#submitting hate hidden as polls also gets you blocked
Explore tagged Tumblr posts
problematic-polls · 4 months ago
Small update on why the posts slowed down so much and my personal situation. A lot happened recently, private non-share stuff, I've been hit by some depression is how I'll put it and it's taking a lot of my energy. With tons of college work on the side it doesn't help me at all and it's just really hard to focus on stuff, including this blog.
I will try to respond to non-polls but the polls I can't promise on, if/when I find that energy to I will rapid fire all 110+ things in my inbox and everything that you submit from this point onward, just, give me some time please.
Also please be reminded, I do not appreciate hate mail, I think I made it obvious hate mail gets you blocked? So please, refrain from it when you don't know why I'm not posting, don't do this to anyone else either please. I know how to deal with hate, I've been online for a long time, but please remember there are 13 year olds here, you can't just tell people to kill themselves for not posting as much as they did at first.
I wish you a good morning, day and night and I will see you again when I'm in the right headspace to force myself to do this. Please just let me rest.
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digigal-transbian · 7 years ago
Ideas for Tumblr to potentially add
Reblog this with 1 idea and tag at least 5 users. Including @staff . Let’s let them know what the people want.
I’m tagging @shadowpelt-d-neko @proxypuff @reguess1997 @beta10 @mleak107 @shapeshifter911 @canarychaos @michaeltheshitposter @missyartsy @yes-help-blog @anglerfish123 @saferoom45 @plushy16 @kkbendy and @spatulaaaaa
Spicy, Slice of Life
Different Colored Indicators
Blank: Shows when a user has not been active in 1+ Weeks
Black: Shows when a user has not been active in 1+ Days
Red: Shows when a user has not been active for 3+ Hours
Yellow: Shows when a user has not been active for 1+ Hours
Green: Shows when a user is currently active or if they have been active in the last hour. Any longer than an hour will show yellow.
Blue: Priority Contact. Will show at top of message feed constantly, regardless of user activity.
Pink: Can be set by two users that are currently in a relationship. A Request is sent by one party and must be approved by the other. Could potentially show on users pages if they so please.
Custom: An option could be set in place to allow each user to select their own color for each of those scenarios, as well as adding their own. For example, if two users are currently RPing, they can set a color for their RP partner for easy finding later on.
User X is…
User X is typing… and Read At 9:36 PM
Different Shapes for Mutuals
Would show a Circle for not mutuals, Triangles for when neither follow each other, Star for mutuals. Could be other shapes, but the concept stands.
Priority System
Setting a Priority System in place would allow users to show specific other users at the top of their feeds, as well as giving a notification upon each post. The notification can be turned off, as some users might not like the clutter they might get from having them on. Priority would also allow for quicker and easier tagging.
Friend System
A Friend System would allow for and encourage in a way, which we’ll see later, for users to be more social with other users. This could also come with Friend Exclusive posts. For example, if you make a life update post but it’s something super personal and you only want certain people to see it. These posts would remain hidden to non-friends even when reblogged. Those posts can also only be reblogged/liked by people in the Friends List.
Group System
This would allow for easier access to multiple users, say you are running a start-up company and want to be able to easily contact every one of your co-workers. Can also be applied to personal groups and RP groups.
General Ideas
Cabana Support
Cabana is already owned by Tumblr, so adding it as a Chat option doesn’t seem too far-fetched. Default would be set to only be between Friends, but this can be changed at user’s discretion.
Audio Messages
The ability to send short audio messages to Priority or Friends. Simple enough.
Background Changing
The ability to set custom backgrounds for chats.
Quick Message
The ability to send a reply from mobile home screen without having to unlock the phone and go through that whole process.
Stickers would be custom made per user or set by the original poster and could be added onto a post, similar to giving a Like. The receiving user would be able to see the sticker and react to it as if it were a reblog.
Ask/Submit Blacklist
This would add the ability to prevent certain messages from being received. Included as an example would be to block anon “kill yourself” messages and other hateful speech. Could also, depending on the nature of the ask/submission, post a thing to the hater’s blog and add them to a “Big List of Anon Haters”, the BLAH.
Would be a quick list of people that have been reported for Anon Hate via the Ask/Submit Blacklist. The anon usage of someone on the list would be revoked until the person that received the anon hate said so. Would also leave a mark on the hater’s Quick Check.
Easy ability to quickly poll your audience without having to use other services.
The ability to have a sort of Achievement System that would award badges upon completion that could be shown on the user’s page. Would be awarded for “1000 posts” “7 Friends Made” “Made Friends with David Karp” and things of that nature.
At A Glance
Would show at a glance Art Blogs, Writing Blogs, RP blogs, Et Cetera at a quick glance. Would use different symbols for each.
Suicide Button
The Ability to quickly notify that someone is potentially suicidal. This feature could save lives. Could also notify special blogs and other help blogs.
Per Person
Mass Blocking
Would be for users looking to block all accounts with “Без названия” as their header, or block a list of people from certain blogs containing “Anti-LGBTQ+ Users List” and such tags. Allowing the easy removal of hate-speech, triggering content, and the endless list of porn bots with the Russian header.
Quick Check
“X” Friendly Tags
A quick check tag would behave sort of like a Verification Tag on Twitter/ YouTube/ Instagram and would show for example if a user was LGBTQ+ Friendly.
Would be a quick sign if someone was an unrepentant Anon Hater. Haters could repent and a claim could be made to the person hated on for removal from the list.
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