submitted,” Alex said as he invited them into the office.
“That's fine, I need to feed the baby anyway,” Jo said as she pushed the stroller into his office and went to sit down on the couch. 
The girls followed immediately going to the couch where he had a couple of kids books and toys. Helena hopped up with him to play with the models on his desk. She particularly liked the Newton's cradle and started it as she sat on his desk and watched it go back and forth. Jo settled Edith as she struggled with her costume and ended up taking off her top to feed her. 
‘Mama I fed my baby,’ Luna signed as she sat next to Jo with her baby doll and fed them a bottle. 
Alex smiled as he turned away from her and went back to his paperwork, giving Helena a highlighter and a piece of paper to scribble on. Alex finally got it all submitted and Jo dutifully handed him his costume. He quickly hung up his scrub coat and changed out of his scrubs.
“How is this supposed to go?” Alex said, looking at the pants as he held them up. 
“It's that way around,” Jo said, gesturing for him to turn them around. 
“You got me a scarf, really Jo?” Alex asked, holding up the small red scarf.
“They’re not that bad,” Jo said with a smile. “Besides, I think you’d look hot.”
Alex rolled his eyes as he pulled on the blue button up shirt and pocket purses for his belt. He went to the bathroom grabbing a little bit of hair gel before going back to Jo and letting her style his hair and tie the scarf around his neck.
“How do I look?” Alex asked, looking over at her and the girls.
“You look good,” Jo said, her eyes going up and down his body as she smirked. “You'll definitely have to keep that outfit on tonight.”
“Daddy pretty,” Luna said as she smiled and walked up to him, also singing ‘beautiful.’
“Thank you baby,” Alex beamed for her as he picked her up and kissed her cheeks.
Jo said as she smiled at him burping Edith as she held her on her lap with a burp rag on her knee. She was massaging her back in between patting her and soon enough Edith let out a large burp and then spit up onto the towel. 
“I definitely don't miss this stage,” Jo said as she groaned as she stared down at the spit up in her lap.
“I don’t mind it,” Alex said as he picked up the rag and wiped Edith’s chin, Jo let him take her as he smiled at his baby girl.
“Are you desensitized after years of intern grunt work?” Jo guessed with a smile.
“Pretty much,” Alex said as he got Edith settled in one arm and put the rag in a plastic diaper bag before he tossed it on the table. “We can leave it in here and pick it up when we come back tonight.” 
“You both know we're going to forget about it,” Jo said, tossing it into the back of the stroller instead. 
“Yeah and I don't want my office smelling like spit up,” Alex said as he made a face and Edith smiled at him. “Alright, are we ready to go get some candy?”
“Yeah ready to go trick or treating?” Jo said looking over at the girls as she caught Luna’s attention and signed. ‘trick or treat’
“Candy,” Luna signed back as she picked up her bag. 
Then the Karev’s were off. All of the hallways on the pediatric floor were decorated per Hayes and Alex direction. Then they followed the crowds of other kids as they all trick or treat at the nurses stations and other stops that had been set up. The girls loved the act of trick or treating as much as they loved getting candy. Before he knew it they each had a chocolate mustache around their face despite Jo initially saying they could only eat it after dinner. Alex indulged them and soon enough even Jo had a sucker.
“Well, aren't you the cutest family I've ever seen,” Hayes said as they stopped by the desk and he quickly pulled out his phone to take a picture of them.
“Yeah Uncle Hayes I bite you,”
“Oh no don't bite me,” Hayes said as he quickly ran behind the desk to hide. 
“Helena,” Jo yelled as she quickly grabbed her. “Do not bite him.”
“Mama I pra’tended bite,” Helena said, pretending to gently bite the air by Jo's arm. 
“Okay only pretend though,” Jo said as she let go of Helena and she ran up to Hayes and grabbed him with her paws and pretended to bite him. 
“Oh no, I've been bitten by a dinosaur, nurses help,” Hayes said as he pretended to faint into his chair and the nurses around them laughed.
“Help you,” Luna said, coming over and kissing the air by where Helena had bit him.
“I've been saved by the prettiest unicorn. Thank you Luna,” Hayes said as he wrapped his arms around them both in a hug. Then Hayes pulled out two handfuls of candy from his pockets and put it in the girl's bags. “Happy Halloween girls.” 
“Thank you,” they both said as they looked at the candy in their bags.
“That's a lot of candy,” Jo said although she didn't necessarily complain. 
“It's Halloween you only get so many of these before they’re off to parties or trick or treating with their friends.”
“Is that where the boys are tonight?”
“Yeah but we're going to pick them up and watch spooky movies at Meredith's tonight if you guys want to join?” 
“Thanks for the offer, but we've got a movie marathon out of our own at home, plus we can't be out too late because of Reese's,” Alex said with a little shrug.
“Oh yeah I bought an outfit for him too,” Jo said with a smile as she pulled out her phone and showed off a picture of the black lab in a dinosaur suit. 
“Of course you did,” Hayes said with a shake of his head.
“He loved it,” Jo insisted, putting her phone away. 
“Mama candy!” Helena said, pointing to the nurses handing out more candy down the hall. 
“Okay,” Jo said is she waved pushing the stroller around and 
“Before you go I have something for the littlest dinosaur,” Hayes said, going up to the stroller Alex was pushing as he pulled back the blanket and gave Edith a little rattle.
“Thanks I think she likes it,” Alex said as Edith grabbed it with uncoordinated fingers before pulling it into her mouth.
“No, problem, have fun,” Hayes said, patting Alex's shoulder as he went to catch up with Jo and the girls. 
They walked around the hospital for a little bit more, hitting all of the levels and center and saying all of their aunts and uncles, some of whom were trick or treating with their kids too. Of course Luna insisted on being with Scout as they held hands and the two of them trick or treated together for a while. They were currently visiting with Uncle Weber who was sitting with them in the lobby of the general hospital wing. He was showing Helena and Luna the different types of candy he had in the bowl and took a sour patch kid and gave one to each girl. 
Luna popped it in her mouth but the second you tasted the sourness she spit it out and wiped her touch on her sleeve and signed no. “Yucky!”
Alex sighed as he quickly cleaned up the candy she had spit out. However as he looked over at Helena as she was happily chewing on the candy. “Yum.” 
“That’s alright Luna here try one of these,” Weber said as he handed her a Kit Kat.
“Okay we should probably head home for the night,” Jo said as she came back from the bathroom having changed Edith's diaper. She had the baby on her shoulder and was patting her back as Edith fussed. She was probably ready to be put down for the night.
“Alright girls say goodbye to Uncle Weber and let's get going,” Alex said, taking the brakes off the stroller. 
“Bye Uncle Webber,” both of the girls said as they hugged him.
“Bye girls have a good night,” Webber said as he slipped a little bit more candy into the girl's bags.
“Well what did you girls think? Did you have a good time trick or treating?” Jo asked as Alex signed to Luna as he pushed the stroller and they both nodded . 
‘Where’s Uncle Levi?’ Luna looked around with a frown. He was her favorite of all the aunts and uncles they had, much to Link’s disappointment. 
“I'm sure he's around here somewhere but he's working tonight,” Alex said with a frown as he signed to her as well.
“Let's check with the nurses, though,” Jo said as she walked over to the nurses station. “Hey Ginger, where is Dr. Schmidt tonight?”
“He’s in surgery doing a liver reception. He might be out by now though?” Ginger said looking over at Luna with a hopeful smile.
“That's all right thanks Ginger,” Jo said as she nodded and looked back at Luna with a small smile as she signed to her. “Sorry Luna, you can see him tomorrow.”
“Maybe we can video call him tonight?” Alex said as he pushed a stroller back and forth. 
‘No Uncle Levi now,’ Luna signed as she nearly cried.
‘Why don’t you two go down to the OR floor and see if we can find him?’ Jo leaned down to console her and Luna nodded.
“Helena, do you want to go or stay here with me and Edith?” Alex asked her. 
“Daddy,” Helena said, reaching her arms up for him, she was already quite tired and Alex could tell that she would be passed out on his shoulder as he picked her up. 
Jo and Luna walked up to the OR floor and Jo looked over at the board and signed to her. ‘Levi’s in surgery.’
‘I see Uncle Levi,’ Luna insisted with a frown.
“What’s wrong Dr. Karev?” One of the interns asked as Jo looked back to see who had spoken.
“Oh, Luna wants to see Levi,” Jo explained as Luna pouted further.
“You could probably pop up to the OR gallery with her,” Adams offered as Jo gave him a strange look.
“I'm not taking my two and a half year old to view a surgery,” Jo said looking at him as Adams just stared at her while Griffin slapped him over the side of the head. 
“Right, sorry,” Adams said, rubbing the back of his head. 
Jo prepared herself as she looked back at Luna, who had big blue eyes full of tears. Then the doors opened and they looked up to see Levi walk in. He had a smile on his face that grew even bigger when he spotted Luna. 
‘My girl!’ Levi signed as Luna spotted him and lit up as her tears disappeared and she ran for him. 
She jumped into his arms and Levi held her up before he hugged her and signed to her.  He was trying to learn sign language to always be able to talk to her. ‘You are a beautiful…’ “I don’t know how to sign Unicorn.”
“It’s this,” Jo said to him as she a. Signed unicorn. “It was a new one for us as well.”
‘You trick or treat?’ Levi signed to her as Luna nodded.  
‘Candy blue,’ Luna signed as she stuck out her tongue to show off her blue tongue. 
“She loved the blue sugar sticks,” Jo explained with a smile.
“Oh yeah I can see that,” Levi said with a laugh.
‘You want candy?’ Levi signed to her as Luna lit up.
‘Yes,’ Luna said as she nearly jumped in his arms.
They walked to the attending lounge and Levi carried Luna the entire way. Levi talked and Jo translated to Luna about the kind of surgery he was doing before they reached the lounge. Levi got into his cubby as he pulled out the candy. They were a giant launchable gummy candy, one set was a pizza and the other was a hamburger set. 
‘Which one,’ Levi offered her as she grabbed the pizza set.
‘Pizza’ Luna signed as she reached for it, when it came to Pizza she was 100% Alex's girl. 
“Alright then we'll save this one for your sister,” Levi said as he handed it to Jo. 
They walked out to the lounge and found Alex pushing the stroller with Helena on his shoulder. He paced and rocked it back and forth, spinning the toys that he hung above the stroller and making a twinkling sort of sound as he talked with Edith.
‘Pizza Daddy,’ Luna signed to him as she showed him the gummies. 
“Wow that's something special, did you think Uncle Levi,” Alex said as his hands were too full to sign as he still held Helena so Jo signed it to her.
‘Thank you Uncle Levi,’ Luna said as she switched to talking and turned around to give him a big hug. 
‘Of course, Luna, you know I do anything for you,’ Levi said, kissing her cheek as Jo smiled.
“She's got you wrapped around her little finger,” Jo said as she lightly pushed Levi. 
“Of course she does,” Levi said with a smile. “But that's how I like it.” 
‘Okay, let's go home little Moon, sign goodbye to Uncle Levi,’ Jo sighed as she reached out to take her from Levi. 
‘Goodbye,’ Luna signed as she gave him a hug before she went to Jo and they all headed home. 
Alex caught Jo looking out the window as they drove home. She had been quiet as had the rest of the girls as Edith and Helena were sleeping in the back seat and Luna was quietly eating her gummy pizza. 
“What are you thinking about?” Alex's asking, catching her eye before he looked back to the road. 
“Oh not much just thinking about the night. I didn't want it to end,” Jo said with a little smile.
“Yeah well it'll be here next year,” Alex said as he tried to reassure her.
“Yeah but we only have sixteen more Halloweens with them, and they’re not going to want to hang out with their parents on Halloween when they are teenagers. So that makes the number even less,” Jo lamented with a sigh.
“Well you don't have to think of it like that,” Alex said with a depressing frown. “Well then we’ll just have to have a little anniversary halloween to ourselves. And when they have kids we can go trick or treating with all of them, assuming they have kids.” 
“Have you seen the way Luna adores her baby dolls? Jo said, noting the one she was holding tonight that was currently in its own car seat at Luna's feet. “We're probably going to get at least one grandkid from her and Scout.”
“She doesn’t have to marry Scout,” Alex groaned with a scowl that made Jo laugh. “Besides, yesterday she put her baby doll into the toy oven because it was crying too much.”
“Yeah, I think she's still getting used to her baby sister,” Jo said with a little laugh as they pulled into the driveway. 
‘Mommy I tired,’ Luna signed, holding up her arms as Jo unbuckled her from her car seat.
‘Okay baby, let's go inside,’ Jo signed before she picked her up and Luna laid her head on her shoulder. 
Jo put her down to bed and Luna didn't even have energy to ask for a story. Alex laid Helena down in her bed not even bothering to take her costume off before he kissed her good night.  
The two of them retreated back downstairs to the living room and Jo checked on the monitor to see that they were still passed out. Alex put a sleeping Edith in the bassinet that they had in a little corner of the living room. It had become a downstairs nursery as they refer to it, which had a changing station, a pumping station for Jo, and everything. 
“Well what do you say to watching a movie with me?” Alex asked coming up behind her to wrap his arms around her. 
“Sounds good to me,” Jo said as she smiled and leaned into him. 
They curled up on the couch together and put on Hocus Pocus which they had already watched one this year with the girls but still put it on. Edith got up a quarter of the way through and joined them on the couch. Although she was fussy and Jo suspected that she had some gas as she rubbed her tummy and stretched out her legs. 
“I think you just farted on me,” Jo said she picked Edith up.
“She did a little more than that,” Alex said, watching the greenish stain spread out on the leg of Edith's onesie.
“Damn it, it's the third time this week kiddo,” Jo said as she held Edith out in front of her as she got up.
“We might have to go up a size in diapers.” 
“Seriously no more size one diapers,” Jo said as she almost cried as she laid Edith down on the changing table. “It’s bad enough that she never fit in the newborn diapers.” 
“It'll be okay,” Alex said, coming over and grabbing the pack of diapers from the basket. “I already bought some last week.”
“I guess,” Jo said, with a pout as she took one of the new diapers from him. 
“I don't know if this one is worth saving,” Alex said as Jo stripped the onesie off of Edith, seeing that the stain went all the way down her leg and up the back.
“Yeah just toss it,” Jo said with a shrug. “It's not like when the girls were little and we were trying to save them.” 
“I think this little nakey baby needs a bath,” Alex said as he came back to her and saw the full mess.
Jo sighed as she held the first wipe, “I think you're right, can you move the dishes from the sink and clean it out while I try and get as much as I can?”
“Already on it,” Alex said as she heard the dishes clanging behind her.
“So this is how we end our Halloween, hu kiddo,” Jo said, staring down at Edith as she smiled and waved her arms. “Yeah, that sounds about right, Happy Halloween baby girl.”
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thediffenblog · 3 months
The 5 building blocks of intelligence
On a recent episode of the No Priors podcast, Zapier co-founder Mike Knoop said that:
The consensus definition of AGI (artificial general intelligence) these days is: "AGI is a system that can do the majority of economically useful work that humans can do."
He believes this definition is incorrect.
He believes that François Chollet's definition of general intelligence is the correct one: "a system that can effectively, efficiently acquire new skill and can solve open-ended problems with that ability."
François Chollet is the creator of the keras library for ML. He wrote a seminal paper On the Measure of Intelligence and designed the Abstraction and Reasoning Corpus for Artificial General Intelligence (ARC-AGI) challenge. It's a great challenge -- you should play with it at https://arcprize.org/play to see the kinds of problems they expect "true AGI" to be able to solve.
Unlike other benchmarks where AI is either close to or has already surpassed human-level performance, ARC-AGI has proven to be difficult for AI to make much progress on.
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Does that mean Chollet's definition of general intelligence is correct and ARC-AGI is the litmus test for true AGI?
With all due respect to Chollet (who is infinitely smarter than me; I didn't get very far in solving those puzzles myself) I feel that it is a little bit reductive and fails to recognize all aspects of intelligence.
General intelligence
There is already smarter-than-human AI for specific skills like playing chess or Go, or predicting how proteins fold. These systems are intelligent but it is not general intelligence. General intelligence is applies across a wide range of tasks and environments, rather than being specialized for a specific domain.
What other than the following is missing from the definition of general intelligence?:
Ability to learn new skills
Ability to solve novel problems that weren't part of the training set
Applies across a range of tasks and environments
In this post, I submit there are other aspects that are the building blocks of intelligence. In fact, these aspects can and are being worked on independently, and will be milestones on the path to AGI.
Aspects of Intelligence #1: Priors - Language and World Knowledge
Priors refers to existing knowledge a system (or human) has that allows them to solve problems. In the ARC challenge, the priors are listed as:
Objectness Objects persist and cannot appear or disappear without reason. Objects can interact or not depending on the circumstances. Goal-directedness Objects can be animate or inanimate. Some objects are "agents" - they have intentions and they pursue goals. Numbers & counting Objects can be counted or sorted by their shape, appearance, or movement using basic mathematics like addition, subtraction, and comparison. Basic geometry & topology Objects can be shapes like rectangles, triangles, and circles which can be mirrored, rotated, translated, deformed, combined, repeated, etc. Differences in distances can be detected. ARC-AGI avoids a reliance on any information that isn’t part of these priors, for example acquired or cultural knowledge, like language.
However, I submit that any AGI whose priors do not include language should be ruled out because:
Humans cannot interact with this AGI and present it novel problems to solve without the use of language.
It is not sufficient for an AGI to solve problems. It must be able to explain how it arrived at the solution. The AGI cannot explain itself to humans without language.
In addition to language, there is a lot of world knowledge that would be necessary for a generally intelligent system. You could argue that an open system that has the ability to look up knowledge from the Internet (i.e., do research) does not need this. But even basic research requires a certain amount of fundamental knowledge plus good judgment on which source is trustworthy. So, knowledge about the fundamentals of all disciplines is a prerequisite for AGI.
I believe that a combination of LLMs and multi-modal transformer models like those being trained by Tesla on car driving videos will solve this part of the problem.
Aspects of Intelligence #2: Comprehension
It takes intelligence to understand a problem. Understanding language is a necessary but not sufficient condition for this. For example, you may understand language but it requires higher intelligence to understand humor. As every stand-up comedian knows, not everyone in the audience will get every joke.
Presented with a novel problem to solve, it is possible that there are two systems that both fail to solve the problem. This does not prove that neither system is intelligent because it is possible that one system can at least comprehend the problem while another fails to even understand it.
Measuring this is tricky, though. How do you differentiate between a system that truly understands the problem vs. another that bullshits and parrots its way to lead you to believe that it understands? While tricky, I do think it is possible to quiz the system on aspects of the problem to gauge its ability to comprehend it. e.g., ask it to break it down into components, identify the most challenging components, come up with hypotheses or directions for the solution. This is similar to a software developer interview where you can gauge the difference between a candidate who could at least understand what you were asking, and can give some directionally correct answers even though they may not arrive at the right answer.
Comprehension also becomes obvious as a necessary skill when you consider that it's the only way the system will know whether it has successfully solved the problem.
Aspects of Intelligence #3: Simplify and explain
This is the flip side of comprehension. One of the hallmarks of intelligence is being able to understand complex things and explain them in a simple manner. Filtering out extraneous information is a skill necessary for both comprehension and good communication.
A system can be trained to simplify and explain by giving it examples of problems, solutions and explanations. Given a problem and a solution, the task of the system -- i.e. the expected output from the system -- is the explanation for how to arrive at the solution.
Aspects of Intelligence #4: Asking the right questions
Fans of Douglas Adams already know that answer to life, the universe and everything is 42. The question, however, is unknown.
“O Deep Thought computer," he said, "the task we have designed you to perform is this. We want you to tell us…." he paused, "The Answer." "The Answer?" said Deep Thought. "The Answer to what?" "Life!" urged Fook. "The Universe!" said Lunkwill. "Everything!" they said in chorus. Deep Thought paused for a moment's reflection. "Tricky," he said finally. "But can you do it?" Again, a significant pause. "Yes," said Deep Thought, "I can do it."
Given an ambiguous problem, an intelligent entity asks great questions to make progress. In an interview, you look for the candidate to ask great follow-up questions if your initial problem is ambiguous. An AGI system does not require its human users to give it complete information in a well-formatted, fully descriptive prompt input.
In order to be able to solve problems, an AGI will need to consistently ask great questions.
Aspects of Intelligence #5: Tool use
An intelligent system can both build and use tools. It knows which tools it has access to, and can figure out which is the right tool for a job and when building a new tool is warranted. It is a neural net that can grow other neural nets because it knows how to. It has the ability and resources to spawn clones of itself (a la Agent Smith from The Matrix) if necessary to act tools or "agents".
This ability requires a level of self-awareness, not in the sense of sentience but in the sense of the system understanding its own inner workings so that it understands its constraints and knows how it can integrate new subsystems into itself when needed to solve a problem. Like Deep Thought built a computer smarter than itself to find the question to the ultimate answer, a task that Deep Thought itself was unable to perform:
"I speak of none other than the computer that is to come after me," intoned Deep Thought, his voice regaining its accustomed declamatory tones. "A computer whose merest operational parameters I am not worthy to calculate - and yet I will design it for you. A computer which can calculate the Question to the Ultimate Answer, a computer of such infinite and subtle complexity that organic life itself shall form part of its operational matrix.
BONUS: 1 more building block -- for superintelligence
In addition to the five building blocks above, I believe there is one more if a system is to become superintelligent (beyond human level intelligence).
Aspects of Intelligence #6: Creative spark
What is common among the following?:
The discovery (or invention?) of the imaginary unit i, the square root of negative one.
Einstein's thought experiments, such as imagining riding alongside a beam of light, which led him to develop the special theory of relativity.
Archimedes' eureka moment while taking a bath when he realized that the volume of water displaced by an object is equal to the volume of the object itself.
Newton watching an apple fall from a tree and wondering if this is the same force that keeps the moon on orbit around the Earth.
Friedrich August Kekulé having a dream of a snake biting its own tail and leading, leading to the discovery of benzene's ring structure.
Niels Bohr Bohr proposed that electrons travel in specific orbits around the nucleus and can jump between these orbits (quantum leaps) by absorbing or emitting energy. This explained atomic spectra, something that classical physics could not explain.
Nikola Tesla designing the Alternating Current system to efficiently transmit electricity over large distances, and designing the induction motor to use alternating current.
In all these cases, a spark of creativity and imagination led to new advancements in knowledge that were not built upon the available knowledge at the time.
Most scientists and engineers spend their entire career without such groundbreaking insight. So this is not strictly necessary for general intelligence. But for beyond human-level intelligence, the system must be capable of thinking outside the box.
On the Measure of Intelligence - François Chollet
Puzzles in the evaluation set for the $1 million ARC Prize
ARC Prize
ChatGPT is Bullshit - Michael Townsen Hicks, James Humphries, Joe Slater
Stochastic parrot - Wikipedia
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stylusolutions · 5 months
5 Tips to Become an Effective Proofreader
Blog writers in mumbai
Academic writing is heavily dependent on precision and accuracy. It focuses on providing clear and well-structured assistance to pupils in their learning journey. Term papers, reports, research proposals, and literary articles are some of the best examples of academic writing. Academic writing requires a more formal and structured tone in comparison to other forms of writing making it a very distinguished form of writing.
Editing and proofreading are a part of academic writing. It is not advisable to submit academic content without reviewing and proofreading. As academic writing can be slightly challenging, not everyone can master the skills required to start professional proofreading. The nature of academic writing is complex, and formal, making it hard for writers to have total control over their writing. Proofreading is a much-needed companion to any piece of writing including academic writing. It ensures that the content which is written is grammatically and factually correct. The proofreader works on the piece to ensure that the writer has maintained a formal tone and has focused on the structure to make it efficient and engaging.
For foolproof proofreading services, you can always seek assistance from professionals working in this field, for instance, companies like Stylus Solutions Pvt. Ltd. located in Mumbai can provide you with skilled proofreaders.
Let’s glance at some of the factors that one should look into before proofreading academic writing:
One error at a time
Proofreading is a meticulous process and it needs a lot of focus and careful attention. If the document is very long, one should understand that reviewing the entire content piece in one single sitting is not possible. It is better when done bit by bit. This ensures that as a proofreader you can keep a track of the changes that you need to bring in without any confusion. It is known that our concentration works best when the task is broken into smaller bits and proofreading for spelling and grammatical mistakes individually make more sense. Also, comparatively, it becomes easier to use proofreading techniques to make the document error-free.
Do not miss punctuation marks
Punctuation is another important detail proofreaders have to remember. When writing content, punctuation marks are extremely important. One misplaced punctuation mark in a sentence can completely change the context of the sentence and the intended message. The easiest trick a proofreader can use is to circle every punctuation mark to highlight it and to ensure all the punctuation marks are in view. Once the punctuation marks are circled, you can make the required changes and review if the changes are correctly placed.
Get a printed copy
In this time and age, digital devices are the most used source for every purpose. Proofreading is also popularly done through digital devices, as it also provides editing assistants that are available online. These additions make proofreaders think that going digital is the best and easiest way. However, it can be debatable considering the opinions and comforts of different people. Some still prefer to do proofreading manually on a hard copy. Here there is no hard and fast rule to state one is right and the other is wrong, the best one can do is to incorporate methods that work best for them. Proofreaders can also choose to use both methods, by proofreading the entire document on a hard copy and then again using editing assistance online to be extra confident is a popular method. Many prefer hard copy because it is easier to trace the mistakes and keep a note of them. Not many are comfortable with the use of digital devices. With a hard copy, there are fewer chances that you will miss the mistakes in comparison to using digital devices.
Confirm the citation and style
English being a universal language has its own set of challenges. English is a language of various dialects and it is not uncommon that many may get confused. Mixing British English and American English in one document can showcase extreme unprofessionalism. Academic writing is all about knowledge and providing the correct information to students. Using inconsistent spellings in academic writing sets a wrong example for the learners. Firstly make sure which English is required for the document at hand. To avoid such instances it is crucial to proofread the document checking for citation formatting. Such inconsistencies might not be visible easily and hence, proofreading the documents makes it easier for the developers.
Using the backward technique
One other technique widely embraced by writers is reading the documents backward. When you read backward the entire document feels out of context. Proofreading is a lengthy process and our brain can unconsciously use the correct words automatically without even reading those words. Reading backward is the only method that prevents such mishaps.  Start from the last word in the document and work your way up towards the beginning of the document. Each sentence and word is revised and perfected separately. Professional proofreaders rely greatly on this technique as it helps them to concentrate more. The complex language and accuracy of academic writing demand good proofreading techniques. A proofreader is expected to have their way around academic writing.
These are some of the techniques accepted and used by professional proofreaders. For more assistance in proofreading academic papers, you can contact companies providing editing and proofreading services in India, such as Stylus Solutions Pvt. Ltd. With their expertise and assistance, your academic content or other content pieces will become error-free and qualitative.
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11/5/2023 DAB Chronological Transcription
Matthew 23 and Luke 20-21
Welcome to Daily Audio Bible Chronological or DABC. I'm Jill. It's the fifth day of November. I'm humbled to be on this journey, reading the Bible with you and for you. And we do that individually, collectively and in community with one another as we go through the Bible every day together chronologically. And the goal is to get through it in a year and we are well on our way. Today we are reading the book of Matthew, the 23rd chapter and then we're going to jump over to Luke and read chapters 20 and 21. This week we are reading the English Standard version. Matthew Chapter 23. 
Beautiful words of Jesus today. Again, some of the same stories that we read yesterday, just from a different narrative again. And then some additional really important beautiful words from Jesus.
So, Father, we thank you for these words today. We drink from them deeply. We are sitting with them. We are listening and longing to hear them and let then penetrate the parts of our hearts that they would normally just skate on over. And let them sink into the cracks, in the crevices and stir something within us to call us into deeper reflection within ourselves to self examine our hearts, the places that are offended because there's truth that we're not willing to adapt, and there are changes that need to take place that we are unwilling to budge on. Let us be willing to budge. Let us be willing to do the hard work that produces lasting, fruitful change. Only you can stir that within us. So stir us, I pray, Father. And I pray this in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Daily Audio Bible, that's home base. That's the website. You can check it out if you have not. Take a look around if you would like to reach out to a friend or to somebody on the prayer wall. If you feel more comfortable typing it out rather than calling in, you can do so. It is on the website or on the app. Both are available at your fingertips. If you would like to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, we thank you immensely for this partnership. We could not do it without you. If you're giving by mail, Daily Audio Bible DAB PO Box 1996, Spring Hill TN 37174 or look for the give icon on your mobile device or also on the website. If you need prayer, if you'd like to reach out and pray over someone that's previously called in, we welcome you 800-583-2164 or hit the red circle button. It's up at the top right hand corner of that mobile device and make sure you hit submit. Turn that little wheel to chronological. You've got two minutes to leave your prayer or prayer request and we appreciate your cooperation. And that, that's going to do it for me today. I'm Jill. We will turn the page together tomorrow on this journey through the word. We meet here every day and I look forward to it every day. Until then, love one another.
Community Prayer Line:
Papa, I just heard from Simone from Texas today and she just needs you to walk with her today and from now through. Well, from now through forever. But umm, the through the holiday season. She's missing her sister. As you know, the holidays are hard for those of us who have lost someone- the dear, near and dear to our heart to have gone too soon. There are things that we were supposed to do with them that we'd never got to do with them, that it just makes it so hard. So please walk with Simone and do not leave her. Please make yourself palpable in her life so that she knows that you're with her. Wrap your arms around her and let her know that you're there as she grieves. It's just it's a hard time for many of us. But thank you so much for her granddaughter, her celebrating her birthday. Daughter of promise, what a beautiful name. Promise. Happy birthday, dear Promise. Daughter, promise you were brought to your Mama and dad have after a season of very difficult season of infertility. So you are very treasured and very loved. And please take care of your great, of your great Aunt Simone. Just be there for her and love on her. She she just needs your childlike wonderment in life as she walks through this seasons of many, many issues right now. And Simone just hang in there. We love you. This is your friend in Maryland.
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stylususa · 1 year
5 Tips to Become an Effective Proofreader | custom elearning solutions company
Academic writing is heavily dependent on precision and accuracy. It focuses on providing clear and well-structured assistance to pupils in their learning journey. Term papers, reports, research proposals, and literary articles are some of the best examples of academic writing. Academic writing requires a more formal and structured tone in comparison to other forms of writing making it a very distinguished form of writing.
Editing and proofreading are a part of academic writing. It is not advisable to submit academic content without reviewing and proofreading. As academic writing can be slightly challenging, not everyone can master the skills required to start professional proofreading. The nature of academic writing is complex, and formal, making it hard for writers to have total control over their writing. Proofreading is a much-needed companion to any piece of writing including academic writing. It ensures that the content which is written is grammatically and factually correct. The proofreader works on the piece to ensure that the writer has maintained a formal tone and has focused on the structure to make it efficient and engaging.
For foolproof proofreading services, you can always seek assistance from professionals working in this field, for instance, companies like Stylus Solutions Pvt. Ltd. located in Mumbai can provide you with skilled proofreaders.
Let’s glance at some of the factors that one should look into before proofreading academic writing:
One error at a time
Proofreading is a meticulous process and it needs a lot of focus and careful attention. If the document is very long, one should understand that reviewing the entire content piece in one single sitting is not possible. It is better when done bit by bit. This ensures that as a proofreader you can keep a track of the changes that you need to bring in without any confusion. It is known that our concentration works best when the task is broken into smaller bits and proofreading for spelling and grammatical mistakes individually make more sense. Also, comparatively, it becomes easier to use proofreading techniques to make the document error-free.
Do not miss punctuation marks
Punctuation is another important detail proofreaders have to remember. When writing content, punctuation marks are extremely important. One misplaced punctuation mark in a sentence can completely change the context of the sentence and the intended message. The easiest trick a proofreader can use is to circle every punctuation mark to highlight it and to ensure all the punctuation marks are in view. Once the punctuation marks are circled, you can make the required changes and review if the changes are correctly placed.
Get a printed copy
In this time and age, digital devices are the most used source for every purpose. Proofreading is also popularly done through digital devices, as it also provides editing assistants that are available online. These additions make proofreaders think that going digital is the best and easiest way. However, it can be debatable considering the opinions and comforts of different people. Some still prefer to do proofreading manually on a hard copy. Here there is no hard and fast rule to state one is right and the other is wrong, the best one can do is to incorporate methods that work best for them. Proofreaders can also choose to use both methods, by proofreading the entire document on a hard copy and then again using editing assistance online to be extra confident is a popular method. Many prefer hard copy because it is easier to trace the mistakes and keep a note of them. Not many are comfortable with the use of digital devices. With a hard copy, there are fewer chances that you will miss the mistakes in comparison to using digital devices.
Confirm the citation and style
English being a universal language has its own set of challenges. English is a language of various dialects and it is not uncommon that many may get confused. Mixing British English and American English in one document can showcase extreme unprofessionalism. Academic writing is all about knowledge and providing the correct information to students. Using inconsistent spellings in academic writing sets a wrong example for the learners. Firstly make sure which English is required for the document at hand. To avoid such instances it is crucial to proofread the document checking for citation formatting. Such inconsistencies might not be visible easily and hence, proofreading the documents makes it easier for the developers.
Using the backward technique
One other technique widely embraced by writers is reading the documents backward. When you read backward the entire document feels out of context. Proofreading is a lengthy process and our brain can unconsciously use the correct words automatically without even reading those words. Reading backward is the only method that prevents such mishaps.  Start from the last word in the document and work your way up towards the beginning of the document. Each sentence and word is revised and perfected separately. Professional proofreaders rely greatly on this technique as it helps them to concentrate more. The complex language and accuracy of academic writing demand good proofreading techniques. A proofreader is expected to have their way around academic writing.
These are some of the techniques accepted and used by professional proofreaders. For more assistance in proofreading academic papers, you can contact companies providing editing and proofreading services in India, such as Stylus Solutions Pvt. Ltd. With their expertise and assistance, your academic content or other content pieces will become error-free and qualitative.
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hotvintagepoll · 6 months
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Loretta Young (The Farmer’s Daughter, The Stranger, Love is News)— Her cheekbones!! Her lips!! Her big eyes and small nose and not quite classical features!! The planes of her face hypnotize me and her smile clears my mind of anything else. She’s an interesting beauty, not a standard one, almost in a Mads Mikkelsen type way (I repeat: cheekbones). Also I’m begging people to watch The Farmer’s Daughter, a charming rom com where my babygirl Joseph Cotten falls through the ice while skating because he got distracted by how pretty she was, and where Loretta puts on a 40s-bad Swedish accent and runs for Congress! Girlboss!
Marlene Dietrich (Shanghai Express, Witness for the Prosecution, Morocco)—its marlene dietrich!!!! queer legend, easily the hottest person to ever wear a tuxedo, that hot hot voice, those glamorous glamorous movies.... most famously she starred in a string of movies directed by josef von sternberg throughout the 1930s, beginning with the blue angel which catapulted her to stardom in the role of the cabaret singer lola lola. known for his exquisite eye for lighting, texture, imagery, von sternberg devoted himself over the course of their collaborations to acquiring exceptional skill at photographing dietrich herself in particular, a worthy direction in which to expend effort im sure we can all agree. she collaborated with many other great directors of the era as well, including rouben mamoulian (song of songs), frank borzage (desire), ernst lubitsch (angel), fritz lang (rancho notorious), and billy wilder (witness for the prosecution). the encyclopedia britannica entry im looking at while compiling this propaganda describes her as having an “aura of sophistication and languid sexuality” which✔️💯. born marie magdalene dietrich, she combined her first and middle names to coin the moniker “marlene”. she was a trendsetter in her incorporation of trousers, suits, and menswear into her wardrobe and her androgynous allure was often remarked upon. critic kenneth tynan wrote, “She has sex, but no particular gender. She has the bearing of a man; the characters she plays love power and wear trousers. Her masculinity appeals to women and her sexuality to men.” in the 1920s she enjoyed the vibrant queer nightlife of weimar berlin, visiting gay bars and drag balls, and in hollywood her love affairs with men and women were an open secret. she was an ardent opponent of nazi germany, refusing lucrative contacts offered her to make films there, raising money with billy wilder to help jews and dissidents escape, and undertaking extensive USO tours to entertain soldiers with an act that included her a playing musical saw and doing a mindreading routine she learned from orson welles. starting in the 50s and continuing into the mid-70s she worked largely as a cabaret artist touring the world to large audiences, employing burt bacharach as her musical arranger.
This is round 2 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Loretta Young:
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[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
"ms dietrich....ms dietrich pls.....sit on my face"
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"First of all, there are those publicity photos of her in a tux. Second of all, I have never been the same since knowing that she sent copies of those photos to her Berlin lovers signed "Daddy Marlene." Not only is she hot in all circumstances, but she can do everything from earthy to ice queen. Also, she kept getting sexy romantic lead parts in Hollywood after the age of 40, which would be rare even now. She hated Nazis, loved her friends, and had a sapphic social circle in Hollywood. She also had cheekbones that could cut glass and a voice that could melt you."
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Bisexual icon, super hot when dressed both masculine and feminine, lived up her life in the queer Berlin scene of the 1920s, central to the 'sewing circle' of the secret sapphic actresses of Old Hollywood, refused lucrative offers by the Nazis and helped Jews and others under persecution to escape Nazi Germany, the love of my life
Her GENDER her looks her voice her everything
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“In her films and record-breaking cabaret performances, Miss Dietrich artfully projected cool sophistication, self-mockery and infinite experience. Her sexuality was audacious, her wit was insolent and her manner was ageless. With a world-weary charm and a diaphanous gown showing off her celebrated legs, she was the quintessential cabaret entertainer of Weimar-era Germany.”
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"The bar scene in Morocco awoke something in me and ultimately changed my gender"
"Her manner, the critic Kenneth Tynan wrote, was that of ‘a serpentine lasso whereby her voice casually winds itself around our most vulnerable fantasies.’ Her friend Maurice Chevalier said: ‘Dietrich is something that never existed before and may never exist again.’”
"Songstress, photographer, fashion icon, out bisexual phenom (notoriously stole Lupe Velez and Joan Crawford's men, and Errol Flynn's wife, had a torrid affair with Greta Garbo that ended in a 60-year feud, other notable conquests including Erich Maria Remarque -yes, the guy who wrote All Quiet on the Western Front- Douglas Fairbanks Junior, Claudette Colbert, Mercedes de Acosta, Edith Piaf), anti-Nazi activist. Marlene was a bitch - she had an open marriage for decades and one of her favorite things was making catty commentary about her current lover with her husband, and her relationship with her daughter was painful- but she was also immensely talented, a hard worker, an opponent of fascism and the hottest ice queen in Hollywood for a long time."
"She can sing! She can act! She told the Nazis to fuck off and became a US citizen out of spite! She worked with other German exiles to create a fund to help Jews and German dissidents escape (she donated an entire movie salary, about $450k, to the cause). She looks REALLY GOOD in a suit. If you're not convinced, please listen to her sing "Lili Marlene". Absolutely gorgeous woman with a gorgeous voice."
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Gifset link
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"Bisexual icon and Nazi-hater. Looks absolutely stunning in the suits she liked to wear. 'I dress for the image. Not for myself, not for the public, not for fashion, not for men'."
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"Did a bunch of humanitarian work during ww2, pretty sure a shot of her from Shanghai express was the inspiration for one of queens album covers and also her in the suit in Morocco (1930) CHANGED LIVES. I’m sure she’s already been submitted but I wanted an opportunity to submit one of my favourite pictures of her for the poll"
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"would you not let her walk on you?"
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152 notes · View notes
fierautami · 1 year
Denny Ja chosen work 25: Are not we who are supposed to write?

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In this digital era, writing has become an important part of our daily lives. Not only as a means of communication, writing is also a form of self -expression. For many people, writing is a way to convey their ideas and thoughts to the world. However, there are times when we ask, aren't we the one who should write? In this context, the chosen Denny JA 25 work is an interesting spotlight. Denny JA, a well -known writer and public figure in Indonesia, has released a collection of her selected writings entitled "Are not we who are supposed to write?". Through this work, Denny JA invites us to reflect on our roles and responsibilities as writers. In this elected work, Denny Ja highlighted various important issues that were relevant to the world of writing today. He discusses the importance of freedom of expression and diversity in writing. Denny Ja also invites us to appreciate Indonesian and use it well in our writing. One of the interesting things about the chosen work of Denny Ja 25 is the use of clear and straightforward language. Denny Ja was able to convey his ideas very well through his writings. He uses a professional writing style and avoids the use of complicated language. This makes Denny's writings easy to understand by readers from various circles. In this selected work, Denny Ja also provides some tips for prospective writers. He invites us to always have perseverance and accuracy in writing. Denny Ja also emphasized the importance of reading and learning from other people's writings. For him, writing is a process that is constantly developing, and we must continue to learn and hone our writing skills. In addition, Denny Ja also highlighted the role of technology in the world of writing today. He realized that technological developments have brought major changes in the way we write and submit writing. However, Denny Ja also reminds us to maintain the quality of our writing. Although there are many online platforms that make it easy for us to share writing, we must continue to prioritize the quality and authenticity of our writing. In this elected work, Denny Ja also invites us to see writing as a means to voice truth and justice. He highlighted the importance of writing about relevant social issues and became a voice for those who did not have access to express their opinions. For Denny Ja, writing is not only about expressing personal opinion, but also about becoming an agent of change in society. In his conclusion, Denny Ja 25 "selected works aren't we the one who should write?" invite us to reflect on our roles and responsibilities as writers. Denny Ja highlighted the importance of freedom of expression, diversity, and good use of Indonesian in our writing. He also provides tips and suggestions for prospective writers, and reminds us to maintain the quality and authenticity of our writing. In this digital era, writing is not only a means of communication, but also a means to voice the truth and become an agent of change.
Check in full: Denny Ja's chosen work 25: Are not we who are supposed to write?
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defencelawyersvic · 1 year
Top-Notch Reasons To Prefer Drug-Driving Lawyer Service Forever
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Unfortunately, people will be wrongly confronted with drug crimes. However, you should be an expert and consider using competent legal advice from a drug driving lawyer. Clients should choose their drug defense attorney to avoid such cases.
They will approach each challenge in the way that best suits your needs. Likewise, you should seek guidance from senior management and encounter changes within operations. A talented drug attorney is meant to handle it all efficiently.
Eliminate Drug Crimes
They will perform extraordinary reactions and are adept at taking on criminal subjects appropriately. If there is a drug case against your life, a drug offense legal counsel will provide the top answers.
The drug lawyer offer additional options and can contain great options for drug fees. It is important to respond appropriately to situations when necessary. Drug dealing attorneys will effectively manage sanctioned events and work with a specialist contact where appropriate.
Deal With Drug Offenses
Therefore, hiring an attorney is the best way to find acceptable solutions that will allow you to handle them professionally. Depending on the legal issues to talk about, their services are so professional.
Drug attorneys, on the other hand, allow you to deal with examples legally. You have to pay attention to the essential cycle and deal with it immediately. In this way, they will change the situation according to the need.
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Therefore, it ensures a first-class response to control the clean part of the circle of family members. Drug crime specialists are always beneficial in finding matches in preliminary examples. In this way, it is necessary to keep the response to control the outcome correctly.
A drug-driving attorney is always capable of handling situations professionally. They develop specific first-class strategies for burden recovery and can work in line with sanctioned topics. It offers an extraordinary and adaptive variable focusing on the wide open doors of crime.
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Legal documentation for everyone is a must to submit as well. In some cases, the drug charge takes care of everything, including the need to fix legal problems. They give a great, specific answer that can vary depending on the responsibility.
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To effectively defend yourself against allegations of drug use, you must be adaptable and attentive to the circumstances. These are the top answers for managing threads properly.
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A legal counsel responsible for drug crimes works following the employer's wishes. In addition, it should include additional options for expert counsel tailored to your needs.
Ultimately, it is an excellent answer to proper management by accumulating practical experience in local harmonized equity control desires. They will manage it appropriately and save an impressive ability to adapt to events.
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It gives a concise answer and is flexible in solving large-scale problems. Customers must choose from available alternatives when placing an order. As a result, it directs the entire process to the software and counts the logs.
They make it extraordinary and are aware of the need for reconciliation. It will be relevant, and respondents must integrate actual courses until time runs out. This was part of Respondent's action.
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The role of a drug driving lawyer in solving cases depends entirely on the requirement. They give complete answers and state the wishes of the man or woman. On the other hand, it guarantees excellent responses and can handle specialized topics.
It will integrate other options and additional feedback depending on the circumstances of the crook. They sat down to give appropriate answers to consider the attorney's contributions properly.
In drug driving, you must consult a professional lawyer service forever. Hence, you can handle everything based on their drug dealing cases.
Josh Smith Legal is right here to provide and handle drug-driving cases professionally. Of course, you can handle it with the help of expert guidance as well.
0 notes
[ad_1] In returning to academia, at Edinburgh College, UK, Rachel James was once helped by means of a fellowship from the Daphne Jackson Accept as true with.Credit score: Iain Masterton/Alamy Deciding to have kids intended I needed to grow to be agile in coping with the steadiness between circle of relatives existence and a occupation in science. 16 years later, I’m again in academia, and keeping up that steadiness has taught me so much about myself and my attitudes to paintings.I had the primary of my 3 kids in opposition to the tip of my first postdoctoral place, in 2005. After a 12 months of maternity depart, I returned to finish this postdoc in 2006, opting for to paintings part-time.I then secured a freelance for a 2nd postdoc in a special laboratory, additionally part-time, and regardless of some other ten months of maternity depart after the coming of my 2nd kid in 2008, I used to be ready to take care of my analysis and ultimately printed this paintings. However with two young children at house and a spouse who labored away right through the week, I couldn’t handle any of the additional actions which are wanted for an educational occupation: attending seminars, meetings and social occasions; enterprise skilled building or CV-boosting actions; participating with different researchers and creating analysis concepts.Repeatedly being made to really feel as though I had been underachieving had knocked the joy out of my task, so by means of the tip of that 2nd contract in 2010, I felt that leaving my analysis occupation was once the most efficient choice to make.I had no exhausting plans about what to do after academia, however a few 12 months after leaving, I set to work as a contract language editor in 2011 for Edanz Modifying, a science-publishing products and services workforce based totally in Japan. This position allowed me flexibility, part-time hours, an inexpensive source of revenue and the danger to proceed running in science. I had my 3rd kid in 2012. Then, in 2015, when all my kids had been at nursery or in school, I took on a part-time educating task on the Open College, a distance-learning establishment based totally in Milton Keynes, UK. This allowed me to use my analysis background in neuroscience.3 years later, I returned to academia and now paintings as a postdoctoral analysis fellow within the Centre for Discovery Mind Sciences on the College of Edinburgh, UK. The submit is a part-time, three-year fellowship from the Daphne Jackson Accept as true with, a UK charity that helps individuals who go back to analyze careers after a damage.Many scientists bring to mind transferring out of academia as an enduring occupation transfer. For me, leaving analysis was once a hard choice, however I’ve learnt that it’s completely conceivable to go back, given the precise method.Imagine the larger image My choice to go away again in 2010 was once made more uncomplicated by means of taking into consideration the ‘larger image’ of what I sought after out of existence, and no longer simply my paintings. One in all my least-enjoyable running reviews as much as then was once notifying my then boss-of-a-few-weeks that I used to be anticipating my 2nd kid and would quickly be on maternity depart. I was hoping for a 3rd kid, and didn't relish the speculation of repeating this enjoy on some other temporary contract.Sooner than leaving academia, I researched choices to go back and was once impressed by means of two ladies scientists, Carol Robinson and Helen Arthur, who had already effectively navigated occupation breaks, and who're featured together with different scientists in Moms in Science: 64 Techniques to Have it All (Royal Society, 2011). It was once encouraging to find this occupation trail, and a reduction to peer that different scientists had selected to mix their paintings and circle of relatives existence in ways in which didn't have compatibility the instructional norm. It didn't make me any much less of a scientist nor much less devoted to my occupation.
Rachel James returned to academia as soon as all 3 of her kids had reached faculty age.Credit score: Rachel James But after leaving, the considered returning terrified me: I anxious about my analysis features, the calls for of the analysis setting, in addition to the truth that I'd be manner off-track on the subject of my anticipated occupation development. However I had fledgling concepts that I used to be desirous about exploring, so studying concerning the Daphne Jackson Accept as true with fellowship from former colleagues was once the frenzy that I wanted to go back.Paintings by yourself attitudes about paintings and occupationLeaving academia is simply too frequently noticed as some kind of failure, and regardless of realizing that I had made my very own selections and had no longer ‘failed’, I used to be shocked at how a lot of that label I had assimilated from the analysis setting. It took me time to undo this adverse affiliation and deal with my very own insecurities round my occupation trail.Getting to understand what drives me helped right here. Rising up, I had watched my very own mom battle with the tension of labor in a task that she didn’t experience. As an grownup, this has morphed into core values that I hang about paintings: I need to experience my task and I don’t need paintings pressure to return house to my kids. Running as a postdoctoral researcher put me liable to breaching those obstacles. I worth my analysis occupation, however it's extra vital to me that my kids see paintings as an invaluable a part of existence slightly than one thing that takes over your existence.Broaden your instructional ability setAs a result of I sought after ultimately to go back to analyze, I appeared for jobs that I may do from house and in sectors that may lend a hand me broaden and show talents I knew instructional employers would search for.As a language editor, I used to be most commonly considering copy-editing manuscripts, but in addition reviewing them, science writing and making ready stories recommending reviewers and journals. The Open College supplied a possibility to construct at the small quantity of training I had achieved right through my 2nd postdoc. I delivered lectures (on-line and face-to-face), facilitated workforce periods, marked assignments and supplied pupil improve.As a result of this enjoy of running in different sectors, I'm now much less reliant at the instructional task marketplace for monetary and task safety. That is reassuring, given the fast, fixed-term contracts used to make use of such a lot of contributors of the instructional personnel.Be certain the analysis setting is best for youPostdocs are frequently constrained by means of the desire for monetary safety as they input a degree of existence after they may well be taking into consideration kids or putting off a loan. Which means that making it a concern to search out the precise analysis setting for you will not be reasonable. But, when restarting my analysis occupation, I used to be ready to issue the analysis setting into my selections, taking a few 12 months to spot the precise manager and lab for my fellowship.I had long past to talk to my present fellowship manager a few part-time postdoc place, one thing I've hardly noticed marketed. With out hesitation, they presented their lend a hand with my fellowship utility. In combination, those elements signalled to me that this was once any person who was once conscious about the demanding situations within the analysis setting and would improve my occupation possible choices.Retain your medical interestOne of the most surprising bonuses of stepping clear of my analysis occupation was once the time I were given to learn and suppose independently, for no goal rather than my very own interest.Studying widely from non-fiction books sparked concepts that I'm now ready to analyze again within the lab. Like most oldsters, I turned into desirous about what constituted a nutritious diet for my kids.
This led me to learn concerning the microbiome — the trillions of microorganisms that live in and on our our bodies. My primary analysis pastime is mitochondria, the cellular’s energy-producing organelles that had been in the beginning free-living micro organism. Taking into account the connection between free-living micro organism and mitochondria supplied me with some way of viewing mitochondria that I had no longer in the past thought to be. I have no idea but whether or not this working out will lead anyplace, however I know now that being a researcher involves greater than running in a analysis establishment. You'll be able to nonetheless suppose, practice, problem, check, learn, write, be told one thing new and communicate with others. You'll be able to develop concepts and pursuits that may were driven apart on account of the desire for monetary safety in a precarious task marketplace.Since returning to analyze, I've been lucky to fulfill many researchers with gaps of various lengths of their analysis careers. Despite the fact that we're nonetheless a small minority of the analysis group, there are lots of extra people than you could notice. A analysis damage needn't bog down your long run occupation development: Carol Robinson is now the present president of the Royal Society of Chemistry, and was once the primary feminine professor within the chemistry departments on the universities of each Cambridge and Oxford, all with an eight-year occupation damage on her CV.As a part of a extra inclusive and various analysis setting, we want to extend our definitions of what it approach to be a analysis scientist and to have a analysis occupation, in order that the ones dealing with the ends of contracts or inevitable existence demanding situations may also be reassured that their analysis careers may well be branching, and even pausing, however aren't finishing. [ad_2] #parttime #fellowship #enticed #scientist #academia
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stylusaus · 2 years
5 Tips to Become an Effective Proofreader | learning and development consultancy
Academic writing is heavily dependent on precision and accuracy. It focuses on providing clear and well-structured assistance to pupils in their learning journey. Term papers, reports, research proposals, and literary articles are some of the best examples of academic writing. Academic writing requires a more formal and structured tone in comparison to other forms of writing making it a very distinguished form of writing.
Editing and proofreading are a part of academic writing. It is not advisable to submit academic content without reviewing and proofreading. As academic writing can be slightly challenging, not everyone can master the skills required to start professional proofreading. The nature of academic writing is complex, and formal, making it hard for writers to have total control over their writing. Proofreading is a much-needed companion to any piece of writing including academic writing. It ensures that the content which is written is grammatically and factually correct. The proofreader works on the piece to ensure that the writer has maintained a formal tone and has focused on the structure to make it efficient and engaging.
For foolproof proofreading services, you can always seek assistance from professionals working in this field, for instance, companies like Stylus Solutions Pvt. Ltd. located in Mumbai can provide you with skilled proofreaders.
Let’s glance at some of the factors that one should look into before proofreading academic writing:
One error at a time
Proofreading is a meticulous process and it needs a lot of focus and careful attention. If the document is very long, one should understand that reviewing the entire content piece in one single sitting is not possible. It is better when done bit by bit. This ensures that as a proofreader you can keep a track of the changes that you need to bring in without any confusion. It is known that our concentration works best when the task is broken into smaller bits and proofreading for spelling and grammatical mistakes individually make more sense. Also, comparatively, it becomes easier to use proofreading techniques to make the document error-free.
Do not miss punctuation marks
Punctuation is another important detail proofreaders have to remember. When writing content, punctuation marks are extremely important. One misplaced punctuation mark in a sentence can completely change the context of the sentence and the intended message. The easiest trick a proofreader can use is to circle every punctuation mark to highlight it and to ensure all the punctuation marks are in view. Once the punctuation marks are circled, you can make the required changes and review if the changes are correctly placed.
Get a printed copy
In this time and age, digital devices are the most used source for every purpose. Proofreading is also popularly done through digital devices, as it also provides editing assistants that are available online. These additions make proofreaders think that going digital is the best and easiest way. However, it can be debatable considering the opinions and comforts of different people. Some still prefer to do proofreading manually on a hard copy. Here there is no hard and fast rule to state one is right and the other is wrong, the best one can do is to incorporate methods that work best for them. Proofreaders can also choose to use both methods, by proofreading the entire document on a hard copy and then again using editing assistance online to be extra confident is a popular method. Many prefer hard copy because it is easier to trace the mistakes and keep a note of them. Not many are comfortable with the use of digital devices. With a hard copy, there are fewer chances that you will miss the mistakes in comparison to using digital devices.
Confirm the citation and style
English being a universal language has its own set of challenges. English is a language of various dialects and it is not uncommon that many may get confused. Mixing British English and American English in one document can showcase extreme unprofessionalism. Academic writing is all about knowledge and providing the correct information to students. Using inconsistent spellings in academic writing sets a wrong example for the learners. Firstly make sure which English is required for the document at hand. To avoid such instances it is crucial to proofread the document checking for citation formatting. Such inconsistencies might not be visible easily and hence, proofreading the documents makes it easier for the developers.
Using the backward technique
One other technique widely embraced by writers is reading the documents backward. When you read backward the entire document feels out of context. Proofreading is a lengthy process and our brain can unconsciously use the correct words automatically without even reading those words. Reading backward is the only method that prevents such mishaps.  Start from the last word in the document and work your way up towards the beginning of the document. Each sentence and word is revised and perfected separately. Professional proofreaders rely greatly on this technique as it helps them to concentrate more. The complex language and accuracy of academic writing demand good proofreading techniques. A proofreader is expected to have their way around academic writing.
These are some of the techniques accepted and used by professional proofreaders. For more assistance in proofreading academic papers, you can contact companies providing editing and proofreading services in India, such as Stylus Solutions Pvt. Ltd. With their expertise and assistance, your academic content or other content pieces will become error-free and qualitative.
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videogeist · 2 years
MOVIE Philipp Geist WIR Weilheim 2022 Lichtkunst Weilheim Festival 3 (1080p) from Philipp Geist | Videogeist on Vimeo.
Light art installation at Weilheim's Marienplatz by Philipp Geist Music: Lukas Taido and the Weilheimer Chorkreis (1844) e.V.
As part of the Light Art Festival 3, Philipp Geist developed the installation 'WIR - Weilheim'. After the two installations 'Weilheim drifts' and Weilheim fades' at the previous light art festivals in 2016 and 2018, and after the silent project 'Hoffnungslicht' on the church tower in 2021, Geist is now showing another light art concept with a different orientation at Marienplatz .
In the long months of the pandemic, many people have isolated and withdrawn. For many months there were no events and a meeting was only possible in a small circle, if at all. Even singing was banned for a long time.
In the installations by Philipp Geist, on the other hand, the participation and integration of people is important. Visitors become part of the installations. In Weilheim, words submitted for previous projects were projected onto the floor and facades, and visitors could immerse themselves in the projected Weilheim terms via Marienplatz. In the newly developed concept 2022, the Weilheimer Chorkreis will perform with around 30 singers. The Berlin musician Lukas Taido is developing a musical composition for this. A site-specific connection with Weilheim is established through the local choir. 'WIR - Weilheim' would like to show the genius loci of the city. In addition, current and historical portraits of people from Weilheim are projected onto the various facades and interwoven into the artistic, abstract and painterly image compositions. It's about showing the WE, the togetherness, the togetherness and also the diversity of the city.
The audio/visual installation can be seen as a performance on various facades. In the collaboration between Philipp Geist and Lukas Taido, music and image are closely linked. The music generates and controls the generative image compositions and the music in turn responds to the images. A mutual, inspiring interplay of image and sound.
Geist's painterly compositions are created through generative processes, through the integration of specially painted, analog acrylic painting and the integration of local image material from the city archive and the collection of the city museum. The images are often superimposed as digital collages, colored, the smallest details are released and combined together, and generative digital painterly structures are worked out on the computer using coding. This creates a connection between analogue and digital processes. The installations usually have a lead time of several months and are developed in different stages. Topics are researched and image content and portraits are created. The installations can usually only be seen temporarily. The installation 'Wir - Weilheim' can be experienced live on both days of the festival. Afterwards, Philipp Geist creates photographs and overpaintings from the installation, i.e. he combines painting, photography, print and installation as well as film recordings that preserve the respective works.
Become part of 'WIR - Weilheim' and immerse yourself in the polyphony and diversity of this city.
0 notes
stylusolutions · 1 year
5 Tips to Become an Effective Proofreader | micro video marketing
Academic writing is heavily dependent on precision and accuracy. It focuses on providing clear and well-structured assistance to pupils in their learning journey. Term papers, reports, research proposals, and literary articles are some of the best examples of academic writing. Academic writing requires a more formal and structured tone in comparison to other forms of writing making it a very distinguished form of writing.
Editing and proofreading are a part of academic writing. It is not advisable to submit academic content without reviewing and proofreading. As academic writing can be slightly challenging, not everyone can master the skills required to start professional proofreading. The nature of academic writing is complex, and formal, making it hard for writers to have total control over their writing. Proofreading is a much-needed companion to any piece of writing including academic writing. It ensures that the content which is written is grammatically and factually correct. The proofreader works on the piece to ensure that the writer has maintained a formal tone and has focused on the structure to make it efficient and engaging.
For foolproof proofreading services, you can always seek assistance from professionals working in this field, for instance, companies like Stylus Solutions Pvt. Ltd. located in Mumbai can provide you with skilled proofreaders.
Let’s glance at some of the factors that one should look into before proofreading academic writing:
One error at a time
Proofreading is a meticulous process and it needs a lot of focus and careful attention. If the document is very long, one should understand that reviewing the entire content piece in one single sitting is not possible. It is better when done bit by bit. This ensures that as a proofreader you can keep a track of the changes that you need to bring in without any confusion. It is known that our concentration works best when the task is broken into smaller bits and proofreading for spelling and grammatical mistakes individually make more sense. Also, comparatively, it becomes easier to use proofreading techniques to make the document error-free.
Do not miss punctuation marks
Punctuation is another important detail proofreaders have to remember. When writing content, punctuation marks are extremely important. One misplaced punctuation mark in a sentence can completely change the context of the sentence and the intended message. The easiest trick a proofreader can use is to circle every punctuation mark to highlight it and to ensure all the punctuation marks are in view. Once the punctuation marks are circled, you can make the required changes and review if the changes are correctly placed.
Get a printed copy
In this time and age, digital devices are the most used source for every purpose. Proofreading is also popularly done through digital devices, as it also provides editing assistants that are available online. These additions make proofreaders think that going digital is the best and easiest way. However, it can be debatable considering the opinions and comforts of different people. Some still prefer to do proofreading manually on a hard copy. Here there is no hard and fast rule to state one is right and the other is wrong, the best one can do is to incorporate methods that work best for them. Proofreaders can also choose to use both methods, by proofreading the entire document on a hard copy and then again using editing assistance online to be extra confident is a popular method. Many prefer hard copy because it is easier to trace the mistakes and keep a note of them. Not many are comfortable with the use of digital devices. With a hard copy, there are fewer chances that you will miss the mistakes in comparison to using digital devices.
Confirm the citation and style
English being a universal language has its own set of challenges. English is a language of various dialects and it is not uncommon that many may get confused. Mixing British English and American English in one document can showcase extreme unprofessionalism. Academic writing is all about knowledge and providing the correct information to students. Using inconsistent spellings in academic writing sets a wrong example for the learners. Firstly make sure which English is required for the document at hand. To avoid such instances it is crucial to proofread the document checking for citation formatting. Such inconsistencies might not be visible easily and hence, proofreading the documents makes it easier for the developers.
Using the backward technique
One other technique widely embraced by writers is reading the documents backward. When you read backward the entire document feels out of context. Proofreading is a lengthy process and our brain can unconsciously use the correct words automatically without even reading those words. Reading backward is the only method that prevents such mishaps.  Start from the last word in the document and work your way up towards the beginning of the document. Each sentence and word is revised and perfected separately. Professional proofreaders rely greatly on this technique as it helps them to concentrate more. The complex language and accuracy of academic writing demand good proofreading techniques. A proofreader is expected to have their way around academic writing.
These are some of the techniques accepted and used by professional proofreaders. For more assistance in proofreading academic papers, you can contact companies providing editing and proofreading services in India, such as Stylus Solutions Pvt. Ltd. With their expertise and assistance, your academic content or other content pieces will become error-free and qualitative.
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